##VIDEO ID:CbdTwXJsi7E## e e e check e e e e e e e good evening and welcome to the West Orange Board of Education public board meeting on Monday October 28th 2024 I would like to thank all of you here in person and those watching from home for joining us tonight uh Miss flowers please take the roll call good evening everyone roll call please Dr Bryant here Mr ifer here Mr Stevenson here vice president Vera here president Rock here thank you notice of meeting the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests are discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the ACT a written notice was sent from the office of the secretary of the board on January 8th 2024 that set notice was sent by regular mail to the West Orange Township Clerk and the editors of the West Orange Chronicle and by email to The Star Ledger that set notice was posted in a lobby of the administration building of the Board of Education and posted on the district website please be advised that this meeting is being recorded and may be broadcasted on local TV and the district's website at a future date please stand for the pledge of Allegiance the United States of Amer the stands Nation andice for all thank you Miss Flowers in consideration of the closed and public meeting of September 16th 2024 do I have a motion to accept the minutes so move thank thank you Mr Stevenson is there a second second thank you Dr ier any comments hearing none Miss flowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you next good evening to our student liaison Nita Davis and Abigail Rothstein please share your student liaison Report with us at this time hello everyone uh tonight we have a special report on how student council Nina and I have been working to come up with new ideas to help our student body overcome different challenges and and build school spirit on October 2nd we took a trip to James calwell high school where we joined about 10 to 15 other school councils in order to exchange ideas the meeting consisted of one person from each school being assigned to a group that went off and answered a list of questions explaining their job ideas and actions the conference was an incredible experience that influenced many ideas and only furthered further enforced our pride for West orang High School this is our first year being asked to join the student councils and we are very grateful for the OPP unities future student council members and Leon will have we also had our annual Broadway night on two Tuesday two Tuesdays ago for those who may not know Broadway night is a concert that the Glee choire hosts every year the money raised goes straight to Broadway cares which is a program that donates to care for people with AIDS this year we raised over $1,200 for Broadway night cares for Broadway night this year we had both solo and group performances alongside a performance by our very own Mr helier and cookie all of our performers were amazing and we are so incred inedibly lucky to have such talented and dedicated students one last report from me is that the volleyball the volleyball team has their dig pink game tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. and we all hope you will make it in addition the cast of Clue or fall play have been working tirelessly to get ready for their show in the West Orange High School auditorium on November 15th and 16th we hope that we will see you come support these aspiring actors and actresses when the time comes on October 8th the West Orange High School student Council along with the Liberty Middle School student council traveled to the College of New Jersey to participate in the national student leader conference there we were able to listen to a keynote speaker and we were joined by over 300 other students across the state within the keynote speeches we were able to discuss about the type of leader we wanted to be pulling out people who were struggling learning to work in teams and learning how to read body language this was also the first time the student leasons were invited to the conference and we were very grateful for the opportunity to learn how to better ourselves as student leaders last week was our first spirit week of the year which included themes such as blue and white day I'm your biggest fan day twin day and pink out to celebrate our homecoming game which took place last Friday against Bloomfield which we l 41 to 12 making them back-to-back division Conference champions and heading to the playoffs for yet another year this is all we have for tonight's meeting thank you very much thank you both for that report next Mr Moore it is time for your superintendent's report all right okay good evening everyone I'd like to start tonight by acknowledging the district has suffered the loss of two staff members recently it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that the death of our colleague Patricia hack who passed away recently fondly known as Tisha tisha's role in The District was that of an Ela interventionist her passing was sudden and she'll be missed by many especially for those who work closely with her throughout the district namely Gregory and Liberty Middle School also I am sorry to report that recently retired teacher Brian Cohen has also passed away Brian was a long time special education teacher and a coach for our lacrosse and basketball team he was a friend to many here in West Orange and here in West Orange High School and he'll be missed tremendously I would like if we take just a moment of silence to acknowledge our two former our two West Orange family members let it begin now thank you on another note tonight we honor some Heroes tonight I'm proud to recognize two staff members who deserve the spotlight because of their quick actions and training one our fizzed teacher Franco calino and our other staff member our conditioning coach instructional Aid and former instru Aid and security guard Mr David Grant both found themselves in situations that their training was put to the test last week at Redwood Elementary a student's Airway became blocked and Mr calino performed the heick maneuver we thank you Mr calino at at West Orange High School during lunch David Grant helped the choking student by performing the him Lake as well these are two separate incidents during the same week but you but I hope that both of these gentlemen speak to the outstanding dedication of our staff when it comes to the safety of our students in this community and today we will take a moment to say how proud I am and this entire School District is to work with such outstanding individuals our children remain safe every day because of folks Like These Fine gentlemen so as a token of our appreciation we will present a certificate of appreciation for both Mr calino and Mr Grant Mr calino e e that was silly Mr David Grant please come forward e yep let me just say that I just want to thank the board and the board members for uh acknowledging um two of our staff members and their above and beyond actions please oh thank you superintend more I just want to say Mr Grant thank you Mr calino thank you and I'm saying this speaking out of turn U Mr calino is proud Redwood uh teacher he's taught both of my children so I'm very proud when my kids are in his classroom uh before I was elected to the board in 2021 Mr calino and I served on the pandemic response committee at Redwood and we got to know each other again his just his dedication to our kids so I wasn't surprised when I heard that because Mr calino every day steps up for our kids and I'm just so grateful for my kids and every other kid particularly the kid who uh the student who benefited from your expertise your knowhow and more importantly your willingness and likewise Mr Grant thank you for your willingness to step in for the benefit of our students oh is Mr Stevenson was talking about that just take an opportunity to jump in real quick um last week we're down at the New Jersey school boards Association workshop and some other comments about it that I'll sa for later uh but the one of the keynote speakers was John konz of what would you do so I think it's fitting that right while we were down there listening to him talk about this show and the the situations that he would put people in to see what they would do back in our district the two of you were in a situation where you could have chosen not to do anything or you know taking a step back and waited for someone else to jump in and take the lead but you both took the lead and so now we know what you would do and I thank you both for for for what you did hey uh to conclude my report at this time I present the Hib bullying report since our last board meeting there has been one investigation I have received the summary and it is detered the incident does meet the criteria and I concur with the findings presented by our antibullying specialist and thank you um president rock as that concludes my report thank you superintendent Moore there any board or committee reports no all right moving right along so as I mentioned uh moment ago we were down at the New Jersey schoool boards Association workshop last week it's an opportunity for school board members and District administration to go down learn uh all kinds of things down from the New Jersey school boards Association as well as njasa and NJ asbo um two things in particular just want to report back to the board members because they're in the community of particular interest to us uh one was um forget which day it was but Kevin damer who's the acting Commissioner of education for New Jersey was giving a speech to the big session of people and just going on for about an hour all the different things that are going on in education all the different priorities that the uh District of Education or the Department of Education has for the year and what they've been doing uh and at one point he got to the topic of universal prek um And he as he talked about how this the state has been supporting districts and rolling out prek he singled out West Orange as an example he started by talking about our parents our engaged parents the Council of ptas who pushed that or pushed for that then the board who took it up and said that we are committed to it and then he he acknowledged The District staff that worked very hard on our application so it was the application that have receiv received the highest score ever in the state in terms of an implementation plan uh and then in that year this was now two years ago they awarded us $2 million to start the prek program uh this year I believe we're up to $7 million in the budget coming from prek Aid and over the next two years we'll continue to grow that program until we get to the point where every child in West Orange uh will have access to free and Universal prek so I just wanted to acknowledge that uh thought it was exciting that he singled out West Orange as a a beacon of that the rest of the state can follow um the other thing we've talked a lot about State funding uh it's an issue of particular concern to us as we go into budget season one of the other sessions that I attended was the legislative panel and there were several uh two state senators two State Assembly people on the panel one of them was Senator gopal he's the chair of the um Senate education committee and he was talking about a bill that he is drafting it's not public yet not released yet but he said he's in the process of meeting with other people in the legislature other interested groups about how they can make some adjustments to that funding formula it sounded like he was hopeful that something could be done by the end of this calendar year which meant that something might change before the next budget cycle begins in February I've reached out to his office to ask if he has a copy of that bill he can share with me or when it's ready to be shared if I can comment on it once I see it I will share it with the rest of the board members so that we can also talk about how that might impact us but it's good to hear that at the state level someone is moving that ball forward uh sometimes Trenton moves slowly uh but it sounds like something will happen sooner than later which is good because uh not just west Nore but a lot of districts need to rely on state funding to be able to be solent moving forward so with that we will move on to uh yeah thank you president Rox I just want to suffix what president Rock said particularly around Universal prek and I want to commend superintendent Moore uh and his staff for their leadership on that issue and I and I raised this and reiterate it again because when the push for Universal prek began in West Orange uh there was different District leadership and through those Transitions and through the transitions of uh the board it was stewarded through those Transitions and was maintained promoted and then when Mr Moore was appointed uh first assistant superintendent and then superintendent he ensured that it was brought across cross the line and that's no small feat given uh the the transitions in leadership given the transitions in the board uh and that commitment to Universal prek and West Orange which could have been tabled sheld eliminated um through that whole process I think it's very important to really acknowledge that and so to hear from president rock that uh the Acting Superintendent I'm sorry the acting Commission of Education acknowledged the efforts in West orang uh is no small thing it's really a big thing because it speaks to the really the convergence of the community coming together to express that request demand a leadership willing to put in the work to get it done and a board throughout the transitions being consistent in sustaining and ensuring that it came to fruition so I just thank you president Rock for for that acknowledgement I was not was not there but it's good to hear whenever West Orange uh makes the makes the air waves what we really can accomplish when minds are together for the progress of our children so thank you all right next we will have questions from the public on agenda items only any Community member who would like to make comments or ask questions please come to the podium at this time uh please state your name and home address for the record then begin your comments please limit your comments to 3 minutes do we have any members of the public here in the audience tonight who wish to make a public comment all right seeing none we will move on to our resolutions uh may I have a motion to approve the Personnel items A1 through A6 so moved thank you Mr Stevenson uh do I hear a second second thank you Mr ifer I want to congratulate the following retirees and there is a lengthy list today Jenny Garcia resic a special ed teacher at St Cloud for her 33 years of service Kathleen llo a fourth grade teacher at Redwood Elementary for her 25 years of service Rosemary tan a school nurse at Liberty midd school for her 19 years of service Ann Ali ammed an administrative assistant at our West Orange Early Learning Center for her 9 years of service Janice Lewis a floating nurse with the district for her 13 years of service Michelle Pascal a lunch Aid at Redwood Elementary for her 35 years of service and finally Alice wigler a par professional at Kelly Elementary for her 10 years of service thank you for your service to the West nor students in our school Community best wishes to you all on behalf of the Board of Education and welcome to the club where every day is Saturday is there any discussion about Personnel right hearing none Miss Flowers would you please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson say yes voting on Personnel yes oh did you want to make a comment I I'll to the chair you all things in due time vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you all right motion carries this time I want to just acknowledge and congratulate Alman viney uh who's coming to us as a dean of it's good to have a fellow runner in our ranks the rest the board up here doesn't seem to share our interest in that passion we'll get there just want to welcome you Lani to the West Orange uh family and we're happy to have you I know you've had many years experience and I know you worked in another District we're better I know this is on TV I take it back but uh I'm H I'm happy you're here and I hope you feel uh the same way I do about being here once I started I never left it was a uh it is a truly a uh terrific place you will meet individuals that are willing to help you I know um that you'll be led by a principal we are so proud of in Oscar Guerrero um and you will work with some fine colleagues I also think you'll make quite the impression on our students and um what I've already known of you personally I'm sure that will extend into our inter your interactions with our students all students so um thank you for choosing to come on board here we are happy that you're here and um we're also happy that you're resident um here as well um we take we appreciate that and we know that um you want more than just what's good for one kid but for the community so we appreciate it thank you for joining us you want to add anything Mr Stevens okay thank you all right uh next may I have a motion to approve the curriculum and instruction items B1 through B4 so moved thank you Mr Stevenson is there a second second thank you Mr ier uh is there any discussion seeing none Miss flowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes yes Mr Stevenson Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you all right uh and next up can I have a motion to approve the finance items c special services item a 1 through three and business office items B1 through 24 so moved thank you Mr Stevenson is there a second second thank you Mr ier is there any discussion seeing none Miss flowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you just want to acknowledge on that last item we did have a donation from the stop for nil Foundation to Edison Middle School uh because their middle school team uh raised the most money for the stop for niquil walk that occurred this was about a month ago here at West norch High School so good job to Edison Middle School and thank you to the nikel the badani family and the stop for nil foundation for that and lastly may I have a motion to approve reports item D1 motion thank you Dr Bryant is there a second second thank you Mr ier uh is there any discussion hearing none Miss blowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president R yes thank you all right thank you very much to my board colleagues for that work uh next up we have petitions and hearings of citizens for any agenda or non-agenda item that you wish to discuss you will have three minutes to speak please approach the podium at this time state your name address for the record all right uh seeing none we will wrap up thank you very much our next board meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on November 11th 2024 uh this meeting will be held in the West Orange High School library media center we will not be going into executive session after the close of this meeting there will be no further business discussed and no additional action will be taken may I have a motion to adjourn so moved thank you Mr Stevenson is there a second second thank you Maria thank you Miss Vera uh all in favor hi all right thank you all for joining us tonight our meeting is now adjourned we wish you a good nights