##VIDEO ID:OEUBSp78tWw## [Music] well good evening everyone um thank you for being here tonight my name is Karen Perros and I am the navian coordinator for the three middle schools Liberty Edison and Roosevelt I'm also a school counselor at Roosevelt Middle School uh we are here tonight with Rachel Rosen she is um the high school coordinator for she's also one of the high school counselors um lesie Chang is also with us tonight she's one of the assistant principles at the high school and Tanya thomasy is the facilitator for us tonight thank you Tanya for facilitating all this um so tonight we will be talking about Naviance and I will talk more specifically about what we do at that at the middle school level and then Rachel will take over and we'll talk about what they do at the high school level so welcome to navian student uh navian student is a College and Career Readiness program it provides students with career planning assessment tools it's really to help students especially at the sixth grade level uh and at the middle school it's really to expose them to as many options as possible After High School and what we want is to expose them to as many options as possible and we want them to start exploring as many options as possible this is something like I said that they will use uh starting in sixth grade and they will use it until they graduate from high school so this is uh important to become familiar with it um T you can go to thank you so the goals for the Middle School are very simple uh the first one is to remember their username and password we try to make it as easy as possible so the username is going to be their email address address and their password is going to be their Google password as well so whatever they use on their computer that's what they're going to be using on Nai they will register with us counselors uh during advisory those are activities that we do during that time and another goal is to become familiar with the platform once they are at the high school they're going to have to be focusing on so many other things it's going to be nice for them to already be familiar with the platform with the Fe features of naviant what they can do with it and um when they are at the high school and they have to use it on a more regular basis uh it's going to be easier for them to log in and look uh for whatever they need to look for like I said they are starting exploring different careers um which is you'll see I'll show you the platform it there is a plethora of of uh possibilities sometimes it can can be overwhelming but it is um very helpful this is a great tool at the middle school level towards the end of 8th grade we also start looking at colleges um and Rachel will tell you all about that uh more in details obviously we also have a challenge of the month and this is something that will be posted on Naviance I'll show you where exactly once a month we want parents and students to get involved and simply to research a career on navian and look at videos uh that are related to that career so let me show you now how to get onto Naviance the way you would access Naviance there are so many different ways but one is to go on a counseling page of any school and you will see the exact same page you simply go to Naviance and then uh you will see the website every school has a different URL so it's very important that you go to your child's specific school then you will click on parent I'm going to be a student for tonight so I'm going to click on student I'm going to show you exactly what students do they will type their email address the password the sixth graders will log in on avian and register by the the end of sixth grade the seventh graders uh and eighth graders are be going to be doing I mean obviously they already registered as as eighth graders seventh graders they will do it this year and we try to do activities uh frequently so that they can explore different features of Naviance so this is what the website looks like uh tonight I'm I am an eighth grader so you see the welcome message a nice feature on naian is that you can change the language of the website so if you're more comfortable with a different language that's what you can do and you will find information from the school uh you you can see here the challenge of the month for September okay and at the middle school level there are really three um hold on there three tabs that you really need to um uh familiar with the self-discovery tab career Tab and college tab so self-discovery shows you different career assessment tools that students can take at any point and they can retake them because when you are a sixth grader obviously your interests are very different than when you are an eighth grader uh you can take those career assessments as parents if you want uh and students definitely take it uh every year there is one per year so for example this one their learning and productivity is for sixth graders career key for seventh and Career Cluster finders for eighth graders but honestly you can take it at any point um that's and that's a great tool this will help them link their strength and interest to different careers so if you want I can show you and like I said they can retake them as many times as they want depending on their interest because things will change over time so once they take those career assessment tools um they will have um a result and then they will see what they can be interested in what kind of career they can go to as parents you will have um a different access as students just like with Google Classroom on Google Classroom you can see the assignments that they have but you cannot do the assignments for them it's the exact same thing on naan so you can see the results of their career assessments but you cannot uh take the career assessments unless you go in their uh login you don't really need an account as parents you can have your own account um but if you want you can also use your child's account that's completely fine the other tab that we will be using at the middle school level at the career tab um so they can explore careers some students at the middle school level already know exactly what they want to be doing and that's fantastic and this will give them even more tools and resources so they can type here want to be a nurse and there you go you have like I said a plethora of nurse related jobs um they can click on one they can look at it this is with you of what um an acute care nurse does what kind of skills they will need for this job uh how much money they will make that's also very interesting to students um and then from there they can go to different tabs as well okay if they don't really if they're not really interested in that particular career then they can try other related careers this is more military here are other uh related careers into the medical Fields so like I said a lot of options for them the other thing is they don't know what to do they don't know they want to be a nurse or they they have no idea and most of the time that's what happens at the middle school level so they can explore um with clusters and Pathways maybe they know they want to work with animals maybe they know they want to travel maybe they know they love art and this is a great option there you go the cluster of arts and audio technology video and Communications and this will give them ideas on what they can do let's say journalism and broadcasting again it will give them an overview of what that is what to do related occupations related Majors plan of study will'll tell you what they need to achieve that goal so that's also a possibility then on the careers something that we really enjoy doing is rotrip Nation these are thousands of videos of professionals who who are accomplished and who maybe had to overcome certain difficulties and they will explain why they decided to go in that direction why they decided to do uh that career and what kind of obstacles they had to overcome and again if they don't know what to do they can pick an interest they can pick a theme they can pick a ler they can even so I can show you what it looks like by interest like you can see it's all sorts of interests it's a law and then they can pick any video those videos are very short which is very nice because if they lose interest they can pick another one uh I wanted to show you also um under road trip Nation they can find their Road and they can Define their Road and they can find more specific videos to uh to watch depending on their strength again that's the goal to link their strength and interest and to make them into a career so they're going to pick I like to build things I like art and journalism and this is what I can watch these are Prof that have the same path okay and then the last one is uh colleges obviously richel will talk more about that but at the middle school level we can start researching if this is something that your child wants if your child wants to go to college we do an advanced College search um it's very quick obviously they don't have a GPA yet so they cannot uh answer all the questions but um it's a first exposure and um they they always enjoy that that activity Erin we have a question and it's um I cannot create an account without a registration code from the school but I cannot get anyone to give me the code can someone please help with the code yeah so every school counselor should be able to give you the code uh but feel free to email me and I will respond um and you're right you cannot create an account without this uh registration code I did send an email to everybody um at the beginning of the month uh to with the registration code it's possible you didn't get that email that's totally fine just email me and I will uh I will get back to you and again if you don't want to create your own account you can um go on your child's account if you do have two students in the same school I can definitely uh link your two children if you do have children in different schools I cannot link them so you will need two different accounts because it's two different URLs so I cannot unfortunately I cannot link them so that's that's something that Naviance needs to work on the last thing I wanted to show you is um yeah the information here and sometimes we do have have messages uh on Navan so it's it's nice for you to look at that page I think I am done is there any questions related to middle school and we'll open up the questions um at the end as well and spend some time answering any questions that you may have um Karen is it okay if I take over now go ahead all right hi everyone I'm Rachel Rosen I'm one of the school counselors at the high school um also the navian coordinator for the high school um I'm going to show you some of the features that we use at the high school um Karen is right we definitely continue to use Naviance all the way through 12th grade um I would say 11th and 12th grade is when the students are really logging on on a regular basis um to start planning which colleges they're attending to work on their resume um to do college searches and Naviance is also the one of the main forms of communication that we use at the high school so if you're already a parent at the high school you're very familiar with the amount of emails that we send out it's a way that we use to communicate you know things that are going on not only just at the school counseling office but at the high school as a whole um so can you guys you guys can see my screen yes um so I'm going to take you through through the colleges tab um the planner the about me and also talk about the home screen and some other things that you can find on the home screen um every student's home screen is personalized for their grade level so um for this student this my demo student um they're a junior so we'll have things on there like uh junior conference checklist we'll have um any recent presentations that we've done and video links to that that um the GPA calculator the W College acceptance info and Sample high school transcripts that's pretty much on all grade levels um as well as links to PSAT and sat registration um student bulletin board clubs and organizations the course selection sheet Etc um all of these things can be also found a lot of them on the school website but we try to consolidate everything and like a One-Stop shop for the kids to come on and really be able to access a lot of the things that they're they're asking us about um within this little uh welcome to navian home screen there's also the additional information from your school so here's um more links to things like you know road trip nation that Miss pagr was talking about KH Academy an application financial aid so on and so forth and we you know regularly update this information um so you can always click on that additional information from your school um all right so let's jump into the colleges tab when you click on the top you'll see that there are four different columns here the first one is um about doing College research uh the second one well is also about doing College research but it's more drilling down into the specific colleges um the apply to college tab is when you're a senior you will have all of your colleges on here that you are applying to um and then also scholarships and money so first I'm going to talk a little bit about the college searches there's two different searches on Navan the super match College search and also the advanced College search these are not very different from any college search that you may find on outside websites like college board has one Princeton Review US news world report they all have these college CS where you can type in you know how far you want to be from home what your GPA is SAT scores Etc the the reason it it's a little bit more beneficial to do it in here is because once you have your list um of schools or once you come up with your criteria you're able to add them as a favorite right from the results list so for instance if um you know I typed in a location and a major um a campus surroundings and that I wanted a school with rooc in it um and you can see that I came up with um a bunch of schools here that were a close match so I can go ahead and just click it as a favorite um you can also do these college searches on the outside websites and then just come in and plug them into your colleges I'm thinking about this college as I'm thinking about the little heart um is a working list that we are encouraging students at the high school to be adding deleting and just using it as a place to um organize all of their colleges that they're interested in you can come over here and you can update you know are you are you highly interested in it are you medium is it your first choice um you can also click on the more and view more information about the school uh scattergrams I'll show you guys that in a second um but really if you wanted to just add a college to this list you could just click this little add colleges to this list um trips people up because it defaults to this quick list but if you just scroll down to keyword or you could even search by country or by state um so if you were to come in here and type I don't know Ruckers for instance and then click go um you'll see that the various campuses of Ruckers show up um and you can click the little heart and then it's now going to to show up on your colleges I'm thinking about list so you can see Ruckers is now on here at at the bottom here um so we encourage students to do this as early as ninth grade um and just you know reinforce to them that this is a fluid working list and that you know by the time they're seniors we're hoping that they'll be able to have their colleges on actually applying to list and it makes it really easy to move move um these colleges right over to your colleges I'm applying to list when you do become a senior another cool feature about having this list is the compare me button which I know parents are really interested in um the thing that makes Navan very different from other websites like a college board or Princeton Review is that the data that's pulling for these average aage GPA average SAT scores is real West Orange High School data um we have been collecting data even before 2016 but it's really over these past eight or nine years um that we're collecting this data so when you look at an American University and you see that 4.13 GPA this is based on students from West Orange High School over the past eight years who have applied to a American gotten in and what is their average GPA so this is going to differ from what you might hear if you went to a tour at American University they're going to tell you not only what usually the unweighted GPA is but it's going to be the national or even International average of What the school is looking for whereas this average GPA is just West Orange High School data specific um I always encourage students and parents to come over here and look at this column because this is going to tell you how fruitful that data is what this is saying is that over the past eight years we've had 176 students apply to American and of that 176 43 got in and of that 43 there this is their average GPA their average single sat act Etc um I is not relative to our school we should actually take that out um so again it's important to look at the information from both sides right what is the the national or International averages of students that are being accepted to schools but this is really going to give you a very realistic view of what students from West Orange High School um are are getting in order to get into these schools another um tool I want wanted to show you if I'm going to go back to the colleges I'm thinking about and you click on this more is the scattergrams for those of you that are more visual in nature um this scattergram gives you a really good idea of you know what where you know what's the range of of students that have been accepted so all of these little check boxes represents students from West Orange High School and if you hover your mouse over them it's going to tell you how they were accepted Rd stands for regular decision what their SAT scores and what their ACT scores and you'll be able to you know pinpoint those anomalies so for instance you see this Green Dot in here this student was accepted um you know with a 2.9 GPA and an 880 on the SAT and you'll also be able to see those anomalies up here of students outside of the range who maybe were rejected um so that's a little bit about the colleges I'm thinking about list another thing that we post on navian is all of our College visits so students can come in here and they can see all of the different um colleges that are coming to West Orange High School to give you know speeches and give overviews um and they can sign up right from this website you can see Stanford is coming um on Thursday and the event is already full but um financial aid night Keen university University of Rhode Island and this list is constantly being updated so students can come in here and um register to meet with college reps at our own school um other things that can be found in here we do upload test scores here so act and SAT test scores can be found in here uh there is a little bit of a lag from when students actually get the score to when we upload them so don't be concerned if your test score is currently a little bit outdated it just may be that we haven't received the file yet from sat or act to upload um you know if you really want to see what your scores are in real time the best place to go look is actually on the SAT or act websites but again we try to consolidate all the information so that students kind of have a One-Stop shop of places uh of things to to view on Naviance um just going back here to the colleges tab uh scholarships and money here is also where we um post all of our Scholarships in addition to a Google Classroom as well so you can come on here and search for scholarship students are always asking me um you know how can I get money for college what can I do um so you know this is a great resource for students and you can actually save some of the scholarships as your favorites similar to the colleges I'm thinking about um so this is great uh parents always ask me when is you know a good time to start researching scholarships it's never too early to start learning about the scholarships but the time to actually apply for those scholarships is in senior year is in 12th grade so I have a lot of eager students out there who want to get a jump start and um unfortunately just the scholar the scholarships are usually not available to apply to until they are seniors okay um another feature I want to show you about that we encourage students to regularly update is their activities resume so that's under the about me tab um if you click resume the resume is a really important document for colleges um and scholarships it's basically a record of all of the extracurricular activities that you've done throughout your high school career parents always ask me can I put things for Middle School on there and you know the rule of thumb is if it's something that you did in middle school that you are continuing to do throughout High School absolutely put it on there that you know you've been working at a summer Camp since you know you were in sixth grade um but if it's something that is limited to just Middle School we recommend not including it and really just focus on your high school career um so the features in here make it really easy to format the resume any parents out there who've ever worked on their resume know that that's one of the hardest parts about the resume is formatting it um so you can just come in here and you can select whatever category you feel like it best fits into so maybe um you want to add a work experience and you can come in here and say um you know waitress at fortisimo okay you can add as much or as little information as you want the required things are you know the position title and the start date I always tell kids if you can't remember the start date just guesstimate um so you know rule of thumb you can put September of the year you started if it started with the school year you don't have to put an end date you can also click off to present um so if I just put in here that we started this maybe in September 2024 to present maybe you work six hours a week and again this is something that you may not even need to include for instance if you're going to put on here that you're on the varsity soccer team it's a lot of hours per week that you you put into that um you don't necessarily need to put the hours per week unless it makes sense it may make more sense just to click off the grades that you participated in so maybe you know you put up 10 11 um and 12 and I always encourage students to add some sort of description or comment just to make it a little bit more fruitful and then you can click add and you can see that just added the waitress at fortisimo you can easily edit it you can easily remove it and this should again be another fluid document that you are updating throughout your high school career it's much easier to do it along the way than it is come senior year when you had nothing on it um and then to kind of remember all of the details so we encourage students to update this every time we meet with them but it's a good idea for them to be updating it on their own as well um those are kind of the main features that we are using on Naviance with our students another thing that we regularly use are our surveys so we have meetings with our our students um multiple times a year and often we will ask them to complete a survey at the end and this information gets saved in their Naviance account no one sees it other than myself but we'll ask questions like you know what are your career goals what are your favorite classes what are your least favorite classes um and I often find myself looking at these surveys um regularly especially before maybe I have meetings with a parent just to kind of familiarize myself with the student and some of their most recent um activities we will also um assign tasks to students um so I go back here to the home screen you'll see that one of the tasks that's kind of running on there is the activities resume maybe to complete a survey and the surveys are very grade specific so you can see here this one says to complete the survey for letters of recommendation this survey isn't even available until you're a 12th grader so um you'll see different um things pop up based on the kids grade level um in the planner there 's also you know a great way for you to organize your to-dos if this is where you would like to do it um everyone has their own method of you know making lists and and goals but there is a feature in here in Naviance if you would like to you know make your to-do list and your calendars in here all students also use Google Classroom so that's another great feature for students to use as well if they don't feel like using the planner um within the navian program um um and I'll also show you guys at the top here this little mail um feature so like I said we use Naviance as a way to to blast out information to um parents and the record of all of the communications that we send out is in here so you can see how many we've sent out even since the beginning of September and it's everything from you know the uh HBCU fairs to senior meetings um to financial aid and you know and a lot of times we blast these emails out multiple times to make sure that we're reaching the widest amount of AI that's kind of all I was planning to show you guys tonight we would love to open up the Q&A if anyone has more specific questions uh you can always reach out to me at the high school uh as well as your child's counselor who is also very well-versed in navian as well but um if you have any specific questions you're welcome to reach out to me as well we do have a little survey at the end that I believe um we're going to share in the chat if you wouldn't mind just giving us your feedback about the navian night what you like what you didn't like what you would like more indepth explanations about it helps us to kind of cater to you know the needs of the parents and the students stop sharing my screen Rachel there are um two questions College related okay let's see I got to just find the the chat stop share all right here we go I see them okay um Can colleges see where they are on the list um no if I'm understanding the question correctly can colleges see if they are on your child's list no the colleges don't have access to see any information that is in your child's Naviance account the only time that that becomes available to them is when they are seniors and they officially are applying to that school and designate it as such on navian will the school even be able to see that um they're interested in in that school but up until then there there is zero um transparency between colleges and your child's Naviance account looking at the next question how do St students learn about colleges coming to visit do they have to check periodically in Naviance or is there a schedule is this something that gets announced so Juniors get this info um we do you know blast out emails about college visits um not always every single one so it is encouraged that the students go into navian click on the uh colleges Co college visits and sign up they have to go on navian to sign up for the visits anyway so they should be checking that periodically to make sure that they're not missing anything they also make announcements um in the morning and afternoon announcements about college visits that are coming as well I can answer the the other ones so the difference between a parent account and a student account like I said it's just like Google Classroom uh so you will not be able to do everything that your child does on Naviance but you will be able to see the results so what we usually encourage is simply to access your child's account directly instead of having your separate account but it's really um depends on your preferences if you want to have your own account you can definitely do that I don't know how that goes at the high school I mean I know at the middle school level we don't do as much as at the high school I don't know what they can see at the high school level that um the the parents cannot see that I'm not so sure uh and yes if you have two children in the high school and one in the Middle School you do need to have two different accounts uh because because it's not the same website unfortunately uh but like I said you can go on your child's account and um I think it should be it should be fine now I'm just working on I saw that there was that the link was not working so I am just working on pasting that into the chat as well and hopefully it works if not the presentation will be linked um and and posted afterwards in which case you'll be able to you know go onto the actual PowerPoint and access the link that way as well but I apologize if that's not working right now I'm going to try to put it in one more time there will be a link for the for the recorded session tomorrow or Wednesday yeah tomorrow is Wednesday looking through the chat I see a parent you know asked about a specific student I will look into that when we get off the call um my daughter said they showed them Naviance once in middle school and never used it again um can you please show them again we show Naviance and use it um in every one of our small group meetings that we have in our office so that's your freshman meeting your sophomore meeting both Junior meetings and definitely the senior meeting whether or not the students go on on their own time in between them this tool is available to them we think it's really resourceful and we we really encourage them to use it um but it's not something that is required of the students to use really until Junior and Senior year when they're actually you know coming up with their college lists all the questions about logging in signing in um we can definitely help you guys on a Case by casee basis just to piggyback on what Karen said about the parent versus the child account um the parents you know don't have access to see the child's account so if your child is actively making a college list on their account and then the parent logs into their account it's not going to link up it's not it's not going to show that so often times um we will encourage the students to share their usernames and passwords with the parents and just use the student account going forward but it is a feature that is available to all students if they would like to have their own account um from your past experience does some of the IV League colleges do visits yes we've had IV leagues come as well as a lot of the Ivy Leagues will attend our college fair um that we host yes I'm believe the chat is disabled to only have questions in the question and answer oh um Miss thomasy are we able to open that just so I can type in the um the exit survey o sorry I just sent the exit survey to everyone um it would be helpful if someone just in the Q&A let me know if you were able to access it um Rachel before it said that you had to have a domain address to access it oh is it possible for you to um open it wider yeah let me work on the that okay there was a question about for high school correspondents do we need to sign up with our own account as parents um you so you do not within your child's account there is a place for us to input the parent email and you will get emails with even without a parent account so as long as your child has an account which every child at the high school does and your email is inputed in there which also we put all the parent email addresses in there you should be getting um the emails if you are not you can reach out to myself or to your school's counselor and we can look more in depth into that specific situation I apologize about the form um we will get that out to you guys we uh we'll we'll blast that out once the presentation is over and it'll definitely be linked on the PowerPoint I apologize it's not working for right now let me see if I can really quickly take a look at it Rachel I yeah can I maybe I'll share it with you yeah why don't you share it with me and I'll take a look if I'm if you can make me an an editor yes all right Tanya I just um said that to you it looks like we already have one response so I'm wondering if it is working um it might be a response from someone with a domain address but let me go ahead and yeah I'm not exactly sure how to change it from West AR schools okay I just changed it so uh if someone could give it a a go again and then let me know if you're able to access it now oh someone asked can we schedule college visits on Naviance so you can only you can only schedule the college visits that are being hosted at West Orange High School so we often have Representatives come to the high school to give information sessions to the students College visits on college campuses are done directly through those College websites um Naviance does link to all of the college websites so you can easily access them but each you know openhouse or tour that you would sign up for at the specific College you would do that on that school's website okay yes it's working thank you there is a someone asked is there a w navian page or do the students access navian only through Middle School there is a um a West Orange High School specific link instead of you know back slash Roosevelt or back SL Liberty it is a back SL W NJ um and that is linked on the school website as well um they don't need to create new accounts or change their domain as they move from eighth grade to ninth grade that's SE seamlessly rolled over on our end um but there is a different link and that often happens parents or students will say I'm trying to log in my username password isn't working and then when I look at the Domain that they're using it's the Middle School uh link and not the high school link so just make sure you're you're using the right link um and then one last question I see here are what are some things that freshman should be working on um really just familiarizing themselves with all of the features uh they can come on here and start updating their resume uh answering any surveys that they may have and just you it's never too early to start doing your college research CU it takes a long time so um we encourage you know as early as possible are there any other [Music] questions well thank you very much for everyone who participated I apologize for the little technical snafu but I'm glad that it's working um please give us your feedback it'll just help make this you know this presentation more fruitful conversation in the future and I look forward to reading all of your comments and like I said again if you have any specific like I can't log in or I don't have my code please just email me directly um I'll go ahead and put our emails up here right now I'm going to share my screen so you can see the presentation um the last page which has our emails on it and here are our email addresses so mine is R Rosen West oranges schools.org Miss p is Kross atwest oranges schools.org so thank you so so much um and I look forward to working with all of you thank you very much and this this will be sent to you um the presentation and the recording will be sent to you tomorrow or before the end of the week okay okay thank you everyone I'm going to close this session out now have a great evening