##VIDEO ID:Q-_zC8HFz64## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening and welcome to the orange Board of Education public board meeting on Monday August 26 2024 uh it's the end of summer so we're a little off schedule today it's kind of laidback but it's okay I would like to thank all of you here in person and those watching from home for joining us tonight i' like to welcome my fellow board members as well as Mr Moore and Miss Flowers Miss Flowers would you please take the roll call good evening roll call please Dr Bryant here Mr ifer here Mr Stevenson here here vice president Vera here president Rock here notice of meeting the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest are discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the ACT a written notice was sent from the office of the secretary of the board on May 9th 2024 that set notice was sent by regular mail to the West Orange Township Clerk and the edit editors of the West Orange Chronicle and by email to The Star Ledger that said notice was posted in the lobby of the administration building of the Board of Education and posted on the district website please be advised that this meeting is being recorded and may be broadcasted on local TV and the district's website at a f future date please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance unit States ofice thank you Miss Flowers uh in consideration of the closed and public meeting minutes of July 22nd 2024 do I have a motion to accept the minutes so move thank you Mr Stevenson is there a second second thank you Mr I any comments hearing no comments Miss flowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you all right Mr Moore it is now time for your report please share your superintendence report with us thank you president Rock tonight I can report that next Wednesday September 4th our doors open for our new students for our students new end old and our Administration and staff who work diligently to support a successful 2425 school year we look forward to welcoming everyone and I'd like to also give a special shout out to our two new board Liaisons from the high school hi Abby Rothstein and Nina Davis and I welcome them and uh aby's last name might sound familiar I don't want to take away your shine but shout out to your dad so um as we move on this evening I am honored uh to have with us today miss kalicia dorlene our preschool program director in the district she's she's here tonight to provide us with a little update about our Universal prek program I want to thank Mr stene as she has really expanded our program and has done a terrific job I can tell you that I'm not out there with her all the time she's out there doing her thing and really making it um make you know giving us a lot of Pride and making our mini mountainer program just grow um kalicia um oh sure okay so board members can you please join the audience sorry yeah they're coming okay and Kalisha you come on up okay hello good evening my name is kalicia dorlene I'm the director of the Early Childhood Program and I wanted to provide you just a short update on our enrollment and what we've had the opportunity to accomplish from last school year into this school year so for the 2425 school year we will have a maximum of 480 preschool students across our district private provider and Head Start locations so that includes also 35 inclusion spaces that are reserved for students that are transitioning into inclusion so to break down the 480 we have 119 prek4 yearolds that are returning that participated last school year we have 294 students that we registered for this school year and then there are 35 students that are still waiting to complete registration that will begin as soon as they have their appointment with the registration office so we're in great standing and that leaves us with only 19 spaces to fill and those families are being contacted off the weight list this week so to go into more detail we have two District locations that we had the previous year we have our early childhood Learning Center facility which has four classrooms and can serve a maximum of 60 students and we currently have 51 enrolled and eight reserved inclusion spaces for Betty Melina we have one general education classroom there for 15 students and we have nine students currently enrolled with five inclusion spaces our Head Start locations include Montclair Child Development Center which has three classrooms in Montclair and one classroom in Orange in Montclair we have 32 students out of 45 with six inclusion spaces and then for the orange location we have 12 students out of the 15 for our providers that are continuing partnership with us we have West Orange Community House which has been with us since the beginning and the have three classrooms they have 44 out of the 45 slots filled and one family that's waiting to complete registration Valley settlement house has a total of 30 spaces and 25 out of 30 fi with five families waiting to complete registration and Primrose with one classroom 15 students and all 15 students are registered so for our expanding locations these are locations that joined us in our second year and decided to continue and grow the program within their individual facilities and everyone I can say is opening on time this year so we are very excited about that peanut shell originally had three classrooms and they added two additional classrooms so they will be serving 75 students we have 68 students that are registered and actually 12 inclusion spaces that are in that facility for temple benai Abraham they will be serving an additional 30 students which places them at 60 for the 2425 school year and they have 54 spaces filled with five families waiting to complete registration now for our new partners these are all locations that we had the opportunity to explore um meet with them throughout the course of the year and ensure that they were prepared to receive their students for the new Academic Year we have Tutor Time of West Orange which will have 30 students and they have 29 out of 30 registered with one family waiting to complete registration um little explorers Learning Academy they have well all of our new locations all have two classrooms so that's great as well but they have 25 with two families waiting to complete registration first Mountain preschool has 30 spaces with four families waiting to complete registration and our last location is rosand Child Development Center with 26 families out of 30 that are registered and four families waiting to complete registration and just as a positive note last week we did host a high school curriculum training for all of our new staff members so we had over 25 participants which included teachers teacher assistants as well as directors and everyone had a fun time learning the information in the Five Pillars to construct their lessons and they're ready to receive our students for this Academic Year so thank you thank you Kalisha let me just get my notes didn't realize I was sitting there okay and now can we please turn our attention to miss evany DZ our assistant superintendent and Miss Michelle Martino who will be presenting the district's 2324 results of the NJ GPA access training M uh Evony sorry Michelle is diligently working behind the scenes by the way say hi to the people Michelle yes so uh oh good evening uh good evening to our board and to our community uh yes uh Michelle Martino is our director of assessment accountability and intervention um and she um is of course uh the one who's really putting these data together right and pulling and pulling all of our um reports and um helping us assemble how we're going to present to the board uh so this evening we're going to review our NJ GPA results and our access for L's these are two different assessments they are not related uh the reason we're presenting them together is because they arrived in District at the same time and we have 60 days with which within which to present and so then we combine these each year so we'll begin with the NJ GPA um specifically for the class of 24 uh 25 High School graduation assessment requirement the state of New Jersey is saying that students have to pass the NJ GPA in order to graduate this is new and it began last year with a class of 2024 so that's the first class that was required to meet um this requirement and therefore we wouldn't have historical data prior to that um we're beginning with last year and then next year we'll be able to report out on um 2025 so what is the requirement students must take the NJ GPA in their 11th grade year in March um those that demonstrate proficiency have met the assessment portion of the requirement um those that do not have the option of meeting the requirement with a second pathway and that is a menu of alternate competency tests like the SAT or the PSAT um and then the third pathway would be portfolio appeals and so for this first pathway these are the criteria in which students must meet um the requirement they have to obtain a 725 in ela scale score and in math they must meet the requirement in both content areas um in order to meet the requirement via the first pathway um this is where the content is that is assessed in ela grade 10 uh the standards and math it's Algebra 1 and geometry standards um students who do not pass the NJ GPA in spring in March of their 11th grade year then would take it again in the fall in their senior year um and then students who have an IEP and are exempt from taking the um State assessment are also waved from that requirement um the second pathway offers a menu of substitute competency tests and these are um those that the state of New Jersey says are um acceptable for the students or that they can demonstrate Proficiency in a different way so then you'll see here the list of ela assessments and you'll see the list of math assessments that students may take the third pathway um for this new requirement is the portfolio appeal and so then any grade 12 student in the class of 20 2025 who has not met the first or the second pathway can take the portfolio appeal and this is what is required they still have to demonstrate proficiency so although um they're not demonstrating it on a test sitting for that one test on one day they still have to demonstrate proficiency and they have to do so for ELA with two grade level reading passages and a writing that includes at least two of the three types required same as njsla they just get to demonstrate it in a different way right versus sitting in a in a um a testing setting um and for math they have to express mathematical reasoning and modeling and they also have to do the constructed responses um they do those um these are um secure State assessments just as well um they take those assessments and then we submit them to the state and we would say the students have met those requirements um through the appeals process through the portfolio process um so then for our current class of 2025 which means the students will be graduating in upcoming June um they already took the NJ GPA in the spring that just passed um and this is the report that I'm sharing those students who are going to graduate in 2025 and just took the NJ GPA in the spring um in ela 88.5% of our students passed the NJ GPA with the first sitting um of that assess in March um and in math 55.3 passed um in that first sitting um you'll see the state scores here U for ELA 81.6 and 54.7 respectively we are required to report out District in comparison to State and that's why we're showing that here um in pink is it pink up here or in the lighter color then those are the students who did not meet with that spring assessment we have 11.5% who did not meet with Ela and we we have 44.7 who did not meet with that assessment in the spring um when we look back over the course of 3 years um you'll see that the first number here is the students who sat down for the um NJ GPA this was a um um a sample test right they were trying to get it out to see how would students do before they made it a requirement and so then we were at about 42.6% and 45.4% Ela math respectively then they changed the cut scores in New Jersey and they recalibrated to say now we're going to make it count so that's what we see in 20123 so when it counted then we were scoring at 84.6 graduation ready meaning they passed that njsla in the spring in ela and 49.1% in math that was in 2023 the first time that it counted last year and this year we increased to 88.5% um in ela and we went up to 50 5.3% in math so in ela over that one year uh we have a 4. uh 4.6% increase and in math we have a 12.6% increase so um we're moving in um a growing Direction when we look at these data as it relates to our um race or ethnicity we are also required to report out here um we see that um of our Ela students which were 522 um we had um 88.5 as a district coming from the 84.6 but then you'll see how we are performing in terms of um ethnicity and race so when we think about where our growth is largest um our black African-American students we see an increase of 88.1% from one year to the next our Hispanic 6.1% and Asian 5.6% um when we think about how many students are we talking about overall at the high school we have 2,1 75 students overall but only 522 were in 11th grade um when we think about um so we see some growth with our African-American students we're at 89% proficiency for those students who tested what percentage of that is um are our students represented in the district at the high school we have about 37% of our students are African-American when we're thinking about our Hispanic students 37% are Hispanic so there's an uh an even percentage there uh Asian is 4% white is 16% multi-racial is 6% so that kind of just gives us an idea of our demographic at the high school when we look at math we see our percentage of proficiency on the njpa in the spring of 24 and again um when we're thinking about our most notable growth uh as a district we grew 12.6% our Hispanics population grew 43.9% that's a really big um number um and when we're thinking about the fact that you'll see in a few minutes that we have um 108% growth in our L's that's a very good growth number right we're we're really making some great gains with our students Asian 99.6% growth and white 11.8% um when we look at our demographic by economic disadvantaged um we see that uh for our Ela um 86.7% of our economically disadvantage students demonstrated Proficiency in that first sitting this is again very strong for our district these are great gains um with our subgroups um in math 44.9 so in ela we had an 88.4% increase from one year to the next and the same in math 8.5% so what are our next steps are um School family are um informed in July um as soon as we receive our isrs our individual student reports then a letter goes home so that the parents know um this is how your student performed on um the spring NJ GPA these are the options if they've passed or if they're going with a second pathway or that third pathway in August our school counselors are reviewing to make sure that we're registering our students for the NJ GPA in the fall um and also identifying those students who already passed in the second pathway the PSAT act and sat um in September our teachers begin to review the data the supervisors go over the data and the evidence statements with the teachers and then in their classrooms they review um those specific areas that they need to um so that the students can um really just be prepared for that full sitting um just of note that assessment is administered in October so we're here in school for about two weeks before the new assessment is administered so it's really a two a two-e window um in in the classroom October 7th through 11th is the window for the fall and then in January 2025 the portfolio process begins and just for context how many students did not meet um back last year two students did not meet um the um criteria and so then they are on grad they are continuing on with our um students so um we will work with those two students students but those are the number of students that did not meet um the criteria um this is just a review njpa either their graduation ready based on the njpa or not and then they can retake or take a menu of the competency tests or the portfolio appeals it's important to note um that we still have students who choose to opt out right and so then there may be students who do not choose to want to demonstrate um by a a test right and there there's a philosophy there that's held um and that brings me to the access for L's for our English language Learners or now they're being referred to as our multilingual Learners um the spring 2024 this is the assessment that is administered to our multilingual Learners to see how they are gaining English language proficiency here we'll just see the different levels of proficiency and their definitions one being a student who's entering they've been in the country maybe for one year and they're at a novice place of learning English and then that six is the level in which that is native language profic proficiency so that they would have English as native language proficiency um here we're required to report out on a district frequency um so what you will see in the First Column is the levels of proficiency one being entering and six reaching four is where they exit so if we look at that level four that's where student is exiting ESL services and they're coming into the mainstream and then the top Road just gives us the domains listening speaking reading and writing and that just lets us know where they are in terms of proficiency so this isn't a score for um English proficiency this is a score for us to know how to place them right based on that level uh we see this for our grades 6 through 12 and here was what I referenced before our endof year enrollment over the past three years wow in 2021 we had 2 31 multilingual Learners and last year we ended with 482 significant difference uh 108. 7% over the past three years and in our kindergarten and in our high school that's where those clusters are that's where we see the greatest number of students um coming into the district um of importance to us to the board um and to the budget is well how many students are transferring in after September and so then this is also a significant number in 2021 we had 60 students transfer in after September after school started and in 2024 we had 228 so what does this mean this means us coming for another staff position that sixth position um in the budget increasing our sections increasing our um resources out of our control right we are not allowed to budget for those sections if the student enrollment is not there so here we just see um the impact of those 228 it's also important to know that if a student enters the country in year one they are exempt of ela uh for ELA so that's why we might have um 100 or not 100 10 sorry I don't know where I got 100 from 10 students um less that are taking the ELA assessment than the math assessment also speaks to math when we see that lower percentage of 44 if we have 228 students they could be in the country for one year and they're still required to take math yeah okay that's very important so when we're looking at that percentage Proficiency in math it's not just that our students are not fairing well in math it's that we might have 228 that just entered the country don't speak English yet and they're required to take that assessment and they are in that number I think that's a very important um fact to know um here our here are our programmatic implement ations and professional development from sheltered instruction to professional development we have after school tutorial programs on this board agenda alone you're going to see three items to support our multilingual Learners um rosett of stone sheltered English um and then really working with our content area um general education teachers to really support our students um throughout the curriculum and in their classwork and that's it this is our NJ GPA and access for El's presentation thank you thank you Evony thank you Michelle we appreciate it and as you can see our what's great about our district and the hard work we put into making sure that we're inclusive and there's Equity among learning um yes our District's very diverse in many different areas and as you can see including multilingual so I appreciate you making reference to it because we do work towards making sure all our families feel a part of this um part of our educational system and we have safe spaces for all of them to learn so I appreciate that um of course we have work to do and we will do that work and we'll continue to work hard but um both Evony and Michelle along with our other curriculum people work at it all all all the time it's obsessive with us we really have put in um a strong effort when it comes to our curriculum you know we've introduced new curriculum thanks to this board and the members of this board that help bring that in I want to thank you for that um but I do appreciate Evony and Michelle's work along with uh kisha's work with uh preschool and I think that's our future Kalisha thank you so much I know that our students getting preschool will help us and will help increase all kinds of scores in academic Victory so we appreciate the work you're putting in as well um to the board uh that'll conclude my report for this evening and I invite you to come back up to the Das where we can uh presume the meeting all right thank you for that report Mr Moore and thank you both for those presentations uh before we move on does the board have any questions for either of the two presentations we had today you first thank you president Rock so I just uh want to superintendent Moore if I may uh commend the assistant superintendent Mr Mendes uh on two fronts on the Early Childhood front you know we work very hard as a board with the administration through three superintendant to get early childhood to where it is now in our community and I know uh your tireless efforts have gone a very long way to that so to see those S those successes to see those gains to see our former board member Mr rosin in the in the audience he knows those struggles and so I just really want to to thank you for your efforts your team's efforts uh our director's efforts to to really bring us to a point in this community where we can celebrate Early Childhood as now a staple as a part of our district and a part of our community it's as as a parent of two small children who were now in elementary school and having paid for Early Childhood uh yeah I I can say as a citizen I'm grateful that we have this opportunity for families in our community so Mr mes I just want to compliment you and commend you on that on that excellent work uh secondarily uh on the NJ GPA uh assessment data uh I think again you and your team responded really well in terms of the new Administration and see those gains year-over-year I think is impressive uh often times uh it's the kind of information that that parents may be unaware of or the community may be unaware of but again to see those gains particularly in ela that we're you know in both Ela and maths are passing the state on both fronts to see us almost at 90% % on Ela I think is is really demonstrative of uh the changes put in from a curriculum an instruction standpoint I hope uh obviously the math scores are not uh in that same 80% range but to see the games there gives me the indication both as a as a parent and as a board member that we're headed in the right direction uh I will I will suffix your comment about uh the subsets particularly around econ economically disadvantaged students of which uh I think the data says about 39% in our community so to see our economically disadvantaged students are performing near at those students who are not economically disadvantaged uh to see the numbers broken down by demographics and to see gains uh in every demographic sub uh subcategory I think also uh needs to be highlighted so again you know thank you to you and to miss Martino and the entire curriculum and instruction team and really all the way down right to to the to the classroom because that's where the where the work happens so it's just good to sit in the audience as a board member and to see a report where they're gain zero over-year again nothing is ever you know ideal or optimal but to but to say that we're moving in the right direction I think is is really important so thank you thank you superintendent more as well Mr R on okay hi so um I I just wanted to ask you about something similar about the subsets so 84% is a very good number for uh English English language arts 49% is you know we have work to do in math um I was surprised to hear that one of the the reasons that the math is so low is because you know so many of our students are recent immigrants or English is not their first language I would have thought that that would have impacted Ela more until I came to learn recently that it's not just a language thing it's that they have not been exposed to the level of math that we're doing here correct it's a contributing factor and the math that is learned in a different country depending on what that country in could vary our standards are different okay and so then the language however does impede access to the content so if the um if this large percentage of students who come here really you know ill equipped they don't know the language they don't have the math background if we can get all of those if all of those kids were up to the standard of the community what do you think that 49% would look like I would not be able to um presume to to know that number I would be able to say though that um um when we're looking at how long it takes our students to gain English language proficiency we are on track and most times ahead of that four to five year curve so our students are demonstrating proficiency of English sooner than what the state gives us generally four to five years um it just depends how long the students are with us if they're entering into school for the first time in high school we will work with our students and we will you know help them obtain language proficiency um with um great fervency right and dedication and commitment um research wise it does take four to five years to learn a second language it's not something that you can and especially when we're thinking about academic language and High School academic language I think I I just think that that 49% is deceptively depressing it's not as bad as it seems because once these kids get caught up and learn the language and get in the system I think the numbers are higher than that generally and they're going to keep going higher so what we could do is we could disaggregate that that's a data point that I could give the board I could pull out how many are MLS and how many are exempt due to IEP because we have I think 87 students who are exempt and they had to sit for the first time because it's a requirement so in order to exempt them the state says they must sit at least once that's so those numbers are there and so I I I don't want to I want to be careful not to just point at you know some of our subgroup students I just want to kind of review the the state requirements and how that's implemented and so then all of our students are represented in that number some of which will be exempt some of which are in our 18 to 21 program some of who are MLS and in the country for less than a year and so then yes we can disaggregate that data and look at that um while just being you know mindful of of all of our students and and their abilities and where they are in the Continuum great thank you Dr BR I just wanted to commend you because far too often um sort of Statewide Nationwide we see data that shows our latinx students and our black students underperforming their peers um in in massive numbers and so to see the data today that shows the gains that we have for those subgroups that makes me incredibly proud and it makes me wonder how we sort of transplant or sort of transfer the methodologies and the work that teachers are doing with kids to really support them to actually just spread across all of our students and so I hope that that's what you're thinking about and I hope you're incredibly proud of those numbers because they track far away from what we know to be National Trends thank you thank you and I can with that right but I think it just speaks to what we're saying the West Orange way right and so then by the time they get to the high school we're seeing that once they're in our educational system for prolonged periods of time then we can get them back on track right or we can get them excelling and so then um for all of the areas in which we need to grow um this is this is really strong it really speaks to belonging yeah and and the way kids feel inside classrooms yes absolutely so this uh this there's nothing to compare this to historically of course well we have last year so you saw last year compared to this year um we did show 2023 even though it wasn't a requirement where we were down at the 40th percentile right and so then to jump into the 88th percenti wow that's good and for our economically disadvantage to be that high is also good and then for us to know who our subgroup students are that sit in that 44% is also of note um we'll work with all of our students though our our goal is to have all of them proficient right um and then the last piece is I think it's okay that there is an alternate way that students can demonstrate proficiency and not just one test one day and this sitting and I think it's okay that we're given that opportunity that's not always been the case for our state and so then to say students can demonstrate it here or they can demonstrate it here or they can demonstrated here I think that speaks to us growing as a state like to something you know Dr Brian basically explain it um congratulate the teachers and your staff for the kind of work that you are doing I can see the Improvement that it happened from 23 to 24 and uh I see you know it's a really great Improvement especially in the Hispanic population in the africanamerican population as well um for sure I know know that you know it's a lot of work I basically understand because it's working in the school system I understand the difference between when the students come from some other country with no education they don't know anything about algebra and when they come here you can see the kind of work that you you know basically you are doing my you know I congratulate you and M Mr Moore because you know he's the one who's right on top checking everything and the teachers and you as the uh curriculum superintend and once again congratulation you are doing a great job thank you thank you and yes thank you to all of our high school teachers and to our principal Mr Guero and all of our staff there um they're really committed to our students and we're seeing that in their outcom so thanks to the high school staff thank you Mr Mendes um my colleague Mr Stevenson is quite long-winded so I think I'll try to recap what he said in a few words it sounds like it's good that we're doing better than the state it's good that we're improving and we have some areas to continue to improve but we're on the right track yes so I I appreciate all that and the comments that my board members have made um to Mr if's question I would also be interested in that disaggregation of the data particularly of the students who did not pass the first sitting of the math what portion of them were ultimately exempt due to an IP and what portion of them are multilingual Learners that are further down down on that access test that we talked about today that are you know still becoming accustomed to learning English and at a disadvantage for that reason um and then to the the prek uh as my colleague Mr Stevenson said thank you for your hard work both of you uh um it it's an amazing thing for this community and for the students to have all of these students in prek look forward to a few years from now when every student in our community can be there um but this is a process we can't just roll that out overnight we've had some bumps in the road but it's good to hear that this year it is going very smoothly uh so very pleased with that update and again thank you both for that work thank you and thank you for your support president Rock I just want to say in in the interest of time I threw away my prepared remarks and so that was the short version that was the short version I appreciate that very much Mr Stevenson did we have any other uh committee reports or comments from the board okay in that case I will move on to my board president's report uh just two quick things I wanted to note today uh one I wanted to take a moment to recognize one of our longstanding uh staff members here in West Orange in my day job I was sifting through some data from the State Department of Education uh particularly looking at years of service among people that work in public schools in New Jersey and I was curious to see what the biggest number was like how how long has someone been actively working in a school uh and to my surprise Our Miss Marie Deo from Washington Elementary is tied for the longest serving educator in New Jersey uh she started at Washington Elementary back on September 1st of 1962 there is one other teacher in New Jersey who works in Bergenfield who also started in September of 1962 uh so it's amazing that both of them are are still here serving Bergen Field's kids and our kids here in West Orange uh Miss Deo cannot be here tonight but at our September meeting we will formally recognize her with a certificate um wanted to take a a minute to to mention that as the summer closes she'll be back to school for the 63rd time so that is an impressive achievement the other thing I would not is that uh last weekend I had the opportunity to attend another Eagle court of honor for one of our students in West Orange babacar Hy earned his Eagle Award from Troop six um when I became president of the board I did not expect attending Eagle courts of honor to be high on my list of Duties but I think this is now the fifth one that I've attended in two years um and it's amazing what our troop two and Troop six do here with our our young people in West Orange congratulations to babacar and to all the scouts that achieve and aspire to be Eagle Scouts and that concludes my report other than to say good luck to everyone on the back to school uh Summer's been great unfortunately it's over and now the work begins so thank you all and we'll make it through just 10 months we'll be back to Summer uh would uh next up we will have questions from the public on agenda items only uh any Community member who would like to make comments or ask questions please come to the podium at this time please state your name and home address for the record then begin your comments please limit your comments to three minutes do we have any members of the public here in the audience tonight who wish to make a public comment all right seeing none we will move on to our resolutions may I have a motion to approve the Personnel items A1 through A8 motion thank you Mr iar is there a second second thank you Dr Brian I want to congratulate the following retirees Elmer Cameo a custodian at central office for his 24 years of service lianda D Silva a part-time bus driver in transportation for his 8.5 years of service and Michael fiano a night night Shir C night shift custodian at central office for his 33.5 years of service thank you all for your service to West Orange and to our students and our community and welcome to the club where every day is Saturday and where the summer never ends uh is there any discussion hearing none Miss flowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you next may I have a motion to approve the curriculum and instruction items B1 through B4 so move thank you Mr Steven is there a second thank you vice president is there any discussion no hearing N Miss blowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you all right next may I have a motion to approve the finance item c special services items a 1-4 and uh business office items b 1 through 23 sove thank you Mr Stevenson is there a second second thank you Mr iar is there any discussion hearing none Miss flowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you right and finally may I have a motion to approve reports item D1 so mov thank you Mr Stevenson is there a second second thank you Dr Bryant any discussion hearing none Miss blowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr iar yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes president Rock yes thank you all right thank you very much to all my board colleagues for that work next up we have petitions and hearings of citizens for any agenda or non-agenda item that you may wish to discuss you will have three minutes to speak please approach the podium at this time and state your name and address for the record seeing none thank you all very much our next board meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on September 16th 2024 this meeting will be held in the West Orange High School library media center we will not be going back into executive session after the close of this meeting there will be no further business discussed and no additional action will be taken may I have a motion to adjourn so move thank you Mr Stevenson is there a second second thank you Dr Bryant all in favor I all right thank you all for joining us tonight our meeting is now adjourned we wish you a good night