##VIDEO ID:ZE2BZu55hB0## e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone and welcome to the West Sonage Board of Education public board meeting on Monday September 16 2024 I would like to thank all of you here in person and those watching from home for joining us tonight I would like to welcome my fellow board members as well as Mr Mo and Miss Flowers Miss flowers please stay the rooll call good evening roll call please Dr Bryant here Mr ifer Mr Stevenson here vice president Vera yes president Rock notice of meeting the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests are discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the ACT a written notice was sent from the office of the secretary of the board on January 8th 2024 that set notice was sent by regular mail to the West Orange Township Clerk and the editors of the West Orange Chronicle and by email to the starl that said notice was posted in the lobby of the administration building of the Board of Education and posted on the district website please be advised that this meeting is being recorded and may be broadcasted on local TV and the district's website at a future date please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance the flag of the United States of America to The Republic stands one nation God indivisible andice in consideration of the close and public meeting of August 26 2024 do I have a motion to accept these minutes so moveed thank you Mr Stevenson second second thank you m drer Miss flowers please take the roll call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifar yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Bara yes thank you good evening to our students Leon Nina Davis and abigel rosting please share your students Le report at this time hello hello my name is Abby Rothstein and I am a senior at West Orange High School um a few things about me I have been on the volleyball team for four years and Captain for three I've been part of all School Musical since my freshman year and I take up take leadership roles in many different clubs including being president of drama club vice president of glee club treasur and Italian Club and vice president of plant club I'm honored to be a student Lon and I can't wait to make a difference in our schools and Community hello my name is Nina Davis some of my activities include being a PR Rel manager for both Unity Club and the organization Jack and jail of America Incorporated along with that I'm a broadcaster and photographer for the West D and sports media Association a lawyer on the mock trial team and a lawyer member of the black student union I am deeply honored to be in this role and very excited to serve my student body um I'm sorry um some events on our school so uh recently on Wednesday September 11th we had our pep rally um our amazing class leaders Nia mckin Alexa Diaz Jamie delski and Chris bino helped organize and run the event along with Mr Zella the Pereira triplets gave a September 11th dedication announcement and performed their beautiful rendition to the star spingle banner we also had amazing performances by many different teams includ including the girls boys girls and boy step team volleyball team soccer team and cheer team we are so proud of all of our athletes and hope for amazing Seasons we also had our senior fund day which was an amazing success and was a lot of fun for everyone um so activities included cornhole face painting mechanical bull riding and carnival games uh a special thanks to our amazing teachers for such a fun and memorable day we also have our fall play Clue which has been finalized and released for the cast we are very proud of everyone and we hope that everyone will show up on November 15th and 16th to see the amazing actors and actresses finally we have on Wednesday the soccer roles team team had a tournament against new Yark east side and prevailed with a score of 2 to one we're so proud of the girls for starting off the season with consecutive wins this week will be Green Ribbon Week in honor of showing support for mental health and awareness and partnership with the Grassroots Community Foundation we suggest that student body and board members wear green we have provided special armbands or wristbands for all board members to wear and show of support um specifically Wednesday we suggest that you show up in green to show solidarity for Green Ribbon Week and mental health is a very serious topic that deserves our atttention in order to get help for all community members who struggle with or know someone struggling with mental health issues for thank you for your report Mr Mo it's time for you for your report please hear your superintendent report thank you vice president Vera acting president today thank you meeting's going well so far tonight I'm proud to recognize Robinson Bennett Robinson's a West Orange High School student we're recognizing for his outstanding academic achievement at the governor school program in engineering and Technology the Governor's School program is a residential program for selected high achievement Juniors throughout the state of New Jersey this program is very competitive at this time I would like to call to the microphone our high school principal Mr Oscar Guerrero who will do the honors of introducing this fine Mountaineer Mr Guerrero okay everybody can hear okay okay that's much better thank you superintendent Moore and uh welcome everyone good evening uh I don't normally write down what I want to say but this young man is is that special that I want to make sure I didn't leave anything out uh ladies and gentlemen today we have the immense pleasure of recognizing one of our outstanding students whose achievements truly exemplify the Excellence of West Orange High School Robison a dedicated and Brilliant senior has reached incredible Heights in his academic Journey here with us recently his research for NASA con conducted at the Governor's School was submitted to the 2024 MIT i e undergraduate research technology conference and that is yes the Massachusetts Institute of Technology he re he received recently the exhilarating news that his work and the work of his groupmates has been selected for presentation and Publishing at this prestigious conference robison's accomplishments are a testament to his hard work and the unwavering support of his family and our West Orange High School Community with a stellar GPA of 4.5 4 yeah 4.54 membership membership in six honor societies and being a varsity athlete in two sports robison's dedication extends beyond the classroom he has been an active member of the Wind Ensemble for three years and is ranked in the top 5% of his senior class if that wasn't enough what I'm most impressed about with with Roberson is he his humility he walks around the halls he greets everyone with love and respect he is unassuming and he's humble please join me in celebrating robison's remarkable accomplishments and the bright future that lies ahead for him his journey showcases the true Spirit of Excellence at West Orange High School at this moment I'd like Robison to come up and provide a short presentation on his experience at the governor school thank you everybody could hear me okay all right uh thank you everybody uh good evening um I'm rson Bennett as principal OG just said and here's a little bit about my gset 2024 experience so first I started a little B bit about me on the right you can see a picture of me I'm just chilling there in the group photo um I'm a student at West High School class of 2025 I'm ranked top five in my class I graduated from The Institute of math and science program I've taken all honors classes five APS two Varsity Sports six honor societies and I am the founder and president of the National Society of black Engineers chapter and Club here at WS so this is just going to break down how this presentation is going to go so I'm going to talk about the governor School background and what it is my application process a little bit about the coursework and then I'm going to dive into my project and kind of what the future holds so here's the first uh portion Governor School background so the governor School in New Jersey was established in 1983 and originally had about six sectors but now there's only two and it's a tuition free it's all paid for a merit scholarship on a residential program at a public school here in New Jersey and specifically the New Jersey governor School in technology and Engineering gset is for students who have an interest interest in stem and currently it's held at Ruckers University of New Brunswick the programs are open to students from diverse economic backgrounds who are New Jersey residents or attend school in New Jersey and have completed their junior year in any public or private school or homeschooled so here's more about my application process so I was actually told about this program from my father um after he received notice from one of his friends at work and I basically had to kind of develop a transcript and answer some essay questions and that was all submitted to my great guidance counselor Mr Cal by December 18th and then from there West Orange High School nominated me into like the pro like the portal in which all the other students from all other schools in New Jersey applied to and that was due December 18th like I just said and then the nomination the student nomination I got letters of recommendation from my physics teacher last year in AP Physics uh Mr kirchenbauer and Dr alender Who's back there in the back he was my English teacher and I additionally submitted full transcripts freshman and sophomore year and my first two my first semester transcript was given to them later in February and additionally in this I had my two finalized essays three short response questions and then after this all the students in New Jersey that were nominated by their High School got to tour the camp of Ruckers and kind of get uh dive into what they would be participating in and this was March 8th and I've actually got a picture of a lab and a picture just of like the engineering sector outside and then acceptance day was the day that we were notified of our acceptance and kind of like the the future steps and this was April 12th so here's more about just the general G set coursework so for G set you're required to take two classes during the morning and night which were modern physics and Robotics and then Additionally you got to choose two electives that you took and there were three you could choose from for the morning which was CAD which is just computer AED digital design you'll see that term again in the future in my presentation and also you learned about like microcontroller Basics there was also digital logic design and I took materials mystery in the morning and then in the evening there was Stellar Scapes game design which I took and then there was a different material science class called how stuff works so here's a bit about my G set experience so week one was virtual week um we had an introduction at about 7:00 p.m. that lasted an hour where we were just introduced to other students staff and just program expectations and then week one only lasted July 1st 2 and 3rd it was Monday Tuesday Wednesday in July and this just introduced us to our professors classes mentors and this was 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily and I feature a picture at the bottom because I thought like virtual week I know a lot of people don't like being over Zoom but I actually thought it was neat because it allowed me to take this from California like I was in California on a family vacation and this allowed me to still participate yes the times were earlier but also virtual week allowed us to have casual introductions so I when I got on campus I already had friends I people I knew and I had just developed relationships with everybody while it not being like awkward and face to face so here are some key dates moving day was July 7th we took G set photos which is that introduction photo you saw of me in the middle uh we toured Lockheed Martin and psng you don't see any pictures of that because Lockheed Martin is very strict with their picture rule like no phones allowed at all our first draft of our 10-page research paper was due July 20th our final robotics design competition was July 21st that is my group's robot on the bottom uh top right and then the final Symposium which is kind of like our final presentation was July 26 so here the G Set uh projects there was 11 total I believe 12 12 and the cad design and development of a lunar workstation is highlighted that's what I worked on while I was at there so here's more about my cad design and development so our project was partnered with NASA hunch NASA hunch is basically a program it's student Outreach for high school students that are involved with NASA research and we had to design a workstation that was suitable for use on the moon and inside of the space stations that like were in space and NASA challenged us with making something that was 34 in by 20 in tabletop workspace they must be like easily accessible for astronauts to use this was a hard part we couldn't have any like sharp edges to break the astronaut suit and it had to adjust in height to be ergonomically friendly and additionally we had to make a 10-page paper on latch which is a program that's kind of used for engineering writing it's dual column so it was really like 24 pages on a Google doc so here are some pictures from the final Symposium um you can see my project on the last Slide by the way but you'll see more of that later this is me with OG uh my group members Dean Antoine great guy he's the person who runs the whole thing and on the bottom right you can actually see me presenting for our group so here are some about the future opportunities our group actually applied and was accepted about a week ago to the i e MIT undergraduate research and Technology conference so for this we had to redesign our whole entire project like you can see what you see on the bottom is not what was on my slide a few slides ago uh we had almost an allnighter and we basically had to condense our 10 12 page research paper into something five pages for MIT and we just made design changes to make it more mobile and just more user friendly for the astronauts and we were accepted September 2nd and we plan to go there that we end of the 11th to 13th with all like all of the projects that are being presented at this conference are presented on the 12th so that's kind of what the future entails for this project and the continuation of my G set experience so that's all I have I just want to thank everybody thank you um I just got a few acknowledgements I'm going to start in the room thank you Miss Flowers um Mr Mr Moore my bad my bad I'm sorry I got a lot of people that was my former principal and now he's superintendent principal OG Mr Z my guy U my whole family everybody that came out Nina um oh wow look at all y Dr alender in the back Miss Asar thank you everybody Ron Charles I appreciate every one of you I couldn't have done it without yall so thank you oh wow um if y'all have any questions just let me know thank you anybody thank you check check one two I'm Miss Sophia hello ropes ropes and it's so wonderful to hear the story I've heard it from your parents your mom but to hear it directly from you I'm so honored to be here um what would you say was the most challenging part of the three weeks working on this project and how did that make you a better scientist a better leader like what what were the key learnings for you I would say like the key learnings I think the program did a good job of like explaining to a high school student what college expectations are um but I would say this is going to sound so cliche hardest part was group projects group projects depending on who your group members are can be either very easy and very difficult this project was very difficult but I think it taught me better how to interact with different people people that don't think like me to see other perspectives and how to like teamwork you know like teamwork and how to just convey ideas to each other to reach an end goal anybody else no yeah we can we can go back and we'll switch it back to like normal audience questions we can do it that way so that way it'll be on camera as well yeah if you want to give your your certificate first if you want to do okay we can do the the certificate first I don't know I need a microphone you do unfortunately for the camera yeah I'm messing up I'm glad I had to follow Robinson and that was just a Terri that was a terrific presentation not to mention I thought you were quite Charming up here as well Robenson you were great so um Mr Guerrero I know you were lucky enough to be Robinson's principal you took him from me but we at the board are gonna get our chance to present Robison with a certificate of AC academic Excellence from the Board of Education and we want to thank you Robison for being a true representative of what a West Orange student should and strive to be thank you I'd like to also invite Robison and his family um to come up and take a picture with us at the board um along with Mr Guerrero um if if you don't mind if that's okay can we do that now or okay save your questions if you have e e oh there's oh he's there okay perfect I didn't I I looking for one okay uh Robison will you take a few more questions but from the board of course okay thank you um any board members would like to ask a question yeah thank you I have a question and a comment uh the question is you are so impressed iive and so humble about it I don't think you could teach that that's just I mean that's your family that's what I mean you're just terrific but I want to ask you young children who might be interested in stem and some of these things what's a good thing to start them in I've heard Legos or other games so can you give some guidance to some of the parents I definitely was a Lego kid I tell my parents this all the time nah probably knows she was at my house um yeah Legos are definitely interesting but I would just say like everybody should just like invest in like what their students like and what their kids like are interested in my parents did a great job of that no matter what it was but like um I did The Institute of math and science that the school has to offer there's so many different Pathways clubs organizations extracurricular activities passion projects Etc that students like are interested in stem can get involved with thank you here's my comment uh could I ask the family to stand up for a second if they don't mind so I I said this once before when there was a there were a lot of exceptional students but some really are above and beyond and you know we love our children we love our students but they weren't dropped here from ours this young man got it from somebody that's you so so while you're a role model to students coming up you're a role model to parents and we appreciate you and respect you very much thank you so Robertson I just want to commend you again I don't need to Echo any of the accolades and ackowledgments of just how tremendous that opportunity was for you and thank you for presenting thank you to your your family for allowing you to share I want to ask you as a graduating West Orange Mountaineer how did your experience as a student at West Orange inform your interest generally around stem but more specifically how do you think that your experience as a student prepared you to undertake your summer experience this is a perfect question so I'd say the reason I chose the project I did was because I was already familiar with CAD West AR offers a great like engineering and stem options but specifically Miss Cindy Sy she was my teacher I had her for three years I was in I think 1163 over there she's the like adviser of my club but more importantly she was my teacher and she taught me Cad and that whole experience like I had foundations and I was advanced in like computer AED design which is what led me to take the project and I believe like part of it is why it's so successful so I definitely owe like this success to her as well thank you so much all the best to you as you Endeavor forward thank you this is a bit selfish um C CAD is a very broad sort of category of work right everything from interior design to you know Ada certified buildings all sorts of things where's your interest in terms of how you want to use CAD to sort sort of impact the world um I would say like in the future I definitely want to use CAD to like open up design for sustainability I'm interested in like environmental science I take AP environmental science I'm there periods one and two Miss Stewart and um I think I would really like to like use my skills in computer design and use that to help benefit the environment and help us just live in an Earth where we can live longer I love that thank you thank you I don't have any question the only thing I have to use my words to praise the kind of work you that and the support that you receive for your F from your family because without your mom and dad you know you will be there but you know you will basically they push you to do the best that you they can and you are very smart very humble and this is what we really value thank and don't forget that you will be graduating soon and you know you have to come back and motivate the students because if you did it there are more students waiting for you to be motivated and now you know Legos yes that's the beginning now you will achieve higher than that congratulation and you know we will be working to motivate the rest of the students to be part of projects like the one that you participate for sure thank you you okay everyone at the board would you guys like Nina of course don't look at me like that yes ma'am um so a little insight about the both of us me and Roby went to grade school together we didn't go to West Orange we went to a smaller school and I have much of a question I guess I do have a comment it might be a little strange coming from me but okay I am so incredibly proud of you thank you n i just to see like to see me at this table and to see you speaking up there I just think like wow thank you like back when we were 7 years old like running around now we're here car pulling to school literally his mother used to drive me to school so I think that attests to thought was your brother there weren't a lot of kids of color school not they thought cuz we came to school every day together they thought that we were brother and sister but I think that attests to how kind his parents are they would take me to and from school for almost a year and a half that's also how I know that Robi was Lego obsessed I broke his death star one time it was I don't remember that I I did and you were very angry at me for a couple of days I'm sorry it was my fault but I just wanted to say that I'm so proud of you than you for how you've become even if we're not as close anymore and we're doing our own things that like as a student leaz on you know as a friend that I'm in your corner and I wish you nothing but the best thank you I'm just so proud I mean look at the students that I get to have in our com we get to have in our care every day it's just amazing I am so proud of all of you Mountaineers those that are here in the room tonight and those that Mr Guerrero sees every day and and the even the younger ones that are coming to us but for our younger parents and our younger students understand that this is an example of what we hope all of our students uh achieve the unity that we expect but the pulling for each other is uh EX exactly the vision so I am incredibly proud and this was a great display and you're very lucky as a community to see such a wonderful display of uh commitment and um I want you to know Robison Nina and Abby that I'm proud to be a mountaineer alongside you three for sure thank you very much Robison for a fine presentation and for representing yourself in the state of New Jersey for West Orange we appreciate thank you that's all folks I wish I could say that what a great note I mean I am just that's terrific we have terrific students here um back to business all right next president ver Vice presidenta next I wish to address a topic of our upcoming special election scheduled to take place Wednesday September 18th this is a congressional election the school districted notification from the county a few weeks ago while not every school in our Township is a polling location we do have some polling locations I have met and discussed with the administration the plan to keep every student safe and separate from the public and to conduct our day with minimal to No Interruption so when we have evening events some of the afternoon events or the afternoon um I believe after after care um they will probably be located in different areas um please check with your building principal um again that's Wednesday September 18th it's a special election not all our schools are affected but if your school is please check with your Administration finally vice president Vera I know that I'd like to address the public with an with I know that we have had some challenges with transportation and I acknowledge that people have been frustrated we are fortunate to have our director of Transportation join us this evening to listen and address our community regarding our school buses Mr Greg Cohen and his team have been working hard to remedy the bus scheduled delays that have occurred since the opening of the school year Mr Cohen and his team are here tonight they're in the back Mr Cohen is standing in the back to listen and answer any questions to our audience so if you would like to work out anything specific with your bus please go right to the back of the library you're welcome to go to the back of the library their laptops are here they're here to take what you need they're here to work on it and they're here to remedy the situation so thank you um vice president ver um that would conclude my report for today thank you Mr Moore and the rest of the team for your presentations and updates uh do we have any committee reports Mr Stevenson no vice president bar report okay Dr PR no okay thank you for being part of the you know of tonight's um Bard meeting um as president uh I would like to present my report I would like to express that basically I had an amazing Friday it was busy but it was amazing first of all at the beginning it was the ribon cat and S Cloud the experience that I we had it was to see those little faces in the rooms place that they can do all the activities during the day it was worth it and at night during the the football it was you know the presentation with the marching band and the students that participate this coaches the students everybody it was rewarded because you know it seen everybody was part of the community and seeing tonight M Bennett Mr Bennett now being here and receiving the reward for the kind of work what else we can say we live in an amazing town with great people working to motivate our kids for a future generations and live have a wonderful life so that's my report for tonight and next week will'll have question from the public on agenda items only any Community member who would like to make comments or ask questions please come to the podium at this time please state your name and home address for this record then begin your comments please limit your comments to 3 minutes do we have any members of the public here in the audience tonight who wish to make public comments yes you left your award here Robison uh Michaela Bennett Old Indian Road um so first thank you very much for um for honoring Robeson he deserves every bit of that but at the same time you know I appreciate that you made the time and allowed him to present um I do think it's very important to um acknowledge the teachers it's the teachers right like yes the administrators yes the principles as Mr H yes okay so it is the great principles it is the great administrators but our teachers or themselves into our students every single day Robeson he may disagree with me at this point because he's really got a mind of his own now but Robeson um is very lucky to have participated in the Institute of math and science very lucky that um he had his first educational opportunity at the Red Oak School montauri method school out in uh moristown but then when we did when we moved into St Cloud we said we want him to go to St Cloud Elementary mainly because of the diversity so um I think it's also important to acknowledge and I'm really challenged but I have to do this because none of you know this story when Robson was in fifth grade Straight A's and all of his teachers recommendations he did not have the the testing scores to be eligible for honors I essentially said to the board to the superintendent at the time to the principal I'm not appealing a flawed process one test cannot determine a student's aptitude if you need any evidence you have it tonight ropes and then was um able to take honors testing uh I mean honors programming from sixth grade on um with the exception of I think 1B plus he had Straight A's since then um how did that happen the guy behind me Ron Charles was consulted by the superintendent at the time they had a conversation and somehow Robeson ended up in all honors classes in sixth grade um I hope that you agree that he's done you proud um we've never forgotten it we've come to board meetings to share with you that this is something you should you need to fix how many Robeson have gone before us who could have done all that he's done if they were afforded the opportunity for honors programming you track so if he wasn't there in sixth grade he wouldn't have been where he is right now he told me that last year thanks for fighting for me I'm just going to ask you to end that it's Injustice it's inequitable and there's a way to improve our um District in this so please stop allowing a test to determine whether a kid can be in honors programming thank you good evening uh Ron Charles Colonial what Drive Le orange so Miss Bennett kind of stole my thunder a little bit um but um for those who don't know the story I was the board president at the time and my view was that though he didn't qualify technically for the program I felt that he deserved a chance right so after many conversations with the then superintendent um he kind of gave him a chance but uh to Echo Miss benn's point is that how many Roberson have we lost in the last 10 12 15 years right and that's something that's you know his accolades his GP I don't even know how you get that high you know anymore his the class all the stuff he's done great in his class um Varsity Sports the clubs all that all that aside it's all fantastic stuff right but at at some point the kid wanted to be in the program right and he wanted he wanted a shot and I guess maybe the coaching me took over so let's give this kid let's get let's let's give this kid a shot and you know when you when you reach my age you reflect on the children that you coach in sports that you touch in your life like on a positive manner you never think as the Board of Ed president you do but tonight's a shiny example of that so um I I I just wish that you know and I'm not a technical educator I don't know the parameters of the test and those types of things but tonight we seen a shiny example of sometimes we got to think outside the box outside the lines and and give the kids a shot that's all oh one question housekeeping this the United States flag goes to the right of the speaker which will be on that side U so this a little bit of housekeeping but thank you for your time thank thank you vice president there thank you superintendent Moore thank you Miss Bennett Mr Charles thank you for speaking on behalf of your board uh Service uh you know the what wasn't mentioned in your comments both of your comments I think is this important aspect of parent advocacy and the fact that you knew how to navigate and negotiate the system if you will for the benefit of your child and often times if we're we're honest not a lot of parents know how to navigate that system may not know who to call right and and and that does not take away in any way the achievements that your son uh since then has accomplished and will continue to accomplish but it does speak to as you mentioned a a policy issue that really to me becomes very evident as Mr Charles said now more than a decade ago he's been working on this issue I will tell you as the board policy chair as we have um implemented a new Elementary K through five Ela curriculum and a new K through five math curriculum that these things are under review so uh Robison your your accomplishments now bring to light and run parallel with things that this board is working on so that students will have opportunities similar to yours and that there will be an expansion of those opportunities for families uh without I won't say arbitrary restrictions but restrictions that don't take in the full consideration of a student's potential a student's ambition a student's willingness to persevere Beyond some measure and moment in time that ises not reflect the full weight and consideration of who you are or who any other student is and I think this superintendent under his leadership we are aware of that as a board uh we're working on it as a board from a policy standpoint to ensure that families across West Orange have an opportunity similar to yours and so as a public education system we don't want to be restrictive we want to open up opportunity we want to have a board meeting that goes to midnight where we're celebrating students such as yourself because of the accomplishments that you have achieved and how well it reflects on this wonderful community so thank you Mr Charles for for shedding that light thank you parents for for speaking that Truth uh and as a community we know that truth goes beyond our own individual experience so miss been in your willingness to step to the mic and say as a community we need to look at this differently I think is very important so I just want to make that comment thank you Dr I'd like to just confirm and extend what Mr Stevenson shared and also let you know that I as a former math teacher and a person who works on math and removing math as a gatekeeper nationally um very much understand this problem very much come to this problem with the same spirit that you do and have been a bit of lithium in Mr Moore's back um about the changes that you speak of and so we are hopeful that we will see some change here in the district um that will sort of remove these types of barriers to not just access but to also success um not just now but ultimately in their future so that our children are not bearing the brunt of student loans because they have to take remedial coursework so we're working on it um and every opportunity I get um I'm in Hayden's ear about it we're all of like mind we agree that is the same robison's story is similar to my story in this in New York City um but the point that Miss bennon I thank you for your courage and lending your your experience with us and Ron Charles terrific hi Ron good man um and I do remember you on the board you were terrific and thank you for your help with me as you helped me as I was the principal then but um of the high school not not down there I was school but uh we share the same sentiments and uh the work that this board has supported me on and is willing and putting forth again um we're heading in your direction and uh just know that and uh Robison you're great example then I love it because uh you're a great example of what we could be and what we will will head to it so thank you and uh know that your um words Miss Bennett doesn't fall on deaf ears thanks for moving onto our resolutions may I have a motion to approve the Personnel items A1 through A6 so moved thank you Mr Stevenson second thank you Dr bragan motion by Mr Stevenson by Dr Brian I want to congratulate the following retirees Mark Manis Maniscalco AED of a student at the high school for his 28 years of service Lyn Oliver a speech pathologist at Redwood Elementary School for her 19 years of service Anthony pra a Technology and Engineering teacher at the high school for his 26 years of service and John F Kelly a lunch a at Roosevelt School for his 30 years of service thank you for your service to the West orang students and our school Community best wishes to you all on behalf of the Board of Education any discussion no okay Miss flowers please take the r call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president bar yes thank you may I have a motion to approve the curriculum and instructions items B1 through B6 so move thank you Mr Stevenson second thank you Dr Bryan motion by Mr Stevenson and second by Dr Bri any discussion no Miss flowers please take the r call Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes thank you may I have a motion to approve the finance items is c special services item a one through three so moves second thank you Mr Stevenson thank you Dr Bryan and business office items b 1 through 13 so moved thank you second okay thank you Dr Brian thank you Mr Stevens any discussion no okay Miss flow please take the roll call okay roll call for finance special services A1 through A3 and business office items B1 through B13 Dr Bryant yes Mr ifer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes thank you may I have a motion to approve reports item D1 through two uh so moved thank there are no hips to report at this time no comments yeah no comment okay thank you do you have any questions no no questions regarding reports yes sir you know I just want to make a quick comment on on the reports related to the New Jersey qac areas um superintendent Moore I see that in five of the the areas the district scored above 90% uh fiscal management governance operations and Personnel uh however uh as we continue to work to improve our instructional programs and instructional quality and look at curriculum instruction I see the score there is an 82% uh where the weight given by the state is 80% and so again just want to highlight as we have over the last few years the importance to look at our instructional programs to ensure that all students in the district are being served uh in a manner that U is reflective of one their individual needs as a student and more importantly uh that our district globally is educ ating our students in a manner that is reflective of our Ambitions as a community to serve them so just want to highlight the qac reports and not let that get buried within the reports um okay now I understand what you're talking about as we Embark in our new curriculum and uh we're breaking up into committees we will be sure to make sure we communicate to the board um where we will be improving working towards that so thank thank question no my only comment about the report vice president ver my apology we have a it was moved by uh Mr Stevenson and I I didn't hear a second there a second thank you very much Mr E thank you any discussions no discussion Miss flowers please take the roll call great thank you Dr Bryan yes Mr eer yes Mr Stevenson yes vice president Vera yes thank you very much thank you very much to all my board colleagues next up we have petitions and hearings of citizens for any agenda or No Agenda item that you wish to discuss you will have three minutes to speak please approach to the podium at this time and state your name and address for the record okay thank you very much our next board meeting will be held at 6:30 on on October 28 2024 this meeting will be held in West orang High School library media center we will not be going into executive session after the close of this meeting there will be no further business is discussed and no additional action will be taken may I have a motion to adjin motion some move second thank thank you Dr Brian thank you m okay um all in favor hi thank you thank you thank you all for joining us tonight our meeting is not ad joined we wish you a good night thank thank you well done well done