all right hello good evening welcome to tonight's Board of Education meeting I am honored to call this meeting to order in accordance with the state Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting was provided by sending a notice of the time date location and to the extent known the agenda of this meeting on January 5th 2024 and February 16th 2024 to the home News Tribune and the times posted on the district website placed in the board office and in each of the district schools and sent to Plainsboro and West Windsor Public Libraries and Plainsboro and West wisor Township clerks okay so um well Dr ad do you have any just just one one second president we just need uh uh you take a roll call yep need a roll call oh gotcha okay start with Miss fonso um Miss Chenier here miss ho here miss Krug present I okay sorry I called everyone off guard just shout it you don't need the mic okay I realized I'm yeah okay Miss Shetty Miss Malika not here miss zich here miss Juliana here miss McKuen here uh and the reason we're doing this is because we didn't have closed executive session before the meeting as we normally do um do all right no comments this evening from Dr aderhold so next I would like to introduce our auditor uh Scott kelen from pkf o Conor Davies uh to give us the presentation on 2022 2023 annual comprehensive financial report uh Mr cland the floor is yours thank you very much and good evening everyone it's a pleasure to be here uh tonight to present the results of the 23 audit um this is my fifth presentation today so bear with me I'm starting to lose my voice a little bit uh I think that's a record five board meetings in one day um but anyway again thank you very much for inviting me here and um we did meet probably a month or so ago now with the finance committee and we did go over the report in detail um I believe you received PDF um PDF copies electronically and Bonnie reminded me to just let you know that if you want a hard copy they I believe they are upstairs in the uh in Bonnie's office or in dereck's office um the audit is completed and filed we actually filed on time this year which was December 5th um which we were happy to get it out of the way and of unfortunately from scheduling conflicts the uh presentations until till this evening um this was the first year in five years where the state was actually able to provide us with the pension and uh benefit information in order to get the audits done by the December 5th deadline uh in the past they were last year were dated in March this year's report if you look at it is dated December 5th right on the deadline um it was a lot of work getting there and just so you know you only 28% of the school district audits were filed by the deadline in the state of New Jersey 28% and as of today it's 85% so they're still not all filed um but you were one of the ones that got it in with in the deadline and we had to make a tough choice as to whether we uh which ones we thought we could get done uh definitely didn't get them all done on time but we knew with the records record keeping here and and Chris and Dereck and everybody we would get this thing done I also want to re um recognize the board and the superintendent and Chris and everyone that works in the administration for the certificate of excellence in financial reporting this is your 15th consecutive year of receiving that award uh you're one of about 30 districts that received that award and again it's just a a recognition of your Administration for a job well done uh the audit went very very well as usual the information was provided to us uh was was accurate and allowed us to put an opinion on your financial statements which is unmodified uh which is a clean opinion and I knew the probably the happiest person to know that the last audit they had to deal with was unmodified was Lou uh prior to his retirement he was very concerned about making sure the last audit was his best audit uh so he definitely did that and uh he will be missed um the district also uh prudently puts money aside into the various reserves you have an emergency reserve a cap reserve and a maintenance Reserve set aside for future use I know you've already started going through the uh budget process for the 2425 fiscal year and you'll know you know how much fund balance and and uh cap Reserve you're going to be utilizing in that budget uh as part of the audit we test your internal controls over the various aspects of your District payroll uh revenues receipts uh purchasing and so forth happy report we had no findings in the current year and we also are required to perform testing of some of your federal and state grants and we test for control exceptions or compliance and again I'm happy to report that uh there were no findings and there are no repeat findings and therefore there will be no corrective action plan requirement for this year uh from the board um so again the audit went very well as I would expect in West Windsor uh I want to again thank the administration for all the time and effort they put in to help us get the audit done and again you're one of 28% that got filed on time this year um so with that I'd be more than happy to open up any questions you may have thank you thank you Mr Cleland any questions from the board okay well thank you very much for the presentation thank you and have a good evening everyone thank Scot okay now uh we can move on to the first opportunity for public comments the board invites thoughts and reactions on agenda items and items of concern from members of our community who are present each participant is asked to give his or her name and address prior to making a statement which will be limited to three minutes in accordance with board policy 0167 all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer this public comment period shall be limited to 60 minutes do we have any public comments nope seeing none I will close this public comment period uh and now we can turn to the Board of Education committee reports uh our first report uh from Dana Administration and Facilities good evening everyone um the administration and Facilities committee met on Thursday February 88th the committee welcomed Kate dobinson High School South and Grover Middle School athletic director and Jeff Riley who's the high school north and Community Middle School athletic director to discuss athletic updates including Trends and participation and the start of a Cricut program at the high school level um Spring High School sports registration is open and will close on February 26th Middle School spring Sports registration is open and closes March 88th we also o discussed the February 13th parent University on the benefits of Youth Sports that was held um virtually several wwp North and South graduates will share this didn't happen at our before our meeting so um shared their Athletics experience in District and how this experience helped them in college and post College representatives from the local little league and the stalker Association also were in attendance to share um information about their programs next we welcome Jessica sinata who's the High School South principal Carl Cooper who's the supervisor of curriculum instruction and Sonia Singh who's High School North assistant principal they provided an update on the advancement via individual determination or AVID program that is this year graduating its first cohort um a a discussion on the Avid selection process curriculum and instruction and College and Career Readiness programming um was just we ensued I think that's I think that's Lee's word not mine anyway um the committee reviewed memor the memorandum of understandings with the church of St David the king in West Windsor and the Princeton Alliance Church in Plainsboro which would uh allow for the relocation of students and staff in the event of an emergency requiring an evacuation Dr McDonald shared the district's ongoing articulation with First Responders and the student reunification ation process the committee reviewed the proposed 2025 2026 academic calendar and recommends approval at tonight's board meeting Dr McDonald gave us an update on referendum projects Phase 2 punch list completion continues at the whiteoff school building and electrical inspections are complete for the Town Center school media center Plumbing masonry and HVAC work is underway for the media centers at morce Hawk and Village Schools the committee will next meet March 12th cool thanks Dana um do we have any questions from the board for ANF okay so uh uh for the curriculum committee could we have a report please good evening everyone the curriculum meeting sorry the curriculum committee met on Tuesday February 13th and during our meeting the committee discussed uh the middle sex College dual enrollment memorandum memorandum of understanding Dr gold reviewed the specific details around wwp entering into a partnership with middle sex Community College that will allow West Windsor Plainsboro students to earn dual enrollment college credits while in high school we also discussed uh instructional rounds Dr G reviewed with the team the process taken by the administrative group to Norm their practices around the evaluation rubric specifically they discussed exploration of the Danielson 2022 evaluation rubric and the district's future plan the committee also discussed additional items which are up for vote today the committee recommends approval of a district membership in dver diversity Council on global education and citizenship with Keen University for the 2024 2025 school year at a cost of $300 the committee recommends entering into a partnership between West Windsor Plainsboro school district and middle sex Community College that will allow West Windsor Plainsboro students to earn dual enroll enrollment college credits while in high school the committee recommends approval of approval for three staff members to attend math Recovery Council professional development virtually at a cost not to exceed $2,985 paid through title to funds the committee recommends submission of a letter of intent on behalf of the district to the New Jersey Department of Education for the developing resiliency with engaging impo approaches to maximize success the dreams project and the committee also recommends the following overnight field trips for High School North the robotics team to Lehi University from April 3rd 2024 April 6 2024 the cost of the trip is approximately $400 per student model Congress to University of Pennsylvania from April 11th 2024 to April 14 2024 the cost of the trip is approximately 500 per student robotics team to George R Brown Convention Center Houston Texas from April 16 2024 to April 21st 2024 the cost of the trip is approximately $800 per student and Science Olympiad to Michigan State University from May 23rd 2024 to May 26 2024 the cost of the trip is approximately $1,000 per student and field trips for High School South would be model Congress to University of Pennsylvania from April 11th April till April 14th the cost of the trip is approximately $500 per student um our committee will next meet on Wednesday March 13th thanks pja um does anyone have a question for the curriculum committee okay so Louisa you are up next for finance sure the finance committee met on February 13th virtually board members ho and McKuen attended along with uh Christopher Russo and Derek meet first the committee reviewed items for tonight's agenda this included the monthly Financial reports along with the administration's certification that there are enough funds to complete the year the annual audit will be presented by The District's audit firm for acceptance there is a motion to approve the current auditor pkf o' Conor Davies to perform the 2324 annual School audit at the completion of this fiscal year the district is adding three copers to its total for areas in need of a copier a small change order is needed to be approved to close out the pool bubble replacement project there are several quoted bus routes on the agenda to be cancelled these are being canceled because as per state statute these same Roots were placed out to bid and awarded formally at the last board meeting several more routes are on the agenda for approval for school activities Administration and board travel is on the agenda for upcoming professional development next the administration shared that staff work is continuing on the 24-25 budget the administration is still reviewing appropriation numbers as the Appropriations must meet the anticipated revenues state aid numbers will not be known until the last Thursday in February which is more than two weeks away the central office team has a meeting scheduled to tomorrow to dig into the numbers further as a group the committee and board will be updated several more times prior to the board's vote to submit the tentative budget to the county office on March 19th staff also updated the committee on the status of construction projects at woff they are working working on hbac controls for both phase two of the woff expansion and renovation project and the separate woff HVAC project Clos that documents are being created by both contractors at the Town Center Library final building and electrical inspections have occurred plumbing inspection will be scheduled after a stuck valve is replaced which will allow the final Plumbing work to to occur at hawen Village work continues on the library renovation projects with installation of plumbing and HVAC and patching the concrete slab replacement of faulty hot water valves will occur when students are not in session the new rooftop units are expected to ship next week bids were accepted for the Community Middle School emergency radio enhancement project last week they are currently being reviewed by the board's attorney staff updated the board on food service operations the district will be going out to bid for our food services to do that we need information from the existing Food Service management company staff reported that the information is expected any day we are also waiting on information from the state the Department of Agriculture had a food service update Workshop that was scheduled several weeks ago it was rescheduled due to snow the state forms must be used when putting out an RFP and the NJ Department of Agriculture must review the document prior to advertisement the NJ Department of Agriculture conducted an administrative review of our food service program January 2nd to 8th they commented that we were doing a fine job as with all administrative reviews there will be a few findings to be corrected the number of breakfast served during the month of January was up from pre pandemic which is January of 2020 numbers by 1,493 to 2,62 the number of lunches served decreased by 6 1,429 to 43,124 of the supply chain assistance funds on foods that meet the minimally processed criteria the elementary breakfast in the classroom program has se seen an increase of 100 per day over the previous months numbers a hot breakfast will be offered three days per week starting in March sedexo has partnered with neutal slice for its online meal ordering platform and the roll out started this month there was no further discussion of Transportation although it was on the agenda for our meeting because it was discussed early in the meeting when we reviewed agenda items for tonight's board meeting the committee will next meet on Tuesday March 12th thanks Louisa any questions from the board okay next we'll move on to the voting P portion of our oh wait I'm sorry Liz go ahead just uh one quick question just about the uh the hot hot breakfast that will be served three days per week starting in March which is it at the elementary school or this is item number 4C yeah at the elementary levels just one school or multiple School believe across the board that's great thank you all right um so can I have a motion for administration items one through four uh Dana and Liz um okay we'll start with Miss bonsel yes let me say okay start with Miss bonsel yes yep got you sorry just repeating myself M Miss jenier yes Miss ho yes Miss KR yes Miss zich yes Miss Juliana yes Miss McAn yes um could I get a motion for curriculum and instruction items one through four um Rachel and Pua um are there any questions or comments okay we'll start with Miss Chenier yes Miss ho yes Miss K yes m yes Miss bonso yes Miss Juliana yes Miss mckuin yes and can I get a motion for finance items number 1 through 22 plus the blue addendum uh Louisa and ren any questions or comments okay we'll start with Miss hoe um yes but I abstain on number 22 okay St on 22 Miss Krug yes m yes Miss bonsel yes Miss Chenier yes Miss Juliana yes Miss M yes but I also obain from 22b okay okay now we'll move on to the next item on our agenda which is Personnel can I get a motion for personnel items uh item number one and the green addendum um L Robin uh and Liz oh you have a question go ahead I was just curious on the um the salary for Cricket is that 6,27 or it just didn't have a dollar sign so I'm not really sure or if that's like a code for something I I mean I would say that it's it's it is it's a stipend of 6,200 the formatting isn't right I'll correct yeah no problem want to double check thank you thank you any other questions good catch by the way okay we'll start with Miss crw yes Miss zich yes Miss bonson yes Miss chenera yes Miss ho yes Miss Juliana yes Miss yes and before we move on I do want to acknowledge a retirement that we just voted on congratulations to uh Lisa Savas a technology teacher at both high schools who is retiring after 20 and a half years in the district thank you very much for your years of service and dedication to wwp uh we wish you the best of luck and enjoy your retirement uh now we will move on to approval of the minutes can I get a motion to approve the minutes from January 23rd and February 6th um Pua and um Dana all those in favor say I I I any abstentions I'm just abstaining from the January 23rd CL session perfect okay uh any board lays on reports not tonight okay any new business okay that takes as to the second opportunity for public comments um the board invites comments from members of our community who are present each participant is asked to give his or her name an address prior to making a statement which will be limited to three minutes in accordance with board policy 0167 all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer this public comment period shall be limited to 15 minutes I'm Debbie Baron I'm a teacher in the district um so such a quick meeting I figured I'd fill you in on something when the meetings go long I don't like to add to them um we've talked a little bit about the partnership that we have with a fast Grant that's offered through njaa and we're able to do some workshops with a variety of populations and families in the evening we also as the association have access to they're called Pride grants but they're not in the lgbtq community their pride in public education grants um we have about $330,000 wor worth of those grants that we share with the district and I just thought I'd fill you in on a couple so um for Black History Month we were able to partner um through pema's help with the African-American parent support group as well as the black student union for presentations for families at each of the high schools last week they had food they were able to raise some money for their Club so it was a really nice partnership with the district and um another thing that we got very very focused on while we were in the pandemic was supporting the um pantries so there are two food pantries one in West Windsor and one in Plainsboro we're able to get $1,500 worth of supplies for them they choose what they would like what they need at the time we particularly pick Valentine's Day because Thanksgiving is an opportunity lots of people give and Christmas lots of people give but by February people aren't thinking as much about giving so we' moved our donation to that time and we've been able to get them each 300 reusable bags which they're short of all the time because they can't use plastic bags anymore so that's I I just wanted you to know that that's how we're partnering with the community and with the district to try and support the students work their clubs help them raise a little bit of money because as we underwrite they make more money so those are have been our goals uh there are a few others I'll share it another time but those are the ones that are current and you know good news is always good to share right Dave I whenever I meet with Dave we always start with the good news so good news is always welcome thank you for the share okay um seeing um no other comments I will close this second opportunity for public comment period and um we'll move on to adjournment so can I get a motion to adjourn uh Liz and Robin all right all those in favor say I I I any opposed right good night