##VIDEO ID:YdZbwhXGlnA## [Music] all right hello everyone good evening and welcome to to tonight's Board of Education meeting we called our meeting to order earlier in our closed executive session so we are we are just about ready to begin um welcome back to school so you're good okay so now we can actually jump right to the first opportunity for public comments the board invites thoughts and reactions on agenda items and items of concern from members of our community who are present each participant is asked to give his or her name and address prior to make a statement which will be limited to three minutes in accordance with board policy 0167 all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer this public comment period shall be limited to 60 minutes do we have any uh public comment tonight good evening everyone my name is hanif pek I'm a resident of Plainsboro uh BGE drive I'm here tonight to introduce myself as a candidate for wwp Board of Education Election from Plainsboro I have a strong desire to serve this wonderful community and bring the positive change and fresh perspective to our school district as a long-term plain borrow president with skid uh two kids in a school district a dedicated volunteer and an active Community member I'm committed to not only a traditional academic Excellence but also ensuring the fiscal discipline and more supportive environment for our kids and our students over the year boards had board has done a exceptional job in enhancing our school district on educational Excellence I aim to build on this Legacy while addressing the key areas from the residents want more focus on such as um ensuring the all student have a same opportunity like no matter where they come from instilling the transparency in the district decision to keep the community informed and involved supporting a mental health initiative that address our students well-being sending the digital uh safety equipping students to navigate online uh World securely and safe ly enhancing the anti-bullying measure to create the safe and respectful environment for all the students and last but not least maximize the value for our taxpayer by ensuring the efficient use of the resources during my campaign uh many parents and teacher have expressed the concern about the need for better CCT uh communication collaboration and transparency from the Board of Education addressing this is essential to build a a trust involving our community I am a dedicated to ensure our district communicates openly collaborates effectively and maintain the transparency in all the decisions I look forward to the opportunity to work together to ensure the every students receive the support they need thank you for your time and continued dedication to our community I invite you to join my campaign for the positive change uh for more Det please you visit my Facebook page h p for wwp I look forward to meeting you all in person in coming days and weeks thank you have a great evening thank you Mr Pak anybody else have any public comments for this first period no seeing none okay then I'll close this uh first public comment period and move on to our Board of Education committee reports so I'll ask uh Dana to take the floor for the administration facilities committee good evening everyone um the administration facilities committee met on September 1st the committee reviewed the um several policies regulations and a bylaw which are recommended for a first reading at tonight's meeting they are policy and regulation 3160 physical examination policy and regulation 4160 physical examination um policy 9181 volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity advisor assist and um bylaw 0141 which is board member number and term the committee also reviewed um two other policies which are now recommended for a second reading and approval at tonight's meeting those are policy 1127 is benefits covering non-affiliated administrative employees um category G and policy 1124 which is benefits covering non-affiliated part-time um category School uh school security Monitor and pool operator referendum updates um include the completion of the media centers at Maurice Hawk and Village Elementary schools and are now ready for student and staff use ribbon cutting C ceremonies are forthcoming the fall High School sports season is underway with great participation overall middle school starts uh Middle School sports start this week the athletic department has launched a new website for both High School South and Grover Grover Middle School and High School North and Community Middle School that are linked on the district homepage under departments and Athletics the committee next reviewed the school crisis manuals that include comprehensive plans procedures and mechanisms that provide for Safety and Security in all district schools the committee reviewed the memorandum of of agreement the mo MOA with the West Windsor and pboro police departments to ensure cooperation with local law enforcement we also looked at updated job descriptions including instructional assistant for instructional there's three of them instructional assistant for DLI one's for certified one's for degreed and one's for non-degreed um and also a senior computer support specialist the committee recommends these job descriptions for approval at tonight's meeting the committee will next meet on October 17th thank you Dana and now ly for a report from the curriculum committee thank you grayan the curriculum committee met on September 17th uh we began with uh Miss Singh the assistant principal at High School North who presented her dissertation uh proposal titled evaluating teacher empowerment about restorative practices and social emotional learning uh present to the committee she'll be conducting a program review of The implementation of restorative practices and SEO strategies and the impact on educator empowerment um next Dr G reviewed the uh TCNJ and middle sex offerings for the 20242 school year for dual enrollment as well as the district's process for communicating the information with families uh families and students will be receiving information for enrollment and dual enrollment um in the upcoming weeks so keep an eye out for that um on the agenda for a vote tonight voting tonight first we have um um the statement of assurance for district professional development um plan and District mentoring plan the committee recommends um that the West Wier Plainsboro Regional School District Board of education's District professional development plan and District mentoring plan statement of assurance for the 20242 school year to the uh to the New Jersey Department of Education pursuant to njac 6A col 9c- 4.2 uh next technology the committee recommends approval uh for Northwest evaluation Association nwaa um as an add-on bundle for map reading fluency assessments for students in English and in Spanish the cost of the materials through June 30th of 2025 is approximately $510 uh next the committee recommends approval of a new textbook titled AP African-American studies uh by gray Deborah Gray freedom on my mind a history of African-Americans with documents um Boston Bedford St Martin's from 2007 2017 uh next the committee recommends approval for the um Community Education fall program titled water safety instructor certification and last but not least uh field trips the committee recommends approval of the following field trips first um High School athletics with the uh United cheerleaders to the National Conference Championship in Orlando Florida from February 7th through the 10th the cost of the trip is approximately $800 per student and then for High School South there is Science Olympiad to Cornell University um from November 15th through the 16th the cost of that trip is about $150 per student and then last but not least uh High School North senior class to Walt Disney World in Florida from June 7th through June 11th uh the cost of that trip is approximately uh $1,643 per student uh and the committee will next meet on Tuesday October 15th hi thanks L um does anyone have any questions for curriculum or ANF at this point no okay then great then we can move on to Louisa for a report from the finance committee great the finance committee met on September 10th um the committee reviewed the monthly Financial reports the administration certified that no line item is overexpanded and there are sufficient funds to complete the year there are motions to approve the following on tonight's agenda to approve a national cooperation cooperative for the purchase of HVAC equipment to approve consulting services to create proposal documents for the upcoming upcoming Facilities Management RFP to approve Cooperative purchases over the bid limit to approve the Disposable obsolete equipment to award bids for transportation renew routes award quoted routes and to cancel an aid on a route that is no longer required and also to approve staff professional development travel and expenses staff reported to the committee that the start of the the school year went relatively well Transportation ran as smoothly as could be expected for the first day over this summer many Renovations were completed to the school facilities which received positive feedback from both staff and students the new food service program had a strong launch though glitches and food deliveries required some adjustments to the menus staff updated the committee on the status of the 2324 audit the Auditors have finished the on-site portion of the audit the process will continue over the next several months with documents being shared electronically as needed staff updated the committee on construction the final projects included in the referendum have been completed with the remaining punch lists and close out documentation still in progress for the hawk and Village libraries many summer capital projects were also completed the Village Kitchen received a new walk-in box comi oven and new tile flooring throughout the building Grover South and North saw the installation of a substantial amount of new flooring additionally South received a new freezer and comi oven while North benefited from brighter Corridor lighting and freshly painted hallways a significant portion of the sidewalk at Grover was replaced with new concrete the water remediation project for the gym floor at woff was completed and the gym floor striping and Logo will be installed in the coming days staff updated the committee on um the second Energy savings Improvement program site visits to finalize the building envelope designer taking place this week additionally an RFP has been created and sent out for third-party review of sniders proposed energy conservation measures for transportation staff reported that due to increased enrollment in certain areas of our community we've adjusted a few routes by assigning students to other routes to provide transportation that is more efficient for Food Service the start of the school year went well um the new the contractor SF is still underst staffed but they have several new hires currently awaiting background checks the committee will next meet on Tuesday October 15th awesome thank you Louisa um any questions for finance okay that means we can uh move on to the voting portion of our meeting so can I get a motion for administration items numbers one through six uh Dana and Liz um any questions or comments okay funny okay uh Miss Krug yes Miss George tanera yes Miss bonsel yes Miss ho yes Miss migga yes Miss Shetty yes Miss Juliana yes and Miss McKuen yes okay now can I get a motion for curriculum and instruction items numbers one through five uh ly and Rachel um any questions or comments okay okay uh Miss malga yes Miss bonsel yes Miss George tanera yes Miss hoe yes Miss Krug yes Miss Shetty yes Miss Juliana yes and Miss mccuan yes and now can I get a motion for finance items numbers 1 through 22 plus the blue addendum uh Louisa and scha any questions or comments okay Miss ho yes Miss shedy yes Miss bonsel yes Miss George tanera yes Miss kru yes Miss migga yes Miss Juliana yes and Miss mccuan yes uh now can I get a motion for personnel items numbers 1 through six plus uh five addenda green purple yellow pink and orange just want to make one just a little quick for for the Personnel of the green addendum just about two-thirds of the way down Regina roess it's listed change salary from 100% to 120 it's she's 80% going to 100 gotta okay thank you um Liz and Louisa any questions or comments okay uh Miss George chanera yes Miss hoe yes Miss bonsel yes Miss Krug yes Miss malga yes Miss Shetty yes Miss Juliana yes and Miss McAn yes um before we move on uh I just want to say that we approved a couple of things uh tonight um want to um welcome all the new student teachers uh who are coming through our the new teacher um program and also want to congratulate and honor um one of our um Math teachers from High School North who is retiring um after 24 years in the district uh uh Kathleen McDow um just want to say congrats and and uh all the best for wonderful retirement and now uh we're going to move on to uh approval of the Board of Education minutes from August 27th can I get a motion to approve the the minutes um Louisa and ly uh all those in favor say I I I uh any abstentions I abstain all right thank you and do we have any boardly aison reports um just behalf of the different ptsas thank you for all the work that you're doing already to bring back the school community and engage with the parents and build those relationships and we look forward to meeting more of the members L and I are looking forward to the partnership awesome thank you do we have any other bason reports all right uh any new business right that brings us to the second opportunity for public comments the board invites comments from members of our community who are present each participant is asked to give his or her name an address prior to making a statement which will be limited to 3 minutes in accordance with board policy 0167 all statements shall be made to the presiding officer this public comment period shall be limited to 15 minutes um do we have any other public comments for tonight hello can you hear hi everyone uh gorov Honda I think I've me I haven't been here for a while but it's good to see all of you uh apologies for my voice uh before I get into that uh I'm a three channel of Court Plains bro so I was giving a lot of speeches over the weekend and I think it's had its effect uh I'm here for two reasons actually uh the first one is to spread some more awareness about the homeborn program I think a lot of the kids uh in the district do benefit from it and uh I recently became aware of this program and I think these are small nuggets uh in the district that we have which support our you know kids and parents in their time of need so I think we should all talk about it a little bit more and uh I again just expressing appreciation for this uh home World program I think there is information about it on the website but uh it's it's good if you create awareness about this uh the second reason uh I came here to talk talk was about Cricket so you know I noticed uh in the superintendent's email uh this was the first year that we concluded uh cricket uh in the school district uh I myself I'm a passionate cricketer uh the reason I L lost my voice is we had a cricket tournament in our community which was uh well attended uh we had people from the township uh we had actually two father son combinations playing in the tournament and uh the biggest gift was after the tournament seeing kids coming out and playing Cricket uh you know just in the open Lawns and grass so I'm actually happy to see hanif also here hanif is a passionate cricketer as well uh I know he supports Cricket a lot in his community and he's a passionate advocate in that sense uh but the question really was you know we've we've taken the first step with Cricket uh what else uh is the school doing to you know support the infrastructure and uh the fact that kids can actually not just uh get coached in the school itself but they see it when they go out out of their homes and you know uh have a yearning to kind of uh learn the sport you know all kids from everywhere and it helps them kind of build the competencies they need to kind of uh you know uh excel in in the sport as well so thank you for your time and those are two things again that I wanted to talk to you all about thanks thank you so much uh anybody else have any public comments last call okay seeing none I will close this public comment period and uh that takes us to the last uh step uh so can I get a motion to adjourn tonight's uh board meeting uh scha and Liz uh all those in favor say I I I all right thank you have a good night