##VIDEO ID:ESzPf8KCM_U## that I call this meeting to order it is Council business meeting for October 15 2024 welcome everybody good evening we have the roll call call gas here gers here Mandel here Weiss here Whitfield here have we been adequately noticed for this meeting yes we've been adequately noticed on the times and the Princeton packet um filed with the Township Clerk posted the municipal building and the township website January 19th 2024 please stand for the salute to the flag okay so tonight we have uh under ceremonial matter as a proclamation um for breast cancer month which is um October so uh Sonia we'll be reading that Proclamation and I just wanted to say that um that Sonia is so brave so strong as she uh continues um you know with her treatments for breast cancer and it has been um especially for you and your family an amazing journey but we are all here to um to be there for you and support you and so keep smiling all right keep keep keep keep up what you're doing which is on stop every day thanks um so there's encouraging news uh that advancements in early detection uh and methods and supports and um you know are increasing the chances of uh survival so that's so key is the early detection uh the National Breast Cancer Foundation has a free guide on three steps to early detection and these steps include how to perform a breast self-exam uh instructions for a mamogram and ways to uh reduce your risk factors for developing uh breast cancer so remember if you're not feeling well just contact your doctor and then you know talk about um any any issues or any options uh such as getting a mamogram y well thank you Linda um for those who don't know it's been um quite a journey this past year for me last um summer and um towards end of August is when I felt a lump in my right breast and um started investigating that um not um knowing what uh the outcome would be um I did not suspect um cancer at all um came to a um us as a shock because um you know we I'm the first one in my family history to be um diagnosed um with this disease and I've been very regular with my mammograms I was in between my um two scans when this happened so I was I had a scan 6 months before I was due for my next scan in January and this was um August when um uh I was diagnosed and I today is October 15th as of October 12th which was this weekend um I we marked um one year anniversary of my first chemo treatment and what a wonderful way to celebrate that was um I was honored on uh by this group called style tainment um as a thriving Survivor um I was one of the um seven um surviving sisters thriving sisters who were honored and um it was a wonderful way of marking that oneye anniversary um I do encourage everyone everyone to please um get yourself checked regularly I I was I as I said I'm I'm very regular the only year I missed was the co year which I think all lot of us missed during that year so please go do get yourself checked I think it's very important early detection is really really important I'm I was stage two when I was diagnosed um but I have one infusion left which is next week so I'm looking forward to ringing that Bell and getting on the other side of it um and through this journey I think um I I can't thank enough how much this community has supported me um I call this community my Village and they have really really taken care of me my family supported in me in every way possible so thank you I'm humbled um there is some information outside in the um Lobby if um anybody wants to take some information that our health department has um kept for for residents to take um there are pink ribbons if you choose to wear I see some of that you are wearing so thank you all right um October Breast Cancer Awareness Month where as breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among women in the US according to to the American Cancer Society and whereas approximately one in eight women in the US which is 13.1% will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and one in 43 that is 2.3% will die from this the disease and whereas in 2024 an estimated 300 310 oh hold on 3101 how do I read this 310,000 720 new invasive breast cancers and 56,500 cases of ductal s carcinoma will be diagnosed among women in the US and additional 2790 cases will be diagnosed in men and whereas the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month program is dedicated to increasing public knowledge about the importance of the early detection of breast cancer and prompt Tre treatment can significantly reduce the suffering and deaths caused by this disease and whereas mamography and x-ray of the breast is the single most effective method of detecting breast changes that may be cancerous long before physical symptoms can be seen or felt and whereas the breast cancer death rate has dropped by 44% since 1989 because of advances in treatment and earlier detection resulting in approximately 5 17,900 averted breast cancer deaths now therefore be it resolved by mayor hon marate and the township Council of the township of West Wier the month of October be proclaimed as breast cancer awareness month and the mayor and Township Council incre all residents to talk with their health care provider about prevention early detection and support services thank you any any other comments here I think we'll we'll take a um a quick picture right now I e okay we'll move on to public comment um you'd like to make a public comment please come to the microphone and say your name address and you'll have up to three minutes okay I've got a sign up list here um first is gay Hubert 29 Bear Brook Road um never thought I'd be on this side of the mic I good to see you but tonight I want to show my support for staying with the nonpartisan elections as an unaffiliated or independent voter whichever term you want to use I along with over 8,000 other voters currently have the same opportunities as those registered voters have chosen a party for Municipal elections if the elections were to change to partisan I along with other unaffiliated voters would only have the opportunity to vote in November after the candidates have been chosen Sorry by the members of the two major parties although there is a process allowing unaffiliated voters like my self to vote in a primary why should I have to change our party affiliation to do so again this does not seem fair to disenfranchise such a large portion of the registered voters in West Windor I have lived in the township for 65 years and I've seen both forms of government and I believe that the nonpartisan way has been the correct way for West Windsor for over 30 years it allows anyone who wishes to step up to these thankful elect thankless elected positions to run for the office and does not limit the pool of candidates to just two parties there is a reason why the township has over 800 thou 88 ,000 unaffiliated voters they do not believe in either of the party's values fully I know I don't when the form of government was changed years ago is it was a group effort of both Republicans and Democrats who came together and work tiredly to review research and then propose to the voters of West Windsor the changes they thought would best work for West Windsor and I believe they made the right choice if residents are not happy with those who have chosen to step up and take on these elected positions then you have options to make changes step up to the plate run for office do your homework tell the truth and be transparent or come to Council meetings express your opinions in polite ways and get involved in the community I thank you thank you um Bob Murray good evening all this is your old age Club I think right here I'd like to take you back on it yeah I'd like to take you back on a brief story I think that's pertinent to tonight pardon name and address name is old mayor Murray Birchwood thank you uh it was a long time ago now but I remember one night I was sitting where all of you sat as my first official act as a governing body in West Windsor Township and I was sitting next to Gan O'Brien and I looked over to Jean and as people gathered in here to come in uh I saw a very stly looking woman come in and sit down and I said to Jean is that her Jean said no that's not her he said you'll know when you she comes in and it was about 10 minutes later that this woman came in and I mean she really looked apart uh it was all but Fire coming out of her nostrils uh and I said to Jean is that who it is and she said that's Ray it was Ray Raider and what I really want to share with you is Ry was as strong a Democrat as I was a Republican and we went head-to-head on many issues in this town but there was one issue one issue that we were in lockstep and we would never ever give up that issue and that was the township of West Winds when anything came up in this town at all we were literally at the B chin at at the at the hip and I just really wanted to say that when we look at that we were here for West Windsor and whatever came up for West Windsor we literally were in tune with everything and and that's the way it's been for all of these years since and it just does not make sense to change that form of government back to a partisan former government there is no reason for it there is no support for it and it really is functioning extremely well the way it is and I just I think that in the time I was involved in politics and involved in this Township government uh we were in lock step on whatever happened and whatever was involved in West Windsor Township and that's really the heart of this town and I I just think that if we want to go to a partisan former government there is nothing to benefit this town in doing that and so I thank you all for your time God bless West Windsor and God bless Ray Raider when I still walk into this building I feel Ray Raider's presence here thank you all for your time thank you mayor um Henry Murphy Henry Murphy 26 birwood Court thank you madam chair as much as it may annoy many friends I disagree with I like to keep an open mind I've been following this partisan ballot question since it before became well known around town having lived here since 1992 I've seen both political systems and I'm not a loyalist I will share with you some Secrets I did not even tell my fiance before we were married I've been a registered Republican I've been a democratic committee man I even joined various third parties When Ross perau Ron Paul and Ralph nater ran but National parties seem to me to have little relevance in local elections nationally members of my Catholic faith may be called to vote one way because of the abortion issue supportive is is Israel may be called to vote on certain issues people concerned about tariffs and trade and other many registered Democrats might own guns and have an interest there vote Republican many registered Republicans might approve of abortion and vote Democratic but let's be honest these issues are not locally relevant we care about schools police fire roads and sidewalks zoning planning Parks and Recreation garbage pick pickup up and tax rates and the plain truth is most people don't like political parties the annual Gallop poll given in September this year finds that less than half of both Republicans and Democrats have a favorable opinion of their own party the August New York Times says prosecutors say that corruption is rising in California cities as onep party rule independent voters and weakened news media have reduced the N the traditional checks on power a wise friend hearing of the B issue facing has texted me yesterday what an unfortunate position to recommend the extremist policies of our dysfunctional political parties to our municipal government those issues find no application locally and allegiance to parties overrides issues of local concern voting no keeps the focus where it needs to be a newspaper editor emailed me this morning with the following comment I looked at the elect contributions and was shocked to see how this is being funded basically by outside forces as the speaker said the other week why shouldn't two Democrats be able to run each against each other in the general election maybe the voters favor one candidate and the party the other why can't the whole of the electorate decide who gets the nod whatever your opinion on National issues let's keep our destiny in our own hands and vote no on the upcoming ballot question thank you madam chair thank you Joe Charles Joe Charles nines Loof Drive lifelong independent voter one question today why are outside special interest do spending thousands of dollars to make West Windsor's elections partisan based on a required public filing on October 7th the funding for the pro partisan vote Yes team includes a ton of money from Outsiders the top funders are $5,000 from the Iron Workers Union in Hamington New Jersey $2,500 from candidate committee friends of Dan Benson in Hamilton $2,500 from solar landscape origination in Asbury Park $1,500 sjs strategies in Monroe $1,000 Fairview Insurance in Verona $1,000 forward leadership in Lawrenceville and $1,000 from trilon in Denver Colorado that's right Denver Colorado none of these top funders are actual human beings who live in West Windsor instead we've got a union that's run by a State political boss a county politician and corporations and lobbyists almost 85% of the pro partisan money comes from outside of West Windsor 85% it's the complete opposite of Grassroots and frankly it's just disgusting the only reason we even know any of this is because the pro partisan group was required to make a legal filing with the state they didn't disclose it voluntarily or raise their hand or tell anybody about it and they refused to answer a single question on the topic it's the polar opposite of transparency so let's ask ourselves why do these Outsiders want to change our elections what's in it for them what political quid pro quos will they receive for meddling in our elections there's one person in this room who could answer those questions but he lacks both the courage and moral compass to speak the truth in stark contrast the donors to the vote note team are all living breathing people who are West Winds or taxpayers I'm proud to be one of them tell me are we going to let our election process be determined by outside political dollars are we for sale to the highest bitters I don't think so let's take a stand and say hell no outside money influencing us vote no on the ballot question in November thank you thank you Mark pepper Mark pepper Mark pepper 43 Providence Court um I've lived there for 32 years 32 years before that I lived in Pennsylvania I grew up up in Chester Pennsylvania um that had them at back in the 60s was Notorious for corrupt Republican politics you couldn't get a job as a school teacher in the public school district unless you were registered Republican I moved to Philadelphia that had the most corrupt Democratic politics in my 20s I was a member or I volunteered for the committee of 70 which was the Watchdog committee that um made sure elections were run fairly that was a Dem I'm not sure if it I think it was probably nonpartisan but I've been a lifelong Democratic voter raised by very liberal Progressive parents my father was a World War II vet my mother was a Hebrew school teacher um we moved to New Jersey in 1992 the first thing that really B I mean always involved with politics the F first thing I couldn't understand was the primaries in this state over as time progressed the primaries proved to be a joke they were uncontested and that was because of what I just learned in more recent years was something called the party line which which is basically a form of voter suppression practiced by both Democrats and Republicans in New Jersey yes New Jersey is the home of the most corrupt politics in the entire country somehow and I have always donated to democratic causes I'm full disclosure I'm a Bernie Democrat for the green New Deal Medicare for all etc etc the environment is going down the toilet we're it's not going to matter if we have partisan or nonpartisan politics because the environment is going to kill us all if nuclear war doesn't however to to vote um for Progressive I like to call it make West Windsor um partisan again as opposed to make America great again because it's the same mentality as Democrats were scared to death that Maga is going to take over well I don't want MAA Taking Over West Windsor I'm glad uh Ray Raider was mentioned she was a friend of Princeton Oaks some of the responses when I canvased in Princeton Oaks was hamt was not a friend of Princeton Oaks mainly because I think he helped us stop um the implementation of sewers Ray Raider helped organize a bus for all of us from Princeton Oaks to go to Trenton to fight for the traffic light at the Dutch neck school where a school teacher was killed so Ray Raider was a friend of Princeton Oaks and all of West Windsor and ham is a friend of West Windsor and as far as I'm concerned he's a friend of Princeton Oaks too and I'll vote for him again when hopefully he'll run again but I will not support I urge everyone to vote no it's a joke that the other excuses I hear are oh I want to know who's behind the vote no well we all we just heard who's behind the vote Yes let me just 10 more seconds the top donor is Steve Sweeney he's the president of the um Metal Workers Union in Hamilton he's the lap dog of Donald Norcross who's been um brought on charges of racketeering in Camden so if the yes crowd wants to make a deal with the devil to take $5,000 from Steve Sweeney God bless him thank you thank you um Glenn sandor hi my name is Glenn sandor I live at 26 San Marco Street in now west Windor and I've been a resident for about seven years um just want to give an example of why I will vote no um for this um um this voting process I guess when I was a young kid I started working in a in a chemical plant um and a good friend of mine wanted to run for Council in this one particular town and he was on the first aid Squad he was on the health department and he was about to he invited me to go to a meeting where he was going to be nominated to become uh a you know a candidate to run for the Democratic Council in this particular town and the funny thing is you know as as the meeting was going on my friend Louie he had he had a lot of the votes and everything else and he I I think Louie would have been a shoe in well the the chairman of the committee you know decided that he's going to have a secret vote and he changed the rules that night and my friend Louie you know was not nominated you know um the committee chose their own candidate right so that my my point is these committees and these big uh Democratic chairmans and everything else they're going to choose the candidate that who they want regardless of a little guy running for Council or running for mayor and everything else so you know I asked myself you know I was like you know is is is this fair and it it's not fair you know for a committee not to open the process not to be transparent you know to the to the voters and everything else so the interesting thing is the chairman of this one particular committee well the good news is he was found for corruption in in the town that I was that I lived in his wife worked for the town he was taking money from contractors and everything else so Justice was prevailed and everything else right he went to jail and everything else so that's my point but then the other thing is I I will still vote no for this and everything but the other thing is you know when when you hear the influence of other Mayors and other politicians trying to influence West Windsor you have to ask yourself why are they looking for influencing West Windsor right I mean West Windsor is a town that's running really well people are very happy like I am in the town why would outside politicians want to influence our town and everything else well I I just I worked for a town at one time and everything else right so I know there's contractors right there's lawyers that you know influence the to the politics um they can influence your planning boards they can influence your zoning boards they can even influence your school even though it's kind of like a hidden secret so I asked you know why would a mayor of another town or perhaps like um the other gentleman mentioned you know Steve Sweeney be involved with West Windsor you know it's like there's got to be something in it for them and everything else right and I can't figure it out I I don't know what it is but but I know things might change right I mean you might see more development going on you might see big changes that you know are influenced by the Democratic Republicans so my my my comments is that I will vote no for this I hope everybody else that's listening will also vot know for this thank you very much thank you Andy bramber Andy Bromberg 24 Providence Drive transparency transparency D Daniel transparency he's the only non transparent person on on the day is today he got elected open Fair nonpartisan election and now he's trying to change it I'm a Democrat transparency I want what's best for West Windsor it turns out that there was two platforms there was one on the last election guess what there was Democrats on both sides that's the way it should be and um there's a this election is the most important election in my lifetime on the national level I'm I'm I'm voting for Harris no if hands or buts I'm appealing to every Democrat who's voting for Harris to all Al vote no it's two different issues it's two totally different issues I don't know how many people are listening to this but it it's fine voting for Harris but please vote no for all the elegant speakers that came before me for all the elegant speakers that were here last time and the time before and the time before where where are the yes people they don't show up they're afraid to show up everyone here who I know for forever when I talk they listen they listen do they agree I have some issues going on with the mayor that I'm going to bring up soon after this nonsense is over and when we um but they always listen and for some reason West Windsor still gets better we have flooding issues we have development issues we have the warehouse issues but we have to stay nonpartisan and and Dan I'm very ashamed of you and no matter what we say all the audience here we're giving a message you're there to listen to us you're not here as Joe said to to be in the pocket of some people we don't even know of that's all I got to say thank you is there anybody else that would like to give public comment please come forward and give your name and address good evening everyone TOA Gil to Lake V Court um I'm here to support no why because I want my choices to matter I want my kids choices to matter if they decide to stay in this town I don't want them fighting corruption at every single step of the way I want their choices to matter and once we become a partisan Town their choices will become nil zero will not matter I don't want that for my kids who's who's the keep question comes up who's behind this no you know what I am behind this no everyone who spoke tonight is behind this no now I have a question who's behind the yes we have a list of people who donated $5,000 why simple question I've been asking for weeks now without getting an answer and you know what we get in response to that that this is a spam post a troll is asking a question I mean I look like a troll wonderful if that's the case but I am a human living in this West Windsor Township for past 19 years my kids born and brought up here they're going into the school here so I'm not a troll I'm not somebody behind a hidden name like like steel workers um or XYZ committee giving $2,500 by the way let me say a something I'm an independent registered person leaning towards Democrats and I will be voting for haris for president yes you're absolutely right Trump is racism um he's what I mean can't don't even have words but that doesn't mean I have to vote for being partisan in my town if the the people voting for partisan are refusing to answer simple questions now how can I expect them to be transparent once they are in power which they will once this becomes partisan because it is very clear look at every other town in the state of New Jersey so I am voting no and if anybody thinks I'm a troll please please feel free to contact me addresses to Lake View Court I live there come anytime happy to talk to anyone who wants any answers from me and I'm saying no please everyone say no thank you thank you is there anybody else that would like to give public comment please come forward and give your name and address anybody else would like to come forward that has not already come forward oh we have a someone that hasn't spoken yet I please state your name and add an pepper 43 Providence Court uh first I'd like to thank the the the council for its proclamation in honor of October being breast cancer awareness month and for providing the ational materials and I'd also like to congratulate Sonia as a fellow breast cancer survivor I know what how difficult the journey is and thank you very much for this Proclamation um I'd also like to thank four of the council members miss gaws miss gers miss Mandel and Mr Whitfield for watching and making eye contact with all of the speakers tonight the speakers here have all spoken um things from their heart about things that are important to them and the four of you have shown tremendous respect to all of the speakers and I thank you for that um I agree with what's been said before me so I won't repeat it but I will point out one other thing with all of the issues in our nation and in our world I don't understand that this is this question is taking up so much of our Collective time and and energy is there nothing more important in our town in our state and our world than to change a form of government that has worked well for 30 plus years I don't know the exact how many years it is but roughly in the nature of 30 years so thank you for all of you who've made our form of government so effective and my plea is let's let's focus on much more CR iCal um and really Earth shattering uh topics uh than than this one thank you thank you anybody else that like to give any else that has not spoken has not spoken we do have a second um public comment period too we have a different issue thank you very much Henry Murphy 26 birwood Court I'm a member of the West Windsor bicycle and pedestrian Alliance and they've asked me to come here tonight and speak and uh I think this is the correct time a few years ago on our website I'm I speaking in support of 2024 no it's a different topic okay yeah is that all right at 2024 r200 in 2024 r201 and so we would like to thank uh the council and administration uh for supporting those uh those are uh grants part of 1.3 million that was awarded in 2022 and these two grants will cover uh sidewalks one on Alexander Road What's called the west side it will connect vau drive up to bearbrook and the other one's on Carnival road which will run from jinny Lane up to the one already already on North Post so the alliance thanks you very much for your uh support for that thank you man all right thank you all right seeing seeing none um no other comments we'll move on to Administration comments yeah uh I just wanted to uh let you know if Marina can't be here tonight she may miss uh few other meetings in future so krie will be making the administration comments and then I'll make my mayor's comments um in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month um we will also ensure that we get the information from the health department um reposted onto the website additionally October is pedestrian safety month and we will be sharing um different tips and new Under the news and notices um everyone is a pedestrian whether in a parking lot crosswalk or on a road and everyone is a pedestrian every day um it is also getting darker at night so just be aware of deer activity and we have information on pedestrian safety and um deer safety on the website as well fall and winter Recreation programs are now open open and registration can be found on the website the Department of Public Works is currently doing yard waste pickup in zone two uh leaves and brush must be in separate piles to be picked up yard waste can only be placed out in the street during the seven days prior to your scheduled pickup date additional yard debris should not be placed at the curb or along the street after DPW Crews have cleared the street of yard debris if you have any questions on yard waist please contact DPW at 60979 8370 and with the ongoing yard waste pickup seasonal Property Maintenance reminders um just to make sure that sidewalks are clear from vegetation um and any overgrowth any trash and debris is removed um and it helps with storm water management tomorrow the Motor Vehicle Commission will be here at the township parking lot in front of the senior center from 10:00 a.m. to 2m if you go on the Township's website there may still be appointments available um no appointments are needed for surrendering license plates handicap veterans or purple heart flers on Saturday October 19th Mercer County is having a paper shredding event at Lot 4 in Trenton across from the McDade admin building located at 651 South Broad Street and um it is open to all Mercer County residents and eight Banker boxes of paper are allowed as a reminder October 27th is the new tree removal permit more information is on the township website on the requirements for that um there is a flu vaccine clinic on Thursday November 7th from 400 pm to 6 pm at the West Winder Township senior center um residents can go online to sign up um and if you are not able to sign up through the township website you can call the health department at 609 936 8400 and it is open to West Windsor Robinsville and heightstown residents age 55 or older if you are unable to make an appointment walk-ins are welcome um there is ongoing work on the Washington Road Bridge um more information is on the website regarding the closures and to honor All Temporary traffic measures for your safety and the safety of others and that is all of our comments Harry uh just to be clear the Motor Vehicle bureau is not just for seniors it's for anybody that wants to yes it's just in the Senior Center parking lot mayor thanks Linda um first uh thank you everybody who came and made comments on the question uh couple of times uh rer was mentioned uh she must be turning her a grave uh for what's going on in in town and Dr Pepper thanks for mentioning me in the same breath as re I'm not I'm not in the same league she was unique there's no no other R reader they they broke the mold once they made it and uh but what what you said is true I mean what Bob said is true when it came to West Wier um she always looked after the interest I had a lot of conversation I was on the school board she was on the council and I know once the school budget had gone down and gone to council for a w and we had a lot of discussions and sometimes we agreed sometimes we disagreed but we always agreed on whatever was best for West Wier and I always I always appreciated that the other person like that was Alison Miller she was on the council many times I disagreed with her but when it came to West Wier I give her a lot of credit she took a lot of criticism but she stick to her guns so I hope uh people listening will realize that the people who are advocating no are people who were not involved in politics they they came forward because they care they care about the town they uh they have been resident in the town they want to live and they the town they want to live their kids uh so they are saying no not because they were politics or none of them have um intentions of running for office but they really believe in uh what is good for the township and looking at what's going on around the country I really can't think of any reason any reasonable person would think that changing to um changing to a partisan government would be good for any town in fact if you look around the country um people are moving away Colorado has a proposition to do away with uh do away with primaries is going to be open primaries anybody can run and top four people make it to November where they will have a um they will have a rank Choice election strangely both Republicans and Democrats are figh in that proposition that tells you that uh where the wested interests are so I hope and I have full faith in West wi so that's what makes it unique that majority of people know what's good for West wi so they don't uh vot blindly so I have full faith and hope that the no will prevail and Prevail by significant margin and really thank everybody who to for um who step forward um and including people who didn't vote for me including people who have disagreements with me on certain issues and that's fine I mean I have yet to meet a person including my wife who agrees with me on everything so uh that's perfectly fine so again thank you very much um uh breast cancer awareness week was me month was mentioned couple of times and Sonia did mention but she was uh honored as a thriving Survivor by the style tainment last week and you are an inspiration to all all I mean she was uh undergoing treatment when she ran for uh election but last year but she did everything possible walked as much contacted as much so you are an inspiration to everybody um in town a couple of other items uh I've always said West is a special place became little more special with Wawa opening last week um I was surprised people were lining up since 5:30 or 8:30 opening of ma on Route One and no really I mean and it was a festive occasion it was good it was good to see so Community coming together uh at the opening most of Wester folks some from out of town another Wawa hopefully will come across from maaf so people don't have to drive that far to get their favorite sandwich but that's that's being planned and one other arrangement uh announcement we are uh since we are going out to issue shortterm uh notes uh Bond anticipation notes this year we have to go to SNP and get our rating again so they did re reaffirm our AAA rating uh we are in very very solid um solid Financial shape um it says we affirmed doublea long-term rating for the townships General obligation bonds based on the application of a criteria methodology for rating us governments uh I'm very pleased to see that the um if anything they were questioning why your uh Surplus is so high so we will take care of that but that's a good problem to have so I'm happy to note that uh once again we have got uh affirmation of a triaa reading so thank you yeah congratulations mayor on on that and thanks to all the hard work of the administration too um that keeps the interest rates lower we have to borrow money right so that's that's a good thing all right uh council member comments uh Dan I wanted to thank Sonia for the courage that she exhibits um this is her moment but I I truly understand and know um what the experience is like and I remember um seeing a statement where people would ask me how are you so strong and um you don't realize how much strength you have until you have no choice to be strong um and we all have that straight inside us so congratulations hope that doesn't Jinx you but um you're you're on the right path thanks that's okay uh Andre thank you to everyone who spoke today the question on the ballot is not a simple candidate election but a vote on a seismic shift in how our government is elected and run we currently allow all qualified citizens to run for mayor and councel on an equal basis and they are able to run individually as teams and as teams of Independence and mixed parties Independents have as much vote power as anybody else as a result our government is not divided by party candidates are not selected or beholden to Outsiders and party hierarchies and decisions are made but what by what each individual individual thinks is best for West Windsor only it is a type of equality that most of the country can only dream of and has put us in the Forefront of inclusivity in the county the state and the country I am proud of West Windsor's record as a nonpartisan Township in the last 30 plus years and thrilled to be a small part of it I have always been a proponent of nonpartisan local government but what I found out after this ballot question came to light sickened me research showed that out of 57 elected local positions in Mercer County partisan towns not one was held by an independent I've heard arguments about who can vote in the primary but the ugly truth is that there are rarely any primary opponents against the party leaders handpick endorsed candidates and when it comes to the general election uh voters rarely even get a choice with only one candidate running for each position there the kind of Elections I used to read about happening in the old Soviet Union as this campaign went on I was shocked to find that at over 80% of the funding for those supporting this question came from out side political groups companies and construction oriented unions political leaders from other towns who often compete with us are in the middle trying to change our election process why are the county executive and the County Commissioners involved in the details of our election process don't they have enough to do cleaning up the mess in the county and explaining the huge County tax increases thankfully I've been meeting diverse people from all parties throughout West Windsor who were astounded that anybody would want to change from our nonpartisan government that has worked so well some of them tell me they've already voted no others are shocked to hear about this question for the first time please vote no on the public question and maintain the independence of West Windsor and the rights of all our voters not just a Chosen Few otherwise it's been a few good weeks at October 9th I went to the taste of Hope for air attitudes in Reverse who help helps prevent suicides in our community and throughout a several state area on Saturday night I was very pleased and thrilled to be able to go to the Celebration to help honor Sonia gwis as a thriving Survivor of breast cancer the organization that she's working with is hoping to build a home for homeless women with breast cancer uh it's it's really a rather amazing um issue that they're dealing with right now and the idea that women that are going through breast cancer without the kind of village and without the kind of support that we're we love that Sona has and um is is something that's very hurtful and um they're trying to put together a um home for these women and not only a home but uh while they're there some of these women would be able to train to um move on and uh be able when they're done with their breast cancer and and have a real real life um anyway so Sunday was a delicious pancake breakfast to raise money for our Princeton Junction fire volunteers and on October 4th we had a ribbon cutting semar for highly anticipated mainly they kept people kept asking when it's going to open new Wawa and West Windsor and they told me they will be installing superchargers for electric vehicles in addition to their gas points and on September 27th I went to the annual anj Association of New Jersey environmental commissions meeting which I will talk about about a bit later in my report and I'm wishing everybody a good suco and happy Dali thank you thank you Andrea Martin thank you madam president um I'm G to start I'm going to intertwine two things but these these this just came to me so first I want to um congratulate Sonia gaos on the honor that she received but I just uh knowing Sonia for many years I just wrote down a couple things that I think of her and which would um intelligently describe her um number one strength Grace class intelligence Poise committed dedicated honorable reputable mom wife community community advocate uh standard of courage and Faith one thing I did not say is I didn't say Democrat [Music] um I would not say Democrat as a description of the embodiment and character of Sonia gas because at this point in time in what she has gone through and the strength and courage that she has done it doesn't matter what matters is who she is and what she has been and will continue to be to this community so I just want to say thank you Sonia for everything you have done and uh continued blessings from God to you and your family you're one wonderful person for this community that Segways me into this partisan nonpartisan conversation and I've seen so many of the posts and so many of the I guess battles in a way between one side and the other side a few things that I keep bring keep being brought up that I'm trying to understand is I keep hearing about this magga talk in West Windsor This Trump talk in West Windsor number one he doesn't live here and number two this Maga talk and most of the time when people describe Maga it's typically used in a negative demeaning manner of describing racism discrimination uneducated things of that nature most of the people who keep using the term Maga in this town I don't think have experienced the racis Discrimination that I or black and brown people have experienced so I'm truly trying to understand why this magga talk keeps being thrown out in West Windsor another thing is transparency I've lived here 18 years I've ran for election four times I've won three I've lost one I've been on the school board I'm now on councel um and this is not about me it's about this community it's about those on this D and this Administration uh when I moved here uh the Democrats that I became very fond of and spoke very well of and had many conversations and even ran against was uh maren fuche uh George borck Diane Sone um Christina Santi and others uh Kamal Conor as well things have changed and I don't know why we're trying to figure out why I think that's the problem with this div are in our negativity or driving the sky is falling or the township is broken I just want to understand why why do you keep going towards a negative instead of the positive that exists the positive that exists on this Council the positive that in the 18 years I've lived here this is the most diverse Council that I can remember Polish American indianamerican two Jewish Americans and the first black man elected in West winter so something must be going on in this community that either we're not addressing or we're not speaking to those who um are angry upset or defiant and we can have conversation and we can do it civil um party affiliation like I said I ran twice on school board twice on Council um majority of the people that have ever told me that they voted for Martin Whitfield have never said they voted for me because I was a Democrat they never said they voted for me because I'm a black man most of the people who voted for me said Martin we've seen the Merit the work the contributions the way you gravitate to people in this community the way you have worked together with many individuals of many ethnicities Many religious many backgrounds different political affiliations because people said it didn't matter to you what matters to me in West Windsor is us being unified what matters to me in West wsor is us being a community and I'm very very serious about this because I'm reading so much of this um items and obviously Facebook and WhatsApp and things of that nature you know people say anything most of the time they say things that they won't say to your face um but really we need to keep the national politics out of this town it's not serving any purpose for us as a community it does not bring us together for us to have this D verse R and some have said Martin you're not a real Democrat well once again I put my democratic values in the work I've done in this community many of you know for eight years I worked at The Wack making pennies on a dollar working 75 hours a week as a matter of fact Governor Murphy who is a Democrat his only campaign event was at my place of business the County Democrats did their convention at my place of business at that time when I was working there so I don't mind bringing people together because that's part of my purpose and assignment and I think we're all of us on this DS Administration and those in the public that should be your purpose and assignment because it's easy it's easy to say what's wrong with people it's easy to say and criticize and say that person's bad and that person's wrong but sometimes you kind of have to just look in within within self and look in the mirror and say what what can I do for this Township what can I do for West Windsor and I think so many people Republicans Democrats and independents um what I've seen in the last few months and like I said I have been engaged for 18 years I didn't just come out the Woodworks three four years ago like so many I have been paying attention to all persons all political affiliations in this Township and even in the county and I'm blessed by God to be well respected in the county and as well in this Township so it's just time for us to be committed to us and not trying to play any of this political political games um because it doesn't work it's been proven not to work and um we just need to move forward positively that's all I have to say thank you thank you Martin um Sona thank you thanks Dan thanks uh Andrea Thanks Martin um thank you everyone again I have no words um wasn't planning on saying much but the only thing I would say is um I don't know it's it's tough to go after Martin for [Laughter] sure but thank you for all your words because I think it's really important I wasn't planning on speaking on anything the only one thing that um a memory of uh just flashed in front of me right now and the one of the biggest reasons why I have not um gotten in even though I am a Democrat I haven't gotten involved in the club or the committee is um 16 years ago when I moved here and I attended um the 911 memorial in town as many of you know I am a uh widow um members of the local Democratic Club or committee I don't exactly remember which which um which uh group they belong to um the moment they learned about me at the event at the service itself the first thing they asked me was oh you should come and join our club you'll be good for us that pushed me back I was like no that was not the time or moment to talk to me about joining your Club joining your committee because it would be good for you because you could again I think I had mentioned the story of mine when I was going through my tragedy people take trying to take advantage of me again they want wanted me to join their Club because that would benefit them and um that put really bitter taste in my mouth I'm still a Democrat yes I'm voting for Harris but in home over here I don't want that kind of politics coming in that that's all I want to say um I do want to wish everybody who celebrated navaratri this past week um a happy navratri happy dasara um I hope um people um had a meaningful fasting for yum kapor um in couple of weeks we will be celebrating Dali in town um I just want everybody to be cognizant of the fireworks please follow the rules um many many have pets in our town it's really very trauma traumatizing for those pets um just follow the rules it's been very very dry so we don't want any Sparks um creating you know issues that we don't want so be cognizant of that um a reminder um this year's mayor's ball is on November 16 um in support of attitudes in Reverse um if you choose um if you are able to go to that event um the tickets are available on attitude um attitudes and reverse website or you can email wwg gives back atgmailcom if you want to write a check um there are many ways um to get the tickets done um that's it thank you good thank you Sonia and there's been many as you said uh religious cultural holidays so I'll just wish everyone um a very happy holiday um I wanted to thank everyone um because there was the um hurricane in in North Carolina and then of course you know Florida after that so thanks to everybody who has been donating from the community all the the water bottles um all the supplies uh food um to these causes there are many groups around town that were collecting and I believe A1 limousine is going to be um bus riding all all of the supplies down um you know to North Carolina and all so uh thank you we're a generous Community we're fortunate um you know to have the means to to do that because there there are fellow Americans that are really don't even have anything not even their home clothes on their back so uh thank you everyone for that and thank you for all the donations um to the Lions West Windsor Lions Club uh last Saturday I was um collecting money for them I'm a member of them um and that that goes U towards various needs ped atric cancer um people who have eye you know problems need new glasses and and things of that nature so thank you thank you um to West Windsor for being so generous um as was mentioned we had a a very very big uh grand opening uh on Route One of that was October 4th for the new Wawa it's a beautiful uh restaurant facility all sorts of things you can get in there open uh 20 247 7 days a week um and so uh the you know the crowd was around from the front all the way down to the back they gave away free t-shirts in the beginning and free coffee so I think that was um very very nice of them that was great and uh this gas station is open and we believe that there'll be super charging stations are uh contemplated for the near future so that's that's good uh thanks to foa's Treasurer Frank Ladera uh for taking the final steps for getting and placing of a granite memorial marker honoring Dr uh Ronald J slnn uh and that's in that was placed in front of a linden tree in the Ron Rogers Arboretum and I enjoyed uh knowing Ron for for many many years uh he served uh the township as chair of the shade tree commission president of friends of Westminster Senior Center vice president of friends of West Windsor open space and many other professional and volunteer organizations so a formal dedication um may be planned for the future on that um I also attended a memorial dedication uh of a plaque for Bill Mitchell in the Wallace Road uh permit lot and that occurred on October 7th so Bill unfortunately passed away earlier this year on April 13th uh he was on the West Windsor Parking Authority for many years including eight years as chairman and has passed liaison to the parking authority over a number of of years on and off um I got to know him and it was just a pleasure working with him um and I always I always enjoyed his smile so uh our sympathies to his wife gal uh and their family uh finally had a good time uh let's see Sunday at the U Princeton Junction Volunteer Fire Company they had their pancake breakfast I think all the families came out they you know the young children got to go on the the fire trucks and and see all the equipment so that is always a wonderful um Community event so thanks to them for doing that okay um so we will uh clerk clerk comments we do have election coming up yes so please vote that's right I I just want to remind uh residents early voting begins on October 26 and runs through November 3rd um the hours are the Monday through Saturday hours are 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and the Sunday hours are 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. um locations and other information is located on our website on our election page and just to note that residents uh who are registered in the county can vote at any of the locations that are listed on our website so please visit that site um the deadline to apply for a mail in ballot is October 29th or of course in person up until 300 p.m. on November 4th and just again a reminder to sign up for the key bulletins and nixel on our Township homepage we have no public hearings so we'll move on to the consent agenda minutes of the March 7th 2024 budget session number one as amended March 19th 2024 special session as amended March 21st 2024 budget session number three as amended bills and claims anyone need anything pulled seeing none um have a motion to approve the consent agenda salute second second roll call Vote gwas Yes Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes gers yes motion approved okay um recommendations from Administration and Council Clerk okay 2024 D r194 authorizing the appointment of octane rusiri as a student member of the human relations Council 2024-25 authorizing the request for a permit from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for a public fireworks display on October 26 2024 no rain date 2024 r196 author authorizing partial reimbursement of expenditures towards an off-track Road Improvement to Avalon Bay communities for the project known as Princeton Junction train station Redevelopment PB 20-15 for 1,866 658 2024 d197 authorizing the release of inspection escrow balance for the project known as Market Fair pb9 8-16 2024 r198 authorizing second one-year extension of contract with shidler excavating company incorporated for snow removal services for the period November 1st 2024 through October 31st 2025 $70,000 2024 r199 authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to increase the Prof Professional Services agreement with geot Trek environmental and surveying LLC for professional Engineering Services in the amount of $188,400 for a total not to exceed $20,900 2024 r200 authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute a Professional Services agreement with Van CLE Engineering Associates for professional engineering and land surveying services for pedestrian improvements for Alexander Road $30,000 2024-25 2024 r202 authorizing the insertion of uh sfy 21 body worn camera Grant in the 2024 budget 2024 r203 authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute an emergency contract with starnet Solutions Incorporated for new computer network hardware for the police division [Music] 74,75 okay does um anyone need any resolution pulled no okay seeing seeing none um motion to approve 2024 R1 194 through 2024 r203 so second uh R call gaas yes Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes steers yes motion approved we have uh no introduction of ordinances this evening so we'll move on to the um second public comment if you'd like to make a public comment please state your name and address and have up to three minutes I'd like to come forward yep please come forward your name and address Mark pepper 43 Providence sport um I didn't have time to mention um you know I'm I'm a driver for Meals on Wheels Mercer County uh this Saturday at 1 o'clock uh we have our fundraising event pause for our cause uh walk and Family Wellness Fair it will be in Pennington uh one 1:00 what's the park Rose rosale Park in Pennington 1:00 um we're bring I'm was hoping more people would be here hopefully others are listening in but we really hoping have more people uh attending we have a good number of vendors lots of things entertainment it's a great cause it's to help support the um pet food deliveries to the Meals on Wheels recipients and Mercer County as you I don't know if they're the only ones but it's the pet food delivery is not part of the norm usual Meals on Wheels uh program Mercer County has chosen you know to add that on so this fundraisers is to support that um as part of Meals on Wheels so it's a great cause um I bring my dog with me on my deliveries um and you know bring him to the door a lot and these are folks that are you know just besides you know it's to help them stay in their homes but many of them are lonely they look forward to our deliveries the folks that like the my dog just it's just so much fun so anyway this Saturday 1 o'clock 1 to three rosale Park um come out even if you don't have a dog or if you have a cat so um please come thank you thank you okay anybody anyone else all right seeing none uh we'll move on to council reports discussion new business Andrea um there was the um both meetings environmental commission environmental uh commission held their meeting there was some discussion about upkeep of the rain Garden um as the planning board report where they short discussion on the Barry in City a master plan change and um some discussion on the New Jersey DP draft real rules review which members of the commission are reviewing right now it's over a thousand pages so um it's it's a rather large um change that goes from coast to um to riverine uh there was also a discussion of a proposed not not yet proposed but an ordinance that might come to council that involves um natural landscapes and how far they might be from say sidewalks or in the um in the area between the curb and the sidewalk and um there was some discussion on a proposed um ordinance and where that uh where that might wind up so there will probably be a few more discussions at some point this may or may not uh be sent to council for a discussion depending on how far it goes and what format it might take uh on the environmental commission I also went to the an meeting um along with the chair and the vice chair and there was some discussions of the ms4 permit that the um current rules of Mike pasaro from um the uh uh um excuse me my throat is actually going here all day um was was discussing that the rate at which the storm water problem is getting worse can is being reduced but that we are still getting a storm water problem and that this New Jersey Real ACT is going to um have several points that are going to slow this down hopefully one of them is setting some volumetric standards another one is a reduction in the Redevelopment loophole and another one is that they're uh looking now at water quality in addition to the um uh the uh total maximum daily load of of pollutants in addition to how much water but the quality of the water uh there was some discussion on impact of climate change and there was a one of the other proposals is to enhance the riparian Zone um so they'll so out of this will probably come some kind of Municipal stream ordinances and some other ordinances um that would um that would have to be done here just like has happened in the last few years when when the D has made some changes uh there was also a um former D member who gave a state flood plane Administration uh and he said that one of the impacts is going to be that homes that weren't considered in the flood zone are now going to be in the flood zone and there was discussion on who's going to tell people that they're now in a flood zone and uh what kind of maps and things we're going to come up with uh that uh is that are going to show that and there was some talk about some no build zones right now you can pretty much build you just have to make up you have to make up for it in some way and so there was some discussion about whether that is possible and um anyway it was a long meeting and interesting so um glad we went thanks thank you Sonia um Board of Ed met on October 8th um Dr Lee McDonald pres presented um the 2023 24 student safety report um do it documented all um the um HIV which is um harassment intimidation and bullying reports um something to note is um in 2223 um there were about4 incident reports and uh in 23 24 year right now we are at 103 um so there are some numbers that have gone up and down if you are interested to learn more more about that the video is on District's website um last last week the school district um celebrated or um the respect week with all our students um next week is um School violence um awareness week so um they also spoke about various hip trainings that all the staffs are going through um and um their other other possible um trainings that they would be um working to make sure you know mental health and all these um the Hib um incidences that keeps happening in our school district can be um negated um there was a talk about possible um topic of um under parent Unicity for mental health to give some support to parents to um deal with any situ situations that may arise um tonight as I think right now um at High School North the college fair is going on it may have ended by now um for Junior and senior students I think they were 100 plus colleges there right now so um maybe something next year I'll have to look for it next year um parks and W um did not meet their meeting on October 3rd was cancelled due to rashash Shana the next meeting is on um October 23rd which is next week um couple of things to um note is the trunker trunk and treat um unfortunately this year has is being cancelled uh because there's not much support um from the church um for that event in the past um the church was the biggest support and they're not even participating um and also in decline of registrations um par Andre will be at the farmers market um during the um Halloween parade at Farmers Market um and they are also in talks with the pharmers market to partner um for the event Trunk or Treat event for next year um the couple of meetings um ago I had mentioned about a possible Grant uh for outdoor gym um the township was is approved for that Grant so um Ken is working out um details on costings and everything else to see if um that's going to be a viable um grant that we can work on good good very good thanks Martin I do not have any reports uh planning board has not met since our last council meeting but the planning board will be meeting tomorrow evening uh the 16th at 6:30 right here the municipal building thank you Dan yes the uh human relations Council met last week um celebrated the success of Peace Day and um starting to now think about uh planning for MLK next one on their rotation um the West Windor parking authority had their board meeting I'm going to highlight um four projects that they're working on one is um the paving project which I talk about we're talking about for a couple months now they're almost almost complete there's just a punch list now some small items left um it did come in under budget so that's good by you know six figures happens happens it was managed well and and and the uh the condition of the roads of the the Lots were actually quite good so it didn't require a lot of Paving um they are um doing an RFP for the new fence that that I mentioned last um last meeting um they had some beautiful artist depictions of it I think it's going to look gorgeous uh they're likely they will schedule a um a special meeting just for the purpose of um approving the bids um within the next couple weeks because if they do that they can actually get it done this year so we should see that um shortly uh they are also um there's a lot of moving Parts on the pocket park uh new um parking space by um the old bus depot there's um you there's work going on with the bridge and a lot of sort of negotiation about the exact exact locations of where the boundaries are going to be and the delineation between the areas that might require them to shift stuff a little bit so it's going to take a little bit of time for them to work through all those details site plans to make that happen um but I mean moving forward but it's not not going to be finalized for a bit um and they are working very diligently on some storm water remediation um as a result of the the ongoing flooding problem that they have so they're doing a few things I know they're working with um with Francis um and so they're in sync about some of the the changes that they're making uh that will help uh things like putting in different types of Gres on some of the inlets and Outlets of the um the water flow putting up some um a slight lip at the entrance to um to the circle that will then divert water to the drain before it gets to the um to the stairways uh and so those are small things that they can do uh that they will do it won't solve the problem completely but it should um help mitigate yeah of the extreme you know when you get some an extreme event It's Kind hard to to manage that but it will it will help right good that's all I have all right very good thanks a 90e storm instead of 100 years yeah well positive steps forward uh the shade tree commission met on September 25th it reviewed the Westman Community Day events uh and we're glad to see so many young families that were there um as is a suggestion in general uh they're saying that maybe have a table set up for any medical needs uh and also water uh it was a very hot day as many of you may recall who were there and that was causing some like dehydration issues um there was also a request for funding of a tent to protect commission members uh from the Sun and the heat exposure um at at these type of events because one person was just sitting at the table holding an umbrella the whole time because that that sun was very strong that day so I think somewhere in the bud we can find money for um for tents that sh tree commission could use um and maybe other other boards or commissions um as needed uh the commission reviewed a draft operating budget for 2025 as uh is required in ordinance uh Francis gik will um discuss further with our CFO John mder uh the chapter 173e lists were were further refined and Francis has posted the municipal website uh with more information on the new tree uh removal replacement ordinance which is 20248 um and that was uh required to make changes um by the DP uh the new ordinance takes effect October 27th so please uh become familiar with it so there's a lot of information on our website and of course you can always call our guess engineering Community Development Department if you had any further questions about anything okay uh any need for a closed session sayra updates yeah yeah cou um just one final announcement not an update but uh West Windsor Health Department and the West wisor Arts Council um are inviting the Youth of all ages to participate in Township's Health campaigns by creating art for ages 5 through 12 youth art opportunity have youth have the opportunity to create art that represents the importance of getting a flu vaccine selected Works will be displayed in the West Windsor Health Department's L Lobby the deadline is from October 19th through the 22nd and then a teen art opportunity for ages 13 to 18 teens are invited to submit Designs for Coloring Pages to be distributed the West Windsor Senior Center up to 30 pieces will be selected to be turned into painting lawn signs by the artist the deadline for this is October 21st and if you go on the Health Department's website there is more information and a QR code that is the final announcement I have okay yeah um I forgot to mention in my earlier comments but uh in case you have forgotten the state is supposed to give us our affordable housing number next week uh was we don't we don't expect uh they will be ready but we did have we did have a there's a state plan and then there's County plan and we did have a meeting with the county for a cross acceptance uh plan merer county is probably way ahead of every other County in the um in the state um but we haven't heard a peep so we don't think they are coming next week um uh when they will come is anybody's guess but I hope if they change that they accept uh theyjust all the clocks accordingly but we will see they will need to I I hope so tight timelines as as it is they are coming out next week so how does that work because the dates are in the ordinance I believe right no it's a it's supposed to be based on the state plan the state hasn't done a plan the count is trying to do a plan so the state plan was in the ordinance what the dates say where are the dates in the ordinance the state in the state dates right so those so those dates are in the law so it is right but if this is two weeks late and they want to move everything two weeks so they have to go back and actually do an amendment to the law the January date you're thinking about right I'm thinking of the next date that's B so so that the penalties something so they might be able to do it without actually having new legislative action okay that's what okay but mayca we'll see if it comes we'll see when it happens okay um any need for close session no okay so uh motion to adjourn so move second second roll call vote all in favor I will say all I okay this meeting is adjourned thank you everyone for coming out