##VIDEO ID:wR87zqlCNRs## Sir with daughter okay by council members we're ready to go oh I just I call this meeting to order this is uh the meeting for the West Windsor uh council's it's the uh health department meeting that we have we are the Board of Health the council um it's November 12th 2024 roll call gers here Mandel here Weiss here Whitfield here and we also have joining us today Mr Dennis Frasier representing Parker McKay right and council member gaas um is unable to attend this evening have we been adequately noticed for this meeting yes we were adequately noticed on from the times in the Princeton packet posted in the township uh building on January 19th 2024 and filed with the municipal clerk please stand for the salute to the flag States okay this is the first opportunity for public comment if you'd like to make a public comment please come to the microphone and state your name and address and you will have up to 3 minutes board this for the Board of Health Board of Health okay seeing none we'll move on um for for Action we have the uh mes Board of Health minutes for June 10th 2024 a motion to approve some Mo sry second second okay iers yes Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes okay under uh discussion or any uh Board of Health member have uh anything that you want to bring up at all no I'd like to hear you know what Jill has to say okay we'll move on to Mayor Administration any any comments for the board of heal okay none all right um right Jill Swanson is a their health officer for West Windsor uh good evening am I on mik no no should testing oh thats better um locally the West Windsor Arts Council offers a wide range of classes workshops exhibits and similar events for residents to explore earliest earlier this year they reached out to us and Health Department the council began to discuss ways to work together to incorporate Health um public health and incorporate the Arts into public health Outreach efforts for an initial project the Arts Council hosts an animation class and they're exploring ways to develop uh promotion which is updated on proper handwashing so that'll be the initial project we hope to um be able to um put on our website and take to some of our Outreach events and in the coming year we're going to explore some additional ways we can partner with the Arts Council to kind of marry the two the Arts and health um a brief update on respiratory illness season which is upon us and um we are seeing currently low activity in both covid-19 and flu activity um but we are going into the season so we would encourage everyone to take pre gen ative steps stay home if you're ill make sure your vaccinations are up to dat there has been a slight increase reported in percent positivity for RSV and um that um is a concern primarily for young children and the elderly and those with compromise systems we've been offering respiratory um vaccination clinics starting in August um both partnering with Wegman's pharmacy and zufall Health Center the Department's also a 317 provider which means we can offer uninsured and underinsured individuals adults vaccinations we recently were approved for a new program state funded vaccine for both covid and um flu vaccine going into the later part of this season to be able to expand that vaccination to also include some Homebound and some atrisk groups so far we've done 13 clinics and there are two pending the two pending are both covid-19 only clinics in partnership with Wegman's pharmacy and the next one is December 12th at the West Windsor senior center from 4: to 6:00 p.m. um covid um 19 vaccination over the um years have what you're um recommended to um be updated varries based on your age your vaccine history and the brand ofac that you've had so we encourage individuals to speak with your healthc care provider to see what you are individually recommended for at this time and if there's any questions you can also call our office and ask to speak with the public health nurse another reminder we have a rabies clinic scheduled for November 21st which is a Thursday from 4 to 6: p.m. that will be held at the Princeton Junction Firehouse in December we have another clinic that will be held in heightstown our residents are welcome to attend that clinic that's December 5th and in Robinsville on January 19th and again all three clinics are open to all of our residents and a reminder that dog licensing is um up for Renewal by the end of uh January so by January 31st everyone should have their um dog licenses renewed we have noticed a decrease in compliance with dog licensing so we're encouraging everyone to take a look make sure that your rabies are up to date and apply for your updated v um rabies and dog license um this helps to ensure that if the dog um is loose we can reunite the pet with their owner and the rabies is kept up to date on vaccine which will streamline uh any exposure investigation and help avoid any potential fines or loss pets and finally uh a quick announcement on our raid on T test kits we still have a supply they're free to Residents this is the perfect time of year to test as we close up our homes as the winter gets a little bit um more into the cold weather and we turn our heat on so perfect time to test and please take advantage of those test kits while we still have them any questions um the dog license is that what seven month how old is the dog yes if um once they're 7 months of age or older they need to be licensed and renewed every year what is the uh registration process for the covid clinics is it online yes it's um it's online and another note uh we're in the process and in the health department we noticed over um the years with covid our web page has gotten very um deep so we're trying to streamline it again um so we are posting the clinics now if you go to the health department homepage at the bottom of that page there's a section for what's happening in December um what's happening in November and you can find links to those vaccine clinics there thank yeah and just a note that those flyers don't go up until 30 days prior to the clinic because that's when the registration opens so you'll see a space holder for the date and time and then actual registration goes live 30 days prior so it should be live sometime tomorrow right so we're encouraging everyone to get a flu shot and the covid shot too yes absolutely if you're not sure about it talk to your your doctor your doctor and you can also give our um if you have your vaccine history um our public health nurse can help guide you if you're eligible for the updated vaccine or if you're eligible for a second and again it depends on youre age what vaccine you had previously and um the number of vaccines right yeah having had covid twice I definitely recommend that you consider it because I had the call that would never stop for a week or so and it was rough so think just think about it we're encouraging you can't make you do it but we're encouraging you to think about exactly anyone else okay well thank you for the good work that you do for us thanks thank you thanks I I did get my flu shot unfortunately I'm old that I qualify now thank you for coming to the clinic I make sure they when they say six I come at 55 to make sure they're really there till 6 she knows that okay moving along um Clos session do we any need for a closed session no it's on the agenda so I just have to go through the agenda okay um this is the uh second period of public comment so if you'd like to make a public comment please come to the microphone state your name address and you have up to three minutes this is for the health department Mark Mark pepper 43 Providence Court Princeton Junction um uh I went to medical school um a long time ago and um I'm all for vaccines and I've I'm up to 10 covid vaccines I had my last one in September I encourage everyone to to do that so and I'm looking forward to the next vaccine are we ever going to get to Ann yearly vaccines or just every six months I can answer that question I'm hoping we'll get to yearly but if it's six months or if it's every three months I'm there thank you thank you anyone else hi Kevin rello 106 Harris Road I really didn't plan on saying anything but uh the dogs when you mention like lost dogs is there any way that the township could eventually put together some kind of microchip like free micr trip Clinic where people can come get their petch chips and then registered um and then also when people license their pets is there any way to mention to the owners that if their pets are chipped to be sure to contact the microchip company to verify that the information is indeed up to date um as somebody who's been involved in the community for lost and found pets for probably seven or eight years maybe longer it's amazing how many pets are chipped but not registered I just thought that it might be helpful for the township to get that information out um sorry excuse me I'm lost my voice and um get that information out and offer a free you know free clinic for microchipping for local residents thank you thank you so Jill that's something we can consider for the future U the microchips or is that so the M we can definitely look into the messaging during licensing as a reminder to make sure you're updating your new address um doing a microchipping Clinic would be something we'd have to explore we've touched upon it in the past but it would take um a little bit more in depth and again you know many of our um animal um Outreach and programming is supported by the licensing fees and we're seeing a decline in compliance so I think our first step would be um to try to increase the licensing compliance in town um we have a lot of new housing going in with apartments and um town homes and we just are not seeing the licensing rate even hold steady let alone increase over the last so many years so we send somebody a renewal every year we do we send out a licensing renewal but yet um there's turnover there's new individuals coming into town people have um purchased new pets or adopt new pets and some will license the first Year and may not renew those licensing so um in the past there was a um mandate that we do an annual census and we put um individuals we hired temporary staff in the summer to go door Todo to identify unlicensed dogs um and that state mandate has um has not been renewed so we don't have that mandate to do the licensing but it may be time to look at doing that um maybe not every year but every couple of years to remind individuals and there may be some other mechanisms we can put in place that would encourage individuals to license um maybe let their Realtors know too when you know homes are sold or apartments are rented and they have a pet right we' like it to be licensed or when people go to the vet if there was some form there a lot of people go to local vets uh and is there anything we can do other than just let people know well we can look at some of the policies so um some of our policies that we have in place and um and this is for cats too we do license for cat cat licensing is in April and Cat licensing can be a bit more challenging um because we have a lot of indoor cats that um don't end up on our radar outdoor cats definitely do um but dogs um tend to be the issue with um getting lost more so than we don't get too many reports of lost cats unfortunately public comments close no no it's closed okay but yeah I mean that that would work out great I no yeah okay yeah and there are some ideas that um we can Bounce Around internally for example looking at everyone who comes in to get licensing are there pets chipped and that would give us an idea is there a need in town to to do the chipping okay good plan any other council members comments no okay we'll uh move on to adjournment do I have a a motion to adjourn Board of Health meeting so move second roll call I Keepers I should be all adjourned for that meeting at 7:17 yeah well all in faor all in favor to Jour the meeting say I thank you very much meeting is adjourned okay ready are they ready now for the business meeting yes all right yeah everything's right going straight live on I call this meeting to order it is the November 12th 2024 business session meeting of the township Council uh roll call vote gers here Mandel here here and Whitfield here son go gaas is not able to attend this evening uh Dennis Frasier of Parker McKay will be filling in for Mike Herbert our Township attorney this evening welcome have we been adequately noticed for this meeting yes we were adequately noticed on January 19th 2024 to the times and the Princeton packet um filed with the Township Clerk and posted in the municipal building okay we've already done the salute to the flag uh under ceremonial matters uh we'll be discussing the Baran City safety presentation so if Susan Conlin and uh I believe Dave Kimmel is going to be doing that this evening as a way of a quick background the council members were invited to um take a walk uh along parts of Alexander Road in the area where the shopping center is uh to the West Windor Arts Center so we took a look at the crosswalks there um lighting uh flashing beacons and what appeared to be a lot of cars speeding technically we didn't have the radar there but uh the our observations were were pretty um clear what was going on in terms of people just going too fast so we encourage everyone everyone to please obey the speed limits all over town particularly in this in this area too it's very busy area so Susan um start us off yeah hi Susan conin Co L 998 Harris Road so um glasses always thank you for this opportunity to speak tonight and focus attention on critical safety conditions on our local roads and crosswalks residents of our neighborhood Baran City have long advocated for and championed improvements to promote safer movement on our streets and sidewalks for pedestrians bicyclists and motorists we thank you for your efforts to date and ask you to continue to focus and take action on these important issues cars regularly speed on Alexander and Harris and do not always stop for pedestrians and crosswalks um at crosswalks residents consistently Express their fears and frustrations and want measures taken that can prevent additional accidents we established a subcommittee of the Baran City neighborhood association that has met to identify existing challenges needed infrastructure improvements and how we can make positive changes to achieve a slower and safer walkable Community as you know our neighborhood has heavy pedestrian use by its residents and also those of adjacent neighborhoods trained commuters and students from Wester High School um South and morce Hawk Elementary School we are also experiencing the impact of growth in the township and resulting higher volume of traffic in November as uh councilwoman Jers just mentioned we invited and led our council members and mayor on organized walks Along on Alexander Road with our neighbors to experience and better understand the dangerous conditions for pedest ran Crossing Alexander particularly at Harris Road and Scott Avenue the the specific immediate improvements along Alexander Road we are asking for are installation of push button flashing Beacon signs otherwise known as pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flashing beacons on Alexander Road at the crosswalks at both Harris Road and Scott Avenue including any additional work needed to the road and sidewalk infrastructure markings and signage to support the crosswalks at these locations um ensure that all pedestrian beacons and signage are properly placed and installed add the missing crosswalks at Scott Avenue so that this intersection has four crosswalks one on each side make the speed limit consistent and marked with 25 mph signage from the roundabout on Alexander Road to princ and heightstown road with the exception of the area around Scott Avenue where it is a 15 m per hour um Zone by the speed table this means reducing the speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour on the stretch of Alexander Road between between Crawford woods and routs 571 and on the walk we all were pretty much um somewhat amused but also frustrated by the fact that when you walk along Alexander Road right near cross Crawford Woods on one side of the road it says spe limit is 25 on the other side it says 30 going in the other direction these are the kinds of things that we've we can also um and David will mention more some of these things with signage and inconsistencies inconsistencies causes confusion for pedestrians and motorists and sometimes these things can lead you know couple of seconds left of attention can lead to a disaster so um Dave want take it from here thanks thanks Susan and Council uh Dave Kimmel at 11 Scott Avenue so just f up uh to finish what Susan started with the presentation thanks again to everybody for listening tonight and everybody who was able to attend those those walks I couldn't make the first one but was able to make the second one and observe some of these things firsthand also as well as every day because I live there um so in addition to what Susan was asking for immediate kind of improvements uh we also request that uh the following that the town ship review the design requirements for the speed table that's at the intersection of Alexander Road and Scott Avenue um what was installed is not doesn't serve as any deterrence for speeding and also does not appear to have been installed correctly from us having looked at the standard so we're interested in hearing what you find when you look at that and review those standards uh as Susan said during during the walks we observed cars speeding through that not stopping not slowing uh going 30 35 miles hour and car after car not stopping for people that are trying to cross the road uh also request the F uh that a that the township conduct a new traffic study to obtain current D data as the previous study was from 2020 and was conducted during the pandemic when there's significantly fewer vehicles on the road uh and in recent years we've heard about received reports that there have been approximately 50 motor vehicle crashes some of which included pedestrians uh there two at Baran Alexander six at w Alexander six at Scott Alexander 18 on Alexander and 20 on Harris uh so we're still in the process of reviewing those motor vehicle reports um so we respectfully request that these actions uh be taken and the improvements that Susan outlined be funded and implemented in 2025 um of course we're very interested in seeing improvements to these issues and we'll stay in regular communication with the township uh and the neighborhood and everyone else who's interested uh including the West Windsor bicycle pedestrian Alliance to continue advocating for future actions and initiatives and including the distillation of sidewalks or traffic calming measures where possible um we adding pavement speed limit markings like Mercer County added to Princeton heightstown Road in improvements the uh packet has a photo of that an example of that and just as a observation in general people in their cars will drive as fast as the road allows them and that's kind of what we're seeing now the road allows cars to speed and goes go faster than they should and enforcement by police is good when it can happen but long term it's not practical or cost- effective solution um you can't have a police off are s sitting out there 24 hours a day so in the long term this means the answer is to use some type of Road design or traffic calming to encourage traffic to go at a safe speed 24 hours 24 hours a day seven days a week without the need for uh police speed enforcement and uh in addition to Road design also ask that our elected officials join us and other residents of the township to embrace and promote educational messaging like the slow slow down in our town uh and also want to make sure that we say thank you for everything that you've done so far and to date I know uh and looking at ways to make safety improvements and pursuing dot grants and anything else that could help for instance at the October 28th council meeting uh Council passed resolution 2012 24- r213 which as you know included approving a bid for implementing some NJ doot Transit Village Grants that the township was awarded to do some improvements on Alexander Road including a flash flashing beacons at the ntion park intersection and adding some uh your speed is signs so those are just a couple things that we wanted to to point out and that we look forward to more finally just a couple additional notes um as we kind of observed Obed on these Walks In general the location of pedestrian signs and flashing beacons is important some of them are too far from the crosswalks some of them are missing some are blocked uh and can't be seen by drivers all talking about Alexander at Harris Road uh it seems the intersection was created uh seems to have some incorrect Road geometry and design and requires another traffic study to address those issues including things we we've seen like Flooding at the intersection and at the crosswalk Landings Vehicles driving over the crosswalk Landings when making turns and poor visibility at Scott uh in One Direction when you're coming from 571 there's no pedestrian crossing signs at all uh also people should be able to cross Alexander at Scott without having to also cross Scott if they coming up from the train station for instance people already just walk up the sidewalk Andross the street uh right now they have to cross Scott and then cross Alexander so that's why that's part of the request why we should have crosswalks are needed on all four sides there uh at Baran there's a a picture including what we presented that shows how we need to address some visibility issues with the flashing Beacon which is blocked by utility pole and at Wallace the extra long length of the crosswalk contribute contributes to it being dangerous and finally coming down on Alex Ander Road from the roundabout at this location the travel lanes are a foot or more wider than they are in the rest of Alexander uh 11 versus 10 feet and also shoulder stripe is missing at that point uh so that contributes to cars speeding down the hill coming in through Baran city as they go around that corner um and then also when you're walking down that sidewalk on the right hand side from the roundabout it ends without a crosswalk so that's another thing that we wanted to bring your attention so again thank you and we look forward to to working together some more hi Kevin ralo uh 106 harur I was going to actually speak with them this evening uh however I had lost my voice and I didn't want to strain it too much so I just wanted to say that I agree with everything that they said that we all worked on it together and I don't know if it was mentioned I may have missed it uh but one more thing um at Alexander Road New Scott right near the Arts Council uh there are two 15 mph signs uh for The Pedestrian Crossing in between those two 15 M hour signs there's a 25 M hour sign which uh Council and the mayor had seen when we were out there um I don't know how we can do how we can expedite removal of that 25 M hour sign it would be wonderful it's confusing as it's probably within a 30 foot distance between those two signs uh other than that I believe they covered everything thank you once again for coming out and we'd appreciate it have a good evening thank you Susan uh Dave Kevin appreciate it we appreciate in inviting us um out there too because when when you're out there you can you can actually see what is what is happening on the ground uh also appreciate that you put together um this report I'd like um clerk's office can give it to uh chief engineer Francis um HK the engineering department can review this also I'd like it to go Chief Gallow for distribution uh to the appropriate um officers involved in in traffic um for their review too um the timing as I've told some of you uh probably privately it's good now because the budgets the operating budget and the capital budgets uh for 2025 are being um discussed and put together now Council doesn't get um the budgets until probably late February uh then we deliberate with um you know public meetings but uh the earlier the better um with suggestions ideas requests uh now is a good time uh to do that any any Council comments on on this I'd like to thank um Susan and Dave Kevin for all the work that they did quite frankly I think that was AB above and beyond the duty um but I appreciate um your contribution I think some of these are no-brainers and it's sort of quite frankly embarrassing to see how our signs are set up in this town and it's a liability we have literally a crosswalk sign with a big arrow that says cross here that points into the middle of the street there's no crosswalk there I mean I I can't imagine how that um is is permittable and it seems like it should be a pretty easy fix to to put it in this proper spot similar to the fact that we have three different signs about speed limits within 30 feet again why is this how did we get to a point where the uh the signage in our town is so discrepant and why did it take a community group to point it out we we have a budget this year we passed a budget of nearly half a million dollars for pedestrian and bicycle Lan sidewalk improvements and so um I would like to formally ask the administration to to give us a little bit more information about a plan of how that money is being spent the council doesn't have the ability to run day-to-day operations that's the administration's job but but we have oversight since we approve the budget for all this not only the capital budget but the budget for the entire operations of this town so I think it's it's deserving to be able to understand a plan just a bit not asking for any heavy lift here I think just a A Simple Plan of how this money is going to be spent and where and maybe it's not always obvious I get that um some times there needs to be evaluation and assessment but I feel like we don't have the visibility of of how this money is being spent um so I'd like to request that we get some more information from the administration about how that money is going to be spent um I think that's the least the township can do to demonstrate our commitment to improve the safety of our community so thank you again for all the work that you did to to make this possible um I'd like to thank um Susan and the group for giving us a very very detailed tour I think everybody did show us what was important um I know there's been a lot of effort I remember the whole thing with engineering when that uh those that raised section was put in um and everybody had a lot of good hopes for it um if it's not really doing the job then um or if it's not even in specification then I'm sure they can take a look at at that and see um what could be done to improve it in addition to a number of the the other things that we did get to see um and um I'm looking forward to making that that area safe because I know it is a very well-traveled area not only by the people living in the neighborhood but the students the people going to remart uh the people over at The Gables uh people going to the train stations so it is an area where people do like to walk and unfortunately it's an area where people do drive a lot that aren't from inside the neighborhood so um I'm looking forward to the budget hearings which uh the the uh Council has been very supportive of both bicycle pedestrian uh it was I think our number one priority for this past year I think we're going into the next year with that as a very high priority I haven't we haven't had our um our feedback yet but I expect that that we'll be very similar this year and um I think we've told you about the budget hearings that are coming up and that uh even for that uh and I know you said you're emailing this report here so Administration will be getting that report momentarily and um hopefully taking that into account thanks yeah uh thanks again for uh meeting with us uh the other week um about the issues there this is probably the third or fourth time I've been in there um I was there several times about the so-called speed bump or Effectiveness une effectiveness of speed bump but that's what was recommended by the professionals and it was put in but uh just to note I mean within the last two three years on that road by the end of this year there will be at least in that area four flashing beacons installed uh at the crosswalks which is more than any other area and that area deserves it because it's closer to uh the train station and lot of Walkers there uh two speed installation signs will be installed one in each Direction and we continue to look at uh all improvements that we can do and when the next budget is discussed we will take into account there are a lot of locations in the town where we are uh requested to put speed Beacon sign so we will add these two to the list and come up with the list and they will be installed just don't know exactly when and um how that will be installed um regarding um wanting to know what the township is doing about uh pedestrian Safety First when you discuss the budget lot of those things are outlined in there so if you open the budget book you will find we have identified a lot of things but I'll also send you a uh a copy of my Township address where I spoke extensively about The Pedestrian safety improvements that will be done um this year not only flashing beacons road signs but where we are putting extra lights on the street so if you're interested I'll I'll send it to you but it's all spelled out in there and uh you can take a look at it so thank you very much again coming stay engaged and we will do all we can to make it as safe as we possible possible but again as my regular Soap Box I always mention one week when the police were ticketing I asked them to keep track of generally we don't keep track of who is in town who is out of town every inside Road 70% of people are West wi are residents these are our neighbors these are we ourselves speeding I mean we have to we have to put social pressure on our neighbors don't speed and police somebody said police can't be there everywhere which is true police have significantly improved approved uh increase the ticketing operation in that area they do I mean I don't want to give it up but they do sit in the Art Center parking lot a lot of times and do write uh try to write tickets but it's just our friends and neighbors trying to rush to the train station so whatever we can do to put social pressure on people don't speed that will certainly help so thank you thank you mayor now sometimes changing human behavior isn't the easiest thing to do um because I I've talked to Residents in a lot of different neighborhoods and they're just saying that people living there are speeding we've had issues in my own neighborhood too so um just uh keep talking to your neighbors or if you have a WhatsApp group for your neighborhood talk to people and say please please slow down there's children that are that are playing there's people walking their dogs sometimes at night and sometimes they don't have a flashlight or or reflective gear when they're walking um so it's we we just we got to reach out to one another um besides you know making all the Capital Improvements too though um anyone else that's okay all right um well thank you everyone we will uh move on to the first public comment so if you'd like to make a public comment uh please come up to the microphone and state your name address and you'll you will have up to three minutes okay I've got Andy okay hey um Jacob dick uh 110 Harris Road um yeah I just wanted to say I I I 100% agree with everything that the Baran city um neighborhood association presentation uh was saying um I live on Harris Road so I can speak to that road specifically um that road is I think I meas mean my neighbor measured it Kevin um like 28 feet wide um and I think each lane is 14 feet given one lane is is a um one lane is like for parallel parking um but like for reference the the uh Turnpike lanes are all 12 feet wide and that's designed for like 65 miles an hour so like the neighborhood association was saying we can we can put social well I'm adding to what they're saying but that we can put social pressure on as many kind of rebutting a little bit we can put pressure on as many citizens as we want it does help but a lot does come down on we need to traffic calming measures in my opinion to to make sure that drivers are just naturally going to drive speed limit if you put a you know 40 foot wide Road and you say it's 25 miles an hour nobody's going to drive 25 miles an hour just by Nature they're gonna they should but they won't you know um so there's that and the other thing I could speak to is on Alexander in terms of the lighting I've noticed going down Alexander um I walk to the train station for my house so I go down Harris and then I make a left onto Alexander and then a right onto Scott there's right by the acne Woods there's basically no lighting there there's occasionally you occasionally the Street Lamp um by the first house acne Woods is lit which is a little bit more lighting but basically there's no lighting there it kind of makes it a bit risky crossing the road and walk walking that area and the other thing is on Scott Avenue going towards the train station there's also it's basically the the street lights are it just isn't adequate so like cars coming can come up toward away from the train station and they have their bright lights on and I don't I can't see anything so I could basically be walking into the road not knowing it because the car bright lights are all just on and I can't see so two things just few things I've noticed but I I 100% agree with the Baran City neighborhood association thanks thank you Jing one nice Scot Avenue um tonight I'd like to pitch uh since we're talking about getting ready for the budget next year I'd like to pitch to the council and administration to make an effort to clean up the Alexander Ro roundabout the wall there is strepping with dark strips and and it's a really high traffic area and I think it really behoove our image if we can clean it up um I I actually think that roundabout is one of the nicer feature of uh West winster infrastructure and it'll be nice to have it clean rather than looking crabby thank you thank you Andy Lupo 47 San Marco Street uh I was part of the keep West Windsor nonpartisan efforts I just wanted to thank West Windsor residents for taking the time to understand what was at stake with the nonpartisan ballot question uh we appreciate that West Windsor res residents voted overwhelmingly to remain nonpartisan this was a clear message that outside special interest funding would not influence their vote residents want all voters to have a voice in our election process anyone who wants to run for office they just gather the appropriate signatures present their platform and Westwinds or residents will decide I said all along that this was not about a party that said it was very clear that Democrats Republicans and Independence all came out to support the nonpartisan effort I also want to thank the hundreds of residents who volunteered to support the keep West Windsor nonpartisan effort it was a true Grassroots effort to support the township they live in I hope we can all move forward together to continue to do what's best for our community thank you thank you anybody else Anne pepper 43 Providence court on October 14th just two meetings ago I sincerely thank this count and the mayor for passing a proclamation recognizing October as breast cancer awareness month at that meeting I exess because of what the proclamation represented to me that our town wants to build awareness of cancer issues and demonstrate its support for survivors who are battling cancer on October 21st just one week after the Proclamation was passed an email was sent out by a group called West Windsor voters for transparency in representation the email subject line read facts versus fiction why why we must vote Yes the opening section of that email responded to a letter written by Allison Miller that explained why she opposed the ballot of initiative to make West Windsor partisan Again Naturally those in favor of the ballot initiative wanted to refute her letter but their email response went far far beyond refuting miss m stated position on the ballot question it is most disturbing to me that the email attacked and degraded her on a personal level it also included unsubstantiated allegation of her illegal doings quote she had a tarnished track record and a history of shady back room dealings their email went so far beyond a response to her position that I want to speak up to day about how appalling and unacceptable I find it Miss Miller served in our community for many decades she served West Windsor in numerous capacities including a member of the council during her public career currently she is battling cancer and undergoing Medical Treatments no one no one fighting a potentially life-threatening illness such as cancer should be disrespected and maligned in this manner regardless of the opinions she expressed on a given issue she should not be she should be treated and all people expressing their opinions on a public issue should be treated in a professional and respectful manner that email was especially inappropriate as it was sent out just seven days after the council passed the proclamation in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month What a Sad commentary that is is there's one more extremely dis disturbing aspect of the email the list of people who signed the email included one former West Windsor council member as well as current members of the West Windsor Democratic Club members and West Windsor Democratic committees I find it disturbing and disgraceful that some of the people who view themselves as Leaders of Our Town and County chose to sign their names to an email that showed disrespect for someone batt battling cancer and who dedicated her professional life to serving our community thank you thank you anybody else for a public comment uh good evening John Church 11 Princeton Place uh just have have a jurisdictional question on the introduction of ordinance 2024 26 now part of this refers to the installation of no right turn on red signs at the intersection of Clarksville Road and 571 well the county already has those signs there uh to prohibit those right turns on red but my question is associated with do we have any jurisdiction ourselves as a Township to in install additional signs because these are County Roads and I'm I'm not it's not clear to me that the the town has any jurisdiction over placing signs at the intersections of two County Roads so that's just a question that maybe could be answered later and the other thing is I do support the uh addition of a no right turn on red at the intersection of pen l Road and Clarksville Road and Harris Road those are badly needed there because the visibility there is not good if you're coming up pen l Road you can't see the cars coming on uh on Clarksville road so you do need no right turn on red signs at that place so I want to support that for that uh for that ordinance thank you thank you hi Kevin rello 106 Harris Road um I just wanted to Circle back to the health department as far as uh the dogs go um I had briefly spoken to Jill outside perhaps it's something that they could uh regarding the microchips perhaps they can kind of link up with sve and skilman who happens to be the shelter for our town as well as many other towns to discuss having some kind of microchip event I don't know if that would be something that they'd be willing to do um I'm actually friends with the executive director I plan on reaching out to her uh probably later this week to actually ask her if that's something that they'd be willing to do if it is I'll Circle back with Jill mention that hey this might be something that would be worth looking into uh and then the other thing is regarding a comment that the mayor said about it's 70% resident speeding and that we need to kind of you know tell the residents get the word out to slow down um as a graphic designer I'm willing to offer my services to create uh a graphic for the LED display board that's out in front of the municipal building um if I could find out who I would reach out to get the to get the specs for that I'd be happy to put a graphic together if that's something with Township be willing to put up and display I think it's in a prominent location with uh stop lights where residents could see it something that says something similar to you know slow down West Windsor or something like that um but I'd be willing to offer that service um and I think it could be helpful um other than that that's it thank you and thank you once again for coming out and listening to our concerns about the the neighborhood yeah no we appreciate it very much never mind um Mark pepper 43 Providence support um my wife spoke a few speakers ago she's much better speaker than I am um um anyway but I I just want to briefly talk about dark money which got which entered this campaign um this is the example from West Windsor kind of really amateurish um with a thing that says you know um from my um Miami brick Bickle Avenue in Miami and here's a dark money example of from Sean Spiller who wants to run for governor he's been for at least a year now which I'm not really thrilled about either but it's from dark money from uh Princeton so okay that's all I mean I could go but that's all I need to say um and oh and the one I mean it had Trump on the back and it's like I'm you know this is really giving me I can't sleep you know he's he's going to be a dictator you know day one so really sad um so anyway that brings me you know I said I went to medical school before that I went to Penn I learned about makavelli on the definition someone mellian is a sneaky cunning and lacking a moral code that that definitely applies to Trump um the word comes from the Italian philosopher n Colo makavelli who wrote the political treaties the prince in the 1500s that encourages The end justifies the means Behavior especially among politicians well we certainly had our example of that here in West Windsor here's the voting yes um just a hand like 20 some people with their pictures this is the voting no um which had hundreds of people supporting it um and then lists the money is Westminster for sale and that's before the update came out with all the de elected officials in Mercer County that donated you know I think about 30 or 40,000 all that money could have and I sent an email to the Democratic committee on October 31st and November 1st saying the money you're spending should go to sue Alman we really need that seat in Congress I did get responses so I know they got it telling me not to email them ever again two two people which I don't think there's a statute that addresses that I think since they're elected officials and I'm a constituent I have every right to email them they don't have to respond I also sent an email um two weeks ago to um where is it um to Dan Weiss because he's he was list two weeks ago he listed a whole laundry list of statutes explaining why he could not explain the yes funding I think I think Joe as asked about that and then I the next day sent him an email um asking him to and he said he would talk to people off you know after hours you know and I asked them to we this was on October 29th I said could we please me to discuss this the yes funding could you please explain it and I never got a response and then I saw um Dan at the Andy Kim um celebration a week ago and he told me he told me to f off thank you completely inappropriate by an elected official I should add anybody else for public comment please come forward and state your name and address Joe Charles nines aloof Drive um just a couple quick things today uh first I want to thank the residents of West Windsor for voting no to turn our town partisan uh it was a historic election for our town um we've been nonpartisan for for 31 years so these things don't come across uh across our way very often and it was a decisive uh result of the election 66% to 33% 2 to one hopefully that's decisive enough to discourage anyone from um putting the the question on the bot again for another 31 years or maybe even better for 227 years as long as West Windsor's been around secondly I want to thank uh all the people that came out to support the effort to encourage folks to vote no um I got a chance to work with many people as part of this many people contributed to the effort you had people uh going and knocking on doors many people like myself who had never knocked on doors before uh you had people making phone calls talking to their friends and neighbors and uh doing many things to support the effort it was a true Grassroots effort and I'm proud to be uh I'm very proud to just be you know play some part in it so that's all I got today literally thank you West Windsor for keeping us nonpartisan thank you thank you okay anybody else would like to give public comment seeing none okay see none we'll move on to Administration comments good evening we have a couple announcements tonight um as of today or yesterday uh Public Works is currently collecting leaves and brush in zone one um I know the health department already mentioned it about the um rabies vaccination clinic for dogs and cats on Thursday November 21st um it will be from 400 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Princeton Junction firehouse and you can go online to the Health Department's website to register or call them at 609 936 8400 um the township uh Recreation Department is doing a 2024 holiday house decorating contest and registration for that is now open the deadline to enter is November 27th um and you can register information is on the Township's um homepage and judging will PL take place on December 9th through 13th and the winner will be announced at the December 16th council meeting um the West Windsor Police Department and West Lindor PBA 271 are collecting donations for their 11th annual operation bark drop um information is on the police department's website uh they nixel um or you can contact the police department on their non-emergency line for more information um starting today through the 22nd pscg will be doing drone inspections on their power lines so if you see drones overhead um throughout Wesson are in Lawrence it is psng doing inspections um and that is all the updates we have today thank you mayor thanks Linda so first couple of answers to questions uh asked during public comments so uh Kevin that chip is a good idea I'll try to work with Jill to see what we can do about it and for the LED display just email me I know who maintains that display so I'll try to see if we can do anything about that what your ideas you have about that so I will I will do that um Mr church we work with the county for anything to do with uh clarsville Road uh sometimes County pleads uh uh poverty so we buy the stuff and they put it in so we're not going to violate any laws so whatever is the proper protocol we'll follow to put the signs in so like U A lot of times we buy the equipment and the county will put it in um on on on Clarksville road so we will we will do that in this instance as well so um coming by other comments uh once again thanks to Andy Joe and Mina who were just the face of the um no no W movement but they're literally lots of people who worked behind the scenes and up front and knocked on the doors I really appreciate that and thank you very much if anything this um generated an awareness about um uh what's going on in politics among various people who were politically not active uh so something good came out of it I mean it's mindboggling to see that $80,000 we spent between last year and this year in just west Wister elections and we just a small town I mean um I don't know whether to be flattered or to feel bad that somebody staying in um in Miami felt necessary to send um mailing with my cartoon so yeah yeah I don't I don't know where do so so again thank you very much for everybody that um it makes everything that I've spent 20 years in public service it makes it worthwhile that people do appreciate it and people do see what's going on so I'm very proud of uh serving invester and uh things like that make it uh make me keep going um we had a nice Veterans Day uh on the 11th uh thank you everybody who came out and thank you to all the veterans who have served and who continue to serve there some many in uh Township employment who occasionally get called off so thank you again for your service um affordable housing um as you know um we we received our fourth round number which is 691 um given our current ratio of 25% 661 sorry so given our current ratio I'm going to round it off to 700 given our current ratio we roughly need to put about 2600 homes um in the next round if the number stands so you will keep hearing about warehouses warehouses warehouses if that land was available the number would have been much higher than uh 661 um I don't know how much higher we are looking at it but again ask people where they would put the addition housing and housing cost is as much flooding as warehousing or any other office park or anything else uh the solution is for the state to come up with some sensible measures and solutions uh first step is we are looking at the numbers how the state arrived at the 661 number uh we are looking at their data our planner as we speak is studying the number comparing it to actual data making sure that the numbers that they used are accurate uh if the numbers are not that accurate then we will come up with our own numbers using the actual data rather than the faulty data they used but there are couple of other development that are going on that are nothing to do with West wi are initiated uh somebody has filed a lawsuit in Mercer County to stop the clock and not require a number to be certified by the council by January 2 uh January um of 2025 um that that case is being heard by judge lawi in merer County I don't know what's going to come out of that uh about 30 towns in northern Jersey have filed a lawsuit uh claiming that because one of the things that the affordable housing numbers assume is there are 60 urban communities in New Jersey which get zero um zero affordable housing units and some of them are not really uh deserve that so they have filed a a case in the court in federal court uh against that claiming that that's that's not proper uh they have mailed all Mayors including me uh to encourage us to participate if we do decide to participate the commitment from the township is only $110,000 this year and $110,000 next year that's the only commitment they are asking I haven't decided yet whether to recommend to the council whether we participate or don't participate but they do raise a very valid point and if they are successful and these 60 communities or even if part of the 60 communities are included and are required to provide affordable housing just like West wi series then our number will go down by significant amount and lastly the league of municipalities has also done their own study and has done their numbers uh they they claim that if the legislation um modifies the law and uh adopts their approach each county is um to a different level but the commitment by each County will go down by significant amount and for Mercer County they estimate that our commitment average commitment in Mercer County will go down by 78% which is significant so the league is working with the I'm sorry the league of municipalities is also working with the legislature to try to come up with to modify the law that the numbers are reasonable I mean every town is facing this it's just unreal we just built roughly 3,000 homes in addition to that adding 2500 everybody keeps complaining about traffic we not not building any New Roads we just building housing these housing contributes Cars the cars have to go somewhere so um before you complain about traffic just complain about the housing coming in or any Development coming in town and again our hands are tied if we are stuck with the number 691 we are stuck with the number 691 and I have to find some location somewhere in town to put those 2500 homes um I don't have a choice I say I'm not a king um I don't have a choice I have to find some um some number uh some place in town to put those homes so uh that's the update by NE by December meeting I would know a lot more hopefully our planner will uh complete our study to see what the numbers are and hopefully one of the three other um motions will move along too the league has a conference um in uh next week so I learn a lot more about affordable housing at the conference next week so by December I'll have much more update about that so thank you yeah thank you mayor and if we can get any sort of affordable housing information out there on the uh Township's website I know um the league of municipalities has an affordable housing guide it has a lot of the you know deadlines that are coming up and the next deadline for us um guess is January 31st 2025 says deadline for municipalities to adopt their obligation numbers via bind in resolution with or without using the dca's published report so um there's going to be you know taking a very close look at the formula that was approved um by by the state and then taking a look at that and seeing if it me how they came up with the 661 and we have to figure out what we think it should be um yeah that that's we don't so um that's a lot of analysis that needs to be done in a short time frame I know know they've been working on it um but Council certainly wants to be um kept you know up to have a discussion in a full pre Public Presentation so the community can understand all of this yeah probably as I said probably by December meeting I'll have much better number bun better uh understanding of where the number is coming from but if any of the other three actions are successful then the deadline may not may may get pushed by by January 31st so I'm sure anyone's going down to the leue of municipalities annual convention uh I guess it's next uh next yeah you'll you'll get some more information and and you'll you'll hear it from the professionals that uh usually have the affordable housing meeting it's usually like 300 people in that okay um all right we'll move on to council member comments uh Andrea um yeah I look forward to seeing the numbers and look forward to seeing what the league says because every year it's the league uh when you go to the league it's basically well we think this is going to happen or we think that and nobody knows anything and now there's a lot more knowledge this year so I think there's going to be even more interest and even less room in the room um that discusses affordable housing um first I'd like to thank the people of West Windsor for resoundingly defeating by about two to one the proposed question to change the partisan elections thank you in particular to keep West Wind are nonpartisan and its hundreds of active supporters who gave of their time money and effort in so many ways in order to keep a system fair to all voters and to reject outside influence and money I was gratified but not surprised by the diversity of people from all backgrounds and political Persuasions that join the vote no movement to keep West Windsor nonpartisan and hope you continue to be engaged to ensure good government let's hope this crushing rejection by the voters puts an end once and for all to outside influence and money trying to interfere in West Windsor's Affairs we are not for sale I want to thank the residents of Varan City again for their presentation today as well as for inviting me and the rest of council to a very informative walking tour along Alexander Road in the neighborhood uh we will be looking at pedestrian improvements as we work on the 20 25 budget and this is a cause that I think most of us are very very um uh committed to for the township uh congratulations to the recreation department and the committee that put together West Windsor Township's first dwali celebration there was great entertainment decorations food and vendors I was able to add a piece to my wardrobe and even get a bit of dancing in it was a great success and everyone was talking about finding a bigger venue for next Year and thank you to all our veterans and those currently serve in the United States military including several of our Township employees who uh have uh who do get deployed thank you to all who came to the annual West Windsor Veterans Day ceremony yesterday to honor them and I would also like to thank the county for the veterans Outreach that Linda and I attended on Friday I'm looking forward to the mayor's ball on Saturday which will benefit attitudes and re in Reverse mental health holds a special place in my family and air as a special organization so I do ask everybody to support it in whichever way they can thank you thank you Andrea uh Martin sure I just wanted to take time to thank the Baran City residents for your presentation um for many years I have five kids and for many years I've been pushing for safety uh noticing the change in the community especially in terms of Walkers uh throughout this entire Township um so it's very very important for safety uh beacons lighting signage um Road Safety uh biking pedestrian I've been a big support of that for many years so thank you for your presentation we would do all that we can uh to ensure that there's greater Safety Not only in your area of the township but throughout the township as a whole uh second thing I just wanted to mention um to reiterate um Council coling I want to thank West Winter for your engagement in this local ballot question whether you are part of the vote no or vote Yes team um few things that we found out at this time is that um obviously there was incredible engagement around this um ballot question a lot of conversation um some bickering um some debating some angst and anger from one group to another and vice versa at times um but I've said this many times before uh this is is our community this is our Township things need to remain local and we need to especially remain civil um and anything that we do and how we speak to one another I think it's a greater example especially for the next generation is that we um take pride in the beautiful Township that we have you know we can talk about the rankings and things of that nature uh from a school district perspective or rankings of the township overall um but within our town Township as I always say there's far more commonalities than differences um if we shoot differences or Target differences differences differences um you're obviously going to get a lot of push back from individuals but if we talk about our commonalities mix in the differences uh that's called conversation that's called dialogue and as adults that's what we are supposed to be about and I'm I'm big advocate of that big ad advocate of unity in the community have always been if you know me personally and I just want us to do more of that um more conversation uh less divisiveness less outside Township people um getting involved and just a greater understanding of each other um we we we pride ourselves in diversity and using that term diversity we pride ourselves in uh intellect and the Academia and educational perspective that so many of us have um but now it's time to pride ourselves in humanity we look at things that are going on around this world around this nation political or not and right here in our town we have examples where we should be greater and higher and better I think this ballot question kind of showed that um and it's okay if there's difference of opinion like I said but let's um let's be more civil in our understanding of one another respectful of each other because that is the only way to go um and that is the most important thing um last I just wanted to mention uh there's obviously a lot of topic around affordable housing and we can discuss data and numbers and things that will come down from the state but um and I've seen postings about looking out different reports from universities and different areas of the state I just want us to not be remissed of to really think about that there's people involved in affordable housing I am one my family is one who moved here through affordable housing and I just always ask a lot of people who talk about affordable housing how many people who live in this town who are still living in affordable housing do you talk to do you have conversation with to understand some of the troubles and sometimes differences people look at those who live in affordable housing even in this town or in other towns um the difficulties that some have in our school district who are moving from Trenton or Newark or New Brunswick or per Amoy or certain areas of the union and Hamilton that I've met in my 18 years living here uh the difficulties they have in school the difficulties that single moms have when they're working two and three jobs and the children are at home so when we're talking about numbers and things that nature which we have to do I just encourage us to kind of think about that there's people involved it's not just numbers it's not just housing it's not just traffic it's not just that there are human beings involved when when we talk about affordable housing I see a lot of people talk about it and I know for a fact many haven't talked to me or spoken to me and my family members and other people that I know who are living and have lived in affordable housing in this Township which is a great opportunity it's an incredible opportunity It's a Wonderful opportunity but let's just uh be be cognizant that you know it's not just about what's coming down from the state but it's also about the people the people who come here and there's many different uh organizations one apsg that I've been involved with for many years and and and helping out individuals and obviously I was a former School Board member so I've heard and I've seen many stories of individuals who come here from different parts of the state and struggle and parents struggle and I just want us to be cognizant of that when we talk about affordable hous because it's very very important to understand that there's people and families and kids involved in that term affordable housing that's all I had thank you thank you Martin uh Dan thank you um thank you mayor for the update on the affordable housing situation um it's very fluid um and it will probably continue to be fluid for some time um and some of the changes and delays may or may not happen um I think we need to operate on the assumption that the current plan still is in January and and really looking forward to seeing that analysis it's really critical for the council to see that information and what your what the experts have decided because we ultimately have to make that decision so sounds like the December time frame will be time when we'll we'll be able to have a more robust discussion about it look forward to that um earlier this week the council was informed that we are switching service providers for the township website uh which will result in a new website design so I was very happy to see this because the the current website is nearly 20 years old and quite frankly it kind of shows um and in this day and age you know a Township website is not only serves as a place to put static information and announcements but it's also serves as like a service portable a service portal um for our residents and so I think it's critical that the Council and and the public as well um Can comment on what the new design and capabilities will be so like one example just one um I think the website should allow residents to easily look up their leaf collection Zone um and see the schedule in real time and perhaps subscribe to an alerting system that lets them know when they um least collection is occurring um that kind of you know information Exchange in real time use of data I think it's 2024 you these are things that we I think should expect so I would like so trying to figure out how do we facilitate um that kind of discussion and um having a background in in Tech and web design typically I would imagine there's there's got to be a functional design document that has to be provided to the new um service provider um a design specification I think it would be a appropriate for us to participate that sort of in the same way that we've had sort of you know non-binding discussions about what we would like to see in the new website what the community would like to see in the new website so that when we go forward we what comes out of the end um is a a really useful product for the for the whole community and one other thing I'd like to point out on our agenda today one of the resolutions 202 4- r218 which authorize the mayor and clerk to execute a memorandum of understanding with the Mercer County for the repair upgrade and replacement of the HVAC system and roof of the West Windsor Branch Library so hooray right we've been uh trying to get this done for quite some time and it's finally seeing an end to you know the the buckets in the hallways to catch the raindrops from the weaky roof so I'd like to thank merer County and County Executive Dan Benson for getting this done in his first year of his administration good well it had to be done time to transition from one Administration to the next uh and also new business administrator um who used to work here so I think you're going to see some things that didn't get done will get done abut yeah I just want to mention if anybody does want to look at when they're leaf or anything uh we've been pushing I guess we haven't mentioned it for a while recycle coach um which is available both on the website online or it's available on your phone as an app and uh you can set that to remind you for when recycling leaf pickup and um you just have to put your address in there and it will tell you uh about you know how to pick how to do things when they're going to be done and you can get reminders from that for uh both both of those things um in terms of the website um design I think I think we have several months where the current yeah vendor is still there for another six months or so but but we could discuss say under new business um ideas you know for how we would change it I mean that might work so um maybe we can do that at an upcoming meeting kind of coordinate what I think we have but you know we want to talk we want to talk about it and get it get it moving so maybe in December or else early January yeah new okay good all right um yeah we celebrated uh Veterans Day yesterday it was a beautiful day uh we had the laying of the wreaths at various Memorial locations in town uh there was very nice ceremony led by our retired Clerk and Veteran gay Huber and Veteran clerk uh Joey Goden who is who is right over here so she's a veteran too serving thank you for your service and thank you to all our veterans who are here this evening uh we appreciate uh your service and and dedication uh and keeping us safe uh and as Andrew mentioned we attended a uh veterans Expo in ying and there was a lot of uh inspirational um you know speeches uh from veterans uh and the Beautiful musical selections by a veteran ban so um we we enjoyed that very much um and just uh thanks to everyone who voted uh in the election um the I'll the election certification will be coming down is say November 25th or November according to the county clerk's website 20th I thought but unofficial results um certification will be complete on or about November 20th 20 20th right and presumably the outstanding um provisional votes and stuff have to get counted before that because there're a number yeah as per the county clerk's website it says that the um votes will be continue to be updated as the Board of Elections counts remaining vote by mail ballots provisional ballots and signature cured vote by mail ballots right okay good all right and I enjoyed the campaign season just going door too that's kind of my thing I'm not the biggest social media person out there but I do like to go door too I'm more of a one-on-one person with conversations so um yeah I I had a lot of confidence um in the way the outcome of the vote came which was majority no so we will remain um nonpartisan elections in West Windsor we still have to have it you know the election certified by the merer county clerk um but that's expected soon so appreciate everybody voting just you know it's your it's your duty and and American way all right um clerk's office the um the we have a link on our website under news and notices and also under our elections page for the unofficial results there's a link to the county clerk's website there okay good uh we have no public hearings this evening consent agenda okay 2024 d r216 authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute an easement modification agreement for 16 highp Point Place March 19th 2024 budget session number two as amended bills and claims does anyone need anything pulled seeing none uh can I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved second roll call vote Mandel yes wece yes Whitfield yes sters yes motion approved recommendations from the administration and Council clerk okay 2024 D r217 requesting approval of the director of the division of local government services to establish a dedicated trust by Ryder for donations acceptance of bequests and Gifts njsa 4A colon 5-29 for the War Memorial moral Vietnam and Iraq war improvements 2024-25 authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute a memorandum of understanding with Mercer County for the repair upgrade Andor replacement of the HVAC system and roof of the West Windsor Branch Library 2024-25 granting reservation of sewer capacity and authorizing the execution of required treatment works approval per application to the new New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the project known as Woodstone commercial pb2 24-1 2024 d220 authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute contract amendment number two to T andm Associates for additional supplementary work for the Duck Pond Run sewer Interceptor project Phase 2 $3,512 20 uh 202 24- r221 author izing the mayor and clerk to execute the final one-year contract extension with Princeton air conditioning Inc for the Maintenance and Service of the heating ventilation and air conditioning HVAC systems for various Township facilities $2,332 2024 r222 authorizing the business administrator to purchase fiber optic data transmission for the municipal network from C crown castle fiber LLC for the period January 1 2025 through December 31st 2029 for a total not to exceed $18,000 2024-25 three authorizing the business administrator to purchase one new Ford F250 4x4 vehicle for the division of fire and Emergency Services through the Education Services Commission of New Jersey escnj Cooperative purchasing program 61,000 $63.50 2024 r224 authorizing the business administrator to purchase three new 20125 Ford Bronco sport 4x4 vehicles for the division of fire and Emergency Services through the county of Bergen Cooperative purchasing program $ 9,425 okay does anyone need any resolutions pulled okay seeing none can I have a motion to approve 2024 D r217 through 2024 r27 24 Mark so moved second okay Mandel roll call vote Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes and Jers yes okay motion approved I introduction of ordinance 2024 d26 an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 168 traffic and parking of the revised General ordinances of the township of West Windsor a motion to introduce so move second roll call vote Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes the public hearing will be on December 9th 2024 okay 2024 d27 an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 168 traffic and parking and chapter 113 noise of the revised General ordinances of the township of West Windsor so moved motion to introduce oh it's okay I think we know what we're doing so move second Mandel yes voice yes Whitfield yes Jers yes okay public hearing will be on December 9th 2024 okay this is our second of time for public comment so if you'd like to make a public comment please come to the microphone state your name and address and you will have up to three minutes I'm Mark pepper 43 Providence Court I think this is a personal record for me three times in one night but I I really want to um acknowledge uh the Eagles because they're now in first place and my son is thrilled he's a big Eagles fan but I I publicly thank mayor Reed gusur of Trenton you think you have a tough job try try his um I saw him this morning at the um the Trenton Economic Development series residential Renaissance in Trenton they were talking about affordable housing I learned that shill Oliver a blessed memory um said um brilliantly that we all live in a housing that we can afford okay so um but there was a big discussion about affordable housing coming to Trenton along with market rate housing and anyway and Reed was I want to thank him because he's just about the only Mercer County Democrat uh that did not contrib to the yes because he he runs a nonpartisan town so that would have made sense and then the only County Commissioner that did not contribute to yes was Nina melker and I know she's a banker and I don't think they're allowed to contribute but all the other you know I don't want to beat a dead horse but I just want to really thank also you know the the Princeton Oaks part of div uh voting district 11 Linda AMT um Andrew is that your District I no three all but 11 um went three to one and that includes a lot of people who wanted septic uh sewers a lot of people wanted sewers still voted no thank you thank you anybody else for a public comment I don't envy read I don't envy read he has a tough job but he is a big supporter of nonpartisan and I think I think there was some pressure on him and that's all I'm going to say I always wonder why he gave a easy job in the legislature to become mayor yeah yeah okay okay all right we'll move on to council reports discussion new business uh well we have a discussion we'll do this first under that discussion of best practices submission does anybody have any question questions I have a few things want me to go first I guess yeah okay um it's it's number 10 and the the question was did your municipality introduce and adopt its current year budget no later than the extended dates authorized by the local Finance board um and then earlier it says like for the the 2024 budgets and local Finance board extended these dates to March 29th and April 30th respectively or the next regularly scheduled governing body meeting thereafter so we we had a meeting on April 29th but the the budget hearing was May 13 so I don't know we had mentioned that yeah the question it says we answered no but I think if we that we may be able to get a point for that are you sure that wasn't when we got the budget originally because because the original was early March I don't have yeah but but we we been we what I'm saying is we're in compliance with what we did but um we answered no so we you don't get a point so I believe we the answer was that we were in compliance but you you could look at that thought it was two for questions but well that's that's one maybe want to provide some context to the people who listen understand you're oh um she here so the the state requires um that we answer several questions um there's numerous you know I don't know 30 30 plus questions I believe um about how we practice and and what we do and and all sorts of things um some of the things deal with just having minutes for committees and commissions other things deal with budget so it it's it's just numerous um categories of our business practices so this this is um an annual document um that the administration um answers all the questions then it's given to the council um and then the council has to um I guess give our give our blessings uh to this that we have reviewed it right and it does result in we have to get a certain score got 35 doing so off the top you have to you have to have 35 points we had I think 44 so we were well above the minimum um to be in compliance with our practices right okay okay good all right so I would just just double check that one um um now on number 55 it says does your municipality maintain on its website minutes and agendas for the governing body planning board board of adjustments and all commissions and we we said yes but I I know from the shade tree commission they do not do minutes personally I think they should but that that's an issue and then yeah and then also the human relation Council um does not do minutes and the board of recreation uh Recreation Board of Commissioners I didn't see that on their section like agendas um and information like that so um I would say that we're a no on that and I think that's a good thing it's the end of the year to review you know to have all the boards and commissions I think they should do um minutes minute minutes can just stay you know they can be brief they don't have to be you know five pages but just if any votes are taking or just list in the minutes a discussion some something um to reflect uh what what happened at the public meeting particularly any votes so um that's that's number uh 550 55 and it says um and 59 is uh does your municipality post on its website all current labor agreements including memoranda of understanding contract amendments side letters sidebar agreements I maybe it's there but I I did not see it uh I think we didn't I think we said no on that uh we said yes on that so I'm what page well page 30 of 36 number what number is it it's number 59 so just something to check I unless it's somewhere I don't know maybe I just didn't see it I believe the um labor agreements would be in the um Council agenda meeting that they were approved in I I took it to read that um like on the website there would be like labor agreements a certain section where you could just look up something as opposed to definitely web page and that agenda doesn't go on the web page I think that the agreements might be in I I understand that's how we are until after we vote on the labor agreements and things like that so I'm thinking I took it to read that it should be some place where you can click on I think the school board has that um some on their website double check on that for you yeah check check on that one now we there's a half a point there is there a reason for a half a point yeah I don't know um maybe whatever just look at those we're still in compliance very much okay y all right anything else that's just what I of saw all right um all right so do the council reports um Andrea yeah Council reports not much uh the affordable housing November meeting was cancelled so the next meeting will be December and the environmental commission will be meeting on this Thursday 11:14 so if anybody wishes to attend thank you Dan um the human relations council meeting in November was also cancelled they said they were going to reschedule it but I haven't seen that yet so I imagine between now and the holiday probably wait until December um and the next parking authority meeting is tomorrow so okay right thank you Martin yes uh planning board met last Wednesday November 6 uh two applications were presented before the board uh both from Princeton University pb1 18- 09 is an amendment to the general development plan that was approved back in January 2020 the amendment is needed due to the boundary of the educational District zone property updating records reflect the area of the property and land there is no change in uses at all an expert witness and planner gave us a presentation on the University intends to grow on this property and displayed a framework for that potential growth uh that was approved SEC second application from Prince University was PB 24-8 prelim preliminary final major PL site plan uh princeon University baseball stadium baseball park which will be located under the University's late campus medals neighborhood adjacent to the softball park in West Windsor we heard presentations from the University architect giving uh complete campus content and design waivers uh sound system etc etc also heard from Landscaping experts uh which there was a lot of questions around that with all regulations on property regarding storm water retention areas and heard their storm water management strategies uh renderings of the stadium and area repr presented uh with a projection of 463 spectator seats in the stadium uh preliminary major site plan was approved uh the next planning board meeting will be Wednesday December 18th thank you thank you uh the shade tree commission's next meeting um has been changed to Tuesday November 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the municipal building they generally meet on Wednesdays but that would be the uh night before Thanksgiving and we all felt we'll move it to Tuesday so sh commission Tuesday November 26 at 6:30 p.m. Municipal Building okay Administration updates anything else no see none any need for a closed session no okay so motion uh to adjourn get a motion to second second latest first all in favor say I I I this meeting is adjourned thank you for coming out everyone here's what I