##VIDEO ID:C3f6TaXzN7k## welcome everybody this is the meeting of the West Windsor zoning board this is to advise that notice of the time date location and to the extent known agenda of the subject meeting was prominently posted in the public place reserve for such a similar announcements on September 17th 2024 mailed to the Princeton packet Trenton Times and West Windsor Plainsboro news on September 17th 20124 and followed with Township Clerk on September 17th 2024 Sam I guess call the role here here here okay I will make note that the application ZB 243 24 norchester drive has been withdrawn this was withdrawn oh so we will start with the minutes from August 1st 2024 I only had one thing on page four which was just completing the sentence chair Abby chairwoman Abby announced that the planning board will hold the hearing on the issue of zoning in Baran City on September 4th anybody have any other changes yes I do Susan thank you um I think probably everybody got the revised resolution uh for the one that we did last time um and uh I had some comments I think everybody's gotten the revised resolution so are you talking about the resolution or right now we're doing the I know but it's reflected in the minutes okay on the minutes on page three under your comments there I would suggest to harmonize it with the proposed resolution that we uh we substitute the following wording for your second bullet point I and I'll give uh I can give Sam a copy of this I would substitute adjacent to 14 Baran Avenue the side yard will be 8.83 feet where is that on two page well it's on page three minutes for your second bullet point because that was the issue that there is actually an encroachment but uh uh in other words it was the the sidey yard is a lot smaller than it would be otherwise so I would substitute the wording adjacent to 14 Baran Avenue the sidey yard will be 8.83 feet I'm sorry John where on the page are you on page three of the minutes three of the minutes right under under chairwoman Abby commented okay so for the second bullet point okay okay I would substitute this wording and that would be uh in harmony with the uh amend resolution right that we worked on so so I would like to make that substitution if the board will agree so what do you recommend there's no further encroachment against I would substitute for that second bullet point I would substitute adjacent to 14 Baran Avenue the sidey yard will be 8.83 feet to clarify adjacent to adjacent to what five D adjacent to 14 Baran Avenue the side yard will be 8.83 feet so that's an amendment to the minutes yeah an amendment to the minutes right so take strike the second bullet point and just substitute this wording if if you 8 point 8 point what 8 point what 83 32 83 8 8.83 feet two well yeah okay no further encroachment no further encroachment on the other side no nothing else that's all I I'll give this you can make it 8 feet 10 in I agree we're good for that actually everything was in inches I think on the platform well I'd rather have 8T than 96 in yeah right 8 feet in yeah so 98 times plus anything else that's all I have anybody else Susan did all the bullet points that we came up with at the last meeting are they captured in the minutes looks like it okay the same question is going to ask for the resolution I know the resolution it harmonizes with the revised resolution yeah I want them in the minutes and the resolution that's right consistency between yeah the the the the conditions right listed in the resolution pages 4 five and what's in this part of the minutes that's Sam can give you a copy of this I wrote down or I have a piece of paper if I have it put here okay do we have a motion to approve With The Changes recommended Al so move move by John Raider second oh second John Church all in favor say I I any opposed no Samy can have this there'll be two exstension who abstains um Mr fridkin and Mr that's right next up is the resolution for ZB 2402 12 Baran Avenue resolution do we have any comments Corrections uh yeah I had proposed a revision to the resolution which has been taken care of so I it's okay with the board would like to so trishka you already have a copy of the revised yeah I prepared it and sent it out I think this afternoon should be copies everybody folders and it would have been emailed out good so I I'd be happy to review the the revisions with the board if you'd like yeah does anybody need to hear what the revision is to these yeah it does say revise at the top so you'll if you've got the right this the old one but I had I read it online I read anyone wants me to go over the changes or if you have any questions let me know why don't you read what's in red sure um so the first change is on page one and paragraph two just inserting that the property is a rectangular parcel because later on in the resolution it was referred to as it regularly shaped um the remainder of the changes are on page four in paragraph a and then new paragraphs uh B and C so in paragraph a we've taken out the words and irregularly shaped in the first line inserted a second sentence right after the first sentence in addition to being undersized it is deficient as to width and then I inserted a new paragraph B which reads the sidey setback on the right friend's driveway side of the property will not change on the left side adjacent to 14 Baran Avenue the area immediately adjacent to the proposed addition which includes a bay window will have an 8.83 foot sidey yard the applicant agreed to install screening for privacy along the property line next to the bay window in order to mitigate any impacts from this reduced setback and then uh see it's the the actually the wording hasn't changed I just put it into its own paragraph to split these up that's it good changes anybody have any comments or anything else for resolution ZB 2402 motion to approve do we have a second second okay moved by Curtis second and by John Raider all in favor say I I I any opposed say no resolution ZB 2402 is approved well this one is coming up chair's comments and correspondence um I have none if there's any member of the public that wants to just a reminder to a board that tomorrow is the uh Grand Opening cutting of the Wawa which was a zoning board application a while ago um the that takes place at 8:30 A.M uh the corporate people from guwa will be there West wer people will be there um I recommend parking for that event not at the guwa but at the whole Market because there'll be a lot of people that are you guys know the Wawa parking lot's not that big so I drove by there today uh did you actually go in no I I was on my way somewhere else the cues were at the door but uh are we expected to do anything there uh smile glad hands um get to know get meet them welcome them to the community that other than that you know you guys unless you have an agenda drink coffee get gas tell all your thoughts one might have caused the other you never know thank you Curtis the other going to be a hotel oh very good so uh no no no no very good as our original Zoning Board review Henry is correct was that there was going to be a uh and we approved uh a three or four story probably four story uh Hotel behind the Wawa yeah well that um that never came to pass and yet the planning board did a review and approved a while ago uh a Chick-fil-A on that same site um yet Sam you want me to update the board on that matter yeah after they got their approval for various reasons they decided they want to completely redo their application so they've come back in front of the TRC the technical Review Committee and if you're interested October 16th the planning board will hear the new preliminary final site plan for Chick-fil-A so they they'll be coming to us with a revised applica the planning board that is with a revised application for the Chick-fil-A behind the W with or without the to I don't I don't know about that haven't seen any materials yet that's part it's hard to do that threedimensional thing on our video billboards I just find it strange that they would build a fast food establishment that far away from the main V they can pull it off so you know you know as Michael KP might the chair of the planning board would say let Market forces preva people find CH I was gonna say they're not gonna have any trouble getting coming they'll find the entrance okay public comment if there's anyone here for commenting on anything other than what is on the agenda please step forward seeing none do I have to close the public comment since there was there's um as stated previously ZB 243 has been withdrawn evidently Sam they have found a way that it meets the requirements without having to come for a variance norer the expanding above the garage on the house in norchester they I I can answer that one uh in our review we had questioned how they measure the floor area ratio because they included the entirety of the attic space including those areas that are under ceiling of less than S feet so they actually went back they were able to recalculate it slightly rework it and they no longer need a variance so they need yeah build construct it was all interior anyway but um yes it's no longer requires any floor area ratio relief oh yeah it would have been never understand how [Laughter] they I felt writing the review okay next up next up is ZB 244 Jacob dick 110 Harris Road Sam I want to ask you before you Sam and David being what you said about attic space does that change anything about the application we're about to hear since they are also converting an attic above an existing two guard Gage into usable space is the priority this one is a rear yard Edition or a rear Edition sorry oh oh I'm reading the wrong one yeah sorry made me very nervous for a second the appli was okay this is seeking to construct an 843 foot on story addition to an existing single family dwelling at 110 Harris Street and Madam chair for the record I've reviewed the notice everything's order and the board can hear the application tonight okay hi he be sworn in yes if you could please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes you could State your full name for the record please uh Jacob dick okay you want to tell us about your application yeah um I was gonna say I wish I had a two-car garage nice um so members of the board thank you for hearing my case um yeah so my wife and I moved to West Windsor about five or so years ago March of 2019 and well at the time it was just me and my wife um and so a three bedroom one bath house kind of made sense at the time um but since then we've had two kids um Ezra and Zach and um it's the one bathroom's kind of become a bit of a hardship a bit of a hardship onement it's quite a bit of hardship uh that and Storage storage space in in the house so what we're looking to do is put a um a addition onto the back of the house behind so if you're looking at the plans um we can towards the front of the property is Harris Road and then in the back of the property is actually green space behind it's a long rectangular property about 50 by 192 ft long um and so we're looking to do is add a um basically just extend the the house is basically a te and we're just looking to extend the house backwards from that that the back of the te backwards into the property um so what we would be adding would be um a living room um there'd be a dining room um a bedroom with walk-in closets to kind of to address the storage space problem as well as um a second bathroom which is the main main uh point of the application um so that's yeah that's kind of oh and we're also um going to be demolishing the garage so currently the house stretches pretty much the entire length of the property I think there's like 18 inches on one side and there's like 21 Ines on the other side have to recheck somewhere around there so on the on the 108 side which is towards the north side of the house um there used to be a garage it's labeled playroom sometime in the 1950s it was redone by the previous owners into what we I think it was I'm entirely sure what they use it for but now we use it for playroom that's why it's labeled playroom um and so uh what we figured we would do since the playroom is kind of long and then we figured we would move we would demolish that which would increase the setback on that side of the house to about 11 feet 10 or 11 feet um so um and then we would move that square footage to the back as well as add-on additional square footage in the back um and uh yeah that's kind of that's kind of the application um yeah I mean oh the other thing is we we we really wanted to prioritize putting the um the addition in the back because um it's kind of it's not visible it's not as visible from the street so that was the whole idea and we thought that extending that back part of the house would kind of make it so that it would basically blend into the rest of the house it would look pretty much like the same house but just longer in the back um and uh yeah that's and it's green space behind there so nobody there's nobody behind the house to that would be object would object to it but you know this not owned by anybody well the town um so you're going from are you adding a bedroom are you going from three bedrooms to three bedrooms or two bedrooms to three bedrooms you already have three yeah so there's currently three what we're going to do is we're going to go from three to three um yeah we're just going to um basically make the existing master bedroom into a bathroom um because all the plumbing is kind of in that area of the house um and then we're going to put the bed in the back and you're just adding one bathroom yeah adding we're oh we're moving the the laundry room is going to be moved upstairs but not being added I guess I don't know so you're going to retain the two existing bedrooms I'm looking at your plan you don't get the existing layout so I'm trying to surmise it you're yeah yeah apologies for that um yeah so there are two bedrooms in the front um one of them yeah yeah so we're we're gonna probably make that one so the one on the 108 side towards the north side of the house um our plan was to make that um larger um and then so that so currently it so currently that where that so there's a hallway that goes to that that bedroom currently the one on the 108 side if you keep traveling down that hallway you run on the plans there's a door that goes into that bedroom currently um that door is not there it's just a straight hallway to where the if you if you look closely there's a dotted line there you can see the where the door opens and the existing wall line is theologize yeah a little bit yeah um we wanted we wanted to make it a little bit bigger so it would match the other kind of the square footage of the other bedroom but that's my younger son Zach's room he has a you get a bigger closet as well you double the closet size yeah uh you're going to keep the existing living room as a living room yeah that's but you also have a living area that would be like family room yeah that would be in place of the uh playroom that was demolished both it's planning to be proposed to be demolished the main the main reason for demolishing the playroom was so that there would be more room to to get to the the back of the house so currently um in order to get from the front of back of the house like to do leaf pickup to drop my leaves off in the front I have to either increases your side yeah so that that's the point so you're increasing the mic from what's allowed is 13% and you're going up to 14% no I mean the uh existing legal is 133% off yeah 177% is the limit on Improvement coverage in the code the uh the mic increase doesn't bother me all that much because you've got that big green area behind you and that we we think about rainwater absorption and so forth because because you are adjacent to that large area behind the wooded area I think that sort of mitigates the uh the point looks like a large increase in the mic just let me ask this question though excuse me is proper at all oh not yeah it's on I'm having a little voice problem little allergy problem today oh so uh are you having any flooding problems on your land at all um not that I not that I know of there was um yeah there is so 114 just doubled the size of their house I know so and actually we reached out to the town but they um they said they couldn't really tell whose issue it was but I've never it never flooded there before but they actually doubled the size of their house and now um there's that side yard near where the chimney is fls a little bit but other than that the the yard doesn't the yard is we did have some intense rain a couple months ago yeah that was the only the only time did you have any flooding yeah that was the one time that we had flooding in that part of the just in that that area of the house you had water in the house no no it's um it was great the house is actually graded away from from there so we so it's kind of it wasn't it wasn't too deep so it's about it's like right on the property line kind of okay so he actually graded his house towards the property line oh and ours was already graded as is so kind of all of his water is coming on property we had thought of that well actually they didn't come for us they didn't need an application they didn't need a variance no they never came before that was a building department issue perhaps so he increased the grade and yeah and they uh yeah they that was interesting way they built that house good yeah yeah you don't want people next door to you causing flooding yeah I mean like the person who lives there is very nice guy but um but uh yeah The Flipper who uh oh who came in kind of just said oh I guess just put dirt down there do you have adequate storm sewage on your street does it does it handle the thuds all right yeah I think like you're talking about the the storm sewers in the road do you have storm sewers he must have storm sewers yeah I think I believe so in Harris Road there's there's you're talking about the the uh the greates on the side of the yeah yeah we have we we have so this was a very very heavy rainstorm we had so I'm not surprised l people have some issues I think yeah yeah that's that's what the the town basically said they couldn't they couldn't make a determination because it was just so much rain okay anyway so because you have the green space behind I think that helps your situation quite a bit that can take a lot of water back there does it slope back does your property slope back towards the uh green area or SL or does it slope towards you uh I'm not entirely sure that part back no so that area should flood is it going to impact your land so if if you got a flood behind you in in the green area the large Woods is that going to flow into your property or is it going to go the other way uh not to my knowledge I think it's it's bar it's very it's barely level I believe so it would um but but uh yeah it's fa level we actually um but yeah it's I think it's fairly fairly level there there's a bunch trees back back there um and we actually have I think count like 18 trees on the property so that's kind of what in that area where it was kind of flooding I actually planted Three Trees so that it would uhuh try and absorb all of that water do you have a a basement in your house yeah does that get water no no water we um we have a dehumidifier down there but it's no like there's no like bulk water for flooding or any issues like that okay all right so in summary because John was very sensive this questioning do you have any um storm water issues on the property storm water drainage issues on the property yes yeah we we have one but I don't think it's actually caused by our property it's caused by run off into your property from another from property that's that's one understanding so Sam can I ask a question on this does the engineering department review a property like this when they come in for their zoning permit if you approve the variants engineering will review it correctly and they'll look at the soil disturbance and they will um potentially require mitigation for the water what whatever they come up with yep they'll enforce the um the engineering code as it relates to grading and storm water and so forth yeah I mean one of my two concerns about this application is it's GNA create a potential flood and he's got water coming from the neighbor and he's add his water to that water it's got to go somewhere did they raise the grade next door to cause this issue and that I don't yeah we're not engineers in this no no that would be for the construction department they shouldn't have allowed a grading change I know the house next door I'm sorry if I could um I know the house next door on the other side 108 has a dryw in their backyard that wasn't a very that was approved by the committee in 2005 I think with a similar Mi with a similar so we could could we just just thinking forward on the application just say that ask that they do a storm water what you can put in there as a condition of approval in whether it's in of engineering you to ensure there's no flooding issues caused by exactly you want to put it on the record and as a condition of approval that's fine yeah okay and then inally speaking well no it's it's it's not finding an issue it's that this addition will not create an issue that's what they're looking at I create any more of an issue than he already has um CH pointed out I not yet sworn you or Mr Novak in because we're just dealing withness but I think it's important that we do swear you in now so if you could both raise your right hands do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and do you also swear that what you just said was the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do you could each just identify yourselves sure David Novak noova with burch's Associates uh board planning consultant Samuel CES Township land use manager and Zoning officer continue okay yeah thank you very much for your testimony uh we had a memo that was dated uh September 13 2024 uh we already asked or you already answered a couple questions specifically related to storm water um just let me run through a couple numbers with the calculation of the floor area ratio so I believe the dwelling presently has a floor area of around 1,219 square feet is that correct yeah like 1220 somewhere okay and you're looking to remove the playroom which has a footprint and we'll assume a floor area of around 149 ft yeah okay and the addition is approximately 884 ft uh 843 I think uh the oh I'm sorry 843 that's correct 843 so that mean there's a total floor area proposed of 1,913 square feet yeah okay uh if we were to divide that by 9600 Square ft that brings us to a floor area of around 19.9% and the zoning table says 21.5% so I think the zoning table might have accidentally over calculated what's actually proposed um it would still require floor area ratio relief but if I'm doing that math correct again it would be 1219 minus the 149 from the playroom oh okay and then plus 843 is 1,913 Ft divided 9600 ft which is a lot area that's around 19.9% so I think in their zoning table they had 21.9 21.9 or 21.5 so it might be it would still require the F Bar relief but it would be less than what was on the zoning table and it would no longer be one of the highest it be slightly below the highest in the neighborhood instead of creating a new high point it's always nice to see the number go down rather than up that was 19.9 2% and I I apolog I had a tape on my memo I had it as 20.3% because I misread that floor area that's being added um okay so that all right and that sounds accurate to you yeah it sounds that comes out to 2866 square feet 1900 14 1,913 square feet what is it it' be 1,913 square feet it would be oh okay yeah 1,219 oh okay minus 149 which is the playroom which is getting removed and then adding the eight 43 which is the addition 1,913 Square fet divided by the floor area I'm sorry divided by the lot area which is 9,600 F feet and that equals 19.9 2% um okay uh regarding the the addition to the back um can you talk about what type of pade materials you're going to use is it going to match the existing building or you do everything over again or yes so our plan is the the existing it's V so there's vinyl light blue vinyl sighting or right our plan currently is to reset the house with the same vinyl sighting with the same color so it'll look the idea is it'll just look like the same it'll look like one continuous house and we want to match what was existing currently so it kind of doesn't look like a different house and still looks like similar house that's that's the current Point okay um the addition is going into the B can you just talk about what the visual impact would be of that addition from Harris Road and just give the board a little idea of you know what's on either side of your property when it comes to your neighbors yeah so currently um on so as you're coming down Harris Road say come from like Alexander Road which is by the um PJ's Pancake House that that area if you're coming down Harris Road going I believe that's south on the plant roughly south on the plans um the first thing the first house you'll see before our house is a yellow yellowish house that's 108 Harris Road um and uh they have a driveway right next to ours that kind of right on our property line um that like goes right up against the property line and then what you would see is you would see the you might see a little bit of the left the um North North wall of the property um north wall of the addition I don't think you'd be able to see that far back but um it's plausible and then as you're going down Harris Road on the other side of the property uh about 20 feet back from the property line um which is roughly 2ish feet maybe 22 feet from uh our the side of our house which is that living room that that little Outpost living room area uh with the with the bow window um on that side of the property there is a 2500 square foot um house 114 that's about 20 ft back from our uh property okay and there's uh I know along the north end uh there's existing vegetation there um along the yellow house property line yeah so we have a few bushes uh we have um two trees um two uh deciduous trees and then there are eight eight pine trees that we believe it's it's kind of a we we believe they're on our property they're on the property line the the owner of 108 it's probably too much information but on 108 actually planted them there um but they're on our our side of the fence of the owner just put in a new fence so they on our side of the fence there's eight trees there okay um and that's that's what's currently I was just thinking one way to think about the effect of the extension of your house is what fraction of your backyard it's going to take up uh how deep is your backyard after behind your press uh So currently the backyard I think is 124 ft so the take another 30 yeah so it ends up being about 90 so you still have considerable back yeah so there yeah in terms of water there should be a good amount um it's almost 94 feet yeah and that backs up to the C woods and it backs up to permanently preserved yeah I was actually just out in that area on uh last Friday so uh those are all the questions I have for now I don't know if board would like me to go through what the criteria is or if you'd like to ask questions first then go back to that a curious question have you checked on the availability of the sighting to match the sighting since your house uh I have I haven't but I have seen I have looked kind of on like Clos csy look so the thing about so there there is there is they seem to sell blue it it would look slightly darker because well yeah it's like I don't remember when they put that in I think it was like 30 if it puts anybody's Minds at ease the strike ended right before this meeting started so might be a little more I would not object if you wanted that shames the siding color I mean it's vinyl okay I mean vinyl is vinyl what is that light blue or light gray yeah it's like a light blue it's kind of turned more like over time honestly we like the color we like the color as it is there is it h I'm not it's definitely oh yeah this is yeah that's Kevin so B basically just for the record currently you have two driveways that really butt right up against each other yeah with that addition where the garage used to be and you're going to take that down so you're going to increase the distance between the two houses the house from the house next door yeah you're going to go from 1.8 feet to 11 feet yeah as a sidey yard to your next door neighbor you're going to increase the sidey yard yeah by over 11 feet yeah um I think their house on that side is about 10 the the drive waist is about the start of their driveway is about 11 feet from our where our new side would be and then their their driveway is about 10 feet wide is 10 11-ish feet yeah so be like 20 feet from their house so if you take the opening right there and put two feet on each side you have you know just little up to the 11 or two two or three is that right a substantial increase in the side yard from the [Music] neighbor um yeah we're yeah so we're we're in between depending on what the cost is we we want to add a basement um that's our our our goal because we can have more storage space um but um it might it's either a basement or across base currently in the plans we have it set as a basement that is there going to be a basement or no um yeah that's the current plan that's the current plan but you're saying if construction cost comes in too high you may cut that to a 12 Spate yeah that's uh we were thinking about that the architect actually said that that lap because the house is high higher up off the ground there is not wouldn't be feasible other questions of the applicant or David that's that's a survey marker yes surve survey marker Sur yes now we uh we do go over the statutory criteria in this memo dated uh September 13 2024 board has heard us many times but this is a E4 area ratio variance so typically for a d application uh the applicant needs to direct positive and the negative criteria um for certain V1 use variance applications so for example we were talking about the wael application from years ago applicant would need to make a sighting argument that the site is particularly suited for the use for a D4 floor area ratio application you don't really need to do that because the use is already permitted there really what the board and the applicant need to determine is whether or not the site can accommodate the problems associated with not meeting that standard and in this case it's floor area ratio why do we have floor area ratio well for a couple reasons one to en control the intensity of a site uh in this case we have heard that the number of bedrooms is remaining the same other things that we look at would be light air and open space uh physical appearance storm water these are all things that the Board needs to consider when addressing a floor area ratio application uh so far we've heard testimony that um number of bedrooms will not be removed uh and that there will be a sided portion of the building that existing playroom which will be removed as well which should help open up some light air and open space at least along that portion of the existing house um just some of the considerations for the board yeah I ack question determine that this would create a storm water issue would in your opinion based on your experience would this s be able to accomodate mitigation measures amount of expense I'm not familiar with Topography of the property and the engineering office would take a a look at that but as an engineer would tell you it's only money that would prevent something to be taken care of so it's if it's relevant I'm a I'm actually a licensed engineer New Jersey um mechanical engineer um but uh yeah you can I mean this type of thing can be resolved with um there there's dry Wheels you can put out or um some places have some pumps that can pump water out of the property onto the street if it's if it's an issue um but uh I mean in my in my um view I I there's like there's like 93 ft of rear yard space which I and a ton of there's like 18 trees on the property um and there's a green space behind it so I I think it shouldn't be an issue um but yeah I mean it would have to be under review from the uh engineering office like like Sam was saying just a question uh in general and talking about flooding do the Neighbors in general have issues with flooding in that area I don't live in that area so I don't know myself but uh is it a common problem when we have a severe rst do a lot of people have problems with that or do they not uh I don't believe any of them have like any on their on their like on their property or yeah or in they getting into their house their basement or anything uh not to my knowledge um I know some houses have some pumps on their have some pumps on their in their houses um that means there is pump no no there's there's no some we haven't had any any water issues but um but yeah there's no some so if need be you would he could get a sump pump all right it's pretty unusual not to have a sump pump in New Jersey anyway so yeah it's pretty wet State you have too yeah other questions comments I'd like to open the public hearing then unless you have something else you want to go over if we have any members of the public that would like to get up and speak please do so before you start I need to swear you in if you could raise your right hand please do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes if you could State your full name for the record Kevin renal how do you spell your last name r a n a l l o thank you and your address please 106 Harris Road 106 okay um so just a little background for me uh the house he currently lives in was my grandmother's house was the house that my mother grew up in they were in it since the prob mid-40s uh I grew up going there basically every day playing in The Yards doing all that so I'm really familiar with the property so to address like the flood water issue I can say that growing up there really wasn't an issue uh at one point there was a water issue but it was to do with the back porch was cracked and it was leaning towards the house so it was going through the sail plate that was addressed the basement water issues were fixed I know because my brother and I were the ones that fix them um and as far as like the backyard property flooding I don't recall it ever flooding except for you know torrential downpour and it wasn't even really a FL it was like puddles right um where the yard would be down a little bit um ever since the house of 114 was put in the grading could probably have been done better the pipes coming off of the gutter could have been done better some water when it does rain heavy does come down and go into like where the two yards meet it kind of SW makes kind of a dolly um they could have the flipper could have done a better job um other than that the really I don't ever recall seeing any issues with the flood you know flooding uh I don't ever recall the woods behind there ever flooding uh my yard I know the same thing we have one property's higher than the other and it kind of meets obviously heavy rains water goes there and it usually goes out through the road um there are storm drains on Harris a few houses down uh going towards the high school and then the other direction it kind of goes down to Alexander um trying to think what else as far as that goes so you know obviously we would have to go to the engineer but from what I recall I don't ever remember any like major water problems um yeah and I think it's nice that like I think I spoke about this maybe not in this meeting but another meeting that when we were selling the house people wanted to purchase the house to knock it down and build something monstrous and they kept on saying we're not going to pay this because the property's not big enough they came in love the house love the character of it and it's nice to see that they want to stay and grow their family and you know put in addition on my family did that in probably the 80s maybe with the house that I'm in now uh neighbors down the street did that so it's nice to see a family come in and say we want to stay we're going to put a reasonable addition in uh so we can grow our family here and we're seeing that I think kind of a lot in that area now where there's a turnover uh it's both good and bad but you know more kids in the neighborhood and it's really nice so but overall I you know I I can appreciate what he's do thank you is there anyone else public that would like to comment seeing none uh take a motion to close the public hearing moved by John Raider second second second second by Henry all in favor to close the public hearing say I I any opposed okay comments well I had only two concerns one was that this was going to become one of the highest Fs in the neighborhood um and uh and the storm water because of the high Mick and uh I guess we've reduced the uh We've reduced the uh f a little bit so makes me a little more comfortable was 19 I'd be really happy but you know I can live with 194 pardon it's 19.9 1914 oh the the f is is is is is 19.9 though oh right right and so there's only two properties that are higher than that 106 Harris and 976 Alexander so it's still going to be one of the largest by F houses and by square feet it's pretty up there but I like the fact that they're increasing the sidey yard largely hard hiding the addition Lots deep so if they can accommodate the uh the Water I'm pretty happy yeah I think it looks like an improvement to the neighborhood so I think that's this is this is good uh we're getting a lot of these applications now and I think most of them are really on the positive side they are improving the neighborhood and we know the pressure that everybody's under uh with real estate uh prices and mortgage uh rates and all that so this is a trend that we're seeing and I'd much rather see this than people building second units behind their house on a SE these adus that those are not not the greatest thing I think but if you can enlarge an existing house and still make it reasonable I think that's a good Trend and I support that anybody else so the planning board has been dealing with uh Baran review of uh bulk regulations and the like for Barian City now this property is like one or two properties outside of the Barian City boundary no no it's in there in the ban City it should be I thought it was like right outside close so if you look at page okay so it's it is with yeah what what uh um what the applicant is doing is following those guidelines in terms of I'm doing an addition yes but I'm putting it in the back of the property it's not visible from the street it's not going to be uh look like you know some big thing just HED onto the front of the house from or the second so uh and and in terms of maintaining the the character the architect character just extending the siding in the roof lines to cover the the new area um even though we haven't codified that with the Barbarian City Review yet he's abiding by it and so I I I think this will work out well yeah I would say I would agree that it is more square footage than I normally would uh like to see but I think there's so many positives to this that that overrules that the fact that you're adding on the back which as as Curtis said that's what that's what we're pushing for the fact that you're um giving your neighbor more space and yourself yourself more space on the side I think that's a really important factor retaining the character the of the uh neighborhood those are really at least to me more critical even than is it this many square foot versus this many square feet I I think you've you've hit the important features what I would say anybody else just yeah and it's not going to be torn down that's a big thing and and pretty much that's been the character of a lot of our applications in this neighborhood have been that type of thing where a family a growing family wants needs the additional space to maintain their residence in West in ban City and Wester we need a motion on the floor I will move to approve zb4 motion made to approve by John Raider do we have a second who said that yeah we discussing that are we discussing conditions at all or you just well are there conditions disc is it okay that's why I made the okay I thought she was moving to before we vote okay after the Motions are made sorry discussion um what I have written down is um I don't really have any negatives uh I think that it this application does recognize and preserve the established character of the neighborhood that's a positive we have to legally answer the question of whether this site can accommodate any problems associated with a larger F and I think we all agree that it can um the fact that they are putting the addition on the back um is a big plus and the fact that they are um increasing the privacy of the N for the neighbor by substantial amount by by 10 feet by almost 11 feet um so they're actually improving a setback Problem by taking down that old addition uh they're not adding a bedroom they're adding only one bathroom um this house have will have 10 feet approximately 10 feet on one side and 11 feet on the other side which is pretty good for a property that's only probably 50 feet wide somewhere around 50 feet wide so it's nicely centered um they still will have 94 feet behind the addition to the property line to the rear property line which also backs up to permanently preserved land so there's a substantial amount of free property and that's also important because that can accommodate if there are any drainage issues something can be done which the township will determine if there's any drainage issues but it looks like there's more than enough property there that would be able to handle whatever would have to be uh made for drainage purposes and the engineer I guess is going to review water issue if if needed um besides retaining the character of the neighborhood it also means that it won't be a tear down which is important to the neighborhood and the character I think that's it is there any other legal determination we should I think you've actually covered it quite well okay um if everybody agrees with that summary uh let's uh call for the vote Church yes marks yes yes Mr Jacobs yes yes yes thank you for coming in you're approved by us anyway Lu right now pretty likely for November so do you think December then so November and December expecting me well November we right do we have a motion to adjourn yes yes all in favor I we're done thank you everybody for coming Trisha thank you for joining us absolutely I might see you in November s is like me work the background work in the shadows yeah and I think you did such a nice summ yeah you did there was a w you know what's interesting I hope you enjoy Wednesday before Christmas and that