we're on Zoom all right good evening uh welcome to the reorganizational meeting of the West Winds Township Zoning Board of adjustment for 2024 my name is Ed schme I'm the attorney for the board uh the first order of business will be for me to enter into the record compliance with the open public meetings act this is to advise that notice of the time date location and to the extent known agenda of the sub this meeting has been prominently posted in a public place reserved uh for such announcements on January 22 2024 mailed to the Princeton packet Trenton Times West Windsor Plainsboro news on January 22 2024 and filed with the Township Clerk the next order of business will be for me to swear in the three members who are returning and thank you you've signed your Oaths of office but if you would stand up I'll be happy to swear you in do the roll call too I please state your name government's esta L and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faith in part partially impar and justly andly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office of a member of the West Windsor Township zoning Board of adjustment a member of the West Township Zoning Board of adjustment according to the best of your ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so welcome back thank you Sam could you maybe call the role now that we have everybody's warning I can do that Mr frein here Mr Gario here Mr Mark Mr van djk Mr Raider Mr Jacobson Mr hberman here Miss Abby here thank you Mr CES the next order of business would be to entertain a motion to elect congratulations mam chair how many years I don't know John when your retire uh I was 1995 to 20 no 2005 to 2015 2015 15 year 16 wow chair all in favor say I I any opposed not opposed motion is carried appointment of administrative secretary and recording secretary we'll do them both uh Patricia Thompson for admin secretary and Cindy for recording secretary all those in favor say I I any opposed motion carried appointment of zoning board members to the site inspection Review Committee three people uh who wants to do that John Church well I'll continue to serve Henry Jacobson and Daniel Marks you longer than me started it's it's a motion to inspection Review Committee moved by John Raider do we have a second second second by Carl resolution of the newspapers Resolute to attorneys Mason Griffin and Pearson um that stays the same um Mr H he's at a different salary range it's not just him in the same range and he got all those raises he got a title promotion he's been going up consistent I would have them do work for you guys it's an employee planning consultant is uh David Novak that's the same that's a a backup engineer in case there's a conflict of some sort that's 155 that's 28 does anybody have questions about that comments I think Dan Dober milsk has interviewed him the other day we're gonna have him fill in until the administration decides what um the landscape AR being filled in for the rest of the year back when Dan was Employee of m and b correct and I thought it was a real coup when West wisor was able to snag him to be our skape architect because one of the things I like about Dan is how will we deal with whether or not someone act so his title here what's his title here I didn't realize he was at retirement age yeah he's still working and he knows moving on to the minute would like her name spelled correctly yes up on that too same thing it's a y s o n o y and Allison and uh then at the bottom it said the next meeting for re organiz that's all I so making second second by John should have a d at the end of it resolve good good slow move second okay move by John Church seconded by John Raider fing resolution ZB 230 shariff's comments and correspondant uh I have none end of year report for 2020 John had written but I didn't have a copy of whatever John wrote so I have no idea I mean anything can be an accessory building depending on how you define it right I mean put a 4000 M called accessory building to write something that had broader nature to us but I realize every year very good summary good good point any zoning regulations throughout the town rather than just to oh yeah that's a different subject why why' you leave us out we might want to do questions should there be they didn't do anything do you think we should submit this to with the report I'm suggesting again that would carry through uh and go with the property and they would never have we used to have the ordinance review sub Renovations have no bedroom one wants to do everything that the that was when Ed and Dave and I spoke was that pres R for counting basement or finished right count correct yes I thought it well the idea was to eliminate seven adjustment on that to eliminate that well that would work for me if we made that suggestion say right now looked anything for that the way the code is written right now whether it's finished or unfinished counted in the F whether it's for f it's count for f okay that keeps more applications expensive for them to do that that doesn't mean they illegally do it but I mean legally they don't I know yeah they don't I mean don't missense STS if you're gonna have a bedroom unless it's in the bedroom it's not it would it would if if someone if someone wanted backyard slope down to a stream inspections on resales typ typically has an open request oah the F we get that all the time where people have done stuff it could be 20 years before selling her home come back yeah I mean I've run into that where people checked and they didn't have the permit I was just wondering how they always found out because a lot of most people who were buying I always say when you're going to buy a house call the Running office and find out make sure there's no permits outstanding you know whatever and a lot of people don't do it you can check them all permits it depends on the town because if when when I call to get some information in you a't they won't get it they will only get what we find out now too is when a permits issue say for um a few times folks when they get out there they enlarge the and when the tax assessor goes out they take and they also use aerial excuse or what reason could you give for the board to grant you that variance that you got a permit but you did more than what the permit said so nine times out of 10 most of those folks rip out yeah what they did okay um so I think we agree that we should submit Sam I'll pass this to you this should be uh year end report year end report give it to Ed Ed is the author of the year end report in terms of Are We including Dimensions no I I would object is mentioned in there is because under the uniform construction code any accessory structure 200 F feet or less does not need a construction permit just a zoning permit so that's 200 square ft would be one of those exceptions that has a re of the primary structure on the pro so I think that's what we want is to determine between those two wanted to do this and then I can't do it is to determine what the existing F and square footage was on hundreds of properties and what the percentage was in order to convince the council that how how do they s it's it's very confusing so I don't how that Rel and the F [Music] change yeah we have staff we are well staffed anything else about the year end report do we have a motion to approve it subject to incorporation with all of the changes that we gave to toos carry okay and that's it anything else public comment oh do do we have anything for March