##VIDEO ID:lyohdLy3Sts## good evening everyone this is to advise the notice of the time date location and to the extent known agenda of the subject meeting was prominently posted in the public place resered for such or similar announcements on November 21st 2024 mailed to the Princeton packet Trenton Times and West wiser Plainsboro news on November 21st 2024 and file with Township Clerk on November 21st 2024 Cindy if you could call the rooll Mr fredkin Mr Gario here Mr van djk Mr Raider pres Mr Marx here Mr Jacobson Mr church here Vice chair hoverman here and chairwoman Abby here first up we have the minutes from October 3rd um I have one comment on page three um just to make it super clear what we're talking about under the bullet points the uh the third one just take out the word is and Cindy I'll send this down to you the fourth one they are increasing the Privacy for the one neighbor by almost 11 ft I'd like to insert by demolishing an old addition that extends to the property line there will be 10 ft on the other side so that the house will be nicely centered on the property I think it's real important that that's nice and clear that they're actually I know it's mentioned kind of a little bit previously but um anybody have anything I had one one comment which is on page two on the uh applicant seeks to construct an 843 square foot one story 16 foot2 addition I think they mean 16 foot2 High what on page two fourth fourth is par big under the I don't know it's about applicant seeks applicant seeks I four paragraphs up it's 16.2 is that height what is that it says feet 16.2 feet what feet you're reacting to the decimal use no what's the number what does that mean I think we either strike it or make it be clear what it means it doesn't mean anything what talking about is that what a height is no that's very I think if we just strike it out it's not the height it's the length it can't be the length4 out of 16et we don't know what it is I just propos we strike it okay the addition right just take out the 16.2 yeah I have no idea what that is okay okay anything else we have a motion to approve with changes just noted still move moveed by Carl second by second second by John Church all in favor say I I any opposed pass down next up uh resolution ZB 244 that's something on page three I have something on page one when it's my hand page one from page let's start with page one okay page one at the bottom second line from the bottom it speaks of impervious coverage but I don't think we use that term anymore improve it should be Improvement coverage that's at the bottom of page three where is it on page one page one at the bottom of page one second line from the bottom oh yeah okay that also occurs at the bottom of page three oh yes you're right so it does where was the other one bottom of page three second word in final item bot yeah yeah um let's see oh just on page three C last line in order to make it just insert it easier and then um again I want to emphasize on the last page six did we stay on page three a second you got 123s of an acre and F second line I think it's two3 of an AC where does it say that one and two oh it's one and two3 okay so one dash looks like a dash or something it should be a space yes what page Carl bottom of page three paragraph app second line I think we need a dash okay one and the two one and two3 yeah needs a space or at least a space or a Hy okay um on the last page uh Harris rad by tearing down an existing addition and improving a significant existing and can we back up to page five then I'm sure I believe I voted and maybe Mr Gario did not I need to fix the list oh if Henry wants his name spelled correctly I don't know page five um number 11 11 oh yeah I spelled my name wrong spelled your name wrong listed didn't list me as a voter oh I get used to there all the time I was trying I sure which was correct because it was different the that's why I checked your sign somebody want to to told me the H is silent like the p and swimming so we adding Carl we I think we're adding me and taking out maybe Mr Gario I'm not sure do you know the minutes had it correct yes Mr van voted had correct Mr bandyk did vote for that okay and Garo Mike uh did not okay was absent I have and then my last is a question are people happy with the LA first sentence of paragraph D on page five to me it's awkward but people don't care I don't care goad there which one is paragraph D first is it I don't think it is it's just I think you could to strike the entire that was that was one of the that was one of the things that we noted as I know but it's it's the rest of the paragraph supports it it just strike the first sentence and read the rest of the paragraph I think you'll be happy just take out the first sentence take out the first s it's gobl first sentence of part I don't see why because then we go on I think it sets back I don't think it does I can rewrite it for you and so it works but it doesn't I think it's important that in the future somebody knows there was 90 that this was a substantially there is 93 right I mean well that's yeah it's not with respect to far first of all the par has nothing to do with far the it's awkward from a grammatical standpoint it's unclear what the first part of the sentence has to do with why we take out with respect both F and total Improvement coverage and start there then the backyard then you have to report something like the backyard has 93 feet of depth or something like that all right that supports the second s yeah the backyard has 93 ft okay really ripped that one up didn't Sor right anything else no me anything else you don't like Carl sorry I need a grump this morning okay you I have a motion to approve with all the changes that we just for so I moved to as amended moved by Carl Van okay that can all in favor say I any opposed no okay maybe someone to the secretary I think it's happening right now no I think oh that has she you'll get it from her I'll okay very chairs comments and correspondence I have no comments or correspondant if there's any member of the public that would like to comment to the board on anything not related to the uh application that's before us tonight please let me know not a member of the public but we got an email today saying that c last night yes I personally would like the give an expression of thanks thank you Cindy five years years yeah wow for wow this is my 51st year in West Township Board and I know it's not easy to get a good recording that's true you did a great job you've done a great job thank you yeah [Laughter] let's meet [Laughter] her but she'll be sending us the emails and we'll be responding when she ask to response right team yes yes well course my my wife is on the uh the affordable housing committee yeah and they haven't had a secretary for years I don't think they have much of a budget in fact when I first went on the environmental commission you know who took the minutes Ron Rogers okay moving on uh seeing no public comment we'll move to application ZB 245 help me please good evening I'm just gonna say and P okay I also want to introduce Martina how do you say your last name Bailey Bailey who is sitting in as our attorney for the evening welcome this is our first time here thank you very much um I'll just say that the uh the notice and proof of publication are in order so the board has jurisdiction of this application and good evening welcome back Mr Moore thank you thank you um I'm now with the firm of Stevens and Lee and I represent the applicants this evening Amat child dream Patra and Sreet Bru patio they are the contract purchasers of VOD Coro Court which is currently under construction and it's subject of this application the property as I said is five Coro court it's block 10 lot 55.8 under your Township tax map it's in the r-3a affordable housing residence District the lot is 10,443 ft in area the home without the ex uh Improvement to the basement that we're uh requesting this evening has a floor area of 3,472 square fet the applicants are proposing to convert 349 Square F feet of their unfinished basement into a gym halfbath which has access to a patio outside uh a full bathroom and a sauna for total floor area for the entire home of 3,821 square ft uh this causes the home to have a floor area ratio of 36.6% and that exceeds the permitted floor area ratio on the r3a District of 35% by 1.6% um the applicable provision of the ordinance from which we're seeking this uh D VAR D4 variance relief is section 2- 178 be as the board knows in order to get this variance this evening we must demonstrate the special reasons exist to support the variance that the board can grant the variance which would have substantial detriment to the public good we also must satisfy uh that's called the first Prime of the negative criteria and we must also show that the variance can be granted without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the Zone plan and zoning ordinance in the case of a floor area ratio of variance the one we're seeking tonight the courts have held that the special reason standard is met if the site can accommodate the problems associated with the floor area larger than permitted by the ordinance and as we will demonstrate uh this evening uh we more than meet that requirement um with the first Prime of the negative criteria we must show that the variant will not have a substantial negative impact on the surrounding properties which again small Improvement to the base we will show does not and with respect to the second prong of the negative criteria we must demonstrate that the variance will not substantially impair your master plan which again given the dominous nature of the variants we will demonstrate we have one exhibit tonight which is uh flash drive of the architectural plan uh for the existing house and then the proposed paral finished basement and I propose that the entire uh disc the entire flash drive be uh entered as exhibit A-1 three Witnesses this evening uh Mr Steven dooi of SDR architecture LLC he's the applicants architect uh and the architect for the entire house uh I also have one of the applicants sanjit fresh Carol ctil she's one of the two contract purchasers of the home and she will answer two of the questions raised by Mr Novak in his report uh and then finally we have uh Kendra lelli with Kyle plus mcmanis Associates and she is our professional planner who provides planning testimony in support of the requested variant with that I'd like to call Mr D GNA be here evening good evening why don't we swear you everyone who's to testify why don't we swear you all in at once if you could all Raise Your Right hands and even if you might testify but um do you swear or affirm that the testimony you she give will be the truth I do so sworn and as you come up just give us your names please and um we'll um consider your credentials if if you're H okay you give your education well okay um I'm 84 years old so this might take a while but um um I'm graduate of Princeton 63 I got an MFA my professional degree from Princeton in 65 which means I've been doing this for like 55 years altogether uh during that time I spent most of my career doing commercial architecture with the hiler group I was the lead design principal there did millions of square feet of stuff all over the country um but more to the point for the board here uh when I retired 14 years ago um my son and I uh started a business doing design build houses and small projects and that's what I do now um and so uh my relevance to this project is that um we are the owners of bearbrook homes uh and I designed this house and the rest of the subdivision and uh It Go without saying your license in state of New Jersey uh yes and Pennsylvania previously when I was doing commercial work I was I think 13 or 14 States I'd offer Roi as an expert architecture yes thank you thank you just describe first the sure um not sure the best way to do this um but I guess I'll just have to arm wave it uh the um basement plan that you see on the screen uh the front yard is to the bottom the backyard is to the rear um and the garage is the rectangle off to the lower right so the rest of that whole plan is essentially just an empty concrete basement um concrete walls and a board slab the other relevant thing to understand is that all of the utilities and the U um Fus water heater that sort of thing are all clustered in the lower left hand corner um and the last thing I'll observe is that um there's a line of colums uh the far leftand line of columns that goes from top to bottom um really is kind of the demising line for where we designed the this little finished [Music] space this is where being 83 four is not great okay so this is the first floor plan um the the whole uh leftand side of the house the first three Bays of the house there four Bays there as you can see um are relegated to to living space there's a there a foyer uh and then spaces with a kitchen um off of the garage in back which is more relevant there's a um un Suite bedroom uh um which known in in our parlament as an in-law suite um and that's the first bedroom in the house if if there are any questions you know but feel free to obviously interrupt me backing up to the basement it's a full walk out basement correct it's yes it can be right it is yes yeah it does have a sliding glass door to the outside okay so it is a walk out B yes yes I have one question if I may you um I see you got a full bath and a half bath I'm just wondering uh why would we need both B well I'm the architect I can explain that and then my client can verify it the halfbath has direct access to the patio there's an outdoor patio so the guests can use the halfbath and you can keep the privacy of the for the gym and the use of the gym and so on and you don't have to keep it through the sliding door that's back there that's for patio people on the patio okay understood it's exactly right yeah um just to finish off the description of the house the uh Upper Floor is is basically all bedrooms uh the the leftand bay is a master suite with um obviously a walk-in closet or nice U bathroom and then there's a bridge across this intersection that connects to the other side of the house and on that side over the garage there are three bedrooms so um what we have here are four bedrooms on this level plus there's a fifth bedroom on the first floor is there anything preventing the is there anything preventing the the homeowners from making the gym a bedroom it's G well but but functionally functionally though it could become another bedroom could it not I believe relating to one of Mr Novak's questions was was an escape window required and we're not providing the escape window that's only required for a bedroom so it doesn't need code requirements so that is not an egress window then right Steve it's correct it's not an egress window um I could replace it with another kind of window in that size opening that would be but we're not windows were putting there or I know we're jumping around on you but ask Sam a question do we have to swear s swear s the the other thing I would observe though is there's no Closet in this room right so there's no storage there's no what for Chang the so sorry so one second we're gonna swear in Mr Novak and Mr sties do you swear or affirm that the testim testimony she'll give will be the truth I do so sworn thank you and David Novak with G Associates board planning professional all Sam I assume the building department will make the final ruling on whether it's an igis or not whether it's yeah yes I know that I'm thinking back to my own personal experience we wanted to put a full bath in our basement and we were told either we couldn't put a door on one room or we had to have a second means of igoris and this seems to be straight up that same situation so it struck me that it seemed like the township would probably require erress not aot Chang pretty trivial but and uh I would also add to if the board does approve this application one of the conditions that you put in would be a Prohibition against converting the garage I'm sorry converting the gym into a bedroom as well okay and if for some reason a future owner I won't say this owner a future owner decided they wanted to make a base a bedroom down there they have the walkout basement as a way to get in and out of there for fire purposes would they still need an egress window it's got nothing to do with them it's just a general generic question no I believe that the the window has to be in the room the eag has to be in the room okay just curious so that is you do agree that um the remainder other than the bathroom with the sauna and the gym the rest will remain unfinished that's correct B [Music] looking at the plans it looks like the height of the basement uh ceiling is about 7 feet is that correct no it's 8 feet sorry it's 8 feet oh it is 8 ft I couldn't tell from the drawing it is 8T so it's theoretically habitable space oh sure yeah yeah but there's no no plans to no no but obviously the part we're finishing is 8 ft so the whole rest of it would be 8 ft you can just infer that right well I I GA than that there's no no plans to ever make it actually a living space What In fact maybe this is a question for the applicants what will that space actually be used for it's a basement it's it's unfinished so just just a storage maybe or something that that would be a legal use yes okay um and the other thing to observe is that if anybody wanted to come back and add more F to this house they they'd have to come to you again for sure right yeah any any additional increase other than what's being proposed here would either be in violation of the resolution or they would have to come back here for another floor area ratio Mar I just want to Ure that people don't start actually living down there and make it actual living and habitable space that that we had a situation like this years ago on South Mill Road where uh we turned down that application for reason similar to that we were concerned that it would become actual living space down there in the basement so I that would I do have a slight concern about that but how can I do understand I can't add one more thing though um this is a basement and the way the code reads in terms of energy conservation you can either insulate all the walls which makes it pretty close to habitable space or you can insulate the ceiling to make the house insulated without doing any insulation of the basement at all in that case you do the floor box and you insulate all the pipes and ducks in there and that's what we're doing so the only in insulated part of the basement will be that space that they're going to be occupying so the rest of it is uninsulated right well it's yes it's uninsulated big open space with the columns is uninsulated that's right that's right the only thing down in the basement is the gym why are there two bathrooms I understand full bathroom because you want to shower down there right why the other bathroom church should ask the reason for the half bath is it's a direct route out to the patio where we're going to have guests and so we don't we want to have the bathroom private my clients want the bathroom private for their own use in relation to the gym and the SAA and then when they have company out on the patio they can just go into that powder room and not intrude upon the name bathroom that's why I clarify this is a walk and that makes sense to me okay um I also just wanted to I also just wanted to point out the rear elevation of the house uh which shows the sliding glass doors um and the um there's a deck to the side that has that comes down onto that level um but uh that part of the elevation well no part of the elevation is is going to change at all this is just what's approved on the construction plans as is they exist the the sauna is behind that rightmost window the sauna is behind the rightmost window correct that's son Jim all right um so if I can navigate this I can actually get up a plan of the basement improvements that's right there we go um just for the record I know that there are other units in this development that are multi multif family this is single family this is not one of the multif family ones right okay that's the affordable housing in the town right two okay um unfortunately you know you're living with this plan has rotated 90 degrees um so now the U rear yard is to the left and the oh thank you who did that all [Laughter] right so you can see how the wall embeds The Columns that was why we put the wall I mean located the wall there and the remainder of the base basement that is not in that bay that is not dedicated to finish space is the the mechanical room which has the hot water heat in the furnace in it um the gym obviously gets the window and then be between uh the the gym and the furnace room um there's a full bath with a sauna uh on the right hand side left-and side of that plan and then there's a very small uh half bath um to the right and you can see how U the doors work so that their the door to the little half bath is somewhat private from the rest of the big basement um are there any questions about it it's pretty straightforward actually um just give us an estimate I know you had mentioned there was mentioned that the reason for the half bath is for guests that are outside that when use the restroom where is the patio door located approximately uh it's um it is in this next Bay in on the back wall okay so they would have to walk through the unfinished basement oh for sure yeah yeah there there's no other finished space that they could walk in right yeah right so um that pretty much completes my description of the work um well um we've been working with West Windsor for a while now so I think I understand I understand your rules uh but basically the way I calculate the the u f is the exterior the foundation walls all the way around right so we we don't try to deduct interior walls or exterior walls or any that it's just the foundation I divide it into the r rectangles compute the area of those rectangles add them all up and that's your f um in this case um all of the F that was allowed when we designed the house there was still a few hundred feet you know left over which is going into the the credit for for this addition I think we're only asking for about half of the addition as a uh as the uh variance I did this a set ofs for every house and I did the same little I would say that's a very good [Laughter] source um anything else we need to get into the records um it doesn't involve any changes to the exterior um it doesn't any bedrooms obviously uh and the floor area ratio was according to window is not required for the gym space um and I think that's it that completes my testimony any questions um David just for the record clear statement for the record um the has the F been calculated according to the way West Windsor calculates F yes okay thank you thank you I was only going to have my client speak before the board answer questions we've already answered either through me or through Mr dooi so I will call uh our Final witness Miss Kendra lelli who's our planner be sworn but if you could give your education licenses in professional experience yeah Kendra leely L from The Firm of Kyle mcmanis in hopeall Township um I have a bachelor's degree from Ruckers University environmental planning and design a master's degree from Ruckers University uh in city and Regional planning I have been a professional planner in the state of New Jersey for 30 plus years um I have been providing professional planning services to municipalities across the state of New Jersey uh over three to four dozen of them I'm a board planner for many municipalities uh and my license is in good standing I would offer M as an expert in the field of planning yes thank you thank you uh good evening board members uh Madam chair uh so yes you are all familiar with FL floor area ratio or F uh the variants that we are requesting tonight just to briefly go through uh what was uh testified to we are asking for uh a 349 square foot Improvement in the basement within the existing square footage uh which equates about 9% of the total building floor area um however only 166 square feet of that is actually the the variance that we're requesting it that's the part that goes over the floor area ratio which is about four to four and a half% of the total building area for so very small obviously a very small amount of rare footage 35% is what's permitted we are at 36.5 n or 1.6% larger um f your your master plan doesn't necessarily go into kind of intent and purpose of f but generally across the state of New Jersey uh FL a ratios especially in residential districts um really are meant or the intent of them is to safeguard the neighborhoods uh from residential dwellings that become too massive you want to you want to control the size of a building to make sure that it uh it cons it is is comparatively comparatively similar to the houses in the in the surrounding neighborhood FL air ratio also U manages the intensity of a use so not too many people uh in a particular residential district so that you're not adding and we'll get into this in a second um uh you know impacts negative impacts like parking or traffic beyond what you would expect from a single family home and the proposed um we are submit I would submit to you that the additional floor area will not negatively impact uh the intensity or the massiveness of the the build or the massing of the building we are not proposing new bedrooms we're not increasing the number of people in the building uh so really no increase in in intensity we are using the existing square footage of the basement which doesn't impact obviously uh the massing of the building really no discernable change uh from The public's perspective specifically um as you are all aware there uh and and uh Council had provided a a brief description there are two standards or two pieces of the standard of review for flary ratio one is special reasons or known as positive criteria which we must demonstrate that in this particular instance um that the the the board can grant uh the variant uh and that really has to do with the fact that the the S the property can handle any problems that are associated with the floor area and that there is no uh substantial impact to the public good surrounding neighborhood for the most part and no substantial impairment of your Zone plan or your master plan so on the special reason side of the coin uh in this particular case as I indicated uh we have to look at the lot to make sure that it can accommodate any problems that are associated with the floor area ratio typically when we deal with Flor area ratio we look at problems or Chen challenges such as parking traffic um impervious surfaces or as I indic or as I heard Improvement um area um nuisance impacts such as dust or light or noise excessive uh types of things like that um actually we aren't experiencing any problems from this particular uh application meaning that um we don't have an increase in bedrooms as I had indicated so no additional traffic no additional um people that are needing parking spaces um we are not increasing building coverage on the site so impervious coverage or Improvement coverage is as it is so we don't we're not dealing with any a potential storm waterer management issues um as I indicated all the improvements are certainly within the existing footprint of the building so the building is containing what the floor area is uh proposed to be and therefore that massing or the any increase in the building is not is not seen from not only on the lot but outside of the lot so I would submit that the special reasons um you know are met certainly as this is a a dominous impact on the property uh in addition uh it it should be noted that we are meeting all other uh bult requirements set back front set back side back set back rear setback as well as Improvement coverage on the negative criteria side which is the second um piece of the standard that we have to provide to you as a board and you have to find is the negative criteria so the first prong is of the criteria is that we must show that the variant um Can does not have any substantial impact to the public good as and for the most part um I just said all the reasons why it's not um substantial to the to the public good in the special reasons so I think you as a board can find that uh meet that certainly meet the negative criteria there the public will not be Discerning a difference in this building this the building say is the size that it will um be constructed at that it was approved at that it's compliance with your zoning ordinance uh with respect to the second prong of negative criteria must demonstrate that the variance does not substantially impair your Zone plan or your master plan you have a 2020 land use plan that sets forth a purpose for the R3 uh a land use category which really is to recognize and preserve the existing development uh pattern of this District uh as is indicated we had submitted an F study this home uh at this particular address is similar certainly in massing and in height and in character as the homes that are existing and and currently under construction uh on this uh particular culdesac um in fact the current the currently the home is actually one of the smaller size homes on the Block uh given the total square footage uh currently of the improvements uh on the on the lot uh so the proposed conversion of the existing square footage in the home really does not impair the intent uh or purpose of the master plan and I think you can find that the character of this neighborhood will not change so in conclusion there since there are really there are no external improvements there are no parking or traffic or additional impervious coverage there is not um an additional massing that's occurring aesthetic aesthetically this house um will not uh really be seen any different nobody would really understand that there's anything happening in there so no problems associated with this extremely small increase in floor area um in my opinion I believe that the site certainly accommodates the non-existent problems associated with the variance and finally um the DI Minimus increase in floor area ratio does not impair the intent of your master plan or your Zone plan so in my professional opinion I believe that the board may find that the positive and negative M uh criteria are met and that you could Grant the floor area area ratio variance and I'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have questions thank you thank you that concludes our presentation this evening um we're obviously here to answer any questions the board may have I would like to just reemphasize this is a very di Minimus Improvement and it doesn't involve you know any additional bedrooms which I know is a conc for the board and for the township just to get some additional Recreation thank you questions yeah how the he we know how the sa is g to be heated [Laughter] [Music] I guess that'll be determined obviously when they submit the perit it's got to be put on there and then for the building the building inspector can just just one minor question I think maybe when you originally designed the house this wasn't thought of at that time is that correct now it's an extra so uh I'm sure you've taken into account the plumbing here you're going to have to drain everything it's got to drain into the master sewer okay do you have enough elevation there that it you're going to have a ection ejection I was wondering about that but it is pretty low line you have to bring it up to gr SE oh okay yeah so you're gonna have to have a pump to pump it up okay okay all right I guess it works I don't know okay I have no experience with that okay we'll take your word for it then my right so that'll the construction department will we'll look at that okay thank you other questions comments opinions seems to me we're ready for a motion what did you may want to hear public sorry there's no public here there is no public I guess if there's anybody there's anybody in public that would like to come up and uh ask a question make a comment do a trick whatever two quick points too for the board's consideration I don't have much to add but I thought the planning testimony was very thorough and really did a great job of explaining why we have floor area standards uh but just two points of consideration the proposed increase in floor area is um well what's proposed is 3,821 square feet what's allowed in the district right now would be 3,655 square feet that's a difference of 166 sare feet to put that in perspective typical residential parking space is about 9 by 18t that's 162 sare ft so we're looking at basically a parking space of add Digital Floor area and the other thing I'd point out too is obviously they're not finishing the remainder of the basement um so it looks like based on what they're proposing they are leaving Ample Storage Space in that basement as well which is I think an important consideration too that they're not completely getting rid of any type of storage space they might have in that basement it still can be functional for that purpose Sam any comments no already been raised about being able to convert it to a beding yeah I think that was the one of the bigger issues and we've already covered that something said that should be condition yeah yeah I have a list of things as usual good if somebody wants to make a motion we can go over that I'm willing to move the approval of the application okay motion to approve by John Raider do we have a second seconded by Daniel before we vote I'll go over everything uh the question before the board was can it accommodate the additional F Andor mic I think the answer from the board is clearly yes uh reasons being it does not expand the dwelling footprint it's located in the existing basement space it does not affect traffic circulation or parking on the site um they are not adding a bedroom um the house is new so the Mechanicals are new and we know that it can accommodate the the plumbing and Sewer that that will be sufficient the firir is 1.59% added which is di Minimus there's no difference to the exterior of the building uh the board finds it does not have any substantial negative impact uh in this particular development uh with the zero lot line development and the fact that there's some multif family homes intensity is kind of part of the zoning in this particular area so adding a little bit is doesn't seem to be a big deal uh just in general there's there's no negative impact it won't create any negative impact the conditions were approval um there will be no more I don't know what you want to call it completion or any more um Construction in the in the basement there will be no bedroom any bedroom in the future would have to come back to the zoning board so no bedroom in the future is allowed with this approval which is no further uh additions to any living space bedroom or yeah right you would have to get a so even if you want to make a family room or something m still would have to come back to the zoning board and as it notes in the application no trees will be removed on the property that's all I have we're ready to take a vote just to be clear in addition there was the the condition it's a little bit different that that the gym itself won't be converted into a a bedroom good addition okay was that last thing you said the gym won't be converted the gym cannot be converted to a bedroom either I thought that was the stipulation I said the rest of it rest of it we also meet the gy as well in particular yeah no that's no bedrooms anywhere down Carl raised right that was the first thing I think John did okay South talking about Cindy call the rooll Mr van djk yes Mr Raider yes Mr Marx Mr Jacobson yes Mr Church yes Vice chair hman yes chairman Abby yes congratulations thank you Sam January 2nd question Mar do we have a January meeting February and that'll be did everybody hear that we have a we do not have a January meeting John Raider no January February the next meeting will be February six then we will have an application as well as reorganization motion to adjourn all in favor say