##VIDEO ID:WydbNIGc6Ig## hello good evening uh it is now 7:00 requirements of the sunshine all been met this meeting was advertised in Bron County Times on January the 7th 2024 electronic notice was given to the njac 5 39-12 now we'd love to have you lead the Pledge of Allegiance for us I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we will now have a moment of silence thank you roll call committee woman Bur present committee Carr present committee woman committee woman right pres mayor Henley present also present Township solicitor Township administrative clerk Deputy Township administrator police chief we will now have a presentation from the legislative 8th District Senator lean Tyber thank you uh mayor and Deputy Mayor and and the committee thanks for having me uh just basically wanted to stop by say hello um and if there was anything that we can do for you um I think being in West Hampton everybody knows Jean Stanfield she's a little prettier than I am but um I'm the new jeene Stanfield so we're we're in the um Elwood Business Park we have the same office same staff so it I I was fortunate enough to be able to just hit the ground running having a staff who had all the you know knew all the ins and outs and everything so um we're in unw Business Park there's anything that you can we can help you with as far as constituent services or you have a resident who's having trouble getting through the bureaucracy of the state we have the aison for every Department we can um you know get a hold of somebody to help you out um if there's something special that's going on you need a proclamation for a team that did something good or a resident that did something good let us know give us a little bit of heads up because it takes a little while to get the proclamations um grants I'm sure everybody's doing grants nowadays so if you guys putting in for a grant or anything and you need a letter of recommendation or support by all means give us a call we would more happy to help you out with that that's about all I have for you thank you appreciate it Senator can I ask you a question sure I I because I read things in the news and it's very very confusing about the governor signing something that says schools cannot now ask parents to prove where they live and they can go to any school they want that is that is one of the things that we're going to be hearing in this this new session okay hasn't passed yet but that is so he has not signed this thing okay not yet that that's a concern as a former Board of Education members y keep your posters Tob continues okay thank you sir approval of minutes September 3rd 2024 meeting minutes do you have a motion second any discussion roll call Berkeley yes Carr yes Wright yes mayor Henley yes motion passes 4 Z September 3rd 2024 executive session minutes do you have a motion I make a motion for the executive session minutes second any discussion roll call Berkeley yes car yes right yes mayor Henley yes motion passes 4 Z Department reports we have construction tax collector Court Public Works police department and fire department we will now open a meeting for public comment on agenda items only please remember to state your name address for the record reminder this is for commment only no comments do we have uh all in favor to close I I thank you ordinances uh 11 2024 in ordinance amending chapter 122 of the township Cod of Westampton do we have a motion s Berkeley second right that's open for public comment if anyone has any questions with no com roll call Berkeley yes car yes Wright yes mayor Henley yes motion passes 40 resolution 122-124 payment of vouchers this resolution approves the payment of bills through 9917 2024 do we have a motion I make a motion to pay the bills second right any discussion yes mayor my concern has not been um fixed uh question didn't we we address that last time yes there was a portion on the bill list that included the salaries and wages um and the amounts deducted from each account at the end of Bill list do we have that in front of us or we do can we show committee woman ber I saw it mayor what it is is it's not the same thing it's done by uh month instead of by Bill and also it only went up to July so August and September are missing from that and they lumped many things together uh for instance they lumped Administration with the finance department and many things they lump together so it's not the same as the other and things are missing uh like Medicare and things like that so it's not the same as we had before and it's not up to date so two things this is just my two sense one when we hire a new CFO our new clerk he's going to be different than the old one that's been here for 30 years he's going to have a different practice my question would be to you have you reached out to him and address your concerns with him directly I've reached out to um the administrator it's hard to get a hold of him because he's so early in the morning he's here from 6:00 to 9: in the morning so if it's something that you want to see differently my understanding is I reached out to him and talked to him personally I told him about your your concerns he said that he's T he has taken a journal and I think they reach out uh to make sure that the journal was legitimate on what we could do and also that it was okay with our um our accounting firm to make sure that you know that it was acceptable so what I would suggest is as I did he's pretty open for comment just reach out to him between six and 9:00 a.m. or even after that and he'll be more than happy to answer some of your questions or address some of your concerns but I don't know like when you're when you you're going through the administrator but I don't know if she's able to if she's telling him a direct what your concerns are versus you giving him those concerns yourself you know what I mean I did show him a long time ago example of what was like before and I said this is what I I'm expected to see like I said even if it is acceptable it ended in June this is October we don't have July September and October to pass and I am not going to vote You can disagree with me but I'm not going to vote for any bill that I can't see in front of me and approved payment so fairly just to say this I don't disagree with you you have the right to vote how you want to vote I'm just giving you an when you ask me the question directly I'm telling you what I would do right like reach out to him directly have the conversation but I I do want to give you the the the heads up that maybe he believes that his system is better than the old system that's fine but it still has to have the same information even if it's in a different form and I would address that with him I think that he would be fine having that conversation with you and he would expect it okay with that being said roll call berley no car yes right yes mayor Henley yes motion passes three Z I mean one consent agenda resolutions consent agenda note consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with the single motion any items required in expenditure are supported by certification of availability of funds any items requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda do we have a motion I make a motion second any discussion mayor I'd like to pull two I didn't hear you ask that I'd like to pull C and D please I make a motion for a b e and f second second roll call Berkeley yes car abstain right yes mayor Henley yes motion pass is 310 first one I wanted pull was see about the new truck I'm glad to see that it's less than the original $556,000 I was trying to ask uh Chris some questions and I want to get it on the record um because Chris you said that this does not in include the snow PL and it doesn't what other things does it not include that would be on the regular first um truck you showed us so spre my intention is to put them in for next year we have about mon stand before we actually see the so it might end up costing us as much as the original when you add all those things next year yeah it should be just about same same price when I added the accessories for next year and you know my concern was paying $200 an hour for snow companies to come in and if we got a snow plow on this could we conceivably not have to uh pay other companies to finish our snow plow it's very possible so we could save some money you there yes okay the other thing is at the end of the documents that you gave us it basically said this is an estimate and we can't guarantee that when you decide it's going to be the same it could be a lot more are we going to say we will only accept if it's is 10% more or I mean how much more are we going to agree to pay for this if they raise the price before we get to it so I had I had a discussion with the uh the dealer and he basically said that price is good the end year okay and you planned on buying this okay thank you the other thing for d uh corrective action plan I noticed there were two things but one of the things that the um audit brought up was dog licenses and then how it got paid and when it got paid are we going to have a cve action plan for that no you're only required to have a corrective action plan on the two findings on two things the two findings not the discussion items that was a discuss that wasn't a finding no there were only two findings in the audit there were multiple discussion items okay thank you motion for resolution C and D I make a motion for c and d i sorry get your second Sor any additional any additional discussion R call Berkeley yes car yes right yes mayor Henley yes motion passes 4 Z we will now open the meeting for public comment please remember to state your name and address for the record reminder this is for common only you know when I'm here I always have something to say take your time I'm the same way okay um first I like to take a moment of silence um I don't know if you did at the previous meeting sorry I didn't make it because um I was under the weather but I take a mo take a moment of silence for 911 thank you thank you thank you with that uh for more than a century the American Legion has advocated for the well-being of American veterans and their families uh September is National Suicide awareness month yet there's no single deed or M that has been more important to our organization than the prevention of Veteran suicide since 9/11 attacks the number of veterans who have taken their own lives far surpassed the number of American deaths incurred during the entire Korean War Vietnam War Gulf War and the global war on terrorism combined a veteran is 50% more likely to take his or her life than a person who has served who has never served in the military this must stop statistics fluctuate but the most important number to the American Legion is one as the beat them one to stop a veteran to from taking his or her own life if we save one collectively we would save thousands it's been called a campaign a slogan a phrase or initiative but none of these words appropriately refle reflect be the one is to the American Legion it's a mission we can accomplish this Mission by destigmatizing the issue of mental health veterans value courage and it takes courage to ask for help but through our buddy check reach Outreach programs their American Legion does not sit back and wait to ask we take proactive approach and ask veterans if they are if they are okay equally important is listening the goal is to affirmatively and compassionately engage with the veteran pay attention to the responses body language and other signs if the veteran is struggling or in a crisis encourage the veteran to call or even text 988 they can also press one and it'll directly go to aign for Veterans for better outcomes watch the veteran make the call rather than trusting that he or she will do it at a later time follow up with the veteran and ensure that he or she connects with the needed resources communicate communicate with family members and Friends of the veteran so they can be vigilant and supportive everyone can be the one and help reduce the number of veterans lost to Suicide for the latest you can visit the national B the1 website at wwwb the one.org since 1919 leg legionnaires have answered their nation's call We Now call on all Americans to assist us in undertaking this new Mission the mission is to be the one to save one I've also uh passed out some um pamphlets I'm going to give I gave some to um Chief Ferguson and um if we can have these pamphlets um here in the building and chief Ferguson free to copy these I'm also giv to the fire chief also and um you can also reach out to our local American Legion um we're there we're usually there almost every day somebody's in the building every day but um you can also look us up online it's also on the uh website your website for the township too for 9881 I mean- one also some good news I'd like to present the letter to uh mayor Henley and committee woman um Berkeley for the American Legion Post 509 Westampton would like to thank you for your donation of $300 which was received to send one boy to American Legion boy State program at Ryder College in June 2024 the boy State program is designed to supplement the information information taught in the high school Civics classes it's an activity reborn out of the need for new youth training in Practical citizenship leadership and to instill a working knowledge of the structure and operation of local and state government and uh I recently just talked to a parent of the only uh boy that was represented for Westampton last year um he's got a accepted to West Point very nice okay so and he was a really good guy I forget his last name I think A Slater Troy Slater but um he was accepted to West Point he wanted to go to rooc but he took the West Point and that's from he it encouraged him from when he attended boy State and talking to other uh comrades in boy State and what they were going to do you know after they graduated so he's in he's at West Point right now so very nice thank you thank you for thank you Commander with no other comments all in favor to close i i i t to remember next Township meeting is October the October the 1st at 7: p.m. Land Development board meeting is October the 2nd at 7 p.m. historic commission is September the 25th at 7:00 p.m. Recreation committee meeting is October the 9th at 7 p.m. fire prevention open house October to 10th at from 6:00 to 9: uh now for committee liaison reports or comments um we're starting in Recreation and seniors to work on the senior holiday dinner if you know anybody who's a senior citizen and they're not signed up with the township as a senior citizen and you encourage them to call because it's a wonderful wonderful free holiday dinner the seniors love it and and we love delivering it to them and having them get it it's been something Todd's been doing for years and years and years so uh people move in and they don't know about it so we're trying to send out the word to get them to sign up also um on September 4th unfortunately um I went one way and my roler went another way and I came down on my finger and uh the finger was kind of a this way and I want to thank our uh two EMTs and our police sergeant and also the FedEx guy who stopped to call 911 uh they wouldn't let me go home they made me go to the hospital I told them they were kidnapping me but I'm glad they did and they stayed with me and I was just very grateful for what what they uh did for me and how they helped me also I was invited um to become a part of the public participating task for task T meeting for the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission uh this works with five counties in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and what they do is they their mission is provide access to the transportation planning process and help people solve their problems and one of the things they're solving they're working on is helping schools so I have to talk to the superintendent helping schools make sure kids have a safe way to get the school and uh we have a couple of roads that I think that could be helped with safety and so I'm going to go back and uh report to them and I was invited to join the task force which I think I'll be doing so that's my report thank you thank you I just wanted to uh thank senator tyer for coming to Township today he left some resources sure we'll put on our front uh window for our residents one for veterans one for seniors and one for the Myriad of other services his office gives to constituents I recommend anyone with problems to reach out to his office for help it's amazing what they can do um second I just wanted to congratulate West Anon for winning the second kickball Tournament of the valley coach and mayor and player Henley LED Victory with Chief Ferguson maybe MVP our administrator and Deputy Administrator also part uh you know helped out in that but it was a great time and I look forward to that trophy getting posted in our well again congratulations thank you other that that is all I have sir thank you good um thank you Senator we appreciate you reaching out a hand uh of help that you know we can always use so I'm sure you'll be hearing from one of us very soon with uh with you know a request so but I appreciate giving me the opportunity to meet you I don't know that we've ever met before so but we'll talk really soon and I appreciate it um about the Kickball like it was a it was a good time obviously there's Everyone's an MVP but everyone thought they should have got MVP but uh I think the best thing about it was that we won but we did it the right way so the Kickball tournament goes ESP specially these kids every team had a kid that represented that they represented from their Township our kid played with us and if I can give you an idea we won the first game last year we were accused of stacking our team this year was a little bit simpler but um we won the first game the second game you know we had a senior team we had 50y old team 50 year olds played against some younger people and we were a little concerned but the thing I was most proud of we never diverted from what we did our our kid played the whole time and was an asset to our Victory which obviously gave us an opportunity to meet his parents gave us an opportunity to to to talk to the kids parents have lived in town for for years and years so um those are the things that when you're an elected official you want to have an opportunity to um to do the Victory and and and winning we won 4 to three we had a pretty good pitcher who you know who was acted as if he was wheeler and uh when we needed it when we needed it he got us a three rights committee man committee man Carr had a way better showing than last year he was on base a few times I think he stole a Bas so it was a total team effort and listen my chief he took off for the team he had a little tumble but you know he got up and I and I have to say like he's there every year and looking forward to playing and we had a couple we had a resident that signed up to play um so really really really had a nice time so I you know I I appreciate that um my question to you verita is any other word on the on the Grant from Michelle today and um I was just telling them earlier we had so many change of hands now there's a new uh person that's in charge of the contract uh so now they have to get familiarized with the contract the SEC we had the first one that was there she left then the second one said the first one shouldn't have signed the contract so they had to send it back so now the P the second one that's there is gone and it's a new third one that just got there about a week ago so we're not back to square one but we're about this close to getting the monies and well I'm moving forward that's Wendy's going to uh check tomorrow to see if we could uh try and um get the monies and finish up the administrative stuff and on the back end see you know cuz there's really not too much to it that's left to do appreciate it oh and then uh Home Depot we got the uh Grant from Home Depot we started with the so far they started with the uh kitchen me and Michelle went in there kitchen's done we got kitchen carpet okay carpet me and Michelle went in there and we painted the whole kitchen and scrubed down everything and it looks nice and bright and white now so uh we went in there and you know you get new carpet you know you got to refresh everything out I can't wait for our Veterans Day breakfast yes exactly exactly and then we we have some new stuff that's waiting they just have to put together some things uh and bring it over to us and stuff so um but it's all it's all over here on um 541 over there waiting for you know them to move it into we got chairs new chairs and stuff like that anything we can help with is even as far as moving the merchandise over or whatever help you guys need let us know but okay um and I think that it's fair to say like that's a commitment that was made years and years ago that you know as a committee we did our best to try to help TR through so yes we want to make sure that we get that done for you okay right that thank you thank you um and than yep well I have a question can we do that every year has Community grants every year but it's not the same person they do like to put veterans um and a priority but they're also um doing uh part of a grant for the senary and Tim up too because they are civil Civil War veterans that are buried there okay so um maybe wait a year yeah every other year okay all right thank you um oh so also committee woman Berkeley about how we can get the word out I would ask that we post the Veterans Day breakfast on our um on our website and to try to get on our Facebook website and we also have the the Nexel why don't we send it out on the Nexel as well yeah that's only for veterans though no no no I'm talking about with the committee woman Bley Berkeley brought up the holiday the holiday dinner for seniors oh okay okay I got yep sorry I didn't I didn't do a great job of summarizing what we needed but to make sure that we get that out so we can help you guys get the word out for that thank you um with that being said we're now going to go into executive session resolution number 9917 2024 resolution authorizing the town for committing and support staff to meet in private session and authorize exclusion authorize an exclusion of the public from that portion of the meeting dealing with specific issues requiring non-public discussions attorney client privilege Personnel we have a motion s Berkeley second right any discussion all in favor I I thank you have a good night