##VIDEO ID:nWzy3Rdh2O0## it's 5:30 p.m on January 2nd 2025 like to call the order of the West Hampton Township reorganization meeting requirements of the Sunshine Law uh have been met by publishing this meeting in the Burlington County Times and electronic notice was given pursuant to njac 5 col 39-15 would everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance you have Vita here Vita start with the Pledge of Allegiance [Music] unit States [Music] stand thank you thank you like to take a moment of silence to recognize the victims in New Orleans this time will Dr Ashley Caldwell and Reverend Dr Danny e scotton please come up to swear to give the oath office to Dr calwell video I Dr Ashley cwell I Dr Ashley cwell do solemly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that will bear true faith that I will be true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the Saints to the Saints and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly per all the duties perform all the duties of counsel Committee of committee according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me you Dr you came to school with you work would committee woman elect Gail canten Maddox and The Honorable Linda hindes come up for the administration of the Y come one come all come over here so you can be in the camera right [Music] yeah move yeah move over pict all right before we do this this is the greatest commitment to stepping up and serve your community as long as you hold your Bel and do what you think is best you will never do wrong all right you can place your right hand on the Bible right hand i g c i d mtic c do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegion that I will bear true faith and and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and impartially and justly and justly perform all of the duties perform all of the duties of committee woman of committed woman according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations R call Lady woman Dr as [Music] presic Pres committeeman o odsy Carr pres committeeman Sandy Henley pres committee woman jamy president will now accept nominations for the office of Mayor I'd like to nominate committee Sandy Henley I second roll call committee woman Dr Ashley Caldwell yes committee woman Dale canteen yes committee otsy Carr yes committe men Sandy Henley yes committee woman Jamie yes uh motion passes congratulations thank [Music] [Applause] you if Senator Singleton would please come forward to administer the oath of office for the office of Mayor I think hey make sure you stand like right there right there's good you need this do s swear I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saints and aliance to the Saints and to the government established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will favor that I will favor and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of the mayor of the office Mayor Township of Township of according to the according to the [Applause] me to take it from here now turn the meeting over to you thank you we will now accept nominations for the office of Deputy Mayor I'd like to nominee oise cark second i' like to Second roll call sorry committee woman Dr Ashley Caldwell yes committee woman Gil Canen Maddox yes committeeman odsy Carr yes committee man Sandy Henley yes committee woman Jamie yes motion [Music] passes Senator Singleton if you'd like to sermon I St United States support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same the government established to the government established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that faith faithful impar and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of deputy mayor of the office of Deputy Mayor the of to the of to the of my abil thank you you could do it later mayor before we move to the next item if I can make a statement certainly um earlier today I met with the newly elected uh committee women and brief them on all the agenda items including all the resolutions in here uh so that theyd be prepared for today's meeting thank you so nominations of professional appointments and res soltions you have a motion motion you already need to statement that we're here so we're going to do the professionals do we have a motion has me so I motion motion second all right so so there needs to be a recusal of two professionals right so initially we'll vote on so planner prosecutor public defender Bond counsel tax special counsel labor councel CFO Financial counsel consultant conflict engineer and risk management as a group um and then we'll V we'll vote on the engineer and and audit us separately because there's a conflict fair enough so OD can you make a uh we're going to make a motion removing engineer Lio group and auditor Bowman and Company LLC do we have a motion I make a motion for the to vote on the solicitor planner prosecutor public defender Bond counsel tax special councel labor Council CFO Financial Consultant conflict engineer and risk management so mayor just for clarification that motion is for mment Associates as the solicitor CME Associates as a planner prosecutor chance mccan public defender Rosenberg Perry and Associates Bond councel mment Associates Associates tax special counsel Kathleen gasal labor Council Brown and countery CFO Financial Consultant PM Consultants LLC conflict engineer environmental Resolutions Inc risk manager hardenberg and Associates yes we need a second the second came from jimy committee woman I'm sorry roll call committee woman Dr Ashley calwell yes committee woman Gail Canen yes committeeman odsy Carr yes committee woman Jamie yes mayor Sandy Hunley yes yeah I missed it I'm sorry do we now have a motion for t engineer near Alo group motion second roll call committee woman Dr Ashley calwell yes committee woman Gale Canen yes committeeman odssey Carr yes committee woman Jamie yes mayor Sandy Henley yes a motion for auditor Bowman Company LLC motion second roll call committee woman Dr Ashley calwell recuse committee woman gaale Canen yes Deputy Mayor Odyssey Carr yes committee woman Jamie yes mayor Sandy Hunley yes I will now ask for a motion to vote out order 20 vote out of order 2625 resolution appointing Kim Marie white as Township Clerk we have a motion I make a motion for 2625 second statement from the solic that was already made the statement about reaching the individual befor fair enough roll call committee woman Dr Ashley calwell recuse committee woman Gail canten yes committee odssey car yes committee woman Jamie yes uh mayor Sandy Henley yes resolution appointing a Township Committee Member to Land Development board um board it's a class three member for the year of 2025 uh Odis car a motion second roll call Miss Caldwell yes Miss Maddox canteen yes Mr car yes Miss yes sorry mayor Henley yes five yes motion passes resolution appointing Committee Member to Historic commission for the year of 2025 Jamie I make the motion all right second roll call Miss called yes Miss Maddox canteen yes Mr cark yes Miss yes mayor Henley yes 5S motion passes resolution appointing one member to the recreation commission for three-year unexpired term to expire in 2028 Ivan Alvarez no no I apologize Gil canteen I thought that was for remember yeah Gil canteen I make the motion second roll call Dr calwell yes Miss MX canteen yes Mr Carr yes Miss yes and mayor Henley yes I guess motion passes resolution appoint a Township Committee Member to timb to advisory committee for the year 2025 uh Gail canteen I make the motion second roll call Dr calwell yes M Maddox canteen yes Mr car yes Miss yes and mayor Henley yes 5S motion passes resolution appointing two members to the timbuk to advisory committee Denita Curry and Debbie price I motion Denita Curry and Debbie price second roll call Dr Caldwell yes Miss Maddox canteen yes Mr Carr yes Miss yes mayor Henley yes five yes motion passes resolution establishing a schedule of regular meeting minute dates of the township committee for the year 2025 motion second roll call Dr calwell yes Miss Maddox canteen yes Mr car yes Miss yes and mayor Henley yes 5 yes motion passes consent agenda res consent agenda resolutions consent agenda consent agenda resolution note consent agenda items are considered to be routined and will be enacted with a single motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by the certification availability of funds any items requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda does anyone on the committee wish to remove any of the resolutions from the consent agenda can I get a motion I make a motion to approve resolutions 8-25 through 25-25 and 2725 through 3025 second roll call Dr calwell yes Miss Maddox canteen yes Mr Carr yes Miss yes mayor Henley yes five yes motion passes resolution appointing CFO John E Barrett why do we have why do we have behal of that was part of the consent part of the consent agenda So currently nextage you're here mayor appointments yeah how are we there because this was all consent so maror appointments Land Development board historic preservation uh there'll be no motion needed we have uh David Guerrero and John wski historic commission Class B member for four-year term Rosemary craft and Bob Thorp historic commission two-year alternate we have Dan AAL Meo Simons for commit liaison for the year 2025 police Sandy Henley Public Works od's car Recreation Gil canteen Municipal Court Sandy Henley Westampton School Board Dr Ashley cwell RV Regional High School Board Dr Ashley cwell Emergency Services Jamie Veteran Affairs od's Carr senior citizen Dr asley Carwell and 10 Buck two kale canteen acknowledge all atic appointments the mayor is a member of the Land Development board we will now open a meeting for public comment please state your name and address for the record Anthony guts 109 West mle Tree Drive Welcome to our new Comm meting members um the packet that was uploaded didn't have the resolutions listed so it was hard to see who's going into a lot of these key possessions within the township um I noticed for the administrator it was a removal and then new administrator uh looking at the law was it immediate removal uh or it says it takes place 3 months after you guys just voted on it uh the other question I had it seems we we lost the IT people and this was raised by residents numerous times as we were putting some people in multiple roles of how it could cause issues so I just hope this committee thinks about the actions they're taken moving forward thank you thank you thank you Berita Jones 20 amera um I just like to congratulate both of you the new committee women on the uh DS here and you know uh congratulate the mayor and the deputy mayor and Jamie um for sitting in our committee again and uh best of luck in the Years coming thank you thank you thank you we now close for public comment all in favor all right oh you have something sure Nancy Berkeley uh Al Street ran cookus again I would like to agree with uh all of sudden congratulations to Gail and Ashley I know you both and I know you'll do a great job but I also want to compliment Mr Jones I know it's been a long month he's been going from an assistant person to taking on two jobs and we all know if we've been there that the uh the first meeting of the month first meeting of the year uh the reorganization it takes a a lot of time and a lot of things and and things can't be forgotten or left off so I would like to thank you for your hard work and chipping in when we're going through this time thank you thank you resolution resolution motion to close public comment motion second all in favor I dates to remember Land Development board reorg is January the 6 2025 at 7 p.m. Land Development board meeting is January the 8th at 7:00 p.m. Recreation committee meeting is January the8 2025 at 7: p.m. next scheduled Township meeting will be January 14th 2025 at 700 p.m. Committee Member comments and Township Committee Member um the a reports um I'll go first I just want to congratulate again Gail and Ashley to the committee I'm looking forward to um a new year so happy New Year to all the residents I also wanted to thank um those that came in to swear in the local officials to Linda Hines as always and Senator Troy s Singleton and the Reverend so thank you for coming in for that um oh I did have a quick liaison report from the chicken committee that I sit in with and I will be rep um we have some changes that we'd like to recommend to the ordinance which we'll be presenting to you to the committee at our next committee meeting I have uh judge Hines thank you so much Senator Singleton ritten thank you so much your your support for our community means the world all family that came out to support family and friends thank you so much um congrats to the newly elected uh Dr calwell and Miss Ken Maddox you guys work so hard to get where you're at now I know I look forward to uh working with you over your term um I think this is going to be a productive year uh we have a lot of changes as some people mentioned um I would be focusing on a lot of our code book um working on our current programs improving that um I also I would just like to note that our meetings have been getting a little I guess hectic and I just want to be focusing on some of our decorum we can be neighbors we are neighbors and we can disagree without being disagreeable as Ruth uh Ginsburg had said so thanks to our neighbors for coming I really appreciate all of you happy New Year I just want to start by thanking all the residents um for electing me for the confidence that you've put in me to serve our town I believe I'll do a great job I also want to um thank the West Hampton board of education for a wonderful last two years uh where I've been a board member we've got a lot done um the most what I miss the most is uh the relationships that we form together and I pray that that still continues into 2025 um I also would like to thank Reverend Dr Danny e Scott SI for swearing me in tonight really appreciate that Senator Singleton and judge Hines for coming out elect wom in New Jersey um endorsed me this year and I wanted to I don't know if Anna is here okay Anna didn't make it out but I just want to thank you for your endorsement also for New Jersey young Dems that really meant a lot to me and my running mate um to my wonderful who here to support me tonight all of you I won't um call you out or ask you to raise your hand uh my best friend my colleagues um and all my neighbors um as uh Deputy Mayor car said we're all neighbors so I'm looking forward to working with you um I want to give a special shout out to my dad uh he's come to every uh Township meeting with me for the last year so I just want to thank you for your support um and Mr Jones so thank you to you for taking a time out um earlier this week just showing me around introducing me um to different um department heads and staff um that's truly the best part of West Hampton I had a really good feeling after you walk me around so I really appreciate you taking two hours out of your day to get that done it meant a lot um last but not least I want to congratulate my running mate um Gail madx canteen it's been a long year um but we got it done and I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone other than you um the best part was bragging about you to everyone um so I'm looking forward to working with you this year congratulations mayor Henley once again and to our new Deputy Mayor I know you do a wonderful job Mrs I'm looking forward to working with you Happy New Year to everybody greetings um thank you all for being here um I'm sincerely appreciative of you all taking the time to come out uh to the committee meeting as well as um the uh swearing in of um Dr corwell myself uh the mayor as well as the deputy mayor I want to first start off by thanking God that's the head of my life and without him to me there's there's just nothing so I want to thank God for giving me the strength to be able to do what I do um I want to also thank the citizens of Westampton Township for saying you know what give that young lady and her running mate a shot um the foundation is already set in terms of West ampton and I sincerely thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be able to build upon that foundation so I thank you citizens of West ampton I want to thank my family uh my husband my kids they've stuck with me through thick and thin putting up signs taking down signs ringing doorbells doing all those other kind of things I appreciate you guys and thank you for putting up with me want to thank my family and friends I have my brothers who came from Maryland and friends who drove up today just to be here to witness this and I I really appreciate my my family for coming in and uh being a part of this and I I I sincerely thank you for that uh my friends my neighbors um and I want to thank those of you who voted for Dr cwell and myself and those that didn't because we're all one we're all on the same team and I look forward to working with each and every one of you for perpetuating the success of West ampton Township um it's not going to be easy because if it were easy anyone can sit up here it's not going to be easy and Dr Co well and I we've had many nights where we said what are we doing um this is this is tough and we realize that but um I am super excited to be able to go on to do the work of Westampton and I'm looking forward to that I want to thank my parents for instilling in me the scenario of the pitcher and the cup I want to thank them for allowing me to be a pitcher uh some people receive and some people give and I want to thank them for instilling in me the ability to be the pitcher and continue to give um and that's important and I want to continue to do that I want to thank my running mate Dr Ashley cwell it's interesting because her daughter and my son knew each other before we introduced each other they knew each other and when she said you know this young lady by the name of Gail canten my son knew her and then she knew me and it was interesting it's a small world and it's important the impression that you can have on people be kind uh do the right thing try to help people that's what's important and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be able to do this Westampton Township committee it's five of us but we're going to be powerful in terms of what we do for the township of West ampton mayor Henley yes thank you for the opportunity um it's interesting because we've known each other a while our kids went to school together from KN high up and uh we're going to get an opportunity to work together um I'm a pusher and everybody knows I like to push and get things done and I'm appreciating the opportunity to be able to do that Deputy Mayor look forward to working with you and uh um committee woman look forward to working with you and I'm excited to be able to get on with the business of Westampton Township and um there's going to be no job too large or too small we're looking to get in there and work with senior citizens we're getting um in there and and working with homeless uh Dr corwell and I we have some ideas uh you know liaison committees for the shelter just so many different things that we'd like to do being transparent when it comes to communication um making sure the residents of this town knows what's going on and um being out there and and being a presence in the community and that's what's very important so I'm humbled I thank you for this opportunity and I look forward to getting the work done thank you for the opportunity [Applause] [Music] so now I'm burdened with Happ to go after maybe maybe this is the one time I don't want to go last but um I will say one I want to thank my wife and my children because I don't think a lot of people understand right you can there's light-hearted comments about the change or whatever happens in the township but there's times that I had to be up here 5 days a week for different things or think things that have to be done and I always say that the positions here are earned not many people want to knock on doors not many people want to put up signs not many people want to use their Saturdays to to make sure that people are able to entrust what they do so it's easy sometimes to say what what we would do versus what we're going to do I appreciate the fact that you know these people threw their name threw their name in a in a ring to try to make a differ and all difference all of our communities right uh the fact that there's five people means that we all can interject you know five different ideas you know I've noticed that all of us live in different areas of West Hampton so we're able to touch on every different part of the areas of West Hampton except for IR Woods right but every other part of West Hampton is represented on this committee it couldn't be more balance we hav an IR wood friend now so we we do stay we do stay in cont absolutely um with that being said I want to thank you know Senator Troy Singleton for always being here I think that he's the only person who's ever uh who's ever sworn Me In from beginning to end so um he you know obviously he's at this point he's the hot ticket to be able to get so the fact that he always makes time to be able to come to to West Hampton do a swearing in from for a little guy like me I appreciate it uh I'd like to thank my first running mate uh judge Hans and what I will say that Linda said um you know there's times it's not often as as much as it was but you know every once in a while she would she would tell you that you know I got to I got to give her a call just to bounce something off of her um just because she thinks very differently right and she has a perspective of the township that everyone doesn't always have and she stated she said something very factly one time that uh that stuck with me when she said you work for it so you care more Linda NOS a lot of things that we have now we didn't have them right so people take for granted like you know the help people helping to knock on doors there were there was no one helping to knock on doors with me and linderland it was just us right her more than me actually but but nevertheless you know when you work for you care more and that brings me to to thanking Gail and Ashley because that was the message the whole time right like as they continue to work and work hard I would continue to say you want to work hard cuz you'll care more cuz you'll want to do more it'll mean way more to you if you work for it if they give it to you and you just get it you know you win by 45 votes a win is a win but if you went by 45 votes and you'd still be happy you didn't knock on any doors you didn't meet any residents you didn't ask any questions you won't care as much but they did they worked hard and as soon as they won they had demands as they should they want stop signs put to the in places that they talk to Residents and made commitments they want to honor their commitments you know they they want to make a difference they have agendas they came up here with homework right um and we talk every time I think that you know I said the Gil when she was running I could call her she' pick up on the second ring after she won I called her I didn't hear from her for three days I said I mean I said what did I say to you guys I said I mean a person gets a few votes he can't even answer the call anymore but when we did speak she was prepared for the conversation she had a list of things that she wanted to address and how she wanted to make a difference and the messages are very different between the two ladies but the messages are very much the same and for that I look forward to what 2025 can be we wanted to be a productive and a strong 2025 Yes we made some changes and we made the changes when we made them and we're going to be successful because this group just won't lose that I can guarantee you um I want to thank sherro Jones and Craig forns were Craig is the fire chief and sherad is the deputy and we and we work them both as if this was their primary role to set everything up for today I probably have talked to Craig more about anything other than fire in the last 3 weeks than ever but he's always been there he knows what's going on and it and it says something to to have someone who was in a different role but still knows what's going on throughout the town and knows what's going on in a different uh in a different department and he's done that I like to welcome back and thank James Brady who who came to to be the administrator of our town and and to be and to help along help and to help move the town forward right so um Jim ask for the phone right away needs a couple days thought and you know he puts his cape on and he comes to the rescue and when he puts his cape on he then brings um someone I haven't had the pleasure with but I only had heard great things about uh Miss Kim white I mean we're look we're looking for a clerk and someone's like he teaches the class I mean how do so I mean we we we found a way not only just to bring in people but to bring in the best people so that shows the commitment for what we want and what we expect out of this town so we've heard right we made some changes now we'll make the commitment to show you um Bob Wright our solicitor who I lovingly call bad news Bob there's not an attorney that calls you with good news so anytime I see the phone right up and it says Bob I take a deep breath and I'm like oh my God and he knows I say bad news what's going on he's like oh it's not that bad so um thank you Bob so so what I say about Bob is this um and I thanked him earlier today there was another attorney who said to me Bob has done more as a solicitor than moose would do he has put more than his toe in the water when it came to working for this town and I couldn't imagine having a different solicitor here if it meant us to change our day to keep Bob here then we change our day so thank you Bob I appreciate it are you cing lastly our professionals we've had the same Professionals for quite some time um and they've stuck with us and worked hard so I think our professionals our department heads as a whole I think them uh the appointed people who are who are on um on our different on our different committees their residents who stepped up I will give a special shout out to Dave because Dave is at every Land Development board meeting he's prepared for every meeting he I know he calls the secretary eight nine times a week right but that's because he cares about the tab and those are the people that we want around so with that being said hope I did okay we have a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor all right thank you have a great evening see how it work