##VIDEO ID:https://vimeo.com/1032166857## So, so then just playing his, he sticks his thumbs in the bottom. Good evening. I'd like to call the Westfield City Council meeting of November 21st, 2024 to order. Roll call please. Madison Adams, Allie. Here. Beans Judge Randy. Here, burn here. Fanny. She will not be with us. Gie. Here Harris. Dear Matthews, Kane. Here. Meow. Here. Morgane. Here. Oniskey Here. Sullivan. Here please rise for P, please P To The United States of America stands nation. No doubt. Invisible with liberty of Reading the record of meetings of October 17th, 2024 And November 7th, 2024. Councilor Bean. Thank you, Mr. President. Make a motion to accept the minutes for October 17th and November 7th, 2024 Without reading. Motion made it second. Any discussion on the meeting? Any minutes? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Now comes a, a portion of the meeting for public participation. Anyone wishing to address the city council may do so by coming forward and stating your name and address for the city clerk. And we do that in three minute increments, which may be extended if needed. Please come forward. My name is Paula Godfrey. My address is two Locust Street, Westfield. I'm the president of the Westfield Women's Club. Um, Our building was built in 1926. Oh, I'm sorry. Am I supposed to have this over here? It's fine. Um, a group of women got together and purchased the land and built a building specifically for the Westfield Women's Club. We are the cornerstone of the new cultural district that has just been approved. Our theater group has 12 performances a year involving actors and performers and set directors, people from all over Westfield in the surrounding communities. Uh, not to mention the countless people who come to see the performances, many musical performances, speakers. And a puppet workshop is coming up this spring during the break, the school break, so that we can offer yet another activity for the children of Westfield. We have rentals from everything from a deaf baker who rents our kitchen to birthday parties and other celebrations. But all this use has left the building in a great need of much restoration. Everything from the floors, uh, to the brick work, repointing the brick work, the parapet, and taking down what I'm sure they thought was a beautiful addition to the building in the 1950s when they placed a drop ceiling in the meeting room and put in lovely for fluorescent lights. We'd like to take all that down, go back to the original ceiling that was there and put in replica lighting from the twenties to restore it to the way it should have looked before. It's a wonderful building and it building that's used by our community all the time. Please, please give us your support when you come to address our needs. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else like to address the council? Good evening. Uh, my name is Jonathan McCan. I live at 42 Arnold Street. Um, I'm here on behalf of the Friends of the Columbia Greenway Rail Trail, um, specifically to speak about Broad Street. Um, I've become before you before about this Complete Streets Project. We're really excited to see this take off. Um, it'll make the street safer and easier to use for everyone that uses the street, whether they walk, drive, bike, et cetera. Um, and so, um, I ask that you, you know, can, um, move swiftly forward with this project. It's a long time coming. A lot of people have asked, um, for a better broad street. Um, and we are very confident that the design that's in place right now, um, is, uh, an extreme improvement, um, for everyone that uses the street. Um, so I ask that you don't delay this project any further and let it proceed, um, to better the lives of everyone in the city. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else like to address the council? Good evening. My name is Dawn McCann and I own images, hair, and accessories on Meadow Street. My building was hit on March 23rd, 2017 by some, and there were the officer let that person go. And Paul Miller is also on the board of directors of the, do you know that? So they, they didn't even check him to see if he was drunk or what he, what he was. And I have been dealing with Westfield Bank. I went to Hawaii one month before nine 11. I just want you to know that. And I do not appreciate these cards at all. At all. It reminds me of nine 11. This is not my name. My name is Don McCann. Everybody else seems to know it, including Westfield Bank. And that's why I'm here. I'm being charged 1150 a month for credit cards. My be my business has not been open since 2017, since it was hit. And I went my, I demand my money back. Brent Bean, 1150 a month. I've been in that bank so many times and I get no help. And I'm addressing you. I want it all back. Do you want me to send you a register letter? Because I will at 15 because 1500 Main Street, But I demand my money back, ma'am. Excuse me. Okay. Would like you to just keep the personalities out of it. Mr. Bean has, he's employed by Westfield Bank, but that's not so I know he is. I've been in there so many times that my debit card does not work in stores. And they go, your debit card is fine. I go in the store and I tell people don't do business with them. Okay? But please, I don't want, I don't want to get these personalized. Well, listen, I want my money back, so I'm not dealing, I'm, I don't care. This is not me. Do you understand that You need to speak to Westfield Bank? Not, not here. I told him I was here to speak to him if they have to. Everybody needs to know this. My niece was, um, molested by somebody and he knows who I am. 'cause his wife was the investigating officer. I'm not happy at all. Everybody else seems to know who I am. I'm clicking on the record. I have all my identifications right here from Donald Trump is A word title right here. It's okay. And I don't care how you vote. I really don't care how you vote. But you know what? You shouldn't care how I vote either. Do you understand that? I do. I was attacked twice by. Okay. And you know what? I'm not gonna put up with it anymore. Thank you. Do you understand that? Yes. Thank you. And one more thing. Um, whip c fiber put my, um, my router outside my building so everybody else could use that. So I had to cancel them. And they went into my building and they screwed around with my, um, my circuit breakers. And then they screwed around with my furnace, which is private property. I'm not happy That you're gonna need to take up with Westfield Gas and Electric. No, I'm telling all you what's going on here. I, I understand. Thank you. No, you don't understand. Are you married? What if your wife was attacked, how would you feel? And three cops come to my house and they say they want my submachine gun. Do I look like a woman that carries a submachine gun? No. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of this. Okay, your, your three minutes is up. But thank you very much for coming. Brad, do you want me to send you a registered letter? Ma'am, your three minutes is up. Thank you. Anyone else like to address the council? Yes. Council. Thank you Mr. Resident. Um, on behalf of Jimmy and Eileen Yaka, my wife and I, we'd like to thank everybody who's participated this year in the annual Westfield Public Schools Thanksgiving dinner, Turkey, uh, drive. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the following people. Our major sponsors, Our JL Ray, makers and Sons, roar person, Adams Funeral Services, Westfield Bank and Advanced Manufacturing. The following individuals have made substantial contributions as well. Potatoes have been donated by Dr. Jane Marone, DDS, the stuffing by Kristin and Rob Leve. Brownie Mix by Dr. Jim McCann Gravy. Kathy Wallace McCann, green Beans. Lisa Alex X. Sullivan Onion Ring. Richard Sullivan Jr. Counselor at Large Corn. Coldwell Banker of Realtors, Bobby Pickin, Kathy Mocha, Ann Erwin, Rita Zelensky, Marine Tassos, and Shirley Bria Mushroom Soup was donated by Attorney Richard Sullivan II of Lions. And so Patrick Cranberry sauce by Mary Quill Mortgage Movement and Linda Wartman bags, Westfield Gas and Electric, Polish National Credit Union, turkeys Jail, Ray Makers and Sons. Roar, Westfield Bank, Mike and Buell. Jimmy Adams, Judy Puffer People's Bank, rotary International, Eric Forche, $350 worth of gift cards. And last but not least, a new new uh, donation came in from Matthew Delia, director of Student Activities, involvement and Leadership at Westfield State University. The Student Government Association has voted to send their collection to the Westfield Public Schools instead of the Salvation Army. And at last total it was $1,673. So it truly is a community event. It is truly a pleasure to work with all these folks. And a big thank you needs to go out. It just goes to show that Westfield is a very caring community and they care about their fellow citizens. Thank you. Thank you Council. Anyone else have any comments? Anyone from the public? Seeing none at this point. As city Council President, I'm gonna make a motion to enter executive session pursuant to MGLC 30 a Section 21 A three to discuss strategy with respect to litigation. Walmart v. Board of Assessors of City of Westfield Appellate Tax Board docket number F 3 5 3 0 6 3 as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body. In the chair, sole declares is intended to counsel to return to open session at the conclusion of this executive session. Second motion made it second. And any discussion, roll call. Madam City Clerk Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean. Yes. Beltran? Yes. Burns? Yes. Peggy? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews Ka. Yes. Yes. Elli? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. We got it. Thank you. We're gonna move to, uh, room 2 0 1 during this recess. Okay. Okay. We'll call this meeting back to order. Uh, can I get a motion to return to regular session? Motion. Motion Made it second. Any discussion? All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Not Back in regular session communications from the mayor. Item one, councilor Matthews King. Thank you Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion for immediate consideration of the acceptance of a grant, increasing the amount of $3,833 and 33 cents from the municipal local cybersecurity grant program from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, executive Office of Public Safety and Security Office of Grants and research to the technology department. Second. Motion made it seconded. Further discussion. Councilor Matthews King. Thank you, Mr. President. So this will look vaguely familiar because we did accept a larger grant for this council did on September 5th, 2024. Four. This is a Massachusetts State grant. The federal government has a rule that this grant must have a 10% match and then the state decided that they would give us that match. So this $3,833 and 33 cents will be added to the grant that we already accepted. It's for cybersecurity, um, training. And, um, and make a motion to approve. Second. Okay. Motion made a second. Any further discussion on this item? Seeing none. Roll Call police. Madam City Clerk Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean? Yes. Beltran? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fee? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthew Kaine. Yes. Miller? Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Thank you. Item two. Councilor Matthews Kane. Thank you Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion for immediate consideration of an appropriation in the amount of $15,000 from free cash to the assessor's purchase of service account to cover costs associated with the matter, which is the subject of litigation. Second. Motion made it seconded. Any further discussion? Um, we are not allowed to have a discussion. We just heard about this in executive session and we cannot talk about it outside of executive session. Thank you. But all the council members know the information. Roll call. Madam City Clerk Adams. Yes. Allie? Yes. Beam? Yes. Beltran? Yes. Burns? Yes. Gie? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane. Yes. Mellow? Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Thank you. Item three. Councilor Matthews King. Thank you Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion for the city clerk to read items three through five and refer to finance Second. Motion made it second at Madame City. Clerk Three. Requesting acceptance of a grant in the amount of $111,240 from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division to the Westfield Barnes Regional Airport to be used to remove the off airport runway. 15 obstructions. Four appropriation in the amount of $50,000 from pre-cash to the engineering purchase of service account for the redesign and Erving of Broad Street. Five appropriation in the amount of $245,094 and 97 cents from the stabilization account to the engineering purchase of service account for the design and permitting phases of the proposed powder Millbrook Dam Rehabilitation project. Thank you. Any further discussion on this? Dissent to finance. See none. All in favor? A. Aye. Aye. Opposed? Now in the hands of finance Item six, councilor Ky. Thank you. I'd like to make a motion, uh, to suspend the rules for items six and seven, please. Second. Second. Motion made it Second. Suspend the rules. Any discussion on suspension? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? Now under suspension, Consisky. Thank you. Uh, item number six is submitting a resolution for acceptance of gift donations totaling $2,325. From Jeff Burke, Mary Alice p Morrissey, Joanne Florick, and Skyline Beer Company LLC to Parks and Recreation Department. Skateboard gift. Uh, gift account. Second. Motion made it seconded for further discussion. Counsel? Yes. Thank you, Mr. President. Uh, I mean, we've seen this is probably the fifth or sixth time. Uh, there's been donations to the skate park. Uh, you know, which is well appreciated. And, um, may as well just accept them now instead of having it delayed. Okay. Would You like to read the resolution? Yes, I would. If I can. By, uh, by title only. Yes. Resolution of the city council of the city of Westfield for acceptance of a gift pursuant to MGL L 44 53 A to Westfield Public Works Park and Recreation Division. Thank You. Any discussion? Seeing none. Roll call. Madam City Clerk Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean? Yes. Bill. Randy? Yes. Burns? Yes. Diggie? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane? Yes. Meow. Yes. Morgan? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Thank you. Under suspension item seven. Council Ky. Thank you Mr. President. Item seven is submitting a resolution for acceptance of FY 2025 quarter one. Monetary and Inkind gift donations totaling $1,375 made to the Council of Aging. Second Motion made it seconded. Further discussion, Council? Yes. Thank you Mr. President. This is a, uh, summary of gifts made, uh, to the Council on Aging. And I'd like to accept it Any further discussion. You want to read it by title Only? I cited only resolution of the city of Westfield. I'm sorry, of the city council. Of the city of Westfield for acceptance of FY 2025 quarter one. Monetary inkind gift donations made to the Council on Aging. Roll call. Madam City Clerk Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean. Yes. Belt. Randy? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fige? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane. Yes. Miller? Yes. Morgan? Yes. Ky. Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Uh, motion to return to regular order. Second. Motion made in seconded. All in favor? Opposed. Now back to regular order Item eight. Councilor Ky. Thank you Mr. President, would you please ask Madam City Clerk to read Item eight? Refer to LNO and engineering Motion. Made it seconded. Madam City Clerk Eight. Submitting a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the creation of a gateway pocket park. Thank you. Uh, all in favor? Aye. Opposed? Petitions for monstrous and other papers? Item nine is a vote on fiscal year 2025. Tax rate residential factor. We'll open up the floor for discussion. Councilor Harris. Thank you. You'd like to make a motion for one point, uh, six nine Tax shift. We tried this last year. Um, got several people on 1.69, but unfortunately it was not voted in. I'll second that motion. Motion made it seconded. This will give, uh, the average homeowner $5 and 50 cents increase per month. I'd like to do zero, but this, uh, this is pretty good. Call Sir. Morgane. Thank you, Mr. President. Are we, are we entertaining other Yes. Motions now or we vote on that first to go either way, right? We, what's what's easier all out there? Yeah, we usually get 'em all out there. Can I add one more thing, Mr. President? Pray Please. Because that wasn't quite Finished. Um, if you don't go with the homeowner this time, you're giving Home Depot, Walmart, Gulfstream, and the owner of the East Main Street Properties, uh, another decrease. And they have had decreases for the last few years. Councilor Elli. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, motion for a, uh, 1.66 tax rate, second motion made and seconded. 1.66. Councilor Figgy. Motion to amend back to 1.69 second. Okay. Any other? Got an amendment 1 6 9. Nothing, just, yeah, just A conversation. I, I I guess the, the conversation I'd like to have is we're looking at $15 million in free cash. Um, I, I know there's been some talk about what kind of monies that can be put on that tax rate to reduce the burden. Do we have any conver anything that was, had a conversation with the mayor about the additional monies? Councillor Sullivan? I did. Um, so I think as we heard tonight, um, and from the, um, assessor's presentation, there's about $2 million, um, that is new, um, increase in terms of the budget, which is under 2.5%. Um, and does reflect the fact that this body, um, the council back, uh, in June made significant cuts to the mayor's budget as presented, which brings it down to that number. But there's still $2 million of new expenditures. And I did ask the mayor today if he would consider using some of that free cash to further reduce the tax rate. Um, and it would be $2 million, which would actually get, hold it to zero for everybody. He indicated that he would absolutely not do that. Um, this body sitting here tonight does not have the ability to take that free cash without an appropriation request from the mayor. Um, so we can't take free cash on our own. And the mayor has indicated that he would not contemplate or entertain the use of any free cash to further reduce the tax rate. That's great. Okay. Anyone got anything else right now? We have, uh, motion on the floor for 1 6, 9. Second. Second, second, Billy Second. That's Anybody else? I Council B. Yeah, sorry. So you don't, you don't, I mean, I know there's a timeline here that we're dealing with. That's why everybody stayed over there at the table waiting for us to vote this particular motion. So stop glaring at me over there please. Um, but you know, I mean, is it worth asking the mayor again? Is it, I mean, this is something that we're looking at $15 million in free cash. This is like the second or third year that this number's been that high. Um, you know, and I'm not gonna, this, this is something that Councilor Sullivan had brought up before about just how, how do you get free cash? And one of the topics is, uh, is unfunded positions. So it's really not some, it's just stuff that the budget hasn't been used. It's not about, you know, excise tax or, or new growth. All the stuff that I normally will vote no on putting money on the, the tax rate. But we're, we're sitting on some money right now and, uh, you know, I I don't know if it's worth having that discussion. I, I know we talked about maybe Wednesday's the deadline before Thanksgiving for a special meeting to do this, but I'd like to see some cash put down on that tax rate. So, Well, one of, one of the challenges is that we're on a short window here. Yeah. So we would have to have a special meeting before next Wednesday, I believe, if we were to do that. Councilor Ally and then Councilor Figy and then Councilor Morgan. Yeah. Thank You Ms. President. And just really to follow up on Council Beam's comments. I mean, um, this past year was only the third budget and I've been on the council for 11 years. It's only the third budget that I've actually voted. I appreciate what the mayor was trying to accomplish. I also appreciate that this council, um, the work that we all did to bring that number down. And that's why I voted, you know, to support that. I mean, we made an effort. Um, I think we're all taken aback by the balance. This budget was at $4 million in free cash. Um, Especially In the back of like only $600,000 in new growth, which I guess the figure went up to a little bit 900,000, which is still anemic. It's not heading, it's not turning in the right direction. And it may not be, I mean, things are not good out there. Um, but I mean, we really tried, you know, um, to get more, to get more useful free cash. And I think when he says no, it means no. Um, I mean, we, I don't know if we can delay this and try to put more pressure. Um, but we really did make an effort. Um, Councilor Figgy and Councilor Morgane. Thank you Mr. President. I spoke with, uh, our city auditor asked her the same question because I wanted to figure out what a couple million dollars might do. And when I was told that the mayor was adamant about not putting any additional free cash into this, 'cause he already put 4 million into the budget to start, um, I do not see a delay in this at all. Going towards what we all would like to see. I would like to see free cash used to lower this even more. However, we don't have that authority or that power. And the mayor has made it clear to more than one person that he's not changing his mind. So I don't want to incur any delay. I think we need to make a decision and move forward tonight. Thank you Council Morgan Elliot, your floor. Thank You, Mr. President. Um, historically in the last 10 years as was presented to us, gone from 1.63 to 1.69, back down to 1.68, and now we want to go back up to 1.69. It's, it's hard for small businesses to stay afloat, um, in this economy. Uh, I don't know about you, but I I, I'm tired of seeing, you know, uh, vacant storefronts. I, I'd rather see businesses thrive. And this is one way that we can make Westfield more business friendly, uh, uh, providing a competitive rate. So they will come here that businesses want to come here, and when they come here, Westfield taxes increase. We, we rather the revenue increases, uh, we get more tax money. Um, 'cause we have, you know, uh, people here, um, maybe people building, uh, building on land that exists and so forth. Um, anyway, I I make a motion for, uh, um, Do you have second? Second Motion Made it seconded. Okay, so now 1 6 7. It's councilor figure. Did you have one as well? Did you bring out a number? I did earlier. It was 1.9 and I'm going to amend the 1 6 7 to 1 6 9. Okay, Second. So Councilor Meow. Thank you Mr. President. I'm getting kind of a headache over here and I can hear Counselor Flaherty in the back of my head. So y'all's fault, Don't use that dirty Word. I'm saying this conversation has already been delayed because we should have had it in May. We cut all those percentages of unfilled positions that this place uses as a slush fund every year. I've been here every single year. If you're sitting on $15 million in free cash, it's because you did bad math. We did bad math. And now everybody pays. And you're gonna argue about 1.69 and 1.67. People can't afford food if you have higher taxes because inflation has gone off the charts. That is literally the cost of doing business. But we can't be taxing homeowners out of the ability to eat or take their medication when the mayor is sitting on $15 million like a dragon sitting on a pile of gold. That's not our money. I support 1.69. Thank you Councilor Adams. Yeah, I, I mean, I'll jump in. You know, about the $2 million. Why don't we give, you know, if he's got, if there's $15 million there and he cuts it down to 13 million, if we use 2 million, everybody in the city can benefit by that money in their pocket. Every single person that pays taxes will have the ability to spend it their way, not the mayor's way or our way. And there's still $13 million that all these projects, I think can still get done and give everybody in this city a little breathing room. So I would be encouraged to send it back and ask for the 2 million. He's still got 13 million there, where a lot of things could be done. We, we, I don't remember even having 13 million. It's hard to give the people a break, let them spend it their way, not the way of the way we think it should be spent. Yeah. Um, if I may, Councilor Ali. Thank you, president. The other thing that's important to understand is, um, government has really got us into this mess. Normal inflation. And the other conversations in the media, which is kind of mindless sometimes we'll talk about supply and demand. If this was, you know, um, a supply and demand inflation, um, when the prices got too high, demand would either drop down or the prices would eventually, or the supply would increase and the prices would come down. We have inflation because of a devalued currency because of government spending, government and every level, federal, state, and even city is a wash in cash. Okay? Um, we received money over the last year. We got a hundred thousand dollars grant, um, one time. Um, and if you read the summary, it was covid money. Um, and part of the act that legislated us to be able to use that money was not for its intended purpose. Okay? That was, that was, there was a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo. But then you get to this pot. So governments are Washington cash, whether you're a small business owner or everybody else are struggling, okay? But this is inflation caused by a devalued currency. And when we increase prices or, um, wages to try to compensate for that, all we're doing is cementing and the problems the government's created because it's not a supply and demand issue. Okay? It won't, it's not a market correction. We've gotta do everything we can to hold the, the cost increases to, to try to even try to ride this out. Okay? So is there a, Are you suggesting something here by motion or No? I'm trying to, trying to figure out where we're going. Picture here because we're Getting off point. Well, no, this is the cause of the problem, right? But We either have to decide to do this tonight or to postpone it until next Wednesday. Well, I would take a temperature of the room if people wanna postpone it. I would certainly be willing to, to do that. I mean, like I said, we've done a full court press and maybe this is what it would take to get the mayor's attention. So We have three different choices here right now. Before us. The first one was 1 6 9 and it was 1 6 6 and now 1 6 7. And then I move left 1 6 9, right? Potentially a mo. And it hasn't been done a motion to send this back to the mayor. I think we have one. I'll Make a motion to send it back. Second. Second. Motion made it second. Okay. So let's deal with that right now. Motion to send back to the mayor. Roll call please. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Be yes. Bill. Trendy? Yes. Burns? Yes. Figgy? No. Harris? No. Matthews. Kane? No. Meow. Yes. Morgan Elli? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Should pass this to send back to the mayor. So Now with, With a request to use the $2 million. Yes. With a request for the $2 million to be used. And also we will need to, uh, schedule a special meeting for Wednesday. Does it have to be? Does Does it, does it have to be? Can it be Tuesday? It can be Tuesday ahead. Kate. Go. It can be Tuesday. It can be Tuesday. You, you're gonna have to post it like Tomorrow. Tomorrow? Yeah. I won't be here. Alright. Who else won't be here? Karen will be here. I mean, I don't know the rules, but we might be able to zoom it too. So just for the record. Yeah, zoom it. All right. So let's, Costa Harris. I'm sorry, Mr. President, you Look annoyed at me. We, I have to tell you, the the mayor has absolutely said he is not going to add any money. Mr. Sullivan has said that Mr. Figy has said that. He told me that. So you can, we can send it back, but he is absolutely not going to do that. So there it is. We just voted to send it back to him. So Yeah. Councilor ab, I had a question. So If we sent them back this back to him and he says I'll use a million. Is that possible or not? Sure. You can appropriate whatever he wants. He could, He could give us through though. So maybe we can, maybe he'll meet us halfway and then we'll still give a break to the people and maybe not, but it's worth a try, I think to the public. I'd like to give it a shot to give them a break. Well, I think we just indicated that we're willing to do that by saying it back to him, so, right. Yeah, we're done with that part of it. Okay. So this gets, it's gonna get continued. Uh, you say Tuesday, Kate. Okay. So we post a special meeting for Tuesday. What time? Six o'clock. Is she gonna find out? Six o'clock work? We really do Five. Okay. You're gonna find out if you can zoom it, I can do five. You can, we can zoom until March 31st, 2025. I don't know Whether it was convenient for everybody at five, but what everybody's preference is, I might be pushing you a little bit at five. Yeah. And if we can do zoom counselor figure, are you gonna be able to zoom or you're gonna be out of country? No, I'll be in country. I'll be in, well maybe I'm in Ohio. Okay. I might be out of the country. Okay. All. So that's what we'll do, Kate, you'll post it? Mm-Hmm. Okay, fine. Next thing is item 10. Uh, it's a public hearing on a petition for a zoning amendment submitted by AR VEC associates for plum rows development LLC for 1295 South Hampton Road parcel 71 R 12 from rural residential to residential B to yield two additional lots for construction of two family homes on each lot. Councilor Figgy. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, I received communications from Rob VE asking that this be continued due to an unexpected family emergency. So I am proposing that we continue this public hearing until our meeting on 12 nine. Second. Second Motion made it seconded. Any further discussion on that? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Now on for the ninth. Item 11. Councilor Adams? Yes. Thank you, Mr. President, could you have Madam City Clerk Creed number 11 and refer it to license committee and schedule a public hearing, the second meeting in December. Second. Second. Motion made and second account. Um, Madam City Clerk. Um, number 11, dung Chandra Sovan, owner of Dr. Luxury ride LLC 29 Dana Street. Submitting an application for limo license for one limousine. Okay. Thank you. All in favor? A. Aye. Opposed? Now on for public hearing. Item 12, Councilman Misskey. Thank you Mr. President, would you please ask Madam City Clerk to read item 12 and refer it to traffic commission and LL Second Motion made it second in Madam City Clerk 12 notification from the Massachusetts Highway Department requesting council approval of special speed regulation number three 15 B speed limits for Western Ave and that the council president will sign on behalf of the council. Any further discussion? Seeing none. All in favor Post item 13. Uh, first, yes, that's me. Council I Miskin. Thank You Mr. President. Um, item 13 is first assistant city solicitor Shannon Reed submitting the following ordinance amendments as requested by Sergeant Juanita. He is chair of the Traffic Commission. And I would like to point out that chapter 1742, no right turn on red and adding a four-way no right turn on red at the intersection of Main and three Street was passed already. So that's in there, uh, by error. So the, the actual, um, request is chapter 17 dash one 15, parking prohibited at all times on certain streets, adding no parking on both sides of Sibley Avenue and Valley Drive between 86 and 1 0 2. And I make a motion to, uh, refer that to traffic. And LO Second motion made it second. And any further discussion? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Reports of committee's. Finance committee Councilor Matthews Kane. Item 14. Thank you Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion. Um, oh, sorry. Finance met tonight and upon a two to zero vote, voted to approve the acceptance of a grant in the amount of $15,000 from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for the 2024 Drinking Water State revolving Fund to the Department of Public Works Water Division. Um, and we moved approval. Second. Motion made it seconded. Further discussion. Council. Thank you. Um, we met with Fran Kane. He talked about this grant. It's for, it's $150,000 for a $250,000 project. $50,000 is already in the DPW budget for the, uh, fiscal 25, $50,000 will be in kind services that DPW will provide. This is basically, um, to make sure they do a better job with collection of data for things that they're already doing. They will be hiring Tegan Bond to produce, um, a report to, so they can do a better job with this. They do have like a work order program called Lumen that they're really not using as, as they're not using as well as they should. So they do certain mechanical, um, procedures throughout the year. Like he talked in detail about those like valve exercising where they have to open valves and shut them to make sure they're working properly. They're not doing as good a job as they would like, keeping track of all of that. And that's what this new program is going to do. Thank you. Further discussion on this item. Seeing none. Roll call. Adam, city Clerk Adams. Yes. Allie Seems a bit high, but yes. Bean? Yes. Beltran? Yes. Burns? Yes. Figgy? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane. Yes. Mellow? Yes. Morgan. Elliot. Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Thank you. Item 15, Councillor Sullivan. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, finances Matt. And on a three nothing vote recommends the appropriation of $79,000 from the community preservation, uh, committee, historic account to the CPA Westfield Women's Club building account, uh, for the continued restoration and rehabilitation of the building. And I move approval second. Well she made it seconded for the discussion Counsel. So I'm gonna deal, uh, with the, um, discussion on this in the next item, um, as one. 'cause we dealt with it as one. So there's a total of, uh, $150,000, um, that is, um, gonna go from community preservation fund to the women's club for their restoration project. Um, I will say that there was a prior project that was funded outta CPA, which was solely for the elevator that was put into the building. That was some $235,000. That was done a number of years ago. But this is the second, um, request, um, from, um, the Women's Club for now. The, um, restoration, uh, historical restoration of their building. This is totally exterior work. So it's the roof, the chimney, the windows on the back, or at least a window on the back. Um, and there was a wall, um, in the basement, um, that's crumbling that needs to be, um, restored. The original request into the CPA committee was for $300,000. The committee rejected half of that, um, with their, with their policy. And this is a committee policy, um, that they don't do the interior work. So they don't do cosmetic interior work. So I know tonight was referenced about the drop ceiling that is not covered in this grant. Um, and no money can be used there. Um, they'll have to find other ones for that. They have done, um, fundraising and it was, um, told to us tonight that most members of the women's club have donated, um, something towards the restoration fund. Um, and they have received other grants, um, and certainly have had other donations from other local businesses. Uh, the total cost, um, of the renovations, uh, the historical renovations are between 535,580 $5,000. That is separate from the elevator. That was already done and is not part of this here, um, tonight. So, um, we had this took up the bulk of our meeting, um, and really wanted to understand exactly what, um, the members of the club, um, have put into the building itself, what else they've done for fundraising so that the CPA is not the only fundraising source, um, for this restoration. Um, and um, again, it was for the restoration and historic preservation of the building, not the club itself. So even if the club were to dissolve and that discussion was also had tonight, um, the building would remain historically correct and intact, uh, which is what the purpose of the CPA funds is. So this is not, um, it certainly protects the building but not, does not protect the club operations. Thank you. Any further discussion on This counselor Adams? Yeah. Um, I'm gonna jump in here 'cause I've been saying this probably for 15, 20 years is when this CPA monies came forward. It was pushed to the people. It was to be for open space. I sat here when it happened and that's what this money was intended for and that's what the people voted on and it barely passed since then. This has changed considerably. And I've heard actually more on this one. And it's no nothing against the women's club. There's nothing against the people that sit on the CPA 'cause they're doing their job. The Women's club has every right to go to the CPA and ask for money. The CPA has every right to give 'em the money. But a lot of people are saying, well, shouldn't there be a number put on this, like a maximum? 'cause it's a private club, even though they're doing many things for the city. 'cause they are, it's a private club and there's another couple private clubs that have asked for a whole bunch of money. And the taxpayers or the people that are talking to me say, why should my tax paying money go to private clubs? And I get it, but they, they have the right to do it. And the CPA has the right to give it. But I think in the future, all this should go back to the people that are paying the tax. It's a tax no matter how you look at it, it's coming off your, you're paying it. Every taxpayer's paying, even most of 'em are, they should have the right to go back and look at this and say either yes or no, that I'm willing to pay for private clubs, or I'm willing to pay for this, or I'm willing to pay for that. 'cause that's fair in my opinion, because this isn't the way it got sold to. So I'm gonna vote no. And it's not against the Women's Club. It's not against the people on the CPA. It's about the direction we're going with this. And the people are starting to, as times are tough, they're starting to say, why am I paying for private clubs? Or it's not just clubs, it's private land that they're buying things for. They think it should be used for projects that are owned by the city or they're to benefit every single person in the city. So I'm gonna vote now. It may not be a a, you know, people aren't gonna like to vote. Some people aren't gonna like to vote. But I'm just doing what people have come to me for and I'm doing what I think people voted for when this first came out. Anything further? I, I've got one more question. Was there any indication of whether there was gonna be another ask in the future? Uh, it was pretty clear that there would not be another ask. Okay. Thank you. Anything further? Roll call please. Madam City Clerk Adams? No. Allie? Um, yes. Be yes. Bill. Randy? Yes. Burns? Yes. Figgy? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane? Yes. Meow. Yes. Morgane? Yes. Oy. Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Thank you. Item 16. Council. So, Uh, this is the second half of the same, um, same issue. So, um, finances met and I recommend on a three, nothing vote the appropriation of $71,000 from the Community Preservation Committee. Undesignated account to the CPA Westfield Women's Club building account for the continued restoration and rehabilitation of the building. So move. Second. Motion Made it second. Same. Discussion. Discussion. Was there any further discussion? Seeing none. Roll call policemen. Sitting. Adams? No. Ali? Yes. Bean? Yes. Beltran? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fige. The Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane. Yes. Mellow? Yes. Morgan Elli. Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Thank you. Item 17, councilor Bean. Uh, thank you Mr. President. Uh, findings committee is met with a three zero vote for the appropriate approval vote of appropriation of $13,429 and 41 cents from the engineering construction FY 25 account to the engineering construction FY 21 account for a prior bill for Gomes Construction. So moved. Second. Motion made it second. Further discussion Counselor? Yeah. Uh, this one is kind of a little unique. I I've never seen any of this in the last 20 years, to be honest. Um, so in this one particular, um, uh, this particular amount of money is 5% of a project that happened around Court Street. The 5% is a retainer that happens that the city pulls aside. Um, for these particular projects, um, Goms Construction went through a, um, uh, an audit because they were changing ownership and found that the city did not release this particular retainer for this particular project. Um, this project was closed. Um, all the work was done. Everything was in good order. But this particular mechanism out of the engineering department a few years back, did not release this particular, um, uh, retainer. So it's really city's issue, not Gomes construction. Um, so they're looking to be, uh, put to hold on this particular project For this discussion. Seeing the role file Madam City Clerk Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Beam? Yes. Bill Chandy. Yes. Burns? Yes. Figgy? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthew Kane. Yes. Meow. Yes. Morgane? Yes. Ky Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Thank you. Legislative and ordinance Item 18. Councilor Figgy. Thank you Mr. President. All in all mad on 11 20 24 on an ordinance amending the code of ordinance, the city of Westfield. Um, chapter 17, uh, by adding section 17 dash 89, engine brakes prohibited. 2224 to 2 78 Elm Street. 44 to 1 58 Franklin Street, 59 to two 80. Lock House road and amending 17 dash 90, uh, to allow a $300 fine per violation. Second motion made it seconded. Further discussion, counselor? Yeah. The, the l and o committee uh, had a discussion with the chief as well as, uh, Sergeant Mhi from traffic. Currently there is no fine if someone violates the no engine braking, uh, ordinance. What this will do is allow a ticket to be written, a fine to be assessed. And if it's not paid, then it can be taken through civil court. Um, and that's what what this is, is. And so this will be first reading by title only. Any further discussion on this? Would you like to read it sir? By title Oman? Sure. In ordinance amending the code of ordinance, city of Westfield, Massachusetts, Dr. June 17th, 1993, being ordained by the City council of the city of Westfield is followed within chapter. Okay. Chapter 17, code of warrants hereby amended. Thank you. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Council motion to, uh, move to second reading file passage at our next meeting. Second. Motion made it seconded. Further discussion. Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? Now on for second reading Item 19. Councilor Burns. Yeah. Thank you Mr. President. Last meeting. I on that in a three zero vote, we recommended to, we recommend it be a resolution to accept Safe Streets for all planning and demonstration grants in the amount of $200,000 from the Federal Highway Administration under the US Department of Transportation to INS to assist in implementing IMP implicating, implementing the zero strategy. Second. Motion made. Seconded further discussion counselor? Yes, sir. This is a, a $200,000 grant from the Federal Highway Administration to help develop a, a safe action plan for the city. Um, basically what they're gonna do is go out and hire a consultant for 250 K because it's 250 K. Um, engineering department has a $50,000 in their budget. So that's gonna be added on to that. Um, to, and this is identified. Priorities. Priorities. And identify priorities in areas of need and establish a task force. They're gonna establish a task force to develop a realistic timeline to achieve this goal. The, um, engineer is gonna be the, uh, uh, chair of this committee. And it's, I I said it could be up to 10 members. They didn't state the members, but anyways, and uh, and that's it. Okay. Any further discussion? Yes. Councilor Fike. One, one other thing to add is that the goal of this whole process was to get zero deaths on our city Highlands. I have a question. Councilor Allen. Councilor Adams. Oh, alright. Thank you Ms. President. So I have a question. Uh, 'cause we went to different meetings where they had identified things around the city. Um, Yeah, we saw your picture in there. I don't know. Um, it just seems like $250,000 and we're not actually doing any work. I mean, they've identified things. It'd be nice to see, you know This, To hire a consultant. Consultant and I know, and Then they're gonna turn that into panel Commission and whatever over To the task force. Right. Who is not, she hasn't named it yet, but she said it could be up to 10 members. Right. Um, it's up to each municipality. Yeah. Has their own, I guess my point is it'd be nice to see this money go towards some of the things that they had identified and actually do work with it. That actually would be saving lives. Councilor Adams. Yeah, I guess, I mean, so I guess my question would be what are we tied to if we accept the money from the state? 'cause there's issues in the city and I think the police chief should be part of it because he hasn't been part of the safe streets because I had a conversation with him. So there's people making decisions, what they think is safe to make a street safer, but the police chief hasn't been involved. I have a problem with that, that somebody's making decisions on how to make a safer street. But the police chief has many other streets. I don't get too much into this, but there's a lot of other streets in this town that have been deaths on that. I think there's money that could be shifted to those safe streets and he thinks the same thing and we're putting it to somewhere where I don't think they should be put to. So if we're tied to a state telling us what to do, I don't think that's fair. Yes. Council. And I don't know if that's part of this or not. That's my question. Council Matthews gate. So I, I wasn't on the committee that Ted this, but my understanding is there's that state program that we've already implemented and that this is a federal one. And the state one was focused on bike pedestrian safety. And it's my understanding that this federal one is also focused on car accidents. It's it's all transportation. Yeah, all transportation. So it's, it's a, it lower car accidents where the state ones more focused on bikes and wheelchairs and, um, pedestrians. So, and I agree. Um, you know, this task force that will be developed, I hope the police will be involved so they can weigh in on the decisions that are made. Yeah. Council, Ms. King. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, to answer your question, counselor, uh, there was a, a, a list sort of, it's not, uh, finalized, but, uh, traffic, uh, head of traffic commission, Sergeant Mahias was on the list of one who would be on this, uh, task force. So the police would've representation, uh, along with, yeah, the fire department, uh, engineering, I believe was another one. Uh, to help identify these, these problem errors. The money can't be shifted to fix an existing problem. It's gotta be used to determine problems that are, that are out there. Um, another thing it can do is bring money in from the federal government. That's when other cities and towns have gotten funding from the federal government to make some of these improvements. Without doing this study, you can't get those federal monies for the improvements. And at that point in time, if we think it's a lousy project, you know, the federal government wants to give us, let's say, you know, a million dollars half, whatever the number is per project, and we don't agree with it. Um, because it's got too many, too many ties to it that, you know, you might not like, then we can reject the money at that point. It doesn't tie us into anything, but it does open up the opportunity to receive federal funding for, for projects which we can accept or not accept at the time. Council Adams, so is this something new? Because I think we know what isn't safe in town. We know what fatalities are. Um, I think we're all aware of a lot of problems that we have. So why are we bringing the government and the state in when we configure, in my opinion, with our police department and, and, and our list of fatalities and accidents, I guess, I guess are we tied into what this, they're gonna tell us what to do. So we're gonna spend 250,000. Someone's gonna have to tell us, they're gonna tell us we have to do this or we can say no to it and then we're gonna spend 200,000. Well, the, the $250,000, 200 is the, is the grant 50,000 is from the city, uh, budgeted in the engineering department already. So at that point they, they can't make us do anything. Yeah. They can tell us this is bad, this area's bad, this is a bad area. After the task force and, and this finishes, which will be about a year, I mean, it's a, it's a process to go through and opens up the ability to take money in from the federal government. Other cities and towns have taken in, uh, have done this and got federal funding. You know, there could be, like I said, something you don't like about, you know, the federal government giving $500,000, but it ties you into something crazy. Then we don't have to accept the money at that time. So this doesn't tie us into any particular projects right now. It just, it really helps identify or re-identify as the case may be problem areas and, and will, uh, you know, allow us to get federal funding that we would not be able to get without this Council burns. Yeah. Thank you Mr. President. You know, when this came about, I was skeptical when, when this got brought before L and all and um, you know, because again, with Safe Streets, I was skeptical about that also. But you know, in the end, run on, on Safe streets, you got to, when if it's mass DOT you gotta do what they tell you. It's, it's, it's their project. You get the grant from them and there. But this particular one, and again, my first thought on this was it's a study to do a study. You know, it didn't make sense at first, but at the end of the day after they explained it and they went over it, it's, we're gonna bring a consultant in. The consultant's gonna talk, they're gonna go to, you know, give the information to the task force, which, like Council Adams already, he said, we pretty much know where the danger areas in the city, so they convinced me. Okay. Any further discussion? This is a resolution. You wanna just read it by title only please? A resolution of the city council, of the city of Westfield supporting zero or Vision. Zero. Second. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? No. Who's opposed? No, It's passes. Voice vote. Councilor Adams. Councilor All councilor. Good. Uh, let's see. Item 20. Councillor Figi. Thank you Mr. President. LO Mad on 1120 and a three zero volt voted a positive recommendation for first reading of amending ordinance. Code ordinance. The city of Westfield. Um, chapter 17 hereby prohibiting parking on Mill Street. Um, both sides. And the motion was to remove from committee with no action. Second. Motion made it second. Any further discussion, sir? Yeah. We discovered through the course, uh, council Burns brought to our attention that Mass General laws covers any street that has a bike path on both sides. No parking is an automatic, it makes it similar to a fire lane. Therefore we don't have to modify our corporate ordinances. We just go by the mass general laws And no signs. And no signs. Well, is there signs on the, on the, Like That signs every 10 feet? Anything further? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Now taken outta committee Councilor Fiy, item 21 on 11 20 24 met regarding a resolution for the interim municipal agreement between West Springfield, Holyoke, and Westfield for the further implementation of Carbon Credit Registry Program. And on a three zero vote, voted to make a positive recommendation to the full council. Second Motion made it seconded. Further discussion counselor? Yeah, on the share drive it says that the town of Southwick. And that was an error. This is a, uh, an agreement that has been in, in existence and is due to expire in 2027. What has happened is there's been changes throughout this carbon credit program. And what we have done is we've pooled our resources. We have land that has trees that we will not be cutting 'cause it's on watershed individually. We have about 5,800 acres. And by combining with, um, west Springfield and Holyoke, we bumped that up to 15,000 acres. This is then sold on the open market, but to companies that are heavy polluters who need carbon credits. So this allows for us to keep trees. We're not gonna cut anyway, and it also allows for some income to come in. The only change on this is that instead of having three signatures, each community signing, we are now going to have West Springfield be the city that signs. So it just simplifies the signing process. Like I said, this current agreement expires in 2027, and we'll be doing this all over again then. Thank you. Okay. Any further discussion? Councilor Allie, then Councilor Matthews King. Thank You, Mr. President. Just a comment. And this reduces pollution by exactly nothing. Correct? Councilor Matthews King, And this is just a que I support this, but my question is, so we're making a profit off of this? Yes. We're making money on This. Do do you know what it is? Just outta curiosity? No, It would, if I may. Yes. Council. Uh, it, it varies by year. Uh, some years they've made up to a hundred thousand dollars, uh, in this and, and other years it was a lot less. Okay, Thank you. Anything further? The council, we wanna read the resolution by title resolution approving the inter municipal agreement regarding Carbon credit program implementation. Very good. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Number 22. Council Oinky. Thank you, Mr. President. On, uh, 11 20 24, Ellen o Matt. And upon a three zero vote, recommended approval of a re resolution to authorize the mayor to sign on behalf of the City of Westfield and enter into a model host community agreement with Cannabis Connection Inc. Second motion made it seconded. Further discussion? Yes. Thank you. Mr. President, um, in the process, or city is in process of converting all the host community agreements, HCAs, uh, to a new format that's required by the, uh, by the state. Uh, we've, we've changed host community agreements to several other outlets, and, uh, we'll be changing all of the, uh, the marijuana, uh, either grow or retail, uh, to this new format. Uh, the state requires this new format, uh, in order for the, um, the ownership of the, of the facility to renew their, their license with the state. So, uh, I mean, really the difference is, um, or, or another point, it was this for cannabis connection was rejected, uh, by the state because it had the old style format. Um, and if we don't come up with an agreement with them, then they will be able to operate without an agreement. Um, The majority of the, uh, the issues here was that we can't, it makes it very clear that we can't connect or collect an impact fee, community impact fee. So we get a tax on the retail, and then, uh, we also have the ability to collect a community impact fee, essentially. North Hampton, when that, um, marijuana retail facility opened, I mean, there was traffic all over the place and the city of North Hampton spent a lot of money with, you know, police directing traffic, and it, it, it was a mess. It cost 'em a lot of money. So that's why it was put in, uh, the first place in all the agreements. Now we're finding out that there really isn't much of a comm community, uh, impact with these facilities. And we could still collect, but it makes it a lot harder in this, uh, in this new agreement. Anything further? Would you like to read the resolution, sir? Yes. Thank you. If I may, by title, title only, please. Resolution of the city Council for the City of Westfield. Thank you. Those in favor. A, a post item 23, Councillor figgy. Thank you Mr. President. 11 20 24 Ol Matt regarding a resolution to authorize the mayor to enter into a 20 year lease agreement for the billboard located at Main Street in mechanic. And upon a three zero vote, voted to make positive recommendation to the full city council. Second Motion. Made it seconded. Anything further, sir? Thank you, Mr. President. The current 20 year lease has expired and RFP uh, was, uh, sent out. One. One company responded Lomax. And the 20 year lease, uh, is part of the RRFP rental rate starts at $13,000 per year and ends in 20 years at 15 0 4 9. And the reason we're voting on this is 'cause we own the land that the sign is on. We don't own the sign, we own the property. So therefore we're doing it this way. Pete, MCC Counselor Sullivan, just, uh, not so much on this, I'll support this, but, um, there were other billboards that were put out at the same time for lease. So I'm assuming the law department has them, uh, flagged to put back out. So the ones at the landfill and the ones at the airport, which are much more profitable than, than this one. Um, but just so we don't lose it in the, in the sequencing. Okay? If, if I, me Councilman? Uh, thank you Mr. President. The, uh, airport Commission this week. This week, okay. Voted to have the same, uh, lease or, uh, you know, they voted on the billboard that was on the airport property and the DPW is doing the same for theirs already. I just didn't want to lose it. Yep. Because I mean, we got a million bucks the first time. 20 something 20 years ago, years ago. It's gonna be like 2 million now. Anything further? You're gonna add Mail Council, would you like to read the resolution by Title one, sir? Resolution authorizing mayor to sign a memorandum of agreement. Thank you. All in favor? A opposed? Item 24. Council ky. Thank you Mr. President. 11 20 24. Uh, LO Met and upon a three zero vote recommended approval of the petition for Street acceptance for Camelot Lane. Second. Motion made and seconded. Council Winky? Yes. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, this is a long time coming. Uh, the street acceptances is a, is a very long and detailed process where a private way can become a public way. Essentially, the, the homeowners, the abutters to the road actually sign a deed over to the city of Westfield that gives the city of Westfield the property, the street from the property line to the center of the road. Uh, this has been approved and vetted through the planning board DPW and engineering and all of them have, um, gotten approvals. So we've, we've done this before. You know, it's, it's good for the homeowners of the city. It allows the city to officially own the road. Where before, uh, we had, you know, right away to the road, but not ownership. Councilor Sullivan. I Mean, I'll definitely, um, support it. Plus we get a couple of dollars more in chapter 90 monies. 'cause it gets out the list. But we're not taking over the big islands. We are, we're not. Those are, those are very well maintained and the city does not need that. No, we, we, we clarified that. Okay. Early on. Yeah, those are excluded. So this is gonna be a two part, actually a three part deal. First one is gonna be a resolution to accept, uh, the release deeds. And then we have to have an, uh, an order accepting the layout of Camelot Lane as a so-called City Way. So that'll be first our reading today and second reading at our next meeting to finalize it. Okay. Anything further? Would you like to read it? Yes. The resolution is a resolution accepting release deeds. Second motion should meet it. Seconded. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? And the order, uh, that we need to vote on here for first reading is an order Accepting and laying out Camelot Lane. So-called as a city way second. Motion made it second. And any discussion? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Counselor. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, motion move. Second. Oh, sorry. Motion to move to second reading. Final passage at our next meeting. Second. Motion made it second. And any discussion? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Now on for second reading. Item 25, councilor Oinky? Yes. Thank you Mr. President On 11 20 24 Allen Oat and upon a three zero vote recommended approval, um, of a petition for street acceptance of Gene Murray Drive. Second. Motion made it second. Further discussion Counselor? Uh, yeah, pretty much the same, same as the last, uh, the residence of Gene Murray Drive will sign the deeds. It'll become, uh, owned by the city and we'll have a resolution and then a, uh, layout order. Okay. Would you like to read that one as well? Yes. Uh, the resolution reads a resolution accepting release deeds. The order is an order. Accepting and laying out Gene Mary Drive. So-called as a city way. Okay. All in favor? A. Aye. Opposed? Uh, second for that. Uh, do we, do we want, do we vote on both just then? Yes. Okay. Yeah. Motion for second reading and final passes. Second. Made it second. Any discussion? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? I One for second reading. Item 26, councilor Burns. Yeah. Thank you Mr. President. Last evening, Eleanor met and on a three zero vote, we recommended to approve a re resolution authorizing the mayor to sign a memorandum of agreement for the discontinuation of portions of Bhi Avenue. Second Motion made it seconded. Further discussion. Counsel. What? Drive, drive, drive. Virtue drive Continue. Three. Abutters requested a portion of Berkshire Drive be discontinued. It was a result in, in the reduction of the frontage of the, the right of way for all three properties. They all signed a memorandum agreement that released the city from any liabilities that were, that may result from the discontinuation portion of the street. Basically this is, it's a, basically it was a paper street, paper street, and, uh, all properties were landlocked. Um, and that's it. I, I referred to my, to my two colleagues next to me. They, they're the ones who are responsible for this and they may want to add to this. Did we get a second on that? Second. Second. Second. Okay. Motion. Motion made it second. Okay. So it's a resolution. You wanna read the Resolution by title? Move on. I'm glad this is finally happening. Do you wanna read the resolution by title? I will, sir. Thank you. A resolution authorized amendment. Sign a memorandum of agreement. All those in favor? A. Aye. Opposed? Item 27 Council. And yes, Mr. Mr. President, there is also an order. Oh, there is an order? Yes, sir. Okay, Well then it's not On the agenda though, But there is an order. Okay. Go Ahead and read it. Mr. President, just Read the order. We have two presidents here, eh, Is Order present, pro temp, an order discontinued app portion of Berkshire Drive. So-called as a city Way Second. Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Motion for second reading and final passage. Next meeting. Second. Motion made it seconded. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? Now on for second reading. Personnel action committee Item 28. Councillor Harris. I think we want more. 27. 27. I Just missed. 27. 27. Sorry about that. Councill Burns. Item 27. Yes sir. 27. Coming up last evening, Eleanor Matton on a three zero vote. We voted to recommend approval of a resolution petition to the state and house of State House and representative of the general court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to authorize the city of Westfield to establish an age limit for the original appointment of the, the position of the police officers. Second. Second. She made it second. Further discussion. Councilor Burns. Yeah, basically all this, uh, the chief came before us and he, what, what he wants to do is raise the age from the present age of 31. Now 39, there's three cities and of course this is civil service. There's three cities already that, um, have already changed to this Boston pout. And, and, and, um, basically I'll, I'll, I mean the end item on this, the ba basic thing we, we talked about even in is to get outta civil service because there will be no age limits. But again, that has to be, that's a, that's a, uh, a union item and approval through Police board. Councilor Adams? Yeah, as the liaison, I, I've been at the meetings and I've been in discussions with the, the chief and and public captains. This is basically they, one captain right now is working every single day for in recruitment. And we're having a hard time. We put out a list of a thousand police officers and we make it five returns. We, this is a, this is a problem everywhere that they've had a couple actually applicants that were 32 and 33 that were great applicants, but they couldn't take 'em 'cause our age limit's 2031. So they don't feel even at, if somebody comes in at 35, they can still have a 20, 25 year career in the Westwood Police Department and still get qualified people. But they feel they're losing people because of the age, the age limit here. So I think it's a great idea. Um, it's awful that if you take a thousand names you can get, maybe get two or three applicants from it. Nobody, nobody is getting into the police force. So this may give 'em a little bit more pull to get a few more applicants into town. Um, so I think it's a great idea that they, they raised this limit. Councilor Figy, then Councilor Burns. This will also help out with transfers from other departments that are non-civil service. Yeah. So we could possibly pick up a train to officer at 35 where we couldn't before. And the other thing is, the last time they sent out a request for applications, it was 5,000 people they sent it to, they sent it to every city in town in him and Hampshire and Franklin. And they got five applicants out of the five applicants they only could qualify too. So as Councilor Adams is said across the way, this is a serious issue. Anything we can do to help out in recruitment, I think we should do. I propose that we just have no age limit, but then there's some real pitfalls to that towards the retirement. So 30 39 seems to be a good age. Alright, anything further? Just real quick, Mr. President. Um, all this is in, you know, they came in with the police reform a few years ago and this is, they, you know, they already, uh, are reserve force and you can't even build up reserve force anymore. And uh, and the only thing is there is a military. Um, there is a military area in there. 40 years, they'll give you the 40 years. So it would be 35, but that's only military and that doesn't even get to three year retirement. So anyways, that's it. Um, and uh, the resolution. Yep, please. Okay. A resolution setting forth the petition to the state and state and House of Representatives of the general court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To authorize the city of Westfield to establish an age limit for originally appointed appointment to the position of police officer. Second. Thank you. All those in favor? Aye. Opposed? Personnel action committee Item 28. Council Harris. Thank You Mr. President. Personnel action Committee met on 1113 and we recommend the reappointment of William Porter 11 Lowell Avenue as a member of the Community Preservation Committee for a term to expire in July, 2026. Second motion made it seconded. Further discussion. Councillor Harris? Yes. Thank you. First appointed in 2010. He served, uh, to serve on this important committee's. Looking forward to continuing to serve on other citizens in this capacity. His expertise in all things involving preservation is reflected and is very relevant background, including being employed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Uh, as the Branch Chief Realty Management of the National Wildlife Refuge System. He's responsible for staff supervision and management of the Land acquisition program and for budget preparation, developing and maintaining partner relations in relation to real estate administration. His position earlier was the lead appraiser for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, which included appraising real estate for land acquisition and for support of the United States Department of Interior Land Acquisition Programs. He has a BS in Plant and Soil Service. He's very active on this committee. And Council Adams pointed out that this is exactly what we need for the open space, uh, situation. Anything further? Scene none. Roll call please. Madam City. Clerk Adams. Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean. Yes. Tran? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fige? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthew Kane. Yes. Miller? Yes. Morgan. Ellie. Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Thank you. Any announcements? Happy Thanksgiving. Councilor Figy and Councilor Morgan. There's some snowflakes In the Berkshires right now. Happy Thanksgiving. 'cause we might have a white one this year at least. There may be snow close by Thanksgiving. Kind of I shouldn't. Enjoyable holiday Council. Wish I'd like to wish everyone a happy and safe and healthy thanksgiving. Thank you everyone. And now Councilor Harris. Motion to adjourn. Second. Motion made it second. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Your Are now adjourned.