##VIDEO ID:https://vimeo.com/1044487849## M giving. Good evening. I'd like to call the Westfield City Council. January 6th, 2025. Meeting to order. Roll call please. Madam City, don't Think so. Burns here. Fanon. Here. Figy. Here. Harris. Here. Matthew Kane. Here. Meow. Here. Morgan Alley. Here. Onus. Keith? Here. Sullivan. Here. Adams. Allie? Here. Bill. Randy Here. Please rise for pledge please. Pledge Of the United States of America Republic for stands. One Nation under God in Liberty Justice. First item a Business is Election of President for 2025. Councillor Harris? Yes. Uh, I'd like to make a motion for Councilor Bill Trendy to continue on as president for 2025. The Westfield City Council. Second. Motion made. And second. And any other nominations? Seeing none. Is there a motion to close? Nominations So Moved. Second. Motion. Made it seconded. Roll call. Madam City Clerk Burns. Yeah. Be Strandy. Fanon. Be trendy. Figy Beran Harris. Bill Trendy. Matthews. Kane. Bill Trendy. Meow. Be trendy. Morgan Elliot. Be trendy. Oniskey Bill. Trendy Sullivan. Be Adams belt. Randy. L Ally. Here. Here, here. Be belt. Randy. Yeah. Yes. Beltran. Thank you. Next item is adoption of city council rules. Can I get a motion? So moved. So moved. Motion made. Seconded. Any discussion on adoption Of the rules? Seeing none. Roll call. Madame City Clerk Burns. Yes. Fanon? Yes. Fige? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane? Yes. Mellow? Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Belt. Randy? Yes. Uh, transfer 20. 24 items and committee to 20, 25. Committees. So moved. Second. Second. Counselor. Motion made it seconded. Any discussion on this item? See none. Roll call. Madam City Clerk Burns. Yes. Fanon? Yes. Figy? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane? Yes. Meow. Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bill. Randy? Yes. Uh, seat assignments? I don't think anybody's compelled to move, so I think we'll leave everybody right where they are. 'cause I know where you are. I want your seat, huh? Okay. Did that said you Didn't. Reading of the record of the meetings of December 9th and December 19th, 2024. Council Bean. Thank you Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion, uh, reading of the record. Accept the minutes of December 9th and December 19th. So moved. Second. Motion made it second. And any discussion on the minutes? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Public participation. The room is empty, so I don't think we got anybody here. Moving on communications from the mayor. Item one Council, Matthews King. Thank you Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion for the city clerk to read items one and two and refer to finance Second. Motion made it seconded. Madam City Clerk One. Appropriation the amount of $25,108 from the free cash count to the Health Department. Sanitary landfill purchase of service account to replace security fencing are on the perimeter of the transfer station. Two. Transfer of $2,420 from the city clerk. Purchase of service account to the board of registrar. Purchase of service account to cover the unforeseen increase in costs associated with the annual street list. Any discussion? See none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Now in the hands of finance. Um, item three, councilor Harris. Uh, Thank you Mr. President, please ask Madam Clerk to read. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 and refer to the Personnel Action Committee. Second. Motion made it seconded. Madam City Clerk. Three. Submitting the reappointment of Warren DiCarlo. 15. Angelica Drive as a member of the Conservation Commission for a term to expire in February 20, 28. Four. Submitting the reappointment of Carl Grove, one 30 Hawk Circle as a member of the Conservation Commission for a term to expire February 20, 28. Five. Submitting the reappointment of John Bowen, 38 Pinehurst Street as a member of the planning Board for a term to expire in February 20, 28. Six. Submitting the reappointment of Joseph IC 39 Braley Way as a member of the Water Commission for a term to expire in February 20, 28. Seven. Submitting the reappointment of Kenneth McGern 1 31 Lo and Drive as a member of the Parks and Rec Commission for a term to expire in February 20, 28. Eight. Submitting the reappointment of James Liptak five 15 Grandville Road as a member of the Council on Aging for a term to expire in February 20, 28. Nine. Submitting the reappointment of Jeffrey Goslin three 30 Elm Street as a member of the Commission for Citizens with Disabilities for a term to expire in February 20, 28. 10. Submitting the reappointment of Nicholas Ida 96 Russell Road as a member of the historical Commission for term to expire in February 20, 28 11. Submitting the reappointment of Michael Gutowski 69 Western Avenue as a member of the Airport Commission for a term to expire in February, 2028. Thank you. Any discussion on sending to PAC? Seeing none. All in favor? A. Aye. Opposed? Now in the hands of PAC, petitions are Mons and other papers. Item 12 is a continued public hearing for an application for a limo license for one limousine. Dr. Luxe ride LLC at 29. Dana Street, submitted by, I can't say the name. Shan. Okay, we'll leave it at that. Um, councilor Fige. Thank You Mr. President. Upon the request of the applicant, we continue to our next meeting. Second. Motion made it seconded to continue to the next meeting. Any discussion? All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Now continued. Item 13, councilor Fanon. Item 13 is Councilor Fanon submitting petitions for street acceptance for Woodsong Road, Capelli Drive, Victoria Circle and Michael Drive. Motion to refer to l and o Planning Board of Public works engineer and law. Second. Motion made it seconded. Any discussion on this Council? Fanny. Anybody else? See none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Reports of committees. Item 14. Councilman Melo. Thank you Mr. President. Mr. President can just reflect this? Yes, I have. Councilor Sullivan is, uh, recusing himself due to a conflict. Councilor Melo, the floor is yours. Thank you, Mr. President. The government relations committee met on January 6th, 2025. And on a vote of two to zero, give this item a positive recommendation. Um, the item is an ordinance amending the code of ordinances. City of Westwood, Massachusetts adopted seven June 17th, 1993. So moved. Second. Thank you Mr. President. Um, this ordinance update matches the budget that we have already approved. So we have already approved these raises. Uh, they're in the 2025 budget. The ordinance makes, um, everything match up. So this is essentially at this point. Housekeeping. Thank you. Very good. Any further discussion? I've got a question. Are we, do every one of 'em that's on here? The five that are on here for, So these are for the planning board and for the ZBA. Right. And so, and the chairs get a percentage more than the original. So this is what we have. Thank you. So it's not No, no, you no, he's following up. So Yeah, just so it's not the original five that we put in the committee's. Just a two. Yes. It's be first reading. Yeah, that's the first reading cover. So no, like conservation. I know conservation was on there at one point. I thought it's not, it was never on there. I don't think it was. I just thought it was always the commissions that met more than some other commissions. Like it was the biweekly stuff that we were covering. Yeah. It's not in there. No, that's not in this. So Just the two. Just these. Okay. Council Matthews King. And I just wanted to point out to the public that these boards have been selected because they meet so frequently and put in so many hours. Other boards do as well. But these groups do yeoman's work and that's why they've been selected. Councilor Piggy. Thank you Mr. President. I've been on the PAC for ever since I've been on the council. I think it's my 13th year. Not once has anybody come into PAC and said they're, they want more money. Not once. Has anybody asked for a raise? Not once. Has anybody complained about the salaries? I think that this was done backwards. The ordinance should have been passed before it went into the budget. So I'm a note. Okay. Anything further? Roll call. Madam City Clerk Burns. Yes. Fanon? Yes. Gie? No. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane? Yes. Mellow? Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Beltran? Yes. Where are you In there? I, I don't know. I think she's missed me a few Times. Oh, I think you missed Bean. Be I thought I I thought I missed you. I didn't. You Missed me. That's Not hard to counselor. You're just un I would never second guess you, Kate. Ever. Ever. You should have Unfinished business. 15 Council Ms. Rick. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, making a motion for second reading and final passage of an ordinance entitled, parking Prohibited at all times on certain Streets by Adding No Parking on both sides of Sibley Ave and Valley Drive Between 86 and 1 0 2. Second. Motion made and seconded. Further discussion? No. Scene. None. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Thank you. Oh, I'm sorry. We need a roll call on. That's an ordinance. Roll call. Madam City Clerk Burns. Yes. Fanon? Yes. Fige? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane. Yes. Mellow? Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Oniskey? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Beand. You got Bean again? I was, I added him at the end, but Bean Put me at the end from now on. That would be great. Bean. Yes. Beand? Yes. Thank you. Motions, orders or resolutions? Item 16. Council bean, Uh, motion by Councillor Bean to request an update on taking the chief of fire position outta civil service. Refer to the mayor. So second. Motion Made it second. And any further discussion? Council, uh, Just pretty self-explanatory. This was something that we've all talked about at, at at numerous times and I know it's been over a year now and there was supposed to be some sort of update on where we were, that process. So I'm just looking for the mayor to give us that update. Councilor Freaky. Thank You. Appreciate the councilor's effort on this, especially since this was supposed to have been done many, many years ago when the police chief came out. So thank you for following up on that. Councilor Dean, Thank you. Anything further? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. A host item 17. Councilor Fige. Thank you Mr. President. Motion by Councilor Figgy to amend ordinance chapter six, building and building regulations by our adding Article eight, residential rental property Registration for the ano Second motion. Made it seconded. Any further discussion, counselor? Yes. Um, my apologies to the council for wasting their time on this. I got confused between a zoning ordinance and a and a regular ordinance. And this one doesn't require public hearings, which I requested at the last meeting. So this allows us to correct that mistake. So I appreciate the tolerance. Anything further? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? Thank you. Any announcements? Councilor fiy. Thank you On behalf of my daughter who's the coordinator of science, technology and engineering for the Westfield Public Schools. The annual science fair at Westfield High School, including Westfield Technical Academy, will be January 30th. She is looking for judges. You don't have to be a technical expert. You don't have to be, uh, you just have to be there and willing you to listen and ask questions. So if anybody would like to volunteer to be a judge, it starts at seven 30 in the morning. At one 30. Lunch is included. Email my daughter at the schools of Thank you very much. Council Morgan Alley. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, yeah. So the, there might be a lot of talk about the first big snow storm this weekend, but some of the computer models take it out to sea to the south of us, like the storm that just missed us yesterday or today. Right. So, um, we'll, we'll see what happens this weekend. We might get a little bit, but I don't think we're going to get any blockbuster here. But Before, before we adjourn, I'd like to thank everybody for their support. I appreciate it very much. And Councillor Harris. Motion to adjourn? Second. Second. Motion made. And second. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Thank you everybody. Goodnight.