##VIDEO ID:https://vimeo.com/1027497200## Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good evening. I'd like to call the November 7th, 2024 meeting of the Westfield City Council to order. Roll call. Pled, please. Madam City Clerk Oniskey. Here. Sullivan. Here. Adams. Here. Allie? Here. Dean. Here. Beltran. Here. Burns Here. Fanon. Here. Figgy. He will not be with us this evening. Harris. Here. Matthews. Kane. Here. Meow. Here. Morgane Here. Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. My pledge allegiance Is five of the United States of America Nation. No minutes, Kate? No. Okay. Now comes a portion of the meeting for public participation. Anyone wishing to address the city council may do so by stepping forward. Stating your name and address for the city clerk. And we do that in three minute increments, which may be extended. Anyone wishing to address the council? Please feel free to step forward. Go ahead. Good evening. My name is Alexander Camp and if you want me to spell it, I can. Um, I live at 1 28 Elm Street, apartment 18 in Westfield, mass. I think, first I wanna talk about the graffiti in Westfield. There's a lot of it, and I have read on social media that you wanna make this town into a tourist town. How is that even gonna be possible if there's a lot of graffiti? I think if we were to clean up the graffiti and make Westfield like with murals like they do in Springfield or Holyoke, and make something really nice, I think that maybe the tourist attraction wouldn't be such a bad idea. But if we have too much graffiti, then how are we supposed to make it into a tourist attraction? You don't wanna be walking down the street and be like, oh, there's an abandoned building on my left. Or there's graffiti and you don't even know. The trains have more graffiti than, than the, um, buildings. And it's sad. Every day I walk up and down the streets and all I see is just graffiti. Even the bridge that we built, the black bridge, there's graffiti. It seems like there's just more graffiti than there is more historic purposes of Westfield. And I just would like the council to take that into consideration. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else like to address the council? Come on forward, sir, come. Hello everybody. My name is, uh, Robert McKay. I'm on, uh, 27 Ridgeway Ave, here in Westfield. My question is, uh, I have some, uh, construction in my backyard and I'd like to know what, how many, um, uh, businesses are gonna be built on you built behind me. Okay. I think you're in, I think you're in Ward one. I'll ab I will absolutely look in that, look into that for you. Oh, okay. You said that once before and I haven't heard back. Um, I had another ne your neighbor did come in and I I did give him, there's different parcels on lock house road. Mm-Hmm. So you'd have to tell me exactly what parcel you're looking into. It's on, it's on lock house road. Okay. I, I have to, okay. Precisely. I don't know. Okay. 'cause there is, there's many different things happening. I'd be happy to look into it for you. Okay. Anyone else like to address the council? Seeing none communications from the mayor. Item one, councilor Matthews Kane. Thank you Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion for immediate consideration of an appropriation of $225,000 from the free cash account to the purchasing, repair and maintenance building and grounds account to repair the elevator at City Hall. Second. Motion made it seconded. Further discussion, counsel. So this is for the elevator that is right over there in the hallway and it is from, they couldn't gimme an exact date, the 1970s. And it has needed several rounds of repair. The repairs are getting increasingly costly. There's a struggle to get parts and there's a safety issue. Um, the last bill for repair was about $60,000 and another bill is coming up as well. So they wanted to look at a quote for modernizing the elevator and that's on council share. Um, it's for $185,000 and the 2 25 reflex, um, contingency. The, um, alternatives that are listed are not going to be taken. They're, they were talking about modernizing the interior and, um, getting a cylinder replacement and they've decided not to do that. Um, the issue why there's only one bid is every three years a bid goes out for elevator inspection, maintenance and repair. The current contractor is Otis Elevator and re major repairs such as this are included in the contract and are built an hourly rate. The reason why it's for immediate consideration is there's, uh, quite a lead time on getting parts. So they wanna start this process as soon as possible. And there's also access issues if the elevator stops working and in many levels this is a disability issue, um, people should be able to access all the floors. Um, and that's another reason why it's immediate consideration. Anybody got anything? Councilor Burns, quick question. Is it gonna, when it, when it is being repaired, is it gonna be in function? No, it's not. It's gonna Right. So that's one of the things that I talked about with the mayor. And uh, what's gonna happen is it's gonna be about a two week process and if that falls during one of our meetings, of course we're gonna have to do Zoom and, uh, they're trying to figure out a way to coordinate getting some services on the lower level. They're accessible, but they're still working on that. So that's, it's not gonna be functional. Alright. I just have a quick question. Councilor Allen. Right. Thank you Mr. President. So this is just basically to repair like a complete overhaul of the repair of the existing elevator. Yeah. It will not be completely redone though. The cap, the interior will be the same and the cylinder will remain the same. Those don't, one would just be a beautification project and the other does not need to be replaced. Right. Okay. Other than that though, it's a overhaul. You know, like most of it will be new. They're gonna retain and refurbish like car tracks and hangers, retain and refurbish hoist weight tracks and hangers, but much of it will be new. Anything further? Seeing none more. Call Madson. Clerk Oniskey. Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean? Yes. Be Randy? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fanon? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane? Yes. Mellow? Yes. Elli? Yes. Thank you. Item two, councilor Harris. Thank you Mr. President. Requesting immediate consideration of the appointment of Maureen M Peterson of 27 Plin Street to the Board of Registrars for a term to expire on February, 2026. Filling the vacancy left due to the passing of Danny Smith. Second Motion, made it seconded. Further discussion, counsel? Yes. Uh, thank you Mr. President. Um, on the board of registrars, there has to be two Democrats, two Republicans, and, um, replacing Danny, who is a Democrat is Maureen Peterson. City Clerk sent a letter that everyone has received that she would like it filled as soon as possible because there's, uh, much work to be done still on the voting, um, papers and, and, uh, the requirements that they have to complete within the next couple of weeks. Each appointment, um, is to be made by the town of Selectmen or the appointing authority from a list to be submitted to them by the Town Committee of the political party that is, uh, that needs to fill this. And the Democratic City Committee Chair, Jeffrey Gunther. Gunther, uh, sent in Maureen Peterson's name. That's it. Anything further? Roll call. Madam City Clerk Hoki. Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean? Yes. Shandy? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fanon? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kane? Yes. Meow. Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Item three. Councilor Matthew Kane. Thank you Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion for the city clerk to read items three through five and refer to finance. Second. Second. Motion made it seconded. Adam City Clerk Three. Requesting acceptance of a grant in the amount of $150,000 from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for the 2024 Drinking Water State revolving fund to the Department of Public Works while our division for appropriation of $79,000 from the Community Preservation Committee, historic account, and $71,000 from the Community Preservation Committee. Undesignated account for a total of $150,000 to the CPA Westfield Women's Club building historic account for the continued restoration and rehabilitation of the building. Five appropriation of $13,429 and 41 cents from the engineering construction fiscal year 25 account to the engineering construction fiscal year 21 account for prior year bill from Gold's Construction. Anything further now to send to finance? All in favor. A. Aye. Opposed? Now in the hands of finance item six, councilor Ky. Thank you Mr. President, would you please ask Madam City Clerk to read item six, seven, and eight and refer to LNO and Law? Second. Motion made it. Second Madam City Clerk Six. Submitting a resolution for an inter municipal agreement between the town of Southwick, the city of Holy Oklahoma, city of Westfield, for further implementation of the Carbon Credit Registry program. Seven. Submitting a resolution to authorize the mayor to sign on behalf of the city of Westfield and enter into model, host community agreement with Cannabis Connection Inc. Eight. Submitting a resolution to authorize the mayor to enter into a 20 year lease agreement for the billboard located at Main Street and Mechanic Street. Any discussion before we send this to l and o? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Now in the hands of l and o and law Item nine, Councillor Harriss. Thank you Mr. President, please ask Madam Clerk to read number nine and refer to the personnel election committee. Second. Motion made it Second Madam City Court. Nine. Submitting the reappointment of William Porter, 11 Lowell Avenue as a member of the Community Preservation Commission Committee for a term to expire in July, 2026. None further. See none. All in favor? A. Aye. Opposed? Now in the hands of PAC item 10, Councillor Harris. Thank you Mr. President. Um, I'm gonna ask for immediate consideration for item number 10. Make a motion to suspend, which is Second. Suspend the rules for immediate consideration. Second. Motion made it seconded. Any discussion on All in favor? Aye. Opposed? Now under suspension Councillor Harris. Thank you. Uh, number 10 is the city treasurer collector Matt Barnes submitting a request for reappointment for a term to expire December, 2027. Uh, Mr. Barnes cannot be here this evening as he had a death in his immediate family. He has sent a letter to all counselors, uh, stating his accomplishments over the last few years. Uh, this is the second time being reappointed. Uh, the finance committee, uh, works with him, uh, all the time and if they want to have say anything, uh, on behalf of him, uh, you're more than welcome to. Otherwise I would recommend him highly. Any further discussion? Seeing none will call Madam City Clerk Ky. Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean? Yes. Belt. Randy? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fanon? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthew Cain? Yes. Mellow? Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Thank you. Petitions for S and other papers. Item 11, councilor Fanon. Thank you Mr. President. Item 11 is Elm Street Elm r and Antiques. LLC 30 Elm Street. John Henry. Owner applying for a junk dealer and junk collector junk collector's licenses. Uh, motion to request the city park to schedule a public hearing at the earliest profitable date and refer to license. Second. Motion made. Seconded. Any further discussion? See none. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? Now on for the next meeting. Thank you. Reports of committees, legislative and ordinance Item 12. Council ky. Thank you Mr. President Ele O met on November 6th and on the two zero vote voted approval for adding a monetary fine of $300 for engine brake infractions. Second. Motion made it seconded. Further discussion, council? Yes. Thank you Mr. President. I'm gonna make a motion to send this back to ano. I'm still awaiting, uh, one piece of information that did not come in between the meeting and now Second. Motion made and seconded to send back to committee. Any discussion? Seeing none. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? And all back in committee item 13. Council Ky. Thank you Mr. President. Uh, Ellen Omi on November 6th and upon a two zero vote, voted to leave in committee a resolution to accept Safe Streets for all planning and demonstration grants in the amount of $200,000 from the Federal Highway Administration under the US Department of Transportation to assist in implementing the Vision Zero strategy. Second. Motion made it second. And any further discussion, counselor? No. Okay. Any questions? See none in favor? Aye. Opposed? Uh, let's see. Personnel action committee Item 14, Councillor Harris. Thank you Mr. President. Number 14 is the appointment of Mark GY as a member and advisor of the Youth Commission replacing Diana McClean for terms expired December, 2025 and the committee voted to remove, um, this item without action. Second. Motion made it seconded. Any further discussion, counsel? Yes. Yes. The, uh, mayor has requested us to remove the nomination without action. Uh, he is going to do it in a different fashion. He is gonna probably work with community development and do it that way. Just as Diana McClean was Any further discussion. He's, uh, may I add this to, uh, Mr. President? He's a wonderful person, very well qualified and he will be a perfect person for that position. Seeing nothing. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Opposed? Now removed. Item 15, Councillor Harris. Thank you Mr. President. Number 15 is reappointment of Mike Jasmine as inspector of wires for a term to expire in November 29th, 2027. Second Motion made it seconded. Further discussion? Yes. Thank you. Oh, he was first appointed in November, 2021. He holds his journeyman's electrical license. Has over 30 years of experience working in the electrical trade in both commercial and residential applications. For the past three years, he's been the city of Westfield's Inspector of Wires. He's a veteran in the United States Army. Superintendent of Buildings. Carissa Lisi states that he is reliable, extremely knowledgeable, is an asset to the building department and highly recommends him. Anybody have anything? I will say briefly that, um, 'cause I deal with that department so often. Alright. Michael does a great job down there. He's really pulled it together. Seeing no more. Uh, let's see. Roll call. Madam City Court. Ky. Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean? Yes. Beltran? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fanon? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews Kain. Yes. Meow. Yes. Morgan Alley? Yes. Thank you. Item 16, councilor Harris. Thank you Mr. President. 16 is the appointment of William Corrals, member of the planning Board to the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission as an alternate member for a term to expire in November, 2025. And the Personnel Action Committee voted to recommend that, uh, to recommend that Second motion made it seconded. Further discussion. Counselor? Uh, yes. Uh, I'm not sure if everybody received the document, um, but it, it, it is a strange situation, but according to the Massachusetts General Law 40 B, the planning board picks the, um, initial person to the planning, uh, commission, the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission. But the alternate is recommended by the mayor and sent in to the city council for him to be approved through the city council. Um, uh, mayor McCabe has selected William Cariss, who's the chair of the planning board for Westfield. The city council very recently confirmed the reappointment of cariss to the planning board for a five year term. So all councilors had at that time, within the last couple months, the background information supporting that reappointment. Um, and the rep representative voted, voted on by the planning board to the PVP commission is Member Rich Aloy. Anyone have anything further on the appointment? Seeing none. Just, just a quick question. So it's an appointment though, not a reappointment, right? So who's, who was in the position before or did they add members to The commission? Um, that's the question I asked you. And as I understand it, um, the planning board always selected both. And it has come to the mayor's attention that indeed there is a law that says this is the process that they should actually be going through. So, so do we know who had the We don't. We don't know. Um, was it another town? It could have been another Town. Whoever represents the planning board might know, but I, I don't know. Nothing further. Roll call. Madam City Clerk Ky. Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean? Yes. Belt. Randy? Yes. Burns? Yes. Fanny? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthew Kane. Yes. Meow. Yes. Morgan. Ellie. Yes. Unfinished business Item 17. Councilor Osky. Thank you Mr. President. Motion for second reading and final passage of an ordinance entitled No. Right. Turn on. Read. Second. Motion. Made it seconded. Anything further? Counsel? Uh, yeah. This is the, uh, free street. Uh, stop at chop area. No. Turn on red. All four. Uh, all four. White. That's it. You want to read up The title on? If I can read by title only, sir? Uh, no. Right. Turn on red. No, that's good. You wanna elaborate or we Get No, that's the title. Elaborate. Sign up. Council. Four sides. No. Eight. Any further discussion? Seeing none. Roll. Call. Mad On, is he? Yes. Sullivan? Yes. Adams? Yes. Allie? Yes. Bean? Yes. Spell Randy? Yes. Ferns? Yes. Fanon? Yes. Harris? Yes. Matthews. Kain. Yes. Meow. Yes. Morgane? Yes. Any announcements? Council Morgane. Thank you, Mr. President. I just wanna remind, uh, the public about the Westfield uh, veterans Day Parade on Monday. Uh, that kicks off at, uh, 10 a, uh, 10:30 AM and then goes down to Parker Memorial Park, which is, uh, all refurbished. Uh, and, uh, it's beautiful down there. Now thanks to our, uh, DPW department and others that have helped to make that, uh, a wonderful space. Uh, parade will head downtown, uh, heading south, and then, uh, down Broad Street and then down to the park. Um, let's, uh, honor our veterans and, uh, and be out there on, on Monday morning. Thank you. Anyone else? May I just ask you that, that if it is raining that day, the ceremony will be at 11 o'clock at the middle school and the parade will not Be. And the rain should be done early in the morning. I don't know if I should trust You. This is just look pretty early anyway. Great. Let's you up to The minute. Uh, Councillor Harris. Motion to adjourn. Motion made it second. All in favor? Aye. Opposed? We are now adjourned. Thank you. Another, And that's how.