##VIDEO ID:LWilOrcsBFg## that's for for you for e e e e e what e David we okay so David if you need to say something just your test test to all right okay are we ready okay everybody apologies for being a little late had a busy conference session so good evening everybody adequate notice of this meeting as required by the open public meetings Act was P was provided through the posting mailing and filing of the annual notice of regly scheduled meetings of the Town Council on December 12 2023 the notice was on that date posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building provided to the Westfield leader and the Star Ledger and filed with Clerk of the town of Westfield Miss Ling we have a roll call Mayor brindle here council members H here dardia here tomala here kefir here Saunders here armento here contract here uh please rise for the invocation which will be given by Council keeper and remain standing for the salute to the flag As We Gather here today let us be mindful of the diversity of beliefs represented in our community let us draw upon the values of respect understanding and unity as we deliberate and make decisions for the betterment of our town May wisdom guide our discussions and compassion govern our actions pled Ali to the flag of United States of America to the repu for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all nothing from you um uh okay so just I will give a a we have a lot of going on tonight so bear with me um that's a first da weing Havoc over here um so uh good news in terms of uh a continuation on the traffic safety um sorry we're H little spillage over here uh so the recently approved all stop always stop sign at the corner of 7 Avenue in Clifton Street was installed on Monday in response to a request made by area residents which prompted a review by the public safety transportation and parking committee a subsequent traffic warant analysis determined the intersection met the threshold for the inter implementation of an Allway stop so message boards are in place and there's enhanced police presence which which will remain in the area to maximize awareness of and compliance with this new traffic requirement and I just want to remind everybody to please be mindful of this new traffic pattern especially as a new year new school year approaches um and good news on the business front you may have heard that sweet green will be the newest addition to Downtown West Westfield which lit up social media with their announcement last week you can tell who all the former New York City or current New York City commuters are who are very excited about this popular Outpost um it's a very popular chain of fresh plant forward food that features bolds and salads located in the former Farmhouse store space and it is the kind of place will it is a destination that people drive to from out of town which is great um also had the pleasure of participating at two ribbon cuting this past weekend councilman Mike dagala join me to welcome Apex one and the former CVS location on South Avenue features state-of-the-art racing simulators which is a very pop popular Trend in Europe and it's very incredible that Apex one has chosen Westfield as their very first location in the in the United States uh we also cut the ribbon for Rush bows which is at 27 South Broad Street right down the block from Five Guys which offers sa bowls granola protein smoothies and Shakes and great bowow bowls for the dogs um and I also want to mention that the lease for the One Westfield Place preview Center is coming to a close and Street Works will be vacating the space at 7 76 Elm Street next month um for the past two years the preview Center had serves had served its purpose of engaging and educating the public about One Westfield place which is now moving to the next phase of site plan Readiness a more detailed update on One Westfield place will be provided in the coming months in the meantime the property owner has indicated that there has already been significant interest in this space from potential tenants and we do look forward to a new retailer coming to this highly visible space in the near future um and I do think that's what's a really important shift and what's happening downtown and what happened was happening even you know four or five years ago um there's a very I mean stores will always come and go but there is now a very healthy um rate of new ones coming in as those leave there isn't these long-term vacancies that we are experiencing for a long time and so uh so we're it's when you talk to the property owners and uh Realtors it's amazing the level of Interest that's coming to our downtown which is terrific um we actually are planning on seeing more business op openings in the coming months there's a few that are still to be announced um and I really want to thank our residents and every business owner will tell you um how critical it is that our residents are so committed to supporting locals so that's will always remain critical no matter how many how vacant or occupied we are um I just want to remind people about a couple events after last week's rain we look forward to making up for a few events that were cancelled including National Night Out it's now going to be held next Monday August 20th um and family fund night at Memorial Pool which is now rescheduled for August 14th which is that's this week right Thursday um and very importantly on Sunday one of my favorite events is happening it is the fifth annual march to Yorktown day commemoration and encampment Festival which is in mindowaskin Park from 11:30 to 4: hosted by the Washington Rambo revolutionary route New Jersey this it's become a very fun event commemorating Westfield's role when the French and Continental troops marched from Newport Rhode Island to Yorktown Virginia taking them through downtown Westfield on August 29th 1781 I know I always say it but I have to say it I'm a native of Yorktown Virginia so this I get very excited about this day in particular because it makes me feel very much at home so lots of things uh military drills on Horseback lots of stuff about our local history um and it's dedicated to the first Squadron 102nd Calvary regiment from the Westfield arm Armory who is currently serving in Syria um oh Julie Dell obviously it's is you know the Mastermind of all of this and so um want to really thank her for all our efforts into making this a real big event for our Our Town um and I also want to tell everybody to save the date for this year's very popular tour to Westfield held on Sunday September 8th activities include a twoam two mile family bike ride through town led by the Westfield Police Department there's a Bike Rodeo free biking lessons by Easy Ride Jay cycle will be on hand to perform safety checks on your bike on your bike um and lot and entertainment by The Spinners so DJs so it's a great event driven by the Recreation Commission in collaboration with several different organizations and it's always fun so fingers crossed for a good weather report um we do have a very busy legislative agenda this evening it's usually quiet in August but not this August um we are introducing nine ordinances which is unbelievable um and but there is one particular tonight which I think we're pretty excited about and I did want to highlight it for the public um we're introducing an ordinance tonight authorizing the purchase of the former Jiffy Lube site at 200 South Avenue West on the northwest corner of Central and South Avenue intersection which most people are very aware probably having passed by it many times this purchase is contingent on being awarded a grant by The Economic Development Authority by the state that we recently applied for as many of you know this property has been a visible isore for at least a decade in spite of numerous Property Maintenance citations and then fortuitously just in the recent months the Eda recently announced a grant to enable municipalities to purchase strategically located vacant properties which will cover 80% of the properties appraise value which was a perfect fit for this particular property the town would cover the difference of no more than $250,000 towards the sale price and if we get the grant funding fingers crossed the plans for the property include enhanced pedestrian safety features an expanded right turn radius bench seating public art and streetscape improvements that will create a beautiful gateway to Westfield we expect to hear about the grant award in September um and the ordinance T will allow us to expeditious expeditiously move on the purchase if our Grant application is approved if we don't receive the grant the purchase will not move forward um we also have several additional key items it tonight from the finance policy and the code review in town property committees I'm going to hand it over to council Mo hapgood and then Council Mackey to provide details so at that Council and have good thank you mayor um the finance policy committee tonight has 21 resolutions on tonight's agenda so I wanted to highlight a few of them for you um we have a resolution authorizing an award of contract for upgrades to the council chambers and the conference room which provides the last two parts of the original project for these rooms um it includes acoustic panels to be installed on the back walls of the chamber to assist with sound Management in the room and also installation of two large monitors one in the adjacent mayor's conference room and one in the hallway back here um that will allow for overview Vie and also help um with court interactions during the week um we have a resolution authorizing an award of contract to fix the hinges and replace the doors on the Memorial Park bathrooms um on the revenue side we have a resolution to approve insertions of special items of Revenue due to Grants from the nja CCH don't ask me what that stands for infrastructure program $168,400 85,3 351 which will offset the cost of our internal Municipal Alliance program that is run through the Board of Health so very significant um grants that will be added into our budget tonight we have a resolution to approve emergency Appropriations not to exceed $340,000 to provide for a replacement of our rooftop HVAC unit at Town Hall um which Services the community room and the chiller components of an HVAC air conditioning system that serves the recreation office the court and a majority of the police department along with a temporary unit to serve those areas is until the permanent units can be installed this wasn't an expected um maintenance or investment but we're handling it expeditiously and in order to complete the process we're required to take the legislative steps tonight to amend our capital budget award an emergency contract to a vendor to address the immediate problem and adopt a bond ordinance to provide the funding we also have three other Bond ordinances on tonight's agenda a bond ordinance authorizing the purchase of a new fire fire engine pumper apparatus and also the refurbishment of one of the our older fire engine Pumpers in lie of purchasing a second apparatus which is which will allow it to add another five to seven years to its useful life this purchase and refurbishment was anticipated in the 2024 capital budget and thanks to Chief DLS and his apparatus committees due diligence the anticipated cost for both items are approximately $400,000 less than we expected um and finally we have a bond ordinance authorizing the funding for the replacement of the pool filtration systems which was also planned in the 2024 capital budget and The Debt Service for this project will be covered by the pool utility thank you mayor electrocuted now uh the code review in town property committee has one resolution and five ordinance ordinances on the agenda several of which I'd like to highlight we have an authorizing a temporary access easement agreement and encroachment easement for 241 North Avenue the property has Verizon cell antennas on its roof and easements are needed from the town for Access through the town's parking lot behind this building the crtp committee has reviewed this matter and the town attorney has negotiated the agreements in cooperation with the attorney representing 241 North Avenue we have an ordinance to amend our current film filming ordinance in order to be more in line with the state's film ready program that encourages filming and local communities Westfield has always been a preferred destination for filming and we are merely adjusting our daily filming rates and rules around maximum filming days to be consistent with the film ready program we have an ordinance that replaces our current ordinance covering distribution of unsolicited materials and an effort to address the unsolicited advertising of circulars newspapers and other printed material that has not been ordered subscribed to or requested by the resident and is normally left at the end of the driveway this ordinance provides rules for delivery of items and if the resident opts out of delivery service with the entity delivering it the town can impose fines on the entity if it continues to deliver without consent we have an ordinance that stems from a new state law adopted in January 2024 to permit licensed craft alcoholic beverage manufacturers breweries to coordinate with certain food vendors including food trucks and restaurants for the provision of food on the license premises currently food trucks are prohibited from operating in the central business district of Westfield where craft breweries are permitted to be located and therefore the crtp recommends to amend the regulation of food trucks to permit their operations in the central business district no more than one time per month only for these type of operators currently this only applies to Lion's Roar Brewery but would apply to any other Brewery located in the CBD in the future lastly we have an ordinance that amends the definition of habitable floor area at the recommendation of the Town zoning officer thank you thank you M for pointing out National I on Monday August 20th it's it's Tuesday August 20th and it's it works with um sweet sounds downtown so you can go to National Night Out we'll see some music in town and hopefully spend some money having dinner in the local establishment so um with that we can go on to the agenda again um may I have a motion to approve the minutes from the Town Council conference and regular meetings of July 9th 2024 so move by Council mardus second second by councilman armento doala the other all these mics um uh any discussion all in favor yes oppos this motion is carried uh now it's time for open discussion by citizens anyone may come up to the microphone and speak to the Council on any subject on which we have jurisdiction please state your name and address for the record and please limit your comments to five minutes hearing none I close this portion of the meeting and move to bills claims councilman hap good thank you mayor I'd like to move bills and claims in the amount of 1,485 [Music] I have 21 resolutions 19 of which I'd like to move the package the first a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw a warrant for D dog licenses for July 2024 the second a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw a warrant for recreation department refunds three a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw a warrant for Board of adjustment escrow monies fourth a resolution authorizing the CFO to refund Police Department fees fifth a resolution authorizing the CFO to refund Street opening cash Bond six a resolution authorizing the CFO to refund a dumpster Security payment seven a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw warrants for overpaid taxes due to disabled veteran exemption eight a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw warrants for overpaid taxes for 2024 nine a resolution authorizing the tax collector to cancel tax balance for 1037 Central Avenue 10 a res resolution authorizing the CFO to draw a warrant for Risk Management Consultant fee 11 a resolution to appoint fire building mechanical and plumbing inspector 12 a resolution authorizing a lease agreement with Enterprise for police vehicles 13 a resolution authorizing Award of contract for upgrades to the council chambers and Conference Room 14 a resolution authorizing an award of contract for doors and automated door locks at the Memorial Park Comfort station 15 a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw to issue warrants for Union County and Union County open space taxes 16 a resolution authorizing the CFO to issue warrants for special district taxes 17 a resolution to adopt town of Westfield's restated Deferred Compensation Plan 18 a resolution to approve insertion a special item of Revenue the nja CCH infrastructure program and 19 a resolution to approve insertion a special item of Revenue the national opio settlement may I have a second second my councilman armento any discussion all in favor yes yes oppos this motion is carried and before you go on I realize I skipped over a very important appointment so let me just do that very quickly so um I meant we had two um resignations from the dwc board that had to resign for each of them for personal reasons so we just want to make these appointments tonight tonight I do want to acknowledge Jeff kersin bom who's the chair of the downtown westfi Corporation board who's with us this evening thank you Jeff and for all your service to the town so we would like to appoint Patrice Chapman as the operator director to fill the unexpired term through December 31st of this year and Jacqueline svens um the owner director uh through also an unex fire term through the end of this year may I have a motion to accept these Council appointments so move so move by councilman Mackey second second second by councilman dardia any discussion I I would like to say that I'm very excited about these two appointments I think it's pretty wonderful we have a very long established business owner and we have a a more recent um energized business owner so I think these are going to be really great additions I'm excited for the board and for those that don't know one is the uh proprietor of AR workshop and the other one is the owner of um the elen Dunn gallery and the property there so that's we're we're very fortunate exactly so um all in favor yes opposed this motion is carried thank you okay back to you all right next all right um thank you for noticing that mayor um next I'd like to make a motion to approve emergency appro Appropriations this relates to the H that I mentioned earlier we I have a second second so by councilman Macky any discussion please call the role council members have good yes dardia yes dagalo yes keeper yes Saunders yes armento yes contract yes Mackie yes mayor B yes this motion is carried and last for Resolutions I'd like to make a motion to amend the capital budget may I have a second second second by councilman dagala um any discussion please call the role council members Hava yes dardia yes dagala yes Cher yes Saunders yes armento yes contract yes Mackie yes mayor brindle yes this motion is carried okay now we'll move on to the ordinances I'd like to move special ordinance number 20244 on first reading a bond ordinance to authorize the reconditioning of a fire engine and the acquisition of a new fire engine including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the town of Westfield in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 1,295 th000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds I have a second second so my counsel Macky any discussion please call the rooll council members H yes yes dagala yes keeper yes Saunders yes armento yes contract yes Mackie yes mayor ble yes this motion has carried next um is special ordinance number 202 24-5 on first reading Bond ordinance to authorize the replacement of the pool filtration systems at Memorial Pool in by and for the swimming pool utility of the town of Westfield in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $600,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of the issuance of such bonds may I have a second second by Saunders uh any discussion please call the rooll council members Hood yes dardia yes dagala yes keeper yes Saunders yes armento yes contract yes Mackie yes mayor BR yes this motion is carried and next is special ordinance number 20246 on first reading a bond ordinance to authorize the replacement of portions of the haac system at the municipal building in by and for the town of Westfield in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $350,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds may I have a second second by Council Macky any discussion please call the role council members have yes yesal yes keep yes yes armento yes contract yes Mackie yes mayor yes this motion has carried and last I would like to move special ordinance number 202 24-7 on first reading an ordinance authorizing the purchase of 200 South Avenue West block 3101 Lot 8 in the town of Westfield County of Union and state of New Jersey may I have a second yes second second by councilman armento any discussion please call the role council members H yes dardia yesal yes keeper yes Saunders yes armento yes contract yes Mackie yes mayor Bendle yes this motion has carried next is the public safety Transportation parking committee councilman dardia thank you mayor we would like to move a resolution to appoint a medical director for the Westfield police and fire departments may I have a second yes second by councilman dagala uh any discussion all in favor yes oppos this motion is carried next is code review in town property committee councilman Mackie I would like to move a resolution to authorize the mayor and clerk to execute an agreement with the county of Union to modify the Cooperative agreement do I have a second second Council armento any discussion all in favor yes yes opposed this motion is carried I would also like to move special ordinance number 2024 d08 on first reading an ordinance of the town of Westfield County of union state of New Jersey granting a temporary access easement and encroachment easement may I have a second second s right Council Mento any discussion please call the RO council members Hava yes dardia dagala yes kefir yes sers I'm going to recuse myself from from the vote on this yes contract yes Mackie yes mayor yes this motion has carried next I would like to move General ordinance number 20248 on first reading an ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 36 entitled filming I have a second my Council mardia any discussion please call the rooll council members yes guard yesal yes yes Saunders yeso yes contract yes Mackie yes mayor ble yes this motion has carried next I would like to move General ordinance number 2024 one9 on first reading an ordinance regulating the distribution of unsolicited print printed material may I have a second second second by councilman armento any discussion please call the role council members have good yes dardia yes dagala yes ke yes Saunders yes armento yes Contra yes Mackie yes mayor yes this motion has carried next I would like to move General ordinance ordinance number 2024 D20 on first reading an ordinance to amend the town's regulations of the sale of merchandise food Etc from food trucks may I have a second second s by councilman Saunders any discussion please call the role council members H yes Guardia yesal yes yes keeper yes Saunders yes Aro yes contract yes Mackie yes may yes this motion has carried last I would like to move General ordinance number 2024 D21 on first reading an ordinance to amend the L use ordinance of the town of Westfield in regard to the definition of floor area habitable may I have a second second second by councilman armento any discussion please call the role council members have yes Daria yes dagala yes keeper yes Saunders yeso yes contract yes Mackie yes may yes this motion is carried next is the Public Works committee councilman Mackie I would like to move a resolution authorizing an emergency purchase for trails and Court pumping station repair may I have a second second second by councilman keeper youve quiet tonight I know any discussion please call the RO council members H yes Daria yesal yeser yes Saunders yes armento yes Contra yes maie yes mayor ble yes this motion is carried I would also like to move a resolution authorizing an emergency purchase for HVAC system for portions of the municipal building yeah I have a second second my Council meno any discussion please call the role council members have good yes yesal yes keeper yes Saunders yes armento yes contract yes ma yes yes this motion is carried wow that was pretty efficient use of nine ordinances and resolutions I'm impressed may I have a motion to adjourn so moved by Council Macky second second by counc dagala all in favor this motion is carried this meeting is J good night everybody going to was actually