##VIDEO ID:aRHYYeF_NZQ## okay are we ready wow I guess everybody's here I keep thinking we're we are missing people all right are we ready good evening everybody uh adequate notice of this meeting as required by the open public meetings Act was provided through the posting mailing and filing of the annual notice of regularly scheduled meetings of the Town Council on December 12 2023 the notice was on that date posted on the bullton board in Municipal Building provided to the Westfield leader in the Star Ledger and filed with the clerk of the town of Westfield Miss ly may have a roll call May here council members H goodia herea here keeper here Saunders Aro here contract please rise for invocation given by councilman dardia and remain standing for the salute to the flag as we begin this meeting let us take a moment to appreciate the privilege and responsibility we have been given to serve our community let us seek the highest ideals of honesty integrity and compassion in our interactions and decisions May our differences Inspire dialogue rather than Division and may our shared goals unite Us in purpose let us move forward with Open Hearts and Minds committed to the well-being of all I pled Al to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands godible andice okay uh Jim you gonna wait I'll do my thing and then you're gonna do your thing right excellent okay so we have a very big agenda tonight and some really great information to share so I'm going to Dive Right In um a few items of Interest I do want to remind everybody that we'll be holding our annual 911 remembrance ceremony tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. please join us at the 911 memorial site at North Avenue and East Broad uh the evening will include prayers of Comm commemoration by members of the local clergy followed by the presentation of the ceremony wreath by an honor guard and the playing of TAPS and each year the ceremony concludes with the reading of the names of the Westfield residents we lost that day in a period of Silent reflection and it looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day um tomorrow so I hope the public will come out and join us uh just some up coming events the very exciting that the dwc has extended sweet sounds to every Friday night in September from 6:00 to 9: on quiny street now that there's some beautiful weather in the September I hope everybody will be out there these last few chances from great some great outdoor music performances downtown um and with uh October coming up soon the Adams Fest team has been hard at work preparing for a seventh annual festivities huge thanks to our chair councilor Mackey as well as Adrien ptor for putting together an incredible lineup for under the theme of Bewitched and you can check out all the details at Adams fest.com and what just went on sale masade Ball tickets went on sale last night there's a few tickets left get that Mas grade Ball tickets a few left hurry up they're going fast um so tonight we have a very busy legislative agenda and I'd like each committee to highlight a couple items I'm G to um uh chairwoman uh hapg good is not with us in the finance policy Comm so I'm going to ask councilman the fill in and comment on tonight's agenda thank you very much mayor uh the finance policy committee has seven resolution on tonight's agenda which include authorization to submit two Grant applications one is for the kids Recreation trust fund grant program which we plan to uiz to resurface the tennis courts at Memorial Park the total request is for $60,000 to be matched out of the recreation Improvement fund the second Grant application authorization is for the green Greening Union County grant program which will fund the tree plantings for the amount of $30,000 for 2025 if fully awarded $115,000 from the town and $115,000 match by the county we also have three Bond ordinances on second reading a bond ordinance authorizing the purchase of a new fire engine pumper apparatus and also the refurbishment of one of our older fire engine Pumpers a bond ordinance authorizing the funding of a replacement of the pool filtration systems and a bond ordinance authorizing replacement of certain components for the HVAC system in town Hall thank you councilman and councilman Daria thank you mayor uh from the Public Safety Committee we have an ordinance on first reading to install an Allway stop at the intersection of Boulevard and Grove after the warrant analysis prepared by our independent Traffic Safety engineering consultant supported an Allway stop at this location based on traffic and pedestrian volumes as well as CRA crash history due to the new law that applies to all applies to all way stops in 202 I think there are some very happy Neighbors about that so um Council Mackie thank you mayor the code review in town property committee has two resolutions and seven ordinances on the agenda several of which I'd like to highlight we have an ordinance on first reading authorizing the expansion of the area where people can consume off premises alcohol uh in the downtown area to now include North Avenue train station parking lot and Plaza in April 2022 following changes to state law the Town Council adopted an ordinance designated certain areas mostly in downtown central business District zone as open container areas which allow for the consumption of packaged wine beer and Cocktails in connection with that change and the pending opening of Maze We are proposing to expand the area to include the North Avenue train lot to allow the public to enjoy package wine beer and Cocktails in the plaza On a related note we have a resolution amend ending the North Avenue train station lease with Maze coacha and Cocktails the first amendment is to remove the limitation that only allows for on premises consumption of beer wine and other alcoholic beverages and the Second Amendment is to expand the hours there allowed to be open the initial lease limited their hours of operation when it was UN clear what their hours would be and Maze is now requested they be allowed to open as late as any other bar or restaurant holding a liquor license which is 1:00 a.m. on second reading we'll hear the following ordinances an ordinance authorizing the purchase of 200 South Avenue West formally the good Mr Good Lube uh location contingent on being awarded the grant that we've applied for as discussed in detail on first reading doing the ordinance now assist us in being ready to act quickly if we receive the grant funding an ordinance authorizing a temporary access easement agreement an encroachment easement for 241 North Avenue the property has Verizon cell antennas on its roof and easements are needed from the town for Access through the town's parking lot behind this building an ordinance to amend our current film ordinance in order to be more in line with the state's film ready program that encourages filming in local communities an ordinance that replaces our current ordinance covering distribution of unsolicited materials in an effort to address the unsolicited advertising of circulars newspapers and other printed material which has not been ordered subscribed to or requested by the resident and is normally left at the end of the driveway an ordinance that stems from a new state law adopted in January 2024 to prit licensed craft alcoholic beverage manufacturers breweries to coordinate with certain food ven Enders including food trucks and restaurants for the provision of food on the license premises and lastly an ordinance that amends the definition of the habitable floor area at the recommendation of the Town zoning officer um I guess I going to continue on as the Public Works committee um the Public Works committee has two resolutions on the agenda both related to recycling the first is a resolution authorizing an award of contract for curb siiz collection of recyclable material to our only bidder and current provider Grand Sanitation for a 5year period in a very volatile recycling Market this will provide us budget certainty for 5 years On th this piece of the program while the disposal piece of the program is a year-to-year RFP and is addressed in a separate resolution the second is a resolution authorizing an an award of contract to basore our current vendor for the disposal of recyclable material which is the other part of the curbside program this follows a public um RF process thank you so before we get to tonight's agenda we have a public safety update from the police fire and public works department highlighting some of the recent strategic Investments we've made to deliver on many of our priorities uh around community community safety um um there's lots of really great news um we'll be discussing tonight so please if you're watching pay attention the press lots of good things to report on we're really proud of this many strides we've made so Jim's going to start off with a couple comments before we each hear from each of the three departments thank you Mary uh as you said we we have a public safety is the primary driver of this of this um discussion tonight um also included in this will be some details about some capital projects that are going on right now now and have been completed already this year and I'll at the end of the uh discussions of the three department heads here I'll give some information about our westfi connect act and we actually just achieved our five-year anniversary of having westfi connect uh operational in town so that ties as some of the items that Mr Gibson will be talking about in our public work so uh since uh Chief DS has an item on the agenda tonight that the council is about to hopefully approve about fir truck and ref refurbishment we'll ask him to go first talk about his Department some of the statistics and is going on this year so I'll turn it over to Chief DS thank you for that introduction Mr Guild I appreciate that good evening mayor and council members I would like to thank you for this opportunity to provide year-to dat statistical information regarding calls for service fire inspections and the lead program provided by the Westfield fire department additionally I want to provide an update on a current staff and levels and a few important purchases obtained this year to benefit our members to better serve the residents of Westfield on average over the past three years the fire department responds to 2,700 to 3,000 calls of service per year at present time the department is approaching 2,000 calls with a remaining four months in the calendar year many of these calls include auto accidents alarm activations utility hazards hazardous materials EMS and every smoke and fire related incident reported in the town of Westfield on a daily basis the members of our department conduct fundamental Visual and Hands-On training throughout their 24-hour shift real life scenarios are recreated using acquired structures and Automobiles donated to the town through the acquired structure program both classroom learning and physical training are essential for preparing our firefighters to perform their jobs efficiently correctly and safely the fire prevention Bureau is a critical component of the Westfield fire department's efforts to protect the citizens of Westfield against the loss of life and property as it enforce enforces the state and municipal fire codes the bureau currently consists of a Fire official fire inspector and administrative assistant Westfield has a total of 1,695 total inspections that must be performed annually which includes state and local registrations public education for all ages is extremely important role for the fire prevention Bureau all public private and County schools located in Westfield ages kindergarten through third grade receives a fire safety assembly in the month of October senior facilities along with senior groups had multiple events throughout the calendar year to discuss Public Safety this past June the fire prevention Bureau adopted state law PL 2021 c182 requiring all municipalities to provide certified visual lead inspections to all single and two family rental dwellings the bureau has been working collectively with the health department and the buildings department and the building department in the effort to best serve the residents to obtain a of proper inspections and requirements needed to date a total of 176 combined inspections have been performed since June and certified permits to make sure everybody's in compliance within the town presently the department consists of 40 personnel which comprises 36 members assigned to the Daily tour operations and four remaining members assigned to fire prevention and administration each tour has nine members is assigned which contains a battalion chief two captains and six firefighters in January of 2023 the department was staffed with 36 members in July of 2023 the department added two additional firefighters bringing the total of 38 members providing two tours with nine Personnel this past July two additional members were added bringing the total back to 40 members this remarkable increase in Daily staffing has allowed all fours back four four tours back to nine members and the department back to full Staffing levels this achievement allows three fire apparatuses to be staffed at times which will help reduce emergency response time save wear and tear on larger apparatus and help firefighters operate safely and efficiently as possible and most importantly improve the level of service provided to the Westfield Community I would like to thank the mayor and all the council members members for being in full support of this increase in Staffing your team truly demonstrates your commitment to this department and all the public entities in this town finally tonight I would like to highlight a few major equipment purchases for this year that will not only benefit the current department but for many years to come in March of this year the department was in receipt of 95 premium all synthetic lens of fire hose this hose will be used to replace all the current attack lines on each apparatus this hose was ordered to replace existing hose that was near the end of life of NFPA requirement shelf life of 15 years over the past 12 months the department has outfitted 15 members with new personal protective firefighting gear this PPE is accustom fit to each member allowing the safety and protection needed to perform their duties during the past six months an apparatus committee was formed to to design a new fire engine many hours were spent with multiple vendors proposing and planning a new fire engine build this evening a second reading of the B ordinance will take place to authorize the purchase of a new apparatus along with the refurbishment of one of our older fire engines the new expected fire engine arrival is in 2027 and will serve the town for future decades once again mayor and counsel I thank you for this time to speak publicly on behalf of the Westfield fire department and I thank you for all your continuous support thank you thank [Applause] you and I'll just say thank you Chief and I want I walked by a block party on Sunday and there's a fire track there and I have to commend all your folks they were out there in a huge game of stickball with the kids in the and it means a lot and it sends a great message to the community so thank you it does and I couldn't be more proud of all the members of the department the engagement they did with the community you know interact with everything it means a lot you know we're not just here to serve on the public first responder we're here as role models and to play pick up a ball on a game to play with the Youth of Westfield it goes a long way it really great to see so thank you congrat that's your leadership by the way thank you thank you do you want to plug the 150th anniversary so yeah we could plug that so next year in June of 2025 on the date of the 21st we'll be celebrating our 150th anniversary of existence of the Westfield fire department that will be held at the Westfield Armory but leading that off we will be starting with a parade that's going to start downtown Westfield and it's going to go throughout Westfield back ending at the Westfield Armory and we're going to have a celebration there'll be a lot more advertisement coming with that follow us on our social media page you'll see updates on there but everybody we're asking for everybody participation everybody for Community involvement and everything but thank you very much great thank you so much just two things thank you Chief great job as always and I just um two things he one thing I want to uh tack on what he said um we talk this last time but the apparatus committee that he formed when we do this for a new purchase of a vehicle in this case an apparatus truck for the Department in this case pumper um it can't be lost that this apparatus committee after due diligence with the chief's help as well that the costs for seeing sign in the bond ordance are significantly reduced in what they were initially were proposed to us both the fire truck and the refurbishment so not only do we have to design and go through uh you know the process to get a fire truck but because of their due diligence we're actually authorizing something like that is hundreds of thousands of dollars less than it would have been without their work and there's one last thing about the Staffing um I was over at the firehouse last week Chief invited me over um there's a retirement of a long-standing member um and we ni had a lunch in for him he's leaving after I think was it 26 years 26 years um and um it's a tradition that they do when someone leaves police and fire departments public work do that one of the nice things I noticed and I told the chief I said you know we're really at a point in this department right now where at the lunch I was there the tour on duty it was mostly new people um and and that's been unusual in this department for many many years but it was really nice to see the older in seasoned people institutional knowledge passing on knowledge but the young people there are excited to be there um so it's a very exciting time in the fire department and the chief's really really doing a great job so thank you again Chief dogs um so next is Chief baloro again like the fire department lots of stuff going on um like to have the chief go through uh and give some statistics and some information about what's going on his Department not only with Staffing but also a lot of stats that he has about things that they're doing and they're very very active so I'll introduce Chief baloro right B good evening mayor brindle and Town Council Members and thank you for this opportunity to address you and to provide the public with information regarding the state of Public Safety in Westfield here at the Westfield Police Department we constantly collect and analyze data we do so in order to determine how to best deploy our limited resources the boundless nature of our duties and responsibilities requires such we are always seeking to determine what are our most pressing Public Safety needs and then how to best deploy our limited resources to address them efficiently and effectively all in a manner that best serves the greatest number of people the Westfield Police Department is currently staffed by 63 full-time regular sworn Law Enforcement Officers the highest number in our 121 year history it is additionally staffed by 22 civilian employees perform specialized functions in support of our fundamental Mission which is to protect life and property enforce the law and Affair in impartial Manner and preserve the peace order and safety of the community we serve on January 1st five officers were promoted to the rank of Sergeant and on August 4th four sergeants were promoted to the rank of Lieutenant additionally five new officers have been hired in 2024 two have already joined our ranks and three are presently assigned to the basic police officer training and will do so in December when they graduate the police academy on March 14th of this year the Westfield Police Department appeared before the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police law enforcement accreditation commission at which time we were awarded re accreditation we were awarded an initial accreditation in 2021 the Westfield Police Department responded to a total of 58,300 as of 18800 hours on this date and time we have responded to a total of 36475 calls for service thus far this year many of our calls for service are self-initiated traffic enforcement activities we continually stress to our officers and Studies have clearly shown that aggressive traffic enforcement can and does result in a decrease in crime thus far in 2024 the Westfield police department has conducted 1,332 traffic enforcement details executed 2,984 traffic stops and issued 7,286 citations for traffic and parking enforcement violations this includes 35 citations and accompanying custodial arrests for driving under the influence of drugs Andor alcohol we have identified vehicle thefts and attempted vehicle thefts along with those crimes resulting from them as Westfield's most pressing Public Safety concern between 2017 and 2023 there were 166 Vehicles reported stolen in Westfield an average of 24 per year with record highs of 28 in 2017 and 2021 of the 24 Vehicles reported stolen in Westfield in 2023 eight of them or one-third were determined to have been left unlocked with their key fobs in them were left running unattended at the time of their thefts along with aggressive traffic enforcement in order to help combat this persistent vehicle theft problem the town of Westfield implemented 15 flock Safety license plate recognition cameras were lprs at various entrance points to Westfield in the latter part of 2021 it authorized the implementation of another 10 LPR cameras at the end of 2023 for a total of 25 at this time 11 of them have been implemented and four are still pending implementation this due to the delays caused by the permitting process it has been well demonstrated that suspects often travel in stolen vehicles seeking to steal additional vehicles and these LPR cameras provide realtime alerts if a reported stolen vehicle passes by one of them they also provide real-time alerts for vehicles displaying reported stolen license plates those Vehicles associated with known wanted persons and more while these LPR cameras provide us with realtime information it is what we do with that information that is making the difference our Patrol officers are doing an absolute incredible job reacting and responding to it in 2023 we engaged in 27 vehicle Pursuits an approximate 100% increase from 2022 when we engaged in 13 vehicle Pursuits and an 800% increase from 2021 when we engaged in just three vehicle Pursuits of those 27 vehicle Pursuits 21 were the direct result of and response to LPR realtime alerts 20 of the vehicles pursued were identified by realtime alerts as stolen and one of the vehicles pursued was identified by a real-time alert as displaying a stolen license plate for other vehicle Pursuits were initiated because of officers direct observations of suspected Criminal activity specifically attempted vehicle burglaries Andor attempted vehicle thefts these Pursuits have been a matter of necessity and they firmly demonstrate that our officers are fully engaged and repeatedly forcing the criminal element out there is no doubt that vehicle Pursuits can be extremely dangerous and the safety of our officers and the general public is always our Paramount concern we continue place an overarching emphasis on subsequent investigations rather than initial vehicle Pursuits to identify and apprehend fleeing suspects recognizing the inherent dangers presented by vehicular Pursuits far outweigh the need for immediate apprehension from March 202020 through August of this year the Westfield Police Department assigned a detective full-time to the New Jersey State Police motor vehicle crimes North unit auto theft task force we have assigned additional officers to the task force for various lengths of time to support that unit's overall operations in general but to focus on Westfield's vehicle theft problem in particular Westfield has been the only Union County Municipal law enforcement agency to have assigned any Personnel to the auto theft task force the Westfield police department has developed a very comprehensive and coordinated response to vehicle theft and I am pleased to report that our concerted efforts are beginning to have a very conspicuous impact to date in 2024 just three vehicles have been reported stolen one on March 17th one on July 15th and one just recently on September 1st an average of just one per quarter we have not seen singled digigit vehicle theft numbers this low since 2016 when there were just five vehicles reported stolen that was at or about the time when vehicles with keyless entry and ignition systems became increasingly standard in most Vehicles sold in the United States today nearly all new vehicles have such features while this statistical data is highly commendable I caution all that complacency can change that very easily the most recent vehicle stolen on September 1st a 2024 all electric BMW 4 valued at $80,000 was left unlocked with its key fob in it at the time of its theft Westfield continues to be targeted for vehicle theft and it will likely always be but we have successfully made this town a more difficult and less attractive Target we have conducted aggressive traffic enforcement activities all summer that effort has involved all Patrol officers and it has been occurring on all days of the week and at all hours of the day the focus has not just been on traffic violations but also parking violations of note every weekday a task force of parking enforcement and police officers sometimes as many as five persons with enforcement Authority are assigned to the central business district during the busiest hours of the day the lunchtime hours of 11:30 to 1:30 just to focus on parking enforcement particular particular emphasis has been placed on those violations that impede traffic and cause pedestrian safety concerns we are patrolling the central business district both on foot and in marked parking enforcement and police vehicles with their Cruise lights activated to alert the public to our presence these activities shall continue and now that schools are open they shall be extended to school zones as well with our staffing levels at their highest in history our officers can be more proactive with enforcement than they've been in the past and we are conducting far more focused traffic enforcement we are even employing new technology in speed enforcement lasers also known as lidar which gives us exceptional Target precision and Incredibly accurate speed measurements our increased enforcement actions are not about building numbers or generating revenue and consistent with the law we impose no enforcement quotas whatsoever Upon Our officers they are strictly about reducing crime and making Westfield safer in further response to your continued feedback the Westfield Police Department once again deployed a task force of officers during the summer months to address quality of life issues at night both in the downtown business district and mindowaskin park since May 24th up to three additional plan police officers detectives and door supervisors were deployed on select weekend nights they joined the uniform patrol officer already assigned to a walking Patrol each night these officers were directed to specifically address quality of life issues which include unlawful and disorderly juvenile Behavior this with the intent of making our downtown area a safe and enjoyable place for all persons their area of responsibility includes not just mindowaskin park but also those immediately adjacent areas to include North uket Avenue and the grounds and parking lots of the Presbyterian Church strict enforcement of all park rules and regulations was directed most importantly those relating to operating hours we have decided to continue to deploy the quality of life detail through the month of September as I stated during a recent swear uh ceremonial swearing in of our five newest officers the Westfield Police Department is approximately one of 560 law enforcement agencies in the state of New Jersey yet it stands Head and Shoulders above most it has been accredited law enforcement agency since 2021 and an accredited Public Safety answering and dispatch Point since 2022 making making it only the fifth law enforcement agency in New Jersey and the first and only in Union County to have earned both such distinctions these are some very significant accomplishments and they did not happen overnight they have taken years for us to achieve these accreditations represent my unwavering commitment to you as your chief of police it is one of honor integrity and pride and one that ensures a professional Police Department is protecting your town please know your investments in this department combined with the ongoing extraordinary efforts of our police officers and civilian support staff are making a difference Westfield is far safer and more secure than it has ever been the statistical data that we continue to collect and analyze affirms that and no none of what we accomplished would be possible without the tremendous support of this mayor and town counsel I am extremely appreciative of and grateful for your leadership thank you thank you Chief I do want to just say I mean three car I know you didn't want to talk about it because he didn't want to say it because he didn't want to jinx it but I was at an event I don't know a couple weeks ago and people were just asking me about things and it was this Aha and I said you don't hear anybody talking about auto theft anymore and it was like you're right and it's um it's really quite remarkable and I know it it's been an long investment and finally as you said the results are paying off but I'm really happy you were able to tell that story tonight because it is quite a remarkable one and I think one that could be emulated in other departments around the state so congratulations make no mistake we continue to be targeted but the the officers their response to these real time uh alerts and their their aggressive Patrol tactics um like I said we've made this a a a more difficult less desirable Target and that is showing that is showing because the car theft problem Statewide while it's down about 12% the numbers have been pretty consistent in Union County and a lot of Union County towns continue to be targeted um and they probably always will be targeted because of the inventory here but making Westfield less desirable uh less attractive uh for criminals um and that's why the Pursuits have been an absolute necessity an 800% increase over the last two years um but they send a message so which is great congratulations thank you thank you Chief and just another comment about Staffing again um and you mentioned a chief uh and um one of the nicest things we get to do in my role in the mayor's role is these swearing in um sometimes we do them a counsil meeting sometimes we don't have time to do that and we have to do them here during the day uh fire department Police Department Public Works Department other promotions and so forth and we were just here only a few weeks ago swearing in the officers does a phenomenal job you know giving information uh about each officer before they're sworn in their families are here um and again like the fire department we have um we're in transition Police Department seeing a lot younger Department coming through people are excited to be here and working under the leadership of of Chief balora and the season people like officer donov on the left as well uh but um we have very a very uh you know well well rounded department and again the number speak for themselves they're really remarkable um so uh lastly I want to bring up uh Craig Gibson our I'll still say new director public works but not really new anymore uh but uh to talk about some of the accomplishments and things that are going on in public works and I just want to say um you know I know um it's unusual sometimes people might think to associate public works with police and fire and westv is not uh the three departments act together um as a team um we actually have a shared OEM uh department where we have Chief Bor is OEM director Chief tuls is one of the the deputy directors and Eugene Watkins our road supervisor is one of the Deputy directors for OEM that's unusual in a lot of towns but we value all three departments equally and they all have different functions to serve and without public works sometimes Police and Fire Can't do their jobs and vice versa so um it's a very uh important um you know triangle there that that is served so I'll invite Craig up to talk about some of the items that he's doing and then we'll have a few comments by me thanks good evening mayor brindle good evening Town Council Members um thank you for that I first briefly just want to recognize um Town Administrator Jim gild police chief battle and fire chief uh DS uh these gentlemen are true professionals as you can tell obviously there's some large shoes to fill following these uh following these uh two but they are uh extremely valuable to me uh getting acclimated in my new role um their professionalism their leadership is um is is is very important to me to grow and learn in my in my new position so I appreciate uh working alongside them very very much um so some exciting Public Works news I'm very happy to be here to have the opportunity to share with you a brief summary of some accomplishments uh of 2024 as you all know um I was very fortunate to be appointed as the new director of Public Works late 2023 um but we did not you know stop at all we went we went right into the new year pretty strong and made some significant Staffing uh improvements and some reorganizations uh we successfully promoted a an assistant director which was an internal promotion which we are very fortunate to be able to do and retain that knowledge within the department a long time staff member was elevated into that position and um together we are I think experiencing some significant growth within the department um we have successfully promoted two again internal promotions uh new supervisors to backfill the vacated positions for myself and the assistant director uh rub Banks again the opportunity for us to be able to uh retain that that knowledge and that experience within the department is is is very important for the growth and stability I believe of what we're trying to develop there um we have to date hired in 2024 new five entry level laborer positions um with three more slated to fill before the end of the year so those are those are not small numbers um and we have we have introduced a new opportunity within our division a new opportunity made possible by um collective bargaining and the Town Council we have we have created a title of working for persons uh what this allows us to do within the department is promote current employees to a more on the ground daytoday responsible manner so I think what this does overall is create an opportunity for us as a department to maximize its efficiency uh provide the appropriate levels of service that Westfield's residents business owners and visitors deserve um so very important things from organizational standpoint these are not small tasks um we are like I said very fortunate to be able to retain a lot of our institutional knowledge um and I think that's going to prove very very valuable in the years to come to our department um on to some more exciting news I think we we are going to introduce a a townwide street sign replacement program which I think is a very um exciting thing I think it's also ties directly to the public safety component as well U Public Works staff are beginning the process of a townwide street sign replacement project with newly purchased equipment again made possible by This Town Council a plotter and a pin roller we can now make inhouse and install 1,350 new street signs to replace the existing street signs throughout Westfield over the years many signs have become worn faded and otherwise damage due to age and weather deterioration storms and motor vehicle accidents this project will significantly increase visibility to drivers First Responders uh provide a safer experience as well as create an aesthetic Al appealing uniform consistent theme throughout town uh we will certainly continue to recognize those streets in within our historic districts as well as our gold star streets um with the appropriate colors and or markings um that's a that's a large project we are very very fortunate to be able to uh attempt this in-house with with the talent that we have on staff uh a lot of these reorganization uh pieces made this possible as well so um that's a very exciting uh announcement for me to be able to make additionally we have made and Council has made some significant investments in technology within the department uh namely two important pieces of equipment a sewer camera trailer and we had now have two Smart Cover sanitary sewer detection systems um our sewer camera trailer which I think some of you are familiar with already uh technology available to us uh with this newly purchased equipment we can now visually inspect approximately 1,000 69 storm drain manholes as well as 2742 curbside storm drain inlets throughout Westfield uh during the process of using this equipment uh public horse Crews were able to discover a severely misaligned uh joint section of joint and pipe below ground on Bell Drive resulting in a very uh problematic area even in very uh minor rainstorms a significant increase in flooding which can obviously cause uh very uh not safe conditions um we were able to um identify the problem properly plan uh with subcontractors and in-house Personnel uh and execute the appropriate repairs uh this issue has been resolved and the residents of B Drive are very very grateful and expressed that to us um to date roughly 25% of Westfield storm drain infrastructure has been video camera inspected uh since obtaining this new equipment um and we continue to complete you know uh the townwide assessment and and inspect and identify and plan accordingly for any major or minor repairs that we deem necessary I do not believe anyone from Drive um additionally we we have invested in some new technology I don't know it's new to Westfield very exciting stuff these are smart cover sanitary sewer detection systems what these do is detect um high water levels um and send in real time alerg directly to Public Works management uh Via Mobile cellular device uh this allows for a response time to high level conditions in our sanitary storm uh sanitary drains this allows staff to report identify and remedy a situation long before the sanitary system backs up into a private lateral into a home or a business uh obviously this can lead to unsafe conditions uh as well as business disruptions within our CBD uh dat we have installed two units within our CPD uh was our was our uh test location uh this investment has already proven uh to be extremely effective in identifying sewer backups um long before any structure was compromised uh which obviously decreases the threat to Public Health drastically so those are significant um improvements I think from technology improvements that we are using every day 24 hours a day and they have proven to be very very effective already um and then I just want to touch on our our forestry division is is is always a a very big issue to us a very important issue our tree planting update for the year in 2024 uh Public Works Crews have successfully planted over 400 new trees throughout town in our Municipal RightWay over the past five years Public Works uh Crews have planted nearly 3500 new trees which will obviously total over 4,000 trees planted over the last six years um additionally Public Works Crews have completed roughly 175 stump grindings in 2024 this may not seem extremely exciting right now but uh this plan the plan going into this year was to identify and remove any and all stumps we can locate that were left behind from previous tree removals uh moving forward the goal whenever possible uh the plan will be to address the entire uh project in one visit meaning tree removal when necessary along with stump grinding uh this this will alleviate and and eliminate the nuisance stumps that may be left behind for many months at a time throughout Town um as far as tree planting requests though I know we get a great great volume of requests every year they come to us in many many forms they come in uh through email word of mouth on the street I think moving forward we are currently uh we are on a weit list already for 2025 for any new tree planting requests and we are encouraging everyone to utilize our Westfield Connect app some folks know what as C click fix uh it is Westfield connect and that will be the best place to submit any uh new tree request that'll give us an opportunity to really collect the data uh prepare a budget according to that data and then plan um our fall and and and Spring Seasonal plantings um so with that I want to thank you again for the opportunity to make some of these I think uh very exciting announcements and show some very positive growth and and uh within the department and it's something that I am uh learning dayto day I'm very proud of and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity thank you Craig very great [Applause] job um again just another um thank you Craig uh another Staffing issue again um so during these promotional opportunities had Mr Gibson discussed in the department particularly the working forers title which is a brand new title uh what we did in order to um look internally first uh myself Mr Gibson and assistant administrator Heather we met with every employee in the department over the course of a two-month period um had a discussion with every single employee uh that was very valuable not only just to do but uh for Heather and I to learn uh what they were you know what what their ideas were what their thoughts were and again it's exciting time to be in public works right now we have a lot of new staff uh a lot of excited people who are joining the staff and a lot of people who have been there for a while where there's no excitement because of new titles New Opportunities have that exist now that haven't existed before um so again Craig and rich as a team at the top are really doing a phenomenal job um a couple other things just to touch on what Craig mentioned the new sign program the new street sign program um we've been very excited about this since the capital budget process um we now have got the equipment that we uh said we would get in house we're ordering some of the materials so reminder for the council and the public uh we are going to be rebranding all the street signs into a a uh Westfield blue navy blue and white reflective signs uh We've now gone through that process and uh done some mockups uh and we've tested it um also uh you know as Craig said you know go star signs will be replaced but in a nice newer looking fashion uh and again around the town there's just been any inconsistency over the years across the town you know black and white signs green and white signs blue it's not been you know uh very good so these are larger signs larger print more reflective uh and branded exactly the same around the entire town uh and so we're going to start that process hopefully end of the month early in October and uh reminder what we're going to be doing is public works when they go out to replace the signs in uh in a weekly format they'll be taking pictures of all the signs that are coming down we'll be collecting them and then in batches we'll look to auction them off people want to have Elm Street sign in their basement or uh the raway Avenue sign in their sh shed or the garage whatever it may be uh auction them off and those proceeds will go back to the town either to a organization we choose to give money to or to offset the cost of the program but we're excited about that because I think that'll be a popular item not only the new signs but the auctioning of of of them for uh that possibility and Craig mentioned this briefly if um if um a gentleman was here from Bell Drive uh we had a resident um who was a really very excited about our pipe uh fix on Bell Drive uh and came was so kind that uh that what we did out there worked so well he actually was eager to uh provide lunch for the public works uh staff one day and that was just a simple thing where our new technology able to identify something underground we added it to our road program and fixed it and uh it's actually working uh and we can prove that with data we collect and this resident actually subscribed to his own water drainage data and sends it to us after large storms and we can compare notes and um it sounds very silly but it's actually very helpful to us um and uh uh Mr manacus would not able to be here tonight but he was excited for me to share that and he's very excited as a resident Bill Drive um so again just want to say again as you see tonight uh we're very fortunate to have um these three department heads and these three largest Departments of the town uh and again I I was um honored today to be the guest speaker at The Rotary Club luncheon I was asked to speak about what a Town Administrator does and just overall information and one of the things I said and I'll say it here again tonight um you know we are fortunate in this town any town you know is run by the people who are employed by the town um the department heads and the employees who are who work beneath them and um you know Westfield is very fortunate for years and decades to have those people people here tonight these three department heads we have two Westfield alumni like myself the two chiefs we have Craig Gibson grew up in a neighboring Town um they're dedicated to Westfield they love Westfield kind of you see in their work every day and that culture gets assem down the staff down the line uh and we really work well together so Westfield is very very fortunate to have them on staff as well as all the other department heads um couple quick updates here just to touch on Mr Gibson what he said briefly Westfield connect as I said before we actually just uh came to our 5year anniversary of the Westfield Connect app it's actually called C click fix the program but we call Westfield connect it's branded as such when you download the app the Westfield W on the app we're going to try to do a big push after this and K councilman Dy as a public safety chair was going to put some information to the public after this too to kind of begin to uh for those new residents that moved in the past five years that may not know about this to kind of push that out there make some make them use this as best we can some quick stats for you um we had multiple categories initially uh uh included in our uh first um launch of the program since then we've fine-tuned it and recently because we know that many of our categories are put in there we thought would be exciting categories no one really responded to but we have categories that are very popular um over the course of five years we've had just about a th000 requests per year um almost 5,000 requests over the 5year period uh and during that time um 82% of those requests are for trees and Roads as you might expect trees are planting assessment pruning takedowns um uh you know uh planting and stump grinding as well and then in addition to that roads um we have you know of course as use potholes or you know different seasons potholes but also a lot of you know crack sealing patches here and there or assessing the road uh so Jean Watkins and his crew do a phenomenal job when get more equipment than we've ever had to go out and do things so um that's something that's important also we're able to track response Times by our public works department so on the 5,000 request our average response time to not only acknowledge the request but have a supervisor get back to somebody with information is in 24 to 48 hours for every single request uh and in addition to that then we also can track when the item is completed and how long it might take um so the average completion of an item is seven days or basically one week of time um and uh some items are longer than that and less than that so A couple examples uh we get a lot of requests for Road issues but um it's sometimes not our road so the response back that's a County Road that's a state highway we actually do not we're not responsible for that we'll pass it on to the state or County representative and then we that item is closed because from a town perspective it's closed uh and that item then could take a lot longer because we're not in control of it uh another item um one that came in today for example we C click fix come in today or rille connect come in today uh wanting to know if there's a handicap ramp going to be put at an intersection of clover and Francis uh when we do the paving job so we contacted the engineer who confirmed that it would be we then get back to the resident let them know yes uh the item will be done it's included in our Paving job the item is now closed because we responded but it's not completed because it's part of a job that will be done months from now so the only complaint we've ever really gotten see click fix Westfield connect the past number of years is some people have said well the item is closed but it's not finished it wasn't completed and what that means is that if the item is closed that means we've captured it uh We've assessed it we've deemed that it's our responsibility if it is and then we've scheduled it so tree work is a good example of that we can't plant a tree at everyone's property every request every single day so the tree request is taken in for the pruning the takeown the planting Rob at that point from the tree supervisor would take it get back to the resident it's been scheduled we're going to do a better job of how we communicate that to people uh the responses but um once it's closed CL out that means is scheduled to to be done and then basically after that it'll be done in on average of seven days uh and and you know which is pretty good only one that takes longer is traffic signals traffic signals we get you know complaints from time to time or submissions for look at the timing here the button is not working whatever it may be we're not always in control of that because we have to Outsource that to a third party company so that response can sometimes take up to 14 days but even then that's not actually very long and we're capturing that data and take that so again C click f has been a very good tool for us um and we want to try to continue to push that to get more requests coming through there but we will always get requests via email uh be in Via in person uh via uh phone calls and also via the people who are in the field Public Works is in the field every day doing work whether it be at a park in front of your house taking care of a tree people come out of their homes and they come to speak to us most time speak to not always you know sometimes they yell at us too but basically they come out to speak to our our employees and our employees are ambassadors of the town and they're out there and so requests come from various locations but again for five years it's been a success and I know public works there was a lot of trepidation if you're remember five years ago we put it in place but in addition to Public Works uh police has gotten involved in those requests too uh as well as engineering and we will continue to evolve that so over the next number of weeks and months we'll be getting information out about remarketing that app people sign up for it uh and uh get that get that movement along and lastly just some quick updates as I normally would give in my uh Capital update couple exciting opportunities are news here so the road paving program the town's road paving program the various roads program we awarded is completely finished uh over the summer months all the roads that we put in our various Road program except for the three state a jobs we we get to in a minute have completely been finished and uh our contractor really did a phenomenal job want to thank Mike Bell who's really this is his first year going through the road preing program he really did a great job monitoring that with Chris uh Roth and Gavin gray in the engineering office and that was you a lot of everyday trips out in the field monitoring the contractor but contractor was very very good um couple things that to note we did 38 roads were sections of Road um and the county also did one of their two projects which is East Broad Street between ukl and North which is a big deal um we also did the Bell Drive pipe repair Cedar and Central Avenue adding drainage uh in inlets Dorian raway we're still working on the last piece to add a piece uh another drainage Inlet on Dorian raway proving a little more difficult because of the the size of the pipe there Ben at place and coolage and every year we do Paving we're going to do these one-off drainage projects where we know there's issues and we did those this year we also have miscellaneous projects um the coolage and Harding Pathway to Washington School huge Improvement there took down some old ratty fence repa the pathway put ballards up so that people don't mistake it for a driveway uh huge Improvement there also a pathway between Cedric Avenue and lenp Trail a very large walking pathway which has been a drainage problem for years and as we go through and do road paving project we're going to add these Pathways we have in town to do them at the same time uh and lastly 88 ramps of course um uh in all locations we had to put them in and of course a new crosswalk across Park and Summit we talked about uh which we had to take one away because it was leading to a driveway which you can't do so we replaced that there so pretty significant Road program we did we have three state a Jobs still in the queue Elma Street between Dudley and and Broad which is um about to be sent to the state for their review and Francis and clover um over by uh war three there off of Central Avenue is also being sent to the state those are State projects we're getting State money to offset the majority of the cost there so if the state approves it quickly we'll look to do those this fall worst case scenario will be done in the spring but those are our last three projects that we actually looked at for the year one last thing to mention is Elizabeth Talon gas uh did a lot of Paving already they still have more to do we've been reminding them of this as recently as this week so they actually uh they will be touching 51 roads this year they've done about over 30 so far uh and we expect to have a lot more Paving done this October November of about three other grids the other half other section of the coolage Avenue area Benson Harding all those areas there uh also a section of Boulevard there's a grid in the boulevard over there that have to finish up and then a small section raway Trinity first and Waton Street which they actually were ready to pave so they should all be done by years's in we're waiting for them update on the Kimble Avenue grid uh which should be coming very soon so they're doing great work too and uh again the man of road paving close to 15 18 miles a road will be uh planned to be done this year um a couple last things to mention addition to what Craig mentioned today and the police and fire chief mentioned a lot of recreation projects going on the Memorial Park uh playground installation is starting this week as a matter of fact started today so Public Works one of Bank Public Works they did all the removal of the old playground uh last week uh so new installation starts this week and over the few weeks we're going to have a brand new ADA Compliant playground in that area which is great fenced in as well um in addition to that um we have the tacos Spar tennis court resurfacing all eight courts over there and that should be done within the next probably 8 to 10 days um and um and so that's really another great project and they're working on other projects that are in the queue right now we have the julan SF parking lot expansion bathrooms which we're working with the contract with the architect now and some plans to present back to the commission and of course the of course the Tom Tomos Park design plan work we're actually getting ready to hire a company to come in to be our partner as we go through the design plan of potentially a multiphase program at tamop park including that new six seven acres of property that's undeveloped so uh last thing to mention is we're working on two other things adding some more bike racks downtown uh in various locations in addition to two bike oases we already have and also um looking to get uh probably next meeting or the meeting after that Council will be seeing a resolution to award a contract for some new parking management technology looking to get our permits to go online renewing online uh by Year's End so scratch the surface lot things going on but um between our three major departments and uh engineering planning zoning and everything else it's been a very busy summer and will continue to be a very busy fall so thank you for listening to us it's a lot to listen to but it's a lot of great stats and uh we appreciate of course the council support as always thank you amazing update thank you so much and I didn't want that point to get lost because we talked about rotating project that road painting is s storm water infrastructure improvements and oops the road paving it's not just road paving I just want to get make sure everybody's realized it's storm water Improvement as well and this summer when we've had these big like Splash storms I don't know if any noticed we did not get the flooding that we have had historically and that is a direct result of the road paving and infrastructure improvements that that Jim just referenced so it's a huge thing that I think we want to make sure that the public is aware of about it's road paving but the benefit is storm water Improvement as well so thank you okay so now we're yeah go ahead your your microphone oh yeah yeah you go ahead sorry Mike I forgot about that yeah so just to kind of wrap things up here uh with the public safety update as the chair of the public safety Transportation parking Committee of the Town Council I'm very grateful to chief baloro chief dks and director Gibson for their ongoing collaboration with our committee which includes the valuable input of council members habgood Saunders and demago our committee's work focuses on both uh responding to the concerns submitted by residents as well as proactive suggestions based Sor sorry sorry uh based on PR best practices that can benefit our community in addition to supporting increased Staffing levels in all public safety departments we also recommend the purchase of additional equipment such as LPR cars new fir Tru and DPW equipment and additional safety measures that include the addition of four always stops intersections and the upcoming street sign Replacements safety will always be the top priority of the Town Council and as the chair of the committee I am pleased with our progress while being keenly aware that there is always work left to be done thanks to the residents and the business owners who have been instrumental in communicating details about issues we can address as we look to to continue this collaborative process to deliver on our commitment to safety thank you okay so now the agenda for this evening Miss lashi are there any advertise hearings yes mayor we have nine advertised hearings tonight first is for special ordinance 20244 Bond ordinance to authorize the reconditioning of a fire engine and the acquisition of a new fire engine including original apparatus and equipment in by for the town of Westfield in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate a sum of 1,295 th000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds anyone wishing to be heard on special ordinance 20244 please come to the microphone state your name seeing no one mayor you may close the hearing this hearing is closed next is special Orient 45 a bond ordinance to authorize the replacement of pool filtration systems at Memorial Pool in by for the swiming pool utility of the town of Westfield in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $600,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issu issuance of bonds anyone wishing to be heard on special ordinance 4 pleas microphone your address for record seeing no one mayor May close the hearing this hearing is closed next is special ordinance 20246 a bond ordinance to authorize the replacement of portions of the HVAC system at the municipal building in by for the town of Westfield in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $350,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to fin appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds anyone wishing to be heard on special or 20246 please come to the microphone state your name and address for record seeing no one may or you may close the hearing now this hearing is closed next is special orance 20247 an ordinance authorizing the purchase of 200 South Avenue West block 3101 8 in the town of Westfield County of the union state of New Jersey any to be heard on special orance 20247 please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing no one may may close the hearing this hearing is closed next is special ordinance 20248 in ordinance of the town of Westfield County of union state of New Jersey granting a temporary access easement and encroachment easement anyone wishing to be heard on special ordance 20248 please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record mayor you may close thear this hearing is closed next is general or 20248 an ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 36 entitled building anyone wishing to be heard on General or 20248 please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing no one mayor you may close the hearing this hearing is closed next is general or 20249 in or regulating distribution of unsolicited PR material anyone wishes to be heard on General or4 please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record see no one mayor you may close the hearing this hearing is closed next is General ordinance 202 2420 an ordinance to amend the town's regulation of the sale of merchandise food Etc from food trucks anyone wishing to be heard on General ore 20242 please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing no one may you may close the hearing this hearing is closed last is general or 2 in ordinance to amend the land use ordinance of the town of Westfield in regard to the definition of floor area habitable anyone wishing to be heard on General or 20242 please come to the microphone state your name and address to the record see no one may close hear this hearing is closed councilman dagala please move for the adoption of Finance policy committee ordinances I would like to move for the adoption of special ordinance number 20244 bond ordinance to authorize the reconditioning of the fire engine and acquisition of a new fire engine including original apparatus and equipment by and for the town of Westfield in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $1,295 th000 to pay to the cost thereof to make the down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds I have a second second so my Council macki any discussion please call the role council members dardia yes dagala yes keeper yes armento yes Mackie yes mayor yes this motion is carried mayor I'd like also to move for the adoption of special ordinance number 20 245 Bond ordinance to authorize the replacement of the pool filtration system at Memorial Pool in by and four swimming pool utility of the town of Westfield in Union in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $600,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issue of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds may I have a second second by councilman armento any discussion please call the role council members Dar yesal yes keeper yeso yes M yes mayor yes this motion is carried lastly I'd like to move for the adoption of special ordinance number 20246 bond ordinance to authorize the replacement of portions of the h system at the municipal building in by and for the town of Westfield in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $350,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of such Bond anti anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds may I have a second second right councilman dardia any discussion please call the role council members D yes dagala yes keeper yes armento yes Mackie yes mayor yes this motion is carried councilman Macky please move the adoption of code riew in town property committee ordinances I would like to move for the adoption of special ordinance number 20247 an ordinance authorizing the purchase of 200 South Avenue West block 3101 Lot 8 in the town of westfields County of Union and state of New Jersey may I have a second second s by Council armento any discussion please call the rooll council members yes yes keeper yeso yes yes may yes this motion is carried I would like to move for the adoption of special ordinance number 202 24-8 an ordinance of the town of Westfield County of union state of New Jersey granting a temporary access easement and encroachment easement may I have a second second second by councilman dagala any discussion please call the role council member yes dagala yes keeper yeso yesie yes may yes this motion is carried I would like to move for the adoption of General ordinance number 224-18 an ordinance of the town of Westfield County of union state of New Jersey granting a temporary access easement and encroachment easement I have a second second Council ardia any discussion please call the rooll [Music] oh oh it sure was wasn't it it was on there twice none of us even notice I would like to move to the adoption of General ordinance number 2024 one9 an ordinance regulating the distribution of unsolicited printed material we have a second second by councilman Daria any discussion please call the RO Council memb dardia yes yes keeper yes Aro yes ma yes yes this motion is carried I would like to move for the adoption of General ordinance number 20 24-20 an ordinance to amend the town's regulation of the sale of merchandise food Etc from food trucks you have a second second second by councel armento any discussion please call the RO council member yes domala yes keeper yes Aro yes Mack yes mayle yes last I would like to move for the adoption of oh God go ahead it's carried she figured it out I would like to move to the adoption of General ordinance number 20242 an ordinance to amend the L the land use ordinance of the town of Westfield in regard to the definition of floor area habitable may have a second second Council dardia any discussion please call the RO Council Mia yes yes yeso yes Mackie yes may B yes this motion is carried may I have a motion do you have something to say you can approve this motion to approve I motion is carried yeah motion is carried yeah the one that she did um that was a duplicate the ordinance number was right 201824 the wording should it should have been the filming ordinance okay it just was a worded as a temporary access agreement twice so it should be uh motion to um uh make a motion on 22418 an ordinance to amend the code of the Town Westfield chapter 36 entitled filming that was the one that's on the agenda and it's repeated as a temporary access but the second one should be the filming One on Second reading so um oh I see oh okay so it's the um is it is it's- 18 is the right number okay in order kind regarding the oh-8 the title granting to oh granting okay State the UN to approve filming yes chapter 36 entitled filming have 36 filing okay when me do that one over again yes okay Don okay you got that not really the mayor can do it may I would like to move for the adoption okay yeah okay like to move for the adoption of General ordinance number 2024 D 18 an ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 36 entitled filming correct yeah I have a second second so councilman armento seconded any discussion please call the role council members dardia yes dagala yes keer yes Aro maie yes mayor yes this motion is carried okay we got it U thank you Jim now it's uh oh may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the town council's conference and regular meetings of August 13 2024 move by councilman Macky second second right councilman D Gala any discussion all in favor oos oos this motion is carried now it's time for open discussion by citizens anyone may come up to the microphone and speak to us on any subject on which we have jurisdiction please state your name and address for the record limit your comments in five minutes hearing none I close this portion of the meeting moves to bills and claims counc dagala thank you mayor I'd like to move excuse me Bills in claims in the amount of 2,888 32774 you have a second Say by councelor Macky any discussion all favor yes opposed this motion is carried next reports the standing committees beginning with Finance councilman D Gala I have eight resolutions I'd like to move as a package number one resolution authorizing the CFO to draw a warrant for dog licenses August 2024 resolution authorizing the CFO to draw warrant for recreation department refunds number three resolution authorizing CFO to draw warrant for unused parking permit fees number four resolution authorizing the CFO to draw warrants for overpaid taxes due to disabled veteran exemptions number five resolution off authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to draw warrants for overpaid taxes in 2024 number six resolution to adopt town of Westfield's restated Deferred Compensation Plan number seven resolution authorizing submission of an application for kids Recreation trust fund grant program and number eight resolution authorizing submission of an application for green Greening Union County grant program may I have a second second second by councilman armento any discussion all in favor yes yes opposed this motion has carried next public safety Transportation parking committee councilman dardia thank you mayor I would like to move General ordinance number 2024 d2020 d22 on first reading an ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 13 I have a second second by Council Mackie any discussion please call the role council members Daria yes yes keeper yeso yes Mackie yes mayle yes this motion has carried next code riew in town property committee councilor Macky I have two resolutions I would like to move as a package one resolution to approve children's Amusement device licenses two resolution amending Norths side train station lease may I have a second second s by councilman armento any discussion all in favor yes oppose this motion is carried I would like like to move General ordinance number 2024-25 on first reading an ordin ordinance authorizing the consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain areas of the town of Westfield may I have a second second second my Council dagala any discussion please call the role council members Daria yes doala yes keeper yes armento yes Mackie yes may yes this motion has carried next is Public Works committee councilman Macky I have two resolutions I would like to move as a package one resolution authorizing an award of contract for curbside collection of recyclable material two resolution authorizing an award of contract for the disposal of recyclable material may I have a second second so my councilman armento any discussion all in favor yes yes oppose this motion is carried and may I have a motion to adjourn so move move Council Macky second second is there my councilman Dy all in favor yes opposed this Mot is carried this meeting is adjourned good night everybody hope to see you tomorrow at 6:30