##VIDEO ID:0pQnfj3kwrM## start start the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay welcome to the beach committee meeting uh we have an agenda some of them are not going to be able to do the approval of the minutes of August 15th won't be able to be done we do not have a town clerk report or a head lifeguard report nether I didn't ask the town clerk for report they still have some passes trickling in but we're still under the number about four 500 under the number we usually sell really we don't know but we've made more money oh you weren't here at the last meeting we' made more money well the rates went up right so we don't know if it's it's a function of the rates going up or people none many people buying passes we're not sure uh what the story isad yeah uh I put down the complaints email Cur usually bring those he's not here so we don't have any complaints emails fence bid award contract we have two bids uh one from Southeast fence for $19,200 one from Castro Corp for $2,160 they're about within $1,000 of each other a little bit but there was a problem because they both provided specs for the fence and there's a difference between the two specs yeah Castro Corp spec a little heavier Duty fence and has mentioned that we need this he wants another shot or we should allow this guy to bid on the same specs we should put together a set of specs take exactly time to do it yeah yeah I mean we're not in any hurry uh like again but that has to be voted on also and we can't do that either so moving right along can we vote on the the stipulation of the specs with you you can't vote on the acceptance I can't have anything to do with defense okay so unfortunately I I shouldn't say that I can't I can mention it but I can't do take a vote regarding whether it because Southeast fence is the low bidder and they should be technically I believe yeah have to be awarded but Castro has come up and said well they didn't bid the same they bid the same so right so he said there's probably $2,000 difference between materials that's him so we have to give Southeast fence the ability to counter that can't vote on that and say okay cuz I can't vote on it okay so I apologize for that uh just trying to figure a way this is going to be one of the fastest this is going to be one of the fastest meetings on record uh reorganization committee there's nobody here so that we have to skip that one uh there's we were supposed to have a discussion we had a brief discussion on Recreation not it's a bad it's phrased badly in the agenda as taking over the beach committee basically it's asking as administrative Personnel for the beach committee yeah well that's I've always been aware that we are one of the few committees in town that don't have a administrative paid person we don't need it what's the reason we we don't need it but someday yeah we can't access the website I can't access the website to post agendas minutes or whatever and everybody's complaining about that because we don't have an administrative system I know how to do that do it for conservation I don't know if you can do it I can ask Jim if you could do it for because I've given the selectman's office all our minutes for since I was the chairman since should be able to set it up for me and I should be able to do it I'll talk to Jim in the morning because people are asking that question is my agenda's in my are you asking that question okay uh so having said that are you here for any specific proc or just to take everything in well no I I me we interested in obviously defense issue and interested in any issue you might discuss anything about defense that you have an issue with or I guess you know I guess the question we didn't understand is at least my husband and I didn't understand is there some kind of contractual agreement where there has to be a f the there was been a handshake agreement that was going back to the 60s about because the access road on the beach is on these people's property MH and they would just like a fence to keep people from wandering on further onto their property and people have been doing it if you go to the end of the fence you'll see this nice really worn path that cuts across and to be good neighbors and to be neighborly we believe that we should maintain the fence in a good order to keep people from not that it keeps everybody out by any stretch of the imagination right now the fence is a hazard if you've been down there there's you know sharp pieces and it's being held up by the sand essentially uh been that way for yeah it's been that way for a while and we and the butters have been very patient this has been a three to four year process about replacing the fence and uh we're just trying to be good neighbors and do the right thing uh a lot of people you why do we need a fence and if the fence wasn't there there was no doubt in my mind that people would wander into the dunes and there would be and that's all private property off to the left and if you lived there you wouldn't want people doing it to you so that's why we're doing the fence we now is this a deed right away is this no I mean there were there were RightWay it was called John Road believe it or not but you know they didn't build it right they just built it according to topography as opposed to suppos to be street from you I wonder if we're going to someday we might the get into the same problem as the landing has with the uh Masons this that is always a problem they the abutters have never sent anything and we've been using it so long that well and I recall though when we had a issue not an issue but we were for years we would walk across a strip of land right to get from our house to our parents my in-law's house right and it you we didn't own it they owned it and we just walked across and the uh owners of the property uh sent us a a a form letter from you know the lawyer that said you know we uh we don't mind you're walking across our property but you will have to wave forever your uh right of uh what's it called an absolute right to do it you well it's there's a a phrase adverse possession right you you wave adverse possession right or yeah and so I don't it may not be a bad idea if you talk to the administrator or well we were trying to work out a formal easement and that couldn't be worked out they were a little be in place of that right right and I I I just wonder why the uh the Masons and the town landing people can't come up with something like that they've been trying to come up with something like that and there's an issue about liability and because it's a uh that should all be in the letter somewhere I think the Masons have been pretty good and not I'm on the landing committee and it's nothing something to do perview this board but I don't want to go off the crack yeah yes so uh it's sort of sim but it's got similarities similarities but I mean the town's been using the access road to the beach for as long as I've been alive and that's not a long time is the town using the access road that's right to the um East yes thank you relative to the um the walking path No the Walking path as you get to the top of the hill crosses over onto the property as you get back down along the hill like where the pine tree is there's a big pine tree there you're back onto Town property okay so it the issue is the the fence that uses access there to drive down y so it's been used for years and years and years however you know to avoid conflicts and neighbors because to build a road or do anything it would be as Leon knows conservation well to get the permits to do the things that most people want to do boardwalks that would be next nearly impossible that's sort of a road I mean if you go down below the sand just a little ways there's a pretty hard surface underneath observe the fence and agree is it just the is it run just where the dunes are most yeah we're going to replace from where it starts we're going to extend it a little across this well-worn foot path that people have used to get around the fence start a little further and run it back to the tree uh because that's the most vulnerable part uh of the crossing issue uh the fence is pretty good shape from there up and it's it's obvious because of conditions down there you get the worst conditions in the world for metal the public property where people are going on to the private property is the motivation use the path or just explore the it's just because there's a nice set of does there what the problem is that it's all private property and people have paid a lot of money for those homes I've known the the Cooper Mullen family my whole life and everything they own those that first Lane way next one Joe Collins and that group they've own they've been very good and you know but what happens is and it's not as bad as it used to be now that we lock the gates every night and we've got cameras and everything but they'd be party central bonfires broken glass people are walking down to the beach on their property and there glass all over the place and garbage and you name it and then in the winter when it snowed they were using it for snowboarding and you know wearing away the grass and it was just basically you know and yeah something has you know I I sympathize with them because I wouldn't want somebody doing that in my backyard sure you know it's an the attractive nuisance it's just where you live and everybody knows that but why do they have to put up with it you know so as to be good neighbors and to be you know you know not to get into whole legal battles and things along that line that nobody wants to get into we think that replacing the fence would be a good idea so uh that's so moving on to number 10 we've been asked to do some Landscaping at the town Beach parking lot uh I mentioned at the selectman's meeting we could put up a nice sign that says Westport toown Beach that could have a slider on there that says open closed or uh you know permit required people don't like the metal rusty metal signs and things hanging all over the place I'm not sure what you do uh which we'll come to another when we get to the member issues I'm not sure what we can do but I think having a nice sign that says Westport town beach nice wooden sign everything similar to foreneck Beach and that kind of thing would and to do some cleanup uh a couple weeks ago somebody was locked in the parking lot mhm and cuz I locked them in that's how I know and the funny thing is I went back the next morning and the car had moved from the first Bay to the fourth Bay and the way they did it and I don't know why they did it but the way they did it was they took down the poles the horizontal poles between the Bays to go through there oh but then they were still stuck stuck yeah so I said you would have been better off more effort just breaking the gate and going out and unfortunately his the person's mother called and said my son will be coming back for his car so now we know who who it was and who did it and the police were involved and everything but so there was a thought that because people keep backing into those horizontal telephone poles that are on the vertical poles and knocking them off even though they're bolted down and nailed down people keep to put a heavy rope between them yeah well I I'll go take a look and then and that yeah so if you have any ideas uh I mean the pine trees that are growing up the town of Myer mentioned you'd like to see them go I think it adds to you know cuz there's no shade in that parking lot whatsoever I mean not the ones on the edge but there's a couple on the the BMS that I think I haven't looked at it for a while it's a matter of some people love the fact that we keep it natural other people want it to be paved with boardwalks and Ferris wheels and you know just like the Poole fil the problem with the pothole field there's not much you can do because it's just all sand every time you get a rainstorm and every the way what happens every year they fix it and every year it gets worse because that's where people accelerate and decelerate and when you do that you push the sand and you get into the sand and it's just the there Got To Be A Way fix we could put a bigger paved apron than we've been talking about that but then the pothole just moves well I know they uh I mean that the puddles on Beach Avenue are Colossal yeah and they Tred they've graded that over the years and they always come back unless you do strictly pavement on Sand like that it's just going to move when it rains and people accelerate and decelerate in one particular spot and that's where it happens right where people make the turn in cuz they're turning the wheels and that's causing the and then on the way out it kind of accelerating to get out of the parking lot it's a it's it's a problem that happens every Gravel Road in the world I live on a gravel road it happens all the time we fix it every year and every year it's the same thing we we in the spring we go down and fix all these things and You by July you would never know we did anything the uh they have the the material it's like concrete hexagon shape but it's multi impious right grass in it on it something like that ever help stabilize yeah it would that's what we have down at the end of Beach Avenue that's what the handicap people use to just where yeah just where the handicap parking area a handicapped access mainly yeah but uh it's a I mean it would be it would be a project yeah and that's because you have to remove all the material put it down fill it with gravel put it back and there's no guarantee it's going to work because one of the problems is if it snows we get complaints nobody Park plows the parking lot as soon as you plow gravel you're starting the process all over again you structure I mean obviously increasing the paved apron entrance would help a little bit Yeah that would help with the Turning yeah it would help with it would help yeah but what happens is because it's a an edge of a Pavement in sand that will break up and work its way back to the pothole world I mean I nobody likes it I don't like it I mean doesn't bother I have a truck you know and it doesn't bother me but I know I see people with a Prius and if you're doing one mile an hour you can get through there if you do any more than that you're taking off the bottom of your car so it's it's a question of do we want to PVE parking lot there yeah that's the ultimate solution I I don't think and a lot of people don't like I said we get rave reviews from every beach goers and everything about how there isn't you know you can get on it's natural from that point all the way down to the mouth of the river it is what it is and some people love that we have people who one person in particular who complains that we have in every spring there's too much sand on the beach it's hard to walk and we have people complain there's not enough sand on the beach can we do something about that it it we don't have control over those things When Storms Come a lot of Paving Paving methods like crushed rock or gravel yeah are impossible to walk on in bare feet yeah because we get that because the hills have been washed very and I I you know if I'm going to the beach I'd like to be able to get out of my car right leave my shoes in the car and walk to the beach with bare feet and so there only a there aren't that many different um I think you guys did a wonderful job of cleaning up like the children beach side yeah um it looked really nice and it was cared nicely and so um wondering if there was ever an effort to do the same on the other in the spring and just like kind of weed whack some of the they weed whack like usually like Memorial Day just before it opens because it's your maximum effect to kill the weeds as they're growing what happens is during the summer you can't weed whack down there cu the parking lot's full yeah so so the weeds just keep growing and growing and then you notice they weed whack probably in August on a rainy day they went down we had them go down and like weed whack again it's like that's one of those things if you pave it you don't have that problem right uh but it's it's I understand that issue sometimes like the the growth is encroaching on the parking and so then it's preventing less parking right they cleaned it up pretty good in August this year and they will go back in the spring and clean up any other thing but again in the spring when they're doing it like Memorial Day things haven't really kind of taken off yet and it really depends on weather and all kinds of other things but we I mean we try and the highway department only has five guys so they can only that was actually my next comment um is there would there be any um effort to like do like a community day clean up where come in help kind of well twice a year they you know the Watershed Alliance has a gravage yeah I mean anybody who wants to you know we could probably organize something like that I don't know what the liability if somebody got injured you get power equipment and things along that line but uh you know we do appreciate it and you know we it would be nice we know we know that you know the trees you know Leaf out and everything and that's just the way it is I mean we've done the path a couple years ago we did a path straight yeah but in two years from now know you don't have a lot of maners right if there was I'm positive there's a lot well this is the would want to get their hands dirty yeah well this is the Landscaping effort that we okay what is's the landscaper guy he's the architect here uh well I do know that I think there was a period when uh maybe it was the Boy Scouts were planting Doom grass no the the water shed plants Doom grass and and they have those days same idea right but I can tell you in my again my short lifetime the difference between the dunes now as for vegetation and when they were 30 years ago is night and day that low area just off the path was all bare and now it's completely filled with vegetation along the side the same thing so does come back yeah yeah it's it's something you want cuz it holds the beach together but not everybody wants some of the things and it you wrestle between again everybody who wants it don't touch anything and the other problem we have is during the Plover season we can't touch anything we try to explain why can't you do that you know because sometimes the Plover there early we can't even clear the path that's that's April to September right so if they're nesting right at the mouth of the path mhm we' got big problems so we can't do anything on the beach if they play Po and that's required by law and by our agreement with the Plover and the aabon and that whole thing not a lot of people are happy about the plovers I think it you know does them a lot of disservice they get bad PR because people don't like to see their favorite Beach spot fenced off with Clover fencing it's just we have no choice and this High Department can't do anything if they're present and that's part of the problem two years ago we had a big problem because they were nesting right at the end and we couldn't do we couldn't clear the path for Memorial Day we couldn't do anything we probably help you to put notice like that up we put signs up and they disappear okay just something in the paper yeah oh no we we we every year aabon puts a thing and it's on the front page of shorelines about the clovers but the fact that you've not PL yet oh has been delayed due blah blah blah we get the email that why hasn't this been done why hasn't that been done and we mention it in the in the hearings and we kind of and people who feeli phone calls whether Paul at the selman's office or the Town Administrator or conservation you just we can't and you have to explain to them what's going on we tried to explain to people with dogs and I'm the biggest dog guy in town and everybody doesn't get it and this year because of the number of complaints from aabon we had the Animal control officer there on a pretty regular basis uh keeping um I I do not want to see I walk that beach my whole life with dogs and everything and I minor own I understand the the what you want to do is get down the end of the path and with the tennis ball let the dog off leash and whip it down the beach and have the dog run back and forth but you just can't do that that's not in between April and September you can't do it it's just you're not supposed to have a loose dog anywhere on the beach but especially during those months and I know people don't understand that and that's when they want to walk it's and everybody goes down there at 7 o'clock in the morning before lifeguards get there and 7 o'clock at night after everybody's gone uh but this year there was more of a push to do something about that it worked yeah it I think and it was well advertised and everything and and it's disappointing for me because I love with my dogs walking the beach everybody seen me there obviously uh but you know even my whole life I've never seen a leash dog catch a piping Clover so you know if people kept them on leash I think you'd have a little better cooperation but unfortunately and then yeah there's there's too many people that think they own Lassie and it becomes a and I I respect people who don't like dogs you know and that's why mine are always six feet from me at all times when I had six of them down there they were six feet from me at all times so it's it's just a common courtesy but in the world we live in today there's not too much common courtesy so if you have a minute if you want to to the end of the agenda that's fine I want to ask a couple questions okay so uh member issues so uh I have good news oh I'll let you go with it I have no no big issue I uh I I just want to say that uh almost every Monday morning I went down to Beach Avenue and picked up the trash so there is somebody else who does it but but Monday is trash day in Harbor so I just go down and sometimes it's pretty pretty awful yeah the I mean people are just you know the highway department dump it the the highway department in the L trust have been doing it yeah well I know but I don't know how often they've been doing it well I notice yeah yeah and because it's not every day it's not every day that's an ongoing problem there's nothing yeah I mean the best thing to do is just just keep it clean and people get the idea cherry and web since we took away the barrels and we lock up at night has stayed very clean I mean you get the arbitrary plastic bottles and bags and balloons but it was it got better over the summer but there were a couple of days there when it was uh pretty awful it's again East Beach is a disaster I mean that every time I turn the corner at 5:30 in the morning other otherwise you know it's been it hasn't the parking isn't that bad the signs are in place everything the mats were out this summer we parked there today have lunch and we have a CRV and where we were it was really much rock you know that it actually was kind of difficult are you talking about East Beach yep yeah that that's that's one of those things like we had planned to move the we had this plan this grand scheme of uh moving that section of the road on the second zigzag back as far as we could on the town property which is basically 100 ft uh to pull and so that the whole East Beach facility would be on the that side of the road and would have a nice parking spot there cuz You' have the old pavement and you wouldn't be on the Cobble with the parking granted cuz we can't remove the Cobble and we can't do anything else with the Cobble it is what it is and with the storms we had last winter it was a bad problem because we had a woman who left a complaint not a complaint but a suggestion I see this gentleman every summer and I feel so bad for him he's a double amputee he has a handicap van and he has to park on the not the ocean side because he can't do anything on that side and people take the only spot he can at the end and no one does anything so we're going to put handicap spots up signs and delineate those for people such as him but this we with the storms and everything they would have been it got all screwed up how's the property swap going ahead in process so the climate resiliance committee which I'm a member of uh and the buzz Bay Coalition doing a study and everybody I suggested we not do do this big beach Improvement down there with the property Swap and everything because it's going to be underwater by 2050 or whatever they're predicting uh okay I I said well we still got you know 26 years why don't we use it so it's I I would like to see it done because it's a very simple thing to do we own that property except that one in the middle he did not put his trailer there this year mhm we could we had to deal to swap land from that piece down there and just R in the road straight make a nice little parking area and have a gated similar to chion web where you'd have gates to come in and out the East we'll call it East Beach facility a fence yeah really yeah and you know similar to what they have on Gooseberry with you know little guardrail type thing so because one of the problems we have at East Beach and is things going on there all night and day and all the people on first second and third street let us know that 2 in the morning when this spinning tires and playing music loud as can be and everything else and I've talked to the fisherman who are un appreciative of these same people because they know the end is coming for their ability to go night fishing down there or early morning fishing and then it'll be locked and what have you but you know it' be nice to have a parking area not because the number of people I help in the morning cuz their car is stuck in the Cobble is uh amazing you know it's just you have to know what to do so that was a plan uh it did not come very far we had the gentleman was very amenable to swapping land he just wanted like for like and we could do that the problem is it it took an Act of the legislature literally because the value of the land is worth more than $10,000 so you have to get an act of the legislator or has to go out to bid and anybody could buy that gentleman's land he could end up with nothing so he was not happy about that unless there was a guarantee that if you want to sell it to the town uh and we'll get to this the good news part in a second but uh you wanted to sell to the town for less than $10,000 which wasn't wasn't a good idea uh then it it kind of and he contacts me every once in a while to see like I said he did not put a trailer on that lot it's the only one on that side of the road on E Beach there he did not do it this year because for obvious reason there were 19 trailers that didn't come back this year and a lot of it is because there was nothing to come back there's no land no left and know we don't know how what the future brings the town's East Beach other than disrupting the Cobble MH really didn't lose a lot of beach like they did further down uh and that's because you keep it natural it naturally levels off by itself if he always building a cliff to put your trailer on it is what it is anyway uh I digress Leon do you have any member issues no member issues but uh we had the last spraying okay we spray for mosquitoes garlic oil that's all if you ever go down there right after you do it it smells like a burnt pizza that's why that's why makes you hungry makes me hungry when I go down there so I'm very into dragonflies and bees and stuff so it I have my own property done because it's it uh just yeah the ticks and the mosquitoes butterflies it doesn't hurt bees it doesn't hurt and dragonfly is my favorite creature it doesn't hurt so and it and it works fairly well you notice after a couple weeks and unless it rains a lot do that ourselves or no we do the parking lot and then the path on both sides and you can tell when I go down the lock up I can really tell CU When you walk down the gauntlet and you don't give a pint of blood from mosquitoes walk through the woods you know it works pretty well you Happ to know what where you Source the stuff yes like if you want to know just call conservation tomorrow and I'll give you the information it it it work it worked surprisingly well cuz you you know you hear natural stuff and you always know that it doesn't really quite work as well as everybody will claim this seems to work as well as they claim yes does and it's fairly inexpensive to do and I think it's a huge benefit obviously for the facility I got four acres and it only cost me $235 so so it's nothing uh and I got the putter John should be out yeah Port of Johns are out I met the gentleman there and at 6:00 in the morning and we opened up the gate and he took it out so the P of Johns are out uh uh in your opinion versus what we had and and Mr I like fray's better you like fray's better okay I think uh the porter John's were a little nicer as much as Porter John can be okay be nice if they both loed people have walked in on on the handicap yeah well I think way to lock it if you some watch I don't I don't think he supposed to be able to lock any comp I don't think you can because of the whole I can ask that question though yeah I know but there a thing for it yeah I think the other ones were much better uh but okay I don't know what the price is but we wanted to know that because we we contracted with r we had a new person Mr cess pool this year they were good about cleaning I checked them out uh they were good about cleaning so uh the difference in price is not much all right okay we have all this money that everybody thinks we have all this money so I'll Rec contact FRS and see if they want to take over for next year okay I have uh I don't have anything some some great news we are closing on the piece of property at shering web beach in the next couple of weeks we had a purchase and sales that we kept Hush Hush if anybody went to town meeting there was a town meeting article that we kept kep kind of convoluted you know for the purpose of acquiring property this gentleman sold us 100 ft of beach for $10,000 where is and we didn't want anybody to know about it for obvious reasons because the whole world would be buying 100 feet of beach for a million dollars if they get along as they get on on the ocean side oceans side yep right next just down from the town beach yeah how D I think there's a land trust piece in there it's just past the land trust there's a land trust there's a so is it adjoining that or yes oh great so that's it's it's a huge benefit to opening bigger town the town beach is only like 350 ft wide technically it's now a little wider so it's towards voter speed yes okay so uh we got this at a very reasonable price from the gentleman uh who approached us first and we said H don't tell anybody we can't bring it up at a meeting we were afraid somebody would come in and disrupt the whole thing because obviously the own 100t of beat the somebody would pay $10,000 access to is it no but it's joining the town beach well access well we haveen because we have access to there's always access to from the shore the issue would be if you bought a$ 10,000 piece of pro dollar piece of property at the beach you're entitled to a beach pass regardless of where you live so you could go down there and sit on the beach all night if you wanted to because it's your property wellow I mean you pitch a tent you could do anything you want and this is what we were trying to avoid yeah somebody who owns own it if there were an owner a private owner the I mean you know the rule in Massachusetts is that you can uh between high and low tide fishing fowling navigation and strolling yeah that's what the that's the rule but what that means is that you can't put a beach towel down and sit on it so somebody if they wanted to be really difficult could sit there all day and well you like I said you could put you could put a 10 up on the beach and Camp there all summer if you want not let anybody actually sit on their beach towel yeah so this is great yeah this this was a uh the only promise concession we made was the gentleman is entitled to a beach pass for the rest of his life that sounds pretty we thought that was a good we thought that was a good deal one one beach pass does not you know it we were surprised when he approached us and we just looked at it as we think it's a big plus for the it was a great coup I guess I don't know what what else to call it because we were a little concerned it took a year to get there but will this be additional guarded water or I guess it have to be now yeah again it's only another 100 feet going down but the town owns it we don't have to worry about me the town owns cherry and W the the end of the point horack the 64 Acres at the end of who owns that who actually owns that it's owned by the town of Westport it's the charion web Conservation Area it has it was donated to the town right yeah under strict regulations that it would not you would not ever change the use develop it etc etc ET so you never could even put a lifeguard there if you wanted to no okay but one of the things they mentioned because the two gentlemen who donated were were Big Doug Hunters was not to exclude hunting a lot of people ask CU some people do hunt in the dunes deer and and there's nothing we can do about that it's part of the agreement when he donated 64 the best acres in the town of Westport to the town of Westport for Zar so we would you don't lift gift horses in mouth so to speak uh so anyway that was a really good thing that came in through this week uh from Town Council and everything pns has been drafted and I guess things will be finalized and this gentleman will sign over the deed of the property uh we have our new beach vehicle I don't know if anybody seen it the new gator it it came in in June but it took us till August to get the title to have it actually ured to be used at the beach it's sitting in the garage if you want to take a look at it it's a very nice thing it works out very well uh lifeguards were pleased MH because we don't have to use that Humvee where the doors were falling off and you had to start it by twisting two wires together and doing that kind of thing so yeah and the worst thing is we couldn't leave it there because there was no key to start it so they had to drive it back up here every morning and then back down to the beach and I rode in that vehicle and I wouldn't want to be riding in that vehicle put it that way so we put the you know in the storage container the storage container at the end of the road that you see we have all the equipment that's all been moved up here we're going to have the storage container taken out cuz we rent that that's a that's $129 a month to have that there wow so the question is why would you buy it because the thing is going to be a rusted bucket of bolts in two years so no that's a terrif so that worked out very well everything seemed to work out very well uh the chairs are left in the beach parking lot in the lock Bay uh they will be left there all winter uh just for ease of running them back and forth in the spring uh trying to think of what else um again if anybody has any idea out in the public or here uh for landscaping ideas or things they would like to see please don't come to us for a boardwalk that's not going to happen please don't come to us to to paav the access road down to the beach because that's not going to happen uh can't be done uh but I think a wouldn't sign at the B entrance I don't know how everybody feels about the flashing sign that says close to day parking permit required we had a couple of emails people don't see it for some reason that big sign that says cuz there's one person said what what happened to the sign that says no parking parking permit required and I thought well some Mr stole it so I drove down there after I got the email and it was still there I see it every night when I lock up so I think what happens is people aren't paying attention even though you look at it the whole way down the road people who Park who think they're at Horseneck who think they are part I didn't see it you know I don't know how you miss it I don't know what else we can do to make it more apparent for people not the park without passes we had we have more and more problems every year because $50 is not a lot of money anymore couldn't that be changed we just the maximum the maximum and I think there's a way around this the maximum allowable fine for a parking in the Massachusetts is $50 and everybody who parks there and we'll tell the police you can't take a family AFF of the movies for $50 but you can take a family four to Ching we Beach for $50 is there still a problem when you U use GPS that it put in like some version horse neck Beach it sent you down chry have that still broken i' I've used three GPS's to check check that out ways GPS navigator and Maps Google Maps what happens is as you cross over the bridge it says the destination is on your right and everybody takes the right even though there's a big sign that says horn Beach reservation this this way they take the first right and I don't know why I don't know how you call it Google or ways to say hey can you change that I don't know why you fix that problem the state signage isn't that good they're calling it you know Conservation Area there's a sign in the center that's it it was something you know that said beach with an arrow well should say Beach parking in and and a lot of people and I don't you know I ask him you know what this isn't horse night Beach it's like no so maybe if it's the big sign out there that says Westport town beach even though on every gate it says permit required and yeah yeah you know if there's a nice wooden sign you know a wooden sign with you know it says Westport toown beach permit required at the entrance you know or at the beginning I don't know I I just don't know what else you do but a lot of people are parking on purpose so I mean because it's $50 July 4th weekend is 95° you're going to go to the beach come hella high water you you got a station wagon or a caravan full of kids surfboards and coolers you don't care about the ticket you know I'd love to see a $1 thousand ticket because that would solve problems quickly I I did not ask the uh Administrative Assistant this I was going to ask Denise how many tickets we had this year she's the one that's the ticket parking ticket uh because I would be interested to see during the pandemic we would running 2,700 tickets people didn't care they were wanted to get out of the house they were going to park illegally I don't care and even more problems people Park in other people they what they do is they find driveways so they look like they're being you know people aren't down for the weekend or whatever the case may be and they park there that's one of those things so would um putting a sign once you you've exited your car at the parking area if you were to put a sign by the book kiosk and the other said something like you know warm and fuzzy welcome to Cher web and then something to the effective you please if you intend to go to beach you're not there this is well the trips had a little little uh Sandwich Board thing out there for a while this is not henck Beach uh that got stolen so that you know and all the signs in the parking lot that say you know that you know that's why there's just polls there with no signs yeah surprising you know it says you know no parking 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. they get stolen have you ever have you ever seen the sign on the uh at the end of Demis Lloyd Park well you you walk into demver lyd and you go go right and then it turns into private property and the sign says uh danger Longhorn cattle with bull and it's in English and Portuguese so I mean yeah you know yeah it's something like that it it's a matter of you know we I'm assuming we're all Town residents you know we feel very blessed we have one of the best beaches everybody very jealous of that beach that we have and you know rightly so uh cuz people come from Little Compton to that beach people come from Dartmouth to the beach cuz every spring you see the Dartmouth Indian you know High School stickers and the windows and all the other you know where they're coming from you know and a lot of people come from Providence believe it or not I don't know what the thing is there uh but you know we try to do everything we can the police try to do everything they can we're Limited in Personnel in the town I'm not making an advocation of you know hire a million people tomorrow we have five people for the whole town for the highway department doing the plowing the everything and all the maintenance on the roads we have you know during the tonight we have you know three or four police cars on the road and all the activity is north of Charing web and chering web is about as far away from the activity as you can possibly be that's why for the last 15 years I've been going down every night to lock at 8:30ish after getting ice cream at Woods uh uh but it's I'm not going to do it forever you know and I and I go down there at 6:30 in the morning cuz I go to Goose bear with the dogs to run them and then I go over unlock the gates uh it's been working because you don't F piles of cans bottles and bonfires all over the place but something it's going to it's only going to get worse it's not going to get better I don't know what going to happen in the future anybody has suggestions has there ever been discussion about a parking attendance at least on the weekend or something we've had a concession we've had discussions about a parking attendant on the obviously busy weekends you know through to like July into August like for8 weeks having somebody who needs pet peeve is and and you you know they don't what's that that's my pet peeve is yeah I keep bringing it up you know if you had somebody down there at 10:00 in the morning till 2:00 in the afternoon CU that's the problem times uh but I myself and the former chair of the uh Beach committee Tim St Michelle used to go down there Fourth of July weekend to help Park cars but you only have so many parking spots and there's so many you know it the only thing it helps is the people who don't have stickers but even then I sat there when this Patrol woman was writing tickets and I was talking to her and this person pulled in without us sing and and she said you can't park here you're going to get ticketed and he asked how much is the ticket $50 said okay and just got out of the car and left and that's that's the mindset you know I have people you know fisherman who ask me all the time they'd love to go down there at night go down walk down to the boaters beach in fact last Saturday there was a gentleman with four teenagers mhm and it was you know the fishing is real good in the fall we all know you know and I told him I said you can't park in the parking lot or can I park I said I can't tell you that either but you can't park in the parking lot that's all I'm telling you it's a long walk from the back Eddie down to the boers beach because that's basically I think where they end up going it's either there or the boat ramp but there nothing I mean that we used to allow fishermen to get a pass at the police station as long as we knew who they were so that if there was anything happened but we can't even do that anymore cuz what was happening is they were parking and then people realize oh if I go get a pass I don't have I don't have to show the police I have a fishing pole so next thing you know there's 20 cars down there and there's not a lot of fishermen so that kind of got ruined and it's unfortunate uh as a fellow fisherman uh so there's certain things and people get upset about all these restrictions and all these things but I think it's just the way you have to do it for everybody to enjoy the beach and not get Disturbed just wanted to um understand what you discussion has been about accessibility um as I get older my husband had limited access to the beach this year with back weight surgery and having surgery um the walks the walk I get that I understand you can't pave it and whatever but you know you do plow it in the spring right um is there any reason why you don't repow again why is it only once well cuz you're you're fighting a a losing battle you know uphill battle no unintended difference yeah I mean and then and they're limited as how many times they can actually do it and what it actually does you actually want the sand to build up so that you can bring it up and dump it on the beach you know it it's unfortunate because you can't go after every storm because you can go two months right and have no sand build up but then all of a sudden you have one storm and you have 3 ft of sand at the end of the that I don't disagree with you all I'm saying is I've never seen it plow more than once no it's only in the spring and and I understand now you're restriction you can do that yeah but you know it's one thing to walk on nice hard surface you know but when you get into that de twisty sand I fell two years ago he wasn't able to go at all you know sh and John they have two cards now because you put everything in one card was too heavy for either one of them with few things trying to do you know there's no I understand there probably problems putting mats Anywhere But even at the mouth of it if you had a map that got you that last you know so many feet to the shore you know it's just very very difficult and it's not there's a large population of people that don't have handicap passes that can go to um the Harbor Beach and you know Park in those three parking spaces and get to the beach so um and you know horse a experience I know we have an option to do that horse neck's even tough now cuz there's no sand on Horseneck no but I mean I took my 94 mother to hor neck and you know I put in a handicap parking place cuz she has it but she still had to walk quite a distance to get in then on the mat you know so she did it there was a lot of walking and they were nice enough when I left I actually asked them if I could they let me drive down the roadway you know right at the end of the m so she wouldn't have to walk all there you know know those options but I mean to try I'd like to try to use cherry and web as long as I can and my husband also and I just didn't know if there's been you know a real plan to try to do something I mean a kid with a golf cart going up and down would be lovely you know something that would help people be able to use it we we you know and and if you saw the beach vehicle that would be a very nice vehicle to use the the issue you run into and I hate to say this is you it sounds like a cop out but uh it's liability because there people walking on the path there something happens a vehicle hits somebody on the path if this and the other thing is there are a lot of people who just want it to be as natural as possible but putting a mat down just well the mat well you see what happens to the mat at the kitty Beach it gets eroded because it stayed or it gets covered and then there's no mat left that's why they pull the mats up every every fall you know have to pull the I talking about one section of M you know you need more than that I mean you need last whatever 100 ft of probably getting more than 50 less than 100 I would say even if even if you start it out just 50 ft of it I mean be helpful anything would be an improvement over what it is now it's really really hard understood that deep sand is very hard and you don't know it what it's going to be like you know until you get there and I appreciate that every storm changes it but I don't to only follow it once well the whole idea is you're not allowed to do that basically for environmental reasons because they want natural Beach nourishment so you to go down and and do that on a regular basis Cal Zone management would not be happy with you I can tell you that but then they Ian they tore up they tore up the road the LA en H to create like a lighter believe me the town went nuts about that whole thing and I understand completely it's going to look like that for years well especially when the cable comes in from the wind farm I appreciate that these required restrictions and stuff but don't stop asking you know we're more or less a retirement community down here and a beautiful resource is going to be you know inaccessible and nobody is inaccessible a large population here we I've worked with and I know the chairman of the disabilities committee very well uh and we've he and I work together on many that's why you see the mat over at the kitty Beach and you know the we put the poles up because people were parking so handy cat people couldn't even use them you know this is the way the world is but and we put the mats down and E because there's only so many things you can do for the access to the beach that can be allowed to be done we unfortunately as a town and we've gone through this for I've been on 19 years now I've been on this committee for 19 years we've gone to coastal zone management about East Beach putting mats on East Beach to get from the down to the water to go no no no no don't move the rock don't move the sand you can't can't do this you can't do that why why could they do them at the campground because they're the state and they held the rules no but I mean that's that's our that's our test case that's our that's our precedent yeah well when we apply it's it's no I mean I know it sounds kind of ridiculous like what they did at the dunes this year even the Conservation Commission she will tell you as the secretary they went nuts the commission went nuts and state doesn't care the state was allowed to put all those facilities build them up over the dun grass to do all that stuff right millions of dollars worth of work without any permits we can't every year to put the fence up we have to go to conservation to get a permit to put replace an existing fence and we have to have the state approval on it this is what we go through and and I don't think people realize that because everybody says why don't you do a boardwalk at least a walkway like you said right alongside the co so people can drive and also walk on a fairly hard Skate Path I guess and get get it down to the beach well you know that would be great on the first you know th000 ft and then you get close to the end every time there's a storm you wouldn't have that remaining anymore basically but there yeah can we put a mat down we could probably put a mat down in the summer but it would have to be pulled up in the win well it's the same thing as it's the same thing that happens Avenue it's the same thing Gooseberry still has their mats out for the handicap Beach Avenues they were there they will be pulling it up shortly because it's that time of year so the question you know because what happens it's not too bad right now down there but it will be bad if if we had a hurricane for instance you know with one of these even way offshore you know it doesn't have to be even a hurricane it just be a bad storm that would all disappear in 2 minutes and we be back to a three foot M of sand because you see what's happened down there if you've been down there in the last couple weeks the sand has piled up now this deposited they want that to blow back up onto the beach to rebuild what happened to the storms last year when you lost 30 ft of Dunes so they don't want you playing around with a bulldozer or a front end loader to clear back and dump it because that's not a natural occurring thing if you want to take it up with castal Zone management I'll be happy to support you in every way shape or form because we have this discussion not every year so you get approval to do it in the spring but you don't have approval to do it any we can do it in the spring on the guise of emergency access but you don't think your your lifeguards and other safety personnel have troubled as the summer goes on that builds up yeah we could do it in the summer probably but as long as the pull aren present yeah I'm not asking you guys to do it you know every week I'm just saying don't just do it in the spring and then then never again well we can only do it before the plovers get there that's and then we can't do it that's ail and that's you know and then we can't do it if the Plover is a present anywhere on the beach that's that could be till August well this year it was earlier but yeah you know and it depends if there's no P present yeah you then then we're okay but there's always clovers present yeah I mean there's a monitor that we yeah and we get the big and we get the big nashal report and the town's going to get fining $10,000 for disturbing habitat yada yada yada she knows all about this but and I know all about this and it's just something we have no control over but they're not in that area or if it's over early then just try to see if you can yeah typically they were gone by August but also depending on the weather and the conditions and everything that goes on down there uh you know you may or may not need to do it as you know three times two times four times we can try I I can say we can try to do it and see how that works you know I mean we could probably do it after Labor Day do one last Porsche after Labor Day but then they have to leave it for the winter because that's when the sand builds back up what are the practices of the other beaches in terms of of uh sand surface management okay okay so the only people that really that really manage to sand is Baker's Beach Jake mcgan and he's under the same restrictions and if you go down there you'll notice that he's got the same problem uh he's beginning to have the same problem that no hearty has had is most of the sand has left and there nothing but cobbles and that's what each Beach is like uh and that's an unfortunate we still we still have sand on our beach and we always will and I I attribute that to the fact that we don't over manage like horse over managed for years and if you take out I make this argument nobody wants to believe it but in the ' 50s when they took out 20 acres of Dunes to put pave parking areas in where's the sand going to come from to nourish the beach it's not plus the causeway of Gooseberry stops it from so now they're they're reaping the benefits and or you know destruction of 18 20 acres of Doom the campgrounds a couple years ago they said we're closing down all the Waterfront Lots you're going to have to keep so that it can build back up and everybody went crazy so they left them and now they have nothing but Cobble and there's nothing but nothing there at the campground and they complain about that you can't have it every way you want it because it just doesn't work that way curious you made a comment about a few of the where the trailers are stage go for the summer season that a couple of parcels has lost that the trailers having to come back um what's the probable future like it'll be gone it'll be gone is it it's not after a couple storms not it does probably won't come back if you have a 38 hurricane there will be nothing left on that beach and so what is the like I've seen seen biking you know for sale here and there there just wondering would the town ever want to take possession of any of that we are not going to pay we you know it's been asked we are not going to pay $189,000 for 15 ft of rock dollar Capital they can't put it there's nothing it's amazing to me that the state hasn't decided to say no never mind thanks for playing you know whatever it is is is shrinking with every storm that's why you saw a lot more if you drove by there there were a lot fewer trailers in lot them for sale uh you know it used to cross where the town beach is that's you used to go into the Le from there but because they changed the Dynamics and this is why they don't want you doing that it crosses way over near John Reed Road now it crosses over it goes over at Gooseberry because that section in between they keep dumping you know two feet of sand and Cobble two feet of sanding and they build this little Cliff so the water's going to find the path of least resistance and eventually when it gets around the backside that's why why it dragged it all into the ocean and that's why they were complaining the town was taking their rocks and yada yada y but it's it's a process that you can't stop right if you if they want to build uh you know like in Portsmith and in Middletown and Newport you know 6 foot high concrete twoot wide CA seaw wall along that whole section of L to stop the water from coming up over the road that's great but you're not going be able to access your lot anymore so you can't you can't have it and Cal Zone management has told them yeah you no armoring no you know none of this none of that you can't armoring the shoreline uh you can't do you know you can do qu Beach nourishment but basically what they're doing is just Beach filling they're filling in the ocean because every time there's a storm it just washes back into the ocean it it's something you know eventually what scares me about cherry and web is has gotten probably 150 ft narrower in my lifetime a lot what's going to happen if there is a 38 hurricane you know if if that Beast goes the town is going to lose a very important Recreation slash area and people are going to be wondering going to be left I don't want to say high and dry as a bad word way of putting it but so we do as much as we can but we can only allow to do so many things the regulations you know it's rules for the not for me from the state only allow you to do certain things as Jack found out some 20 years ago when he used to take the Cobble and build a wind row along East Beach Road to save the road and got into all kinds of trouble Boulders and yeah and put Boulders there to try to save the road try to do these things Common Sense things like why can't we do this and don't Bob Carol Jack theor God Rest their souls Tim St Michelle myself we all went down there with Rebecca Haney and coastal zone management for years years and years and years because we want to do something in East Beach the only possibility of good access for handicap and the elderly is East Beach because either way going from the parking lot to Cher and web the th feet to get to the beach whether you're able bodies or not on a 95 degree day with 95% humidity and you're trying to drag a cart of whatever towels or small cooler or whatever you're trying to bring it's tough I watched the Death March coming off the beach when I go down you know with kids hanging over the shoulder Mom and Dad carrying you know surf Wars and everything and it's like and they I get that question all the time why can't we run a shuttle why can't we you know and we've talked about it I think we've discussed it what have you been on oh well well we've had I think in the basement at one point there was a hand special handicap wheelchair with you know huge tires and I don't know do you have a parking attendant with a little World space shuttle that goes back and forth you know watch yourself getting out of the TR High School football player there all summer to push it yeah yeah you know how do you do this these are all ideas I mean we we appreciate any ideas in the in the input we there we are limited in some aspects I understand in the summertime probably after August we could go back down if it if it needed it obviously to clear that path again and we probably do it in September but after that until spring you're really not supposed to touch anything because the storms bring the sand onto the beach and if you're playing with that Dynamic you're playing well this this last winter there were three storms Four January or J December January and another one there were at least three and the tides were almost as high as Hurricane Bob yeah in all three and that's in one year and we haven't had that for 20 years yeah anything like that so it's just that it was a freak of a year yeah I mean if you went down the path regard the path had uh you know two feet of seaweed and various logs and boards and all kinds of things and and but you really can't do it I do anything you can try to you know try something with mats that would be great some some L some place but the mats would have to come up eventually like an end October I would say well they do it at Beach Avenue same out in the morning and then roll it have you ever tried to pick these mats those mats are extremely heavy you need a machine there they're pegged into the sand yeah yeah there you need a machine you can't roll any of that those things way yeah see because that's how they stay in place and that's how they stay flat we have well we have a house here in West we also have one in D too and Round Hill has them as well yeah and they put only in like two of the walkway paths though where the handic parkings are I know there's a bted down to yeah it mean it's one of these things you can't and it's like you know the boardwalk is a great idea but there's two problems one is Storm takes it out and then it's made out of material that burns you could do that as long as you have the funds to put it down and take it up right and we have to get the permit to do it but yeah and and under handicap access Ada gives us a lot of leeway uh with environmental issues so as an ADA required we're required to provide Ada you know it's required us to access to all Town facilities MH every town facility has to be handicapped accessible and we've talked about Ching a web for 20 years even when Elane osto was head of the and it's like I don't know how you make cherry and web quote unquote handicap accessible because the Hill's too Steep Hill you can't do that but you can make it easier and there definitely are handicapped people using it now but with great difficult absolutely we know a bunch of people right and most of us have been handicapped disabled at some point in the last couple years right I mean I'm not getting you I'm the first tell you I'm not getting any younger and it's harder for me to do it you know but I'll be doing it as long as I able to but there are a lot of people who would love to do it and unfortunately it's a we'll try to see what you can do with the MS I guess okay we I mean uh I mean is it going to be helpful to go to like I'll say let's say June to September or something yeah yeah abely well do it the same way they do it be Avenue those go in the problem at charion web the sand moves so quickly and fills in and it get so soft so quickly that it's just really difficult but I mean it can be pegged in but they'll be probably covered within a couple weeks it's it's it's a different animal there the wind and the sand and it's not a bad thing to have too much sand if it was all Cobble elepant Rock they have 2x3 with wires and they roll it up yeah those are not the same things and they're a little bit same idea but right cuz the mat I can tell you the mat they cost the mat at the kitty Beach I think was $11,000 and that's not a very big math just to let you know what you do but we can approach the disabilities committee because they have the they get all the funds for the handicap parking violations so every $300 ticket gets written out it goes into their pocket uh and we could probably work ask Mr Costa Martin cost of the chair yeah he just tried to put it in some place towards the MTH so the cars aren going to drive on it you know they can well the only person that drive the only person should be driving on it is the lifeguards it and not drive on it and you know it and just whatever you have would be like once you hit it you're like even if I hit ground and not sand I'm like finally such a Rel to get off the deep sand okay anything else any ideas concerns any ideas I mean I don't understand the whole point of the landscaping and the parking lot to me it's we we have been requested by the board of Selectmen and people because they think it's ugly and it should be fixed up and it's a mindset that we want to be a beach club not not a public beach you got the deer to contend with I suspect pretty coic down there oh yeah oh yeah so you know all of a sudden your Universe of plantable things just got cut to about six here you want it to be natural you have natural vegetation so why would you want that I don't I don't understand that sorry I would refer you to I sat in front of the border of San three Mondays ago I think and they want this done they want that done and because they hear it from different people I don't whoever uh you never get the names but it's like some people like I said I understand the whole thing about the weeds and everything like that that's a different scenario there's plenty of poison ivy down there there's plenty of you know that you know you know can't go around expain and Roundup uh so you know I I get that but as far as spending money to landscape did anyone offer that these people requesting any suggestions on no they that's that's why one of the line items on our agenda tonight was members do you have anything general public have anything for us that they might want to see whether you know we do have a family going down there to add another bench uh for Memorial of the uh their mother and father if you know the Suns L you know is that on the the harb harbor side we Yeah we actually I'm meeting on Saturday morning or afternoon I not sure uh with the family to see what they want to do since they're donating it I'll leave it up to them anything we get donated we don't you know all you know because they used to walk the beach all the time on the path ofuse yeah they use yeah I mean those and those are only made out of basically leftover Granite curbing in the highway and they and they they they all no they're they're very helpful people love those things because we never had any of those things you know people want uh hubbies for sandals and things so people walking on and I can tell you the number of things I hear it shouldn't be a situation of someone just an individual comes in and says they want something and because they know somebody that's in a position of power they get to have it I it should be you know a consensus we we found out use the beach the most uh because the Enterprise fund that we started 12 years ago uh when we I first got on the committee and the members that were on the committee with me 19 years ago were very dedicated and hardworking Bob Carol if you know Bob Carol if you knew Jack tver if you knew Tim St Michelle uh you know it was a good group of people who put a lot of effort into improving and I think I don't want to take any credit for improving the facilities the security the the gates to keep people out at night and everything has gone somewhat as we've gotten money we've got safety equipment we have that was the first thing we didn't you know lifeguards didn't have chairs they didn't have a truck it was kind of ridiculous and when the woman drowned the young girl drowned some 20 years ago was I was beside myself about how it was getting run because they were taking all the money they give you just enough to pay the lifeguards and then it went into the general fund so we started the the Enterprise fund so that we could buy safety equipment every year we could improve the facilities we can do a thing and then then they've been kind of pecking away at that uh you know and last year we took a big hit because we had the increaseed lifeguards significantly if we wanted to have lifeguards uh which has always been a discussion do we just not have lifeguards that would be a disaster yeah so we've been making efforts Woody's been on for some time now he's a Oldtimer as so to speak uh on the committee and you know helpful suggestions he comes from a different end of town where Beach Avenue and he's kind of like the steward of you know what's going on on a general Paces I try to get down there as often as I can but it it's you know we basically one of the discussion items was the uh Recreation committee taking control of the whole thing because it's the big recreation facility in town my fear and it's always been my fear since I've been on the committee is money always tends to get funneled away from the beach to other things and I always wanted I want the money that comes in for the beach to be spent at the beach because I want to go over there as long as I can walk I want to go to that beach I've been doing it for 62 years so is that still a fear that the recreation department would overtake you well they we need administrative help because we're all volunteers we don't have any full-time Personnel to take in complaints you know we you know to if there something goes wrong in the middle of the day what happens I get a call at work uh you know what hey this is you know the life C we had to close down it's lightning thundering okay just make that's a different issue uh you know what do we do you know every spring we're hiring lifeguards we have to take time on the meeting to get the applications to advertise to do all these things none of us here are getting paid to do this well just the uh you know what do we get 3,000 each passes 4,000 yeah 4,000 that we have to process somebody has to do it yeah it's there's all these things that you know and it uh was there a beach manager this summer they hiring a beach manager I think is I don't know what they do and you know uh because after you'll hire the lifeguards and everything like that the head LIF guard pretty is much is the beach manager we just named I remember see back well as far as administratively if you had a complaint it was on the list but I think we just said head lifeguard yeah because there's nobody like like you said if you came in on and you said hey I just came from the the path needs to there's nobody to come to to say the path needs to be cleared or there's a dead body across the path can anybody come down and meet it other than gets out on Facebook and then there's a million comments and everybody goes crazy on the poor person who's reporting it and then you know and it turns to a giant spectacle uh there's no Department Beach Department there's no Parks and Recreation Department there's no we are that yeah and the recreation committee oversees the playgrounds and and so the idea is Dana who is the person that runs that part of it would be the contact person so they have somebody paid on staff one person yeah one person and and I don't know if this overwhelms because what happens is Paula Brown who worked in the selectman's office was on this committee she couldn't take it anymore because when they found out she was on this committee everybody was filing into her office all day long to say hey what are you doing about this what are you doing about that uh I get phone calls people can track me down and it's usually when I go down to lock up or open up I'll get a ear because people know when I get down there I'll get an earful about something one thing or another and you know so as a committee what would be your wish list for that would you like to see opposed to being taken over I I you know I I want it to be my whole thing here is we have private beach clubs in town and they're very expensive and we have the gorgeous Shoreline here I don't want to turn this into let's charge $250 for a family to go to the beach or or or more a lot more than that yeah or a lot more than that you know so when we went from 35 to the world was coming to an end right you know at the end of the day it's still a town it's we wanted to we want it to be a familyfriendly beat we don't want alcohol we don't want you know loud parties people getting in the fights and doing all we want to be able somebody to bring their kids their grandkids their friends and sit there and say this is great you know it's a beach and it's a town amenity it's yeah to be looked at as a private we don't want to turn we had people on the beach committee when I first got on who want wanted to ban fishing wanted to ban surfing wanted to ban you know everything because they lived down there and they didn't want anybody be at the beach I understand that towns you know and you know I don't want people with dogs I don't want people with you know who are going to be there in the evening I don't want people there in the early in the morning to jogging the beach I don't want this that's not my goal here my goal is to make the beach more accessible for people to use as an amenity in town is one of the things every real estate agent will tell you in town if you're are buying a house in Westport and they take you to that beach is it's a big selling point you know and it's that's what Westport has become you know and you know some people don't don't like it I just want it to be a usable Beach for the town of West well Ju Just for example my my wife back in the 1960s early 60s L she she and was one of two employees at elephant rock she was the at the desk and then one of her friends was the Lifeguard and that was it and now they have almost 30 employees how how long just you know go go figure how long have you lived in town just out of curiosity so I'm I was a Dartmouth resident for over 20 years I lifegard that doesn't count I know I lifeguarded at horse night for a couple years um but we recently purchased property in um 21 okay so so yes Westport resid not very long um I was raised in for Haven and Dartmouth and then I came back to Westport in 2008 2011 yeah okay so and Woody's been here longer than I have but I've been here since 1960 so I've here since 1938 you know and this is this is the scenario so my whole goal was when they were trying to shut the beach down for Access and do all these things is not to do that that's why I'm sitting here and it scares me to death that if I leave this committee it's going to go back to let's turn it into a private beach club let's charge $500 a beach sticker let's you know do all these things let's stop everybody you know and make sure everybody wears the same color bathing suit and all these other things and that's what I don't want to see I don't want to see it turn into you know Miami Beach you know and but I want to see a fisherman surf casting and I want to see kids making sand castles and I want to see a person throwing the ball with a dog into the surf and I want to see and also I want to see the clovers and the deer and the Ospreys and the fish and all the other things too it's a it's a long list of things to see it's my personal opinion uh but I think that's why everybody wants that Beach I think a lot of people who don't use the beach think it's a white elephant or you know or whatever and that was why it the funds used to we literally were using $30,000 when I got on this beach to run the whole Beach playing the lifeguards trying to get a truck trying to do all these things and it was ridiculous you know and now everybody wants the money that we bring in because it's we went from before the pandemic we would sell 2700 Beach passes after the pandemic it's 4,000 and that is because people decided you couldn't go to horse neack I got to get a beach dick I'm going to go to the beach because I can't go to New Hampshire to go to the beach or York Maine or wherever I go usually go for two weeks and now people say why are we going to this placees when we can go there unfortunately but it's again and it's crowded the parking lot we don't have any room to expand we don't have an ability to do anything East Beach we can do some things uh I just would like to see you know again as long as I've been doing it and I've heard a bazillion complaints about all kinds of things but everybody comes back well and also I my own point of view which you know may not be popular with everyone is that we call ourselves the town beach committee but the town itself own owns a very small portion a very small portion of the beaches in town and I think what I would like to see even though you know there may be some push back is that we coordinate more with all the other beach with other private beach clubs with the land trust that owns a lot of Beach right with the horse neck that has you know we are sort of in competition with in a in a way and try to make the whole thing work better for everyone and uh so that's an objective that we we don't really we haven't really dealt with but if we were to coordinate with the Recreation Commission and and get better coordination with the private beach clubs and the land trust which I I'm involved with I think this would give us a better better facilities for everyone let's face it the Charing Beach there's no you know storms and nourishment and issues that happen to the beach there's no political demographic divide Bakers the private beaches Ching Web horse neck interconnected interconnected everybody's got to work together and we don't we get a lot of push back from the state does not want to be good players uh and that's fine because all they're going to dredge up 70,000 yards of sand and drop it in front like I said and block the harbor is what they're basically going to do and every person like I said the high advisory committee the beach committee I'm a fish commissioner fish Commissioners everybody said this is a bad idea we don't care and we're going to do it anyway this is the Dred yeah well I mean I talked to the guy I I called the guy who's in charge of the oh the guy in Boston there yeah and I said well you know the the channel is going to go where God puts it yeah yeah and the best thing to do would be just to keep dredging where the natural channel is can I get your name well there was there Happ been some the guy basically said that the bureaucracy makes it impossible for the core of engineers to make the Channel anywhere except in the designated Channel which they approved years ago and I just sort of said oh my God what what are we if you knew I do it for a living and Leon knows that I I I work again I Bute heads with state agencies for a living this is what I do if you knew I'll screw it up are we are we [Laughter] live if you knew how screwed up things are and how overregulation but no common sense this state is we are experiencing it we are living it right now no yeah yeah it depends on what you done I've lived here my whole life right and 30 years ago when I started when I became an develop so to speak and you know had a serious job and Liv the town bought a house and all those things that you do and found out how everything gets run and how things happen and everybody goes crazy when something goes wrong I'll give a perfect example wind turbs the whole world 25 years ago wanted wind turbines everywhere on the planet put them up in their yard every Farm was putting them up it was wind turban heaven right every you know until they found out how stupid it was it was a bad technology but we're putting wind turbines out there they're built out there but they have no way of getting it on Shore right so now they just figuring we got to figure out how to get it on Shore we can go right horn Beach All State on land nobody can stop us go right up 88 we can do yeah so and then everybody's screaming we're forming a committee we're doing this we're doing that and every person and I hate the lecture people voted for every person who voted for the funding for every one of these things and said we're going to do this Mary just signed $30 million let's develop some more and then everybody on the south coast is going crazy Boston doesn't care and you talk to you know State reps can care but one State Rep out of 90 is not going to do anything at the State House you know one state senator out of 56 or whatever that is he not going to do anything and what's that say your the comment about the uh going up 88 yeah is the vision that that's below Grid or above GD here here's what the it's preliminary but D it's a it's a preliminary coincidence that they just wiped out all the dunes that where it's going to come on sh it's just a coincidence they did all that this spring just a just just a coincidence don't let don't let that don't let us think it's going to happen what they're planning on doing is running it underneath the river coming up you know on this side of the bridge and that in itself you know so you know 88 is a 350t wide layout it's tucked up W there's 175 ft from the pavement to the layout on the east side of 88 there's plenty of land a lot of people don't know that they could clear that 175 ft and there'd be people who lived on drift Road who would go on the east side of 88 yeah the layout of Route 88 where the transfer station is goes about to where the entrance of the transfer station is let you know how far off the pavement It Go and that's what they're going to do they're going to run it right through there because a state on land and you can't stop them if they had to take private land it'd be lawsuits and you know legal leads and means holding is the expectation above or below grade below grade but the issue is okay you're going below the river what's that going to do nothing there's an awful lot of power coming up through those things looks unici yeah yeah don't have a don't have a steel Sinker cuz you're never going to get it off the bottom cu the electromagnetic thing going to you know but I I digress away from the beach communties thing but this is what happens and it getting on the beach committee and the frustration of doing things that make all the common sense in the world I understand the sand thing can't do it as much as you know no one likes the difficulty walking if it snows it's difficult walking but it's going to snow and the Sand's going to sand and snow is it's going to snow and and we can try to clear it but we're not going to be able to during the whole summer season and then they don't want you doing it when like right now the beach is building up you'll see that little burm and try to protect itself yes if you take that away we're we're going to be horse neck Beach we're going to have Cobble on there and then everybody complain that's what the problem is with horse NE Beach they get out there and they over manage we got to make the pass nice and clean we got all this public coming down we're going to run the thing that rakes the Seaweed off the beach back and forth behind the tractors and do all that stuff and now they've just figured out not to do that stuff but then they went and did what they did I don't know anyway uh since we gone on too long here uh we have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor all