##VIDEO ID:F6TTNmoKasQ## uh good afternoon and welcome to the Westport Board of Health August 5th 2024 meeting which I'm calling to order um under Mass General Law chapter 30A section 20f this meeting is being recorded um and please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance FL it stands one nation under God indivisible with li Justice for All I will note today for the record that Donna Amaral is absent so just be Phil Weinberg and myself Tanya Ron um and we're going to start right off the bat with a presentation from the public health nurse Linda Pierce on healthy eyes take it away afternoon I'm the public health nurse Linda Pierce from to West and this month I'm doing healthy Vision tips e right to protect your eat a well balanc diet including those rich in vitamin A green leafy vegetables kale spinach collard greens Swiss chai sweet potatoes carrots pumpkin mangoes papayas fish liver eggs and milk it can help to prevent Immaculate degeneration and cataracts it helps filter out powerful RS that cause free radicals damage to the eyes have you ever wearing glasses get moving exercise giv you a healthier body weight which can help to prevent diabetes that can lead to vision problems speak up if your vision changes has your vision become blurry do you squint a lot wear your glasses they help your vision especially when they are clean and free from smudges and store them properly when they can are not used to prevent scratching in lenses keep germs always wash your hands when touching your eyes or putting in or removing your contact lenses wear protective ey gear when playing sports mowing the lawn or using any chemicals many eye injuries can Beed with better safety habits we area sunglasses that block out 99 to 100% of both UVA and UVB never look directly at the Sonic give your eyes a break do you a lot of time looking at the computer the phone or the TV screen give your eyes a rest every 20 minutes for about 20 seconds say no to smoking it can lead to blindness does anyone in your family have issues with their eyes talking about Eye Health with your family can help you all stay healthy then the next things I have is about ticks and mosquitoes so summer time is time for tick and mosquitoes Triple E and West Nile are out there it's been reported in Asbury Rand Halifax Kingston Evington Middleboro weam Whitman Rochester Bridgewater Lakeville and P mosquitoes are out there from DUS to Dawn when temperatures are above 50° humidity and contains with water are soured from the SK to lay their eggs we longes and shirs and on pants with socks and spray your body with a rep pellet that contains deep signs and symptoms of West M are fever headache body aches Na and vomiting rash swollen lymph nose and sometimes it takes four to 10 days after the bite Triple E can have fever stiff neck headache fatigue swelling of the brain and it can be fatal when you're out in the yard or hiking wear long pants with socks long sleeve shirts when working outside spray yourself with any type of repellent check your body for ticks when you're checking your body for ticks look under your arms in around your ears inside your belly button back of the knees in and around the hairline between the legs and around the if you're taking your dog for a walk make sure you check your dog you know ticks can get on us we don't even realize that they drop off and all of a sudden they're climbing into our bedroom so examine the pets um if you have a black dog sometimes it's a little bit hard luckily I have a white dog so it would show right up and and you should also be giving them tick repellent um to keep them safe within 2 hours from coming indoors and it has shown that it can reduce the risk of getting lime disease it may affect the disease there's also inline disease you have your borella you have your vsia and you have your um anaplasmosis which if not treated can really affect some of your organs so it's very important you feel that you have any signs and symptoms at all out medical help has anybody got any questions well the the one comment I wanted to know is or get feedback on is the use of is it Permethrin to spray on your clothes and they also have clothing with that on it it will take a couple of times that you can wash them and another thing is if you do come from outside throw your clothes in the dryer for a good 10 minut people killing the chicks that oh okay that's that's good to know yeah I didn't know that yeah because it's really hard in this temperature to like to put your socks over your pant legs and all those things you're supposed to do so I'd rather be able to spray something on them just keep them away yes you know but I mean it it's just you know it's Common Sense again and and you could be cognizant of what's around you um this humidity is really bringing in the mosquitoes and and the ticks and you in my own yard the deer have been eating and the bunnies have been eating everything which I don't care about but they also bring tips and so um you know have to keep safe um there's so many things when I do do any inspections with the different PLS of the lme disease people sometimes poo poo it and they don't go to the doctor till two weeks well you're already two weeks that you should have been getting some medication because it can affect your you can go into aib it's so many things that can happen that people don't take into account that can really be something they'll carry for the rest of their lives so yeah so then my next blood drive is on August 29th at Whit Westport it's going to be from 2 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. if you want to donate please register online at the American Red Cross and thank you forening that thank you very much Linda always appreciate it um do you want you want to do all you want to do your report first I can do my report first okay just one go ahead um okay so um just an update that uh the uh DP reported 15 Triple E positive mosquito samples uh from bouno and Plymouth counties risk levels in the region are now elevated um dph also reported 48 West Nile Virus mosquito samples collected uh this season personal protection measures are recommended due uh due to the early season uh abov virus detections and above average mosquito Vector populations across the state all this humity and rain that we've got it just really um increased the population of mosquitoes and the ticks so with the FY 25 state budget which was signed by the governor on July 29th the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection will finally have um dedicated funding to explore how best to ensure safe drinking water from private Wells the agency will receive $100,000 to conduct a study and make recommend recommendations for a Statewide program to ensure that drinking water from private Wells is safe to consume this study represents an important step forward in developing a Statewide drinking water program for private Wells to ensure that all Massachusetts residents have access to Safe Water and there's a full press release that can be viewed at www what's inyou wellwater org SL private dwells dud ready- press-release slash uh as Linda mentioned the blood drives are scheduled for the summer they will be held at Whits at Westport from 2: p.m. to 7:00 p.m. the next one being August 29th and the one after that for September 19th and um August 31st 2024 is international overdose awareness day which I will hand off to Olive to speak about thanks Matt hi everyone um I'm Olive wersi I'm the shared services coordinator for the South Coast Public Health collaborative um so some more information about International overdose day just for everyone's awareness um it was started in 2001 in Australia and it's the world's largest campaign to end overdose remember without stigma those who have passed away and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends that are left behind um so really they want to provide an opportunity for people to publicly mourn loved ones and a safe environment some for the first time without feeling guilt or shame to provide information about the issue of fatal and non-fatal overdose to send a strong message to current and former people who use drugs that they are valued and to inform people around the world about the risk of Overdose um um so there are events happening all throughout the world all throughout the country all throughout the state of Massachusetts um the ones that are closest to us here in Westport are there's an event on in Dartmouth on August 29th and one in New Bedford on August 27th and for more information about those events or any other events nearby um you can visit overdosed day.com and go to the events page and you can see every event that's been registered on the website um any questions about that before I move on okay so um I'm also here to talk about the year in review that we have had with the South Coast Public Health collaborative thanks to the public health Excellence grant that we are recipients of um so I'm going to kind of go over FY 24 and talk about all of our accomplishments and then some of our goals for fy2 so I'm going to start off with um Health agent requests or inspection requests can I interrupt you for a second can you just for the audience who may not be aware if they're watching just summarize the member collabor communities and stuff yes no problem sorry about that um so the South Coast Public Health collaborative is six communities with the lead Community being Westport um the other communities are Maran matap poiset Lakeville Rochester and Freetown and so all of us work together to share public health services and resources um and the public health Excellence Grant allows us to really kind of provide more services and share more things than we would be able to if we were all working on our own um so one of the things that we share is Health Inspectors or um Health agents so we have created a system to request those agents um we had 64 requests total in FY 24 only three of those were unable to be accommodated so I feel like that's a pretty good ratio um Marian and Lakeville made the most requests Marian made 19 and Lakeville made 21 which makes sense because Lakeville hardly has any staff um Freetown made nine mapo it made five and Rochester made 10 and the most common requests were for food food inspections and office coverage um something else that we can do with this public health Excellence Grant and all of the communities that are a part of our collaborative are trainings for folks in the vicinity so we hosted four trainings in fy2 24 um there was a Serve Safe training which is a food protection manager certification and we had 18 folks attend um there were we did one for housing so minimum standards for human habitation um there were 45 folks that came that was a really popular one we hosted one on the Massachusetts food code and hup um 33 people attended and we also did a mental health first aid certification training and that was eight 2 28 people um some other events that we helped host um in FY 24 were we had two speakers that we funded to come speak to the TR toown schools so that's the old Rochester school district which includes Mary and mapo in Rochester um so we had a speaker named Katie Grier come to speak about social media and mental health and then she also spoke to the parents um that was really well attended we also had a speaker named Chris Haron who came to speak to the TR toown school students about vaping and substance use um Freetown hosted a senior health fair with our funding and that was really successful we also hosted a substance use and harm reduction event here in Westport at the high school um there were numerous blood drives in all of the communities there were several stroke awareness events in Maran specifically and then numerous vaccine clinics for covid flu and RSB across all of the towns in the collaborative um so then just some other random accomplishments three towns have started to digitize their files which will make all of us a lot more Nimble um and make it easier for us to keep up with you know the way technology moves and those three towns are Westport Freetown and Lakeville we built a new website for a collaborative that's um SC phc.org and we're working on text message capabilities we also streamlined the health specialist request process so that was that form that I was talking about um where people can just enter in what they need and when and what the inspection's for and then I coordinate that with our inspectors um we created a large opioid resource document that is shared on our website we successfully began a partnership with the TR toown schools and we're hoping to do more trainings and um get more speakers for them in the future um and then the trainings we hosted brought together public health professionals from 10 towns in addition to the towns that are part of our collaborative so those communities are Foxboro Dartmouth Fall River planville Swansea Taunton North adbor New Bedford seon and Sharon so we were pretty proud that we were able to bring all these Public Health folks together to do these trainings but also to just like get to know each other and network and spend time together we think that's important um Gabby one of our health specialists successfully completed the soil evaluator training and certification our other shared health inspector or health agent shayin is scheduled to take that same training and exam this fall with the pH funds we were able to purchase technology and equipment for all of our communities in the collaborative including sand boxes aeds computer equipment and relevant software and that software really improves the capability to do inspections digitally so it streamlines the process for food pools housing and Camp inspections it promotes consistency and makes reporting to dph much easier for everybody um and then we're also pretty proud that our governance board met every month successfully um so then our some of our big plans for fy2 are we want to finalize the text message capabilities for the website um so that we can send out text alerts to people in the communities um we want to host more trainings some of our ideas are hoarding environmental justice tobacco and vaping substance use stigma harm reduction and um how to use Naran we want to complete the file digitization for Westport Lakeville and Freetown and help other towns in our collaborative digitized files if they're interested we want to get our sand boxes installed here in Westport we want to create a hoarding task force host additional Health faires and bring an anti- vaping speaker to the technical high schools in the fall so those are some of our plans um does anybody have questions about any of those items I know that was a lot um you're I think we're also planning to hire a Comm Community Health worker Y and we're going to be working on uh Community EMS program uh hopefully on Wednesday all when I can start to make some progress on on that I have to call up the fire chief and you know they have to be involved as as much as we are so yeah so I know that Matt and Tanya have been really involved in this and I really haven't been so I'm very impressed because it really kind of started you know just totally from the ground up and um and I don't and I think it's always a challenge you know to bring people who are like really busy just to take the time to come together and to coordinate their activities and share and um so I just offer you a lot of appreciation you and Matt and Tanya yeah for you know for for really pulling it off it's really it's really great I think they should be really uh feel really good about what you've accomplished and it sounds like uh it's just like the first step so it's really good thank you thank you all right thanks all thank you okay um all right we have um time to review the director approved plans um yeah sure um okay we have a three better repair for on a 4,317 ft lot on 16 uh 6 Christine Drive for Jesse Ferrera um utilizing a stone bed we have a six bedroom repair on a 21,780 ft lot on 87 gfed Road for Melle Valen Court um utilizing a quick four this one will need to be deed restricted and and then we have a three-bedroom repair on a 17,9 8T lot on 113 Plymouth Boulevard for a McKenzie long utilizing a quick four in a single air and this one um has already been de restricted but we'll need one okay any questions yeah so I move to approve the three uh confirm the three plans that have been approved uh on uh six Christine Drive 817 gford Road and 113 Plymouth Boulevard with deed restrictions for the gford road and the Plymouth Boulevard property uh second um all in favor I I that's unanimous well two to nothing with one absence uh thank you okay um we have um our first hearing is at 4:30 so I'm going to uh go to uh business we can get started on the discussion actually um so one of the topics is um uh home burial um which we have recently received a request for um somebody to to um do that on their own property um but that might discussion might take a little longer so let's start with um board member updates and then we'll move to the 4:30 hearing um well for me I don't have um really anything kind of new to report um I did get back to Matt with comments on um the pieces of the draft well regulation that had been worked on and the tit tank regulations I don't know that we have to talk at this meeting but just the entry of D into doing this study um you know just kind of raises the question of should we move forward or should we move you know what we should be focusing on because there's a lot of effort just in the process of drafting and going through the public hearing process and then if we don't really align with what DP is doing um then it's you know it's like doing it twice yeah but there may be some things like the permit process or setback there may be some things that um we could kind of carve out and other things uh which we can and I don't we don't know how long they've been given the money but it it could take them a year just to complete the study um you know because it's got to fit into all our other priorities and I think they were given a timeline weren't they I don't remember that in the press release but it could be I don't remember that in the press release and they do have these well guidelines so it it could be that would also really expedite their uh doing that which has good sides and challenging sides right um I know when we had the working meeting to sort of start delving into this we talked about kind of focusing first on a couple of key things and I'm wondering if since the permitting process and having a perent application seems like something we should do sooner than later um could we do something like um a policy or just establish guidelines that is you know allows us to um at least without imposing any particular restrictions that should go through a public hearing process but but just more because that's more of an administrative process and it seems like that's something we should um have in place we you know most people do most towns do so um yeah wonder if that's something is that what you I'm looking at you Matt to think about yeah definitely we we can just do an application up I think you know we need one we have to look at the fee schedule um at least an application and a process to get the to get the permit would be something I would suggest we you know do sooner than later and then I think Phil's right you know I don't know what D is going to do with this study and what the outcome is going to be it may we may just want to sit back and and see what that is okay I mean I think um you know the one thing that uh kind of kicked this off was the fact that what we have in our regulations now for example on this this setback issue is really not consistent with Title Five and so um and I'm assuming that well drill as if we came out with just a policy and we said it can't be 50 ft it's got to be 100 feet you know they would do that because maybe we just said we won't you know but there may be some things that we could move forward on um you know as part of the permit process and then kind of clarifying what the setbacks are it might be worth doing in a regulation which is also because we're going to charge a fee I don't know so it's worth having a more robust discussion about but um yeah I think doing something is better than doing nothing and some of the more cont you know or the more intense issues about construction and other things that the EP may get into um and I the piece that I think that um Matt and I were going to kind of tackle next which is the um you know the monitoring and the the well testing and again I I don't think it would be that difficult to kind of clarify what's now in our rigs which to me is kind of ambiguous um you know to make it more clear you know to the well jalis and also to the general public about what it is we would like to see by way of data to improve approve a well but I'm I'm open to the policy idea as well I just don't want to well it sounds like um we should have a further discussion and and you know maybe decide which path we want to pursue but that it sounds like there's enough um areas that we should at least do one level or another we start of the process we shouldn't just sit back and wait for de because that might take a while right I mean we could put the pieces together and then just figure out what do we want to label things you know and then do you know and then maybe by that you know time if we're you know talking about kind of into the fall we could you know reach out to D or the southeast reg you know and just say okay what's your time table now that you've had some time to do this because we're at this point and you know if you're going to do something in the next 60 or 90 days or whatever but if it's years see 2025 you know and then of course they have to go through a big public process themselves because my knowing just in the scanning that uh Matt and I did there's a lot of inconsistency see when you really Bear Down on the details between all the communities that you know private well regulation so if D is going to try to herd all these cats into one thing that that you know that that's that may take some time right okay um all right and then um it sounds like you have some comments on the tight tank we don't need to get into that now we've got another her yeah yeah so um we should plan uh we I don't know when Donna gets back but um plan a um working meeting end of August beginning of September yeah so just and I was didn't feel I needed to get to it now but there's a chunk of time in the middle of September when I'll be out of the country oh and uh oh good hope you have a fun trip and um and then also there's uh in just by way of scheduling stuff so as a result of the last um holiday that ended up I think on a Monday I'm now in the sequence where I have both my the the Monday Tuesday meetings where we used to stagger them and so I don't think we have to do it this meeting but if next meeting we we kind of went through that um just figured out what we want to do and time things right and then um also there's a the next meeting of the um Hazard mitigation committee which is in the middle of September when I'll be away it's a zoom meeting so I might be able to participate but I just wanted to bring it to your attention because you'd probably be stand in for me sure just some of Theo just just to say September 2nd is Labor Day right so if we skip that meeting that may put us back on an opposite schedule for other meetings right except for I plan my trip to not to be on an off week so anyways we'll figure it out yeah so why don't we plan on checking the schedule for both a working meeting and and re jiggling our meeting schedule because we have to anyways from for Labor Day we'll do that next at the next meeting so just let's can you put that on the agenda um scheduling working meeting and and Labor Day meeting okay great um I am ready to call a 4:30 p.m. variance hearing see engineering representing Mike Sylvia at 353 American Legion Highway this is a three-bedroom repair with a Presby system good afternoon good afternoon [Applause] [Applause] Consulting Engineers here you a bedom at 353 American Legion Highway um So currently obviously has an existing field suff system um we did the best we could to to place it on the lot luckily we were able to get over 100 feet from all our well as well as all the abing wells which is obviously always our main goal um we in in turn because of the high water table um and you know not great soils um we are asking for three local upgrades we are asking for the typical um Civ in in a you know wet so condition um we're asking for the reduction in Inlet and Outlet of the step tank and pump Chamber from in to 1 in um we are providing the one the the rubber boots um on all the um inl and outet of the tanks and they both tanks are also monolithic nh20 loading for buoyancy and just obviously for Le protection as well um and then uh third is we are asking for reduction in the water table from 4T to 3 ft the Presby allows to 2 ft under their remedial approval but weend to de to not do that um if we don't have to um so we're asking for the 4T to 3 ft um in this case and um that's really about it be happy to answer any questions that the board has great thank you I'm going to turn first to Matt for I don't have any questions I put this over a few times so everything was good okay that's good enough for me I just will record that this was a this was one of our this is nothing to do you not not to worry um one of our unknowns in our database so can knock that off the list now we know what's there we we don't have to worry about that um I didn't have any other questions either so um all right so I will move to approve the plan for Mike Silva at 353 American Legion Highway a three-bedroom repair on a plan dated uh July 10th uh 24 uh with uh local upgrade approval um as set for in the plan regarding separation between the inlet and Outlet keys of the septic tank and the pump chamber a reduction in the depth of groundwater uh from 4 feet to 3 feet uh Civ analysis approval and hold harmless agreement I will second that motion all in favor I I that is two to nothing with one absence thank you very much you okay all right um we have five minutes till our next hearing um so I don't really have any particular updates um I'm focusing on my conservation burial project so that's what's been taking up my time I um and it'll come sort of up tangentially when we talk about home burial um I can't think of anything else um do we have any uh other topics for the next regular meeting um just minutes um just a lb day meeting and then schedule a working meeting but from what I'm hearing from all of our schedules you've gone all of September Phil no just the 13th so I think I'm we're leaving on the 13th and we'll be back on the 23rd I think something like that maybe I'm leaving a little bit earlier working meeting might not be able to happen until the end of September okay yeah I'm I'm uh I'm out um we don't know um Donna's schedule I am out the 18th through the 24th I'm not sure if any of our right you guys might overlap on a Monday there uh yeah I well I scheduled mine to be on a Monday that we don't regularly have a meeting but if we move them then I'll miss a meeting so we'll see how that works and we'll have to check in with Don yeah okay we'll we'll do that at the next meeting um any other unanticipated um you did not give us any updates on the transfer station you wanted on the transfer station just where we're at with the the Boy Scouts and Stu like that well the lot three for the Boy Scouts and the bike recyc for the scouts and the bike recycling is looking great just a few more things I want to ask Lenny to take care of I'm go down here tomorrow see if I can meet him down here tomorrow and um just got to go over that with them and the bo the scouts are going to move in the 24th and 25th of August so that be I the um I mean if you want me to give a thorough update on the transfer station we should probably do it after the hearings because this you know I don't even know where to begin with all you know the staffing issues and trucking issues and stuff that I'm still sought through it's probably best that uh we wait till the next meeting okay when I was there like both the there were three for cardboard um cardboard rolloffs and two were completely filled and one was like 2/3 filled like really getting a lot of material in we are a lot of a lot more customers and and I'm hoping uh maybe at the next meeting all the num final numbers will be posted and um I can give a a report I will just say this year was the best year for you know money that we've taken in customer base that was gone through the roof or really have to come up with an expansion plan which I have one and mind but I just need to kind of draw it out and talk to the board about it okay I think we are close enough to let's see 440 um I'm going to call the 440 variance hearing this is a civil engineering Concepts uh representing um Sally Bron owner and um there are some proposed buyers for um M 89 lot 113 on mumber Lane River Road this is a three-bedroom new construction with using ctech Chambers and a singular teite system on a 24,8 foot lde hello from civil engineering concepts with me tonight Barbara humpy they are um got a purchase and sales of offered to purchase the the property Sally bre is the owner um and we had spoken previously through an appointment about this property and the fact that the entire property is within the uh AE or be flood zones so um we' asked for variance through because it's essentially if we follow the local Westport regulation that no sepic systems can be constructed in an a AE Zone uh we would be able to build on the property um through the Manifest Injustice um clause and regulations uh this the site is a 24,800 ft lot can I I'm sorry can I interrupt can we do the a butter okay notifications first um because I received a call from uh anab butter this afternoon he just uh had received not he did didn't receive a letter um and received notification I think from you this afternoon um and so was concerned about the you know obviously not timely yeah what what happened was uh explain that please in the the heat of trying to get this filed um his notice was sent to the property address is ashle over over here uh relative to to Matt H Lane um we realized that as we were jockeying with the green cards as they were coming in so we sent a overnight delivery on Friday afternoon to him it was received on Saturday certainly that doesn't give him much time and I think you were having dinner with him on Saturday night we spoke with them both Friday night when we were leaving um The Country Club of cop that we belong to and Diana was saying that she was excited that we were pursuing this property and and so they the plants got sent to prro when one of their family members was staying at that Resident apparently they didn't tell Diana I don't know the story but the papers got delivered to their house and someone didn't take care of it so then I just found out about this this morning so I emailed Diana following up on our conversation from Friday evening and her husband was in surgery all day and um my husband was working and I'm trying to get everybody on the same page but um they got the papers and he got them the third time in an email that I sent to them yeah and I implored please I don't think this is going to damage or have any impairment to your property at all but we're sincerely trying to move forward with this process okay um he did Express concern about lack of adequate notice and he hadn't had the time to review it this is the husband I guess um so I will note that for the record um I think there maybe some other concerns so we'll we'll this may we'll see how this goes um but I did indicate and he he didn't say that one way the other in terms of substantive concerns but that the process was inadequate so okay I I will reach out to him and send him forward him a copy of the plan so that he has more than just the notice that he doesn't have to to come to the for yes I mentioned you have to come dur you did send okay that was included so if he has any questions you can certainly reach out so proed so essentially we're we're asking for a three-bedroom seate system design uh we're proposing uh a denitrification U System and um normally go um singular DN U but it's going to go to um the uh we have here we got 32 by 12 um uh F the uh the c um field drains um we are proposing a storm drainage system in the back and Matt had left word uh I was out of town last week so uh I came back to a little bit flurry of notices yes yeah way to describe it uh and we do have to file a storm water um plan and calculations to go along with this this system that's shown on here actually infiltrates approximately 2 in of runoff off of the new impervious surfaces but I've had to do the pre- and post um calculations for the various storms and put all that together and we will be um submitting that um and essentially um it's Varian is requested under the Manifest of the Justice because we we have no physically no room on the property um if if the strict adherence to the regulation were were enforced um there was a question at the last meeting about um Zone Wells Zone One Wells and interim uh public Wells and the proposed septic system is over 450 ft away from from any of the public Wells that are there so um it's interim but if they were to adhere to the maximum um Zone one it would be 400 ft so we're well in excess of of that setback I believe that those Wells are probably a little bit less than that but to air on the side of caution we are U 450 ft away so we do provide the protection there is it it is an advanced treatment system provides denitrification um and um i' be happy to answer any any questions that you might have okay okay I'm going to start first with Matt so I think I'm going to defer the fill with some of these questions um that had come up I mean yeah okay go ahead um so I just wanted to give my questions a little bit of context um so start by saying I guess I have the um most seniority on the board um and but maybe you know the worst Collective memory but my memory is that this is really the first time that um we've had to address a newly constructed house that is um not simply the repair or replacement of an existing system and and I rais that because um it this is going to set a certain precedent for or how new construction not a replacement or an increase in flow but kind of starting from scratch construction should be addressed by the board because one of the things that we've tried to do is really try to be consistent with our decision making and the second thing is that when when we're have a variance one of our obligations is to issue written findings as to why we have approved something that is not and so um and and and so I don't I don't have an issue with the Manifest Injustice part of it in the sense that if if you can't install a septic system on this property you really can't have any use of the property you know as a residential property and that's probably the only allow use that's there and so don't want to at least from my perspective is that don't you know um and in a different context Title Five makes this point of view you know with new construction is if you're really totally depriving the owner's use of the property you can't you you can't do that um in in a in a way and so so the question then becomes which is really kind of an engineering question that I really wanted to get to is um and relates to the second part of it which is kind of the equivalent Environmental Protection part of it and um it's really good that you are in I mean it's required but it's a very good environmental thing that you're incorporating a a denitrifying system so um but the question goes back to why in this in these circumstances where there's a flood zone um and a velocity Zone um is this is there even any restriction you know what is the you know what what is the uh perceived environmental impact that would come from locating a septic system in a flood zone or in a velocity Zone I know you're outside the velocity Zone and that leads to um and I don't think the regulation which um preceded everybody on the board doesn't give a you know doesn't lay out here the reasons why but I think it's generally relates to um you know that floods can uh leak into the system can uh stop the septic system from functioning properly and uh and so the issue becomes our I'm going to assume and you know that that what you've installed here is what you're proposing to install is the same type of system that you would install whether or not there was a flood zone there that is that the plan as it sets out doesn't really attempt to respond to that so one of the things that has come up before because it's referenced in our regulation and in title five regulation is that if you're elevating a house there's a presumption that you can Elevate the septic tank and um and uh so um it doesn't apply to new construction because it in the kind of um because you're asking for a variance but basically it says okay if if we were if this was a replacement system and part of the replacement was that your elevating the house it says presume you can Elevate the system so um and I'm not advocating for necessarily that that is the right thing to do because maybe it is not technically feasible maybe it's not financially feasible to do but um we can't at least I would be feeling if I was writing the variance decision to be able to have some information about it to say okay the decision that is preferred under the regulations is not feasible here and so we are or it is so and then in my very superficial um you know literally asking uh the web well Google search IIA search well what can you do to prevent uh flood waters from uh entering the septic system are there cut off valves that would prevent if the flood waters got into the septic system and backed up into the house or and so so the thrust of all this from my point of view is that if we were going to approve this plan as it's written I would like to see um some engineering proves that this is the only system that is really as presently constructed is really feasible or come back and say there are some things that we could do that are feasible and that would address the risks that are associated with if the property became flooded and impaired the function of the septic system as it's currently dis side so that's really where I'm coming from and maybe you can address all that today or it requires some additional you know homework and um but that's that's where I am so that we can issue a written finding that says here's where we are and then every everybody else who's coming with a a new construction project can say this is what the board is going to expect the the site is the septic system is is in a elevation 17 a which means it's subject to to flooding up to Elevation 17 uh the grade over the septic system is is 16 plus so there's going to be very little water that goes over that we have designed the setic tank so that it's ballasted so that won't flow it'll be a watertight tank leing field not not quite so much because it's allowing water out it you know if it gets flooded it it would know the leing field itself is is um over elevation 15 so there's not a you know there's not a lot of water for an extended period of time over those systems we are changing the grve in the leing field uh approximately 2 and a half to three feet if you want us to we can try and bring that up more but but I I I think we we've tried to address that um you know we we we've done the calculations for the buoyancy to make sure that if this the tank is is submerged that it won't FL and then and Down the River um the house has been uh designed so that it it can forms to the U to the flood zone requirements the lowest habitable floor will be one foot over the uh base flood elevation uh there is a u basement in there um all utilities will be above that they'll be on the first floor or higher so that we're not not susceptible to the water getting into the building SE getting out into the leeching field we'll have flood vents constructed in the house so that if the water comes up it won't put any undo u hydrostatic pressure on the on the building uh and as the water receives it will allow itself to to dissipate as well again without having a u a one-sided uh hypostatic pressure that could could damage the building um the um you know I feel we've got good system here that would give the best shot possible during a during a flooded condition uh again we're we're pretty close to that flood zone with the grades over the system so it it shouldn't it's not of velocity zones it's not going to see a large amount of any weight action or or anything like that that that could be detrimental to the system right I don't know if that that helps answer some of those questions or not yeah just just to point out that this in 207 this plan was approved for Sally Brion um without the denitrification which has since become a requirement there wasn't approval for for this uh this property um so it's been been you know her her feeling um that that the lot was buildable taxes have been paid as you know as if it were a buildable lot so this is the first stab at it regulations that we have to to address okay um I have also some questions concs sorry so I I don't 2017 predates my time so I don't know whether it was a two-bedroom design or three-bedroom design um obviously this is an undersized lot and you're you're doing dite to accomplish the three bedrooms on an undersized lot and we have on layered on that our regulation that requires dite for new construction in any case um so here's my concern about um and I'm not an engineer I'm not technical um but as you know um DP has new regulations maybe you don't know I don't know because you don't maybe don't deal out in the cape um they the newest Title 5 has the um best available nitrogen reducing technology requirements around in in the cape doesn't apply yet to Westport um but in looking at that because um our regulation requires 19 milligrams per liter whether it's you know nitrogen um credit or not um and the best available nitrogen reducing technology that they D requirement for the cave is now 10 milligrams per liter um they don't have any systems that in general use that meet that they have a couple in provisional but the two general use um are septech and advantic and not singular so I looked at the singular data from the mass tech center 38.4% of the time does it meet 19 milligrams per ler out of many installations they have across the state so not a great um draft record um for for meeting the you know and given that this is both a new construction 19 milligrams per liter re and you're sort of doing the um the three-bedroom design on the undersized lot I would ask you to to look at um know is there um we can't require it um I don't think I don't think that's reasonable for us to say determine what kind of Technology you use but I would um think that the um D standard now for best available nitrogen reducing technology is something for you to look more closely at um so that was one concern the other is a more um uh administrative technical um uh you do not reference on the plan which D approval you're going by because singul has a lot of yeah I did include that with the package okay um uh but I'd like to see it on the plan and one of the reasons is because one of the specific things when I looked at the approval is there specific considerations for the DN green tank um and I wanted to make sure that um you know if what it says is where Vehicles can possibly access an installed singular green system site suitable warning shall be installed so okay you know a reference to that or at least a statement on the plan that says we'll be in compliance with this D approval um and I don't know if it's a deeper burial or not but there's deeper burial requirement you know that that again it's just um that's something that we would want to see whether it's whether you stick with singular a or choose another technology I'm not saying that you have to I'm just wanting you to think about that a little bit more the grading like I say over the septic system and the septic tank it does rise up a bit it wouldn't would make it very difficult not impossible but difficult for any vehic loading to to to to get around there um so um but I can certainly add a note to the plan that that basically uh protects it doesn't have to be specific to that but I'm just what I'm wanting to see on the plan because the plan is you know your letter isn't what's going to be sure the the formal official record so we could certainly add a not note another note over here that uh addresses that I know you you're Rhode Island Facebook but we usually see they will they reference the D approval numbers okay right on the plan all right so um so um so I'm not sure you know where you want to take that comment um around the technology and I don't um well so yes we have a couple of yeah I don't know you what your thoughts are well I just wanted to make sure that your Fe ility question was answered yeah was it you satisfi well I don't know it sounded like and I was just trying to get back to numbers that it's kind of like that basically the because of the um the elevation that the well the tank is in because one way or another I think we have to accept that the uh the the leech field is uh is going to be underwater to some extent but is it kind of like you're saying well that basically we that the tank is just about a foot un under the level of elevation or 2 feet I couldn't yeah 17 is the base flood elevation in the AE Zone and we're probably 163 okay for the grade over top of the tank so eight or nine Ines of water might be possible U that could certainly be elevated a little bit so that we we have that grade of okay uh of M over the tank so that um that wouldn't be a difficult thing to do okay I think that would be helpful I mean some of this is really just kind of for the protection of the house you know and I don't know how complicated the the plumbing part of it is you know but it it just might be advisable you know to have some sort of check valve in there that would prevent the system from backing up if over a prolonged period of time or um I don't know when you read the news and see how big floods can get uh and where you're located you could really get inundated and then you you know you would lose your you know you lose your sanitary substance for a while until you know the flood waters subsided so it's it's and I I think it's not more it's not a vague Environmental issue it's more the part of the public health that says we want to make sure that houses are you know occupiable and the septic system you know the you know that we could certainly certainly incorporate a a a valve on the building sewer in the event if there's a hurricane we're going to have a little bit of forewarning check valves um and solids and things like that don't really work well together they tend to plug so my preference would be to have some sort of wall valve or a valve that will um we can we can secure that so it doesn't find its way back into the house that would that would be good okay y so it seems like there are a few technical things you need to address in the plan um and you have to do the storm water calculations anyways um um what it would be helpful is then to have um and youve given us a narrative about the elevations and so on but the you know in terms of us riding variance um and then also given the concern raised this afternoon by um the abutter um what I would suggest is a continuance for two weeks um um so that we have you know an updated plan with the citations the storm water calculations um and um you the narrative around the the um elevations and um your assessment of the um best available technology I I I um we were hope that they they do have a closing that that schedule that'll have to be pushed back but I I understand the comments and everything and and uh uh we will We we'll talk to the butter we'll update the plan and provide some additional information and um there's one at least one other about here that I don't know if he has statement for positive or negative but it's ineter would you like yeah that would be great because then people get to see you too [Applause] you know first it's been great not to have anything on the lot for 50 years or something like that but all good things must come to an end and we we would really welcome the the humph there as a a part of the community U I guess the subdivision originally had I think 13 people and we were the first family in there and I was about 5 years old at that time um it seems like frankly the plan is it's pretty reasonable I mean the three bedroom um I took a quick look at it I know a little something about building new septic system and elevating it you've got the the nitrogen reducing aspect of it which I think is is is is pretty appropriate and I think it addressing some of the other issues uh at this point in time um my concern is a little different and U uh I don't to go to exactly but I think the humph would agree to this pretty easily and that is you do map cumber Lane and everybody in there a huge favor if they could have a construction entrance off of River Road even if they plan to close it up um it would be a big favor because uh I've subjected the neighborhood to a fair amount the last two years and have another years or year and a half or whatever of construction uh would be pretty trying to uh some of the neighbors so um you know it would be better for all the contractors and everyone else concerned if they could you could just figure out how to come in directly off a River Road and surface the construction I got a huge dust that would make it easier to drill the well is also the well is up closer to River road so it's actually a Coit Road a CO Road at that corner coad on that where you're planning on putting in the well you would still have a fair amount of access to the west of that Ro and I'm just saying I don't know department or health but you know that's that's the reality well I don't think that hard Juris I don't know if um you know there would be any EXC you I sit on the Conservation Commission as well so I don't know if um you know there would be any issue with you know constructing a a road from that point of view at all so I I you know you might go back in and just check in with Chris Capone at the concom just to see if there's any resource areas within us that you know you're infringing upon and that you need to get approval I don't think there be a problem with getting the approval you probably need to if you're coming in just with what I know you probably need to come in on sort of the western side of that lot which gives you a little bit more elevation stays away from the Well site which is on the low side coming around the corner there the first corner on River Road but that's at this point in time I mean I I I'll have to state that I planted all the big cedar trees along the uh the edge of the property 25 30 years ago anticipating that that this was this day was coming so I guess the only thing I can say at this point is is welcome I'll I'll check with Chris and make sure that's not going to complicate things from a perspective but I believe we're more than 200 ft Away River Road here is more than 200 ft away from the Wetland yeah so that but I'll double check yeah that that would be the only just so yeah I think that's any other any other anybody else want to comment just want to make sure it is a public hearing um then um I sorry that this may delay your plans a little bit I would um ask for a motion to continue do we have a Time specify it be at the uh August 19th meeting at 4:50 p.m. 450 yeah uh 4 five Z sorry things got more complicated but no it's my 19th Monday yes two weeks from today you don't necessarily need to attend I think we we've outlined all of the outstanding issues but um just um the other butter May attend um right we'll try and get something in writing from him or at least get him enough information so that he can okay he can I did commit that we would notify him if there was um a continuent so okay he'll get notice just informally at least from us okay um but any I know you've submitted a plan but um obviously there's some changes here um you might want to share with him okay thank you okay um I'll I'll I'll you made the motion did you move oh so I'll move to continue um the hearing until August 19th at 450 I'll second that motion all in favor I I that's unanimous two to nothing with one thank you than you thank you for your thank you your cooperation [Applause] thank you bye okay I've got to call a 4:50 p.m. discussion um Glen Potter representing Alex craf at 10 Hillside Road a proposed five bedroom system with a BSF and advantics using a derel fee statute um on a 7,8 something 88 0 maybe Square ft lot missing a missing a digit even good evening Mr P this is just a discussion not a formal hearing um yes you cornered the deric right of way cases as far as I can tell I know was a good look up anyway what happened we've been here several times and I finally come up with a solution but what happens is if you look at your plan the system to be 100 ft from the well that was the question it goes back to the house is a four- bedroomroom house there was a a guest Cottage uh to the west of the property on the west side of the property and that's tied into the house but they gutted it out to refit it but then that destroyed evidence that it wasn't actually a better so we come back and to figure out what to do with the septic system the existing system you can see in dash lines in the front lawn septic tank it's the same location as the proposed band tax unit and we managed to get the bottom of sand filter which is the best solution for this 101 ft away from the well so the system ends up being in the right away of Lakeside Avenue the this property owns the lot that the guest Cottage is on the lot that the house is on but also the lot that goes down from Lakeside Avenue East to the pond so they do own both sides of Lakeside Avenue which means that they therefore own the fee at the derot fee statue in Lakeside Avenue my only question was in my mind what this goes this ends up with the AA Club property does the AA Club maintain an access to get to their property so I with the help of a land survey had to confirm my suspicions they do not D here from 1939 that says reserving never L of the grand to except that's the people who originally bought this lot right L pass and repass along Point Lakeside Avenue as shown the plan between Atlantic Avenue and other landine boundaries sudden lak Avenue on east and west the shall not use a successor meaning the club shall not use Lakeside Avenue as a members Entrance Drive its members nevertheless having the right to use said Avenue as pedestrians and the granau agrees uh that the grantees May erect at their own expense a fence across the nor property line and just leave an open gate or a Turn Style so pedestrians can walk so this ends up going from the co Club all the way down to L Avenue on the C about 1,00 ft and to my knowledge there's no foot path there right now so it's it's not being used with that but it could be so this deed and another D previous indicates that the club relinquish relinquished its right to use this as a drive to get to the property but they did reserve the right for pedestrian traffic okay so the pedestrian traffic would certainly be able to circumvent the system and walk all the way down to at okay so that's question number one question number two is the original system is 59 ft from Wetlands the proposed bottom of sand filter is 58 ft so I wanted to bring that to the board's attention and that's the best I can do for this okay so I had a question um oh stop let me start first with Matt um do this in the right order I just add the question about you say they own do they own Lakeside app that they own the property or they just own it because it's a paper Street and they own to the C it's a paper street so they own both sides of it by the derc fee statute they own the property so there's no one else there's nobody else on the other side so they they they would own all the way across all the way across I see and the and the end of the road this this goes into the eighth green on the aosa club property so I don't think anybody want to be driving into the eighth green tell you the truth so back in 1939 the club sold this property and relinquished the right to drive at that point in time but reserved the right for pedestrian access from the club property to Atlanta GA so we're not impeding traffic here um is the lot Mt 88 Lots I don't know which 170 that's 170 this one yes is this is that a buildable lot is that something that that could be sold no actually that is wrong and I've got a corrected plan but I didn't want to correct correct it until I found out what the board's thought was on this they own 169 which is lot the cottage is on M and this is 170 Y and 184 is the one on the pond okay so 184 is that a buildable lot could they sell that no okay W's line as you can see starts here and then it just it's you you can't get 100 ft away I can't get 100t away with this okay I just because if they if somebody else could yes then then this would be a a different conern so we have to I don't know what the lawyer would say well I yeah I mean I um this is not this is my understanding of the way that the um the way the issue is dealt with which is that there's a that the owner of the property when the property gets sold that it's presumed that halfway to the roadway goes the other goes with the yeah well it's kind of split down the middle but it goes so when you when the current so when this property was sold The Grand Tour has the right to retain an interest a property interest in the in the roadway if they don't if the deed doesn't specifically say that they're retaining an interest it goes with the land okay so if it really became critical you know if so if the 170 was sold the by the current owners if they needed to I think they could still retain title to the other half of the road you know because the law allows them to do that I think it was the situation to to cure the ambiguity of because Deeds weren't really mentioning this situation it they wrote it to say you know unless there's an affirmative keeping of the title by the gr tour in the roadway part it goes with the land it runs with the land and so um so in the worst case it was really if the difference if the I'll call it the eastern half of the roadway was necessary to meet the um area requirements if if it was I mean if it was then what the owner should do is retain the right to the you know his right to the right away okay and he could still give an easement over it he could say that other people can use it whatever but he would retain the right to the property it wouldn't go the land if he sold 170 I think that's the answer I think then we should make that somehow a condition it's it's totally unable the other side right Eastern side is unable okay well is there anything worthwhile recording somehow that I mean you'll have to put it well I feel like I want to have something you know to protect them um to say well it's sort of it's an encumbrance sort of on the of way that should be um documented not I mean it's documented in our records but is there a way to document that in the deed I just feel like I I I would feel more comfortable if they had I I don't know how to do that I don't know if that's possible I don't know well for our purpose when the plan officially comes in that we could condition the approval of the plan on the owner of 169 is that the right the owner of the one this is 170 this is 184 okay the PA lot's 184 okay retaining the well that retains will retain you know will retain ownership of the right 17 uh so we we could work up some language that would be acceptable or Len could come and you know propose some you know that so that the owner understood what was going on I don't care but I I think as long as I think as long as yeah I don't know I don't I don't want to really lawyer it out I mean I guess you could just say in the event that he sold it uh he you know he's he he um sold the Eastern property that um he would retain the right of ownership in the right way I guess that's what you could do if you were that concerned about just some way to retain I mean it's it is [Music] how about the approval of this plan is touch that the owner hereby agrees that the presumption is lot 184 cannot be sold well that would be great if you wanted to do that yeah they won't sell it well it has to go together with L 17 yeah I but I can put a statement on the app and say that mhm okay that's what I'm saying yeah um I do have one minor technical thing sure um that's one I'm here um the alarm panel yes is in the house now doesn't that have to be accessible to the omm operator but it is to B connect toed on the outside of a home or a pedestal that is what I thought accessible somewhere the notes I didn't this up [Applause] [Music] no whose point is as simple as mine control panel okay number 10 under pump notes pel to be located inside the building in a nem type enclosure with audio and visual alarm top I don't I don't see it right oh no so page one oh page one uh sorry it's right next to the locus I'm right I'm reading it right here number 10 but you got a different version a different plan okay I got it right there oh I see okay control panel be located inside the building in a type enclosure no that shouldn't be it has to be accessible outside either on an individual pedestal in the area of the unit or attached to the home right so can we correct that I will correct that number 10 this must be the earlier version that we had I'll fix that but I mean of essence the system is the same system right it was just I didn't want you know there to be a problem down with a contractor you know building something and then the onm operator saying oh I can't get the No No I agree with that that's not correct cu the event tax people any anybody maintaining need needs to access the panel directly if there's a problem people don't have to be home as a disconnect switch and they and they do their work right that's what I got myard so same thing with a simple pump we put a a pool switch inside the manual so that they can shut the power off pull the pump check things out the the all right so I'll do that no about that 184 and I'll correct this okay um otherwise I you know I also make a reference to the de 1939 de that indicates that any other questions or concerns I think if we have that um we can proceed um this I I think this doesn't wouldn't need to come before us other than it could come as a director of poin or is there a variant yes there's no oh no variance no no so it can be directly approved yeah okay so all right not that we don't like to see your face here but I know well that's okay better okay thank you very very much I don't mind not coming oh look uh I read your email I'll talk to you tomorrow all right that's fine okay um you sign great thank you um so can we U visit the home burial guidelines um oh right uh sorry you're ready to go no no no no um and the reason there's some urgency to this or not urgency but some expeditious bus would be appreciated um we received a request last week um from a property owner in Westport who is planning ahead um would like to uh establish a home burial plot on his property um uh and wanted to know what the process was and I said well we don't have a process yet um uh and what you know what are the requirements he he has done some he indicated he had done some research himself so he understood that he had to come before the Board of Health um so let me just walk through um and then you know chime in as you have concerns I know Matt has already raised one at least um so I I uh used um as you can see on page two the um references I went to were um the State website um for information for local Boards of Health on home burials and green burials so so they have a specific web page on that um and then a general consumer guide to or you know for families if they want sorts of you know home involvement and for family involvement and aspects of of post death um baral management um I also um if you remember I went to a um green burial Workshop with m in May um and there was a presenter from Orleans um who had a slid show I looked at that I L relooked at those slides um and I included the one of the hand one of the slides was this um their policy um that's so that's that those were the sort of references I used um and I looked at the Statue um so uh a basic four steps um there's really a fifth but I don't know that we can get involved in that but um we have to approve the site um after a hearing and so I think you're the one who mentioned about butter or not so that's a question we should address um uh to assess the suitability of the location um uh D is um supposed to review even if the local board believes that the site conforms to any D requirements um in terms of um protection of drinking water sources and the select board also has to approve the home um plot home burial plot um and if it's approved they have to file a copy of the site plan um as an addendum to the deed and recorded at the registry of deeds there is another provision in State Statute that says because the land needs to be permanently protected there um it requires a cemetery Corporation um that's outside of our uh jurisdiction I think I don't want to get in that um so I didn't specify that um but that's something that you know we can alert people to but that's not something that we wouldn't oversee um these General site criteria I took from um a couple of different sources again from the um um mass.gov website recommendations The Orleans recommendations um um and some others that I came up with on my own um so um DP recommends 300 feet from a private drinking water well Orleans has 200 I think 200 is reasonable um as long as some of the other concerns we have are addressed um because most you know properties aren't that big and so um we want to keep it as a possibility um it can not be in the river front um Zone one uh in a velocity zone or 1500 year flood zones because of of course risk of the B's being um coming to the surface um the slope mened not exceed 3 to1 unless there's a satisfactory slope stabilization method um um I put in it wasn't specifically stated anywhere in the DP guidance but that it should meet the W weapons protection act set that requirements um uh otherwise they should get maybe an RDA I'm not sure um I just I threw that in I also suggested at least 25 ft from any property boundary um the recommendation is if it's less than 75 ft that it should the property should be formally surveyed but I think um just from a abutter perspective you want it some distance away from property line um because people will be concerned and maybe it should be more but I just said 25 ft um um like the Orleans just says if it's less than 75 ft they have to have a survey which makes sense if the property lines are not accurate where they don't know exactly um but I think I I suggested that as a consideration um the other criteria are not site specific necessarily um the shrouding or encasement of bodies in biodegradable material that is from from The Orleans um policy or guidelines um it's not required under State Statute um but I think we would want it in Westport um because it we have so many private Wells and and other sensitive resource areas that we should be um allowing for um basically a natural burial um and not have it you know big casket um covered by 3 ft of soil that's the recommended depth for um natural burials um usually in a cemetery with a vault at six fet but um but the bottom of the barrial excavation should maintain three ft of separation is that statutory no that I got from um okay um about one leads right um and then um for remains of individuals known to have died of a serious pathogenic disease um I think we should have a review again um um just because of the public health risks associated with that it's very rare but um um we we would wouldn't know that in advance for approving a family burial plot but only at the time of death so that's just something I kind of threw in there um um the approval process this is I took from the slideshow from Orleans um what they go through what their program is um they pick a location on their property and they hire a soil evaluator to conduct a soil suitability analysis basically like a perk test right and then they have to get a site plan from an engineer um with all the setbacks slopes and gradients water table so class lot size kind of all the things we would need to evaluate the appropriateness of the site y or the location they would submit that to the Board of Health for a public hearing again we have to think about a better notification um and then if we approve we have to send it to D along with the site plan and if D says y or nay uh or said y then we would forward it to the select board for their approval and then they file the documents so that's kind of um I just I had a qu I just looking at my notes is the number of plots is that said in the statute no okay um you they talk the um D the recommend recommended distances yeah they talk about like an individual plot a family plot up to four or a cemetery because we approve cemeteries technically and then the distances are greater so I use the four bodies as a kind of a frame of reference okay um and also just in my um research for my other project um they do sometimes it's only two up to four you know sort of is is the typical range for for that but um more than that it becomes a cemetery you know more than just a it's more than a family plot and so I guess um the other thing that as you were reading it kind of jumped out to me where um is so why I I know you you touched on it but the the requirement for biodegradable material mean if I if somebody wanted to bury you know relation or whatever you know in a um you know in a c metal casket is it because the fear that the casket is going to leech like why does it need to be biodegradable or is like a typical casket considered to be biodegradable no yeah so why why where does that come from um that's coming from um well it came from the bans policy okay um and I adopted that um because I think um if you're going regular SE then just the a regular casket is more um there's no contact you know direct contact with the soil so it's not going to be sort of the natural decomposition right um in the same time frame so it's it just feels less um it it's a I have to admit it's more of a you know personal bias of mine right um but it's consistent with the Orleans policiy okay well I I yeah I mean I I'm I'm not being critical of it I guess is the I I could see that some that the motive ation to do it could be that you want to have you know the body biodegrade and be part of the natural environment or it could just be that the the proximity thing that is you want it on your property you know just the way it seems in the movies sometimes times people you know just buried their kin on you know they had a family plot and it wasn't you know back then yeah and they they put them in wooden caskets as far as I know it wasn't they weren't thinking of you know and I'm going to plant a tree here and then the tree will be nurtured Etc I don't know it seems I mean historically of course before the funeral industry before the 18 late 1800s it was just a plain Pine Box ground on on the family property often often times so this is sort of going back to that um I think um logistically if you're going to get a big fancy casket you're going to be involving a funeral home I'm not sure that they're going to be you know for transporting the casket because you know I it just sort of seemed in congress with the um but it's not and this is a um oops they must have a six o00 meeting historical commission okay um yeah so um it's I don't let me put it this way um I don't believe home burial is ever going to be very common um and um I know the person who's requested this has indicated he's going to use a Plaine um Pine Box um or that's what his wish is he won't be allowed to tell um but um so I don't think that would be a concern of his I did share the draft with him because he's the one who asking this and he was unable to attend today he said he would be willing to attend to a future meeting because I said this is preliminary Donna's not here this is just getting the ball rolling and discussion so yeah I I would just say I I mean I okay it it seemed I would have difficulty because it seems like such a personal decision to deny somebody or to require and say no you can't bury you know whoever you know you can't bury your grandfather in a casket you know it has to be in the ground if someone was really uncomfortable with that I would I would have difficulty enforcing that personal judgment on it assuming that all the other like I met all the other requirements okay I would some come in and said well okay I I don't really need to be 200 ft away because I'm you know burying it in a casket I would say no it has to be 200 feet away or whatever we set the number to be but I'm just a little bit okay I can be convinced you know but I'm just I I just think it's we can make it a recommendation yeah okay um Matt also mentioned um we should be at least 50t from a leech field which none of the D guidance or anything else I saw mention leech Fields but I think that's a good I don't think what's going in the ground and B of the leechfield I just don't like the idea of digging too close to a reach field right yeah so um I I don't think that's a I mean I think that's a reasonable okay yeah I mean so a notification is another uh I know I believe I don't know for sure if we had to approve a new cemeter I I didn't see anything where it's explicitly says about a notification but I've heard of stories where you know they have to approve a cemetery and a Butters are concerned um so I assume um it's probably prudent to require a butter notification um and hopefully that yeah well also I mean because 25 ft is not really very far away well should we make it warm no I just think that that well I think it's something you know that could be a subject of you know discussion between like the parties but it would just seem to be awkward if it happened and some many commun said no one ever told me this plus you know now I have gravestones or whatever that that are you know I don't know how big this room is but you know it's like two rooms away from my you know could be near their house or some of place so I think it would be good to do it and then uh well this was a yeah so I wasn't even a requirement anywhere I'm just proposing it so it sounds like you agree with we should have that at least that yeah I I I I think so you know unless unless I you know you were doing it in a way in which um that kind of uh you know like we were sting Landscaping requirements that you know it had to you know the area had to be covered with you know boarded by trees or you know bushes or something where it was set separate I don't know okay well um people would start talking about their property values right away was like wait a minute The View out of the my house is whatever I think without and I didn't know anything about it okay we should avoid that I think so I think uh I'll um ask Matt to get feedback from Donna yeah um and then we'll tweak this a little bit um I think adding the ab butter notification um adding leach field distance um recommending instead of re biodegradable um and then you know anything else you can think of that we should no no I think youve done a really good job of researching it so I think yeah and I I I think the idea of limiting the the plots through our regulation is kind of a good idea okay and I you know I mean I don't know if we're going to well anyway yeah we know that we'll have at least one circumstance where this you know this guidelines will apply so yeah um I want to be sensitive to getting something in place and is this your so so this there there's there's no requirement of the connection between or maybe it's a way of asking what's the difference between like a cemetery and this that does there have to be a the right word filial connection between the property owner and the person that is being bued thing um the the land must be owned by descendants and descendants okay all right um and I didn't say that explicitly so maybe I should um basically you know it's right right but it's owned by Des at the time of Deb presumably um but what if they sell I mean it's that encumbrance is on the deed so a future oh I see right right yeah it's just the way it introduced it's I mean now this is not a criticism but it says is bearing a person of a privately owned residential property that is not an approved Cemetery so okay I I guess what I'm saying so I do think that it is worth it to you know set a maximum for this scenario and you could then create a different category if you wanted but this would have a link to descendants and then uh would this have to go on a deed somehow yes yeah yeah okay I was going to say because if they sell the property somebody would have to know yeah yeah um because it is uh the where the family plot is is per has to be permanently protected you know it can't I mean there are such things as successive burial rights but they technically they're supposed to establish a Cemetary Corporation but I'm not going down that path because that seems um way out of our league um I we know that there's going to be another meeting in here shortly so um unless there's any other business um I'll move to adjourn at 548 PM second all in favor that's unanimous thank you very much everyone