##VIDEO ID:1EK3AlLm654## ALG to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right first item on the agenda we have a s open of AJ Potter and Son 60 604 Main Road Mr chairman uh one of our renewals for soil penum of 454 AJ poter and Suns uh 604 Main Road facility is located behind the property the app is filed to renew the stockpile and soil permit number 44 four 4554 located at the property at 604 Main Road materials are stored for applicants business as well as uh as well as sale uh the property was in good workking order recommendations Westport conservation Soil Conservation board should approve the soil permit number 454 for one year for AJ potteran Sons do you have a motion questions uh I have no questions I'll make a motion to approve second second from Kevin all in favor I oppos that's it's all set all right next we have um let's see Brian Cory anrod 874 main road to determine if resource areas depicted on the plan are accurate can you State Northern Star Brian Cory that's actually I'm sorry Northern Star Brian Cory yeah and 874 main road to deter resource areas I depicted on the plan are accurate correct thanks Mr chairman the El cards for this yes they govern before the meeting started Jim walk um basically renal of an preexisting line it's at the end of the field hasn't changed much and uh get C green cards and okay CH Mr chairman members audience this is Northern Star Brian Cory 874 Main Road this is abbreviated notice of resource area delineation dat of the report is July 30th 2024 we did receive a file number today um I don't know if we don't get it there 2759 27 se80 2759 se80 2759 59 S 80 um description of the work the applicant has filed an abbreviated notice of resource are delineation to establish the edge of the bordering vegetated Wetland located to the rear of the parcel the delineation has been approved and shown in the past on S similar plans um so this review of the area shows that there are no changes and the line represented as accurate there is no work proposed on this application this is just the approval of a delineation that actually resides over the wall of the subject property um and is represented just probably 5 to 12 ft in some areas off that wall recommendations Westport conservation Soil Conservation board should approve the Wetland Flags Wetland Flags numbers 101 through 111 and issue the order of resource area delineation that is all any questions from the audience is that is this this abandoned house down there yes it is the abandoned house just immediately up from us that's been sitting for many years yes any other questions from the table this is this Northern Star a new owner new they've been the owner of the property right along yeah there's nothing's changed it's just I would expect they may be moving forward to fruition of something but I cannot State for the record what that is 2018 I flagged the property 2019 I did the perks I would have given you an idea what they might have done then 201 19 I flag the Ws across the street 2020 did the perks I could have given you an idea that today I have no clue it's been six years all right there's no uh questions looking for a motion to approve or move to approve the issuance of it all right anybody from the audience Mr I there's no one in the audience any may have a question in the audience no I already asked that all right thank you we missed that you have a question no to the I mean to the correct right do you have a question no all right go ahead say Phil you have a motion I just I move to approve the issuance of the oad okay do you have a second second second from Tom all in favor all right that's unanimous just approving Thanks James so not a lot going on tonight um if I just say to the audience you hear something from the planning board is when he's moving forward with something so we the usually the last person to know in this case he's keeping the Wetland delineation active so that there isn't a question on that part of the project lny part did it years ago it's the same somebody else did it later on they move some stuff around yeah so it's relatively exactly the same so again we have no idea the both properties at some point are interconnected on opposing sides of the road um but again we're still in the dark on and the one across the street for your purposes is still up in the air the state hasn't even issued their final permits for a year and a half now so I don't even know where that is in respect to the mass D so that's just clarification for you guys in respect to where we send okay thank you thank okay we have a bill from East Bay media 6 $61.50 for advertising for a hearing motion to pay second Kevin and Tom all in favor okay oppos uh 611 minutes let's see present myself Jason Tom and Jake so wait on those can't do that one either I thought you could no 79 minutes myself Jason Phil and Burton were here okay so we can vote on the 79 minutes anybody have any changes for the minutes from July 9th if not looking for a motion to pay a motion to pay a motion to accept to accept second all right so that was Jason and Phil all in favor oppos that's you all right we can't do this one 723 minutes present myself Kevin Burton Phil we we can get this one out of the way too then so 7:23 minutes if there are no changes to the minutes you've all been sent looking for a motion to approve the minutes motion to approve the minutes second it okay that was filling bur all in favor POS all right that's um we have a request to have one of our members join a new committee or a new a for committee that's going to be newly formed which is for the um what are they calling it The offshore wind project I yeah whatever Vineyard wind yeah steering committee or some kind of what for offsh went so Jake um had shown interest in um being appointed does anybody else have any uh wish to be appointed if not a motion to appoint Jake no go ahead No my only concern with Jake might there be important votes that he has to abstain from because of his situation I wouldn't want to have a Committee Member rendered somewhat ineffective because of his situ situation um I I can't answer that if you want to wait here to you know 100% favor of being on there I just don't want him to be R is there a description of what this has to do no why don't we just table till next meeting and then we can I'll learn a little bit more about it information yeah he would be yeah or' be there to be something in the record in terms of how he resolves the conflict of if it appears to be a conflict of Interest he can describe why it isn't and there's some flexibility there but I think yeah he could file disclosure U with the town clerk if if it comes to those circumstances I don't think it's not going to affect it's not going to affect his business even if they land him next door it's not going to and hurt his business or his you know his Beach yeah that' be the town the State Beach but yeah we'll we'll table it till next meeting and we I don't think it's a voting committee anyway I think it's just more it's more Myer committee correct it's Anis to to the the concerns of this proposed right Landing in the community all right I'll talk to him about it and I'll I'll ask the uh bo s to give me a little more information on it and need be he'll fire the disclosure all right that's all I have Chris well with respect to that Mr chairman we as people are weize they blade blew up on the vineyard winds test project of one of their uh offsh offshore wind turbines um we received another notice um this week of popcorn siiz debris washing ashore which is mostly styrofoam debris um this is from Vineyard wind sending a notification to the community that elephant rock DCR um and and a few other local areas have seen this particular development of this wash the shore debris there is a a hotline number I just want to State for the minutes and for the record this number is 83369 5768 and this is a hotline developed by Vineyard wind to call if you do see such debris well V has had something at the State Beach and they've had something down at the Nel picking up the going along the correct very and I can tell from my my son told me they have at least one if not two big trash bags full of debris from his from where he works in the beach and it's not popcorn size either big popcorn size well I just want this to be out there just so if again I don't know who's looking at East Beach in respect to those areas but I I know Kevin was out in the ocean and did see debris um pretty uh prevalent in uh many areas of where he was fishing so it obviously is kind of embarrassing but that's the way we we're utilizing our oceans as today so let's hope hopefully we can Rectify this in some manner but it's not giving them the best look uh for the proposed overall project but accidents happened and they're not uh the designer of the blade itself so uh that was something that malfunctioned better than the Horizon leak right that's true too that's yeah you know so all right the other thing I have Mr chairman is a request to sign an enforcement order uh this is to be sent to to John piver um this is a new thing that's happening in the commuting marginal lands are being sold and people are buying them like they're the greatest thing um this was a parcel of land sold off register AV it's actually landlocked uh the gentleman bought it for 23 $25,000 uh and believes it's a buildable viable piece of land um it's surrounded by wetlands and he was told not to go in there there uh so he chose to go in there and did clear and knock down a bunch of vegetation within the Wetland and the uh buffer zone area um again he was advised not to he finally has flagged the delineate or flag the wetlands associated with this so This enforcement order basically states to cease and assist any further activity get the Wetland delineation approved before any further consideration of use of this property is is allowed this is a landlock piece of land on a paper Street he needs to build the road in order to get Frontage to make this developable the paper Street goes through Wetlands if he has 8,000 square ft he has to replicate 3,000 square ft now he has 5,000 square ft he has to put a septic 50 ft away from the Wetland area minimum for B health and Title 5 he has no place to put the house so I don't know what this particular person is thinking but um again I I just want I gave the guy a little lean way and again he went in there with a machine uh two weekends ago and started you know again so for the record this is John piver uh it's a property located off register a I suggest we issue the enforcement order and response activity he has taken within a wetland and a buff his own area on that property all right do we have a motion move to ISS the enforcement order second second from Jason all in favor all right let's you s where is register it's off of Sanford Road up onto the north before you drop down into Route Six area It's Paper streets they these Lots actually made up of 12 Lots you know they're all little tiny 2,000t Lots um that people had purchased the actual person he bought it from has owned it since 1972 um and again it's it's not in my opinion is encumbered by a lot of difficulties to make it seem um but apparently the gentleman has a different perspective and uh wants to just go sit on it and enjoy it and I kind of found that to be interesting when it's after composting toilet indust I he has very little room to again in where in this section neighbors are already on top of each other I don't know how but that's the mentality I just want the board to be aware that the Warren Messier estate same thing they're selling properties to people and I'm getting crybaby phone calls that they didn't realize they couldn't use it when they were obviously disclosed of such so um real estate agents are very cautious to be selling something under false pretenses today that's that's not done so people are not listening um for the record if you see a property under $100,000 for sale in the town of Westport it's definitely got issues there are no deals remaining these lots are not perked these lots are either inundated at times uh and again so I urge people to do your homework and do your due diligence before you uh sign for such properties all right yes that is all okay look motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor all right that's the end of thank you