##VIDEO ID:9En_dblwKyU## all right so we have the January 7th meeting of the Conservation Commission will Stanis L the flag please pledge aliance to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation God indivisible Li and justice for all what a microphone right here right right I want to get feedback all right septic repair for Joe PR's notice of intent se8 2777 155 Plymouth Boulevard replace septic system in the buffer zone to the pond is just a a just notices thank you good evening folks happy New Year how are you power than I used as I recall Mark roets analysis design engineering I'm here tonight to present a acable plan for the feras 52 trust LLC located 155 CL Boulevard abing the southw TU Pond uh and what we've got here here is this is a small parcel of land about 12,000 and change Square ft it's got an existing three bedroom with a Cess pool that is in need of replacement and upgrade that's located over here in front of the house I'll call this the front and this the rear to the east uh what we're proposing to do is put an advanced treatment system and advanex system with a preceded by a two compartment tank uh that'll be discharging to a proposed bottomless sand filter that's uh to the west of the structure between the structure and the southw Tupper Pond uh the proximity to the edge of the pond is approximately 27 ft and we do have a uh flood out elevation associated with that that I've shown here and highlighted in the magenta color the pink color over here to show that setb which is approximately 16 1/2 ft clear of the base flood elevation essentially all of this activity for the bottomless sand filter lies uh within the 100 foot buffer zone to the resource area of the pond uh and just about the 100 foot buffer which I apologize I did not show on the plan brings us right about to the location where the T are currently proposed that is a very small seated area uh just below a retaining wall uh supporting the uh concrete uh driveway and parking area that's above with walkways going down there's really not uh many other locations to give consideration to for the system my primary emphasis in the design was maintaining the setbacks from the wells that I've shown here throughout uh we are able to maintain the 100 set back to all of the wells uh and the 50t set back to where tanks are located so there's really not much option we are going to require that the existing deck's going to have to be modified to accommodate the bottomless sand filter uh very tight work we brought this through the Board of Health uh it's been endorsed uh and those waivers that we were seeking were primarily associated with the setbacks of the system to the departing property the land was survey by Mr Nicholas so we have good boundaries and we had very little room to work with thank you Mr chairman members this is Joe prier realy Trust on 155 Plymouth Boulevard type of filing this a notice of intent application filed by Mark Rogers from analysis and design engineering report date is January 2nd 2025 there is a file number with no adverse comments it's se80 2777 I'm not quite sure on the status of the Board of Health is it it went through the hearing and I was issued paper work today thank you so there goes for the board that it is approved detailed description of the work the owner has filed to repair the septic system on the property located on South wupa Pond proposed repair will require excuse me will require moving some of the existing deck the old cess will also be removed which is within the new septic tank location an advance anex tank system will be constructed in line with the septic tank the sewer line will connect to the bottomless sand filter that will be installed at the rear and 30 ft plus or minus from the pond rosion controls will be installed around the work a and shall remain until the are is stabilized again this basically is a buffer zone activity recommendations the Westport Conservation Commission should approve the reposed septic repair with standard conditions for file number se80 2777 that is all Mr chairman no questions all right any questions from the audience all right any questions from the table not a motion so I'll move to approve the plan at 155 uh Plymouth Boulevard with standard conditions second all in favor post all that's unanimously all thank you [Applause] first hearing uh Jeffrey Cornell RDA 1782 drift Road demolish Cottage and garage in the riverfront area and replace home with minor grading in the vzone Lenny how are you tonight good Happ environmental for Jeffrey Carell 1782 dri and we had a very long L from drift Road the river broken the there was two existing uh buildings in the property it was a garage with two bedrooms above located here and a two-bedroom C is located down here they both were demolished commit from the building department the buffone was just in front of the cage here the 200 River Front is shown in blue the blood zone is in pink here this side is a be Zone elevation 13 and that side zone max everything here Z XX so the replacement septic system the septic tank advanx units and the main house itself are all out of the out of the uh resource areas the deck about half of it will be inside the the flood zone the elevation of the top of foundation here is going to be 2 just put the Flor somewhere around 22 well above the flood zone and the deck is going to be right around uh somewhere around 21 and A2 and that'll be on Piers I do have to take care of the roof run off storm water I've got two storm water pits here tied into the the gutter down SP system and that's pretty much it the driveway exists comes all the way down to here it'll be reconfigured into a parking this right here Health thank you L Mr chairman this is Jeffrey Cornell 1782 drift Road this a request for determination of applicability filed by westbo environmental design report date is January 2nd 2025 there is no file number with this project this is Board of Health approved as Lenny mentioned uh site visit was also on January 2nd 2025 the owner has filed to demolish the two c or a cottage within the riverfront area the request is coming in after the fact um The Cottages have been removed the removal was completed and the building disposed of in a dumpster and removed from the site a new house garage and septic will be constructed outside the riverfront but within the flood zone the deck will just be within this flood zone limmit and the home entirely out of that limit as you can see from Lenny's plan erosion control should be installed along the demolished structures and Rain to the area stabilize uh I did discuss with Lenny and I verified that they actually had dug and left a burm along the rear of the property adjacent to where the cottage was removed to protect any erosion from heading towards the river and they also had the uh required silt sock all staked in place so those are currently on site uh resource areas this again this is a rof front area and flood zone activity um basically on buffer zone if you are closer to the River's Edge recommendations the Westport Conservation Commission should approve the after the fact work and issue a negative box two determination uh and maintain the erosion controls around the demolished structures and Seed all Disturbed areas that is all Mr chairman thank you Chris any questions l no questions all right anybody have a question to table a motion I'll make a motion to uh approve pending uh bo of Health approval no they got that already though oh you got it okay I'm sorry um let's see so I'll make a motion to approve negative box two you have a second a second thanks for all in favor opposed all right that's unanimously thank you Lenny thank you we commend the land owner for pulling his house that far [Music] away yeah no appreciate that thank good night good night L low small notice of intend 94 East Beach Road perform Beach maintenance anybody here from Mr small continuing that Mr chairman for a requirement of natural heritage is submitt which they haven't done yet so I'm requesting to continue to January 21st um and we may continue it if they don't get a word from natural heritage but for right now please continue that hearing for L small looking for a motion to continue to January 21st of 2025 make a motion to continue to January 21st Mo from Jason do you have a second second second from Jake all in favor post that's unanimous long Built Homes RDA 632 All County Road construct dwelling septic well driveway grading and drainage system in the buffer zone how are you tonight very good thank you Mr chair my name is Bob for from Zenith Consulting Engineers um this is a uh project as you mention on Old County Road it's a it's the proposed Family House the garage hold on a second uh I just called did I call L County I did I'm sorry I had the wrong you're right I'm sorry not my project so I could have got all you're on the right um and on this property uh my understanding is the uh owner of of the house is the father and the they're proposing this house for the son so two separate Lots this six 24 632 um there there is when we saw this there was some um wet one's vegetation on this side of the site this is right off the edge of Joan's way um so we had a wetland scientists go out there and flag it out um flags are shown on this plan the flag come around upon each other and uh it's an isolated um depression uh it does have Wetland vegetation in it uh when we ran the calculations for it to uh determine whether or not it was an isolated land subject of flooding it was significantly smaller than that in fact it's mostly on the the wless vegetation occurs on a slope that continues to slope in this direction uh when we were R the calculations that came out somewhere in the neighborhood of uh 600 uh cubic feet of volume and you need over 10,000 for it to be classified as an isolated land subject to flooding so um we're contending that this is a non-jurisdictional isolated depression we regardless we are not proposing anything in it we're not proposing the fil we're going to leave it alone and we we we have um Sil sock a control barrier proposed as well um my understanding is that this is the septic system has already been approved by the Board of Health as as well as the um um storm water uh control system that the Board of Health requires right thank you Mr chairman members longb Built Homes 632 Old County Road this a request for determination of applicability filed by Zenith engineering the report date is January AR 2nd 2025 uh as gentleman mentioned this is Board of Health approved this is a an adjacent separate lot adjacent to the parents as the uh engineer representative mentioned the family sold it to this on Long built is the applicant cuz he is constructing the property and the home for the son so the description of work the applicant is filed to construct a single family home well in septic on a parcel of land located at 6:30 to Old County Road the property was shown on the adjacent subdivisions of Joann's way to be a wetland or to have a wetland uh within that area the area was reviewed by Steven schme a wetland consultant the area is an isolated vegetated area that exists in a low area along the property lines the area is not of the volume to be protectable under the wetlands protection act as an isolated land subject to flooding as the applicants representative mentioned this area is only 600 cubic feet uh an isolated land sub the flooding needs to be over 10,000 uh to meet the criteria and have a volume of at least 6 in this area doesn't even really have a volume as he mentioned it has a slight slope to it that brings that flow away from and towards the rear of the Uplands so this was something I think that occurred adjacent to the farming wall and having animals and Farms they usually Cong along the wall and sometime these depressions are created so it was never argued when Joanne's way was accepted or was it really looked at except the applicant just called it what it was so this again to me officially is not of such and is not protectable under the wetlands protection act the area again flows to the West is not connected to any resource area the area will not be filled with this proposed work euroian controls will be installed along the edge and the limit of all disturbance will be up gradient the board of held storm water control Basin is shown to limit any runoff to the road and overflows to this isolated area so this application is is making a determination if this area is subject to the regulations in essence um and they've made a wonderful measures to you can see the limit of work with that dash line they've even made a significant setback um to maintain that area as it is which I appreciate so the Westport conservation recommendation should issue a negative box four determination for the proposed activity uh and this again has Board of Health approval all right thank you do you have any questions no you fine okay thank you anybody have any questions or a motion reissue a negative box for determination for the proposed activity second that was Burton Phil all in favor I oppos I oppos are you for or an opposed I'm opposed I I I would I would I'd also just consider um a continuance and I know this isn't your project so don't take this you know personally but week in week out we have these plans and it seems like there are a lot of my congregated run on that stretch of Old County Road these lots are all sof and wet we have people complaining that the yards are getting flooded and I mean some of these projects might have to go out for like third party review or I just think that some of these projects require a little bit more oversight because they have ramifications on the Butters and it's just there's a lot of them in a kind of relatively small area along that Old County Road area and the S we talked about it earlier the whole string of projects and long built was part of a lot of them on Sodom Road it's just when you drive along there we approved a lot of things that we probably shouldn't have approved so I just I mean I just think that some of these projects require a little bit more scrutiny than even we've given them in the past so I don't want to you know I don't like to get involved in appeals and being long drawn out we Ry I mean so that's why maybe a continuance would be an option we can kind of Bounce some things around for a couple weeks and maybe well what's the point of continue with though I mean in this particular case this is basically a puddle and that's why we came here in front of you Mr K suggested I mean in actuality we didn't even need to come before this board but we agreed with Chris that it was a good idea to show you we're doing and show you that there are in case anybody were to drive by so our Wetland vegetation we agree that it's there we had our Wetland scientists look at it and you've had Mr Kone look at it and everybody is an agreement that it's non jurisdictional so there really wouldn't even need to be a filing here uh there is no buffer zone in other words in reference to what he's mentioning there so we are making a determination the area is not subject to the regulations we're not necessarily making a determination of the proposed single family home uh in essence because it does not fall within the jurisdiction of this commission so then you're you're confident that if the looked at this if we vote it down and it gets appealed that we would lose the appeal I would say yes based on the background they did hire a third party Steve schme who's a well-known Wetlands consultant and he kind of cons agreed to what he shows here is it having the vegetation present but there is not the holding capacity in order for it to be determined to be a protectable weapon so therefore it is not jurisdictional all right I'll take the the path of lease resistance for everyone involved and I'll I'll change my vote I remain consistent in my opposition I think the continued construction of Westport via developers and Engineers to find ways to CH a house into every possible lot including long buil homes is a disgrace and I will continue to oppose all these projects as they come before me okay so we'll just take the vote again I would agree yeah so all those uh who who made the motion was it Bert ber ber made the motion second I second you guys still stand on your your Motion in your second yes okay all those in favor all all right that's um for Jake voted against thank you well you know it it doesn't do anyone any good when they build these places and then two years later they've got retaining walls that are falling over and it doesn't really do the homeowner or any justice either it's a Injustice for the town it's you know thank you all right thank you Neil Gomes notice of int 10 735 Sodom Road remove failed retaining wall and replace with modified Rockville slope and buffer zone I don't think you should sign Greg how you doing tonight see there we go you shut me up security for you guys every cple years you should have got on the agenda you got a cold of Road you you must have know I was coming up I didn't I didn't I just every time I drive by there I think I was telling Chris I think to myself as a town we have to be better than this some places don't belong developed so anyway we all know where this is and [Music] probably wee to correct the situation and make a correct safe I just you tearing the house down is that all you're going to do you tearing the house down yeah well yeah anyway Rec gich South Coast engineering for m g at 735 uh s road and what we have here the existing house very steep slope in the back probably have all seen this uh there was a site plan done 2015 by scitec it was a different house show grading in the back no walls um I can tell you that these walls were not inine blocks that we use even the right blocks for for time wall here's the over here c um rectangles you see the walls the blocks that all fell over so here's the existing condition we have BBW here there are still remants of the flags on trees be able to follow it quite easily stone wall buffone right up over here so what Mr GES did was wisely hired a structural engineer to revalue this evaluate the project uh Tim Sullivan what he came up with rather to do a retaining wall it's a rip wrap slope a little bit greater than 2 to one the stone size minimum 18 in 75% of the stones are going to be minimum weight of 500 lb this is real rip rck it's not modified rock rock fil similar what you see on the uh endone Bridges the Fon Bridge d8 a similar situation however it's not a 14t block from top to bottom all the blocks will be removed we're going to be putting um some fabric uh over the DED slope we'll tow the um stones in down here and be laid as shown in the plan there a concrete pad up here which is visible some of the photographs that's been compromised according to Mr Sullivan the foundation of the home hasn't closest uh work to the Wetland is right here it's 15 ft away from the total slope at this point you are proposing uh a line of water around here which is shown to uh protect the resource area talking to Mr Pony said because of the spe are the slope you'd like to see a double line there or perhaps a segmentation fence behind the1 no objection to that so that's pretty much your view thank you GRE you've seen the photos going around so this again was a fault of I think storm water being directed towards the wall and the season we had two years ago the wall just toppled over from the saturated soil so the homeowner needs to understand that there needs to be some control and and you know roof gutter should not be dumping uh in a manner that caus what what I believe did this specifically we don't have a file number we're still pending that so this will be contingent on the file number but there is a little concern cuz we have a town fee that Greg added into his fee and they couldn't understand uh what Greg was filing under so this is Neil gome 7 35 Sodom Road uh no 10 application filed by Greg Nicholas from South Coast engineering uh the report date is January 3rd 2025 file number is pending site visit was also on January 2nd 2025 the applicant filed to repair the failed block retaining wall installed behind the home the retaining wall became undermined by water infiltration and the wall toppled over the structural engineer has provided a detailed drawing to install a stone rip wrap slope with a 2:1 grade the existing blocks will be removed and an 8 O geot geotextile fabric will be installed Lodge Boulders will be stacked to fit tightly with smaller Stones placed between erosion control shall be staked hay bales back by or up against a silk fence entrenched at the base of the slope uh they probably could do this with the waddle Greg but I'd like to see something entrenched uh all roof runoff needs to be directed away from the area to prevent any future damage so um that is something the homeowner needs to take into consideration and also that just about anything the homeowner does on this property is within our jurisdiction and there still again it needs to understand that that there's not allowed to expand or or add more fill so I think this way this house was situated was a little further back Greg right from what was originally proposed uh probably not further back but this wasn't here so so I got you I got you so again that is my general concerns I believe with recommendations and standard conditions the Westport conservation should approve pending file number approve a RI wrap 2:1 slope to replace the failed retaining block wall special conditions that an entrenched hay bale silk fence combo be utilized uh and the area be stabilized before that is removed Mr chairman so this motion should be made contingent on a file number and this is to protect the resource area the way it is now the resource area is being affected by runoff so this rip wrap will help to stabilize that and and would be much better off and was again what was originally proposed for this property and the homeowner chose a different avenue question for you um what you said the the roof gutters go directly do they go into um stor someone want to imagine or was that part of the original plan I me I'm not the original plan was nothing was shown on the original plan any infiltration units but um the homeo had the water going right off that cement slab and draining right down through the wall so I think he's able to put it off Each corner of the house he can divert those in a manner away from that and allow us to dissipate across the he could just simply direct it in this direction some oh just even if he just puts it left and right I mean it has plenty of area this house sits on pretty much a null and the water basically as you can see two to one from all three sides yeah the wall the wall should have been correct when was it built I'm surprised we didn't require roof roof run off into drywalls at the time of that original order if you wish to request it you can Mr chairman I don't think the homeon if it's something you wish to have that is certainly something they could do so could we condition the rebuilding in terms of sequencing it so that the uh uh you know Mis the redirection of the uh release the roof runoff be completed and subject to your inspection before any work is done to rebuild the wall that would be fine I think that's that's that's what I was getting I was a good idea perfect you want make a motion to that effect I think the homeowner is here I believe he's listening so he can understand your concerns was this a 61a release back in the day is this like we had a bunch of them recently but these was part of 17 Lots Mr mgov yeah for a probably so you know again I don't want to be the dead horse but we don't have a storm runoff problem we have a it's a people problem we you know we had 61 a which allows an investor to claim to be a farmer and then he sells off a bunch of lots under 61a he pays a few years back taxes and then we issue permits and then retaining walls fall over it's up and down the road it's and again this isn't directed to you it's it's it's it's a systemic problem yeah it's just this is what we get you know we we build things where they don't belong water's been running off Sodom Road for a long time before we had people was a you was yeah yeah I don't know you start TR yeah and this well whatever I mean he made a lot of money selling a lot of land that was you know tax free for a long time whatever it was um but this is not the last one I mean all those I drive up that road all the time it's going to be a mess be job security for if I may through the chairman you sure population's expanding Jason there limited land left I get it these properties are entitled or land owners entitled to do things in the buffer zone in a manner that we regulate through the issuance of ERS and conditions so although you I understand your concerns but that's what land is left in the community so I guess we have to be very specific and do our due diligence to make sure we have specific orders of conditions that help to control these future I will vote in favor of it I'm not here to jam anyone up no I the homeowner is now stuck the homeowner stuck what these developers are doing in town and the land is is questionable what we have remaining in the community and eventually some of these developers should have some morals and put a little bit of morals over the dollars I make I sound like a Democrat but that's the original was actually done for yeah oh yeah yes they were yeah and know he's taking the money and he's run and now we're rebuilding retaining walls and we'll continue to rebuild retaining walls all right any any questions from the audience questions from the table or comments so if we make a motion we're going to make a contingent on um f number well file number and that the roof runoff be addressed and inspected before the the project continues okay so anybody want to make a motion all right so I so I'll move to approve the plan uh for the Reconstruction of a retaining wall at 735 Sodom Road uh subject to obtaining a file number um that a uh entrenched hayel silk fence combination be utilized and that uh uh all roof R roof runoff will be diverted away from the area um uh that is uh being Recon con structed and that uh and that um activity shall be um completed uh in approved by um the conservation agent prior to commencement of rebuilding of the uh retaining wall so do you have any specifics on how you want the storm water handled or do you want Chris to deal with it in the field with the engineer or the or the end user no I would I would how they go about redirecting it okay um I think should be subject to Chris's approval okay you got that Chris yes sir all right do we have a second second thank you for all in favor I oppos all right in favor for for the homeowner because he's sat over the problems now that poor building is leading to thank why I voted for I'm same way doesn't thank you thank you guys all right uh certificate of compliance bgo solar 202 pin Hill Road se8 2457 anybody here for Mr we need it you going to do that Chris oh how are you tonight um so I did I personally did site visits during construction through the whole time whole project um in our opion everything is in compliance um they buil it as okay thank you thank you um Mr chairman members this is burgo solar request for a certificate compliance for a solar array at 202 Pine Hill Road uh certificate compliance is being requested by the design Engineers uh report date is January January uh January 3rd 2025 the file number for this project was SE 82457 site visit was also on January 3rd 2025 the applicant has filed to obtain a certificate of compliance for the solar array and storm waterer Basin in the buffer zone the work has been compl completed according to to the plan Ed and all areas are stabilized and functioning in accordance with the engineered plans you can see in the photo that pretty much the array is established it is fenced in uh proper spacing under the fence has been um dictated throughout the length of what is installed so recommendations Westport should issue a full certificate compliance for file number SE 82457 as all work has been completed according to the plan of record all right no questions correct all right anybody any comments questions I just think it adds a lot to the Aesthetics of the you know our part of town and you know the lengths that we go to to keep this place looking kind of Rural and rustic and you know not have become an industrialized Wasteland like it'll be when that project rends itself ineffective and they leave it somebody has to clean it up forget clear cutting acreage for a solar environmentally green yeah so really glad that we get to vote on the certificant appli I voted against so I have to vote against ceric apps again I'm not going to be not going to be a all right do we have a motion yeah V on this well they did what they said we were going to do and uh so I feel obligated to make a motion uh and Chris believes they've in full compliance and that's all they're asking so um I moved to issue the certificate of compliance for file SE ad 2457 thank you Phil we have a second I'll second it I voted for first time okay we have a second all those in favor opposed me all right Jake oos well Jake is because he wasn't previously voting in favor of it there you go Bud you to go brother you're good to go thank you okay J propose a one what is is that Kayla how do you pronounce that K Kay josa yeah Kaya way Kaya way okay one k away se80 1232 certificate of compliance that's okay I know get I thought I was just stuttering yeah um this is an old application that has come to light because of the sale of the property so this was previously uh Tim Barrera and Jos have purchased the property in foreclosure the location is 1 K way this a request for a certificate compliance for file number I didn't even write it SC 81232 um as I mentioned this States back to 2004 or five um description the owner a current owner has filed requesting to release an old order conditions F them SE 81232 the home was purchased many years ago and the outstanding order was never discovered recent sale of the property owner has discovered this old order that had been recorded all work was completed in 2004 and the work that was allowed was to grade the backyard into the buffer zone um the resource area is offsite but it happens to be in within 100 ft of this activity recommendations westw conservation should issue a certificate of compliance for work done in 2004 for file number SE 8012 2 32 for a j reposer Tim barera all right do you have any uh comments questions or a motion move to issue certificate of compliance thank you we have a second second thank you that was Phil and bur all in favor oppos all right exion one extension for David Brown sea 8234 148 West Beach Road Mr chairman David Brown has applied for a extension to his order of conditions F number at se 82340 report date is January 3rd 2025 the site visit was also on January 3rd 2025 the applican has filed in advance of the expiration of the order of conditions to request a three-year extension to maintain the coastal burm constructed behind his home home is on West Beach Road faces the uh Southwest Direction just to the west side of the causeway um recommendations Westport conservation should approve and Grant a three-year extension to file number SE 8023 4 for David Brown 148 West Beach Road any questions comments motion motion to approve second second from Jo Jake and Jason all in favor opposed all right that's all right WB Mason $756 for office supplies motion to looking for a motion to approve please motion to approve second Jake Phil all in favor oppos all right that's unanimously uh Chris Capone mileage five $46.95 total mileage this goes back to move back pretty far this the end of October end of October till the middle of uh so two about two months $460 96 look for a motion excuse me all right motion from uh Jason Jake second all in favor I oppos all right that's unanimous WB Mason 6504 more office supplies motion motion approve motion from Jason do you have a second second from Jake all in favor hi that's unanimous um what is this what's this mac oh da does for Mac do we have to vote on this the dues for Mac uh no that's just information oh okay uh Eastbay classifies there's no uh there's no bill there's no um uh that might be just for me to send to her okay minutes 12 1024 present uh let's see presid of the commission with Jason Powell Jake mcgan myself Phil so we can vote on this looking for a motion to approve the minutes from uh December 10th of 2024 there second from Jason that was Jae and Jason all in favor oppos all right that's unanimously let's see 917 let's see Jason Jake Barton Tom okay that's not happening is June 11th right June 11th yeah myself Jason Jake and Tom oh dude that's yeah Tom Tom Tom's going to get it you got you got to call him in get him off the injured reserve list the problem is I will be missing the next meeting so then you'll need me back on that one you're going to be away that's right yeah so nothing to oppose on next meeting all right so looking for a motion do you have more do you have something you want to say Chris yes I do Mr chair all right thank you for giving me a moment did you um did you have any pancakes this morning I just want to know was any good syrup no no I didn't touch the syrup okay he licks the thing all right you go we go we go back to the meeting now I just had to know about this here that's all Beach management planning RFP went out uh for the beach management plans for East Beach um Beach AV Atlantic a the uh consensus was we agreed to award the contract the woods whole group uh they recently have been granted that awarding and we'll be working with them to kind of modify uh this RFP to come to some resolution on what is the best scenarios for these areas um East Beach specifically with the recent causes of controversy over where the sand is supposed to go Etc so we're looking for uh a little more detail and cost analysis for what potentially uh could come with those areas East be I mean Beach ab and Atlantic AB are pretty much a little more stable areas uh but they're part of this uh design and effort to have some sort of uh management plans for these areas in general um so that's good news in that case Woods whole group has been active in some of the studies done there previously um so we hope to be able to work with some of the information they have uh and see what we can come to the second thing I have is just to tune in and give Jason a little more for his fluffing his pillow today is the 533 Sodom Road is one of these lots that we've had in contentious locations we required them to put a split rail fence up uh to limit their work of and their limited disturbance uh the owners at 533 Sodom Road Benjamin and Katherine LC uh have initiated to clear beyond that split rail fence into the close proximity of the Wetland uh and into that 25t no activity area that we try to maintain so I would like the commission just to make a motion to send a letter uh uh well we can send an enforcement order uh let me say that phrase that I do not have one tonight I can run upstairs and get it um in issue an enforcement a request and they come before the board and discuss um what the purpose of the split rail fence is and um the property they bought is limited to what they may want to do with it and they may have should have looked at that before they bought this limited property because there is no other land that is usable on this and that's why the fence was installed um and again this is way things have been going from a regulatory standpoint people are just blatantly uh again uh initiating activities without any regard for what may be there so I think this is important for the commission to uh continue to try to enforce the regulations and we can't have people just you know working blatantly to advance their property in in jurisdictional areas was the fence ever installed the fence is there yeah they left the fence up and went on the other side of it and started clearing into the Woodland so so what happens when you put a house on a small lot and they want a bigger yard and they're right on top of are they are they the original owners they just purchased the lot from the developer of course usually in your report you you state that either a stone wall or split real fence will be the limit of all work you you articulate that in your reports all the time yes so these people haven't owned it long enough to have forgotten what the rules are I don't know if these individuals are really given I'm sure the developer didn't tell them no so again so the chairman sake he's correct I think they see what's there and they think they automatically they may not even know that there's a wetland per se except if you look at the neighbor and look at the other neighbor you'd say wow they're so part of the problem too is that and you know I have talked to other people about this when they close in their house and there's an order of conditions attached to the property they they're lawyer they're they should be making them aware of what's what what this means and what this means this entails correct and the lawyers don't do that either I mean it's just a systemic systemic failure all the way down the line again from the Builder the homeowner never mind the cost of what they paid for this property is well well more than what I would say that it is worth but that is circumstances of limited land um so yes I would ask the commission make a motion to issue that enforcement on stairs have you have you contacted them already no I have not I just so you're going to contact them before the letter just so by the time they get the letter maybe another week or two I can yes okay we make someone want to make a motion to um set en Force an action to have Chris contact them to let them know to stop do you want to wait till next meeting to issue the action no it's fine we'll do it now so moved all right do we have a second all those in favor post all right so for the for the record that's so Chris is going to contact him hopefully tomorrow or within a day or two to tell them to stop or he can hand deliver put a copy on their door whatever they whatever the case may be and send one to them certified however we usually send them out yes register okay that last one what's going to happen when the guy the whole porch falls off he going have a sinkhole they should have came it's all washed out under concrete collapse but did you know yeah okay do we have a motion uh to adjourn well we have to sign the enforcement order we have to have an open meeting when we sign me you do have we approved it already but do we have to sign it you have to sign it before we close the meeting or we already approved it or well you can sign it afterwards all right well I want before anybody says anything you want to perform saying something no before anybody before anybody flaps that gum moment we're good I think we covered enough already not yet hold on here it is so Chris you you we we voted to um either uh contact them next day or two hand deliver a copy if they're not home and just like put it in the door whatever and then make Sone out the normal way too just so they know to to stop all right anything else Chris no Mr chairman that is all I motion toour