right so we have the May 14th meeting of the Conservation Commission you get the golden paper pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] okay my [Music] glasses what's that my friend icept the commit for we go Earth 1184 1188 Main Road that's going to be continued to 528 correct Mr chairman the next one is motion I'll make a motion to continue to the 28th second okay second fill all favor all right that's septics we have Jennifer Walsh 27 217 o tickle Road you folks how are you doesn't get much better than this Mr chair can you hear with me that's what it is that's exactly what I it's actually you know folks we got a we've got a septic system repair proposed here this is I am working for Jennifer Walt the property is 2170 Road this is a small lot 6780 squ ft located on just off of southw pond uh we've got the lot here here I've got it shown uh with this small lot and uh a plethora of Wells surrounding the property we've got a bottomless sandil proposed here to minimize footprint uh my effort was to try to maximize where I could set back to the Wells so that sort of pushed my soil absorption system design to the northwest corner which is approximately the closest edge of the bottomless sandfield is about 89 ft to the river uh to the Pond's Edge uh other than that it's pretty much a conventional system as I said it's got a two compartment tank it's got an advantic a20 free treatment system uh discharging to the bottomless sand filter this uh plan went in front of Board of Health last evening and and was approved by the Board of Health I I'll rest with that thank you Mr chairman thank you Jennifer Walsh 2170 tickle Road this request for determination of applicability I thought this was Lenny's project of cars this is analysis design engineering and Mark Rogers representing report date is May 8 2024 there is no file number agencies as Mark mentioned Board of Health has approved this the site visit was also on May 8th 2024 description of the work the a has filed to repair the septic system on the property located near southw Tupper Pond the site has limited area for a uh design system the work will be 89 ft from the pond at its closest point erosion controls are Shen as the limit of work for the sewers Disposal system repair impacted areas buffer zone recommendations the Westport conservation should approve the septic system repair with a negative box 3 determination thank you Chris no comment no comment any questions comments in the table not a motion I'll make a motion to approve second all in favor I oppos you Jason next we have de de no 1089 Hill press Acres se8 2741 conru addition to existing house driveway in Riverfront anybody here from deor no there isn't that all right pass over there for now next we have James wh notice 10 462 River Road 82740 repair and replace existing seting and riverr is anybody here for James gitton I'm James sorry here all right we'll just go back to that a show SE us Thomas Fusco Fusco RDA 156 Ching we Lan install elevator on structural slab attached to house and flood zone can I have the plan out of that file Mr chairman just so I can post it just come up Tom to the mic just make your statement of who you are there's a little plan there should be an RDA is it that one Mr chairman again this is the structural plan for that I believe that's the file right just state name for the record Tom Tom pusco is that how you pronounce it y thank you 51 pulis Street Middleboro Mass the contractor to put in the elevator for Steven ifo and um we have the approved drawings from the engineer uh to put in four footings for the um support base for the elevator and pretty simple job Mr chairman Thomas F 156 chairing web Lane this again is for the homeowner Steve iolo this is a request for determination of applicability on date of the report is May 8 2024 site visit was also on May 8 2024 the description of the work app was filed on behalf of the owner of the property they wish to install an elevated structure on the outside of the existing home the elevator design will be required four 10-in concrete peers the areas within the current Landscaping that surround rounds the home as you notice it's tucked right they actually have to move some of the Landscaping that is currently there this is going to sandwich right in the front portion of the home against the house um the areas within again the current Landscaping the activity is minimal effects to the coastal Dune and the barria beach again the whole yard is Disturbed it stays within that initial area previously allowed for disturbance and the prior owner had obtained a certificate of compliance so there's no outstanding issues on this property I recommend for the board the West par conservation should approve with a negative box two determination for the elevator at 156 chairman L Blane any questions any questions comments nothing motion I move to approve a negative box two determination no second all those in favor oppos that was J thanks Tom I'll be I'll mail that out to your address thank you very much no words thank you for your cooperation nice Sandra thirst anr 601 drift road to determine if resource areas deped on the plan accurate thanks gregy could you throw that in that file keev please is it yes the green card uh yeah I give to the okay good okay great engineering representing s f property Ro uh this property is part of no cour land across the street thir is a daughter of Jordan Smith and uh she's now the owner of this piece so what she wanted to do is get the resource series delineated to see if there was any up plan or what possible use of this property would be so we have two um BBWs on the north side of this little gravel drive that goes through running from flight 198 up through excuse me 197 up through flight 22 as you can see over here the line was adjusted following a site uh visit the flag tools uh 8 through to 11 have been adjusted are shown on the plan on the south side of the L Gravel Drive we're running from Wetland flag 101 very Northwest cor property but 88 and comes down as Sher FL up to 129 we also have a river Zone which is affiliated with K uh excuse me Snow Creek which comes down sh on the plan uh this was actually relocated when I buil r88 um and it took an easement from Smith at the time to put it over here it's still a paral string you know relocated the original uh course of the stream was actually a diagonal across throughout 88 so they made it more perpendicular to facilitate the U Crossing so um that's pretty much what I have for the project uh that's it back to the commission thank you Mr chairman Sandra thiron 601 drift Road this is abbreviated notice of resource area delineation with Coast engineering Greg Nicholas representing the report date is May 8 2024 there is a file number SE 82748 for the project uh site visit was also on May 8 2024 the owner has delineated the Wetland resource areas on the property the site is located on the west side of drift Road and across from nooke Orchards the Wetland is associated with Snow Creek that flows along the west property boundary weton Flags 101 through 129 was walked and determined to be accurate as shown on the plan the Wetland Flags within the interior to lot Wetland Flags 197 through 212 this Wetland area was adjusted with the placement of wetland Flags 207 and 211 up slope of the current locations the revised plan has been provided showing these changes and Greg has it before us this Wetland is connected to the 100 series and is a bvw so both wetlands are bordering agitated Wetlands extent of the riverfront area is shown on the plan and has been shown correctly the Snow Creek is also a cold water fishery and should be noted uh resource areas impacted a be watering well nothing's impacted but the resource areas are bvw and Riverfront recommendations Westport conservation should approve the Wetland flags on the riverfront delineation as shown on the re revised plan provided for 601 drift Road and issue the order of resource area delineation questions any questions from the audience questions from the table no I'll make a uh motion to approve the weapon flags as delineated Second Jason Kev all those in favor I oppos thank you thanks moving on town of Westport notice of intend Route 6 extend waterline to g Road you showing yet negative no going have some unhappy clients you may I don't think my commission wants to stick around it's it's be a 30 it's Bruins that it's ruins I know how you doing hey hello yeah Alex from kleinfelder design engineer representing the town I'll take the screen card please thank you very much you don't have a copy of plans with you Alex does he want you get a copy of plans with you I I didn't bring one but you craft these son of a gun I I can go upstairs and grab some um we don't necessarily need those let him hold on to you can hold on to those those SE PL in here there should be a set of no they were too big to put in there Mr chairman let me just grab a set I Panther scor his fault that's yeah so why are there so many green cards are there that many above it's a waterline down the street so everybody pass oh everybody okay okay that's a that's the biggest Hall I've seen that was the first elevator we've ever voted on so so that's in R just like a ramp on the something or no I I think it's in elevated to serve the upper floors of the house I'm assuming someone's so someone gets old doesn't walk up the stairs is that a is that the house that's so much skinny really tall It's s of narrow that house and Tall not sure which one I think so just cross M I thought it was I didn't know you know there was the um because the building plan came before us I think because it was um they totally had to redo the foundation and that kind of thing oh yeah there I don't know if this will help you what have you already all got don't hold have easel one point we did we do have upstairs Mr J but he still would need something to hold we're going to have to do the computer next time get magnets from the no those are good ones you need to go steal one from like Mid City I go magnet fishing with those things all right go ahead Alex yeah so uh this is for water main extension so the existing water main um goes down Route Six from Fall Rivers it's extension of Fall Rivers distribution system uh the current main ends round East Briggs Road by like the housing cozy Nook uh so this is proposing an extension of that in Route Six from where the existing main ends to Washington Street um so it's about 5,000 linear feet and then we're also proposing a loop on gford road and osbor road uh where the maber school is um so that would also be new water M and connected to a that exists from Route Six out at to different roads so then it's a loop um and then a little further uh extension on six what is the extent if I'm to Mr chairman if I may what is the extent of the Wetland areas on this project if you could just point that area out yeah yeah so there's uh around bread and cheese Brook Crossing uh is one area and then on different roads uh there's another small Street crossing um some W areas there correct you you going in the streets in the in the streets and the asphalt themselves the line yeah so everything's in the the public RightWay um extending services and side street connections STS right um yeah all right so just overall the project the of work The Limited area of buffer zone is is very small um the area just to the north up gford road from mam where if you know right across from mam there's those little wet area right there and as you go up a little further there's another little stream that crosses right after the Briggs Road uh section and then the bread cheese Corridor is what you have on the main section six but again as he mentioned all this work is within the road layout and the right of way of uh Route 6 and our roadways let me read the report town of Westport Route 6 Osborne and giord road as he mentioned Alex mentioned this is a loop um currently in the roadway up to the elderly housing the water line exists so they're extending from that point so it's not the entire section of Route 6 it's from the elderly housing moving um in that easterly direction just up uh Route 6 turning onto um Osborne Street what's the connection to o one it's Greenwood Greenwood okay you go so everyone know where approximately they are respect to that it it goes to the ice cream place it extends to licky splits and then turns again with the street connections and it attaches I I'll I'll name the specific addresses so the town of Westbard has filed notice of intent to install approximately 10,600 linear feet of water line the project also includes the installation of water services for side street connect connections within the public right away the project includes installation of water connections to 655 and 719 State Road as well as 154 gford Road and SE seven mayard streets work is within the public way and a small portion within the buffer zone to a wetland area along the work area erosion controls be installed as required along these resource areas per the plan submitted and the contract going out requires those specifics recommendations the Westport conservation should approve the proposed waterline installation within the public right away with standard conditions for file number SE 82750 um I only would like to add that the project is I guess paid for through a grant so the town is is not I believe on the hook for any of this um and all this has to do with uh defunct wells in these four locations that require um immediate connections that's all Mr chairman is this part of the bigger plan that's failed I mean is it this was it is though right but there's no sewer would right correct okay okay yes yes and this came about roughly at the same time but this Grant application came to the surface just as Alex was designing the main part of the the sewer and water project do you have any questions just a qu how do you um how do you um cross bread and cheese Brook is you go under or are you able to go over like under the roadway but over the streams yeah so in this case there just wasn't enough cover to go over you know you can do that sometimes if there is um so basically they dig a pit on either there's two big CTS like for R and cheese Brook um so basically you dig a pit on either side de water and then they can kind of like basically Jack pipe underneath from those two pits doing a is it a Directional Boring type operation or is it like a hydraulic press that pushes the pipe through it it can be either the the covers in this case one of them's not that wide it's only like four feet I got yeah one's a little wider so they might use something a little more robust for that one is there any intention to run a secondary line in case of is this line run inside of a sleeve in case it is this like double contained piping for The Crossings yes yeah yeah so that's typical it it just helps with installation exactly right right yeah thank you any questions from the audience anybody else have a question H all right through the chair just one more sure Route Six as far as the state Mass highways this have their approval at this time uh so we got comments today or yeah yesterday for um the initial permit we submitted they had some like minor typical comments that we had for the previous sewer permit that we got um so we're anticipating it should be we should have the permit by the time we PA in a month or so okay still working on it yeah in addition to that this can you spec Mass Highway has very specific submittal requirements as well as erosion requirements so they take this into their own control on the highway as well so they may have additional requirements as far as catch basins and stuff correct yeah yeah so they may have citation barriers on all the inlets of the catch basins while the works in that vicinity potentially correct yeah yeah I just want the board to be aware that mass do has even stricter requirements even amongst what we're going to have them put on the side of the road the mass do usually would have the contract be above and beyond that just for the purposes cuz the roadway will contain any runoff there's no way for that only to get into the basins it can't jump the curb and get off the roadway so um and I'm sure they would have deep watering mechanisms within their per issuance as well if that's to take place there's certain measures you can't just pump the water down the road they may have to do it into a system in order to make sure of the 11 streams that we have that have trout this is by far the most prolific brook trout fishery that we have by far and that would be and this in this section you are correct but as Alex did mention the state themselves proposing Route Six yeah repair and an upgrade I believe right Route Six is scheduled for a full repaving or maintenance within the next couple years I know they started in Swansea they're moving through Somerset and I think they're extending that right into the Westport doou area that's all Mr yes sir I have one question is when this is functional will this help um Westport not have to bed uh not exactly it basically keeps the bleeding flow the same because we're we're adding more length of pipe and more volume basically of storage and just with the number of new connections it it doesn't really change the amount that you need to bleed uh from existing conditions in order to keep the water age and water quality um you know into an acceptable range okay all right any other questions if not a motion so I move to approve the proposed water line installation within the uh public right away with standard conditions we add State add state to that with State approval or you don't have to yeah I would put Mass to's approval subject to mass B approval second second all in favor close all right that's you thank you thanks Alex thank you okay next we have Cummings Lane for notice and attend Cummings Lane rebuild existing stone wall in the riverfront and plus it's going to be continued till 64 614 is that next meeting or no next 611 6 Kevin correct this will be to June 11th a motion to continue I'll make a motion continue to June 11th all right second second okay all in favor that was pH second Paul and Melanie Baker notice of intent three Richmond Pond Drive se8 2729 construct garage upgrade SE system modifi driveway grading landscaping and dock on the dwelling and uh Zone buone this is going to be continued to 528 we have a motion to continue motion to continue second okay all in favor those uh certificate of compliance for John C map 29 19 Ro this is also going to be continued to 528 correct Mr chairman motion to continue motion to do you have a second second second fulfill all in favor oppos that's unanimously all right going back up do you ever get a hold of Sean he doesn't answer doesn't read his email so doesn't S well if we don't have the green cards we we can't so if we don't have the green cards that he submitted for your application I we not necessarily can open the hearing I don't know if you provided them for gyms anyways I don't think he did there's nothing for Mr White and there's nothing for the Naps either yeah so so we have to continue to 528 yeah I mean all I can okay I mean I know that the well my knowing that people got the Cs isn't going to know correct all right so we need to do a continuous to 528 for deborra nap notice of in 10 89 request Acres sc80 2741 construct addition to the existing home driveway in the riverfront area mov yeah okay Phil second for Kevin all in favor sorry about that James White notice of intent 462 River Road se8 2740 repair and replace existing septic in the riverfront area uh contined to 528 as well so moved motion fill second second second from Jason all favor all right that's unanimously sorry about that Jim okay we have a chapter 61a release form Paul man 21 Kelsey way I know that name was Kelsey Way Carol and Paul man Carol recently or a year ago passed away they were the residents at the end of Kelsey way that originally started the development of Kelsey way they retained approximately 30 somewhat Acres at the end uh it's pretty wet so I didn't like that there some crazy shell Corporation is purchasing it so it smells of solar but I I don't know if that is true but uh again there is no value as far as from a conservation standpoint um it's a for of junkyard and former um property that's been retained um for many years as open area cuz she ran horses on it but for the most part it's pretty well confined with weapons that were previously delineated by another solar proposal about 3 and 1 half four years ago all right have any questions so it's not it's all it's behind thads and it yes this was the old bopr boin junkyard at one point no value kind of sandwich with Wetland so there isn't again much use of the land looking for a motion to sign the 61a release form although we don't that's actually approved by the people on we just sign off saying we have no interest in the property that's all saying we're not signing off to releas we're signing off saying we have no interest right have motion okay motion to um sign up on the 618 releas okay Kelsey's way 21 Kelsey's way thank you 677 c-0 is the lot number by the assessor we have a second second second fulfill all in favor oppos all right that's un Conservation Commission please check on if you no please explain all right the same two copies of this two copies I put one we have a East Bay advertising for hearings $37.50 looking for a motion to pay motion to pay second Kevin moving Phil all in favor I oppos all right that's un next we have minutes from 4:30 meeting I was here Jak Jason Phil Kevin we're all here so if there are no changes to the 430 minutes make a motion to approve the minutes make a motion to approve the minutes from was it 4:30 from April 30 second okay all in favor I and that is all I have Chris how about you Mr chairman I did express to you some violations that occurred we had a complaint received from uh someone that we issued an enforcement AIT to calling out the neighbor they have a great relationship so Mary Reese at 1078 drift Road um she does have a dock structure that is a floating type Dock and an old type Bol Boardwalk structure um that I issued her a letter letting her know that the doc requires a chapter 91 licensing as well as the float isn't allowed to rest on the bottom as hers does um because it does not have any pilings to support it to suspend it off the bottom um she mentioned to me today that she does have a chapter 91 license and I don't have any record of that so I'm awaiting some of her uh documentation to report that regardless she's still in required to have a float system that doesn't rest on the bottom so uh that's something she's may have to modify with the waterways program uh the second one we had was 306 charot White Road I sent a letter out to the previous owners because our assessor records are a little behind I finally got the proper owner a Derek pintto um I submitted a letter to them and I am awaiting a response for uh their actions um and how they'll respond um previous enforcement action we took on Karen Henrik at 21 Daisy Lane I had met with those uh people at the site we've agreed to restore the Disturbed area by planting of 10 high Bush blueberry bushes within that edge of the bvw and pond area I encouraged them to leave the Shrubbery uh cuz they mostly trimmed it so there is is the ability of this to come back with those High Bush there and they can maintain the access to the pond but they have to let it you know be much less pronounced than driving a truck down the the back of the yard so they are very responsive um I'm waiting for them to let me know when they planted those plantings I did encourage her to do that sooner than later uh so I just want to get a motion of the board accepting that for Karen henrik's 21 Daisy Lane for the restoration event of planting 10 high Bush blueberry bushes at 21 Daisy Lane and that would be all I have Mr chairman after you do that motion for C Henry 21 days in lane for the restoration plan approved by Chris motion to approve the restoration second all those in favor you Chris when did the when did the state St chapter 91 license dos chapter 91 is the oldest law on the books Mr chairman it dates back to the early 1800s as far as its creation they had allowance in sometimes in the early '90s of an amnesty period where people were allowed to license unlicensed structures without a fee at that amnesty period I'm not quite sure it ran for two years or three years that's where a lot of docks were initially license in the community and they gave you a n a 33-year license if you did an interim approval or a 99-year acceptance for a full approval interim was a handdrawn plan you did or the amnesty one for the 99 was an engineer drawn plan that's pretty cool so these people some people took advantage of it some people did not so now the licensing length of time is no longer 33 years now it's like 12 years you 91 every 12 years so let ask a question if when when the docks were permitted back there when they did the Amy did they have did they have specifications on height and all other kind of stuff like they do today no it was just if it was there they'll take it they take it they take it at 21 yeah like so a lot of these boardwalks we see some of these like in masus you got some up on the upper reaches of drift Road area they're like 300 foot only you know 12 maybe 18 in off the marsh some of those may be I'm not sure if all of them are but there was a window of that opportunity for people what happens when that expires like gener transfers to the family if the property sells the license becomes null and void and the new owners have to apply through the new licensing but if it's 99 years and it's the same family and it becomes generational and it's 110 years do they have to no well you wouldn't then re need to reapply under the new procedures so whenever is there that was my question so these 12 licenses they given out let's say now need to be 4T above the S Mar okay 12 years from now I go to someone goes to reapply and now they want 6 ft all these docs that have been put in are they all going to have to change I don't think they I'm not sure on that Mr chairman I I can't answer to that I I wouldn't be surprised if they made people but that would be kind of an inconvenience especially once you put the structural members to a piling you have to you can't just raise it you got to disconnect everything so that would be a pretty ful cost that almost would be building a new dock so when you do license your dock you're allowed to maintain it and maintaining is above mean high water so you can replace structural or decking or railings anything along those lines but you're not you know percentagewise one pile really I don't think would trigger but technically any activity below mean high water would require you to come to the commission for that repair so people are better off to have the license because that maintenance may be beneficial you know some docs you've seen um next to Mike sull for instance that household that thing was such in disarray but once they were able to power wash it they brought some of that decking right back to life so some docks are able to catch before they really deteriorate so if I was to purchase something most people today are looking for a chapter 91 license and making sure their real estate or their transaction does have that I've had some people call and say they won't buy it unless there is one so so some people are coming more knowledge of about what is actually required so you know the new package of RS that D has been circulating and one of them is chapter 91 and what they're requiring and I think it's for new not for renewals you know is to factor in sea level rise into the height of the you know the dock the pier you know above mean high water so you know they're actually I think by what Phil's saying encouraging people to anticipate that in there if you're building a new dock today and we're calling for five you may want to put it at six so the docks is not so the dock is not you know but truly and people today that experienced the storms we had this winter can actually attest to the fact that drift Road got hammered because the waves were coming on that Southeast wind onto that Shoreline and numerous docks decking the waves came up and put the decking busted it right off of them most of the docks that were above water did better than the ones that went underwater Y and numerous people had some pretty decent damage during December and January yes yes I saw pictures of the end of Julius way and those areas and it it was amazing those docks were my God that was definitely hurricane type activities that those people experience so I would encourage anyone to make sure you have proper things in place um right anything else that is all I have okay look for a motion toour move to adjourn second all favor