we have the April 30th meeting of the Conservation Commission will stand as slute flag please flag United States of America to the for it stands one na God indivisible liy all right first uh hearing tonight is for Heritage real estate 59 eore Road anybody here for that Mr oh he's on a vacation how are you good okay Len poter here for Mich Theus Heritage real estate uh 59 eore Drive which is located at Master s meadows at the sou South End of the de end of the sh Drive located right here we have a small lot we have wells the own as well and adjacent Wells for Butters it's a very tight lot so the only solution we can come up with was a D9 system with the botom of sand filter so the smallest footprint that we can possibly do the entire loss in the flood zone and the system itself the Bott of sand is in the buer zone the flood zone here is it's an a Zone elevation 15 uh theol is located right here the existing the wells right here we're able to push it a little bit further away they get 51 ft the to the distribution system bottom of sand filter a high water rather poor soil so that's the best we can do what we got here I'm 72 ft from The River's Edge a mar to the Ed of the Ed of the Bott of s that's the best he has approve subject to conservation approval thank you L Mr chairman members this is Heritage real estate admd LLC 59 eastshore Road this a request for determination of applicability filed by Westport environmental design the report date is April 9th 2024 uh at the time uh we missed the last meeting with this Board of Health has since approved this application description of work the appli is filed to repair the sewer Disposal system with a new bottomless sand filter design to meet Title 5 the current sespo will be commissioned per Title 5 requirements the system is proposed outside the 50ft buffer zone but entirely within a flood zone area AE elevation 15 the setback from the edge of wetland along the inlet to the Westport River is 72 ft the location is along the ex the location of leeching field is along the residents within the lawn area the work area will be Stak with erosion controls and this will be the limit of all work erosion controls to remain until the area is stabilized resource areas is the uh flood zone recommendations the Westport Conservation Commission should approve the applicant through repair the sew Disposal system at 59 e Shore Road with a negative box two determination with the condition the erosion controls will be the limit of all work it's all Mr chairman thank you sir any questions anybody so we have Board of Health we're good with that is it just a typo it's 39 at the top of the page and 59 yeah I know I corrected it here on my paper yes thank you it is 59 East sh road for the record I sorry about that confusion all right any other questions not a motion I'll make a motion to approve with Chris's recommendations we have a second second is that Tom second Tom all in favor I opposed all right that's was second you thank you all right next we have the soil permit for Regal Earth Wars Inc 1184 and 118 Main Road they requested a twoe continuance is that correct Chris correct two weeks all right so whatever that is like 14 13 2 weeks from now the next meeting when is it oh 14 14th okay so that'll be the 14th of May you have a motion to continue that hearing till May 14th so moved thank you second second that was um Phil Kev all in favor opposed all right that's unanimous all right next we have Clayton Manchester anrad 329 Tipple road to determine if the resource areas depicted on the plan are accurate sign in the wrong place we already have the green cards yes Mr chairman thank you those are given this afternoon have your for 7t Property Management Manchester possible land took the road about4 mile from North 177 on the uh west side of the property the subdivided 1979 five lot subdivision two lots were developed the rest of them were not this street here is essentially a Pap Street um you can see a 5 subdivision at Le two these under water so we're here again to depend where the resource areas are and can be done with the property so to that we have three delation to BBW 100 line here starting at slide 101 and coming in this direction up to 114 200 line over here which is just west of the road getting 2011 and going up to 210 eventually tying into killer property the north butter and then following the site uh visit with the agent we also delated 300 miles in the southwest corner of the property sh here we have a stream on the property brenal stream it breaks apart here in a swampy area so we do have a short length of River Front that you shown here just south of the paper Street there's also a flood plan on here it's given on numerous uh map Amendment elevation 13 1.1 if you look on the maps the FL uh plane is delineated pretty much right at the water's edge the surface uh elevation of South p is elevation 131 so it's in the swamp somewhere it's not delineated on this plan I'm not asking for that to be approv whenever they decide they do with the address that supect what bu Le have be uh so that's pretty much thank you Mr chairman members uh Clayton Manchester 329 tickle Road this is abbreviated notice of resource area delineation filed by South Coast engineering with Greg Nicholas here tonight representing the report date is April 24th 2024 the file number for the project is SE 82739 site visit was also conducted with the applicants representative on April 24th 2024 detailed description of work work rather the site was walked with the applicants represented to review the extent of the delineation shown the property is located along the W Tua pond aing contains an old Cottage with adjacent open land the property is sub subdivided into Lots I did hand out the attachment uh the access road was never constructed the 100 and 200 series flags are accurate where no changes were made as Greg mentioned the 200 series is along the roadway the 100 series is closer towards that culdesac in the rear of the property we added a new flag series 301 through 304 uh to a section of BBW that cross es from the abing site um Greg represented that in the corner there of the property the site is also subject to a portion of the Rivers's protection act for the jurisdiction of the unnamed stream that flows on the tickle road to wupa Pond the area is also subject to flooding and shall be noted on the oad although Greg did not establish an elevation I can State for the commission that there was flooding right up to the edge of the roadway with that you know storm events we had uh this winter months so there is potential for that to flood um nothing beyond the residents that is occupying one of the Lots in the middle of this project but nonetheless this this area does have those issues on that side recommendations or rather the resource areas here at Riverfront bordering land sub the flooding and bordering vegetated Wetland recommendations Westport Conservation Commission should issue an approval of the delineation on an order a resource area delineation for file number SE 82739 Wetland Flags 101 through Wetland flag4 Wetland flag 2011 to 210 Wetland flag 301 to 304 and also the notation at the area subject to flooding uh and also Riverfront jurisdiction that is all Mr chairman all right great any questions from the table do we know this unnamed stream is perennial yes it is River Rivers prot ction applies correct okay right any questions from the audience okay look for a motion then so I'll move uh to issue an approval um uh with the delineation is represented on the plan presented to the commission um and the area subject to flooding Riverfront and jurisdiction you have a second no second second from Jason no Phil made the motion all in favor all right that's unanimous thank you good night GRE all right Paul and Melanie bacer noticeable 10 three Richmond Par Drive se8 2729 construct garage upgrade septic system modify driveway grading Landscaping deck on dwelling and blood Zone and buffer zone oh [Music] thank you all right good evening Jamie Consulting engine record tonight we have a proposed garage with setic system driveway and accessory gring um f the work is to take place in a buffer zone and also in a velocity Zone uh the proposed seic system is being upgraded to an advanced treatment with a uh this not because of a failure but to um allow for the graving change to support the existing proposed Garage in this area um the garage itself well be placed in the velocity Zone it is designed uh with C uh column structure so that the walls can fail uh meeting fale flood B um when we were introduced to the project the house was already under uh Renovations uh with building permits but we are including the proposed deck as that is work that is uh is still being or to be completed uh when when we got involved in the site um just to make clarification uh it looks a little bit oversized but the existing driveway is going to be abandoned and this new proposed driveway is what we are proposing to access to the garage and to pull over here um to be able to drive into the garage we're going to have to make some grading changes uh instead of actually picking up actually going to be cutting into the ground a little bit so at this elevation 13 14 and 15 we're going to be cutting it to 122 and in the back we're going to be coming up on a steeper slope which we'll be using um either rip wrap or stump grindings to stabilize that slope coming down to make sure that the septic doesn't break out through that slope we're proposing a 40 mil liner on the edge over in here which will go below the breakout requirement for um for the septic system itself and uh today the Board of Health actually asked us to do another perk because the existing perks have done a while back so we did another perk today with the bo of health is witness perk worked out exactly like what the previous perks were with no water table no issues um so I'm happy to try to address any questions of concerns you may have I'm going to read the report and then we'll get to the questions thank you Mr chairman members Paul and Melanie Baker three Richmond Pond Lane this a notice 10 application filed by Zenith engineering with Jamie Binet present report date is April 24th 2024 there is a file number for this project it's SE 82729 site visit was also on April 24th 2024 detailed description of the project the owner has filed to construct an unattached garage and sewage Disposal system in the flood zone in buffer zone to Richmond Pond the site Falls over within a velocity elevation 19 flood zone and the R garage must be designed in accordance with the building code for flood prone areas the structure will be constructed into the existing Hill and will require removing material the garage must have Breakaway walls designed for the lower level below the elevation 19 the sew Disposal system is to be placed just within the edge of the two flood zone areas the vzone and the a zone line the system is is far away from all resource areas as is allowed on the property I suggest as a condition roof front off be infiltrated into the recharge the groundwater area um the large driveway uh as Jamie kind of clarified here will be increased in size within the existing lawn area shall be noted that Richmond Pond Lane has been flooded across the access from the excess of rain it is suggested the driveway be smaller than is proposed um again we've had some concerns I did address to Jamie and I think the members will discuss that uh afterwards but there is currently a driveway and a garage under the structure today correct you're asking to remove that driveway entirely that's correct this driveway that is in this area here will be removed and this new proposed driveway over on here will be Clos and what this does is this allows the owners to be able to drive in back up and pull out and if they have guests they can talk here as well as thank you all right thank you so this again is a flood zone V elevation 19 with borderline a e Zone uh this is a buffer zone project recommendations the westw conservation should uh in this case should approve with conditions of a new plan providing a smaller driveway front print accessing the garage only the garage must be built in accordance with FEMA regulations for flood prone areas all walls below flood elevation must be Breakaway designed roof run off directed into a stone drywell system and slope stabilization must be implemented with vegetation planted to maintain that area from eroding I think that's a little more concerning than leaving it Barren and and utilizing stump grindings um however after this report was written we've had some numerous I'd say we got three letters from a budding Property Owners some questions have come up since and you've kind of made it kind of one concern of mine what is the existing garage now used for if they know no longer need a driveway um that is a concern there's also concerns that the neighbors believe they turn that area into living space which isn't our jurisdiction but we have and have referred this to the building department I am also aware that the construction to date is taking place um within all the areas that they can so there is no more area to do work except this little garage um location they did do an addition off the rear of the house I wasn't aware the deck was part of this application but the deck is proposed to be expanded or is it just proposed to be rehabed because there's already a deck there so so again before the deck was gone before I I got involved in the project I was brought onto the garage so the deck's gone now cuz in the I know in the assesses photos it's still gone exactly so we do have plans and photos of the deck being there to say that they match up exactly I I can't say because we didn't locate it me all right so I'm arguing with that but these all these questions I I think I'm leaning towards the commission maybe looking at a continuance but I'm going to leave it at that and I'm going to open it up to the members certainly why are you abandon the the garage now why that's my big question well so my understanding is the the contractor's meeting the building inspector is going to be on site to do an inspection tomorrow um I believe that they plan on enclosing the bottom part of the house it's it's a full Foundation huge concrete wall I believe that there going to no longer use this as a garage and I believe the intention is for them to have a two-car garage home on the side separate from the house I believe it's to be part of the aesthetic of what they're looking to have on does that garage currently have Breakaway walls or isn't it not supposed to be inhabited as a flood zone current FEMA regulation and pre-existing uh regulations are different uh the building inspector was involved with the house component I wasn't um um so I would assume since he's the femer compliance officer that that everything that's been done will be done with the existing houses in conformance this proposed garage definitely has the breakway walls with the pile like structure uh those ples have already been drawn up that was presented to me at the Inception of project so you can have one struct with breakway walls and the other one doesn't have it yes because theu was existing but I I understand yes okay Chris are you allowed to have living space to a area that's in a that's was not living space that's in a flood zone whether it's pre-existing or not living space has to be above that elevation 22 approximately 2T above that main elevation of 19 um how that's a question you can ask them is this a bedroom is is this to be a septic is being tied to it so um that that was also a question of the neighbors sure so I the the downstairs there's no increase in bedrooms the downstairs is not going to be proposed as bedrooms I'm not even sure what's going to be proposed but I do know will not be bedrooms the the bedroom count is just for the existing structure upstairs and that's three that that is a three bedroom and and you your tie accepting into the new garage no no no it's just into the house so so this found this right here is the house itself there's a bathroom shown on the plans for the garage that it was submitted to the building garage building here submitted to the building department with a room above we have no connection to this this garage to the septic system at all okay yeah because again uh just so the commission has Clarity this was Red Flag by me CU they filed a building permit and I stopped it and said you guys got a file so that building permit had plans portraying a GED second floor with a bathroom and a quite not a huge area but the whole upstairs was an open room so um that where I automatically assume they show the B them I I just assume you were tyeing this to that as well we we do not have that done um maybe in the future the client would look to and obviously they'd have to come back in front of the commission because it's work in the flood zone and that would be work within 100 as well well I would just say to you for the record that you need to modify the plans that are with that building permit that's being circulated to the department that was filed by the contractor R GS or I think yes I Che on so which from drive so I'm sorry no I would just say on this issue um just as a comment uh is the practice of the Board of Health to require a deed restriction um when we approve a septic uh system which is where the lot is uh where the system is sized for a certain number of bedrooms so um so there'll be a a restriction filed in the registry of deeds that will uh limit the number of bedrooms uh on that side to three bedrooms but I also agree with Chris that we would want to see a whatever the Board of Health approves it's going to be a plan consistent with what you actually intend to construct now understood I I will find out I was unaware of the second so I'll find out tomorrow yeah and the I'm sure you've seen pictures drive after the last couple rainstorms underwater the road cly so the driveway that you're putting in which I'm assuming you you're notuse as well you some kind of gravel or yes we actually have it noted as a gravel driver so it'll be perfect my other thing is I had a gravel driveway Al I drive while I used to it was flat but it becomes concrete like after you drive on it long enough and it basically becomes impervious so you're taking that much grass away and you're adding eventually going to be may not be impervious as like an asphalt or cement but it's not going to it's certainly not going to to the water it's going to sheet flow even more into the Richmond Pond Drive which is you know to me is kind of an issue as well but I think the first thing I need to have matching plans I mean plans well I did ask for infiltration so I think he this site may be capable of allowing not not so much for the driveway but for the roof run off anyway so but the driveway is carved into the hill so it's not going to be as dramatic as the elevation coming from the back so this truthfully should have something protecting that garage from the water coming off that higher elevation right well yeah and and so do you have a perimeter drain or anything we're sailing it around so in the test fits today believe it or not we dug down I believe a little over 10 ft didn't hit ground water previous test fits had the same exact uh information so all we did in the back here was actually sale around the back side of the bu but with the concern for flooding that may be something you guys want to at least have discharge into a dryw system or some sort of you need for the roof itself and for what that gradient you're cutting in the back there you're going to have all that septic slope draining down hill towards the back of that garage got it yeah and just to sell it around is not helping the situation now you're putting all that water right down onto the roadway which again I was pretty shocked to see how high the water was but in the height of this the water was right up to the edge of that driveway all the way down Richmond Pond Drive yeah we we found it to be somewhere just below elevation six and and we we actually kind of looked at what's going on with some of that and not to not to go crazy but on the what we're finding is that when you look at the bigger picture with with water this is the pond this being the ocean we're finding that the out actually runs somewhere about five out in here so if if there's any type of sedimentation building up in the outlet from this pond that's going to obviously delay or impact the flood waters in this development um so yeah we we do understand about the five and a half elevation six with the flooding of the roadway we don't believe that our site is going to make any impact on it at all I'm not opposed to roof drains I I think we have pretty decent soils it's like 13 minutes an inch so I definitely talk to the uh client about adding those in for the roof I think the driveway isn't going to add any neg it it won't add any impact to the flooding situation that's happening here um at all but um we're not opposed to that no I would only ask him through the chair if we could have you consider writing a a support letter to that effect that you've done not necessarily drainage CS but you've looked at the pre and post and you don't believe that this will adversely affect it I am fully aware of the cause of the issue at the Richmond Pond Outlet the town has taken it upon themselves on two occasions to get in there and attempt to help these people but the town does not have the equipment I had some nice individuals on the roadway speak with me and I had some people that just were adamantly angry at me that it was my fault that they need to and for the record this is a private road this is not Town accepted way so anything these individuals do is something that they have to look at and I've encouraged them to get together with someone as yourself to look at maybe raising some sort of periphery edge of this road to stop that flooding from coming in in such a manner that would be the ultimate fixes to get it somewhere and we have and we are allowing them to dredge this area but they need the plovers are here now and again so things have been against them and we get 3 in of rain and only an inch of water is discharged so I I can understand and the channel actually even got more messed up with that early April storm we had it actually silted in some of the areas that we had excavated to the point now where um it's even shallower probably so and it's a herring run so that also comes into play this time of year as well so okay understood all right so that going into the ocean is that's a hering r his M the Herring come into this Pond they breed and then sometime around the fall you'll see him turn around the young ones make it way out but every year is different but on a good Moon tide um you'll be surprised how much water actually gets close to that pond and it doesn't take much for them to to make it into the pond so what do you want to see a new plan with with the roof run off and I would ask that he correspond with the owner let him know that there's been neighbors concerns and that if he could incorporate some uh additional measures to help leviate that make note on this that there um is no room scared or whatever use above is not tied into the septic system which I I'll again those PL forgive me but those were the plans that I have been going along with the building department so I wouldn't want them to be not looked at but also it did on those plans called an a Zone not a v zone so but so we have any other questions on the table anybody in the audience so what are we looking for twoe continu I would say twoe continuance Mr chairman if he believes that is uh adequate for his then that would be on May 14th and you're going to get a new plan to the building department too that shows no no bathroom well it's either my plan's going to change well m it's definitely going to or theirs is or both so well if it if it does it changes with us then it's going to change with the B how and Y then it's another consideration that's well this is going to change because I've got to add roof drains and and look at other measures I well we we'll we'll do two weeks and then do somebody want to speak no we'll do two weeks and then um if you need more time you can just just thank you have to come yeah Chris could you just clarify how we ended up with two sets of plans the building department plans came about when the contractor filed to build the garage we have an office process where it goes on the board of health to me so I caught it and I told the guy he's in a velocity Zone he needs to file Zenith got involved from that point on so the permit has sat in my office since early middle of March I'd say or mid-march and I just happen to look at the plans and corresponding to what he was doing the sizes are the same but I noticed on their plans they had the room above so I just assumed that's what was being proposed in the plans he's referencing a just structural plans they're architectural drawn the architectural plan drawn see how it could be convenient that two Engineers yeah okay all right so um Paul and Melanie Baker notice 10 se80 2729 twoe continuance until uh it June May 14 May 14th your motion uh motion to continue two weeks second okay that was Kevin second all in favor all right that's take care no worries was the no that wasn't the that's okay this is uh who we have next Alan Harrington notice 10 1278 drift road which I think is this one look at the the folder tag that's a dock that's Harrington yes even engineering7 carage one second let me read the whole um I'm sorry that was my fault Allen Harrington notice tent for 1278 drift Road construct a uh dock in the flood zone and land C FL and there's no uh no file number yet correct no file number yet I don't not believe so okay I'll say thank you y um I do have a file number you yeah se08 D2 731 the proposed work involves construction of a new dock over white resource area portion of the Westport River like I mentioned with file number uh it SPS for a total length from mean high water of 71.5 ft and a total of 74.5 Ft including the access steps uh the salt marsh resource area showing plan and work was done by princ company biologist Karen Beck the peers uh will start the fixed do portion is span for 20 uh 12 ft each there's a 8 by 12 floating dot for a total of 160 Square ft at the end with a gain W connection uh all all work to be done from a barge do you have a copy of the comments from the d uh in in EM form oh no sorry I'll give it back to I just want to take a look at it thank you we all right Chris you want to read the report that is DMF right I don't see the um oh you see with the file number the DP yeah I didn't even see DMF comments either I'm sorry no worries that's not your fault D is here Mr chairman this is Alan Harrington 1278 drift Road Principe engineering is representing this notice of 10 application file number as mentioned is 2731 for the project report date is April 24th 2024 um this is subject to divisionary marine fisheries and also Marine Services comments for the dock that is posed proposed rather detailed description of the work the owner fil to allow the construction of a 26t fixed Pier 20 foot gang 2 4ot gangway and a 26t float on the east branch of the river the area has salt marsh land subject to flooding and shellfish resource areas the comment from MMF are pending I I have not seen them the dock will be designed to allow Public Access under the dock with a height of 5' 2 in proposed which the minimum required is 5 ft float stops are also part of the designed float to prevent it from grounding uh East West orientation of this should allow maximum sunlight uh for penetration for the salt M to continue to thrive um maximum pile distance also of 12 ft to lessen the overall impact to the marsh and the shellfish resource area is chosen with with this design uh the short fix peer length meets the doc policy design requirements uh for our um policy and uh regulations resource areas to impacted is the salt msh land sub to Coastal storm Flowage shellfish habitat and land under the river recommendations Westport Conservation Commission should approve the proposed fix Pier gangway in float at 1278 drift Road as shown on plan dated April 2nd 2024 uh this is with the file number SE 82731 and I did put pending mdmf comments but he does have those comments I would only ask that it would be pending Marine Serv uh comments which I did send him a copy of this Midstream so there no comments from the DP other than you 91 and these are standard comments they talk about this negatively impact the shellfish so Mass division marine fisheries has standard comments they lessen the activity do the work from a barge um correct and and Stage as much material on land as possible and um time of year restrictions for the migratory fish that we have in the river so all we need is the marine services com Marine Service comment letter is all we need all right do you anybody have any questions at the table regarding the stock no anybody in the audience have any questions first time had a do with no questions all right well we can if the has any questions we can support a motion going to complain yeah somebody's going to complain something so have a a motion uh pending the Harbor Master or the marine marine Services comments right I move that we approve the proposed F spear gangway in flow at 127 Road pending mad MF comments which we have all right just the marine services the last all right we have a second the BS motion second second from Jason all in favor oppos oos no all right someone must have bump their head just a future reference you guys are supposed to send it to the marine services director which is our Master no worries I S so we should be he's usually very generalizing comment just to have reflective material on materal stop the seawood side of the floor move the shellfish there's any you know Shish future reference all right thank you very much have a good night did you give him back his paperwork yeah I did thank you we have dnf comments P the way we did we did all right they must just came off they might have I'm going to let uh Jason handle the next two hearings do you need place to go no oh okay you make to make the announcement Mr shamman you like to excuse yourself recuse or excuse you like to recuse yourself yeah I'll be refusing myself from these next two hearings right this is my my uh family related property all right so this is um Rachel Ken Trustee of Cherrystone realy trust 2040 Main Road notice of intent Mr chair I'd leave the room told to Jason how many you got half a dozen on 2040 all right I sent him email uh yeah we did get him today yeah got good evening uh sha Le Northeast Engineers representing uh Char Stone you trust uh 2040 Main Road this is a piggyback with the house in the front 2058 Main Road uh as there's some common elements to both these filings so I'll explain them 2040 main road is this house right here it's a historic house bu in the 1800s access is from Main Road along this existing laneway uh currently the configuration the Shaded part you see will remain the same size what there is an existing septic repair plan that shows septic system out here in front yard towards the river that's a standard septic system what we're proposing to do and this goes to the 2040 the house front house in front is reporting a dite shared dite septic system with an Elgen field here uh which is further away from the river and will surface both houses the water will be serviced from this well up here so we maintain the setback for the leeching field to this house additionally because we're building this up here because of the water table situation we have to add some grading down along the septic system to meet breakout requirements of the Board of Health this system has not been front of the Board of Health yet it has not been approved it will be very shortly Additionally the existing house right now has a walk out what I would call walkout Stone basement that has a basically Valley going down to the door and what happens every time it floods it goes into the basement so the proposal here is to grade this up and make a flat area around the house with the New Foundation taper it off going towards the river with this just a small retaining wall and keeping it out above the 5 foot elevation which is above basically extreme Moon tide it is within the 100t riverfront area of this particular house it is in a flood zone so we're raising this up to be just about at the flood zone as best we could without having to grave further out towards the river uh River Front is delated by SE existing seaw wall which is licensed to an existing dock but it has use of the structure so we considering 20 2040 right now Sher stone realy is this house we have an application coming up that will be dealing with this house but it's within the 200t River Front there's really nowhere to go or anything the septic system improve is much more improved than the existing repair that was proposed and approved uh a couple years ago at the board of p uh we think it's a good solution as far as that so we're asking to proove the grading work and the lifting of the house to get it above uh station Mr chairman just for the record Sean took a little out of order he's doing 2040 Main Road first so our agenda was messed up Sean it did say Cherry Stone but it had the 2038 address so Cherry Stone is actually 2040 Main Road Cherry Stone real trust 2040 okay that's what we're going with first okay so for the record we're we're taking the the out of order here it's no big deal same for the record this is the same owner two separate trusts correct thank you this is Rachel Kalin Trustee of Cherrystone realy trust the address of this property is 2040 Main Road applicant has filed a notice of intent before us with Sean Leech from Northeast engineers and Consultants representing the report date is April 24th 2024 there is a file number for this project it's se80 2743 um for the record this is has historical commission approval uh on both these projects site visit was also on April 24th 2024 description of the work the own has filed to raise the existing structure to prevent flooding damage the existing structure is located within 100ft Riverfront area it falls within a velocity Zone and has been affected by recent flooding the structure will have the foundation raised to finish floor elevation of 12 this will prevent the seasonal storm floods uh to damage the interior not to damage the interior of the structure this work is within an in riparian Zone Of The River front area the regulations allow the issuing authority to approve work on a site that has been in existence prior to 1997 it further states that in some sites relocating work outside these limits is not feasible and shall be allowed to meet the requirements to the maximum extent feasible as Sean mentioned this is a very historic small lot this Falls within those parameters furthermore the existing CES will be decommissioned per title F EGS and replaced with a new system this system would be combined with the front house house uh to lessen the impacts as well grading for the system and the race structure will be well the system be constructed within the lawn area and will require B health final approval grading for the system and rais structure will be 57 ft from mean high water retaining wall is proposed at this point to maintain an undisturbed vegetated area between that and the river erosion controls will be installed at this point with no work allowed Beyond The Limited small site work is proposed is to what is feasible given the constraints of this area area this is a buffer zone land subject to Coastal storm Flowage in Riverfront area recommendations Westport conservation should approve with a condition that erosion controls be the limit of all work site conditions uh limit ability to relocate activity outside the riverfront so again I think that this project given those circumstances is uh permittable under the rivers protection act for its prior existence that is all Mr chairman all right any questions or discussion if not a motion want anyone no it's not motion approve second all right cin and Dr those in favor I opposed all right all right so that's 20 2040 so now we're 2038 okay to make sure we sign that right here so this would be Driftwood realy trust so you're signing 2040 Choice yeah okay uh Rachel kin trustee for drift Road realy trust 2038 Main Road notice of intent again Sean Engineers uh this is the house on front is a historic house that has a 1980s Edition on the back that's going to be knocked down and replaced with a new edition that was approved by the historical commission this is within the 200 front 200t Riverfront area but out of the flood zone this two had an approved septic repair plan and uh design and now that for the process of putting a advaned system in here on this lot this is the lot line between the two lots that'll TI the leak the Dei with on 2040 which is back here so both will tie into the advantex and total of uh four bedroomroom system on all together we think that's a good solution because the well that's here the shallow well like they all are4 point the well here not an option so they can share this well it's an adequate 50t distance from the niching field so it meets the requirements there very little rating here there will be some underground utilities installed in the laneway to service this house right now is it comes from a pole crosses the laneway pretty low uh they're going to drop a rise report underground Utilities in here they're also gas in this Lane that they're going to be upgrading so they're going to be adding this thing upgrading the house upgrading the septic system no grading proposed or very little grading proposed everything's going to keep at the same elevation as it is so there isn't much change it's only got the component of the septic system that's with 100 to 200t area and the addition is within the 200t river front area but it's not in the flone Mr chairman and members you good Sean what's that you good yeah I'm good uh Mr chairman members Rachel Kalin trusty of Driftwood realy trust this property is located at 2038 Main Road the filing is a notice of intent uh Sean Lee from Northeast engineering Consultants is representing date of the report is April 24th 202 24 the final number for this project is SE 02742 um this also has historical commission approval one thing I wanted to mention I didn't mention in the last report actually in historical areas you're not required to meet the flood elevation um whether or not you're in it or not it's maintaining the historical character of the area so the flood zone requirements do go out the window so just for the record um Sean mentioning about meeting it as best he can there is Ade for the purpose of those rise in tides that have been coming in there inundating actually that lower level and causing the building to be jeopardized by that um wetness uh caused from that flooding it's just for clarification description of the work the owner has part the construction in addition to the existing home installed underground utilities and septic components I said in the flood zone but it's just in the riverfront area the site Falls within Riverfront area and just outside the land CH the flooding of elevation 14 in the historical district new structures do not subject to the elevation for finished floor and can maintain the elevation from the existing home the underground utilities would be installed in the rear yard and new septic cane components will be installed in the lawn and will be connected to a leing field on the adjacent owned parcel erosion controls will be required to be installed around around the addition construction maintained until the area is seated and stabilized activity within the river font area complies with the allow to expand within the area as long as work is greater than 50 ft from mean high water in this case they are just in the outer reaches of that riverfront area the addition is 410 ft in size within the 4,550 Ft Riverfront area so the activity falls under the thresholds that would be of required of them so again this is a Riverfront activity on the lot uh of the main house 2038 Main Road recommendation Westport Conservation Commission should approve the propos addition in the flood zone uh and the underground utility installation in the riverfront with standard conditions it's just my own curiosity it's the same family that own both properties obviously if they ever decided to break them up and they have a shared septic would there not that they would but would there be room for another septic on Tech there's two separate oh no would there be room for SE the problem you have here is you have a good well and you know down there this is not broke don't uh it's shallow well so the CTO septic system over here would requ and the cep over here requires a wellbe drills for this house everything would be within 50 ft including septic systems 30 40 ft from the river which makes no sense what away so uh it was a good plan to like consolidate as Bunch as you can and keep as many structures without disturbing everything in the riv from the test you could yes they could sell it with obviously a descriptive easement uh in in the sale of that property describing that it's a shared septic system so it would be a pretty uh detailed transfer of property but yes I think they could there was originally a proposed septic repair I believe AJ parter had represented for this property and as Sean mentioned it was smack dab in the middle of that lower area and it also required a uh well U attempt which Sean's right it's an attempt at a well it may not be successful um and lastly that is aess pool right now yeah so that structure does have its separate own sewage system so that combined together is a large Improvement for the uses of this yeah no I agree part of the structure because there's technically two different owners there will have to be an easement document that's filed with this to go that's why it's curious we just we don't have lot of single family home for the shared septic we exactly so there has to be a septic because technically there are two owners to these okay cool thank any uh questions comments from the audience commission so I move to approve the proposed addition uh to the property and the upgrade of the septic systems um with standard conditions uh subject to Board of Health approval second all right Phil and Tom Tom those in favor Tom second all right okay thanks sound it sounded like a dear on the headlights today chaos in here you start my agenda see if you wrote any notes about me both hearings by D okay next we have Jason Ward Westport Harbor Water Association 755 River Road car of foxr capital LLC 75 River Road install new well new wellfield in buffer zone and land Coastal storm Flowage um so I'm actually Gregory Russo um I work for Weston and Samson we're the environmental consultant um supporting the West Water Association on this project um Jason W's the owner right Jason W is the owner um so the I have the um the green slips I'll take here I also have the GP number um that we have for you so we're all set with cool so um the proposed work is to install a new well field at River Road um this would be to supplement existing Wells further down the road um so it's three wells in a 20x 5 ft trench um with um there's an existing gravel access here already that would need to be extended Ed just slightly to reach the trench area and a proposed um stockpile area for the soil to be then put back into the ditch for back fill um altogether it's 475 Square ft of potential permanent impact in buffer zone and land subject to Coastal storm Flowage um potential for 300 temporary impact 300 ft of temporary impact for the sad PP um um the site has been there's been a previous noi approved for the site to do the test Wells um and the previously completed and approved delineation lines um completed by a different consultant um with their data provided to us for this submission Mr chairman West for Hobble Water Association obviously they are entered into an agreement of easement on this property owned by Fox Rock Capital so Westport Harbor is the applicant that is the owner of the property that is uh negotiating with this Association to create this access for these Wells however they create that that is beyond our approvals this is map 89 lot 119a and 120 uh this a notice of intent application with Weston and Samson here before us with their proposed uh public water supply system report date is April 26 2024 the file number for this project with no adverse comments is se80 2736 uh We've also had some uh documentation from mdp public water supply division um for them accepting this uh tentative location um with the requirements of a pump test Etc be commenced uh following the uh installation detailed description of the work the afcan was filed to install the public water supply in the Northeast portion of the lot the work was previously approved to conduct exploratory Well locations and the Wetland line was approved at that time the work would fall within the buffer zone and land sub to Coastal storm Flowage the area will have erosion controls installed around the construction area and is the limit of work for this well project construction actress was installed with the pre filing and will be utilized as access for this work three wells will be installed within an infiltration Gallery excavated to the depth of 17 ft infiltration Gallery will have a filter pack material added to the bottom of the trench 3 8in diameter Wells with screens and proper sanitary seals will be placed within this excavated trench the trench will be filled further with Filter pack and then covered with the stockpiled excavated soils each well will be extended approximately 4T below grade 4T above grade rather minimal amount of filling is proposed in the buffer zone and land sub the coastal storm Flowage they're pretty much maintaining the existing elevations no displacement of flooding is anticipated with work proposed the mass DP water supply is accepted this proposed work for the allowance as a public water supply or pending again as their final pump test this application does not include the piping necessary to install for future interconnections to reach the households uh there's no uh any information represented on this plan to indicate how this water will get into the OR into the street and Beyond um so I just wanted to make that clear the applicants are required to restore the area around well number one that was installed as a test well in a wetland uh again for this purposes I think they need it as a comparison during their work that they're doing here so I'm willing to allow that but well number one is not proposed to be used in this final design uh this should be removed in the area seated with a wetland seed mix um that was part of this exploratory process was them to obviously find area that may be suitable and um they believe they may have with this other location around the well three I think was the one that seemed to be the best uh location so resource areas from be impacted at land sub the coastal storm Flowage and buffer zone I just have one general question before I read my motion you guys have no concerns for sea level rise or any potential inundation from saltwater that uh May inundate this area for quite some time um you know we're seeing areas in the community we talked about rich and Pond Lane tonight this is a very similar circumstance this outflow is very more consistent but who's to say we don't get something that impacts these Wells um saltwater intrusion um all these things comeing to mind with what you've experienced in the other areas um that you currently utilize for your wells and um I just found that just to be concerning for again long-term use I I think you may find yourself trying to barricade these Wells from from maybe what Mother Nature may bring at us that that's just a question you may answer before I finalize so recommendations westw conservation should approve the proposed public water supply with this infiltration Gallery design including 3 8 in Wells placed within that the work requires Wetland restoration for well number one uh with a Wetland Conservation mix seating uh within that Disturbed area work is contingent on mass D Water Supplies divisions approval process that is all I have Mr chairman if you have any comments or questions get uh I do not you have a respons no I can one second if you want to speak just come to state your name at the podium please just for the benefit of people who may be listening on TV I'm Caroline Ben with the westw Harbor Water Association we share Chris's concern obviously um but we are as you know we've been looking for a place to put our wells for for years now so we are a little jammed um we probably are going to have to put some sort of a neck around it to to protect the uh um The Well head but we think it will serve our purposes for at least several decades that's the best we can do at this point but we're really up against u a wall here in terms of a well location this is the only owner that's really been willing to work with us all I I we had a um a public water supply on main Ro remember the one um near P so just questions like do you have you done any draw down tests to see what you know I I don't know how how much water you going to draw a day and do you have storage tanks that you're going to draw evenly at night so we have a storage tank we have an established pump house down near um off per Track Road okay um sort of southern end of cocky Pond our M our average draw down is about 10 to 12,000 gallons a day it's not that much when we were testing this the viability of this site we did do we put um monitors in the Birch Rock I'm sorry the uh Pond Meadow well and another private well and there was negligible impact over the period of time that we ran the test so obviously the pump test that we have to do for permitting is much more substantial be 48 hours at Peak capacity and we'll see but if anything um if anything when when the other Wells were running there was a a small amount of effect on the um on our water levels but it recharged very quickly so so we're going in within the surface material the other ones are oper Wells so we're we're not we're not tapping into the exact same water source we're trying to pull from a 50 acres of surficial material are there any coold water fues or streams around they're going to be in no all right no this is more Coos to the influence Mr chairman all right those question and and the Well's not in a wetland like the main road one was it it's either this is actually buffer zone um but thank you for for asking those I appreciate we got quite an inducation on that when we had did that project well I believe and Caroline say she may answer they have other hurdles I believe there's an easeman issue because this radius encroaches on the pond Meadow so there is other I think things that make this all come to fruition so um we we need to get um we need to get easements from at least two of Butters and pretty confident we'll get them um if not we're still going to have to file for permitting and we'll see D's been been really helpful they've been trying to advise us on where to go so we're just doing one step at a time any other questions from the B well I just a comment on the process I think based on our previous experience with with uh another public water supply and just to kind of clarify so this is approval to install the exploratory Wells or to do the pump testing that's necessary to get the permit from from uh D this is a primary public water supply that will be installed now they already did the test exploratory so this proposal is to be a public water supply okay so there's no so there's no fur testing that D is going to D is going to make them do a 48 hour pump test yes they will right okay okay cuz I just so the way we had the way the previous one that we had looked at played out was that and this relates a little bit to what the chair was saying which is distinction between us having the approving the operation of the wells for the pump test and then getting the information back to De from DP and then approving the operation of the wells based on what D approved there were two files right so um because then we would be applying the wetlands regulation standards to the operation of the wells not necessarily to what was being done to essentially test the wells prior to approving the operation I don't know if if you all agree to that it's kind of like coming back and presenting the information to the commission on what the draw down was and um you know DP signing off that yes this is going to be the maximum withdrawal that kind of stuff and then we looked at it at that point and approve it or whether this is the last chance we'll have to review the project cuz what what are your thoughts on that I mean I know the main road one they had the exploratory that was one and then they did the the notice of intent to install the equipment and do the test with DP and then they had to come back for an operational permit is that correct or am I everything done on the ma Ro project was done in in a not a corrective manner they came in with the installation the wells and a big replication area that still to this date has never been done so they altered over 2500 to almost 3200t of wetlands to install those Wells so those Wells were entirely put in a resource area so that's where we had the parameters of Pomers and monitoring for the purpose of what the impacts on that Wetland if they would actually draw down the physical Wetland itself different way so in this case they came in with the exploratory paperwork they came in and drilled three locations they went under gun testing and they finally got won and Samson to come back after they had these initially done and gave them an evaluation that they felt was a way to move forward and this proposal as you see now is that proposal already given the blessing from Mass dp's public water supply they do have a letter in writing that I have seen yeah we have we have the 13 approval you have a cop of that letter okay so I I confer that to the memb so this is just a final permit they're going to get once they do the 48 hour test yeah I I'm not demand I'm not saying we have to do it this way I just want to be clar just want to be clear to people on the commission you know that what it is that we're doing so either we're right being consistent or being inconsistent because the sites are really different well I would say in this case the sites are very dramatically different okay but I also would say that they still haven't shown us how this well is going to service them because there is no interconnection so I can't approve them to install a well you know piping in the roadway that that's the selection but some of that work May is certainly within our jurisdiction so I'll be back I wasn't going that far I wasn't going so they are trying to move in a manner that gets them something positive because as Carolyn mentioned they've had nothing but negative so they're hoping that this is an alternative right I think in the um uh I think in that ws 13 it says it or if not perhaps it was another communication but we are also going to have to monitor Wetland impact as part of our pump no they did have again I wish I had cuz I know you did send it to me please I know you sorry so I can make it available to the Commission in an email that way you can review the parameters that they have already identified we're proposing um is it a phmeter by by coist Pond and then one in the wetlands in between as well and then that other well well one that is in Wetlands we have an observation um correct ability there as well so we'll be looking at draw down on a bunny Wells and wetlands impact and crossing our fingers okay all right well okay any other questions from the table how many houses are you looking to support with that we support 50 houses 50 are those south of that or North they're on a coasta point so they're they're west of River Road and south of Aron Rod basically so that's where you're getting your 10 to 12,000 gallons a day doing like we have two Wells there 140 50 years old now and one we're under a state order to replace okay and the other one we have massive salinity issues with what are the depths of these Wells would you say yeah that's it CU it's bedrock at 20 ft all right any other questions for the de is that a is that seasonal at 10 12,000 or is that sort of average that's Peak yeah winter it's more like 3 to six that on a holiday and So the plan is to move that all down south through we have a pump house we want to keep the pump house where it is okay um as Chris has mentioned we'll have to come back with plans to come Down River Road we're hoping to just run in the um you know the Border any questions from the audience be okay no other questions for motion so I'll move to approve the proposed public water supply with an infiltration Gallery design including the three um 8 in Wells placed within um require Wetland restoration around well one and I guess removal of uh well one uh if it's not part of the final design and the work is subject to D Mass D um water supply division approval and a final permit from us for the hookup well potential hookup to their Pump Station depending on four goes all right do we have a second second second Kevin Y and all in favor opposed that's unanimous thank you thank you guys good luck with your WS okay Edward Carrey notice of ATT 504 River Road SE 82721 extend existing license float and maintain existing floats and seaw wall here Ed car Ed car's continued oh sorry Mr chairman I left you hanging no problem car continued to the last meeting in May two four weeks 28th okay so I need a a motion to continue Edward Cary notice attend 504 River Road se8 2721 uh for four weeks which is the 28th of May I'll make a motion continue four weeks have a second second second from Tom all in favor Clos all right Jason in time four weeks elephant Rock Beach Club notice of tent 147 Atlantic Avenue store Coastal Dune and beach with wash over debris from the road in flood zone and barrier Beach accusing myself from this one okay this is continu uh we did not have a file number issued previously uh there is a file number now issued uh also Amy welky at the Mast wanted a narrative to go along with that and I submitted a narrative to both the conservation agent and to the 2730 2730 just to refresh uh there several breakthroughs on Atlantic Avenue on the barrier Beach Coy Pond most of it ended up in the parking lot and the parking areas in and around that are already established they gathered those to a pile to fill in the breaches that were in there was an existing walkway this breach there was a couple other breaches there's one further down that actually closed up by itself very nicely so they're proposing to take the material that came off the beach put it back on the beach and also plant Doom grass they missed that window I think plant Doom grass along where they creat essentially the Doom over again so that's all that's being asked for uh we do have comments from National Heritage and they are very typical for this time of year for the piping clovers and and whatnot uh they're hoping to get this thing stored they do have a beach Mansion plan and they do have a monitor down there uh keeping track of everything that's going on my understanding there are two clovers that have been around and their way down towards the West End of the beach but they've been monitoring and looking waiting for this all right CHR Mr chairman elephant Rock Beach Club Atlantic Avenue this a noce tent application filed by Northeast engineers and Consultants uh Sean leech representing report date is April 22nd 2024 there is a file number IC 82730 uh this was written for the last meeting natural heren endangered species comments have also been received site visit was on April 22nd 2024 description of the work the elephant Rock Beach Club is filed to restore a section of primary Coastal Dune that was breach in three locations during the January and December storms the breach deposit of San materas along East Beach uh rather elephant Rock Beach Club cocky spawn access and in the parking lot the sand was placed at the three breach the sand will be placed at the three breach D areas and some onto the beach elephant Rock Beach Club shall be required to have a bird biologist on site before the project begins to monitor uh this piping Clover activity since this Mr chairman I'm going to skip some of this um Sean um again Ask for continuance in the meantime Club has hired Jamie Bogarts from the Lloyd Center and on April 22nd activity was commenced in response to the bird biologist Jamie bogot suggestion uh the pipe and Clover have begun nesting uh as Sean mentioned to the west of this area and the work needed to get completed this week before further nesting either moved into the area or they established their locations again this was all done on the watchful eye of the bird biologist uh it was his suggestion I know a a member called me with concerns and they rightfully did not have approval from us but uh given the April 1st time frame to be doing work at had EXP fired they were utilizing his his best suggestion so um again Jamie's been doing this for many years he also represents other beach clubs in the area he's now representing the Rhode Island section of our community as well as elephant Rock Beach Club um so I want that to be aired out so they follow all the procedures that are required under the piping Clover management requirements uh having a bird biologist be there 48 Hours have him be on present during the work so they took the material that they had stockpiled across the road and placed it within these areas and then worked their way out and closed in that area along Atlantic gav so with that said recommendations the Westport conservation should approve the replacing the overwash sand onto the breach dunes and Beach areas as shown in the submited plan with the conditions that elephant Rock Beach Club develop and continue to maintain that beach management plan the bird biologist be on on site during all proposed activities sample of beach materials if they uh do propose any is provided to the office and snow fencing to be utilized during the winter months for sand collection I I think this club really doesn't take uh that into consideration on how much sand they really can claim uh just by collecting it and utilizing it uh later in the year so that's all I have Mr chairman so you're not adding any new sand they are not adding any new sand no Mr chairman they are only utilizing what they had uh do we have a cop claimed of the beach manager plan the office we do have a copy yes we do okay so yes and furthermore the heritage is commented uh in my last that uh these conditions time of year restrictions apply everything I said their standard conditions apply for any Coastal activity and pl habitat right since they they missed the window they have to hire a biologist to watch the work that's yes work after April 1 requires a biologist to be present all right any any questions from the table questions from the audience come right up here M just state your name um my question just goes to how um if there's any plan to manage future breaches because um some of of the breaches have been closed but there's a walkway from the you know they've converted that road down to cocky Pond into a parking lot so there's this parking lot yeah they and there's a pathway right across from one that has not been closed so the bulldozer has been working there all week has moved mostly it's mostly Rock right now actually that's been moved up and has closed other breaches that's still open and the next time we get a storm it's just going to it's just going to blow wide open again through through the chair if I may they they're entitled to have access to the beach which those paths have been there for quite some time we're not talking the the Palmer the Palmer Fiasco that took place on the beach and all that other stuff if anybody these members may not recall but I certainly do um they are trying to obviously adhere to the requirements I have not be honest I haven't been down there since they did the initial work but I will encourage them that that should be no more than 40 in wide it shouldn't be a car width wide they should be administering snow fencing in places to try to collect sand and you know I've been monitoring their uses of this access to cocki spond and if you look at the aerial photos there is some subsequent increase but again our biggest concern was the parking lot so it's almost like a catch 22 with cherry and web we sell 1,800 passes and there's only parking for 400 people so in this case they do use that as overflow but I feel stronger now because they do have a bird biologist on on that side and and that they're working with that but lastly yes they are pass the window for beach grass planting but they did ask me where they could potentially get product and that is uh from New Jersey I don't know how well they could get some at this quickly but that is where the source would be but yes they should absolutely reestablish vegetation uh in these areas and thank you Carolyn we can make that as a condition that these areas be revegetated with Native Coastal Dune species all right any other questions um question for I guess Chris and Sean I guess can we or and should we require snow fencing as part of our approval you can just again it's part of their Beach management plan we don't need to cuz that's that's something we're giving them a device that helps protect and add sand so if they don't want to I can't force them to but it's recommended um we've seen it firsthand you know Jake is very successful with it at Bakers where you bury the the stuff to the point you've collected so much sand so um it is something I'm trying to get them to understand they're they're losing a lot underneath itself a tremendous amount like right now the stairs that came off the deck they probably this high off the beach right so after a couple years of watching what's going on I think they've agreed going to do to do something about it it's not going to do the road any good it doesn't do the butters any good so probably it's only good for them it only has to be just a few te- sections just to collect it and yeah okay um no other questions we'll accept a motion Mo to approve second motion to second from Jason all in favor thank good Sean please convey to the person you're in contact with our concerns okay okay CU they don't necessarily read the fine print of these special conditions I think I think they're in agreement with what you saying thank you this all right next hearing is uh let's see Mass division marine fisheries notice of intent bruceb neck sc80 2730 eass transplanting transplanting for Habitat Restoration in subtitle area he was here that's he he hiding you can reach that button I think [Music] last down Flor warming up you it's right on your shoulder there so there you go all for here with massach vision marine fisheries um you know this project Contin to our last meeting um so I'll be pretty brief in my overview um but the the purpose here um is to restore grass um off of East for beach in wport and um the the reason or the purpose here of the project is uh to bring back P fish habitat um which the rest is one one of those important habitats in the state um it also provides a number of other ecological function functions that benefit our Coastal um areas um including sequestering carving and living Coastal erosion and the so the project site here um is off Beach J NE we previously proposed a site that was um right in the middle of the beach um close to Gooseberry neck but um following comments from the commission and the residents um we've um and we've looked into the habitat parameters around that as well and we're able to move it Northeast about half a mile so that's outside the not directly in front of any of the private properties on the beach it's in front of the the state uh or sorry not the state the town Beach property there um and it's also farther away from the bo next hway um which we were again alerted in last meeting there's some potential uh work up coming on that cway to remove it and so this will also separate the the restoration plots um from really immediate impact think from from that potential work as well um just have a couple more figures here to kind of show more detail from where the original time was proposed to to moving it closer to the east again we mostly we M as far far e as we can while keeping it really in M you can't see here but the the town border is basically right right here um and there's some eass map close by as well which is encouraging in terms of um being potentially successful SPS if there is some some habitat there right um and uh in terms of um again just quick summary on the uh the timeline uh hoping to test plot this spring um which will then be followed by two years of monitoring um to assess whether the site can truly be successful again we've done monitoring in terms of water quality and and light availability at this site um as well siment which we think all are checking the boxes is suitable but you know restoration is is very challenging and it's multiac and ultimately the whether the pl can survive or not in our site is really the the true test and so we don't want to go full full bore right away like do test PL person again if those are successful we then consider moving to a full scale which would be about half an acre of the site um the meth methods would involve transplating of all shoots likely from the Lush ins side of the Westport River to the site and yeah open up question col thanks all right thank you CHR you have a new report chairman just briefly I I spoke to Forest about the change in location um at the last meeting I think some proponents before and against uh the consensus came to basically trying to relocate it from uh the general middle vicinity of e speech I think Forest has made a fair approach to relocate it um to what he feels is feasible for for the conditions that he needs to adequately attempt uh this uh recolonization of Eel Grass so I would suggest to the commission that uh a motion be considered for acceptance uh it is a compromise um I I think it benefits uh the the Marine habitat in itself um but there's still going to be people that are against it and I understand that uh those individuals that may be a buers have the right to appeal this to mass D um as such in a butter and um they can maybe have the state consider this um but given the circumstances and its location being in the open ocean I think the commission has limited jurisdiction uh and oversight in that Commonwealth of uh Mass Land so I I think I feel favorable of the relocation and I think the commission could approve uh it with that uh tonight all right any questions from the table or comments I have comments but i' reserve it if to hear comments from the the audience have anything they want to say can just can just stand ask if it's different Mr chairman are they different comments yeah hope go ahead sir I I'm uh Tony vencio okay East Beach resident I just wanted to see the map a little bit more closely so this looks like this is in front this is where the town beach is is that correct use the one to the left you can see where it's prior if you can use the one to the left that's where it was and then it's moving to the start yeah that is entirely in front of the town beach just shy if you show your your right hand you'll be at the Town Line so the Town Line is right there correct yeah Town Line okay private lots and then this is alltown Beach right correct okay good yeah um yeah we're we're thankful that Forest um in the division of GRE Fisheries um was open to input and relocating and front of the Town own properties as well I think we're good with his proposal at this point thanks any other comments did you come on uh Andrea siren I live in Westport on Jil way plus I also have a beach lot down here um Forest thank you you know for making the effort I'm still perplexed um why it didn't go down towards Gooseberry um I'm somebody who also has a beach pass every year there is is no parking at Cherry and web so you get a Saturday Sunday nice day you go to East Beach you're heading down there for the arguments that were made the last time forest was here moving it down or around toward state owned land to me is better um and I do realize it's out in the water it's a slow growth you know everything that you said I I uh I appreciate it as a taxpayer and somebody who has always gone to the beach I wouldn't think anyone in this town would want on our very limited Town access Beach to try to encourage Eel Grass and then to try to propagate it in such a large manner um we also don't want fishing right there we don't want you know we have a lot of activity that's in the area it's actually a place I go quite a bit so I'm just saying I'm I don't understand plus we all know it was in the headlines all winter about the washover in the area so if we're trying to get a better area for this Eel Grass to be successful this definitely doesn't seem to be the area we lost the whole Road there so I don't quite get this movement in this direction this isn't what we talked about the last time and that's it thank you thank you does any any else have a comment all right so Phil so I think my comment is that um and not to repeat the point that's already been made about how important Eel Grass is for a lot of reasons but for this particular area the fact that it is a natural um resistor to storm surge seems to be in itself an important reason why we should be developing this and testing it and see if it can work there because there there is not going to be as far as DP is concerned any um uh revetment or any structure that that is going to be other than natural structures to protect these beaches from storm surge this is a potential solution to that not only to protect the beach but to protect the road so to to create a test site that's going to establish that that that this will work functionally in that way and that you could propagate it you'd be saving the beach and um so to me it's counterintuitive not to go ahead with this and I hope we approve it all right any other comments or questions so just the language so is this restoration this whole thing is there a reason to believe that they to have yourass everywhere so there are some historic Maps um they uh back to the '90s '95 was really the first comprehensive m in the state for grass um they do suggest that those larger grass off of this beach at that time um again we're Limited in in our data going farther back than that but that one of the reasons why this area was s i i don't show it here in this video this is just a current mapping but um there was there was a larger met in that area so so you haven't surveyed the whole area we have I mean so the the state does an aerial survey um which picks up most of the high V bass um and we have um rounding with drop cameras on a boat um at these sites um that suggest that there is no there so um the fact that yeah the aerial survey up order be picked up in our in our survey so in the restoration process is there consideration for why it may have disappeared and if you're not really fixing that yeah that's definitely a challenge um and definitely main challenge frustration it's hard to um pinpoint often the exact cause of these things and sometimes it's a combination of factors um you know we're seeing um increased storm activity which could be a problem um in certain areas again um you know you have a you know a 100 Year event or or a 10 year event that can take a long time for these systems to natur to recover from and so we can enhance that um Can habit more quickly um and there's benefit in inum before we have like that um I think there's you know on a larger scale there's climat changing in other ways as well in terms of temperature and that's another challenge but uh we hope that uh and and of course there's also um uh input from Coastal development and nutrients and that that challenge to our estuaries but because this is an open Coastal site compared to in the west World River for example we think it's less vulnerable to those dressers than in the site of the river just to say anything just in comment the the nitrogen levels in the West Branch have decreased to the point that they added 300 acres of Eel Grass in the West Branch over the past few years so it was planted no it just grew naturally naturally it just grew naturally it just grew naturally yeah so we're hoping yes the the water qualiity again we're slowly turning clal system as we improve our water quality Water Management so that's seal anybody else table Sor I one other comment I forgot to the one thing I wanted to just bring to our attention just to think about this from a planning standpoint is the climate residency committee um and the planning board have both forwarded a set of memos I think conservation was copied on them related to Future planning for East Beach and some of that planning uh discusses um preserving the beach is also research through Beach nourishment uh and then they're looking at a two Grant sequence from CCM the first is to develop the the beach management plan and the second B would be four potential Beach nement on a large scale um so a large scale Beach nourishment project along these Beach you know may interact this something to think about from a planning perspective it may interact with this and typically Beach nourishment profiles go well beyond the beach itself because there're settling material um also the the nourishment projects are quite expensive somewhere the estimate somewhere between 800,000 2 million so they're looking at other options such as reuse of the dredged material from Westport River um in in that scenario the current reuse plan just so you can Envision it uh is the dump this along the uh the East End of the State Beach reservation and it's something like I think 1500 ft long dump area that's 80 ft wide and they're looking to dump between 65,000 and 75,000 cubic yards of sand in that location um and then we've talked uh with the core of engineers about potentially routing or with a subsequent dredge this dredge will be an ongoing maintenance operation to do something similar along e Beach as potentially a less expensive way to do the nourishment you know there is an option to explore but in any case like large scale nourishment could interact so it's just something to think about you know if you're talking about that quantity stand things can get buried Mr chairman if I just make one comment to that to the chair we spoke with czm on the particular dredge materials and in her opinion they're too fine to be placed on a beach and they would not be something that would be allowed in that use secondly this contract is already been out and there is no changing what the Army Corps has approved the dredging material is going off horck it's it's a done deal there's no way we can change that um unless the town stops it and it goes re out the BS and there probably would be a 5 to 6 year wait for that to happen again so there's been a lot of discussion of that rerouting that material is not being rerouted that and again it doesn't meet the requirements to be placed on the beach just so the members know so we got that letter that said they're going to put it off the beach and some may wash out some may I did throw you all those correspondents so that you could be on the same page with that right do we have more comments ready for a motion No my only comment was that Forest didn't have to do this didn't have to make these changes he did so we appreciate all right you have a motion I'll make a motion to uh to approve second Mo Jason all those in favor hold Mr chairman if you just make the statement that you approve for the relocation of make a motion to approve the relocation to the be portion of e speech that way for the record it it shows that we it actually was April 30th yeah okay uh all those in favor all right all right that's unanimous thank you thank you all right next on the agenda we have Martin Keller 216 Cadman Neck Road Extension Martin Keller is an extension at 216 cadman's Neck Road the applicant file number se80 2575 the owner has requesting an extension for 3 years this was to uh rehabilitate a seaw wall in front of the property but it encompassed a lot of uh access for a road to the edge of the shoreline and they haven't been able to get anybody uh to give them consideration for this at this time so the Westport conservation should approve the request to extend file number se80 2575 for 3 years Martin Keller your motion motion to move second second Jake B all in favor all thank you the far you going to be diving that site anytime soon um yeah we will be I so last year I helped a watered Alliance they they put a um like a steel stainless steel like a helical anchor yes all right it's between your original site and the new site if you see it it's going to be a stainless pipe coming out of the ground about like that far we up yeah it might be stilled over who knows we're going to try to find it in the if you have coordinates we have rough coordinates um Sun of our way we'll be out there so yeah if you see it that's what it is yeah great yeah we won't move it if you don't want us to no yeah I just need I want a couple spare a couple fluk for me yeah all right all I hey man all right uh we have uh thank you thank you for that was approved unanimously by the way okay sorry I know you that's fine I'm going to email you a copy I'll email you a copy of the order and get you so you can move your project forward great we yeah we'll be I don't think we'll get out there until later later in May all [Music] right a little B we have bills for East Bay media this is for advertising $43.50 motion from Kevin do we have a second second from B all in favorin that's minutes from 4:16 presid myself Mr Powell Mr mcgan Burton okay we're all here everybody else is absent so the four of us so these minutes were 46 word distributed to the members who are present if there are no changes I'll be looking for a motion motion approve we have a second you second oh second okay that was Jake and Jason all in favor poos okay that's in it's okay [Music] it's don't think just do it all right we have um Force an order Chris to be issued Mr chairman if you'd like me to do a report yes I you have a report I do well then go ahead and read it buddy Mr chairman is this a new one it's not always the time of year but it's this time of year that thing start to happen so we I request an enforcement action be taken on Rick C 1090 drift Road um we received a complaint uh reviewing the aerial footage it's very clear that the owner has filled an area under our jurisdiction without any permit approvals um these areas classify is either isolated land subject to flooding but they also fall within land subject to Coastal storm Flowage so these always this area may also be potential Vernal pool jurisdiction so again this homeowner initiated this work with with disregard to the ACT uh he's fully aware that these areas were jurisdictional so I ask that we issue an enforcement order with the specifications that the applicant restor the areas within engineered drawn plan uh submitted to the commission um and potential plantings needed to restore um back to its prior condition all right do we have a motion move to approve the issuance of the order you have a second a second all right that was second on that one all in favor poos all right pass that down didn't you say you had another one you saw when you Char White Road or something like that you have very good memory Mr chairman I do uh the second one I have but I just sent a letter today to these homeowners this is a home at 306 Charlotte White Road this is a Robert madus and Dana madus um they initiated clearing of their wooded area behind their house but um what they're not aware of the limit is there for a reason because it's Wetland um so I submitted a letter to them informing them that they need to cease and assist and get in contact with the office um I did this for this particular person because they're not necessarily familiar I think their recent purchases this property tends to change hands every 2 to three years for some reason so um where's 306 306 is almost up to to the top uh heading towards Sodom Road so on your left hand side right next to or you know where or grows those beautiful tomato plants in that Greenhouse it's the next house next door so they the house is set way back off the road and the Wetland is just therefore in the woods there is no ability to expand so that's what I explained in the letter I expressed to them that there rarely is no area that they can go further uh too so um this may require restoration so that would be um make a motion to accept the letter sent to Robert and Dana madus at 306 Charlotte White Road uh for clearing of an area within the commission's jurisdiction so what are you asking them to do I'm asking them to contact the office and we will make measures to see what is needed to restore they haven't stumped it so I think the stumps will Sprout so I'm trying to stop them from going any further before that's why I did it quick cuz as soon as they remove that stumps they lose all that natural process of restoration do we have a motion move to affirm the letter that was issued okay second Bill and Kevin all in favor all right that's what else you have Mr Chris it's all I have Mr chairman all right well for a motion to aurn