okay I'll call this meeting to order pleasee and we'll start with a salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call Pauline broer Judith manard here spap here myself and uh Lucia Casey and chrisy are also in attendance and you have all the other names christe you're all set okay the first item is to we're going to call the uh meeting of the annual plan hearing and the regular meeting will follow that after we've uh voted on the annual plan we receiv received the plan and information on last month do we have any questions or anything that have to be brought up at this time I had some just clarifications which you helped out with I don't know if the other individuals that read it about the uh the doors the intercom system you did you read all that Judy but it doesn't start till um uh July 1 what is it July 1st 20 25 no it's FIS I think it's fiscal year 25 which starts 24 all right so we should get money in there and we've been talking about that at the meeting so maybe some of the residents would be interested to know that that's where it stays in the budget if we could just share a few things with them um well we've put it all out they've had opportunity to read over the budget or the the plan did you plan has been posted and the residents had an opportunity they were given to uh read it through so no one came to ask to see the plan so unless they read it online nobody it post posted right there I don't well that's the way it has to be done through the state so it's posted on the board the resident board there are certain rules and regulations that we have to follow that the state puts out that's where they say to put it so okay does the board have any any other questions if not then I will accept a motion that we accept the annual plan I make a motion to accept the annual plan thank you Judy do I have a second second motion has been made and seconded that the annual plan be ex accepted all those in favor and I'm going to ask for a roll call vote Pauline I Lois I Judy I and I Veronica bullia it's unanimous okay we have to adjourn that portion of the meeting and then we go into our regular meeting which we've already had our salute to the flag and the call to order approval of minutes of February 24th February 21st I believe I don't know got two different dates 2st 21st okay you have the minutes in front of you from February 21st do do I have a motion on those minutes make a motion to approve thank you a second second okay questions comments additions or omissions one second one second okay this feels so strange okay here well it happens occasionally it may change okay on the minutes hearing no questions comments I ask for a vote all those in favor I oppos it is unanimous okay the financial reports now we have January and February's financials which we did not have have at the last meeting I might state that I was came in the other day to sign checks and I got to meet Kim who's the new appointee to take care of Westport from uh Fenton ewal seemed very nice she was very busy seemed to be very attentive to what she was doing so uh and just to add we do have okay just to add to that Ronnie um they will be coming prior to the board meetings okay in the future as much as possible in the future that was what Chris had done and then with her death that change so yep we should be back on schedule good okay do I have a motion on the financials for January and February we can do them separately if this you wish or we can do them collectively and I'll take a motion either way from whoever wants to make a motion I'll make a motion to accept the um January and February financials okay a second it motion has been made in second it that we approve and accept the uh Financial uh what I call them Financial reports from January and February any questions hearing none all those in favor opposed so move the check warrant oh I guess I did that out of order that's all right okay the check warrant is next for the month of February I have a motion can we get a motion to accept the check warrant make a motion to accept the check warant February 29th 2024 do I have a second second questions on the check warrant hearing none all those in favor I opposed unanimous can I just make one comment sure no one asked anything about it but um if you look down about Midway it says Massachusetts to there was no balance we were credited that back that was due to um unemployment and they were charging us there was a pro uh Massachusetts changed the system so we had a hard time getting in so there were two months that you will last month in um January and February feary that you'll see where it was paid with a balance due that has been refunded back to us so we have a full hundred and some dollar credit it's good when the state gives us back some of our money yeah kid it's unusual too okay I think we voted that mmdt statement for February 2024 motion make a motion to accept the mmbt as of 22924 for the amount of 29,000 827 59 and distribution of 13131 very good I have a second okay motion has been seconded all those in favor post unanimous Pauline okay correspondents we have the information in our packet um it was a letter to the town of Westport so forth it was regarding the hearing and the uh activity that's being proposed for State Road Route 6 yeah but I'm reading because it splits up numbers which doesn't make any sense to me it's from 287 to 291 and 833 to 11:15 state road for the Sur s that they're planning on putting in and this was just a notification if anybody wanted to comment on it or whatever so we did have that that's just to file I have a question sure um you talk about the westbr Conservation Commission that they they are looking for notice of intent to fill remove fill dredge all the areas do we know what those are out here wet winds or anything that impact I guess a yeah I guess that would all be uh well February 27th has long gone anyway but uh we'd have to get a hold of the Conservation Commission to have them explain it out to us but I think it's beyond the fact at this point well even just sitting listening to the hearings in general y they didn't have a lot of specifics no of the whole project so to come here you're going to tie in because you're on the front the state pays for that and then each unit gets hooked up how how does that even work does anybody know no not in I have no clue what they're going to do and if they're even going to be able to do everything I know they're doing it because of the businesses here on group six so hopefully that will happen I believe they could probably tie in the same way that we tie into the water the water or even the um septic system there's got to be a way to tie that in from the septic system to the surage well my understanding is the septic will be gone that's why they doing the sewer yeah yeah like a house individual houses and businesses have to tie in you have to pay the 10,000 because of your Frontage and then there's another charge to tie in everything but they only have one septic like we only have one septic so it's a tie TI in from the piping that goes to the septic I believe like when I had not to the individual you mean not to the individual okay I guess that makes sense okay thank you okay you're welcome a new business I no direct this report before we go forth everyone have a motion to file and then uh we can ask questions and so forth make a motion to follow the director's report thank you I have a second second okay questions of the director regarding the report heing none I guess everyone said satisfied with your report well that's good all those in favor of accepting to to file iose okay it's unanimous new business the Westport Police Department we want to welcome Mr Kyle Fernandes from the Westport police who will be our new representative uh those who weren't aware Johnny Kudo who has been coming to our meetings in the past is retiring effective I think Monday the April 1 but he's all done I guess with Sunday Sunday's his last day and uh might just well say at this point we were hoping that he'd be here and hopefully he will still show up he did state to us at the last meeting that when he was first asked to take on the Housing Authority he figured it was to sit back and eat cookies and drink coffee and he found afterwards that that wasn't the case so in his honor today though we do do have coffee and donuts I didn't get cookies but we have Donuts so hopefully he'll get here to get a donnut and a cup of coffee but if anyone wants to help yourself there there's uh stuff on the back table but we thank Johnny for everything that he's done and been supportive and the Westport Police Department um Chief peler before and chief dun now are very very supportive of anything that we've asked for or needed and so forth so we do thank them did you have anything that you'd like to bring to our attention Kyle no okay par you know where to park okay you've gotten your directions now if I saw a cruiser I wouldn't question okay old business did we have a new old business to bring up okay then we're going to go to commissioner comments Pauline Lois Judy okay I think that I think I think it's bringing it back to me and I'm going to ask your Indulgence for about five minutes I know we try to limit what we're saying and so forth but I do have a few things I'd like to say at this point and perhaps I should listen to the tenant comments first can I do that and then do my thing sure so let's do tenant comments first because I I'd rather keep mine to the very end yes I just want to let you know I believe that right it's it's a ballot question about appropriating money and then it still has to go to an annual town meeting after that even if the question passes you're correct yeah the only this and the only thing we received is because we're in a butter to the the issue so we re receed that letter okay okay okay any other comments from the okay all right so I'm going to throw it to myself at this point um and I again I ask your Indulgence on this I uh I think majority of you know know my background know know of me and what I've done and so forth but I have um back in 1976 I took out paper to run for school committee in the town of West par because my kids were in town and so forth um unfortunately I was not allowed to turn them back in because when I got to the town hall there was a snowstorm going on and even though I know people were in that office I was approached by the then chief of police Joe Aruda who said oh they've all gone home it's snowing out I said no kidding I mean anyway my papers were not there by the time of the deadline and they did not extend the deadline even though though they closed the office early and sat behind the closed door so I ran the following year in 1977 and was elected and from 77 through today through after actually uh August 9th um I have served and volunteered in this town in one capacity or another school committee finance committee selectman uh the housing board um and I'm proud to said that's more than half of my lifetime that I've given to the town of Westport so I'm sure most of you know that I I am leaving and I was thinking this morning in the shower is what I was going to say and I'm going to ask that you listen to this because I think it sums up everything that I'd want to say it might be uh it's only three minutes long did you write that in the shower I did not write it in the shower but I thought of it and it it really sums up exactly how I feel so uh let's see if we can do [Music] [Music] this I'll it I'll am I've lived a life [Music] that's and more more than this I a but then again too few [Music] I saw through without exception I planed each charted course each careful step along the byway and More Much More Than This I did it my [Music] yes but with it all there doubt I it up then spit it out I grew tall in of it all and did [Music] [Applause] [Music] it I had of Los and now tears subside I find it's all quite amusing to think I did all [Music] may what is a man what has he got if not himself then he [Music] has he [Music] trulys and words [Music] of and [Music] [Music] [Music] that's some set up I I the only thing I disagreed with is say what does a man have I think it should say woman but and you sound just like a thank you thank you and that uh no so it's it's been a uh a long road one that I've really enjoyed I've enjoyed serving the people of the town of Westport I've been through the first ever teacher strike in the town of Westport I was a chairman of that when that took place and we held our heads up high and came out of that well there's been a lot that has gone on but I am not ashamed and I would not take back anything that I have done the only thing I really regret is that I can't I don't feel that at this time I can give to the people of this community what they deserve I think there's a lot that we could do here a lot more that could be done but a lot of people are being uh put to aide because there's certain things that have to be accomplished and it's at the expense of all of you and I uh I can't I can't go on that way so my resignation was put in um and it is effective April 9th the date of election and at this point um I know Judy ran for a one year on expired well it was a two-year unexpired seat for the board of Selectmen only didn't put it on the ballot so they could only make an appointment for one year so Judy has served the one year and has not chosen to go on either and we understand that their State Rep probably has a um new recommendation for governor appointee Lois has been be much Beyond her time here uh so you'll be seeing a new board coming on we have the retirement coming up of luciia uh and some asset uh not renewing their contract in June uh so I'm not sure exactly what's going to happen with that I know Lucia has spoken to I adoro I guess I can say that spoken to adelar and adelar feels I guess I don't know if they're talking with the state I don't know what the situation is to be truthful but they feel that they can come down and take care of Westport two days a week and give you sufficient coverage and everything else I wish them well I wish you well and I want to on behalf of those of us that are leaving give Lucia and Christie please on our behalf I will thank you and uh it's been a pleasure thank you thank you both for everything you've done for Westport and for us on the committee and uh I've had my say and I apologize for taking up more than the two minutes of three minutes that we normally allow people so now it's my turn okay oh you're not on the agenda I'm sorry put me on the agenda so on behalf of the Westport Housing Authority as many of the board members are leaving um I want to thank all of you and hopefully I won't cry but I get very emotional so I probably will I want to thank all of you for serving you serve without any compensation you take whatever grief you're given in stride and work with it you listen to me adium so thank you very much and Ronnie this is for you thank you Judy from the Westport Housing Authority Lois from the Westport housing authority and again thank you for your service to the community of Westport to the residents of the Housing Authority for all that you've done and I especially and I'm sure christe can say whatever she'd like but I think for your support in uh Somerset taking over and trying to administer everything that the state asked the us um to the point of sometimes I get mad at the state so but thank you again for everything that you've done no one knows how thankless this job is until you sit in the seats that you sit in thank you Luccia okay thank you very much okay if there's nothing else I'll announce we have something for Johnny but he's not yeah Johnny's not here he blew the whole thing after we went out and got coffee and donuts jeez okay oh certainly I took out and run for the SE understand I don't have that being said I'm looking first off I want to thank the current board members that serve and ser years for everybody and everybody's done a wonderful job here I've sat on other boards in other communities before in the past I'm I'm I've been in Westport since 2008 and I think it's time for me to step up now that I'm kind of semi-retired to step up and do a little bit for my community my wife and I enjoy the town want to help out so I'm I'm first thankful for everybody and secondly is I'm willing to learn to do whatever and put in the time necessary to to for the housing authority and support the people in theth res the authi and and everybody so I just I just wanted to make sure I thank everybody and I'm open to any suggestions or anybody has any IDE here Le learn my very good we wish you well and if there's anything that we can do don't hesitate to give us a call thank you apprciate yeah very good okay anything else hearing none uh did you say there something else I just have to announce on the next meeting of the board will take place on the 17th I believe I saw of April of April here in the community room at 10:00 a.m. and if no one else has anything I'll ask for a motion to adjourn oh there's a Bo there's an election on April the 9th there's an election next month go out and vote go out and vote go out there are two open seats and Tim is running for one no three open seats there's a oneyear seat there's the twoyear seat and there's a fiveyear seat Tim Tim St running for the five five and then there are two open seats with no candidates he said he's running for no he's not running for executive director he just stated he was running for the fiveyear seat that was a seat that was vacated by the chairman Zach Rio back in November he was up this year his seat would have been for five years Tim is running for that seat the two-year seat two-year unex expired term is my seat because I've resigned okay the one year expired was the seat left over from Liz Collins when she resigned for health reasons and Judy was appointed for one year and would have to run for that second year has chosen not to run the state appointee I can't tell you Lois has been working on that since over a year over a year to get a state appointee Lois's term was up in 21 we were in she stayed on and the state also back when we were on the board when we had March holding they said until another appointment is made you stay on Lois stayed on through covid and all so we would have a quarum she said she's had enough she's been in contact with the state constantly T touch with the state representative and so forth now I understand the state representative is making a recommendation so someone someone should be filling that seat no she has indicated she is done as of April the 9th so okay okay a clarification yes Tim is on the ballot because he took out papers and ran the other two seats the twoyear and oneyear term there's no one listed on the ballot okay Liz I guess we're going to go through after we had all our tenant comments but whatever go ahead please it's right in go ahead Liz you have something to say okay so there'll still be the one okay so there'll still be the oneyear seat that you left two years ago open okay at this point that we know well lizard Liz is going you're running for it but you're not running you didn't fill papers you're running as a rating correct okay all right just so so we let people know very good okay nothing else again I'll ask for a motion to adjourn motion nobody wants to go thank you Judy thank you Judy motion is unanimous or accepted but however we want to do it that's it