##VIDEO ID:YwGxtyTVAdQ## uh go ahead you're okay uh roll call Timothy Kon present Andrew extrom uh um Elizabeth Collins here Pauline bodor here Henry lanir here that's the roll call Mr chairman okay uh let's stand for a pledge of allegiance I pledge Al aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay first thing is the approval of the minutes of November 20th meeting is there a motion to approve motion to approve for is there a second second second all in favor I all right any obstain yep uh cuz you weren't here right any any any um any discussion okay all right um so move an approval for the warrant number five in amount of 34,37 .65 is there a motion motion to approve the check is second five second second second all all favor any opposed so voted okay let's go to the Management's report okay thanks Tim um yeah uh just uh starting off with our um our vacancy report uh there right now uh similar to last month there are still uh four vacancies they are noted on page 10 of your board packet um just the uh you know an update on them uh there was one um there was one unit that had been accepted and then he changed his mind uh then he accepted again and changed his mind again so uh that you know that unit is back in you know Back available uh we did have an eviction um we had an individual pass away and there's a unit that was that was in pretty bad shape that were uh you know that we doing over so right now there's four there's four vacancies um we are utilizing in the uh Massachusetts uh champ system for applicants um and we've had um you know we've had some challenges with that because um it it had not been utilized in the past we're using it now so a lot of the of the of the applicants that we are getting are very old so we have to work through them which is what we're doing now um so I expect um hopefully in January um at least two of these four units will be filled that's my that's my expectation um the uh maintenance report is in there and again the maintenance report is you know basically an FYI for the board that kind of fills the board in on some of the you know some of the different things that um um that David has been working on um Andrew um so I you know I don't I don't put tenants names that are associated with this I white out the names okay um you know the uh you know the units are listed there as well as what the uh you know what the work is so uh you know Dave Dave's pretty busy around here doing regular work orders plus his regular duties inside these vacants and you know walking around with vendors and what not so uh you know he has um he has a lot on his plate but he does a great job yeah um there's a change order uh that's in your packet beginning on page 13 um on page 13 is the justification letter uh for the change order and it just goes into you know why the change order is um is being requested and um and essentially it um um the total dollar amount of the of of the change order is $2,926 [Music] um so if you want to read um it was in your board packet to read but the um I just need a motion to approve the change order in in relative terms it's pretty minor all right is there a motion to approve the change order did it a second second all in favor I so moved who uh who made the motion I'm sorry Liz okay great and who's seconded it Pauline okay thank you uh and then the last part of my report is our uh financial report and again I'm very very pleased to say that the uh through October anyway the Housing Authority is in very very good shape our reserves are at a very healthy 82% um I mention over and over again our our goal year toe is to keep that figure below the you know below 100 um anything over 100% means we have we've gotten too much money we have to give that back which we don't want to do so that's um you know that uh that's all very good our our rental revenue on page 18 of course um will we in fact at this point we probably know whether we're going to hit that December deadline or not you expect to do it um uh what what are you are you referring to Henry exactly um you said that we had um enough we have what 82% of what we needed yes through through the end of October uh the the uh fiscal year for Westport housing runs July 1st through June 30th so we're not even halfway through the year yet but uh we'll be uh I you know we are you know we are doing a very good job keeping um this on track somebody's phone that your phone Henry could um so again rental Revenue very strong at 104% and our expenses are you know within line so um again each month you'll you'll you'll be getting updates on that but we're in uh for a Housing Authority our size we're in very you know we're in solid shape on page 20 which is the last page of your packet um about a quarter of the way down from the top you you'll see you'll see the line item you know current operating Reserve um 14877 s uh that's essentially the money that the Housing Authority has in the bank so for a Housing Authority our size that's a that's a healthy amount yeah so uh and that's that's my report Mr chairman okay thank you very much do we need a motion to accept that report no okay all right anything under old business hearing none anything on the new business hearing none commissioner comments anything I have one uh the elections in Westport coming up in April do we have any committee members is that are up for reelection Andrew was up in the only one correct okay correct okay just curious um uh there was another question I had in regarding to to uh oh I I know another question when you talking to Mike Rodricks or uh or or anybody the town whatever is what is I think I know the answer to this I think the answer is no but is there any likelihood we can use money from the CDC for this for housing yeah if um if the town of Westport is uh you know if if if they have uh those funds available you're talking about um what's the what's CBC yeah committee yes yes yes yes we can as long as it's used for certain things it's going to be used for you know envelope things or Windows or siding or you know things along those lines because what I'm going to do is I sit on that committee correct and I'm going to um bring it to their attention and see what they say okay I wanted to ask you every um um every town I think has a bucket of money that is supposed to be dedicated to housing you know affordable housing and I don't know um in the town of Westport you know we might be the only game in town as far as affordable housing is concerned unless there's other you know there's other developments there there are some others okay yeah all right but I I would I would certainly bring it up can't hurt and then uh what I can do is you know we can put together you know we can see if there's any items that um are not already funded by the state that we might need to undertake and um you know if it qualifies we can certainly you know we can certainly do that I imagine there a deadline though for it's already applications are already in this year coming up but I'm thinking we start looking forward for the future for for 2026 yeah I probably misjudged or mishandled it but I should have asked you a long a while ago and and I didn't but it rang a bell in my head that yeah I've often said that the you know the infrastructure here is is good it is very very good here um but but um you know you know we can always present a project if we have one that's not already in the pipeline being funny the honestly speaking the previous director she said that um I asked that question when I first got on the board there and she said she didn't she said that wasn't a available for housing so that's why I'm asking you what I'm going to okay I can follow up on that most towns um you know I know I know planville for examp example has the CPC funding and um you know there uh there is a dedicated percentage of that that is that is supposed to go into the housing bucket right uh you know that's in planville and Sharon as well so okay uh and we were able up in Sharon we were able to get um you know $50,000 to you know uh be applied toward a siding project so um so all right when when you're ready I have some ideas of things that can be done through them through the CDC yeah okay because then we don't meet again until uh February right well you can talk with me on it too yep so yeah yeah Liz we've done really well in Westport reason I say that is I've been on CPC before I left all my uh committees uh we put up a if anybody's of nooke Village if you haven't you got to go see it y it's fantastic there's so many great things about it uh even the water you can drink the water that's coming out the other end um and at open house that day many people did right and they couldn't believe it that the water was so clean and of course the the idea is to to get the water get the nitrogen out of the water but that was our first real project and um I'm proud of it because um I'm the only one 10 years ago 12 years ago that decided that we need I brought it to Housing Authority and twice nobody wanted to hear it and what I was told by the members said was that that's not our job well it is your job it is your job what's the name of of the development nooke Village you definitely go see that that's a low income uh isn't that a u low income yeah multigenerational yeah the other thing absolutely beautiful yeah the other thing um recently they did the old Bell House the Bell Schoolhouse has been all renovated and the Historic Society is going to move their office in there and just recently we're do doing the um the new playgrounds for the kids redoing that with all all that kind of stuff there's a lot of things coming up the farm uh we did work in the uh the at the farm there with the town Farm there with there there rental property there or something we had to upgrade that and they've been they're very active we have been for 25 and that's a nice nice nice uh nice thing the chairman there is she's chairman is excellent uh there you know so anyway and if we can only beat somebody from putting up any housing that would be great yeah but you have to work at it yeah it's a lot of work that's right it took me 25 years M and uh we came through right Henry right I remember going to the chief of Poli with you s and getting a sign off from the from the police department yeah that this wasn't going to turn into drug out right okay yeah that being said is there any tenant comments I just want I just want to ask because there's a lot of complaint about other tenants that are complaining about this issue and I don't think the board is aware of it maybe calling is but sorry I didn't hear her wants to bring up comments that tenants aren't aware of that the board may not be aware of need to speak speak louder there's a lot of complaints I'm going to speak louder there's a lot of complaints about mold and then some apartments what's going to be done about the mold issue well first of all um uh this is the first that I that I'm hearing that there's a mold issue I'm aware of one one I'm aware of one unit uh where there's there there supposedly is is mold um we you know we have looked at it and um it's it's very simply a matter of uh the individual not you know not cleaning properly uh this individual um um has has made the requests to have to have to have walls taken out and everything else and um there's no need for that so if if somebody's reporting that they think they have a mold problem then it's important that the office be contacted and then it's important that we go out and look at it and we can we can make recommendations as to how to solve it and um I mean if it's um if it's been happening over a long long period of time um then you know action may may have to be taken but um I would say this I I say this all the time no matter you know what you know group that I you know that I'm speaking to it's um if you know if residents complain about something if I don't know about it I can't solve it they have they have compl so I'm saying you can't just clean mold because it always comes back even if you use bleach or certain certain chemicals to try to take it out you can't corrected take it all down well there's a SC there's a science behind it you're right and um um you know the um there is there is one individual that's that's you know that uh that's been complaining frequently and um we we are in the middle of of attempting to address to address that matter okay now does that um I know there's a lot more people that that have it and everything I mean my point is well we just are we going to be shutting down the housing because to address that issue a he excuse me one second one one one sec let her finish with him and then you're next okay well there's a reason why I'm excusing can I finish and then you can chime in it has a it's has to do I was sick at the last meeting and I laid on the couch and I watched the me meeting and I couldn't believe it um we get this agenda for a reason okay this is a business meeting and we will get it and we do this we we do all the business and when it comes down to it the Commissioners make comments and the tenants make comments now the thing I can say about that if the tenants want to make comments you've got to go to the executive director first well that's just it it has been gone it has gone to the exu okay well then but then if with the old director not the new one it's not something new that's yeah coming up yeah can I chime in for hold on she interrupted me so I'm going to finish what I want to say go ahead okay y um I just want my my concern is is because of this board of health issue are they going to shut down this Housing Development to no do the um repairs no I mean you know no no one no one's shutting anything down okay no one's shutting anything down the uh the the reason and again the it's um I you know can't really get into you know you know individual residents but um you know they're you know this you know this uh uh this particular resident he was the one that called The Board of Health um he called the Board of Health on himself so um so the Board of Health came in and yes they they you know they made recommendations to the housing authority to remedy uh certain things which David is in the process of doing um but but the Board of Health is also very disappointed in in this particular res residents you know how he how he maintains his apartment so but you know the the short answer to your question is no nothing's going to be shut down it'll be addressed on on an individual basis and um you know if if somebody's concerned about it then it's important that I be made aware of it so I can have delin come in and we can work with people that's what that's what I'm saying you have in in one in one situation I've been aware you're you know you're saying multiple people well I'm aware of one person that's complaining um if there's more than one I'm I'm all ears then we want to go now we just got through with annual inspections so um and I reviewed that I I reviewed a lot of saw I believe they saw okay okay um another thing another question I have is on the previous meeting I watched the video you had mentioned that if a resident percentage drops down to a certain um is a red flag flag Boston is a resident percent percent supposed to be going this is a well this is an elderly disabled development so we have um 133% of the res here need need need to be young disabled people if there're if if my point this this is what this is my point I don't think you're getting what I'm trying to say last last meeting had mentioned that if it drops to a certain percent of the residents here that it's a red flag what did you mean by that I don't I don't remember uh the the context of what yeah the last meeting that you mention if if it drops below know what you okay okay okay if there's if there's more than 10% vacancy okay then then the state will want to know you know is it a maintenance issue or is it an administrative issue through the champ system I think that's what I I I was referring to and right now we have uh we have 48 units here um and we we have four of those units that are vacant so we're not we're not at the 10% so we're not on and even if it did get that way I mean you know what if what if we we had three people that either that moved out that went into a nursing home or that went someplace else or you know passed away or whatever you know there are circumstances that arise that we right right but it's not it doesn't affect any of you it doesn't affect the development it just affects what we do administratively yeah that's all one point I'd like to make directly WR right at you if you can and then we're going to end it is the issue the the issue you brought up with the mold okay if if the director is aware of one tenant okay if other tenants have complained to a previous director the new director has no idea if the tenant has a complaint and and and people are talk the tenants are talking to them you need to say listen whether it's whatever the issue is the best way to handle it so it doesn't get blown out of proportion is go see the director and I'll be happy to address my concern to Tim my concerned was they going down housing auth because of it that was my concern as far as people going to him and telling him a problem that's up to them to do that absolutely but that wasn't my point point they they wouldn't they they wouldn't shut down an apartment development and make 48 people homeless just just because somebody can't clean a shower you know um okay all right oh one more comment I don't you know sometimes I hear people say well that's director issue I don't know if it's a Bo issue too but I'm concerned about the plowing do you have somebody that's going to do the pl yes you person from yep prev okay yep that's all set see he the director runs a daytoday activity here we just work on his behalf on making some Financial I've already let the word go forth that I I don't want any snow this year so thank you um maybe we won't have to plow anything anyhow all right okay good all right is there a motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor I all let me just say to everybody in the room no matter what capacity we at Merry Christmas Happy New Year be safe healthy and happy I agree I wanted to make my