##VIDEO ID:eA5xWwp-Bh0## just before we do the pledge of Alle I just want to announce that that this meeting is being videotaped okay for Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh approval of the of the minutes so move so move um okay is but I have a question go ahead anybody anybody else have a question Um this can go either way um it just came into my head and my dog jumped in my lock said good idea rabie um when I was going through the minutes uh it [Applause] said okay when it said who was present and who was absent um it's an acting chair Pauline Brer call the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. now I don't know what you do it um in your little Housing Authority up there but um there's been a lot of talk out out there and maybe we can stop some of the talk I don't know but it says uh in this case it's different acting chair calling G um could we put tenant commission is there sure I mean that's um you know the only reason that I that I phrased it that way is we had we had the chair and and the vice chair that were that were not at the meeting right so I had I don't have a choice I mean I don't have I mean I could do care but you know I yeah I could do acting chair SL tenant commissioner yeah I could I could do them both I I just use that to show you don't have to do anything it's just something I brought up okay Point well taken thank you okay so there's a motion and a is there a second to accept the minutes second all right all all in favor I I any any oppos so move all right approval of the check warrants oh what you vot call uh it's a a warrant number three uh which uh you get a summary of the bills every month uh pretty standard month nothing out of the ordinary um so I just need a motion and a in a second and a vote all right so move the second second all right all in favor I any opposed so move sorry to interrupt again but I'm going to tell you this is probably the best for the best of the best yeah I agree I mean I couldn't when I was reading it I said oh my gosh this is wonderful very first time I didn't have to spend 2 and 1 half hours to look what I'm looking for this is great right it's normally just a summary of the bills from the prior month and I want to I want to thank Pauline and and and Tim and all those who and Liz you came in once to you know sign checks I know Andrew has signed checks in the past I appreciate that I just want to say it's terrific yeah terrific terrific thank you and if anybody has any question you know you know afterwards or um you know if you're reviewing it and you you know you have an offline question that you want to ask me you can just call or email me which is [Music] fine okay I'll let you go call with your management report all right right uh management agent report starting off with vacancies um we um right now um in in the portfolio here uh there are there are three vacancies presently um we're we just filled one vacant somebody moved in recently um we had a gentleman pass away so that opened up a unit um we had um uh we unfortunately had had an eviction so that uh uh that opened up another unit and then there's one unit that we're uh that we're doing over uh so we have a total of three we're in the process now evaluating applicants through the champ system and we'll be you know we should be qualifying people relatively soon so those those units shouldn't be bacing all that long um Paul question on that uh me being feeling new um is there priorities on how you choose um the F yeah there's um there is a local preference there's uh you know there's a vet there's a Veterans Preference there's a homeless preference there's a bunch of different preferences out there and uh when we you know when we we select someone now obviously one of the you know one of the units you know is a second floor unit um so you know obviously anybody that has stated that they need a first war is not going to be pulled on that list that their names aren't going to appear so um but there you know there are preferences to that and um you know the gentleman that we just housed for example you know he's a local person which is which is good um you know I know that uh many municipalities have have expressed concerns that you know they're not housing local people in their local housing authority and that's and and that's something that the um you know the state people I think are trying to tweak a little bit I know that's been you know that's been an issue from the Geto on this thing um but uh you know the champ system it was a tough roll out initially there were a lot of problems with it and I think the state has has has made a good faith effort to improve that and I think it's running relatively smoothly now so is good thank you um so again three uh three vacancies right now in the portfolio um so we want to you know we want to house them as soon as possible um I included uh for your review uh like I'm I'm going to be doing every month a a completed work order report yeah um the the new software that we have enables us to run this report and again that's not to you know it's not to be intrusive on the part of any residents it's just to inform the board of the of the types of work orders that uh that David gets on a on a regular basis okay uh I've got delin here from adelar Devin is the the maintenance supervisor of our managed agencies yep and uh he's going to be offering David some support and some guidance when it comes to you know doing various things around here so you know delin is down here today I'll get to this in a minute but Dave's mom passed away so Dave is not here he wasn't here last week he's not here this week so you know Devin's been down here a couple of times just kind of you know getting the lay of the land and you know doing work orders on an N needed basis um so I included I included the uh completed work order report for your review I I think it's a useful tool for the board especially just to get just an overview of what what some of the falls are um so I like that report um as far as projects are concerned uh we have our um I includeed in your board packet on page 19 um the the tentative construction schedule on this thing which is going to begin uh uh next Monday the 21st uh starting with building one um you know building one then moving to two and three and four and so forth and um again that's that's a tentative schedule um but from what I understand the uh you know the construction company is very well-versed in these types of jobs so I anticipate unless I hear differently that it's going to be the schedule is going to follow as it's laid out there um there is a change order that that came across my desk um that I need a vote on from the board um the um it's in accordance with article 8 of the general conditions of the contract um they uh they needed to add some lock sets to the uh to the building doors so that the outside doors yes yeah yeah so the front and rear doors so that's that's a change order totaling 7,400 $ it's been approved by eohc it's been approved by the uh by the architect as well on the job so I just need the I need the Housing Authority board to vote on it and then we'll be we'll be good to go okay I I'll uh I'll make a motion to to approve second second who seconded list pa okay all in favor I any oppos so move okay excellent um moving on I um you know some of you might be aware I I I know the residents were were aware before I was even but uh uh Dave gan's mom passed away I put a copy of the obituary uh in your uh in your board packet the Housing Authority did did send flowers to the funeral home um he was Dave was scheduled to be on vacation last week just as regularly scheduled vacation his mom you know wasn't doing all that well he she ended up passing away right at the beginning of his vacation so he had requested that uh he take last week off just to kind of you know make the arrangements and then he requested this week off cuz he is entitled to three bereavement days plus the holiday on Monday was added in so we just gave him this week off as well so David will be returning on Monday okay uh so I just I I just put that in there as an FYI to the board okay to the lock the doors we're going to have all new keys right what's that back to the locks the doors we're going to have all new keys believe it's key is it key Farber it's going to be new keys so that change order is so um we're not going to give you guys three or four Keys uh all turn will only have two keys once the project is completed okay and and it's it's um anything can anything be done about the front door to the building those those doors were the wrong doors that were ordered they were put in it's a mess it's too heavy for seniors okay I can't tell you how many times I whack my leg try to get in with my packages and the door Slams on me okay so it's very heavy all right that's not within the scope of the project the scope of the project is just for the uh door hardware for the locks great but I will look into the possibility of getting closers soft closers or something like that David also fixed the cement where the mailboxes are he he redid that last well the last day he was here um and I had to go around the building like everybody else that door is door okay I will take a look at that for sure okay um also in your in your board packet beginning on page 22 is the uh is the fee accountant report um I just want to call your attention to a couple of things there's you know when you're reading Financial reports to the a to the average person you know myself included unless you're you're a finance professional it's like there's a ton of numbers here and you're saying to yourself you know what should I be focusing on well there's there's two things you want to focus on on page 23 toward the bottom of the page uh operating Reserve um you'll see you'll see a number in the middle of the page 87.8% okay um if you remember last year we we had to return money to the state because we ended the year that number was at 26% or something like that so we had to we had to give money back to the state as long as that number under operating Reserve stays under a 100 we're fine so as you can see it's 87.8% now that's the good news the the the challenging news is once the budget gets approved okay there's a 12% increase in our operating budget so probably next month that 87% is going to be higher than that uh so it's it's my job to make sure that we spend money and we're dealing we're you know we're dealing with with a similar issue at one of our other managed agencies um you know we have to spend money so that the reserve percentage gets either to 100% or a little bit less so um we don't want to waste money we don't want to spend money you know frivolously but we want we want to spend it so the reserves get to a point where we're not giving money back so right now and making it better for the residents correct correct so that 87 8% that you see um is really where we want to be but that's uh that's reflective of last year's budget which is no longer in effect so we have to keep that in mind next month it'll be a different number um the other thing you want to look at is um you know you want to look at operating receipts okay which um in a you know in a development like this operating receipts is a is a is a fancy word for rent okay rent collection so on page 24 at the top of the page um under operating receipts that that very first line item 3110 dwelling receipts if you go all the way across you'll see a percentage figure of 10447 per. what does that mean it means that we're our rent collections are running about 5% ahead of budget but again this is based on last year's budget so we're going to see how that how that plays out but it should roughly be the same um you know all the other expense line items are you know you know under control um which I'm you know glad to see um so right now the the Housing Authority is in is in very good shape if you look on page 26 about a quarter of the way down the page the other number you want to look at is current operating Reserve it's in bold you'll see the figure of 9,38 that's essentially that's what we have in the bank right now we have $159 Grand in the bank which for a Housing Authority the size of Westport that's that's pretty good so we're you know we're in good shape we're in good shape um so very happy to report on that and like I said these numbers will be changing because I we just got word that the budget was approved so those those numbers will be changing as of next month okay um the I I put in your packet again uh on page 27 um I I offer I offer this up for board members um it's not a um you know again uh not a requirement um but I figured I would uh I would bring it to your attention f p a DA is an acronym for uh public housing authority Directors Association uh they're they're having a uh a conference which is uh dedicated to board members okay they're having that the first part of January uh January 5th through the 8th um uh down in in uh in Miami Florida so if um um if if any board members are interested uh in in this educational opportunity you can see me the agenda is on that handout that I put in your board packet on page 27 um they um I've been to one F conference about four years ago and they and they do do a very good job of it uh as as does narrow as well but but I figured since this was you know dedicated to board members uh if any of you have that time and you want to check it out you can see me and uh you know the Housing Authority can can make arrangements for you to go uh and then just finally um we had our on page 28 uh we had our flu Clinic here uh Siobhan Miller who is our our regional uh resident services collaborative person um she arranged this for uh for the residents and um we had that back on October 7th uh the town nurse Linda indicated that she would be um she would be on site I believe it's next week I'm going to have to I'll reach out to her uh this week to confirm but any residents that were not able to get out or that are are shut in or have no vehicle or whatever um she has she has volunteered to come here to give flu shots to those residents that can't get out so that's in the works as well and that's all I have Mr chairman okay all right anything under the old [Music] business hear none old business I have a question here are we on Old business old business okay uh is Linda coming on the 7th I didn't hear 30 fast she'll be coming next week I don't I don't have the date off hand but she's coming next week okay all right all right okay anything on the new business Aon none how about commissioner's comments anything I um went to the wake for David's mother and it was nice to see two residents there as represent as well I didn't expect to see anybody but I did and it was um Cheryl and Lori that came to the federal good very good that's nice all right residents comments any um yeah um going back to the minutes I notic they're not listed on the board the board that much name on that's on me that's we're going to see that again you are you are and that was that was my fault uh you will you'll be seeing that again going CL any other comments and the agenda too the agenda for the for the board me any other comments all right I had sorry go ahead I had two tenants approach me about some issues um one is that they want the vents in the bathroom in the shower to be cleaned V okay it's in the shower go up to the roof but still needs to be cleaned and the other one was Alex you want to tell it was your suggestion I can't hear what she say she would say you had a suggestion about the the heating vents cleaning it yeah V I mentioned it to you one time yes yes you did yes okay the very dirty that he cooks them Cooks the spider ws and the uh makes the toxic debris in the hallways there the apartments in the apartment okay we I'll um I will I will get with Devin and we'll kind of strategize something for [Music] that dust sett insects all right is there a motion to adjourn yeah motion toj second all in favor thank you