##VIDEO ID:mzzqZEqoEH0## all right good morning everybody um we uh want everybody to know that we are being filmed and um we're going to start this morning with a call the order by the by the management the chair roll call uh roll call Timothy Kon yeah Andrew extrom Elizabeth Collins paulen rodor here Henry lanir here that's the roll call Mr chairman okay thank you okay Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay if we can get an approval of the minutes of October 16 2024 regular board meeting approval of the minutes yep you excuse me I said approval of minutes yes so you approve yes okay is there a second okay second all in favor I any oppos hearing none so moved okay approval of the check warrants uh pretty normal month um and again with a Housing Authority of this size uh you know the uh you know the months really don't really change that much we'll have a um as as 2025 comes in um I believe it's the toward the late spring or early summer we'll have a payment that's due to to the Westport Retirement Board uh but I'll U you know I don't have that amount yet so once I have that amount I'll let the board know but again it's a fairly it's a fairly straightforward month PA are we are we following you on you can he asked if you follow you on this can yes yes we're that's that's the warrant right there four we're on page uh page uh four four through eight okay great Sor no worri no problem yep okay so is there a motion to approve the check warrant motion to approve the check mark is there a second I'll second it all favor I any opposed so moved management report I'm just going to send uh I'm just going to send the uh the warrant signature page around Henry if you want to sign that and then just just pass it down what's war no that's that's just a listing of all of all the checks that were written the prior month right so what what you have in there is the is the October check Run for the Housing Authority this is the run this is a unusually uh it's a it's a fa it's a fairly standard month the months don't really um you know deviate all that much month to month there there may be certain things for example if we have a payment that's due to a vendor for a you know a state project uh but we get reimbursed for all of that so um it's a it's a fairly uh you know this month was was fairly standard approving all these we sign you y what you do so while that's going around I'll U I'll just address the management report so uh you know again um as a you know basically a point of information for the board the uh the maintenance report is there and again this just encompasses the uh completed work orders that Dave had been working on so you'll find those work orders on on uh uh Pages 10 through 14 and um and again it's just um it's just for your information to kind of give the board a sense of calls that the office gets and what dat is working on in addition to his normal duties of and whatnot so uh if if anybody has any questions regarding you know an individual work order or anything pertaining to that U i' I'd be happy to entertain that um excuse me yesing is there anybody else in the office no da main do you have number one of that's just your copy right yeah there you had one I I just handed you my copy there's only one copy that's needed um um as as far as vacancies are concerned uh on page 15 you'll notice that we've uh we we have four vacancies um we've been um there's there's one unit that is that is kind of uh uh you know beving us uh unit 3 we we had somebody for that unit and uh they signed the lease and they paid the first month's rent and uh then they then they changed their minds so he said okay so we made it bacon again then he changed his mind again and said he wanted it no problem because we went we went through all of the evaluation and you know qualifying him for the unit so um gave him back the keys a second time and then and then he came back a second time and said he changed his again so now now we're done so now now the now we're moving on to to another applicant so that's that's unit 3 u in addition to that unit uh there's unit 5A that is uh you know that is being rehabed because it was in very poor condition uh we also have U we also have a unit in the in the one building uh that was an eviction so that's vacant and then unfortunately we had pass away so that's unit 6B so right now there there are four vacants um we're going through our you know champ qualification process so we should we should be hopefully ready to fill these units in sure St the um it it sort of es and flows Henry to be honest with you I mean you can never um you know senior housing being what it is people sometimes are not able to live by themselves any longer they may have to go into a nursing home people unfortunately pass away as as happened over here um and then in we don't like to go down that road but sometimes we do need to evict people um and that that that also happen so um I I wouldn't say it's unusual uh in a Housing Authority the size of Westport only being 48 units we have to be we have to be cognizant of the number of vacants we have because if if it gets higher than um if it gets higher than 10% were kind of on the um you know the you know the watch list if you will for the state and then they could say well you know gee you've got you've got more than five you have more than five Vons what's going on so I I would have thought that most of the Rue would be Social Security whatever I'm surprised that there's a very good well it takes a while for us to find the next person what you know what you're speaking of with income okay that you know that's true everybody that lives here pays 30% of their of their in to rent and many of our residents get you know get Social Security they might get a pension or there there may be other you know sources of income maybe they have an IRA or something but everybody that lives here pays pays 30% of their income and then if there you know if there's any medical expenses involved we can deduct those but it's it's the qualification process right now with with the new Statewide system that is taking that's what's taking the longest not the actual income part of it I would imagine too if you had a situation where you had to go through a unit and do some major reps and stuff that might take a little long to we are seeing that across all of our portfolios the units that we are turning over are being left in absolutely atrocious condition yeah uh that's that's nothing new that's that's what we're faced with unit uh uh you know with unit 5A it was just left uh it's it's it's basically a gut job there were I mean the cabinets have fallen down there was holes in the countertops um I don't know how long that individual had lived here you know before but uh you know we can't there there's some major work to do right before we can move somebody else into that again this is just I mean we are on I want to assure the board we're on top of it and U the other complicating factor is because the the champ system was not utilized here on on a regular basis what we're finding is a lot of the a lot of the individuals that are appearing on on our list FS are very very old applications and many of these people have either made other arrangements for or or we can't contact them or they' they might have passed away we get a ton of return um so it's just a working through you know the individuals that um you know we can't contact sooner or later we're going to we're going to we'll get a batch where it's current and we can do it but like I said there's a process that has to be followed and but can you purge the system we we are doing that but but in order to do that we have to we you know we have to work through our lists we have to do a mailing and wait till things come back and but it's any anybody anywhere in Massachusetts it's not just Westport residents right the other the other situation involved with the champ system is we could we could identify somebody that okay whatever they're number four on the list so we we want to work with them and we we encourage them to get you know you know get their social security in get any bank statements in uh you know we we do landlord references that that sometimes is a big hold up yeah because we have a very transient population so the uh it's very tough sometimes to get all the landlord references going back five years but you know assuming that we do you know get them sometimes what'll happen is we're ready to go and then another Housing Authority out there that's looking for the same kind of tenant will log into the system and see that oh all the information is here and they hit hit the offer stage before we do and they end up grabbing the tenant so we sometimes do all the work and some other Housing Authority grabs the tenant and that that happens from time I I would imagine nowadays too that um I'm so that you wouldn't have you would have a hard time well you wouldn't have as many vacants because the baby boomers are coming they're here and they're retiring and there's a lot of them sure and in fact um trying to help out a friend of mine with a nursing home and the closest he lives in Fall River and the closest nursing home that could get in was in Brockton because because Baby Boomers and this is a shortage of housing there's a short of housing this type of housing there's a short of nursing home housing and all that public housing is the really if you look at it from a from a cost perspective it's it's the best deal going if you if we can M you know what we want to do is is enable people to maintain Independence for as long as possible nobody wants to go into a nursing home nobody you know presumably wants to move in with their kids I mean you know maybe some of you do I don't know but um you know the question is do the kids want you to move in with them I think that's the question but um you know so we so so I think we try to um you know work with folks so they can maintain their independence and um you know I think if if you look at the at the costs of heare the cost of nursing homes the cost of assisted living and you compare that to the outlay for you know maintaining public housing you know I I I think public housing is you know you know the best deal out there it's been it's been demonstr you know demonstrably proven that that's the case as a tenant I can't afford to live elsewhere got to Fall River third walkup I couldn't do $1,200 and you have to buy your the refrigerator no utilities you know it's uh it's a very um and that's why even even today you you see that in the you see that out there even if you even if you have a great job you you you know you can't afford to buy a house the average the average price of a home in the Greater Boston area is like 940 Grand the average person um even if you do have a great job you know you can't afford a $5,200 a month mortgage or whatever whatever it is it's just not not you know you know not reasonable so that's why the move was on with the with the bond bill with the housing Bond Bill there was a lot of there was a lot of emphasis made to the you know the restoration and the renovation of the of the public housing stock because um you know it's true we don't have the resource or you know I I don't think Westport is in that boat because you know the buildings are wellmaintained but in a lot of housing authorities they they simply don't have the funding to adequately you know maintain these apartments and I think the Bond Bill uh that was just signed into law by the governor I think that's going to go a long way you know towards injecting funds into public housing and kind of enabling us to modernize and you know you know keep these units safe and um you know for all the residents going world so I think that's good but um no I'll have more to say on the vacancies hopefully the next time we meet there'll be there won't be four maybe there'll be three or two you know so we'll we'll see what happens there okay um the um monthly Financial reports these are these are through September 30th so um I would I would uh I would caution you that these are not the the expenditures that you see on on this and the income is is uh is accurate um however this statement does does not reflect the new budget that was just approved by the state the budget that you folks approved here was sent to eohc for approval it finally was approved but these numbers uh do not reflect that yet so what what you're going to see is the um if you go to page 18 um those those first two columns right there um uh the approved budget amount and the and and the prata budget those numbers are going to change um the the the actual amount in column three is accurate um and the and the factor of uh Prada in the second to last column that is accurate however the you know the uh the budget numbers are going to change so um uh the next time we meet the budget numbers will change well the state increased the um non the the allowable non-utility expense level by uh 12% so it is going to change quite a bit uh so I wouldn't I you know I I would not encourage you to spend too much time on this on this particular report I would draw your attention to page 17 um almost to the bottom of the page you'll see you'll see the number 83.2% that's our operating Reserve that's a very healthy operating Reserve um we had this discussion at a um at a board meeting in the past the goal is to keep that number below 100 okay we want to keep it below 100 but higher than 35 so we're we're we're fine we're 83.2% Point me at that number uh page 17 um 83.2% right right close to the bottom of the page and if you look at this number uh right next to it $151,100 uh that's essentially what we what we have in the bank so for a Housing Authority of this size that's a very that's a healthy amount so we're good we don't want to keep we don't want to end the year with that number over a 100% because we would wind up in the same boat that we faced just recently where we you know we had to give money back to the state no we going okay so we want to we want to keep as much money as possible um so our our state funded project update um there's um there's one project that's ongoing right now and that is the that is the door um oh yeah the locks and everything correct correct so that's being done that's being done now um in fact he's here today so I believe he's hopefully going to be uh be finishing up over the next couple of days um we had our uh Performance Management [Music] review last week and I'm happy to say that uh that it went well the uh the apartment inspections went well um the um uh the administrative area of that uh we have we do have tightening up to do but we knew that um so what what'll happen is Tim they will they will issue a report and I believe they will email the report to all the board members with their with their comments and their summaries overall it was it was uh it was not it was not as not as bad as I thought it was going to be question yeah U the inspection summary is that like safety inspections and things like that for for the tenants and the the annual unit inspection summary uh we uh we just conducted annual inspections okay which had not been done here in quite some time so we we conducted them and I want to I just just want to say to the residents here there there's only three of them but uh the U the inspections went very very well overall they went extraordinarily well there were very very very um small number of health and safety issues that we're in the process of addressing now um but the uh the inspector said he was he he he was very impressed with what he saw considering that it had been a while since since they had been inspected over eight years eight years yeah has been that long I didn't think it was that long but um yeah so he he said that that was that was a very good result and we're you know we're very happy for that uh you know local Outreach um I'm I'm meeting senator rer tomorrow for the first time y um we'll be meeting down here someplace I would imagine you know you know having a cup of coffee somewhere so he's a good person to get to know he is uh he's the chair of the of the Senate budget committee that's right so he controls the first strings for a lot of well for the whole state really um so I'll be I'll be meeting with him uh so you know overall um I am I am happy with with the progress we've made hallways are being cleaned you know you know we've done a lot hallways are being cleaned the annual inspections were done you know recertifications we're sort of gearing up for that the early part you know of next year we're doing some office reorganization uh because there there was just a ton of stuff there um there's a there's many many documents that we've located that uh go back 20 some OD years there's no you know there's no reason for us to keep those um we filed the report with the Secretary of State's office you know documenting all of the items that we've located and then um when they give their their thumbs up um we can we can call a shredding company and get a shredding company here and we can we can shred all that stuff and free up some space did you reach that out to the attendants the shredder shredding paper could you re out could you reach out to the tenants that they would participate in that as well you know I have papers that I don't want to get rid of um I take them to UPS and they shred it but they charge it for it yeah I don't know if um because I think they're only authorized to shred what has been approved by the Secretary of State okay so we have we have to be careful not to intermingle makes sense you know you know personal personal items with that so um so yeah overall a good month okay great yeah anything under old business you said there meeting tomor say it again no I'm just having a meeting tomorrow with with Senator Roderick myself personally oh okay yeah yeah board members don't have to come to that okay anything under new business I'm just going to look at the calendar and um um if we need to have a meeting uh it would be it would be Wednesday December 18th Wednesday December 18th at at 10 o'cl here yeah that Wednesday December 18th uh 10 o' um if there is a meeting um I'm going to have to leave here by about 11:00 oh it it'll it'll if we do have a meting it'll be a quick one it'll be a quick one yeah like it's it's it's only 10:30 it's only 10:30 now so it would be uh I mean I might have for example on the um on the on the on the door project I might have substantial completion and final completion that you'll need to approve then hopefully I'll have it by then okay all right um any Commissioners comments had those people come to change the locks before it was a disaster this time I don't know if it's a whole new crew or what and everything's they pick up after themselves everything's being done in a professional manner was it was it the same company it's the same company but the different people these people are wonderful I think that's good I'm glad to hear that okay is that it yes anything Henry you want up no actually I I have one one question okay actually I'm sorry it's not it's not a full I wanted Che fific told me because State Oran qualifications but I've been getting letters from some organization that say I got a couple more issues to go through well you're the uh you're a little different from the other four members of the board because you you know you're the state appointee so you uh your appointment doesn't really have anything to do with the town of West you don't have to run for the seat or you know pull papers or whatever so so you're a little bit different you're you're all set you've been you've been approved by the state we got the letter in and you're you're good to go you don't have um you don't have to worry about anything I meant I meant to bring the the document in I'll do okay that's fine you don't worries that's what I thought yeah good okay anything else okay uh tenant comments any comments go right ahead okay well she's not on a she's not on a set schedule she uh she she sort of comes here when they when you know you know when she can out of aost but um you know that's on me to the extent that um we need to you know sort of tighten up the timing that you know that insurance be done I'll make I'll make a note of that I'll talk to him okay what's what's your appartment number okay I can look into it I'll I'll look into it for you sure that's that's not a problem okay don't worries nobody has it in mine either put he may he may have asked for it possibly I don't know I can look into that for I'll be happy to look into that for oh there you go sure wores okay is there anybody else tenant comments oh we got one right here excuse me for I I want I want to just be the guy that thans you so much I'm only asking this is the Bo these are specifics you and I kind of shed about it so I I think it will come as a surprise I think all of you guys know you can't conduct business in the town the state the United States anybody without wifi can't do it we we are all now sitting in a right would everybody to that housing sitting in commity anybody agree I voes you're in the community to recogniz yeah Wii with the community center be something that's obligatory we live in a world where you cannot conduct any business with any entity without access to Wii so way to bring to attention is that we have already internet access that's brought through the office it's extended right to that television that those who do do not watch it right that's cable TV any everybody agreed that that Tel is connected to Cable I I don't I don't know what it's connected to to be honest with you rich I'll take your word for it so what what I know for sure cuz I'm just that kind of gu PA those I I don't say anything if I don't know the answer do you have lawyers ask questions if they don't already know the answer is they believe I'm an attorney just for a second that television is connected to Cable it means also that it's connected the fact that television and Internet brought R this very office exists I think it'd be about 10 seconds to understand that bringing Wii secure internet access for TS can happen in 10 seconds I have WiFi in my account well we'll get to that later so what what I'm trying to bring to everybody's atten of the board members is that the office has internet tax us correct yes so the office today has internet access they plugged in hard l right your your router it's not it's not wireless correct I I don't believe it is so if it's if it's a connected internet connection provides it some level of security Wii everybody understand the term Wii I walk across the street and I can go to Nick's Pizza and I buy my Thum or laptop or tablet I can go in and just sit there work on the internet where is that where is access so you're saying that that's not that's not the case here right now if somebody came in um in here yeah please please go fore they they they would not be able to access the inter if they were sitting here there there's nobody in here that can access the internet in this in this community no because if you're if you're in build so what what so what you're asking is you know WiFi that's available to Residents that they could use in the community room there's nobody who lives in here that's not here for a financial res right I think with your suggestion is you want wifi in all the units is that what you're suggesting well let's I'm sorry I can't see would you like me to see it go ahead so so all all I'm saying is we're in a community building in a community building you could go to Starbucks McDonald's Market Basket anywhere and connect to Wi-Fi and what I'm adiz is that you can't do business with the town the state the government and even any business entity without access to the internet does does anyone in here not have access to the internet or buy things on the Internet or do business on the internet yeah well first off the office has their system hear me hear me out hear me out that television could be a separate cable connection that has nothing to do with the office it's not and that's why you don't have it in here it's not and everybody that in I don't know if I'm going down the right or wrong road but everybody in the units that have it it's almost like the old days of cable TV or television or telephone or whatever then I would imagine if they want Wi-Fi they can get it but they got to pay for it to the individual it's they got to pay for it I would think it's up to the individual I pay for my own there you go okay excuse me excuse me you're you're a member of the board so I'm going to be very respectful to you y but what I'm also going to do is I'm going to try to inform you if I can walk across the street to a pizza shop yeah and I can get if I could walk to the bank Cumberland F San by the way uh Cumberland Farm anywhere else anywhere else and I can ask for the guest access to Wi-Fi which which we're already paying for it comes into the house runs whole system that's how he gains it why in God's name would would would anyone think you can't Comm in to a senior housing complex I can look into excuse me I'm sorry I'm sorry no I can I you know what I'd be happy to do and I can I can do it I can do it this afternoon I can I can call Our IT person that we use now and I can have I can have him do a you know do just a little bit of research and I could I could probably have this room you know set up with Wi-Fi and then I can tell I can send the memo out to resident saying that Wi-Fi would be available in the community room I can't imagine that it's any um you know significant cost to that $60 huh it's about $60 a month yeah it's not no actually actually allow me it would cost zero and do you know why I know it would cost zero short of the the router live the router of pet I mean that won't be I appreciate that that necessary y you know of had to not be here um but the reality is you already have all the access that you need via TV telephone do you what telephone service um I want to say it's Comcast I UMC is the cable spectum spectum yeah I I don't I don't know we all use spectum so the reality is by virtu the fact there there was one Verizon backed away from it um even though good all the time um the very fact that pretty much all in town are restricted to to Charter Spectrum you're on you're on way to access the internet the television and telephone probably you're find your your telephone system is in that Triple Play Type you have service right I have the phone I have the cable I get a package deal but P for the Wii but but they're all within that Char Spectrum yes it's a bundle but it's my bill separate when I get my bill phone table Wii okay so so what we're talking about respect every member of this board all right I I respect every member of this board but what we're trying to is we're we're not trying to live just for today we're trying to create something that's going to be good for people going forward it'll be usable today we already paid for it okay cost no increase except for the piece of Hardware that I'll gladly purchase on my own di PID for I don't mean monthly payment we're talking a piece of Hardware right see that TV over there when it craps out another TV would need to be purchased would you all agree most likely okay so if we would purchase another TV why would we not be willing to purchase something to provide in Wi-Fi within this this place that you same thing in a pizza parlor a restaurant a mall even a Repair Garage I don't disagree with anything you're saying I I'd be H I'd be happy to call my it guy this afternoon and have him do his thing and you don't you don't have to purchase anything that's something that if if if we're providing it as a service to the tenants or the residents then I simply believe it's a benefit yeah you know it's everybody benefits it it hurts now nothing but that right so that's like a right you just do I'll I'll do it I'll do it this I'll I'll look into it this afternoon for for yeah I agree yeah for the interest of time I think we should take Paul's suggestion and let Paul do some interest I mean research and look into it just and then and then and then let it go that route and see what happens and I volunteer work Paul um because because I think he's he's been such a Paul's a great guy but yeah I didn't want to say that buto going to go but I respect like you can't believe yeah there are some other things I I I wish to bring out we're in community center right what's the community center about community is about the people that live yeah in the South Town that don't live here who lives here no the Resonance of of of Greenwood terce exactly right okay so of of of the members of the board that are here what's your interest in being a member of the board serving the serving the community serving the resident are you I think so I think her since 2018 MH do you know what I see as a member of the community I don't see a lot of Care on the part of the prior boards members of the board and I'm not trying to judge you because I don't know you I I don't I don't know what you stand for what I am saying is that there are people who live here 247 right and then there are peoples on that board who show up here once a month that's right maybe and we're in Communications with Paul and that's and and we hear it listen everybody everybody's invited to come here are you the are you the chairman I am okay so number one I don't know who you are mhm I don't need your contact information okay why don't I know because we go through Paul Paul's your contact for the the bo it's Paul's it's Paul's responsibility to give us contact information for all of the members of the board is that what you're saying I'm not sure 100% if if if I the chair I know that I should never have to ask the question yes you should do you or don't you you you should have do you know or don't you know I don't know to be honest I'm and I'm being honest I'm new here myself and and not to mention not to mention how the system works but now we're going down a different Road we're here you you want to talk about WiFi I think we need to do we've already covered that let him do it having three minutes to speak this is a um so so you know we've been as you know we've we've been here since since uh uh July understood the uh really four of the five board members are are new to the board okay and uh my experience certainly in Westport but my experience elsewhere in the other agencies that we manage people people will volunteer to serve on a board you know not necessarily A Housing Authority board but but really any board um out of a sense of you know service to the community um and I think that U that that you know goes you know certainly for this board as well and comp you guys you guys are dedicated right and I understand and so what you know what I would be happy to and again you know what you you you do raise an interesting point you know Tim is correct that if if the Board needs to know something they they will you know not hesitate to reach out to me and I will endeavor to get them the answers that they're looking for um we we are a public body you know you are correct so all these meetings that we have this meeting here had to be posted at the Town Hall and all that so we follow that but um you know the the resident handbook that we hand out and unfortun I don't have one I've been here for years right right I've never been here well I'll be you know yeah I mean I've been here 22 years and I am grateful because I don't know where I'd be living if we didn't have right no I and I agree with that you have the G yes I do I moved in in 2018 I mean I can't um I I don't know I don't know the history however we do have a handbook that I'll be H I'll be happy to give one to you number one but number two as far as the you know the board is concerned um you know um it's it's a ma it's a matter of of public record who serves on not only the Housing Authority board but any Committee in town it's a matter of public record and um you know but what I would hope is um you know to address the original question you know why don't I know you I mean that's I mean I could post I I could post the you know board members names on the bulletin board it should be contacted right so so resident information um you know what what residents do uh is if they have a if they have an issue if they have a concern whatever it is if it's a work order uh if it's a problem with a neighbor if it's uh if it's a problem with their rents whatever the case may be you you know you're going to reach out to the office to to help you and you're going to reach out to me to to navigate you through these issues totally it should be um and again I'll I'll I'll say this because it's my experience you know doing this for 20 years it's it's very rare it's I'm not saying it doesn't happen but it's very rare that a resident should need to to reach out to a board member I agree in fact the document still is supposed I do see it day today Ops man that's your guy the board at least if that document that stated 2018 okay it outlines what is the exact director does it outlines what the board does resident director who is Absolut wonderful I mean I can't compliment that gentlemen more but how come I don't know who the board members are more importantly my Pine she's appointed by the town Two Gentlemen that I'm looking at you're the executive director no no he's he's the board I'm the board you're the board sherff I'm I apologize in turn I don't know you you've been here since when June July June June July yeah sir same thing okay you came on board we're now almost in December why don't I know who you are what when they first came here T Tim before he was s in the audience he asked people he said you have any questions or anything for me come up where were you you know I'm a resident here I don't excuse me Paulie because I've known for you known you for a long time I've reached out to you for a long time right and I get no response that's right because you threat bled I'm going to do is I'm going to you threaten me so I blocked you never I yes you did you did I somebody all right that's enough enough of that going back and forth like that you want to do that we can't we don't want to we're not going to go there here's here's listen here's the thing here's the thing if you want we we we have to get elected by the town you do and for me personally me only okay I did it the town I live in the town of Westport the town of westport's been good to me and I'm trying to give back to my community and sit on boards and do different things on committees to give a little back to my community because I believe in it because nobody else does right because I believe I'm not saying nobody else does because I believe I'm speaking for me only okay now we get elected we come here we sit on the board you and all the residents invited to come here this is the first time I saw you here we're invited to excuse me sir cuz this actually takes me off we're invited guess what this is an open public meeting what I mean we're not invited we are entitled that's correct we are entitled but he he puts notices up but then what I mean by invited they put the notices up so you people know when the me excuse me I don't need notices every resident of the town of Westport Massachusetts is open to I know that excuse me rich rich I'm not asking you a question I'm telling you okay listen closing ears Rich right Rich a little respect okay a little respect up me her and her so you call the police department get evicted out of out of this room or there's going to be something happen because I'm not getting stressed out again a doctors not about being stressed out you have a problem a big problem and you need to take it somewhere else not in here in front of everybody she's upset I'm upset now she's upset I'm so happy for you well you're not here 911 I yes you are I just got out of the G Hospital all these things all these issues will be addressed the board members will be identified and posted on the bulletin board okay and the and the Wi-Fi situation will be addressed this after keep walking none of your business what I do you stay away from I'll I'll get a notice the police department stay away from me okay listen can we get a motion toour the meeting so move meeting aour