##VIDEO ID:fPjRYr-dGXc## welcome to the something 4:00 meeting of the Westport Landing commission we will start with the pledge of allegiance to the flaged States Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for at the table today we have on my left commissioner Wendy Henderson and on my right commissioner and town treasur extraordinaire and tax collector and tax collector Sue Brighton and we also have Richard Brewer from the select board who is our liaison person which has been of great assistance so we appreciate your attendance sir uh I'm going to skip to number three for a moment just in case people are tuning in a little late out there in TV Land notice this is commercial free uh head Landing mowing I have noticed that there are sections that are not getting mowed and at the last meeting that you were not at we talked about maybe we should never mow those sections again and just let them grow uh and my concern about that was well is this going to become a a dead hay field within fire hazard what are the species that are growing there is this really better for the environment Etc so I haven't taken a look at it but I know that you have sort of a background in some of those Horticultural Specialties and interest yeah I noticed they're not doing between the um the Historic Society building the old school in drift road but it's really that wasn't in their contract actually oh okay it's really grally soil that's ours though isn't it yeah it's well also the lawn in front of I mean some of the property in front of all those homes is actually ours too right right but the the homeowners for the most part take care of that um that section it's really grally soil so it's not growing very much at all it's just grasses that maybe once a year mowing it would be a good idea just to stop trees and shrubs and things from coming up because I I think the neighbors would probably take care of it if shrubs and things started to come up to maintain their view but um the area over on the Watershed side they do less frequently I guess what I have seen is that south of the slipway that big rectangle south of the slipway and then there's a burm that goes up they do the burm they do the top of the burm they weed whack around the benches a little but down low if it's real wet when they happen to be there they seem to do that less and particularly the far end of it less on the other southern end of it yeah yeah and and similarly across the water from the far southern end there's a whole section that kind of a triangle there that seems to not get M as much it's probably because it's too wet because it's flooding on a regular basis now and I appreciate that they're not taking our town equipment through salt water on a regular basis you know this is no longer Town equipment oh yeah private well they don't want to put private PID doesn't want to put their equipment through Salt Water either and they get stuck and yeah so I just think we ought to be thinking ahead a little bit to next year and so if you could take a look at it and think about well what's growing um the Wetland itself needs work that's not our department though right uh it's like a lot of things in this town it's stor Bas I mean it's unclear who's a lot of things whose responsibility it is but I believe that well I know that two or three years ago the highway department with its team of Summer hires did an enormous amount of work in there and took out a lot of uh olive trees and other kinds of things and it looked way better and actually this year it there were amazing flowers in there yeah it was really pretty there there's a fair amount of native stuff in there but there's some invasive the olives are coming back to some extent and um that requires probably a half a day's work for a few guys yeah I I know maybe it could be an Eagle Scout project I know the the highway department I can mention it to them as maybe a winter thing yeah or maybe even talk to the eagle scout um Chief whoever that is whoever's taking care of that program now and see if they might be able to entice and Eagles that's a good idea y because the Watershed would work with them Define what needs to be done and what doesn't need to be done yeah y okay well if you could at least and if it's helpful Chris Leonard's wife is very excited excited about species MH of grasses and things to take a look at well what what is coming up there because my concern again is if it's just it's some kind of grass that then is just going to fall over and be matted and dead or if it's going to just stand up and be dry and become a fire hazard not so good although there's nothing near it that would really burn burn so could you do that for us and I think somebody from the Watershed some time ago suggested the idea of allowing grasses to get higher in the 2 to 3 foot say buffer zone I'll call along the walls along the river with the idea that then they would the plants would take up more of the pollutants to wash in from the road and maybe the geese would be discouraged um I don't know um and uh so anyhow um I just thought that might be Brenda it's not um and I have mixed feelings about aesthetically how that would look if we just let the grass grow everywhere yeah right down towards the South End where it doesn't get much use as much use anyway maybe one thing mhm would be different than the rest of it um and also the concern about people deciding to go look at the water anyway even though there's tall grass and falling into some of of those holes that are still remaining in the wall all right a note chase down the wall guy okay thank you uh I know some time ago there was poison ivy growing along there I haven't heard reports of poison ivy recently yeah I hadn't noticed any but he only been down there once this year all right Mr Jen is it just as a curiosity uh yes this is the head of Westport MH and in front of the building the grass is high is that for ecological reasons in front of what building the wrwa that's their choice it's their land to it's our land but they rent it from us and their intent has been to plant a number of uh pollinator species MH that come up and look the way it looks that's what they're doing because they think they're trying to promote the idea of planting pollinator plants around so okay I was just curious yep yep that's that's why that looks the way it looks it's it's not a real dense pollinator Garden it's sort of a spread out one it sometimes will get better over the years as things think it will it will fill in more Yep yeah yeah if you saw it at my house I have half an acre of that M you can't even walk through it it's so dense but it's also it looks a little trashy at times a year and I burn it every spring and mow it but but it's a different kind of day you have better soils than they have too you have I they have gravel it's on top of a septic system oh that's good soil it's the best some of it is like dead Hayfield so just I understand what we're talking about here in the mowing that does not include that area correct correct it includes and it and it does not include right around the kayak shop I mean they I have encouraged the kayak shop to contract the same people we do but they are responsible for their mowing because I didn't want to be responsible for yeah banging into kayaks or whatever and they they lease the land and they get a good deal on it so they take care of it okay jumping back up to number two on the agenda this is my regular message about We Are One landing commissioner short so if anybody has an interest and being on this fund commission you can put your name in the select board and they will decide whether you can fill out the remaining term so it would only be a commitment until April when there will will be an election at which point you could put your you could become a candidate and you'd probably win because there's usually only one candidate per position so consider it item four overnight parking turns out to be pretty complicated we had an issue with someone parking every night on hixbridge road at the head landing and a neighbor complained at the Hicks Bridge Landing I'm sorry at the head Landing oh at the head Landing the head landing and uh and then at one point there was a tent that was there overnight and there was concern expressed by a couple of neighbors about o what's happening here and so I have spoken with the uh Town Administrator and it is and haven't completely figured out how much signage we would need to put up if this starts be become a problem again next year the person is no longer doing it but I do think it's an issue that we ought to be able to stay ahead of relevant to that there are regulations that the landing commission has that were probably set I don't know 80 years ago or something about the fines for transgressing our various regulations and there is a fine for overnight parking that I guess we have to go to the select board or town meeting to get that fine raised from the current fee of $5 per night to something higher it's a very we reasonable Campground fee $5 a night how old was that original byw yeah right pretty old yeah $5 was a stiff Vine in those days right so what was was that practice stopped this summer just because it got stopped or did someone ask the person to stop parking and camping there the person the neighbor asked the police the police said and and they got when they called the police about they got two different messages two different two different answers about was there overnight parking or not and and then when it got pushed a little further the message they got from the police was well there's no signage so I can't really ticket them and it's not clear I need to speak with the police and perhaps the highway department about how many signs would we have to put up in order for it to be clear could we put one at either end of the area saying no parking between signs or and and I think it's something that the town of Westport needs to be thinking about anyhow just for the future because yeah because that's at the head Landing this year it could be somebody parking overnight next year at the Hicks Bridge Landing or Adamsville or any other location right like on A Street near you mhm and and there's certainly complications because already many Property Owners put their cars in the town layout already and I think some of the people from East Beach have actually have lease agreements with the town in order to use the town layout because they've lost so much Waterfront that a lot of the houses on the South Side are actually using the town layout the side of the road to park regularly so I think there's some complications that need to be figured out about how we would enforce that and I just don't know how it works but apparently they're gone for the season at the moment well on this issue I mean this is only peripherally a landing commission issue it's a town issue you're bringing it to the attention we are to the select board or at least eventually um or immediately with the Town Administrator but it's it's one that's a little tricky because from the point of view of the landing commission it's it's an issue but it's not it's not really a huge issue it's there are bigger implications from this oh yeah which is town which are Town issue so I think the landing commission is good to make it known that we observe this m and something ought to be done about it eventually thoughtfully and all that but um you know this is one of these things it's not a problem when it's just percolating but then it could become a large problem right and we're trying to be responsive to our neighbors who are concerned I think uh and certainly it's also been I've heard that it's becoming an issue on the south end of main road as more and more people who have homes there have lost parking in their backyards because their backyards have become septic systems and so they're Now parking on the street and so there's there's problems there too so it may be something that has Regional differences as far as we or parking as the town wrestles with where can you allow this where do you not allow it so but that'll be for the town and the select port to figure out not not us uh but I would like us to figure out at least some way of updating the fines so that probably means we need to get on the agenda for the I don't know like when do you were you on the beach committee when the the fee increased to$ 35 or $40 a year whatever it is is that a select board well the select board I I was on it for the most recent increase so the select board sets the fees yeah so we would apply so we would research what the fees are now yeah look at what other towns charge for similar transgressions and then make recommendations to you yep okay yeah I don't I don't think it's a town meeting issue it's just okay good that's that makes it easier see if I can get on I'm not certain about that we should we should check it check that out all right um number five Hicks Bridge Landing update there's no additional information on that we're not proceeding with engineering right now right correct we're waiting Reas to there is concern about waiting because certain funds go away if you don't use them so I am going to be actively pursuing them again the planning board the town planner was trying to get in touch I am going to also try to get in touch and figure out where we are with them yeah it's unclear what's going on item six they have not called me like a month ago they said oh they're half painted soon I have not heard back from them but I've been really busy with some other things so maybe they're done and they just haven't called me I don't know uh but I think it's still worth certainly installing all of them and to back up to the issue about the parking at our new grassy area on Hicks Bridge Road even if there's no parking I think we can put a sign there and I think it's okay to put the the bench there and if people want to ride their bikes they could do that or they could walk over from having parked at Handy House or wherever else they might Park yeah the only thing is because you can pull off the road there and park I think possibility of people using it especially if there's a sign there that says somebody some such and such Landing yeah well there's a sign that says no parking okay as long as that signs there sign's there y okay with putting the bench in putting the sign up yeah yeah I mean they can still get a Hicks Bridge permit yep park on the other side of the bridge and walk over right or ride their bikes or ride their bikes or yeah and I will also get the highway department to try to cut down the brush there to make the visibility better based on yes what the police said um yeah that's just a bunch of invasive stuff anyway there what's what's remaining yep so so we're sort of right into item seven bench and marking H so I don't think we need a vote on just going ahead with the sign and the bench we've already agreed to do that right right I believe we did okay um and I will speak with Highway about doing this looking at the concern of Sergeant Melo about safety he seemed to his largest concern if you've had a chance to read the second to last paragraph was people who would be turning around yeah which and sort of thinking about this I appreciate their interest in safety this will be Town resident parking and realistically I would expect most of the people who are going to park there are going to come down 88 or drift road because east of there is mostly Dartmouth I would expect most of our users are going to be coming the other ways and so they're going to have to either somehow go down to the landing turn around and come back or throw a quick U-turn in the road to park which will be easier if we move the rocks in it it had occurred to me that the signage could say parallel parking only but if we removed some of the Rocks so you could actually if you were here's the car rock rock so that if you're going this way but you want to exit going that way you could actually back between the rocks and then come back out this way that that would address this concern a little bit as long as people know enough to do that yeah well but there's all kinds of unsafe things in the world and the way it is right now I wouldn't even try doing a U-turn there because of the coming down the hill from coming from the West traveling towards the east there's not good enough visibility to know that you can get your car around I mean unless you have a little smart car or something I think that it would take too long I remember being there I stopped there to take a look at the whole thing and I needed to go back to the east but I went up and turned around in the um drift Road intersection is that legal I don't know but I did there was no one coming right so it seems to me I mean I consider that I mean we'll see what the select board thinks when I meet with them on October 7th but it seems and I will try to speak with officer melow about this idea certainly we could potentially move the uh roll the rocks in instead of rolling in three or four feet we could roll them in 8 feet so that as you were exiting if you were turning around you'd have that much more room to kind of complete your U-turn um but this to me still seems worth pursuing it's not I yeah I would talk to him and see what he thinks the best situation would be I don't know what the select board would do but have we in view of this police report which which will I think cause the select board to hesitate M um it might be discussion about can a parking area be constructed there obviously it would be small and it would take a piece of the landing so cars could go in and out and I call a normal way suggesting it should be that if nothing else that's safer but there are downsides to doing that is that worthy of discussion here in your committee that that did occur to me that basically you could turn in you could move the Rocks closer to the road even at that point and then you could turn between the rocks and and then turn facing west and you could just line up however many cars would fit there um I suppose it's not that big an area I don't think we need to accommodate seven cars or anything it's yeah I mean I think at most you're going to have two maybe three at the most maybe couple people meet up or something there yeah what if I mean as dick was saying like if we were to put a parking area that area where there's the dead trees and the vines and so forth I mean if we were to at the west west end the stuff that that brush um East End I think you're talking about closer to the bridge right yes yeah um you know even if we cut down that tree I mean like you I we looked at it and stuff if somewhere near there we could manage to as we cut down the invasive species and stuff that's there uh right there at the road if you do too much you're going to require conservation approval yeah you're certainly Riverfront there so yeah we are so I think minim minimal so that we don't really have to go through conservation unless we see that it's used enough that it warrants a real parking lot or something then it's worth pursuing it sure I would think I know at the East End there's a big drainage ditch there yes way down here yeah right but that so well okay I will ask I will try to look at it again speak with Mr Melo and see what he thinks either of my idea about being able to back between the Rocks yeah I think before we go to the select board we'd want to know make sure we're clear on his agreement of yeah what's proposed well could you talk about also the option of putting a parking area on the west side of the landing the West yeah in other words you come down toward Hicks Bridge you come to the property and it's a media you would have par that section that West Park on the other side of the road you mean no up closer to the least property yeah that's kind of what I was I think that's what I was suggesting where you would be facing the cars as they pull in would sort of be facing west see and my thought was if we went down closer this way way you're further from that curve so as cars come around it still gives you time to get in and out you know a little bit the further you are down here you have more view from up here whereas if you're sitting right here and you're looking you still have that of curve there yeah I have a feeling though that given the amount of feet you need to turn around although people could just be driving on the grass too I mean it's it's not necessarily enough to do a lot here so we'll we'll we'll look at various options and yeah that's my point look at not just stuff lay around to look what seems to make sense what uh the police would think about that y it's safety its convenience MH I don't like the idea of turning around between the rocks that doesn't sound safe back between rocks okay it's just another consideration that might come up at with select board okay uh our secretary is not here so we have no minutes to approve is there other business not anticipated a time of posting uh not really I did check into we were talking at the last meeting about the right of way down the point there was the option of getting a um bike rack and then we had mentioned and possibly putting it and there was some discussion about the right of way that goes on the other property reach property right and that right of way is very specific that nothing can be placed on it no Gates fences or other structures temporary or permanent no vehicles may be placed on the public access area so so absolutely so no bike rack down there right so it's for the exercise by the public of free on foot passage only and what is the public allowed to do once they pass on foot it's basically to view the area and I think maybe do some fishing or something it's to access the the fishing and so is the warf then public property not the entire WF no there's a plan that actually designates it's this area here that the public can walk and the path that cuts through the property to that area so you can go down there for viewing or whatever and and this is on the Le or leech property leech Le so between the buildings there yes yes there there was not the boat ramp not that little boat ramp that's Town property right north of that yeah okay I know where you mean huh I don't yeah cuz I was curious I when the discussion was happening I wasn't familiar enough I went down and spent like an hour walking around one morning walked down on all the docks and checked everything out because I hadn't been down in a long time to really focus and see where things were and she was mentioning a spot to put the bike rack and I'm like I had no idea where she was actually talk talking about but it was and this I got off my phone uh off of a yeah public access to W open to the public dawn to dusk masterart D waterways regulation program now are you looking at a picture of the sign that's a picture of the sign there the sign ironically is torn down right now oh I don't know whether it came down because of some safety concerns down that are down there at this time or what but yeah I was like okay I was trying to Envision The Landing itself and I took some pictures of the landing itself and then I went over and to look at that area um but that was a um I had Googled about public landings and found that picture on my and zoomed right in actually I know that when I have heard that when Wars are built over over Commonwealth owned water that the public has access to those warps that they're not not yeah it's it's all spelled out in the um license agreement that with in this case it's in her this particular case that's one of the conditions of the license agreement that she has that it has this pathway and so forth and it has a little diagram it that shows where the pathway is supposed to be and then when you get to the end it shows like this is where the public can access so conceivably the town because this is not a landing property it's not a landing property it's not a town-owned property it's owned by the abutter or the uh the the prop the property owner is would be bleach and that the um but the through the Commonwealth through the license there's the public access through there so depending on how safe it was or wasn't there'd be an issue about liability that should we be encouraging people to should the town be encouraging people to walk down there the sign is saying that you have the right to walk down there and that's all the license gives anybody is permission to walk down there and it doesn't give the town you'd have to file through the Commonwealth and everything else to get permission to do anything and even in that it's not allowed in her license it specifies no structures nothing specifically right but but you could and the liability there it does address the liability it's like a case of because the commonweal is requiring this for a license it's not you go down there you're there's no liability for her okay so you could sit and eat a sandwich I assume so if you wanted to sit on the ground and eat a sandwich could you carry a chair and sit on a chair doesn't say anything about that so I suppose you could you know one of those little fold up chairs and go down and sit there and you could stand on a rickety rotten bulkhead and fish may I I'm not quite following this are we talking about the bench that was discussed at the previous meeting yes oh no we're talking about the well the bike rack we talked about a bike rack and then somebody had mentioned to put it over there on that other property because there was a right of way and that right of way is very specific that nothing can be put on it so I'm saying that's be that's not something that we could even do anyway yeah right well it seems like not my view it doesn't sound like a good idea to me in the first place it is primarily private property I mean we have other issues with that property as a town yeah and they're muddy um and the idea of putting a bike rack on that side of the road this would be the west side of the road MH I don't I don't think that idea has any Merit speaking I'm not a voter here right but the the but are you is the committee still interested in discussing a bike rack in a bench in another section of the landing area Point area I don't think we've brought up the idea of a bench um once it was off it wasn't it I no what was off it was a bike rack y I I I think I mentioned in the discussion that I would like to see a b a bench down there just a little you know like a park bench or whatever for people to sit and view the water or something there is that grassy area that's there and I mean on the other hand and looking at it it's the where the grassy area is because of all the parking that's there it's not like you're out on the edge of the water and you have a beautiful view of something you got to go down to that little corner there yeah it's not you know when that's one of the reasons why I went down and looked around myself and took some pictures there is I see the spot that she was referencing um um the person that offered the bike rack the Kristen when she offered the bike rack and actually that almost looks to me like we could make it into two more parking spaces whether they're designated for um that whoever were to park in them if we don't make it a bike rack we could put at least one if not two parking spaces there I think they get used as parking spaces people park there yeah see and that's the thing it's like if it's it could either be public parking or we could designate it like I don't know especially in the summertime I know I've been down there and I see Chris Leonard's truck and stuff but there's usually a few more Town employees that in the summertime that he'll have other guys that work with him that are out on the boats and stuff and where they Park and stuff I don't know whether they have adequate parking like those could be Des ated say for the town employees or something of that nature um you know but they're really not designated as parking spots but probably should be and either public parking or if not public parking um you know like I don't know whether a fisherman one of the business owners wants to lease it that like lease those two because it is a little awkward to get to them because unless you know that they're there you have to go down that right away right okay well I think that since it's not really it's not something but I think we got to leave the leech property off our agenda yes uh and I I do know at I don't know seven years ago I researched the bridge what I'll call a bridge of MH that where the bridge used to be mhm and spoke with the town CL looked at Oldtown meeting records when the bridge was taken down and the bridge abman on the other side is under a long-term lease agreement with the back edti so the town realized there's value here and they wanted to use it as part of their they use this I think they've got a dumpster sitting on it and some maybe some Capital Equipment sitting on it um but back then nobody ever created any particular agreement about the bridge abutment on this side and there was pretty heated arguments between the then property owner of the lobster house or whatever it was Le's Lobster building Le's W yep and the the abutter on the other side who were both claiming that the abutment had been abandoned when the road was abandoned even though there's no nothing in the town meeting documents that suggest that and that but they were saying that we both owned the middle of that and in negotiation with the point parking task force which included all the business owners and a lot of the property owners that were right around there 2 or 3 years ago it was kind of agreed that an effective way of parking a lot of the employees that come there every week from the oyster business would be for them to park two or three AB breast and park each other in on that spot and I thought that was sort of the understanding at that point I I heard something different at our last meeting about some sense of who actually owns that property and it's not really a landing commission issue it's except we're in a butter because we don't definitely don't own it right but my opinion is the town owns it and what I was looking at was the idea that that big old sign that is no longer El legible that says something about under underw under no no anchoring under underground cables which actually don't exist even though I spoke with the electric company and uh who refused to update the sign but said oh no we still want to maintain ownership and I was like really anyhow uh a bench could go there uh it might be a little tricky walking around the pickup trucks and I had spoke with the highway department about rebuilding the stone abutment that is that would actually make it easier for three trucks to park a breast there because they typically Park too so I will just encourage the select board as an as a neighbor to get that clear about who really owns this so we don't have to do about it again years from now because it sounded our last meeting that the abutter thought that they owned it and maybe they do I could well be wrong but I think in Mr leech's serious research about that he was pretty clear that that that was public property do you know where I'm speaking of yeah I do I I I don't see an appetite to take this on at the select board level MH and it's not just that the select board it would be disinterested there's got to be some driver for this this debate we'll call it has been going on for a long time right probably since the bridge disappeared yeah and it hasn't been resolved MH I don't know what it takes to resolve it other than people going to court I guess and letting a court decided but that's really not the optimal thing to do you'd like to think there was some other way to do that but I guess what this select board might you know something if the problem emerges we might get interested in it but but this well I there's no problem per se other than the general problem of not enough parking on that area I mean it seems as though it's being used by the fisherman in the way that we talked about three years ago and that that seems to be an optimal way of maximizing parking because they park each other in because they all go out on the boat together so they leave together so that seems to me that that part of it's working yeah CU for years the fisherman always just parked in the landing right and some will continue to do that and then it's just becomes an issue for the people live up the up Main Road of where's parking happening so I'm sorry I didn't get that last the significance of the last remark well I've just heard from Property Owners along the road that there become safety issues and issues about where the general public where the lunch eating public ends up parking as they end up parking back up main road road because most of the landing parking is filled up with Fisherman's parking or whoever else got there sooner so that that that at moments apparently becomes an issue for people blocking driveways oh it's blocking I was wondering what this lunch thing was you're talking about the blocking of driveways yeah yes I've heard that and yeah there there are some issues there where people Park where there are driveways mhm and I I don't think there's a lot of those situations I mean I know the point I live there yeah and I don't I did have a resident call me once about that MH um but there's no immediate solution because people can park there and it could be illegal and they might get ticketed and I mean I don't I don't know how you solve that problem really yeah no then it's not our problem to solve I mean I have where I live is across the post office and there are people who park in front of my drive driveway I can't get in or out while we're at the post office mhm oh I'm just going to be a minute don't worry yeah but my view is I chose to live there my wife and I chose to live there and we kind of like having all these people around it's kind of a busy Place some people wouldn't like that but we do and it doesn't last very long you know the I've never had to wait for long into my driveway nor get out of it so you probably know most of the people yes hi how are you well yeah not all of them but yeah I mean this is I I don't know what the problem problem is here with this driveway parking blocking thing is I don't know what I was just talking about the possibility if we thought that it would be nice to have a bench it could be on the bridge abutment that's right on the water there yeah okay well that's that's where that's all yeah then we got up to the but yeah I I don't know how how you would sign that and for it to be clear and if the town did that it would sort of be saying they could do that and I don't know the town may not care about providing that as a resource maybe the town's fine with people just walking around yeah I mean and I don't think this originally I was thinking you know there's that grassy area and that's where the bench came in is I was thinking that would be a nice area for but reality is when I went down there and looked around like I say that grassy area area you're kind of between the building the parking lot you're it's really not a nice enjoyable spot for a bench so no it's not yeah you know track is not a bad idea of budding the hands property basically yeah between where the parking is the used to be more or less in that section there and it's not a bench area it's you know like I say it's like you're sitting in a parking lot so um it could well be in that area instead of CU When we think of bike racks we think about something about the size of this table with slots and the bikes all Park in I mean conceivably along the border of the hannes property in that grassy area there could be a nice looking rail or pipe 2 in in diameter pipe or something that people could lock lean their bike on to and walk in other words the bike could just sort of stretch out that way yeah I yeah I don't know I know somebody indicated to me that I'm not a biker so I don't know that they they don't like their bikes in the grass or whatever I don't know why I like I say I have no idea I'm I'm not a biker so that was indicated I'm like could be I have no idea that's a well taken care of bike yeah but what it's worth there's a lot of bikers who go to the point as part of their Drive their ride Y and they're to turn around and go come back it's not I don't see a lot of bikers stopping there for any reason it's just people aren't biking down to buy an oyster and a beer I don't think so no no okay these are athletic people who are out there to when they're on a bike ride they're on a ride they're on a mission all right but I see them I've seen them go down I just don't see people congregate bikers congregating down there very often and as a resident down there is that something you'd like to encourage probably not I mean I think the residents would would be nervous about that mhm it just creates more congestion on the point right well like Kristen had offered the bike rack and she's you know like she said if we want it let her know if we don't want it that's fine too she offered it but to donate it but we don't want it we can just just leave it at that so all right well I think we've taken care of business not anticipated time of posting uh something that I thought would be useful to know because there hasn't been a clear reporting of it could you get together a treasurer's report sure years ago Lucy Tabit was able to tell us how much money we were spending a year compared to how much money we were taking in a year and given that we're starting to take on some expenses that we haven't taken on before it would be I I really have no idea how much is in our bank account well the know I don't either what I do know is there only been a couple of bills that have come from the mowing company anything that I've seen I submitted and um well it would be nice to know only gotten one for Porton and we have yeah Porton and we'll have the signs sign and they're going to install the signs yes MH yep I don't know what the scoop is on the Porton I've only seen one bill on that oh that was something not when should I pull the Porta johon the end of October and the weather gets too cold too cold to yeah probably end end of October yeah Columbus Day is usually the last tour off are a lot of people being outside doing that type of stuff so where is this located it's uh at the head behind the kayak shop there's a little picket fence enclosure that we built to enclose it so it's probably why I've never seen it well if you drive through you would probably notice it yeah um and my sense is that given that the kayak shop is going to become more erratic as far as when they're there we should just take the lock off it and see what happens because there's going to be less evening kids eating ice cream down there so my sense I tell you the one at Hicks bridge is used regularly by service guys in town you know the oil guys the gas guys the Spectrum or not spect yeah Spectrum guys it's really used but that's very visible you know um the one at the head's not as visible so I but it's okay for it to get used I mean especially the Elder male population we' like to know but is it's your practice to take it away for the winter months is that yes y yep y when when they had the fire there that started at the ouse was that a town ouse or Port partty when was that you mean you mean the kayak shop burned right it started with the porta potty somebody started the porta potty on fire yeah really I was going to say was that polyethylene Bernie was that years ago like for Halloween or I remember years back thankfully I don't remember if it was related to Halloween but I'm going to say it was 15 years ago within probably four or five years of when Carl and Sam started running the kayak shop there yeah all right right so next we need a we don't have any particularly pressing business do we need to meet them mon Route 88 yes motorcycles wow it's still an East Wind yeah they make noise Southeast yeah it's interesting because I live between half about halfway between 88 and Main Road and where the half my house is and you hear it yeah so so should we schedule a meeting for next month and then if we have no movement on the hibridge thing because in some ways the issues about moving ahead are as much a select board issue as they are a landing commission issue as far as this easement issue I suppose we could just schedule a meeting oh cuz we have to decide about the parking fine structure and everything else let's have another meeting before October 7th no today is 24th 24th so how about October uh 22nd how would that be I I'll be out of town but I don't think you should be held up because of that said I'm not a voting member right but we could also push it to the 29th which might be better for me yeah how about if we push it to the 29th that work for folks I have an appointment at 4 so that doesn't work for you no and the next day I have a meeting also but the day before I don't but the select board are probably using that you meeting on the 28th how about November 5th meet Monday's right we we will be meeting on the 28 years yeah how about November election day h no we can't do that right could but yeah it's not a town election so we could but it's going to be a crazy day oh really it's only Town elections it's not yeah it's Town elections the boards can't right okay so the 29th was no good for you but the 22nd was okay and then our select board liaison can watch us on YouTube oh boy so the 22nd yes 4 o' yes as soon as I come back from being out of town I will go right to the look at what happened oh you get it on your phone live you know probably well well I don't think I can make it [Laughter] H okay come on phone so that's at 4:00 on I'm totally screwing this up the 22nd you said oh I didn't this ISS it's the 22nd yes 22nd 4:00 works for me okay could we entertain a motion to adjourn second all in favor of adjourning I I