##VIDEO ID:8SC5SCv9G_c## call to order no he's [Music] feeling I PL allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all motion to approve the EV motion to approve second second any discussion all in favor okay date of next reading February 10th are you sure you sure it's not February 13th cuz they just renewed my book for February 13th which is the same day is this it's this no February 10th February 10th all right I have to talk cuz they just the club is the same as this meeting uhhuh the computer's never wrong though any correspondence no okay should we have a motion to accept the director's report Mo second any discussion um I just wanted to bring up the uh alarm system situation we found ourselves in um Amy was here the morning when it happened I think the was it the Burglar Alarm Burglar Alarm yeah yeah which does need a new battery so he's going to bring that if not just you know you can't just put a dou your battery in it um so he's going to fix that but when he came he discovered that the when our phones were switched over a couple of years ago now I think um the phone lines that went to our alarm systems weren't and there's been issues on and off since then but they have not actually been working for like the alarm will go off if someone came in but it's not going to automatically call the fire department or police department like it's supposed to oh wow which is's no connection definitely not a good thing um so he sent an estimate which was in your packet oh the smpp yes okay um that's for that so our monitoring each month will go up but it's not you know um we were Don had emails ask how much we had been previously paying so it was $216 a year so it is going to go up from that but it's 1200 yeah oh no that's the estimate to have the phone lines fixed um because we get a really bad cell signal in this building because of the thick cement walls he has to put an antenna on the roof for each of them so that's um those were the kind of the expensive part of it but then we should be fine after that um I don't have that oh I'm sorry I have an extra Cofe there you go thank you so do we have to do we have to approve the suspense I just wanted to basically bring it to your attention this is what we um I have he's going to come at the end of the week hopefully and I didn't think anyone would have a any problem with that so um in the budget it's $1,264 just to do just to set up yeah not that's that's not including any monthly that's not the monthly no um under the brief description up top it says the new Fire Alarm Monitoring would be $60 a month and the Burglar Alarm Monitoring would be 39 per month okay so it does go off a bit but we absolutely need that so okay um so that is going to be at the end of the week hopefully and then our alarms will be in working order again um and I and I had a question about the meeting with the finance committee yes do want representatives from the board it's a zoom meeting oh so I don't know if that's would be we could bomb the zoom meeting you absolutely could um that is up to you if you would like to attend on Zoom but it is a zoom meeting it's okay there's nothing in person but if anyone does want to watch the I can send you the link sure but it's to all of us if you don't mind it's tomorrow 6:30 okay now is there that another paper where where is that not that Mee it's part of it's in the director's report I think under the development under oh yeah just meeting oh no in the director's report statis I see this this okay I was looking for I was looking for bu that's what one more page yep okay so right there there you go thank you um and then I had also in your packets put a little handout I made for the um nice for the finance Community to look at that has our statistics for 2024 and I thought our numbers were really great I was super excited we could bring it to the Friends Meeting on face yeah definitely and I think am's going um post it on social media we have people well after the financial yeah surpris yes well they have copies already oh that's true um but I think it's nice to kind of look at the year past and see what we did MH and not like last year was easy either and that's for um the calendar year 2024 it's not the fiscal year because sales had just given us all of our your statistic so it's easier to do that way um yeah so that was everything I want to go over unless there was any other questions it really is a great that is in any sort of graph yeah I thought it's not it's a lot of information but very tiny lights so I like it's a good thing nobody wants to read a put that together you and Amy together nice very nice very practic Laura Nelson would like itur I don't know Laura oh Laura was on the board yeah that was before I started love those things yeah yeah that's when they were two lauras yes two lauras two Su two PES and we had two carols oh yeah we only have one Dawn though yeah okay assistant directors you to do anything before that sorry okay um so we had uh cozy Craft um our first Wednesday we had six people it was great a lot of fun um and then our cataloging um our orders are slowly coming in um Saturday we had how many six boxes five five boxes so we're up to half of November yeah so they're slowly starting to come in that was a great video anticipating yeah that was cute oh we need a oh motion for um yeah motion to accept the report second any discussion all in favor I I and the same with the assistant director's report sorry motion any discussion all in favor I and the friends update I can pass around they're they're having a meeting this Thursday at 6:30 I think the big thing they were going to discuss at the upcoming meeting is the shed yes um Don is still as of last week when I talked to Don about it he's still waiting for two more estimat right so I have um a thing here that says on Monday January 6th he met with Kudo construction it's wrapped a project up at the credit union oh that's the next item that's the Safety Committee yeah but he also said he talked to um Kudo about giving a price for the 20 by3 shed with detailed building specifications so he's on top of that just waiting for the information to come back in and he wanted to get a um an estimate whether building it from scratch would be more um cost effective than buying one and having it delivered and a lot of extra stuff there so I think that's what we're waiting for I think there was some strong debate at the last meeting about Wood versus Metal yes yes that very so yeah so we'll see what um they come up with come back with with the estimates and move on from there but our chairs are coming today I'm very excited about they're being delivered um space for things that's great okay now safety I'm sorry Su um that's pretty much all that I have that you know they're working on on the doors the issue um the entire entryway will be replaced with no sliding doors operated by with new sliding doors operated by the sensors new sidelite windows on each side we will then take the operation Hardware from the old doors and put them on the back doors here so that the second set of doors will open automatically as well push button open single side door and just says that he'll check with Bonnie to see uh when they can actually do it it'll only take a day and they will um they will have to use maybe the Manton exit for people to go in and out while that's being done um so we're just waiting because the doors have to be ordered takes eight weeks um the funds I understand are going to be available as of the end of January but he was trying to get the doors ordered prior to the funds coming in to see if they would stop the process yeah we should get the check from the foundation as of January 31st yeah that's the day I have the end of the month um but he says it takes 8 weeks so he was trying to get the doors ordered prior to putting yeah going so that's all that I have that's how exciting I know it's going to be different I think it's going to be really nice yeah I think it'll be good and it's going to be a lot easier because walking in that door you saw it when you were trying to come in it's on the wrong side it's been on the wrong side forever and a handicapped person cannot push and get into that JW around it yeah yeah you have to it's a little awkward right now yeah and then putting every moving everything to the other door is going to be good because when that first door opens you're not going to have all that cold air coming in that is which is going to make a difference too okay that's all I have thank you you're welcome well the next bit of business um one of our sues will not be continuing to a second term be missed I'm just getting too old um I had had a lot of problems with with hearing for the past four months my old hearing aids weren't working it took four months to get to see a specialist in Chestnut Hill um I'm finally going to get new hearing aids and I have loners now and I'm hearing much better but it's like um coming back to the human race it was awful um and it meant that at meetings like this the I was really struggling to hear s to hear s hear so Bonnie you know someone um there's a couple of people I was going to um see if they had any interest in running but I keep forgetting to ask when one of them walk in so I se her twice and forgot to ask oh we could mention it at the F meeting Thursday too they might know someone too so or someone on our board might know that's how it's happened in the past book club's meeting tonight so can mention it at the book club tonight I'm looking for signatures anyway so if you're looking for another another person I can let them know we could have more than one person running right now according to the office I'm the only one that took the papers up according to the clerk today yeah but maybe if we start asking around it might stir up interest it could George got me to do it at last minute he did cuz I wasn't going to do it the papers are due February 18th with the signatures yeah it says it right on the paperwor and that's a good length of time yeah yeah so then the last meeting for the term would be April am I right what day is election isn't it in May I thought it was no it's it's always April it's April it's April for it's usually near the beginning of the month it is um election is it just tells you when you have to have the papers in by you have to have it in by the 18th of February um but it doesn't tell you that's a certified date for them um which is in March and then I think it took till May for the for you to be sworn in I remember yeah so I think you'd make the April meeting yeah um if the you can be sworn in the next day took forever the election is Tuesday April 8th Tuesday April 8 meeting would be that following Monday we meet the second the second which would be Tuesday April 88 April 8th 2025 we meet on Monday the second Monday would be the 14th yeah so we meet after so so the last meeting would be March there you go Marky calendar sir you're out in March but they're public meeting so if you feel like visiting okay I will I love the library all right old business I think you've covered it the door replacement project and anything else any other topics I have one my grandson is in fire explorers and they had a training session on Saturday and he came to the house afterwards and he asked me do you have an A at the library we do not and I said no we talked about it talk about it I said but there was an issue with staff needing to be trained he said Grammy you push the button and it tells you what to do if anybody were to have an incident and you didn't have one I think they would feel very bad at the library so I I don't know it makes sense it does yeah it makes sense to have it but I think part of the discussion that we had is the liability and that's something Jim because you have the Good Samaritan act but liability I I think that's the that's why we stopped exactly have that too so we were asked if we wanted one I think that was before I started attending okay but I believe we were asked if we wanted one from town hall okay so maybe we could just find out I don't know who would pay for it there are grants that I've seen to get them um for public buildings but um the topic came up how do you feel about having one or not having one I would have to talk to the rest of the staff about that I'm not sure I mean yeah it's just what's the training like yeah he said there is no training there is no I think I just talked to you through it is that correct yeah I did it it's really we had a training it's really easy it tells you what to do where to stick the stuff and you know when the youngster tells you um I can see legally and with liability and everything I can find out how that would all work do they have one at Town Hall I don't even know have one at the Town Hall in the annex they do okay I know they have them at Le Market they I I see them yeah gave me a list I can get some more information on it I think there are um a lot of Grants out there to help pay for it if we do decide to so I've done my PO I brought it up you could tell them we're working on it I will okay I will you probably won't even have to use it hopefully that's the plan you have it you won't need it anything else motion to adjourn I second it somebody has to make it I'll make it oh I'll second it all in favor 128