##VIDEO ID:KiCOcyn4_bs## Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all what time is it there there a 12 12 right correction and approval of the minutes 1st August 12th there I think I have the dates wrong oh you do yeah cuz when I was looking at the ones you sent um did I have the dates WR I'm not sure I got two of these I didn't print out the minutes oh oh I left the mine on the on the counter I'll have to and you said they're not in here no I didn't print them out I just noticed that before we came to write down the well the dates I have here are 828 and 819 mhm I had a week I had the 12 I can't remember what did we have a special meeting for the library one right before school started for the after school that was the 28 yeah cuz that was my birthday okay so that was the 28th we can we can wait no problem all right I'll double check the other one so aside from the date is there a motion to accept we don't have them we don't okay make a motion to push it out to the next meeting I second all in favor okay the date of the next meeting November 4th there's another holiday on the second Monday so right we could do the Monday before if everyone wants to that would be the fourth yeah that should be fine what's the holiday uh Veterans Day 111 yes thank you so what day are we meeting 114 the Monday before the first Monday any correspondence all right the director and youth services report anything to add yes do we do that first and then do the motion it's motion second discussion okay I will wait motion to accept second motion oh discussion now okay I have the um circulation numbers that we missing for September they came in this morning so um our total circulation for September was 7,374 items which is not much of a drop usually between the summer and September we get like a huge drop when everybody's busy and it really did wasn't that much so I was very happy about that uh we had 38 new Patron registrations and total registered patrons is 4,916 16 yes and then I will get the volunteer stuff for next time I didn't have a chance to could you just tell me again the circulation uh circulation was 7,374 and new patrons 38 thank you okay is that it for new yes yeah okay now we need a vote to accept to accept well we made the motion but didn't all in favor I okay just in director's report okay so we're going to have the creative bug um program in in the maybe cozy Craft club I think we're doing yeah we're going to try and so they can either just watch the videos that we're going to be um putting on or just they can craft along with um the class that's being shown that day it it's up to them um and then the new desk is awesome that went beautifully it worked out really really well it did if anyone hasn't seen it yet I we do tour back um let's see and oh back there um over here right next door oh here okay yep and then cataloging on teaching Josh how to do stuff because he hasn't been here for a while so that's going great is that Josh yes yep he's the one from the COA and then see the last thing it's a social media so we had a huge um up with the last one of the last videos so the most popular one so far it um gave us 185 new followers 128,000 new views and 27,000 likes in just that one video so we're doing great yeah you get to see who views mhm yep like 128,000 views where are they coming from everywhere it shows you like the US it shows Europe it shows Australia it's very cool yeah all the crazy data it's on what Instagram um Tik Tok Tik Tok M we need a motion on that I make a motion I second it all in favor friends update I put something in the director's report just um they had they raised a total of $1 15,1 13115 and that was from The cookbook sale that was in August the preview sales they had with dealers from that big donation we got and then the week long book sale so that is the highest total they've ever had and the first day they had like 1,800 people come through the door that day it was insane and it's always been you know it'll be really really busy and then by afternoon it kind of gets slower and it was just steady all day and then all week it was amazing so they put in so much hard work so we're very appreciative of that yeah this year it was committees it wasn't yeah there was yeah yeah superco kind of oversaw it but everybody had their own section they worked on and it went amazingly well so very happy about that and there their annual meeting I got the note is Thursday November 14th at 6:30 it's open to everyone guys do you know if there's going to be cookies I don't know I mean we can make that happen [Laughter] I'm y en tce people with food yeah it always worked in the schools if you had a pot Lo supper the parents came of course the teachers did the pot L okay now after school pickup and parking update that has been going really well this year um there's still faculty and the um superintendent has been out there still the resource officer I wasn't sure if that was only going to be for the first week or so but they're still going out there and there's a couple people who are just going to do what they're going to do but for the most part the majority everyone's been great um so we're not having any problems we're getting regular patrons back during that time cuz there is somewhere to par which is good um and yeah so we're really happy about that yeah they when I picked Zach up smooth as can be yeah it's going much better this year so that's been really great so I was going to send a thank you not or something over to the school I don't know should we send them Donuts or something I feel like we need to do something nice they've been really really great good idea teacher lounge or whatever even have that anymore well it's it's really only a couple of people should take care of just to say thank you and we really appreciate what they've done so far and is it still posted on their school like where the parking is like just a reminder didn't they say they were posting something about the it's on their website on their website website so it's probably always there if you hadn't noticed this sign out there that was put up that says this pocket lots for Library Personnel I did not notice that I did notice Mich book store soon as soon as you come in our side right to your right there's a sign right there that was never there before I'll send the note a note to our telling her that we had our meeting and we really appreciate okay okay so that would be great anything on the walkway the walkway be for the next okay new business holiday schedules okay so for November for um Thanksgiving the town has the half day on Wednesday and then Thursday and Friday closed so the question is do we open on the Saturday because we only do Friday the Thursday Friday what did we do last year I believe we were closed last year previously we have opened so that is a trusty decision didn't we check numbers from the year before and since the numbers were low so we we agreed for them not to work as an elected board we can make that decision yes we did it last year what is your pleasure I would enjoy long way yeah didn't we do something about um like posting it sooner like so people would be aware that the Saturday before the Saturday before we started a couple weeks in advance let conversation we had last year and people get their hours in during the week is that yes and due dates get adjusted through sales yes so enjoy your long weekend well they still put in their hours that's the important thing any um cuz we'll all get you know the vacation time but any of the nonunion people can come in and work the first 2 and a half days if they like to good sometimes they don't you know want to work but it's they do have the opportunity to fulfill all of their hours should we put it to a formal Vote or is that not necessary Paulie oh motion to accept well is it just November how about December um December is just it's in the middle of the week so the 24th and the 31st are Tuesdays and we have the half day off and then the 25th and the 1st are Wednesday so we'll just be closed and then we'll be back open the Thursday Friday Saturday so it's just the one um for Thanksgiving okay okay motion to accept the schedule and that's for Christmas and New Year yes yeah those are both the same day of the week the Tuesday motion second all in favor thank you new carpeting okay oh do you want to do trust FS next that was me the oh so did I skip over yeah I'm so sorry um I finished the financial report for the state aid application and that um requires me to get the information for what our current trust fund balances are so I thought I would share that with you all if you wanted to know it's pretty forward but you can let me know if you have any questions is that this form here um that is our current balances of what we have through all of it and then the this one is what Nicole sent me from the accountants office that has the um interest that we accured last year which was not a lot and what is currently is that on here uh yes review of trust funds we're in B of new business oh I I don't have the I have the approval of new carpeting that's I have too did I send out the wrong one yeah this one I'm so sorry I wonder why which one did I you sent out the draft Yeah well the one I sent to town hall has review of trust funds in it I think I sent you all the wrong one but the one that is official does have b as review of trust F yeah it's still on there I just added that in after I sent you the draft that is my fault I'm sorry no only I use it for my minutes yeah um but the one that was posted posted to town hall does have the review of trust FS on it okay sorry about that and these are interested only right all of them in terms of what you can spend um except for the gift account that doesn't have the restrictions but yes all of the ones that people have donated we can only um it's the I believe the last column on this one on the town trial balance yeah is what we can actually spend on those now with the review of trust funds some of those have to be read every year okay you want me just raise M well there are certain ones that have re that I'm sure okay you want to wait till the next meeting yes I will find out exactly how that works that that was part of the donation that they have to be read okay one of them is the one that's agriculture mhm um and we used to invite a trustee someone from the trust fund m they never yeah they okay I don't really think they need to be I mean they just they see this they don't need or anything it's just that requirement for a couple okay so we put next donate money they have that option yeah no that's fine I will when you say bread do you mean the terms of it readed allowed at a meeting there yes it's very brief uh but it's a requirement okay from the person that established the trust okay so just the stipulations that are on them and things like that well one of them is the two young men that died M yes it's just it's kind of a memorial to them I guess oh okay all right I will get that information for next so then they should be invited to the meeting whether or not they no it's not them that's invited the no I don't mean them I mean the the person who established it or no no these it's this of what do they call them they oversee the trust funds for the town it's on the ballot and usually one of them is invited to the meeting okay sometimes someone comes sometimes they don't it's I think it was more of a courtesy um but it's the trust funds themselves you you okay yeah I'll look into it for next one okay so that's B okay just now so they dropped them off and Amy and I have looked through them and our top two choices we were thinking blue we thought that would be pretty we have a lot of brown in the library so we wanted a little bit of color and we're a Coastal Community so we liked um these blues and then first choice would be um this one right here so it's got a little bit of a stripe there's pictures in there if you want to look after what it would look like on the entire floor and they were're hoping because they have a rainbow if they can do some sort of rainbow in the kids section I thought that' be adorable o because they had the colors all like that already so that's something we would have to talk to them about but that's kind of what we're thinking but for the actual Library would be the blue and gray stripe so so are we choosing between those two or I'm confused or are we leaving the decision up to them the decision yeah Don just wanted to um see where we at I think where we were at did you get prices on uh I don't have specific prices yet it was not until they was selected yes and he wanted to go over that at this meeting so our current choice would be that one any thoughts opinions yeah not a lot of color no not a lot of color I think it'll be I think it'll be nice yeah I just do it want more Brown yeah personal opinion but I thought blue would be pretty it's nice too it has a little variation exactly yeah just and having some color in the kit section if we can I think that would be really cute hope we can do that that's a nice idea student pickups beginning at 300 p.m. that something else do wanted to speak about I think um I personally think it's going really well so far and I kind of don't want to change anything unless we have to um and I think maybe if it ain't broke don't fix it that's kind of how I feel about it yeah depending you know right now things not on wood are going really well so why you want to change I'm not sure he asked me to put it on the agenda I think he know if this was going to work out all the time MH we were looking down the road at what would happen yeah so it's still an option in the future I think but right now I think the way things are going it's going well they've been really wonderful about that what does it mean student pickups beginning at if they were they wouldn't be able to get picked up right away here they would have to wait a little while for the parking lot to clear out oh and then and then like starting at 3: they'd be able to be picked up here but I think that leaves a lot of PE kids wandering around who maybe should be and really the resource officer is letting one anyone need to pick somebody up so right so if the children walk in mhm yeah and then we kind of forcing them to stay here when they didn't necessarily want or need to so so I think it's going well as it is now let's about how many kids come in after school it really depends on if there's a game cuz they like to wait here until the game starts so um on a game day we can get like up to 50 kids um usually there's volleyball on Fridays and that's very popular and then once the basketball season starts we get a lot more kids but um if there's no sporting event there's maybe 20 kids or so what time do the game start do you know um volleyball is like 3:30 so they're not here long basketball is usually like 5:36 I was thinking basketball so yeah we have them a lot longer then so they really stay that long yeah they stay till 5 no they just stay here what did they do snacks oh they walk down to the store at the head and pick up snacks there so oh yeah so yeah we get a lot more once basketball season starts have you had any luck with um a monitor okay we had talked about a monitor oh yeah it's still on the table eventually but right now we're doing well um Josh has been setting up at the reference desk at 2:00 and keeping an eye on things which has been great that's freed up a lot of time for the rest of us and he was he offered to do it he was very happy to do it so I was very thankful for that yeah cuz it allows us to get a lot more um okay food pantry pickup pilot program I sent um the email that I received from Chris Conway anything think I I don't know do you want to tell me your thoughts first or yeah what are the thoughts on on so it's a second location for the food it would be um mostly for the families who would need that service who are coming to pick up their kids anyway they thought that would work and it's also because the other pickup day is during the day it's I think in the morning um it would be something that you know after work people would be able to come by an additional day for the food pantry yes it would be an additional pickup they were talking about Tuesdays um like 2:30 to 4:30 or something so I would imagine you're involved with the food pantry right um I'm part of it but I don't know how this would work and I'm really curious me too I'm not sure um my one I think it's a wonderful idea my one concern is we've worked so hard to get our parking situation and now you're going to not inviting you know inviting more cars and during that time I don't know if maybe there's a better time later in the day or something is there a location somewhere in the school grounds where it could be done or does it have to I don't know um they had just approached us because we get the kids here after school what Chris had told me is that there are really a large number of families qualified who do not come to the food pantry and that because there are kidss involved it would be really important to find a way to get food to these families but but I'm still perplexed about exactly how it would work yes there would be a lot of because when we do the food pantry we're set up with bags and people come through and we just load the cars would it make sense for the food pantry just to have a second distribution at their location like a time that is convenient to families right either that or why don't why don't they go to the school to the old high school that's a huge empty pocket yeah really we share our drive drive around we share our driveway with the school and our parking lot is not big enough to have cars in line way I've seen the lines at the food pantry but this would be smaller cuz it's only and we don't even know if families are going to want to where for kids will be embarrassed well we we've just been fighting to have our parking lot free and we can't have cars this is oh this is when we do the food pantry your driveway gets blocked well after yes yours meaning here oh yeah it's I I think we would really be taking on something we we don't want when they looking for some support from library staff or Library volunteers no they would have their own volunteers they would bring the food set up and as the cars came by put the food in there it was more just the location they wanted it would have nothing to do with the library really at the high school at the old high school there's nothing going on over there or at the gra or why can't they do it at this new building somewhere in the back cuz if the kids are here and they're coming here to pick up the kids they want it to be all at one location yeah they mentioned about the um I'm going to say it sounds a little insensitive to do it for kids where they consider School their space and this issue is not their issue it's their a home life issue meaning needing food and I think it's bringing I know they said some trying to look through this quickly he did whoever wrote this he or she Chris um did not that they you know they they were going to be uh respectful of the feelings of the kids but they if they're not showing up where they're offering it maybe the place where they're offering it isn't using a good time schedule and maybe they could day because I mean I think it would be just as easy to to just say we're going to do it here at 3:30 right then do it at because they got to now move the the food from wherever it's kept to bring it here to distribute but I wonder if the families aren't coming because they don't want the stigma well there'd be more more stigma outside your school than where here at the library withs I don't think we have the space I think our driveway is small our outdoor area is not large they set up tables they the logistics of it I don't I think they should do it at the old high school cuz that Big parcking Lot is empty and you have a way to get in grab your stuff go around the building it's got a second driveway or you can do it in this driveway come in go through here come around and go up that makes more sense they're they're intending on handing out um Flyers she had already said they didn't she didn't think that was a good idea that was just yeah even even if you had six cars coming into our lot a lot our lot there's no place for them today and you're talking about having cars here for the people that are doing the food pantry I I don't really think we can handle that and we worked so hard to wear our parking lot that should we put it to a sure motion motion motion what's your motion what's your motion my motion is to put this to vote to what to accept the program or to respectfully decline respectfully decline but I have so many questions but they don't have to tell us anything right yeah exactly it's just the impact on us yes I know but now there's another impact that I feel well we must discuss I I think that really does open the families up to more yeah yeah it's just it's the wrong place for for kiddos to have to worry about like picking up their groceries at school that's not yeah yeah I don't think I me I don't know maybe I'm wrong maybe that's maybe it becomes more inclusive but I don't see it that way any more discussion okay let's vote Pie's motion all in favor of P's motion respectfully Decline and I'm not voting because I'm conflicted because I'm part of the food p you're Rec recusing yourself I'm recusing myself yes I would love to know why they like what their what their thought process was I don't know if we're respectfully declining but we don't think it's a good idea it would not work at the library it wouldn't work at the LI that would be better tell Chris Conway before she came to talk to Bonnie that we already had problems with the parking lot in the school is the issue with Library we don't have the resources to to allow them to do that the logistics don't work for us yeah simply that really it suggest the high school parking or is a well they wouldn't have to move if they had it at the Grange people could go by there no matter where they go people will know right what they're there for yeah I think it was more just we get a lot of families at that time and I think that's where they were coming from that trying to reach more people yeah it would be a way to reach the families with school aged children so I think that was what time were you they look before um 230 2:30 to like 4:30 no we don't and I had told her about our parking is a lot issues already when I did speak to her but and they can reach out to the school yeah I me they really yeah there are other options yeah but then they probably would have to R out to every school anyway we don't have to think like that we're that board if it were weather they wouldn't be a you know everything's outside there's yeah so many factors would be involved in it all right I will um email Chris today and let her know decision power washing um John has requested that because that southide of the building hasn't been washed in about 3 years it's gotten really bad he asked if we could have a professional company come in get it nice and clean and then he will keep up from there which I thought was a fair request sounds good yeah okay gosh I'm thinking about when we put the benches out there how much it needed it m that was already several years ago yeah and he did fix two holes that were in the wall out there that I didn't not know about so John likes this place he is very happy to be here and we are ecstatic to have him so old buiness okay any other topics uh just one more quick thing I was going to bring up um we wanted to get lighter tables we have to reset that room multiple times per week and the tables we have are like 70 lbs each and it's really tiring after a while and um John you know needs help moving them so it's not something he can do his own so I would like to get some lighter tables but then we have no place to store the heavier ones no we were talking about this back when George was here mhm yeah so probably we got we got rid of the really really heavy tables and now we only have the partly heavy tables um but then there becomes we have absolutely no storage space um Amy and I were talking this morning would it be possible for us to get another shed because fowl is pretty much using that shed and there's no room left in it and we have um you know their bookends their things they use every year so if we were maybe to ask F to purchase us a new shed it could go next to that one maybe I don't know if that's the tables yeah they're really nice tables we just can't use them that much they're not flexible yes and back when we didn't have a lot of people using that they would just stay where they were and it wasn't a problem but we move them at least three or four times a week and it's just getting exhausting for everyone um Don really has a handle on stuff like that yeah I could check with him but we should maybe vote on it is that something you would like many so you don't want to just replace them cuz that would be quick and easy I think there's six and then we have smaller Sixt tables that are nice and light just the plastic ones and I found 8ft tables like that cuz the Sixt are nice they're just too small when we put them in the Square um you know it's kind of close together so I would just like to get some lighter 8ft tables you think you have to save the heavy the medium heavy I hate to get rid of them because I do use them for the book sale and if there is a reason but there's just nowhere to store them cuz the shed out there is chalk full and there's no room in the closet are there any storage units you know like rubber made makes different things for outside oh like a small that's not so um it wouldn't be thousands yeah and it wouldn't be as permanent that could maybe fit up against it's only six tables something that fit up against the building as opposed to a whole cuz that building is going to need maintenance yeah like the things they use for trash barrels and stad the plastic little things something that locks kind of weatherproof or even if we moved other things into that and kept the tables in here also but just there's not enough room for everything but we just can't I can't keep asking people to move those heavy tables that often yeah it doesn't maybe Dar would have some suggestions but that might be an option okay I'll look into that but that's something everyone would agree with if I to make life easier Abol it would make everyone's life very much easier you've the honestly you've done an incredible job with decisions thank you and our program is going so well you know I love having the room used that much it's wonderful but every time we look at the calendar and have to move those tables I know we were a little bit crowded in there last week yeah they only had half of the table set up uhhuh so we kind of got downgraded together we were going to have to take them down again so we didn't want to put them all up it was just enough for everybody to use because we had the big program on Saturday they needed both sides for but some of our people didn't show up so but we were still crowded yeah well do you want to order the lighter tables and then in the meantime find a solution for the others I think I'd like to wait until we have we know what we're going to do with those big ones because there's as of right now we can put all of those in the closet but not the smaller lighter ones we have I think we have four Sixt tables so I don't we wouldn't need eight 8ft tables um because we have the smaller ones I would just like to get four to make that square cuz that's what we end up moving in and out of the closet John would be very happy about that also they are really hard to move yeah cuz he moved those others M and it's yeah it's a lot for everybody and Josh's first day he was moving furniture for us so it would be nice to have something a little better for everyone and fowl is looking into new chairs cuz the ones we had in there have seen better days they were used when we got them so um I think with the donation from Mr felberg they're using they're looking to get um new chairs ped CH wasn't one to sit around I don't know but I can make that suggestion if it's a long program yeah yeah the ones in there are not I good El anything else that's for me motion to adour all in favor