##VIDEO ID:mPfihxFqG1c## call to order pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay a motion to approve the minutes they are amended uh poly felberg was not here at the meeting so I CL that out okay motion to accept second second all in favor all right any discussion I print it out this time date of next meeting J julying September 9th at noon yep Okie doie motion motion do we do that do we motion put I it I think we just set the date yeah wow should the Personnel Board meet that same day did it meet on the 12th that day that you're referring to well we're going to meet at noon maybe after the meeting oh I see what you're saying yeah I can committe meeting yeah the personal committee sorry am I yes I can me okay that way we don't have to tie up another Bor I'm like wait am I Bor you did say you're on every commitment okay any correspondence I no nothing that makes it easy okay director report please is that a motion to accept motion to accept nothing for correspondence oh director's report motion to accept motion to accept second all in favor I any discussion discussion before vote discussion before vote sorry any discussion we'll do it again no that's move on I'm on vacation mode good anything you want to add um I don't think so we had a really really busy July sure looked it we had our biggest day ever since we've started keeping track of the door numbers over 400 let me say 451 people on August first came through the door which is a record for us which is very cool and we had um 70 new cards in that month which is really good so yeah July was very very busy I think it was a thousand difference of a thousand people between June and July came through the door so the book fair coming up all all people supposed to come into the main door yes they can leave other doors but come into the main yeah they're supposed to yeah they try to keep those side doors shut yeah I don't think they let people out the side door they usually have people sitting there so they try to keep everybody going through the me and in and out through the main door and our HVAC I can bring that up our HVAC system is quite a mess right now um we've gotten we had the filters um changed in the AC unit at the beginning of the summer and then we were trying to get the motor for the ventilation system in the bathrooms cleaned and they found wasp nest in it so they lefted obviously um I took me forever I finally found somebody to come because it has to be an animal control and not just pest control because they won't go up on the roof otherwise so that was a whole learning experience there was four giant was in there so that's taken care of but now getting the company back to actually do the work is taking a little while so right now the AC in the children's area is not working at all we just have a blank thermostat so which one in the children's area Okay um that the one out back I don't know they did recommend we have the unit out on the ground here in the cage um you know cleaned and it hasn't been done in a while so I'm trying to make an appointment for that get the motor on the roof done and figure out what is wrong in the children's section you going to call the same people for the children section yeah I'm I called them a couple times and their website is wonky and I'm having trouble getting in contact with them so I will try again today and it's summer time and people are on vacation so it's taking a little while that company is growing I I drive by there quite a bit they gotten like three more trucks that's that one at the top of the hill family family so I was tell yester they're going to have to make it parking down back cuz if you have all your trucks there then have all your people there that's a lot of vehicles that one time yeah remember Sue mentioned the other one AGS yeah so if I can't um get a hold of them I I think something we should do is I'm not sure who the town uses now but they used to use um GM GM refrigeration and when GM was bought out it's now that other company Gem and and the service is not good at all not at all but what we need to do is I just WR we need to have a a list of uncalled people that you just call and don't have to call around different people yeah yeah you know um definitely I'll talk to Jim and see what they use I know for plumbing they use sampco okay and they do for plumbing and heating use Samco sometimes okay but he's like everybody else they're extremely busy yeah yeah that AGS is the one that did the Grain and where the food pants entry is and they um some of the work they just did for them graus but she said they were very good to deal with okay I'll look into both of them I can't get a hold of the other company don't look in gy no I didn't write them [Music] um we had our most ever um attendance for programs too in July so it was very good July that was all I wanted to that the bird no uh that was in Jun oh yeah we had Tow Jam in August and I think we had a pretty full room for that it was really so I heard when is the Saturday there's U that's the at at water oh gosh what is their name do you remember oh at Water um it's folk music and they're going to be here is it this Saturday is it the 24th it is it isn't just folk music they do clogging oh oh fun and the uh Kathy's Kathy class for torch yeah Kathy does fiddling yeah um at wanley our husband and wife team mhm her dad was one of the founders of the Marine Museum oh okay and they have been they were there at one time they're very good they're in a lot of different places yeah yeah very entertaining so they'll be here inside yes yeah they'll be sorry you thinking about something completely different back an upcoming vacation they will be in the community room yes nice oh and I have show and tell this is a good time for show and tell so we got some new signage all um we had use some of the end of the year um leftover money to start getting some so we got um we have different for the non-fiction section so this is just a cute one it's words but there's all different there's a cooking one and arts and crafts things like that to help people find things yeah and we got these to go on top of our new shelves which I thought were very cute nice and we have we're working on getting new bookends in the children's section those are they're magnetized so they stick to the shelves really well the picture books especially you take one out and they'd all go crashing down so about half of them shelves have those right now and they're amazing and all the volunteers love them too so we just got enough to finish that section beautiful terrific now we don't have to revote do we we've accepted okay is this that a cheap part of your director report yes I have a couple things on that oh okay yeah um well as you know roll in left and John will be coming over here he wants to come back here John M he's that Cs on Aging right now so when the job is posted he wants to come back here last Tuesday was posted last Tu yes through the 23rd I believe and then the next select board meeting is the 26th so that's when we hope up so he'll be coming here and leaving there yes he's only right he 192 hourss each job um so he'll be coming here leaving there after working there or he's going to leave working there he's not going to leave he's not working at COA anymore after that oh he's retired so he can only work a certain number of hours um so they're going to be stuck I thought I saw on here something something about cameras yes is that on here find that yes is that on here I read about it yes did what is that anyway I did oh it's under the youth services staff so um we did meet with the principal and another person liking name right she was the head of curriculum I believe no she's or there's three coun okay she's coun yeah she was counselor okay um about the parking issues after school and there's really not a whole lot that can be done unfortunately um they did say maybe if we had different signage right now it just we have the little library parking sign so maybe we wanted something else um she also suggested that the open house is September 4th and that somebody it would be a good idea to have a representative from the library there to talk about after school the parking I'm going to be in Colorado yeah one day it's going to be the high school the other day it's going to be the middle school I think it's the fourth is the middle school and the fifth is the high school so even just the middle school would be I think the most important one um that's the day I fly back though so I won't be back yet the deputy chief was not could not make it cuz he got tied up at the office but I'm going to put the minutes together I should have had him to today but I didn't actually didn't know I was supposed to do the minute but um I'll put them together and I'll go over with the deputy cuz we talked about having him have the officer move up and not at the street but move up so stop people from coming and go in front of the school instead yeah into the parking CU once they come up here they have to come in here so and the super superintendent mentioned that we said the other officer could come down and help from the elementary middle school but she said that officer usually goes over to the other side because student drivers are over there they have a they're a difficult crew a little more concerning yeah could we put up um like a saw horse and shorten the entrance to the library so that only so many cars can come you know so that they can't just Pile in and they can't go they parking over there at 1:00 well we'd put it up early where would you put it but then what about where would you put it brast the driveway so that there's only one lane because what we had was a lane coming in and a lane coming out right I see what you're saying and that would at least cut I would think it would deter some people from coming in and on the saw hosse we could put Library only then how would people get out though I'm just wondering if there's only one it could get a little well it could but it's terrible the way it is no it ISE with that nobody could get out they went all of around the island up to the tennis courts and back and that was the line of traffic and that didn't even include the people trying to back out of places it was horrible no it is the other suggestion that I don't think would work is they could change the pickup to the other side of the school but that would require changing parking spots cuz all all the cars are like parked this way they have to be able to be parked this way if you change the direction M um what is a crossing guard other than Crossing like what we don't have a crossing guard there are no crossing guards we have a uh Westport police Westport resource off off resource officer we have one full-time at the school and there's one that covers mumber and the elementary school they have no crossing guards anywhere no because nobody walks they don't even have speed limit signs up in front of macumber I mean a crosswalk in Fr of the Mover they don't come up that far they have the driveway right in front of the door yeah it's it's going to be an issue I guess what if they entered on the other side and exited on this the side poost of the library where we you wouldn't come in and see the spots that's what they're supped to do they're supposed to go in on the west side and around the building but they have to sit in line when they do that tell you I'm not sitting in that line and I'll tell you give you flat tires if you tell them not to PO there they'll tell you off yeah oh yeah i' I had a few run-ins with some of the people out there you and do you work for the library yes I do could be fine for a couple of the only downside part of this is if somebody is coming to pick up their kid that has dropped off here cuz those people should be able to come in and pick up their kid but that would be at the same time cuz if they're just walking over here to get picked up that's a little bit of a ruse right the thing that it impacts is people who are at the library and they really they really make a mess now Michelle said if we don't have any luck to contact her again okay I believe that was in that email she's retiring right I would imagine is that the principal no she's business manager and and everything Jack Jack all trades yeah and they're making that into two jobs I think we just have to get more involved with it this year initially initially I we could have the police even if they can't find an officer here have an extra officer up here let it be an inconvenience to the town it shouldn't be the inconvenience to us exactly and I just keep stressing it's a safety thing with the way these cars are parking there somebody could back over somebody in a heartbeat and the kids aren't paying attention they just run right across right in front of the car so to happen out there soay pay more attention to it I'll be here the first days I wouldn't mind coming and you know maybe two people or would be a little more threaten I'll bring my plastic Whiffle bow [Laughter] [Music] bat take pictures to Tuesdays anyway show how it I'll put the together the minutes from that meeting though so so then the concern was the 4th and the 5th to maybe have some representation at those open 6:00 6 o00 say 6. both nights what days are those I think it's a Tuesday and Wednesday or Wednesday and Thursday I could do a Tuesday or Wednesday they want someone to speak about parking not parking over here and about the you know expected behavior of the children at the library when's the first day of school 29th I think 2 oh so we should have 28th is the first day school then we'll have some good [Music] information the the downside of all of it is we don't care about the mornings right but but maybe if you put those um saw horses out in the morning just to look like it's closed off that some people will think that it's no longer like for the library only and in the morning we don't care but they still shouldn't be allowed to do it because then you learn but there's nobody here there's nobody here to put them out that early in the morning how about when you leave at night they start they start at quarter 7 e the school yeah but but I think if they can't go in they can't go in it's not they can go in when we're not here this is just not a parking it's not the that is not their flow of traffic for the high school ra the question when they bu the school about this whole thing don't worry they won't use your parking well they do yeah all right we just uh yeah I don't think there's a solution yet but so the fourth and fifth is um September 45 Wednesday Thursday okay I think she I can Che I'm sure it's on their website I thought she said so that's an open house oh like when the families come in and they get a little bit of like what's going on this year kind of thing yeah and that's really I do the if someone needs to um be there I can't go on Wednesday but I can go on Thursday I think I can go on Wednesday um and that's only the people that are coming for the first time people whose kids have already there if they're not going but it can't hurt for new people to know that right what is it because some people do listen and then some people just follow others cuz they're doing it and they don't know that it's not a exactly believe we can't really put a saw house up at night either because people come in and drop books off books off yeah you can't inconvenience your functions and I also updated the after school Behavior expectations everyone um I basically combined two other libraries that they had but um if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on that did we have one before we had a very short one and it didn't give a whole lot of detail we have a patron Behavior policy which is very short and that's kind of what we were using but it doesn't really work for the younger kids I thought this was well done I was going to see suggest adding I pulled up some of the libraryies policies and the town of Canton had a paragraph um I'll read it to you in case of a medical emergency uh involving an unattended child the staff will call 911 for emergency assistance and attempt to contact a parent Guardian in that order so you call 911 first and then the parent guarding for medical emergencies okay yeah that definitely then you can't be challenged why you did what you did too exactly yeah I would just like it all in writing CU all the chorus last year was I didn't know this and that I want everyone to know right away and then it's easier to enforce if everyone's made aware right away of what the rules are now in terms of the age of the child again I looked at other libraries and some have 10 some have 11 I saw the ones I was actually looking at were nine but I think that's kind of youngh um 10 we've had 10 in the past as the age that's in the I believe in the patron Behavior policy um but I mean that can be amended if everyone thinks it should be but that's what we've done in the past now it works it works no need to change it and 10 years old is fourth grade and then they're at the middle school it's not likely that many come down from the elementary school it's very rir and it's later anyway and the other thing I was just wondering about when you talk about the caraker probably should be caregiver okay um um is a responsible person of suitable age do you want to suggested age or just leave it open-ended yeah cuz that could be like you know 16-year-old babysitter or something be like watching so but um so change caregiver to caretaker yeah because generally you use caregiver in this so just to be consistent I see okay yeah in fact it says caretaker in one yeah I switch go halfway through for some reason um I like what you wrote if a child is not able to safely leave the library without an adult he or she should not be in the Library without an adult I from somebody else's poliy I thought that was a good line yeah that is a good line that are some of the best ones pulling them all together other people's there was two they're actually from New Jersey libraries in New Jersey who have really great policies so I used a lot of them oh of course um and I have them if anybody wants to see the original policies I took it from I do have them but um we do need a motion for that okay yeah motion to the new policy approve the new policy for whatever it is second anyone second second all in favor I I it's unanimous I want to back up one second we started to talk about cameras and oh yes that was part of it too yeah I didn't see it but anyhow part of the upgrade security for the new doors includes cameras I thought that was just outside though were we getting some for inside the building those are mostly inside Oh I thought they were just at the doors outside I think they were that door and two doors outside I believe but we can move him around okay so what I'll do is I get the drawing we'll have him come up and tell us what okay yeah cuz there's some blinding spots that we really need to be able to keep an eye on and there's just you know we can't be everywhere all at once when once that gets approved I haven't heard anything for the man Foundation either by the way just so you know but once that get gets it there's like $112,000 in there for the security oh okay not the doors just the cameras and stuff oh great okay so that affects that okay I think that was all of the or director's report okay I think that was it okay we have an official assistant director congratulations do you have a report or I she didn't have to do one she assistant director for a weeks week you have you'll have a good teacher yes next month yeah okay friends update I sent along the minutes for the friends M and it's all systems go for their book sale which is great I won't be able to make the August 29th meeting if anyone will be there I won't be there either I'm going to be gone 29th that's the next fou meeting they're meeting having an nextt year meeting for the book sale staff we got the staff here if they have any questions about book sale stuff um I think and Melissa will be here that day yeah I email Sue and told her so well Jenny gave you the minutes this time so yeah she'd probably do that again yeah yeah well what's really good is now I'm getting the minutes and I'm getting their financials which I could bring to the meeting I could always forward it if you and for the first few meetings I was not getting anything but now they're happy to see me I'm happy to see them it's it's a good relationship we have the same goals basically so why not if it makes sense watch out you're usually so positive well so many things don't I think it's good that it does uhhuh okay we already discussed the safety after school pickup and parking yep we need a motion to accept those minutes motion to accept minutes [Music] from foul foul fou foul second all in favor okay new business guidelines for trustee consultation of expenses that was just more for my um knowledge is there a certain level where I should consult with the trustees before um is there a Dollar limit yeah like I don't know George kind of said is like a level like anything over $500 but then that popped in my head yeah yeah but then it was I think it was over that for the wasps and do you all care who I hire to get the WASP out of there like is there a level but I think we should develop a list so you don't have to call that would be yes that would save me so much time started what we did have in the past was an expend an expenditure more than 500 should be presented to the trustees for approval but something that deals with maintenance on an emergency I would and safety you know that would be your discretion okay especially as we've already approved the budget MH okay so we don't need to nickel and dime every time and 500 is probably low yeah I mean every phone call is almost yeah $500 I made a call no this would be purchases right right right you know for things but that's a purchase call somebody in for a well for services is it more items I think so because the budget already has a line for maintenance no it was the idea um as the trustee put it I'm on this board to make decisions so I feel I should be a part of the decision making so you're saying keep it purchasing when you're purchasing things for the library okay okay and I think whatever it was that was purchased was something we would use mhh but it was felt that and it would all have to be at a meeting for approval or could like say you needed something and it was what about the way we do the uh expenses they're there if you get the majority signatures on it well that's always after after it's been ordered yeah yeah that's after the fact we could do the same thing before I mean we could raise it to a higher amount of money but um something happened and something was purchased and one person felt that he should have been included in the decision and really there so was it Don no it wasn't then he's not here anymore yeah well well I think in the case of the uh the Hornets it's something we just had to do oh yeah like that was a safety issue so I figured I went ahead and did that but honestly I don't know if it's something we need because I mean things like this you don't need right you don't need approval from the board no that's your discretion if if you have a question about to call one of us or something okay I mean 5,000 would be yeah but if it's in the budget go for it yeah you have to look at the the budget for maintenance of the buildings we never we take money from other accounts to that supplement that so even though it's in the budget we don't have enough money for that we pull it out of someplace and stick it in there yeah and we're just lucky to have it to pull yeah so does that sound clear yeah [Laughter] and I think that list is a real good idea yeah yes that would make think sense when work at school department bsouth we had one it was the best thing he ever did especially if you have apartment in the middle of the night you're going to call some guy never done business with yeah yeah I just hope they answer well we used to always just call John in the middle of the night in a few more weeks we can do that again when we had a leak yeah okay so HVAC system anything basically okay the allocation of donated funds this is very exciting but then it got a little wacky so I to explain this so the estate of Joseph felberg has given the library $225,000 very nice $225,000 to be used for General use and purposes nice which is very exciting um the the original um notification went to the Friends of library and then sue brought it to me because in the actual paperwork it said the Westport free public library so I was the one I got signed it got it notorized sent it in to get the money but then the check was written out to the Friends of the library so it's gone back and forth at this point it goes to the friends yeah but that's not what it said so it ended up wrote that letter may I ask um it came from the lawyer um so anyway did we did receive the check it's made out to the friends but but then the friends didn't know if they should just sign a check over to the library for us to do but it all goes to the library anyway as I understood it it goes to the friends because the friends aren't as rigid they're they're they're a little less um um I don't want to say watch because of course Everyone's Watching but yeah they don't have as many um that's my father-in-law you do you don't have to go out to bid through the friends yes so so that was the intention because actually I learned that when on the search committee where we landed here perfectly um from Sue because she said that's very often the line grandma left money you recall that in other committee meetings so that's that's why he then said well then put it there actually it was all going to Fall River but then yes theyit which is very nice like wait a minute good work why I know a library so the friends um the check is actually in my office right now but it's made out to the friends so I think they just keep it yeah okay okay I don't think they spend their money any place else no no it will all come to the library eventually and it goes through the friends at Town Hall it doesn't go through yeah we would have had to set up a whole separate account and it was going to be a whole thing so I was actually really happy when going to them so it just got a little confusing in the middle there for a minute yep but anyway so yes has made those mistakes in almost everything yeah it was just the way it was written um it didn't say friends was a library I should have that yeah cuz they were originally contacted and yeah I so but it's all clear that's the important part that's lovely that's great and they're going to send a thank you to the family great they will and if anybody had ideas they are you know very open to any ideas that the money could go to if not we'll save it for something you and Amy have come up with some real good ideas not $25,000 for us little bit at a time yeah yeah say like is it does it ever go into an account that it can actually make money make more money from it no you can't I don't know if that's legal you can't do that no so if it went to the town they would invest it oh okay most of our accounts are invested were allowed to take out a little bit of money MH the interest like $500 or something even when the rates were low we $8 out of an account that so it but we don't say how to say where it goes I mean how it's invested so this just what it goes into a checking account like a zero interest by $25,000 and a 5% could make a little bit of money while you're Wai they could take certain amount of it invest it in the CD do the friend yeah I don't know they like around 5% a little yeah all right next higher move is to relocate Ellis case and move desks Ned Daniels who does the Ellis case he um schedules everything all of the people has been asking for a very long time he would love to have it moved closer to the entrance so more people would say it which is true um I forgot why there was a reason he had asked George about it that George didn't want to do it at the time where was that that was out in outside Lobby theide lob the glass on that is compromise yeah we had to have somebody um come in and do that so we could hire the same people it was long movers um I think it's like a minimum of $500 for them just to walk in the door um but if they were here and they could move that case for us we could move the computers down a little bit and just slide everything down um we would have to move the um the art that's there we'd have to scoot that down a little bit but we did buy the lovely drill that goes through the concrete with the end of year fund so we do have that now um so it wouldn't actually be that hard to U Move the art down now and then um we also have wanted to move the really large desk out of the children's section because it takes up a lot of real estate down there and I barely get time to sit down there so um that would go back in the work room area and Amy would take that desk and we would set up the longer portion with all of our um cataloging Things book covers yes we' have to move that table out and that table is going to have to I think be we have permission to get rid of that table so that would just go it's not in great shape nobody wanted it but I think that's going to have to be in pieces to get out the door which is another oh the legs come off usually the all the GRS are stripped yeah that's so cuz it's not that heavy we could have gotten it out we just can't get the and I think it's going to require a Sol of some sort which we do not have and I should not be using um I'll take a look at it okay so it would be switching the desk getting the table out there are four of those really heavy tables that we have permission to get rid of Amy and I got two of them out of the closet but we did not get them very far it was yeah we slide them they're in my office that was as far as we got them are we going to get rid of them yes those just need to go to the landfill or transfer station wherever they can go they are garbage they're really gross um I can take those down there I have to find out how I don't have to pay to get rid of them though mhm yeah I don't think the town has to pay the town no I don't think so I'm not sure yeah I'll ask I'll ask Jim when I'm I'll talk to Jim but so it's just moving some heavy stuff around but it's not heavy stuff that the staff can and I wonder if long would do a better um pricing be used yeah but I'm wondering if they it is 500 or 600 I wonder if they would but if there's multiple things then it would be worth the money to get them in here I think maybe they give the Westport Library a break exactly when Ned asked me about that to see if it was actually on the agenda he said he was willing to pay to move that mhm yeah he has offered to pay he's offered to pay couldn't pay for that move money though but he he did offer to pay that's how much he wants him he's been wanting that for years is it it doesn't seem that big is it that big to it's very heavy cumbersome we just had new shelves made for it that would have been the time to move it when the shelves are out have to take everything out of it move it yeah well the shelves do come out we can remove them but it's just it's very big and would we be leaving that sculpture where it is yes it would go right next to the sculpture cuz that's in front of the window portion and that's clear so that's fine and then this would go um right where the wall starts so I think there's space there and it would be and it would be nice to have the collections up closer some more people saw them yeah cuz a lot of people don't go down that yeah unless you're heading to the children's section not everybody goes down to that area and that would make Ned very happy I know yeah that's nice yeah that's the first question Hi how are you now are they going to move that so I can um talk to long for an estimate and see where we are with that if that's all right sounds great okay New Florence New Florence we we this a busy busy we we called three people um Westport flooring every all three companies looked at the job Westport floring has not got back to us I called him again today and left a message um we had ABC floring come in and South Coast flooring came in ABC was 49500 and S uh South Coast was 55,000 that is is done a good number because we don't know what carpet we want that's that's the number to install the carpet once we pick a carpet then we get a better price and everybody has agreed to cut around all the stuff that's out there leave the carpet under the stuff that's there and carpet around it with carpet tole squares um it it seems like a good idea the one guy said it would cost you more to take all this stuff out of here put it in storage and then put it back in and put it back together you're talking a library have to be shut down or something like that so at least this way hopefully they can work around our schedule maybe a couple of days we not we open 11 they can come in and do their thing M that has to be worked out but we like to get some samples to Bonnie let her look at them Bonnie and Amy can look at them come to a conclusion and then maybe we get a firm price yeah perfect so sounds good and were you looking at applying for a grant for that through B coast I thought is that you looking for well it's online yes the application I haven't been in to to talk to Bonnie about it cuz I think she's been busy love it um we could we could apply online for it well it has to be through the library yes we'll get everything ready you can get sent well I can't do it on my computer you know have to be yeah but Gino said everything is it the application is right there and you just fill it out and send it in is there a deadline or is it like a revolver they do it four times a year okay from what I read I'm not sure when when those are okay I thought one was September but I think you have to be firm with pricing and right yeah yeah you can't put a little plus sign your that and my thoughts were at the end of the year they might have money they have to spend more than they might in September mhm I know that I read about it once they allocate X number of dollars each year and I don't know how they divide it up between the communities but esort does get some preference because they located in asport a couple of the bigger people she did ask me if we had used them before and I said no never no a well I had talked to her but then we had another source of funding then we might be treated more favorably who have gone back to the well a few times and the president of the bank is a West Porter MH does the president have a library card I believe he does IAS B you should get one if he does we'll give him one free yes and in in the past George had asked for got a quote on rep replacing that rubber map where they stand all day and this guy from South Coast Flor was supposed to do it but he got busy and his father or somebody sold a house and him and his brother been remodeling the house he forgot so when he came here he said I'm going to do that for nothing for you oh oh nice since I forgot there you go so this did he give you a price before he forgot I'd have to see what if George had the price he had offered to do it um with leftover stuff he had last time so I don't think he George actually got a price for it okay I think it was it was minimal anyway yeah yeah so he's he's $6,000 more expensive than the guy that already includes it too oh CU he included the rubber behind we'll get some samples of ABC flooring is that in Westport ABC yeah the other one is on Forge Road That's Mike Rod's business baby [Music] I okay he's always here yeah he was here for the um for Bond reception right M yeah he was we don't have to vote on that do we no no okay now the next item since we have a Personnel committee I'm wondering if we should talk about it in committee probably before we presented to the whole board the update of Library a 2 to library a 3 I had taken that off um the agenda before I sent it in oh okay which one you taking out f um f the whole thing yes f is done for now we can revisit that another time but for now I think we'll just okay we'll move that then creative bug uh um that is a new well it's not new some Library had it for a little while but there's a new um Consortium discounted pricing available for it and um I had done the free trial before last time they had offered it it's online like craft and art classes so you can just they have you know hundreds and thousands of them and they're really um well done and we could also use it as they have um when you know we could use it to do like a class at the library and we just put on the video so um the licensing is available through that so I think something that would be we have a lot of very artistic people yes um for one year the consortion pricing is $800 and if you do it for 36 months it's $660 a year which is n uh [Music] $1,980 what age is it for justult it's all ages there are some um you know there's all levels so kids can subscription you're pretty much unlimited what you can use yes y you could go on every day and watch watch class if you wanted to well the only problem I have with the three years if you don't like it and it doesn't get a lot of views yeah start with one yeah I'd like to see if people like it and if we promote it we can always go with the 3 you next time and then that's right through sales so they would um we would go right through them for that cuz you can end up having so many subscriptions not that you do not that the library does but just in general that and you actually forget what you have subscribed to and then you're like just paying subscriptions right for different you should have a master list of when they own expire yeah yeah yeah yeah we used to have a set of books not really an encyclopedia but it had a lot of uh crafts in it is that still here do you know I I don't know of a set there's one um there's a couple in the children's section that are um you know be an adult type book I don't think so we have very good craft section in the non-fiction but I don't think there's any anything that's multiple volumes [Music] motion to approve the purchase motion to approve the purchase second all in favor I that sounds good sure does yeah Behavior policy is that what we did yeah we did that we did any old business or any unanticipated topics motion to adjourn motion to adjourn all in favor I will send the minutes out later today for the