##VIDEO ID:A1D9RFa1MUI## all right is recording okay okay we're just returning from executive session uh just to reiterate this is the Tuesday November 19th uh regular planning board meeting and it is 603 um first up our administrative items assistant planner vacancy last night the select board voted to appoint DL wheeler to the assistant position and um we' discussed forwarding her name to the select board already on this board but didn't have an opportunity for the board to vote um and so we'd like for the planning board to vote to affirm the select board's appointment of D wheeler to the assistant planning position okay she's going to start January January second okay so entertain a motion to report back to the select board that we have approved the selection of D there assistant player second all those in favor okay can't wait uh next up is chapter 61a release file number 24-35 ch61 a the select board is requesting comments on Rel piece of land owned by Daniel G Richard and David L Taylor located at 533 horse Neck Road map 73 Lots 73 74 and 76 this shed look and the address should sound familiar this is a um well as Jim said this is some chapter 61 land it's currently being used for farming for a purposes property to the rear is owned by trust and this is a property that came before the board for a four lot anr um creating three buildable Lots around along hor Neck Road fourth one in the back you can see up there is non-buildable 2.88 acre lot so the board's already seen this and that understood that the land was going to be taken out of chapter okay uh I would entertain a motion to uh suggest to the select board that we have no issues with having the town release their their right of first refusal uh on this chapter 61a land uh I don't believe having looked at it that it would be anything that would be um imperative for conservation or any other use have I agree but I just had a question about the parcel a because I don't um I see there are purchases for the three lots but I don't understand if the parcel a is being U transferred to one of those owners the owner l or is it staying in un is it staying in the current ownership couldn't say um it's also being taken out of chapter 61 and the lot is unbuildable it doesn't have Road Frontage doesn't have any access conveyed to it so it's not developable but will it be sold to one of these other property owners I couldn't say maybe the only interested it'll be given the land who knows or could just sit there for decades so but anyway that it is also coming out of 61 a because it isn't listed yet yeah that's why I was wondering because it just mentions Lots one two and three okay stand corrected it's not being taken out of chapter 61 so what it's not being taken up I said I stand correctly well it won't qualify to 61a if it's only 2.8 Acres I think it comes out by default they can't I I don't think the town has an interest in you know public interest right especially for these prices okay so entertain a motion Mr chairman i u that we recommend the to the bo we have no objection to removing this from 61 and second all those in favor I [Applause] okay next is the the six six no so see what else we could do we could start the planers report sure some updates on our shared use path in the North End of Westport for the mass Trails Grant and um building out the connector from Fall River into Westport the consultant and the conservation agent went out and did Wetland flagging um and created the the gis for that as well um so that's been completed they started doing traffic counts in the area and they're going to have a preliminary or conceptual design um hopefully sometime soon here and our bike and walking path committee are going to go to the community preservation committee to request some funding for match for future match Trails applications they're going to ask for $112,000 from the CBC um and the South Coast Bikeway Alliance will provide us $3,000 um the planning board depends on where we're at and different Grant applications and approvals that we have um going on but we may be in a position to provide some FS as well last application we provided 5,000 so that would give us about if it do the math the between those three different sources um it's a 20% match on that so gets to $100,000 that we could put in for a request which would be more than enough to design out the entire Northern route across Westport so um that would be a spring 2025 application and would we receive funding would be implemented the next fiscal year good and an update on the Calver replacement project this is the the culverts at Angeline Brook at Cornell Road and Snow Creek and Lian Brook at drift Road the Buzzard's Bay we're partnering with Buzzards Bay on this taken the lead on administering this grant um they've done site Recon reconnaissance and resource delineation they've done the topos for the area and the base plans they developed existing conditions base plans and they're doing the h& Hydra hydrologic and hydraulic studies um and they're doing the conceptual plans for replacing the cver at hingeline Brook so this is all in the service of um developing the preliminary plans to then move on we receive funding through that grant that we applied through to the Federal Highway Administration that was a $3.4 million Grant um that would bring these all three of these projects all the way through construction or design and then construction but at least for now we'll have those base plans available to them go and and look for other grant opportunities if the grant with the uh Federal highways Administration doesn't work out okay and so the the the reason that we're doing this is because these are cold water streams and we want to they restore the fish habitat yeah they're so they restoring the fish habitat the covers are under size so they're not able to accommodate the storm water flows um during High rain events and climate change those extreme rain events will continue to increase um some of them really are less of CTS and more tnder blocks and you know old stuff yeah very old stuff these are these are R and they don't meet any of the kind VI passage abilities fish up through these be able to do that okay so I'd like to open the 615 public hearing for Little Compton Housing Trust file number 24-28 c - rrl the applicant is proposing to use the existing 50 foot right of way for access in utilities to the Little Compton land to construct a four lot single family housing development located at 245 old Harbor Road map 86 lot 6 so one of you like to come up or present V certainly good evening Mr chairman members of the board I'm Don madus from Able engineering professional Lance surveyor professional civil engineer um we we're here tonight uh continued um pending the um the comments from the last from the consultant um MLB we we um have satisfied MLB based on their uh comment letter where they were satisfied that um our our design complies with the mass storm water handbook um and the comment satisfactorily addressed with the exception that they could not approve the waivers so they noted um they're satisfied uh subject to the board reviewing and granting the waivers um I believe Mr baris's list of comments have also been satisfied and again subject to the board granting the waivers um so we're hoping tonight to review and disc discuss the waivers any other questions from the board or from the public as directed to us from the board um and we're hoping the board would um by the end of the night um close the public hearing consider and discuss the grant of the wavers and vote on the waivers and should the board uh see so inclined to Grant the waivers we we would ask that the board then give definitive plan approval tonight okay um I do have a question the way that I read what's written here it talks about a four lot single family housing development and the the drawings all show that all the housing in Little Compton is on one lot that is correct the the um the drawing showing the Little Compton portion is basically uh conceptual um it's basically put on the plans to show this board um what is being proposed um as opposed to just asking for approval for a road to nowhere so to speak um The Little Compton Housing Trust they're in the process of trying to decide if the four units um will be on one lot or if they will actually try to do a four lot subdivision where one unit per lot um we know they're GNA um they're looking at sharing a septic system and sharing um a well or Wells um so right now it's it's either or but the the proposal is four units so whether it's four units each on four Lots or whether it's four units on one lot okay um one of the reasons I bring that up and this is really the Little Compton planning board problem not ours is that our rural residential Lane requirements are that it Supply Frontage to no more than four lots and this road provides access for five Lots right five 5 housing units that's correct Mr chairman and I believe that that is in accordance with the requirements for the rural residential Lane which says um access for no more than six Frontage for uh up to no more than four right so Michael you want to I think that the this proposal has adequately addressed both staff concerns and the Consulting Engineers concerns there are a couple of waiver requests which I think the the applicant needs to discuss with the board um and those would be for the um proposed name of the the street needs to be shown on the site plan obviously they don't know that you know that that one's not really a big deal that can be added on an as built plan later on um but they need to talk to you all about um a waiver for the um typical crosssection for a residential Lane they're showing side slopes on the shoulder of the road exceeding a 3 to1 slope and the also are not meeting the storm water standards for volume control um and the basin's location as well as a 20% reduction of storm water flows they're achieving a 5% reduction over the existing conditions so those are the the various waivers that need to be addressed in order um in order for this plan to to receive approval everything else all this the small you know site plan standards submission standards and all that have been adequately reflected on the plan sets Mr chair I look at this plan and I I don't have an objection to the the gring of the waivers um the volum set largely for development impacts and and the development impacts are all in whatever they are they they're not associated with this driveway of this road and uh and you and it's really not in our jurisdiction it's all in little C jurisdiction but I but I did have a a comment just some of the Practical aspects the uh there's a sale on the southern side of the road and and it it discharges onto the surface of the ground on the east side of the driveway into the mckinon home that's correct um I I don't I'm sort of exercising my duty to the citizens of L content but U just as a practical matter um you know that's the kind of stuff that can cause a problem and it would be very beneficial because the grades are sloping down towards where you're proposing if if you just extended a a pipe from the end of the sale under the driveway just as simple as could be then then you're bringing the water it's still on the Kon property but at least you're bringing the water to where you could manage it in the development and and not creating a puddle in the front yard of Mr M it's a it's it's a small matter but these are the kind of things that people come back say hey I never had a puddle in my front yard you approved this and now I got a puddle in my front yard may I that thank you uh that's a very good point um so we and so we are going to be proceeding with the design in Little Compton so that is a possibility if the grades will work and we can put a Calver under the McKinnon's driveway we will um we were comfortable um with the Swale out liting where it does for a few reasons one because it's within Massachusetts in under the purview of this board um and also the existing driveway as it stands now has no drainage features at all there are no swells it you know and um my experience doing hydrologic analysis and reviewing you know topography and storm water tells me that quite a lot of runoff goes down that driveway at a pretty good clip um and so I I believe we are mitigating the the amount of runoff that comes to that point but I agree with you that that's not the ideal situation to have that Swale Outlet without getting a pipe under that driveway yeah it's it's it's a small matter but um West part little comp can work together on small matters POS big matters too other than that Mr chair I think I would vote to approve this and and supporting portable housing little C which is something we all so the the storm water on the South Side um even if it outlets right at the border of Massachusetts and what I there is this going to impact um storm water onto the host property of Cummings no I think they They Carried that successfully away from compies I think the the Consulting Engineers report also compar with Bob um MBL said that they didn't have any concerns with the waiver requests but ultimately it is the purview of the board whether or not to Grant those waivers so want add that they didn't object to them anybody else this I just well I I um had some concerns about the the waivers for the uh uh 25 year 100e storm events and the drainage but uh I have uh utmost respect for my colleague and so I was interested in his opinion that uh this was not um that this this uh waiver could be granted um it's just my uneducated opinion about climate warming and the magnitude of the storms we have these days which seem to come in faster than 25 and 100 year and the amount of rainfall that can happen in one time seems greater so you know I a little I always have some hesitant hesitation about uh about any uh plan does not provide for this uh the requested reduction is 20% correct and this is slightly exceeding they're reducing by 5% by 5% so and that's 5% of the predevelopment yeah conditions so there will be somewhat less storm water generated on the site than than the existing conditions right okay I mean so again I'm not a civil engineer I'm not a defer to the experts in this subject just just a comment so uh I'd like to understand that the request for the uh wer for the 20% reduction um is it because you want to contain all the storm water from this road in Massachusetts or your inability to deal with it once it gets if it got to a little comp um Mr chairman the um the reduction um that we're that we're asking for um it's basically because we do not have um adequate room I mean a typical subdivision is a piece of land and it's a clean slate and you have the ability the engineers and all involved have the ability to move things around and and massage things and whatnot we we're basically constrained to this uh 50 foot wide strip of land by 225 ft roughly a quarter of an acre um we we're constrained by the existing topography at the boundaries of the RightWay and the property lines we're constrained by um meeting the grades to blend in with the McKinnon Drive driveway which we have with meeting the grade at Old Harbor Road and blending in there and putting in a proper leveling strip which we have um we've also also in accordance with the storm water management objectives we've tried to minimize uh the amount of clearing and land disturbance that we're doing um all that said it we've also got existing Utilities in the right of way too where the swes have to account for those there's an underground uh electric line in a utility pole that we're having to go around is a utility pole uh near the entrance that we have to also go around and leave safe clearance between the edge of the gravel and the and the utility poles so the the reason we're not meeting the full 20% reduction is is quite frankly we really don't have the room to be able to grade swes get the 20ft minimum gravel with the shoulders and grade the swes and and not be grading over the over the limits where we're allowed to um to do so um and and one thing I would say it you know the reg's called from five for 20% less than existing um we're providing a a de a net decrease in storm water of 5% but as I alluded to this is a very small piece of land a very small project the 100-year peak rate of flow is only 1.7 CFS the 25 year is only 1 1.1 I I think a lot of projects you see I imagine those numbers are much higher because you're dealing with larger land areas um so I just you know when we talk about percentages it also has some meaning if we think about the actual quantities that those percentages are derived from so the the answer is yes or trying to keep the storm water in Massachusetts oh sorry I didn't answer that pile of question um no the answer is no the existing storm water runs is generated in Massachusetts and runs into Rhode Island we're not altering that drainage pattern what we're doing is we're slowing it down we're providing water quality treatment where where none currently exists we're providing non-erosive conveyance where none currently exists um when that water does cross the state line into Rhode Island we will be dealing with that on on the Rhode Island project so um we we we will be addressing the decrease in the the storm water um so I don't know if I've answered your question fully sort of okay uh this is a public hearing so is there anybody here that would like to speak or ask a question good evening I'm Paula Cummings um I own the property for the right of way and I just would like to make a comment number one these people knew what they were dealing with when they bought this property so that hasn't really changed but I I'm not interested in having water dumped into our my property now to make it become because they can't somehow figure out how to keep up with the 20% reduce it to 15 and once it's done and once it's approved we don't have today our storms and not as they're different than what they were in the 100e storms I think as um Mr Schmidt that that's my my comment and that's you know I just don't want it The Dumping the water dumping into our prop my property it it seems to me I'm not the expert but it seems to me that they're doing what they can to keep the water from that constructed Road uh primarily going into the uh swes that are on the south side of that uh and traveling to the West uh where uh Mr daylor was talking about making sure that it goes underneath the McKinnon's driveway but I think it looks like there'll be less water than previous like today um because I think that driveway there doesn't have any kind of storm water uh things on it so everything that lands on it slides away and of goes on to your property it's all your property but I mean some of it travels more than it will travels away from it you're saying it it doesn't come across your property as much as it work today okay they the plan show that they're going to catch the water that's now running off the driveway and then run it into the McKinnon driveway and then onto eventually onto the project that they're building okay all right okay thank you thank you anybody else my name is Carrie McKinnon I um live at that property 155 Old Harbor Road Old Harbor Road in question um this is the first I've heard about the um POS possibility of pooling on our property um and um so I just want to express some concern again um as stated our um we've been there 30 years and um our utilities and what have you once we hit the state line come underground so um I have mentioned it um and I know um that was noted but again just some concern about um the plan and um you know how it would affect our property certainly and then um just one other question um um it was mentioned tonight about a a waiver for a road or a street changing the name I'm I'm not familiar with that so just wanted some clarification on that do you have a name for your drive by now um no currently um we just use the address 155 Old Harbor Road it's not a um any other name I find it really odd driving up old Harbor Road the numbers don't make sense it's very difficult yes I um I um we've questioned that over the years why Rhode Island and Mass didn't work together um today for instance I have a package that was delivered somewhere in Rhode Island or Mass I still looking for but um it's been the third one in 3 weeks so yes um that is um interesting but again um that's up and down the road certainly so so I I think the fire department would certainly like to have this unamed streen so our our fire department so they're the ones who are going to probably respond because it's even though it's in island is practically in Westport I mean it's the only way to get there is in Westport so so this would be considered a private Road in Little Compton then it would be a private road in Massachusetts in Massachusetts access say Little Compton right and um but we would retain our again probably DB question but a little Compton that's up to Little Compton and you I think I don't think that's up to us to number your house so I would assume it would stay the same I don't know or you could probably get a a number off of this new road if they if they're going to have numbers but but are you're totally in in little comp yes sir we are it's beyond my pay gr but again uh what's proposed here then it's a gravel road um Gravel Road okay thank you thank you is there anybody else okay then I would entertain for each individual uh waiver if I would entertain a motion so I can I I can read them off I don't know if you have them listed but um section so these these waivers are from the town of Westport rules and regulations governing the subdivision of land um with the board entertain a motion for section three a waiver from section 3B 3D to wave the requirement to indicate the proposed street name on the competive plan so all those in favor I section V D2 waiver to allow an increase of 01 acre foot of 10year storm water volume so second all those in favor I section vd7 waiver to allow a drainage design that does not achieve a 20% reduction of peak storm water runoff so second all those in favor I I section vd1 waiver to allow a drainage we less than 10 ft from an adjacent property boundary so move second all those in favor all right and section 4 A3 waiver to allow shoulder slopes in excess of 3 to one second all those in favor Mr chair I move that we close the public okay we have a second second all those in favor I I and I'd like a motion for approval Mr chair I we approve the motion with conditions Sor a motion with conditions there there are some recommended conditions for approval you want to read the conditions yeah so the recommended conditions are that um a so a restrictive covenant is necessary for this road because um a rural residential Lane cannot be transferred to town ownership must remain a private road um and so there following notes must be added to sheet one of two subject to a restrictive covenant form F dated to be recorded here with the Bristol County registry of deeds book and Page subject to a restrictive covenant form F rrl dated to be recorded here withth in the Bristol County registry of deeds book and Page um homeowners ass Association is necessary as condition of approval of this subdivision um the applicant shall create a properly fund homeowners association all purchasers of land within the subdivision shall be required to belong to the homeowners association the homeowners association ation shall be responsible for the maintenance repairs and plowing of subdivision roadways the homeowners association shall maintain permanent ownership of any drainage basins or ponds in the subdivision including all pipes and other AD tenant devices and shall have the permanent responsibility of maintaining repairing and replacing said Drainage Systems as necessary and the homeowners association document shall be reviewed and approved by the planning board in consultation with Town Council at the expense of the applicant and the homeowners association shall have an initial fund that is deemed satisfactory to the planning board in consultation with the planning board's technical consultant for road maintenance and snow removal applicant shall be responsible for periodic maintenance and snow removal until such a time a properly funded homeowners association is created and is properly functioning five construction work on the subdivision Road and utilities shall only be done between the hours of 7: a.m. and 6: p.m. Monday through Saturday six the rural residential Lane shall not provide access to more than six Lots in Little Compton Rhode Island and Westport seven the accepted street name must be included um on the ad built plan and then uh just to note the endorsement of the approval is conditional upon provision of a performance guarantee duly executed and approved to be noted on the plan and recorded with the Bristol County southern district registry of deeds in form of guarantee may be varied from time to time by the applicant subject to agreement on the adequacy and amount of said guarantee by the board can you repeat that please Mr chairman I I have a I would Mo to approve it but I have a question um and it's really a question for um the applicant u u this is our standard language do we approve rural residential subdivisions that form the homeowners association the homeowners association share joint responsibility for the maintenance of the road I I I don't I don't know is is are these houses going to be owned by the the the Housing Authority or I mean is there going to be a homeowners association that we vote that you have to have yes uh Mr chairman again my name is Patrick bone I'm the chair of the world Compton Housing Trust um it's certainly in the housing trust's best interest to ensure that this rural residential road is maintained uh over the long term at this point in time there is no specific plan uh for a homeowners association per se it is the intention that each of these four single family homes would be owned purchased by individuals or families and so so whereas the L Compton Housing Trust will retain likely retain ownership of the land on which these homes are built um certainly the Housing Trust will have an interest in ensuring um the provisions that Mr burus has recited I I just I just wanted to have that make for instance you were going to if it was the housing trust that was going to own all the homes and and and you my my point being that there may not be a homeowners association that's just on the other side of the Town line is just the land of the housing trust but um if if you're okay if the intend is to actually sell these to people then then I I think our language is okay thank you any anything further thank you Mr chairman I I would move that we approve the uh subdivision way with the conditions is read by the town title second all those in favor I I thank you thank you okay next is the 6:30 public hearing for 1180 American leion Highway file number 24-33 sp- liid the applicant is proposing to construct three storage buildings located at 1180 American Legion Highway map 28 lot 32f 32 J and 32h good evening to the board uh attorney M long here on behalf of the applicant KD LLC with our Engineers Sean leech and Ed peshy who's joining us via um teams or do you have all that may I can ED pesh that okay uh yes so as as the chair mentioned we're here because we are looking to construct three additional storage buildings at the premises known as 1180 American legent High Highway formerly the St George School um the intent here is to create additional storage as shown on the plan we have two additional buildings to the south of the existing structure Along American Legion Highway followed by Third building in the northeast corner um of the premises all for um additional storage the intent here is to um further develop and maximize the um property as the uh prior use was just grass and just sitting there um unused and so we are looking to develop and uh maximize what we can with the property here um as described I believe there are quite a bit of comments from both um our the town planner and we've reviewed the engineers reports from SW Cole and are aware of a few changes that have been requested um and are prepared to address any comments and concerns the board may have before um you know moving forward okay so I just want to go over one item um I think you've been to the zoning board of appeals yes we have to get approval to locate this in the aort for a Protection District that is correct correct okay we received a special permit from the zba um that special permit was on a slightly different plan we then went back before the zba and it has been explained to us that they would like us once we have completed our plan and site plan approval has been acquired by the planning board they'd like us to go back um for a final review and basically amend the special permit or renew a new special permit based on the um new plan the change most significant change from the plan that we shown at the zba hearing was um we had originally shown a drainage bation to the east of this third parcel I mean a third storage building but after um the calculations were completed for the drainage analysis we were able to determine that just one um drainage Bas will be necessary so um the zba felt that that was a significant enough change that they'd like us to go back our hope is that we can um button things up with both the planning board as well as conservation and then go back before the zba for the special permit as well as a uh waiver for parking requirements um the parking required under the zoning bylaw is used uh based on warehouse space and it requires a a bit more parking than we feel is necessary um and so we're going to be looking to get a waiver on that as well okay uh I haven't read that decision okay sorry about that but uh I give you the intended use is for stored correct yes uh I don't believe that that is listed in the table of use as an allowed use in the in in one in the town of Westport for the for protection or for the general use so we have a zoning bylaw which has the table AB use okay and it says specifically in there since 3 or four years ago uh anything not listed in the table of use is not in allowed use okay so I think if you're going back to zba uh you you might consider getting a variance from that or asking for various chw I don't I don't know if it was determined whether or not I I don't think that the zoning Bo had made a determination that it wasn't allowed use or not um I don't think it was before them is a question well just one thing that that I want to make clear is that the the planning board doesn't review the uses themselves it goes to the building I'm not saying that they have to get that before they come here sure so as far as I'm aware we are we are approved as an existing use for the storage um we've been operating as a storage facility here at this site for going on two years at this point and as far as we're aware everything is in compliance uh Ralph is well aware of the storage use that's there and um it's our understanding that everything is is as as it should be I'm we're not in a position to opine I'm just alerting you that understood in the zoning bylaw is not allowed here okay so um so we have a lot of questions here um I think the fire department is concerned that the access I guess to the back building or the side building to is too small we met on site with uh Lieutenant Darren noes actually on uh Monday of this week and reviewed the plans discussed everything and um as far as he's concerned everything is okay the main concern was that we had proposed a use of a gravel driveway here after discussions with the fire department they requested asphalt so it is our intent to to provide the planning board with an updated plan showing asphalt as opposed to gravel easier to maintain easier for Access for the fire department um Michael had uh commented on doing a oneway situation here where we access and and drive around the facility uh We've were in agreement with that Michael it might be easier if we go to the parking plan I think that's fifth on here this one one yeah um so accessing from here as it's currently accessed coming north by the existing structures looping around coming down through and then exiting to the South so it would be one way all access roads would be 20 ft in wi which is as required by the fire department um on the sides of these buildings we do have two driveways proposed uh Lieutenant NES actually expressed that this was unnecessary they um as long as they could have 150 ft of of reach so from the corner of the building here out 150 ft this building is 165 ft long so if they Park here they can get almost to the corner and then from here they can park here and get around the corner so he expressed that that was completely fine and that they were okay with that um as it was and just uh for notation the fire department expressed that they do not need to have access between the existing building and the proposed structures just that they'd be able to get in and around all the facilities so the even if it isn't a paved Road between the exist buildings and the new buildings there where the two buildings are this stretch here is it accessible by by fire apparatus in this area yes currently it it is a there's a concrete driveway and gravel here is our intent to show on the future plan after comments from SW Cole regarding Ada access um all of these buildings will be accr so there'll be Ada access from all the various doors here we wanted to add an additional Ada access off of this um proposed concrete driveway with a a handicap ramp here so if we do add the handicap ramp there there would not be um room for the fire apparatus to come through even at this point now it would be it'd be tight and as I mentioned uh Lieutenant Mo said that that would be okay if they don't need to drive between the buildings because again you know from here they can get in between here and here they'd have reach on all Four Corners all the way around okay so we have the letter from s Cole um do you want to go through that item by item or um I think Michael's report covers both s SW Cole's concerns as well as the towns it might be you know for sake of time it might make sense to go through Michael's report line by line I'll leave it to Michael sure so some of these might be touched on um I might talk about a couple things that are referenced about the engineers review my overview but just if I'm repeating myself just bear with me so the Consulting engineer is fine with the drainage the the drainage is discharged into Wetland um I would would recommend that the applicant follows up with the with mass EPA just to see if um it ni's permit is required because it is discharging the wetlands flow to the West River um so I would recommend that they follow up with that but otherwise the the Consulting Engineers find out the drainage um they noted that you have to note the underlying zoning District on the plan which I'm assuming is a reference to the aquafer Protection District it just needs to be put on a plan show the dimensions of proposed structures um show the Ada access to new facilities will they need to travel on the gravel surfaces that's been addressed by changing over to to Asphalt the operation and maintenance plans for all storm water systems on site shall be provided I think the the Consulting engineer missed the operations and maintenance plan because that was included with the submission so we'll have them take a look at it and approve that um for my report the contexts and Locust plans have to include the following additional information um a context plan provided that a scale adequate to show all structures within 200 ft of the subject site um as well as the North End of the site where there's the binous concrete driveway that provides access from Union Avenue um and then show any existing features at that connection so if there's going to be fencing or um alongside the driveway or a gate restricting access anything like that should be shown on the plan the zoning information block must indicate that the site is located with the aquer Protection District same thing the Consulting engineer said and the total area of wetland resource area should be um noted on the plan the existing conditions plan should show the general soil types um from the nrcs soil survey the development plan should include the following information any existing man-made features to be removed um I noted that the site plan shows that there's a playground on there so that's just example of um any feature that that will be removed should be noted on that plan any proposed features on the driveway providing access to the site from Union Avenue such as fencing Gates should be designated on the plan if that's applicable um a landscape plan must be included that shows the exact number and location of existing and proposed Landscaping showing number type and height of new plantings the applicant shall provide this detail for formal Landscaping installations um we don't need that for some of the for the existing um wooded area naturally wooded areas you know there's some significant vegetation in the wetlands area and we don't need them to go through and designate each individual Tree in those areas um so General delineation is is sufficient for those locations and then we do need building elevation drawings 20 um so for the parking and loading areas that's been addressed I had initially said that the applicant must provide for one-way vehicle circulation around the site or increase the width of the gravel travel Lanes providing access to each proposed building they were ranging somewhere between I think like 14 and 17 ft but now that they're being extended or being widened that addresses the comment um the landscaping and perimeter Landscaping perimeter buffer there's an area underneath the utility lines on the western property line that has significant amount of vegetation and the landscape plan does not show vegetation in this area so the site plan should indicate whether or not um that vegetation will be there or if it's going to be cleared indicate where it's you know that delineate the line of where it will be cleared too um and also recommending additional vegetation um so like a row of Shrubbery or small trees between the adjacent Residential Properties and the subject site um I also noted that the tree species used for the screening should be um should not reach a mature height that causes conflict with the overhead utility lines and the um the applicant is also providing I forget the name of the the species but the Evergreen species that they've proposed is not deer resistant and that's always a common thing when we have Landscaping come before this board is that a deer resistant species would be ideal so that Landscaping actually is able to grow and mature um so the additional buffer area along the street front edge that is included however as I noted the landscape plan must indicate the exact locations and species of each tree and shrub um plantings for screening shall beot added along the western the Western Property boundary um and then if clearing is to occur underneath that site that area has to be delineated accordingly there's some standards that the site plan rules and regulations spell out for tree plantings and that those are decidous trees must be at least 3 in in caliper um as measured 6 in above the root ball at the time of planting deciduous trees used for screening shall be expected to reach a height of 20 ft within 10 years after planning evergreen trees used for screening shall be a minimum height of 8T in height at the time of planting um just depending on how high those overhead utility lines are the board may need to consider a waiver if they're going to propose because you don't want trees that'll grow to a height of you know 30 feet and then cause conflict with the overhead utility lines um shrubs and hedges shall be at least 2 and2 in height at the time of planting and have a spread of at least 18 in and these planting standards shall be indicated on the landscape plan just as a a note in the landscape plan um as I noted the Len cypers the leand Cyprus trees um are located underneath the overhead wire um and those can mature to a height of 40 to 60 ft so that's going to cause cause conflict with the overhead utility lines um they're also not a deer resistant species the applicant shall indicate building entrances to determine whether adequate lighting is provided and we need to know the maximum height of each structure that should be added to the site plan I had a note on here stating that the rear set the rear yard setback was not adequate and that they were encroaching into that rear setback area but um that's not actually correct meeting the rear setback area um it's 26 ft they're within um or they're outside of that area I would also recommend that the planning board require um vegetations integrated with the drainage basin to create a bio retention area and that the proposed plant species on the site are native to the greatest extent feasible um this comment's pretty much been addressed this next one the the entrances of the proposed building shall be designed on the site plan in order to assess adequate pedestrian accommodations with it being a paved surfacing I think that better provides access to those buildings particularly as it relates to ADA compliance and lastly The Proposal requires a variance from the zoning board of appeals from zoning bylaw section 8.3.1 to reduce the required number of spaces I would support this variance um I find that the number of parking required parking spaces for storage use is unnecessary and that they're unlikely to be utilized if they're added to the site and then would just result in an unnecessary amount of extra Imperia surfacing which isn't great for local water water quality and as mentioned earlier discharge the site discharges to the Westport River um so be better to reduce the amount of excess in perious surfacing if there's an opportunity to do so okay um I have a question about the storm water um so I think the plan takes into account the additional uh proposed storage buildings for roof front off corre yes and it provides an overall reduction so what what is being discharged currently as opposed to post construction will be an overall reduction and our engineer Ed peshi can comment further on the um specifics of that if you'd like so where is the storm water from the roof run off now going all over the place essentially there's no it flow it flows South to North across this site oddly enough it flows we where you think it actually flows down the driveway and flows out to the other side and then kind of somewh it pitches into the grass on that side so are you grabbing a hold of this the roof drainage from those existing two buildings yeah the the drainage plan calculates and is pitched so that any any runoff that's currently going way now will be collected and um added to the is a requirement on the drainage for infiltration under the Protection District and we're mean the required infiltration is being met as part of the attenuation and the Westport River is exposed all the way no the West over here here it's a it's a wooded Wetlands from everything you see on the I don't know if you can see it uh the squiggly line light squiggly line yeah so that is the tree line that won't be basically will stay in place nothing's being disturbed the only thing being developed is exting grass what was the playground in play Fields school so that's not going to be done and everything is outside the 200t buffer just a quick note for Michael mentioned the uh vegetation on the side we didn't show it on the plan but we have no intention of disturbing or touching anything to that West he provides all the vegetation in front of the that good screen natural screen and um as for the cypress trees and we're in discussions with the neighbors right now to figure out what you know they would like and we're planning with them to put you know buffer trees on that Northwest side so do you have space between the road and the two new build to the South to put a buffer um there's like there are trees that exist in in this area now um it's not exactly a thick vegetation we could add Shrubbery you know to the South here along the property line if if you know the board saw fit um there I think I think the plan shows a couple shrubs being added but there is vegetation on there was another plan I don't know if I have it here there was another plan that show addition I'll pull it up so the Westport River goes underneath 177 to to the east of where you were yes this is the bridge oh yeah some additionaly there if you're familiar with the site our other site coastal storage up at uh 519 and 549 there's some plantings along the highway right along um right along 177 would be something similar to that and I haven't looked at maybe the large plants but do we have any idea what the mass of these buildings are what the mean how tall are they uh we do have the we didn't include those with the original plan but we will provide them um they'll they're the height will be comparable to what the existing school to the south south portion of this building not the height of the gymnasium so they will not be massive tall how how how do they function I mean they do these things with roll up overhead doors so the these two buildings specifically will be accessed um on the east and west with a common hallway down the middle um and so we're we're different than the rollup door facilities we're open 9 to5 Monday through Friday 9 to2 on uh Saturday so you're let in by an attendant and monitored during the time you're there it's not you know 24-hour access or anything like that um and so you basically would pull in you know if you're unloading into this building you pull up to the Loading door which is at grade and we have carts little dollies you come up grab a dolly and and wheel your things into the storage unit the attendant would open your unit for you and allow you to put your things inside currently this portion of the facility is operated that way right now yeah that was a school yes and renovated the interior of the school there's storage unit now where the classrooms were the concrete structure is still there but the storage units within it so are you going to uh terminate the um allowance of uh currently of boats and other vehicles that are outside of these buildings the intention is not we went through this with the zba um and one of the restrictions that they asked and requested was that we do no automobiles so they limited it strictly to boats and RVs to limit any potential issues with the aquafer um but the intend there is no it's not shown on this plan Sean and I have talked about showing that on the updated plan um some outside storage space along the uh outside boundary on the existing pavement if you're familiar with the site it's like that now there are RVs and campers parked outside so you're not going to use these Park these required parking spaces for that none of these will be used for that this is customer parking only the the only places where um outside would occur is essentially where they are parked right now along the uh border of the property yeah if there is outdoor storage it just needs to be indicated on the plan or you'd have to come back for a site y yeah we we talked about showing those spaces yep and um just the uh the road that goes out there's an existing road that goes north to Union Avenue that we're abandoning that essentially we have no intention of using that it's not been used we actually it's gated it's not shown but I actually have a note in here as you mentioned to demonstrate that there is a gate there um and we're locking that off is that part of your property it is actually the gas line for the facility comes in from uniona so we have to retain um ownership of that but in terms of use and and anything like that no we will not be using that for Access no okay that answer my question cuz I was going to say if the fire department intended to use that no we we discussed that with them that originally when it was a school um and you know they were set up for 300 students a day that I believe the requirement was there and that's why the access was but as a proposed use and and set up here the fire department um said that they were okay with us continuing just accessing it as demonstrated so there so one more comment on this parking requirement I noticed that um you know on the calculation um there could be as many as 42 spaces one space per thousand per plus two for the employees and U but uh you have 21 one and our planner has endorsed that you suggest that that's acceptable um meaning that I guess you don't have a lot of well let's say on a weekend uh on I'm so I don't know when your busiest time is but do are there more you know many how many units do you storage units are there and currently on site without the addition of these new buildings we have 60 storage units here with the additional the two buildings to the South will add an additional 90 storage units the building to the east we haven't determined that yet we're tossing around um a potential layout for that right now so over 200 units yes and so Sean actually provided a um report from Providence that we were the company of invol was involved because this is a new phenomenon the Self Storage thing it's become very popular and it's kind of uh it's not new I mean it's been going on for years yeah but it's becoming more and more and more and more you see Mill buildings and everything and most cities are having a hard time figuring out how many parking stages so city of Province did a study and you know they don't determine it as a warehouse use they determine that basically one space for every 50 units is what they require in their Zone I would just as you mentioned our busiest season so if you were to take just this building alone we've seen since I want to say September over the last three months like 40 people total and we on an average day a busy day between all of the facil this one the one located at 519 we might see five to seven people a day it's not a not a high use and right now our current facility has parking you know ultimately speaking if somebody comes to the storage they're not going to park over here and then walk and go use a unit over here somebody calls they say hey I'm going to come to my storage unit they show up they park near the door they unload their stuff and then they leave so essentially if if you had somebody which has never happened at every single door that would be the most busy you would see and typically that that's that has never happened and we've been open since 2003 and then just continued to add more units and like I said on a busy day you might see five to seven people um across all of the facilities so I I personally think the 21 spaces is even an over burden as Sean pointed out Providence is doing 50 you know one space per 50 units we could put 500 units here and that would be 10 spaces so and these are longterm rentals mostly yes yeah well it's month to month but most customers do stay for a long period of time yeah I remember years ago I was moving some furniture down here from Vermont and there's a storage area halfway Road near uh 140 Bo 148 yeah and I went in there to inquire about storing rening a storage unit and he takes me back to the office and he says he opens up a book and he says okay Mr Schmidt how long are you going to be staying here I'm not going to be living in this oh you'd be surprised you get some interesting requests that's for sure so uh the other question if you're going to be storing as you are now both and RVs along the western boundary how far away is that from neighboring houses in terms of like from the house itself to the uh proposed RV or from the property Lin it's right on the property line no I know that's why I couple probably about 150 to 200 ft we've met with on site with numerous of the numerous aers most especially um the the Olivers that are theth here um they abut the union a portion and had concerns about the lighting and some things like that and we met on site with them um and they expressed that they had no concerns about the uh storage being along the property line but we as we mentioned we do intend on putting some trees and you know creating more of a natural vegetated buffer there um as for this portion of it our nearest the butter actually here now Mr madus is probably about 500 ft to the Northeast um and we have two houses the Oliver here and then there is um Carol and na who is somewhere in potion if you can go to the UHC zoom in so you can see the exist sorry I no problem so you see the existing facility and the location of the houses in relation to where the storage space is here there's a wetland system over here this grade is probably 7 ft higher than the parking lot itself as the rest of most of the site is much lower than the highway you go by it so the headlights and things like that that are concerned typically aren't here because it's so much lower than the surrounding property and the RVs create even a little bit more of a buffer um from the lighting thrown off of the building so are are you going to give us a a light schedule uh that's included on the the plan that um Michael up right now there's a a list of the different lighting types there's no photometric or anything I I you believe there was a like a model shown with the throw and everything yeah it's it's down light it's all down down down it consistent with the facilities that are operating now all down lighting low uh low bearing LED lights and the entrance way how how's that going to look to the facility itself uh we will remain essentially the same with the addition of a security gate um right now we demonstrate the security gate here but after talking with the fire department we're going to bring that North just slightly to create a little bit more space for people exiting off of the highway and so there'll be the security gate will be here as well as addal exit gate here so that there'll be an entrance and an exit gate but in terms of on and off the highway it'll be exactly as it is right now and just briefly I wanted to point out um these are not utility lines I mean they are power but it's simply for the lighting the electrical service is actually here and it's underground so I think you need from the uh Street uh you need a adequate for a truck and a trailer yeah there there will be um right now this shows 38 ft to the corner here um but once we have it the gate will be over here it's probably more like 60 or 70 ft long um I can assure you we've actually we have a temporary gate up right now that we've tested and uh personally have pulled in there with a 40ft long trailer and truck and there's plenty room to park and open the gate Etc without hanging out into the street okay so we do have some comments from uh various boards uh conservation says uh unsure you have a file kit yep yep we aware that they're next on our list the assessors have no comment Board of Health has no comment um am iing out oh building has no comment or suggest approval um so how big is that sign how tall um I don't think we show I don't think we show a height it's 6 feet maybe the intention is to keep it low I five for the Post Yeah I think for the sign okay yeah five foot for the Post signs 5 53 by5 is it lit um I mean if we were to light it it would be the intention we are thinking is like a wooden sign similar to what's at 549 with the small uh lights pointed at it just to you know so you can read it but not like a lit street sign or anything like that and it's right on the it's where the existing if you recall montor had their sign along 177 right in the same exact spot I don't know if the sign is still there or if the posts are still there but a PO I think there is a post still there so if you're sitting in a truck will you be able to look to the west and see yes traffic yep absolutely yeah you have a clear sight line from here to almost here all the way down um in terms of this side you know you can see oncoming traffic as much as you can you know it does curve there so but the sign would be lower than you know the height of a car so you can't it wouldn't impede the see over it or yeah over it and around it it is set back I mean it's demonstrated here that it's like right up on there but I do believe it's set back a little bit more than has shown you'll be able to see clear when entering and exiting okay um comments questions for the board it's the public hearing so anybody would like to speak or you want to say something um yes chair I was struck about um how rather cartoon like these the submission is I I was struggling to figure out how wide are these driveways and how do you know no there were no dimensions on the building so um they this was all proposed to be gravel and now we hear that it's going to be pav I think it I think it it it I I can picture it functioning you know sort of oneway circulation around between these new buildings there's no spacing between the buildings um there's no dimensions on the on the pavement the drainage calculation um had these done as gravel roadways and yeah we we ran a Ed ran the numbers today it was ran it was only a 2% change between the asphalt and the uh gravel the reason for that being is when Westport has it written that the aquafer protection treats gravel almost as the same impervious surface as asphalt um so it's a very minor change in that respect as for the dimensions of the building and the roadways as I mentioned the intention is to provide an updated plan with um widths and uh you know dimensions and building plans for our uh next submission to you guys so so you you have revised drainage and revised Basin plan as well yes the Basin didn't have to change um the drainage calculations are essentially an addendum to the current calcul um as for any changes to the current drainage plan there really isn't any need um after the hydraulic calculations were completed it was determined that there is no need for um any real change here even with the addition of asphalt yep I want to confirm that can you guys hear me y i for the record I'm at pesi of pesi engineering we team with Northeast Engineers on the drainage of this and and Ma is absolutely right the little infinitesimal difference from gravel to Pavement because of the way the town of Westport forces us to look at the runoff coefficient full gravel was a very very small change and it did not change and will not change the size of the attention basement so all we need to do is provide your peer review consultant the updated um PD PDF have already provided Mac and show Mac and andan of that hydrocad report for the proposed change and we put a cover letter on it and we'll modify our onm plan that we provided uh because the onm plan talked about gravel road maintenance which we'll no longer need to do so we'll we'll edit that and send that as well does that address your concern Mr I think I don't know when I say it I'll know what it says so all the all the plans have been extensively dimensioned going forward off shuts to all the building Corners building sizes uh widths between buildings have all been Dimensions so the the big wetland to the east yes um it's hard for me to determine from this small map here where the western boundary of that is is that the 25 ft to the have you doted line the little FL I think it is the if you go to yeah so that's that's the Tre line uh the weap line so so the existing conditions show the weap flags which are just inside the tree line here's the tree line line conservation wants to see 25t no activity which be held uh as part of this uh it's line obviously uh we have conation for accepted but I don't think there's going to be a problem with it there someone else uh interesting enough the cring line runs one foot above the River Run because the city of flid owns the one foot the whole way but essentially the Wetland line kind of mimics the tree line V play right up against that's and be well essentially what you see in the grass area for the fields so do you know how many square feet of buildings you're going to have total uh 12 it' be 20,250 for the new buildings the two buildings along the southern border are 6,000 square ft each and the Northeast building is 8,250 the two Southern buildings are 60 ft by 100 and the building to the Northeast is 50 by 165 we have plan yes okay any more questions or comments from the board and I'll open it up to the public good evening board Robert Al 1185 American Legion Highway I live directly across from this sun side of nooke Village um only concerns I have is the sign I have people turn around on the driveway now not only you guys next door um maybe put on the opposite side of the driveway so they can see it a little better I'm going toit pick on a couple of things um that's easy to know that's lighting y the height of the lighting I know that's uh light pollution stuff yep um and the driveway it comes around the building comes out you do a hscap something like a fence cuz that's that's as you come in that's poting right at my house okay um yeah we we were going adust that with some trees and Shrubbery yeah just sound a little more solid than that cuz this type of everything yeah um was a lighting the entrance um I'm just thinking the ad is going to fast um currently you guys are using that for storage are they going to be able to work on anything in there absolutely not that's stopping that there's so that happened we actually addressed that with the zba there was a specific customer that we caught doing things that they should not have been doing on the site and they have since been removed and no longer storing anything onite um and is it still going to be used as basketball uh no the the that will be ending in the near future yeah after the season after the winter season I think that's it thank you thank you anybody else yes sir hi my name is John madus at 44 Union Avenue could you bring this down okay uh this is my property here um we had some concerns uh originally uh the two funds but that taken care of we have concerned with the excess Road being used all night long with head lights and what and that's been resolved they're not going to use that exess Ro uh the other problem we have is with the heights of the building which is not going to be any higher than what's there now so and he's going to put all special lighting facing down it's far more shining in anybody's windows at night so we had a meeting there actually and uh we resolved all my problems and I think all the neighbors problems and U I think they're going to be very good neighbors they were very accommodating and they took care of all our problems and I'm I'm okay with I think they're going to be thank you anybody else okay so we're going to need to continue to a date certain so I don't have a recommended date for when we should continue this too I think that's something that the applicant can I mean we would need to go out at least a month we could do two weeks but uh if a month is sufficient or two months however you you want to do it can first of all can we close the public hearing is that acceptable seeing as we've heard well you're going to be Chang in and submitting more stuff right we just so we can't okay um as for we were thinking a month just so that we could have time to address all of the concerns get a clean letter from SW Cole and um you know go we're going to apply to conservation so if we do it a month from now it means you got two weeks to do that right yes so that we have time two weeks to provide you with updated plans yep so we need two weeks for to look at it and come back to us yep we're we're just about ready to do that now obviously bringing it tonight wouldn't have made much sense so we have most of uh the changes already made and you have enough input from Michael and the board yeah we've we've been in direct contact with Michael um regularly and meeting with you guys today was was crucial um the applicant is requesting without you know any formal approval but just a notice um the building inspector has expressed that he would issue a conditional Foundation permit um for the southern buildings everybody is weighed in on that um conservation fire department planning zoning um and the applicant is requesting at his own risk with you know if if something were to come up and he would have to change it that would be his own risk and uh assumption that he uh is able to proceed just because before the weather comes in um and starts getting too cold to pour concrete if we could get the concrete slabs in and hold um before the next meeting hav't you already done this no the slabs are not poured right now the site has purely been graded but the grade has held and everything is in place and before the rain comes in and washes away all the work and you know grading that's been done um the applicant is requesting that the you know that that rain is coming tomorrow yeah as long as it's not like Noah Arc I think we'll be okay there but uh have you if you've been doing a lot of site work have you provided the uh adequate uh runoff Baals and Stu yes there's there is a bail all the way around the entire buffer of the property for all the wetlands um and the work that was completed that was completed back in August prior to um the knowledge of the applicant that we were in the aquifer and as soon as we were alerted by uh the building inspector that we were in the aquifer all work has ceased and nothing has been done in uh over three months now so the hope would be just to put the slabs in so that they can cure and sit there before the weather comes in so you're asking us it's not really an ask us you guys can't really say Yes um it's more of just a request um and you know kind of a nod from the board without doing it basically without doing it without anybody's permission to you know kind of allou alerting everybody to the fact that that would be the intent at the applicant's own risk Mr L I miss the property you come up to the microphone so when people look on TV they can hear what you're saying y what's that I'm uh Jimmy along I'm the applicant uh I own Coastal C Storage I also own the building uh as M K LLC um I'm asking for it because um when this project started I had engineering firm engaged with them last September give a take it was quite a long and soon as I got notified I was in acfer I shut the project down that day I pulled out all the equipment Ralph's here he'll acknowledge that um I shut it all down um haven't done anything there since uh the two pads that they're talking about might glad to show in the front um right now when we were getting ready to do it I was going with Ralph I was thinking it was going to be before you guys four months ago um but when we got into the aquafer it shut everything down and it changed everything calculations the engineers had to come in so it changed what we had to do um so what I'm asking the board i' ask Ralph if he would be able to give me a permit for just the footing and the slab at my own risk to put it in there to keep the project moving before the bad weather came in he said Jimmy I can give that to you um but you'll have to do it at your own risk meaning if this went sideways um it's at my risk I the project is a great project I'm a good neighbor I've been in this town uh since I was 16 years old not going anywhere the project um as far as I'm concerned with storage um light impact for the area to the neighbors couldn't be a better neighbor um so what I asked the board um I don't want to do anything without letting everybody know what I'm doing um that's where I've always done my projects so that's why I have um my son's my attorney but represent me but at the same time I don't want to do something well people know because when I started there was like what's he doing when I started that Ralph knew everything was going on I started just moving the dirt in the front which was legal under Tom bylaws what I was doing wasn't trying to supersede anybody but as soon as I found the problem I shut it down that's what that's what I'm trying to tell you um and I haven't done anything in three years well and done that thank you so I don't know what the opinion of the board is but what do you suggest Michael I would advise against it um any changes to the site plan will then require modifications to what's actually on on site um but we don't issue building permits so I I don't know but what what Authority we have to say I don't know what being asked to to say you know and then you know our job is to do the site plan review right essentially as he pointed out I think the main concern here was just making sure that everybody knew what was going on on the as much as little things have changed here and there the one thing that hasn't changed throughout any revisions and any thing that we've shown any board are these two Southern buildings they have remained you know where they are the fire department has commented on their location the distances Etc Express that they're okay so any minor changes are not going to have any bearing on the location of those two buildings so Code Enforcement Officers here you what he's going to give me that's the last thing that I'll say that's in the he's a Cod enforcement officer so well you're welcome to come up I'm not sure what we can do sou Town Westport uh the code that they the section of the building code they talking about is section 107.3 point3 phase approval I can give it to anybody for anything they take that permit at their own risk every house in this town gets a foundation only permit first before they get the permit to build a house that way if something goes south on the site when I get the asil I see it it's a season assist so in the same case with this D build these two buildings he wants to put these two foundations in at one time because of the weather uh he puts the foundations in at his own risk it's phased approval section 107.3 point3 and he does that but he also submits me an as bill from the engineer saying that the location of them to make sure it matches these plans and that way it stops at that it doesn't he doesn't get any more until he goes through this board and the board appeals to get the approvals then I work on the permits for the buildings I I can understand he needs to do need with uh winter conditions coming in and he's he's prepped and ready and I mean you stated it's at his own Peril I don't think we have anything to to lose by allowing them to do it and I appreciate that they notified us that they would like to do that right that's what this is all about to notify that that's what he wants to do he asked me to just I I could just issue him but I I said to him I just assum to see it go through the process first let it be known what's happening over there yeah I I think as Mr dor said we don't have any authority over this but and but as a courtesy you're notifying us that this is the route you're taking this is the this is the route I'll take with it only you know up to this point phase approval foundations only just so to put them in get them out you know they're in before the weather comes I don't know what everybody's concerned about we live in the Massachusetts Riviera it's so warm yeah changes tomorrow it'll be snowing so okay I mean there's nothing we're going to vote on I mean okay I'm I'm satisfied with the board we as mentioned this was purely to you know let the board know the intent are you going to be meeting Michael a month from now and I know the holidays against uh the next available hearing is January 14th we're we're booked on the 17th okay and that's that would be the next meeting that this could make is December 17th but we're booked for that so then the next one now is the 14th unfortunately of January yeah okay so so would you be ping concrete this week next week I don't think it be next week but some sometime hopefully the I can on theck I mean at least at that point we'll be able to get through conservation and address some all concerns before that so uh before we vote on the continuance uh the one thing that that I would like to see is a photometric plan a photometric plan for the lighting right okay so I haven't seen one so they could have put on if you have you don't have to do it yeah so we'll make sure we have that okay so I then contain a motion to continue to January 14th at what time 615 615 so move Mr chair second all those in favor I I I thank you to the board okay okay next back to the planner report U Municipal vulnerability preparedness 2.0 update on Saturday we're going to have an event with our MVP Grant group from 11:00 a.m to 2 p.m at the library the grant group has been doing public engagement on climate resilience over the summer and so to close that out of simar an early fall public engagement they've come up with um with the data that we've generated from that public engagement they've come up with three different project ideas um one of which is mapping and removing Hazard trees in Northwest Port second is providing emergency kit supplies particularly for hurricanes for those in need and then third is improving the town's social media platform and then having some relateded campaigns for issues like tick born illnesses um emergency preparedness resources and other forms of assistance so the point of this event is to be an open house there'll be pre food and things for kids to do and for the adults they can come vote on which project they think is the um the preferred one that would have the bigest impact on the town and then we would Implement that with Grant from the MVP program so that is Saturday and then lastly the our preliminary budget for town meeting 2025 I mean it looks it's the exact same thing I proposed third year in a row so um but I'll go down to it so Jim hartnet has given his preliminary approval of that and so we have to go to the finance committee to get the budget approved for town meeting 2025 Jim if you would like to go their meetings are 6:30 and they're still virtual the dates we can go are December 10th January 7th 14th 21st and 28th so basically every once a week in January and they are well let me look at my calendar they're Tuesdays too so that could be a problem be a conflict just they toid we still have all of our grant match for the Professional Services so that's good so the the one that you mentioned was the hazard trees in Northwest Port what's wrong with South well the the purpose of the grant is to in particular do Outreach in the towns environmental justice communities um which are communities that are less likely to have the means to deal with um resilience issues like that and so and it's a very small Grant too it's only $50,000 um if you're probably going to focus more on mapping than taking anything down just because depending on the trees that you're dealing with that money will go through very fast okay so I think we would start at Northwest Port focusing on the environmental justice Community then expanding outward from there there's money left over then we can go other places okay so this meeting is at the library on Saturday from 11 to 2 mhm and it is uh who's hosting it we're hosting it with serpent you know who is Ser serpent who Audrey Matthews okay it was um previously Danica was working on it but since they've hired on so many people she's moved up in the ranks and just now the head so it's been delegated to other stuff okay there Refreshments just for the out the big audience just refreshments and things for kids to do while the adults give us their opinion just stop by and submit your vote and carry on be good to get the feedback and and we'll we'll we'll also be doing a survey afterward but like to talk to people get their feedback on the different projects okay correspondence there's a construction report for Meadow Brook Farms which is um subdivision on granite Post Road they've installed the surface course asphalt surface course of the roadway there's a series of photos in your pockets um Derek Derek mow d from SW call was out on site and um to to witness the installation of the asphalt service course as well as some of the sidewalks in that neighborhood he didn't have anything to report on it it was just more of the status update but there have been a number of different um recently a number of different subdivisions so I think there's been a push to get the sidewalks completed and the top course of the road installed guess in anticipation of petitioning the town to take over those roads um but we haven't received any petitions to take over anything today so it's nice to see somebody putting the top Cod on in doing the sidewalks at the same time even though this is probably 20 years in the making here I think 97 98 that's long yeah I was doing phase two in in West Point meows when I was being built so anyway it shows it can be done uh maybe you to send these pictures to Kori get the idea hey It Isn't So Hard um that's good uh minutes of June 18th lot of pictures yeah so the minutes of June 18th those should be familiar those are minutes that the the planning board um did not have an adequate list of exhibits in those minutes and so there was a complaint to the Attorney General's office about it not complying with the open meeting law this was found to have an open meeting law violation and we were issued a finding we were ordered to then modify the minutes with some guidance from the Attorney General's office to ensure that it's compliant with the open meeting law and so obviously make sure that future minutes will meet those specifications um but I have sent those particular that particular draft of the minutes to the Attorney General's office and they said that that would be sufficient for sufficient for the order so a motion to this is a sorry just CLI I understand this is the second revision we're looking at and I can't see what what's been revise is it just U is it just adding the uh the documents list of documents or is there more um I think a previous iteration set list of attachments and it should be a list of documents and Exhibits okay so I entertain a motion to approve so move second all those in favor minutes of October 29th for [Music] Mr chairman I think these reflect the uh the meeting and I would move their approval we were both absent so yeah y can we we only have two people the draft minutes have been they've been posted online right okay so just after this meeting post the draft minutes on the planning board's web page and then we can table this one until we have okay let table that one that'll be the case for the executive session minutes as well they're very good me I mean they're very good minut and uh I learned a lot about meeting it's was very efficient an hour and 3 minutes it's a record that was a quick one okay um so we're going to pass over the Executive session minutes yes same matters not reasonably anticipated within 48 hours um just to to let people Manny already knows but I alerted the select board on Monday night that we really need to look after the dead trees before somebody gets killed so I think uh hopefully we'll have it on their agenda for the next I think also I I had a request in this I thought we had a tree warden so I I think it is highway so but I mean obviously highway is way underfunded but I mean $50,000 Grant to map this stuff would go a along way in Highway's pocket would they own a bucket truck and they probably could take care of a lot of this stuff but okay so i' like tending a motion to return so move second all those in favor I I and our next meeting is December 3rd is that correct yes yes e