uh it is 602 or 6:01 I'd like to open the regular planning board meeting for Tuesday March 19th uh we are being either broadcast or we're being recorded or both all three going all three going okay um first up is uh administrative items approval not required anr for 1193 American Legion Highway file number 24-5a request by the applicant to combine a portion of land located at 1193 American Legion Highway assessors map 33 lot 47b with 1177 American Legion Highway map 33 lots 43d and 43f is there somebody here for that please identify [Applause] yourself Jeremy Jeremy Holden and we on 1177 and your address is that your address too okay um a long time like 30 years ago my father and my uncle came to the agreement of that piece of property Changing Hands it was never fully filed with it was filed with the town but uh registered in the Deeds mhm so we pulled the permit 3 years ago to put that garage up we had it inspected the whole N9 yards the plan that we went by matches it has like an instead of being straight across it has an angle to it we never knew until November that it wasn't finalized legally so the garage that we put up is on actually on my uncle's property and nobody knew about this until my uncle redid his will and his lawyer picked up on it okay we came to the agreement the line that they came with was this corner to that corner mhm my uncle agreed to sign over that portion of it if we made it square and he still had 2 Acres of property so we hired the surveyors to come in and blay it all out and that's exactly what he has he has 2.01 and then we have just enough that back corner is 11 ft for the property line to the garage so the survey said it met all the requirements and the garage is already up it's finished his power we've had all the permits pull for and everything okay so that that building that we see there the square one is the garage you're cing 11 ft so parcel a is going to become part of lot one or part of lot is going to become part of his lot this right here becomes part of this lot that Big Lot okay yeah this was my uncle's house this is our house okay and where exactly is this it says Branch Westport River yeah um you know the old Monas School the old Monas School directly across the street where the old prob used to be with h left okay they touch the nooke village on yeah that's yeah that's the r okay all right uh planners yep so the frontage remains unchanged for both lots and the applicant Frontage is on American Legion Highway which is a public way certified by the town clerk um the creation of parcel a to be combined with 1177 is located to the rear of the property and therefore the frontage oh I already said the frontage is unchanged on board properties um there's no change in the creation of any way relating to this proposal there's no proposal of installation of Municipal services and the shift of the lot line creates parcel a in order to take place the existing garage I'm sorry I'm reading um so I have I have one question so when I go on GIS it looks like part of the garage is almost on one of the property lines no okay the the proper the original detail we had was like I said that angle so we didn't even have to worry about it yeah when we walked it that dotted line is actually the property line okay so it's when we thought it was a lot closer to it but when they surveyed it they said it was the lines that we had on the drawings that we had were close Okay then the assessors just looks like it could be part like yeah I saw the same thing but when we had them survey it the lines you have are accurate okay the ones for the town I asked the same question and she said that it's the A View From like the cameras it's not exactly perfect okay and there's three different like my the The Neighbor Next Door had it surveyed my uncle had a surve then I did yeah and two of the surveyor had different lines mine surveyor matched my uncle's surveyor okay that's fine I just have that question it doesn't matter um because both of the lots are still going to remain over 60,000 square feet you have over 30,000 square ft of continuous up LS on both and so you're not making this lot um non-conforming or taking away from the other one so it meets all the criteria for anr I recommend that it be um approved it also has like that parcel a is not a buildable lot so that was required the plan so okay okay um any questions comments yeah um yeah the plan stamp by registered l so deps what GIS is off a little bit sometimes so nobody that is true okay so then I would entertain a motion uh Mr chair I move to approve the endorsement of the plan and titled approval not required 1193 American Legion Highway assessors map 33 lot 47b Westbard Massachusetts because the plan complies with the provisions of Mass General law chapter 41 section 81p second all those in favor I I thank you next is approval not required anr for 512 River Road file number 24- o6a request by the applicant for endorsement of a two lot plan to reconfigure land located at 512 River Road assessors map 87 Lots 61 and 61a thank you Mr chairman um good evening my name is Mark bu with bu and Associates um and I'm here this evening on behalf of my clients uh Brian and Kristen meany who own the properties at 512 and 510 Riv Road and the plan we have before you this evening is merely to reconfig about the current lot lines between the two existing Lots the old lot line to be deleted you See's been highlighted in red on your exhibit here and the new lot line that we've created um to contain the existing house the the new house basically which is the large one to the East and what we show as being the cottage which is the melan's intent to modify to become an accessory apartment to conform with provisions of the U accessory apartment bylaw in town um they've already spoken with Ralph at the building department about what would need to be done uh in the past and then five the existing house at 512 is to remain in the past the melanes had um proposed to demolish one or the other uh of either 512 or 510 in order to be able to build a new house um we filed two plans that reconfigured lot lines um because of a a basically the the Millan lived there for years and years and and um there was uh a family issue about raising the house out front near river road so Brian who owns both Lots basically um had conveyed on one of the plans had conveyed a piece of property um to to the South to the neighbor of the South um which resulted in order for him to be able to leave 512 there he had to take off an enclosed Sun porch to meet the setbacks um and in this instance with the lot lines we're creating there are going to have to be some modifications done to the existing Cottage so that he can get a special permit um from his Z board in order to qualify uh as an accessory apartment but the plan we're showing this evening shows two Mons does not alter the frontage they both have conforming Frontage in area and up in area um to qualify and we are requesting that the board vote to endorse this plan as approval not required okay planners so lot six fronts on River Road which is a public way certified by the town clerk lot seven fronts on Rosemary's way which is a way sh on a plan that was approved and endorsed in accordance with the subdivision control law so that meets the standards lot six has 15010 fet of Frontage along River Road and lot 7 has 18.86% currently no proposed installation of Municipal services to serve such land in the building erected on the properties Rosemary's way is a private way that will remain unchanged adequately provides for the needs of the current use of the land which is residential lot 7 has an area of 146,00 Ft lot 7 has an area of 69593 sare ft and the West Branch of the Westport River is located to the right of both Lots however there's no of the properties um so just in regards to an anr endorsement the plan does meet an anr uh standards so does it also comply with other bylaws for instance the lot configuration [Music] bylaw because uh it seems that there's a cottage in the way of the 50 fot Circle that goes from the frontage to the house yeah um so we do recognize that there's two single family homes on it which is a violation of zoning section 7.1 The anr Proposal would eliminate the violation for the parcel at 512 River Road but then it would shift the violation to 510 and there would be two single family homes with the large new house and the existing older house currently on the parcel um so it meets our guidelines and stand standards however I don't know what that would do for um future zoning violations so I just want to note that the determination that the planning board is making is whether or not this is an approval not required the zoning issues um are a separate consideration that are you know that's the perview of the building inspector this plan does appropriately indicate that it that um in in the right hand corner beneath the signature line that an Endor ement of this anr is not necessarily an endorsement of compliance with the town of West portan bylaws and when you're saying that with the Westport town and Westport zoning bylaws you would include the lot configuration bylaw that that is correct and uh I I looked up the approval for this rosem Murray's way 2007 2007 and and um it was approved with uh the stipulation that there be a road sign for Rosemary's way uh and there is not it allowed them to stake the road uh but not to build it so um there's two questions I have and they're really for for Ralph um the Big Stone Boulders or posts that have been put in there I think really violate the opening of the road the width of the road as it as it comes into River Road uh and there really should be a sign for Rosemary's way because now the big house in the cottage uh their address will be Rosemary's way not River Road finally Mr chairman I I don't um I don't know what the addresses are going to be ultimately if they're going to be assigned that that would be up to the assessor um Department I think in the past if I'm not mistaken there was a sign for Rosemary's way um I think shortly after the as you said the the condition of the planning board to approve Rosemary's way waved any further construction they required us to bond it which we did and I want to say I thought was a sign put up at the time now whether the sign may have come down or not um I'm not sure I'm not sure the answer that as far as the lot width I know there are some changes coming up in the future uh at the town meeting for Zone um shape I believe that the requirement as it reads right now is 50 ft minimum um to the minimum building setback front building setback which would be 25 ft into the lot and the lot does conform with that as I've got shown no it would be I think it's 50 ft to the front of the house you can look it up I may be wrong but I thought that's what it was the street line to the street setback line front building says front building line so those two sort of conflict because the street setback line is definitely defined as being 25 ft in West for the front building line I guess it depends on what building you pick oh yeah I think it if you pick the cottage I think it complies well but the lot wh there is 512 ft right now I mean there could be other you know physical obstacles I think within that area it could be trees it could be Boulders I don't think it m violates the lot shape requirement that's really up to Ralph to determine so not up to us okay so any other comments question I have a uh there looks in the U sat light picture like there is a indication of a driveway but on the plan is there a a driveway on the uh Northern lot indicated from Rosemary's Baby Oh I don't mean Rosemary's Baby I mean Rosemary's way we don't show the location of the drive you don't show it is where where do you put it how how do you get to the big house I think from you see in the a I think it currently comes down and swings on to lot six and then it goes the uh the driveway goes on to uh Ro on to the lot six yes but they own both Lots so we couldn't create an easement at this time because they basically can't create an easement to yourself yeah if at such time as they were to convey lot six then easement would have to be created to maintain and I know uh Rosemary's way was approved uh what did you say Jim 207 but this is I mean it makes a joke of of Frontage requirements and this is why we're trying to straighten it out straighten it out because if you have things like this why in the world world do you have Frontage requirements and so on it's just I mean people have rules and then they have sharp Engineers to get around every rule you have so this is why we have things like this and yes the address should be Rosemary's way and there should be a big street sign that says this is Rosemary's way it's not River Road and another question for the planners I mean the driveway looks like it's going to cut across lot U the the southern lot uh do they need a a shared driveway permit or shared driveway if they're planning on converting it into so there may be modifications to the the existing Cottage on on the North End of the lot that may need to occur so I don't know what kind of modifications that are being considered but if it were found to be an accessory dwelling you wouldn't need a shared driveway for an accessory dwelling and a single family you would or would you would not would not no I'm saying do they because they're Crossing another lot do they need a Shar driveway because actually I think the driveway for the for the house on the road is going to cut across lot seven as well so neither one of them access it from their own property I I think at some point the laes have discussed having a separate driveway constructed to serve 512 directly off of River Road to avoid having to do a shared driveway for the M house okay any more questions comments so we have the uh planner's recommendation on this right we going over that yep you want a motion Mr chair please I move to approve the endorsement of the plan entitled approval not required plan of land in Westport Massachusetts prepared for Brian and Kristen meany because the plan complies with the provisions of Mass General Law chapter 41 section 81p second all those in favor I I okay thank you very much next is approval not required for 521 American leion Highway file number 24-7 a request by applicant for endorsement of a two lot plant of land located at 521 American Lee and Highway assessors M 66 lot 18 uh good evening Sean Le Northeast Engineers for M long uh this is a big lot existing now lot 18 one lot has two existing commercial buildings on it uh the commercial Zone goes right alongside this building what we're doing is we're creating a lot on the residential side of this uh that meets the frontage and area requirements and also 11t offset to the existing building which meets the offset requirements of the building so the two lots both meet the requirements of Zoning for a frontage area and so this is right where's the American Legion Highway americ leg Highway okay what's the Shaded area show us a shaded area is an access eement is that for the benefit of lot the 182 182 yeah yes and mck is an approved subdivision way is approved subdivision way believe 2007 uh 2003 well what's the purpose of the access easement if you already have access on the uh north side of that building or don't you the long thin building between the two buildings oh on 182 you have 11 ft between the two buildings no no go to the on between the two buildings on 182 lot 182 yeah isn't there access to get to the long to the uh southernmost building yeah they use this some of this is used for storage right now and they want to continue using it the back side of it yes uh the South Side gu South Side well I assumed there was access from the north side yeah but you need both is access to both buildings okay so these are commercial buildings yes you might famili there's the condos here the store the uh got the market is here and then there's another storage building back here I think you've seen these condo buildings over over the years there number of Condo building joh mon designed these are the the commercial condo build cor not not residential no correct yes so now I know where it is so can you describe again why we're doing this the zoning boundary res commercial B right up alongside the building y ideally that would be the best place to put it for that you wouldn't have to the offset to the building could me zoning requirement so you to shoot them over shoot them over you have to make a little kick in the line to make it meet their error requirements I see so he's going to uh develop lot 181 or sell it or something I would 181 I would imagine yes okay so that's why you're you're moving it over okay I got you any comments questions planners um so as for trade in the plan both Lots will have adequate Frontage they already do and they'll have adequate um area and Uplands So the plan presented meets the criteria to endorse for an anr okay uh uh if nobody has any questions i' entertain a motion Mr chair I move to approve the endorsement of the plan entitled approval not required uh ap66 lot 18 521 American Legion Highway West for Mass because the plan complies with the provisions of General Law chapter 4181 B second all those in favor I I you thank you I think next is Rosewood [Music] Lane well next is summer schedule discussion so that's very important it is so who's going to read off so I think that right now we usually do one meeting in July and one meeting in August and I think as we have it right now we have three scheduled in July and two in August so whichever um if if you all feel like either bringing July down to one or two and bringing August down to one that that is yeah I would be in favor I I would suggest eliminating at least July 2nd um not to make them too spaced out um the last one in June is on the 18th so a month later it be the 16th about okay so which one are we eliminating for August i''s say this for August oh are we still in July still in July I'd say the 2nd and the 30th okay and then in August I would suggest limiting the 27th but be open to anybody else's want a motion sir that's fine I move to eliminate the planning board meeting scheduled for July 2nd July 30th and uh August 27 second all those in favor I I okay uh next is uh Rosewood Lane file number 23-39 c endorse certificate of approval form C1 and myar um I can I can grab those from the office I don't know just approval though yet for if it's if it's cleared um from the town clerk for the appeal period is that 21 days from from when from when it was filed in the cler was it filed yeah it was filed [Applause] [Music] we can go well we can pass over it until we're clear yeah okay so uh next is Stacy Lane file number 20-2 c Li Spa endorse form O Part paral release of Lot 10 and release shity reduction is there somebody here for that okay I had talk to Mr olera earlier today he said he would be here for this um however regardless the applicant is requesting the release of Lot 10 which is 18 Stacy Lane and a reduction in charity for the roadway from 100,000 to 35,000 um s SW Co performed a site inspection and verified that the roadway bounds have been installed in accordance with the as builts provided SW Cole recommends the release of Lot 10 as well as a reduction in cash charity from 100,000 to 50,000 uh outstanding items remain of infiltration Basin silt removal and Grading and their roadway right of way and clde set grass growth and slope stabilization so staff recommends that they that the release of Lot 10 Stacy Lane as well as a reduction insurity from 100,000 to 50,000 as recommended by the town's consultant engineer until the full project completion is obtained with satisfactory grass growth within the roadway RightWay and stabilized slopes and infiltration infiltration Basin reating work okay are there any comments from the board questions so he had requested a reduction of 65,000 and uh staff uh based on the review says instead of 65 it should be 50 yes um you want to motion Mr please um I uh move now it does this release Lot 10 from the Covenant your motion would yeah okay so I move to approve the release of Lot 10 from the Covenant for the subdivision known as definitive residential subdivision Stacy Lane off Fisher Road Westport Massachusetts which was dated November 23rd 2020 uh additionally we will retain $50,000 insurity second any comments um yeah I mean i' I'd be willing to vote in favor of this however I'd just like to make a point on some of the things that going on on that project um so we're releas we're releasing that lot but my feeling on the amount of shity that we did hold we should remain that till we could get a complete sign off on the project but um I would be I'd be willing to vote in favor of the motion at the table okay uh anybody else all those in favor I I any opposed okay thank you okay next is inheritance Lane file number 23-01 c endorse form G for short yep so um back in January the board voted to accept SW Cole shity estimate of $133,000 for the roadway completion and Associated work and since then Derek has gone out he went out on March 12th and did a site inspection and saw what has been done the applicant is now seeking a reduction insurity due to the ongoing work that's been done and so I included it with my report in the paper form SW Cole um provided a report on this yesterday with an update and pictures and so in his report he is recommending that the shity be reduced and that the new amount is $65,500 that we hold okay uh any comments questions I'd entertain a motion so uh I don't see this in our it's not written up to do so I'm looking for your report inheritance oh so this is just a reduction in shity yes we didn't have the the report until yesterday so wasn't including the packets so Mr chair I moved that on inheritance Lane based on the uh the recommendation of s w Cole and our staff that we um reduce the shity to [Applause] $5,550 is there a second second second where is this this oh where is that uh Old Pine and Pine hel that's the Dean family The came for us skip G Grant Dean yeah the dean families yeah oh yes yes I remember this for this is an old way that the UPS trucks would get down and get stuck at the bottom of it it shows up as a street now it's it looks like a street I my only my only thing on this is I mean I'm looking at it looks like they they really just need to start getting some growth in there I'm sure they're trying to put the shy up to um stop building yeah I think the sh might be a little excessive I wouldn't reduce it from the engineer recommendation so this is the gravel way right [Applause] so we're still looking for a second second had second it okay I'm sorry all those in favor this one this has to be I want one more one more question on um cuz again like the utilities the big Parts the 34,000 so I'm sure they're going to probably extend utilities you might want to let them when they know when they come in maybe if they get the utilities before they get their building permit they might want to come to try to get a reduction cuz I know it's the family building houses for themselves out there yeah it'll be in tomorrow so let know okay so next is the 615 public hearing for Corey Ridge Estates this is continued this is uh file number 23- 035c continued from November 14th 2023 and January 23rd 2024 request by the applicant to consider a definitive subdivision plan entitled definitive subdivision Corey rdge Estates located at 265 Cornell Road AP 81 Lot 4 proposing to divide the property into four Lots the applicant is requesting a continuance to a later date yes so we had just received revised plans for this and it's they're currently being reviewed by our Consulting engineer but the revised plans didn't meet the deadline and so we don't have a review for them which is why that they requesting a continuance okay um on the continuing sheet I just put a date of May 21st of 2024 uh just to give some little room to schedule out the next couple of public hearings that are continued on our agenda so what time what do you mean if we're going to continue it to May 21st you that would that could be a 615 615 on May 21st you want a motion please uh Mr chair I move that we continue Cory Rich Estates uh to May 21st at 6:15 second all those in favor I uh next is the 6:30 public hearing for 435 old Harbor Road file number 23-37 sbaa this is continued from January 9th of this year and January 23rd of this year request by the applicant to consider converting the existing residents into an adolesent education and housing facility uh but their request here is is for site plan review uh and so uh the applicant is requesting a continuance to a later date yep um so for this project we have not received revised plans at all and we currently um still need funds for the Consulting engineer that have not been submitted by the applicant we asked for additional funds probably about a month ago um I spoke to the applicant probably a little bit over two weeks ago he said he was going to place the check in the mail but we have not received anything and we cannot get in touch with him okay we'll give them one chance so what what date do you want to pick we could put this on May 21st if you'd like okay 6:30 or yeah yeah you want a motion please I move to continue the public hearing for 435 old Harbor Road to May 21st at 6:30 second all those in favor I I do we have time for this I mean is is their application expiring we have a we we've had them consent to extending yeah okay don't we need to vote on the extension not for that one not for a site plan it's just special permit so that's the next one okay okay so next it is about 6:45 the public hearing for salty Breeze Inc file number 23-32 sp-sp RM continued from October 17th and December 12th of 2023 and January 23rd of 2024 request by the applicant to remodel the vacant parcel for a recreational marrow dispensary the applicant is requesting a continuance to a later date so with this project I believe what we're waiting on is a traffic study and we have not received that yet um and we do not have any revised plans either so um they're requesting a continuance to a later date uh what I wrote on here but also you can extend it if you'd like I put it also up until May 21st you think three in one one day is too much let's just in because it's all from the same engineering firm so we should move it to a different date that's fine I just I just put that for wiggle room our engineering firm or somebody oh they're engineer June 4th it's all Northeast Engineers so don't want to Stack it with all yeah same you want to do June 4th sure at 6115 yep want a motion Mr chair please uh Mr chair I move that we continue the public hearing for salty Breeze Inc to June 4th at 6:15 second all those in favor I all and do we need to sign the time extension yep just you okay um uh next is the planner's reports I'll go first cuz mine's a lot shorter than for um so I basically covered all the stuff already but I did want to just also mentioned that the town had partnered with buard Bay Coalition uh specifically Jason Claremont helped with the application process to advance the replacement of three undersized and deteriorating culs on cold water streams improve a critical and vulnerable Habitat to our Coastal ecosystem three culverts were Cornell Roa Angeline drip Road at Lions Brook and drip Road at Snell Creek and last week we just um received news back that we will receive $50,000 in funding and that'll be put towards the initial steps uh with data collection and Survey work um Michael and I have a call or even a meeting with Jason Claremont of Buzz Bay Coalition leader this week to go over the next steps for that good right the first item on the planners report is the hazard mitigation grant program this is a grant that we were awarded last year due to some delays in getting the contract issued we're just now getting started on it and so I released an RFP in in late February proposals will be to on March 27th so hopefully the contract started in May of this year regarding our online permitting grant grant our RFP closed on Friday last week and we received eight proposals six were eligible to be reviewed and so Amy and I will be reviewing those and issuing a decision on who we will contract with um sometime next month it would be a two-year contract with whichever firm we select regarding the national Co resilience fund I am coordinating a joint application with EA engineering there well it's a joint application with the towns of Dartmouth and Little Compton and we're working with EA engineering um which is a firm that we've been talking to about various Coastal resilience issues over the past probably eight months or so and um we've settled on on applying to this this grant with um to develop a coastal resilience plan that would identify particular projects that we could then go and search for Grant funds to actually get a project off the ground um so again I've met with the assistant Town manager in Dartmouth I've met with the Town Administrator in Little Compton they're all on board so we're partnering with them just because if you take a regional approach sometimes that'll give you a little bit more of an edge and the review process so we'll be hopefully developing there's there's a pre-application that's due in the beginning of April and then if you're invited to apply to the full application um we'll know that later later of the summer and who are we replying to the National Coastal resilience fund so EA is is heading up this application for good so yeah they they um they assist municipalities with these types of Grant applications who may not have some of the the Staffing capacity to apply for those grants and hopes that then they're awarded and then they can subsequently bid on those those grants once they get released to so does this mean that there are locations that might be picked in each of these three towns so the way it would work the way we've discussed it with those towns is that there' be a a plan for each be taking a look at we specifically um picked Dartmouth and Little Compton because there are more rural communities um west of New Bedford that are also in the Buzzards Bay Watershed and so be taking a look at all those communities looking at what kinds of projects could Advance Coastal resilience and and recognition that you Coastal resilience isn't it's obviously Bound by Municipal boundaries um there's an opportunity to look at Cross jurisdictional projects as well so each municipality would have a representation in that um study much in the same way that Buzzards Bay has done Regional studies and then called out particular municipalities in that study would be a similar sort of approach each municipality would be responsible for doing their own public engagement um I volunteered to at least administer the grant do all the do do the procurement process which Jim is okay with Jim hartnet Town Administrator he's the chief procurement officer and so he's okay with us administering the process and coordinating the grant across the municipalities next is the municipal vulnerability program um I'm considering that this is depending if I can find the time later on next month in April to apply for this but the um the head of Westport is an area that floods frequently during southernly storms and high rain events and it's particularly um it's tends to be worse when these weather events coincide with high tide so it seems like given that there's that there's a bridge um over the Westport River there it's an area that floods frequently ly be a good candidate for having a vulnerability assessment done and so if I can again if I can find the time to do this I think it would be really beneficial to look at assessing that that bridge for its vulnerability and then also assessing some of the surrounding area um for how we can improve resilience during those flat events CH I like to make a comment on that one there's there there you should be able there a Mass Highway inspection on that bridge so should probably get that okay I would think that would be an issue for the hazard mitigation playing too because if that bridge goes out it's awful hard to get fire trucks on the other side of the river yeah I think if you get in touch with Highway he's he has that copy from Mass Highway Chris okay yeah this was by the way this was something called out in the original MVP Grant might want to mention that it's already in in one of our Janu one of the three storms we had this winter the water was up to the River Center was completely around the kayak please mhm yeah I reached out to them when I started thinking about this it actually I'd heard about flooding um not last week but the previous week that there was some flooding with the high rains and because that coincided with high tide there's flooding and I was like this this is something that we should take a look at through this program especially because the the rfr just was released so it's rushing my mind but yeah and I would think that the the West the east branch uh in a very hard southerly storm acts like the day of funding the more wind is pushing the water up in there it just gets higher and higher all right an update on our Contracting with MBL Land Development we've uh signed that contract so they'll now be in our rotation for Consulting Engineers so it's it's nice to have um an alternate in case field engineerings unavailable or they have a conflict of interest it's always good have all right next is an update on the hibridge landing renovation just a reminder that there is a public meeting for that in here tomorrow um and the plans are up here but what this plan is showing is that the the site will be modified with some castal renovation measures storm water management area they'll be Paving the parking and and regrading the parking area and reworking how the site is configured a little bit to accommodate more parking on that site so I'm not directly involved with this although I've been coordinating things with the landing commission um and so if there's any interest you can go and me will'll be assisting at that Mee and the source of funds to make this happen was uh I can't recall off the top my head it was some sort of Maritime Grant why uh why had they deciding to have impervious surface where there isn't impervious surface now it is easier to manage spills of polluting so that's what I was I'm not also probably the stone water you manage the stone water you know I think it would increase runoff the what they're going to do again it's now it's going to be directed into catch basins and more than likely a storm scepter more than likely a storm what scepter be a couple different basins that the storm will be direct to directed over here and rear the site it'll come through here flow up towards this water management area and then eventually discharge towards that coalation area so there'd be some treatment areas before it enters the river so this would be required to come before us as a site plan it will require a site plan review before the planning board because of the increase in number of parking spaces are they proposing are they proposing a new ramp what that are they proposing a new ramp two uh a new ramp it shows two but it's one or the other that's one yeah so there are two docks under consideration under under this plan so it be one believe the ramp will be new as well I see yeah the ramp is and the ramp is new yeah the ramp is in poor condition I know John you sample there right I yeah I do my water sampling there and you know I've never seen the the parking lot full but uh but the uh you know the ramp is heavily used and the dock is used in walking out on the dock at high tide is right yeah you get your feet wet you know so and the dock is is configured now I've rode off that a lot and um you know it's it's very close to the the channel opening under the bridge yeah so you have to be you you could catch yourself on the wrong tide and be you know option A is probably better get the bridge how about for the facilities because one of the things I noted we've had a little bit of issue down there with the portter John yeah on the weekend it's yeah I mean I think that might be is that the Board of Health or who's in charge of the P of John down there might be the P of Health I don't know if there it's accommodated in this plan um is this Landing separate from the other Landings in town is this one controlled only by the select um I mean this is all being coordinated by The Landing commission I don't know who is because I know this is the owner here separate ownerships and some of them are for the benefit of not just us but of Darkness I think or state or state yeah I can check that pretty quickly I would think the landing commission is probably in charge of it the Board of Health should be giving it a permit but it's been I went in three times last year and both times when we came out it was you couldn't use it so this one is uh owned by the town so what I guess my question is why do we need this by town a component by the commission yeah I mean so the the ownership of all of them are slightly different for some reason probably from Colonial B yeah there's actually a parel that's right here that's the landing and then the the rest is the to rest is the town but do they own the driveway or is that the meeting house they own the driveway nearest to the bridge and then at the rear of the site is um the noao H Association so uh they have to come before us for site plan as well as anything else they have to get a low impact okay I think one of the things about when you asked about if needed I I think it's probably an excellent plan because it will it will contain any contaminants any Vehicles get they doesn't look like they're looking for any waivers I mean we'll have the opportunity to review the whole design I think it'll be a big Improvement to the storm water into the river yeah um so is the issue that the uh The Landing at um the back Edy is is full on certain times and people come here does this location get heavily used yeah and this is much less tied you know you go in at the back Edy and you're in a lot of current yeah and the back at is a state ramp I think this is just for us this is a local ramp uhhuh so this is more Placid water this get this gets quite a bit of use there's a lot more use from rowers and kayakers in this to I think this is going to be tried to be funded by the same people the same organization I think the SE Port something Economic Council right which is what did the improvements that the head with the SE but you know Dharma Voyage is right off here this is every time I go down there you know to try and do my testing I'm catching lines I'm tossing off lines it's used a lot yeah you know I I think that those kind of uses kayaks and the and canoes and uh sailboats Etc are terrific uses I just just I don't know if this is going to lead to more uh motorized use of the river you know our our East Branch because we are already getting seeing a vast increase in the number of uh larger Outboards let's say this is smaller this tends to be smaller boats rowing boats and then the one down by the back edti which is bigger boats because at the back edti a lot of those boats are going out for for sport fishing these are are boats that are enjoying the river they tend to be smaller yeah we we go in with a small Carolina skiff in there we go in the bigger boats at the back Edie yeah and you know the Carolina Skip's pretty low so you get in the backhead and you get a pretty good current yeah yeah to give you a sense of what kind of boats might be accommodated that the parking spaces are only 40 foot for Trucking and trailer and that's that's another thing that's necessary because with the gravel and it's just you said it's very busy and it's a mess it'll be delineated with lines and hopefully parking will be a little bit more quarterly do you need a per a town permit or will it be will it be a fee like uh yeah you do at the the state one yeah Town permit you need a you need a permit please find out about the port of John permit to make they have are you going to be at this meeting tomorrow I will be I will be you will be could you ask if if this is sprinkly a town of Westport thing or if it's a a local residential thing in other words you're going to need a a Westport parking permit you need a Westport parking for this one you do we got a we got a hixbridge permit per yeah it's a a separate Bridge permit to to park on here and you have to be a town resident okay for anybody who's interested what time is this may 6: p.m. it's in here right I said okay just want to make sure right who's on the landing commission mostly Jeff jeffing the initiative I know that they've asked Sean Le because they have a open but I don't know if he's going to do it used to be Carl trip too I'm not sure if he's on it um okay moving on an update on MVP 2.0 Grant this this one's been a long time coming and I've been struggling to get get volunteers to participate um it's a more of a volunteer based Grant initiative um but I almost have a committee assembl for it focus of this is climate change and social resilience and trying to reach out to groups in Westport that haven't always um had a seat at the table and long range planning initiatives so and then at the back end of the program there will be a small award for a seed project so hoping talk to Kim Bello Kim Bell yeah she is the education person at the Watershed Alliance she does a lot of work in schools MH she talked to me and I asked her to talk with you okay but she's working hard to get uh young people in the schools involved in this so I that might be yeah I did reach out to the advisor of the environmental Club yeah at Westport HIgh School the students just didn't have the availability so I forwarded it to someone who coordinates the different CL activi school so maybe someone else will be interested are are we required to have somebody representing the environmental justices areas we do have someone representing that area and they're also um they have a farm as well right all right regarding the route six sewer there are a couple of different funding sources that I've been looking into or that we will be looking into in the next month so first is the Community Development block grant this is a HUD program and I've been working with sured to assess whether or not there's an area in Westport that would be eligible under the HUD criteria and it's an income driven eligibility criteria um I think we're going to look into applying These funds to the second phase of the sewer so we could potentially get up to a million dollars in Grant funds they've offered to assist us with doing the income Eligibility Assessment think we would be looking at carving out our own sort of uh sort of area of analysis for this grant grant program so we'll see see what happens with the the votes in town meeting and then all things things go well for so related question um would be I think it's coming up you want to just cover it when it comes up Congressional Congressional directed spending yeah yeah so that's something that Bob and I were successful at applying for last year we applied with all of our Congressional Representatives it was representative keing who picked sponsored the town to move forward in the Appropriations process for almost $956,000 we still don't have the funds yet because I think as we all know there's been some problems passing a full budget in Congress but we're we're still in the running for it so ones that makes it through that process then then the funds would be awarded going to make another try at applying for that program um we can potentially apply for they I was on a webinar the other week they recommended a a max application of $5 million um and I think where we would look at applying those funds would be in the second phase of the project just because we already received funds for the the first phase of of the sewer project we received or excuse me we we have received re a commitment from representative keing office um through the Appropriations process they haven't been received yet although obviously hoping that comes through that was my question because I read in the paper that that uh representative ha plus has gotten I think four um communities in his district which is close to us and it's the same amount of money for the same thing water and sord but it's a it's been announced publicly that he's gotten it so if he's gotten it as ke got it and not told us or is it is aan Claus telling everybody the same way keing is telling us that we have it I don't want to speak for what what the the representative has has you know communicated in his his district but I would say that to my understanding these each subcommittee in the Appropriations process gets voted on sometimes at at different times okay um and so for example I think agriculture like the Appropriations that came through the agriculture subcommittee have already been approved in previous um funding bills that have been passed ours is directly through the uh through the interior and environment so if those funds had passed through that subcommittee I don't know if they have received those funds because we we have not received an indication that those funds have been approved through Congressional leg so if they came through a different subcommittee that's possible I you know I can't speak to that but um as far as where our funds are coming from they had not been officially they haven't been approved in any official capacity through Congress and then the final question that'll like to finish what you're doing is uh in your experience maybe where you were before are funds likely to come um in anticipation of us passing our own Deb exclusion for starting this process or uh do we have to do that first and then funds are more more available I would say that that would be very beneficial to have those commitments in hand before you go and ask for the fs yes I think Mr chair I'd like to correct that we we're going we we have a meeting on Friday gendro and myself with some Senators on this exact matter and one of the things is we're we're going up there to explain to them the entire SE project um not phase one kind of like you said the community block grant so we want to look at what uh I mean our trunk line sewer has been designed to accommodate this whole North Ender uh full buildout so we want we're going to make the feds aware of all our issues in that watered um we have the wapa which is is a drinking water supply um that we need to follow drinking water standards um this block grant I mean I think we have several different areas that we need to look at so I mean I was I was told by Our Town Administrator that the Mable wasn't environmental Injustice neighborhood and he forwarded me the map from the from the state or the feds whatever it was and the criteria on that map which was a big swath one Ro 6 was income had nothing to do with the environment so we're trying to identify that stuff right now and one of the questions CU I wasn't involved in those meetings on when we bring the the Geotech work down phase one and I guess initially it had stopped at 88 we continued that work down further right we did okay so on the drill drill rigs I mean did they set any groundw do any groundwater sampling or set any Wells no I think they were they were just looking at the so one of the things things on this environmental Injustice stuff and past contamination is the contamination sits at the top of the ledge so I think we kind of wasted a little bit of resource with the with the Geotech work and not putting some wells and doing some some um some water sampling um it would it could you know so the past contamination that we're picking up in the in the grandfather public Wells many of them are artisian wells so you you're getting uh some of the stuff is is detected but it's it's not above the limits and some of it is above the limits however that that's not telling us what's in the groundwater so this stuff a lot of these chemicals sink and they sit right on the ledge so I think we were in a little bit of error in not um not setting some some groundwater Wells not imagine that would be Kleinfeld that should have took the lead on that but um again so did CL keld that do about the the the study because I know we had a camp dress McGee and we had a face off the dawn study and then we had the kleinfelder study so and now they've done they've done the design to accommodate that whole buildout um in that study um did do we know how how many houses that was going to take for the study how was that I I don't recall but but they they did they did have the demand built on the number of homes can we can you get that study to me tomorrow what's it called the the integrated Water Management plan oh yeah I have that um so on that to um I know it identified some wells in in the Westport Factory and on the upper end but that study didn't say anything about the about the public water supply I mean I I read it when when I was running against David Cole I haven't read it since so this is the targeted integrated Water Resource Management plan does anybody know about the PS uh trigger point yet I mean I understood that the the the trigger for being contaminated you couldn't have anything more than 19 or 20 parts per it's 19 and that they were uh EPA was thinking about reducing that before has that happened I don't think it has happened but but it is now 19 and EPA does want to lower one one of the things with that again too is like we we have some locations that we've identified the contamination and I believe the D is investigating that so again we're testing in the drinking Wells uh I mean we need to under the mass contingency plan we're supposed to move forward with monitoring Wells that would monitor the groundwater so we can follow the direction of the contamination so I mean that's that's another thing like we if we had if when we mobilized the rigs in Route Six for the Geotech work we could have done that at the same time with those Wells but so I don't know if it's necessary now when they once they get the detection but I know that the D is doing investigating on that it's my understanding that we have some some contamination in public Wells along Sanford Road yes they do and um is it just one location or is it well so what happened is they've identified it in a in a public well a private public drinking water supply and so they did their their testing and they and they um um reported to the D the contaminants came up and then the D came out and check the neighborhood and some people in the neighborhood let them test their well some people didn't so the D has moved forward and given treatment systems for those houses that have it but the plenty of them didn't um so I I would imagine that the DP is moving forward with some to try to find exactly the extent of it but some of them like on our smaller Lots I think it's going to just because it's a small lot with the septic and it's not a compant septic we're going to fall under that same criteria um so I I think most of these neighborhoods in that whole North End where we need the sewer will fall under that criteria so that's what we're trying to do when we go to Washington Friday is to explain that this is our whole project and we're starting at the trunk line sewer right now I do have a copy of that integrated plan but I like to have a clean one when we go how about the the face Buffett stuff in th do we have a clean the which the face B face face buffit and Thor study in the camp dresser McGee I don't know about the first one but I know we've had the camp dresser thing there's another one too yeah that's would be the face buff I think Camp dresser might have been the first one but if you could see if we got a copy of that too that' be that'd be good for me those two and it's really great that they're going and talking to um I can't recall is that Michael uh I forget his last name we got we have we have several okay well one of one of it's um one of Senator Mary's AIDS it's recommended that you go and talk to well email them to have a conversation about your project before you apply submit an Appropriations requests but Manny and umre will go down and actually have the face to face interaction so I think that's that's really good timing so we can we can thank Evan for setting up that appointment and stay at the Trump Hotel um I'm not sure why I'm saying it's already been set up the Trump Hotel was sold I think so I don't know who was it now all right I have couple more items tomorrow I'm meeting with fuss and O'Neal um to talk more generally about ping to the coastal zone Management program I think really with uh everything that's been going on at East Beach I think what what will predominately be talking about is what kind of methods we could use to slow Coastal erosion down there and if those methods would mesh with a czm application I initially reached out to them to see if they were interested in applying um for the hazard mitigation Grant and they said you know what this is not really our wheelhouse doing this sort of work but we helped municipalities out with the czm Grant application like all right let's let's talk about that so we'll see what happens with that but you know it's just convenient timing that up um some updates from sured regarding our application to their local technical assistance program I applied for this to get the Conservation Commission assistance with renewing their open space plan and they've committed to doing that with with conservation in July the open space plan is a precursor to different types of funding for conservation in the state so it's important that that's renewed um they also reached out to me today and this is very very new it was just this afternoon but they asked if if the town would be interested in applying to the One-Stop program to develop an economic development plan that would emphasize economic development in um trying to harness some energy with some of what's going on on Route 6 and also the traditional Industries in Westport such as Agriculture and tourism so you don't necessarily need an answer right now on that but that's something that they've offered to sounds like to apply to One Stop so that could be good opportunity and then lastly is an update on the quicket Shan River Rail Trail I am meeting with mot and sered next month or this month to begin the initial conversation to get this project placed on the transportation Improvement program this would extend the bike trail from Fall River to Old Bedford Road we also a m Grant outstanding anything good thank you Mr chair yes can I uh append something to uh both Michael and Amy's reports and that is uh about the climate resilience committee because uh they're both as you are uh involved in that committee and the committee meets on Thursday we meet virtually by Zoom as you know and uh along with the work of producing uh a comprehensive report on uh climate resilience we were charged by the planning board and the select board with making recommendations on uh East Beach after the storms and uh I'm hoping that at uh the meeting on Thursday we can bring uh our role in that to a head um and as I understand it the the sequence here is that we have had a number of discussions uh in our Zoom meetings with people about what should be done and uh we participated uh I guess we held a meeting with elected officials in the select board on the topic and uh what I'm hoping we will do on Thursday night as part of our meeting uh is to uh take all the discussion we have had uh all the ideas that have been generated and uh turn them into uh concrete recommendations uh uh Michael has uh sent out a request uh to the members of the CRC for specific motions that we can vote on uh for policy recommendations to the planning board that's why I'm mentioning it tonight so that uh the the CRC will uh discuss specific recommendations uh for cost the planning board to consider and so we'll either we'll move those motions we'll debate them if necessary uh we'll vote them up or down and the planning board shortly after that will get those and then the planning board can look at them and say okay and can red debate them uh decide what to do with them but then it'll be the planning board's task to look at that and decide whether we want to go forward with any of them add to them do whatever we want with them have any other public meetings whatever we want to do with them but uh the crc's work on that will be done and it'll now be in the lap of the uh uh planning board and I can say good I'm done with it no I won't be able to because I'm on the planning board I still get to deal with it so uh but that's I just want to let you know that's kind of where it stands so it's CRC first and then planning board and then s board okay uh next would be minutes from February 20th so Mr chair I have uh read the minutes and I have a question question on on the minutes uh I think they're very good by the way but my question is um there's a a discussion on the minutes on the uh discussion on the zoning amendments and short-term rentals and I appreciate the way uh We've captured the concerns by the the very good number of people who were in the audience um and then it said at the end that uh Bob dalor moved to close the public uh hearing on the zoning amendments and that that motion passed unanimously and my question is um and I don't remember otherwise but did is that the only thing we did was close the public hearing or did we also move to forward these zoning amendments to the select board we did we did we did so if that's the case then this uh Motion in the minutes needs to be amended to include that or there needs to be a second motion because we probably did one motion to close the meeting and then a second motion to uh forward uh the zoning amendments to the select yeah we'll double check the recording make sure they weren't combined but yeah we for forwarded them to the court following the close of the public hearing yeah okay otherwise uh with that change I think the minutes are uh excellent but it does does does need that change so I'd move acceptance of the minutes as amended second all those in favor okay just a quick note about um to revisit item e on Rosewood Lane okay yep so for Rosewood Lane we're not going to endorse it right now um I was waiting on revised plans that came in but that's why it wasn't ready for endorsement okay it'll be ready at the next meeting yeah didn't we at that meeting didn't we ask to see or suggested to the applicant that he modify the the uh the rose Rosewood Lane he brought in revised plans that modified it okay uh topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours before this meeting ch um I have I have one um and I I believe um be able to bring a little bit of clarity to it so I've had a complaint lodged Against Me by one of the department heads and informed that I have um possibly a um what do they call it a conflict and it would be a project that came before the planning board prior to me being on the planning board and my company Grant City crushing Inc built the project I think you might have been the on the planning board when it came so would be Presse jordal m i was okay so I just want to make it noted that um there was also during the construction of Prestige Auto there was several several complaints um lodged uh anonymously and um in person but nothing in writing this one there was a complaint in writing and an anonymous complaint um so that that project was approved on the site plan review um I don't believe we got any we they got any waves on that project it was pretty some time ago um but I mean that's not one of the big issues so I just want to make it noted that um all inspections we did it under control construction the design engineer was there um this is one of the few projects that um has all of its per St water um infiltration basins um tight tanks for the drainage inside the building um they did get a waiver for sprinklers on the building um and again everything was inspected the Board of Health inspected the septic system um and the the design engineer did inspect all the drainage and did an as built on all drainage and um so there was a there was a complaint a written complaint sent to the Board of Health and as previously in the last few weeks all this rain so the system got inundated with storm water from Mass highway so Mass Highway had has a dream next to right um the septic Forge Forge Road there uh it's it's right next to the septic Mass highway so again I wasn't on the plan board so when that got approved they probably should have had a sidewalk across the whole front that was one of the issues there anyway but the storm water comes off Route Six and the the mass Highway drain was plugged so it flooded the whole parking lot and inundated the system and what happened was now that's a pump system that pumps all the way from the other side so the system was inundated just so happened when the the person making the complaint drove by in the morning the pump kicked on and water was blown off the vent so they the Board of Health had sent the owner a complaint that he needed to have a title 5 inspector out there the you owner got in touch with me since I had done the system and um I went out there in my capacity as Grant City crushing the licensed installer um looked at what needed to be done what need to be mitigated um we pumped out the tanks uh immediately so that nothing else there would be no further Public Health Track at um we inspected the tanks um this system has also been being continuously monitored and we have all the pump records um since the beginning um and uh then then we went over we realized that it was it was inundated from trash over the over the catch base in which we've we've we took pictures of all of this stuff they did have a picture from the complaintant of the water coming out of the so we took pitches R Us we mitigated the trash area we took the vent and we made a modification to the vent that would also put a back flow prenton had would this happen again cuz it's pretty simple if it if it ever happened again to inundated you can just shut the pump off pump the tanks down like we did so when and pumping the tanks down that'll give the groundwater a chance to to uh it'll probably take a couple of weeks before because there there's several tanks before they fill up so I think we've averted the public health threat um one of the other things I I would like if Michael could look into um since we now have a a um notice of intent file for sewer in in Route 6 if we could look to the D and see what the regulations are now moving forward with septics along rootx um because it seems the Board of Health is still moving forward with um abandoning septics when I believe we we can do some minor repairs too but anyway this one was completely I I also did pull the permit for the repair and I don't feel that that's any conflict that a job that I did eight years ago that on the customer my company's willing to go out and see what the problem is is this works on the septic system yes that's not us again what I'm what I'm saying is this whole the whole project what I'm telling you was approved in the site plan review the tight all that stuff is on the site the drainage this was a mass Highway problem that inundated the system so my conflict of interest comes that I was I was told because of I went out there to mitigate the problem the complaint was lodged by the Board of Health against me so I am the contractor in place on the site and that's why I went out there I didn't go out there in capacity of Select man planning board member or anything like that I went for my customer and um well from our standpoint I don't see any conf that's why I just want to you weren you weren't on the board when that was approved and and had I you know I haven't worked on any any projects that I that I've voted on here and had any have any projects coming before me I will recuse myself if I have any intent of it's one of my customers or anything like that so I don't say how it's a conflict as your role as a selectman either selectman have no jurisic Board of Health ises okay thank you want a motion to adjourn no uh so we originally we had discussed with the uh East Beach uh group to have them come before the planning board and make a presentation and I believe that it didn't get on the agenda because we had hearings on this it would be a busy night but we don't have those um and I don't know if it makes sense for us as the planning board to see their their um Public Presentation or should we wait until CRC meets on Thursday and brings it back to the planning board and then we can see it so it's up to well I know they're going to make a presentation to us right I don't know yeah that that was the the intention yeah yeah but what do you want to do I wouldn't mind presenting since the planning board eventually is going to be making the decision you know ready to present it you entertain it we we said that they could be under the short and longterm matters which is agenda I make it could if if you make it short cuz it's getting late he has chairman has a s I didn't even know that you all right I'm crankier than you we get the all cranky so uh I basically was asked to present on the situation in the speech with an assessment of what was occurring and policy recommendations okay so first of all you should who are these oh uh I'm Tony venio I'm on the CRC committee uh I previously served on the uh East Beach vulnerability study committee res spe and what's your address uh 134 spe you live there in the summer well where do you live all year around I live in yes could you give us your address for the record sure 119 sorry that oh sorry 119 Nichols Drive taunted m yes Nichols so this is a presentation by Property Owners at East Beach that or by your your group representing Property Owners right so you know I'm just I'm representing the association of property owners as well all right so just a quick starting point uh westport's the coastal agricultural resource community of New England and you know the words Coastal resource and community stand out there East Beach itself is a coastal resource with a strong community and so as we consider what to do with that resource um we need to consider that for all natural resources conservations the practice caring for preserving them so that living things can benefit from them now and in the future all right so assessing the current situation each East Beach I'll I'll give a quick snapshot of just some factual background that helps to frame the forward looking decisions okay so uh regarding East speach um you know this is the uh Woods Hole se- level tide gauge a long-term Trend since 1932 I just make a suggestion that you make it smaller so it fits on there uh yes all right okay so the long-term Trend since 1932 is averaging 0.12 Ines a year um so although sea level rise is a is a very hot topic the actual level as measured um the actual data indicates that the sea level rise r is fairly slow with a small increase in more recent years so this would mean that over a decade it would be 1.2 in uh regarding the shoreline of East Beach uh so this is a set of uh Shoreline transacts this is from the vulnerability study so the shoreline had 100 ft of sand loss from the 1930s following the causeway construction to 1978 since 1978 East Beach has become mostly cobbled um it has been in relative stasis with smaller Shor Shoreline movement in and out for different surveys and you can see uh the shoreline surveys in the blowup insert um and it's not monolithically moving in some years it's moving in some years it's moving out I'll have another view of that um some transacts show erosion minor erosion others show stasis uh both have uncertainty magnitudes close to the measurement magnitude so this is a history of a a specific transex most transex are similar but here you will see uh so what is shown here is is basically the shoreline distance um and so you'll see that the shoreline uh basically had a period of stasis or equilibrium prior to the cosmo installation then uh during that time frame where the causeway was put in place there was about 100 feet of erosion and then following that time uh there's a reestablishment of an equilibrium um with the shoreline moving in and out but in much smaller magnitude uh so this brings us to the January and December storms that that really caused a lot of uh uh discussion at the planning board regarding speech uh these were significant storms uh 62 mph Peak winds uh significant wave heights measured in the 19 to 21t range um The Surge was uh over 3 ft uh here's a picture of the uh title gauge in Newport uh showing the first uh large um uh Peak is the December 18th storm the second Peaks are the January 10th and 13th storms but you'll see the surge they're well above mean high tide and predicted levels um and so um this this of course it caused a a significant amount of erosion there um most similar to Hurricane Irene actually the the title surge data for Irene looks quite similar to what you see here in terms of the Peaks so regarding Shoreline Dynamics the shore itself is very elastic and absorbs wave energy which prevents damage to the Inland structures um and re the protection results from both the Dune elevation and the shoreline depth and the elastic elasticity limit is the beach Dune level once the combination of the storm surge the tide and the waves cross that level that's when you have that overtopping and the Damage Inland so it's that scenario that combination relative to the height of the Doom that we have to pay attention to um in the aftermath of the storm um we we all know what happened there um a lot of the sediment was was deposited in the pattern with the heavier Cobble and sand uh being uh settling out first primarily on the road and then more of a sand mixture uh went beyond the road in certain places it depended on the depth of the lot where the erosion or the overtopping occurred uh but since that time you can see in the pictures uh the erosion basically causes an erosion encar or a carve out on the shore which produces essentially a burn offshore and then the gentle Tides following cause that burm to redeposit back onto the shore and so we see that effect that that that effect has been observed following those storms uh however uh property owners have pushed the Cobble back onto their Lots in many cases retrieve material from across the road yet significant quantities of material still missing where did it go uh so this is a picture of uh the East Beach Road uh being uh cleared uh by um bucket loaders and uh you can see here the volume of material that's being removed relative to the volume of material that's on the beach so this is a very significant quantity of protective Beach material that's being removed this process was repeated two and a half times this winter alone the question is how many times has this been repeated in Prior years so here we have the Cobble removal process there's a line of trucks waiting to take take the Cobble uh away from where it was deposited on the beach uh this is not a natural process the destinations for the Cobble you can see here uh the circle in the distance there is uh work on the town beach parking lot on the right is the Gooseberry parking lot um there I witness accounts of trucks going up John re Road and a drift road we don't know where else it was taken uh going back to the prior year I noticed my lot was noticeably lower in elevation in the spring many rocks were missing uh and I was trying to understand what had happened this photo answered those questions so in the prior year there had been a winter washover and those piles that you see there right in front of my lot those piles were not placed on my lot those were taken so I did an analysis of um all of the storms uh using storm tracking systems and uh weather and wave data to as well as historical photos and eyewitness accounts to estimate the amount of Cobble removal that has occurred since 2010 and compare that with sea level rise as a reference point so here we see that since 2010 SE rise is about .145 ft with the air bars of 6% in contrast the Cobble removal is at least 2.81 ft dwarfing excuse Mex what's going on can you can you explain the sea level rise again sure what so you're saying it's Point good point say it again yeah it's 0.145 ft since 2013 that's just an accumulation of the yearly average that I showed earlier the calculation that you gave me I mean the total sea level rise was 11.8 in 90 years so that averages out to13 in13 in per year right this is this is accumulated total since 2010 yeah well you're call .14 ft just that's not not at I see what you're saying yeah inches right so that's actually you're good at math yeah so I'm actually off by a factor of 12 uh so about a year ago I asked Bob dor what that was yeah and he he gave me that number that I just calculated from your your chart that you had so that's sharp okay so but that actually emphasizes the point that the if you look at the the roadway there as a reference point right the the what we are doing there on the beach with the Cobo removal practices is significantly increasing the vulnerability of the roadway relative to a global process of sea level rise right and we have control over that practice um so I I I really want to let this slide sink in now the other effects that are occurring is that um this process is not even along the shoreline because it has to do with deposits of material that are overwashed by the waves so the shallower lots that are already more vulnerable have more percentage of material deposited on the road and the deeper lots that material settles out on the lot itself before it gets to the road so the uneven distribution material on the road which then gets cleared and taken out of the system further accelerates the erosion process for those narrower and shallower lots where the road is already more vulnerable and we see that for the town own properties where there's certain pinch points which I'll address later where the ocean is close to the road and those are um perennial problems in storms okay um this is illegal under the wetlands protection act um basically you know any project on coasted land shall not have an adverse effect by increasing erosion decreasing the volume or changing the form of any Coastal Beach or adjacent downd drift Coastal Beach and then we have this ironic sign removal of rocks prohibited by law okay so that's an analysis of what is occurring in the current situation let's talk about pathway forward and policy recommendations so this is the each beachs vulnerability MVP study poll results um there's overwhelming uh support for taking gradual incremental actions or immediate and aggressive actions to increase protection um much greater than uh the the relocation option so the the board has been discussing Retreat and I just wanted to cover some of the downsides of retreat uh first as indicated East Beast residents overwhelmingly do don't want it I've spoken to the local business owners and they don't want it the abandonment of East Beach Road means loss of Ingress and egress routes affecting Public Safety in that scenario the Fontaine Bridge would be the only egress point and any structural mechanical or electrical problems with the Fontaine Bridge could strand residents also in a full Retreat scenario um where the properties are essentially bought out or abandoned thew loss of tax revenue would be approximately 290,000 per year uh to the town there would also be an addition the loss of money spent at Westport businesses by residents and fewer visitors going to that region in addition there would be increased Trucking and vehicle traffic through residential neighborhoods there's a substantial amount of commercial traffic particularly from the nursery uh so there's 18 wheeler semis that use each Beach Road to get on to Route 88 and use that as an egress they don't they don't wind through the residential neighborhoods if that road is gone that will be their only option I have to make a comment on that Mr chair y so that that's kind of they leave early in the morning on svans too and that's school bus time that's mean they have to come in through the head so right now um they come out and they get out on 88 right away I mean they do huge volume of business we don't realize it because it's because 88 is so accessible so if we lost the road that'd be a big to that farm well they don't necessarily have to come up through the head they might go hibridge road to 288 there but understood so as an alternative U and as the public has expressed U there's the preservation option um and that's consistent with the view of um East Beach and Westport is a coastal resource Community what do we do with the resource preserve it protect it maximize it so as I indicated actions to increase protection will the overwhelming survey Choice um protection of the the beach protects public infrastructure along the beach those are directly tied together and it preserves this resource for future Generations so the strong recommendations that the planning board should recommend preservation instead of retreat I've also taken the time to detail several pathway steps and specific recommendations for the immediate near-term medium and long term so let's go through those so on the immediate preservation steps first one is stop Cal removal um it is illegal um the highway department should adopt the Shore Road clearing policy that was submitted in early January um the town Westport must return any and all Cobble which can be tracked down and again that goes back to the town's self-interest with the the uh Cobble and Beach material that's protecting the road severely depleted that road will be subject to much more frequent overwash and much more potential for damage um the piles adjacent to the town beachs are our starting point and at least for those you know we can try to get those done before April 1st um this is the draft Highway Department Shore Road clearing policy it's really simple take the material on the road and basically put it on the set back immediately adjacent to the road I've gone through this multiple um equipment operators they said yeah very simple very easy to do and it would actually save time and staff hours because you're not piling the material waiting for trucks and trying to like distribute and spread you're just simply moving materials to the setback the town already owns a setback and the other thing is that property owners all have nois on the south side we're all used to in the spring clearing our Lots that's something we already do so this is this would not be any inconvenience at all just mat returning the material uh that if any did get overwash on the road just returning it back to where it came from which is the the beach system um I also recommend that the highway Department contract with a supplier and compatible material so that it can be used for emergency repairs um that way they wouldn't have to use material from property owners for that purpose um okay so going to the near term so that was the immediate steps going to the near term okay so here um um we're recommending Road overwash protection and that comes in two forms the first is replacing the Cobble from East beach properties that washed up in the road and was taken for other uses right so the material that we're talking about along the town beach is some small fraction of what was taken let's say it's 10% right so if we remember that picture showing the burn depleted in front of the road okay well we've added 10% of what's missing back we're still down 90% of protection for the road so the recommendation here is to re replace it all that will greatly reduce the frequency of overwash events affecting the road it is also a moral obligation a legal obligation and an environmental obligation okay I've calculated the range of material taken uh three different ways I still need additional data about um a few things related to to closing this this range down but it's like between three 3,000 and ,000 cubic yards again this is cumulative the second recommendation in the near chair is to protect the roadway pinch points adjacent to town owned Shoreline property so those are circled on the map uh we're familiar with these areas this is where often times the road is in danger of uh damage and uh so the problem with these areas is the narrow distance between the road and the ocean and discussions with Rebecca H Hanley uh Haney at czm um her thought was that protective Beach nourishment um likely including chapter 91 for bone mean high water would basically increase that distance add protective material um so that the road wouldn't be as easily damaged and uhu undercut by erosion so you're adding a buffer protective buffer there um and that would be in conjunction with the nourishment that the East Beach residents are doing to protect portions of the road where there's private ownership in front so it's essentially uh kind of a joint uh effort that you know results in protecting the road whether it's privately owned or town-owned Frontage on the beach funding sources options are you know town of Forestport funds as well as coastal zone uh sorry czm Coastal resilient grant program the time frame there for that program it's actually quite timely um the 2025 request for responses will be released somewhere in the next four weeks um and the rfr's do six weeks after release um there's a potentially a a local match that's needed which could be Town funds also maybe supplemented by uh contributions from Buzzard's Bay Coalition uh and uh other local contributions uh the applicant would be the town of Westport we do have some volunteers that can work with the planning department um if if needed to help with the grant process and czm also you know seems very uh willing to help once the uh the rfr is is uh released however they they're in a quiet period and they can't help us anymore so if we don't get any further with specific details I want this preservation setep to stand out because it's a near term IT addresses you know the the Cobble depletion that was done by the uh Road clearing process um and IT addresses you know both the the town owned Shoreline pinch points as well as what's occurring elsewhere um on the beach can make one comment so so you know I I know we've been mentioned about the Cobble being taken and and I you know when I'm not in favor of full Retreat I'm in favor of getting such what we need to do is we need to prevent the overwash because the cost to the town to remove the Cobble I know you're saying what you know when we're down they wanted subcontractors to come in we start paying prevailing rate the cost of your Cabo and what it cost does to clear the road when your Cabo lands on the road is more than what your cbo's worth um Highway does this at a cost and I I mean a real savings to the town and so when you keep saying that Highway stole the Cobble the Cobble probably is worth less than what the cost was of clearing the road so what we need to look at is we need to look at a at a a way to mitigate this so that we don't have the washover so I think that's what we should be looking in the future on the resilience yes right and I think that's where depth and height right where where you still have that elasticity of the beach absorbing the impact of the Waves right and in that scenario you're protected it's only when you over top that all of a sudden now you have this damage the other thing is you know I don't think we we want to use private why wouldn't we just use Highway Department to well that was one of the things Highway when Highway was out there that's what they kept saying they want you want to get contractors in here so we need highway is our best bank for the buck to do oh yeah of course yeah I totally agree with you okay so then I I've also taken some additional steps talking about a little bit further out in the future and this is just for the board's consideration um you know these are just ideas um as we look uh towards the future um so the next one I that I put in the near term this is really a wild card this uh basically if we miss the boat so to speak uh on this one it'll be pushed out to the long term but the uh the the harbor dredge material I've had some discussion with the core of engineers um you know that that's that project's already budgeted however it is possible to get supplemental funding from a different funding source to pay the difference in cost to relocate the material from the um the proposed dump site which which is offshore on West Beach um to East Beach I show that with the yellow arrow there uh you can see the dredge uh proposed dredge area in the map and the prop proposed dump site now there was some concern in the past about material uh from the previous clearing process in 2007 ending up back in the river so East Beach as a site would would really mitigate that that concern uh this dredging time frame for this project is fall 202 before the volume is is four or five times larger than the previous dredge 65 to 75,000 cubic yards of materials all sand per the core um and then the the two uh distribution options were uh one Upstream of tidal currents minimum of 10 ft deep which is the uh has buffer for the draft of the of the vessel uh in a longer rectangular area along East Beach option two is a central location where it can be pumped or rainbowed on Shore you see some pictures in the lower right of pumping and rainbowing of of sand the uh let's see so basically that those are the options uh potential funding sources could potenti could be czm or the national Coastal resilience fund there are projects that they have approved in the past uh such as this one improving the benef the pathway for beneficial use dredge materials to Aid in coastal resiliency so there are some examples again if we miss the boat on this uh there there will likely be repeat dredge opportunities in the future as part of their Harbor Channel maintenance one one of the things that I heard on that too was um they didn't realize the volume of material in the dredge presently and we we lost a lot in that last storm so they did change the type of vessel they're going to use and they're going to use a clamp shell with a BGE so I I mean I did ask the hab Master to work with Sean leech and try to do something about this because before they were going to come in with a smaller vessel and they kind of like vacuum it up and then dump that same vessel dumps it out now they're going to use a clam shell and load it into a bodge so there might be some other opportunity there great okay I'm almost done here so medium term would be something that's really prepped for the long term so this is Coastal Engineering for East Beach infrastructure preservation looking at the area in identifying um a desired level infrastructure protection uh basically storm design and Engineering specific plans for large scale Beach nourishment profile sediment mix quantity topup frequency Etc um the the funding source would be the czm coastal residency grant program um and then the applicant would be the town of Westport again and mentioned the the grant the volunteers that can help if necessary with the GR application so this would really be prepped for the long-term proposal so in that time frame the BBC Gooseberry Causeway study $1.3 million study uh should be completed by the end of 2024 they are planning a summer 2024 update with findings from their computerized model to inform Coastal management decisions um they they're basically modeling water and sediment movement and evaluating Causeway versus no Causeway options um you know and they're looking at these Coastal processes why is the river you know backf flowing why is it clogging up more frequently Allen's Pond Inlet closing silicum River mouth again um impaired by lots of sand where East Beach and parts of West Beach are sediment starved um all right so going to the long term set up by the results of the cospl study would be uh potentially way replacement with the race road this was brought up with a lot of um uh emotion at the 31 meeting uh and uh so again this would only be if the study justifies that replacement the likely funding source would be the core of engineers um which seems fitting since they built it and it would require Congressional authorization uh and then the second one would be the larger scale Beach nourishment project um and that would use the results of the coastal engine ering that that uh that you know um medium-term uh study um that would inform basically how this nourishment project would occur and then I've listed potential funding sources there all right so this just wrap up um so these are funding source summary uh different programs uh as far as my understanding of these will all do Coastal resilience uh funding uh for types of work that we're looking at um so there's a number of different options and there's been grants that they've given for projects somewhat similar to ours okay so final conclusions here so the recommendation summary the planning board should recommend preservation instead of retreat uh for the preservation pathway we've broken it down into intermediate steps near term steps and some medium and long but the the immediate ones are stop stop removing the Cobble return what can be tracked down easily adopt the The Shore Road clearing policy near-term steps are uh basically supplemental funding to to get the the materials that are you know are still missing uh return back to the shore so again remember that diagram to build up that protection that's before the road right the the the depth and height of that material is what protects the road from overwash and if that's theet Ed guarantee that road will be overwashed more and more frequently and it's not from sea level rise it's from the practices of removing the protective material in front of the road um and then addressing the pinch points adjacent to the town owned Shoreline property all right so why spend effort on East Beach preservation because we are a coastal resource Community we're preserving a coastal resource for future generations and we're in the process protecting value valuble public infrastructure but you know there's a lot of obstacles to overcome so I'll leave you with this wisdom from John buard who overcame similar obstacles in uh working with neglected Urban infrastructure and here we're uh working with neglected Coastal resources the best way to save the world is to focus on just one piece of it and the best way for us to to do that would be to work to make our hometown a better place and it's that combination of optimism courage and joy that you don't approach an obstacle or challenge with Dread you approach it with what an opportunity to have fun with someone else and with other people yep all right so uh Tony I have a couple of comments coments here um one for Thursday I beg you to cut that presentation in half sure okay and remember we're on Zoom so the slides with a lot of words aren't going to work okay so eliminate all the slides that have a gazillion words and U cut the time in half sure and what we're trying to do is focus on uh recommendations to the planning board which take the form of motions so keeping in mind that what you are going to be doing is making motions put the slides there that are going to support the Motions you're going to make right right and eliminate the ones that really aren't doing that yep and that's the way I would suggest you cut that in half yeah okay that's one suggestion uh secondly uh I support an awful lot of what you've got in here uh about Beach nourishment elevating the road lots of things like that the the one thing that I would ask you to think about uh a couple of things is you've posed this as a choice between you know keeping the Cobble where it came from the policies that the town ought to adopt which I'm totally on board with or Retreat I don't understand why that's a choice I don't understand why you we don't have both you know instead of one or the other both because I look at this as giving people information and then letting them make their own decisions for what's best with them you know that you may feel one thing about sea level rise somebody else may feel another thing about sea level rise and different people will come to different decisions it's America you know come to your own conclusions somebody may want to say I want to stay there for the next hundred years somebody else may read different reports and say I want to leave fair enough we're all different people we want to give people tools to do whatever they want to do right if you want to leave we want to help you leave if you want to stay we want to help you stay right Beach nourishment is going to help you stay and that's what you're laying out with all the tools about Beach nourishment elevating the roles all that all that helps you stay but if somebody else says I want to leave then a voluntary Retreat program will help you leave you know it it's you pose it as either or is that really necessary to have it either or that's the only that's one question the other question I'd ask you is you mentioned the storm 60 mph winds 3 foot I was just looking at and you talked about the Noah tide chart I love Noah you know I work Noah uh I'm looking at a Noah chart today of sea level temperature the last 12 months the last 12 months of ocean temperatures are literally off the chart I mean they show this graph of of ocean temperatures in the world for the last 20 or 30 years that are in this band and the last year is up here it is so far off the chart people are saying what the hell is going on with ocean temperatures now what is temperature it's heat what is heat it's energy there is so much energy in the ocean people cannot comprehend what happened to the ocean and it takes a lot of energy to change the temperature of the ocean and we are very grateful that the ocean absorbs all that energy because otherwise the air temperature would be you know 120° in Westport instead of what is now so what does that do that energy gets transformed into bigger storms that aren't 60 M an hour you know they're 100 miles an hour they're 120 miles an hour so when that storm hits us we're talking not what we saw in December we're talking about a whole different category and you were there at uh in the select board when Joe Costa said well you know when we have regular storms people keep doing what they're doing which I'm all for it's when you have the big storm the hurricane Carol the 38 hurricane that people have maybe more thoughtful responses and I think that may be the right approach that we adopt the all the recommendations about you know raising the road returning the Cobble and the sand where it came from instead of exporting it to other locations in West border who knows where it went that's your investigative work which I think is really contributes to our understanding of what we need to do you know and when the big one hits I hope that's a long long time from now but who knows you know then maybe we do something else but in the meantime let's let's do the things that you describ in there but I I I just ask you to think about uh why does it have to be either or why don't we give lots of people different tools depending on what they choose to do but thank you for this and and I asked you if you can cut it oh yeah all right yes I I have a couple of comments as well I I object to the use of the word illegal you know what the highway department did was not illegal they have an obligation to open the public roads and they did that and I know and I and I know you would like them to pile the the debris that washes into the road on a lot so that you can move it I I understand that and and I'm sympathetic to that I'm not sure that's easier for the highway department and I'm not sure that the highway department has any right to to work on your property I'm quite sure they don't have the right to work on your property but laying that aside what's what's really missing in in your presentation is that um you know CCM does this CCM has this fund CCM has that czm possibly do that this is the czm policy that's that's great except none of that applies to East Beach that the SE the you know what what East Beach needs if you want the town to work work with the owners and I would like the town to work with the owners there needs to be you know to have D czm you know whatever whatever the jurisdictions are you know say oh yeah no we we will let you rebuild that because when you read the barrier Beach regulations it says you can't can't do any of that and and what we need is you know a comprehensive plan for the the management what is allowed what you know I mean the the the kind of repairs that people have done where they they just because it's a storm emergency they pushed the material back on the beach I I I don't have any problem with that I that I I don't I don't have that's not my fight my fight is um is I'd like I'd like to have an effective solution and and uh I know that um we could take the sand from it seems it seems a great idea to take the sand from The Dredge put it over there in the beach except that it doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell staying on the beach because what stays on the beach is something this size and when you try to put that size in that energy environment it just goes away I I I've done quite a bit of coastal structures and i' you know well there was a time I did quite a bit of that and I did it in high value High I did quite a bit of work on N Tucket and you know I I I get it and and when I were able to get permits and they're not easy to get for some structured solution um they always required Beach nourishment you know what my advice to clients were and they want to do the beach nourishment when there's no fish migrations and it comes with all those kind of requirements I told them do it just before you arrive do it just before you if if you're if you're planning to come in July get your contractor all lined up and the the week before you come put the sand there because if you do it in the fall it won't be there if if you if when the Cobble Beach when the beach looks like East Beach looks like and you can see the Cobble and you can see the beach is repairing itself this you know there's there's a little sand um burm being formed and everything the beach the beach is the natural processes are restorative but um but but they're they're not restorative in a way that that protects you from a real Energy Event like the the storms B so um you know I the idea that we you site all these policies and all of that the the question is is is there can we get a plan can can we get an an order of conditions from the Conservation Commission can we get de uh czm to develop a plan for this and then the town and the neighbors would work together there was an order that allowed the town to take material from the road and put it on your lot that's one thing we could do there you know that that idea but the idea of no you know czm would like to restore the beach and protect the beach and we'd like to protect the road so let's let's just do it you know I I I don't think that's the answer the answer is let's let's see what we can get approved let's see what we can get a permit for and then let's get that permit to allow the town and the owners to work together um and and other than that we we could we could have us you know let's let's say you know the storm occurs and next Tuesday what what what what's what's the highway department going to do they going to do what they did last time they're going to clear the road you know you know unless and and if it was if it's easier to pile it on the on the lots I'm I'm sure the highway department would pile it on the Lots um but you know we what what's really missing is a comprehensive plan and and I and I think the uh whe whether or not you know we're we're spending energy on the wrong things looking at is it the causeway's fault or is it you know it's it's it's you know does the causeway influence it all of those things are possible you know but the causeway has been there for a long time you know who who knows what what the condition conditions are where the conditions are can we work out a plan where the conditions are I mean they they can't be they you know we don't the town doesn't own the causeway the state owns the causeway you know the idea well that'll be the answer that we can't wait to that we need we need to have a plan given the conditions what they are and whatever feed input we get from the the the buzzes Bay Coalition um I'm I'm on the advisory committee John's a member of the buz bay Coalition where you know you know I've contributed to the study I you know I mean I you know I I'm all in favor of getting that input but I I I would love to have a permit that says here's what the plan is here's what you do the next time the storm comes the highway department is going to put the material here and the owners are all on board with that the is on board with that there's a plan in place working towards that is leads us to a productive answer and and not we you know not thinking you know I I I you know you not thinking possibilities I'm all in favor of looking at possibilities but I'd like to make them have a plan in place and we don't have this conflict of did the town do the right thing did the owners do the right thing are they are they filling are they filling without permits let's let's let's answer those questions are answerable you know we can get a plan I do have a couple of answers to those just real quick so everyone on the south side has order of condition I conditions already so uh in part of my order order of conditions I bring in material for Beach nourishment every year um you know we we basically have compatible material that we vet through conservation and then we try to engineer the slope that's as similar as we can to the Natural slope given our horizontal distance limitations and elevation issues so so we are doing those things um just that in this case there was a huge volume of material that's not in the system that we want to return back to the system which will better protect the road but I agree that you know having something comprehensive is a good idea that Medium phase plan was the coastal engineering aspect of it um I think small scale stuff like returning material that was already there with people already having order of conditions can be done you know in the near term uh and then the town addressing some you know pinch points um you know they may need some additional study for that or they may be able to address that but I agree that that would be good and I submitted that plan for the highway clearing to put the material on the town own setback to try to advance that process but yeah I agree with what you're saying so thank you very much um I would just like to add a couple things one um as youve said in the audience listening to us go through our regular stuff uh we're really about zoning and approvals for for doing things uh uh that are approved at town meeting and I I think that we need to have a for for the planning board to come up with their final recommendation I think we have to have more information from you folks because uh Kevin uh said that some people have a lease for putting their their trailers on part of the town right away and we find none of that is the town hall so if you have copies of those or some of them uh it would be very helpful um and second the the permitting for trailers talks about registered trailers and I don't know if I I don't remember seeing a lot of registered trailers over there and is that the case that they're mostly not registered uh they're not out there today I can't go look but and uh an additional item is the town has approved uh as part of their zoning the FEMA regulations and the FEMA regulations have certain stipulations about what is allowed to be put in a a flood prone area and I think we need to have a discussion about those kinds of things like sheds uh decks other things that are going in there without approval they have to get approval from the town and I don't know who it will be but that has to be set up too otherwise we're in violation with the female regulations and anybody else in town doesn't have to be on East Beach who has flood insurance and we have a big disaster they're not going to get paid because we're not compliant with the FEMA regulations that we agreed to at town meeting so we need to be able to do those things so anyway I think I'm on board with uh trying to preserve the cobbles from the road instead of sending them somewhere else I think that makes some sense um I don't think that the the town surveyor or the town Highway Department did it to take it away they did it to clear the road um and I think they've always done that uh and I think in previous years when I've been privy to some of the conversations about this is the Town Council told them that they didn't have the ability to put it on private property because they don't have the ability as a public person to put it on your private property so however we work that out I think is would would be helpful to everybody because I'm sure it costs the town more to bring it away somewhere else than to leave it there right in some cases too though you got the like they said with the sheds and other debris and these storms were kind of minimal you know we get one that takes the poles all down now we got other situations we got wires yeah that is the that is the issue for me is these storms we've had not just these three that you're talking about we've had six one last weekend not this past weekend but the weekend before and in the town of situ it took all the beach nourishment they put in since those storms is gone yeah $600,000 worth of beach sand gone um and what is concerning to me is that these storm and this weather pattern is going to continue we're going to get another one this weekend I don't know what it'll do it's going to be a big rain but it's it's coming up the coast just like the others if we have these kind of storms when the trailers are there and it's not a name storm what's going to happen we're going to have a mess right you hit on the key issue if you remember that picture with the burn showing how much it was depleted over time right that is an absolutely critical issue so you know I've been at Ground Zero during those storms and with that level that elevation that level of protection we don't get overwash and the beach absorbs the wave energy even quite significant waves that when you stand on the road they look like they're coming over the road but because you have that beach system and the returning waves trip to subsequent waves it essentially stays you know contained in the beach system but with that level of depletion guaranteed you're going to have much more overwash events that's why it's so critical to to get that material back onto the beach that was there before these removal practices took it away to protect the road to protect the property owners that are there with their trailers from those smaller scale storms so that's a really good point to me personally it's I think it's important to protect the road as long as we can but at some point sea level rise and increase storms it may not be possible but just as in theide Atlantic Avenue was devastated just like East Beach with this with these three storms but it wasn't as bad because we had Dunes it broke through the dunes in a few places and then that created a mess but but the dunes that had built up since hurricane Carol when I was a kid were higher than that trim board but now they're about this high and that is to me that's the preservation of the of the barrier Beach and when you're talking about preservation you're talking about preserving the road in your property not preserving the bar people so and you're talking about Dunes you don't have any Dunes over there that I can see you haven't for a long time um and so there's a difference but and and to say that too on the on the cost of like preserving preserving the dunes and what what Bob D said about putting the sand on East Beach and it's gone so you know like we talk about the cost of the cble it's actually probably more cost in a equipment time removing the Cobble then the Cobble that came off your Beach onto the road now we look at the cost of the material that's being dredged it's far more than any Beach nourishment that you're going to buy and dump on the beach to to dredge that material and to use it for Coastal resource like like the barrier Beach and the Dooms that would probably be the best use of that type of material well I think there is some discussion about putting it on West Beach not on East Beach and if you put it all the way up towards Goosey on West Beach at least by the time it gets back in the harbor it'll be a long time right so well it'll probably rebuild some of the Dooms that's but yeah right so want a motion to adjourn now yes move to adjourn second all those in favor I I thank you thank you yes thanks Tony e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e