##VIDEO ID:Zj3SRbmbCUk## oock and I'd like to open the regular planning board meeting for Tuesday August 13th at 6:00 uh we are being video recorded and are we going out live and we going out [Music] live okay um so first up our administrative items is approval not required a anr uh AP 24 lot 27A and 28 on Crane Avenue file number 24- 024a requested by applicant for endorsement of a one lot plan of land located at Crane Avenue assessors map 24 Lots 27A and 28 okay good evening [Music] Engineers for Michelle won trust this is a lot it's a very strange looking lot it runs from cran Avenue which comes off Route Six and of L shap goes over and there's a skinny neck out a road uh there existing residence on this uh the access to that is there what we're doing is we're creating a lot off of Crane Avenue that has adquate Frontage area and Upland area right here leaving remainder adequate front and width 50 ft wide even though it doesn't have to be for over 7 Acres but 50 ft wide wrapping around and continuing on to this lot so really there's two lots here uh it's kind of comut this connects to this but we're creating a lot out of one bigger lot and that's that [Music] um planners can you further explain yep hold on one sec I'm just opening my review okay so lot 27A and Lot 27 uh AP lot ap27 lot uh 28 they both front on cran Avenue which is a public way so it looks like what the applicant is looking to do is use part of his Frontage from the existing culdesac on crane on crane a and create a new parcel so the existing parcel still has enough Frontage on Crane Avenue with the new lot created to also have adequate Frontage on Crane Avenue so uh ap24 27A will have 2 246.at of Frontage while ap27 lot 28 while reconfigured will have 18087 ft of Frontage um on ap27 lot 28 it has an existing single family home on the premises and is accessed through gford Road uh lot 1A will be accessed from Crane Avenue uh both gford Road and Crane Avenue have sufficient with suitable grades and adequate construction to provide for the needs of vehicular traffic in relation to the proposed use of land and lot one when reconfigured will be 685,000 ft of upins while lot 1A will be 63,0 S ft with 31,300 ft of Uplands so for a staff recommendation staff recommends that the anr meets the criteria for endorsement and recommends that the planning board endorse the proposed anr plan as presented so the way that these two things are connected is the top left goes to the top right of the bottom one right BR is here and here and this connects to this you'll see similar Frontage and distance I the bar distance on these two lines here and 700 ft by the Brook on each yes is what it looks like it shows best there you sort of a z z-shape John how wide is the access to Gord Road in is that going to be the access to that lot no the access to the new lot we're creating is off CR out is that is Crane Avenue the access to both Lots no the access well it can be but technically you know you could have to cross the broker or anything if you want to get to the existing residence the existing res has driveway that comes off a different road so how wide is that long narrow stretch uh varies by about 18 ft wide it's wall a wall on one side so and is that used right now as access yes it is so the frontage for this big lot is currently cran a the frontage for the whole lot is well technically this is an ancient way that came through the cemetery back here but this this came all the way through but the frontage right now as it was created is on CR accesses Road it's also Frontage Tech Ro but the gford road is is it a long time Access Road yes with two walls on either side yes yeah anybody have any questions comments you want a motion I think this I'm going to recuse myself since I'm a beneficiary of that trust so that's what I thought this this this property sounds awfully familiar so um could I just ask just for in point of information on the lot that you're uh well at the crane Avenue turn around there shows two structures up there no uh North yeah yeah what are those what are those those are all sh foundations now I don't know what those were Dem demolished they'll be demolished they were demolished oh okay this this was that road was built about 15 years ago it actually has a retention Pond for this lot already there swailes on both sides of the road so is is this uh CAC constructed yes yes and that was part of the subdivision that we did back in the day yeah 15 years 15 years ago yeah yeah I remember it so okay I want a motion M uh Mr chair I move to approve the endorsement of the plan entitled ap24 lot 27A and ap27 lot 28 CR avue Westport Mass because the plan complies with the provisions of Mass general laws chapter 41 section 81p second all those in favor I opposed recused oneus okay thank you uh let's see next is a pre-application consultation file number 24-21 Pac request by alons Koka to discuss a definitive subdivision plan preap consultation for zero Railroad Park section 15 map 5 lot 73-76 good evening uh my name is Al K with kbn Design Group uh I am here with uh the the potential applicant Mr g j about the uh the lot so during our initial research uh when uh we're looking at the lot we realized that one I had access access from U the paper that were established 1933 and then they would have access from Pine Street or Oak Street uh Pine Street right now is being used as a gas eement uh by I think it's ever source and it's already cleared off the trees and it has a provides a vehicle access for maintenance of the uh of the gas SE uh so looking at that one we decided that the best approach would be to uh develop uh with a gravel Access Road uh based on a rural residential Lane uh for a 20 foot wide Access Road uh to the property uh they do cross some Wetlands that were found out during the survey but um we being in contact with the Conservation Commission so we have to go for approval uh before we come in for the uh uh defini the subdivision plan but in the meantime uh we asked for this meeting to make sure that everybody's on board with that approach uh to get access to the property so you're suggesting coming in on the paper Street Pine Street from Highland Avenue correct in creating a uh not a culdesac but a uh Hammerhead SLT turnaround for emergency vehicles uh for for which lot if I'm looking at this map the one on the left or the one on the right this right here [Music] zero and you chose Pine Street instead of Oak Street because uh because Pine Street uh is already been it's been used as an accessment by gas company is cleared of trees is open where uh Oak Street is fully wooded with mature trees and to act to get the 2ot right access would required to remove cut all trees and clear the area so the the gas easement um I don't know what the status of that would be compared to these paper streets but which would take press do you have you own the lot yes it's under contract right now subject to subject to S approval right so do you think that you can put a gravel road on a gas easement uh we have to get in touch with gas company but the gas me on the outside of the uh thead Center so there's nothing not we won't be crossing the gas name but it's a major gas line right uh two gas lines yes it's the main line that crosses West right uh which I've never seen a road going I've seen them cross them but I haven't seen them go over it go along it so I think we'd have to get some kind of idea from the gas company which gas company I think it was the on the registry it's old Columbia Gas owns all the gas I'm sure all guys know that well National crd owns some too so so there's no in the registry there's it doesn't there's no paperwork showing a transfer you they don't have to but from the town of Westport granting the original easement that's the only paperwork so probably came from the state yeah so uh planners what do you what do you what say you I think that between going back and forth in emails I voiced some concerns about how there's uh Wetland flags on the plan I'm not sure who did them or when they were done but I'm so I'm not sure if they're valid or not however if there's Wetlands that cross right through that area then you would need to have a it looks like you would need to have a wetland Crossing um and then also if you were going to disturb Wetlands you would need to replicate them and I just had a concern whether um you I don't know if you can create a wetland crossing over property you don't own and then if you need to rep replicate Wetlands where you would replicate them and I'm not sure if I'm not sure uh where you would replicate them you would have to replicate them on the the proc the property that you own because you can't replicate on the property you don't own right and the property is over it's 9,000 ft so there room to replicate refence we Closs about 2,000t I believe so it's 2 to one 4000 of if that way that one and then the side is flat so when replicating High Ground low will be pretty much the same elevation so be acting the same way as as Stone water absorbent as they are right now CU based on what we can find online on wet's U database uh this look like isolated wet they're not part of a larger uh connection I would I would say that I think wetlands are only good for up to 3 years for the con obervation so I would think that a filing with them yes I already to confirm the delineated well new to be uh and also as far as um The Proposal it would once an official filing is here it would need to go before the fire department to make sure that what they're proposing is in fact uh okay through their standards the other thing is that by creating this road if if you're allowed to do that uh you're creating access to these other two lots right the ones north and south of this yeah that every road that would have would then have Frontage would have access to that it's a a private road and then what's the status of paper roads that were created in early part of the last century research on I don't think that the being a paper Road paper street it's owned by the town first of all and so I think the a bu Lots technically owned to the middle to the middle C line and then there's a question of whether the abing lots have deed access on that on these any of these roads did do you know have you looked into that yeah so so I'm the one that went to the registry of did all the research and then I have a land attorney that wrote I don't know if it was shared I think it was I hav so he gave a opinion letter and just stating the trail of the deed what else transfers property in the state of Massachusetts except the reg so the way he explains it is if you own a paper Road you have the right I mean if you own a law on a paper Road you have the right to improve but you don't own that land or or your tax would go up you would be required to maintain that property so that's his opinion is this paper Road has never been sold never been ConEd nothing has changed as a member of the general public you have the right to improve to get access to your property this is if there's a a gas line in that paper Road they had they had to get permission from somebody right and if it isn't on your Deeds uh it must be it's on the railroad anex Deeds so so it shows the permission it's not from um uh the ab it was from the developer no it from the town of state that gave them I'm pretty sure I don't have the the records in front of me but I'm pretty sure it's SP time I don't know I'm looking at the JIS and every piece of property surrounding that one lot is owned by Warren Messier right so not not according to the gis to the registry of deeds right that's what supersedes everything um this is updated in January there has been a title search on that property owns that property and it is entitled in land court and he owns that property I represent the client and that and those what Wetland okay so if you would like to speak you have to come up and identify yourself I know who you are but we need to identify you for the record so research on I can talk about it I don't have any issue with I know okay so M Mr chair uh the point of of you guys appearing is to get information to decide how to go forward right so it's in your interest if other people have information on this site right okay so um we're not here to make decisions now we're here to help you gather information so you can make decisions okay well we appreciate first of all you coming here at this stage of the game uh and understand that you don't have the answers to all all your questions that's right so um board have any questions comments yeah I I had a question on Middle Street it's it's shown inside a dash line does it have the same origin as the 1903 plant this this was all gritted [Music] up so this this was all gred up into small and this is the railroad on the other yep so this is your the original Railroad Park division 190 August 1903 so on this is there a gas line or no no so that was another Avenue when they did that states and I'm just going off of here say I wasn't that but I was told he was supposed to finishe so then we could run off of midd but that looks like there's a little more Wetland so where the the main conversation that we've had is how do we not ruin a mature forest and you know ruin Wetlands that's obviously the goal for everybody so this seems like the best way which is actually the longest way you know for me but whatever you guys suggest or you think the best approach you know we're definitely open to listen I don't know the status of that b Lane Road and based on the uh the way the flag the existing flags are it looks like in Wetland they cheat all the way to Oak Street so either side C decide to cross cross so is it is it Bentley Lane that they're supposed to finish he supposed to pass yes and that goes from the intersection of those two things to highight right yep and that goes along one of Warren messers paper Street yes it does was that approved for him to Goot that Pap Street yes but I think that that the ability for him to do it may have expired so but he's still obligated to finish the subdivision so I don't you know that's yeah to be determined how that's going to happen yeah I don't want to get into you know people we've been looking my family were looking to build a house we love Westport we want to be in Westport and we actually just got scammed on like this land stuff that's happening and I did all the engineering the delation and we're going front of the board and then the owner called the board like no we we're not selling our property so we're just looking you know it's hard right now you know just trying to establish you know a property developer looking to you know sell all these lots and make a bunch of money and just looking for a good place to and I appreciate you coming with a prea instead of an application because it makes your job and our job a lot easier so what I would say is that we need to do some research about this gas line because I don't know whether or not we could approve a gravel way on a paper street that has been converted to a gas line and so the gas line is actually owned by a company called Enbridge it's not other source and it's part of a larger transmission pipeline called the gas transmission pipeline well I actually knew about it because we have a different project looking at Town no no we have a different project we be that stuff like that yeah so we could get that information and then you make contact and you I don't have a contact for them but just and I think we need to do a little research ourselves on can a gravel road and a gas line exist on the same place also if you you go back to the site plan there um the uh not the the previous I don't know what it was goo oh G GIS map if that's that rectangle represents the lot right and then I see to the I guess it would be the West there's a subdivision road with a turnaround at the end right there yeah so Is it feasible that there could be that the owner of this property could of the overall property could create a rope that connects from that turnaround past your property out to Highland yeah uh it's the same same BR it's Pine Street so it runs in that G it's a paper street though right now yeah but if they want to create a subdivision they they would need a 40 foot rideway I've never seen anything I think what he says the right to improve it and think the gas deal you just have to build it to the stand yes is the road the build the subdivider here is obligated to bring to high he hasn't done but it's not anywhere near this um and if this doesn't get done this um dead end is has way too many so you can't could not do what I was questioning whether you could connect Pine Street to that you potentially but there's another piece of property in between so I don't know who owns it so that gas easement runs all the way through the front of that gentleman's driveway can I show you this area yeah I guess so this is Pine Street coming up yeah and then this is this gentleman's driveway here the last house in that subdivision so the gas easement runs through his driveway and continues on I don't know how much further but he has an easement on his deed for the gas company that I'm sure was part of the the approval so that's what makes us believe that the gas company is okay with that's asphal right we're just doing gravel and that's going perpendicular to the gas lines we're going parallel where if we you know we might be able to avoid you know graveling over that's where we assumed it's okay because there's a bunch of asphalt over there's another house here you see another Frontage of a lot and then there's one Frontage here so there's two driveways that are asphalted that go perpendicular over the gas line well you can see Bentley laying there and Mr chair I I think the gas company would probably be you know they probably have a spec for what you need to do over the over the gas main you know I mean and they probably have to incorporate that into whatever they got to do I I don't see a big thing and I believe what Mr Nicholls said about the right to improve or the op had said about the right to improve they have that right but the gas company would have a specification on the treatment over it like sometimes when your utilities cross the road they make you Inc case it in concrete something like that so I think Al gon would be the one to say okay CU they don't want they got need from the town so it's really the paper streets a town street that they gave the Al I don't see how the town could have give them the right to do that well other people Pro yeah but the paper street is actually like you have the right to the middle of the paper street right but you don't own to the mle unless the town relinquishes their rights I think high highway has something in this too they have some some kind of paperwork and based on the survey it looks like the gas the two gas gas lines are on the outside Ed where they belong so building a 20 wide gra middle you won't be on top of the gas M well hopefully they're where they say yeah well I guess I'm not I'm not I'm not saying you can't do what you what you're proposing I'm just saying just as a word of caution should that Pine Street Is it feasible that that Pine Street could become a throughway to connect to that end uh of the turnaround and become a create subis he has to cross somebody's property because the property line is right here so it's a little wedge to get aage so to all right we need permission from the gentleman right at the end you know like almost another EAS for the the access well as long as you you feel comfortable that you don't think most cost effective way for myself right I mean it cost money to lay a road that's the short shorter point but I don't think that's no well so the developer for this subdivision on the left is obligated to continue this the one above that that curves and goes straight to High and um because the dead end is way too long and the reason we approved it he was he suggested that he was going to connect it to Highland so there would be two ways out of there um so if you connect Pine all the way somebody's going to pay to make that a subdivision road all the way right um and it's longer than the other one uh that he's obligated to do uh but he can't do it because the property owners won't give him access uh anymore because it expired because they didn't do it in time uh this might be the only way to do it but and then you know the estate or the not the estate War messers property uh would benefit on in either case from having those roads built but uh including your lot or your potential lot should we hear from some other people about this okay uh and my I was doing work for B and for Roy who one Miss's daughter up okay first of all what do you mean from post what the letter from the legal council and I agree with that 100% you have the right to develop a v Street uh essentially D with Fe statue says in case like this you have Street to the sun could you talk into the micro instead of the the wall I'm used to it when you have the um paper streets G Fe statute says that you AB is own to the S line of that street unless it's expressly prohibited in a deed where it says you do not own it that's not the case in this so I'm I'm in complete agreement with their legal right to develop that road again anybody would have the right to use that easement which exactly what it is it's an easement and then therefore access their land the concern with this when I was asked to look into this I did fly the W land ass my there okay um we uh flly the wetlands and also started doing the survey and that's one of the things start real interesting uh if you look at the plan I gave to you par Annex actually includes all this go across Route 6 and these Lots up over here were part of that subdivision those lots were developed in the 70s but curiously they went through a l c Court in the 80s now anyone that knows about land Court you know it's an expensive and honorous lengthy process to go through why would you do that after land are developed starting doing a trying a Chase to chain the title uh we find out that this particular person owns this lot he owns land around here which describes pieces that don't exist on a plant those same passes exist in uh Betty Betty and Roy's deed Kevin Kirby owns two blocks of four Lots in the back although one of those has been taken for tax title but he's still paying taxes on it and that's just the current Deeds when I started doing this I told Ben I said we have to get a title examiner to do this this is just too much $112,000 later the original subdivide of this was a guy named Jord John Gormley 1903 and title examiner said the one thing he was certain about was John gley did not have clear title to all the land that he developed which calls him to question the bigger streets who actually owns that I actually went as far as speaking Mr Pell at one point on behalf of of banne can we do something with that piece would we swap it out and we initiated a conversation when the title became such a nightmare we just didn't go any further um she had a you know concern about her parents and how she going to care for them and she didn't have time to worry about this at the time so my biggest concern concern about this as far as development is getting that TI C and it's not going to be easy the pieces to the North like I said cour if you look other part of the subdivision on the other side of six you find other areas over there that went through the L Court curiously a lot of the land that was developed on rout six is filled wet land this large piece which is about 70 acres is good land it's never been sold that's not common usually the pieces of land that are left over unless they F something like that you know this something wrong with them there's something wrong with this the title now that plan that I gave you that shows the easement if you look on that you see one of the poses a but Highland Avenue shows oner unknown yep has been taxed on war mess since around 1967 they're abouts yet that plan is done in ' 69 so I think it was Al gas who took that in ' 69 they knew there were problem there there so you know I want to be clear that the applic coming up Pap Street get to the planning standard that your per to decide the accuracy of the access but the ownership of that is down the less it's extreme less to be more about it so um going one of the thing there was a letter written by at the time this is in I think 2010 2004 at that time that gas line by Duke Energy and it was permission granted to put a driveway up there but this one here I concern with this being it's highlighted they only Lo for one bar and kind wouldn't help the ab is whether it's War mess land or the Abundant to the South which is actually um it's a trust I can't thinket the name of it or anybody else who wants to develop it off they kind of Hand by handcuffed by that so um was an investigation of that time but to me the biggest the biggest issue this with the title it turns out that the 1903 subdivision he didn't want to land I mean I don't know how how back you going reach Redemption but somebody pops up and say say that's my land here's all the tax money that everybody paid and know it's mine that's and that's all I so uh Greg the subdivision we're saying is to the West uh that comes down to the cold sack over there is was that part of Railroad Park too no that's our way way that was actually part of the Bentley Lan that CI developed I know that yeah yeah but this was no answer your question no this is the line of Rao parkend up to here where Bley Lan comes in this was not part of feral Park is the bound here bound here bound here mysterious out a little which is let me thinking that you know possible I just find every this came this way up here to the end and extended across 195 that's what I thought I thought it was down on the other side yeah keep going and when the land was sold I mean you buy a couple of lots off of six and he get these other Lots out and live nowhere the idea was to try and entice you to buy more on the either side so that's how the strange came about still original from 1903 the big parcel no small okay thank you okay [Applause] Nicole plant I represent the trust and bety these properties in here have been clear title the ones that are in this funy collor those are in Claire's name those have clear title we have been spending the last two years trying to clear the title over here so again to this board let you know Greg I and two lawyers have been working on this state very long especially this area the titles are a mess it is in Warren and Claire's name those thoughts Warren had left them in different names and over year because certain titles were not clear for access to this subdivision that's how this was all laid out over time we have gone through multiple multiple steps of and we keep getting roadblocked we have hired attorneys to do land Court to clear up these titles to get to these lots that also being said there is no agreement in writing that any of us can find up here with CFI up here to continue this road I have gone through title search on that I've gone through everything with Kori there was no agreement in writing for everything that I had tried to find out about a continuance of Bentley Lane there was no maturity bonds there was nothing in writing between Warren and Bob CI so I do want to just bring that to the board being I cannot find anything in writing we have done a title we've done a research we've gone through all of Warren's letters and everything else since Warren cannot speak for himself there is nothing in writing so there's nothing in writing that says that this subdivision comes out and Dr Cubs out down I have looked the daughter has looked we've gone through all of the trust we've gone through all the safety deposit box we have found things for other subdivisions and other agreements there is nothing there are drafts there is nothing signed there is nothing recorded at the registry that those lots up there are not there's nothing in agreement with B before to have that go through so because you keep mentioning that there is nothing there so we've been digging into that for about a year we have found nothing um that person did come to my office today and I was not there and it's ironic that all this is all being stirred up right now it's nobody just shows up for a reason everyone's trying to figure out what's going on because this got up today this has been in works for almost two years since this poor Warren hased in health and as this has been going on the more we dig the more that we find the title is not clear their family is fully paying the taxes on stuff they don't clearly might not even own and has been paying fully on it for years but they were trying to clear it from years before so this is exactly where this all states as of right now and we're still working on it so there's no anything entitled buying it there's everything else but there's no clear title or clear access and on the paper Road access part of this if there was a paper road that they could go and clear right now and go and put a road in the driveway in the family would be doing it for their care so there's there's title is not clear right now for me to even bring you an anr or a plan to come and say can we s off some of these Lots the title's not there thank you so so I would just like to be clear so uh Pine Street where they're asking to right that was the one below so I understand the other three lots are owned by Warren me so Warren Claire owns this Warren owns this this this all this Claire owns this CL owns this yeah so if they wanted to do it on Pine Street would would you be okay with them doing that road we're not we can't get clear title to half our frenti why don't we give up Frontage to in easement right now we don't even know what we have and I can't speak for my client right now but I will tell you we're still trying to clear the title on all of that they go this here this sliver here this this we can't get clear title why would we give up fren of something we why would we give an easement through something I don't know what we have or not so the the reason that because there's also Wetlands there there's a lot of wetlands there that they have to cross and where are they going to replicate it so so the the issue for you is that you don't have clear titles for those multiple Lots well that's one whole B parcel with multiple Lots in the B TI right there's little there's little so we and the gis comine it all Lots like this in all of this those back Lots back in the old Deeds are all when you do a clear title so they combine them all they all combine them all and they're not clear necess combine them so correct but that one that that shouldn't affect the paper street though but but still but what I'm just thinking with that is and if they developed if if they improved the paper Street it would actually benefit you guys if it was improved in that way because you would be now you have Fage on the paper street but then if we own to the middle who owns to the middle that's the question who's giving right away to the middle correct well I I think the paper Street gives whoever else is on the paper Street the right to improve the access right so who so I know so I believe that whoever ends up owning those lots either side of pine M that you think you currently own but you're not sure correct it would seem to me that they don't need your permission to use that if they own the highlighted lot that's correct if the paper Street exists I'm saying that the problem with the title goes back before the subis correct before the sub before the subis yes be a problem that's the problem I'm saying Pres 1903 John gley from my title my title uh research is what we came up with he said I'm certain that John did not own all the land something we can't find probate we can't find we can't find we can't find anything so the owner of the blue lot may not owner it either spending so much money on title searches that we're not spending Mone so let's get kind of Back to Basics you said you had an agreement to to buy this but you haven't bought it yet right right and you're here gathering information we've already done title search on that LW the guy that bought it I know close family friend he has Title Insurance like that you know the fact of somebody else's lot being insurable by the title is none my concern you know I take a risk all I want to really get an idea of is just to kill the thought that somebody else owns a Pap Sho so so what you're dealing with is risk corre I read a story in Westport shorelines today I don't know whether you saw it from Chris Capone who uh had to deal with someone who bought a house lot for I don't know what your agreement is Chris Capone had to deal with someone who bought a house lot for a small amount of money and then found and then cleared the lot and then found that it was not buildable and it turned into a mess where he had to stop work and tell him to replicate what he cut down and Chris Capone said you know this is Happ happening and I need to get a message out that there are no deals left and there if something is too good to be true it is too good to be true and there aren't Lots anymore in Westport and you know listening to this you I don't know whether you need a mortgage or not I spent lunch today with a guy who's been in the lending business for a long time but I'm just putting myself in if I were going to lend money and listening to a lot of people say I don't know who owns the streets I don't know who owns any of the land uh you want to buy a piece of land that nobody knows who owns any of the land here you want me to lend money on and you may not own the land that you think you're buying uh that may be a risk you're willing to take if I'm a banker I'm not sure I'm willing to take a a risk where for 70 years and you've got people looking for title for two or three years and they can't figure out who owns anything around here I think there must be some place where you can build a house where you actually know who owns the streets and who owns the land yeah I mean you're you're gathering information which is good but you also have to listen to what people are saying about we've been looking for two years at who owns property around here we can't figure it out right anywhere around here who owns all the land around here so I trust my attorneys okay you should not attorney yeah I'm just frankly going off of this road that we see the chain of title there is no discrepancy in the chain of title that we've seen right we did our title work I don't know these individuals at all yeah but they but you got to get to that piece of land well here so since we're going off you know a lot of he say the owner of the land told me that he was approached by Mr last year in the past to throw in to develop the paper streak that tells me there's more information out there that you know this gentleman who I I don't know you know anybody involved and I have nothing against anybody I don't think it's fair to say hey we we don't want him to develop this paper street because we're not going to benefit this is United States of America I don't do I not let somebody do something going to benefit right so I don't know the hindrance here and why they would even show this is only going to benefit them and they don't know me they don't care if I lose money so I'm not sure what the narrative here is but it's definitely not to help me and protect my money or limit my risk nobody in this room is concerned about me and my family right not good bad or indifferent but if I lose money you guys don't right like I'm here because we did our research we did our digging and we said hey we just want to make sure the town understands the paper Street the way we do I'm not asking anybody for a title F I'm not asking them who owns it if somebody's going to come from 140 years ago and say I own the property that's the risk I'm going to take but they also own all the land around you too right yeah who I don't know I'm not concerned about any frankly the only reason I'm here is to say can we improve this baby street so I can access to my lot I'm not concerned with um the person who owns any of these Lots that's none of my business okay you know I'm just saying hey I write through the bylaws we did a little research my my title company did an exam they said we have clear title gentleman has Title Insurance currently on it who I know well I'm not getting a crazy Edie deal like this isn't the way I want to go about it I'd rather just go on the market and say okay yeah that it's not possible so I'm having to go the tough route like I mainly have in my life which is unfortunate but it builds character so it does I'm just saying hey this is the way I read the bylaws this is the way that I understand the law I could be wrong right i' I've talked to a few people a few of you guys seem like you have the same opinion this gentleman seems like you have the same opinion that we have the right to improve it okay what do you guys want to see you know this gentleman said hey you should call the gas company I think it's a great idea we've gotten a ton of information but frankly I'm not concerned anybody around or what their research shows or all right thank you guys thank you so I I think that from my perspective uh if you to stay up there no from my perspective if you own that lot then you would have the right to improve Pine Street the question is you know you already know these other issues crossing the wetlands replicating the wetlands um all those other issues but I I to me I would think that you would have the right to do that now the question is would the planning board approve that road I'm only one person so um but I think um probably so but I think it to me it really depends on the easement that the gas company owns and what is allowed on the easement also and it it doesn't seem to me and I'm have no idea what I'm talking about that you would put a major gas line down the street usually they're Crossing and going through the woods and stuff like that but I don't know if they would allow it I mean they allowed part of the driveway to go over it on the other subdivision but I don't know so um she she mentioned know that they would have developed you know or it wouldn't be fair like if the gas evenement only allows one lot so now is it part of the board like hey it's only going to benefit you but it's not going to benefit the people who haven't applied yet so we're not going to allow it or is it more of like a first come first serve hey we're going to allow this and then you guys can figure out the rest if if we approve the rural residential Lane that you can have four Lots with Frontage on those Lanes okay and you can have access to six Lots but four Lots with Frontage which is probably what you have there uh to the ones on Highland probably don't need Frontage right right and I'm I'm aware like you know I'm not the smartest guy but I'm not dumb Nei if I give this road then who whomever owns that land is going to get access great so that means we're in crisis this gentleman is going to build it sell it and four other people are going to get living in Westport this is a great thing I'm not going to say oh I don't want to do this because this person is going to benefit that's not the way this world supposed to be right we're supposed to help each other if that means they can benefit from the road great like that that's even better for the town the town gets more taxes I have probably 15 friends that are looking for housing you know it's a it's I'm in real estate it's a really tough time right now in real estate so we can help more people then great I I have no problem hey give me $5,000 like no okay you get your Lots great work together this is awesome so these lots are very big compared to what I assumed Railroad Park was which was very small Lots so I assume what's happened is that the assessor has combined them I think I think it came what came into effect was the merg law right so you buy four little Parcels doesn't matter how big how how small they are they come into common ownership now they all join right you know I I to me I I you know I've done stuff in Lakeville same thing you know very small parcels and normally you're trying to avoid the merg of law right and you'll put in this entity and this one and this one you know I think the way that this is set up is is to protect the Integrity of West right this is why we want to move out here we don't want to be on top of each other you know I want my kids to play baseball outside and be able to ride a dirt bike and you know enjoy what the town has to offer and not be stuck and I'm a contractor so I build houses and it's much cheaper for me to be able to build my own house I can't afford this market right now like I can't and you know they're going for $400 a square foot you know for a ranch paying $500,000 for a ranch I I just had my my last baby's a year old we need four bedrooms like I can't spend $700,000 if I could afford to live in B Estates I would fortunately I have friends and people that will help and we can get this project going and be in it for a reasonable attainable price to own a home in town okay so have we helped you tremendously tremendously everyone everyone in this room has been super helpful and and and I and and I think that the question with the gas company I think the gas company will have a right to tell you how to build the road over there utility but not what your aess or whether it's one lot or if the or if the neighbors are going to benefit from the improvements to the road I don't think the gas company will have be able to do that now we talked to the gas company get their requirements and then explain that on the plan moving forward obviously we this is a long road this isn't something we need the and all that stuff but if we get approved along the way and then the gas company says hey this is the specs that we need as long as they at least meet or supersede your specs then you guys are okay with it is that correct yeah you're going to have to apply for a subdivision Road right because that's what it is it's Ral residential Lane is a subdivision Road uh you're going to have to put the the utilities underground and you need to talk with the gas company about that too because usually they're in the same edge of the road that their gas lines are right and if there's one on each side I don't know if they're going to want electric right in there um and then if you can't put it in the ground then we have to decide whether we let you put it above through and that would be one of their requirements they'll have a they'll have a spec sheet for separation from the different utilities right like a set back requirement yeah they'll have a cross-section with separation and I and I think the gas company you know where it's Al gon something it's a little different than if you had ever sa of the grid because the grid has a package of exactly what you're supposed to do Alan where their transmission lines it's a little different than than U or what transmission yeah the the big feed lines that feed into the local streets oh okay so these are high press gas mes these are not the low pressure gas Ms that are running in the street and they come from through Dartmouth I think through Westport to tan this one goes across the whole country 1100 ft or 1100 miles but the the one here you can see it go across Route 88 B so it's the same one so now when we um receive the information on whatever the specs are you know required is do we have to come back to another meeting do we contact Miss Mia or you have to apply with the planners for subdivision Road rural residential Lane have a plan as far as update or something hey we got the spe you're you're more than will you're more than happy to come back we're happy to have you come back as another prea so that we don't have an application that is going to because as soon as you give us an application we're going to send it to our Consulting engineer and they're going to go all through the things and you have to uh get approval from conservation for wetlands and replication and go through all that to me after you talk with the gas company I think you'd be better served to come back again and show us what they want you to do or what they won't let you do whatever anybody else no longer on that that'll save you the money you know what we need you don't have to keep coming back I'm asking I don't want everyone just wants to pull the trigger you know I I don't i' rather sit here and just commune and and the title's important I mean you need you need registered Lance surveyor and lawyers to handle a title but coming before us the engineers usually we don't we don't have too much to deal with lawyers hopefully now okay thank you guys so much thank you have a great night done a lot of that lot of that stuff next uh is cve North America toal Way file number 18-3 p-s close out and release shity of 300 232,000 plus interest yep so Derek of s SW Cole went out there two weeks ago for the final uh site visit with the as belts to make sure that it was constructed as approved and it has been and there is significant uh vegetation growing on site so uh Derek provided a review and recommends that all of the shity of $232,000 plus interest be released back to the applicant uh that site is 100% complete autographs really good want up motion Mr chair sure uh Mr chair I move um uh to Grant uh final approval of the Upland Trails subdivision release the shity of uh 232,000 plus interest I wait that's I'll C that wrong wait a second I I think the correct motion would be to close out and releasee the shity of $232,000 plus interest for cve North America uh file number 18-3 sp- s45 to away all right reading the wrong thing so I make the motion that Amy just read second any discussion all those in favor I I that was a long time coming but they had a growing season now looks gr looks good I copied and past she has it out for you get you for that okay uh next is uh serpent annual meeting is September 25th it's 539 is that whites this year no ven oh sorry Venus Milo um so you don't have to tell us right now because it's still a little bit ways out but not really need to think about RSVP a not even a month about yeah they say the Venus de Milo has been much changed the Venus de Milo my God it's been so long since I've been there I know to go back Jes that's where I well reception my first time too I got married all the political time T Venus okay uh so the second put that on your calendar if you would like to to come uh is it dinner dinner drinks drinks y they'll have and they'll have a speaker I don't know who the speaker is you could just let me know at your earliest convenience so I can go ahead and reply to it um e response to open meeting law complaint dated 7 17 2024 so um a gentleman by the name of Patrick Higgins had um filed a complaint with the town clerk on the planning board's meeting of June 18 18th um so the open open meeting law now requires us to just make a list of any documents that were used during the meeting and we did not do that so uh later on in tonight's meeting naen has revised minutes but in the meantime um this is just a letter for Jim to sign to say that we've received the complaint reviewed it found that we were in error and we'll abide by the open meeting law guidelines going forward so who who complain Patrick Higgins he is actually quite famous in Massachusetts for uh giving out open meeting law complaints is he from westw no he is not he lives in Alabama that's he lives in Alabama his mailing address is in Alabama um but I do believe he used to reside in Swansea Massachusetts watch Alabama so you know that the meeting will be sent or the the letter will be sent to the complain Attorney General's office and also our town counsil too yeah and so we have to I noticed in the minute or somewhere that in the agenda it lists these documents is that what we have to do now in the future yeah so that'll be that should be included in the minutes going forward so she'll just put those in the minutes instead of the on the agenda but yes wow does this gentleman do this Nationwide he just I'm not sure if it's na wide I know it's he does it in almost every town in Massachusetts just as an aside the cultural Council several years ago was um brought over the calls by the same same kind of I don't know it's the same kind but same and the climate resilience committee then have to do this yes so the last set of minutes you approved I actually did I did I did put the document list and so going forward I'll put document list you know the conclusion is clear no documents this is what we need to do just not have any documents I love that no books no documents no scientific reports we should make all our uh decisions based on intuition and you know whatever works for me yeah no Maps no reports that'll solve all the problems okay wow ni see um f the planning board appointments to the offshore wind advisory committee please tell me they don't want to do this no that's all right so when I initially contacted you Jim about this um the notice that I had received from the T administrator's office read more that the read it read more to me that they were specifically requesting that someone on the planning board staff this but the Town Administrator himself has reached out and clarified that the plan or the select board has is asking different boards and commissions if they would like to participate on it not that it's being a requirement of you know to serve on on this board so if you're interested in serving on the board we'll for your name so so so I have a question uh a little bit for the planning board but more selfishly for the climate resilience committee uh in reading your uh email Michael and that is um does the planning board or the the climate resilience committee make a decision that the planning board of the climate resilience committee makes a decision about one person to nominate to the select board or does the planning board of climate resilience committee say how many people might be interested from that body and forward all the names to the select board and the the select board says oh there are five people from the climate resilience committee I'm going to pick this person which is it I don't have any specific guidance from the select board on how to approach that I would say that the boards themselves if there's someone who would like to volunteer that the board should then nominate that person to and then for that would be ideal should be a committee decision not yeah okay I'm much more worried about from this CRC five people wanting to do it and US forwarding five names so we only asked for one so yeah and that's if anyone is interested too I think that's a good idea John well I think I mean we're meeting now so we could make a decision tonight on the planning board the CRC isn't supposed to meet for quite a while so so what what what I'd like to know what is this what does the select board wish this committee to do that's a good question and I don't think there's a charter that's in place for I think they were trying to do that like a charge for the committee but basically they want the committee to they the select board wants to remain in control and they're just looking for a committee to advise to the selector that's that's what they're looking for so offshore wind is tens if not hundreds of miles out in the ocean what we decide here wport is going to have zero impact in what they do not necessarily true because it has to come ashore that that that's that's it there's a Mike I understand this Comm is informed my concern with the committee is you know is is this I'm proposed to Offshore wind and therefore this this this provides I I am not opposed to Offshore wi but but someone who is opposed to Offshore win gets volunteers to get on the committee gets on the committee and their fight is I I don't want to see Towers out in the ocean we don't have any jurisdiction over that it's in federal waters we don't have all of that but they bring the power ashore one of the roots that is being considered is to come ashore and come up Route 88 and there was a public Bo that you know said that and it's one of the roots they're considering and and you know and then the the RO up con River it's it's getting into the getting the offshore wind into the grid with a substation somewhere in the grids so it's what's radiates out of Brighton Point are The Logical points to connect to so I think if it's if it's if the committee deals with what are the issues of building a PO line in the town of West in its location the sighting of the substation so I think that's a fair inquiry for public bodies and I and I see that is very to think about the idea of offsh show or whether we should whether or not we should have that and and I think if if the committee were to if this committee gets formed I think that that should be very clear what its charges yeah I agree with that but I also think that when we went to see the uh at the high school y everything that they had planned where they're coming from is like 150 mil out yes it's and they decided to go to New London instead of through Westport so there's nothing on the table for this committee to look at uh and do we really want to empower a committee to go into the details of something that we don't know what those details are how can they yeah I can I don't want to serve on such a i don't no I well I would say there's a positive POS and there is there are a couple of roles one is a positive and the other is the prevention of a negative um and the positive is what Bob just talked about uh there is a possibility and I don't know it might be 10% uh that uh a power line might come up Route 88 uh it's a possibility if it did uh and it was done well it could uh provide an awful lot of benefit for the town of Westport uh from uh uh addressing the issue of vulnerability that we talked about with the original East spee vulnerability study to revenues that the town needs to all kinds of other things but it may be 10% but it's 10% of a potential large benefit uh and it would have to be done in a way that deals with potential adverse environmental impact so it's a serious project but it even though it may only be 10% it's worth considering what that is because it could be an enormous positive with potential adverse impacts that take a serious look the uh and and I think we ought to have someone I mean I would nominate you because you're head of our INF the climate resilience infrastructure this is all about infrastructure the prevention of a negative is that uh there's an awful lot of misinformation and disinformation being whipped up in offshore wind uh as an example you know people are collecting uh styrofoam on beaches as they walk along the beaches and and they're saying this is you know the end of uh uh the environment because of the styrofoam as they go to collect the styrofoam and this makes offshore wind evil incarnate as they walk along the beach to collect the styrofoam they're stepping over polypropylene rope and abandoned lobster traps that have been washing up on the beaches for a hundred years from the fishing industry and I love the fishing industry that no one's objected to for a 100 years because well that's just what the fishing industry does is litter our beaches with polypropylene rope discarded fishing nets and lobster tracks but you know that's just part of the natural part of the fishing industry and we just realize that's going to be something that comes up on our beaches we don't object to it but a little styrofoam oh you know the sky is falling so it's uh you know that people can take this and whip it up into a firestorm of misinformation and deliberate disinformation like green oceans and and given an opportunity they will yeah and so you want to make sure that this wind advisory committee if that's what the name is is doesn't become a vehicle for disinformation uh because it could be yeah I think I think what I'm hearing is that if this committee were to be formed there may not be any immediate issues that it has to deal with correct but if this so-called 10% as you or whatever it turns out to be comes to pass then um some B needs some a body a committee needs to be empowered to consider all the impacts of that uh possibility coming coming on how the town could leverage uh the benefits from bringing let's say an underground cable underneath underwater cable excuse me across the harbor and connect you know underneath the Braga bridge and then go up uh Route 88 because we'd like to get another way to connect the power lines to the right uh the where you live John to the trip boaty yard and all of that rather than be limited to horse Neck Road so um you we could create a loop for our for our own town power line so uh so there are benefits and so I what I'm I guess I'm thinking and you tell me Manny because you're on the board is they're just being proactive well and wanting to create a committee to be ready to consider these things if they're needed cor correct because we we're looking we're not looking for a committee for or against but I think what John has stated is exactly what I up as a planning board our recommendation to the select board should be on what the charge to the committee should be and and let that go along with with our recommendations on on who would like to be from the climate resilience committee or the or the planning board committee um I think they were I think they were looking for that last night and and I think they're going off and and they they're coming up with a charge but I think from what's transpired here tonight a recommendation from the plane AB board would be something that would be appreciated so I I am somewhat persuaded by John's discussion of how do you say not pro a negative yeah I mean I think there's a positive reason to do it and I think there's the prevention of a negative reason to do it but I think it is in West board's interest I think it was a good decision by the select board to say we want to have this committee uh and uh and I think there's a public education purpose to having this committee uh so you know I I'm certainly willing I may not be the best person but uh I'm certainly willing either planning board or CRC uh to do it I think Bob is excellent because of his service to the town in infrastructure and this is fundamentally an infrastructure issue and and my concern as we all know the windows are being built so you know you want to stick your head in the sand that's right just we got have to look out for West keep being trusted by people every time I go into Lees uh because they know I was not terribly supportive of wind power but not against it but haven't you changed your mind yet all this stuff coming up is terrible they go so fast around and I just think that the select board is being pushed by these people to do this and the question is can they control it so it doesn't become yeah the negative um my own thought was it's way way way premature to have a committee because if somebody is really suggesting to come up through Westport uh will have so we'll have a long time we will have a long time it it won't happen overnight and it'll opinions form now now though there's a lot of there's a lot of interest and and you know that uh the offshore wind developers have already talked to a number of people in the town about this so I think it's not uh premature uh to do this uh because there's a lot of discussions uh especially with uh you know the the blade breaking and and and and styrofoam when they said styrofoam and balsawood uh floating up I said they're making these things out of balsawood I can't I used to make model planes out of Ballwood they're making these things out of Ballwood have you you seen the stuff no I I brought one into the planning board do you still have it in there I do where you go get it right now sure you know that that looks clearly like was a manufacturing defect bra fact not in any anything just out of out of some defect the thing I worry about is because it is a manufacturing defect when's the second blade going to break right was it only in this blade yeah can't be just one everybody has a car and occasionally they don't stop and occasionally they break down and occasionally you buy them and they're not very good maybe as an as an action item for this then that we could have the planning board send a memo to the select Court outlining what has been discussed that this should be a really public education oriented um committee and then to strategize come up with strategies to harness or PRI strategies and priorities for harnessing any benefits it could bring to support how do you think we should uh look at that yeah I thought he was giving me moldy bread when he came in the office was it little strawberry jam and perhaps you don't you know you don't have to make a decision tonight because if the the select and the select cour hasn't adopted a charter for this committee right there's no there's no Charter for the committee yet no I I I think what you just said is exactly what we need to do as a planning board so maybe that's what you say in the memo is look we might want to have someone represent the planning board but until we know what we're signing up for how do you think Michael uh we can make a decision tonight planning board how do you think uh we can make a decision on the climate resilience committee I mean one way we could do it is I could email the membership of the CRC and say my recommendation is to appoint Bob dalor as chair of the subcommittee on infrastructure uh and and if there are objections to that let me know or if there are other people who are interested let me know but uh we don't have another meeting for a couple of months and select board wants to know so we have one next month next month yeah September 19th September 19th uh do we have time to wait for a a meeting with the select board or do they want a a name now I think sooner the better because cuz they are they're getting a lot there was a lot of people in the meeting last night so what do what do you think is the best way to do that with the John I think you can appoint somebody on an inter basis and then if uh you need to appoint somebody else after the committee needs you can do that that make sense to you mik all right so what I'll what I'll do is uh uh say I'm appointing Bob dor if if that's all right with you B uh as chair of the infrastructure committee on an interor basis and then we'll re put that on the agenda for the September 19th meeting okay um and U uh have the committee vote on that okay sounds good all right now should the planning board have her represent I think so I think so too yeah can he kill two birds with one stone can Bob be both well why why you was a vat yeah what about John you interested I'd be will recommend John yes okay I move John P okay in but I I think we also need [Music] to so so the issues will be when you come underneath the cable coming up to hseen beach or wherever it's going to come Y and then going underneath and then coming up in the parking lot somewhere what is the ecological impact of that and then when it goes underneath the river cu the guy at the bo said he they would lay the cable on the bottom of the river Not underneath underneath they' go under no no they wouldn't go underneath Sak was buried in a dredged uh the proposal when it came up to Sak was he was in a buried stretch not not directional drilling which would be way underneath no no but but when it comes to the beach it's done by directional drilling right but not under it is it is not laid on the surface it is buried in the seabed of the river yes it would it is buried in the seabed it isn't laid on the the ocean floor and so and and theyve already uh Vineyard wind which is under construction I believe goes south of I'm quite sure goes south of M vard and it connects in bar West bille yeah and and it's it came through it's it's there and it came through the beach and it has a substation and it's laid in in a so so it's already it's already connected in bille and I believe stuff in rhod Island's already hit landfall in rhod Island so one of the things that you know like when we were saying it's going to take years you know we don't know that um no I'm not saying it's going to take years but it would take a long time by the time they say this is where it's going to go before it happens but the you know I go twice a week to Somerset for physical therapy and when you get off these huge towers are now there for the transmission lines coming out of where breaking point was huge I mean they've been doing they've been doing that since Co and those cables are made by prisi yeah in at the old Bron Point site so you know I think we need to somehow be able to address scientifically the impact of the electromagnetic yeah field because that's what everybody's concerned I know but how does nant Tucket get its electricity I have no idea by by cables you know and so all the fishing n tuckets s when you catch them you know you don't put them smack up on your refrigerator because they're all magnetized the fish and the whales and N Tucket sound are fine and they've been running electronic cables to Nantucket to Block Island to Long Island for a while so despite what my good friend and former classmate ever Mills said you know this is not the first electric cable that's gone somewhere this has happened for a long time well actually this cable too Norway is newly developed this is something that pris bean um facility that they're building to manufacture the cable at BR point the cable is a is is a a new engineering design with like you know it's got different kinds of stuff inside the cable I have a picture of it it's it's about that so my when you're coming down 88 that you don't put those Towers like in stays on the ground it is all buried the proposal is to bring it when it comes asore it's buried until it gets to the substation which is next to the the existing gr all those Towers talking that that's what's that's where the substation is and they're talking about the proposal that they had on the table if they were going to come to Westport was to bury it in the road of 88 yep and then repave it yeah I I figured it was going to go under the river not on the surface of the river that they they would stay with directional drilling no no because they said it was it's such a huge thing I mean they're going to do it in the parking lot of horn Beach when there's nobody there but it's a huge machine that does this uh and it takes a lot of thing and they were going to trench the river so uh but we've had cables across the Westport River before have you ever seen the sign don't anchor here but I but I think a somewhere in the discussion was sending along a note besides two names sending along a note but we think this should be focused on the the impacts and mitigation benefits for the the portion of the power system that sits in West Point and not the bigger idea whether whether or not offshore wind should be part of the electrification of America yep yeah we C that that I I believe that ship has sailed M yeah all right are we moving on yes please so next is uh the public hearing uh a little late for 720 726 Old County Road file number 24-3 sp- CV continued from April 2nd and May 21st of this year and June 18th of this year applicant is requesting a continuance to 9:24 yes so uh the applicant has let me know that they're requesting requesting a continuance till 9:24 um because Steve giosa is still needs to get the revised existing conditions plan set from the applicant you want a motion Mr chair yes please at the request of the applicant I move uh to continue the public hearing of 720 to 726 Old County Road to September 24th 2024 at 6:15 p.m. all those in favor i i j if you could just sign this on the bottom it's just an extension of time do we need uh also Al a motion to extend on this besides continuing uh that's that well yes you do you can all right so I move to Grant the extension of time for 720 to 726 Old County Road special permit common driveway to September 30th 2024 second all those in favor I uh okay next is the 6:30 public car for 146 State Road file number 24-17 sp- M A continued from July 16th 2024 the applicant is is requesting a continuance to 910 yes the applicant uh I spoke with uh the applicant and their engineer and because they need to do some further testing and uh survey work they are requesting a continuance until September 10th at 6:45 p.m. okay one motion could you just remind us what this is yes uh 146 State Road is the gentleman that came in he's um would like to expand his already uh established business for motorcycle repair okay and restoration and restoration yeah you that yep at the request of the applicant I move to continue the public hearing of 146 uh State Road to September 10th second is that right September 10th at 6:45 yes all those in favor all uh assistant planers report I don't have anything for the assistant report so I'll give it over Mel planner report yeah three quick updates I released our massil request for proposals I think that was two weeks ago so that's for Designing the wapa connector bike trail and that will be due on August 30th and we'll review the RFP shortly thereafter update on our housing production plan in all of your packets there's a copy of our draft of the town updated housing production plan and so if you have any comments on that document just let me know by the end of the month and our an update on our town meeting 2024 articles those were as a reminder the ones that were approved at town meeting were to reone the unrestricted District to residential Agriculture and then incorporate a definition for congregate living arrangements and those were approved by the Attorney General office so they're accepted by the state approved that town meeting so they're all set okay um that's it that's it correspondence there is a letter um regarding I don't have the letter in front of me right now I don't know if you do but there is a notice of the Cory Ridge decision that is being appealed KP law has requested that we have an executive session prior to our next planning board meeting and so we're going to have that executive session at 5:30 um and at the next meeting which is September 10th September 10th um so you all will need to be here by 5:30 for that okay so how come we haven't been served that's a good question the applicant was served on what's today Tuesday was the applicant was served on Monday yesterday yes so um I I assumed he was just going to serve all of you at the same time but aren't they obligated to do that they are yes so where did you get this copy y today it should be sted on July 29th who is the appendant uh just Jordan trustee for Cory brid Estates on Cornell so you sent out an email to everybody today to ask if anybody any of us had been served because the the Town Council had asked it yes I don't know how long they have to serveice but they certainly haven't yeah so they have have they served anybody in the town except for this letter com on figure out the administrated pieces we'll figure it out okay uh we have lots of minutes yes CU we had to revise the one minute set of minutes from the open meeting and then there was a special meeting too the one that I was oh yeah that the marot marot meeting so uh the June 18th revised minutes the only thing that was added to them was just the list of documents at the end so they should just the file attachments yeah I've read those Mr chairman and I so the the uh August the July 23rd meeting says that it was at uh Town Hall was that the one at the library July 23rd was at the library so that needs to change the place the the minutes say it was a town hall so that needs to be modified to say it was at the library let's do the revised June 18th first all right those those we approved before I think but you added the documents and so I would move approval of June 18th as revised all those in favor I I uh July 16th do we approve uh July 16th before we have not oh all right I'm move approval of July 16th I have a uh I have a chairman uh chairman I have a edit um I am both uh an attendee and absent in that meeting make up your mind Bob you were here but you're mine you were daydreaming oh I was not here noticed that physically here mentally not you were wandering so if we we if we we strike bobdor from the attendee list I think the rest of it is fine okay is there a motion oh we have a motion so yeah I move as edited second all those in favor okay July 23rd yeah if we change town hall to the library then I would move uh I I had I had that same comment I have another comment the the Motions uh to close the public hearing are oddly phrased in which uh the way John made the motion they were were positive and we voted against the Motions so I I think the lines that say the motion carried the motion didn't carry the motion lost 0 to5 and then yeah then the motion didn't pass we we can't we can't vote against something and then say the motion carried so I think if if we if we just edited each of the lines to say all of us voted nay the motion carried if we just say lost or yeah the motion did not pass right and then and it says after afterwards it says that it's it's it says it carried then it says the motion did not pass just delete the motion carried what just delete that part yeah either deleted or say the motion lost and then 0 five right yeah I would say the motion lost so right and outside of that with the with the edit of we actually met in the library um so keep the motion did not pass as well you can leave the did not pass it's it's duplicative but it's okay so um the draft decision that we just signed y that I just signed mhm does that that comport exactly with these minutes that the me what do you mean is what it was represented in the decision reflect what was I don't know if it was anything else but it does list not to not verbatim but it it states the documents yeah yeah no it was it's not for for minutes no no we we rewatched the meeting and then wrote the decision and then Town Council also looked it over so what you signed was the the version that Town Council had sent back to us that I accepted changes on okay so in the meeting uh we had uh somebody asked ask if we were voting on the nine lot subdivision or the eight lot subdivision m is that reflected in the decision that is reflected in the decision okay you have it read it it was a very good question it was ref okay all right uh so do we have a a motion in a second yeah on the minute yeah yeah we did okay all those in favor okay invoices I move to approve the Amazon invoice of 4892 for file folders and uh postcards for butter notifications second all those in favor all topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours before the meeting or matters in matters topics and matters we do I have one um the last night the select board approved my request to change the way the short-term rental committee is composed so previously it was composed of two planning board members two zba members and a member of the Board of Health Board of Health all members on that board have declined to continue to participate on that so I ask that they open the board up to or open that committee up to allow an atlarge committee m um to the planning board for the planning board to voke on so that's something if you have someone in mind reach up to them um there's also been some folks who have expressed interest in in being on that committee and so I think In fairness we should probably ask for folks to send us a you know just a brief statement explaining their their interest um and what their background is in these types of issues either being shortterm um Advocate or having a land use background or something like that um but so keep that in mind for the for our next meeting and if you have anyone you'd like for me to reach out to okay okay uh for the rest of the board we had a walk around at this uh Westport gravel and sand Sol array yesterday uh and it was vegita it looked in good shape and it was surprising that we didn't have any problem with it seeing the difficulty we had in improving it so many years ago so it was actually spectacular 4.9 megaw I think of of AC yeah I think we all felt that those who pretended that uh we wish there were more yeah uh closed gravel pits in town yeah that's cool yeah there's a lot of metal recycling maybe we could maybe is there any way uh that we could get shorelines or something to do a story on that because sure could you call Ted Hayes because that's a as Mark said you know there's an awful lot of Farms where it's it's good and everything but you end up cutting down trees this is closing of gravel pit it's like everything good about that it's the best use of this land that's right um and I have pictures if you tell them you can have my pictures oh I have some too I think that would be a great story and they didn't try to level the the site they just mounted the panels following the undulating across the Contin not very high up I don't think it's visible from maybe a few houses in the way back it's it is not visible all from public WS I think that would be a great story and and all of the the ugly Transformer stuff is in in the site not out on the street yeah want a motion to adour please move to adour Second all those in favor I I