it's 6: p.m I'll call this meeting to order if everybody could rise to pledge allegiance behind you pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you so just um to let everybody know I'm I'm zooming in I'm the only person able to zoom in um and it's because I'm I'm not feeling well um so I'm the only person that will be on Zoom but do we have anybody uh in the audience that anybody there who would like to make a comments or statements from the public nope nobody's here no public okay so before we get to the special agenda I just would like to again once again thank Tony and Nancy for their all of the work and commitment they put into the school committee into our town um what they've done with um being on the school committee will continue to be felt by our students um years from now so I I thank them for the time and efforts that they put in and really the care of of our school district I'd also like to welcome our two new members uh welcome Jay and Chris would you like to introduce yourselves after you uh Jason Pico um thank you Melissa um for welcoming me I'm happy to be aboard um and uh you know be here to support obviously um the committee in the school district and um certainly the students and uh in town of Westport thank you thank you thank you thank you my name is uh Christopher Thrasher I am uh very happy to be a member of this uh this board I uh am a a very recent new father uh I have a three three and a almost four month old now oh my God uh so figure there's no sense in uh wasting any time here to start having a positive impact on the uh the town schools so I'm very happy to be here thank you excellent well thank you both for for joining the school committee um we're very happy to have you here with us uh we're going to dive right into um the school committee reor organization and from there we do the selection of the chair and the first and then the vice chair so how we'll do the section of the chair I'd like to he if there are any nominations from um for the chair and then how many there are um we'll we'll take it from there if there's more than one um they can just talk about why they would like to be chair um and move from there so um do we have any nominations I would like to chair position I would like to nominate Evan gendro for the chair position thank you do we have a second I would like to Second thank you so um is there any discussion thank you congratulations so if we could have a roll call vote for H chair I Gloria cabal I Christopher Thrasher I Jason pachico I EV gendro I Melissa Pacho thank you very much so the records show that the new chair is Evan gendro so I think from here you would take uh the rest of the meeting thank you Evan thank you Melissa now you get the Cav uh I will first just wanted to thank the committee and welcome our two new members Jason Pico and Christopher Thrasher you know we welcome your board and we look forward to working with you um to continue the great progress that we're making in the district so uh looking forward to it um at this time continuing with our special agenda I'll entertain a motion uh for the nomination of Vice chair I'll make a motion to have Melissa pachico as a vice chair I nominate Melissa sorry second motion has been made and seconded to nominate meliss Pico as Vice chair of the committee we'll do a roll call vote I Gloria cabal I Christopher Thrasher I Jason Pacho I Melissa Pacho I EV gendro congratulations Vice chair Melissa P congratulations discussion of the school committee subcommittee appointments um we have a list that is that every Committee Member has received with the previous uh subcommittee appointments so we'll go down the list um and make the approvals um of the the way that this has been done the passes to approve the annual appointments first so for legal council we have uh Murphy lamir and Murphy school committee secretaries reporting secretary Sharon Pino secretary Lori Melo and school physi physician Dr denn C is there a motion to accept those appointments I'll make a mo I'll second motion made and second it to accept the annual appointments all in favor I I I oppose that carries Town committee Representatives um So currently on the Capital Improvements committee is Melissa Pico if Melissa is there any would you like to continue on that committee or sure no that' be fine thank you on the cable committee currently Gloria um no I'll be stepping down okay uh either Chris or Jay would either of you like to serve on the cable committee it's an easy committee what um I I I feel like cable I might I may have to recuse myself due to a potential conflict of interest just I just want to leave that alone but I would I would uh as we get to the school building committee and the long-range building committee would certainly go there J um can I ask the the commitment commitment on the cable committee uh once a month okay uh yes and if they and they may be less due to we've already signed the contract gotcha yes I would do it right for the school building committee previously tonyos and Nancy sand cross um I can I've attended a number of those meetings so I don't mind serving on that committee um and I think I said there's still some work there I'm not sure you know the how often the committee is meeting now but it's sort of as as things come up so I know Chris or well we talked have tell me which ones I one I if doesn't me it doesn't matter I i' had given you a few names different things so it's the the my my thinking on on the school building committee was I having already being the the chair of the long range of the long-term building committee uh perhaps uh or perhaps it would be better if I was not on the school building committee either way so perfect so that would be Gloria and myself um long range building committee was previously Tony bis um so Chris is your is your service on that committee contingent on another committee's uh representation or is that or are you just a member of the committee it it may well be I for the long-term building committee I believe I am um actually no I I apologize I am at large on that committee not the fin com so in that case I'm already on that one so no worries and I've attended a number of those so I if the committee is okay with it I wouldn't mind serving on that as well absolutely um Ada transition team there are two on this uh Gloria cabal there was only one that we filled previously U but there's two there so Gloria would you like to continue There continue yes okay and is there another member that would like to serve on that that one has very little commitment on that one I've never had a meeting Alissa okay I can serve on that too [Music] sure Campground committee uh is currently myself um but if another another member would like to join that committee I know the town is looking to potentially pay off the the note on that property this year so I'm not sure if that means that there'll be something with done there um but if a member would like to serve on the committee I wouldn't mind um Evan sure okay Jason are you going to be on that to Evan I just no that's just one member y just one member that committee also has I I believe there's a membership list that's either published on the town website or if it's not um I know that the chair has a list so um I'm sure they out excellent all right audit committee currently is Gloria cabal do you wish to to remain on that okay there's one position there any committee members would like to I am also you're on the a so I mean I would I wouldn't mind serving if that one's not a bad one that was whatever we have like three or four committees we all have to do that's the hard part I think we're on four committees each would you like that one Jason um I'd rather not I'm looking a little bit down the road at a couple of the other ones yeah I don't mind serving on that educational fund committee is currently uh was Nancy sross and myself um if any committee members would like to serve on that Express their interest I would like to Chris serve on that okay is there anyone else that committee oh the fund I'll educational fund Gloria okay okay moving on to school committee subcommittees collective bargaining Representatives uh WFT is currently Nancy s cross and myself um I would like to remain on that Committee just because there we have an ongoing contract negotiation there um but we do have an open seat there I know Chris serves on the finance committee it may have some good insight but you know open to discussion on I would would interest in that position I would be happy to serve on that if if especially unless someone else wants to I'd be happy to serve on that committee I wouldn't mind either but fine it doesn't matter you got and you got ask me so there's two different bargaining ones if yeah there are two bargaining units within the the district um so is the I'll let Chris do one and Jason do the other that works yeah that works um Jason I I'll I'll defer to you as to which one out of the two um if I'll do the WFT okay right we have asme is Melissa GNA stay on the as me one that's what we'll determine right now Melissa ask yeah I can see ask me yep okay and then there's one more spot on asme on be the Ser Chris the health advisory committee currently Gloria and Nancy um I'll stay on that one Gloria will stay on that any other member of the committee interested in serving on the health advisory committee how often do that Me Gloria never I've never been okay that's what I was thinking think it's a very busy one no I think they want to start doing with something with sped pretty soon on it but that's as of right now I've never met does it need to because there is there isn't a two beside it there is not a two beside it um we did have two members appointed um so gu that could remain Gloria yeah we'll just leave and if we need somebody we'll grabb somebody on the yeah as you're going if you find that there's more need back up sure the budget subcommittee um I'm currently on that uh and just because of where we're at with the budget i' like to remain on that if the committee is okay with that and we have another position I know Chris is on the finance committee I I would very much like to be a part of the budget subcommittee um it does remain to be seen if I will be continuing with the finance committee Beyond town meeting right but in any case I would certainly want to be part of the the budet I think your Insight there would be helpful regardless just because of your experience there with the town appreciate that and be happy to serve okay we have the mask policy review subcommittee currently Melissa and Gloria I'll stay on that one Gloria will stay Alissa would you like to stay on that or um it might be helpful for one for um one of our new members to get on that so they can get more familiar with some our policies I don't know if if um either of the two members Jason or Christopher would be interested Inon it doesn't meet very often it tends to be only when there's a new policy that comes up um so it might be something they interested in if if there's no interest then I can continue on it I don't mind doing it yeah okay 1 two 3 four five we have the Master Plan update is currently Melissa yeah that's we're not in in a cycle for updating the master plan so I mean that's fine I don't okay all right I believe that was that's all of our did you want to do the special ed liaison yes there was a request by the special education department for Department liaison um I've met with them in the past so I'm not sure if the committee has to the committee has to establish committee or a liaison position or just vote on the liaison um I believe we would just vote on a liaison but I don't know if that has to be appointment position not sure if the Melissa if you have any insight on that yeah um I'm not sure I'd have to check I have to check our policies um why don't we say why don't we um I don't know if we have to I mean the worst case would be we'd have to vote to add a subcommittee so I mean we could do that and then just point someone Point yourself to that subcommittee sure right so we would then approve this list as is at the moment and then move to right okay so we'll with the current list we'll we'll if there's any is there any more discussion on the current list that was just discussed any further anything further no no all right uh is there a motion to approve those appointments I'll make a motion to approve the appointments of the new committee second all in favor I I I iose that carries okay thank you moving to discussion uh sorry payroll and Bill warrant approvals oh no it's regular meeting isn't it what's that the regular meeting uh we have this part oh we okay gotcha so payroll and Bill warrant approvals um that's currently done by or it was done by the chair and Tony um I wouldn't mind doing those approving those um but it's up to discussion by the committee if that's you have to have what two or three two how many signatures so all members know they they get sent out the the get sent out and we we all have an opportunity to take a look we all have an opportunity to ask questions and then ultimately um um the person who's appointed to sign it goes in and sign but we all have the ability to to go in so I'm fine with with you doing that okay I don't believe that needs a vote just because it's a yeah yeah we have discussion of preparation of the school committee regular meeting calendar uh we currently meet on the 1 and third Thursday of the month except for July and August although last year we did have two meetings that we scheduled in August the committee is okay with that schedule along with a meeting at the beginning of July at 7:30 um just to close the books on the previous fiscal year and begin the new year that would fall this year on July 9th I believe Thursday July 9th Evan yes um I don't know what um schedule everybody currently has and if it matters but would it be possible to move the meetings from a Thursday to a Wednesday does anybody have a a prior commitment um yes well it matters what days you know I have the fourth Wednesday of the month and then a lot of the Town committees run on Wednesdays Monday Wednesday that's my same concern they Monday and Wednesday are a lot of town meetings so what about the Tuesday that would be Tuesdays would work for me Wednesday Wednesdays do not either but Tuesdays would Tuesday Tuesday could work I I just out of curiosity so traditionally it's at 6:30 as opposed to 6 or 6:30 traditionally is is there any um the six or even earlier work for anybody else on Tuesdays or six I'm I'm okay with six if that is okay with the okay okay okay okay excellent okay so that would be the first and third Tuesday at 6 PM right if that does that work for everybody just to confirm before we I hope so take a vote okay that begins immediately yes so these will be amended that would be correct okay do we have a motion to approve that schedule to meet I make a motion to approve the new schedule for meeting dates who a second I'll second all in favor I har okay our informational agenda superintendent report Mr Robin sure um a lot of good news happening as you can see there was a handout as part of your package uh from the National Association of schools and colleges uh they are the accrediting body for accrediting body for high schools and colleges throughout uh New England um and they came for a uh visit as you can see um earlier in the year on March 3rd and 4th they uh wrote up this uh report for us um um and and you can see I mean I'm not going to you know read the whole of the part but when it says the commission was impressed with many of the programs and services and wishes uh to commend the following I think uh some of them should be noticed the security of the school building including cameras protocols and a school resource officer again that's a thank you uh not only to the school committee for their support but also uh you know for um Chief Dunn and the police department for his support and helping uh us keep a very safe uh School uh spirit of collaboration among staff administrators and District leaders open bright clean learning environments throughout the school allowing for Collaborative Learning uh couple that I'm proud of the wide range of courses and extracurricular learning opportunities available to students uh robust technological resources available to students and teachers across the district uh I can't say this enough the robust technological resources does not happen without the laress and generosity of both our uh uh legislative delegation and uh I want to give a particular shout out to the greater for Development Corporation who recently gave us another $50,000 thanks um so that we can uh increase the technology in our uh Media Center um I am also letting you know that um for Budget purposes uh you can see at the end of the report that on December 10th uh December 7th to December 10th they will send a team of approximately eight people for our decennial visit this is a big visit um we're going to actually have to uh create subcommittees within the school to do self uh self- reports and uh have them ready to go uh for the uh event um it does mention the fact that out of five of the six foundational elements the one that uh they're looking for improvement on um not a surprise here um is curriculum and we've made a lot of progress as you know from uh laa uh principal shet coming and talking about uh the uh the priorities and and the progress that we've made relative to uh curriculum so you can see the bulleted places that they're looking for us to uh show growth and Improvement I can guarantee you that principal shet and her team will be working on that and uh we will have a report for you shortly but the reason I mentioned the desial visit is because that is the big one and for budgetary purposes um in the 25 school year I know it's a year out but you know so was we're going to have to plan on on them arriving and I think uh the last time I think if I remember correctly it was like $20,000 or something for their last visit so we'll check with the commission to find out what the you know average stay is and and you know obviously have to plan for that um but um this report is really good news and really is a credit to the uh middle high school team they've done a phenomenal job and I'm uh exceedingly proud of the report I couldn't be happier um also um arrived on uh the 17th and I'm going to have Lisa Kaminsky uh report at next meeting but the student Opportunity Act which has to be renewed every 3 years uh was uh due April the 1st um April the 17th we received uh word not only did they receive it but they completely approved it with no revisions again a complete credit to uh Mrs Kaminsky and the work that she does as a a grant writer um just a phenomenal job so she will be presenting at our next committee but um I think that's uh some really good news for committee members and a lot to be proud of for the school community so uh other than that um you know that um we still have some um work being done on the building you see a lot of lifts out there and you know that's why you know the building committee is still meeting there are still things that we're trying to resolve and uh they're working on that this week so uh we should have more information on that over the next couple of weeks as reports are generated but generally speaking um um a lot of good things happening here and I think you have a lot to be proud of so and that's all I got you have any questions thank you superent Robin any questions for Mr Rob no right thank you okay we have the bill warrant uh dated 419 for 4321 12233 uh all members have had an opportunity to review the bill warrant um it's included in the packet okay and also just for new committee members as well as well any questions you know for the invoices there can go to the business department and we'll get back to you on with an answer we talked about having a uh informational session for the new the new members and everything so we everybody understands the same thing all on board so it'll be a nice okay student and staff attendance report that's also given to the committee uh before every meeting to review um the attendance rates in the district um it's provided by rhr Department if there are any questions there and if I may gendro uh just to let you know um you know obviously if you look at the numbers they're they're relatively good relative to a lot yes um I am mildly concerned about a little bit of a drop off um at the high school and again you know sometimes uh I'm not going to blame our seniors but you know as you get closer to the end of the year uh and so I will be working with uh the team to make sure that we remind kids that um uh graduation is in June and not in uh April at this point but I think the numbers overall if you look at them in terms of the state average um we're we're we're holding up nicely there so Mr superintendent would be at all possible uh sort of as a one time not not going forward but I'd be very curious kind of if there's any way to get some historical numbers just uh for comparison are you looking year to year month to month more month to month I think at this point and and maybe you know going back a couple years but just as a a one time just just for my own I don't think it'll be a big deal we we'll uh we'll chase down some numbers for you because it's good to look at the historical data especially seeing you're just jumping on now so I I completely agree we'll uh Lori we all accept thank you thank you thank you very much thank you thank you moving to our action agenda review and act on school committee meeting minutes Thursday April 4th have motion to accept I'll make a motion to accept the minutes of our last meeting April 4th was that was that a a second okay that's okay yeah okay we have Mo motion being seconded all in favor Iain I'll yeah that carries review an act on $1,000 United Technologies Corporation grant for STEM related supplies um make a motion to accept the grant I'll make a motion to accept the Grant from United technical Technic Technologic uh Corporation Technologies we have Motion in a second uh all favor I I I that carries review and act on a $50,000 greater fer development Grant neot technical learning program and advancements do have a motion to accept mov you can you can make a motion go it I I I moved I move to accept uh accept the Grant from the uh from from the Fall River Development Corporation I'll second it all right I'll in favor I I that carries uh and we're appreciative for these grant opportunities that that we're given you know our district has very limited funding um so we're always appreciative of any additional funding that can be brought into the district and um I will be happy to you know let you know some of the uh ideas that we have going forward we' we've applied for additional grants we're looking um we're looking to uh really um establish a stronger robotics program here we know that uh um the jobs in the field of Robotics is is continuing to grow and so uh uh we'll keep you a breast of what's going on we're in um talks right now with Boston Dynamic the hope that we can develop some type of a partnership with them so that would be uh incredibly valuable for so many different reasons but uh I I can't thank the greater father of Development Corporation enough I mean what are we talking already we talking maybe close to $200,000 over the past three years so you know the reason you know we have um um the uh touch screens in in the mac and the West is not only the laress of the school committee but all so the fact that they gave us $100,000 to make sure that that was in there so a lot of that technology that would recognized in the state if you look at the state um you know the uh reporting of the state um in terms of how we uh line up against other districts in terms of Technology will way above the uh um and and for a town with very little money it is a real credit to uh the boots on the ground here who write these grants and you know Chase every dollar that they can knowing that money is very tight here so uh I want to give a even a shout out to miss jenden who you know you approved the 1,000 she's writing this stuff up we have people on the ground that understand their mission and they're doing it exceedingly well so um it's just a it's um you know people are not going to invest in a in a district that's not um advancing and and clearly we're we're we're making it happen and we're going to continue to move forward regardless of what the financial situation is routine matters correspondences and notices I don't have any does the vice chair have any that you received since our previous meeting Dr Pico no no oh no I don't have anything um didn't receive anything okay and we have topics that the chair could not reasonably anticipate 40 hours in advance of the meeting I don't have anything um the only thing I wanted to bring up is on the subcommittees just going back to that for one second on the WFT and the budget subcommittee I know previously those have gone hand inand with the members serving on both of those committees so I'm not sure if if we wanted to continue that or what the committee's thoughts were there yeah so so traditionally the the with WFT and the budget subcommittee typically the members have served on both of those committees same the same members have served on both so I'm not sure if we wanted to to make any changes there or if that what the what the committee's thoughts there are yeah so um my in my opinion I I don't think it needs to be the same individuals um the budget subcommittee so the one thing is is is all of us members are responsible for the budget right that's one of our primary purposes on the committee and so while we do have a budget subcommittee because they meet so many more additional hours um anybody also welcome to go to it so even though I'm not on a budget subcommittee or someone here isn't on it they're still able to go to it so um I mean I don't see the the need to okay but what what is your thoughts Evan do you no the only the only reason I bring that up is because the only reason I bring that up is is just because that's what we've done but also I know Chris with his Insight on the finance committee you know may be helpful in a contract year on the WFT that was my only thought there okay yeah no I'm I'm I'm sure he would be very helpful in that um if he's if he's able to it adds value because you want you have individuals who have a good understanding of the budget right know what we're able to provide um and usually that's what it comes down to is always the funding but um and I I bring that up because I think this year this year this year more than I think other years the town has really constrained the district and I think Chris has a really good understand understanding of of what the constraints are in the town budget at large and where our funding comes from umed so that was just my thoughts there um if the committee it if it's a pleasure of the committee um to uh make myself and Chris the WFT and then if Jason wouldn't mind swapping with Christopher on asme and serving on the asme bargaining committee if it's we can disc if it's agreeable to to M Pico i' my thought my thought there was just because of the constraints with the town budget at the moment and I know that's come up a number of times in our discussions um with the in in the bargaining committee um so I just wanted to get the committee's thoughts there is that all right with you Jason is it if that's yeah I'm I am a little um you know confused at the the difference because you you know the asby budget obviously fits into the um overall budget as well so I'm not sure the difference there obviously WFT being um certainly more um higher monetary but right um so I don't mind switching um okay if that's again if that's okay with the Melissa do you have any thoughts no I mean I I think as far as the budget is concerned the WFT contract as usually a higher um majority of our budget versus ask me um either way um we're all so how the the contract works I mean we all the two representatives of the committee I mean when it comes time for WFT contracts or any contract we meet as a committee an executive and talk about what that's going to look like so whether Jason whether um you're sitting necessar like meeting with those individuals you will have a say in in that prior to those individuals going in I mean I look at it like the representatives who go into the negotiations are basically representing what we as a committee have directed them to right so they can't go in and be roll I guess wouldn't be good at all so they they're going in as as what um we discussed as the parameters so um you know I I I think again I do think that it would be it would be helpful because it's a larger budget um and then also maybe being able to explain because some sometimes that does come up when we're meeting with the WF to explain why we can't why we're unable to you know set certain perimeters so um with the experience that um Mr Thrasher has with the um finance committee that might be helpful because he does have have that you know he sat behind on those seats in the finance committee you could probably add that but so I don't I that was I don't know if that makes sense that was my thought as well Melissa only because that I I know in our conversation so far that has come up a number of times um on the town side so I think you know allowing and I not not only the union but the school community at large to understand um you know the town budget and the constraints there and where they're coming from on funding for the district and the percentages and and all those sorts that you would have I think good Insight on right as a new when I was a new Committee Member it's taken me over a year to just to understand all these points and that's why I was saying about you know working on Executive sessions and stuff yeah there I mean there's no question you know on the town side there's a lot of moving parts and of course now we have more complexity more moving Parts over here I think so um you know I I I would be happy happy to to serve on on WFT and uh okay you need to revote we would have to vote on if there's a motion to amend that list um just for that one change on the WFT and the afme to make WFT myself and Christopher and asme would be Melissa and Jason I'll make a motion for Amendment to the um bargaining to bargaining group uh changes second okay there's been motion made and seconded all in favor I I no it's I right y oppose that carries okay topics of chair can reasonably anticipate 48 hours in advance of the meeting I have uh nothing that I've received Vice chair have you received anything in the meantime I have I just mention y um so I just want to confirm that because we changed the dates uh to be on Tuesdays at 6 starting immediately that the dates are going to be May 7th on our 2324 so the one I gave I see right it be May 7 like did we change that I just want to confirm it's starting immediately believe the committee's intention was to change that oh yeah meeting is May 7 May 7th is town so we cannot do May 7th um but that would be do you want to start it at the 16th because the town meeting is that would be next be May 21st right it would be May 21st correct and then June 4th and June 18th to finish off so right and um well I think it may be help is June 1st correct yes right I think we would have to meet either for a a budget work session for the new committee members just for that purpose and also um you know just to discuss things with the you know the way our budget's going so in the meantime to schedule a meeting just a work session okay um that we can meet and discuss uh the budget side of things and then I believe that would May 21st if that's okay to start that those meeting dates on May 21st if that's okay okay so just to uh forgive me just just to reate here so so we will not be meeting again until May 21st we'll still be meeting on these and after the 7th it the next after the after the thank you graduation is June 1st well we'll have a right our budget session we'll have a budget session prior to the May 21st meeting okay okay but May 21st would begin our Tuesday 1 and third Tuesday meeting at p.m. do we want to do that work session on May 2nd or do we you want to just get back to the day that works for me at work session on May 2nd if that works for the committee that work for you J yes for you that works for you we can do a budget session then so I can't be there but still have the session I don't need to be there I'm sorry Melissa she can't be there I just said I'm not able to be there but don't have still have the word I think it's important to have the work session okay all right so that'll that'll be on for May 2nd um on the Thursday at what time did we have that at was it 6 o' 6:30 we'll make everything six from now on if that's the six Works Jason does that work for you yes okay all right 6 pm on May 2nd for Budget work session then we'll meet on May 21st for Tuesday meeting and the the Junes will move to the 4th and the 18th correct yes oh for June correct yeah fourth and 18 thank you right and then the only other thing isan um for the town uh committe repres everyone has to go to get into those after I contact that correct yes okay yeah and right and those commit the respective committees should also be in contact with the members that were apped okay thank you if I have just one one other thing it's not on the agenda um but we will be putting on the next agenda um unfortunately um a u revision um to some of the cuts that we were looking at as as you're aware we were looking at believe at a $340,000 deficit at this point now with the diff you know the finance committee had recommended a different number in so now we're looking at over $500,000 deficit so um we're going to be presenting to you we're going to meet with as a team uh next week and you know talk about um what we're going to need to do uh everything's on the board exclusive of uh administrative Cuts I can't get another administrator at this point but everything's on the table at this point um we were not anticipating this um this is going to hurt so and just so the the committee is aware as well um especially our new members so the the figure that the town had given us originally um that's the select board had recommended to the finance committee uh for town meeting would have put us in roughly a nearly $400,000 hold but just under that um and that was the re the way they got to that figure was by adjusting the percentage from Chapter 70 from 5446 which is the traditional split with the school in the town to 6733 with the school receiving 67% so that's where some of those additional monies came from um with a reduction in free cash per the finance committee's recommendation to $400,000 over last year um the finance committee had then come back after meeting a week later and uh came in with their recommendation at 500,000 in free cash but no adjustment to the uh percentage change so that would put us in an additional 150 somewhat thousand deficit so that's where we're currently at and obviously we'll dive into those figures a little deeper in the work session um but that's that's where we're at just I just want to make everybody aware I mean if you didn't pay attention to the meeting and you know you wouldn't know about it so and and for the record those votes were not un us on the committee understood right yeah exactly yeah right so all right we appreciate uh everyone Sim we welcome our new members to the committee uh we're looking forward to working together this year there are no other topics on the agenda so I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn do we have a second second okay all in favor I I okay the meeting is adjourned thank you go good night everyone good I hope you feel feel better