to flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all good evening welcome to the Monday June 3 2024 meeting of the Westport Select board under Mass General Law chapter 308 section 20f this meeting is being recorded uh I don't have any for the welcome comments um I just want to uh thank the um veteran service officer uh the BFW the BBA and the American Legion for the ceremonies that they put on for Memorial Day um the refling and then the Monday Services it did very nicely um and all of the people that participated the Scout Troops the band um all of the people that attended it was a very well attended event I'm I'm told that we have more people than ball River events tend to have so good job West um that's all I have does anybody have anything else well we just need to get the leaving the cemetery and going back thing a little organize the return to town because that was a little Loosey Goosey that's a little rough yes I agree and I think we still sometimes have problems with the PA uming all the way to the back um I do want to note that we do have an executive session at the end of our meeting tonight but um we will not conduct any business after the executive session um we just come back um to open to adjourn is there anything else I should know before we get started all right the first item we have on the agenda is a request from Elizabeth Daniel Alberto for a six-month seasonal trailer permit for 18 barley Lane is there anyone here for that you want to come hello so um uh Paula do you have the paperwork is the paperwork in order I guess yes all right Jim you want to tell us anything about it yes it's property transfer right and um they're looking to use the same plan that was previously approved so there's no changes to the site um I'd recommend approval okay anybody have you guys realize it's an environmentally sensitive area there certain restrictions and whatnot on those we are aware thank okay all right I'll moveing second is there any discussion anything you want to say you don't have to say all in favor I that's unanimous um enjoy thank you thank you should have asked a public comment but there was nobody like standing at the mic or anything um agenda item number two we have license and permits we have a request from weather low farms at 8:45 Sodom Road for one day wine and malt licenses for the following dates and events Saturday July 13 um picnic dinner from 4:00 to 9:00 Wednesday July 17 film screening 5: to 9 Wednesday July 31 film screening from 5:00 to 9: Wednesday August 14 film screening 5: to 9: uh Thursday August 15 a picnic dinner from 5: to 9: and um these are one day wine and M licenses is all the paperwork in order do we have police recommendations all so we have favorable recommendations for reading hello welcome um is there anything you want to add okay move approval second so we have a motion at a second to approve all of them is there any discussion all in favor all right that's unanimous thank you have fun 2B we have um request from the Holy Ghost club for one day liquor licenses for the following days and events Saturday June 15 a wedding from 2: to 6 Friday June 21 chicken barbecue from 5: to 10 Saturday June 22nd a fundraiser from 5: to 9 and Saturday June 29 a memorial from 12: to 6: the usual recommendations cor does anyone here from there's no one here they don't usually come okay um but we do have the a favorable recommendation do we have okay all right all any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um section or agenda item three appointments and resignations we have a request from the sou eastern regional transit authority to appoint Richard Brewer as the select board representative Mr Brewer are you willing to serve I'm willing to serve but I didn't know that they were asking for reappointment but yes the heat on I'll move second you have a motion in a second and no objections from the man himself no obje is there any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um we have a few from zba so Roger did you want to come forward so we we have a request to accept the resignation of Barbara pontolillo from the Z board of appeals effed June 1 20124 um I don't know let's let's do them one at a time so so we have a resignation so the the way we have them we have a resignation for the for the um zba we have a basically appointing one of the alternates to that spot so resigning the alternate spot and putting them in that spot and then an appointment for another member but let's let's do them one at a time so yes I I just want to sort of set the record straight on this um barbert Pono has been a member for seven years her appointment expires at the end of June so but we have a a u a hearing in June that she cannot attend which would leave us members short so she agreed to resign early so that we could then have Cynthia who is already an alternate take her spot which would leave an open uh alternate position and we have an alternate person Janice is here that would fill that position and that would then allow us to proceed with our with our June meeting with a with a full roster if so I didn't I mean I wanted to set the record straight because she's it says she's resigned but really she's doing the Zoning Board of favor by uh uh by she was she was not going to reapply at the end of June anyway so her her her term would have expired at the end of June by resigning earlier allowed us to fill her position for uh so that we could meet our June commitment so she's really doing the the board of favor by by doing this it it I don't want this to impact you know her reputation because she just been an outstanding member of and we're and we're really going to miss her right so um is is she intending to come back then Ian she you know I mean she may eventually decide that she you know she you know you know you know a fiveyear commitment is is is you know can you know can be tough sometimes you know she enjoyed her time so we would certainly welcome her back okay all right so we have a um request to accept the resignation so move S letter thanks second is there any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um and then we have a request to accept the um resignation of Cynthia Kaz ktz ktz as an alternate member and for her to be appointed as a full member um through June 30th so this is only that un that right I I know I talked to Paul about this to see if I mean U she sent Cynthia sent sent her her uh letter her in requesting to uh uh to take over Barbara's position as a as a permanent well as the as a regular member uh Cynthia has been an alternate for a few years and she's been doing a great job uh so we do have her on the list of do we really have to go through this again at the end of June to so so what we're going to do today so we have a list yes three pages long of people who are we're going to put up we're just going to renew their appointments so um so later this even so we have um on the list for zba we have constant e for 5 years Cynthia for five years Janice day for one year and George delist for a year right is is what we have on the regular appointment list that we're going to do okay so in the regular appointment list you have Cynthia down as yeah the fiveyear position okay so she'll take over from now to finish out Barbara's term and then she'll be appointed automatically for the or in your next unless somebody is objecting and she doesn't get three votes then we'll appoint her at oh right yes right yes I understand that right once again she's been doing a great job and okay so that uh uh and having her now take over as the as the regular member then opens up an alternate position which we're now going to talk about okay so let's do c first so C has accepted the resignation and appoint her through June 30th so second any discussion all in favor I that's unanimous and then your next request is to appoint Janice day as an alternate member as an alternate member so that's the vacated alternate members correct through June 30th and then she's also on the list for the alternate for a one-year term okay yes yes Janice is here you want to come up and say a word you're good okay uh you okay this will get us back up to a full strength so otherwise we would have difficulty in in our June meeting yeah okay so we have a motion do we have a second second any discussion all in favor that's J okay thank you very much I don't want to bag out on you this early so fine I'll stay for a while um it's okay with the board I want to um pass over the the um the big long list and get to the other action items and then we'll come back at the end does anybody object to that so we're moving to 4 A a we're moving to 4 a so we have a request from unless Michael bis was going to be here no okay request from Michael burus to create a hazard mitigation plan and to appoint the following members to the committee um for June 1 2024 to June 30 2026 and he's recommending um Chris Dunn the police chief Dan bolman the fire chief Michael burus the town planner Jim whiten the planning board chair and Phil Weinberg from the board of C so Jim you want to tell us about this one yeah so the town received a grant um to help prepare a hasard mitigation plan um serit is going to work with the town on that plan itself they recommended this committee this will allow us to apply for State Federal grant Muny as well once that plan is in place so this is kind of a pre-requisite for a lot of the grant money that's available for any type of Hazard mitigation plan improvements all right improv good ide second so we have a motion in a second and need discussion all in favor I that's unanimous um we have a request from the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency for comments regarding a comprehensive permit application chapter 40b for Pine Ridge Estate 38 units on Lake Drive um so usually we get request like this from the planning board so can you just tell us what they're asking us to do here yeah so this is the first step in the 40b Pro process uh they file with the mass sorry they file with the Mass Housing Finance Agency um they send the application to the town the select board and ask for any comments on the plan we have we request an extensions that we have till June 15 I'm sorry July 15th um to respond with any um comments that we have on the plan this would be 38 units off of um is it Lakes Drive Westport Lakes Westport Lakes Drive which I looked up it's it's on one it's off of 177 just south of mouse Mill yes right and um yeah so they're looking at 38 un units with about 90 some bedrooms so they'd have a septic system just under 10,000 gallons for a day similar to what nooke village did um but these would all be um for sale properties they wouldn't be rented I think there'd be eight or nine affordable units as part of the 38 that are proposed um I just sent uh request to the planning board they kind of reviewed a similar proposal they were looking for an independent living facility that was withdrawn and now they're going for comprehensive permits so they have peer review and comments already so I'd like to get those together uh put them in a letter present to the board at the next meeting if the board's okay with it and we can send that letter up to the state uh once that is done then they would file with the zoning board of appeals and it's the zoning board that actually reviews and um approves or denies the application so this is just kind of a preliminary request from the town to see if we have any initial comments on the proposal so you're looking whether we have any initial comments that we want to send on but you're Gathering to information together that would be presented to us for like a final letter to them she that okay y we can present that give that to you the next meeting and um get it up to the state okay anybody want to make any comments does the police and and Fire get this early on they have to wait for planning board to go for just cuz of where it's at they have met with the fire department because I know the uh turnarounds were increased so um yeah all right what about the condition of the the Westport Lakes Road so I think that's one of the comments we have to put in there right we brought that up we had a site visit last week which is just kind of a preliminary site visit and um I mentioned the road and they felt that they didn't that wasn't part of their project that was somebody else's responsibility know the planning board has assurity on it but in looking at it I think the planning board still has that lot that they want to develop under restrictive covenant so I think we can update increase the shity to uh cover today's costs to make sure that road gets done so that would be one of the comments I think we want to address when we send it up to the state one of the other things on that too is I don't think that road was ever supposed to be accepted that I don't know yeah that I mean some of the the the the last time they came in with that assisted living that was one of the things that came up there was there was a lot of um there isn't many neighbors on there but they all did come in on that and they're worried about because I mean I guess that was before we started having associations and all of that stuff so it's a it's a street that's not supposed to be accepted kind of like a Walter's way type of thing yeah supposed to say a private way and there's no Association so I think you know are they going to be added to the association my bet I I think they should be and if the planning board still has it on the Covenant they may be able to make that a condition on the release of the Lots anything else okay you have what you need for that I do um for C we have a request to approve the deed transfer as negotiated by town meeting Lots four and shown on assessor map 79 to the Westport Conservation Commission so this was approved at town meeting it's the land that's abing St Vincent that they're going to that we're transferring to the Conservation Commission how to accept second is there any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um we have a request from the Westport River Watershed Alliance to hang the banner from June 10 to June 23 publicizing their River Day event on June 22nd I'll move just uh comment that the off arm is Mark when didn't make it up there so I don't know if there's a problem with the second posting or not the second ban there's only one of there tough kids challenge but I'll move it anyways it's I'll Su with have a motion a second so Paula you're you try to coordinate two Banners at the same time right and then if there's a conflict you just work it out thank you for doing that yes opening last weekend will'll be going on now every weekend so okay all right um is there any discussion all in favor that's dep they should if not Mar we have a request to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the emerging small and disadvantaged communities grant for $4 million um Jim you want to tell us about that this is the Pas grant that U we've talked about few times um would provide funding to extend the water line along Route 6 from um the common Housing Authority property easterly to Washington Street and then Loop the water line down Osborne Street to the mumber school and then down Gord road to Route 6 um we finally got the paperwork on Friday or Thursday of last week and um it's a standard State contract this would be a reimbursable type project so we uh pay the cost and then submit the bills to for the state for reimbursement um it's currently being designed we're getting close to the final design we're hoping to get it out to bid June the end of June the current estimate is above the $4 million we're about $5.1 million right now um so in addition to this 4 million we have 648,000 from Opa funds that the board has allocated for this that that just got approved on Friday by the Bristol County Opa um we have some additional funding the e mar from Senator Rodricks and uh we're putting some money to offset some of the street construction project into the chapter 90 which would allow us if the bids came in High um to finish the project um we will also look to bid this out with a bit alternate um so that we would bid the route six Osborne Street up to the school and part of gford road with an alternate on gford road depending on where the bids came we could either accept that alternate or or not and that would make sure that we had funding to complete the project so it looks good right now all these projects tend to be a little bit more expensive than we originally anticipated but yeah I'd recommend approval of the contract there any discussion I'll move second one discussion so um Jim what was client feld's estimate on that work so we had done a preliminary estimate right when the application went in it was mainly like 300 50 a foot of pipe and we took the distance and just to get us a rough idea of where that was going um and it wasn't really an application when we filed it was um kind of a request for information that they rolled over into an application so the original esess was around $4 million and that was so you're saying that was on 350 a foot yes I believe about 350 when we bid the SE and water what was the water price on on that was all bid separate items I'm not sure what it would have been linear foot the line of foot includes the paving the patching yeah um no I just saying cuz you said you know that so they've been coming in higher I mean that one was 34 million and then the bid came in at 21 million so I don't know so they looked at the bids from the sewer project and Water Project long rad six and they looked at the bottom three bids and they kind of based the estimate the latest estimate off those bids so I think we're going to be pretty close can I just get a clarification though the um we're authorizing you to sign the grant not the contract correct to do the work right that's correct it's the state contract for the grant it's not construction comp it's not we're not we don't have the construction bids back with the final pricing corre we but we are concerned that the estimated pricing is is higher than we originally thought but we don't have the bids back yet to know that that's corre okay there any discussion all right so we have a motion in a second to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the grant um all in favor I any oppos that's unanimous um request to authorize the Town Administrator to sign a community compact fiber Grant contract for $250,000 and to authorize the use of $52,000 up to $52,000 of local American Rescue plan act funds for the local match um so we've talked about this before this is another loop in the fiber Loop um that uh it's it's mostly north of um Route 6 um area we've been able to get grants in that area because of the just the economic distribution and the population density um we've been able to get more grants up there all right I'll moveing second we have a motion a second is there any discussion yeah so exactly what are we using this $300,000 to do we're going to build more fiber over there it's a fiber loop it's in your it's in your thing it's in your packet about basically yellow L it's it's oh sorry this is yellow line sorry this just the and this this Loop's going to service what it's so this will go from Adamsville Road down Sodom Road up to Route 1 going North up to Route 177 West on 177 to tickle Road and then North on tickle Road up to Briggs Road up to the intersection of Briggs and S yeah I was going to say I was look and this is for what it's the fiber it's additional laying of the fiber backbone so whether we moved forward with the fiber project or whether a another company came in it's more of that Backbone in place so to go into the internet business it's going to be for customers for the residents to tie into it would eventually be for to connect to the home and people in those areas yes is there any further discussion in favor I I oppose n so we have um four in favor one oppos um we have approve the uh G approve the contract for a new website with Revis for $32,400 with the funding source of the state year mark tell us about this one Jim yes so we received a $100,000 ount from Senator Rodricks last year and one of the things we were looking to do is upgrade our website so we went off with proposals I think we had about 10 or 11 companies submit proposals for a new website um we interviewed three of them um this revise seemed to be the the best for Massachusetts uh Swansea there's a number of communities locally that use them there also one on the uh cost wise on the lower end as well for not only the initial startup but for the yearly costs um they have a nice product it's clean they seem easy to work with um so um we recommending that uh we asking for approval so that we can sign this contract and move forward does the contract include um the development of the website and training of the staff training development migration of our existing data Rob and who was it um that evaluated the proposals or the or the presentations so Paula uh myself naen we also consulted with Keith on okay the technical stuff okay can't do a999 Go Daddy site I'll Mo and move it get us second so started it's come a long way yeah although I think that's quite a bargain actually website um all right so any discussion all in favor I that's unanimous um we had on the agenda um for 5A an East Beach storm deposited Cobble interim policy and I'm certainly willing to talk about it if anybody has things they want to talk about but um it has not yet been finalized by town Council and so um I don't want to actually move I I don't want to actually uh implement the policy until we have Town Council review but does anybody have any comments or concerns or anything you want to talk about this intern policy yeah well I just in reading this I thought it was pretty good I had a couple of recommendations mainly wording um but it's not significant I can take it up with Jim separately okay oh yeah pretty minor yes yeah all right anything else I know you're here do you want to make some comments I did but I had spoken with Jim prior as well okay so you're good or you at least don't have anything well I'm here but I I made the effort to come so I'll introduce myself anyway obviously Kevin Kurt from the East Beach Improvement Association and um Jim and I have started discussions on going back and forth on this a little bit since it was presented at the last meeting and uh I think we got some pretty good ideas and some direction to go with as far as what to expect during the next event when it happens um there were a couple of things I think we need to iron out where you know there was one thing about a two we window to to move the material and if we have a storm in the winter that two we window isn't really realistic and I was hoping to maybe talk to Jim about that a little bit before we actually have Council look at it and make sure that it's something that we're all happy with only because at the end of the day you know we're going to have to mobilize to some extent once you guys get the road squared away and opened up and we're going to have to be able to get what that material we can back to the south side of the beach to help protect the road in in both our interests with the personal property and the road itself so like I say a couple things that Jim and I like to maybe sit down and talk with emails always convenient but not always the best to put down a final proposal I don't see a reference of two weeks in here yeah did copy it's been taken out yeah okay I just didn't get a chance to send it back to you that's okay busy days for all of us so as long as we can stay on a open communication path and work towards a goal for both of us and then eventually after this interim policy comes up it'd be nice to be able to get something through czm and maybe work with planning in regards to that beach nourishment Coastal resiliency however we go about it you know there's been you know manag Retreat thrown around and that is you know in our opinion not the best option maybe a final result be nice to be able to protect that area for interest whether it be for the town beach and the town landing for the town to utilize and its residents and for the private property people as well so I'm hoping to work with you guys as best we can thank you thank you anything else on that one anything else on that nope I'll get you a copy and talk about it thank you so I'd like to go ahead and do the Town Administrator report and then we'll loop back to the appointments I think there's some interesting not that there isn't always interesting things on the Town Administrator report all right so so we have the public water consumer confidence report know Mr saw brought this up a couple of meetings ago uh we did look into it is something that we do on a yearly basis I just wasn't familiar with it uh this report is noticed to all the the water users every June um the report itself is on the for of a website and there'll be a link to that um or there'll be a u a list in the the letter with a link to that report on that website so um notification like I said is sent out every June um as required by mass DP drinking water program and anybody can look at it I I haven't read the full report I did glance to it the other day we look at that at some later date um the town Annex well we've been working on that for two weeks now um we're hoping originally that we could just Frack the well which is kind of a I say simple procedure but it's a fairly routine um quick procedure where they pressurize it and get some new new veins and that produces more water but the well had collapsed so they were required to uh install a new well we've been discussions with d Jim mcclaflin and Michelle Regan with d because it's a public water supply which the requirements are uh much more detailed and complicated than the typical uh residential well um they did get the new well in it originally was some quite silty and Sandy they weren't sure we were going to be able to use it but they had pumped it most of the day today and they the uh water cleaned up very well um so he thinks he'll be able to we will be able to use that looking to um hopefully connect it tomorrow if we can connect it tomorrow we can use it for bathroom facilities um just can't use it for drinking water at this time there'll be additional testing that the uh State requires is an appendix a which has a lot of the chemical tests uh to see what's in the water that has to be done and then there's usually a 48h hour pump test that'll need to be done at a later date we'll also have to hire an engineer to file the paperwork with the state on a specific um public water supply form that have to be done our public water supply operator Linda career has been working with us but she's not a registered engineer so she cannot fill out those forms uh she can do the testing that needs to be done and that'll be done this week but the actual filing has to be done by another company so we're dealing with Northeast who does the schools public water supplies and we're waiting to hear back from him on um a quote as to what that cost will be um I'm assuming we'll have to go before the finance committee over the next couple of weeks and for a transfer uh to pay for this work an unexpected transfer before the end of the year the employees over there have been great um they've been there for almost two weeks working in the building with Porter John's outside no running water um coming to different buildings kind of was getting towards the end and um as of Friday they worked from home Friday work from home today and they'll work from home tomorrow we're hoping to have water back up and running on Wednesday we're also contacted by Lenny Potter on Friday who said you know if it's going to be a longer period of time without water um he said he could work with us and possibly get a portable water tank out there just to keep things open and operating so if by chance there's something unexpected with the well tomorrow we will look at that option so they're drilling a new public well yes and I mean in the same in the same location at the other public well was similar so about 15 or 16 ft away there's actually an old two Wells one right near the building and the one that we've been using and we we put this well in the middle we're kind of limited as to where we can put it um you're going to meet the setback peptic system uh Jim mcgoffin was concerned about we wanted to put it closer to the sutherly property line um to give us some distance from the old well um Jim mofin with mass DP was concerned that when you put the well there you kind of encumber the emding properties because anything within that protective radius now they can't put a septic system they can't use it for certain things so uh he was concerned about getting closer to an abing property so that's why we tried this location I I mean so that was a grandfather public well this is this new wells meeting all the all the requirements for new public water supply it's it's a replacement well so it's not going to meet all of so we're giving the bous giving wav is or something for this well it would be the state the state controls the public water supply they said they're going to give it give us that he agreed we we sent them up a plan with the proposed locations and they were in agreement with it so um yeah they've been working with us they know it's difficult that um this happens on occasions and they they try to make it work to get the places up and running um what's the status of the Legion Field over there Legion Field hasn't changed um we're staying 100t away from the existing leeching field other comments on that question I will thank you to the employees and to the public for the days that we've closed the building um for your patience yeah they they've been great um past South wer Pond the mass Bureau of climate environmental health has issued a new fish consumption advisory for the South wer pond in Fall River in Westport based on elevated levels of Pur and polyfloral substances p F get a lot of past tonight past were measuring the fish sample from the southwest up Pond a level that exceeds dph action levels this indicates that the daily consumption of fish from the water body May pose a potential Health concern dph is recommending that sensitive population should not eat any fish from the southw up a pond you know more and more we're starting to see the puast show up in different locations um we were also notified by U the state they had requested that um they've been given permission to test the well at the Briggs Road fire station they've done testing up in the area of Briggs Road in Sanford Road and they've had some high hits of pasas um they're trying to see what the extent is how far that goes so they've asked that they could test the well at PS Road um so unless there's a concern to the board I would suggest that we allow them to do that either way I think we'd want to know might not want to know but do do we have a a filtration system on the Briggs fire station already that I don't know um if we do it would be a small one um old well that's the problem with these filtration systems they need to you know they need to be maintained and kept up okay anything else Jim that's all I have okay so now we're going to go back up to e review and appoint fy2 committee and positions so these are positions that will expire on June 30th um for a very large number of them are reappointments although we have helpfully in R things to follow I'm sure did a couple new ones um what I'd like to do is just do the whole slate of them so if you have any that you have concerns about we put a hold on them just like we do a town meeting we'll put a hold on any that anybody wants to talk about um but otherwise if if you would vote Yes too these appointments then um just pleas diine until we're done so we're GNA take Craig are you do you ramp yourself up as the clerk to yes we'll start with the 88 transition committee uh Thomas Aubin and Richard Brewer hold affirmative action Officer James hartnet affordable housing Trust James Sabra American with Disabilities Act coordinator James hartnet Beach committee Leon faras Beach committee this is a new appointment Joel Solomon board of appeals constant G Cynthia scasso Janice day um sorry Jenice St is an alternate another alternate would be George St St stes stalgis Bristol County Advisory Board Richard Brewer H Buzzard's Bay action committee Amy Messier Capital Improvement committee Nicole peol Theodore Gabriel Muriel CA Brian vort Cynthia Brown Richard Brewer James hartnet and Susan bra for the chief procurement off Officer James Hart and then for the climate resiliency committee we have Donna Amaral John Bullard Jeff Canton Kevin Kurt Robert daylor constant G Jake mcquiggan Ross Moran Wendy Nicholas Raymond Raposa Mark raspon Michael Sullivan shaa tez and oh two more Anthony Venia and Phil Weinberg keep going oh James whiton Sean leech and Michael vman Yes Community preservation committee Betty Slade Conservation Commission and Soil Conservation board Burton Bryan Conservation Commission and Soil Conservation board Jacob mcquiggan Council and agent Carol vital custodial custodian of tax pital properties Susan bra do we have a volunteer for page [Music] two I'll okay go ahead educational fund committee Thomas Auburn and Susan Bron both two years H advisory committee Milton Adams John S veto John bordon Edward carry uh Alexander Preston harber Master William CH chesse Jr Rayman Jarvis Ransom moris Joshua MOA Douglas Murphy Jonathan Paul James Perry William Shaw Jr Gary trip health insurance portability and accountability at coordinator James Harman historical commission alternate new Katherine repur historical commission Garrett Stu Li liquor licensing agent to the board of selectman Christopher Melo mta's growth management task force St W Municipal census supervisor existant assistant registra Carrie Fontaine Municipal coordinator of the right to no law Dan Baldwin Municipal Lon to the state ethics commission James J haret National National Organization on disability representative representative James hartnet parking enforcement officer Christopher Leonard parking enforcement officer J James Perry Plum and gas inspector Jason camarra Joseph Ferrera Sam Ferrera principal records access officer Christen Stanton Public Safety Staffing committee Daniel Baldwin Richard Brewer Christopher Dunn James K har public Ware Shane karea Maggie Diaga new would be Noah dorge uh Anna ubite Abraham Melendez Tara wood railroad commissioner Steven wette safety regulation board Christopher Gonzales secondary record access officer Daniel Baldwin Christopher Capone Christopher [Music] dun uh Jame haret Amy Messier Nicole pel let me keep going goad shelfish advisory committee John bordon Kenneth Manchester Ronald searia Richard Smith shelus cable William Chase Jr Raymond Jaris Ransom moris Joshua moer Douglas Murphy Jonathan Paul James Perry William Shaw Jr Gary trip sickle Bank committee persol shaes SMH HG representative alternate Susan fre sou eastern Mass health group representative Jim Hartman Southeastern Regional Transit Authority Advisory Board rep Richard Brook hold on you want to hold on that one too okay uh serent James haret and Steve tax inventive program committee Susan bra waterways oil school coordinator Dan Daniel Bal Wellness coordinator southeas Mass health group Christen Stenson wire inspector Paul Burke David gonz William command and D win all right so we have holds um a few holds for Richard Brewer so anything any discussion on any of the rest of them so I'll take a motion to appoint all of those people ex except the holds so second uh any discussion all in favor I I so that's all of them so dick you want to explain yeah these are all fairly quick the first one is the Ada and Ada transition plan committee now I've been on that for six years we've never had a meeting I don't know who the chair is I don't know if they ever meet well obviously if they are they're not inviting me so I don't I just doesn't have to be tonight but we ought to look at this and think about it and thoughtfully ask ourselves the question does it serve a purpose I I remember when it was established and completed its task and I'm surprised it still exist yeah would the very title suggests maybe the tasks have been completed so we I think that we look at that one day so for that one I think I volunteered to serve on that one when we discussed at a priv prior meeting um so if if you'd like I can serve on that and then kind of help coordinate disbanding it or do you maybe we should call the this may be moving forward I think this is one um the Ada Committee just received a grant and uh they're working with serid I believe on updating the Ada plan believe it's the transition plan they just signed that a couple of weeks ago I believe it's the same thing not 100% sure but I can check and get back to yeah Madam Sheriff through you even if we needed a plan do we need a committee to do whatever they're going to do or not to you still have the plan but that would be the another version of the Ada transition plan I'm questioning the committee simply because it's never let's put that let's put the whether there should be the committee on a future agenda item yeah that's what that so in the meantime though do you want to leave that spot vacant or do you want to take it or you no I'll take it well it's not very taxing so uh I'll stay I'll stay in the committee so we'll leave your name on that one but I think you're right I think we need to look and see whether it has the purpose it depends what we do with this it might be useful too if we uh we do anything with the school with the lower levels not 8 okay so do you want to take these one at a time or yes yes okay so do I have a motion to appoint dick bur to the Ada transition moves second any discussion all in favor I okay Bristol County Advisory Board yeah this is nothing it's just but it's the Bristol County Commissioners Advisory board that that's important to note that so official Publications and such should should you want to say on that yeah brist County Commissioner Advisory Board I'll move I'll second any discussion no if you didn't want it I would have jumped done it before yeah but if somebody else is craving want it well it's fine no it didn't meet when I was on it this meet once a year we got invited to an event okay we're putting dick on there all in favor and then um Public Safety Staffing well that's the same Madam chair as the Ada transition committee this is a committee that was looking at Staffing in the police and fire area way back when we had some some initial meetings with then Chief peler and uh Chief wender uh we haven't met since so this is another one whose purpose is is not clear um we were looking to come up with additional money for police and and fire but it we had a series of meetings maybe three or four and then it was extended and there's never been any human C cry to do it again so this one I question why it should should does it serve a purpose anymore is the question and I think like the other one maybe put this on an agenda for the future and maybe Jim and Paula could do some work on it and talk to the others and see how they feel because that we haven't met now in probably four years well maybe you see the two Public Safety Chiefs so I think it needs to exist yeah it I don't know if it's tied to some kind of Grant or something like that we we just want to make sure that okay so we'll put that on yeah just to see if it has a purpose but meanwhile do you want be appointed to sure sure okay do I have a motion I'll second all in favor I and then um Southeastern Regional Transit Authority Advisory Board okay well this early this evening I I was voted on that so I've been voted twice here but was maybe the earlier one expired on June 30th at the end of the fiscal year and this is the year going forward but I didn't have any input into that that just popped up well they said that you were the member if we wanted to keep you as a member or assign a design or whatever I don't mind staying and that's so this is like duplicate yeah okay so already you've already been appointed it's next year thank you for your surface okay so we don't need to vote on that one we already that I don't know if we need clarification or not two on the surfed ones Jim and I are on Jim you're on JTG right I'm on jtp the the selection just so make that okay all right anything else on is this all the appointments that we know about have this least this okay so there's still more people reached out to okay um we have minutes from May 20 I've read and I recommend approval second any discussion all in favor I that's unanimous report on the bill warrant that's uh what I did I H up some items just to make this more interesting I know you look forward to this report every week and I wrot some of the bigger items the total amount of $2.2 million was fairly cut and dried and we should probably Craig and I should probably get together on this just in case I'm going to miss a one of these ones cranks the alternate but I just to test you and see if you're all paying attention I put in the circuit breaker that had a number of $48,000 and that was as a uh an expense but of course as we know the circuit breaker is a reimbursement from the state for special needs when when when there uh certain things are triggered and I questioned why that was on there but it's the way we account for it uh we get the grant money then we put this down as a debit so you get the grant coming in as a credit and put this in as a debit so but I really just wanted to show deting from Grant pay attention want to see double but also well we don't have to vote on it okay thank you for that comprehensive report on the warrant yes um so now we have select only liaison committee reports and suggestions for future agenda items um we'll start with uh affordable housing trust this weekend we will be having a um dedication ceremony for the duplex units that were built in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity on Sodom great anything else that's it for now d uh nothing really to report but we do have an audit committee meeting coming up we do have of course the fiscal year 23 Financial Audits and management letter we'll be reviewing that on June 10th next week and at that after that we will come to you and ask if you wish to hear from Tony roselli Our Town auditor usually do it by remote and at the last meeting uh I was I I guess somebody lays on to The Landing commission and I'll be attending a meeting tomorrow to do that so that's all I have to say I didn't have any meetings in last couple weeks um sure ped we just went over National Grids um updates on on their power issues similar to the uce that I sent the board the meeting before if you guys want a link I can send it to it's on the serveed site um then bike and pedestrian had a nice little presentation at the library uh for the public about uh expanding bicycles and we're going forward with a grant Michael Boris he's everywhere he's helping us with a with a Trails Grant and the bikes at the transfer station again yet yes they were they they are um I think it's every weekend too cuz the scouts were were helping uh to the the other weekend plus we had a pick up near garbage pickup day but pretty much Martin took care of the whole town so we didn't uh have too much to pick up so uh and then we got um the infrastructure meeting Wednesday 6:30 6:30 630 already here that's it for me for now thank you it's pretty much it um do we know if there's a meeting of the longterm building committee coming up I talked to uh the chair Chris Asher about a week ago two weeks ago he was trying to get one scheduled for the 12th I haven't heard back okay we'll send out a reminder tomorrow okay um do we have any we don't have anyone from the public is there anybody have random comments or statements they would like to make all right seeing that we do have we did appoint a lot of people to a lot of committees but anybody who's interested in serving on a border committee we can find a place for you so let us know and we'll find something um topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance I'm not aware of any no there's nothing there so um like I mentioned earlier we're going to go on an executive session we'll come out of executive session just for the purposes of adjourning so I will entertain a motion pursuant to the provisions of Mass General Law chapter 38 section 21A the chair declares an open meeting will have a detrimental effect to a discuss strategy with respect of collective bargaining Westport permanent firefighters Association local 1802 B discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining from the highway department askme Council 93 local 1701 discuss strategy with respect to negotiations with nonunion Personnel Sue Brighton Treasurer collector Carol frus veter veteran service officer and D to approve the minutes of May 20 2024 so second this will roll call vote Manny sawai I I seanz hi Richard Brewer I correct d all right so we are in executive session