##VIDEO ID:frcXceDKmtk## flag the United States of America and to the repu stand One Nation God indisce for all good evening thank you uh this is um the Monday September 9 2024 meeting of the Westport Select board under Mass General Law chapter 38 section 20f this meeting is being recorded um for welcome comments I have two so one I'd like to thank the election workers for the September 3rd um uh State primary election so we had five precincts it requires a lot of people working including Kristen stin and the town clerk um so I also want to call your attention to the town clerk's page on our website there's a lot of information about early voting absentee voting there's another election coming up so so um we're not done with the with voting and then I wanted to um uh make a mention of the um people who put on the Mariners uh Memorial yesterday there's a new memorial marker that's been placed down at the Westport Point uh the it was built on the work in the '90s of kuki macomer who had listed 31 names of uh Westport Mariners that were lost at sea and thanks to the really hard work of Robin Winters in particularly who works at the library for us um and also Betty slate and Richard gford they found a bunch of other names and now there's more than 60 names on the monument so if you get a chance um go check it out down at just down at the end of Main Road um down at the point so thank you for all of those people who work so hard to make sure that all of the Mariners lost it see are remembered um the first item that we have on the agenda is a public hearing it's an application request of Roy ala for a six-month seasonal trailer Purp for recreational purposes on 177 East Beach Road um in practicality this would be about two-month permit so the permit season ends on October um but this is a transfer a property transfer so we have we do have the applicant here if anybody has any questions but the paperwork is all in order is that correct just my usual question if he knows it's an environmentally sensitive area you do thank you okay do we have a motion move approval and a second we have a motion a second um is there any discussion all in favor I that's unanimous enjoy enjoy your time there um we have a license and permit um we have a request from the Holy Ghost Club at 171 Sodom Road for a one-day all alcohol beverage license for a habitat for cats fundraiser on Saturday September 21 um from 12: to 5: and this is a pretty standard um we have the police recommendation I believe yeah move it second do we have motion a second to approve is there any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um we have appointments and resignations we have a request to appoint David ankle as a full-time semetary laborer David has been a seasonal employee for a number of years this past season he's been reliable and worked hard I think that was supposed to be in red for the Town Administrator com but I'm sure the Town Administrator stands by the publicly spoken words there um so we're basically converting from a seasonal to a fulltime and is there anything you want to mention about this no he's just been great the last couple of years he's been very reliable um we'd like to get him on board he is going for his hoisting license so hopefully we'll have another employee at the cemetery in the next couple of months with a hoisting license another hoisting license I guess not here he's not here he is not here now all right with your recommendation I'll move him second so have a motion a second to appoint David anel is there any further discussion all in favor I that's unanimous um we have a request to point Tina Raposa Raymond Raposa and Jacqueline white to the agricultural commission each for a three-year term so I assume these were just overlooked when we did our um appointments earlier okay I'm moving second so we have a motion in a second to appoint is there any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um we have a request to appoint one of the following republican nominees as Reg reg registar of Voters for the unexpired term ending April 1 2026 I just want to note that um there rules on the uh regist of Voters that have Democrat seats and and Republican seats this particular seat is vacated by a Republican and so it has to be filled by a republican um the Republicans um sent over a list of three names Andrew forer Da Daryl forer and John cabal um so the request is .1 of them hand up go ahead you can go to the mic just a correction to the Record Man my name is Daryl Foria and Andrew Foria is actually supposed to be Andrea Foria my wife oh Andrea correct Andrea and the drive say oh sorry sorry about that apologies Andrea is Andrea here no she's actually at soccer practice thank and my so my understanding this list is an order right so she's the preferred candidate is that your understanding you don't know okay yeah it doesn't matter I think it was an order all right anybody has so you think it's an order that I think it's an order okay my question was it was it was no particular order oh no particular my out to my recommendation is send it back to the party with a recommendation for the seat they want to have filled is there anyone here from the committee that wants to address that recommendation to send it back and ask for a ranking I'm the vice chair of the committee mhm and so you can put me down ranking as number one and then my wife second and then the other gentleman third is that sufficient yes okay we don't think they needs to be voted of the committee you're good with that okay I mean he's representing the committee that's fine uh but I I wanted a ranking yeah okay what's the pleasure of the board I move approval Craig du you move approval of Daryl Jun to the um Republican nominee uh register our voters we have a motion in a second is there any discussion all in favor I that's unanimous welcome abort um we have action item we have a request from the Westport River Watershed Alliance is there anyone here for that um to approve two fall activities these are pretty standard activities for them Wednesday September 11 um says this coming Wednesday annual fall electronic recycling day to be held behind the town hall from 9: to 11: and Saturday October 5th for the annual fall Beach cleanup day at Cherry and web Beach from 10: to noon move approval of both uh events second disc there any discussion yeah on the electronics JY do you know if the fees are involved for drop off I don't know if you know there in the past there have been fees for the bigger like for television sets I think I've had fees and some of the bigger Appliance bigger things okay I'm sure people can go to their website and find more information is there any further discussion all in favor I that's unanimous B request to approve contract amendment number five clim Felder Northeast Inc for $220,100 we received a $4 million Grant from the state and uh federal government the Klein Felder is has been our design engineer record from the very beginning designing the work along Route 6 as well as the water line on mauma Loop which goes down Osborne and gford Street um they will be overseeing the overall contract they'll be overseeing the inspectors as well and uh any change orders um Any Grant Administration we have a p they will assist with that as well uh change orders they'll review um and also um just general project um work as the project goes forward it's pretty standard when they design it um that they stay on board and oversee the project Okay you're from infrastructure included with this to is we have some design funding set aside so we're hoping we did get a um a bid that was fairly low with the actual water construction so we have some additional money available it has to be spent on this so we're looking to possibly amend the Construction contract uh to extend it a little further and this would include design money for that as well and thank you so just a clarify we have we have it within the funding appropriated correct yes I'll move it under that caveat second did you have some yes so Jim is this does this include the clerk of the works or that's going to be separate that is we have the inspectors um I forgot the name of the company the three letters of ECI that that we interviewed that'll be doing the actual on-site inspections that's out of this or that's separate that's separate that's separate are we getting ready to sign that contract y we approved um I think it that was one I put before the board the last meeting so I did get that yeah and we have the pre-construction meeting for this coming up this week right Thursday Thursday morning what time's that I think it's 9 o' either 9 or 10 I can get back to you with the time now um the packet that I requested on the design and um does that include the soil Barns and the contamination stuff so all the specs and plans they delivered last week they're in the office um would that we have two copies I can get you one and how about the soil Barns and stuff like that contamination I have that I don't know if that was included in the packet can I have a copy of that too please yeah thank you is there any further discussion so we have an a motion in a second to approve the contract amendment number five with kle Felder all favor I I that's unanimous uh we have a request to approve the town hall decarbonization project new hbac system and improve the use of $158,200 of local arpa funds I believe we have Kathy Stanley here Jim do you want to introduce that or do we want to have it Miss Stanley I'm gonna have Kathy explained a little better much much better than I can she's our energy consultant if you want you can come sit there and we find it's better if you turn off one of those mics just hit the right bu thank you Kathy's been working on a number of projects with us over the last couple of years she probably put in at least a half dozen to a dozen grants for the town um we went from charging stations to Grants for boilers over at the schools to uh the HVAC system here um all the lighting fixtures and all the town buildings were all submitted by Nancy so I mean Kathy so uh if you want to just give a quick explanation on sure everybody can hear me okay um Kathy Stanley energy manager for the town of Westport I've been working with Westport for well since probably 2020 um we are green communities part of the green communities Community for the Department of energy resources state of Mass we've been a green Community for quite some time one of our major projects started in 2021 was the plan of what to do with this building we had steam system that leak is leaking distributions of the steam is leaking steam boilers approaching end of life and the department of energy resources happened to have a substantial Grant available for us to convert the building to Electric through heat pumps couple of major pluses and minuses about that approach one minus of course was that the infrastructure of the building would need substantial Improvement the electric infrastructure which is if we can do it would be good for the building um in addition heat pump technology would also provide cooling Central cooling for for the entire building which would also be a benefit so we began to work with a energy firm an energy engineering firm to do just a quick feasibility study we did that study in 2021 finished it up in 22 applied for a green Community Grant typically those grants run about $200,000 we applied for a decarbonization grant which was $500,000 limit we were awarded that Grant of $476,000 I believe to pursue this project at that point because of the size of the Grant and the size of the project it would include couple of$ hundred, just in infrastructure improvements as well as weatherization improvements um we decided jimini I to do a chapter 25A section 11i procurement um to hire the proper vendor to do this work that was the recommended path by Department of energy resources we did that procurement it took us 9 months to get through it but we did finalize um through the procurement a selection of a vendor uh b2q Associates so they then began the process of actually finalizing the um more technical study that was needed for us to move forward with this project they completed that study in at the end of July of this year um and we are now ready to move forward the following steps need to be taken we need of course to have the select board approve the project and agree that we should move forward and approve the funding um and then at that point we will send all of this paperwork back to doar for their blessing they have to approve our procurement process and the steps we've taken and make sure that we have our local approval in order and things of that nature I don't expect that to take long they are expecting this this documentation um and we've been keeping them updated once they approve that we will move forward with the project we will begin um ordering materials and we believe well actually Joe thinks we would like to implement starting in February March of 2025 as part of this procurement we included energy audits scoping audits of every school and town building in the town of Westport because for any energy related work moving forward for the next 20 years we do not have to go out to bid again as long as we are happy with the work B2 Q Associates delivers we can do any of these projects regardless of the size without having to go to bid and that's a good Advantage for us we're a small town it costs a lot of resources and time to go to bid b2q being one of the leading decarbonization engineering firms in the state and um very knowledgeable and helpful so while the procurement was timec consuming it's a good thing for us to do we've already cleared that hurdle and any additional funding sources we may get for example this year we were awarded we were allowed to apply for an Energy Efficiency and conservation block rant for $50,000 which we did in order to pay the engineering cost of this project but because we had already done this procurement we don't have to rebid that so lots of good work laying foundations to move forward and um I'm happy to answer any questions that you have thank you so my understanding of the ask tonight because we don't have a contract in front of us so the ask tonight is to approve um moving forward with the project and approve the use of $158,200 of local arpa in support of the project right but this we're not signing contracts tonight it be next meeting right okay um dick I know you've been really involved in the energy commission so I want to give you first yeah thank you I was part of this uh for a while and also was a chair in Jim head at meetings withy and um yeah this is consistent with that uh these numbers I had seen for the first time but this is pretty much along with what we had discussed many times we knew that the the grant money uh and the incentive wouldn't be enough to cover the project um so slate out here we also we have some CPC funding um so it's consistent with our discussions it makes sense and I was privileged to meet the contractor and they were all that you said they were very very high quality fir so I I give my recommendation thank you is there any discussion Jim is it all uh cast we've got to come up with or can it be any kind with Highway helping or whatever this would all be cash so this is a $900,000 project we got about $600,000 in Grants and incentives we have 150,000 that was previously approved for town meeting by CPC those would be for the electrical upgrades which are needed regardless of whether we do this project or not so we would need an additional 158,00 for um the town share to get this project going and are you proposing that come out of the town arpa or bristell County Town arpa okay did you have more no I'll move it so you're moving approval yeah second so did you have um my question on this is I appreciate all the effort that put into it um but we are in valuation of all these buildings what's coming up right now I mean can this be transferred to a different building no the grants given to us by do is required to be done used as written we we haven't looked at the old high school for any grants at all during this period year because we have some situations she wi it no well you would then right you dick was involved in this dick was involved in the energy commission we could ask dick dick I mean I'm just I'm just concerned on spending $900,000 on this building with the other issues I mean you know you put heat pumps in it did they do any kind of evaluation on I mean I imagine does this include insulation and all the other different stuff in this building so that it's going to be efficient and what does our cost going to be to run this this facility and this building so there's a couple of issues around that first of all we it does include weather complete weatherization of the building and um it involves putting Cooling in as well so that that's a substantial benefit um I can tell you just as it regards to the old high school that was included in the procurement and we have a scoping study done for that building so should down the road we receive the ability to apply for grant money that could make a difference there uh we would be able to move the needle through our contract with b2q however that building is very large and it has a substantial HVAC needs I my personal experience after doing this for 30 years in Boston is a half million dollars wouldn't move the needle there so I wanted to make sure that building was included in our scoping study because I wanted to make sure that if we were able to plan going forward um if we were able to I don't know realize a grant or there was something coming down from from the feds for example that we could procure it quickly um so that that was sort of my thought process there and I I appreciate your dilemma of where you're at but and and it just means we don't have to go up like you said do move forward we don't have to go up to bid for that that's correct so if we if we were to for example this is craziness but if you were to decide you wanted to borrow the money to fix that building right you could do that and hire b2q to fix it without going to bed and you would have complete control of the project you wouldn't have to do low bit on any materials or any systems you could you would control it completely and if we were to do like a smaller project within the existing building that's correct anything from a simple lighting upgrade to a full bore HVAC re revamp and they're they have the talent to do that we included every town building and every school building including the new school and my reasoning for that was because you never know what the feds I've seen crazy stuff go on here should we get a large decarbonization Grant or a geothermal Grant or an ability to get a direct pay tax credit or I don't know something like that we could potentially do a geothermal product that would pull both the high school the new high school and Westport Elementary so I wanted to make sure that this procurement and this project while it it is IT addresses our immediate concerns here in this building it also provides with lots of choices and options for the future should we be able to fund it thank you do you have anything else yeah I mean I do I do um appreciate all that um and as far as I'm looking at this building I do whatever we do decide to do with the building I guess it be a benefit to us but I'm my concern right now is just you know the the Opera money that we're using to match this right now you know and the other needs that we have in town if this was the time to move forward with this project is there any further discussion so we have a motion in a second to move forward with the project all in favor I any opposed one opposed thank you Kathy thank you my pleasure good to see you nice to see you next item we have on the agenda um from Mare Goslin bear clan mother of the pocon nation for beach access and parking permits did you want to come welcome thank you so we applied a few years ago for um the parking they gave us two and we have used them we have been good stewards of um the beach we pick up when we go we always do healing ceremonies there um for the beach in the water and we would like to have them reinstated I had called during covid and they asked us to come back later cuz the way things were all closed down so you're specifically asking for two beach pass um but to the not for a specific vehicle right that you can switch to different Vehicles right yes okay is there any discussion I would just mention I was here at the time and there was discussion and this really uh was well supported and had nothing been any problems and I think the request two is very very mod fair so I be support you know as I always said I'll move approval second so um granting the two Beach permits okay so I think the question that came up last time was whether um to have them pay for the permits or whether the town would gift them the permits if that's the right terminology I don't remember what we did before we they just gave it to us we just gave them to us yeah so are you okay with that yeah okay so the motion is to Grant two Beach passes at no cost to the pocona nation for beach access for their events is there any other discussion all in favor I that's unanimous I have a question yes um the last time sometimes we want to do a bigger Gathering not just a couple of people because we never know um who's going to be able to attend and the wedding uh the the wedding the weather yeah and they said that to call in advance and they would arrange for us to be able to have more passes that's really hard to do because we never know who's going to be feeling well who wants to come and we don't know the weather well we've done before um for situations like a wedding would be the big example that we have what we've done before is that we just we you come before the board saying you're going to have an event you expect you know 10 cars um during this time period and then that we don't have to like issue passes I think that's that's what we've done before Paula we just notify the police department that there was an event approved over there and that's typically what we've done yeah I I also think it would be better during what I call the near off season right which is um July and August you know in terms of town and permit user Beast we're we're pretty much a capacity yeah but right now for example it's not an issue or in June is probably not as much of an issue so so do I have to come so you want me to come for the B the board if we having a bigger if you're having a bigger event contact Paula Paula Brown is probably who you talked to before right contact Paula Brown tell her when the event is for and we can you don't have to come back you can we can just approve we you can you see we approved a bunch of stuff that nobody is here um but I would say that it's unlikely to be approved if it's a weekend in July and August no we Gucci are busy ourselves but we don't have you don't have to if you're having like a onetime event like that you don't have to come for each pass just tell us this time to this time and we'll approve make sure the police are okay with it and then you could just have cars there all right anything else no that was it thank you thank you e we have a request from the long-term building committee to approve the serid proposal to develop Digital Imaging of the old high school for $13,500 move approval I just want to know what's the differences between this one and the one I proposed a few years ago I think it's the same one Jim White and maybe the same one this is to we should be able to use some of our hours and whatnot last time it was five grand and it was only three years ago so um the point of go ahead well the point of it before was because of Co people couldn't go on the building we want to be able to to people to explore it and whatnot now that we could take pictures and everything I mean do we have it within a budget JY within the funds yes yes in that to meeting more article all right just look into if we can use some of our hours cuz we haven't used the selectman hours this year we've been letting planning use it so maybe we can get a little bit knocked off so all I'll second it all right so we have a motion in a second to approve the serpin proposal to develop Digital Imaging of the old high school building is there any further discussion so Jim this is for the RFP no this is for the Imaging work from serid so was it included in the RFP is what I'm asking and did the RFP go out the RFP went out Friday I included it as an additional document that would be avail ailable to the um firm that gets the award for the RP there any further discussion all in favor I I and that's unanimous um we have a per preliminary license permit approval is there anybody here to talk about any of those I was going to pass over that one and come back if unless there's anyone here for the permits all right so I'm going to come back to f um the next item we have is 5A this a beach Comm update oh there Sean Lee never think he's here but he's lurking in the hallway Corner been lurking in the hallway since we started please come for Sean Lee of the beach committee welcome good good evening uh my understanding is uh you want to report or what has we've had a very successful year at the beach and then that by that I mean no large incidences no deaths no uh quite a few rescues but not any problems uh of any note basically in any way shape or form uh if you know we got a new beach vehicle this year although got on the road road the beach a little late uh we do have a new beach vehicle and we are in the process of rehabbing the parking facility at the Charan web Beach uh over the winter hope what's that what are you doing to it well it needs to be reconfigured one of the problems he had uh a couple weekends ago for instance uh we right now we have these vertical utility poles that have horizontal utility poles between them that separate The Bays from each other well someone got locked in a couple weeks ago and they decided to remove some of them so they could go between the bays and push them in the middle of the parking lot uh but we're going to rehab it do some I say Landscaping to a certain extent and probably put up a sign that's more better uh indicates that this is the town beach and not force Beach uh right now one of the biggest confusions despite a big flashing sign is they think they're at Horseneck Beach they come over the bridge and it you know the GPS says your destination is on your right so the first thing you do is take a right and they end up at the town beach and there's all kinds of problems with that so we're going to hopefully have a sign up that makes it more clear that this is town beach and a permit ride probably a nice wooden sign at the uh entrance to the Bay itself uh we had a very successful year with lifeguards we had more lifeguards we needed this year unlike last year when we were at so and Miko did a great job this year once again uh scheduling and running the Lifeguard scheduling at the beach uh did did an admirable job uh working with and we expect that most of the lifeguards will be back next year and we shouldn't have a problem depending on whether the state poaches by raising the salaries of their lifeguards from us uh they particularly are interested in Mike uh to go over to the beach by the way uh so that that's basically it we we do have we did have a few complaints one of which came in the other day actually uh regarding East Beach uh the facilities at East Beach whether we have a we don't put a Portage on there anymore because it just turned into a total people using to throw trash in it and everything and piling trash against it it became more of a hazard than an amenity to the beach most people didn't want to use it the second problem we had and I noticed it and uh there's a woman who sent an email that I'm going to give to Jim at the end of the meeting uh camping down there in East Beach uh there's people who are upset about people without stickers that are camping than one with stickers and this particular person has a significant other who's a double ampute and they tend to park so he cannot access the beach and he's on the other side I see the I see this couple occasionally down down there have had this conversation before we were going to set up a handicap parking on the East Beach but because of the storms last year and everything that went on East Beach it was hard to do and if we had done it at the fall last year it wouldn't be there anyway uh we are trying to improve handicap access to the beach uh we're going to redo the signage and whatnot at the beach so hopefully everything's going to go well uh there's been a discussion about uh I guess working with or working side by side or a hybrid uh committee with the recreation Andor each committee as one committee or separate committees that meet together occasionally to discuss the facility itself and utilizing uh the recreation director as Personnel for the beach committee we don't have at the beach we don't have an administrative assistant or any kind of help other than what we kind of scramble and do ourselves and stuff like that last year Dana helped out quite a bit with our thing and we're looking and we are I think some of the money that we take in will now be supplementing her salaries to help us administratively with the uh Beach I'm not sure how uh the last meeting when we decided uh to become part or become with the recreation committee there was not a full board there was only three of us it's hard to get a full board in the summer for some reason they don't want to come out on a Thursday night when it's nice uh so so we did have three members but I'd like to have another poll in September when we have a full board at the meeting including our new member who just was appointed who's trying to catch up the speed on everything so I think that's about it as far as what the beach is I don't know if anybody has any questions or concerns or I I think it's a great idea to combine the the resources of the two committees and looking at that you know in in terms of maybe even further development of that relationship because it's an employee yeah because they have a staff person and uh and also to to maximize the use of the different facilities for recreation in the community and and and the beaches are a huge part of that from a oh excuse me from a personal standpoint the reason I got on the beach Penny 19 years ago now uh was you know initially the funds were being dispersed to the general fund and there was no money to do anything at the beach so we had a hard time with rescue equipment improving the facility itself and things like that so I really like that the beach funds stay with the beach and that I wasn't going that no no no but I mean you know there's personality the thought process out there is that this is going to be used to fund other things and I know a lot of people are concerned about that no I I've heard that concern okay y I have a question about defense chairing web yeah be completed in the next month we're hoping uh at the next meeting we're hoping to vote to award the contract uh and then uh most the two we had two bids and they were both very close we do have one that's a lower bid and they're looking at the specs to make sure that what what they're putting is what we expected them to put in so we expect it to be done sometime in October uh we left it to their schedule to make it cheaper for us uh basically because they're in their peak season right now or just getting out of their peak season so uh the later we go the less expensive and the easier it will be Jim wouldn't we have to vote on that contract or is there some special reason we don't have to do no it it'll come before the board so the we'll make a recommendation that this person or these people should be the one I just want to make sure okay you got a calendar it out again we didn't have a full board so we had the two bids and I prefer a full board when we make a recommendation and evaluate the bids but we do have a low bits okay all right thank you can I just suggest over the winter that we maybe touch base with the police SP again cuzz we still get the complaints on Peak you know it um people don't like that there's a Max Fine of 50 or whatever can we see if anything can be done there as you know years ago we used to actually have a record sitting there on on the busy weeks um just to see if we got any ideas for next year because people get so excited oh uh we had a couple weekends that were very bad this year and we and we had a number of complaints at the uh Beach Committee website on uh about parking and people they don't care $50 isn't going to deter a family that wants to go to the beach cuz it's it's more expensive to go to the movies than it is to park at the beach for $50 the other problem we have is the drop off syndrome where people drop off a whole bunch of people because you know we have 104 plus or minus parking spaces but you get on the beach and there's a thousand people there it's like where' they all come from so yeah I just figured if you could touch base with that maybe there's some kind of plan we could I mean on a slow months not that this is one of the problems or one of the concerns that is coming up more frequently is the voter speach yeah because and we don't really have jurisdiction over that per se unless you want us to but there's been a lot more problems including some of the injuries that are happening were at the boers beach that the lifeguards had to attend to yeah and the plovers are always over there and go ahead no go ahead you and Chris Bo's still been a help from State correct right he he's been tremendous help yeah I'm going to give him well one thing I'd like to address is we appreciate the 18 years that you've been down 19 but um you know and my feeling if you need some help from the from Recreation um you know help out with some administrative fees and stuff I'm okay with that but I think I think the Beach Community should maintain control all that well basically we've been charged from the beginning to policy recommendations to the board of Selectmen and any other concerns along to the board of Selectmen to come here and say say we think you should adopt this policy or whatever what have you it's not a bylaw but policies as they come up we there's always something you learn something new every year UHS right main of the beach I mean those things are it's only going to increase so we might be not you know we're bringing in some money but we got to keep up to what we're doing we were actually 500 less Beach passes this year than previous year we have 4,400 give it take uh last year and 3900 this year but we don't know if that's because we raised the fees or just that there's less people or less you know because uh I I've seen it over the last 10 years you know when it peaked during uh covid that it's dropped off a little bit they the the parking situation has gotten better I don't know what the reason is that and there was talk from the beach committee about possibly a parking attendant to help with people who don't have stickers you get them before they pull in as opposed to ticketing them after they're there we so we did um online permitting this is the first year for online permitting right how does that go it it went very well again I have to thank uh both Chris and Carla in the town clerk's office who did a admirable job walking people through with a tremendous amount of patience the process of getting the sticker uh I think it went very well uh I think you know there's always a learning curve and there always will be a learning curve because of and I I even had some issues depending on what browser you used and that type of thing but I think it went very well uh I don't I haven't heard feedback from the police as to the sticker itself when the sticker hung from the mirror it was real easy to see when it was stuck in the corner you had to do more walking and eyeballing so to speak uh but I think from a I think I don't know how the public feels but I think it went very well as far as the speed it increased the speed of getting the pass and uh they issued temporary passes when things were a little busy so people could still go to the beach so I think it went very well excellent anybody else have anything thanks see you in April thank you very much than for doing the Locking and the unlocking of the game yeah uh that that in itself is we we had quite a few lockin this year and it went very well uh I didn't chase people down the beach to figure out where they were uh like I said that incident a couple weeks ago was a rarity um for for the public the answer to being locked in at the beach is not to remove the infrastructure that's there it is to call the non-emergency line at the police department and they will come unlock the door yeah uh yeah and and again it's a uh I think it's a misunderstanding that been continuing for God I don't know 10 last 10 years that it sunset uh and it's open till 9:00 and it's not it's 8: to 8 it says clearly on the sign says clearly on the big flashing highway sign Gates lock at eight but for some reason everybody thinks I thought it was nine do you through the chair do you send it with the stickers do you send any rules with that there is a policy you it yeah and I don't know if people even look at it they just put the sticker on and check it out the window so cool anyway anything else I thank you okay thank is Jeff bull here I don't see is he lurking in the got an item um you're are you you're not here for the Hicks Bridge no you're here for okay we're going to skip over B because we don't see Jeff bu out in the hallway um say C uh next steps for drift and Cornell Road culbert replacement Michael berus the town planner welcome thank you I also have Sarah Canal did I pronounce your last name correctly um from the Buzzards Bay coalition you can turn on the mic but beware of we'll go down to the just should be okay I think it's okay they they fix I think they fixed it you can turn it on okay so if you all recall and this goes back to probably winter of this year um we initiated this project or started talking about doing this project with Buzzards Bay Coalition um in the winter and so what really got this kicked off is that we um in April 2024 received a Buzzards Bay National estu estuaries program Grant um to study the replacing the culverts at Angeline Brook at Corell Road um and the Snell Creek in Lin's Brook Crossing so drift Road and so BBC had assisted us with that Grant application um a call I think I talked to the select board about receiving a support letter um back in April and so the town was awarded $50,000 for this project and Buzzards Bay coal Coalition is going to provide approximately $35,000 in Grant funds to support this initiative and so the purpose of this project is to design and replace the failing culverts um at the those three locations um and these CTS will need need to be right siiz CTS that will um be able to accommodate the stresses that climate change is creating on storm water infrastructure so making sure that their size a little bit larger than um you would see necessarily need for a typical rain event today um so trying to plan ahead for some of that future resilience and then um importantly is that the these are habitat areas for cold water brook trout which is um a somewhat rare species in Massachusetts and we have a high concentration of um this fish species in excuse me Southern Massachusetts um and so it'll improve the habitat conditions for them um and so in service of the this grant we signed a anou with Buzzard Bay coalition to kick this off and um they put the app the uh project out to a bid and contracted with Gomez and Sullivan Engineers to start again developing those designs so what SAR is here um is to provide the select board an update on that project as it relates to their work with the um Consulting engineer Gomez and Sullivan and then there's a substantial Grant um amount or there's a substantial amount of money in Grant funds um and developing um Wildlife passage projects particularly for um cver program so and that's something that we're we're intending on applying for later on this month um so before I hand it off to Sarah we're not asking the board for any sort of authorizations or match dedications we just really want to make sure you're being informed of this this project as it moves along because it will involve um if we receive funding and things move on to construction would involve a substantial um disturbance to the town's roadways turn back thank you hello so Sarah quintal I am a Westport resident but also a restoration of colist over at Buzzards Bay Coalition and so to uh fill you in on where we've been so with with we have a couple of grants that we've put together in order to provide the funding for Gomez and Sullivan Engineers to take a look at these three culverts um this work complements the land acquisition work that we've been doing ourselves and in conjunction with Westport lands conservation trust in order to protect as much of the corridors along these cold water streams as possible because it really is a rarity to have cold water seun brck trout in Southeastern Mass it's the biggest concentration is here in Westport and that is definitely worth protecting um so U all of this sort of dovetails and builds upon each other and uh so we were able to get this grant funding for um Gomez and Sullivan to do um initial data collection which includes they're doing the um uh the Wetland Wetland resource determinations getting all the critical elevation information need to put together a conceptual plan they're taking a look at the water level changes and the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis needed to figure out how to um what size covert um the existing culverts would best be replaced by for each of those three scenarios and and making sure that those could accommodate significant Siz storms that are getting more and more um Extreme as the years go on so the fact that these culverts are in poor shape um they certainly do need replacement and we would like to see them replaced with a design that can accommodate the the flashy storms that we have been getting and that can also address um habitat improvements for these fish so kind of a win-win scenario so at this point the data collection has been complete the the the hydraulic analysis is currently underway and we expect to see some conceptual designs uh within the next month or so um and then what we'd like to do is is um put forth those um those con concept signs for by the town and and then ultimately if there is funding secure in place then take it to the next step for engineering so the application that we are um interested in helping the town submit is a Federal grant it is through Masta and it is a national Culvert um replacement project so um the culverts they can whether it's removal replacement restoration this grant encompasses all of them but it's specific to streams that have um anous fish species so species of of concern where we want to make sure that fish that are coming between the bay and the and the freshwaters that they have um full passability and so that is the the key thing for this Grant and we think that these three culverts are compatible with the grant um it does have to be submitted by the town um and uh it would fund the um final engineering or preliminary through final engineering and construction for these projects so the current estimate ballpark estimate from our engineer um high to low end is about 3.2 to 4.2 million for Full Construction of these three culverts um culverts are expensive um and so when we see opportunities like big grants like this one um we would like to put our best foot forward in order to see if we could get a chunk of that even getting one of these replaced would be wonderful but we'd love to package it together and really um really sell the cold water stream uh uniqueness um that we have here and we think that that that it could be a solid application so it's due within a couple of weeks um by the end of this week um we would be um helping the town put together all of the application components so that there's time for the town partners to review it before getting submitted thank you I just have one other thing to add so there's a very large pot of money on the table right now that a lot of communities haven't really dipped into yet um that at least that's what I understand from conversations with staff at Buzzards Bay Coalition so there's $200 million and available um through usdot for this program and so um when the funds were first released they did not even get near um the bids that they were expecting on these projects so I think it's it's a it's a great resource that we could actually not just continue moving the ball forward with plans but also get the construction and the CTS on the ground great thank you anybody have the uh D Ro where were those were they be located I know where Angeline Brook is on Cornell how far up would would they be where where most are they CU there's no no map in the package today I notic don't have map or just describe um but Cornel Road um so angel on Cornell it's the very first Culvert right coming up from the bay um it's very near West Portland conservation trust property um no no I know where that one is yeah so the other two so it's two different streams it's Snell Creek and lions Brook and yeah without a map I don't know how specifically we have another project on your Thro that's why I mentioned this Kirby Brook unrelated to this gives you at least it's not the exact location of each of them but this image right here gives you a general indication of where they located is it one of them near the the area where the guard rails we've been talking with the neighbors about the guard rail is that what you're wondering about Kirby Brook yeah I don't know I I can't really tell you can't tell from that map um are there existing culs here they are so if you flip to the cover page it actually shows you an image of those coverts as they are today okay I think the one at Kirby Brook that that one was talking small Bridge versus yes oh yeah Y what about the you guys look at that at all that's where they're looking looking some War lines through that area it's actually called that was changed by the while back that might be another one to look at kind of money out there did he consult with Sean Le at all on any of this stuff Sean had mentioned to me a while back about while he was I don't know if he's still fish commissioner but there was monies in like fishing licenses for this type of stuff something like that yeah that's that's a great idea anything that can help give us a little bit of match even I know he was looking at like a fish ladder over on Forge Road and it's just the reason I mentioned the heaven run thing is is that's a situation um where there's two private Water Supplies up there trying to cross that right now and and it's undersized pipe that changed so definitely be a project that we should we should look at do we have time to circulate this to the fish commissioner um to opine if it affects that well we can um I mean we can always make it you know two different tracks so we could still move ahead with the Grant application and you know um submit it to them as well for further input right now it's a very conceptual level what has been designed well not it's I mean it's mostly just been data collection so um yeah we we would definitely want to get their feedback okay I mean when they start talking about the Curby Bridge you know all of these came up and I me locations know is theing does the hering Run cross a road though yes it does okay do you remember which string that one is on Jim do you know that one where they're talking about the water supply up there which it goes to the pond right the co cocky Pond isn't it the heaven run does goes the cocky Bond y crosses on the way down to the a beach River Road is it stre so Manny somebody suggested to me that it's very hard to hear you so you might want to think about positioning your mic differently okay you want to be heard um anything else I just want to thank the buzzer Bay Coalition and Michael I want to thank you you guys get a lot of grant money we we would not be able to do these kinds of projects without your help and and the other community organizations that we have and we just want to say how much we appreciate that because I know you do a lot of work I know I know Michael does a lot of work he's gets paid for it but your group does a lot um to support him and we really thank you for that thank you team is key having this together is really important we appreciate you guys I thank you thanks thank you Jeff bull I didn't see all right so let's go back to to 4f so 4f is the um got to read them all right license preliminary approval so um just preliminary this is a preliminary so what what we do to facilitate the process of issuing all these permits for the next year is we um preliminarily approve them so that when all the paperwork is completed and everything is in order we can just issue the permits um as they become available rather have to come back for each meeting so this is very common for us to do just kind of a blanket approval but they won't actually be issued permits until all the paperwork is in order I just had a question Paula about these crossed out ones so we a different category okay but I have po them so I want to take them off the list and and all of these are continuations of existing permits right there none of them are new right okay so um what we're going to do is I'm going to read a page of two and then somebody else going to pick up and read a page or two because this is a lot and we have to read them all if if you have a concern about any of them please say hold and we'll hold on that one like we do at to meeting that Steve is Steve bors has taught us all to do so um I'll start um all alcohol permits um a Coke sit Club The Back Eddy Bitter Sweet restaurant bootleg barbecue Holiday Lanes cozy Nook Restaurant Restaurant Oriental Pearl PES D sedad 10 cousins Brick Oven the Bayside Restaurant the West Porter the Westport Club the social club Whit's restaurant wine and malt liquor license um Compton Clan bakes and catering and Village okay Compton hold on Compton and Village Pizza the veterans Club all alcohol um wa and R let post uh 852 Club all alcohol Holy Ghost Club seasonal wine and malt a CET Club doing business as the pro shop Bay breze ink package store all alcohol Country Liquor and variety Harry's Country Store Lee's Market Supreme gas Westport Market Westport Wine and Spirits Package Store wine and malt Cumberland Farms Inc 2234 Noel Inc doing business as Village Market Pine Hill gas and convenience Star Country Store and Deli I'm Che yes I air could I put a hold on Harry's Country Store Harry's country store has a hold Harry's County I assume that's Harry yeah okay farmer Brewery Buzzards Bay Brewing farmer Winery west is s your wrestling the paper mic oh I'm sorry um Hotel inke keeper wi and malt Hampton in and Town Place sweets common victualer a coic club Inc doing business as Pro Shop Alice macomer Primary School Bakers Beach snack bar Bay Breeze Inc Countryside market Cumberland Farms 2273 deleno Daily Grind Dunkin Donuts Edible Creations by Jerry goo Berry Natural Foods handy Hill Enterprises honeydew Donuts Cathy's coffee shop and crey Lexie L's Place Lexi's Road dogs Lickety splits Nick's homemade pizza nooke Hall Association Olympia Pizza Our Lady of Grace Church pachu Inn Paradise Hill Farm Partners Village Store Perry's Bakery PES D sadad St John the Baptist Church Stacy cakes tea shop and Cakery 10 cousins brick oven the head town landing store teemos Pizza weather low Farms Westport Council on Aging Westport Country Day School Westport Elementary School Westport Fair Westport gas Westport Junior Senior High School Westport Lobster Company uh Westport meets Westport Point United Methodist Church Wild Honey Cafe wind gates cakes does anybody else want to take over sure okay entertainment of Co of Club Inc back KY back Kitty doing business at the back Eddie bit of sweet restaurants buzzes Bay Brewing Holiday Lanes Holy Ghost Club of Westport Inc Oriental Pro rest restaurant por dad 10 cousins Brick Oven W anr Willette post 8502 weather low Farms Westport Club Inc Westport Rivers Inc whites Restaurant inkeeper Cox at Club Bank Hampton in poach chuk in Westport Town Hospitality doing business is Town Place suets amusements Holiday Lanes Oriental proar restaurant Motor Vehicles class one Bulldog Performance Motor Vehicle Class 2 A Auto Sales 3D whole day whole day Auto Sales 3D Auto Sales Advanced Motor Sales and Service ameral bus company doing business as ameral bus Truck Sales and Service Auto Plus motoc cars bullia garage Charlie's Auto Dan's Auto Sales distinctive Auto Body ref finishing and sales limited ferrera's auto body and sales ferrera's Auto Sales and Marine anex Frankie Bron JR Auto Sales and Service Inc gns used auto sales G's Hillside Motors Inc Glenwood Auto Sales Greenwood Park Motors Inc holla Auto Sales Inc Hilltop Hometown Motors Horseneck Auto Sales Inc I Cars Inc J&L Pond View Auto sales Corp JBS towing services Corp John saws Village garage Inc 660 Main Road John saws Village garage Inc 66a Main Road l Clair's Auto Sales New Way Auto Sales Prestige Automark Inc Prestige autoark Inc RNR Auto Body Richard Mendy's doing business as Mendy's Auto Sales Rob's Autocare Inc Samuel Ferrera doing businesses Samuel Ferrera used auto sales somar Imports Inc State Road Auto Sales in in doing businesses State Road Auto Sales State Road Auto Sales Inc doing businesses State Road Auto Sales Annex one Su Auto Sales Inc Tech auto world LLC Faz Auto Salvage Inc top Quality Auto Sales 935 State Road top Quality Auto Sales 937 State Road top Quality Auto Sales 1013 excuse me 1018 State Road Westport Auto and RV Center windmill Cycles Motor Vehicles class three Atlantic Salvage in ink Mid City Scrap Iron Inc Robert J Demaris thad's Auto Sales Auto Salvage Inc I'll take it over again go ahead motor vehicle repair Adamsville garage Advanced Motor Sales and Service amall Bus Company Inc doing businesses Amaral bus Truck Sales and Service Barry's mobile automotive booya's garage Bulldog performance Charlie's Auto distinctive Auto Body refinishing and sales limited East Coast RV and Auto Repair Fern's Auto Repair ferrera's auto body and sales five-star Collision ink Four Square Village garage G Souza Hillside Motors ink Glenwood auto detailing Granite City crushing Hala Auto Sales Inc integrated Street performance JBS towing services Corp Joe's Auto Repair John sores Village garage ink lse custom exhaust Martin's Auto Repair Mendy's Auto Repair New Way Auto Sales Prestige autoart Inc RNR auto body and sales Rob's autoare Inc Rogers Automotive Inc Route 6 gas State Road Auto Sales thads Auto Salvage ink top Quality Auto Sales 935 State Road top Quality Auto Sales 937 State Road top Quality Auto Sales 1018 State Road Westport Auto Clinic Westport Tire Inc wailing City Transit Inc wilfred's garage Inc so I'll entertain a motion to approve all of those except um Compton clam bakes and kering Harry's Country Store and A Auto Sales and we're moving a subject to the inspections or whatever the subject to sign off correct subject moving subject subject to sign off yep we should probably we should probably hold on Granite City Granite City yeah what is that on the rep okay so we're putting a hold on Granite City adding that to the list all right I move that we move all the other subject to the proper sign offs second is there any discussion all in favor I is there any reason to discuss the ones we put on hold they'll just come before us in the future right yeah just um granted City Manny probably should be voting so you guys can vote on it oh just up yeah he can abstain from it okay it's also ink instead of just Granite City okay Granite City is it oh I had Granite City crushing under motor vehicle is that not right it's repair motor vehicle repair it says Grand City crushing I'm just want to make sure we get right now yeah I just added the ink okay all right do you want to move that one yeah I'll I'll move gr of City crushing Inc under motor vehicle repair second any discussion all in favor I one and one abstention so that's four and one abstention and and then there's other ones will come back well mam chair yes can I suggest this you may I had I brought up Harry's Country Store his County store in it's AR's Country Store I don't not believe they have an Al all alcohol license they have a wine and wall license uh Jim would remember this because they would be interested in taining an all alcohol license and I don't know if we discussed that with them yeah should be wi and wall so that's wi and wall good catch and that one well it's not that great of a catch because I go there once in a while he brings this up to me all the time well he almost had it no that would have been legislation okay so we just think that was in the wrong category yeah all right so do you want to move that then Harry's Country Store for the wine and malt yeah second all right any discussion all in favor I I uh that's unanimous so that just leaves the Compton clam bakes and the a Auto Sales and you okay anything else Paula no okay I don't I still don't see Jeff full maybe he maybe he we even got a we even got material in our packet today maybe he forgot us um the Town Administrator report well there's nothing we don't want to talk about that without Jeff do we does anybody really truly want to talk about this without Jeff no okay put on the next agenda yeah we we'll move it to the next agenda okay Town Administrator report just a couple things opioid funds uh Massachusetts Municipal Association is holding a seminar for Town officials on the 26th of September to review the key components of the opioid program and what uses would be eligible I I've signed up for that I've signed up for it as well and u b a Health members a couple have signed up um we're getting roughly about 50 to $60,000 a year and I I did put a spreadsheet in your packet later in the day today so you may not have looked at it but um we have believe after after this year we should have about 350,000 in the account um Jim did you ask Board of Health to go watch that or the police Health police the op I know there's some Board of Health members I sent it but I don't remember if I asked you to send I believe Donna amal's going I I believe that as well so I thought I that is something over the next few months or year that we will have to uh start looking to allocate some of that funding the state is looking for they don't want sitting on it um FY 26 budgets we sent out memos to the Departments for the capital Improvement plan um those requests should be due OD due October 17th which time we'll start setting up meetings to review their capital projects for FY 26 um yearly Department budget memo will go out tomorrow with the worksheets um at this point it'll be pretty much negotiated wages um in the salary accounts and as far as expenses there'll be level services I'm pushing for level funded on the expense accounts um as best they can I don't have to justify why there's any changes um it's like every year it's going to be another tough year um raises have also gone up a bit we've been kind of living off 2 two and two the last few years now we're up just over three our revenues do not increase to cover that so we're going to have to uh compensate for that going forward um we did attach a yearly budget schedule which is similar to the previous year years so we'll move in the same direction that we have previously um just a note on local receipts over the last 10 years we've been kind of increasing our local receipts this is um Excellence tax is our main Revenue Source about 41 42% of our local receipts um that leveled off in FY 23 and it actually went down just over 4% in FY 24 so um you know that that that's not going to help um we've offset some of that loss Revenue with uh investment income with the new interest rates going up you know they were pretty much at 1% for a number of years and they've gone up four four or 5% the last year or two so that's offset it a little bit but that's leveled off and it's coming down a bit so um yeah again it just be another difficult year we're going to have to wait until um October November to get our preliminary numbers and then January when the governor's budget comes out to get a good feel as to where we are um requests for proposals uh we sent two requests for proposals out last week one is the feasibility study for the old high school that went out on Friday proposals are due October 24th we also sent out a revised proposal for the American Legion building on sanid road with a reduced scope uh Tony Vieira has been working on that quite a bit we're hoping with the revised scope we'll get under the $150,000 which has been allocated for CPC funds to do that work uh these repairs would be mostly on the outside of the building we sh Ling and putting up a deck so that they could um attach their um handicap lift to Opa funding this is just a reminder um all the APPA funds have to be obligated by December 31st 2024 the Bristol County Opa funds have all been obligated to date um we do have some remaining funds left in the um local Opa funds um approximately 500,000 we just used a portion of that this after tonight um and about 150 and then we're probably looking at about you know 150,000 or so for the um offset some of the four of a waterline building so billing we should have about 200,000 left with the CP cipc meeting in October we should um be able to find some projects if some don't come up before then that we can obligate those funds to I wish suggest that um the infrastructure committee meet have an up have a meeting in the next month or so um to kind of review the bid packages for the waterline Loop up along Route Six um some of the design contracts most of them are closed out but we still have the sewer designed for the Mac humble Loop how far do we want to go forward with that um there's some bidding um included with that we're not going to go out to bid next year or so so we may want to take that out and move that um those funds to to another project but we would have to do that relatively soon well Jim I mean the stuff and the idea now is to have the shovel ready project and the design will never go bad so that's one of the reasons to use that as a project for that okay so that's why I was requesting this the information on the testing on the Mak Loop um because I'm getting I'm getting a lot of calls and people you know think we got to let them know that there was contamination found there the contamination is not going to go away with the water main installation and that it's going to be it's this is not going to raise their taxes it's not going to cost them any money and the Ser the service will be provided in front of their house and we will not mandate them to tie in so as we go into construction we're going to be getting a lot more calls so I mean I'm just I'm just getting personal calls now but I'm sure the town's going to get a ton of calls on that and there's also some policies I think the infrastructure over sight commit might want to look at as to um how we use some of the the funds that have been allocated for the project the bids came in a little bit lower so there might be some different options as to how we can utilize that as well you the chair Steve so can we get one of them we'll get together we'll good together with Jim for an agenda thank you that's all I have did you had a pretty detail um budget calendar in here that I guess it was a separate Memo from I'm looking at it it's budget time I'll review what I think um so uh there we're started um it says the FY 25 Municipal budget but I think it's FY 26 Municipal budget um October 25th the department requests need to be submitted to the Town Administrator so I know it sounds like we just finished summer but they only have six weeks or so to to submit their Department requests through the uh October early November um Jim will meet with all the department heads um and then the preliminary uh recommendation to the department heads December 6 um and then uh December 16 the recommended budget will come to us so um Jim and all the Departments are going to be wor busy in the next few months putting together that budget um I just want to remind people that it was very tight last year and it's going to be really tight this year also um but there's a whole calendar um which I think is it's good so we all know what to expect all right anything else for Jim okay um Jeff's not out there Jeff bull no no okay um so uh we have the minutes of August 26 I move approval second any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um we have a report on the bill warrant everything was in order it was $2.8 Million which is pretty normal nothing out of the ordinary nothing really huge uh so I approve that uh the other day and we don't have to do that here it's just a report it went it went well thank you and then we have liaison committee reports and suggestions for a future agenda um Craig uh the affordable housing trust has not met since your last meeting we have at least two other members of the long-term building committee on the whove been on longer than I have so I'll defer to one or the other okay uh dick uh the only meeting I've attended is the landing Commission because I'm the uh leaz on uh nothing there it was some of the stuff that would have been talked about tonight and some other items but uh nothing of consequence so that's that's about it I don't have any other recommendations for future gender items at the moment all right um so for I I didn't have any comme meeetings but um I was uh tasked Craig and I were tasked to work on charge for the off potential offshore wind committee and I am negligent of doing that so I uh I dust it off again and I'll try to work on that so that we can we're not ignoring the offshore wind committee proposal we just haven't got the charge together yet um I did have a suggestion that maybe we can talk about at a future meeting for the I had to look it up to make sure I'm going to say this right the semiquincentennial celebration in 2026 um it'll be the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and there's a number of groups that are trying to organize um events and things like that um I think we should consider whether we want to have a town sorry it's okay whether we have a town committee that can kind of coordinate the various organizations in town or if we want to leave that up to other organizations like maybe the historical commission well last time the town had one for the what was it 200th um Sue says there's a little bit little bit of money in the Sue Bron says there a little bit of money in the account that was attached to that celebration and she wasn't quite ready to get organized on there are some grants and things but I think I mean we can talk about it more fully in a in a proper meeting but um there's some kind of uh some if you leave it up to an organization um they don't always know the other organizations to communicate with but then again I don't know if we want to have another committee either so um well if it's on the town side we get it organized see if the police are going to help us and what not if it's a private then they might have to raise funds I think they're talking about a lot of events so they're talking about more than like maybe you'd have maybe you'd work with the Fourth of July parade committee to um kind of theme their parade and then work with the historical commission work with schools um I think it sounds like a really good project um for like the cultural Council maybe I we I was trying to organize it last year so sue said hold off for a while so whatever you want to do we'll talk about that at a future meeting but I wanted to I told somebody I would bring it up hopefully there'll be cake while ago there will be cake for sure I will make sure private public however it is there will be cake thanks all right um that's it for me yeah I didn't have much either with the um with the Labor Day break between our last meeting um just wanted to mention the fire department's been averaging what almost nine calls a day they're up to last time I looked it was 2175 I think they posted on their Facebook for this year and there's been what like 250 days in the year so they're still uh they're still doing a lot um and have cable Wednesday and then uh sured next week so we're busy now that Labor Day is Gone by okay um as far as infrastructure goes I don't really have much more to add than what we've already discussed so we do have the pre-construction meeting coming up and so the next meeting we'll have a little more okay uh do we have any comments and statements from the public we have a public here yeah but she has no comments here St okay no comment at this time um just want to remind people that there's a list of vacancies for board committees and commissions um on the town website if you're interested in a committee and even if it doesn't look like it has a vacancy please talk to us because I know there's some people really trying to get I know um the CPC is really trying to find some new some new people to come in so um if you know of anybody if you know of anything you're interested in please reach out to someone and we'll get you on a committee I am not aware of any topics unanticipated within 48 Hours okay so we are going to go into executive session we will only come out of executive session for the purposes of adjourning we will not conduct any business after so I will entertain a motion pursuant to the pro provisions of Mass General Law chapter 3A section 21A where the chair declares an open meeting will have a detrimental effect to discuss a Fall River water billing discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining Teamsters Local 251 approve minutes of August 26 2024 I before we make that motion I forgot I had another topic okay so um we uh we've been Manny and I have been working with Jim on the Town Administrator contract um his contract is technically up on the 13th of September um we can do the the contract is very minimal changes um that it's it's very close to what it was before um so what I'd like to do is have um Paula send out the draft to the whole board and will you please let me know if you would like to have an execu ative session in order to discuss the contract privately or I'm I think it's fine to just go ahead and address it in an open meeting but if you would prefer to have a a an executive session discussion before that we can do that so please um they'll send out the draft and if you if you want to have it an executive session we will and then we'd approve it at a later meeting or we can just approve it at the next meeting so please review that when you send it out okay now I will entertain that motion so I'll move stet second Richard Brewer um Manny s i i sh I Craig we are an execu