jce thank you for being in attendance we appreciate that you ready I think I drew the Short Straw here to get this thing is it not okay we're ready to roll here uh under mgl chapter 30A section 20f this meeting is being recorded that's a public announcement when we meet we do have to tell the audience you are being recorded uh so seems to mind but anyway thanks for that I don't have any particular welcome comments from the chair this evening although I do note that uh our next meeting is two weeks from now um um that it's not next weeks so we're going to talk about that I won't be here that following week the 8th but it is the eth the night before the election yeah but we can talk about it later if you're so inquired uh we do have an executive session tonight that'll be later on and um so everybody knows any acknowledgements and recognitions okay all right uh then we'll go right into the agenda welcome everybody who's here again this is a public hearing there actually three public hearings tonight on different subjects and the first of them is a request to approve the layout of R Lane Extension as shown on a the plan entitled roadway layout plan of Ral Lane Extension wport Massachusetts prepared for Twin Pines Westport realy trust dated December 12th 20 23 Jim could you give us some I believe Carrie is here if he wants toate we do have a while he coming up here we do have a recommendation from the planning board it's a non-binding recommendation it says they unanimously voted to recommend the acceptance of realan extension contingent upon formal exception of white oak run as a town-owned and maintained Road the planning board considered the submissions from the town planner and Consulting engineer Derek Melo of SW coal and not the following outstanding items at the raland extension um forther bylaw regulations of town of Westport Mass section 0 708.2 the surface course of the road must be tested to verify Conformity to the mass DPW specifications street sign in the road layout does not meet Westport Highway Department's uh standards and a stop sign is missing along the roadway catch Basin should be cleaned and oil and debris traps installed prior to final acceptance B unvegetated areas within the right of way uh could be seated to establish grass that's from the town planner the planning board recommendation okay uh any members of the select board have any comments before this gentleman speaks nothing please s your name and uh my name is Bob carig I represent Twin Pines reality trust um a few of the items have been addressed uh last week the traps were put into the catch basins catch basins were cleaned on Friday the stop sign was a uh they don't know where they got that from so and the uh the asphalt was tested when it was installed so um the issues that were brought up had been resolved other than the grass which I can't grow grass until it's a little bit water and uh we'll hit that partty in the coming month talking hold on a minute do you have uh doing okay with the the technology we on good okay I know what's that okay okay so car you're requesting uh approval of this based on the fact that these things have been remedied yes sir okay and what is the pleasure of the committee Jim do you have any comments on it so so this will go to town meeting and they'll vote to accept the street or not accepted a town meeting tonight's meeting is a public meeting and um the board has to accept the layout of re R Lane Extension and then we file that layout with the town clerk um and then it'll be on town meeting um for formal vote by the participants at town meeting so right now you're just essentially approving the layout um the description of the layout as shown on the plan so we're sort of preparing for town meeting in this this motion select board members Penny um so ring extension gr same own as do raling it also I don't believe so I don't know yes they did yes okay so at that time White Oak Run should have been accepted so I hope in all this we're getting that all wrapped up for Tom too so that white open run gets accepted at the same time as the extension it won't get accepted this year we got to go through you know you're looking at about probably $30,000 worth of survey work it's half in dmouth half in Westport so probably next year if there's funding available to get the layout drawing up it could get accepted so are we able to accept the extension without W run being accepted it's it's interesting right it's been a way that's been used by the public and maintained by the public for for years um the town in the town ad dmouth I don't know if Westport ad dmouth paid for the paving but they've both maintained that road over the years um there's probably a few roads in town that have never been formally accepted but have been in use uh for significant amount of time but I think re Lane was accepted in eror because W run wasn't accepted right I just so can we legally accept the next one off the road that was I could check with Town Council I think you can accept anything whether it's right to do we check with Town Council I can check with Town Council there further questions and SL I I have a question so you see in the um in the town Minature recommendation there's a motion to accept an add to the warrant but I already see that it was already article 42 on the warrant or is that is this a different article this same article it's just formalizes it so this is asking this isn't asking to put it on the warrant it's already on well so in the warrant article draft that I have version 8 it says um uh accept as layout of public way of read a lane and this one says read a Lane Extension it should be read Lane Extension so the um so it still is the same article 42 that's on the warrant that's correct so then we don't really need to add it to the warrant right so is the the request here to ask us to recommend it at the town meeting request is to accept the layout the oh to accept the layout description of the layout okay all right then I move that we um accept the layout of Ray extension and I don't be on the one so I it's already on the so I move that we accept the layout of the ran extension as described second are we going to see if there's any public inut yeah we are motion made and accepted U any discussion on the motion before we have public input anybody like to speak further Mr Carri or others this is a public hearing we welcome comments those who wish to speak okay the format would be to go to the microphone and identify yourself hi good evening gabrielis scamporino I own one of the lovely houses on R Lane Extension um on my property I do have a water retention um section to it and I'm just want wanted to follow up with the council that I was told when I purchased the property that once the street turned over to the town that the town would also maintain it and I just want to verify if that is correct Jim could you respond to that so so once it's accepted the town would have the ability to maintain it yes um like most communities are pretty strapped for resources so the maintenance is minimal yeah if at all um but yes we would have the ability to maintain it but normally a lot of the residents uh that are bued kind of keep it neat right which we do so my next question is I do plan on putting a fence up um with appropriate gating so if the town needed access to it they could certainly get access to it is that also um correct what we were told I would suggest if it gets accepted to run it down by the highway department just to make sure they have access to get in there if they have to okay perfect all right that was my question thank you thank you I got a question on to um maybe Bob can answer this Bob you the the drainage out there do you got storm seps they have them there's no storm okay no I just had heard that it was storm we because we don't have the ability to maintain them so okay hi Tim mcdermit 50 R Lane uh you said that there will be another meeting this is for the layout for the road and there'll be another meeting to actually accept the road by the Town Council town meeting so when would that be potentially 9th I think May 9th let's check at the be brought up at that meeting yeah gets accepted if if everything goes well so it would be a good meeting to be at thank you thank you f comments any questions from the public and this is a public hearing any further discussion from the select board the motion has been made in seconded what is the Pledge of the committee all in favor say I I I and oppose none the motion carries unanimously thank you thank you for those who commented here's wef next item is a request from Verizon New England and ever source to install five jointly owned poles along the southwest side of Highland Avenue in front of 182 308 372 and 390 Highland Avenue and one just north of 398 Highland Avenue Jim what is background here for us Verizon or from ever sources here we do explain the process good evening Tom Stanton Pike Electric uh Verizon contractor um this is to support the uh uh solar farm uh on Highland a there's uh sections of of the polls that uh there's three sections that are over 200 ft and two sections that are about 190 and um to support the new uh eversource cabling they'd like it uh they' like those five po set so the spans are under 200 ft questions from the committee now I move approval of the request second motion made in seconded first discussion from the select board if any if not any this is a public hearing so is there anybody from the public who wishes to make a comment or a statement or a question question okay good a good right ahead so Adam Branco 364 Highland Avenue so they have the pole marked in my property and it's in the middle of my lawn I was wonder if they could slide it over if they were able to slide over and also I have irrigation system in my lawn too so that's my question okay uh Mr Stanton could you respond to that on our behalf yeah is that uh the stake location yes um I looked at that um they try to keep it you know split the difference y so I I could move it a little bit but I mean I'm not going to I saw that I saw that and it it is in right in the middle of your property but to to scooch it over five or 10t the side isn't going to would help me if you did that like in with a M bed then it wouldn't affect our irriation if you s over 5T to the left 5T to the left something like that I I have a pole in my y already it's on the yeah it's on the uh that's a little ridicul to me yeah um didn't he say was I hear you but so it does actually show it where they where they put the stick isn't actually where they show it on here so that would work but where they it like right what's your address now 364 364 so Mr chair I don't see I don't see 364 I don't see a poll in our map for 364 yes yeah we got 182 can they come up I don't see can you show us on the map because it's not on our map that we have yeah we got one you see right so it's the one that is so where they show it here on the map it doesn't show that but where they put the stick in our yard it's like right but if it was to go on in the Middle where the mulch bed is that splits our property it wouldn't be an issue with our irrigation where they came and placed it it's like right here so we're just concerned about the map versus the stakes yeah yeah so the St the St doesn't sh and it's not we're we're voting on 372 and yeah we're at 364 they measured off of 372 ended up yeah okay okay let let's come back here uh the qu I asked Mr Stanton to respond is the qu response suitable you can slide over with it yeah yeah that would work okay does that meet the your approval are you leaving now yeah I'll meet youel there okay yeah okay well we have to act on this so we we have to have some assurance that this deviation is going to be accept so if I move it no more than 10 ft you'll be happy yeah okay I'll meet him out there go again can we make a motion no yeah we did oh did we I was going to say if we can just make it subject to the Town Administrator getting a getting a call from from the from the neighbors that have met their expectation give them 24 hours on okay I will amend the motion subject to this change to include the respon Tom administrator that's met the airport yes thank you I second my amend my second to include that I do just want to say I I hope that you'll avoid the irrigation system but if your irrigation is in the town roadway that might not be possible so I don't I haven't got it staked out but um I mean try to avoid the irrigation we Dig Safe we we don't Dig Safe uh yeah irrigation cuz the town has the town has a town take if you want to mark it out yeah okay I know you know I'll meet you out there we'll get it all straight okay well name and number mine yes Jenifer brco and Adam Branco my husband and you want our phone number yes 774 930 1694 okay we'll follow up with you tomorrow all right than thank you all right coming back to the motion uh further discussion on the board of Select preferably we could all not all talk at the same time what is the pleasure of the committee I think we made the motion we just amended so well I know that I'm asking for further comment good any comments public hearing any further comments from the public okay all in favor in keep of saying I I any oppose none the motion carries unanimously thank you and appreciate having you here okay the next item under public hearings is a request from Austin Russell of Hilltop Motors and equipment for a class 2 motor vehicle license at 61 Hicks Bridge Road with a total of 10 cars yeah we had a request uh for Ed car license this would be on the south east corner of hicksburg in Route 88 uh the plans have been reviewed by the building inspector and he has approved them and um that's it comments from so there's no changes at all to the building whatsoever just I'm not there were none that were presented on the plan how you doing I'm Austin he's the petitioner I understand that okay Manny has a question for Mr haret I didn't get what the answer was or I'm not aware of any changes there were none shown on the plans that were submitted okay that satisfies you okay any further discussion from the select board just we usually get a layout we don't have one on this I see it there was a layout with the package we'll have public comment just in a moment I just want to get straightened out here as to what we're doing we didn't have it in our pack let's try this way signed off okay feel free to speak whoever was looking to speak is there a question I'm just just looking at it now it's the first time I seen it Mr Sher I have a question could you just describe the business is there a business there now or is this a new a new organization okay I'm talking I'm Rob Russell I'm representing the the partnership landlord which is rjl properties and there was a business in there it was uh Whipple Tree Service who are moving to I believe Portsmouth and so Austin one of my sons uh is going to be leasing part of that building and he's applying for as as you see it class two um deer license Jim do you know who the who owns the property to the left I don't off hand no I move approval of the request as stated second motion made seconded is there a question here that you wish Mr Russell to respond to a discussion seems to be a yeah no pause here I just need to if I get I can approve it I just need want know who the property is on the left and I got a couple more questions so is this the one downhill I'm looking lot of I'm looking at like toward so towards I imagine that's 8 8 right so towards 88 they own right up to 88 so they they're about about 88 yep on the other side it's Kendall trip so these these parking areas like it looks like you got trees in the parking areas a approach yes brush or something like that right where's this like like green yeah uh yeah there's it's just Shadows that's clear so that's all that's clear yeah okay so you're not going to you're not going to cut any nothing it's going to stay exactly the way it is right yeah okay okay do you wish to speak I know you were approaching the microphone before Oh I was uh answering a question about the work done on the building but I think um guys really took care of that okay Mr rer of comments for us well we could have what kind of work is going to be done on the building oh thought you guys were asking what work was done to the building um they just did some office work um and then it was inspected by the town okay all right a motion has been made and seconded to further discussion from select board members hearing none any further comments from the public this is a public hearing okay it looks like we're ready to vote all in favor in the C of saying I I I any oppos none the motion carries unanimously thank you than thank you for being here thank you for your comments thank you tomorrow okay that concludes the public hearing section of this meeting this evening the next item is two and this one item under licenses and permits is the request some Le France Hospitality Corporation doing business as Hampton in to approve the change of manager on their wine and W license to Evan pess yeah any comments here pretty straightforward we do have a police report um they are they are not opposed to the uh transfer of manager license to Mr pess it's a pretty straight forward transfer okay is there anybody from the right there the firm to do you wish to speak sir sure I'm Sean lefrance I live at 36 am's way um the Hampton we had our long-term general manager retire recently we have a new manager Evan pitus so we want to take off Frank L's name and add evans's name to the license okay and we applied I think with the through the abcc as well it's pretty clear what is the feeling of the committee and what is I move approval of the request I'll second second motion made and seconded any further comments any questions for Mr Russell Mr sorry all in favor by saying I I any oppos none the motion carries thank you thank you three would be appointments and resignations a is a request Irene Buck of the Council on Aging to appoint David L Lima to the unexpired term ending June 30th 2025 in Carol V vital to the unexpired term ending June 30th 2024 Jim comments from you first and then we'll ask Miss Buck to speak if she we have two vacant positions on this committee um on the Council on Aging and they would be filling the unexpired terms okay uh M bck do you wish to make any comments for us this evening or you don't have to but if you want to thank you I think the candidates speak for themselves to very experienced very committed volunteers we're very fortunate and so I hope you will support their nominations move approval of the appointments okay just that we we need to be clear that these are two separate uh different dates because they were unexpired terms that's that's the reason why they're not the same um and our hope is that the uh shortage TR will continue into the next year it's just a matter of there's a little small window right now so that's yeah we're not looking to add someone for just that limited amount of time all right yeah that that was understood and we'll be back here very soon do that I I I will assume so the pleasure of the committee motion has been made and second y y all in favor by saying I I I any opposed none motion carries unanimously thank you appreciate it the next is is 3B the request to appoint one of the following nominees to the board of regars for the three year term effective April 2nd 2024 uh the four people who are candidates would be Robert Alves designated Republican John cabal Republican Katherine kton Democrat also incumbent and Paul trial trial Republican Jim could you give us the background on this this is one of was postformed from the last meeting before we recall so there four members on this committee there's a um town clerk who was unenrolled and then there's currently one Democrat and one Republican on the committee um so the board can appoint either a Republican or a Democrat to this committee do we have any of the candidates present tonight in do they wish to speak uh if you'd wish to speak we'll be glad to hear you if not that's okay too I'm Katherine gton I'm currently at the regist I got appointed last year I really like it I would like to continue on if the board sees fit thank you any other people who are contestants for this I move the appointment of Catherine Kon second motion made in second to discussion all in favor say I I any oppos none the motion carries unanimously congratulations appreciate the work you do for start thank you c 3 C request to accept the resignation of Peter mcgar from the board of assessors effective March 18th 2024 into post the vacancy Jim a little background on this select board this is a common assessor member who is um resigning from the board um it's an elected position so we we normally or the board normally um posts it for about 30 days to see if anybody's interested and at that time if somebody is interested uh there would be a joint meeting between the board of assessors and the select board to appoint someone to fill the vacant term until next April's election okay okay so this is an an interim move until the as you mentioned it was an elected position so it'll be the next go around y motion to accept regrets and the letter second what we need to okay motion made and uh seconded further discussion on this if any if not all in favor indicate by saying I I I opposed none motion carries unanimously thank you D is request from the Westport Board of Library trustees to appoint assistant Library director Bonnie strael to the position of interim Library director effective March 30th 2024 and a commensurate increase in her rate of pay to that of the current Library director until such time as a permanent Library director is appointed Jim yes so um George Ripley is taken another position in another community and he's leaving the end of March uh this would be an inm um position until they can um advertise and locate a new a new person to fill his position um I'd recommend approval okay is there anybody here from the library no okay what is the pleasure of the committee I'll move that we um appoint as described a okay motion madeen seconded uh so this is a temporary move here correct yes and so the the rate the rate of increase obviously is also temporary we rever back to the existing salary okay all right it's clear further discussion comments on this motion which is made and seconded hearing none soon it's time to vote all in favor by saying I I any oppose none motion carries again paa unanimously thank you e again from Miss Buck request from Irene Buck chair of the cable advisory committee to appoint Carrie COA to the board Jim little background on this and then we'll yes so at this point we don't have a um an open position but we may shortly so I I suggest that the board um I guess pass over this request until there is a change in the vacancy on the board okay um M Buck I do you have any comments in this regard does that meet your understanding we're very pleased that we have someone who's very interested and so I'm hoping that with the support of um cette will be able to adjust the number of voting members I would like to ask that um the board look at the terms the terms for uh cable advisory as one year that's a very short time for someone to learn what's invol involved and so I don't know where it fits in your extraordinarily busy agenda but along with making sure we have enough people uh to be involved and to help we need to give them enough time to get acquainted with what's going on but the process of having an opening I'm hoping will take place soon um and I think that uh as soon as you're able to appoint this candidate we'd all be very fortunate to have her with us I'd also like to mention that uh cable will be uh providing video the night of Elections we haven't worked out details but I know it's a very very very exciting time for our town so um make sure that you're paying attention whether you're here or at home watching thank you thank you Mr chair so I offered to if if uh the board wanted me to stay on as ex official so we'd have a new we always want to see some new blood go on boards and we're glad people are stepping up so uh I don't know if uh Jim wants to give us something next meeting with with a breakdown of the board especially if it's only a week away um the cable Advisory board so everybody's aware what the um situation would be but I don't mind going EX officio for somebody that wants to step up well what do you mean I know what ex official means I'd stay on but I the new person would be a voting member I would just stay on for advisement that be a lays on come back to the board etc etc it's not a the contract's what 10 years that we just signed so there's nothing pertinent uh uh for a few years anyways um they're going to dig into cable issues and try to do upgrades and whatnot so the critical work was just done thanks to Irene and gr okay chairman Brewer it's you set the example for your hard work of coming at 9 in the morning to the Council on Aging meetings we're only asking Steve come at a 5:30 meeting but he's still willing to do it and his experience and history with cable as a committee that oversees and works to support the work of the staff is very important well I'm glad he's willing to stay I'm delighted that he's willing to make a uh a spot available to an active committed volunteer thank you m b so you're considering resigning from this committee at a future date to make an availability for well I don't know if it be resigning or just knocking me down a notch to ex officio that's all similar to like she said you are a CO COA it' be more of a liaison to the select board answer questions just like why why we have so many committees that do the leg work to present to the board yeah I do we Jim have we employed ex official status in this town I'm familiar with that from business but I don't know if it's a official title but I I do know we have non voting I don't care if you want to call it ex offici or non voting I just stay on but you but you're saying as the select board representative right not I think that's what I'm on as if I remember correctly if not if I'm just the lodge it makes it easier I so it's a select board rep we'd have to look um when I made the commit yeah I'm going form the committee years ago was it was to do the cable and we did have uh several groups but it may have changed through the years I'm not sure well we don't have to resolve that tonight so yeah you can we can look into that just an option if the to choose yeah whatever it's called it's fine with me okay so that concludes uh discussion on that item uh so we won't be doing this tonight as requested and that's understood for the reason stated anything further M B I'm not clear I'm sorry are we going are you going to be able to vote on it tonight no no next week well first of all I don't know where you get to next week There's no meeting next week there's two weeks on April 7th the night before the elections great that's what I want to know thank you so but we're not voting this tonight because it presently is not a vacancy exactly okay until this gentleman decides to take I'll talk with Jim further figure it out email whatever I don't think you'll find a lot of opposition to this just have a great hope that this will happen I'm delighted she doesn't want to lose an excited volunteer I don't play then we we'd be glad to support that I'm sure speaking only for myself thank you okay so that concludes our discussion on that it next is a request from Jeremy Hardy to be appointed for the three-year term as Constable Jim yeah we had a request um this is we don't get many of these but it's a it is an appointment that the board of selectman does make he has his Constable Bond his paperwork appears to be an order um I'd recommend approval Mr chair is he here yes sir I was going to ask that if you what was the pleasure of the committee but I went through the chair we have multiple chairs here by the way folks have you noticed Mr hardy please Jeremy Hardy nice to meet you Mr chair the reason why I asked is this is an important position where they obviously they have to serve papers at people's houses and we've had problems in the past where uh a tire wasn't correct they didn't present themselves professionally so I would just say that uh that would be a concern in the future showing up in Farmer jeans with no shirt underneath wouldn't be acceptable absolutely it's happened believe me uh so you know uh we expect uh obviously professional Behavior okay that that was my concern we've also had a few yahoos that want to put on lights and run around towns like they're a cop so no okay I I work in real estate and I'm just trying to make myself more useful to The Brokerage I work with yeah I just want to make you aware it would be a concern if any of those things Happ understood thank you do you have anything further to say Mr hardy GL you come forth if this is approved today I'm just curious what my next uh what I need to do next Jim will tell you that's a good question we'll follow up with your house absolutely I already have it's been it's been a few years would there be a swearing in it you can check in tomorrow and we'll fill you in with whatever needs to be done absolutely thank you I'll almost thank motion made seconded any further discussion all in favor by saying I I I any opposed none the motion carries congratulations Mr H thank you thank you for coming forth in this very important position in our town okay moving along we're now in the group of items under action items so the first is a a request from the town clerk Kristen Stinson to approve the warrant for the annual Town election to be held April 9th 2024 we do have that in our package I think you've all seen it let just get that P it up Jim is there anything here that uh we should take note of it looks to me like it's correct I know last time we had one of these we had the old location for Precinct day this has been corrected to Our Lady of Grace Church Hall 5569 Sanford Road I ass that that's correct the others look correct to me but I won't be sure on this as I had recommend approval this is pretty standard for most of the elections or required for all the elections I guess then what is the pleasure of the committee second motion made and seconded discussion all in favor say I I I any oppos Noone just a reminder to the public that April 9 the polls are open from 10: to 8 this is the one where they don't open early so 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. yes and that is specified on this war right just okay that's coming quickly all right that concludes that item pause just for a second I want to sign this okay now B is the request to approve the Westport River Watershed spring summer activities I'll read them then we can have discussion and then we have Deb here uh request to approve the Westport River Watershed spring summer activities and they are list as follows April 3rd 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. climate change Beach program at Cherry and web April 11th and 12 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. fifth grade field study at Cherry and web Beach Dunes April 27th from 9 to 12 uh electronics recycling day behind Town Hall May 29th 31st and June 4th 9:00 a.m. to 10: a.m. fourth grade field study at EMT trip Landing June 8th the Dune hike at Cherry and web River day which is June 22nd that was corrected because you listed that as the rain date but that is the date 22nd June 24th would be it looks like June 24th through through August 16 through August 16th summer Watershed Discovery programs at Westport family beach um and though that's the listing Jim do you have anything to say or Deb can I do not talk about it good to see you yeah no um thank you all for for indulging Us in these many ways we're very excited about all our activities we've hired our summer interns and uh we've got the electronics recycling all set up so we're we're good to go any questions de no I'll move it most of it's off peak so shouldn't affect any parking situations I'll second motion made in second any further discussion I just would like to say I'm just really excited about all the work that you do especially the programming that you have with the children and the family activities I really appreciate the Watershed Alliance um having all these activities and I just want to mention that we have 10 scholarships open for um children in in the Watershed which is larger than just Westport for the any child who is on free and reduced lunch and we're getting a lot of applications so that's exciting very good great thank you de good to see you did you have a hand up Mr Jen okay all right motion made and seconded U all in favor say I I any opposed none the motion carries anistic thanks again C request from Dharma Voyage to purchase four hibridge Landing passes you this is done on a yearly basis um they have a program down there at the town landing on hick Bridge Wendy you see I can probably give you more details of myself so um Wendy Henderson um one of the directors of the uh Dharma Voyage uh rowing group um we ask asking as we did last year if we could purchase four tickets for some of our outof town rowers um that aren't able to buy Westport Hicks Bridge Landing passes um and so it's sort of the same program as last year just if we have those passes the members can pick them up and so four people can park at at a time and we usually arow in the mornings from 6:30 to 9:30 or so so it's pretty much off peak hours Saturday mornings um we're we tend to get in before the real crowd of recreational uh voters uh come down to The Landing thank you for that explanation what the pleasure of the committee I just got a couple questions I I mean how many how many rows usually go down there um we have 20 seats in 20 rows 24 seats available at any one time in a boat and how many how many Landing perits do they have well most of our members are Westport residents so okay so most so that me we have 20 Vehicles down there at the same time all time yeah could I I I wouldn't be in favor this but other comments I move approval of the permit I second second motion n seconded I'm not true second I think Dan you second I i' just like to add I have the same concern as Mr SS in the years but it's they've done a really good job and I have I have been proven wrong if you will in the past so we hope we keep it that way Wendy you we try we try if we know it's a busy time there we'll have our rowers double Park so that they're one behind the other so they're not taking a lot of space yeah yeah and up the road that has been the situation from when I've been there I you know what we got to as you know you're working on the design over there I mean when the thing gets redone I'm sure it's going to be a lot better but I've had some personal experiences with my my son's been launching a ski there quite regularly and I went down a couple of times with him so um one of the other things and I've had other complaints coming to me is the pon down there I don't know if you guys have been rowing out there all year last year you know what the situation was and if you could just let people people know because a few people have made complaints and I've made a recently made a complaint on that but yeah um my I'm just i' I've had seen a lot of town people have issues with getting in with with um so the the only reason I would be against the out of town people I mean it is a town ramp the town stickers I mean we have we have another we have a state ramp in town that anybody can pay and use um I just think if you have so many in town rowers and everybody's bringing their own vehicle maybe they could just bring the out of town guys yeah we have we have that advocated for car pulling in the past and we we do have a few that can that can car pull but it's kind of hard when schedules are you know we do two rowing sessions for an hour and a quarter each so there's sometimes an overlap where the next group is coming in while the first group is leaving that's where we get in trouble with the double parking too but what what is D voyages actual physical address box one n104 Old County Road um nor choke station and n104 Westport that's a street that's a street address no that's our P box our actual street address is the Watershed Alliance okay Sean you have a question no I have a statement you can't park a car at the state Landing without things on the top of it or a trailer on the back cuz you get ticket I've gotten for so that wouldn't help them is all I'm saying yeah well I'm just thinking of the residents that trying to park there that's all okay well I support this it's never been a problem it's early in the morning if it gets to be a problem we'll we'll be talking about it and we're here for that we would I would like personally to hear any complaints that you hear I would like to hear them also so so I forward them onto the rowers and said this is why we got to do this guys appreciate that yeah so a motion has been made in seconded uh did I see a hand go up somebody else wish to speak no okay I'm sorry um any further discussion from select board members all in favor say i i n any opposed none the motion carries I'm sorry you said n still carry thank you thank you anyway as a landing commissioner can I just bring up one quick thing we had our our first hearing our hearing for the uh Landing Renovations the hick rdge Landing I'm speaking of now um and one of the comments was from the Masons and I know you're in negotiations with them at this point but they're very concerned uh with the last few rainstorms we've had sometimes of two to of three and a half inches we've had um there's been a lot of erosion at the top of the exit ramp which is actually on Mason's property and if the town could get there and just fill that in once again they've done it many many times over the years it's a it's a it's a pretty deep probably a little over a foot in some places a ravine there that in you know it's difficult getting out of there anyway with the Curve coming around the Mason's property there but just wanted to bring that up because they mentioned liability and I think the town should be aware of that well thank you this is not a posted item so we can't take action on it we'll take that as informational Mr haret I will that will be the end of that discussion thank you I'd make it a little quick one I no thank you for that Wendy because uh I believe it was the planning board that the plans come in before and that was some of the questions on why I mean the plan is is a good storm water management plan would solve all the problems that we have over there so thank you for those yeah thank you I think that it'll be a much better situation if we can get that built thank you very much okay the next item is a request from Chief Dan Baldwin to pursue the Federal Emergency Management agency see them is Staffing for adequate fire and emergency response so-called safer Grant uh Chief is here do you have anything to say in an introductory way before Dan speak I just asked the chief to attend to kind of give the board an update there's a lot of work that goes into this saf for Grant and um just to get some assurances that one way or the other that if if they do get the grant that the board would be okay with the hiring of uh staff for three years and then after the grant is is done whether or not we can keep those people on include those in our operating budget will be a challenge okay I'm sure the chief knows that but Dan come forth and yeah I got speak briefly on it as you said it is the uh it's a safer Grant uh the goal is to provide adequate Staffing 24 hours a day um our goal which for the last 20 years has been to have four Sixers shifts staffed with uh four six full-time firefighter paramedics we currently only have one shift operating at six the remaining three operate at five uh as I said before we we've been trying to pursue um for six present shifts for almost 20 years uh We've applied for the safe of Grant numerous times um probably close to 15 years we received it in 2012 uh which at that time uh held off a few layoffs a couple layoffs I was not involved in the writing of it at that time um it's extremely competitive very hard to get there's they're anticipating $360 million to be made available 300 Awards nationally so you do the math it's it's very hard um there was a three-year period of performance the awards would be announced sometime between July and September once the award is announced if we were fortunate to get it this a six-month recruitment period and then three years of performance it is a no cost match so there's no there's no cost to the town during that three years uh and in theory it would buy us about four years to figure out how to retain those positions uh looking further down the road we are looking at about three retirements in 2027 20128 so if we were not able to maintain the positions unfortunately we would take a major step backwards but you know um I think if we were fortunate enough to get it and I've already begun to do the work cuz there is a tremendous amount of work and I honestly couldn't wait for the approval I just got going um it would buy us some time and and also my hope is that during that three-year time period we'll be able to put together some statistics and studies that show the town why it is so vital um and that's all I'll say you know the premises safer fire department saf for Staffing and safer community so I'd ask for your support and allowing me to continue writing and submitting the grant with which is due on April 8th any questions for the chief and appreciate that conversation about what he do in the future but it sounds like you've already planned ahead and we'll handle that appropriately so what is the pleasure of the committee what is the action they're ask we have to approve do we have to this of the town administ are we approving the pursuit or this the chief there is an action to be taken that would be the action yes okay do I move that we direct chief baldwi to pursue the grant as described second a motion made seconded may I just ask is that does that motion appropriate to what you looking for okay further discussions all in favor in the keep saying I I I any oppose none the motion carries any thank you Chief very good luck thank you good to see you the next item is e request from The Watershed Alliance for the select board to co-sponsor and it's information session about about regarding the route 6 water sewer project and the ballot question to be held on April 6th this to be held on 2 April 6th 2024 from 1:00 a.m. to 4 P p.m. at the library so it's a motion this came through me by the way um when I forwarded it to Jim is to co-sponsor the information session Jim do you want to respond further I don't have much I mean this is a request from the obviously from what it says the Watershed Alliance they're looking to hold a um an information session at the library from 1 to 4 on April April I just ask April 6 I'm sorry um and they're asking the board to she left us she didn't stick around I know members of the ioc committee are attending well the request was made to to your question Mr it came from Wendy Nicholas who represents the Watershed Alliance but it was also the Watershed Alliance and the buzzes Bay Coalition was there a third entity that was being requested on behalf of several was in that's right okay I thought there were three so that's the request it's simply for us to be a co-sponsor I don't know what the responsibilities are with that quite frankly you have to pay for it provide Donuts or whatever no can I ask the chair of the information oversight committee if their committee is is sponsor is involved in this I just sent it out to see who can attend man he's attending I'm attending my May uh the rest of the committee hasn't got back to me yet um to see if we're going to go I'm even limited because I got to do a I've got a function I got to be you at night and I'm doing the cow pickup too so it's a very busy day ail 6 but yeah we'll be there for a little bit to at least answer questions and what not okay further discussion questions um so I move that we co-sponsor the event as just described I don't know why I'm making all the Motions today well we going to be there so some fresh blood in I the second there maybe we should take turns with these motions I seconded so the motion was made and seconded further discussion no just that we obviously every opportunity get out to the information be better yeah I'm supporting it for that reason yeah okay all in favor in keep saying I I opposed motion carries an name Paula thank you and thank you for that vote yeah got to get the information out it's close to the election it's just a couple of days before that a few days okay f is a request from the Board of Health to approve the three-year employment agreement of the Board of Health director Matt arendo for the period of July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2027 Jim so the employment agreement is essentially the same as what it's been over the last 3 years or maybe even six years but at least the last 3 years the only difference would be the pay increase would be similar to what the other Town employees are getting um in 25 24 25 and 26 so through the chair so there's no other the mods just the increase right just the increase yes I'll move it I'll second motion maid and seconded further discussion I'm going to abstain many so wishes to abstain um any further discussion from the remaining all in favor say I I um I also voted I so it's four in favor none opposed one exstension and the motion car cares thank you Mr s okay thank you for that we just get caught up here item G 4G is the request from the Board of Health also uh to approve the one-year employee agreement for the board of health nurse Linda Pierce for the period of July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 Jim so again the contract the agreement the employee agreement is the same as it's been for the last uh last year because she does one-year contracts um I'd recommend approval the increas is the same as the other town hall employees would be getting what is the pleasure of the committee same thing it's just me mean the rest right y I'll move I'll second motion made and seconded discussion all in favor indicate by saying I I any oppose or extensions none motion Carion animous thank you H request to sign amendment 4 a with kleinfelder Northeast for the gfin road in Osborne Street final design Jim you could listen on that anybody else who has comments so this was already approved by the select board this would provide the sewer design for Osborne Street in gfed Road um Osborne Street to Route 6 and gford road from Route 6 to Osborne Street uh so we just received the contract and just asking the board to potentially endorse the contract or to approve and endorse the contract okay for rate total of 125,000 so previously approved now just finalizing this correct yes what is the pleasure of the committee on this item D yes question Jim so where do we stand with the whole the whole neighborhood contract the whole neighborhood I've started working on the application for the for the uh Bristol County um so that's going in I'm waiting for the final proposal from kleinfelder which I should have this week so that application to Bristol County should be going in this week okay did you have a question yeah are you looking for an action here we're signing it but do you need a motion to approve well i' say motion to approve yes I move we approve the contract on amendment number 4 a uh second a motion made and seconded one more question yes please yeah cuz I so with that contract they'll be moving forward forward with their Geotech work that's in that contract with this contract we did not include Geotech work why is that we looked at the area we looked at these um we checked with Board of Health and we asked them on the actic system perk test in that area um they did not originally we're only going with water um which is only down 4T so that didn't seem to be a need we could also include in there um in the bid documents when it goes out uh items for for ledge removal or Rock removal um which would offset that but that's you know that's it's a call somebody can make if you want we can amend it include borings no it needs to be amended um that's part of the work um as as as you see with this stuff right here on six it was all done so uh I mean under the mass contingency plan it needs to be done with the with with the whole design so you need to see what that ex just going to cost to I think it was about $28,000 okay I'd like to make a motion to add that to the contract this the front cuz this isn't part of what we're buing on a town meeting this is a future project well this is trying to use the Opera money that was left so so the APPA funds haven't been approved for the additional 28,000 I'm opposed to amending my emotion I'm going to tell you why because I don't have anything that says $28,000 in front of me so I'm I'm I'm I don't necessarily disagree with it but I don't know where that is that in this document somewhere it is not as an amendment so I'm not comfortable amending something that I can't actually see um but if we want to wait and not um move forward with the contract at all I would be willing to withdraw the motion well is there any urgency in in doing this yeah the UR the only urgency is we have M I don't want anybody to be out of water here I was about to speak okay I'm sorry and uh you'll have a chance of course Jim in terms of this not being included I get the $28,000 issue okay oper and all that but if we were to move forward with this motion that has been made in second did could the called the Geotech work whatever it was called can that be added on later and is is it related to town Town meet the town meeting and its warrants it's articles add on anytime right um they're not going to stop the design of the sewer if they know they're going to do the Geotech work because they're going to want to see that first so the board could either amend you know I I could have the numbers for you next week if you want to wait a week well I think that would be the I'd recommend waiting a week if if the thought is to add the borings we should wait'll be two weeks right we keep talking about two weeks right did something change around here that I'm not aware of two weeks um V do you have comments on that there's there's not a there's not a problem with that I mean the only urgency was that we had a sign a contract before June so we didn't lose the oper money so one of the reasons that you need this this Geotech work is for the Environmental assessment and this is a p r that we're going for so you need an environmental assessment and that that will help us secure funds for this project okay thank you for that explanation well uh Jim and your views to the correct course of action to withdraw the motion if the one who made it in the second would do that bring it on to April 8th meeting our next meeting mhm with an amended contract to include this work yep and the source of funding being arpa do you think yeah you would have to approve the OPA funding as well Bristol County op Bristol County would that I don't know if we'd have it approved by then right so would that be impediment or can we deal with that we can deal with it I can get it approved I the application is there for the 126 so I would have to amend that with Bristol County okay um which could take a week or two so what is go ahead is that what we're trying do with the with the whole designning for that neighborhood we haven't got that I don't think the borings are included in that okay so that we we need to look at this this whole neighborhood like we have said originally and this Geotech work will move forward I mean that I mean if we don't if we don't even have a design the Geotech work is more important right now if we can't afford this if we can't afford the design the soil B and the environmental assessment are actually more important so that didn't include the environmental assessment if you wanted that we have that would be separate I can check with them on that I mean that's that's a you know that's a question for our consultant Kleinfeld because I believe it's required under all the work that's why when I was asking about this stuff for rout six um and nobody seemed to know that everybody thought it wasn't done but it was a requirement and our consultant that we we've paid an excess of a million dollars did the work you're supposed to do so might even be included in that right now because that's that's a requirement okay well what is the sentiment of the committee as respects withdrawing the motion and then bringing this back in two weeks with those clarifications I'm happy to withdraw the motion if we if if we don't think there's if we think it can wait another two weeks um then I'm fine with withdrawing the motion so I withdraw Mr and the second would the seconder indicate if they I don't know who made the just like a clarification maybe Jim could clarify is it easy to do an add-on or should we just do it as a one piece does it matter I mean you get it in the works if we the only time crunch is the Bristol County Opa money which I think we can meet that deadline whether we do it two weeks from now or tonight so well what I'm concerned is does it make it doesn't make a difference pushing forward the 128 make sure we're locked in that's all because it does make sense to lock in what we can in my opinion and then do the add-on the boring makes sense too because we want us know where the issues are uh you know what I maybe it would be better to do the what we have already because that's the application I have with Bristol County and then I can just do a new application for the borings as opposed to amending the application with Bristol County Bristol County has been getting more um that's my train thought lock so you're thinking lock it in this and something before they stop playing games and tell us we're missed a date or something that's good well that makes sense then I withdraw my withdrawal I didn't say didn't see good yeah he didn't he did that's right so if you're withdrawing to withdrawal then we still have a valid motion on the floor so for the benefit of all including why we're voting on this contract as it's presented with these other issues to be dealt with for the reason statement correct further discussion on the motion all in favor and keep by saying I I any opposed or any extensions no the motion carries unanimously thank you sir yes Joy Rio 13 Gori street so I heard the word septic and I heard the word money closest I came to coming here tonight that for that reason I would like to commend the Town Council for sending a delegation to Washington regarding Westport infrastructure myself and my neighbors thank you very much for doing that we think it's a great step forward thank you thank you sir for those comments hi I would like to just be clear this board did not send a delegation there may have been a representative that went but it wasn't at the direction of this board oh I was I appreciate that that they went I was under the assumption that the Town Council controlled everything they had the final say but he's still doing something right I think someone went yes it's um perfect show us the money that it's right it's never been done it's never been done before and my neighbors are really happy with what you're doing moving forward and myself thank you thank you sir okay that concludes that item H Now we move on to I request fromon to approve Insurance updates required for the Affordable Care at compliance and potential savings for employees in the town or west think means town of Westport effective fiscal year 2025 you have anything to say Jim was Su just no away I'm the attorney I'm not the Affordable Care Act requires the town to offer health insurance that the federal government deems affordable um as a member of southeaster Mass health group we have an opportunity to present a third plan that is a lower cost plan however it has higher deductibles this would keep the town of Westport compliant with the ACA so I'm asking that we um that you approve that plan it is a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan I not sure how well received it will be by the members I think it's something that would might be good for somebody who's young and healthy um I would be personally being older uh would be a little Larry to take uh a plan with high deductibles this item if I may was in in the package with an explanation and um being formally in the insurance business I know a little bit about this although health insurance was not my forte but I read this is the offering offering or is it going to be mandatory that was my first question have several questions here it's it we have six plans technically that we offer three different plans each has an HMO and a PO with it um so there's the this new plan is the sa plan there was a low uh low deductible one which is has a $250 deductible and one with no deductible so we went in right now we've been offering four plans the two the one without the deductible and the one with the 250 deductible each in in HMO format and a PO format the sa plan the new plan would be with um H also having HMO and po so right now we're offering four plans we're looking to offer six plant so it's it's it's an off and out do all of them all the six offerings have a higher deductible that that is mandatory no only the the last two the new plans have the higher deductible the other plans there is no change to the other plans the other plans that we've been offering so to be consistent with the Affordable Care Act these plans have to be offer yes okay those are my questions others have questions U the only just the um I have a super high deductible on ours but when you have an HSA attached to it it actually works out pretty well and all yeah we don't have an HS we don't offer an HSA um we're not we don't have the Staffing got it to offer an HSA so we haven't offered that I do have a in one of my next proposals is an alternative to that um my NE one of my next proposals is a um medical Bridge plan if the employee so chooses it would be entirely at their cost to take what they call a medical Bridge plan which pays them um um for their hospitalizations and so forth it so for example if you ended up in the emergency room and your deductible was 200 they may pay you 250 but it does max out at slightly over or right just over the amount or slightly over the amount that they're required to pay in deductibles for the original plan so if you don't go it's going to C if you don't utilize the hospital it's going to end up being a more more of an expense but on the other hand if you do utilize it you've got something there to cover your deductibles it's an option it would only be offered as an option and only to those who take the high deductible plan they do not have to take they can take just the high deductible plan or they could take the high deductible plan and the medical Bridge plan if they felt more comfortable I'm trying to get a better understanding of the cost to the employees but of course that I guess depends on what plan a a selection right it's I wish 6040 it's roughly 6040 that we pay so on the plan so the cost to the employee um of course will be less whatever plan they select and this being the lowest cost plan it would only be 40% the employee would be responsible for 40% of that plan but would that in that case would that employee have an increase cost over the prior year if they chose that plan and didn't go to the H didn't need you know there's a lot of people out there and knock on with here thankfully I'm one of them uh goes for an annual visit basically once a year just routine visits and that's it so I don't spend if I had this lowc cost plan I wouldn't need my I wouldn't be paying anything in the deductible so so I would save definitely if I ended up with something going on medically and needed to be hospitalized or go to the emergency room and so forth and now had to stop paying deductibles and so forth I may not make out so well that year yeah so what is the plan that people have now for these changes before these changes it's only those other four plans are basically the two plans um majority I'm going to say two plans we only have a handful of people on the PO okay um so it's the other two plans and the majority of them go with the um there's majority it's kind of a mix on those what people choose whether they choose the one with the 250 deductible or the other plan but majority of them I think choose the higher plan it's just okay it's not a significant difference in it so um of savings for the employee so it's just kind of up to the employee it's what people choose on their plans it's something we can't tell them what plan to choose we can't because we don't know what's going on in their lives what they have for medical conditions what it's all hinges on each individual what's and their families and their you know dependents and so forth what is best for them so the question I'm asking and others can can speak to uh is sort of moot in the sense that people will make their choices it will compare either favorably or unfavorably to the existing plan I don't know what the overall cost is the implicit overall cost to this is usually it's like you know 5% or 7% these days in general and then these plans are crafted so individuals can mitigate that cost by going to a high deductible uh plan so that's I think what's at play here and you were asking us are we to approve the plan or say says improve the insurance updates yes improve the um that we roll this out in July for the employees it's just an addition it's an addition to what they have existing now okay and you had a question over here just it says required so I I take it we need to do something we should um it can cost us if we do no okay one and two is it cost effective for us to have six insurance plans for the number of employees we have yeah unfortunately it's it's a case of once the deductibles have plugged into their uh their deductions are plugged into the system it really doesn't matter to us too much oh okay they're all managed to the same same company it was just kind of like little sub plans right was it further questions yeah I just want to call it see so you talked about um mostly what you were just talking about is the health insurance plan but you're also proposing um an additional opportunity for Voluntary Life Insurance and there are some other plans in here yes that are to move forward to have and then switching the carrier for the disability insurance yeah so um so I guess I'm just want to make sure we're we're adding to the offerings available to the employees we're not subtracting from correct available correct correct right so on the health insurance we're looking at adding this lower cost higher deductible plan as as an option for them we're not taking away their existing plants um then the other one that I mentioned is the medical Bridge again that one I'm looking to offer that as an option to help pay for that higher deductible it would only be available to the ones that the employees that choose the high deductible plan um so then moving on we have a voluntary we have life insurance uh chapter 30b requires that we offer and carry life insurance for our employees if they want it uh most people opt out of it we do have we got quite a few employees that have this plan it's a $4,000 plan if they wish to get additional insurance at their own cost they can the what they're looking to do do is all have us have an open enrollment for the $4,000 plan normally we offer it give them a onetime offering you're when you're hired you get it if you don't take it then you don't have that option of coming back in they're asking us to do an open enrollment on the $44,000 plan which we spend 5050 with the um employee the other PL insurance if they want they can take additional insurance we have had employees ask asking for more Insurance some of them higher uh amounts than what we currently offer right now it's $40,000 $40,000 doesn't go as far as it used to right so we have people people could qualify for 100 200 they want to offer have the option of going up to $500,000 for these people um at a certain point I believe at 100,000 they would have to medically qualify for 500 um anything over 100,000 um but I guess it's guaranteed I think the enrollment for 100 so but we that means we would have to open the $4,000 policy do an open enrollment making it optional for employees who don't have it now to join it's a very minimal cost plan it's $238 a month per employee um they anticipate we probably only get five three to to five employees that would actually do this allowing for 10 employees it would still cost the town less than $300 for their share of the deductible on that plan on the $4,000 plan for the year the SM HG Southeastern Mass health group what what do we gain by being part of that group it looks like these plans are the Blue Cross plans Blue Shield the only one the southeast Mass health group covers our health insurance our dental insurance which is not changing at all and our eye insurance that is a group health insurance that we are enrolled with so those three plans and so they're offering the Blue Cross Blue Shield plan to us these other plans are offered through um another provider that we've been dealing with we have a couple of different providers that we deal with for insurance purposes okay questions for the questions so that's the okay um voluntary what they call the voluntary and the basic life insurance the 4,000 and that one now the third I had mentioned the disability insurance and as we were discussing this on Friday it came up that there's something I believe it's been paid in correctly there's something a clause in the existing contract that I'm not so sure the new carrier can carry uh continue with so therefore what I'm asking is to skip over that disability right now that's going to take some time to resolve and see if we can we're not on the same page I can't the new carrier cannot guarantee that they can carry it as it was before so it's not a simple switch so therefore um not going to recommend or ask that you do that and because it's going to be too much of a change for the employee so it's less favorable in terms to the employee with the new carrier correct so I don't want to um not it's right now I just want to leave it alone and stick with this and see what I can figure out for possibly next year one thing I didn't I neglected to put on here was we have combined Life and Accident insurance at no cost to the in town um and they are looking at they compared rates and they're looking at switching it from one company to another there's other than that um just cuz it they feel the rates actually it's more for younger people it's a combined life accident policy the rates on this new comp with Colonial versus Boston Mutual are a little bit more favorable to younger people any further questions discussion no so in summary what are we approving here there some things we're not going to approve one thing we're not going to appr right so it's I I want to make this more specific we're approving the insurance plans as as outlined and we're approving the transition to the life insurance what what are we doing what are we approving the approving the transition from one company to from uh Boston Mutual to Colonial on the um at life combined life accident Insurance approving the uh health insurance approving the medical Bridge insurance and allowing for an open enrollment on the voluntary basic life for the voluntary and you withholding that last part and the dis I'm asking that we take no action on okay so the ones we're adding that's not an issue um right because we're not changing the plans but if we're changing the plans um we would have to go through the unions too so you're asking that we don't so the so then the first three do the deductible the hi add the extra plan for the health insurance we can add in the medical bridge and do the Open Enrollment on the other one um that just allowing them to purchase additional insurance if they so choose yes the uh fourth one the last one there you're saying we cannot do it this time without reviewing it through the yeah I would have to run it by the unions okay they may be fine with it but they might not okay so does that prevent action at all on this I think the first the first coule the first three the approve the high deductible low lowc cost High deductible plan approve the medical bridge and approve the Open Enrollment okay so those ones we're acting on you will get input from the unions on the others yes okay that's correct I'm sorry that's correct we should I'll move it I'll second okay motion made and seconded further discussion all in favor say I I I any oppose none none oppos the motion carries unanimously we'll just have to be clear on the motion this says a lot of moving Parts you got to ask okay okay so thank you good work good work sounds like it's a better overall deal for employees takes takes time A lot of work thank you but do you know off hand what is the overall increase it's usually a published number and all of this derives from that you the health insurance health insurance yeah I'm talking about is going up 5.7% yeah this year the the actual increase is more closer to N9 or 10% but the um the group there smhg uh voted to take some money from reserves to reduce the actual increase so they took the money from the reserves and the amount went up the amount went down no it should should be up nine close to 10% and now we're they're going to the increase is going to be 5.7 oh so it's 5.7 instead of that higher number got you I thought I thought you use the reserves to defer our expenses okay so there is definitely an advantage to be associated with yes it is it's been good we in mhg okay well thank you think we okay think we've done the right thing thank you second so thank you excise taxes are due yes they are tax time thanks April 11th I believe and don't forget May 1st is right behind that for your real estate all right thanks for the bad news I come again okay item J is a request by Manny sores board member to place an article on the May 7th 2024 annual town meeting to create an infrastructure Department I'll ask Manny but first Jim any opening comments on this this matter this is what we talked about last time and then we decided to collect our thoughts but there's no supporting material I see I don't have any additional material um yeah I think it's something that's needed at some point but maybe personel bylaw changes negotiating with unions warrant articles um I think there's some work that needs to be done before it's completed man do you wish to p on this yes well what I'd like to do is put the request that the the select board can put an RFP out to have a consultant set up this infrastructure Department okay let me be clear on this so are you changing the thought from well presented to the town meeting vote well I would like to present that we're we're allowed to hire a consultant to do this since I'm not going to be I'm as a planning board member select board member or a member of the infrastructure oversight committee I'm not going to be personally setting up this department I mean that's not what I'm here for so I I would just want to have it in position that the select board that gets voted on town meeting can authorize put an RFP out for a consultant to set up this department so what would be in your view the article at town meeting what would that entail well again I'm the setup Department I'm not sure how it needs to be worded because I'm kind of new at this yeah so I would look to direction from my fellow select board members on how I can do this well we speaking from myself I I don't know how to do it uh but just to be clear I understand that where can Invision a motion at town meeting to set up an infrastructure department but you're talking about a consultant so you just for the moment are you suggesting we just deal with the consultant to study not stud to do it we don't need to study it I mean he could it's this is it's it's been done many times before in other towns with similar situations that we're in so I mean a professional professional at this would be able to set it up and this would be for me tell me this mean this tell me so it it needs it needs money and a source right source for that money I would think we can't just hire somebody a salary you're asking me that's how we move forward with it right is we that's what he wants he wants us to move forward with setting money aside in order to set up an infrastructure department and in order to do that we need the money so right that's all we're looking for at this point everything else well I don't would I'm really not clear on that so me do you have a clarification I mean that's exactly what I'm looking for it's kind of like when we're doing a study we went before town meeting they give the money for the study right and otherwise for an infrastructure Department study just to try to stop from kicking it down the down the road all C continuously get it well moving you mean the idea of an infrastructure department is being kicked out I don't think I don't recall being discussed yeah we we tried to per a DBW before well well that's different same idea we wanted infrastructure within it but yeah well that but I me that that was 5 years ago or something I got you yeah yeah so another we haven't had we this existing board hasn't had discussion about creating an infrastructure Department this is new yeah that's that's the thing that I'm concerned about cuz it's new and it's it's complicated this a question of funding I mean it seems this is something we ought not put on an article for town meeting but certainly after town meeting have discussion about where we're going to we'll have a new board member or two what what we want to go what do we want to go forward at that time that that would be my recommendation I'm just I'm just giving you my thoughts other other thoughts that makes s to see what happens with the questions and and take it from there we got to form we've got to do negotiations with the Union there's going to be a lot to it so so I'm sorry would it be a two-part thing right one would be what the structure would be and then the other second would be how we get to that structure whether you know negotiate with unions whether you know who's going to be above who who's going to be included in that department is that seems to be the the consultant that we hire to do that that would be what we're looking for here is then where we get the money to do it again we proposing just kicking the can down the road so we're going to be in the middle of a project however big or small it is and we'll be still trying to figure this out while we're going through it well yeah perhaps I I don't I don't really know I I mean the way where I start is what are the compelling Arguments for having an in infrastructure Department not an infrastructure committee infrastructure department now I think that's a big question it has a lot of parts to it so I don't I wouldn't be voting in favor of this because I don't know what I'm voting for I don't know the the difficulties I don't know the timing I don't know what we accomplish I don't know what the ultimate cost of the town is I mean just's a lot of questions all all which can be answered in due course but to suggest that we put it before this town meeting whether it's the consultant or the idea itself I I think it's premature and I wouldn't be in favor of that but others may feel differently so what is the thinking of the committee on this not this time so you suggest that we keep everything the way it is we are the sewer Commissioners the war Commissioners and Jimmy administers everything that we're doing uh well I yeah it would be I'm not saying we we shouldn't get to that issue and maybe the way we're doing it now is not optimal and it's got to change it's definitely not optim I think I could kind of overloading them a little bit well I think I could be convinced of this with more discussion structure but it's uh and I I think maybe the infrastructure Department I can imagine that could be a good thing because of all the pro uh projects we're going to have here including Route Six but I don't I'm just not ready for it I and there's a lot of other things that we need to think about for town meeting uh so so I think it's a short short time frame here to be doing something that's a huge undertaking in my view just my opinion other comment you have a comment so I guess in the short term over the next couple of weeks I can take a look and see what's involved to see if another Community has done this recently and see get a rough idea what the cost would be maybe it's something we can absorb in the existing budget maybe there's some Opa money available to do it um at least you have the structure work I I I I mean it's been done many times and and one of the Consultants that I put before you to ask as a project manager on one of the other jobs through our emails worked in a town similar to this he he's offered up a contract for services that I believe we could have this set up very minimally at very minimal cost I can guarantee you it would be a lesser cost than was approved at last town meeting to study another project in town that we didn't use that money so maybe that money is still left and we can use it to do this I just I just feel the time is now and I mean if I can't get the support for that that's fine but that's all I'm asking okay understood any further comments from the committee it it seems to me like it would be um appropriate for the infrastructure oversight committee to talk about this and kind of do a little bit more work on it so I I'm not opposed to Jim poking around I I too think I might favor it in the future I just don't have enough information right now but is that something we should TS the infrastructure oversight committee with looking into yeah talk about I like that idea cuz we we're looking for agenda items for the next thing which we've got one and there's one right here put it together we'll discuss it we can't come like this with nothing in our hands no idea at all and say let's let somebody handle bring it working with the planning board I'm working with awes Mr gendro and we will We Will and I'll work with Mori for you I would request that we do have that meeting because because you were requesting that we don't have that meeting correct so we have that meeting and I would request to reach out to the to um the school see if we can use either school for the meeting because it's going to be a very large meeting uh I don't well we'll discuss it but I don't think it's going to be large at all but that's fine we don't have nothing to discuss put get committee together already have the questions answered didn't mean to interrup the consensus then is to not proceed but look forward the select board look forward to a pres future presentation from the infrastructure oversight committee yeah and we can go from there I mean that's abolutely that's rational okay so I'm going to assume no action taken in discussion concluded on this but I don't want to shut anybody off so okay go all right well with that but thank you for bringing it forth I think the idea you're welcome maybe worthy of further study pleas and I hope I'm here to enjoy it um it might not be okay the Town Administrator report this is the what we usually uh come here for right apologize I did not get that out with the agenda so um that came in a little bit late but uh just a couple of updates uh Robert Street about we had the 25% design uh public hearing with mass do last week on Thursday um I think there were over 60 people that participated in the virtual meeting um so there is a lot of interest in this project probably had a dozen people that spoke and um sent in questions I'd say two-thirds were probably opposed out of the Dozen people and maybe a third was in favor um so you know they they had some legitimate questions I think the main thing concerned was speed and the overall cost of the project um I will say that this project would be funded through the transportation Improvement program so it wouldn't be locally funded but it is a $3.3 million project um for the for the roundabout there at Route 177 um tickle Road and robit Street um so I said I'm getting the information now we will post some of that on the website in the next I said earli this week so hopefully by Wednesday we'll get that up I'm waiting to get that from the engineer uh stream Crossing Grant the buzzit bay awarded the town of Westport a $50,000 Grant to study a number of cold water stream culverts these are the culverts or pipes that go onto some of the roads here in town uh the grant was prepared by Amy Messi in the planning office planning office continues to get us a number of Grants as well as a number of these other departments as well um Rural Development Fund this is an older Grant we reive $380,000 to do the first final design of phase or the first section of Route Six sewer this goes back two three years ago um and they kind of contacted us re recently they wanted to use us as an example of a successful project application so it's a good thing so we put it in there we don't always have good news um National pollutant discharge elimination system permit we have sewer in Westport now Services the two hotels whites restaurant and a small business across the street there on route 6 because of that we need to be part of this um storm water I'm sorry discharge elimination system permit with the city of Fall River so will be Fall River Idan Freetown and Westport all combined on the same permit the majority of the permit and the requirements fall to Fall River but we are co-applicants and I just kind of wanted to make this is the first year I think that they required us to be a co-applicant so I just wanted to make you aware I know Paul furland and Fall River who is Department of uh Public Utilities there has some concerns with the permit and he may request a public hearing um so if I get more information I will pass that along um Vineyard North East I received an email today and I was not aware of this um and belowing in your your report it has a description of what was on the website on the dashboard for Vineyard Northeast and it does say that the Massachusetts oecc which is not sure what that is um will travel from the northmost tip of the lease area so the leasing area out off of the coast here for the wind farms and um they're suggesting that the lease area will be connected to the state through Horseneck Beach so they're looking to run the cable um onto Horseneck Beach and all it doesn't say here I'm assuming it's down Route 88 I have not been contacted by them um we had one meeting about five six months ago the chairman sat in on that meeting it was kind of an informal introductory meeting where they suggested that might be an alternative as part of their application but I have not heard anything else on the project until this morning so okay comments question I have a question about that so um Manny I thought I'm recalling a meeting a while back where you kind of knew about this project or you were going to get more information on the project I was just wondering did we assign you to be liaison or did you just volunteer or like do you know more about it I I was I believe I I volunteered and I assigned but no one has said anything to so you didn't know this is news to me I've seen some stuff some stuff on Facebook I do know that I did when I asked for that I did hear about that when when I was in for in a in a a meeting where the governor was there they me they mentioned it I spoken to um some people from forever and they said that was that's why I wanted to be involved in it but I guess nobody came forward like Jimmy said this is just news now it's this the first time I've seen it the date on the posting on the website was I think October 23rd so it's been up there for a while but you're busy I don't think I and and it's April 18 they're having a public meeting that's correct yes um yeah I don't have that here but I will uh we can put that up as a news thing I had seen different things around and I know they were talking stuff in narag R Island coming up the river you know there's been activity in all different yeah I wasn't shocked when I heard it I just wasn't I was I was surprised that I heard it like happening right now think environmentally it might be the best route so they don't disturb the the Rhythm but we'll have a meeting so hopefully we can all get a little more information but if we do have a public meeting I think it would be helpful to put it on our website if it isn't already any further questions for Jim is that it uh Jim so on uh on the r 6ur on the on the bid bid package can can we get that bid package sent planning yeah he has a link um yeah but can we get a h copy sent over there yes I mean it's kind of when you try to look at it online it's it's pretty thick so I I just like to review that they are revising the package there's going to be an addendum I think it's going to be a fairly lengthy lengthy addendum they did not meet all the requirements of the esrf funding because um they were looking at one section um so that is being done but yes I I will get a hot C so it did go out the bid it's out to bid yes we've had a number of companies emailing on it yeah that's kind of I I I've been Hing on the street um so you're the procurement officer on that going out the bit yes okay where did we where did we advertise that it was advertised in combis it was advertised in the central register it's not on the central register yet it should be I had it's not and it's supposed to needs to be supposed to that comes out on Wednesday hasn't come out it hasn't been the other stuff's come out already so I don't know if it's going to come out on Wednesday so the last one we missed by a day so it went the following week so it should be I will confirm that it's coming out this morning that'll be a problem with the bid process if it doesn't if it's not so you said combin it was there the central register I will check that good any any other questions all right I'm sorry yeah they they did say April 18th at the high school I don't I'm assuming that's a new school but once then I get that information I will post on the website what was the topic again just public not this would be on the U Vineyard Northeast um wind project cabling and the cabling I'm assuming is part of it okay all right any further discussions Jim's report if not we move along to approving of minutes the only ones we need to approve I guess on March 11th 2024 maybe or I haven't had a chance to review them yet and I'm going to get a hard copy and a little time I'll move the minutes of March 11 sorry uh this you be making this Motion in view of what you just said you haven't reviewed that I would obain from the vote then okay all right motion made in second regarding March 11th any further all in favor say I I any opposed one exstension one exension I think yes for in favor follow not oppose one Obion thank you okay report on the bill warrant my last one right is that my last one well I don't know more can we come the same as always oh we did have a large voided check but it was something went out incorrectly it was voided and went out because it had to be two checks out one does it didn't pay twice wow no Noe well good catch okay next item eight selectman layers on committee reports and suggestions for future agenda discussion for no particular reason we'll just go left to right I don't have anything to talk about I have a um affordable housing meeting next week uh or this week tomorrow Wednesday um and I had to miss the um long term building committee meeting because they did it on a Friday afternoon which is almost humanly impossible for me to leave War for okay sh um on Tuesday I attended the finance committee meeting to talk about the warrant article for the Municipal Light plant um they had a really good idea that we should call it the Westport fiber Municipal Light plan to avoid confusion so I thought that was helpful um the school building committee was uh posted a meeting but didn't have a quorum so we didn't end up meeting and that's all from okay um I did attend a meeting of asserta the uh Southeast Regional Transit Authority Jim knows this but we pay about $50,000 a year into as an assessment to run the buses the only bus I guess we're talking about the main bus is the one that goes between New Bedford and F but there are other buses that you see around town and they uh there's going to be a big increase there percentage wise like 30% in in terms of the new budget and that relates to an undertaking that I think I mentioned at a prior meeting was to have Sunday service the same time they were allowing for period of six months sorry about that is that related to um so they extended Sunday service and there's a cost involved in that to mute you need to mute yeah what's the did you mute your side no I didn't good there we go people must be excited about this report I did advise to through memo fin to the finance committee that we need to increase in the 25 budget from 51,000 to approximately 65,000 um and I would have no problem with you or finance committee talking to serter about that this was a preliminary budget it hasn't been approved uh there was a long explanation I going to have a tough time to explain why it was higher than 25% because they operate under 2 and a half% requirement proposition 2 and A2 and it was an exception related to this new extension of service and the service extension is to end after six months I forget when it started it go for a few more months anyway as well as the Free Fair none of the buses are being charged fair at the present time but there's already sentiment to expand or to continue both the free fair and the the Sunday service survey Sunday service apparently is is quite popular I didn't know that but but it is so this is what caused this um and I asked a number of questions on it we simply adopted the preliminary budget but there'll be further discussion if necessary but I don't think that's going to change anything because our share of this uh it's it's based on population so Westport share is very small any vote of Westbard is not going to change the outcome unless it's a tie and it won't be a tie because Fall River and Bedford would probably be inclined to do this and they're favorable toward it so anyway this comes out of the blue it's an extra $155,000 and I we should put it in the budget but uh that's just my report on that wasn't good news but it it serves a a good public purpose I do believe and I'm sure a lot of Westport residents also use the Sunday service so uh the audit committee will be meeting next Monday night that's why I was nervous when you said there was a meeting here we're having an audit committee meeting next Monday night here we we hope anyway in future meetings I do have an item and I Jim I you and I talked about this but on the schedule this is the uh schedule that we get for all the things we have to do in the budget process March 25th which is today select board to to approve the ATM warrant for posting now um there's still we're talking about May so it's not like the elections coming up here is going to interfere with this so will we be having at this again is my question for a future meeting yeah was scheduled for the eth the eth okay that's I think you did and that's consistent with previous years we we bumped it up last year or the year before yeah right okay so we still have time to do that of course cuz we're talking about town meeting didn't we have to have 30 days notice or something is just four weeks it's two weeks posting that's it oh two weeks okay cool okay all right well we'll look forward to that discussion um that's all I have some exciting stuff coming up from bike and pedestrian committee birthday bikes will be uh April 20th 9 to noon and Sunday 9 to 12 it's going to be at the transfer station hopefully Gail will get something to us Gail Rogers will get something to us for the next meeting we're also going to be pursuing some um design for the North End uh through surer Mike Baris is helping with that um through Keith McDonald from the committee uh Sur bed coming up Wednesday we had negotiations today so keep them busy fire department negotiations will'll bring before the committee next week the board next week or next meeting okay we look forward to that Mar anything else yeah so we uh Evan General Christopher thraser and myself did go to Washington and um we had a very good meeting they opened the door and gave us some ideas on what we should be doing and how we should do it and we're going to continue to pursue that um I'm looking to in that agenda I'll be working with Mike buris and Bob DEA and Mory to get items on the agenda and what we could discuss and um again it it will have a good turnout so we'll be looking for someplace a little bit bigger than this to discuss them we discuss what we need we'll conclude work it out I'm not going to set up the school again more than likely but we'll talk well we'll we'll we'll we'll see how it goes okay now tell me more on this this is this is intriguing and good we have another we're setting up another meeting um in ail in Washington too so we I'll we'll bring the town breast to in uh in um next infrastructure oversight committee meeting is that us which is what's the date on that schedule 4th now SCH to have a need for B Roger can you mute your line for a moment please okay uh this was uh just this was a surprise uh to me in a happy surprise but this was the in infrastructure oversight committee that wrenches who wrenches no we we volunteered to go out there um some citizens asked you know Tony Vieira said this is something that we should do evans's actually been working at this type of stuff in Washington okay so he he agreed to um arrange a meeting and um we went down Friday met with them and then we met with some other people on Saturday informly and um it just so happened I mean I'd been talking with Mari Mari said he was going to be down there and he actually was down there and he originally said he was going to meet with us but he wasn't able to come and uh just so happened that uh Christopher Thrasher was also out that way and we reached out to him he said he could make it and he showed up so it it was good it was it was I think it was very encouraging I should say good good I mean EV Evans Evans kind of set the whole thing up so he's uh and he's going to move for the so another meeting in April now Mr Vier was talking about this at the meeting at the high school way back when so that was all yeah well just what we're looking at is because the whole idea of this this $34 million that we want to borrow obviously we want to we want to tap every resource we can absolutely so my goal would be to use the 34 million only to get it built and and and pay as little of that as we can back so that's that's all we're trying to do see what we can do for the residents yeah I think that goes a long way I know that a lot of people have said to me as I go around campaigning that they're concerned about what it would ultimately cost right and I keep saying well we are seeking federal funds and so that's that's all good news okay great anything else well that's good all right uh next item is comments and statements from the public but no the public is gone so no no okay uh boards and committee vacancy list that's uh still there but a little shorter than it used to be and uh so that's Move Along Topic's not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance I don't not not aware of any Paul Ernie Jim none okay the next item is executive session so let me read the announcement this is item number 12 pursuant of the provisions of mgl c3a section 21A the chair declares an open meeting will have a detrimental effect to a the town of Westport versus Robert brona and James Sabra Trustees of the ANC nominee trust and B to approve the executive committee minutes of March 11 2024 I point out that we'll only come back into Open Session to close the open session s this needs a motion and roll call vote second sh Mo made seconded roll call vote any I I see what I Richard Brewer I sh I am boxler we are in executive session but