Mario call pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice for all good evening everyone this is the select board meeting uh Mr breu had previous plans for this evening as Vice chair I'm starting the meeting um it's Monday April 22nd under Mass Journal Law chapter 38 section 20f this meeting is being recorded we welcome comments from the chair um just let everybody know rabies clinic will be going on May 4th uh $15 for non-residents free to Westport residents I believe you just show up for this right it's no previous registration just show up May 4th at the Hicks bridge fire station 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon we'd also like to recognize uh last week was a dispatcher and also Animal Control appreciation um week I believe it was and we thank them for their service for all they do for the town another recognition we need to do unfortunately we had a passing it was Raymond lner who was uh 13 years at the landfill and he also was a veteran of the US Army appreciate his service the town and the country all right we'll move right on anything else to I get everything very good all right first thing is reorganization of the board do we have anybody that wants to take the big seat I would happy to be served as chair all right I move uh shaa Shel to be elected as chair of the board we have a second second all in favor against got one against uh you can take over from here so then we need a vice chair is anybody willing to serve as Vice chair I'll stay on if you guys want me to I'll move Steve is vice chair I'll second any discussion no all in favor I I that's unanimous you want me to take it Steve you want to see that's fine yeah right thank you okay um the first item on the agenda or the next item agenda is a request from New England race events LLC to hold the horse neck half marathon and 3 and 1 half mile run on Sunday May 19 from 9: to 1 along with a request for a one-day wine and malt license for the event is there anyone here for this event um I do want to U point out that um the uh police uh the police have recommended approval but they noted that um East Beach Road is still not in super great shape and there the marathon is planning to run on that road is that right that's right yes did that change they were looking you mention no um Marathon did not change all right so um as my understanding we have recommendation from the Town Administrator uh to recommend approval but to advise the organizers that there it's possible that that road will not be paved by the time of the event I'll move with the police recommendation with details and so the public knows that's on Sunday May May 19th second any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um we have a request from yellow fin events LLC to hold the bikes and beers cycling event that partners with Buzzards Bay Brewing and benefits the Buzzards Bay Coalition and the South Coast Bikeway Alliance on Saturday May 18 2024 um from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 um and this again um we the town administrat has recommended approval but again the this the day before the other event so the road might not be um completed at the time I'll move with the recommendations I'll and please are not please they're not recommending oh they notor um they are recommended that they change their route they gave two roots and they're recommending that they change their their rout okay so we were on you know Gail's pushing that too right G okay she's the one that called me about it all right we send so what do we want to do send it back to Gail that's we have a meeting before that it's going to be getting close but if the police advise against it we don't we don't want to have safety issues all right so we're going to pass over over or yeah send it back to table this one and go back to the organizers with the police recommendation yeah okay is that okay you good with that missed that um we have a request from the Holy Ghost Club of Westport 171 Sodom Road for one day all alcohol liquor licenses um for Friday May 17 for a clam boil from 5: to 10: Saturday May 25th for a graduation from 4:00 to 9: and Monday May 27th for a reunion from 12 to 5 did we get police recommendation on this one yes all set I'll mov second recommendations um so we have a motion and second any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um we have a request from Ben walbeck um to be reappointed to the economic development task force so move Ben's Ben's been on it for a couple years he runs the uh our market and whatnot so he's an assess to the town do you want a second second um is there any discussion you want to say anything you don't have to no okay we'll be back they they got something they're coming back to talk okay um all in favor I that's unanimous they've got four um then we have 3B request from the southeastern regional planning Economic Development serid to appoint a joint Transportation Planning group member Jim Hartnett and Michael burus as alternate so second is there any discussion you're already serving in this now right this is just a joint a reappointment all right all in favor I that's unanimous we have a request from the southeastern regional planning economic surfit again to appoint a commissioner that's from the select corre yes all right I I'll stay on if you want me to stay on Jim you staying on if on voter in there you go Two Amigos do we need to tonight vote both of you I think the planning board the planning board okay so did I do you hear a motion I'll entertain I'm entertaining a motion to appoint Steve as the commissioner so in second all in favor I that's unanimous we have a request from Craig Dutra select board member to be appointed as select board representative to the affordable housing trust right to work I move it I'll second any discussion um I just have a question are there other um positions that an had that are now vacant on the select board or can you look at that for the next meeting long she was on the longterm building committee too I think but can you just check what she was in I know those two she was on c um all right so to appoint Greg to Craig to the affordable housing trust all in favor I that's unanimous we have a request from the cemetery Department to appoint David anel as seasonal laborer do you want to talk about this one yeah David's been there the last couple of years um he's kind of been in and out but he seems to be uh ready and willing to work and we haven't had a lot of applicants and he knows the system he knows the people and uh I'd recommend approval this is to be a seasonal appointment we have a motion do we have a second second any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous we have a request to accept the resignation of bettyanne Mullins from the Westport affordable housing trust fund effective immediately Mo to accept the send a letter of thanks for service second any discussion all in favor I that's unanimous I would suggest that we also send a letter she had she was representing she was representing herself but uh she was uh appointed by B Coast Bank to that position and so maybe we would um advise I I think he already knows but I advise the CEO of Bost Bank um that we have a vacancy and would you have another employee who might be interested what he would recommend for [Music] this okay uh 4 a request from the economic development task force you guys can come forward to authorize the 2024 farmers markets consisting of the summer markets for 20 consecutive Saturday mornings from June 1 to October October 12 from 9:00 to 1 the Winter's markets are five mornings from November 16 23rd December 7 14 and 21 um also from 9:00 to 1 and a request to hang the banner advertising the events you want to introduce yourself yeah I'm Mar May I'm the vice chair of the economic development task force and we have Ben wbach who with his wife Hannah uh are our Market managers I do a lot of paper bur they they actually do the the market the market and I'd like to add Manny Manny Manny's on it too um Mari got uh a nice Grant so we have a lot of entertainment there this year would you get 3,000 this year uh we we've gotten grants from the hell and Ellis trust from uh the Westport cultural Council for a number of years but this year we got 3,000 which is a new high yeah and so should be plenty of entertainment we'll have music at the markets it's very popular you can explain the uh the reasons because you you started we started doing music uh when Hannah and I took over running the market and uh it's been really popular with customers but also uh musicians just are really happy for a paying gig um so I have musicians contacting me you know out of season like asking when it's going to be available and stuff like that so it's uh really popular just let you know if we get you two of The Rolling Stones we're going to need more security there give you a head more parking can't get the Rolling Stones for 100 bucks all right I'll move so okay is that that I I just wanted to see you know Ben might want to explain uh a little bit more about the markets and the vendors that they have at the markets sure uh yeah we're at this point mostly just trying to push repeat the Market's pretty successful for the farmers that attend and we have a pretty nice slate of um other vendors uh crafters and Artisans and such so um we have quite a quite a following so uh we're not looking to do much more than just keep going um it's been uh expanded to be both summer and winter the winter markets are just uh two Saturdays before Thanksgiving and then three before Christmas and um those are inside the gym and um have been really well attended both in terms of vendors and in terms of uh customers so we're U just trying to keep going all right so we have a motion to approve these did we have a second second is there any discussion all in favor I that's unanimous very good thank you thank you very much good luck apprciate for B we have a request from the Westport macomer parent teacher organization westm PTO to hang the banner promoting the tough kids Challenge from 5324 to 69 the event is being held on 69 June 9 2024 tough kids challenge yeah I'll move it and and the previous one included the banner too but we're pretty good with that they can switch it around or whatever they got to do second is there any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous we have a request from Carol fredes the veteran service officer to accept a $25 donation from Mr and Mrs Edward theberge in memory of Paul Kristen senior for the veterans food Pat second any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous we have a request to approve the kleinfelder Northeast Amendment 4B for $453 um with the funding source being the Bristol County American Rescue plan act funds this is for the test boring and permitting Jim do you want to give us a little more information on this one yes so this was uh requested by the board this will cover the test test borings on on the mumber loop which would be on Osborne Street and gford road so they're going to design they're designing water right now and Sewer on the test borings will identify any ledge or large Boulders in the Rocks uh they will put some monitoring Wells we're still going back and forth with them as to um what the monitoring wells will cover um but we're working on that this was requested this is already pretty much been approved by the board uh we just got the contract and asking if the board approve the contract any discussion move it second is there any discussion yeah um as far as the so we had a a discussion the other day and we were talking about the environmental assessment on rule six you said that you talked to Kleinfeld and they didn't do it but they I reviewed the report and so they Geotech contract that did do it so it's in the report and I haven't fully read it but it's it's all there and I believe that's the same thing that has to be done maber so the one thing with that is you might want to ask Kleinfeld I'm sure the Geotech gave them that report because um the planner did get it from Kleinfeld so I think we need to find out what Our obligation is with that report because they should have given that report to the Town Administrator and then what we're supposed to do with that report so if you can find out out I appreciate it yeah I have the report I've been through the report um G assessment was more on the materials um they did do some monitoring Wells out there and I'll follow up with that well there is an environmental assessment there too my understanding is that environmental assessment was done when Mass Highway did the work they did the um what do you you know the term they um licensed site professionals do the work for contaminated sites with gas spillage oil tanks at leak and they were required to do an environmental assessment on each one of those properties when Mass do went in and surveyed the original route 6 which we Ed for our design we got copies of those environmental assessments so it's it is part of the report so I'm assuming that mass do at that point in time notified the D of that report I I don't know I'm not sure what I think you should look into that is there anything else on this um clim Felder contract yeah what I'm getting at is so what Mass do did in that situation we need to do the same thing in this situation so that's why we need to do that environmental assessment and and our findings from that need to be reported to the D so are you suggesting that's separate from this contract or are you suggesting that we should not approve this contract no that's in this contract it's in this contract already okay all right thank you anything any other discussion do we have a motion yes we do um all in favor I that's unanimous we have a request to accept the following donations to the Council on Aging totaling $315 Patricia Herman $15 tax help Dolores lemes U $20 in memory of Maria Sylvia oraya $5 Outreach Dolores spell $25 tax help Pacific Coast Congregational Church $250 for sdp scholarships I'll move to accept that's a total of $315 do we have a second second any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous we have a request to approve the mass aabon Plover monitoring contract for $111,000 Jim you want to talk us through this one yes so this is a yearly contract with mass aabon they monitor the beach uh cherry and web Beach Avenue as well as parts of East Beach uh for piping plovers um they certify the lifeguards as monitors when the vehicles are on the beach so the vehicles are driving around they uh watch in front to make sure that there is no damage um this is required as far as the beach management plan for cherry and web Andy and U Beach Avenue um takes a little bit of liability off the town as well because the aond is responsible for making sure we comply with the regulations all right I'll move it seem like it was more this year I don't know what last year was it is it it went up a few thousand um I had meeting with her last week um she kind of went through the we we discussed it um she said they're they're charging us less than they normally charge to begin with and this kind of brought it up a little bit but we're still um supposedly getting a decent deal they are down there quite a bit they're down there in the mornings they're down there in the evenings um they follow up with reports and so we have a motion do we have a second second any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous um we have a request to approve the following American Rescue plan act projects arpa Information Technology upgrades for $100,000 Street improvements um including East Beach Road repairs White Oak Run layout and various other streets for $357,400 um we are required to obligate the arpa funds by June um so we had to have projects that are contract ready um and we'll get through the application process in time um for that or we're going to lose the Bristol County arpa Money Jim do you want to give us some more information yes so the it funds would be used for um software upgrades um within various departments throughout the town um looking for some additional laptops um looking for some hard Hardware upgrades as far as the um switches go and some of the other stuff that I'm not that familiar with that Keith works on um it's something that needs to be done um all the items have not been identified but I've been told that there's uh sufficiently more items that need to be done than 100,000 cover so this will cover a good portion of it um as far as the streets go what we're looking to do is uh offset some so each year the town goes out for a contract and we use chapter 90 funds to construct the roads and um and the roads they're looking at this year are Main Road drift road to Hicks Bridge Main Road Cemetery to Adamsville Road and Main Road Charlotte white to the high school um that's the current chapter 90 and the thought is if we can offset some of those costs with Bristol County money we can oblate it before June and then we would have the additional chapter 90 money that we could use at a later date I've believe with the Pas grant that there's a good chance we're going to need some of that money to repay Osborne Street and gford road so this will give us the ability to do that um if the contract price comes in over the 4 million all right how much money do we have left in there we have to utilize you know it's pretty much all over it this this would cover it with the design money for the um maum Ena Hood I think we're right there so we're looking good all right and I just want to say the arpa committee did look at these and and recommended there obviously have to utilize it I'll move it second any discussion all in favor I I that's unanimous discussion items um we have discussion item uh 5A climate resiliency committee East Beach recommendations so I'm familiar with this but is there anybody here to talk about it yes okay you want so I just to start out here the um uh so you'll recall that this board um when we were having some some of our East Beach discussions we referred um some of the recommendations that we had from the public we referred them to the climate resiliency committee um to seek their guidance um so the climate resilience committee has sent a letter back um with the recommendations um based on that guidance so they they're not uh this basically the climate resilience committee work is done on this they're they're advising us on what they think we should do so are you prepared to talk with this yeah sure okay so there are seven recommendations that came out of the the last climate resilience committee meeting um I'll just go over them very briefly the the committee recommended to defer medium and and long-term East speach policy recommendations until the Buzzards Bay Coalition Gooseberry Causeway study um is published and that the preliminary results for that should be available um sometime this summer is what what we understand and the uh official publication will be later in in the year I believe the committee recommended that the select board draft and Implement a highway department policy whereby storm deposited Cabo in East Beach Road is pushed onto the town RightWay towards the southernly lots and I believe that has already happened in a previous select board meeting the committee recommended to the degree practical the equivalent quantity of Cobble removed from East Beach Road be returned and replaced on the beach from once it came the committee recommended a policy of preservation for East Beach um which means preserving East Beach as a cal research for future Generations through means like beach nourishment or maintaining public infrastructure such as East spe Road the committee recommended that the select board identify and pursue Financial Resources to offer lot owners on E speech um it is an option to voluntarily sell their Lots uh outright or with retained a life teny um for for that uh for the for that land owner who sold that lot the committee recommended the selectboard pursue coordination with ever source and Department of Conservation and Recreation who is the owner of the overhead electrical and John Reed Road to relocate the overhead electric coil on East Beach Road U because it's where it's position right now is very vulnerable to storming events and lastly the committee recommended that the board pursue means to protect East Beach Road from future overwash and flood damage um starting out with with looking at a conceptual plan to raise the road in the East Beach Municipal vulnerability report we also have um just if you can make a copy and just circulate this um around the table there's a series of recommend recommendations that have also come from our planning board the planning board met last week um on Tuesday and in similar sort of way as um as was outlined earlier that the climate resilience committee was asked to provide some input so so was the planning board and so there are four recommendations that came from that meeting um the first is a repay East Beach Road so that it's passable with one lane each Direction noting that future maintenance may need to be um considered in a beach management plan and that'll we'll talk about the beach management plan portion in a second uh when there's overwash of East Beach Road push the cabble and other barrier Beach compatible materials to the southerly edge of the road right of way again this is something that's already been addressed in a previous select word meaning ensure that the town complies with its permitting and law obligations particularly as it applies to the National flood insurance program um the national flood insurance program is a program that the town participates in through its flood plane zoning by law um which provides residents benefits like having access to flood insurance and um being able to access Disaster Recovery assistance were there to be a major storm event um the thing with the National Fund insurance program is that there are standards that you you have to ensure that all development in the flood plane um is compliant with and so the planning board would like to underscore that this is a really important resource for the community and so need to make sure that we're um continuing to apply those those regulations to all development in the flood plan and it's that's not just e spech exclusive that's for the entire town similarly with trailer permits um just making sure that when the the trailer permit are being issued through the the select board just making sure that that aligns with when um they expire in the um Town's bylaws and the town bylaw they expire on June 30th so just making sure that um you know those permits are is issued accordingly also it's recommended that the um building inspector because he is the town's designated flood plane administrator um it would be best to have him sign off on at least the signatory to those permits to um you know as an official check on saying yes this is a a development that's reasonably safe and flooding reasonably safy flooding is the the FEMA standard and there's a whole set of guidelines and available um that's later on there's there's a bit of a report here for you all and you can see those guidelines in that in that document and lastly to the planning board is recommended that the select board apply to uh for coastal zone management Grant funds to develop that beach management plan that I had referenced earlier this would be for all of westport's barrier beaches not not just exclusive to each each Beach and the purpose of this plan is to define the town's goals for barrier Beach maintenance and developing objectives to achieve those goals so looking at what the permitting needs might be what kind of access rights the town might need to acquire to to implement these projects um project development and and material costs and then depending on the location of you know the beaches that we're looking at there would be recommendations for things like beach beach nourishment Dune plantings Dune restoration things like that I mean what would be recommended would be context location specific but um and then this would give a to the town a more precise plan of action for addressing some of the vulnerabilities um on where Spees is it the CM RFP relatively soon it may have been released as of last week or will be released this week we met with um Rebecca Haney from coastal zone management last week to talk about um coming up with a beach management plan for East Beach and other locations and um yes we talked about this grant as well and we were advised that if it's not next if it wasn't last week when we had met with with them it was imminent so sometime here very soon okay anything else Jim did you have anything you wanted to add well I I just wanted to reiterate what Michael was referring to with czm who we met with last week in this office um they would consider a grant for Beach nourishment for East Beach in other words to pay 75% of what it costs we'd have to come up with 25% but it would have to be it couldn't be the homeowners association that or on East Beach it have to be the municipality who does this and to do that we would need to have a public benefit in other words we would have to show that there's a public benefit for doing Beach nourishment on this private property and that that public betterment would probably be uh the ability for West borders to walk along the beach and enjoy the beach in front of all those lots and that would be something that would have to be agreed to beforehand and also um we would have to have easements to all of those lots without exception we couldn't have you know 10 on one side and and 20 on the other side but the one in the middle didn't give an easement because then you couldn't really do Beach and nourishment so I think we have things to think about what what to do there so ask so the public benefit I mean would the preservation of each Beach Road because that's going to protect each Beach East Beach Road with the nourishment on the beach would that be part of the public benefit I'm not czm I can't answer that question it may it may be it may not be it would be I think that is a component um of something that's that we've talked about with czm um however they would like to see that there's still that Public Access that is provided through these programs so you would still need to to secure those access we could also maybe utilize um the the repair of the road as part of this and that could be our contribution PO on the RO it it could be it could be Chris Capone's work on on the thing too it could be Michael's work on it it could be you know any any Town employee doing some help to this process can be considered part of the match even um work that our attorneys might do on on a project that can also be considered mat as well right and but I think the first thing is we need the the uh the management plan and then we can apply for Beach nourishment I don't think we can do it the reverse so we need to come up with a plan we need to apply for a grant to get that plan and I think they said about 150 is what we should ask for mhm so it means what's that 35 what's 25% of I can't do it in my head but it go do we have that much left on Offa do we have we have a local laa we have some money left but we'd have to encumber it quickly right yeah the local we're okay until December okay the Bristol County is June but the Westport is December so um who's the proper entity to be applying for that gra is it planning going to do that or is it gym like who's who should be preparing that Gra of the select board you wouldn't want me to app I didn't get it I don't know I think it would be the select board would be the applicant right we're hoping that the planning office would prepare the application yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right so um so I just I because we're just discussing we don't have to take action necessarily is anybody opposed to them pursuing this Grant application I think that's fine so I think we'd want to I think we can find either from arpa money or matching like you said so I think that makes sense to move forward you said a couple of times that we um on the on the highway push the highway department pushing the Cobble I know that they have done that recently but do we have a policy in place for them to do that or they're just doing it don't have official policy so so I'm I'm thinking and this is I'm just ask for your input everybody the I think that we need to direct the highway department or gym to come up with the policy this say that that the highway department is going to make every effort to put the Cobble so I I would suggest that you make it an interim policy in anticipation of getting the beach management plan which may have a different idea what to do with the stuff so all right so are you is everybody okay with Jim putting together a policy and then bring it back to the board on that as long as we we have yeah and that's but we discussed it with czm that was their recommendation too they said hey you know you you have this outstanding issue you need to address you'd like to address now so do it as an interim policy you can always come back and change that when you get a beach management plan in place just's the Curts on this committee right you're on you're on CL right so at least we're getting input from them too can so what's the status of the repair of East Beach Road right now do you know so Chris is getting the highway survey Chris is getting um quotes right now um he received another one today he's waiting on one more I believe and then uh he's looking to get it done as soon as possible is and is the plan right now just to basically restore it was already there or is it looking at um the raising the road like the climate resilience committee restoring what just restoring what there like to make one comment on that too but like on that on the raising the road pot we're talking about the utilities if if we had a had a design of the raising of the road we as as the owner of the roadway we submit that to whoever the utility is I think it's evur out there EV we submit that to urce and tell them we want to put this underground utility they will Design do the design it won't cost the town anything however at that point to build it another but at least we can get the design well I so part of the uh climate resilience committee report uh suggested that we uh tried to focus on redesigning how the electricity gets there basically the way I interpret it and um I don't know if any of you remember Paul Schmidt's assistant who was Anthony valo he is now the public Outreach person for eversource and I've spoken to him about coming down to meet with us to Envision if we could bring the electricity either across the bridge or under the under the river to chering web area instead of coming from uh East Beach and he said he'd be happy to get some people together and come so I'd like your permission to to set up a meeting with Jim and Michael and whoever would like to come uh to at least explore what's possible uh that that's outlined in here and they're doing I attended a a serpent meeting as I think Steve did too with eversource uh at the last serpent meeting and they're they're redesigning the whole Grid in Massachusetts to anticipate the added um demand once everybody gets heat pumps and electric vehicles they have to be able to to supply much more electricity so they're upgrading all the all the substations and all the wires and stuff so I think it would be an opportune time to try to mesh that with it so that would be a redundant supply to the East Beach area so that it could either come from horck or it could come from the other end um does anybody object to him coordinating meeting that he just talked about no I I would I would suggest that but I I would also have you know since since this gentleman is the community outreach I would suggest that they add one of the urce engineers well no he's going to bring some people with him just just because when you when you start talking about crossing the river now you now you're talking about different easements that you know they're probably going to need to get from the armi corps but we already have an easement Down East Beach so um to create redundant system under the river I can see that but I think it might be a long ways out which I I don't think we have too many more storms that we have out there on E Beach is going to last that we can wait that long Snoop around with Salsbury too they going through the same exact thing as us well it's everybody on the coast yeah so it sounds like yes we like you to please go ahead and let us know when the meeting is scheduled and thank you for coordinating that the um the the action for the um flood insurance program is this is this something that the building inspector needs to be made aware of or what is this recommendation for what action should we be taking it is the responsibility of the building inspector he is the town's flood plan administrator so um maybe just re revisit with him or re engage with him on this particular topic or do we think we need something more than that I think that he is perfectly capable of doing it I don't know that he understands what's required so you know I think from Michael's input to me is that basically anything that you put in the flood plane has to have a permit from the building inspector be it a shed a deck a tight tank a septic tank anything that you put in the flood plane has to have and the flo plan is much bigger than East Beach it's all over it's like practically half the town well it's it's not just the coastal areas too I mean it would apply to rivine areas as well so it's not just the coast that's potentially impacted it's wherever there's streams Rivers you know that um yeah so Jim maybe we can talk with the building inspector about what resources he might need to make sure that he understands what's applied here and if he needs any policy direction or guidance or training or can can you check with them I can't think of anything else to direct them to do no but maybe we get them in once have you got applications for that assistant yet maybe we'll have them in for chat and not we'll hit them with everything so I did did a write up in this report on zoning and flood plane regulations and there are are resources in here that I think would be helpful for him to be applying um I've gone through nfip training and administered the permit and and previous positions so I'm fairly familiar with the the regulations that would be applied in these areas and um as Jim Jim had said it well it's not necessarily that it needs a permit it needs to be reviewed and found to be reasonably safe from flooding how local communities go about doing that how you know how they decide on documenting that process is up to them FEMA just wants to make sure that all projects in these area in these um in in the flood plane areas are are being vied for flood safety were there any other actions that you all were thinking we might want to take at the to direct people to do stuff for us I mean you also it should be taken into consideration the rivers and streams act the buffer zone from the rivers and Stream So that that that goes way up throughout the whole town 200t buffer it's probably a third of the town so the other thing that I would suggest is that you review the town bylaw that that allows trailers because um we're we're not permitting the way that that that article is written so I I think um we wouldn't want to change that for this year but maybe Paula can we put that maybe um something to look at like end of summerish because um the permits are already being issued right now right we wouldn't want to change anything um and with town meeting and everything I think that one sounds like we can probably wait um for a little bit so so this is a very complicated process um these things are reviewed on a yearly basis right so they they come all the trailer permits come before the board of Select and they refer to Conservation Commission Board of Health they look for septic conservation makes sure that they've had notice of intent or they the uh building INSP the uses are permitted the building inspector does administer the flood plane regulations mainly on on structures making sure that the elevations meet the flood plane requirements um these are fairly new requirements and I don't know how if it's happening yearly how that applies if he has to do this every year or not but it's something to look into um and the other thing is with the trailers these were and I didn't realize this until recently but these were mostly all permitted by zoning variants so they're exempt from some of the zoning not exempt but they they're Allowed by variance to the to the zoning board of appeals so C some of these things are permitted the flood plane in this thing is a zoning byw if they were giving waivers to the zoning byw they may have been given waivers to some of these so it doesn't it helps them with the local zoning bylaws it doesn't help them with the national flood plane stuff so it there's a lot involved in this and stuff and yeah Jim as you were going through this is there anything else that you needed guidance on from the board um to whether to look after no I think I think the policy on the um the Cabo would be good we'll get working on that okay do we have anything from the public I we didn't get a we didn't get a microphone behind you oh it's behind you sorry I couldn't see we had a different person up the room today that's okay good evening everyone my name is Kevin K from the president of the E spe Improvement Association um couple of things that caught my attention while Mike was speaking and presenting to you guys and um and I believe you did somebody did correct him in his second point that the cble uh relocation or push him to the South side has been on the table a lot but there's no concrete plan yet um there was an effort made to bring some mat back last week after the the uh after what was down by the town beach was used to level up a lot a little bit it wasn't much but at this point something's better than nothing but uh it's really not going to do anything to protect your road and your infrastructure seven piles seven dump trucks worth versus hundreds that were removed during the winter it kind of doesn't need an explanation um in regards to um the zoning changes in the pyamid applications um I respect what Jimmy says as regards to variances these things have been there for decades um they are for the most part four less than 400 square ft which means they don't qualify as a HUD structure which means when it comes to the building inspector's Authority it will be somewhat limited cuz there RVs and less than 400 square ft if it's 399 sare ft it's an RV so you have to take that as the consideration in regards to flood plane issues they're all mobile that's why we move them every year they're not left there annually ever since the hurricanes in the 80s and in Hurricane Bob in 1991 this practice has been in place for that reason they're moved in in May removed in November will work you make sure always got flat tires rotted structure Etc it kind of takes care of itself so you don't have that issue of a flood per se and if there's a hurricane obviously we have an evacuation we already have a procedure in place which comes out and is explained in the trailer application itself when people sign off and submit for their application so there are already many things in place which address some of the things that you guys are talking about when it comes to the flood insurance East Beach I know it East Beach is not the only situation or the only place where people have to be concerned and have to have insurance there are structures there but in in our case they're mobile if there's a flood either we're not there because it's the winter which was evidenced this past year or they're moved there's a hurricane so that doesn't I don't to it doesn't apply but in our case most of us don't even need insurance unless we wor about liability insurance that somebody breaks their ankle when they visit the house as far as flood insurance it's not a concern so getting the building inspector involved and to at least look at it is sounds like a good idea but I think he's going to be limited as to what he can do so you know I appreciate the um opportunity to uh address some of these issues I don't know what direction to go and I think our biggest concern is the resiliency of the beach and the preservation of the road because once you lose the infrastructure now it's going to open up another C thank you thank you any other comment did any other comments All right so we have a couple of things um that we're couple things you're going to go off and do we're going to get the polic policy for the for the interim policy for the Cobble on the road we're working on the coastal zone management Grant application and you're working with eversource and then you're going to talk to the building uh inspector to see what else he might need um to support you know making sure we're in compliance with the flood plane stuff we talked about is there anything else before we no but if they could just stick around for the next topic just to at least say the zoning we're asking you to please stick around for the next do you want them here at the table or no yeah just if we can just spas on it were you going to speak on this gym or did you want me to update on the infrastructure discussion 5B is an update from the infrastructure oversight committee is that you yeah Jim you wanted to but we reduced the you know the scale of the project because of the showing at the voting as we know right from the beginning it was a long shot to go for the whole thing but that's what the public wanted that's what we tried for and and it didn't do as well as we expected uh so we reduced it down to the first phase it would take it to the 88 overpass I understand planning is going to pull back your zoning too which is a concern of residents also um just to just to make sure so people don't think every zoning is going to get pulled it's which two is it again the the topic on it uh I didn't bring the list but it's 34 and 37 so articles 34 and 37 on the war can I just back up so um for the first one you said that they're pulling back so you're talking about the warrant article that currently is asking for $35 million it's going to be reduced to Jim did you get the bids back is it going to be 8.1 or is it going to be higher bids are coming in on Friday so we'll know as of Friday what the contract bids are for each section of rout six so around $8 million give or take um so you're going the infrastructure oversight committee is going to recommend an amendment to the article at town meeting I didn't get the results yet Bob dala was meeting with Steve fors at like 5:00 right as we were coming to the meeting so I don't have the results yet but as far as I understand st4s will let that be reduced okay there was some question I think Jim you double checked too you said it would not be an issue so right now the plan is to propose an amendment to that article to reduce it to just that contract amount and we'll have the contract amount on that yes at that point in time so that's for up to 88 which is contract one of the project is up to the 88 overp pass and includes the two pump stations which is the main Pump Station at whites that needs to be upgraded before we do anything so that that's the least amount of stuff we'd like to see is that section for the future while we have the money what do we have over about 2 million in in money to help this along correct we've got King's money we got a little bit left of rodri's yeah probably about 1.5 so to help cut that down a little but we'll have the exact numbers for town meeting so for town meeting you'll have the the total the what the money that's the the exact cost of that portion of the contract and the precise amounts of money that's already been obtained through Grant now that's just the sewer the water extension has already been approved the the the $4 million that can go without town meeting vote okay that that it goes up to Washington Street Okay so let's just talk about that and not the zoning yet right get confused I just wanted to make it clear on that and that heing money we we also one of the important things on on how we need to start this contract one is cu we apply for next year for the same type of Grant what is what are we looking at on that that is sections two and three right but MoneyWise from keting well so we applied for um through keing and both senators and so that's a was a $5 million request and and one of the reasons I'm I'm starting this contract one because if we if we let lost that money from keing we would it' be pretty hard to press to get it again in the next year so it's really important that we we educate the public on on our need and reason to borrow this amount to stop contract one of phase one this year it's also more of an economic input help than obviously for housing as we go along there's more housings there was more concern with betterment but it's kind of minimal in the first section as you're aware hea Terrace has got a cluster of houses we've got a couple of houses here and there um and we've been straight up front there's about 80 housing units that will be built with within phase one the uh Carri project would add another unit and then behind Port is wants to develop some units so um so I just think I think you just need to be super clear and succinct with like whatever pamphlet or brochure or whatever you're producing for the town meeting right about this is how much the contract is this is how much we already have in hand um and then I and then why we need to do this now right I think it's really crisp messaging on that well we were kicking around May 1st tonight and see if the committee can get together but probably a week before town meeting we hope to have all the numbers down and really uh push it out there and see if we can do a fly through economic development that be readily available to people okay and then um I also want to be clear because there was some confusion on um social media the committee isn't paying for any kind of marketing campaign or any U there are private entities who have been doing some uh marketing but the committee itself is not EXP funds the committee is limited to providing facts about the project correct the infrastructure oversight committee has no budget except for the expenditures within the project we don't have yet we don't even have we've got the administrative money from Michael that's going toward uh um the fines but we don't we didn't put any kind of propaganda I was talking about through Economic Development doing a neutral mailing yeah all right anything else on the warrant article just about the money and then we talk about the plan the I think that okay so then you also mentioned there's two articles that the infrastructure oversight committee is going to recommend we pass over no planning board planning board and we're going to recommend that the uh town meeting uh return those articles to the planning board for further study that's what the Town Council suggests and and basically it's Passover but I mean it's not a pass and which are the two that they were it's related to the St related one the the the um dser housing housing yeah that was concern people and that's a big area uh and people didn't understand it and I think um you know we we spent months and months going over these uh zoning changes uh in anticipation of water and sewer and uh the consultant that we used uh does a lot of work in the Boston area and I think basically a lot of the issues are the same but we're a different kind of semi- rural community so it's it's different and so when we went through the public hearings and all the public process and everything was public um we didn't hear the push back that we got once we once it became an AR article uh so we just want to rethink what we're doing there and perhaps wait for the mpta status to become real uh and make us actually Force us to to do something so that's okay so that planning board recommended that right anything else no just to piggy back that I I went to the NBAA meeting whatever it was a week or two ago they still know when when the Train's going to Crazy anyway the second one is the re redesignation of the commercial district for the Narrows section which I would say is from The Narrows in Fall River to 88 uh the commercial area we're going to change the zoning to be less restrictive so right now the lot size in the commercial areas still has to be 60,000 Square ft just like in residential um and when you're in a commercial area you really don't need that especially if you have water sewer you don't need the room for a septic in a well so we're going to withdraw that too because there's some misunderstanding about the multif family housing aspect of that and so we're going to need housing I mean we need housing now but we're going to withdraw those so the the two areas you think would have extra housing if we withdraw these two yeah won't won't be possible unless they do 40 B through so bordon Street couldn't happen either unless the rules change cuz they've already got the two cluster units they that was that was a 40b okay yeah so at least I assume it was I believe it was yeah I think yeah but one of the problems they have to over there is this this the septics at the end right so they'll be happy about that I mean if we get water so yeah the right on the water at the end and you get the one behind ptis that's looking to move forward and there's septic problem but we can we can do this again next year I mean nothing's going to happen in this year right so so we should we should have said at the at the outset because this is our first meeting since the election so the the debt exclusion failed um by about 6040 I think um most yeah4 it was a very high turnout vote so um so it failed so you guys so so taking the fact that that the debt exclusion failed you went back regrouped you kind of made the project diff proposing making the project a little bit different scale back to the original okay originally we were going to go to the to the overpass to Route 6 I yeah Route 88 overpass then you know obviously they got concerned with the zoning which we need some zoning change and like like uh Mr just explained uh if you want to do any development there but much chatter on social media we need to address it in baby steps before we lose all this money and there was an article about um betterments too did you guys talk about that that's something the board of Select may need to discuss is the vment policy so so there's three articles related to the Sewer there's article 14 that um essentially appropriates the money and authorizes the borrowing Article 15 sets some prameters on uh the betterments so it would be 20% of the cost of the sewer for that section would be associated with the betterments um and has an interest rate and a couple of other things and then article 16 um sets up the uh the board the the board or the commission for to run it in the Enterprise fund so is the committee recommending that those stay as is yeah we recommended that that went to the selectman that's that's who controls the B so we threw we threw threw that back if you're will back to Jim to present to the select board at this time I think it's staying because if if the question passes need better so we're not talking about any action cuz it's already there it's already there not at this point yeah I mean last minute stuff maybe but there's no plan to modify that's what I was trying to get out with so there's no plan right now to modify the main thing was skill back the project it hopefully it's more pable to people uh cuz again we're going to lose all this money and try to get some of it while we have this windfall if you will um and and we' like to do something and that's like the minimal we can do to get this done and then if that if it passes then you still need a debt exclusion or other funding so you have funding sources for some of it we're going to have to figure out what do we already have funding sources for go back to the B and then it would if if we still needed a DAT exclusion which is likely that we would then it would have to go back to an an election yes just so the people that that are concerned because they have to go to town meeting vote on it there is a third step if it passes it town meeting and that's back to the ballot box within how many days 60 or within 90 well within 90 by September 15th but the only time they could have it I think would be July third yeah yeah because I think that also you can't put it on the state primary ballot right you can't put it on the so you can't put it on the September election we need a special election I think uh the town clerk said the only date that may work would be July 23rd yeah it was in July and I think that would be also too on utilizing this money I think that's kind of a cut off for the fiscal year so it's kind of important so I see one of the one of the biggest hurdles on for the Selectmen to get this through and and the infrastructure oversight committee is still like it wasn't the beginning of public education and kind of see why it failed and what I see and what happened and how it failed and what we're seeing on social media right now um it failed because basically they you know it was it was the focus and it was decided on the board to focus on the on the economic benefit of the corridor instead of instead of the public health or the environmental so like like Jimmy know knows too we we got how how how big is the grant that we got for for the Pas for the m a $4 million Grant I mean the public needs to know that that we we get that money for that um it's uh you know the stuff on social media is that you know the water from Florida is not any good um our wells are good we are the water commissions um you I guess being the chair now would be the chair of the water commissions um so uh we also have a there's a uh I think it was April a consumer confidence report for the public water supply needs needed to go out to the customers so I believe I did I did reach out to Portland in for River and the consumer because that was one thing the water from for River isn't any good and that's this has been going on for a lot of years that you know our water from for River isn't good so this this is a um I guess it's D mandated the consumer confidence report so I think we we need to get this this report to the public so they can see it um prior to an election so that they they know what we're trying to give them is what they need um and there was one in 2023 it sent forer we're the customer to forever so we're the consumer for forer and they sent it to us but as water Commissioners we need to get this to our customers and I'm not sure if me you could probably follow us up with Linda have we done that did they get that in their water bills I don't believe those were sent out in the water bills I okay CU Paul was telling me that that's kind of the direction how they usually do it so I I just I I I can check with Paul and see what how they do it and then I'll check with Linda and we should have we should have got it you know as a town from Four River um and I think the deadline was was April for the 2024 he did send me the 2023 I couldn't open it so we Tri kind before the meeting but I didn't get it out there um you know the other thing is is we do so we have an obligation to on all our Public Water Supplies so and Linda handles all of that stuff so the reports to the DP on our Public Water Supplies that belong to the town like we have them here there's numerous ones throughout the town um like the BFW has them all that stuff uh I mean I I think the public on on Route Six needs to be aware of what's in those reports you know one of the one of the other problems you know we're going down the corridor and you know a lot of this stuff's been tested for septic so I mean they weren't tested for past but there's numerous Wells along R six that are full sodium I mean that's on the edge of mass highway so these Wells are all contaminated down the because of mass highway so they they're under the influence that they have good good Wells I mean they need to understand there's also a report from the DP on a on a public well in town that's privately owned that exceeds the eminent Hazard concentration of p and and the D is further investigating that so as we move forward I mean this first step will help that you know we get the past Grant but we need to expand on that for that reason instead of of when the public believe that that Wells are good you know I mean yeah a lot of them are but there's a lot of them that aren't you know some of them there's there's no landfill at this hous is in and this stuff on on on Facebook was kind of a little bit disturbing that you know they they're shooting down the the quality of the water coming from for River and and and assuming that their water is okay so I think moving forward for the town meeting I mean I'd like to see that those reports of what this with the status of all the towns public Wells are what's our report look like to D did we did we send the report to D um you know I've talked to a number of private well you know and they you know they tell they're telling me these some of these small restaurants they're reporting to the DP like they supposed to you know it's cost them like six seven Grand a year just for that testing and Reporting we're supposed to be doing the same thing so that's how this was picked up I I support the project I am completely supportive of the project I'm supportive of the whole the big project cuz I think it needs to be done but um and I do think that we didn't emphasize enough the help risk people we let people say my well is fine they don't actually know that their well is fine and that's a problem I think though my opinion is that the people in that area are afraid they are afraid of how expensive this is going to be for them and they're afraid of what is going to happen to their neighborhood when we allow these multif family housing and I don't think that we did a very good job of acknowledging that fear and putting it to rest um so I kind of hear you saying I think they and and you didn't say this but they kind of should be a little more afraid of their water than they actually are so that the the thing they should be afraid of is the safety of their water that they're drinking but I think that what they're afraid of now is the change that they're going to see in their neighborhoods and the cost to the to these individuals so I I actually it's a hard sell to raise your taxes I I also think there's a component of I'm never going to see a water why the heck should I pay for that you know there is a there is a component of that like I just don't want to raise my taxes but I think in the two weeks before to meeting my opinion is we should do what we can to elay the fears particularly the financial fears I I think it needs to be really clear if you're I don't even know how if you're one of these 80 houses that this is going to go by this is how much it's going to cost you I don't think we did a good job of talking about that and I don't think we did a good job about talking about that $10,000 is over a 20-year period it's not you know you're not tomorrow getting a $10,000 bill I don't I just think that fear component is something that you might be able to address I think I don't think the removing I I think that removing the the zoning is good to go send them back and kind of rework them with different input but it's still not it's still not going to address the fear people don't want multi multif family homes up there and so we we have to be able to tell the story of either why we have to zone for multif family homes or how multif family homes can really work and make that maybe a walking area and a whole because you guys have talked about this right like a whole walking area it could really improve the neighborhoods up there to have more dense housing and they just haven't seen it yet so I don't think you're going to be able to put that together in two weeks but I think what you can do to El the fear is is is going to be what you can do before a town meeting that's just my two cents I mean the neighborhoods that that need the water um I mean Jim so we've already determined that there's there's no betterment for the water coming through I mean this water's going to go by the house and they're not going to be charged charged for there's also even if the sewer came through the seniors there's deferments that you know it's just it's the same thing it'll go on the house they won't have to make a payment until the house is transferred or sold or whatever right that's the kind of information I think need to be really clear the other thing that's part of the water issue is uh the same day that the we got the uh override um that exclusion I'm sorry uh failed uh D made a new regulation for with EPA for uh pasas so now it is officially four parts per trillion instead of 19 parts per trillion and we already have public Wells up on Sanford road that are not meeting the old regulation that let alone the new um and I think the that's what you're referring to is looking at it now but it's all over town the harbor water supply has would fail today if it had to if it had to comply with the four parts per trillion and I think a lot of wells especially in the north would fail to because of what's what's been in the groundwater and and and and the D they're coming out with this but there's a lot a lot of new technology like even to help the harbor area with with treatment systems treat for this for this type of stuff but one of the things that that happened is with this whole septic regulation when the D came knocking on the door we we told them you know we had the integrated water plant we're moving forward with SE water in the North End so they we didn't even have to go forward with a CU what they really wanted with that was a water management permit so that they could control us so people are under the assumption now that well you know when they come back the worst is going to happen is they're going to make us Pro septics in and when they come back for the for the north the benefit to the South was that the north sewering will lower the total load to the river which will allow them not to have to put denitrification system because it's it's a number but the you know pushing water and not sewer in the North End yeah that's that's that's the most important thing that I think we need to do because that's for public health but that does nothing for the environmental impact to the ri and and and when the D comes back they will they're not going to come back and say the north then you're going to you're going to have to put septics in they're going to come back and tell us that it has to be sewer so this is this is what is going to happen in the South if if it if they don't get the total Lo down they will make them do those septics but the north end it's it's not going to be like hey we get all these septics in up here we're covered they're going to make us they're going to make us do the the sewer when they've made they've made all the uh towns and cities on the cape do this the the regulations in place Falmouth has approved a $200 million debt exclusion to sewer more of their town and BR um Brewster has approved a billion doll debt exclusion and they're sucking up all the srf money yeah and if you lose it it's going that way but one one one of the one of the other things I mean because that's that the cheapest way to go with it but but um sorry so I think um so I think there's a lot of Education in a really short amount of time I think people want to make sure that we're being very transparent I also um in addition to the fear that I talked about there's a very uh at least on the social media which is not necessarily representative people don't trust us they don't trust us they don't trust the committee they don't trust the planning board um and we're not going to solve that in two weeks either but I think the best thing we can do is actually if we talk about a report if we're mentioning a report we need to post it somewhere that people can find it so we're not because I I I did hear criticism of um it was it's funny cuz like a you know this was just a couple months ago that you know there was an outcry and a meeting at UMass Dartmouth and everything about the septic and now everybody's forgotten all about that you know but um it's um it's hard to find that information and it's hard to counteract when somebody's saying oh that's not true where's the letter from the D it's like it's really hard to find the letter from the de that said that but um all right so I'm looking forward to anything else that we didn't cover yet one thing on remember it was so when you're talking about those communities down the cape I mean what the reason their numbers are so high is they're also they need to build Su treatment points we're fortunate that there's enough capacity in forever to take us so we're just paying for the infrastructure in town right so and it's the same thing with you know one of the other things that came out on the water you know just before the vote the rates were going up in Forever you know so everybody this is what it's going to cost us one of the reasons the rates are going up in for river is they have an Enterprise fund and they have a surplus of water and if they could sell more water they could keep the rates lower and in fact they've already told us that we could give you a cheaper rate if you use more water you know and then and then we're looking I I also found out recently in the South witha they bought the property over next to Dave's Beach to further expand the the ability for for their water system um so I mean we have we have a lot more in our favor and it did seem like a lot of money to the town for this 34 million but this opens up the door for these neighborhoods to get these $4 million grants to fix them because the next one's going to have to go up Sanford Road and it's going to happen and and I mean fortunately we have the sewer we'll have the SE in that area and we can take care of that also I think for it's it's uh an amazing thing that Fall River wouldn't be asking us for a capital charge to pay for some of their infrastructure well they got the gr because it serves multic communities years ago correct it's something we've always kind of looked into I haven't been able to find it but my understanding going way back when the regional plant was built and this goes back like the late 60s it was built as a regional plant um they were funded federally and it was with the intent that surrounding communities could tie in I think Sean leech might have the details on that and they have all our water rights so all right anything else on the infrastructure no thank you for sticking around thank you gentl up to good work uh so next item is the Town Administrator Reports most of the stuff we've kind of talked about already but I do want to say the first one is the the town did receive a P Grant right this is kind of got lost in in the shuffle with the overall Route Six thing but this is a $4 million Grant no match it's probably the highest in the state still trying to get a list to see what other opion he's got but it's if it's not the highest it's one of the highest awards that was done um it'll allow water to be extended along Route 6 from the current Housing Authority property easterly to Washington Street uh would allow water to go down Osborne Street to the mumber school and then Loop it back down gford road to to Route 6 there's a lot of people that put work into this the infrastructure oversight committee Mr wette Mr saws U Mike Baris from the planning office worked on the grant Mory May um you know a lot went into this and you know it wasn't coincidence I mean we had plans ready to go it's Opa funding they needed to get get it spent fairly quickly so things fell into place in that but this is a substantial grant that the town's getting the water will go in without cost to the residents um it'll be stubbed to their property lines so they can tie in they'll have the standard connection fee but it's not a betterment um you know it's probably less than $ thousand dollar that hasn't been determined yet but um they don't have to tie in but it'll be there if they need it and there are some contaminated Wells over there and that's why the grant did come through right so we have a public water supply and a public water supply it's not necessarily owned by the town it's it's a water supply that Services general public and can be for Residential Properties or it can be for restaurants or any any well that Services the public we have a well up near Washington Street that has 30 pots per trillion of past the new regulations are 4 and 10 um you know we have a public water supply well um near gford Road in Osborne Street that has it's high in manganese which exceeds EPA levels uh we have another public water supply along Route Six in the Housing Authority area that is in the teens for past so so it's out there and I'm not saying it's in all the private Wells or it may not even go beyond these Wells but it might but private Wells don't get tested for this the public Wells are required to be tested tested so that's why we know they're there they saw it up on Sanford road with the church was a public water supply that was tested when they determined there was Pas there they actually offered test to some of the private Wells and those were tested and they found that it did expand out there so it's it it's a good thing that we're getting this Grant and a lot of work from a lot of people went into it so um and the other thing too like with with the finance committee and you know we had the cin Feld report we we spent a lot of money on the cin Feld report that explain that this is what we need needed to do moving forward an integrated water it's not like we just decided you know at that meeting we're going to go forward with this that's that was said in that plan itself the integrated watery plan I think it's page 39 and 40 it actually shows a map of Wells that have had um issues either High bacteria counts or high nitrate counts um they may not still be there now they could have been addressed but you know it's and it's generally in that area um along Route Six like in between gford Road and going easterly up towards Washington Street I mean they they had a lot of the wells that dried up during the drought so those were those were groundwater Wells so these public Wells most of them are artisian so they're testing the aquaa so in that report from Mass Highway it says that the contamination is in the groundwater and it's migrating into the aquaa so that's why those other results are a little more important right anything else oh you have one more on here yeah we just said the past drinking water regulations we've talked about already the Cherry sheets the house Ways and Means Committee U presented their budget proposal for fy2 that's this kind of the second third second step in the process the governor comes out with their budget house house comes out with theirs now it goes to the Senate uh the house had a slight increase in revenues to the town about 95,000 but that can change as it goes to the Senate and as it's discussed so um I think the good thing is we're heading in the right direction we're not going in the wrong direction so um I think our budget right now going to town meeting is still in good shape and that's all I have for my report thank you so we send a letter of support of that ways a means budget for the Senate certainly good I motion that we send a letter supporting the uh the current what's the propit term Ways and Means budget the house well the house the at least the not the house version necessarily but the house local Aid allocation cor correct yeah that's a motion yes it all right second I just wanted to clarify making a motion yep does somebody second it was that a second or I was making second okay so motion second this is a motion a second to support the local Aid portion of this budget to the house version local Aid to the our Senator was all right we just don't want less okay all in favor I I that's unanimous thank you Jim um the next item is approve the minutes of March 25 Craig gets we didn't when we reorganized the board we did not reorganize the clerk position oh yeah let's go back to the reorganization of the board would you like to stay on us clet time not interested would you like to move craiga I'll second it all in favor there is that's unanimous and you'll be the new you're the new cler thank you for volunteering um me the the March 25th minut you get to it I didn't get a chance we'll hold off on that so we'll hold off on that and then um April 8 okay so we'll hold on those um the report on the bill warrant so usually that's right so so Craig you'll recall back in the day we all had to go sign the bill warrant um but what we learned is that we can designate somebody to sign the bill warrant for us and so that we don't all have to come to town hall so um did it get signed it did get signed okay y dick signed it do we need to do we need to sign it no all right so do we so um dick I'm sure everybody's fine to leave dick on as a bill war does anybody want to be the alternate I could be the alternate all right so fing do we need to vote on that probably all right I'll move there that theck Brewer remain as the primary or be the primary chair um signer on the warrant and Craig be the alterate I'll second any discussion all in favor I I thank you Craig we've signed you up for two things yeah um all right so now as we go around and talk about liaison committee reports and suggestions for future agenda discussion so we'll start with U Manny anything that we haven't talked about yet we kind of hit we hit the big meeting so okay Steve anything we have no I agreed to you know we did the same just a bunch of other Regional meetings like the um like the train meeting and whatnot and nothing still not knowing what's going on with it so that was was kind of uh I mean even even though it's going to cost us to on the buildout it's still a bummer for everybody that's been waiting for this that they don't have a date yet they still got to test the train and there's certain things they have to do that they don't have dates to do yet so um that was obviously a big concern with Fall River so nothing on the horizon just to remind people that the um Sero still has free buses to my knowledge I don't remember the end date on that that hopefully can update us at the next meeting does the bike the bike have bike committee did something they were supposed to do the recycling this weekend I didn't follow up to see if they did it because record Saturday that's the day I was going to go down uh I didn't get a hold of Gail today uh I had a jamming day and I I caught up on stuff on the way back so I do not know how that went I don't think she sent an email she did I'll send it to the board so we're not sure if they're open for bike recycling yet they probably are unless they did it Sunday but Saturday it was raining pretty good so I don't I don't I don't know I didn't get a status okay all right thank you um I don't I don't think I had any committee meetings um since we talked there is an INF there's an internet advisory committee meeting um Wednesday where we're going to talk about whether we want to pass over the article for the Municipal Light plant so we haven't taken action on that yet but it's likely we will discuss passing over that article um and Craig you haven't been on any committee do you have any liaison reports or anything you want to talk about nothing new I I mean that Housing Trust is I think I reported that we would be looking for someone to replace uh bettyanne we should notify the bank and then we probably will have now my seat because that is I'm I'm going I'm taking an's place on the affordable housing trust and I was an that large member so that that opens up as well okay so that will be something we should advertise if we haven't been advertising for that committee but I think we were at full capacity okay yeah and I think there's a still an opening on the assessors um for an interim appointment and um this is also the time of year where committees should start looking at whether people want to um stay on or not it's going to be end of June before we know it um okay uh is there any there's no one from the public for comments and statements for the public um we are going to have an executive session tonight we are going to come back to open meeting only for the purposes of adjourning we will conduct no business after the executive session so I will entertain a motion pursuant to the provisions of Mass General Law chapter 38 section 21A where the chair declares an open meeting will have a detrimental detrimental effect to a discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining for the Westport permanent firefighters Association local 1802 B discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining West uh the highway department askme Council 93 local 1701 C discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining for Westport Police Association D Laura Hadley versus town of Westport e approve the minutes of March 25th 2025 so move stet second you to say your name Craig Dutra um all in favor so as I I I sh I Craig Dutra are are we it's been a while no just let the public know we're going to come out do we have to vote on anything in open no I I just said that I'm sorry only to only toour okay just to let the board know Gail didn't send an email so I don't know the status on the biking cycle all right thank you so the um open meeting is the open meeting is not adjourned the open meeting is research we're in executive session okay so good legal John