##VIDEO ID:o1Joqx7txi0## look at the August yes thank you um welcome the August August 14th uh minutes Cindy I had uh if you look down under Library director updates the last yeah the last paragraph Yes and it says Bob Smith questioned if oh no I'm sorry I must have made a mistake on that sorry I that's not the mistake on the next page Bob his name oh I had a question mark because I didn't know how to spell it h a l l a thank you sure are there any other corrections to the minutes yeah the one one thing I had to I made the uh a qu I raised a question about the handicap ramp and putting the railing we need a railing on the side it wasn't at the end the way written it says at the end of approaching a door that's not the location it's it's on the side between the two columns in the front and I I guess we were we were going to ask uh all the trustees to chance to take a look at it and see if uh anything should be done or not okay so we're going to change the word end to side okay all right I have that noted okay and um I will say that I I believe that Ginger's husband is an architectural engineer and um I ran into them both at the library the other day when I was up there emptying out the um dehumidifiers and um he's he's he was going to take a look at it and uh let her know what he thought about it as well um so we would have a a more informed decision from someone who uh you know specializes in architecture um but I I've seen it and I don't know what to say other than we have a certificate of occupancy and I mean ever other people may have looked at it uh and might want to weigh in on it George Well I looked at it and I wasn't quite um clear uh whether something was needed because I the ramp I guess you know is for wheelchair users and for people that need the support of the triling to get up to that upper level once they're up you know on the actual upper level ready to go into the library I can't imagine that wheelchair users would still be holding on you know they wouldn't need it and the people that are um needing that railing to get them to the upper level up the stairs so to speak um I wasn't quite sure where you would put something that would assist them if indeed it were needed um you know once they get into the library they're not railing to hold on to and things like that so I but I but again I don't know enough about disability access and I do understand we have the certificate of occupancy so I guess legally we're in good shape but I'm if it seems that that's something that would be really helpful and advisable I'd be all for it but I I wasn't able to decide that okay and I I would also like to hear from Deborah and ginger and and ginger would be reporting what her husband said before um we made a decision it is on the burner Fred and we got to yeah we got to return to the minutes because that's we swerved away um anybody else got anything any issue with the minutes okay can I just ask Cindy why you sent the July minutes is there something else we need to do with the July minutes yes I was asked to send the corrected minutes so I sent those those were the corrected minutes okay so the corrected minutes have already been voted on so we don't need to take a vote on the July minutes again no I just that was for anyone um a few members asked to send the corrected minut so that's how that was okay appreciate it um so if there's no other uh discussion I'll entertain a motion to accept the August 14th minutes motion to accept August is there a sec is there a second second the motion I second okay uh any further discussion all right Bob how do you vote yes George yes Fred yes Fred I don't oh Fred you froze a minute ago did you vote yes yes okay and I vote Yes okay so it's unanimous um and then we will move on to financial report which we're I think making gonna be making progress on Bob um I think we're making progress I'm I'm moving as fast as I can um Jim has been much better um he's been having anyway I will work with him and make sure it's done for the next meeting I thought I was going to get it done the end of last week over this weekend and it didn't happen so okay thanks um Cindy I think it would be helpful in the in the sort of interim if uh we have have sort of approved a flurry can you still hear me yes yes you're my computer sending me a signal here can you still hear me okay yes Cindy I can can everyone hear me yes I can yes but I'm is cutting out in and out I know yeah something is going on here I didn't meet you this time Bob I promise okay can you hear me now yes okay I lost my train of thought with what I was say saying that in the intro yeah um we have uh since uh the the fiscal year change we've paid for a lot of things can you make us a list of what we paid for and where it came from just to remind all of the trustees um because we're still facing a lot of um possible projects and we just got to make sure that we know where the money's come from and were you supposed to also Cindy ask something about using a certain amount of money I have not heard a response back yet I emailed Dar um well I emailed Pete and he forwarded it to DAR and I hav gotten a response back yet but she's only in the office on Monday so okay um all right well because that it would be helpful to know but could you think you could um whip up you know a document and um do you want the Excel spreadsheet that I use to keep track of where the money goes because each item um has its own line item to show because I just find myself like trying to remember you know we paid for this out of this and this this out of that and sometimes I just have trouble um I should be more attentive to the minutes I suppose but um if I had a sheet in front of me that'd be very helpful I'm a visual learner all right so when I get back to the library I'll send a copy of my budget sheet all right that would be helpful to me um does anybody else want one as well I think it'd be helpful yes okay send send it to all the trustees then once you get okay send it to all the trustees that way we can all be on the same page it's on my list all right the other thing is while we're on the the topic of sending things um I got a a call from Pete at Pete Kane at the Town Offices uh I can no longer use my personal email to send the agendas and stuff like that so if you notice that it's coming from me. we.org they're making me do that and conduct all business for the library which is why I didn't forward Bob's uh painting thing because he said that I shouldn't use my uh personal email the library and one other committee the only two in town that don't have a weight. org email account um so he was supposed to four days ago send me how to do it because it's very simple for me to to to arrange it but that hasn't happened yet so if you see some strange you know something at we.org it's me okay just wanted to let you know so what about the rest of the board did he say anything about the rest of the board or just as chair as chair when I when I when I am conducting the business of the library uh sending out the agenda um and other points of discussion like we let's say we got a a a bid from someone and I wanted to send that out it should go you can you can all send it to me for your personal things and then I would send it to the board from the weight. org address so are you gonna are you gonna have two email addresses then uh no I'm gonna for trustee I'm going to use the whatever weight. org thing they set up for me so does that mean when I do SE the this month's meeting minutes I would send it to that email address and then from there you would it's not it's not set up yet so send it to me at my reg one because I mean we can't wait forever for for him I I'll go if I have a chance because I'm very busy during the day if I have a chance I'll get to there tomorrow and ask him why I haven't gotten it yet and um I don't know maybe he'll be listening to this later and remember that he forgot to do that but then once you have it then I would just do the truste meeting and send it to that email and you would forward it from there no you can because you're you're doing it officially from CW Mars aren't you well I switched to officially doing it from the library. weightly then you're as long as you're doing it from a we.org you're all good okay or or some official thing that's fine but um okay and he urges us not to discuss business uh in emails it's open meeting law and we're I think I think we're very good about that if I send you something I just say for your information we'll discuss it at the meeting um we really can't conduct business that way and I know you all understand that but he's reiterating that and I don't know I don't know how I mean I've been cheer for a while and and before that it was um uh Quint and Quint used his own but now are different yeah well thank you for clarifying about the meeting minute okay all right director's report okay um I'm sorry that I accidentally sent the August meeting minutes twice and thank you to George for pointing out my oops um a few things that have come up since I sent out my report speaking of the ramp one of the handrails has rotted at one of the um brackets and it sort of has split in two um you can still use it but it's going to the rails going to need to be replaced it's the long rail if you're going up the ramp it's the long rail on the side facing the children's room and so it basically broke into two pieces you think was was that an act of vandalism or was that no I think it's just it looks like just rot from all the be it's been two three years since it was replaced okay so this is the first time in a long time we've actually had to replace it and it's not from vandalism it's from actual rot okay because the last one was from vandalism as I remember yeah no this is just from okay New England weather okay and then um the accessibility video that I did with MLS it was released yesterday and we're there's like a short maybe 10 second blurb with me talking and then there's just a video showing the bathrooms and the ramp and the lift and me doing a little bit of work but it came out really good it's on I send it but it's also on our Facebook page mls's Facebook page and I think if you really really want to you can find it on YouTube okay okay great um and then Dar did not say who um but she sent me because she does have to inform me she sent me an email this morning saying that she's received a request for for our library Financial reports and because it's a public records request she has to honor and send whomever it is copies of our financial reports what which what Financial reports our library financial report and our special revenue reports I wonder if that was Jim I don't know I just have to be informed that there's a records request I think it was Jim I was trying to hook up with me and now no longer a trustee it has to be treated as a records request yeah from the public so what what what will you provide him Cindy oh no darus providing it to him she just had to inform me that there was a records request oh okay all right that makes sense I bet it was Jim if it was if it was all the accounts including the special accounts that's what held them up because he was okay he and I talked about two weeks ago and he was feeling much better and he was gonna talk to D and get the updates and we were going to work the end of last week over the weekend and get everything on the financials put together for tonight and he never heard back from Dar and he we're we're good financially we're right on track with where we where we should be and there's nothing nothing that we ever spend that's not voted on by the board so we got nothing High and um I received the invoice from the fire of Equipment Incorporated when they from when they came to switch our line over to wireless so after using the um electrical safety upgrades funds that we still had available um that invoice was for $700 so we'll still have $342 left in our electrical and safety upgrades funds which are the arpa funds so there's some left there if we still wanted to pursue the wireless post stations okay and then the only other thing I have can wait because um Bob was gonna have a conversation or during his update um and I can just mention what that during Bob's update about the dudo rout oh and I do have two funding requests so next Wednesday night we have Meg Thatcher coming from the astronomy department at Smith college to do um Autumn nights what's in the sky this month and I would like to pay an honorarium of $150 for coming and doing a presentation for us and I just need the board to say yes that's okay or no we but we'll pay this much so and we can take it out of General donations because we still have about $3,000 in general donations so that could be our funding source any discussion is that going to be advertised it's already been advertised it was in the scoop it's on Facebook it was in the MailChimp there's a flyer at the library there's a flyer in the kiosk at the library Deb shared it on her personal Facebook page Deborah sorry Deborah and Deborah also shared it on the valley neighbors um Facebook page so it's being it's also on our website so it's out there and you said there was a lot of interest there's been a lot of interest yes I I can't go because it's the only Wednesday cross country meet I have all year and it's a Hampshire College I just unfortunately that was the only night in September she was Avail that Meg was available okay well it should it should be should be pretty cool and you said you had three three telescopes available we have three telescopes all together yes that's great that's great very good okay anything else those were are we gonna vote on it we need to vote oh yeah we gotta vote on it yeah okay um we someone someone needs to move that we spend the 150 well I have a quick question is is the 150 in line with what similar other speaker events received yes yes that is the going rate right now for having presenters come to library then then I make a motion that we vote on paying um next Wednesday's speak $150 honorari is there a second I second the motion is there any discussion if not we'll proceed to a vote Bob yes George yes FR yes and I vote Yes okay you got it Cindy okay thank you so much and then the other one is um we're having Janet Ryan come back starting Monday to do music and movement again in the children's room and the um the cultural weightly cultural council is paying for some through a grant and then cfce has a grant to cover some and so they were hoping that the library would be able to cover four sessions which would be the sessions in December at a $100 a session for a total of $400 and there are funds available either we could use General donations we could use state aid we could use the friends restricted fund um to to cover that what is your pleasure George I think that's a good idea that's one of our biggest draws other than TJ and the peepers and we want to do whatever we can to continue that program because it really has helped our circulation and our library visit statistics great okay is there any other discussion if not I'll entertain a motion to um spend the $400 and maybe you can attach to your motion where you want to get it from I put forward a motion that we spend $400 um that was for TJ and the peepers out of uh donations no for for um Janet Ryan Janet Ryan I'm sorry Janet Ryan not dj out of General donations okay is there a second I second the motion is there any discussion if not we'll go to a vote Bob yes George yes Fred yes and I vote Yes Cindy you got you got your money there thank you so much everybody and then the only other thing I have can wait till Bob starts um updating us on The Duda community room okay all right um strategic plan uh Cindy George anybody well I oh go ahead George because I forwarded it to you and Deborah yes uh Cindy forwarded us a second draft draft of the Strategic plan uh Deborah and I have been working on it uh Deborah's away right now but we hope to uh give another draft uh for Cindy's review early next week uh and we will uh plan It's Our Hope and plan to circulate it to the trustees 10 days at least 10 days before the next meeting the that would be the October meeting okay it sounds good any questions or issues okay uh doter room floor repair okay they are coming in next week to bring the old to tear the old floor up put down the coating for waterproofing and put the new floor down um the books so this is a multifaceted and Bob you tell me how you want me to handle this uh the books as you walk in on your left in the room have all been moved upstairs everything under the mini split on your right as you walk in has is still there and I would like to talk at some point during this meeting about what's on those bookshelves and how we want to handle them in the short medium term um Cindy and I talked today because next Wednesday's um evening Sky event is going to directly conflict with this does anybody on any trustees have a a projector screen the library could borrow okay um then I will take care of that um because we're still trying hard to have it at the library that will make it easier for everybody to keep it at the library we can move the chairs upstairs if hopefully they're done um and if we can walk FL we can have it in the basement uh I also checked in with them they're getting back to me on what types of chemicals they're going to use so we begin to have an idea of what types of voccs Might dealing with they thought it was low VOC but I'm still waiting to hear back also waiting to hear back on um um exactly when they're going to start on Monday and are we going to be able to walk on the floor immediately when they're done do we need to give it a there too uh so that is that is the floor update so sort of piggybacking off of that um the yearbooks go back to 2000 was the last time we got a frontier year yearbook and the newspaper articles go um the last time those were done as well was 1995 so the last time any of that was done was when Nancy Marfa was the the librarian so after Nancy left it doesn't look like anyone picked up doing contacting frer about getting yearbooks and the newspaper articles are just clippings about things that have happened in weighty and those by the way I find absolutely fascinating I have gone through them many many times don't let anything happen to those they are just Treasures I even found my birth announcement yeah I didn't know they went back to the 19th century Bob those well no to you not quite but um close um yeah okay so we can just leave them where they are well I'm not sure what they need to do around that bookshelf so is everybody okay if I box everything up and get it either someplace else on that floor the base and then organize all inventory everything um there's a couple of history books that I think should go with the other um history uh hold on my phone just burped on me here the there's some some board games Pictionary background back Amon Scrabble stuff like that um but there's you don't need to keep any of that stuff that stuff was B in back when it was being used as the Muse Cafe for anyone who wanted to play a game okay um if anything we can if they're all together all the pieces and everything are together then we can just create add them to our library of things and say we now have Scrabble sure a Scrabble board game sure well there's so I'll talk to you about that Cindy there's weightly annual reports that go back to 1870 I think we need to keep those those are bound um and then as as they come forward they're not but we still have them um there's the yearbooks there's some other history books um if it's okay with everybody I will um inventory everything um make sure it is all we know what is there because this goes to and again I I don't know if this is a good spot for it I made calls about some of the other books that were down there the history and the genealogy books and the genealogy book I reached out to the Sunderland Library because they're having what's her name uh Hillary sha um and they're doing a sort of a genealogy class and they're already overbooked um everybody was super happy I talked to the person at the library and he said oh yeah we have similar kinds of things and I said some of the books we have are in Polish I don't know if anybody's looked at him but some of the some of the history and the genealogy books that that we have are in written in Polish so it's really pretty interesting I asked him if they had any thoughts if they've taken any of the genealogy books and digitized and he said they don't have a lot of use for them so they have't and I said well how do people know that we have these if they're just the books and they're not in circulation he said well that's a good point so there's a little I think there's a little bit of a Chicken and the Egg chicken or the egg kind of deal here I'm going to reach out to um if it's okay with everybody I will reach out to um it's a genealogy group it used to be New England genealogy it's now American ancestors um and they came very highly recommended by the archist at the new Northeast document Conservation Center they said if if you have any questions about what you have you should reach out to to them um I did get a name from the the contact at the Sunderland Library of a book binder in Deerfield that they have used when they've had older books like what we have that are beginning to have issues uh and he has rebound them and he said he was very reasonable in price yeah uh if you tell anybody at the Historic Society because everything you mentioned to my knowledge is also available at the Historic Society I've seen it I've even contributed some of them books to the Historic Society uh and maybe the question is does the library need to keep a copy of it as well why are we why is the library keeping the same thing as the Historic Society because we are the public library we are the Public Library so us holding on to some of these I Fred I don't know the answer that I was kind of put in my place by a couple of people I talked to they said well what exactly do you have and I went um I'm not 100% sure so my problem is right now I have I barely have the time to give to the library that I'm giving I don't have time to take on a project that inventories all the genealogy books and the families and the histories and I I can get the basement emptied I can get that last bookshelf inventory because it's G to be pretty quick because there's there's large clumps that it falls into annual reports uh scrapbooks um you know yearbooks stuff like that some history books um this is going to be a decent sized project for somebody and it's going to involve a lot of time sitting on the phone trying to figure out exactly what we have on the phone or on the computer figuring out what we have and what's the best thing for us to do yeah and the genealogy books uh I know the Historic Society is has an effort underway to update the genealogy book since uh I think 1971 was the last one that came out there's an effort underway to put all that online they've asked anybody that has updates to it to submit information I don't know exactly where that stands as far as putting it online but there's an effort there that uh was a Derek or Smith I think is kind of in charge of that maybe it would be a good idea idea at some point after the stuff is all boxed up and then put back on in the shelves and available to have somebody like Derek or Neil come over from the historical society and just take an informal look at it and say how much of it overlaps with what they have what they might suggest we do with it I mean I'm all in favor of keeping even if it's dual copies at the library so that eventually if we can get it cataloged and organized people may come in and say I want to find out about my great-grandmother who came from Poland In 1902 um what Sor it sounds like for the moment Bob um getting it boxed up and out of the way for the floor is the is the main thing and if you need help on Wednesday I I'm around and I live down the road so I'd be glad to help everything nothing has been boxed up all the books on your left as you came in which is a lot the majority of the genealogy and history books and all of the Anna Dickinson um collection all those have been moved upstairs into the adult stack room they are not boxed up and part of that was I'm a little concerned about putting some of these older books in boxes um with the higher with the humidity that we have and not knowing even though it's temporary not knowing what storage is for the books some of these younger annual reports and the yearbooks and the scrapbooks I think if we just do it temporarily get them boxed up get them out of there for next week they can come in they can do the work and then we can even take them back out and put them on the same shelves then people can look at them we can figure out what we want to do with them um yeah I think I'm in pretty good shape with getting all that done so what what books when you say genealogy books what books specifically are you talking about the books the first set of books that got moved up um hold on the one with like the the history of the Nathaniel Dickinson family and the books by crafts and the books by Ena well there's field G there's two field genealogy books volume one volume two um I'm looking at the graves family book I have the Morgan Family Tucker genealogy history of is it w or Wells f Wells family um Craft's family Nathaniel Dickinson and then there's volumes of that just say genealogy Massachusetts and I don't I don't know what I mean obviously the families are easier to figure out um so I those are all those all got moved up pretty early on um and then it's just a bunch of history history of weightly 1661 to 1899 there's a bunch of copies of that one Sunderland history of Sun so I well they they are moov they are moved and they are safe now yes okay and and the last thing to move would be the bookshelf on the right before you go up the little steps to the kitchen correct um so once that gets done and the floor gets done and we determine whether or not we've solved some of the humidity issues I mean I think with two hum dehumidifiers going it seems as though there's a lot less water each day when when I go up there to empty them I don't know it's because maybe you do it earlier than I do it in the day um but even Cindy said the other day after I dumped them out the day before that there really wasn't anywhere near as much water in them as there was earlier it's also been dry the last three three and a half weeks very true yeah that's what you had to say that right I was hoping we were turning a corner well we don't know we I if I if I understand where you're going um we're going to want to get the floor sealed and see what that room looks like right and then we can make a determination and if books live someplace else for another three four weeks till next month's meeting it's not ideal but we'll have three weeks of data right and Cindy you you did some research and you found that in general the recommend is humidity somewhere around 50% and we were only we were only up to 52 have research on this and there is we do not have a humidity issue downstairs this is one particular person not just one particular person making a mountain out of a non-existent mooh hill according to the American Library Association the Smithsonian Institute of archives and the Society of American archist the recommended standard for paper based collections is between 30 to 60% relative humidity which is what the room has continually been at the mini splits are just fine Dave Fowler came in and did his by his semiannual maintenance and he said they're working properly they're acting as dehumidifiers like they're supposed to the dehumidifiers I had mat removed them yesterday from that room preparation for next week when we have been keeping track of the humidity levels upstairs and downstairs when I last before I left today and I last checked the humidity level downstairs was 49% and the humidity level upstairs was 54% the other the other part of this and I just realized that a couple weeks ago is not know there humidity but what is the minimum or Optimum temperatures for the library I've been in there off and on the last two weeks the first floor room is 68 degrees and the basement is 70 degrees is I don't know anybody keeps their house at that temperature what what is the minimum or Optimum for for a library we don't keep it at that temperature for the town hall or any Town Offices Cindy did you get an Optimum temperature when you were looking at humidity well the optimum temperature the lowest they recommend you have your room set at is 35 degrees to 65 degrees the Theros the downstairs the reason it set at 60 in the community room was to try to help offset all of this discussion regarding humidity because if it's 68% it's a little bit cooler so maybe it's not going to be because it's not as warm well upstairs they 72 degrees except for in my office Carol always wears a sweater that just how she is but I think you know to me that that's too low temperature 68 and what do you what Fred what do you recommend then perhaps maybe the Board needs to make this a discussion and the board vote and say going forward this is what the temperatures need to be set at and I will set them at those temperatures well I don't know uh I I guess the first question I have is what is the optimum of recommended temperatures that all these uh libraries and organizations you talk to say what should be the optimum because uh if we don't need it at 68 and 70 we're we're we're wasting energy our our electric bills keep going up and and we're making we have concerns about the the cost of energy at that building I why do so much when it's not needed I just received this month's late Bill and it was $380 and part of the reason the late bills are probably high is because we've been running humidifiers that we haven't had to run okay but still I was just looking online and and recommended temperature for libraries is 70 degrees Fahrenheit or lower uh and number of sites suggest that it can be between 64 and 72 degrees F and that's what the Min splits are set at except for the one in my office well I I just think that's too low a temperature and what what then what are they in a winter time what's it what do they say that in the winter in the winter time we usually have we usually keep them the same temperature all year long we just switch from heating to cooling or cooling to heating well the temp the ther the thermosta is set to be at 68 degrees when we're open and I'm not sure what it was set out when we're closed but the thermostat has already been the new thermostat has already been programmed to run at 68 degrees during open hours and I believe 58 degrees when we're closed and then it will should only kick on when the mini splits are not heating the room enough okay um we were actually talking about the doodo room floor and then we once again went way out into the weeds um let us continue is there anything else about the floor and in preparation for next week that we should do Bob no thank you for doing all that stuff I appreciate it happy to do it there's um when do you want to talk about the painting now well um update on painting project we can wrap it it's the next item of business so okay we can can I emailed everybody I emailed everybody in attendance the estimate um sorry had I known I would have forwarded it out to everybody I thought it was better policy to send it to Bob Smith and have him send it um in a nutshell uh recommended Bob Halla is not I think he's busy and he wasn't um I guess this best way to say it is he wasn't interested in doing it um so just to read through this real quick the exterior uh get everything prepped uh he will so the painter JD Ross will allow him to use his uh um outdoor scissor lift for free JD will donate the time of the scissor lift for to the library uh while he has a scissor lift it's a perfect time to take that existing cable wire down off the adult stack room and back around up onto the ceiling so he's the painter is going to do that for us uh he's going to wash the woodwork as needed repair damage trim sections as needed um prep it to be painted and then paint everything uh he including the cols including the columns the exterior woodwork including the columns the overhang ceiling um the white siding in the front all the sofits freeze boards front door um he will also interior side of the front door to match um and then paint the three metal handrails black he'll sand those down and paint them because we're getting a little rust on that one um that estimate was $4,000 so which I I mean you know I I spoke with you yesterday but the more I thought about it uh four grand for all of that plus he's going to paint the letters the S white Dickinson Memorial the letters black repaint the letters black yeah I mean I think that's I think that's pretty a good deal I think it's I think $4,000 is a lot of money but I think we're getting a lot of work out of the $4,000 I lost track of everything you said they were going to do does that include the the back door out of that storage room on the basement door basement no that's already been painted oh it is yeah either Larry or Fred got that for us oh I don't remember if it was painted or not I looked at it the other day a while ago I don't remember take take another look at it I think the basement exterior door is in pretty good shape yeah okay um the next the next estimate is inter end on the exterior he can start the beginning of October that's great right in the interior um he has prepped the work site uh repair the damaged drywall and the ceiling where we had the leak come down through uh paint the entire ceiling his comment is I'll never get it to match he said if I don't paint the whole ceiling you're going to see the repair um he will sand and paint all the baseboards um patch the walls paint the entire Duda room from corner to corner so we ended up doing as you walk in on the right there's the the lift they they did the best they could and they matched it with sort of a creamy yellow if it if anybody goes down there take a look at it uh if you have any objections to repainting that room um assuming we vote to do this if you have any objections to repainting that room the color that is around the lift in the doter room if you have an objection let me know um otherwise if we agree to this G to match that color and he's going to paint everything that goes around on the walls that color um and the baseboards white that's 2900 so baseboards walls and ceiling for 29 and repairs for 2900 again it's a lot of money but I think we're getting a lot of work for the money if he uses some of the leftover paint that we have with the cost end up being less because he used some of the materials we already had I think it I think it could be less um if we're going to ask him to stand by his work I'm GNA leave it up to him whether he uses paint or not well I do remember that it that it was Sherman Williams pain okay well I'll make sure again assuming we okay this I'll make sure to let him know that we have a can that and then at least he can match that color better and he's not just going off of the color cards um lastly his comment was while I'm down here if you go for all of that um the window sills in the Dole room and the heater face plates um and then the exit door in the basement this was this what you were talking about Fred the interior exit into the into the um storage room or the exterior door no the exterior okay well he took a look and he said once I'm done with everything else if I don't do these last couple of things it it's not going to look as good as it could and he's added those and said and so this is sort of all a cart we can take what we want um he said it would be another $300 to do the window sills the heater faces and that door okay that's good I was going to ask you about the the heater cores there whatever here yeah Cindy pointed out to me today that they need to um I'm happy to loan him one of my shop vacs I have one with a very small small Point um Cindy and I were messing around with how you get those little doors open um I'm happy to ask him you know for an extra whatever half an hour's worth of his time can he clean those out with a shopvac um just to get those the inside of the heater faces cleaned out a little better some are okay but some really do need to be clean now is is any of the any of the paint there now lead paint he did not think so did he test it pardon did he make a test a test to BL pain he did not test it he looked at it um his comment was the he he had an indication on how lead paint would peel and he said I'm not seeing that from the paint that you have on this here now so I was going off of his judgment I think the do room is has been painted in in the last 15 or so years yes the whole all of the library walls have it wouldn't the problem is not the the outside layer of paint it's what's underneath that outside layer and any of that can can peel and Flake off and whatever well but it's it's not I asked asked him I asked him what he would do differently um if it was lead paint um and his basic comment was not much he's not planning on disturbing he's not planning on going into the walls and necessarily um there is some PL some paint that will come off yes but he was going to patch over he was going to he was going to go through and remove move whatever is loose and then patch over that quick sand and then Prime and paint his his comment was it it's the least disturbance possible and what is he doing to contain the dust or sanding uh we did not talk about that I was I don't know how much CU it's only really that one spot that he's going to be sanding any you know joint compound sort of sheetrock filler yeah we can always shut the doors to keep it under control inside the room and the room is empty of books but it's but you get dust all over and you need a a vacuum there somehow running while he's doing that to can contain it I can talk to him about it and and make sure make sure that's what he does to minimize the amount of dust right I think that would be helpful to know that or or ask him what what he's doing for it okay um well do you want to do you want to take a vote um while you get that information Bob do would you like to take a vote on the out outdoor stuff since he can start in October I'd like to if if everybody is thinking along the lines that this would be a good thing to move forward with I'd like to get them moving on the outside yes okay Cindy tell me where we can get $4,000 um we have a dick an Expendable account that we could probably take it out of I'm not sure where we're at with state aid um I'd have to check my report when I'm back in the library um so I know there's the so I guess it would either be State a or the Dickinson Expendable account that's for maintenance okay um well folks what do you think well I think we if we is there enough money in either of those two accounts to do this yes I'm not sure what we have left in state aid until I check my um report when I get back to the library but I know we have over $4,000 in the Dickinson Expendable fund which is designated for maintenance well that seems like a might be the right place to take it from then okay just remember that that's not a um it doesn't regenerate yes that that's the interest from oh so it does to some degree regenerate yes we that's the Expendable part is the interest but the the actual balance is unexpended is that is that the S Dickinson yes so that's the initial $75,000 fun there's actually two of them there's that one and then there's another smaller one and it was the smaller one that I was talking about that has would have enough to cover it and that's the interest stuff it's s white Dickinson aged which is for maintenance as well and but it's always had a smaller um investment amount but we've got plenty to cover there well there's a way we could we could we're going to be able to come up with $4,000 so we could vote to to move forward with the out exterior painting project tonight and then Cindy and I and Bob and whoever else wants to we could figure out what's our best option for paying for it and then or here's a a possible solution invoice it separately one invoice for the outside painting and that could come from one funding source invoice separately for the duty room painting and that can come from another so we're splitting the payment sources that's a possibility yes but what we want to do I think is we we need to hold until we can find out we can uh answer Fred's questions regarding the dust so so it would end up being two separate invoices correct so at least we yeah that's why he presented it in a in a menu cafeteria menu that we could select um from Bob asked him to put it separate so it's not just this one big thing All or Nothing um I I I think that we should move forward with the $4,000 exterior painting I don't think you're can get a better deal anywhere on exterior painting I don't think so either he makes a note that any work greater than $500 from the estimate will require a change order so what he's saying is I'm not going to just dive into something and hit you with a bigger bill when it's all over so that means that since it's a $4,000 invoice Bob you're gonna have to sign off on it too no problem as long as as long as we vote to do it um I mean that's part of my job yeah and that's something because it's outside that's something that he could do like on a Monday or tues or like a Thursday or Friday when we're Clos I talked to him about that he would try to work through the week and possibly some weekends doing the front work when the library is closed doing some of the work around the back because there's some there's some um where the gutter the the gutter on the main part of the library is integrated into the roof it's a copper gutter um and then it comes down through the I don't even know what you call it it comes down through the roof through the exterior and in the back there's it looks like there might be a Le he's going to look into it um there's already you can see some type of wasper hornet flying in and out of there so there's some type of flying something that's build a nest up in there and it looks like it's G to take at least a little bit of work to clean that up I don't know if it's Punky or not you won't know until you get up there and start doing the work but that's all on the back end of the library by the Rotunda and I told him he could go ahead with that while the library was open anything that comes around to the front he needs to do either when the library is closed or on the weekend when the library is not open you know or sorry he has to do when the library is not open anything out front that impacts customers patrons okay okay so do someone uh please make a motion to um employ what's his name I forgot again Jordan bash okay Jordan Basha to paint the exterior trim and Etc as he proposed in the $4,000 proposal is there a motion I motion that we pay Mr Bashaw the $4,000 to do the exterior of the library second second is there any discussion okay if not we'll move to a vote Fred yes George yes Bob yes and I vote Yes okay so we can get started on that Bob okay all right um update on holiday season season Gathering nothing's changed since the last update I assume we're moving forward okay um one last thing Y part of what I'm pushing and part of the reason why I'm pushing hard to get the floor done so then we can get the room painted is to get the library sort of in the best condition best light possible for Thanksgiving and the holiday party and the DOA room in inside and out and then also this will hopefully be the last thing save a little bit of gutter work and the flat roof on the Rotunda that needs to be done maintenance wise for a long time okay all right is there any other old business okay uh Landscaping contract I put that there because Cindy you can explain Andrea's Ben yes so Andrea has been coming on a semi um pretty much monthly basis to do some string trimming and some weed pulling it's two of her guys for an hour and a half each so the invoices are totaling out to be $480 so since she's coming on a more regular basis than before when it was just like once in the spring for spring cleanup and once in the fall for fall cleanup the town is going to request that we have a landscaping contract with her that says you know this is what we're this is what we're expecting you to do this and have it be a specific dollar amount and that's like as much as she would get paid for doing the all of it the cleanups and the coming and doing the string trimmings and the weed pulling on a monthly basis Cindy did you say it's that's $480 a month yes which is why I called you and asked you and that's why I said well we're gonna have but this so if we get a contract then can say not more than like $2,000 total for the year how many because how many visits a month once a month for with two of her guys for an hour hour and a half and they get she builds for two guys for an hour and a half each so so there's two of her guys coming for 1.5 hours but she's billing us for those two for each one for the 1.5 hours so three hours for $480 plus yes to do string trimming and weeding does that include materials if she needs or that extra it just says string trimming and weed pulling two guys at 1.5 hours and it equals out to $480 okay but what about the The Mulch and materials is is are we paying extra or that's usually when she would that would that would be the if um when she comes to do the spring cleanup then that bill is usually slightly higher at about $700 because it's including the mulching and the weed pulling and the trimmings and the two guys at however many hours that takes I I $480 I just think I'm sorry I'm I'm just a messenger here I'm sorry no I I seriously but I think maybe that I mean she was coming just in the spring and the fall right and then all of a sudden she's been coming every month which is why I called and asked you did you the highway department mows the lawn yes and they come every six weeks well don't they do the the string trimming around also but maybe it will get better now because one of the guys from the highway department retired and Dylan got promoted to his position so Dylan's maybe now that they've got new employees on the highway department it might change if we could request that when they come over in MO can they string trim I don't know um I just think $480 a month for three hours of work is that's that's a lot I that's $160 an hour yeah I think that's I think that um Cindy you gota I don't know my opinion is we we should stop that um at this point and uh you know Express Express to Keith that that it would be nice if they did the string trimming who does the string trimming at the Town Hall who does the string trimming at the um Town Offices I would assume it's the highway department yes yeah four $480 is that's just there's there's no way for well okay that's my opinion I don't I think that that we should uh you should call her and tell her that we're only interested in Spring and fall cleaning and if it it means that she's no longer interested there are other people sorry I like to stay in weightly and Andrew's in she's done a great job for us but I I can't see ping for for pulling a few weeds and for string trimming I'll do it for 400 8 a month and you can borrow the string trimmer from your brother I don't need to I have my own oh even better and it's electric so it doesn't have gas fumes but oh then you can plug it into the outlet where the tree is no it's it's battery operated 480 bucks I just think that's too much Cindy I in my opinion you should call Andrew and say that we only want spring and fall we can't do this we don't have just tell her we don't have it in our budget I think you guys don't agree if you guys want want to Contin I agree yeah I I I agree but don't forget that's times 12 if she's doing it every month coming she wants $480 so just not pretty much that would pretty much be an entire maintenance budget for the fiscal year yeah I'm telling you I'll I will give you guys a break I'll do it for 300 a month for 12 months can we do well I don't think she's mowing the yard no she she's coming with it they're coming with a string trimmer and trimmer around whever and two guys I guess I they come when when I'm not there so I can't say for certain exactly what string trimming or where to be two guys dang it Cindy Cindy just call her and and just say that we have run out of money in our maintenance budget and we just can only afford the spring and the fall all right it's on my list I'll do that on Monday sorry I just wow okay it's okay I I was just a messenger and that's why I called you and asked you if you had any information about it because I didn't know if you had information that I didn't I guess I guess U my brain wasn't functional because I if if I had heard the $480 per visit I yeah okay so you'll take care of that um funding requests we already uh project priorities we've been talking about them all night timeline for strategic plan completion we're still working on that and it it's looking good yeah and um I think that sort of exhausts our agenda go ahead Bob I have one more thing that wasn't included um Keith Bardwell grabbed me uh they are moving forward looking at the opener for the basement ADA Bathroom uh his indication at this point is they found some arpa money and they're putting in a bid to three or four of these different openers installed throughout Town buildings so okay um okay that sounds good that's where we are they're still working on it getting numbers back from people but if it happens it'll be great it'll be great addition it's not going to have to come out of our budget that sounds good um okay so just before we yeah I forgot one thing during my director's report okay Carol's off of probation so I'd like to start paying her the $209 that Library Associates are supposed to make an hour and I just need the board to say yes it's okay and then I need you Bob as share to email um Mar Nichols and Amy Shader to let them know that that's okay okay uh what do you think guys yeah I mean obviously we do that every time the person goes 90 days so um and she's doing a really good job excellent and she very happy with us you have the board's unanimous consent thank you so much everybody you just send me a reminder tomorrow bro no you're not in tomorrow I'll be there Saturday I can send you a reminder send me a reminder and I and I will I will talk to to Amy via email okay um you October 9th looks like the next second Wednesday is that good with everyone is there any way we can make the meeting 6:30 instead of 6 would 6:30 or be easier for for everybody it would be easy yeah it would be easier for me it' be so much easier for me with especially with school being started again my biggest issue isn't going to revolve around 6 or 6:30 it's just I'm going to be coming off the tail end of moving two in-laws two-thirds of the way across the country so I think I'll be here okay yeah I'm not AA I'm not available on the ninth okay well uh take a look at your um calendars um is there a you want to go till the 16th October 16th is that any better it doesn't for me no I'm available the eth or or the 29th I'm gone for October okay wait till the 29th that's too late I'm not available on the eth because every Tuesday I have a cross country meet except right next week for next week okay um is uh is Wednesday the 2nd of October too soon Wednesday the 23rd of October that one would work okay for me possibly I could do possibly the 23rd does that sound okay for a try sure all right all right 10:23 and we'll try for 6:30 okay good I bring up one one other thing uh look looking ahead here couple months I think the the request for using CPA money comes in what December and I guess I justess ask Bob Clinger are we going to propose a project for CPA money that maybe we should talk about something get in a pipeline get an estimate so we don't do we talked about month we we talked about last month and the month before um the flat roof in The Duda room of not Duda above the Rotunda okay and we already have sort of a tentative approval from Allan Sanderson that although they wouldn't fund the ceiling for the bricks they would fund a new roof for the Rotunda so I haven't checked with Bob Smith specifically but he was going to write that up and submit it for this next go round which gets approved what may of 2025 right but the request is what December sometime they ask submits December I will have I will have it submitted okay okay just make sure that we're in pipeline to do something before the time runs out okay and Bob you think that Florence Roofing bid is still G to be about where it was I asked him and he said he'd hold okay perfect perfect okay all right so then it's time for a motion to adjourn I motion we adjourn is there a second and I'm sure that all all are in favor good night everyone see you on the 23rd of October okay