##VIDEO ID:9p6ik9OYHcY## is 6: PM on October 8th 2024 and I'm calling the meeting of the weightly select board to order first item on the agenda is to review and vote to approve the meeting minutes from September 24th 2024 any comment from or Corrections from I'm good one minor correction on the uh other attendees present I think Toro Verde in the last sentence of other attendees pres is only with one R oh is it okay I'll make that I don't know why they thought I went off the sheet that we had but I'll I've seen it I've seen it t one R But whichever is correct I move to approve the minutes with the um one correction second all those in favor I I I excellent next review and discuss vendor and payroll warrants any questions or concerns no righte ribbon what's that tie a ribbon on oh you're all set uh [Laughter] what nothing nothing burrow smart burrow um public comment residents May provide comments up to three minutes per person on items not on the agenda we don't have anybody in the audience here does not look like we have anybody on Zoom okay nobody in the waiting room no old business arpa clf RF review discuss and vote on funding requests and status of local projects all right let's catch ourselves up on this again yep so we have four projects that are confirmed completed and fully invoiced and paid so those are the accounting software with a remaining balance of $592 the air duct cleaning at the elementary school no remaining balance many splits at the Elementary School also no remaining balance and then the fire alarm sprinkler emergency repair at the elementary school with a remaining balance of just over $3,800 okay and that's they in the end didn't need that extra correct yeah what happened was they had received an estimate and then when they actually went in realized as they were doing the repairs they didn't feed as much of the um pieces so helped us out yeah okay well it seems pretty straightforward we do want to un obligate those funds so they motion to do that so I move that we uh un obligate the remaining funds totaling $ 44328 I'll second that all those in favor I I I so um at this point our total of money that we need to obligate by December is that on this sheet it's on the next page you have a spread on the spreadsheet it's not on the spreadsheet um but on the report once with that unobligated and the original unobligated of just over 2600 there is now 7,57 80 on obligated okay which brings us to the next point a request to re obligate funds you may remember back in August the school department had um as part of like when we were looking at the monies for the sprinkler system the school department believed that the second phase of the flo no no the floor workor the bathroom floor workor the $110,000 was not necessary out of our because they had the capital project they actually needed it and they had already build against it we caught it thankfully although you had obligated 10,000 and un obligated that they only needed $6,550 so we need to re obligate that 6550 not the full 10,000 which thankfully we do have funds for um but yeah it would leave us with about $500 500 bucks okay that's for it but we kind yeah got to spend it use it or lose it and but um we'll get into this when we get into the warrant the positive is um I had mentioned before that the Mini Splits were paid from arpa money arpa funds are cons considered a special Revenue fund a special Revenue fund and because of that because it didn't come out of general fund out of a capital request or um taxes uh it actually any rebates go back to the original fund which means the rebate money from the Min splits will go back into arpa and we did get confirmation that we are going to receive that rebate money by November 1st and that's about $223,000 so um come November we're going to ask you do again a possible re or not re obligating but obligating those new monies that came back in wow that's interesting so we may have $50 right now but we're going to have 20 something, okay right okay I accept a motion I'll move that the board re obligate $6,550 for the second phase the weightly elementary just say school project the floor School flooring rep all those in favor I I I special town meeting yeah we have an explanation of all right yeah I didn't so that will be good one you're ready to walk us through that yep yes yeah I can walk you through the whole warrant put little hearts up I Town Council has reviewed it the version that you have printed tonight is with all of council's um recommendations there were a few minor changes that happened one of which was we combined two of the fire department articles so that we were um resending and approving transfer all in one article um and then um some minor language changes so in the end we're now at o but then although we removed the um request from the SCH Department to repurpose the rebate money because it's no longer a town meeting vote we did need to add in an article um for the agricultural preservation restriction on G the glinsky property uh the town had confirmed to the state back in February that they that the town body would seek the $133,000 in fund but it never got on to the annual town meeting warrant and now with the closing of the property happening in March we need to obligate the money or we need to yeah we need to essentially approve the money now that they can close otherwise it's going to push it completely out so there is an added article we've removed a couple articles um but I can walk you through each one um do you want to as we walk through do you then want to take an action to on your recommendation or do you want me to walk through all of them and then do your recommendations I would say go through all of them if we have any questions okay or men we can go back and okay all right so article one this is uh approving bills of priate fiscal years uh $450 for that assessing [Music] software article two this is Rec in the opioid settlement special purpose stabilization fund um because we have to do the change from a special purpose stabilization fund to a special Revenue Fund in order to properly utilize those funds so um the first article is to resend that previous vote and article three is then to then to then transfer the money that is in that stabilization fund over to a new opioid settlement special purpose and that doesn't take a different to establish OB Revenue establish that Willy this is the this is the um creation of the special o Revenue fund oh so it both creates and it's yeah it's creating and transer yeah the word create not not in yeah yeah it's not in there so it says in article two um which is a little wonky but in the very middle of it such funds henceforth to be placed in a special hooka Revenue fund approved by the massachus department of revenues director of accounts pursuant to said chapter 77 so in article two you're resending and by state process there is this fund mechanism so that's that's doing that and then you're in the next step you're saying okay now we're now we're moving the money into it so it's not an account we have to create that f you're essentially doing it by these but it's it's operated per the that chapter 77 okay well if you and Council are good with that wording yeah it's a good with me okay um so article four this is to establish the fire department Revenue fund so essentially it's a general bylaw Amendment because the revolving think I said Revenue fund revolving funds are in the general bylaws so this is a general bylaw Amendment creates the new Revenue revolving funds for the fire department all of the inspectional service fees fines late charges will go into this revolving account instead um it establishes a spending limit of 25,000 they currently have 3,000 um it establishes the authority to spend at being fire chief the use of the funds can only those related to activities programs and operating expenses of the department they cannot go towards full-time employees uh salaries um and this would allow for use and um operation of that Fund in the current fiscal year and subsequent years and subsequent years then Article Five is a is tied to that one um whereby you are resending the existing fire department special fire department fees special revenue account and approving those Monies to go into the revolving fund that you just created by the general bylaw Amendment you'll notice though that I need to go through the old warrant to find the article number in the spe specific town meeting date you can still close take your action it's just a clerical thing I we do want to make sure that we do reflect when that um when that revenue account was first created I I also have the Highlight on for the dollar amount just in case there are some additional monies that are received beforehand I will before we print it I will get the very final dollar amount from the accounting just to make sure that we are moving everything we don't leave like $50 man that would be so annoying um article six this is a request to transfer $8,400 into 8426 from free cash in order to provide matching local funds towards a possible grant that we have applied for for the town's comprehensive plan we still have not received word on uh whether or not we've been awarded this grant if we do not get awarded this grant that money will sit there and just go back and to uh free cash the next article this is to approve transfer of $655 from free cash in order to cover the cost associated with the enforcement of a dangerous dog order we have removed all personal references from the article it's not an important element um we simply have to acknowledge what the money was for that it had to do with the dangerous dog order what the total was and um that this is all during the current fiscal year because we're not going to try to recuit from the previous fiscal year we have no need to um this this dollar amount is the final dollar amount okay can I ask the question about articles six seven and eight and perhaps others um we are voting to transfer from free cash do we say where we're transferring it to which the you're identifying the specific purpose so the town accountant creates a separate line item okay so you identify the purpose and it's a line item okay excellent thank you article eight this is the new article to approve the transfer of $13,500 from free cash to purchase the APR on 4.84 Acres of Farmland located at 269 River Road um currently owned by Jonathan and Justin glinsky uh the state is in the process of securing that that uh restriction this is a voluntary program in order to help preserve a Farmland within communities while also making it more financially feasible for the farmers to operate and continue to that operation on the property um so is this like wakeley Center Woods where we would own the development rights and we just choose not to exercise them or no this is that you're just holding a restriction so essentially it limits the ability to utilize the property for other uses outside of farm uses yeah iess it does run with the land get sold this continues right exactly so in the past I don't remember this came from CPA funds or like in the past yes um that CPA funds would vied and here we're not going to use CPA fund because it's because it was never applied they never been apply nobody the farmer did not apply for the money therefore it didn't go through CPA process for then the four to agree and forel meeting to say yes to use CPA so we're kind of using free cash instead but yeah typically we have in the past used CPA money and is this some money that would be once we close the warrant and we get money back from arpa would we re obligate that here uh or is no this is just free cash and tell me how this works because I thought the state was appropriating the land but we're paying for it tell me how that there's we're part of a we're contributing party in that ah so it is the state as well okay y thank you yep no okay right no I guess to me it was like it usually comes out of CPA it does um so I guess I mean I don't want to mess up this transaction but and maybe it was on us for not getting it through but they really should have applied to the c um for this so I like I don't I feel like I don't want other people to look at this and say oh let's not bother with the CPA and so on um that I I think it's a it's not a good precedent to have I like you know I feel like the Supreme Court and Bush Vore I'm not making a precedent out of this but I sort of feel like they kind of we're in a corner somehow and maybe some of being in the corner is our own doing and so that's looking back at what happened back then uh and talking to a few different people normally what I heard the process is is when we receive word that somebody is applying to the state for an APR the town receives notice when the town receives notice CPC also receives notice and CPC then takes the initiative to reach out to the farmer or the property owner yeah and let them know here's the process here's what you can do we have CPA money this is what we would do that broke down the Town Administrator was transitioning out at the same time um so unfortunately there was communication things that happened at that point that just resulted in these things not following the noral course okay so yeah so some of some of it it's yeah I I don't know obviously CPA doesn't exist in every Community therefore I don't know that the state necessarily tells a farmer or Farm I understand yeah I understand about that but um I just sort of feel like that's why I don't think this should be a precedent because there is probably some some bling for uh the town side oh yeah that they that we should have and the amount is you know it's not like a $50,000 no and so we can clarify and explain it to the voting public when they're at the meeting this is what has happened and it's not a precedent you will not make a precedent of letting things fall to the it is our largest free cash request on the the warrant but yeah it is and it could be will object to that yeah and if they do I don't know what to do about it other than that might delay their transaction it could delay the transaction there was also discussion from the state that they would reach out to one of the local land trust to see if one of the local Land Trust put up the money yeah um but I wanted to see if we could at least as the community try to get this moved through but um I should note too this article because it's a brand new item fincom has not reviewed it yet so we have to schedu a special meeting for pom to review this one article but so they have not taken an action on recommendation okay yeah it' be interesting to see what they yeah I guess I'm okay um article nine this is a CPA appropriation this is related to the Center School historic preservation it's for two projects both of which have to do with the uh the center school it's uh Shoring up the um the structure but with the the roof replacement and structural support repair but then also to perform a re reuse feasibility study there are two dollar amounts here both of these dollar amounts are based on monies that the town would need to put up as part of matching funds um for the grants that have been applied for these two projects similar to the other grant that was referenced earlier we have not received word if we have received this grant either yeah and if we do not the money will go back into well yeah it would remain in the CPA account and did we get any grants in relation to the center school I Feel Like We There was an announcement of some yeah I thought there was Ann but but it wasn't one of these it wasn't like $100,000 to repair the roof or something like that no it's a feasibility study but that's here the Reus feasibility study is here so that's what that was my question maybe the ReUse feasibility study is the thing we right that came in a month or so ago oh did it it did Judy said wow we got it exced about it yeah yeah the larger the larger one is one that we've not gotten yeah so we can also let the voting oh you're right the ReUse sorry the ReUse feasibility study we had applied to uh National Historic yeah places through the har Foundation a heart foundation did fund this one it's the other project which I think might have been a One-Stop but yeah the other one yeah I think the other one was a onetop yeah okay okay the last three articles are the codification Articles the first one being the article for General bylaw codification um this one has some general revisions basically cleaning up all references to mgl so that there's a standard format changing all references of Select for two word Selectmen Board of Selectmen to the singular select board and repealing a number of bylaws and I'll go through that list of those bylaws there are seven bylaws that are being proposed to be repealed the first one is chapter 7 building code board of appeals which was originally adopted by the town in 74 the chapter provides for an appointment of a town board to hear appeals relating to enforcement of the State Building Code preser to mgl1 14 3 section 100 added in 1984 a building code board of appeals was established as part of the State Department of Public Safety and all appeals relating to State Building Code are required to go through the State Board is our understanding that towns can no longer have a local board to hear these appeals so when it comes to building code it doesn't actually go to your board of appeals because that's zoning board of appeals so we still have an Antiquated bylaw So based on that 84 um mgl item we should remove this it were simply in Conflict um you could leave it in You' just be in conflict and you would have a hard time upholding it but the way to clean it up is to remove it so if there are appeals they go to Regional level the state level it goes to the state level and it only appeals to building code not to zoning code because that's our local Authority building code is on a state level therefore it falls to a state appeal process okay so we had adopted something in 74 which became obvious 10 years later yeah and we have never repealed that in the past correct okay y that actually makes sense it's not like we repealed it before and we need to no yeah as I go through these that's going to be the true statement is that something happened and we never bother to go and clean it up or repeal it so now it's our time to take that opportunity and remove it okay you're right all right because at the last meeting I thought it was these were all repealed yeah and then we got to repeal them again oh that didn't make any sense all right good chapter nine building inspector of the 88 code which was adopted in 1987 by a town meeting and then later amended in '92 by town meeting the reason why the this is being recommended to be removed is that because the town now participates in in the fcci we it's recommended to remove this chapter um reference to the FCC uh that's the Franklin County cooperative inspection all program um is now included in chapter 45 which is our chapter for Regional Council of governments uh essentially that previous chapter for building inspectors specified what the responsibilities are that responsibility is not necessary since we fall under the fccp which falls under their their Council governments and we them yes not sorry I didn't um I almost want to keep that one just like just in case we deci know we have talked about that in the past that because we were really not getting good service from them and they were not actually dealing with the questions we as them to deal with they would just come in and do better that you know they was bare minimum bare minimum and not U helping address the actual concern concern and so we yeah and do you do we feel that has changed do you feel that has changed uh well we haven't heard that much lately but I've had good in so so interactions but um the is to find someone and that's hard right that that's the problem is finding so the problem is finding someone so it might be that it's and you'd be looking at a part-time inspector or a shared position or shared y um but and that's that's difficult too because I think that we should get a contractor was like getting a little the joints are getting tired and someone who already knows the code so they can anyway um or a young and eager assistant from a larger City or something yeah maybe okay um similarly chapter 26 gas and plumbing inspector adopted by town meeting in 87 uh same thing because that falls under fcci it's recommended to remove this chapter um because we have building gas and plumbing inspection all through the CIP we're not going to shred these articles so if we ever withdrew from FC CIP we could pull these out of the Shredder well yeah you'd still you'd have to go to town meeting there ad a neww yeah new chapter but you could reuse the language or you'd likely want to update it but yes y we have all the old copies and what's great about the codification is it does provide us the ability to see the previous version and what changed and why it changed which we don't have that a means right now okay chapter 80 fees um this article has not been rev fees which was adopted in 82 by town meeting um the article hasn't been revised since the original adoption in ' 82 the article was based on mgl chapter 262 section 34 which the town accepted under article 6 of the 2004 town meeting 2005 the town then accepted mgl 40 22f which actually authorizes the clerk and other board and officers to establish fees essentially overriding the need for the previous um or uh April 2004 town meeting so when in 2004 they adopted that mgl chapter they then adopt town meeting then adopted the very next year another chapter that actually allows the the setting of fees outside of town meeting and instead through the board and the the clerks so the recommendation is to remove that um I don't understand what the the 88 code adopted I understand it was adopted but the fees of the 1988 code yeah they have no idea what that it's the town cour these that that chapter has to do with town clerk fees which were the the code for town clerk fees okay um so now the clerk and other boards establish their own fees so we we actually accepted a law and it sounds like we accepted a contradictory law oh yeah so we accepted one but then the next year we accepted another one that then authorized the the clerks and the boards to set fees outside of town yeah so the the one we accepted on the interim like it's not clear what that one does that previous one allowed us to be able to through SE to meeting through legislative action set Fe but okay actually say that out here though not in my explanation to you no but if you pulled m62 334 yeah okay so if we repeal chapter 80 these of the 1988 so that's all one thing P 8 so it's just only we're only repealing the chap 80 we're not actually un adopting no this contradictory one so we still have a because we have that we don't need 0 yeah but the third one that's 34 mglc 26 34 yeah we're not uh we're not un adopting that correct is that in conflict with no because the 22 no so article 17 from 82 um oh no accepted under article 6 of 2004 I'd have to pull that we're not the action has nothing to do with what was done in 2004 or 2005 we're simply saying we don't need 80 because of what you did in 2005 okay I guess the part my and maybe my question is not important but um I I thought what you said was that this one ends with 34 and one 22 are actually in Conflict not necessar in Conflict has to set has to set the town cler's fees and the other one says no the clerk is authorized to do that the most recent action by town meeting is controls so that by adopting in 2005 chapter 4022 F that's the one that controls it suedes this but this was never technically repeated should we just remove that middle sentence of the explanation because seems to be floating we can this explanation is just for you oh okay this is this was just using us yeah it's just because you guys um we have talk about it would be helpful if you had some additional information of each one of these it would not be in the warrant though we can c we have this to be able to read and provide during the meeting um but yeah it's not for warning right and and Town Council is good with all this well this is not going in the warrant but they are in agreement that what's in the warrant that that they say we just have to repeal chapter 80 yes of the 1988 code we don't have to repeal our acceptance of the sub thing yeah you because we don't want to repeal that yeah well the middle one the middle one she's referring to the 2004 action but we're talking about actions to the Gemma bylaw itself yeah yeah okay um chapter 88 article to use of town gravel Bank as disposal area which was adopted in 19 80 by town meeting similarly chapter 88 article 3 stump disposal facility which was adopted in 1980 uh June of 1980 both of these are um irrelevant articles now because the stump dump facility had been closed so we are referring to utilizing property that doesn't exist it cannot used for that anymore so okay it would be to to repeal those I think never have had gravel Bank area that was closed in '08 it was definitely in the ODS um but it's been a while that it's been closed but the yeah the bot still exist and then the final one is chapter 158 trailer parts which was adopted by article 3 in 1960 by town meeting this it should not be in the general bylaw because um we actually handle trailer parks mobile home parks all of that that's handled in your zon bylaw um so it's not necessary and actually this bylaw is very Antiquated so we should repeal it and use the private land as handle figures only bylaw okay um let see and then number you then in appendix a there's a list of specific revisions through the general byw do you want me to go through those revisions in appendix a [Music] on age 10 maybe or 11 yeah on age 10 yeah um I'm happy to go through it if you'd like um yes let's do sure So within the affordable housing trust fund chapter there's a reference to select men it's changing it to select board member the reason why this is called out because we talk we referred to specific references to the select board here we have to make a specific reference to a select board member so that's why it's called out here um there's also a change from chairman of the Board of Trustees to chair of the Board of Trustees changing Treasurer to the current title Treasurer collector and then uh section 2 A-10 is amended as follows it's essentially replacing that paragraph with this paragraph um upon termination of the trust subject to the payment of or making Provisions for the payment of all obligations liability and Trust in the trustees the net asset of the trust shall be transferred to the town and held by the selectman by the select board sorry for affordable housing purposes except that any net fund generated by 44b and then it's striking which it's just for grammar yeah for Gramm police shall be returned to CPA fund uh in chapter three it is striking activities and and replacing that with farming Traditions so that it reads reads promote the business of Farming Farming traditions and farmland protection um it's helps to clarify that the activities need to be farming related Beach District this is replacing chairman of the selectman to chairs of the select boards uh for the three towns okay under the chapter 14 ver CPC is Sunderland still involved with the beach actually it's not right can we strike that um or are we pining for them you want to leave the door open for them I mean we could be leaving it but i' also want to look at the rest of the Beach District to see if there are any other references to Sunderland um this wasn't taken into consideration that Amendment so that if if you want to we can I just have to look at the rest of that chapter and see if there are any other Sunderland references and what if there are either can we add them or strike this so we deal with all of them at the same time rather than strike one and then oh yeah the my recommendation is if the board says we agree to this article but in appendex a chapter 4 remove all Sunderland references I'll go back and find and revise this amending so has no Ro so we're trying to update things that's that bring it up to yeah um so chapter 14 CPC in 1B striking councils um because we don't have councils and then um replacing who with that grammar reference and then again striking Council and replacing with committee so that at the end it's commission board or committee um shall become a responsibility like 1 C is amended so that it reads instead of air it's his her in 2A it's removing or replacing Department of Public Works with Highway Department uh to properly reference the department the town's department and then in F it is adding in for clarity of the amounts so that it reads full understanding of the amounts and methods of such expenditures I'm going to go back to section 14-1 c why are we changing there to his her which is uh I mean it's possible that there will become more widely used why are we striking it for the binary choice I let me look at the could just be the respective appointing authority because I don't like the by the respective see I was still reading the whole sentence any member of the committee may be removed for caused by respin I mean maybe we don't have the rest of the article to to look at but well what I wanted to do was I was checking to see if we use throughout the bylaw we use he she and his her that reference was one time that there was a there and so it was making it consistent with the othering we currently yeah but I don't even think the I mean the member of the committee might be a he or might be a she but the respective appointing authority is usually not a he or she right you don't usually refer to the is because it's IG be ambiguous well any member of the committee may be removed for cause by the the respective appointing authority after a hearing and the boarding Authority might be a committee might be the SEL might be the moderator might be the Town Administrator I well no I think what it is is any member of a committee so it's any member may be removed by cause by the the appointing authority that appointed them to the committee so it is the the person's appointing authority so it's not the committee's appointing authority no because the the committee doesn't appoint members to itself no but the appointing authority is is not the same as the committee oh no the committee has an appointing authority correct but it's saying that doesn't have people but the only the only person the only thing that can um remove somebody for Just Cause is the appointing authority right and the appointing authority appointed him or her to the committee therefore it's his or her appointing authority I would say that the word I was appointed by I I don't know why we need the word respective at all yeah I would say that the by caus by the appointing authority yeah I mean the appointing yeah and take away respect him and the appoin if you say the respective respective the specific particular Authority that appoint well yeah but I don't think it's ambiguous if you just say by the appointing authority all right is whoever appointed the person all right and and yeah not any is when you got like two things the paded out make it sound hard you get three more syllables all right so are we saying we like the appointing authority I I think it's cleaner I think it makes more sense that I can live with it right see right yep I just need to make sure we also put it into the final draft to so it reads the respective thein oh oh so we're we're striking resped okay I don't see what it adds just syllables right any member of the committee may be removed for cause by the appointing authority after a hearing okay we appointed you can get rid of you for call um 14a that was the update from DPW to Highway Department 2f was the inclusion of the of the amounts and then the 143 it had a reference to a mgl 39 section 23b that's been updated so it should be referencing chapter 3A sections 18 to 25 and that's that's a reference to open and 39 section 3B 23b is no longer I actually think I think it was a Miss yeah I think that's what it was okay um chapter 18 counil on Aging this um this one in 181 the text here is just cleaning up because when the the Council on Aging was first established there was staggered terms until you had full terms so that you had one two and three year terms but now all members are at three years therefore we don't need the Staggering language anymore so it updates the select board reference and then strikes all ter all language with regards to terms so that it's just clean saying that the members have a three-year term okay five is added it's a new paragraph the names addresses telephone numbers or other identifying information about early persons in the possession of the council shall not be public records but the use of these records shall comply with mgl1 19a sections 14 to 24 inclusive as a condition of receiving a government contract program Grant or other benefit where as otherwise required by law two questions one is there a definition of elderly someplace and two why is it restrictive to elderly and not any person's who information in their control well why would the Council on Aging have people outside I I don't know but case but if they did happen to for some reason prospective members I don't know um it comes a question of whether someone information but who is arguably elderly but not necessarily I think it just makes it easier to take the word elderly out and and anyone whose information I have shouldn't be public sorry I'm just we have a like 116 page editorial and legal analysis I'm just trying to find where that reference for this chapter is okay it was a recommendation based on chapter 48b because we're accepting 48b let me look at what that chapter says right so AB is what establishes the ability for communities to create Council on Aging um so it says that um the town by bylaw May establish a Council on Aging for the purpose of the coordinating or carrying Out programs designed to meet the pro problems of the Aging in coordination with programs of the Department of Elder Affairs the council shall submit an annual report to the city or town and shall send a copy thereof to the Department of Elder Affairs said Department shall from time to time review and evaluate such reports and make recommendations to any required or needed changes in said local programs the council May appoint such clerks and other employees as it may require the names addresses telephone numbers or other identifying information about elderly persons in the possession of the council shall not be public record but the use of these records shall comply with sections 14 to 24 inclusive of chapter 19a as a condition of receiving a government contract program Grant or other benefits so it's actually pulling the actual language from mgl chapter 40 Section 8 word for word um so it Mass General law is using the reference to elderly which hopefully is then defined in master law but that's where the elderly phrase is coming from did you have the second question well no it was the two questions one is point is elderly define someplace and to do we really need so to the point yeah we don't even have to have this paragraph even added because mgl already stipulates anyways it's more of a reaffirming that they are not public records but the bo the the town does not even have to add in this to make it comply in it was just a way that Mak sure that we have it and we we confirm to Residents that we're not releasing information I think that makes sense to put it in yeah it is funny that they don't I was looking at some of the other things that was chapter 194 through 24 and uh I'm not finding anything relevant there like finding elderly like the finding Google m well chapter 194 to 24 my guess is about government contracts not about oh no it's about names addresses and phone numbers I think it's yeah public records or private yeah I'm going to encourage us to move along because we have several more pages of bylaws get through great chap 40 are we okay sorry 43 recommission similar to the earlier one this is also taking out the Staggering language regarding term length so that it simply reads that the commission member Shall Serve without compensation and shall be residents of the town of weightly members shall be appointed to serve for five years 47 schools this is amended with one additional sentence saying that subsequent amendments except by the town are on file with the town clerk um uh this has to do with provisions of agreements that establish the Franklin County Technical School District so excuse me um just confirming that anytime that there is an amendment and subsequent amendments that there will be with conf uh chapter 62 adult establishments it's correcting the phrasing of Building Commissioner to building inspector chapter 65 animals Article 1 the the licensing period has been updated so that um it states that the dog and kenel license year shall begin on June 1st and end on May 31st of the following year and then it updates the fees so that duplicate tags are $1 instead of. 50 transfer license is$ 250 instead of $1 um and then amending the language where it would have said if it does not exceed $50 if it does not exceed $100 essentially catching up dollar amounts that have have not been changed um and then really we have like fees that are in the bylaws didn't we take care of that in the other one where that had to do with town clerk fees but you'd have a special article related to dogs where those we'd have to go and remove that section as well this just had to do with General fees in the clerk office that the earlier article so really we have to amend our bylaws every time we want to raise the fees for are you sure don't maybe duplicate tag should be $10 transfer license should be 25 don't have to hit this for [Laughter] another um subsection C is um replacing the phrase revolving fund for dog licensing and control with the correct name name which is dog licensing and Animal Control revolving fund it's just really just swapping it um and then uh 659 this is a wholesale replacement um and it's just updating it so it reflects Mass General law it is the verbatim language from the mgl question with the license year being changed from April to June and why is it June 1 to May 31st and not practing with our Bal you that I don't know this was based on the clerk's current process Tom but I'm not sure why yeah curious yeah I'm not sure fall in line with the fiscal year as long as we're changing yeah I maybe thankfully the revolving fund collection of fees aren't tied to because it's a revolving fund so the thing went in there other than spending from the roing fund they're not controlled by fiscal year yeah maybe it's good to have some things not synced with this fiscal year so they don't get done not sure why yeah chapter 95 has it is waste um article one radioactive waste no land within the town of Whitley it removes the use District of the town of Whitley exactly yep Article 2 hazardous materials it's correcting it to the current uh CMR reference so it's cmr1 and both of those two references there in 955 definition of discharge is amended so that instead of it saying Massachusetts Department of Public Works it's the current phrase which is Mass Department of Transportation um similarly the 9510a item two uh this is removing the reference to the office of incident response instead it needs to be Master's Department of environment C uh Department of Environmental Protection emergency response and their current phone number which should the phone number ever change we'll have to go back in um and then 9513 V any persons who violate any person who violates any provision of this article may be subject to the punishment of by a fine of $300 so it doesn't leave it up in up to or not more than 100 it just says the fine will be $300 but again it's amending the fine and Now setting it out of a specific dollar so someone can dump hazardous waste and pay find $300 and no the remediation will be a lot more than $300 well I mean I think our our fine for littering is 500 so why is this one less I don't know I mean is is 300 set by mgl I don't believe so who who decided $300 let me see this was Which chapter 95 yeah 95 13d see oh it is per mgl mgl chapter 40 section 21 I think we can hit them with littering at the same time yeah SOA 00 remember when we raised littering was such a well is probably still such a problem but we we raised it so that if you got caught there was five yeah the very end uh what it does that particular section actually says it sh shall not be less than $100 and not more than $300 so you actually the mgl gives you a range of 100 300 um and the recommendation was just to put it at the maximum but yeah you probably could back on that dis yeah chapter 113 noncriminal disposition um updating that list of fees so that it says regulations for refuse and recycling collection rather than trash haer licensing regulations um first offense is a warning second offense is $100 third offense and all subsequent offenses being $250 um let me look up why we're reducing them and what would sure sounds like the state mandated it because of lobbying from the trash falling industry yes it looks like it recycling collection indry or whatever they they've renamed themselves and what would the offense be it would be the refu and recycling collection Industries offense or a private citizens offense for but yeah that does have to do with mgl it points to um chapter 133 as well as the sanitation standards set by the state um where we are the enforcing Authority but it's set by the state 113 or 133 133 this says after 13 section 113 yeah that's section well no that's our chap our section I was referring to a chapter in mgl and this is a like if someone is a uh well no longer we don't call them trash homers we call them recycling collectors but when recycling collectors what like what kind of offenses are they are they doing like not really picking it up and just kind of letting it fall out of their truck or like I mean I mean I suppose get them for lit too we get them for L that's sure warning and let okay so this whole article or chapter 113 has to do with the Board of Health regulations and 1132 is scope specific penalties without intending to limit the generality of the foregoing it is the intention of this provision that the following bylaws rules and regulations are to be included within the scope of this article and the specific penalties as listed here shall apply in such cases each day in which any violation exists shall be deemed B separate offense um oh so this is to somebody's who is violating and getting what will be violations yeah so 113 section one um any bylaw rule of the Board of Health the violation of which is subject to a specific penalty may be at the discretion of town official the appropriate enforcing person to be for sorry who is the appropriate enforcing person be enforced in the method provided in mgl chapter 40 section 21d the non-criminal fine for such violation if not otherwise specified shall be 50 enforcing person as used in the by law shall be mean any member of the town of weightly Board of Health it's Health agent it's Board of Health that's if more than that does not help us tell who it I can't tell you all I can tell you is regulations they can enforce people who on whom they would be enforcing them could be refu and recycle collection folks and so whatever their regulations are yeah for refu and recy because it was trash hauler before it's specifically those who are hired to do that um it's not a general populus throwing the Dr bag of trash on the side of the road right that would fall under believe littering we like L it all comes back to L so unfortunately it doesn't find it but um it's just Broad in relation to the collection all right well I guess we're not going to get that go cushi $300 third offenses anymore uh 113 2B this is again just updating the title um from youth tobacco access regulations to regulation restricting the sale of tobacco products and nicotine delivery products um because it just in general there are restrictions for all ages um 132c environmental tobacco smoke regulations are changed to regulations prohibiting smoking in workplaces in public choices um [Music] 133 recycling the phrase except exce is added so that it reads it shall be a violation of this chapter for any unauthorized person except employees of the town or contractors High by the town to collect or pick up or cause to be collected or picked up any recyclable material basically without the accept phrase if the town hires somebody or the town picks up recyclable material and collects it we would have been in violation it's just to say that actually the anybody that's contracted by the town or is the town has the ability to pick up recycling okay 149 stretch energy code this is simply to amend the title from stretch code to stretch energy code was missing the energy 150 taxation correcting the phrase of tax collector to Treasurer collector 153 is amending it by adding in a sentence um or portion of a sentence um the licens and Authority may deny revoke or suspend any license or permit including renewals transfers of any party whose name appears on set list furnished by the license and Authority by the from The treasur Collector now or with respect to any activity event or other matter which is the subject of such license or permit in which activity event or matter is carried out or exercised or is to be carried out or exercised on or about real estate owned by any party whose name appears on said list furnished by the licens and Authority from The treasur Collector um so specifying here with additional clarity when that activities whether it's going to be or it has been permitted um has to be on this list and I think let me pull up that was what chapter 150 this sounds like it's also a copy paste from mgls it reads like it it do how do I get my name off this list right how does one get their name on the article is based on mgl chapter 40 section 57 so yeah it's coming from um the masteral law 57 uh chap chapter 40 section 57 y but I I guess because it's out of context a lot of our questions are really about the context yeah um this is about suspension for failure to pay Municipal tax so people who are on this list are list of people who have not paid their taxes yes and that's the license yeah so the license Authority may deny any of those licenses to or permit if they're on delinquency of paying taxes um or with respect to any activity event or matter which is subject to such license etc etc yeah okay no I just a lot of legal know like this list I'm like what list is it yeah like this is not the homeland security list which has got like John Smith written down TSA PreCheck TS yeah it's not TSA Pre okay all right okay that makes perfect sense okay that you don't get permits to people who AR paying the check section 155 D5 is amended because that a reference in the mgl chapter 268 was missing it was referencing the incorrect chapter it should have been 268a and then um 15-6 we do not have bicycle permits so this is removing that reference yeah know I was a scla um and then finally chapter 168 water supply this simply is to add the word Supply so that it reads public notice of a state of water supply conservation shall be given under Section 1687 of this byong um it's just greater Clarity that it's not it has to do with our water supply that is appendix a so we'll go back now to article 11 article 11 is the codification article for the zoning bylaw this references that the it's for the purposes of ruming sections and subsections inserting article in section and subsection titles and updating the internal references to reflect any new numbering and formatting throughout the zoning by law and then our article 12 is also part of the codification process but it's specifically a zoning bylaw Amendment um so this is similar to the general bylaw any references to mgll are standardized in the new format any references throughout the zoning bylaw of board of Selectmen Selectmen or select board as two words are changed to singular select board any term of zoning by laws is revised to zoning by law and the terms of board of appeals and Zoning Board are replaced with zoning board of appeals so that it's consistent anytime the phrase licensed is used to describe an engineer it's amended to read registered so that instead of licensed engineer it'll be read as registered engineer and then there are specific revisions that are outlined in appendix speed which blessedly shorter say so the first one is um or updating section 171-3 which lists all the established districts the bylaws include planed industrial district and a wireless communication Services District that when they were adopted they never updated this particular list of districts so it's just adding them to the list of districts but it's not changing the regulation yeah we don't actually have a district for they're not actually mapped but we have a chapter about them um and so since we have chapters about the different districts you should have a similar to a table of contents it's essentially just updating the table reference of the districts okay um 171 d8 um the table of regulations was originally attached to the chapter but now it's in the section and then um in the table the entry under light industrial uses which read gerial incineration storage disposal collection or treatment of low medium or high levels radioactive waste is removed um from that item meaning that we don't allow it correct anytime that you uh a use is not within the use table it is deemed not permitted okay consistent with the earlier change yes noing um 1711a item 5 accessory uses um it's amended so that instead of saying the institute for Traffic Engineers it says Institute of Transportation Engineers which is the current phrase for that um group and the manual in 171-3 B Item B the reference of site plan reviewing board board is corrected to planning board the planning board is the site plan reviewing board so rather than jump back and forth It's just referencing the planning board the next item um this is anything from or the sections 17115 b9c and 26 d3e changing Soil Conservation service to natural resources conservation service it's just an updated phrase the next two items for um 20 B6 and 23h is correcting the the CMR references and also making the phrasing consistent one time we had the state of environmental code was properly properly referenced and the other one was missing it it's just making them consistent in okay the correct CMR um 25 ba no 25 B5 um it's clarifying what anr is because anr was not specified yet in the chapter so anr stands for approval not record uh required um so it's just clarifying that next item it's adding the correct CMR reference which is 15 for cluster development the next one there's a reference here uh for the what used to be called the department of communities and and development um that's been changed a few times the new chain or the new name of that office is executive office of housing in the local communities and then the correction of the chapter 40b is corrected to the standard mgl c4b and and we set this so it automatically amends the next time that change that department you can have that um yeah um or and its successors correct yes that is standardly what put in and it may be RIT it's just now that we know and we're going through a cleanup um it's correcting it um years from now when you're going through this with the next right right with our successors then three governors down and we'll have a new name for it there we go um this next item it's changing the reference of Mass Department of Public Works to Department of Transportation um 30g again updating the treasurer reference to treasurer colle ctor um this next item is amending a change so that instead of it reading a approved by the department is to approve by the Department of Environmental Protection specifying what department was the approval Authority here um 171 32f this is amending it so that this is just cleaning up the the phrasing for front yard and your setb so that it's front front side and rear yards um it's just a weird grammatical yeah yeah next one amended so that instead of it reading these bylaws it's this bylaw because it's the zoning bylaw 47 this one is simply here because at the time this was drafted the control bylaw had not removal had not been approved by the AG we just found out today that the AG did approve that chapter so I'll be able to remove this sentence um because that reference is going to be gone anyways because that bylaw doesn't exist now so this six the one one of these is not going to be in appending speed correct yeah okay and then 17148 um this is uh just changing it and removing the specific section references in that CMR so that it just leaves it open to the 78 CMR and that is everything that's your warrant this one is a real tedious one is so apologize advance for people who done and everybody has as many questions as we do yeah well we go through this so they don't have to that's right yeah yes but in some of these I also feel like I was just beating them by like what I right by mgl or by like respect to any activity have to reveal first and then make a new one other cases you don't it's just you know I'm I'm trusting a lot in Council that actually knew what they were doing when they went through this because I don't have a lot of grief um and everything sort of makes sense like like there's nothing here that I think is is dangerous very little if any substantive changes except for the respective I'm really glad we got that out yes a thorn in my yeah yeah so to move along uh we could either vote to close warrant tonight or we can let it simmer and close it at the October 22nd meeting do I have a motion um well um do we do that first or do you need to do recommendation we need to do recommendations yes unless you want to wait as well but yeah I mean I was going to say I don't recing any of these but I certainly don't think I can explain any oh come on article one fisc years we need to I would move that we recommend all the Articles I'll second that I with changes subject disc changes as discussed yeah all second changes as discussed uh all those in favor I I I the only meaningful things are like the suland or the well that's the question the open question about whether or not we remove Sunderland from that um the beach chapter you know what I can let me pull up the full C I mean modernizing it and Sun hasn't participated since a year two or something so Sunderland does appear um one two there's only it's just um twice in 4-1 so I would just have to add in a reference to 4-1 to strike Sunderland twice no nope it's in 4-1 and 4-2 so it would just be we already read the 4-2 yeah it's just adding in text in that um yeah in the appendix to for ash1 and show us straight through like Sunderland there I mean it does seem like so many of these Lees are just asked keeping it it seems silly to not take care of that other one yeah we know we know it's there there is an editor's note in the actual um final code that says at a special town meeting held 71168 the town of waitley accepted the withdrawal of the town of Sunderland from the tri toown Beach District as voted by the town of Sunderland at their special town meeting on 612 68 so there's a reference to it it that and it acknowledges it it just doesn't actually remove it from the bylaw then is 68 the year 1968 I I I shortened the phrase like long time ago I didn't realize was that long ago yeah out of there out there we we look like we're pining for them and we're not on the beach I mean we're not sitting next to the fall and join our TR town beach my only um caution would be we'd want to look and see if Deerfield amended there reference no no I'm just saying though but if there's a not that we have to wait but what if they do keep it in their and that's their problem or what what if well if if Sunderland does want to to wey has to accept them back into it and just at the same time amend the Bible law so yeah I guess it doesn't really matter um I don't I don't know if you can just in that area because you also want to change the chairs of the select board just say know all references to Sunderland in chapter 4 shall be removed yeah well there I'll do as long as you vote that that's what you want to do I I'll make sure vote that we want all references to to beach that and otherwise we have recommended all of the articles in the warrant do we want to close the warrant is any advantage of keeping it open do you you can make those changes the only thing that I'm thinking of is since fincom hasn't made a recommendation on that one article are you okay with recommending a favorable action on the APR funding if fincom yes does unfavorable yeah if you're okay with that then there is no reason to leave it open I will entertain a motion CL we close the subject to the changes that we made second that all those in favor conratulations new business November election revie discuss and vote to sign the election warrant for the November 5th 24 2024 election I I read through it it looks I don't see anything that they missed say I would move that we signed the warrant election all those in favor I hi hi hi and do you have a copy for us to sign specific cop I have a copy here yeah if you want to that copy yeah we all sign it under our hands this 8th day of October that's for the the the and that's a signature page which you'll pass around now sure yeah because I'll leave and forget to sign yeah it's not just me okay appointment of workers we the Slate of workers is submitted by the town cour I have one question are these in addition to PO workers that she already has because I thought I was signed up and so we're two of my neighbors I believe the appointment is per election so I think it's yeah you're appointing the pole workers specifically to act during the elections on November 5th so you're doing it based on wasn't there another one where we this is like a second set co-workers for that same election cuz I had signed up and told I believe I thought you did that for the primary no I did it for both oh you did it for both so do I need to be on this list and do my two neighbors who also said they would do it need to be on this list I thought this was an updated list she just sent this to us so I'm confused why yeah yeah I responded to her the other day and said I'll be there but she sent out something that had if you had she sent out a spreadsheet said please confirm that you will be able to do it if your name is not highlighted on the spreadsheet you have not been confirmed I was highlighted so I was confirmed I think this is a this is supplementary this is supplement I think it's we should probably is that something you can check on to make sure that this is a supplementary list and that there there some others absolutely and even if we have to go back the October 22nd meeting opportunity so why don't or if there are others that come forward approve these folks yeah so we approve this list of election all those in favor I I she have a nice big team which is you twisted arms at the B Festival yeah did you have people I well I see two their names on here yep so yeah I got somebody too supposed to be believe flag policy review discuss and vote on proposed flag policy we don't necessarily need to vote on it tonight so this policy is primarily based on the policy that the town of amoris uses um essentially when you get down to it all it says is that any um the the raising of any flag on town-owned or town maintained properties will only be of governmental purposes they're not there for um free speech purpos fre speech Free Speech Y and I had a Qui question about yeah I would imagine that weightly 250th would have been commemorative sort of thing um do we commemorate things like Mother's Day and Veterans Day and like like what other occasions you do you know of that like so someone wanted to put up a Mother's Day live the week Mother's Day we could consider that we wouldn't have to well you could but that would be what falls under item number two so the select board shall consider display of fles only if the request is made by a member of the select board through a resolution Proclamation commemoration or citation so you could yes so okay that would be your time to determine is this a free speech request or is it a simple like commemoration of a holiday type of thing or and then they willing to purchase a flag yeah you got to provide the flag I'm curious what in uh section three item one under Five Flags displayed in conjunction with official ceremonial positions of the Town what is that what is an official official ceremonial position of the Town um I believe that it just had to do with like departments or subsections of the the town or that I don't know is from the ammer language but we could strike it does seem kind of it seems vague yeah from what I recall I did we all attend that Zoom meeting a zoom presentation about flag policy or was it just me and ban and my what I understood was the simpler the better the more you get into language that could be vague the more somebody can come in and say well you know we're from so and so and we want to put up a flag int and there's nothing that says that we can't so the the less blah blah blah we have the better I would move that be strike that bit if we need even motion at this we can just discuss right yeah i' I'd be I'd be fine because yeah that's I can't figure out what an official ceremonial position is in the T I also am not certain that we need flags of local state or national sports team yeah yeah I don't want to be arbitrating the Jets St yeah right I don't think we have a sister city well you could we might we could well for that matter so like I I could almost like strike two three four there um which like the select for or the whole like two three four and five even I think two is there did we should ever get a visit from General requests will not be um how we sometimes post fly flags don't we have I seen have we I don't know how do I feel like I've seen them in the center of town have I not I don't and I don't know if that's been at the post office and that would not be under the jurisdiction of town ohuh okay that would be the post but to that point you could a select under item two a select board member could uh recognize or request um to through a resolution recognize the p and then by under that um resolution or Proclamation maybe you Proclaim that February is um P recognition so essentially saying that you could still do it under the current structure or under the policy structure yeah I just don't know if you do and obviously although this sets up the ability to fly all these different flags it doesn't require so like right now we only have the American flag we do not have the mass or even the town Flags out on our flag polls we only have the American flag but it's not saying that you're required to now put up these flags I yeah I guess my my my main discomfort is but what's commemorative and when does that when two Selectmen agree something is commemorative that's when it's only you could have all three but when two Selectmen agree something is commemorative then it's commemorative and that I don't know that's actually this language I think to be read to read does not give the select board well discretion I mean it says Comm refers to these things the like word have discretion to deem something else a commemorative FL no well if it if I mean number two if if there's some flag that isn't really commemorating anything a select board member could form a resolution to say hey we want to fly I want to fly this and one other selectman has to agree with them and what if that flag is not authorized in section not a deemed inapo commment flag in section one Pete was just saying is that if we wanted to fly PW flag we would make a resolution Proclamation commemoration or something ation and say that that is a commemorative flag it doesn't have to be listed in one yeah to be a commemorative flag that could be you know and are you sure about that because it says a commed flag refers to and then sets definite things it doesn't say or any other flag which the cour deems to be a the membered flag or any flag yeah any flag approved by item two right right but section one doesn't say that at this point so it does say the decision to approve or deny a select board members yeah okay I'm sorry but shall be considered display Comm flag but Comm flag is defined in one right and does not oh so member couldn't come in with some like crazy I don't know my son made this tiedyed flag isn't it great don't reply that commemorating whatever's commemorating well I'm saying not it's not clear that wouldn't F that the select board has the right to on the fly paron unended so are you thinking then I I don't know what I'm thinking I'm just saying that I'm looking at the language and saying that it defines a Comm of flag and doesn't necessarily leave discretion to the select board but two seem to leave discuss of the well that's why but I maybe the easiest thing to do is in item one remove that entire second sentence so that the a commor flag refers to just remove all of that so that it's then it's really vague then it's really vague I almost no Then I then I think it's not vague it's just not prescribed as it is I actually that I'm I'm I'm warming up to your like the commemorative flag is not something we have to fly but it kind of the first one defines what they are and it says the select board May authorize the display of ative flag and then but doesn't mean we just go go out there that to fly a flag of a government recognized by the United States uh the United Nations or sister cities we actually have to have a meeting somebody has to make a proclamation I'm saying is by Def by defining it as those three or four or five things are you precluding defining it the select board taking AC to Define it as something else I hope so I hope so well because then I don't have to worry about like a Mother's Day flag and a yeah well no I mean you don't have to worry about that if the select board approves it well if two of the three members of the select board approve it and we might not always agree on what should be flown and things can change yeah um I'm of um well I I think we give do some more thought I don't I don't think this language is and I can bring a very simple version bring in a very concise let's look at that yeah the priser the better all right winter maintenance review discuss and vote on snow clearing agreements we have snow clearing agreements for chest Lane Road sidewalks and specified buildings um so yeah you the town has been doing uh these two separate agreements for the past three years now um the agreements that you have in front of you are exactly the same as last year at the same exact rates only the time frame has changed the both providers have agreed and we've been happy with their services um so if the board agrees as well um you can authorize me to then sign off on those gens I would move we authorize Pete to sign off on these agreements snow clearing on chest PL Ro and snow clearing is specified I second okay all those in favor I I I that was fast administrator updates you want me to go first oh am I on it yeah what about leison updates uh they're not in the in the U well because I don't have the updates for you that's your that's my report yeah pleas on updates here I'll go first let's see uh did I update last time after meeting with Cindy the librarian or was I meeting with her the following I think you're going to meet her the next day okay uh we dis we discussed use um pursuant to our discussion last time of the digital Equity plan Cindy and I discussed what computer needs they have they have only really one computer in uh the library and it's used maybe once or twice a week um it's was updated fairly recently it would need to be probably updated again in another 3 to 5 years she's interested in using some of their ARA funds is their money separate they've used up their I thought the library already finished off finished off their no it says ongoing library computer oh yeah yeah she's SP about half using some of that um to look at either having Chromebooks for Lending or digital Hotspots for Lending but she's first going to try to do um a survey of users of the library and see who would use what uh the Water Department be sure Cindy knows that that money needs to be committed before the end you have to commit it before the but we committed it already she's got to spend it all she has to spend well she she has to have it she doesn't have to spend it she has to have a committed no no to a specific AIC have it committed I don't know she has to have it committed she has to have like an agreement for purchase cont contct signed by purchas yeah I did basically I did say that um all right water department sorry hang on let me bring this up um they were looking uh they they set a rate for folks who want to have both um drinking water and sprinkler water uh sprinkler as in whole fire suppression systems at their houses they would add a second um they would give a have a fee for adding a second water for fire suppression um we had folks come in from Styles company which provides the digital reading equipment for the meters and they were kind of hung up they by their equipment from Badger who was hung up by the pandemic um and could not get the equipment that the water department had purchased and signed a contract for like three or four years ago and has been since ping styles for the representatives from sty came in and were very informative and very um apologetic and offered a different set of equipment at no cost that would no additional cost that would be the same thing and uh the Water Department and we were happy with that I'm glad that yes I know we were like no cost right no additional cost yeah it does all the same things mhm all right I have nothing new as far as okay okay um south county seniors on are chugging along there's sort of two main things one is we're um we want to go forward with changing our structure at the Consortium um we are at the point of trying to collect more input from town administrators Pete's already looked at the agreement and made uh good comments on it um the town administrators in and Deerfield are interim so it's not clear how soon they'll really get back to us because uh they're for whatever reason um but what we are hoping is that we change the Consortium agreement it'll be something on the annual town meeting uh more because it's a new agreement and uh the to me the main two things that it would do is it would expand the board of oversight to a board of directors the board of directors would still have a select board member or their representative so that if I don't know somebody were to step off of this board and they still wanted to be the board of on the board of oversight C could appoint them or um you uh a member of the Council on Aging from each town would also be to have Board of director six um and uh I think it's it's it's the right time to get more input from uh from councils on aging and Council on Aging if someone really wanted to get on it's pretty easy to get on uh I can't have your name on that list apparently but uh but uh but elderly sorry to the UN Council and aging I don't think so I don't think so you set to be advocating for for the elderly uh so so that's one thing and then side by side there's this feasibility study going on and now we are at the point where we had some big pictures numbers and calculations made for a site in weightly a site in derfield and a site in Sunderland um the board on Saturday recommended that we uh we have to go down to two sites that's what we paid for to get detailed information about um a better projected cost for the particulars of the of the places and we did the grown up thing and we made a decision instead of trying to put it off um and we are Rec commending that we go forward with the weightly and Deerfield sites for more information and drop the sundland site and it was a hard decision um our decision isn't final I don't think but I do believe the people who are administering that Grant and and have are administrating contact with uh the EDM Studios I do think they will take our advice clarify what the site what the deer Feld and wait the Deerfield site would be the site of right now the Deerfield Congregational Church with the provid of that they tear it down and build a twostory 1500 square foot building so that's what we're asking the the folks at EDM St we would like to ask the folks at EDM Studio to do like the preliminary design and layout of something where you can you get the pictures and you can see the trees we're going to plant and like where where the exercise room is laid out and so um and so that's and the site in weightly would be uh here utilizing the warehouse and loading dock space plus building on in some fashion they had a couple ideas about how to build on so uh it was a hard decision because you know that space sulin is beautiful and as somebody said once if it were anywhere else it would be a place for a senior center and I mean we're reluctant because it may be the least expensive option but it's not that much less expensive than some of the other options uh and if in the long run we've had a senior center where people are like people are not going to go to that is what we heard from the focus group of of seniors that uh that you know people went in uh at first uh got some more information talked about it a lot and and even the seniors who showed up for our board meeting they just said you know I will go wherever you put the senior center but people are not going to go meaning generally speaking that distance is going to be not attractive it's very attractive if you live in North amest great location for a senior center if you're live in North amest so that it really was the location that U that kind of did it in uh second problem might be ownership that you know until we become a Consortium we can't own property towns would have to own the property um and so anyhow that's kind of where we sat and right now it's going through whatever uh the proper procedure is I've sent a letter in to all the town administrators and ask specifically for deal to take some take some action whatever is the appropriate action you guys are they ones who have the contract with the EDM Studios so they need to direct them to do the next step so hopefully we'll get that information um that's like roughly about half of the work so half of the work was getting us to this point where we could make decisions about big decisions about location uh and then the other half basically of their work is to try and lay those out and study up the details give us something maybe a little bit closer in price day cool Sor yeah yeah they should have I feel like I'm just going on and on would you like to do Town Administrator sure all right um a few items on the Personnel front the Community Development administrator we had nine applications for that position um and then two others that came in late but um we reviewed those applications shortlisted held interviews yesterday um and we will be bringing a recommendation to the next select board meeting awesome for the planning board in zba administrative assistant position which is the other job that is open right now that was posted on the 25th of September we the intention is to begin review of applications on October 14th which is next week um I'll be asking the chairs of the two boards uh planning board CBA to join me in those reviews just like we did back in June at the time I wrote this report we had no applicants tonight while we were in the meeting I got two applicants so um we might have some options this that really highly paid yes yeah what's the rate for this one just I mean $21 an hour around $21 around $21 an hour for like how many hours it's about 10 to 15 hours a month okay 10 to 15 okay and November elections um with regards to the police detail the town clerk was successful in receiving a grant funding in order to cover the cost for that police detail that the board agreed to um so that will be for that November election um also there is going to be an election ballot counter training session that session is for anybody who's interested on becoming a ballot counter or what if what that process is like that training is going to be here at the Town Offices at 6 uh 6 PM next Tuesday the 15 there will also be Advanced removal of early voted ballots from envelopes the town clerk has posted this notice the early voted ballots will be opened at 9:00 A.M on Friday November 1st the session will be open for public viewing no tallying will take place and the results will not be or announced until after the close of polls on the fifth for the climate resilience pollinator project uh that mvp Grant funded project we have a kickoff that is going to happen um that will happen here at the town offices on November 7th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. that project's looking to design a pollinator Corridor on town-owned land in the community as a way to assist with climate resilience and support our local EOS ecosystem furog has updated its Watershed projects furog is the non-point source pollution regional coordinator under the dp's non-point Source program and as the coordinator their role is to identify pollution and other stream and River related impairments throughout the county and work with the communities in order to develop water-based planning strategies they visited number of watersheds and impaired Weds in the county heard from officials and residents developed the base plans and they've applied for Grants to fund assessments and Implement implementations um some of the Watershed projects that they've uh been working on include River Corridor assessments and mapping analysis of potential sources of pollution in the Watershed Watershed based management plans and Zoning bylaw updates related to uh protecting those watersheds other projects focusing on the Innovative River restoration and flood mitigation projects and prioritization implementation the storm water and agricultural runoff uh management projects are also included they recently published a healthy and climate resilient Rivers story map which we have um an article about this and a link to on the town News section on the homepage that platform allows residents and officials to really understand what the issues are what contributes to these factors look at what the what the water sheds are throughout the county um but then uh as far as Town officials are concerned there is a 4minute survey that the furk hog is requesting feedback if you've taken part in that pollution work they'd like to hear what your experience was with furog in developing that um I have forwarded that survey to the highway superintendent planning board concom Board of Health open space committee CPC and a commission as well but the if the SB if any of you took part in any of those efforts feel free to take uh click on that link in the report and then we already covered this in Center hey any items not in with the pment oh I'm G to actually give you a quick update I attended a meeting tonight for the uh negotiations for Franklin County Technical High School um and essentially I didn't realize it when I went in but it was a meeting of a good 10 to 12 people and essentially what they were doing was designating a representative from the group to negotiate and we honed it down to two folks and had a vote um and the winner was a young woman named me uh who was really enthusiastic about taking the position she's got some background in law she's on a select board she's on she's the chair of another committee for her town which is New Salem I don't remember who maybe she's there for but she's very excited she has the time to make that commitment anything else all right next meeting will be Tuesday October 22nd at 6m at the town offices and I will accept a motion to the Jour that we adjourn second all those in favor I I and that yes