##VIDEO ID:PZ6dLK4QOgs## on Tuesday the 23th of September and I'm calling the let people from the waiting yeah there they are not just wait until we're all here and then I'll call think we're good all right it is 6 pm on Tuesday the 24th of September and I'm calling the meeting of the weightly select board to order first item on the agenda is to review and vote to approve the meeting minutes from both September 10th and September 12th there any discussion or question I have three nit pits in the same paragraph on page two of which one the of the 10th or the 12 10 okay um the paragraph P shared three model post agreements in line two there should be an apostrophe Canabis Control Commission okay next line Council should be Co seel not Cil all right that's celling and two mon after that it says Canal control commissions cannibal canis me that would really be a type okay it'd be really bad if we weren't controlling our cannibis so cannabis control commissions should be just commissioned ah okay which date again I'm sorry SE very cor anybody else Jo you should you know I can't I can't top that I will entertain a motion then I would move that we approve the of both September 10th and September 12th second all those in favor I I I uh item two review and discuss vendor and payroll warrants are there any comments or questions none for me me either public comment are there any members of the public here who would like to provide comment up to three minutes in person uh three minutes per person on items not on the agenda are all the folks in uh can I just chime in and say I need more couns for election night so anybody watching please feel contact my I like five more people I can get like five more people we have excellent can elected officials do the county yeah as long as you're not on the B oh okay and and what time what time do people need to start 800m 8 pm and 800 PM till we're done till we're done but if I can get 20 counters that is 10 teams which means if we get a full 1100 voters each team would get like two pages of tally sheets to do and it will be out it's like when we're folding the scoop and six people show up it's like done in 35 minutes now it might not be 35 minutes in this case no it will not be 35 minutes um but it could be an hour or two rather than like yes big it'll be an hour or two as opposed to five or six Okay so people I get oh I wonder if recruiting at the Fall Festival would be oh because there's a lot of Civic minded people next Sunday 29 29 do that you're not gonna be here anybody I I will be out of yeah I'll be there I'll be there we'll see if we can yeah yeah so I'll after the meeting I'll be in touch and maybe I can get like a sheet or something together yeah either of you would be willing to like maybe take some names and email and phone number of people who might be interested okay see if we can sh the trees hey and people watching this at home hey can you count that's all you need to be able to can you make check marks in col yes yes thank you Amy thank you so much all right next we have appointments and we're six minutes early review and VST on V vast vote on the host Community agreements for debilitating medical condition treatment centers as well as green Jean Farms LLC and also Toral Verde Massachusetts three Incorporated uh Pete do you want to explain the the different poost Community agreements here sure so um we developed a singular host agreement that we're using for all of the applications it is based on the model language from the Cannabis Control Commission um with some edits uh based on our Town Council but also we went back and forth with our applicants to make sure that everybody um was on the same page and agreement with those minor what we deemed were minor modifications uh just to provide better Clarity and protections um in each one of these agreements it's it does follow the cannabis uh commission's requirements and their model but we did include in there the one area where the town can specify General occurring fees um in this we simply reaffirmed that the applicant or the the company is um still uh responsible for any permit application fees any other local charges or fees um that also if they if they need anything consulting or do it have any Consultants to support them in any of their operations that that is their sole responsibility that is not born by the municipality um just putting in the agreement clearing so that there is no question but those are normal standard practices um but we can't add in additional fees because of the new regulation so um and we do also include in here a section nine called cooperation this is a custom section that we added in it simply um says that the company will maintain a Cooperative relationship with the municipality um and periodically meet with Representatives as needed and that also the company will make a good faith effort to support any municipality sponsored educational programs related to risk of cannabis abuse and underage use of cannabis this section um simply says that we are going to work in Partnership together but it doesn't force or require that because we know that using those words would likely create a conflict with the CCC so we just wanted to put in encouraging language um but it does um try to create um that cooperation between the company and municipality um all three companies have reviewed their the agreements um with their specifications in there they've all agreed there is one section that is has been added which which is the in indemnification Clause um it's section 12 this provides protections to both the municipality and company that they will hold one another and indemnify um one another um in case there are any um disagreements or cases um essentially this one section does not exist in the model language in some agreement reviews the CC C has approved indemnifications in other reviews they have denied the indemnification Clause there is no um definitive understanding whether the CCC will allow this clause in here however if the CCC does come back and say it's non-compliant the board can review and agree to remove the section um it will not throw the companies out of the process um it does mean that we can simply make a modification and correct the non-compliance otherwise everything else should be in line with what the CCC is looking for each company has one agreement except for DmC DMC has three lines of business or three types of cannabis um operations they have cultivation manufacture and Retail um in discussing with the DMC there there was a preference I preferred that we separate them um namely because if they were ever to exit from one of these types of business then the agreement itself can become El enoyed if we had done them all together then we would have to amend the agreement so it's just cleaner to keep uh one agreement per each type of business um which they were buying with it simply means additional paperwork but all that's differing in each one of the agreements is the check mark as to the type of business and the location of that operation right and that was the three different locations yeah and it's like the same price we given them three for the same price as we charged for one so that's a it's deal yeah all righty any questions or I've got two things one is that none of these agreements have checked off cour or delivery operator transporter so even though we've got code so we don't just simply being a retailer does not allow you to you have to do making sure that none of them requested that and the other thing is in section five paragraph six not attempt to collect PS or company tell final license for more than 9 years so that mean essentially after place has been into in place for nine years we can no longer collect even if there's an impact yeah on us basically there's a what's that called in law St statute of limitation there's a nyear limitation here where if we somehow missed a CIF and it's been over 9 years old at that point now it's no employ we can't collect on it but it's not like if there's impacts in year 12 we can still file for those 10 year 12 it's just that nine years you got nine years to get your paperwork done and if you can't get it done in nine years and I don't read it that way I don't read it that way either I'm reading it if a if the business has been there nine years we can't collect if this isn't collecting you're right I it should be something like should not attempt to collect outstanding cifs which are nine or more well that's what a a claim CIF is defined as it means that it's um it is outstanding because it has not been and it has not been verified but either way the way this reads is the business has been there nine years no longer collect anything correct that they essentially have established themselves as a business and that beyond that n once they've been in operation of nine years so even if they're you know every every year there's some impact feed that we've been collecting after 9 years we can no longer collect that that is the current regulation yes that's the regulation that this is the actual regulation from the St the state yeah okay so this isn't just stat limitation on no sorry it's not no but but this is explicitly from the CCC based on their regulation get that don't know why there some I don't know that'll affect us but some place that a big required a big police presence yeah all of a sudden they can't get reimbursed for it but I think the this agreement though only runs till it runs for five years which means that but if this got renewed in the next agreement these the nine years doesn't start a new no but my point is that when you when you do a new license maybe the regulations will change where that is no longer a relevant cause any esally because they've changed so much yeah because at that point we should know are there consistent cifs that happen every single year that the municipality should be able to recoup even beyond that nyear point so although there is that n year this agreement is only for five years next one could come the next one we're going to talk about it that's all I Joyce anything um no not I mean another I won't make sure in another case where the state has decided no better than anybody else about anything in spite of their well public problems which all right okay I'm not turning into a it's not a rant yet not a rant yet uh do any of the representatives of the companies want to speak you're from Green jeans yes Julie okay anybody via Zoom hi this is can you hear me yeah hi my name is David Julian I'm just I'm an attorney at vente here on behalf of Tor ver so I just want to say we appreciate your your help your cooperation with this process there's a a lot of regulations and restrictions from the CCC that are sort of just cannot be modified and uh this agreement is subject to those so um we appreciate it I I did want to mention the indemnification um as it was mentioned that may get kicked back um I've seen that rejected before so uh if that does happen we would just you know need to reappear before you or if you have some sort of Delegation of authority the the Town Administrator to modify it but in in some way it would need to just become compliant um without that provision or some sort of different type of provision that captures that uh in order to ultimately be approved by the commission so thank you so much for for your time we we really appreciate it thank you would entertain I I didn't notice there was any kind of separability yes yeah there is I'm just trying that if that got yeah taken out that whether that would void the agreement or well I think we would I would I mean unless the board wanted to say that you give me the ability to for that one section to amend but otherwise I would bring it back to you so that you finalize a new version of the agreement as opposed to uh I think the separability here is based on if there's anything that after it gets analyz and approv by the CCC that that needs to be removed it does not actually render the rest of the agreement right competent jurisdiction I don't commission an administrative body they um they gave themselves that right barely an administrative body oh okay that was they are just bar okay okay all right um oh so you said You' entertain a mo move that we approve the whole stack of one two three and one of the so five post Community agreements uh for mctc green jees farms and tooro respectively second all those in favor I I I uh I would also move just to expedite at this point that we give Pete the authority to um update the agreement without bringing it back to the board if we get oh so you moving to say well if the indemic it's rejected by the enous Control Commission and that's that's it you have ification out because we're we're sending it to them with the understanding that it could get kicked back and just to move the process along um do would that mean then what would that mean would mean you like take it out yeah retype it and we just have to sign it we don't need a second no I it would just be Julie okay yeah Julie is the only one that she she represent the board yeah rather than us having to go to a public meeting I could just amend it ask you to come by sign it the others yeah oh okay I second that all right all those in favor I I I okay uh it'll be a missed opportunity for rant but there are always letters to the editor um 6:30 we're running a little early it looks like christto might be present thank you Julie uh Christa Mento might be present um to introduce herself support regarding an upcoming filming project in weightly and the surrounding area hi I I am present how are you all we're good would you be able to put your camera on yes I am I am coming right off of a tech Scout and I am putting my camera on in about two minutes just okay um but it is it is really lovely to meet you all and I'm so thankful to be invited to this so thank you for having me yeah it's a pleasure to have you here what made you pick this area so um my writer and director actually lives in haydenville um with his wife and their two young babies and his in-laws are in Cole rain so the script was entirely inspired by uh the local area interesting and I am uh I'm now in my car and I can do my video give me one sec let's see if I can figure this out what what what I think you said was I just pulled off to the sign the RO I think she uh oh oh it's funky if you're on your phone so I wonder if she just accidentally yeah I I've never hit the wrong button when I'm using my phone so I didn't understand where that I don't know yeah yeah the CF really uh in terms of display for anybody watching on TV or YouTube is that what they see or is this what they see that's what they see okay all right so they're not the big black screen that says administrative dot dot no good this just makes the way this is set up makes sure that whoever's speaking pops up to the screen we provide real entertainment but she didn't pop up she she did not well she did pop up but her camera you doing she did oh she didn't okay said Crystal's Ione that was not the right button there we go hi everyone it's so nice to see you hi hi nice to see you nice to meet you tell us a little bit more about your project yeah so um I'm from New York I'm a producer um I produce in the independent space my last two features were just in the can International Film Festival this year in France so um coming off of that to then produce Michael Moran's directorial debut so it's his first time doing a film of this size uh he's known for his short film work so you know because he has just had such a positive experience living in the community now for about five years he wanted to write something really specific to to to the greater you know the the greater shelburn Falls area um and you know the script is it's a dramatic thriller so it follows the story of a retired True Crime podcaster who uh his wife makes him retire because he's spending a little too much time running around and not enough time at home but um you know his sister who's the black sheep of the family she ends up going missing so she lives in Maple fa which is uh shelburn fult the town of okay and we're filming in all sorts of pockets you know uh the town of shelburn the town of Buckland um we're filming in Cole rain um my director's in-laws have a beautiful Farm up there so we're filming at their home uh they let us you know welcomed Us in and of course you know with you know your you know if you'd welcome us we'd hope to participate at the weightly diner which is uh iconic and so stunning and we film a fun little scene in there um you know of course with your hospitality so I'm really appreciative cool well there be any Samuel Jackson getting on the table and pontificating scenes or you know it's so funny I when I met with noria or noria I don't know how to say it when I met with um their lovely marketing team you know they were like we just have to ask you um anything like really bad happened and I'm like I don't know if anything is worse than Dexter uh but I was like somebody get shot in the movie uh but no it's um you know it's shapen up to be a really special piece and even though we're an independent film we you know we still have to do all the bells and whistles with sag regulation and you know Union regulation for my crew and crew and actor safety so um you know that's why I first met you know with the town and they were so considerate and so helpful and just you know talking through what to expect for a small crew no road closures you know no stunts no explosions nothing wild you know it's it's two people having breakfast and a diner but um I still just I'm a Believer in always just being transparent and introducing myself when I come into a new town so you know it really mattered to me to have this conversation okay can you tell us the titles of your two films that were in Ken yeah so one is called it's a Christmas movie actually um it was the first Christmas movie in can which was very funny to see people in Santa hats on the French Riviera um but it's called Christmas Eve in Miller's point and it premiered at the director fornite the can zanic can and then the second one was ephus which is a baseball comedy and an ephus is a painfully slow pitch and the film mirrors the painfully slow pacing it is very funny but very drawn out so do not watch it if you're tired because you might unless you need a nap yeah unless you need na I um I had a short film that was there as well this year um called te with Michael gandal which is James Gandalf's son so it was um I've aged rapidly in the past six months I think but it's all all from from good things but you've gotten to eat french cheese and drink French wine it was great and you know French wine has less sulfites so I was not not hung over which was very lovely any questions conversation youve grilled her thoroughly yeah yeah um yeah there's there's a developer looking at at some point um doing some work in the area of the weightly diner and we have great affection for the diner so if at any point we need to call you in to say keep the diner keep the diner may we do so I will I'm your girl anything you need right all right a thank you for appearing before us thank you so much and if I need extras I'm gonna be calling okay so you bet you better answer my phone call too yeah help your extras have gray hair because I too look it's coming I'm an actress all right great all right thank you to meet you all nice to meet you thank you so much see soon excellent we're getting famous oh yeah and we didn't even need to vote on that yeah D clerk review and vote on request for police detail for the November polls Amy hello so I am just Herve M General law the select Board needs to approve police details for election day so I'm looking for a detail in the during the day and in the evening and an escort from the polls to the office with the ballads when everything is done and counted for this is something that's coming from the Department of Homeland Security who I just spent like four hours with today um they recommended the states um have pleas have let me back up I'm sorry I'm really tired um the Department of Homeland Security recommended that the state recommend that we have police details for this November election um for safety and security purposes I would feel more comfortable having a police detail outside we have the constables inside but we can't really see what's happening outside so I would feel more comfortable if we had outside as well the detail I don't have enough in my budget but Jim does have money in his budget for the detail he has extra detailed money in his budget he said he could cover but I also spoke with rain who is part of the Department of home and security and there is a grant to pay for the details noticing yeah the fing hasn't been released yet so they're not sure how much money they will have but I am first on the waiting list when that funding amount does become available good to be first yes um I know that there was some question about will this intimidate voters and things like that and we have kind of had a I don't want to call it a soft detail but police are present pretty much all day at the polls anyway while they're on patrol so it's it's not something that residents be like oh why do we have police here now because they they've been there at least since I've been doing elections they've been there and I get and escort back anyway this is just something putting it set in stone so I don't have somebody on control in case they have to be called away and this is just for the November election because it's such a big election and people can get heated and sometimes emotions can get the better of us um having a presence will kind of you know hopefully maybe make people think twice about get get I think I think yeah creating a and our our police department is very Community Based so I I don't you know I'm not asking for a SWAT team with mob Shields and stuff like that like it's or whoever so that's what I met with um the gentleman for from the part the department of H in Security today like I said we went over the election space at the Town Hall and it wasn't just about police details it was a whole security assessment he also came here because I do early voting and he um didn't just look at it from an election perspective but he actually looked at the entire building and the security in our office space here and outside I won't get the report he said probably about 10 days I'll get the report from our meeting today it was very good and he had some great suggestions and um he was also telling telling me about there's so much grant money out there so if we want to install a panic button which is something that he suggested there's grant money for it okay and things like that that report to kind of back up your request for these um grants yes I'm not doing anything until I get that report back and obviously I'm going to work with and with everybody that needs to be worked with to maybe Implement some of the things that that we spoke about today um I did PLL I did do a poll to the um m Massachusetts clerks and only 10% that answered back just use conses those conses are armed 90% said especially for the November election police details and that's what the state's recommending that's what the federal government's recommending I'm not looking for this for like the local elections but just for this one and that's up to the select Court to decide well for first of all I want to say thank you for the amount of research and um back yeah backstory you put asking wasn't out in left field too it very much like okay I want police details but I want facts to back up like why it's a good idea why I would want those very much appreciate you getting the facts and presenting them to us and even though like the the response some of the responses here were put some narrative in are like we call it anic data where because as opposed to like hard number data anic data is still data right and some of these like towns where you like wa like that that town yes right that town had somebody where they had toally that was physically assulting yes I did have you know I hate I hate to say it but I did have a doesn't it get pretty would be the March primaries we were able to like yeah well the situation but they occurred to me that one of the nice things is our police do have training and deescalation and one of the things that they get continued training yeah um and and with that being the emphasis um I I would I would support this request I guess is what I'm saying um especially given you're you're not looking for Zach out there with swords and shields right but but theuer like the cruiser would be parked there and he may be standing nearby or he may be in the cruiser or he may be you know he doesn't have to be out at the door checking IDs or anything no would not be lollipops right so that's what the gentleman from DHS said today he's like even having a Bruiser park there deter somebody with Mal intend to do something Fred you seemed as if you were G to say something no I I worry about the intimidation Factor but we'll defer to yeah it is something I thought about and that's why I brought up the fact that our our police are very Community Based I think if it were in a big city and there was like that disconnect it might be a little different but our I feel like our police force is very Community Based and Y yeah and I and and I think one of the good things about our Police Department is they they take training seriously yes and uh and Jim does a lot of the training himself partly because we don't necessarily give him the biggest budget for for that sort of thing but um he makes that budget go a long way by being the one who who heads up the trainings and and I know deescalation is a big one well I would accept a motion I that we approve the town Court's request for single police officer detail at this year's election on November 5th second that all those in favor I I I thank you all right thank you Amy next up digital Equity plan discuss and vote on priorities from the adopted plan um Pete was kind enough to in his administrator packet go through and point out the things that we had been interested in last time we were discussing it yeah that to read I read this the day I got it think of course I can't remember okay I just want to say out loud two things uh I will be meeting with uh Cindy at the library tomorrow to discuss the free local Wi-Fi um access and I will be asking for what kinds of devices they have that are available to the community and do they do what she thinks the community needs or do we need more do we need something to be updated I also contacted and received a response from the town of Lett regarding their experience in creating a town owned um ISP and they are happy to meet with any or all of us and discuss it oh so we can invite them in here we can have you know one select board member and P meet with them and then come back with sing points um please um I feel like we could appoint one of us to follow up on that it'll mean easier to schedule than scheduling right and scheduling something out with the three people and I don't know how many on the other side at least one at least one I would think that that'll I mean think it might need more efficien use of our time that's probably true then Pete would you be willing to yeah be a second on that does anybody want to volunteer for that well I feel like you know as the resident physics teacher um I I I feel like I'm up with the technology in spite of my gray hair because of your gray hair years of experience yeah I thank you yeah um but uh but I I think that's I feel like that's up my doubt and been doing negotiating committee for the and yes and and in the cable committee okay so I will put you in touch with the person I have been corresponding with well excellent gold two recomendation I have it marked on the one that I brought last time the new cop and um right that's second one or the uh goal to second one negotiate lower net interet lower internet subscription r with current local ISP I think there's there's a limit to what we could accomplish there but we have to try and if there's actually potential funding sources down that yeah then I think that goal is and you were saying the one uh right below that establishing you're going to talk to the library about the device lending program so that's on the goal three page as well yeah not just the device lending program but their access in within the library and access and that was under yeah under go three we had not checked off or flagged um cyber security programming and partnership opportunities to educate residents about topics like scam prevention I I would consider that pretty important I'm pretty Savvy I work on the computer all day long and we're getting really good every now and then I've almost been taken in so and I quite consistently send out emails to friends and family saying be careful about this that was the expand General digital letter three number number three exp cber security program partnership opportunities yeah that one that not got a potential fing source but it's not one that we are likely to have to her cost yeah if those supporting Partners actually have um programs yeah and I think the senior center does at least a little bit of this I don't know which of these Partners I can't remember we we have so many things going on there that I I don't remember just Partners they might be using for that but I think that's good that concentrates on the seniors in this shouldn't be wider yeah yeah like add that one are you saying that youve not been talking to them about a device device progr I have not but I will because I think that can that can make a difference for people who are on the device poor end of things we don't necessarily need a thousand devices to lend out but right having some be nice yeah if we had five that would be that would be I'm remembering the old days because it's the suland library or Leever they you could sign out a fishing po really oh yeah yeah how times they changed um fishing yeah yes fishing with the yes um uh the two of you are we at a point where we want to vote on priorities um yeah and establish I don't know five six seven of them well it looks like there's six listed and I think I I still agree with all those I think that we discussed y last time um and I think on two I didn't hit on R three we cyber security that would make seven and if we added the device lending that would make eight would eight be too many things W um especially because the cyber security one is not going to involve grant writing right it's it's going to be know learning more about what is freely available from the partners yeah and that won't be a grant so it won't well if it's a grant if you need a grant there's no place to get according to this study yeah but it says the no new C anticipated so yeah U yeah it sounds like those resources might be already be available yeah and those are short and medium term goals so yeah so yeah so it gives us short medium long three l Med Med yeah I think we've got a good distribution three Longs uh I'll say three medium and three short because one of them says both short and medium so that doesn't add up to eight all right so I'm aware of that the good mix of things well if we like those goals with the addition of cyber security ping I would accept a motion all right uh all right I move that we um here that we select the goals uh as printed here or goal one um maintain promote improve three public Wi-Fi locations promote and support the B ChalleNGe Program to address dead zones and inconsistent connection and distribute digital devices to covered population uh on the selection of service a long-term goal considering alternatives to our major isps uh the second negotiating lower internet subscription rates with our local isps those are both longterm goals and then some more uh short and medium term goals uh to explore cyber security programming to consider aund to create digital education curriculum and establish a library device lending program and of course in modernizing is devices I will second right all those in favor hi hi I we are burning through this we are you really are okay new business special town meeting warrant Pete would you like to describe yes what's going so a few things um the first is I'd like to ask the board to vote to move the date oh um in discussing the free preach certification process with the town accountant there's concern that we will not have it certified in time for October 22nd um November 12th is a far safer date that was our second date option so I would like to ask that we push it to November 12th it is the day after Veterans Day a week after the election um our town clerk will not be available but the assistant town clerk will be able to act in her place um I will ask our resident board member if uh the moderator is available I as as far as I know he's put nothing on my calend um but probably we we we should um we should probably ask but I I expect his answer will be um that he's good I know he has some travel planned but that's the following week okay yeah we don't want to get too close to Thanksgiving either because like that others might be traveling as well yeah yeah I would I would expect a positive answer okay but he'll want to be okay okay I'll accept a motion to reschedule the 2024 speci to Res the special town meeting to November 12th uh second all those in favor I I 7M at Town Offices okay okay so that's one thing the next is the finance committee did meet last week to review all of the financial articles except for the CPI item um the fincom did vote in the affirmative to recommend favorable favorable action on all of those financial articles there was one modification that they did request though in article one this is the um pay the prior fiscal year Bill the outstanding bill for assessing originally The Proposal was to use free cash the um fincom would prefer using our Reserve funds instead it's just $450 we have 20,000 in that Reserve fund we did just appropriate $1 179 from that for recreation we have um $1 19,826 um so it's just the funding source that's modified here um but otherwise all of the numbers they agreed to um also there is one request or modification that I would like to suggest in in article 8 article 8 is the dangerous dog order and the costs that have accumulated we obviously can only um pay for cost in the current fiscal year the the the bills that we already paid were fine we already paid the the June bill so I originally estimated 6,500 uh July's Sheltering invoice was $1,550 August was the same because there are 31 days and gold months September the order was carried out this Monday meaning that September's invoice for the Sheltering service will be $1,150 Ethan is ation is we haven't gotten the final bill I'm using a high estimate of 600 it was likely going to be closer to 500 but just for estimating purposes we also received our August bill from KP with the um cost of $1,728 for this this particular line item if we include all of those dollar amounts it comes to 6578 so it's basically on par with the estimate with the likely coming down so my request to the board is should we include the legal fee or do you want to take that out of our standard operating line for legal just understanding that that operating line does cover our legal costs throughout the year this was a sizable amount to take out for one issue uh but it's totally up to the board I'd be planed to take it all out one Lum related to one so stick with the 65 right 100 knowing that it may well be um ra have to look into different accounts to see what's going yeah and I will have a more definite more solid number at the next meeting because by then from the vet service I will that that other cost um so you'll know the definite dollar amount but at present this where we are if we do include the legal will still be in line with what the fin C already agreed to recommend okay so I would just be modifying the language in the comment to say that the it will include the bills for Sheltering the euthanization and the legal fees Y what account did the June payment come out out of our um revolving account the would would there would there be any reason for us to take more to free cash to reimburse that account we're already that was back in the previous year y all right so that's why I'm not considering June because that was a prior fiscal year so we're just looking at the current fisal okay um and then a few more additions um there's bylaw codification process uh that has been a work in progress for couple years now um which was originally brought forward to be included for annual town meeting it was asked to pull off because of the other zoning articles we need to get this moving and we need to get this copied um so I put in here the amendment for the general bylaw codification which includes some general revisions uh acknowledgement of bylaws being repealed and then some specific revisions which are noted in appendix a none of them are substantive they're simply procedural as a process of making sure that we have um accurate Rec uh references to current laws correcting references to the select board um formatting um and the process to actually cify it so we have the electronic process that is article 11 articles 12 and 13 deal with the zoning bylaw codification process um article 12 is simply the ruming of the zoning bylaw based on the new um numbering process in the codification uh inserting article and section subtitles updating the references to reflect that new numbering system and then the Article 13 is general amendment to the zoning bylaw um this again is includes all changes to select board select men um to select board singular word um zoning bylaws to be right eyes zoning bylaw board of appeals and Zoning Board and Z board of appeals all to be one phrase um and then some general um specific uh amendments in appendix B all of those are simply um house cleaning there were certain times where we adopted new districts but we never actually included the district name in the list which is it's all it is is just a reference that because you have a district you should have had it in the list in section two uh others are are uh getting our references to Mass Department of Public Works to or yeah Public Works to the mass do um generally it's it nothing is substantive it's really just correcting and um it's more clerical than anything but there is no actual changes other than cleaning up the language as part of the process to cify it um if the board does want to include the zoning bylaw codification articles it will have to go to a planning board hearing because it is considered still a zoning bylaw Amendment because we are doing the ruming and we are doing these uh edits and removals um which I've already talked with the chair uh it would likely be a public hearing that would be held at their normal meeting on October 30th we have plenty of time to advertise for that um and that as long as that their hearing is held prior to special town meeting there's no problem with that there's no time it has to be within a certain time before town meeting so procedurally we'd be fine with doing that as well so the question is just U making sure that the board is okay with including these additional articles and if so I just need to let the zoning planning board know that they need to hold that zoning article hearing and I will attend that hearing in order to explain those on bylaw changes okay and do we need to vote on the additional articles um so now we have a little extra time um you can certainly vote on the other articles if you'd like to vote on yes you want to include it and whether you want to do a recommendation or you can do that on October 8th October 8th is what I'm going to recommend we close so we'll you can do the votes and we can close the warrant um or you can do your votes tonight and we can close the warrant next meeting I have not just a fortunately I have not heard back from KP they've acknowledged receipts of a couple versions of this and I'm still waiting for edits so um definitely by October 8th we should have edits though if anything will be reordering articles or possibly combining articles um and just modifications of the article I feel like article 11 is something I would like to like I'd like to like the bylaw being repealed and there's like this list I feel like I'm not familiar enough with those and I I would ex out some quality time with them before they are repealed I'm sure they're they're fine I just want to understand what it is we're repealing I assume these are things that are says right bylaw is being repealed chapter 7 building code chapter 9 building inspector of the 1988 code um maybe all of these have been superseded by something I just I I just want to understand better right they've already been is is that is that what you're talking I mean any any major um amendments or anything like that have to be approved at town meeting right right so this in the general bylaw under General bylaws here it says article 11 bylaw codification to see if the town will V to adopt changes to the general bylaw set forth in the final draft of the code um with the clerk it says general revisions are changing the format of how you refer to Mass General law and select board and selectman but then right under that there's a list of bylaws being repealed so if we like vote in favor of article 11 it sounds like you're raling all those there's a list of seven list of seven chapters that are being yeah so I so like if we don't have a gas and plumbing inspector is it just because that's in a different place now or is this right yes so most of these were were approved at at town meeting this past June or several different town meetings this this has been something in progress since 2016 okay this C this recodification so we don't have to vote to repeal these things they've already been repealed it's just right it but but the original language is still in the bylaws as written so we need to basically clean them clean up the bylaws as and upate them so we need a definition I think of codification which is to go in and actually put it in code publishing it publish it so the yeah was anytime essentially when the general bylaws when you did a repeal unfortunately it was never published it was never right it was never published with why can't we just publish it it was repealed at a town meeting why I mean why do we need to repeal it again if it was already rep but so you're not you're not voting to repeal it you're just voting to make that correction in the current by laws instead of instead of just saying that it's something right can go in and and print cor yeah Article Five section two this wording is wrong then this vote is not repealing these it's it's not these are not bylaws that are being repealed these are repealed bylaws right being removed from the published code that have already been approved at an an annual town meeting or a special removal of repealed violence I I would be interested before approving this on each of these to get S Pard chapter and verse on at what town meeting these were each individual one was repealed just that's what they say say adopted by adopted by article one of the December 11th 1974 special town meeting well yes but when was it that oh I understand what you're saying right to know exactly that we know that each of these so adopting article one at the December 11th 1974 meeting was toal chapter 7 of the building code court of appeals no it sound it look at least from this wording that the chapter 7 was adopted by article one of in 197 there's no note of when it yeah I understand I can I can just to cross make not repealing something that had been previously repealed if this is really all stuff that's been repealed then I I think we we would spend an hour at a special town meeting right if I can't understand it and the reason why this stuff is listed though is because the what was formally published and what is being proposed as the final draft of code that's on hand there's going to be a difference those differences include these General revisions these repeals and these specific revisions in appendix a so that there's the the voting populace knows what is changed and why you have the final version as Ed yeah I see I'm completely confused so I would not vote for it at special town meeting right now because I just don't understand it I think all the wording is why by is being repealed they've already these are bylaws being removed from the test yeah or yeah or that the just to shrink the code a little these are getting pulled out right just noted in the code so yeah so I I guess a description of what we're actually doing right better doing I still like to get just a note on each one when at what town meeting it was repealed I think that would be great for the general public meeting making sense out of it right because I got a little I just want to make sure we're not removing something from the code which actually has not been revealed gotcha y yep good okay so we will not uh vote on this article 11 Point yeah but I wouldn't have any trouble with u uh 12 and 13 because what it's really just it's ruming it given all the other changes right and then U all of these others are just changing wording to make it consistent so would you like to move to add articles 12 and 13 to the can I just something about wait um the stuff that was passed at this past annual town meeting hasn't been approved by the AG yet so um the zoning changes that we made at yeah we deleted right so I'm waiting for the AG's approval we should have come by need for a so I'm hoping that I that approval comes before that but if it comes after it it's fine we can still make that modification okay the the point being that the final draft dated March 2024 that's being referenced obviously does not include those removals because have to be added as an amendment then add so we're going have to like vote on another thing to actually delete the stuff we' voted more just thankfully I once the codification is adopted any changes after that we don't have to do it twice super easy yeah the the simple amendment is the amendment and then we republish because we're now codified and we're just republishing through the the platform yeah you don't have to approve putting it into the bylaw because we've already approved it at top meeting I know it's 2016 and I found it on Buried on my desk last year when I started and I was like H maybe we should finish this good for you I'm gonna suggest that in the interest of moving along that we uh tidy up all of this at the October 8th meeting and close the warrant at that time okay vote on but it sounds like we're generally okay with including this so long as we understand exactly just say that some clarification what we have here is good except we don't want to finalize again yeah excellent next item of new business Personnel request to post opening for planning board and Zoning Board of Appeals administrative assist um so the the select board did appoint the planning board zba admin assistant back in June um it did go really well during the summer um unfortunately though the um individual who was working this is a very person position um the individual that was supporting in that role once they got into the school year as a full-time teacher realized it was going to be very difficult to actually juggle and so she unfortunately did have to resign um a couple weekends ago so at this point we now have that vacancy um so I would like to post the job descriptions as we originally had them um as you also know we currently have an opening for the Community Development administrator my I would like when uh going through the interview process for the cdas to also make a mention about this admin assistant role to see if they would be also interested in applying for that it would be it would actually benefit us if we had a full-time person who was holding this other position because it'll be easier to retain them yeah um when it's a very part-time position unfortunately it does not hold individuals um it's nothing against the role it's just it we don't have the amount of demand at time uh but if we can add that to another rle so um my request right now at least is at least to post the vacancy and if we are able to make a recommendation of the same individual for help us okay okay we poose the opening for the planning board and CBA Administrative Assistant second all those in favor I I okay appointment of animal inspector okay um so we did have a number of applicants um myself Mike archall from the Board of Health and the police chief interviewed and we made a recommendation for is it Megan sorry um who is a Vette Tech has great animal experience um animal care experience um and this is similar to what I was just referring to even more part-time role because it is a stien position um this role does they only have to deal with any rabies concerns um quarantining when necessary but they do not have to do they we have an ACO so the ACO would ever would take animals they would support the animal inspector the animal inspector is really just doing the rabies reporting any concerns of rabies um providing information and then doing our bar inspections our annual bar inspections um so for the most part it's a lot of documentation and really just inspectional services do this person have to deal with if least had an outbreak of abyan FL yes it does cover animals in general so yes they would assist um that been going around yes Point mag that's our animal insector second all those in favor I agricultural preservation restriction is the next item notice of proposed acquisition of 269 River Road um at which point do we need to read alloud the notice of proposed acquisition that now yep all righty do you want to give a background or do you want me you give the background and I'll read out yeah so the town has been working with the kinsky family in order to secure an agricultural preservation restriction on the property at 269 y Road um what this does is helps to protect that land from development and preserve it for agricultural purposes um there is significant process that goes into these protections and one of those that process step is where we are at tonight where the select board does need to read from the notice of proposed acquisition um basically making sure that the residents are aware of what is happening with um acquiring this restriction on that property and that then allows for the next phase which is where the state then works on finalizing and securing that acquisition there is a next there is an additional step um which mdar is recommending a reduction in the notification period under the current regulations they're required to notify certain public officials including the select Board of the prop of a proposed acquisition at least 120 days prior to the actual purchase the closing the notification being of informational purposes only just making sure that you are notified that it's about to happen um because this is a priority to protect the Farmland mdar is asking the town to reduce that 120-day notification to 60 days so they're just asking that the vot that the board take a vote to reduce that notification period um so there's two items to read the notice of proposed acquisition and then to discuss and vote if you are willing to reduce that okay and once the notice is read do we have to sign something the um yes we have that form there that's for the not that's for the reduction you don't have to sign anything with regards to the notification uh we'll have the town clerk notorized okay all right okay notice proposed acquisition of an agricultural preservation restriction on property in the town of Whitley date of this notice August 25th 2024 notice of proposed acquisition is hereby given to chairman of the board of Selectmen of town of waitley or mayor or city manager of the city chairperson of the select board uh incom separate notice will be given by the department to the appropriate County Commissioners Regional planning agency and the members of the general court representing the district in which the land is located in compliance with enal Law chapter 7 c section 37 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts acting by and through its Department of agricultural resources aka the department hereby gives notice that it proposes to acquire an agricultural preservation restriction a on the real property identified herein for the purposes of protecting in perpetuity its Superior and productive agricultural resources by preventing their conversion to other uses the application received by MD indicates that the property is owned by Jonathan C galinsky and Justin ginsky and consists of parcels located at 269 River Road in Whitley as approximately represented on the detached Maps the APR May Encompass all or parts of the area shown the current use of the property is primarily for row crops following the reporting of the APR the use of the subject property is limited to agricultural use as more particularly set forth in the APR document the general laws chapter 184 section 31 and the regulations of the department 330 CMR 22 a what is that and subsequent and subsequent Massachusetts Department of agricultural resources by yeah all right all right good that thank you uh now we need to move and discuss and move and vote on the request to reduce the notification period um I would have no objection to I mean I don't think there's anything anybody's planning to to do to obstruct this there's I don't read to I don't see reason to not shorten it seems a reasonable request so so then so I uh move that we approve the request to reduce the waiting period to 6 we second all those in favor I I I select board liais on update does anybody have anything to report no report on the oversight meeting that is happening now I have no report on the Water Department nor do I have a report on the library but I will be meeting with Cindy tomorrow oh um I could go on online about the senior but um uh there we the uh feasibility study is moving along we've had several meetings at the last meeting they actually mapped out um very high level U you know possible sites here uh in suland and Deerfield with costs associated with them but they're very uh I I everything has got like a 100% escalator so that uh it's really hard to believe that those prices will be the prices we actually are going pay um it looks like we're trying what our next immediate task is to uh cut down that three sites to two and then to have them actually look at that location specifically and like how would you put the kinds of spaces we want into those places as right now everything is just basically saying well you're going to have to build 3,000 Square fet that's going to be $550 a square foot plus your escalator it's really 1,000 anyway there's there's a whole bunch of estimates right now um the cost at the three different locations uh is not that different not significantly different it's got to be something else besides cost and availability of parking see uh the the folks who are doing this say hey usually cost and parking are the things that really determine this and it doesn't really they're not different enough in cost and the cheapest one is also the one with kind of the worst location and S of that's not Central um but uh it also looks like the alternative in Deerfield uh would require tearing down that church which is not clear that the town will support so there's um uh anyway we've got uh this coming uh sorry a week from tomorrow October 2nd there will be at the senior center uh place in suland um the our little space there's going to be a public forum and The Architects and folks from the uh the group doing their feasibility study who name I it's like Chris want but I can't remember the name of his company um they'll be there they'll have like three posters those kind of three very general outlines um and get input from the community when is this meeting again this is 9 to 12 so sort of the thing where you walk in and there's going to be poster boards and you can write your comments on sticky notes you can ask the questions that sort of thing awesome so that's going to be happening um all Wednesday morning I won't actually be there for that as tomorrow no sorry a week from tomorrow okay week October 2 um and uh so uh if people care about this they should go um we uh the there was one other thing happening there's that uh no that might have been the other thing I wanted to say so make people people be aware that so then we plan to meet right after that next we we do our meetings Saturday mornings just because I don't know we're really cool and uh we plan to make a recommendation uh about which sites oh we should uh we should try and pursue so that's one thing so uh the other thing that's going on is at the same time we're kind of um kind of pushing to change our uh right now we have a memorandum of understanding or we have a consort not oh what's s of our agreement again I didn't I didn't prepare a pH more report now we want to switch to a consorti agreement um because now or in the future we may want to acquire property if we ever in the position to acquire property a Consortium would allow a much more Equitable way of dividing the responsibility for any such property and the other thing it would do for us even if we never buy property it would give us more uh it would expand the board to besides three Selectmen there would be three C on aging routs from each or one from each town to because I think we're ready for that I think 10 years ago we were really ready for that but we are now um so that's going on we would like to and maybe this is something I've got to chat with Pete more about we would like to try and get that on to this year's annual town meeting because it would required an annual town meeting vote to change our inval structure so uh that's something we got um this agreement he took a good look at it gave us lots of comments we haven't yet got comments from the jarfield Sunderland town and mins but there's churn happening there so it's understandable uh we'll hopefully get some input from them and then see if you know we just basically have to educate people about what this agreement is really about excellent so here's the start of educating people is what it's about it's about representation on the board it's about changing structure so that it might be flexible enough that we wouldn't have to count on a 10 purchasing property for the senior center in the future cool yeah so lot lots going on with that Town Administrator updates okay uh to start with the Town Clerk and assistant town clerk are hosting a an electronic tabulator informational session tomorrow night at the Town Hall start at 7:00 um they'll go through what a fa year is what the process is it'll get a general overview and then kind of break out into questions um so everybody tomorrow tomorrow there will be um refreshments and available were interested so again that's Town Hall not Town Hall o' um ever source is going to start their annual inspection of the their ever service only utility polls that'll happen in October so residents are going to see Consultants from Geo Force looking at those polls around the community throughout the month so if you see people looking inspecting the polls they are uh there for good intentions with and it should be Mark Geo Force furog um is applying for a HUD Pro housing Grant with the intention of funding years of work to support affordable housing throughout the region they're actually applying for this with the pdpc and other Regional Partners the desire is that if the award is successful they would then be able to provide technical assistance to communities in order to do things such as updating your zoning bylaws updating housing plan preserving existing housing stock and conducting engagement regarding the need for more and affordable housing uh so burog is looking for letters of support from municipality in the county um so just asking if the board would be willing to vote to sign that letter of support and if so I could give that link to Julie for that sign a letter support for for application for pro housing Grant I second that all those in favor I thank you um the highway department has now received their new Ford f1150 um just a note it is a larger pickup truck than we normally get generally we've always gotten extended caps uh but because we needed to do a hybrid vehicle it does need need to be longer in order for the battery therefore this is a four-door uh uh pickup truck but we do have it um and it is now I saw it today it's very Shin yeah it's very Shin we can do something that won't last yeah yeah um on the job front uh we do have that Community Development administrative position open we've received a number of applications already the the plan is to start review of those applications this coming Monday um I plan on convening an interview group that includes the chair of the planing board and was hoping to have a select board member which will be will to review those applications and then do interviews with myself and if there is a board member do it I was just going to nominate FR I thinkes some of your skill sets that that I don't feel my interviewing skills for all right so Fred I'll be in touch tomorrow and we can figure out schedule um so with regards to the old landfill masty EPS submitted a letter to the town on September 10th uh regarding that old landfill on longan road the letter directs the town to submit a scope of work in accordance with the Department's landold technical guidance manual dealing with groundwater surface water and Lee uh monitoring at the property installing at least three groundwater monitoring monitoring Wells at least one Le sample at least one surface water sample and installing at least three gas Wells essentially de is saying we need to be monitor ing that they there is concern that there is not monitoring or the monitoring that has happened has not been sufficient to their standards uh post closure so the Board of Health is scheduled to meet on October 1st they'll go through that letter we'll determine next steps we'll reach out to D with any questions unfortunately their policy is not to attend public meetings so they are not able to come to answer any questions in a public meeting we have to put to pull together our questions and then reach out to them outside of a public meeting to get clarification um at this time we don't know what the potential cost is going to be obviously with monitoring that means this is not a one-time cost it will be a one time cost install but then we will have to do ongoing uh support for the actual reporting and monitoring so and is that ongoing work part of the Board of Health yeah it would be under Board of Health and they would they probably need some kind of support for that cor doesn't sound like a volunteer well it could be where we end up hiring we have an agreement with a third party that does the volun for us yeah do you have the address it says on Long Plane Road what's roughly where oh um it's in yeah I saw it in the package yeah I don't I don't I don't know the exact address Sor to my head but um see okay I I saw it some place see okay have that for next time great don't have a letter um yeah I don't sorry you probably feel like you know exactly where it's at I know yeah yeah long is pretty long I know so yeah what the heck you're there no I don't know okay sorry I mostly for people at home everyone on Long flame Road about worrying about that it's next door to that oh I think they know what it is some people may moved in more recently and not remember Old Land it is oh you know what because it's 92 long Plane Road okay thank you y I wasn't sure if it had numerical address because it doesn't have any structure on it but it does look like we do have a it does have a number so yeah 92 okay sorry no thank you um okay uh on Friday I received a call from a concerned resident with regards to parking availability at the post office she noted that when there are events being held at the town hall or the weightly in all the parking spaces because of the popularity get taken leaving residents to have to double Park in order to use the post office she asked if the town could consider designating parking spaces for the Post Office uh use um I was made aware that the board has discussed this in the past um I know we don't want to lose available parking spaces uh they're all public parking spaces right now the post office does not own or at lease any specific land for parking but one option could be you could designate one space 15minute parking only during post office hours meaning it would be a limited restriction it would only be during post office hours outside of post office hours anybody par there for as long as they want might be one when are there events at the Town Hall that are popular enough that they're doing senior Cent which is great it's great that it's getting used but it is taking a okay yep that makes a lot of sense yeah I would I would not to that it's not like they have eight people coming at a time there right on Saturday morning of course there's like there's lots of people coming at once but because they're only open for a shorter time but um I think that would be a reasonable yeah a reasonable thing to pursue is that a move and vote okay if you have a particular my recommendation would be the leftmost space in front of the building building because it's further away from the town hall but it's still really close to the door of the post office and that's not the designated wheelchair I don't believe so no I don't I think that's like the one over yes yeah question do we want to say during post office hours which vary it's not the same hour weekdays and Saturdays or just designate hours you know 9 to put the hours on say post office no I would I the language I would recommend is 15-minute parking only during post office hours period not even specify what they are because they're posted on the door and should the out post ever change them then we'd have to change our sign so yeah I'm good with that I have well uh I would that we before we do which two spots are we going to designate one spot one spot oh one okay the left most spot fur well that was going to be in the motion you go for it all right let me try let me try I'm try to get it all into one sentence I move that we designate The leftmost Spot while you're facing the post office as a 15minute spot during post office open hours only and buk down money for a signning I'll second that all those in favor I I I okay all righty um we received a letter from the superintendent contract negotiations for Union 38 and Frontier will get underway shortly likely next month the board has received a request um for a select board design could be a select board member or a fincom member to sit on the union 38 negotiations and for one select board member from the collection of the four towns to serve on the frontier negotiations they would also be looking for confirming of the representative from the select board to the capital committee um so essentially we're looking for decisions and recommendations here so for Union 38 it could be a select board or a design of the select board You' done that before yeah I've done the union 38 one I've not done the um representative from the four towns I'm looking at four towns I know yeah some is from Sunderland Trevor's from Deerfield I don't know SC B on but I suland oh suland yeah I just didn't know if he looked like a rotating the last few times it's it's been someone from the I guess the larger of the two10 and it was I that I I don't feel strongly that oh wait need to be because we haven't I I don't feel particular no I just didn't I didn't know Scott I didn't know if he had been from Conway it looked like then it was a rotating thing uh yeah um yeah I think I mean I've done it in the past it's so much fun one one note uh on the union 38 um I did speak with Paul uh Anda the chair of incom and he did say it would be great if bcom could be designated and if so Paul nulan but um obviously it's up to the sard has Paul been contacted about that I don't know if I have not and I don't know if Paul has I can't be that representative because my spouse works 38 and um well okay well if uh if drafted I would serve um but if Paul would be willing to do that then I think he would be he would be good as well now there just there's a lot of meetings and they they like to do them in person it's a committee that's been very resistive to allowing remote participation it's because we never did it that way before and then Co came and we had to do it that way so we did it so anything that has happened can be done but I anticipate they would have uh so I I would have some trouble with that because first semester this is when most of this is going to happen is my heavier semester for teaching mod and it's the heavier semester for you know Finance we're doing finance committee office at our meetings every Tuesday um so it's a it's it's a harder one to do uh it's something where if Paul didn't want to do it all by himself maybe he and I could share that but uh or Paul didn't want to do it I'd be willing to do it yeah it's it's yeah it's definitely a Time intensive so we want do we want to say Paul it as the design if he's not available then we'll have fr I'm fine thank you sounds good um and then as far as Frontier would the the suggestion from the superintendent was that the chairs of the boards the four boards discuss who should have representation I don't know that's what you want to do or if you just want to say weit Le's fine with whatever the other three towns choose for the representation it's up to you I'm fine with whatever the other three towns change yeah okay and I'm willing to continue on the regional capital committe Y you're gonna go out of here wearing a lot of hats tonight I've had this one before yeah okay all right uh last note is um we're working with a Consulting from uh doing energy audits of a number of the Town buildings to help identify any potential saving measures um and those funding opportunities for those measures so we're going to look at the Town Offices Town Hall Library PD fire department and the elementary school and I'll work with the Department ATS at each of those facilities this is only an assessment it's just to for us to get ideas and understand where some of our energy loss is happening U but it does not commit us to any projects well can I throw something out there um famously I work out for a an institution that has pledged to get to zero carbon emissions by the end of this decade and they're doing it with geothermal and I would like to have as a part of that some assessment of whether that might work for us because not only is it going to save carbon emissions their energy bill is going to go way down it's going to and it is going to make the college much more financially secure so in places especially where you have a nearby Field you need a field that you can dig up put stuff in and then bury it back up that's so could we have as a part of that I'm sure and you know with Ira money if it's still falling from the skies uh in the coming years that that if that's something we could pull off that would be a real gift to Future Generations yeah sure somewhat different that our buildings are dispersed as opposed to the campus where they right but a central location no but they've got four different fields and to to serve the four different parts of Campus um they were going to try and do it all out of one field but that turned out not to be the way to do it and that it may be that you know this building is big enough that it might take uh a small field to do it the elementary school same sort of thing um so the big energy users it might not you know maybe some there's depending on where the the um Hing garage ends up being and if it's near other buildings you can have a field that serves more than one building um and there's so there's more and more of that happening it just occurred to me that maybe that should be at least on the in the report and it it would be definitely a really expensive project it would have to be something that we get grants to funding up front cost um but uh I think it's it's worth looking at having been on the Smith campus I know that the am construction this is not inexpensive that's that's right but you know that anyway all right any items not anticipating I will entertain the motion to I move that we adjourn second all those in favor I I I