##VIDEO ID:sUuTCSu_3W8## it is 6 pm on Tuesday September 10th and I am calling the meeting of the weightly select board to order over here first item on the agenda to switch seats perfect first item on the agenda to to review and vote to approve the meeting minutes from August 27 any comments or questions we approve n second all those in favor I I I excellent to review and discuss vendor payroll warrants any questions on those don't have anything public comment residents May provide comments up to three minutes on items not on the agenda I'm assuming you folks are here for something on the agenda the poll hearing but did you have comments about anything else no and it doesn't look like we have anybody on Zoom appointments 610 p.m or 6:02 p.m. uh public hearing do we have just ever Source uh yes I believe he's on right okay excent that's hi hi there hi there I would hear a motion to open the hearing we uh open the hearing to consider petition submitted by NSTAR leor doing business as eversource for the installation of one utility poll on Conway Road to provide new service to Lomo F second all those in favor I I okay yes any questions any not from the board at the moment is there any comment or questions from uh just do you know about when this is gonna happen do you know what about when this might happen when uh is within the next few weeks if it passes tonight why don't we get a brief rundown on what their propos Jesse do you mind just reiterating what the request is for the benefit of the public yeah the request is to install One new pole um so we can continue service up um Conway Road uh to give a new service to Lomo farm so for his uh greenh houses uh so it'll involve one pole and extending one overhead wire and then um do you all have the map said yeah from looking at the map I think there is an existing pole out there that's kind of right in front of Jessie Jess's house detail map which doesn't give you any idea of actually where see so that's why I wanted to put it's right in front of kind of um in front of Jesse's house maybe a little bit towards the chapel and it seems like is that pole the one um the existing pole that is like the end of the line for electricity on Conway Road correct yeah and then so what uh it looks like there's one more or less an equal distance up the road uh like Chapel is halfway between uh the existing pole and the proposed pole other side of the street but roughly equidistant on the other side of the chapel correct so go so it'll go across the road there so I'm just doing that we got some members of the public who may not have the map in their hands sure sure sure yep yep that's accurate and then the new poll will the end of the line for electricity going up Conway Road correct okay all right um any more questions or comments is anything going to be done to the pole in our front yard did you hear that is there anything gonna done to the existing poll there um the es6 d44 um the one that there um the one that's in black on your map the existing pole yep yeah I spoke I I was there one day I spoke with the homeowners of that house and I I uh explained to them that there was going to be an additional anchor on the inside of that poll to help support it and they they said they were okay with it okay all right yeah I just forgot what he had said that okay sure I understand excellent uh any further questions comments all right I hear a motion to close the hearing I move that we close the hearing for the petition submitted by NSTAR Electric doing business as SE source for the installation of one utility poll on Conway Road to provide new service to Lumberville all those in favor I I I and do we I would hear a motion to approve this I we approve the petition submitted by instar ELC for utility poll on Conway Road has submitted second that all those in favor I I I excellent all right you got a poll awesome I appreciate I appreciate you guys let me call in I'm off to open house okay thank you take care take thank you have a good night you too and you can stay for the rest of the meeting it's gonna be home Dinger it's gonna be exciting yeah the highlights Al Al that was the highl some of us would say that's the Highlight but we are doing something about Community agreements so there something else High there I think yeah next next item on the agenda review and vote although we will not be voting this time because we don't quite have all of the legal material together uh but review host Community agreements for number one debilitating medical condition treatment centers number two green jeans Farms LLC and number three T ver Massachusetts supped to have representatives from any of them no yeah so um I'll give an update yeah um so we've been working on we're utilizing the model agreement from the CCC um and I've been working with these three entities um with that and we've also been working with Town Council who uh provided some recommended changes to the model agreement that then required going back and forth with the attorneys for the three entities and this afternoon we finally came to an agreement on the amended language um so in your packets you have three versions of the CCC model language in the upper corner that says CCC that's the or original language the one that is marked weightly is the weightly version of the agreement now and the one after that with the red lines is showing what was changed in the model agreement to make it the weightly version um the all three groups all three applicants are in favor of the weightly version with one comment the one comment is specifically with uh the request or the recommendation from David to add in a section 12 called in deification or titled in deification is a standard Clause that you typically put in any agreements it is not one that was included in the model language KP does advise us to include indemnification just as a standard operating procedure um the applicants noted though that in some of the CCC reviews of these agreements they have stricken indemnification Clauses some of them they've allowed to go through there's no Rhyme or Reason as to why the indication sometimes is approved and sometimes not so the idea or the recommendation here is that we move forward with the weightly version of this agreement with indemnification in there it's not in the one that's in it is in the thir this one and it's in it's in the clean one that says weit okay there we go sorry yeah oh you're looking at the red line version Red Line version but it's in it's in the LLY version too um but we would move forward with that the re applicants are okay with that we would they would still submit that agreement if the board does approve it to the CCC if the CCC does have a problem with that in that Clause section 12 um all they would do is similar to what's happened in the past they would submit a letter of non-compliance saying these are the items that you need to fix in your agreement um which may include that at which time I would come back to the board with those entities and say we need to do these Corrections does is the board amendable to those Corrections the agreement and if so then we can move forward but at present um we can do that if the board wants to review these and send me any questions afterwards or if the board wants to move forward with the weightly version and then what we can do at the next meeting we can have all three entities come with their version not their version but with their details filled in using our template because I want us to use these templates going forward um this weightly version also does include in uh page six under General occurring fees we did stipulate that the one area where the municipality does get to fill in their requirement for fee collections but we're very restricted as to what we can collect these fees basically say that you are you the uh cannabis operation are required to pay any customary and usual building permit or any other permit fees basically acknowledging what is required anyways but we do include it in here and making sure that they are understand that any fees that they incur in acquiring those permits they must pay that it is not on the municipality time to go do that the only there is one other addition that we have included in the weightly version it's a section on page seven section nine cooperation um I had recommended including a section in here that provides for a Cooperative element where it acknowledges an open relationship between the operation and the municipality as well as acknowledging that the operation or the company will support any municipally sponsored educational programs related to cannabis use or abuse or underage usage um we cannot require it and it all so it does say that they will make good faith efforts to do these things um but all three entities were in support of adding this on top of the standard language and we don't believe that that will actually create any problem with the CCC because we're not requiring anything we're just advocating for it well happy to take any questions but yeah if you if you need time to review you're welcome to review uh send independently emails to me with any questions or feedback um if necessary I can for then at the next meeting provide a revised version and then then the meeting after we can come back with the companies or we can do it at the same time depending on if there is feedback or the scope be your feedback but happy to take any additional well I had I had read this last week There's a couple of changes since then yes that um I just caught up with this afternoon after getting we're going back and forth right and because the one arriv yesterday one arriv today um and so first I was look but your your summary there uh clarified um the thing about the I why couldn't I find it in here um but I I thought it I mean it's kind of a bland agreement yeah in some ways um and it's as strong as we're being allowed to make it by the state who and whose wisdom is taken away and under current regulations because it could be at least for this current agreement maybe the regulations will change again and then when they agreements have to go back through renewal hopefully we can improve them if we can get additional teeth obviously this process is going on a very roller coaster type ride right now we're kind of here the trend has been to remove keep removing hopefully it's here one or two left and yeah you're very optimistic about it going would anybody like to either uh um approve this tonight or to say let's take it home and review it I think can take it home and review it y final language I think pending any um like if you have some strong objections or some things you really want to chat with Pete about um in the absence of that would it be uh do you think it'd be okay to just have those agreements ready for the next meeting right I would anticipate approving at the next meeting I that would be we need to go over great I will open anything and I will also make sure the re applicants are where for the4 hearing they missed the deadline uh old business town clerk review and vote on request for police detail as I understand it there is something happening tomorrow that wants to take part in yes prior to bringing this to us one of the state agencies is meeting with various Town clerks and city clerks in order to help provide guidance on how to secure and Safeguard your polling locations for the upcoming um election and so she wants to have that meeting tomorrow and Come Away with information from that to then either support her request or Revis requests okay so okay good okay so that's on she also is looking into um apparently they through the western Mass uh Homeland Security I forget the agency but there's funding in that in our western Mass um Homeland Security uh uh advisory committee that has money that can be used for lease details at polling there may still be open funds so Amy has put in a request fog because fog is the fiduciary for that money to see if we can uh secure some of that money because we don't currently have a budget for police detail work so it would help to pay for it okay so she's she is looking into that too so we hopefully we'll know on that as well for the next meeting sounds good uh next assessing discuss and vote on the K software upgrade order agreement which was I think clarified Pete at least since yeah yeah when we were doing what we paid something yeah you've already paid 2700 So essentially that 1500 is the remainder of what would have been 4200 so it's just a and that's why you see the 2700 reflected in the next line item so it's not really the renewal fee no no because it's the well it's the renewal fee that we PID for our classic version but they're applying that classic renewal fee to the C software that would have been 42 so reduc it at Le for year one to 15 okay any other questions about the agre we approve the software upgrade uh second all those in favor I I I yeah Cruis in we are new business new hire appointment operator laborer in the highway department think we have a recommendation yeah I'm happy to do it go go ahead what well no I wanted to give Fred the opportunity if you wanted to no it's that's fine no we uh we uh and I interviewed five we interviewed five or four and one did we we interviewed five there was a six that had been invited unun show and of that group we agreed unanimously that Scott holes who has worked in Greenfield resume was in ammer and that's all the necessary uh licenses and permits to do the job and we thought that Scotts would be the best person to recommend therefore have done so yep candidate that you are looking for and we had a 25 applications that was a huge pool yeah refresh we actually got to interview lot of people I was happy with the fact that we had so many to interview yeah y good sign that people want to work here yes yes and he seems very confident I will move that the town appoints Scott Co to be in position of operator labor and Highway Department second that all those in favor I I I next item digital Equity plan discuss and vote on priorities from the adopted plan or at the very least discuss yeah need a bunch of notes on copy on my computer I sent to S and on her request to us to uh made some recommendations but I'm not sure I I've got it narrowed down to like here's my three top recommendations said a lot all over it unfortunately us oh well if I can get in the zoom meeting just verbally well verbally I I went straight to the recommendations Pages y yep right um and the the first one for fast reliable contivity um like all the goals kind of seem like they're good and sometimes in a very way um I um I was thinking on that particular page I didn't really understand a mobile hotspot lending program like I go to the library I check out a hotspot for my house like and that that didn't quite make sense and I wasn't sure that that was something uh Distributing the digital devices our senior center is doing a lot of that for the seniors but it doesn't hit the younger folks so it seemed like something the schools might be taken care of so there were kind of questions there the one thing where they had um a potential funding sources three of them was um programed to address dead zones and inconsistent connections and so my comment was can we use this grant to pay for Comcast to Cable the remaining few houses that are not served at this time if so this might be a higher priority but this also is something we could negotiate with the upcoming cable renewal negotiations it'd be helpful to know the grant timelines compared to the renewal negotiation time so the renewal negotiation is I'd say roughly the next two years it could go really quickly um but typically in those renewal negotiations we say well we wants to run the cable up this many miles this street that and so on and then they we also negotiate for equipment money to keep um well equipment money that purchas this screens in front of you the owl the the stuff we did to upgrade this room for one it pays uh for FCAT um and all the work that they do um so it's you know if we ask them to do lots and lots and lots of cabling then we kind of can get less and less and less on the equipment so it's it's a negotiation a second you said potential funding sources there were three funding sources did I misunderstand you yeah yeah it says NBI the bead challenge funding and the Gap Network potential funding sources I have connect Humanity yeah um yeah I only have one potential funding source I like three I okay then I've got a different document final verion or was that you uh this was the draft that went out with well was a draft I see MBI as a supporting partner but not as yeah I see MBI as a supporting partner and Alliance for digital Equity okay then challenge funding that seems great I mean this one looks I mean well H this may be an earlier version that if those are indeed potential funding sources though that would be great yeah because I think to me that's one of the things in our we really have like 9 upwards of 95% coverage but for the 5% that don't have right connection to Comcast it's harder and to to me the other big picture problem is we don't have any competition I was helping a student who's living with her mom in an apartment in Northampton and they said we need to get internet so we go to the Comcast page together and you know what they pay for the same thing I get at my house they pay $39 com you more than 100 more than 100 uh there's no competition and so to me that's a problem and I don't know that any of these really address that okay um is Horizon of potential provider well we did support Verizon uh with they were trying to get a grant to to do some of that so Verizon is not a particular strong competitor they can't do highspeed internet at this time in the to um so that's I mean so with that you know don't that's my grumpy mindset that I brought to this I I like grumpy mindset I mostly looked at it in terms of can this help us at least get something high quality and then the other like they were talking about in you there were various things that help people get a discount but oh those funds are gone and nobody else can the program so it's kind like I don't think I'll make that a priority if there's no money left um so that was my um so maybe my comments on here or more complaints um but uh I think though to that point about like some things like the exploring more affordable options but some of those things may not exist right now it is noted that it's Target implementation is long term because those funding opportunities will change in the future so it could still be a priority and um I was talking with Julie when you are looking at priorities you should be looking at setting priorities that have a mix of imp implementation targets so that you always are looking at like an end of a longer term thing but also doing some of the low hanging grou yeah yeah so I guess I I I think the part about addressing dead zones um is probably important just because not because half of the town is a dead zone but because part that is a dead zone they they don't need to be dead they can they can be alive right be alive so yeah yeah but unfortunately there are fewer funding sources that from my original so well we can follow up and find out which of these is correct yeah this comes from the final version which we have posted on the website right so I mean to me I guess part of I I don't know maybe it's my cynical self but it's like there's these recommendations like somebody should explore and promote options for affordable quality data plants and more robust sell service and it's like duh you know I thought that's what we hired you guys to do and I guess they did find a couple of potential funding sources that now if we can find a replacement for S we could go out and look for it so that's okay the sorry I got two R I had two rants there cut me off you only get one rant per meeting one R meeting quiet I I would also for a priority set uh negotiate lower internet subscription rates to P this is on go two selection of service yeah yeah in mind with Jo's commenting R number yeah yeah it's a longterm implementation for goal one fast reliable contivity I I would agree with Mo and support the be challenge challenge program and see if we can find out if there are more funding sources and distribute digital devices to cover populations because that is a shortterm goal with a municipal digital Equity implementation program that's Source right but I feel like for that um we should not be targeting seniors so much they still have they want more devices they've got more room in that grant to get more devices um maybe the seniors the covered population the seniors are the covered population in the one they got I think it actually came [Music] under an NBI implementation Grant was I think what that was so um so this made me think we should I don't know what the schools are doing I don't know if this group looked at the schools were doing I know the schools were get in the pandemic were helping students get Cris yeah I don't but I don't know what's what is Ono with that and I know you know budget's always being under pressure there's probably uh there may not be a lot to do so I wonder for that one um if there are because that's our easiest way to reach the the younger people is is through schools so you're suggesting adding students to that well I was going to put under potential funding sources put um School related grants like if there's something for helping uh with you know equity for kids in schools um to everybody have access to devices yep that it might expand where we can look or if we're partnering with the schools they really like having partners with things I also like maintain promote and improve free public Wi-Fi locations is our library currently a free Wii I believe so other other areas of town and I think you get they they set it up so that you can you can get the Wi-Fi outside on a nice yeah that's great uh on page on the second page go two selection of service yeah definitely agree with negotia lower internet subscript subscription rates yeah uh great there's a lot of tracking advocating and considering and I'm looking for something that's like action action yeah yeah impact now right well the only Alternatives I know of would be a lot of work it'd be like it'd be like a town hall overhaul maybe even more that's what Le did of course and they hired somebody hired somebody to to do fiber the whole town and they formed their own internet service provider and um it cost a lot of money up front and but they seem to have pretty good that service now and they did not in 1990 service in Le is that how long it took so uh um oh you know I had small children during that time so I don't really remember what year it was but I feel like it was in the the 2000 still had two zeros in it when that happened I okay think so I mean that that's that's like a really major initiative and it would not be something I think want to take on by ourselves because we do so much better in Partnership yeah yeah but Le essentially just join into the same program that's how happy operates and I think shb is part of they may they're all the same provider it's Yeah by shell right yeah they they had to build out and start the operation themselves but Ono they can have somebody else run y and uh I think that but but all the workers get started and then I think you know there were town meeting votes and yeah there's a it's a big investment and um because Comcast was just not willing to do much of does anybody have connections in Leever or want to reach out or if not I'm happy to reach out and just say tell me about your process tell me about the costs we're gathering information I think that would be that would be reasonable to do that unless somebody else says me me me I'm not hearing it so it's me me me all right yeah and I like though that they put supporting Partners we our our partner Towns come out here suland um and uh they even put down uh somebody who successfully helped some communities do this um as oh the um just is under updates um once we get the cable committee negotiating committee going that's something we can talk about U about whether our towns are interested in doing something about it and that might be the place to to kind of gauge whether our partners our partner towns are really want to be partners on are in the mood to do that y yeah so I think that's I will definitely ask our attorney about how do we negotiate lower internet subscription rates and I I'm afraid I'll have to like help them get up off the floor from laughing so hard going to fall out of his chair and yeah yeah all right goal three digital resource navigation me are things do we see that we like on this page these are all great the third one is um something that is often done at the senior center uh okay um they I'd say more than once a year um I don't know if it'd be three or four times a year uh we'll have somebody come to talk about what's the lat what are the latest scams not just that come on your computer but through the phone through other means as well usually there'll be some um police officer willing to come and you talk about latest with regards to that specifically does the senior center when they're doing that kind of programming that's not targeted specifically to an age group but because it's the Cure Center how do they do Outreach to make sure that they're getting wider uh I don't know that they do Outreach The Wider Community necessarily they may they may not do a lot um so um that's I mean the senior population obviously is inte element of that education but I think everybody get I agree and I like that they um one of these uh was about coordination with the schools for Internet safety education that there's kind of two um but I don't know what um the library coordinating with the schools for Internet safety as I don't know exactly what that means like the the schools kind of have their hands full in a way taking care of themselves and I don't know like which way will the like if there's some money involved helping right um yeah so yeah so if the library and our new uh community development director I'm going to give them a race the director uh can get a USDA Community connect Grant then maybe that's a that would be uh something that would be helpful like this if the schools say yeah here's some uh some money we can access that will help us with our education and then we can also help each other so I I I like those two because it's sort of hitting the two groups it doesn't necessarily H the people in between but I'm going to make a note of um because I the the other thing the senior senator talked about and wants to do is um start letting people who are younger know that they can be in the SC other like 50 and over yeah like me I just got a birthday card you just you just turned 50 yeah yeah I think when they have those kind of progs they are um open the thing about about giving out the devices that was in the con in the grant for seniors um and so I think you had to be over 60 something like that but Outreach for the education could I think that ties in what on like the second and third things on next page supporting digital literacy that you can't really have digital safety without people knowing what they're doing yeah so those are kind of both they best say long-term support digital literacy longterm shortterm medium-term shortterm so I'm not sure how different those four lines are really well one they're all kind of aing I think the safety assumes the degree of literacy that you can't teach someone safety if they don't really know what an app is or a website or what the program and um on that page 24 the third one um about connecting high school students with aging populations to focus on digital literacy learning we might actually be in a good position for that with all the work that seniors has been doing about getting devices to seniors and then kind of the ongoing um work of you know continue yeah it's hard to pull one of these out from the other they all yeah together yes yeah Library device lending program and modernizing onsite devices is great two cont yeah I wonder how um like if we had numbers if the library had numbers of I bet you do keep track how how often are the computers being used and um are there things that you can't do on those computers that people really want to do and and need to do um there so that might be well I'm the library Le there you are you know I I mean I know our librarian is really good and our senior center director is good and they collect data and that's how you get yes having the data to back up I can check I can check in with Sindy so this uh seems like a lot of material that we won't necessarily vote on priorities tonight unless misunderstanding our discussion probably not we need to go through keep going through it and maybe even I don't know compact some of it because they do kind of knit yeah there's a lot of overlap there is a lot of yeah yeah I have a volunteer oh this makes my eyes bleed all righty yeah yeah um but I the feedback it's not a voting because this is something where you want feedback for the which grants we should prioritize B yeah well what what are the priorities what does the select board want to set as the priorities because that can then guide the next CDA to go for either those grants or create those connections with those other agencies um not to say that they wouldn't do the other ones it's just they'll set them as a priority of what things they should be working on okay uh but if you want to continue to review and then we can take an actual vote on priorities at the next meeting we can certainly do that okay I would say makes sense yeah makesense I don't see the UR especially since we're going to be looking for a new CDA in any case so this this isn't going to be utilized for a while yeah y That's okay yep yeah excellent Highway Department request to declare supplies and equipment as Surplus uh uh parts for a tractor an entire dump truck and a lot of galvanized perforated pipe uh does I mean does thank you does Keith show up to talk about this or no he would he just submitted the the lists um uh whenever we have excess or um equipment that we do not need any longer the by the bylaw the select board has to based on the request problem the department determine and vote that yes the items are Surplus and that then triggers a requirement that we then I would then notify all the Departments of that Surplus product they could either claim it or un anything that becomes unclaimed the department key can then list it on municip to sell it off Al there these things yeah he has um as you can see like there a lot of them are pipe pieces that they just don't have any long any use for um one of them is an old tractor that at this point is only eligible really to reuse the parts um and then we just recently replaced the dump truck so um this most likely could be um reused possibly by another apartment but that's what we need to go through the stages make sure that we internally utilize it or or sell free up some space for yes big file so I ENT I I will move that we approve the list of surplus items as submitted from the highway department second all those in favor I I I Personnel request post opening for Community Development administrator assistant Town Administrator to replace sil's last uh day will be September 18th so feel free to stop by this wish your best of luck um so obviously this means that we have an opening or we we have a vacancy and we would like to do an opening um so my request is to be able to list this position um I do have a re though to slightly modify it um the intention of the Community Development administrator was to support the land use boards primarily the planning and CBA in their applications provide some direction not onsite and not at meeting staff support but to provide some uh level of support or at least feedback on the applications that come in actually review those applications make sure that they're complete keep them organized sure that they're scheduled appropriately following the timing requirement so that we don't have constructive granty because an application fell with the cracks um as well as handling a lot of the grant program for the community so working with the Departments identifying what they need for projects find grants that can help support them see through those grants both the acquisition but the administering and in most cases uh reimbursement of the grant monies um but there was also the added responsibility of the assistant administrator uh previously under the previous uh uh employees that have filled it that ATA element was never really utilized um um and my feeling is that we should be posting for a Community Development administrator and we should separate the ATA as a stien position that could be applied to uh a staff member that whoever it it may change but it should never be tied to one particular job title and then we're always trying to fill the job for Dual Purpose uh which can make it far more difficult to fill it or even fulfill it fulfill the responsibility so my request is to remove that ATA element and any references to it um that may mean the board may direct me to go back to the Personnel committee or we make that Amendment here but um I'm happy to go to the Personnel committee with this recommendation my request would be though to keep the position funded at its current funding uh without changing the funding simply because we're removing an item an element U that's my request I do intend on when I am authorized to post for it do some heavy promoting of the position to planning groups especially to the UMass Regional policy program I leave the the original intention of this position is really great for a recent uh or Regional planning student because they will know the theory and the concepts of legal requirements to planning but also the need for Grants what the grant programs are out there that is something that is part of those uh program planning uh graduate programs so I feel that we and this is a perfect entry level for recent grad or somebody out of school two years so yeah um I have a plan of attack I just need to be able to get ready yeah yeah when when this was originally approved a town meeting the ATA element was not designed as Community Development and land use but there was no there was just okay andbe kind of remember the time we thought um that uh if you called an assistant Town Administrator more people would find it attractive regardless are the actual job and I me I could but U uh I don't have any if they're not really an assistant Town Administrator and it sounds like you still need the kind of knowledge of laws in government to do like support of the planning board you still need a lot of the same kinds of of Education that someone is an assistant Town Administrator but you don't an assistant Town Administrator doesn't need to know those land use things or as a community development person so that's yeah yeah I would say that I there is a need for an ATA um explicitly for the fact that when I do go on vacation there has to be somebody with the responsibility to fulfill in my stad or if I'm sick yeah somebody to be able to be here at the meeting with to support or the fincom so um there is that need it's not as imperative as C I would say for sound like not yeah I would agree the Grant and the supporting ourland boards Joyce is a member of the Personnel committee do you think that the select board has the uh authority to strike as assistant Town Administrator without going through the Personnel committee to them I would say legally we have the authority I I think we but they might uh they might appreciate the heads up I suppose um so the only issue with that is yeah delay yeah right it's a delay I'm happy to do a red line and send it to you Joy you think that because of the red lines it constitutes a need for the committee to meet right and and um we could also run it by the chair person y um you know if we run it by the chair and the chair thinks that um because I think it sounds like our consensus is we really should yeah that we're getting good advice from he and that that is uh that we want to do that and does he think it's NE necessary for the whole Personnel committee to meet to recommend that we do that we just go ahead we yeah but we should be polite about it yeah it's a matter of protocol we have the authority we have the authorities yeah so if you can get a red line and you can run that by Kei as soon as possible anticipa V then next meeting yeah yeah that delays it for two weeks though does that mean it can't be posted for two weeks I I yeah I can't post open unless it's like word degrees that we need to fill it open description right so I'm doing a black line here is it possible I don't even know if this is protocol to vote on something and say we would approve it with the amendment as long as the Personnel committee something that we've done previously agre understanding that this will happen yeah then we can get it out sooner so I would entertain a motion to do that well if we're not changing any of the position summary other than Crossing out the word assistant Town Administrator from the title of the position then I don't think we're changing it sub I don't think that the personel committee will let just question eliminating assistant P administrator wherever it appears and how does that impact well yeah I'm looking through because I think that might be the only place it's in the position summary that right exactly that's the only but that's the title they're just restating the title of the position there right okay so the title appears there the title appears there's nowhere in there um the like any any place where I see it so far it's just re top of page two ass count administrator finance committee another fincial officers with budgets Capital funding fiscal policy but that they they can do that if even if they're not an assist assistant Town Administrator you don't have to be an ATA to assist the Town Administrator you can be you can be an administrative assistant and assisted down in the street I I think to Joy's point because you know what grants are off are out there you can help with that budgeting element I think that's the way that we hopefully yeah so so far I see three places where they repeat the position title one they're right there at the top two under position summary three under General duties um and it's just changing the title really the title it's not not changing any of the physical demands the work environment the tools necessary skills desired minimum qualifications none of the bullet points um say anything like take over for the Town Administrator next and that one with assist Town Administrator only would trigger something if you knew that assist down administrator had been in there right so um yeah yeah it almost feels like like the at8 was just added yeah right we can subract can we can yeah I would say if we're not making any sub if we're not making any subsided changes beyond that we're not really responsib changing the job description yeah it's just the verbiage yeah so I would entertain a motion to approve this request with the uh number one with the um um strikeouts that we've discussed and clearing it with the chair of the Personnel second that I didn't move I would entertain that okay you're entertaining he moved you seconded all those in favor I I don't wor you oh you can move am I allowed to move you can move yeah I mean it's great thing for you to let us do all move I was allowed to it's sort of traditional the chair doesn't make many motions yeah so you can entertain well the chair is entitled to sh them along they do sometimes particularly important things the chair will make motion all right this is very important we have a special town meeting and I would entertain a motion to open the war the 12 2024 session I we open the war I second that and I fell the ring i' ring it ding dong all those in favor I I we can read it discuss gretings okay approve number one approv bills of Prior fiscal years so this is yeah invoice um for the assessing software from last year uh came in late but it was dated 450 we can do it at this special town meeting otherwise it could be postponed until the annual town meeting go for it yeah now would be 450 from free cash article two resend opioid settlement special purpose stabilization fund and approv transfer to free cash so this is one where we essentially have to do a change um I kind of discussed it last time where originally when we were um going to receive the o or started to receive oad settlement we had set it up as a special purpose stabilization fund which then makes actually utilizing expending funds very problematic because you have to keep coming back to town meeting for that the recommendation from the Commonwealth is to instead resend that and create OB Special Reserve fund and transfers that monies into that Reserve fund thereby making it easier for actual uh usage bed because you can use money out of the reserve funds so long as it's based on those stipulations that requirement so it is a twep process okay two and three yeah two and three are together so you first are going to resend the original stabilization fund and transfer that money into free cash and then in you're going to now transfer free cash into a Special Reserve fund yeah and it's the Special Reserve fund is already created no that doesn't take a about to create this this language has to go through KP still so he probably needs to beep it up a little bit I just created the initial framework which is actually based off of KP language of another town but I'll make either into this article or another article to establish it right I'm remembering there almost we one to EST to put the m in and here we have one to get rid which you do have in the next one with the fire department but that's because the fund that you're creating is a revolving fund and revolving funds fall under your general bylaws so we have to have an article related to amending the general bylaw uh first transfer the money out of that Reserve Revenue fund then a byw general bylaw amendment to establish the resolve revolving fund and then the fund from that previous fund it's this new revolving fund okay get like there's going to be little cups on the table give me another cup create a cup and again all language is still up for review one thing also I put in a placeholder as far as the spending limit at $3,000 that is still up for discussion they have 16,000 um you with revolving funds yeah with revolving funds you always s a spend new spending limit every fiscal year so I was just pacing that off of the current spending limits of your other other revolving funds um I don't know if uh the fire chief has a greater need this fiscal year to utilize the funds that may be larger than 3,000 but um this will will F to it as we on a technicality shouldn't the establishment of the evolving fund would come first because otherwise it resend fire department special account and we have rejected a revolving fund then the money it's inside could be generally it's then and then going I mean not that there's any real doubt that it will be established great just technically I happen to notice that on article six improving the transfer free cash it's the same exact number as the opioid settlement purpose that was I think that's why I highlight the numbers because it's something to be looked at I'm so shocked that I found that it just seemed like a spending limit of 3,000 if you've got 16,000 in it and then why do they have the same amount as you the unsettlement H oh sorry uh article seven we're still meeting next one is um a request for free cash uh in the amount of 8,426 in order to provide for matching funds for the the uh Town's updat to the comprehensive plan uh We've applied for a grant that will cover a majority of the cost it does require that the town provide a match of 10% in financial um match and So based on the total amount of that Grant that's anticipated we would need 8,462 $26 okay um and and let's see then we have the CPA Appropriations these have been voted on by uh the community preservation committee um and they are related to the center school um it's $8,000 towards the roof replacement and 14,000 towards the feasibility the ReUse feasibility 82,000 I was like 8,000 82,000 pretty total of 96 or a total of 96 38 yeah and we have been assured by Judy that they have that money yes available article N9 repurpose funds allocated under chapter 253 of the acts of 2020 transfer funds under chapter 2 53 for to the police department for other uses such as the request to use for firearms purchases so since the acts of 2020 the town has been allocating about 15,000 I believe it's $15,000 towards this um this it ucation yeah it's specifically yeah for educational and training purposes um however the police department has not historically utilized all of those funds and so the police Chief has requested utilizing a portion of those funds for firearms purchases um right now the language needs to be put together by Council Council still has to even determine whether or not we can do this um why doesn't that money just go back to the general fund right or we don't allocate as much money every year and we doing something else right no the and that was supposed to be that money was supposed to be for three years the 15,000 to get the offic we had up to the new training and then it was going to be some other amount so it is it supposed to get reduced it was supposed to get reduced and I I just don't think that this is something that I mean he thought he needed it we appropriated it and he doesn't need it for that purpose fine just I don't know get back in line and ask for the things you need yeah and let it go through the regular process and as I said to Pete in our meeting prior to this it's antithetical to the purpose of chapter 253 to purchase firearms oh that was even aware well because the original intention is funding educational which is essentially to help yeah anti-ra encourage yeah community policing efforts yeah yeah so uh I'm guessing I will not I would not vote to recommend it from what I know right now well and and remember to the board can it's it's your prerogative to determine articles that will will not appear in the Waring so you can decide whether or not you want it does it doesn't seem like that's the right process it's not that we won't buy them Firearms to do their job this is yeah this should be a capital request it should be a capital request and I we have funded them in the past not necessarily every penny but you know no nobody wants them to go out there let's do what council has to say we will revisit y I'm going to say that no matter what the council says I would be against it firearm I don't want to make that statement we may find out it's not even a legitimate warant article so we don't have to all right come to that decision well we could just say no right now and pay Council right that's the thing is do you want to pay councel to go into the thanks get back in War I assume council is going to be reviewing the entire warrant I'm fine with striking it I would entertain a motion to strike it at this point this is just a draft so we okay yeah struck inform struck not to consider it uh article 10 purpose rebates for school projects okay so this oneing is um the frontier Regional has been doing mini split projects at all of the elementary schools and those mini split projects are they're eligible for rebates for the IRA anytime you have rebate money from any of your capital projects by fin Municipal Finance rules those monies have to go into your general funds what um Darius has been doing in the other communities is they're saying yes we've received the rebates we are immediately going to reallocate that from the general fund because it went into the general fund towards X Project so essentially doing a a capital allocation out of General funds based on ear marking the reate the one complexity is the project for the mini splits that we are doing at weightly Elementary are ARA funded projects they were not Municipal funds so we have to Daren and I are trying to find out can we do this or what what happens if it's arpa funds that then result in a rebate where do those monies go can they go because would they have to go back to right exactly because arpa funds are supposed to be limited in the scope of what they can be used for but if we get a rebate we put it into our funds now it can go to anything funds aren't limited under 10 million they removed all the restri okay on our funds but this the Min sold to us on the basis of it's gonna cost this much but there's going to be a rebate it wasn't necessarily that that rebate would immediately go back to the schools it's just you know did you have a discussion on what the anticipated use would be for rebates no discussion at all but the the pitch was okay it's you know 63,000 but you're going to get 26,000 back but it was never the follow on of which we expect is just going go the schools right I mean the the reality is the school department does have um plans to finish the mini split project which includes for the next fiscal year six more rooms and so does the town want to do a capital request for all six or do you want to allocate this money to pay for two R thereby meaning that when the capital request comes for the next annual we we certainly look to apply this to the as yet not approved Mini Splits next year which we'll also have a rebate yes we can all just get C but yes I'm just saying that yeah it may be it to go to school but it was not assumed that this was school money and they get to use the rate yeah and that's why they're making the request not that because there's an assumption it's just he's been he's been trying to stretch the money on the Min split projects at the various buildings by reusing the Reay monies back into the next phase of those projects well yeah I mean it could be that that money being fundable could be that that money goes to that project yeah assuming it gets approved it next year meeted but as of now it has not yet been approved my only concern is if the rebate money is arpa funded projects that result in rebate money mean the money go back into the arpa uh then that means you now have to do an obligation and we have to make sure the obligation and contract happens before the end of this calendar year so you may have to check the federal resist I believe that it does that it goes back to the general is not necessary and that's what we are double cheing on that but I just wanted to point that out that of the four towns we used arund where the others did Capital Improvement so they were they was a little more clean as to the process they were doing y That's the only that's the last one on here there is one additional one um Fred and I have discussed it it is in relation to the item that we're going to have an appeal hearing on Thursday night um as you know we have been Sheltering a dog uh for almost three month no three months now three months at a significant cost for the community uh based on our uh revolving we have a dog license and shelter revolving fund that allows us to receive licensing fees and there pay Sheltering fees if we ever need to we never intended to do something long-term Sheltering and we have a limitation on that revolving fund of only spending $2,000 a year in this current fiscal year we are nearly maxed out and it's only September because of this one item um based on the discussion we're likely going to need to include a warrant article in here to do a free cash transfer where we utilize free cash specifically for that particular Sheltering cost and other costs that may be associated to that animal so that we aren't impacting the revolving fund or that limitation on the revolving fund uh I will have final dollar amounts for you or an estimated dollar amount right now it has as of the end of July it's cost us um almost $2,000 uh just the end of July we still don't have the August Bill and then we can easily calculate based on what the do date rate is what the SE impact will be $2000 is just July June and July June and Y it did include at least two but still Al there will be a a chunk of Recaps that will be requesting or that we should request because at this point we are putting that fund into uh a difficult spot because we are like we creating a cost that we can't based on the limitation we can't be it communicated with me earlier today that the town has an option of asking the job's owner we don't so we don't we don't so I thought there was and then I checked with Matt there's a Nuance in the law okay there is a reimbursement element the reimbursement element is only triggered when the board makes the original order last year last year if that is a appealed if there is an order in a euthanization included in that order and that is appealed if the district court upholds that original order and euthanization then reimbursement for all Sheltering and euthanization can be required but it's only based on the original order and it has to be an appeal because what we're doing Thursday night is an appeal of the seizure and there is no appeal process after that it won't allow or is process unfortunately so it does fall onto the responsibility of the town I thought there I thought there was a but yeah there is a Nuance there maybe even if it were it would be a long time before yes we ever saw anything El uh right we done with the war review yeah darn near oh well I guess there's a question though to the board members are you aware of any other articles that may need to be added for special not as of now okay and I after I notified all the Departments of the the meeting or the special town meeting date I was not made aware other than darius's request but otherwise there's been no other notes about things that so next meeting we will be finalizing and closing the warrant is that so so next meeting you will review The Articles hopefully we'll have a tighter language you'll also be able to take your votes on whether you want to recommend each article and if you feel at that time you're ready to close the warrant we can do that on the 24th otherwise we can on the following Tuesday outside of your cycle October 1st just to close the warrant should there be some reason that we need to like finalize anything but we do need to close it by October 1st just so that I have time to finalize get it printed and posted but we do have that we do have a a grace period if you don't if you're not ready to close on the report okay great uh number seven select Bo liaison updates I have no updates at Highway Department we have taken care of that the new employee uh I want to set up a meeting with the bu CH just to have a general discussion of future of the fire department there's apparently a bunch of OSHA regulations coming down the line with would require things like more frequent upgrading of equipment and the like which would be very expensive to abide and not just weight but all the regulations I think are subject for final approval in November there's going to be another set of public CES in Washington but this be just another thing they would make the fire department small town having the fire department much more expensive so I want to sit Peete J I figure where what is the future of firefighting for weight thank you I I got I have not had a meeting with the South County Senior centor or any of the other boards I did get a notification that um the school to the union 38 negotiating team is going to have to start meeting because we're get the end with that cycle I've been Lea onto the schools so I've been the one on The Negotiator team so that's kind of on the horizon but there's the they proposed a date that nobody could make and that need have canceled so U it's just it's on the horizon I guess it's all I would say right thank you Town Administrator updates the assistant assessor office have changed for the season um they're now 8 in noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays which is great because now it's two-day options as opposed to just Thursday um so the assessor op or the assessor is available on the point at Tuesdays and Thursdays um the culverts on River Road will be replaced which is going to require closing of portion of River Road between Christian Lane and Sugarloaf Street Extension it'll be limited to local traffic buses emergency vehicles that's going to happen on Monday September 16th with a rain date of Tuesday the 17th message boards are going to be put up ahead of time on either ends in order to make sure motorists are aware of that future closure um and related um Christian Lane was also closed today for course of the day today was a night near trying to St and unfortunately we were given information that the closure was going to be from 2 to 4ish and unfortunately super early yeah had to go up to all the way around the pavement is lovely between Christian Lane and the diner at this point that way myself thinking that uh oh I don't necessarily want to go I don't want to do it wild traffic by that's that's nice nice yeah but I think we have to we tomorrow you know from I don't I don't know how far south they got today but the south end of route five in the town is going to be not near tomorrow okay I already told Pete but he uh put something on the website it's very visible um it's an emergency alert which I don't think we were doing before but it right there it pops right up and gives you a lot of information which we're going to be doing going forward a great idea yeah um you can't miss it when you on website so I get the phone call yeah yes even if the state gives bad information um as far as job openings are concerned we currently have the animal inspector position posted I'm actually going to start the review with the police chief and a representative of the Board of Health Michael archal tomorrow we have five applicants we're going to look through those applicants see which ones we're going to interview hopefully if everything goes well I'll be coming to the next board meeting with a recommendation for that appointment um and then from the water department there was a water break that occurred overnight uh September 4th to the 5th the water department closed out a portion of River Road the morning of the 5th and had those repairs completed with the road open by noon that same day so one what's that Bravo depart good job water department one other item that's not on here it just came in this afternoon is there is an independent filmmaker that's looking to do some filming in town specifically at the weightly diner um myself and the police chief are going to meet with them Friday to understand the scope it is going to be significantly smaller scope than the previous filming that was done at Diner most likely will just be on property will not impact roadway will not require any type of traffic but we're going to get the details I am going to ask them that they come to the select board most likely on your 24th if not that then the October 8th just to get for the opportunity to hear what they're planning to do and you ask any questions as well um but it shouldn't require any permits or any um restrictions because it's seems like it's going to be very limited well in time but also just property itself cool but if we get a chance to rent the demaya space any items not anticipated posting no next meeting next meeting September 24th and I have a motion to journ Second all those in favor I