##VIDEO ID:P932oFy-BEw## of the school board of Independent School District 624 ask the clerk to please call the role Daniels here Ellison here new master here Aran here all right thank you very much and we'll before we move into our first discussion item Dr Cas all right so msba moved School Board appreciation month to September used to be February so our beerse buyers are going to now like my favorite school board meeting of the year thank you go thanks for all you do this is going to go my back back in like 5 months I'm going to find it excited to have cand ingredients thoughtful accountable open representative voice Goodwill conscientious fiscally responsible supportive and proud so thanks for all you do and um yeah I guess September is the month now so going forward I guess they change they change it going forward so thank you very much I'm really proud to serve on Board of this District but especially with the members that I'm serving with you're all just really thoughtful people so thank you it's a nice crew yes thank you very much I'm going to eat this as soon as the meeting is over these are manufactured by White Lake Area White Bear Lake Area Schools it says so on the it says so must be thank you thank you all very much it's really a gift to be able to serve here and with that we will move into our first discussion item one Early Childhood update uh Dr Gillespie we have a whole crew of folks I'm going to take the lead on this one nice break and enjoy all the information that's coming your way wonderful thank you Mr M um thanks for um well happy to be here good to see you chair Ellison members of the board um it is my pleasure to introduce um Angela dra could have make it tonight uh but it's my pleasure to introduce Christ Nelson who was hired as our new assistant director of Early Childhood programs over the summer um so we're 3 weeks into the school year this year with our little ones uh so we have a presentation tonight that she will be taking us through uh in regards to our early childhood overview as well as some updates of what's currently happening so Kristen you have the floor thanks hello chair Ellison and school board members thanks for letting me come and talk about early childhood and the littlest of the little bears I'm super EXC excited to share what I know so far as I've kind of gotten into the role and been able to be with kids it's the best part and the staff so on the first slide here we have you know what does Early Childhood look like in White Bear Lake and it was just kind of a little overview to show the two programs we have we have the special ed program and Community Education but it really shows kind of how we work together and so on the special education side you see in the early childhood world there's birth to two um ecse ecse child find and then on the community ed side in the early childhood world there's preschool and we have ECFE and screening um and then there's also Outreach and home visit and you'll find even we can we work together on that as well as we roll so um next slide um for screening we're last year we screened about 591 um little preschoolers that came through through us and they do need to be screened before they come to um preschool um so we make sure that happens but I think um as you can see on the on the screen there we have our t-shirts and we've been able to get back to sending those t-shirts back out um to our families when they are ready to come to us and be screened um and so they um are going I am expecting them to come in wearing them because they're pretty proud of the of their t-shirts when they come in I've seen some of the kids come to school in them already um and so that is a really um important part of of being able to make our families feel welcome um as well as make sure we're we're touching base with all of our families and screening where that's the first Contact of the district and so we take that very seriously I take that very seriously um to be able to make sure that they're feeling welcomed um and that they have a really good experience to be able to continue on with us um the next overview is about Early Childhood family Ed um that is the program of course where families sign up and they come with their students and their little their children to classes with us um we currently have 141 enrolled and I think that's probably gone up in the last couple of weeks um as school starts they go oh I should come to preschool or I should come to ECF and they um give us a call and sign up right away so we are working on that I've been down to that that classroom a few times so there's lots of activity going on we also have a full family literacy program so we have two sections there that are full and parents do the same type of a of a day with their with their kids they come twice a week um and they do come in and do activities with their children in the classroom and then they're able to go um after that and do some um adult Bas AED coursework and so they've been working with really hard on that I know they were testing today so um let's see next is pre k next slide thank you um and so our early childhood programs we do we have the full day options that um we've been filling up rather filling up quickly and are are full in many of those we have our caught um have day preschool programs over at Normandy and Onika um and then our full day models do have access to wraparound care and transportation um currently we have 297 little preschoolers coming 359 ecse students and that's birth to five uh we do still have families registering um call on us every day and our full day options um right now our Monday through Friday full day options are full um and so we are working on those weight lists as we speak MH um and then we have the tamarak of course which is our outdoor program um that is new to me and and um I'm really enjoying being out there and seeing how they're working together um with the naturalists to provide a really engaging environment for our students and um we did start an all day program on Monday Wednesday Friday all day program there and so that of course is um also fill filled up so they're having some wonderful experiences there um I think yep Early Childhood special ed we have um a our programming with Early Childhood special ed and our students with our children with exceptional needs um and like they're seen in a different variety of environments it could be anything from home or Child Care um integrated into classrooms or play grps and certainly preschool is an option um you know I think that coll being able to collaborate with Early Childhood special ed and and our programming it just provides the best opportunities for all children and providing each child what they need so I think that's a that's a huge asset to to what we have here at White Bear Lake is being able to provide um those Services um together and so I want to take I forgot at leis I forgot to introduce you but Lisa Orin our director of student Support Services is here uh in case there are any questions that come up around the ECS side and Angela's absence uh Lisa's Department oversees that area of Early Childhood next one um yeah so one of the the topics um that that we picked to talk about was um our action plan and that strategic emergence of our action plan um and so on the slides are the three tactics that we determined and then the three specific results that go with each of those um and it's just kind of an overview of of what our action plan is focusing on and that will be engaging diverse Learners um increasing access to Early Childhood programs and fostering family and Community engagement and so the next few slides are just a quick overview of kind of how we're working on that so far um so engaging our diverse Learners um this fall when I joined um the team had a really amazing training plann um for our staff and so they um were able to have a presenter come in and provide training on engaging with young multi- children multilingual children and their families um and so we did that in August and um staff were super engaged and you can see already some of the things that they're trying in their classrooms and then we're having this team come back in January um and they're going to dive into language focused planning so that we can really take a look at um how we're you know putting those practices in place into both our tsg into our assessments and into our curriculum and making sure that we're providing those opportunities the next one is that we're going to increase access to Early Childhood um and so we're super excited as you can see we've got some interest some fun things coming up too so we have um we're working on providing an additional class um for our Monday through Friday all day kiddos and so we're in the process right now we have some interviews this week for a teacher so this is this would be awesome we're hoping that one of these teachers works out so we can start right away um in sometime in October to get those those kiddos on the waiting list in um we also experienced a large number of Threes enrolling this year um and so we are also in the process of um adding an additional threes class um and that would be um in collaboration with Early Childhood special ed to be able to have some more threes come into into Normandy Park so I think we've got a teacher lined up for that it's just getting those next pieces in place um and then certainly um a we're super excited with the the transition into new spaces when construction is done and making some of those plans creating some opportunities up north um I was up there with with Tim um just yesterday um so being able to kind of take a look at what what kinds of things we're able to provide um and having some discussion with our early childhood family Ed staff too about um what things we maybe could start already um this school year and to provide some opportunities for families to um to try out try out some open gyms or different things like that up there um for outreach we do the some home visiting um we have some ECFE family events um and then we uh do have our child and family Advocate um and that I'm learning she is critical to who we are and what we do um and she really has um this the goal is to connect families to Community Resources uh and enrich their school experience and I I have seen it almost every day um how she's really connecting with families and being able to provide um those resources that they need and and making families you know feel connected um next slide and there's some of our um Foster family and Community engagement those are the some of the things that we have coming up um so we're having a field trip to Pine Haven um and opening that up to all families in the community and trying to find ways um some are going to be able to do the busing um and some are going to join us there um as they come in but um with the engagement um the engagement dollars that we received we're having an apple Adventure on Wednesday um and so we have families coming in at three different times um at the beginning of their class or at at beginning of their class whichever one works best for them but there'll be some activities and then um I believe we're having some donuts um that are Apple themed as well so there'll be lots of of time for families to of come in and to Normandy and see what their um what their children are doing in their classrooms and kind of engage with some of some of the staff as well so we're looking forward to that and that's the presentation so thank you so very much and we're we're super excited for the school year wonderful thank you so much any questions for the board uh Dr arand I don't have a question as much as I just have to thank you um the ECFE is so crucial because especially when you're a young parent not only we starting on that child's journey of learning but sometimes as a parent we're starting off on that Journey networking and learning and so both the parent and the child get to start on that um pathway and it really helps in the networking I also like the fact that when we do the three-year-old screening the earlier we can do it the greater the chance that there's a gap we can fill that Gap so they start kindergarten ready to go without any deficits and that's important and it's just the opportunity that we provide in our programs that the students start loving to learn and want to be here and it just sets them off on the right path for their academic journey through our system so thank you for everything you do with that thank you question um for the wait list you know how many students that might be are there and there probably a difference between threes and fours yeah most um are the weight list in the um four-year-old programming were're right at around around 10 12 something like yeah so so if you get that teacher if we get the teacher cover that weight L absolutely all that yep we have a space ready to go up Birch Lake Elementary that will expand our SR plus our School Readiness plus seats over there awes um so we've been working with Julian on that so that's prepped and ready to go so as soon as we get a teacher lined up get time to get them hired and get acclimated we we hope to in a in a perfect world where we're of and running and notification out the families with classes starting right around mea oh that's great and just one other question when you talked about wraparound Services is that the family Advocate then is that the same is that family Advocate the person that does the w around when you talk about W around um that and um the fact that we have we have extended day so that they're able to come if they come on the bus but they don't have any they don't have anyone yet to pick them up at home at the end of the day then we can hop over to extended day and they we have Services provided there for them as well wraparound for child care with extended days available to preschoolers that attend preschool sections at our elementary schools perfect thank all right thank you so much for all of your work thank you thank you we'll move into our second discussion item B2 a transition education center update and Dr Gillespie is Orin do this right I can I can good evening members of the school board it's my privilege to introduce Sarah Derby this evening she's going to be talking about the transition education center and the programs that she has there she's at the assistant director of student Support Services as well as the principal at at the transition education center welcome Sarah good evening everyone um all right to start we have moved this ball into what was formerly Hugo Elementary School um we will be there for a couple of years years until we transition into Sunrise Park um it has really been a great location it's a beautiful site up there but in addition to just larger classrooms the staff have really loved having the designated cafeteria space the gym space and the outdoor space which we will also have in at Sunrise Park but that's been really nice um in my 12 years here we've never had a cafeteria and it's just another really nice time for socialization and for students to really get together um on their own so I always like to do a little review of the four unique programs at the transition education Center cuz people aren't always familiar with them um but we have the transition plus program which is typically for our 18 to 22 year olds that are working on education um post-secondary education employment and independent living skills and then we have the tap program which stands for transition and post-secondary preparation program and this is for students in grades 9 through age 22 and these students have been referred um to the tap program due to their social emotional needs then we have project search which is a program that's for students in their last year of transition programming and this is located at Gillette children specialty Healthcare and this is a school to work program and our students are interns at Gillette hospital for that last year of school and then we have the aware program which stands for accountability with academics and restorative education and that's for students in grades 6 through 12 and that's a program that provides um education for students that are serving a suspension new this year which I just kind of wanted to note and highlight is is that eligibility in Minnesota now um provides services to students um until age 22 for students are on an IEP so previously students could go through their 21st school year now students graduate a day prior to their 22nd birthday on the age out so students can obviously graduate sooner than that if they've met their goals but if there are students that are with us through the end of their schooling career it would be one day prior to their 22nd birthday would be their end date um so so this is our Tech Mission oops I told you I'd be fast I've never talked so slow this do you want to talk yes so our mission which I wasn't going to read but um I highlighted some of it in Orange which was honoring students unique abilities and aspirations um ensure that students achieve their individual goals and transition successfully into their larger community and student centered planning approaches to encourage Independence I put those in Orange because our staff was trying to think of a way that we could maybe summarize or be more succinct um in explaining our our mission so students and families and even themselves could remember it a little more easily so we came up with that Tec and our staff submitted a number of different options and our student leadership team voted and they voted on um the t is transitioning to community e is encouraging Independence and C is celebrating aspirations so that was just a little way to help us all remember it we've t-shirts we've been doing some marketing and some um posters in our hallways with that the next one I'll just keep talking is our strategic um plan tactics and we have two of them um the first one is that we will embed personalized post-secondary planning opportunities into our programming in our students final year and this was something that our strategic plan team um developed a measurable post secondary goal checkin and a checklist and before students graduate they um they have to identify three goals maybe where they want to live where they want to work um if they want to go on to school or go on to um the military whatever that might be and we don't want there to be a gap in once they graduate now they have to start doing all of that planning so prior to them reaching their 22nd birthday or aging out we want to be meeting with them four to six months prior to that time to make sure that they've taken the asbab or that they've um toured a day program or that they've enrolled in a school and they've started to look at some of those um next steps in their in their plan and then the other tactic is is we will understand our students um and their needs to ensure belonging and we have three main initiatives under that bullet the first one is um implementing restorative circles and during our advisory class we've embedded restorative circles into our class and it's really a way um to um help create safe respectable spaces where they can come together and talk about different topics and really strengthen relationship ships so each of our staff members was assigned a different topic and they've created them for all of the different classrooms and some of the topics um that we've done for restorative circles are like why friendships are important dealing with stress understanding your strengths feeling respected um the second bullet under that um tactic was positive feedback tracking and we have found that our students really like a tangible feedback they really like it if you cut out a little butterfly die cut and write a specific little note to them something that they can take home home so in addition to just giving them verbal feedback we track to make sure all of our students are receiving some sort of a tangible feedback throughout the school year to take to take home which has um been great and then the last um bullet is our student climate survey which I'm going to highlight on the next slide they have this oh you have it okay good yeah I'm like this this will feel a little weird all right so um this this we this again our survey was developed by our strategic planning team um it was really helpful like especially to have a parent on our on our team who could really help us with the wording and make sure that their students would understand um the language and what we were asking of them so we had different um categories that we created um and all of our students all in all the programs took the survey and as you can see here about 90% of our students marked yes or sometimes that they liked school and about 90% marked yes or sometimes that they feel safe at at school and on the ne on the next slide um gets a little bit more into the four different categories of the questions the first one was really around safe environment um and again you can kind of see we're looking for a lot of Blues and reds in our responses and the second one is um feeling valued celebrated included and understood and again about 80% of our students were feeling that they were feeling celebrated and understood in our in our building and then on the LA on the next slide um it was our third category ategory which was kind of under student agency and about 90% of our students marked yes or sometimes um to the student agency questions we did find that again our students don't always feel like they know what their IEP goals are so that's something that we're continuing to work on that they really know what areas that they're working on our teachers meet with them and they present a PowerPoint that they present at their own IEP meetings to help them better better understand their disability their goals and maybe the accommodations that work best for them because we want them to be able self- Advocate and and be that student agency um most of our students do have self- advocacy as an area in which they are working on so we'll continue to work on that as well um and then the this student climate survey dated one um we did ask this was under our fourth category which was access to supportive adults and we had a picture of each staff member along with their name and we asked um these staff really care about me and 100% of our students were able to identify at least one staff member some people identified every staff member which made us feel really good but ultimately I really want to commend the tech staff just for their ability to build relationships with our students and make our students feel welcome and safe there and then I didn't put a slide in this one but I just was going to highlight quickly we had three open-ended questions as well for our students and um one of them was what was the best thing about school and some of our most popular answers were reading Spanish club positive engagement class my friends um and staff what would make School better was our second question and we had um more color in our classrooms Burgers not cheeseburgers um more time with friends if Taylor Swift would come to Tech um a later start date time and more points of Pride prizes and then what would make you feel most celebrated at school and this was very heavily birthday related um treats for my birthdays cupcakes for my birthday DJ on my birthday um small things and having friends so that was kind of fun for me to read those the next one was just a picture of our students in our new cafeteria again it's just fun to see them in the cafeteria um the next slide thanks Lisa or who's ever moving it forward now is a list of our course offerings and again I felt like our student climate data really showed positive um results and feedback and I think that's a direct relationship to the variety of courses and the number of courses that we offer our students we have many of our students for four years but we have had some students for eight years in our program so we really have to offer a variety of classes we don't offer all of these classes every year but we do always try to offer an independent living class a cooking class obviously reading and math kind of classes are offered every year but some of them we um we call them more like electives and we don't offer every year but they can have a variety of um courses while they're with us um the next one was a little bit about project search again this is an option for students in their last year of transition programming if they're accepted to project search there's an interview and a a skills day um application that they have to go through but if they're accepted then they are they work in three different departments at Gillette while they are there um this is our eighth school year of project search we've had 41 interns complete the program with seven more there currently and we've had 80 to 100% of our interns have achieved competitive outcomes after graduation um except during Co SLI down to 70 a little bit but um competitive employment means working at minimum of 6 15 hours a week at um minimum wage or higher in an integrated setting so we've been really proud of the outcomes and seven of our interms have been hired at Gillette um either full-time part-time or seasonally after they've um left the program and they're currently working in the Departments that I have listed there so it's really fun right now we have one of our students from last year who's training our current interns this year so um the next slide is just a list of the departments at Gillette that have hosted a project search intern um we currently have students in supply chain Human Resources health and information management environmental services and patient engagement and one of the things we got back this year that we haven't had since prior to covid is um some of the locations a lifetime Clinic some of them are across the highway or in different locations not at the gillet site and previously our students would take a shuttle a gillet shuttle that doesn't run anymore so now our students are taking public transportation to those sites so that's a really good skill that our students are learning mid day to practice that public transportation so that's that one um the next one is just some examples of the job tasks that our interns might be asked to perform again I'm not going to read through those but you can see there's a variety of clerical kind of housekeeping lots of organizational type of tasks that they're asked to do in the different departments um next is the aware data and here um this is from last year just kind of a summary of last year and the data shows again that the majority of our students that attend the aware program only attend one time um of course we have students of all genders and of all grade levels second and secondary buildings that attend and the majority of our students that are referred to aware come one two or three days um finally we have three building goals that we've identified um the first one is to increase the attendance rate of our students in our tap program again those are our students that have more of those social emotional mental health needs so where we are working on you know kind of identifying those problems um the barriers of why they're not getting to school we are offering more flexible scheduling some of our students don't come every day some of them um we have done some online things when their um mental health is really um the barrier to getting them there so we're trying to offer different um things to get those students their diploma and get graduated um the second one is related to the Desa preassessment and our students that are identified as needs instruction and again those are those social emotional skills that they're working on and our psycholog and our social worker in our building um they she does large group small group and individual groups to support that but we also have speakers that come in and the co-located mental health supports as well as um having outside providers of the students um Choice coming in to help provide some of those supports and the last one is really just that increased family engagement and those after school sponsored events we haven't done a lot of those in the last 11 years we haven't really had the space to do that so we had um we're trying to do more of that we had our really great turnout at open house we had 67 students and families show up for our open house and we had our first family engagement night on September 19th and we had 50 people show up that night as well and we are going to have at least two more family engagement nights this year so I just wanted to highlight family engagement a little bit so this is our students at Family engagement night this week um we invited all of their siblings we had aunties and uncles we had grandmas and grandpas they asked who could come and we said anybody um and we had activities for all ages but we really focused on um we did review our family engagement plan and our Equity commitment in the district and then our students um colored pots and then we planted succulents and um of course we did some you know eating and things like that so here you can see the pots that they've designed and kind of some of their final products that they that they had done so that's it all right wonderful thank you any questions for mrby Dr uh I was curious because know we went was it 21 you turned 21 but you got to finish the Year yes now 22 you're done yes have you seen an impact on your enrollment or how is it fluctuating we've definitely seen an impact on the enrollment but um we also are having really you know like last year we had students who would have been grad would have turned 22 in September and October and again that's where that measurable post-secondary goals like what are their goals afterwards and some of our students with more significant disabilities especially um there's waiting list to get into date programs and different things things so you don't want that we we really want to have conversations with those families that it might make the most sense to transition into those into September not coming back a month or two so um we have definitely seen we had our smallest graduating class last year that we've had in a number of years and that's because so many more were returning this this year thank you m Daniels um I just wanted to comment that I was able to attend a family engagement night last week and it was just fabulous and I wanted to say the St in your program knows cares about loves each of those kids and their families and um just it was just really great to see and they were so proud to bring their families and introduce them to staff and um and then what was really great too was that the families were talking to each other and getting to know each other some of the parents and and and that was really great too because um for those families I think for every family it's really important to engage family engagement and it was evidence and so thank you for that and was just really fun Kathleen got thrown my credit card and I said go buy more pizzas we in way she went and it's been great because we're using parent Square now and that was really helpful for the Outreach to our families for family engagement and their different languages and getting that information and our families to are really told us that so that was really helpful as well so yeah else um I just want to commend you I was really struck by in the student survey how highly the staff are viewed by the students I mean because relationships are everything in education and the fact that so many students said that they know the staff want them to be successful and listen to them and care about their feelings is really incredible so thank you thank you all right thank you both very much and then we'll move into our only operational item C1 action on the certification for 2024 payable 2025 preliminary property tax levy Mr wal Mr Johson thank you chair allson members of the board Dr casmer each year in September uh our staff works with uh MD Levy certification staff to prepare the tax levy for the upcoming calendar year there's two dates we need to hit September 30th is when the proposed uh uh Levy needs to be certified and December 28th is when the final Levy needs to be certified so we're at the first step in that process which is certification of the proposed tax levy for uh 2025 our uh team and when I say our I mean Andy works with uh with the team at mde to make sure that we've U submitted our data that it's checked and double checked um multiple times and and when many runs occur before we get to a point where we're at tonight so um Andy done great work on this I'll turn it over to our Director of Finance Andy Johnson to walk us through it okay well as Tim said um we're at the stage in our budgeting cycle that we are at the preliminary uh property tax levy there are three main components to our property tax levy the general fund our um Community Services fund and then our debt service fund our debt service fund again is kind of like our mortgage fund fund how we pay for all of the improvements that have happened um across the school district um the property tax levy is quite complex the document itself is 39 pages and there's three columns um all of those calculations are set by Statute and then there's estimates that we provide there's estimates that the county provide and that mde provides and so as Tim said we come through it we refine it as we find errors or adjustments that have to be made and so included in your packet is um the estimates based on the latest and greatest today's copy that is presented from mde um we just stress that this is preliminary at this time and so each year in September we come to you and we ask that the school board approve the maximum and that allows us to continue to refine as we find anything that needs to um be refined or or replaced and that also allows the county and mde to make any changes that they may come across um also included in the packet is the estimated change that would occur to the average home or commercial industrial or apartment buildings um so then with that then the recommended action would be that the school board approve the maximum for the 24 payable 25 proposed preliminary property tax levy all right a second hold on one second Miss Johnson we all able to find the document and the packet it's at the end yep okay just want to make sure it's not in my tabs oh sorry too many tabs okay so the um the recommended action is to approve the maximum for the 2024 payable 2025 proposed preliminary property tax levy could I get a motion to approve so move a motion by Dr newmaster and a second second second by Miss Daniels any questions or discussion uh Dr Aran just a second I just had a question for this tax levy what percent of that is actually funding the district I mean that doesn't pay for everything does it oh uh no the in the total like for the general fund do you mean or we're looking at all our expenses and the revenue we're taking in what about what percent is that um for the total on the general fund um off the top of my head like 5% maybe I I want to double check but so majority of it comes from the state just yeah the vast majority of of our general fund Revenue comes from the state yeah typically about is it 5 there's a range typically 9% typically it's like a quarter 2% about a quarter the maybe thinking of just specifically the operating yeah the referendum y so categories it's probably in the neighborhood of 20 to 25% for it's not a major amount of what Revenue we take in that's yeah but I mean it's not the total this not the total yeah yeah other questions all right oh wait oh I'm sorry M Daniels so so this is our preliminary and so when when it adjusts then it will and it'll change then we rote on this again right then we approve it again so we're just approving this preliminary correct yep you're approving the maximum just so that we are able to continue to refine it and that mde can make those changes as they come through um and then in December we have the truth and Taxation hearing you remember that's when we have the big graphs and all those changes are Incorporated at that point and then you reprove actual dollar amounts yep by fund and that's then what goes out to the taxpayers yes so the reason we don't approve a dollar amount tonight is because there's always there's almost always changes to it and if you approved a dollar amount tonight you wouldn't be able to change that amount you'd have you'd be stuck with that amount and so is um you know there might be adjustments to enrollment there might be adjust you know there might be prior year adjustments that the department of Ed catches up on that then changes the Levy and so so school districts do the they they do what we're doing tonight they approve maximum and then the over the next couple months everything gets refined and we bring it in December and yeah that's when you get the dollar amounts they usually don't vary a whole lot from what you see at this meeting but sometimes they do depending on what um right either we we find or correct or correct or ad or whatever the department of aded does other things that could happen is there might be like a Statewide appropriation or a maximum that you know if one District had a big error that might throw off a calculation Statewide so that's another reason that we like to just have the maximum it allows those types of fluctuations to happen the county could change some data that impacts our calculations that'ss can happen between now and that uh final Levy certification and we're in three different counties correct so that's three different counties we're talking about too yeah thank you feel like there's nothing on Earth more complicated than School District fin perh I mean there's rocket science all right any further questions or discussion this will require a roll call vote I would ask the clerk to please call the rooll Daniels I Ellison I new master I Aran I and the motion passes thank you so much you with that I would ask for a motion to adjourn chison I move for adjournment a motion by Dr arand in a second second second by Miss Daniels all in favor of adjournment please say I I oppose same sign and we are adjourned