##VIDEO ID:DhaHu-wbqMo## e e e order the meeting of the way ofch school committee please call the RO here M here M here Mr here oh Mr I'm here please join us anyone here for public comment once twice no one and there was no written public comment submitted before the meeting correct all right uh show the record I think chip is in a chip can you hear us you're on view okay can you hear me hear you uh approval of minutes October 9 2024 minutes of the regular school committee meeting is there a motion by Mr Irvin second by Mr Murphy any discussion seeing none please call Mr ear yes mivan I'm GNA abstain I wasn't here miss CER yes Miss yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy Miss L yes Mr OK yes m true yes M OK Conor yes Mr SL yes all right does uh Mr okon's voice thing work because uh you have to be able uh the remote meetings in order to count his votee you have to be able to hear it angel I think if you check the volume on the side of the TV oh that's what it is check check the volume on the side I had turned it down one second I think they muted you chip yeah one sec con can you say something can you hear me now yes for the record your vote on that roll call was yes or no yes next item on the agenda is payments of bills and financial report treasurers report Uh Kevin Mahoney from Kevin Mahone is there a motion on the treasurer's report motion to approve motion by Miss true second seconded by up any discussion see none Mr early Miss Sullivan yes Miss CER Miss yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy m l Mr OK yes m true Miss OK yes Mr soski yes passes Mr chair a point of of order I just wanted to raise that on this agenda item which appears it does say payment of bills as well as financial report and um I was reminded um but both our policy and our statute states that um the that the members shall make available to the Border committee at the first meeting following such action a record of such actions so I know typically in other um districts there isn't material provided that's the backup for the warrant hold on one second whoever did that can fix it testing one two no we can still hear ourselves still an issue still an issue no good okay sorry yeah no that's okay could hear you because it was echoing because it was Echo no I understand um typically uh School committees will we well one person will sign the warrant the warrant will be included in supporting materials for the review of the full committee uh typically it's something that's put on a consent agenda to be approved I just wondered if that was a practice that woodier school committee um has has had and and if not if we could consider adding that for consideration exactly the warrants the warrants I'm sorry I can't can't hear you over there oh sorry the question is about the warrant I know we delegate I think three three three people that sign Warr onf of the committee um typically and there statutory language and I think a policy language as well for us that says that a report of the warrant will be provided to be reviewed by the full committee is that something that we have done or is that something we always have listed we we've simply always listed the individual warrants that have been paid that you see on the bottom of the report that is how we have done it so I think what she's talking about Cara is probably how you remember doing it back in the day in is they are listed on here but just a dollar amount and the details of the warrant aren't listed are you looking for the details of the warrant yes so I think it's the details of the warrant that she's looking spreadsheets yeah to be attached to the school committee report or just to be available to you I would attach them I think it's a good practice to not the payroll but the vendor report the payroll is always basically just by fund it's not listed I know you have the payroll listed on here but just the vendor part of it that would probably streamline it all right all right can see we can do okay next item on the agenda communication student representative report kayy khabib good evening Mr chairman superintendent Lynch and all other members of the school committee here to peer Club just wrapped up the MSPCA towel and blanket drive for animals they had huge success with it and they were able to turn in several full bags the multiculture club has had a great month solidifying plans for the future one of their members gave a presentation about Dominican music which was enjoyed by all the student government hosted a super successful dance for all students and held a pep rally for the whole school and Community they work the skills to honor the veterans in our community Poetry Club is having fun reading election poetry like Robert Frost the gift outright and Elizabeth Alexander's praise song for the day and writing personal narrative poems about gratitude and all other fall related subjects chess club is in the midst of a highly competitive first tournament over 25 members showed up this past week if participation keeps up the student the student interests in League Play continues there may be a tournament to compete against other schools interact Club works with other with the marac fire chief on helping out with their third annual haunted house fire sorry with their third annual haunted firehouse and was very successful with over 100 visitors they also had a small group attend the rotary sponsored by veterans breakfast at the hail Country Club the ski club is holding a raffle with a basket that includes lift tickets to Pat's Peak and other ski ski goodies are $3 each and the winner will be drawn before Thanksgiving break skills USA has begun working with the river with the clean River Project to raise money for Boon to place in the verac river they will have several fundraisers throughout the year to support this skilled students are also assisted with the Veterans Day breakfast at Woody tech for the yearbook senior portraits are arriving daily and other photos are being reviewed and edited for the yearbook these include pictures from Fall Sports the pep rally college fair and homecoming day the environmental Club is moving forward with the woodier tech andv viralog project trial collaborating with engineering Advanced manufacturing and carpentry they're also excited to have finished the website for uploading photos the the GSA Club is excited to continue their partnership with Dr Paul p and Boston College this year the Key Club is recently assisted with the kiani's club and their turkey drop fundraiser they're actively planning more community service projects including pH out holiday cards for elderly housing in Newport and meal distribution services in Asbury moving on to sports girls soccer ended their season last week with the lost to and will compete in the state vocational tournament next week their final game is Wednesday night before Thanksgiving at greater Lawrence Cross Country finished up their season on a high note at the Fort Devon state meet this past weekend with all top Runners returning the team is excited and training hard this off season girls volleyball finished their season with hard work and determination they're excited for next year with many key players returning boy soccer has had a strong group of talented freshmen and sophomores they're eager to use that experience for more competitive season thank you thank you kid good report um next item on the agenda is the principal assistant superintendent report Mr lanus good evening Mr chairman superintendent Madam Lynch and rest of the school committee members as you can hear it's been very busy here at the tech open house was Sunday November 3rd from 1 to 4: it was a tremendous success those that attended we were thrilled to welcome in eth grade students and parents families across the district the academic displays throughout the building we engaging Hands-On presentations in our vocational shop areas truly showcased Excellence of all our programs that day our visitors were delighted with delicious appeti here poets and DTS crafted especially for the event by our talented culinary students and their instructors uh this was again a fantastic opportunity to highlight diverse academic and Vocational offerings that day uh since the open house we've received over 279 applicants for next year I Just Want to Thank The Vocational coordinator Crosby Paul musz uh and our maintenance crew the staff for their dedicated and diligent efforts in making that a huge success on Sunday and showcasing the beauty of this school our Middle School tours started last uh Tuesday November 5th and run through mid December the tours will be completed prior to winter break uh last uh week we started off with Triton on Tuesday the 5th and on Thursday the seventh Hill viw River Valley Charter came in tour the school today we had Kip switch and Thursday we have Kentucky coming in and if you're interested in the schedule I have the schedule all the way to December 10th and then on the 17th of December there's that's the weather dates uh just in case uh they the schools weren't able to come in uh first quarter is over last Friday our report cards were issued through Power School and so everything's moving we had the coffee house talent show it was on Thursday the 7th at 700 p.m. the AUD Spectators enjoyed many talents of all that kids calling me um also we honored our veterans day as you heard uh we recognized 13 staff members here that served in the branch they served in our student government was part of the morning announcements on that Friday November 8 they two recognized our veteran staff members those staff members names were also on the outdoor sign that you see coming in I it was really neat to hear the branches they prison military personel during announcement last Friday fo explained the meaning behind the table Mr Fox also spoke at the breakfast that you heard Miss Lynch and I were there and a few others hosted by Woody attack on Saturday at 9:00 amm by the skills USA chapter put it together once again with the kids and the culinary staff that just did amazing job that morning uh once again thanks to the culinary staff and students who prepared a delicious breakfast that morning for approximately 50 veterans and their guests uh Wich also displayed flags and on the school campus as you drive in mega Kitty the big kitty that's out front uh along with uh the driveway you could see them all in there so it was quite an honor for our veterans undera wood our new school cafeteria manager was select in an October Employee of the Month students and staff are pleased with the diverse this is what the kids said you get all the information from the kids uh students and staff are pleased with the diverse menu options quality of food and all her new ideas to improve the breakfast and lunch experience so that's great for the record if anyone was wondering I'm not related to her that's not why she got employee of the month I just want to clarify that yeah so uh parents will be held uh the parents night will be held November 21st from 5:30 to 7:30 we're we're in the planning with that because all this is coming up before break also wiia continues it its safety commitment we had an our first Alice drill October 30th uh so far so good we did a shelter in place and we did an evacuation uh which worked very well we've had a few fire drills I believe one on our own in the the Fire Department hav fire department came in so uh again we we discussed safety protocols with within you know with the students and ways to enhance our our safety every day we don't forget that the booster club continues their efforts and with our students and opened up the stack Shack with our football game and we also have Thanksgiving recess coming up soon from the 27th to the 29th and just so you can pencil in the boys vity Thanksgiving football game is not here it's at great allence I if you're interested Wednesday the 27th at 6 p.m. that's all I have a lot of stuff going on before break thank you any questions Conor what happens if any of the kids are out during those drills is there like a somebody to just review them yeah we have um so on the U inonet we have um we we do have some of the Powerpoints also the the teachers um we have them debrief with the kids uh and sometimes the kids do approach myself and the assistant principles if they if they do of course uh just by not by our choice um it kind of was a little bit of an evacuation when we had to leave half day when we had the smoke coming in uh so you know we we unfortunately have drills like that next up the business manager Miss cosmus yeah point 26 budget calendar good evening Mr chairman Madame superintendent members of the committee it is that time of year again I feel like I just finished fy2 budget and now we're on to the FY 26 budget so so in your packet you have the budget calendar it's very similar to what we have done in Prior years um this month is when we kind of meet to discuss the budget process and we talk to the cluster chairs and the department heads about you know what the expectations are we send out the budget uh request information and they have a couple of weeks to submit that back to us in December the due date for the completed requests are due um the administration reviews usually around the early part to the middle part of December we go through the budgets we make adjustments we talk to them as needed January 8th we have our first executive subcommittee where we go over the initial budget we usually don't have State numbers by that time but it's kind of uh where we would like to be and we get some um direction as to what the school committee would like us to do and percent they would like us to look at by February 12th which is uh again before our February school committee meeting we usually do have the State numbers by then and so we have the second executive subcommittee meeting to review the budget again at our March meeting we are recommending that we have the annual budget Workshop which we do with the school committee and the administration the school committee hopefully votes on the proposed budget at that time um shortly thereafter we advertise for the public hearing and the public hearing is typically held at our April school committee meeting which this year would be April 9th 2025 and they would the school committee would vote on the FY 26 budget again these are recommended dates they are always subject to change uh last year we did not have the numbers till later because we had a new governor uh but this year I do expect that the numbers will likely come out at the end of January as they usually do all right any questions Mr thank you I I'm new to the committee so I apologize in advance I have a few questions and this is an area of passion for me as well just curious is there any opportunity for the school committee to um discuss and provide like recommendations on budget priorities as part of this process early on it strikes me that the full committee involvement in the budget doesn't really happen until March 12th by this calendar well there's always always opportunity for school committee typically the January meeting is when the school committee the executive subcommittee meets but that does not mean that other members of the school committee cannot attend and have attended and so a lot of times they will look at what we have done and and provide provide input um so of yes of course there's always there's always room for school committee input okay the school could you tell me a little bit about school council and how we make sure that school council is involved in the budget process we bring up the budget at the school council meetings and and ask if they have suggestions or whatever um the students typically you know they they like Mr Le said they talk about things like activities and they talk about lunch and stuff like that but we do listen to them and if there are things that they say that they would like to see address we to try to incorporate those into the school budget great um question and maybe this is less about the calendar um I'm a little curious about the executive subcommittee I I noticed in the school committee policy I review the ones that pertain to budget um there's reference several reference I think to finance subcommittee um I'm just curious about executive subcommittee versus Finance subcommittee I I think I don't know who the composition of the executive subcommittee uh I think in the past it's been the is it the Chairman's that places that role with the finance subcommittee which it seems we don't have a finance subcommittee which I would be a big Advocate by the way of a budget and finance subcommittee I think the executive committee has acted as the basically the the facto Finance subcommittee I don't know why it was named that that was before my time sure um here I don't know if anyone remembers why it was named that or any idea before yours before mine too way before my time but all are welcome to those meetings they're posted so others do attend meetings y so I I think it has kind of operated as kind of a finance subcommittee um but for whatever reason the name of it wasn't the finance subcommittee it was the executive subcommittee but since I've been here I think that's kind of how the executive subcommittee always operated was as the finance just with a different name I understand I I think the concern that I would have is just you know for all the other subcommittees those appointments are made by the chair um whereas with the executive uh subcommittee those are not I can't ask to be part of the executive subcommittee because I'm not a chair of a committee so um I know probably raise this at some point for further consideration um you do make a a good point as the subcommittees are technically supposed to be appointed by the chairman um so yeah I mean I think there's some differing policies and procedures on it and I guess the last question I would have is just that if on March 12th the full committee meets to have a budget Workshop so I I assume that's sort of the full presentation of the budget um I'm hoping that there might be some potential accommodation for the fact that there may be some who are not prepared to vote on The Proposal having just heard the details of it on on that given meeting so just want to just address it after each executive meeting with uh the business manager we review and usually we will slice or suggest can you bring that down a bit and so on and and Kyra goes back to um her office and works out some further details and then that's posted so folks on the committee know what took place at the executive committee and then the next month or when she comes back you can see how it has been adjusted or not then you can ask the questions so there there's clear transparency from you know January beginning of January right through April 9th or 8th or 9th whenever we do the final yeah and I I understand that I think my concern would be to some extent that almost seems like the executive subcommittee is deliberating on the budget during the committee and there's also a vote of the committee I think as well um and I know I guess that's just to move it forward to the full committee um but I'm happy to hear that I could go in and Trace if I wasn't able to attend the meeting I could see what how the budget changed from the time it was proposed through the various um executive subcommittee meetings I think once once we go maybe through it you can see and if we need to do a policy or change then we can certainly do that great so um Mr Del one thing I think um in M cosos on your calendar we could probably do here you make a good point I understand what you're saying on March 12th some members if they didn't take part it's the first they see it they have the vote the same night sometime between February 12th and March 12th you could do a meeting where you do your budget presentation at one meeting and then the vote at the next meeting uh well they get you get the budget the detailed budget book understand that presentation on the budget is different than getting the the budget book if the members want a presentation on the budget we give a presentation on on March 12th on the budget to the full committee or we have in the past you give a presentation and they vote on it the same night you could just give a presentation at a at a meeting two weeks before they can digest it and vote on it at the next meeting I don't think that that's really a complicated ask well I just to in if that's okay um the budget Workshop is when we go line item by line item so I think maybe what you're asking is to have that earlier than March 12th maybe February 28th just throwing out a date and then actually vote on it on March 12th so more of the workshop yeah earlier where people have the chance to kind of go through it and then the actual vote on the dip on March because then it'll be an amended budget theoretically if the school committee amends it from what the um what you and the executive committee send them they amend it go back put it together how they've amended it and then bring that back for a final vote um I think that accomplishes what everyone was looking for and keeps mr's concerns about the process and not seeing it um M I just had a question so we what I recall last year was we voted um to present the budget to the public and then final vote took place after um it says it here too public hearing there was a public hearing at at that meeting um am I understanding that correctly do that is that how am I recalling that correctly that we vot so you need to vote before yeah we we had two votes we had one I believe to present the budget to for public for public corre scrutiny or hearing and you know like it's it's presenting it as the final budget but then we didn't vote it in as our bud until after the public hearing yes that's correct because that's the way you have to do it by law um it has to be a public hearing wanted to say that to clarify in my mind but also to clarify for anyone else who wasn't sure about the process as well okay thank you so I you know I think just adding one budget Workshop so budget workshop on February 26th um we can amend that so two weeks later and then we' be ready for the March 12th to vote on a final budget I think that would be really helpful okay sorry thank you you suggesting February 26th yes okay so does somebody want to offer an amendment to the budget calendar that there be a budget workshop on February um well actually somebody make a if somebody can make a motion to put the um the budget calendar on the floor first um so if someone could make a motion to approve the budget calendar first move to approve the budget calendar for FY 26 second by so and then make a now make a motion to amend um the budget Workshop calendar to reflect a February 26 um budget Workshop motion to amend the proposed uh budget calendar to add a date of February 26 for Budget workshop for the school committee motion by Mr Del second second what's the time um I think we probably stick with the normal time of 6:30 motion made in second and any don't we don't we always do the workshop before a regular meeting this is going to be separate though this is going to be an extra budget work any other discussion seeing none call the rule Mr yes Miss Sullivan yes Miss caringer M yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy m l yes Mr OK yes m true yes Miss okon yes Mr sloski yes okay that's on the amendment to the calendar um now is there a motion to approve Mr Irvin motion second just Murphy as amended any any discussion on the full calendar sorry is that what you said it couldn't the full budget calendar yes thank you as amended seeing none Mr early yes Miss Sullivan yes Miss CER Mr yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy Miss L yes Mr OK yes yes Miss true yes Miss OK yes Mr sloski yes thank you passes does everyone feel good about the budget process now no concerns we're good open transparent good thank you thank you Miss Cosmos next item on the agenda is the coordinator of curriculum and staff development Dr Fay good evening chairman wood superintendent Lynch members of the committee I am Dr Kelly Fay the coordinator of curriculum and staff development and I am here to present you with my annual academic update I first wanted to begin by giving you Academic Program highlights within the English Department here at Whittier We are continuing to focus on Choice reading and giving students the opportunity to find a love of reading of books that they that they choose and are not forced to read additionally we um implemented our new read 180 Program we transitioned from Lexia which was our program that we utilize for support for students who are identified as needing additional reading instruction and we've implemented read 180 read 180 provides systemic and explicit instruction based on not only the students needs but also the science of reading it is geared towards the high school level as well um and students are provided individualized instr instuction based on their own needs within the math department we're continuing to focus on our alignment with skills USA and employability skills uh the Math teachers are doing this by ensuring that their curriculum is aligned to the industry needs and expectations of their the workforce they're integrating mathematical practices and problems that are based on the various trade areas as well as skills USA within the science department we have continued to focus on phenomenon based learning and critical thinking where they're connecting again science with the workplace they're utilizing the story line format a phenomenon Based Teaching where they're given a story of what's happening somewhere in the world or within their science area and then they're examining the phenomenon around that within our history Department we're continuing to focus on Civic engagement and citizenship and we are aligning again this year to skills USA the American Spirit activities American Spirit activities focus on Civic engagement patriotism community service and as principal around the Wildcat as well as the Veterans Day breakfast so the history department is working hand inand with the skills USA advisors to integrate that into our um history classes as for our early college program we are currently in our third year of official designation from the state of Massachusetts and we are offering the courses again still to Juniors and seniors the addition of the program for this school year is that our students are now getting busted over to the campus previously they were taking the classes here and either remotely or um periodically depending on the professor's schedule they would come in and have the class here now the students are actually provided a real college experience they help on a bus they we have a um Early College facilitator that also heads over there with them and she's there to support them they attend classes they also have the opportunity to go to the library computer center they're really um learning how to be a college student and um as uh associate principal Jensen said earlier at the school council this week um the students are in the program are really enjoying the experience and really feeling like they are a college student and having those opportunities um so that's very exciting um fortunately unfortunately I guess really unfortunately we are in our final year of our DEC stem AP grants these are the courses that we've been able to offer our students through this grant it was funded out of the US Department of Education along with virtual high school so the grant was intended to reduce barriers for students to AP courses particularly in the stem Fields what was great about this program is that the students were all offered everything free of charge so the courses the lab kits even the um AP exam so they really had the opportunity to to take part in it and here we had a support teacher that was available to help them throughout the program um it because the program is ending we are in the process of examining how to move forward and and what do we do and what is best for our students in the needs of woodier tech um this year we integrated new electives most are half year with one being a full year mastering soft skills for the workplace is really um doing those 21st century skills that we all really need communication teamwork problem solving it's really teaching the students professionalism and how to function in the workplace media arts and visual storytelling is giving students the opportunity to really look at photography and editing and the power of Visual Communications students are able to watch videos with no learning and really figure out okay what what what did the director the author mean and then they're also able to create their own um did digital digital and social media journalism and public relations is really going to delve deep into journalism podcasts PR social media and really all media Communications as we all know our students are digital natives but this is really teaching them how to work with the technology that they have in their hands and how to make it work for them in in the best way that makes sense um we are offering economics is our next halfe elective and this really Builds on the Frameworks from the US and the world history and really we're looking at economic stability and and globalization and what that has to do for our economy so really teaching the students how um the economics play into that of our world the next class is an exciting investing in the stock market really they're learning about investment strategies critical thinking how to make smart financial decisions something I know that I always need so it's certainly a class that um the students can carry with them as they move throughout their adulthood financial management and literacy is not new to us but previously we offered it as a halfe elective and now we're offering it as a ful year elective we you know over the last few years we've been a recipient of the credit for Life Financial Innovation grants and we really have um learned that our students really need those personal finance and money management skills um so during this class they're really looking at saving and investing budgeting banking even credit lines Insurance again all the things that we need to be successful um so it's been a it's been a great addition to our course coures here for professional development for our staff last year we were the recipient of a social emotional learning and behavioral Grant through the state and we really delve deep into the multi-tiered system of support that we have been offering particularly since Co and really through that team's work of really analyzing what we're doing what we need to do and what we could be doing better we really wanted to take our focus on a multi-tiered system of support and really helping our teachers and all staff know and understand what the various tiers are and how that thought can help our students so tier one in general is a universal support we give them that to every student regardless everybody gets it a tier two is an addition to that Universal support it's not in a replacement of so they're still receiving that Universal support but maybe we've identified that they needed additional assistance and then tier three is really intensive support what was really good is that the director of guidance and myself presented to the staff on the first day school and we used an analogy that we found from the research that that team conducted and really it was it was taking a look at your car you're always getting gas you always have to make sure there's air in the tires and you get your oil changes that's your Universal tier one support right you everybody does that to keep their car going but maybe while you're driving down the road you run over a nail and you need to go get a patch right you're that's not a universal support not everybody's going to get that patch but you we've identified that you needed that so you take it into the shop and they patch it for you but you're still going to get gas while you're driving around with that patch you're still going to get your oil changes you just have this little extra thing helping you to move along but then one day you're driving down the road and that patch just blows out and you need to go and get a whole new tire and really the way cars that made today you probably need four new tires that is your tier three support your intensive support not everybody's going to need that and not everybody who needs to get a patch will need to replace all four tires but that that that's how it is and you're still getting gas you're still keeping air in your tires so that's really how we kind of um made that analogy and it was really helpful um for everybody to kind of Baseline understand it we then brought a presenter in for our first half day who really went through what tier one support was in Universal Design for Learning and so it was a really great opportunity to have a presenter and then our teachers broke out into departments to really talk about supports that they provide to their students on a daily basis and that is all that I have for you today any questions any questions just early yes some of these grants are expiring have you reapplied for them yes so it it depends on the grant if it's available then yes so that um that social emotion behavioral Grant it was a competitive Grant but we did submit an application and we're just waiting to here good luck thank you thank you Mr Irvin Dr F on the advanced placement you have all hot Sciences any consideration to American history world history psychology sociology art so this grant was a stem AP Grant put out by the state thank you so that's why OB any was first um about how many students do you have participating in the early college program and like what's the and what is that about as in percentage terms approximately all right we have a currently if I did my math correct Miss Jensen is the guru of scheduling but I have 158 students are currently enrolled 100 in comp 101 and 58 in comp 102 excellent and those are basic classes that they're they Mass transfer block classes so they're transferable to any any Community College and even if a vocational teacher or vocational student decides that they want to be a teacher in 10 years from now those are required classes to become a teacher so they they a vocational teacher so we will um be providing them with that as well yep and I guess this more of a comment this will make me wildly popular I'm sure was students but any consideration to making financial management and literacy required I hear that as the biggest issue students leaving High School wish that they had gotten that cont so it's certainly something that we have been talking about Katie and I actually received an email just about that today as well we have um for the last I'd say four years um participated in a credit for Life program where every we it used to be seniors now we do juniors before they go out on Co-op and they get to experience what or we try to simulate for them what it would be to kind of function in the real world so they're given a job they're given a credit score they do pre-work in their math classes and then we are hoping to do additional work afterwards in their math classes but they our gymnasium is filled with credit counselors and a gym membership there's a car dealership do you buy the new car do you buy the used car do you work out at home or do you go to Lifetime Fitness that's hundreds of dollars you know and the students really learn budgeting skills and then we do have the electives as well within our our schedule thank you um I know you said 158 in the early college program I have a couple questions one for the teacher supporting that program what percentage of the FTE is taken up by doing that and then versus the other courses that they teach and then how many students are in the early uh AP course have taken the AP course work and is their um are their teachers assigned I know it's a virtual is through the virtual high school but do teachers also support that program so this year we have a brand new position and early college facilitator so that's there's they're actually an early college and articulation agreement facilitator so that's their full position it's no longer a teaching position within the class so they don't necessarily teach courses their job is working in the early college program doing all the the scheduling they they are the person so there's that's their actual job and and now that has also taken on articulation agreements so they're kind of going hand in hand so there's not an additional coursework other than she submits the grading the grades from the college professor so it's not like we used to have it before where they were in the class they are totally separate from the mass so but are they still considered a teacher contractually they're still on the I believe so yes they're still a separate position and then for as your question for the advanced placement So currently we have 24 students taking part in this advanced placement program 12 are taking computer science three are taking environmental one is taking physics six are taking statistics and two are taking biology through because it's a virtual program we have a um advanced placement stem coordinator position person so she is there to support them and they go go to her room but the they're being Tau by virtual High School any other questions I was happy to see the financial management on there I I've always believed that that should be a requirement um for high school students um I've always thought that in my time on the school committees we they can they graduate they can s um solve a complex algebraic equation but they can't balance the checkbook uh they don't have basic skills for that um and and I don't think and this isn't us at Woody of votek or really anyone but I don't think as a commonwealth um that we've done a good job of adapting uh our curriculum to real world uh what what they need um and I think that's financial literacy and management is is a is a fundamental building block for the for the rest of their lives um so I'm happy to see it here um hopefully maybe we'll see the day next item on the agenda is going to be the director of technology and information service presentation good evening Mr chairman superintendent Lynch and the rest of the school committee um thank you so much for having me tonight to share a little few update for tech department here at weor Tech um in the last couple of months we have been working on a few projects and I would like to share a few of them with you tonight first I would like to do a quick overview and refresher for all of you as you guys know we are one to one school district here at wer we support over 700 application and system that go from student level all the way to staff and um our tech department right the platform that we use we have around 2,300 devices around here that under management that include Apple devices like iPad OS Mac OS all the way to Chromebooks all the way to Windows devices for shops in our 10 Department we have full five fulltime employees including me the network manager is uh we have a help l we have the library media specially reach that you guys may know it's all it's in the back and we have a technology integation specialist this year um with us we have two student in C that are working with us um every other week um they are helping us with the daily help help the tickets and they have been amazing going back to the iPad part um all grader here or student have iPad assigned to them that mean that every student that enroll in wi take going to have a brand new iPad this will include case like the one that you guys have in front of you that include a a display protection um also a keyboard we are happy to announ that this year we finally include to all the student Logitech pencils that way they can take note in their iPad as well and we including an Apple Care Program inurance as well this mean that the 4G of the student here with us in W Tech their iPad will be fully insured that mean accidental drops that mean accidental damage or any that is not working properly on that device um as ktie uh Dr F talk Chromebook for Early College every student that is in the early progress early college program sorry have a Chromebook assigned to them they keep that Chromebook with them and then at the end of the year we pull that Chromebook back to us then we do some maintenance on the Chromebook and then we return it as um in the next physical year as well all the devices here are wi Tech are lock and it's under management on um our mobile mobile device management platform is muscle that mean that every everything that the student does on that iPad we manage them from the web browser from application they use everything we can control we can see what they're doing and that keep us all safe and keep our data and the students safe as well regarding the t-shirts we have iPad Air and apple pencil for all the t-shirt and staff in the building as well from MacBook Air and Apple tv in the classroom that they can use to screen share um to that way they can do the lesson in the classroom as well talking a little bit about project now we're going to talk about a little bit about deployments in the last couple of month we have been deploying a few computer devices um to the classroom in this case School USA we deploy a few um laptops it was around 12 of them those laptop were used in the competition they had last summer um the same for electronic and Robotics to give you an idea this laptop put that department in the state-of-the-art technology before they have desktop monitors now they have mobile devices that they can work around their classroom they can be mobile with them also have all the platform is fully loaded with the application they actually need the same for marine tech AO body and auto tech talking about now our Palo Alto Palo Alto is our firewalls we have two of them um this year we work in creating new policies and reconfiguration the whole Palo Alto firewalls this mean now that we have two of them if one of them fell we have our Rundy the other one kick in so we are already fully covered that mean there are data in place here is safe our data for the student is safe not only the information that come from outside the building also the confirmation that goes out as well um we also include a VPN network this is a virual private Network that we create we don't have anyone in the past so this mean to give you an idea I work like an hour away from the building if something happened now people can actually call me and I can actually trouble you from home anything inside the building um Power School um with um last summer a group of the staff here in we we went to Power School University over there we learned what we can do better what we can improve in our system and that's what we have been doing that's why I had it here it have been a big component since I started working here a we year ago um I'm happy to know that it's working perfectly it's working like better than ever and again it's where our student information is is our top priority as of right now every day as facts um we mve all the nurses fast from the copper line now everything's in the cloud um they was like taking that apart from them so we don't they don't want to lose that so we found this platform we implement it we deploy it and as well like all these other ones we do the maintenance on then if something happen they're happy now they use iCloud facts it kind of work as an email people call the phone number for the fast machine but it's still going on an actual machine you just going to the Inbox and then they can see it they can share it and again he it made the purpose to keep that document safe and secure that's the purpose of the fast machines now talking a little bit about infrastructure Improvement about the network um this year we are going to introduce Aruba clear pass is the way that we connect devices that don't belong to weor Tech to give you an example as right now if you want to connect to our Network you have to connect to the guest SSA ID if you want to connect to that you need a password for us or for someone else that who know that password that mean that it will take time for you to connect it will take time for you to find the password and the actual issue is we cannot manage that computer or that device that is connected to that guest Network now as we Implement adua clear path now we're taking all that off you don't need us anymore you can connect you sign in the network but the most important part of it now we can see your traffic now we can see what you're doing where you are when and where you at so that give you a big picture of like keep our students safe our data safe and infrastructure safe and our service safe as well this mean that in order to do that we standardize protocols and we do a lot of automatization in the system to give you another example as of right now half an hour before we have our server doing backup daily that before is something that we actually go and Trigger that back to happen now they're just happening meanwhile we all talking about and that is one of the part that we love to do this part of the stuff and why we standardize everything here at weor so we can keep it up to date again I talk about remote connection other thing that we did last summer we did Aruba cor switch we changed all our Network infrastructure from the core switch from access point as you can see that all of them around we touch all of them we swap them to give you an idea as well all of those internet it was like running in a device like 20 30 Gaby Speed network now we're talking about 100 to 200 speed data wise because of this we can see it again all the network traffic we can monitor it we can know if something is happening or is about to happen saying this all the system in the building are back up by UPS un interruptor power supply and it's back up to by our power generator here as well then um we have two physical P coming to the building as a fiber this mean that again and we have two pal one fell over right the other one kick in the same with the network data we are interet service provider if one of them fa the other one kick in we never go down that mean that our most priority information is always up email and communication right phones we can always communicate to the outside work just to give you a the latest recent updates um again I don't know if you guys noticed we have a new website um this website we work with our Cent vendors out there they help us to implement it to deployment now is our part we're doing now the maintenance I Happ to announce that coming soon we're going to roll over an application as well so that mean that everything that you see in that website you can have it now in an application and your fingertips you just go to the app store or your Chrome Store whatever you prefer you download our app and through that app again you will see all the same notification or the same information or the same data that you see in the website but now in an application usually people is more easier than still going to like we t or just oh I had the application I click on it boom I have all everything on my fingerprint now going um to curriculum um as Dr Fay mentioned we help to implement NWA for The English Department commonly for the reading um part of the building and a p to make interactive video with the students as well for class VR that this is a new addition that we adding to the school is amazing it's pretty much um the student now going to use headset they're going to put it on now they're going to be in a virtual reality environment where if the teacher decide to go to China to see the gry wall now the St are going to the gry wall and believe me it feel amazing I even going to take the the Liberty to say like if you guys want to try it you guys are welcome and we can try with you guys and it's going to be a it's going to be a show now to in um professional development and this me and the part the team as well other the people in the building we have been participating as I said in power school University Apple deployment success I want to give you a quick story about this in the past year every time that we deploy our iPad to the freshman class we're talking about 320 iPads around it took around three or four weeks of work like that mean like getting the iPad in the building sit down with the iPad conf each iPad it took a while after we took this uh professional development with the Alpo deployment it only took three days this year it was amazing um again we have been participating in maid is massachusett education technology administrators I have been part of massachusett cyber security Center submit as well ncu and the last one it was the day of AI that superintendent Lynch uh um let us win and participate of that with our other um instructor H um Administration in the building and it was amazing we learn about Ai and how we can implement this to our student in a safe way in still like just denying it um and that's it if you have any question I would like them to finish saying thank you to my staff our Network and um Justin Joseph Tech Richard pcis in the back and K N inter technology thank you so much you have any question question that y that's a lot um just curious do we monitor internet searches for like risky or inappropriate searches yeah so as of right now every iPad through the f as well to the mobile management that I mentioned musle and we have policiy implemented like where a student do some type of search as an example let's say they want to search about guns the farall automatically will kick in and it will block that website they don't even reach it okay as soon they see the keyword it will block them the same for any other things that um are not supposed to be seen or not no compliance for them thank you yeah thank you so much thank you very good next item on the agenda uh reports and recommendation of the superintendent badam superintendent uh I would like to ask Sean Regan to to come up to the is it the podium we call it um Sean has just been hired as AR liaison um for with Northern A6 and Whittier Tech and he's already out and working and uh if you just want to fill everybody in a little bit about what you've been doing that would be great all right uh Sean Regan 82 Key Street havil good evening Mr chairman superintendent Lynch committee members um it's great to be here tonight and have the opportunity to address the full committee um I started about two weeks ago and mainly I see my role right now is providing timely and upto-date information to the district communities School community members and local official we doing anything I can to support superintendent Lynch and Northern essics Community College president Langan Glenn in moving the project forward um we have a new PowerPoint um to update the communities and what's happening at the at the this high school and the new shared campus proposal it includes Community specific highlights and information about our students and programs in addition to updates on the project um uh we also have uh new promotional brochures which are excellent that we viewed at the recent parent student open house here at the high school two weeks ago um most recently um uh School Committee Member Carol Sullivan and I attended last week's IP Swit suck board meeting to give a presentation and a project update available to work with um any school commit members to give a presentation in their communities um I also have met individually with a couple of you Carol Sullivan has mentioned Mary Deli dick earlyy Jr I'm interested in meeting with any and all you um here at the school or in your town to talk about the challenges and opportunities of the new project as well as listen to any ideas you have about how I can assist any of you and any ideas you have about how to move the project forward in your individual communities uh quick update on the project um what's happening right now is the memorandum of understanding that's a document that um northern essic Community College president Lane Glenn and superintendent Lynch have developed which is basically an agreement that all the towns are going to work together to move the project forward doesn't commit anyone to anything but just lets the school building assistance Authority know that we're all going to work together um you know to try to solve our solve our problems answer our questions move the project forward and um we've uh we we've secured commitments or signatures from most of the towns um uh for the uhou we hope to submit that uh again to the school building authority um soon hopefully this week or next week um the UMass donu Institute is um doing a study of the proposal for us um they recently completed their interim report and they will have a final report and I think a couple of months at which time it'll be a public document and it'll be available to everyone um for right now it's still a work in progress um Don Institute is also conducting public listening sessions um which people signed up on the Whittier website um public officials residents um anyone who wanted to you know uh give their input um give their thoughts on the project and I believe tonight was was was last listening session and uh we hope to uh have those results and findings um for everybody for the public soon this is all sort of looking um ahead to the Massachusetts school building authority uh meeting um in second week of December where we're hoping to be letting to the planning and funding Pipeline and um a lot of you know what will come next will depend on you know what happens at that meeting so um I hope I didn't go too fast and um happy to answer any questions if I can any questions Mr Murphy um will we be getting that report before December 11th um the the um Don Hugh well that would um I believe be up to um the superintendent who no we I don't think they're planning on having the completed report until the end of December beginning of January we did let msba know that uh Miss Sullivan uh Sean did I just want to tell you Sean's great I uh at a moment's notice the day before I found that the member uh the Moa was going to the select board in Ipswich I spoke to Moren Moren got to him he was there at the meeting with me that Monday night going over and answering any questions and then the next week I had already been scheduled to talk about Whittier and Sean came along to that helped with the presentation Moren had helped with the presentation and we really looked very organized and very on top of things so he's a really good asset to reach out to and help us bring the towns up to Mr how many towns have you talked to or been to um so um um IP switch was the only um one that I went to a meeting um twice yeah um I believe um um Mr um bosi is going to be giving a presentation did I say your name right I'm sorry um close enough okay to uh to uh Georgetown school committee um this week so um I'm gonna uh at least be on that um on the zoom meeting um but um you know like I said I'm I'm looking forward to um you know getting to know and visiting all the towns and cities and towns and I'm happy to uh I imagine eventually I'll probably um address you know all the all the selting meetings and um looking forward to to that but so far I've just been um you know formally uh said you're gonna do a zoom with them you're not gonna go there one onone I believe it's just a zoom meeting that's it it's a zoom meeting this month y nothing better than being in front of them sure yeah y I agree agree thank you any other questions seeing none uh thank you I think it' be a good addition of the team I've worked with Shawn for a while he uh back in the day he was a reporter uh we could never sneak anything by him back in the day he used to chase us around so um but uh I think it'll be I think it'll be a great addition to the staff here thank you Sean thank you Adam superintendent back to you um good evening Mr chairman members of the committee on Thursday October 10th I attended the mass executive meeting in malaro we discussed the pipeline of future Ed Educators and uh what the barriers to entering the education work force might be uh and discuss possible solutions to that on Thursday October 10th I attended the hail school committee along with Scott Wood dick gurly Cara cosmus and Amanda Crosby were able to give a brief update on the happenings at wooder Tech on Wednesday October 16th I met with mayor go from Asbury on Wednesday October 16th I attended the mayor's task force remote meeting in haal on Friday October 18th I attended the CTE Course Review at Fitchburg State we were able to discuss the six courses that are required as CTE instructors and what should be included in the syllabi for each one of those courses on Tuesday October 22nd I attended the skills Capital announcement at upper Cape along with Amanda Crosby and I'm happy to report that we received a million dooll grant for metal fabrication and joining uh it was a great day on Wednesday Wednesday October 23rd I again attended the mayor's t uh task force meeting on Wednesday October 23rd I attended the drug story theater at hail High School along with Amanda Crosby on Friday October 25th I attended the NorthShore superintendent Roundtable meeting uh at that meeting we talked about problem of practice on Tuesday October 29th I was able to introduce the second public listening session for the UMass Donahue Institute on Wednesday October 30th I attended the marac Valley's association meeting at Longwood Golf Club in LEL attorney Gonzalez gave a legal update on Friday November 1st I met with Lan Glenn to discuss the opportunities of Whittier Tech and Northern tics working together on Friday November 1st Mr lanus and I met with the Hao police chief and fire chief um to discuss school safety this is a required school meeting on Monday November 4th I attended the northern essics planning R meeting along with Cara cosmus and John Regan um we received some of the preliminary work of that study and again that we should have a completed study by mid January on Tuesday November 5th I attended the marac Valley Chamber Commerce executive committee meeting in Lawrence on Wednesday November 6th through November 8th I attended the masc Mas conference in hyenas along with Dave Irving Mary delight and Carol Sullivan uh this was a wonderful conference and we had the opportunities of both superintendent and school committees to learn together um and I really it was one of the better conf I've been to in a very long time so thank you um and today I introduced the third public listening session for the UMass Don H Institute I also want to um throw a huge shout out to the skills USA breakfast that we had on Saturday for our veterans uh it was our first time doing it um but I I have to say it really was wonderful these teachers volunteered their Saturday morning of a long weekend to provide a breakfast um so I really want to thank uh nickan the Christina parin chit banga um Terry Bragg Jane and Paul mosovich Bruce boelle the students and all the staff I hope I didn't leave out anyone because really I'm so appreciative that they took the time to honor our veterans um on on Saturday and I see this as something that's going to continue to grow um it would just really was an amazing event and I really can't thank the staff enough for for the volunteerism um to provide the event so uh that is all I have for you uh how how many uh veterans showed up we had about 40 to 50 thank you yeah I just had a quick question go I just had a question um do you know what town were they all from our district towns like or I you know what I don't know which came from which town okay um how did they find out about it I was just curious invitations were sent Word of Mouth our teachers okay um but I think that's where I see opportunity for growth um is working with our our veterans asso and um having it grow to be even a bigger event um you know we talked about you know what we can also give as a commemorative um to thank them for their service so there's you know you always you grow right you start one place and then you grow and it becomes even a better and bigger event so but I just really the staff volunteering their time on a a Saturday of a long weekend I'm just so appreciative it's a great start U Madam superintendent I think you have three field trip request so I have a group I have um field trips um for the American Institute of hair color in London Derry New Hampshire because it is an out of state uh field trip I I do need permission from the school committee so I have um that going out on 1119 and 11:26 approve if hold on one second before someone seconds it why don't we just take them all as one um put them all together instead of doing three separate motions and then I have um the Eastern Propane on Rochester New Hampshire um they are going out 22 students uh on week one and 28 students on week two and then I also have the Salem New Hampshire wrestling tournament um and that is on 1214 202 to motion by Mr Irving to approve all three field trip requests is there a second second second seconded by Mr Murphy and a bunch of other people um Mr early do we have the proper paperwork we will before they attend thank you any other discussion call the rooll Mr early yes M yes M CER yes M yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy yes Miss L yes Mr Okana yes yes Miss true yes Miss Okana yes Mr sloski yes passes uh next item old business no old business new business uh Mr consideration to revise policy bedb yes thank you Mr chair um I am assuming that this would get referred to the policy subcommittee however um what I would um like us to consider is adding language to policy bedb that in addition to having agendas posted and made available to the press that we actually expand that language to say that agendas and the supporting materials will be posted and made available to the public and the Press prior to the school committee meeting um I think now that we have revised policy Bebe and um are no longer including any Personnel information I think this was the primary concern that was maybe dissuading us from doing that um but I'm I'm hoping that committee members will concur that posting the packets will be viewed as a way to improve transparency and communication with the public um I think that's a s simple amendment I I wouldn't say that that probably I would say that you could move to amend this policy I don't think that has to be sent to policy subcommittee we're not developing a new policy or comprehensive change um it's really adding a sentence um to the policy so I really don't see any logical reason that we'd have to send it there wait for a meeting have them come back with a recommendation to a future meeting just for uh a sentence I think you could amendo yeah I'm happy to offer a motion uh to amend policy bedb um change that last sentence to read agendas and supporting materials will be posted and made available to the public and the press in advance of the school committee meetings second seconded by Mr Irvin any discussion on the motion sign up follow up Mr early yes Miss Sullivan yes Miss yes Mr yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy Miss L yes Mr OK yes M TR yes Miss Okana yes Mr sloski yes passes next item thank you Mr Li next item on the agenda reports of special chairman yep can I make a report on the new business yep three or four of us in including the superintendent went to the cape this uh past week for the n9th annual meeting of mas M uh joint meeting and U it was very very interesting a lot of the various workshops had uh title n uh you know what else we have we had a ton of things um on uh decency on um dignity on uh treating each other well on again 766 title n uh a lot of different U workshops it well worth attending uh we did have gen a couple of speakers it follow the election so one of the one of the breakouts or one of the General Sessions was John Keller from W the whole time and another interesting speaker is uh Tim Shriver who is uh one of the kennedies showed up and believe me the M his mannerisms his looks he was definitely a Kennedy but he spoke Dr J he works and and CEO of several um uh Humanity group groups are interest groups that working with the public and he also worked with u Special Olympics with his mother and Aunt and uh so he was very well received very uh a good speaker excellent speaker and he also spoke on this idea of U of respect and dignity among all people and to to listen to various views and so on so it was well worth it it was a very positive uh conference I believe superintendent may want to add some and Mary or Carol some of the conference breakouts you went to yeah was I did the charting the course also that everybody on a school committee is supposed to do and it was just an eye opener of all of the things that were involved in how important we are I was like wellow I didn't know all these things it was really fabulous and it was very positive and just getting talking to other people from other schools nine was very helpful and also a presentation about arcial intelligence um and where we're going with AI and whether or not we need policies or statements or and what the role of the administration is so I'm sure there'll be more discussion about that but they offered up some really good uh things to consider and some other districts that have tackled this this issue through policy or statements that might be helpful as well one other thing we had 10 uh resolutions presented and they the as school committee would have a want to do every d one was amended so we have Amendment upon amendments and so the final result hasn't come out yet but when I would mention the ACT U vocational and Technical School group uh proposed to the school building authority a three tiered U presentation uh for for money an elementary school would be one tier High School a comprehensive high school was second and vocational schools stating that vocational schools needed a lot more um money for their for their plant so uh basically and and most of these were all approved I did I did sense so there's a little disconnect between the Western birkshire counties and the Central and Eastern part of the state um but all in all it was very very enlightening and I think it's well worth anybody's attempt to go down we missed you Joan next year swear except I'm staying at margarita that's all thank you Mr Irvin um reports of the special committees executive uh has not met instructional Personnel Miss true we met months well I'm assuming we just had the presentation by K so maybe in the spring something like that okay all right plan operations Mr Murphy uh there are no minutes to vote on however we did have a meeting tonight and we discussed the uh condition of the service treatment plant and we need to move forward on fixing it replacing it um we're looking to uh suspend the rules to vote on the school moving forward to request for an RFP for an OPM lych some more details on on that all right so a motion to suspend the rules by Mr Murphy to discuss um possible uh OPM for the uh was it the waste water treatment plant motion by uh seconded by Mr soski to suspend the rules please uh all in favor of actually you know what roll call on that Mr ear yes Miss Sullivan yes Miss CER yes Mr yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy Miss L Mr ok yes m true yes Miss okon Mr sloski yes rules are suspended Mr Murphy uh so you know as we all know our wastewater treatment plant is is working towards the end of its useful life um you know we are still waiting to hear about from msba we should hear from them on December 11th um but we really need to move forward with with taking care of of of that wastewater treatment plant because if we're here for five years or 10 years um we're going to need to be able to um be able to keep the building open and this is one of the ways to keep the building open so what we're looking to do is hire an OPM um who will then hire a designer um and then um we'll have a better sense of what we're looking at um moving forward but this is just step one of a very long process um and I know our cities and towns are really anxious and want to hear what's going on and this this is really our first step in in moving forward with that question now this plant is 50 years old and at any day we could have catastrophic failure down here and if we do we get shut down serious any questions it's more than 50 years old yeah all right is there a motion on the uh a motion relative to this uh motion to uh authorized the superintendent to issue the RFB for OPM motion by Mr Murphy seconded by second Mr Sosi any questions on the motion uh the only thing I would ask is is there any downside to doing this before we know if the um msba is going to allow us into the process like if they see this would it throw any red flags curves by go getting ahead of them in from the end of the year I don't think so because again if we're open for three years or five years we need to do something so this would be an OPM that would be able to at least start the design and be able to tell us exactly what we need to do um you know there's there's so many unknowns that if if we do uh end up going over to Northern essics Community College you know this facility will still be here if someone was to buy the facility we would still they would have that wastewater treatment plant so it would it would still be a value added we wouldn't be losing um but you know we will find out in dece we'll find out December 11th about our msba chances um you know this is just this is step one if if we have to go sideways with msba then we we still have the opportunity to do that I just don't want to waste any more time um moving forward with with this okay any other questions what is the financial commitment in this step I know we'll find out what it will really cost to replace so when you do your request what we would find out about how much it would cost to have an OPM it's issuing an RFP for the OPM so we wouldn't know the answer to that till we get the responses any other questions see none call the roll Mr early yes Miss Sullivan yes M caringer yes M yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy m l yes Mr Okana yes Miss true yes Miss Okana yes Mr SL yes Asis is that it Mr Murphy yes that's it thank you thank you next item salary and negotiations Mr early we are going to have a meeting soon but I would say after the first of the year would be the next meeting I don't think we need one forward um we did get a request from the union for negotiations and they are requesting definitely to meet before that I think so so um I would get maybe in touch with superintendent on work on scheduling with the salary and negotiation call call us and uh yeah let me I'll try to get a couple of dates and we can forward with a couple of dates between now and the December 11th meeting thank you thank you Mr early uh Mr Irvin uh Mr chairman in your packet tonight we have policies for a second and final reading for AC non-discriminatory policy including harassment and retaliation ac- non-discrimination politic policy including harassment and retaliation ACA nonis discrimination on the basis of sex ACA I non-discrimination basis of sex under title N9 including sex based harassment acab sexual and sex based harassment retaliation acga civil rights Grievous procedure and acgb title n sexual discrimination grievance procedure and move that for uh Second and final reading motion by Mr seconded by second uh M any discussion seeing none please call the V Mr early yes M Sullivan yes M CER yes M yes Mr Irving I Mr Murphy yes Miss L yes Mr Okana yes Miss true yes Miss Okana yes Mr fosi yes passes and do we need um another meeting superintendent um yes actually I would like to have a meeting um Mid end of November to look at admissions okay the Thanksgiving break that makes things difficult um how about December December 20th late so after our next meeting I mean November 20th I apologize November 20th November 20th next week could we do three o'clock I won't be able to attend I can't you can still have it I just can't attend that day that you can't attend that day no I can um I could do the 31st 330 November 21st Thursday 31st y I can't make 21st sorry can't make that 3:30 or 4 3:30 make do the 20th at 3:30 I'm going to be would it be easier to let you guys figure this out after the meeting yes is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion by Mr Murphy seconded by Miss L all in favor of adjournment anyone opposed wej anyone have a good Thanksgiving about Monday the