##VIDEO ID:Fr20CAdwdDM## e e e call the meeting of the Woody Regional votch school committee to order can you call the RO Mr ear yes Mr Rossy yes Miss caringer yes M Del yes Mr Fitzgerald yes Mr yes Mr Murphy yes Miss L yes M Drew yes Mr uned States stand first item on the agenda is approval of minutes September 11th 2024 minutes of the regular school committee meeting is there a motion Mr chairman I move approval of minutes in September 11th second made by Mr Irvin seconded by scer any discussion seeing none call the Mr early yes Mr Rossi yes M CER yes M Mr Fitzgerald yes Mr Irving yes Mr Murphy yes m l yes Mr OK yes m true Miss Okana yes Mr sloski yes passes next item on the agenda is the treasurer's report for September is there a motion move to accept the treasur report motion by Miss TR Mr Fitzgerald any discussion seeing none just call the roll Mr early yes Mr Rossy yes M CER yes Mr yes Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Mr Murphy yes Miss L yes Mr OK yes m true yes m o yes Mr SL yes passes next item on the agenda is public comment anyone here for public comment most people I've been to many of these meetings so you probably recognize me and I've spoken at quite a few I'm Bernie Cullen from Ral um first point I'd like to make is that um this time of year I try to review the mcast the mcast results for primarily for triton but this year I looked at um the results for whia and other vocational technical schools as well as the other kind of um comparative schools compared to to Triton and I have to say that wh's mcast results are very impressive in fact they surpass tritons which is AB which is a it's not it's not that there isn't more room for improvement but that's a step in the right direction so that's the good news the not so good news is that um I've heard about the meetings that have taken place in the last couple of weeks in terms of the um the Whittier agreement and the results and the the outcomes of extremely disappointing so the first step is to take a look back at the results of the ele ction or the vote in January and as the data shows it was an overwhelming a massive defeat you don't find votes where over 70% were NOS it just doesn't happen so last January that vote was massively rejected the building proposal was massively rejected in rowy and Ipswich 90% of the voters turned down that proposal that's two of the two of the 11 towns 90% overall out of the 11 towns and cities in the district 10 of them rejected it by clear and decisive margins proposal was fundamentally due in my opinion to witty and not listening to the cities and towns I know you have an outreach program going on now but there's still still in my mind no real listening to the towns otherwise you would not have had this last week a vote in havil 11 to nothing to essentially um not change the agreement the 1967 agreement no longer works and has not since the late 1980s the demographics of the district have shifted dramatically I remember I was here when when whia opened back in 1973 I remember what those Dynamics are you can go back and you can look at the demographics at that point and they were very different from what they are now newort was not the golden spot in in Essex County it just wasn't there were some nasty jokes about newort but I'll leave that to your imagination the hail City council's 11 to nothing vote against any material changes in the agreement ignores the need of the other cities and towns and will result in another embarrassing vote changing the changing the building design and getting the state to cough up more money will not change the outcome it just will not without significant changes in the Whittier agreement the cities and towns will reject any joint effort with or without Northern essics it's a smart move but it's not going to work I understand your point however we don't have any role in the operating agreement that is those cities and towns and we certainly don't have any control over the hail city council or the city of hail's Mayor um on their position so this body by Statute doesn't have any um um veto power anything that we can do that's those are the bodies that affect that so I think that that that message would be more geared towards the hail city council and the hail mayor's office than here as as those are the people um that would be making those decisions not not this body so I think I understand the message but I think it's delivered to the wrong body anyone else here public comment seeing none next item on the agenda is the student representative report Kaye khabib good evening Mr chairman superintendent Lynch and all other members of the school committee welcome to a new month for clubs student government is preparing for student Spirit Week starting October 15th featuring spirit days and pep rally on Thursday October 17th to celebrate the fall Sports the homecoming dance will be held on Friday October 18th in the gym and all students are welcome yearbook is in the process of receiving senor P the deadline has been extended to the portra has been extended and the portrait studio will be available until the deadline chess club is off to a great start they have over 25 players and will be hosting their first tournament next week the drama club elected officers for the first time in September and they're busily planning for their first Coffee House Of The Year the club has also voted on a musical for the spring and chose Disney's The Little Mermaid Poetry Club has been very much into fall in nature poetry as they're so lucky to live in the world with Octobers students loves how JJ woodier wrote a poem called Autumn thoughts and managed to include all four seasons in one poem The Jazz Club had a meeting this past Thursday they're looking forward to the club starting the multiculture club is celebrating Hispanic and Latin heritage month with Wednesday morning announcements alongside Mr lanus on October 10th a meeting will present her Guatemalan Heritage the environmental Club will be receiving their endangered Landing Turtles this week and students will be responsible for their care throughout the year they will also be starting their seedlings for the tower garden The Poets along with some Towers in some classrooms last weekend Key Club members held the Eagle Tribune Santa fund whole in-one tournament in their latest meeting they prepared rubbert turkeys for the Kiwani club's turkey drop and discuss plans for of the year including holiday cards skills USA has been holding bi-weekly meetings with chapter officers who are leading general meetings students are preparing for the Veterans Day breakfast on November 9th at woodier Tech members are working with Miss Bragg The Culinary and DBC departments to make sure the event is is a success the interact Club is helping out team hail booth at the river rockus and they are helping community members fill out local community needs Health assessments through October the ski club is getting ready for its annual raffle basket sales and waiting on trip approvals before announcing any meeting dates the United Nations have been meeting regular regularly Tuesday afternoons and is off to a fantastic start they've debated many International and National issues and students have been introduced to the basics of the Parliamentary procedure the board game club is off to a great start they've had a great group of students who are returning from last year and some new students joining in it is an all-inclusive club that is gaming collaboratory and fun for sports girls soccer is having a great season so far they currently have six wins two losses and two ties their team goal is to make it to the state tournament while JV is undefeated cross country has a lot of young talent and is looking forward to the CAC League meet in the end of the month football is off to a strong start they are three in one led by senior leadership and young Talent woodier is competing for the MIAA and state vocational playoff spot the Freshman remains with the successful and remain successful with a lot of student athletes girls volleyball is still drawing large number of student athletes and continuing to work hard to improve throughout the season boy soccer has had a tough SP start with a young team and competitive CAC but they continue to work hard with talented freshman and sophomores and no seniors their effort effort is bound to pay off thank you great job next item on the agenda is the principal assistant superintendent report Mr lanus good evening Mr Mr chairman Madam superintendent Lynch and rest of the school committee members um just a few things here some items to add on to our student rep uh meet the academic teacher night is tomorrow night uh October 10th from 5:30 to 7:30 uh on this night parents and Guardians are able to follow their students daily schedule and teachers uh plan 10-minute presentations on the students academic progress and classroom activities that go on so should be well attended tomorrow night we have advisors and assistant P principls are planning this fun week for the kids so that's going to be a blast it always is and hopefully Mother Nature will uh take care of the rest uh homes only uh and tickets are on sale uh in the store for $10 each and we have we had last year close to 800 kids so uh right now we have 29 chaperon and Counting so hopefully that'll be another fun night for our students we also have 28 students um that are in our after school activity clubs which is pretty awesome and we have 21 clubs that kids are getting involved so I wanted to kind of throw that number at you 289 kids are staying after school in our clubs it's awesome to see that our guidance department has been working with uh College admissions Representatives throughout the school year our annual college fair took place yet uh Tuesday October 8th during our lunches uh students 11th and 12th grade I just wanted to share a piece of feedback that we got uh from the college admissions reps and one rep in particular reported that our students were some of the most polite and considerate uh she's ever encountered she said that she's been to a lot of schools and met with thousands of students over the years witty attack ranks up at the very top so that was an amazing thing to hear because if there were there were 50 54 54 colleges place was packed with all our kids uh and just so respectful and to hear that is again amazing uh the PSAT will be administered here at wity Tech uh on October 22nd 23rd 100 students have signed up sophomores and juniors uh about an even split right now and then also we talk about the safety wer continues uh you know its commitment to safety of our our kids and our staff uh we're working again with students and staff throughout the year monitoring school safety procedures and protocols we're going to uh hopefully if Mother Nature once again we'll do some uh some of the Alice drills coming up uh we also pencil in uh the open house will be held Sunday November 3rd from 1 to 4m so that's what I have a lot of positive stuff happening here at Whit thank you any questions thank you very much thank you everyone Miss cosas Europe up business manager report thank you Mr chairman Madam superintendent members of the committee a couple of things that I have for you this month the first is the review of The Five-Year Capital plan and it serves as a planning document and it's updated each year to project the district's Capital needs over a five-year period And it we use it in the budget development process I need to be very clear about this that there it does not include anything having to do with the building and there are a couple of reasons for that as you know we are awaiting a December decision to see if there may be another msba project but regardless of whether that happens or it doesn't happen we still will so we will be um engaging in a facility study like we did about 10 years ago to develop more of a long range plan for the facilities you know and it will depend a lot upon what happens in December but even if we do get the approval in December that would not happen for a number of years and there will be reps that need to be made so you will hear back from the superintendent and I after we're able to get somebody in here to do a more upto-date study on what their priority what they think we should prioritize to keep the building in operating condition you'll see from this particular report many of the items listed were either already funded this year through grants or we have applied for Grants the anonymous Grant and it's denoted AG we received $390,000 and they gave equipment in CAD drafting culinary electrical electronics Robotics hvacr and marine tech areas they were able to not only provide the machinery and equipment that they needed but a lot of stuff that they wanted to try to bring their their shops into you know into the current uh focus with whatever needs to be done we also culinary down here also received a $350,000 Grant through Mass skills Capital Grant denoted as MSG so that's on its way we've ordered all of the equipment and we're waiting for it to come so there'll be a complete almost remake of The Culinary Kitchen the district has also applied for about a $200,000 Grant which would update the equipment in the metal fabrication area that's denoted as a g and and we have not heard yet whether that will come in but if you look at that you'll see that much of our equipment has been really really paid for by grants and we are so appreciative not only of the state grants but also of the larger ious grant that we received so that is my update on the fiveyear capital plan and you'll be hearing more from us on the building any questions and then this it's the end of the first three months believe it or not that's flown by you'll see the variance analysis from July through September you'll see that there's a couple of columns with quarterly transfers within the major functional categories and that's to balance out the accounts and those are mostly in the 4,000 series and 2,000 series and the 4,000 series most of the transfers which are in the 2,000 series are need needed because when we do the fy2 budget we're preparing it in January of 2024 and it's based on the 2024 Staffing and people come and they leave and they shift and they cross over lanes and they go down steps and a lot of times we don't know um at the time what that will be so we put a large sum of money in something called instructional you see it in the in the um budget every year and that covers those types of unknowns particularly when they move across the lanes in the in the salary schedule because they get credits so um you'll see that we are in very good shape we have plenty of surpluses in some accounts to balance the uh yellow spots and other accounts and that that happens too we we buy things at the beginning at the end of the year the enrollment changes um needs change so I would say that the um accounts are in excellent shape thank you any questions do we need to receive report uh do we need to vote on I don't believe we need to vote on the variance report no I don't think so it's just informational yeah if you want to do that that's fine if you want to do motion by Mr Irving seconded by Mr just call the RO Mr ear yes Mr Rossy yes Mr caringer yes Mr Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Mr Murphy m yes Mr OK M tro Miss OSI yes thank you very much thank you Miss Cosmos next item on the agenda is the associate principal Miss Jensen mcast data good evening Mr chairman superintendent Miss Lynch and school committee members um I am Katrina Jensen the associate principal and tonight I get to discuss the mcast and our accountability so we are still with mcast 2.0 um all students take the mcast on their iPad and the performance levels are staying the same it exceeds meets partially meets and does not meet while the performance rating names stay the same this is the first time in English that they raised the bar for the scaled before that the students had to get to pass previously the last couple years they've had a lower bar for English this is the first year that they've upped it to where the math was at 486 so that is why we only have one bar here because we don't want to compare before because it wasn't the same standard so now this will be our Baseline to for where we go from here so as you can see 94% passed on the first try 12% got in exceeds and % got into meet so that 60 more than 62% of our students passed the English test on the first try with either meets or exceeds um how did we do verse the state in certain subgroups um we are 5% above the state average for all students 21% above for economically disadvantage students 177% above for high need students and 11% for students with disabilities um how did the students grow over the last two years um just to point out in exceeds um from 8th to 10th 10% got into exceeds more than they were in eth grade and in the did not meet we had 11.9% decrease so that is excellent next up is math so math has had that um for 86 bar so we do have some more data here um for the for the all students 96% P first time 6% got into exceeds which is triple what we had last year and 44% got into meets so again there 50% of the class pass the math and either meets or exceeds um again how do we compare to the state for all students were 2% above for economically disadvantaged 20% above high needs 15% above um and for students with disabilities we're 2% below so that's an area that we are going to be looking at again how did we grow from e8th grade to 10th grade um our exceeds went up 3.6% meets 14.3% and then we did have a decrease of 8.4 and that did not meet for biology which is the test we take for Science and Technology um 98% passed on the first try which is a huge increase from last year um 4% got into exceeds and 53% got meets which again is a huge increase how did we compare to the state we are 8% above for all students 22% above for economically disadvantaged students 20% above for high needs and 19% above for students with disabilities I don't have a growth chart just so you know for that because in eighth grade they just take a science and technology exam and that is not what we give here at the high school so we really can't compare the two exams this is where we stand right now for all students for the classes of 23 through 26 so the classes of 23 and 24 everybody graduated from Whittier Tech with a high school diploma um right now the seniors I have um one or two students I need to file an Math Appeal on and then the class of 26 I have a few stud students I need to file a bi biology Appeal on but other than that um everybody has passed now the great stuff so um as you know um woodier Tech was a school of recognition this past um fall when they released the uh scores and we got that way because and we were the only tech school by the way um because we demonstrated progress towards our annual accountability targets um we exceeded all Targets in achievement in English Math and Science and we had high growth in English and math the accountability categories we had we have a 99.1% graduation rate we had a 0% dropout rate um we exceeded the targets for chronic absenteeism and advanced forwork we had 100% of the students take the mcast and our accountability percentile is 70% any questions any questions see none thank you so much thank you next item on the agenda Career Technical education coordinators Miss Crosby and Mr MOS thank you chairman wood superintendent Lynch and school committee members for this time to um give a CT update um my name is Paul muskovich I Am The Vocational Technical Cooperative education coordinator and my co- um coordinator Amanda Crosby will be giving this update as you can see our uh supervisor positions of overseeing these technical areas um are on the screen um I will say that uh construction craft laborer um is a new program um we started last year with uh introducing construction craft labor along with masonry to our freshman exploratory um Department of Education gave us the go-ahead to have it as a full uh freshman exploratory program this year um and we're this close to getting approval um superintendent uh Lynch and I were on a a zoom call this afternoon and it looks like it will be all set and hopefully in the next couple weeks we'll get the letter uh approving this program um some of the community events updates um our carpentry students finished up a project at Georgetown American Legion Park uh of a Snack Shack uh addition to the Snapchat that that's already there and uh the CTI program this Summer started it and we finished it up last week so that that project is um all buttoned up and and is all set um we also uh finished up a project that was started last June for the um Georgetown Police Department um our metal fabrication shop uh designed and fabricated uh panels that would go into the jail cells um to prevent um any uh choking uh situations for people that are being detained in those cells um our carpentry Department had to go there last week and the cracks that were in the panels so that no one could slide anything underneath the little cracks that are on the floor so that's another project that's finished up that we helped out the uh Georgetown Police Department um we are in the beginning uh stages of um a storage shed for our neighbors's table in as um our carpentry Department went out there and looked at the site um they are getting the uh materials donated by Home Depot uh and we'll just go and build the uh storage shed the storage shed is used to house uh tables and chairs um and and uh snow removal equipment and lawnmowers uh so that that they serve a meal every Wednesday I believe uh at the church that's uh adjacent to this storage shed uh so it's really good that we are able to go out and help that situation uh our masonry carpentry and hvacr uh departments are exploring a a partnership and uh we've been talking for quite a while now with the Cogswell uh AR uh Center in in pil and they're going to be doing some Renovations in there um uh and we're going to try and help them out as much as we can with those projects that they have in store um the art Pro the art program will be decorating the big dog in Bradford commin in havil October 25th through the 27th um we've been doing this for the last few years and uh the the art department has a real good time with uh doing that we also are in the process of starting our Santa parade for the hail and maramax Santa parades that will be coming up this um November um and December and uh we look forward to always participating in that project so here's some really exciting news our Cooperative education update um at this time we have 53.2% of our senior class are on Co-op and every day day we keep adding to that number so it's it's growing really really fast um there is some struggles here and there um one of the things that we're having struggles with is students don't have their licenses as early as they used to have them so transportation is a big big thing um we add new companies every every uh year um we just signed on with an agre agreement with um Local 22 the New England laborers Apprenticeship Training um they're they're part of our Advisory board for construction craft laboring and they really want to get involved and uh that's just an exciting situation there we also um have two electrical students that got their pre-apprenticeship from the Department of Labor so that they would be able to go and um be employed by a Electrical Company um that does mainly Union projects and so our students are now pre-apprentice through the state of Massachusetts so now we're going to move on we're going to move on to Industry recognized credentials this is something that's new in the Frameworks the the Frameworks that are coming out that are the new Frameworks that are updated this last couple years and irc's or industry related credentials are a big part of the new Frameworks um so that being said Through The Years our Juniors all will get OSHA 10 uh certification so we have 285 Juniors that will be taking that uh this year um we have 212 sophomores that will be taking the uh Hut work uh certification and uh our hvacr program sophomores will be doing their OSHA 10 and hot work and then 17 of last year's students passed the EPA 608 technical certification uh in HVAC so that's a huge um test that they have to take um it's it's it's actually a very very big thing for that industry to have that certification and our Co-op um partners are very happy that our students are going out with those certifications there's a new uh a2l flammable refrigerant certification that they're adding into this year and we're don't have any results yet but hopefully we'll have a good passing rate for that the construction cluster they've been going at a lot of the industry related C credentials uh hacom RAM Set uh step ladder uh safety Vega and mega press uh certifications Charlotte Pipe Mitsubishi installation uh latr adhesive certifications and these are all things that the students will benefit from when they go and become employed by companies that use this equipment so what we do is we have the sales reps and the training people from those companies come in and they're able to train the students the students can use the equipment and then they take a small test and they pass the test they get the certification sometimes out there in the trade as far as like Plumbing is concerned uh an inspector will ask is anyone certified for this type of equipment and our students will uh proudly pull out their cards to show the inspectors that I already touched on construction craft laborers um for this a technical program update but um we're really excited for this um we feel that you know after two more years of having students in this uh area our students will then be able to go out as they graduate and they're FASTT tracked to the um Union laborers union uh in their training so uh it's we we're very happy about this we're we're really excited and and it's going to be just another thing for our students to be able to get and and then move on and become uh qualified construction craft laborers I will now turn this over to uh Amanda Crosby thank you um so just a little bit more information on the Career Technical program update uh the Freshman Wildcat speaker our goal is to have uh four alumni speakers come during the school year um we're really looking for opportun to um let our students see what success looks like um somebody that looks like them somebody that they can relate to um to really see the success that they can have out in Industry um we continued for the second year with the Freshman Safety Shoe uh program uh brunt has been um very generous to uh donate 165 uh safety shoes for students um and Paul has really spearheaded that mission um updated CTE Frameworks 12 out of our 24 programs have new state approved Frameworks um so the instructors have already worked on developing um updated scope and sequences as well as unit plans um the next step is to implement them into their uh weekly lessons um we are in the process of piloting a program called uh CTE 360 um it's a comprehensive platform um for updating uh Pro updated programs to manage so we're focusing on only the 12 programs that have approved uh Frameworks um and it can manage things like competency tracking student portfolios lesson plans Advisory Board um really you name it anything that our uh Career Technical programs need this platform is able to do for them um so we're in the early phases of getting that going um I just want to give you some information updates on adult education um is another area that I oversee we have 152 students just in electrical with the average class size of 30 uh we have 131 uh tier one through five Plumbing with the average class side of of 26 um if I could find more teachers this building would be full of plumers and electricians um we we do we do a very nice job um and students come back to us and they go somewhere else and then they still want to come back to us um because they may not have you know found what they needed somewhere else or um other schools are opening their programs they can't find teachers then they kind of close them last minute so um we're very grateful to have uh highly qualified instructors who show up um and help support this program um because it really is essential to these plumbers and electricians um we have seven students enrolled in the certified nursing um assistant program we have seven students in cosmetology um that's going to wrap up shortly and we'll start a new program in 2025 we've already started a weight weit list um we have a 100 students enrolled in personal enrichment courses such as uh basic woodworking um introduction to electrical sewing or photography um we still have spring enrollment open but as of right now we're about a 100 plus students um this is the highest enrollment since that we've had since before the pandemic um so we're we're looking at about 400 people here at a night um and we um really advertised we mailed uh brochures to 75,000 homes before registration opened in August um so if you live in the community hopefully got a a brofer from us with all the night school information another thing that we do is over the summer we have the CTI program so I just want to give you some updates on that um Career Technical initiative it's Grant funded program and it's for um individuals that are considered underemployed or unemployed um we had 79 uh 79 students complete the training during the summer of 2024 um the enrollment Pro process and the whole program was a little bit smoother this year um we previously had partnered with mass hire and um this year we were tasked with doing it all on our own um and I do have to say like with it all being Wittier um it was much more successful because at any point the student was contacting somebody from Whittier versus calling Mass higher and trying to figure out what was going on so that aspect was aot lot smoother um we're a little bit of go-getters and not that mass hirees not they're fantastic um but they are think are very um overwhelmed with the demand that they have um so we were very fortunate to be able to handle this on our own and I think it was very successful um we had two career coaches in the building the whole time that the students were here uh 39 students were employed the day they left here from training um so that was really good outcomes we're in the process of getting updated outcomes but um we since we started of the summer program we've never had 39 students walk out of here employed um and we are already awarded uh round nine um and we are starting enrollment um actually uh we have a career fair tonight at Boys and Girls Club lawren so we've already started enrollment for the summer of 2025 um and I know Cara mentioned we um we did receive a $350,000 skills Capital grant for uh culinary equipment um so we're in the process of getting that done um something that was released uh we're partnering with community community action um and we have um we're going to offer an ESO they're going to offer the language piece and we're going to offer the career piece so we'll use our welding program to train um students that are learning English um and then we are actively pursuing uh new SC new skills Capital grants opportuni so that we can um you know take more money from the state and not from the taxpayers well still from taxpayers um I think that's it do you guys have any questions yes still um the CTI program how many students were in there for the uh labor program 10 10 so we can take 10 oh okay yeah every program um except for electrical can hold 10 students electrical is two cohorts so it it's it's 20 and when this program gets approved um will it start for our students oh so the CTI is a summer program but for the day school Paul can answer that yes so this year um we because masonry and construction craft labor has so much overlap with um strands in the Frameworks um we're splitting uh the sophomores which were 20 sophomores chose masonry and construction craft labor this past year and so we we're going to flip them halfway through through and then fourth term we're going to give them the option of what what way do they want to go masonry or construction craft labor thank you Mr Li question so you had said I think about 53% of students who participating Co-op and I guess my question is what is your goal what would you like that number to be and then also what are the Maj challenges or impediments to mention transport y Okay so um last year we had 387 students on Co-op that's seniors and juniors uh that was 77.3% of our seniors were on Co-op and 488 almost 49% of our Juniors were on Co-op so um I will say that attending um uh Co-op coordinators group meetings and in um vocational coordinators meetings we're probably the biggest in the state for Co-Op and the number of kids on Co-op I'd love to see it more but um there is a challenge that we do have and it's a lot of times our uh students have no Transportation however we do have one of our Co-op Liaisons who finds bus routes finds other ways of getting these kids to their jobs and to the point where um she actually will take a student and another um uh staff member and show them this is where you're going to get on the bus where you're riding the bus is where you get off you have to walk two blocks and boom you're there so we're working on that kind of things with them um you know we we we have some things that we're trying to work on to try and get uh maybe driving lessons here at the school but it's still in the uh beginning stages great thank you just a followup Paul so we don't have a bus for those kids that don't have transportation we don't provide a bus no you don't Circle in the morning and drop them off no thank you anyone else seeing none thank you next item on the agenda is director of pupil Personnel Miss Morrison School Center good evening chairman wood members of the committee and superintendent Lynch my name is Christine Morrison I'm the director of people Personnel Services you received in your packet the district's October 1 census report I have included the comparison of the enrollment data from the last year for your information and as of October 1st we have 1285 students which is four more than last year and I'm happy to answer any questions that you have any questions thank you oh m true sorry just one is this the highest number of students we've had in Newbery 24 or maybe we've been close but that's a that's a really high number and that was the largest increase we've seen recently as well increased by seven students last year yes I I I'm not sure if it's the most we've ever had right but I think it's really close last yes thank you you're welcome anyone else well thank you thank you next item on the agenda is reports and recommendations of the superintendent Madam superintendent morning Mr chairman members of the committee um I'd like to update you a little bit about what's going on with Northern essics um in woodier Tech so yesterday was the first listening session um with the UMass Institute in their study looking at the the partnership with us working together um there are three more listening sessions and I would encourage everyone to participate in this important study we do really want to hear from our community about the obstacles the the you know what we need to work on how we can improve um it's really important that we hear from members of this committee important that we hear from our town managers Mayors um members of the community um we really want to make sure that everyone has been heard and everyone feels are part of whatever we move forward with so there are more listening sessions there's one on October 29th there's one on November 12th and there's one on November 19th so I would really encourage um all of you and anyone out there listening to really participate in the in this program um it's really going to provide us really invaluable feedback um as we move forward um with this possible building project there was a meeting on September 24th with the town manager mayor select board members and City councilors to discuss the woodier tech Regional agreement at this time there is no agreement on the agreement um but all parties seem to be working towards some sort of a solution and working to understand each other's perspectives on Monday September 16th I attended the marac valley fall Expo I was able to introduce the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Lauren Jones it was a wonderful event and it was wonderful getting to know her a little bit better on Wednesday September 18th I attended a remote meeting with Lan Glenn from northern essics Community College at this meeting we discussed the upcoming study um with the UMass Donahue Institute on Wednesday September 18th I attended the marac Valley Chamber Commerce meeting at Northern essics Community College I was able to uh tour their brand new culinary program um which was maybe a little envious but I think we're getting grant for some of that culinary equipment so that's the good thing on Wednesday September 18th I along with Cara cosmus and Amanda Crosby hosted a meeting with City councelor John mitcheson and others from hail's Dynamic Pathways for Middle School to work out to work without boundaries at this meeting we discussed how we can continue to provide the necessary Workforce Development for our area on Thursday September 19th I attended the msba senior study walkthrough at Northern tics Community College I want to thank Cara cosmus and Lane Glenn for all of their help to getting us to this point on Friday September 20th I along with Cara Cosmos hosted the Inspector General pero and representative Shan from our tour of woodier I really want to take them thank them for taking the time to visit our school on a Friday afternoon on Monday September 23rd I attended the Raleigh select Bo Raleigh select board meeting at this meeting Mr Irving and I were able to provide an update um to the board about woodier tech and its possible project with Northern Asics Community College the next uh on Thursday September 26th I sat I sat at the happy to chat bench in Raley Public Library for the meet your neighbor week in support of the Massachusetts coalition to build community and and loneliness and um I was happy Mr Irving came along and uh sat with me so I wasn't too lonely so um what a really nice event and what a really Community atmosphere I thought it was a wonderful idea um I just was glad I wasn't there waiting for someone to show up so thank you Mr Irving on Friday September 27th I attended the NorthShore superintendent's Roundtable meeting in daners Todd McGee was our guest guest speaker he spoke the about deescalation techniques in regards to school safety on September 30th I attended the maava msba group remote meeting this is a group of CTE superintendant either in the msba pipeline or looking to get into the msba pipeline it was a great opportunity to share information and ideas um and those kinds of um conferences are really I can't you know say enough about them because we really do learn from each other um Wednesday October 2nd through Friday October 4th I attended the New England Association of school superintendent annual conference in Westbrook Connecticut their workshop on curriculum and instruction school safety public relations Etc on Tuesday October 8th I was able to introduce the umast donu Institute attendees for this first listening session um I want to thank Chris leus and the administrative team teachers staff and students for an orderly dismissal last Thursday um it was a difficult situation and it was handled amazingly well from everyone um here at wooder so um thank you um and you know just if you have you know listening to everyone today um I met a new teacher yesterday um in the cafeteria while I was doing cafeteria Duty um and you know I just said how's it going you know how's everything working out and he just turned to me and said um I just need you to know you have something really special going on here um so you know after listening to everyone and I hope you realize you know what great work is happening here at whiter Tech and um thank you for all your support to getting us to this point so thank you that's all I have to me get field trip approvals too so I have two ski trip approvals um one to Pats Peak and henker New Hampshire and that is on January 10th 2025 and then I have another one on February 7th to Gunstock on February 7th 2025 sir motion to approve to approve both trips motion by Mr Irvin seconded by Mr Murphy Mr early do we have to proper paperwork on both of them we will before they go thank you any further discussion seeing none please call the rooll Mr ear yes Mr Rossy yes M CER Mr Mr Fitzgerald yes Mr Irving Mr Murphy Miss L yes Mr Okana yes m true yes M Okana yes Mr sloski yes yes thank you madam superintendent uh old business no old business posted new business discussion about possible date change for the November school committee meeting um wanted to bring this forward we had a request from the YMCA uh to change the meeting it is their annual um educator of the Year event on Wednesday night that they do in havil and um they asked if we could switch so that the superintendent could be in attendance for that um there and I think there's someone from Tech nominated well there will be teachers from W wood tech nominated so um they take nom nominations from all the haville schools by um all the hail public schools and woodier um for teachers of the year uh Awards or educator of the Year Awards what month is this next next month's meeting November so they uh spoke to the superintendent she was wondering if if everyone schedule if we could move that from the Wednesday to maybe a Tuesday same week yeah make it a day before yeah that would that be okay with everyone for the Tuesday the day before is there any objection to moving it to the 12th so someone make a motion to move the November school committee meeting to November 12 I make a motion second motion by Mr early seconded by Mr Irvin any discussion seeing none please call the role Mr early yes Mr Rossy yes m cof m Del Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Mr Murphy Miss L Mr Okana Miss true Miss Okana yes Mr sloski yes thank you all uh reports of the subcommittees executive none instructional and Personnel Miss true yep we had a meeting um and we have um minutes in your packet and U we it was informational we covered mcast and curriculum updates and it's it's all pack and are you making a motion to approve those minutes yes I would like to make a motion to approve second motion by Mr TR seconded by Mr Irvin have a correction on that sure on the adjournment Mrs Irving wasn't here miss that but sometimes she's here at these meetings but so we'll amend those call the rooll Mr oy yes Mr Rossi yes m c Mr Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Mr Murphy m l Mr OK yes m true Miss OK Mr sloski yes passes plan operations Mr Murphy uh we have not met I don't know if need for a meeting not right now okay salary and negotiations Mr early we have not met recently but we do very soon all right Paul Mr Irvin yes I have minutes um to present to the committee date was September 11th minutes all right motion by Mr Irvin to approve the September 11th meeting seconded by miss copinger any discussion sing n please call the rle Mr early yes Mr Rossy miss copinger miss delai Mr Jerald Mr Irving Mr Murphy m l Mr Okana m true yes M Miss Okana yes Mr Sosi yes passes Mr Iran floor is still yours shamman we have uh for first reading this evening we have some policies and they should have been in your packet for your review AC non-discriminatory policy um to acgb Title 9 sexual discrimination Regal procedure so I'd move those for the first reading motion by Mr Irvin seconded by uh who that m m true M um any discussion seeing none please call the RO Mr early Mr Rossy M CER M Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Mr Murphy yes Miss L yes Mr Okana yes m true yes Miss Okana yes Mr slos yes passes thank you Mr CH problem is there a motion to adjourn motion tojn Mr second I Murphy all in favor of inment anybody opposed we