one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Mr Chef here Mr Franco I am here and Mr Cabrera I am here compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice requirements have been satisfied as to time place and date of holding T meeting by posting notice on the board the board here in burrow Hall and by mailing and emailing saying to the heral of K County October 4th 2023 and the Press of Atlantic City on December 13th 2023 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is the way you came in our front left your back right or our front right your front left just by the American flag a couple quick announcements this meeting is being shown live want to do a quick audio and visual check sound check one two three four for to go all right uh meeting is being shown live here today on the Burrow's YouTube channel which is also streaming on the bur's Facebook uh page as well um if you have a question you're more than welcome and I'm speaking to those folks that are watching remotely uh you're going to use the uh conference line at 888 36347 34 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 filed by the pound or the hashtag if you watch the recorded version of this meeting you're more than welcome uh to uh ask any questions or comments by emailing our clerk at clerk Wildwood or by phoning her at 609 729 8040 I believe we have uh two ordinances on for adoption and three1 for introduction that is correct the first is ordinance number 1422 it's for chapter 36 the flood plane management motions that ordinance 1422 be placed on second reading the final pass by title second has been moved in second that ordinance number 1422 be placed on second and following reading by title roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes ordinance 1422 reads as follows an ordinance of the burrow of the of the Board of Commissioners of the bur of w Crest amending the code of the burrow of w Crest to repeal chapter 36 flood prevention of the code of the burough WWA Crest and to adopt a new chapter 36 entitled flood plane management regulations to adopt flood Hazard maps to designate a flood plane administrator and providing for severability and an effective date motion dat a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1422 second on motion has been moved in second that a public hearing on ordinance number 1422 now be held roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes floor is open we'll start with anybody here in the audience for public comments on ordance number 1422 conference line anybody on the call have any questions or comments on ordinance number 1422 hearing none motion a public hearing on ordinance number 1422 now be closed I'll second it is removed in second that public hearing on ordinance number 1422 now be closed roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes motion that ordinance number 1422 be P passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law second has been moved in second that ordinance number 1422 be passed on second and final reading and advertis according to law roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next we have ordinance 1423 regarding chapter 85 Land Development fees motion at ordinance number 1423 be placed on second reading and final passage by title only second that moved in second that ordinance number 1423 be placed on second and final reading by title only roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes ordinance 1423 reads as follows an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 85 of the code of the burough of Wildwood Crest entitled Land Development article 18 section 85- 139 fees approving and confirming rates and fees for guarant es inspections and off track improvements motion at a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1423 second it has been moved in second that a public hearing on ordance number 1423 now be held roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes FL is open for public comment on ordinance number 1423 we'll start with anybody here in the audience hearing none we'll go to the conference line any any public comments ments on ordinance number 1423 hearing none motion at a public hearing on ordinance number 1423 now be closed second it has been moved and second at the public hearing on ordinance number 1423 now be closed roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes motion that ordinance number 1423 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law second has been moved in second that public hearing number 1423 be passed on second and final reading and advertise according to law roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is ordinance 1424 and it reads as follows an ordinance of the buau of Wildwood Crest amending and supplementing chapter 47 parking meters of the code of the burrow of Wildwood Crest and to consolidate parking meter zones to a single paid parking Zone and to further Define and regulate the use of web-based parking systems motion that ordinance number 1424 be passed on first reading advertised according to law be brought up for second and final reading in public hearing on March 6 2024 at 9:30 a.m. second that been moved in second that ordance number 1424 be passed on first reading advertised according to law be brought up for second and final reading in public hearing on March 6 2024 at 9:30 a.m roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next we have ordinance 1425 and it reads as follows an ordinance of the buau of Wildwood Crest amending and supplementing article 11 of chapter 79 vehicles and traffic of the code of the burough of wilda Crest to regulate publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations motion at ordinance number 1425 be passed on first reading advertis according to law PR for second and final reading of public hearing on March 6th 2024 at 9:30 :0 a.m. second has been moved and second that ordance number 1425 be passed on first reading advertis according to law we brought up for second and final reading and public hearing on March 6th 2024 at 9:30 a.m. roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes lastly we have ordinance 1426 and it reads as follows an ordinance to establish cap bank for calendar year 2024 pursuant to njsa 40 a colon 4- 4514 motion that ordinance number 1426 be passed on first reading advertised according to the law be brought up for second and final reading and public hearing on March 6th 2024 at 9:30 a.m. second it's been moved in second that ordance number 1426 be passed on first reading advertised according to law brought up for second and final reading and public hearing on March 6 2024 at 9:30 a.m. roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next we have the resolutions the first is authorizing introduction of local budget of the burrow of Wildwood Crest County of Cape May New Jersey for the fiscal year 2024 all motion R second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing certification of compliance with the United United States equal uh employment opportunity commission's enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records in employment decisions under title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 motion all second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba next is authorizing an agreement between the burough of Wildwood Crest and the K May County municipal Utilities Authority to review sign and submit the 2023 annual recycling tonnage report motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing transfer of title of a 2013 Ford police interceptor Explorer to the Kate May County Police Academy motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution should be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing expenditure to purchase installation of roofs to burrow buildings contract under the ESC NJ Cooperative purchasing program for the public works department motion second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera um just a amendment to this res for this one uh this is actually for uh the crest Pier roof and pool roof I believe that's in the in the um resolution body of the resolution right it's but for those the title just said public uh for the buildings okay I go yes okay very good um next is authorizing acceptance of a donation of a stair chair motion second it is um it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the Reconstruction of Stockton Road from C View Avenue to the beach motion I will second is been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing certain appropriation transfers motion I second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolutions be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes I'll do the next three um by consent uh it is authorizing release of escrow funds for permit number s so22 d1002 in the amount of $52.50 the next is s so 22-1 1203 in the amount of $27.50 the last one's s2208 one two in the amount of $165 all motion by consensus I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolutions be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing refund of a dumpster fee made payable to KH NJ Ventures LLC in the amount of $390 motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted Ru call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing burrow engineer work order for 2024 Road resurfacing program at the not to exceed sum of 20,000 motion I'll second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing burrow engineer work order for fiscal year 2023 NJ do Municipal Aid reconstruction of Orchid Road additional service uh Services resurfacing of Ocean Avenue at the not to exceed sum of 6,000 motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forging resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing expenditure to purchase installation of one ETS wafer UV system to burrow pool contract to Mainline commercial pools at the not to exceed sum of 33,6 $ 7858 for the public works department motion that was second it's been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing approval of change order number two final and accepting work performed and authorizing release of performance bond and accepting maintenance bond for Beach Street end Public Access improvements Phase 2 decreas inreasing the contract amount by $ 42,8 39 for a revised contract amount of 3,286 31 motion I second it's been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing Award of special service contract for trademark patents to Laura magado of Nissen bomb Law Group for calendar year 2024 motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco Mr cabara yes next is authorizing approval of change order number one fiscal year 2023 NJ do Municipal Aid reconstruction of Orchid Road to reflect contract extension of 7 days and resurfacing of Ocean Avenue from Rambler Road to faragate Road at the not to exceed sum of 92,93 motion I will second it's been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes lastly is acknowledging and approving the fiscal year 2024 local Recreation Improvement Grant and the proposed plan or design for improvements to scoop Taylor Park motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid I'll second that it's been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector Chief of Police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and the wildest Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending January 31st 2024 be accepted as presented second that it's been moved and seconded that all reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and the Wildwood Crest volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending January 31st 2024 be accepted as presented roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes motion at all minutes from the commission's meetings dated 20 January 24 2024 and February 7th 2024 be approved as presented second act it has been moved and seconded that all minutes from the commission meetings dated January 24th and February 7th 2024 be approved as presented roll call Mr yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes thank you trure you you are welcome okay under correspondence you have nothing listed but I do believe we have some Public Safety reports uh this evening we'll start with uh Chief voyd evening I'll be brief just going to hit on a couple points from my report to the commissioner of Public Safety okay for the month of January we responded to 1,194 calls 95 calls for service um conducted 163 criminal investigations we went uh responded to 295 service calls which include alarms citizen assists fires medical assist School related activities and utility complaints we conducted 110 motor vehicle stops and issued 26 motor vehicle summonses we conducted 294 property checks 322 training hours um had seven arrests and two DWI so that'll do it unless the governing body has questions I'm fine thank you thank you Mr thank you mayor governing body uh res uh first thing is uh I want to do for my report is I want to introduce uh Joseph and Gina K uh those are the family that donated that stair chair uh they used it for their family fortunately had a passing and they had it sitting there they got in contact with Mike Neil who then suggested bring it to us which we did so huge thank you uh to the catel for i' like just say that in our future presentations or our meetings I mean we'll recognize you formally and once again thank you for allowing us use a chair it will help the EMS immensely thank you great thank uh B uh ours is uh 70 calls for service uh for the month of January 22 it transports nine refusals two public assists uh motor vehicle accidents and fire standbys uh 28 carbon oxide alarms two medical calls or no calls for Action were seven uh we responded four times to the city of Wildwood five to lower Township and we received one from the city of Wildwood uh continue on report we had four members uh emt's Lisa sner Michael Chu Zachary devau and Kirby sner uh attend the active shooter incident management basic cour acmb uh which is presented by the office of home security uh and our department will be uh participating in the remember everyone deployed uh this is a red Friday what it's known for uh this display of red shirts is uh set for all Fridays uh and the red organization was created to show solidary and provide support to our deployed service members as well as our veterans so that's all I have public has anything everybody thanks all right little early for the beach Patrol report so uh coming soon coming soon all right we're GNA go with our first round of uh public comment before we get into the administrators and the engineers report if anybody has any public comment you're going to come on up here to the uh Podium we do not need your address oh we need is your name start with anybody here in the audience yeah hi my name is Michael Garrick and uh I just had a question about um the Board of Commissioners if you are going to in light of developments from the last planning zoning meeting request that the master plan now be Revisited since it was just Revisited again in 2022 nothing changed yet there were approvals made that kind of Slam the The View Corridor which is still set set in place in the master plan's most recent review in June of 22 okay there just to make sure I understand the the question is is there any plans for the burough W Crest to revisit the master plan either in terms of in terms of a reassessment yeah because you the planning board has basically thrown it out with their approval that they made at the last meeting for Mahalo if anybody isn't familiar with that all right so to answer your question so there there's been no discussion uh from the governing body to to explore uh another reassessment of the master plan the planning board separate from this govern from this body uh has the ability to make could make a recommendation to the governing body which I don't believe we've received that yet uh if or if in fact you're even going planning on doing that but the answer your question is no there is no plans at this particular time okay I I would appreciate it if the board could you know take a look at that themselves and um decide if they'd like to make a suggestion if that's appropriate to the Planning and Zoning Board um what they just approved is going to create an onslaught of additional hotels to do the same thing it's going to still create very poor parking conditions um it's six rooms and they're going to build a gigantic wall across Ocean Avenue for six rooms different from what's there now to what has been approved in addition there was no testimony in any of these planning meetings from any engineer that states that they could not go up which has been accepted there's been a lot of leeway the heights have been raised everybody just on the board just seemed to take the word of the applicant I I don't understand that no justification for that um another question I have is I understand it's a volunteer board and I truly appreciate everybody's time um is there a way to try and replace board members other than a board member just choosing to not participate any longer is there a way to replace board members yes U I'm sure there is uh I'm not sure when you're dealing with with volunteer board members you know it's that's a it's a delicate situation that would have to be handled with tacum I would think some level of uh consideration for the reasons why they would be asked not to serve on the board any longer um we've never been in that position before but you know certainly if there's a warrant of a need for it then I'm sure it's something that the board can look into but um there's nothing in terms of an ordinance uh that would you know would require uh one usually most times it's at the end of one's term or they or life circumstances change they move away or they don't have the time to do it they step down and then the governing body would appoint that that take of time okay I I was very disappointed in the in the amount of board members that showed up for that meeting as well um I understand it's volunteer and people have lives but this has been an issue that's been going on literally for many years and um it would have been nice if we could have had the whole board there to hear this case and be able to to make a decision um if this is just a general question if you if you know the answer are the board members um supposed to act in the best interest of the residents in the burrow is that how the how that set up is that what they're told when they join the board uh so I think that's a that's a loaded question but nonetheless I think that what they what the board again separate group of volunteers um this board appoint uh this board does participate to a degree but you know often times depending on the variances and and whatever there's could be conflicts or things that the governing body members can't even participate on um but they usually have to when they hear testimony from both sides of a project it's their is they have to weigh out if the detriments or or the benefits are are good or bad for the community and then based on that then they make their they vote so so they have to weigh out the testimony then they have to make a decision what they believe individually is best for the community based on based on but their own their own you know personal situation has no bearing on any case that they hear is that correct um they would have to recuse themselves if that's what you're saying if there was an issue with a conflict is that I don't know is that what you're asking no just just a a a a board member's personal situation not that they have anything to do with it but you know their own personal situation can sometimes dictate how a person reacts to different things hey can I help you out with that a little bit yeah is that okay sure well two things one I wanted to address the amount of people that showed up to the meeting years ago I was one of those board members and volunteered I am not any longer on that board but I know for a fact that that board meeting was moved so that kind of created some issues you know for people to attend I'm not making excuses for anybody but I wanted to give you the facts of that second secondly you're asking if we make decisions based on our personal opinions to answer that I always did when I was on that board I went to school I I had to go and take a test and learn all I could I asked a lot of questions but I know that our board in in my mind in my heart are making decisions that are good for all not just for one so where you're leading us I feel is kind of down a path that I don't feel comfortable with I hope that all our board members and even even us up here are making decisions that are good for our community I don't make a decision up here that benefits me or my family you know I make U decisions up here that benefit our community but I I understand what you're saying I'm not I'm not going in the direction where where you folks think this is this is heading it's just a simple question that we all have you know a life that we've lived we have certain things that make up up our our own decisions my question is is that supposed to be part of this factor that individual's own experiences or is it strictly based on the testimony that was heard and the the witnesses that spoke and you know yeah may I may I chime in just a little bit so members that serve on these boards zoning planning boards we have a merge board corre there are certain groups uh they all have to be a resident of the municipality except one who has to be employee of municipality the Sero net board for the very exact reason uh that they bring their personal knowledge of the community to the board and yes they use that they rely on that they're members of the community um so boards are given deference by the court uh in their decisions because of those reasons um so yes the answer question is yes that's what they do and that's their role uh they sit as a quasi judicial body they have to apply the law the the municipal land use law to the facts which they hear um they can't just do what they want if a applicant comes in and satisfies the criteria as you heard the mayor mention there's negative criteria that has to be satisfied there's purposes of zoning that have to be Advanced there are special reasons that have to be Advanced among those are the general welfare benefit to the community if an applicant satisfies that criteria and the board finds that they have to Grant the variance because the decision of the board can be appealed as well we had one appeal with moala um the decision of the board was appealed if they turn it down they can also be appealed by the applicant and they better have the uh appropriate facts findings and reasoning in the record to justify that denial so they're in a position to judge all these factors all the testimony take this all to in account and utilizing their knowledge of the community and make the decision so so are they are they bound then to follow for example the master plan as it's been written they follow they follow the zoning ordinance that's chapter 85 in the municipal code okay and now there's purposes there's more General sort of things that they're supposed to achieve purposes of zones like commercial zon one of the purposes would be to develop the economic Community purposes of residential might be to develop single family homes things of that nature but as to the code as to the physical attributes of how things are built the distances the the side yard setback front yard setb Building height they're governed by the code they can deviate that's what's a variance is it's a variance it's a deviation from the ordinance if they satisfy if the applicant satisfies that criteria so not they're they're not bound these boards the planning board exercises zoning board uh uh responsibilities and the zoning board is the Zoning Board of adjustment they make adjustments they Grant variances so there there's the the the concept of bound really it they're not so much bound that's their role is to hear these cases and Grant variances where they're Justified so what is the purpose then of the master plan just so we can say that's a general sort of goal if you want to know what the ordinance is you can look at chapter 85 in the Barrow code okay so this had this has going on like I said for many many years every meeting there has been one individual one resident that spoke sort of in favor of this project everyone else that spoke was against it now I'm not counting the Mahalo employees that spoke in favor of this I've discounted that there's a little bit of bias involved so I don't see how this board could approve this project a massive wall that goes up in an already congested area of the crest there's no park on either side here where you can still see I I've lived down here Summers all my life been a permanent resident for the last five years I can't believe they approved this it makes no sense there was so much testimony that that this project fell short in so many areas and it was still approved I I just don't understand it if there's anything that the Board of Commissioners can do do to have the board then the planning board revisit the master plan make changes because otherwise this is going to be a nightmare for the North End of the crest from Rambler North this is going to be a complete mess because all of these hotels are going to want to do this whether they have a park in front of them or not which still lets people have a view this just wrong it's absolutely wrong so thank you uh some of you know me I'm Jane Reynolds and believe it or not I'm a very new member of the planning board and as a new member of the planning board I don't probably have a lot of say but I was very upset that the planning board day was moved on this particular issue and I studied it I researched it Miss Reynolds are you a member of the the W CR yes I caution you to comment on an application that could be appealed I'm hoping it's appealed that's why I'm here to ask for an appeal I understand we have days ma'am it's really I'd caution you to just not discuss the application I won't discuss the application I just want to discuss that I just the the right to appeal does not lie within this body the right to appeal Li I have a question does the right to appeal apply to the general members who live in this community anyone that has a party and interest can appeal the application okay which is essentially anyone that you don't even have to be a resident of the buau you could be a business owner and live someplace else right from you have to meet that criteria from what I understand it you have to make the appeal in 10 days are you familiar with that ruling no it's not 10 days it's 45 days from when the resolution is published in a newspaper that's the appeal period Okay I uh I and this was I understand this was already appealed one time prior a prior approval yes this was the second time which was which was reviewed by the superior court and I don't believe the decision of the board was overturned at that juncture either so it was I'm not saying that it was so I'm just saying that that that resolved on its own but this time I just don't feel that there was adequate representation of the board as a board member because the day was changed I wasn't able to be there I would have made a completely different vote and I feel that the general public doesn't know everything I just spoke to some of my neighbors in my community and they didn't even know about it something this big that sets a precedent in our town I feel needs to be i i i i caution you again as to my knowledge the board would not have jurisdiction to hear the case if it wasn't properly noticed as required by law that is a mailing to everyone within 200 feet and a publication in a newspaper that circulated within the community or the county so to my knowledge that was done I have no reason to believe that that was not done so the notice that was required to be given was given as far as I understand so suggested that that something was not done I think what people Miss in this project is the magnitude of it and the precedent that's being set that's all all said there's no precedent set in in the municipal land use law each application stands on its own merits so there shouldn't be a concern that because it was done here it necessarily then has to be done place right that's not the case not has to be but can be because I mean if I have you know I I I ran into this in my own little barro my own little house when I wanted a pool okay and I was told you can't have a pool because you're an attached home condo and there's X number of square footage that have to remain and blah blah blah and if you get a pool your neighbor can't get a pool so I started driving around my little neighborhood and found out that every little condo attached like me has two pools in their backyard and I said hey if you did for one you should do for or the other because you set a precedent and that's what the word means you set a precedent and guess what I got my pool because I was legally able to to come and hear and say Hey you set a president okay that's what that's why we have codes that's why we have rules and they need to be followed I'm just saying that I don't think the general public was aware of the of the enormity of the project and I'm not saying anything else because I don't want to violate anybody's princi here but I if I could personally file an appeal against the board of which I serve I would because I feel that there was not enough representation thank you very much for your time okay anybody else good evening uh George palowski a little more specific from the compass motel that's high into uh to Michael who just spoke it's actually hit a lot of points I wanted to hit um this is kind of it's kind of tough to even start but uh I guess so we're all agree that the planning board is to serve the community is that correct right fair to say generally speaking hope yeah so I mean Mr shef is no secret you're a neighbor we see you walking around everything you've said today I mean I missed the first part it was very much so for the community uh Mr Mayor you were there in uh June April for the previous lot a lot of great things serving on that board Mr Franco you recuse yourself conflicted out yes I'm also a neighbor of yours and I'm I actually wasn't ever sure I apologize really close yeah very may I ask where I just a curiosity I don't know where I live yeah just I'm sorry I wasn't I wasn't stalking yeah um the whole the whole point is you know we had 13 people come out and uh we can be fair because Mahalo had you know ex the first time maybe two of them well employees and such but I mean I don't know Mike I just met him here there's a couple people in the room that I recognize faces that my brother and I haven't pursued like we they just genuinely are concerned and 13 people came out and the Seven board members here not all of them but some just just basically discarded that discarded the people of the community and just didn't listen our professional planners some top of their their fields sat right here in this row and they explained how this is just some aspects of this are bad idea straight up bad idea parking is the bad idea for example you know the view corridor wasn't even considered by the board even though it's in not in the master plan but also it's part of the zoning it's in the zoning chart I mean the list of variances was huge but either way it's still it's it's a zoning thing and there was no there wasn't a reason to really need that especially for six rooms and I don't want to continue I know we're all tired of hearing about it but it's important to to say there wasn't even a reason to ask for these things or to grant them after the the professionals explained why and legally why it's a bad idea from a safety standpoint why it's a bad idea and here we are again talk about Community the the decision of the planning board if it if it if it holds up because like the you guys know how how it's been before likely we're looking at some sort of a legal you know argument later deals and such forcing Community out of here because his his his wife next door been here her whole family going back almost six decades we've been here almost two decades we don't want to sit behind the wall we don't want to have parking issues Valley zipping up or down a street it's just the reality and I mean need some some solid some closure on on on how this board just basically discarded handouts discarded public comment and to Michael's Point how how to maybe replace some of them because you know it's just it's not this wasn't done correctly I know no one unfortunately was in this in this whole board wasn't there so I understand you guys don't know the specifics maybe but that's how it happened I mean people spoke and were discarded I believe at one point someone said parking lives will figure it out one of the board members they they'll figure it out it can't you know it's the ratio is 1.2 to one for those who might not know but it got just just jumped to one one to one because that's the standard we're going back to the 1960s as far as PR leading to why this one to one was okay and all of a sudden they'll figure it out was what I heard and then one one member told a story about how I think it was the the big blue hotel and blacket black and the summer Sans Hotel on the other side of the cornado they built out that summer Sans is gone because the Coronado built out this is like this is going back probably 15 20 years but you know that's just what's what's probably going to happen here in suggestion I know the burough wants Hotel units to stick around we don't want to see condos but it's just not you know giving six units across the street is just kind of really hurting the other 80 I'm not speaking for anyone else but speaking for our our block so is there any is there anything I mean that that can be done the discussions that could be had because it's I mean I feel like we didn't follow protocol last week so so as far as the protocol is concerned that's that's that's that's the question the point is is that the buau planning board and or the burrow you're saying did not file a protocol mayor again I mean if if I'm sure that'll be challenged in court that the board didn't F the protocol the remedy is to appeal to the Superior Court cour will look at the record and see if everything was done correctly and evidence in the record to um substantiate the decision that the board made and that's the process that would have to be followed it's not it's not in what I'm saying is it's not in the hands of the governing body understood so so I guess to the point so your opinion is that the protocol wasn't followed we don't have any specific knowledge at least to this point in time um we can certainly look into it but I think that um I think at the end of the day your question our responses in the event there is an appeal or whatever would potentially happen you know we would we we can't we're not going to be able to say too much because we are basically representing the B wild crash so I think I think everyone appreciates that and understands that so I I'll certainly Tak in all the points as far as the master plan I heard the master plan being Revisited as one of the concerns I heard that you know what can the burough do for potential removal those are the basically the two main points and then everything else I think was you guys uh you all offering your your opinion as to how you felt about the the decision made last week correct that would that would be one way to sum that up and I even give you that one that's kind of fairly accurate because they are opinions but is there anything that can be done before the this is this goes to resolution because what we're going to have and this is a question that's tight we're going to have the appeal period which going to take the 45 days like Mr gunas mentioned which were unfortunately very familiar with and then it's going to lock it's going to you know have this eyesore which I I explain to the board planning board rather that uh was caused by the developer prematurely so we're going to have this ey sword in the heart of the north north end of Wild Crest for really no reason when it's kind of sad we can't figure this figure this out in house a little bit more you know I feel like uh we're community and you know I think I I guess the short answer is going to be no I assume but I just wanted to voice that opinion of myself my my family friends neighbors and many others that we're going to be looking you know it's just un forunate that that building has to stand the way it is all because there are six units six units with theand it and uh not to mention that it was it just kept going down and down work backwards but I'm not going to B guys anymore but I mean I'm sure you guys feel my pain my brother's pain but anything that we could do and I don't think Michael wants to change the plan master plan because a beautiful master plan we're one of the last communities on the Jersey Shore that hasn't been violated with over development I think we can agree on that we all know how much I've got all the way to Sandy Hooks I've seen a lot of them and they're even going South Ocean City marylands and all the world they're very developed we have a really cool thing here and uh the mayor had said we don't even have the little Le field the library lot we don't have any of that we just have cement and our do now so I thank you guys very much for your time I'm sorry thank you Paul palowski I'm not sure if he received an answer but does the Board of Commissioners have any kind of authority to stop this resolution from moving forward no that simple answer is no okay so just to reiterate further I think the purposes of zoning and planning in the Crest is to preserve hotels and motels it's these kind of approvals that make them disappear thank here anybody else well while I'm here I fear I I think I'd like to propose something Joe catanella sorry I'd like to propose uh something that it's no an opinion for or against the project that we're talking about is something that we can learn as a community and that is never to allow any type of demolition of anything until a new plan and a new permit is is resolved and in place the the notion that that place has been vacant and an ey sore and a safety hazard for four years is not acceptable I think we can move forward we can learn from this and say at this point going forward whatever you have to do to to abide by a new law to say Hey you cannot demo anything until your new permit is in place and then if something gets revealed during the construction project that wasn't revealed during the the permitting process like structural issue or something like that you can revisit it at that time but for the most part to have this happen to us as a community is not right and that's the part and and at the point as you you do that there's a there's a damages Clause that you got to pay like an exorbitant 5,00 ,000 a day or something like that for every time that you sit there vacant there's got to be pain associated to that because it's been a pain for everybody who lives in the crest regardless how close proximity that's all say thank you I think just just a comment I'm going to go for memory here so don't quote me on this I think they I think they I think I think it was the project was approved then it was appealed I think I think that's probably what happened four or five years ago when when that when that all happened I think it was originally approved I think there was an appeal I think it was heard by by the court and then it's it stopped during that period of time and I think that's what caused it to be where it's at now today I'm not 100% sure on that but I think well yeah if that's the case you know what was what was approved was it approved to just re renovate the way it was and they're going to change if they needed the variance then no no permit then that's it you got to have got to have a so after the appeal period Then you can probably start after make sure there's no other issues C thanks welcome would you like me to step back up to give him some clarity sure go ahead so what happened is Apollo who's an experienced developer demolished the property before receiving permits they came before the planning board March of 2020 okay they actually lied to the board claiming they need a CER permit anyone at the shore knows you need CER permits to do anything CER did not approve their project which deemed the application no voy they have to come back before the board here we are today thank you thank you okay anybody on the conference line have any any public comments all right we're going to move right to the administrator's report constant I'm trying to keep it brief um Beach bump out Rambler and North this project was awarded to South State a preconstruction meeting was held on February 15th this is the third phase of beach entrance improvements and will'll address the beach entrances north of R ramler to include foot Towers benches and widen Beach entrance Ways work is expected to commence on March 4th and it will be completed in late may there's a 100 day period of construction for this project uh this project was previously permitted by D so we have all of our permits in place for this to the crest Arts Pavilion as all of you know there's a lot of exterior work being done there this project is mostly funded by the Cy County Open Spaces board and is expected to be completed by miday Shone construction is coordinating with Brian electric and met on site this morning at 8: a to review the installation of two EV fast Chargers that will be there and that will mean there will be four um charging stations because there's two heads on each charger that is being funded by a separate grant for this location so we do expect that this project moving along well should be completed on time Herford Avenue Inlet to Kate Inlet Beach and dune construction we were um informed that this project will take place in 2025 the buau has no cost share for this Coastal storm protection project we are now um working with the Army Corps and shortly we'll be working with them to get easements um for the buo area and the construction area all of the beaches in the crest are owned by the crest um they are Green Acres property but we don't have issues of beaches um which would impact the ement um the plans for this project I have the 65% plans here in my office um they're also on the new the um Philadelphia Army course District website and you can also get a summary of the project there it tells you it's really good information about the project itself the New Jersey Avenue project the K county has um been informed that they've been approved for funding for this roadway diet project Bob church will be requesting a meeting with us in the very near fut future um to discuss the infrastructure improvements that the burough will have to do in advance of that road diet project Sunset Lake step Channel dredging uh the right of way team in the state of New Jersey is currently negotiating with a landowner for the acquisition of a CDF that's a confined disposal facility or place to put the dredge materials permitting efforts um have already be begun by do for this two-phase uh project and our phase the Wild Crest phase is expected to commence in about a year once permits are in hand any acquisition has taken place C for applications um we had 10 individual applications we needed for the upcoming bulkhead um Improvement projects along the west side of our town they were approved by NJ DP and they were approved with comments so the B will be addressing those our engineer is developing plans for this project currently bide Pump Station flood mitigation project the burrow has made application for $12 million to them brick program for this project this project if funded would include two pump stations and all necessary piping improvements um we have requested that Congressman vandrew support this project um for funding the Washington Avenue flood mitigation similar story we did ask for um Congressional funding for this project and applied to FEMA for flood mitigation grant for this one this area was previously studied by our engineer and the recommendations from that study um are the basis for the mitigation efforts it will include one station um located close to the beach Federal um fiscal year 2023 DCA small cities Grant we were awarded a grant um for $342,000 for bathroom improvements here in this building and our Engineers currently working on that the K County local Road Safety plan um in cooperation with the South Jersey Transportation Planning organization the county is coordinating with local municipalities to identify and prioritize strategies to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes throughout Kate May County it's also um a local County roadway project as well as a County local roadway County project um I attended a virtual meeting today it was a stakeholder meeting another one will be held next Wednesday February 29th at one um for stakeholders or anyone interested um today's meeting was very informative and they did do a lot of polling on um different infrastructure improvements that would help to reduce and fatal CR for serious injury crashes that's all I have okay gbody any questions for our administrator thank you thanks Connie thank you public any questions for Connie anybody in conference line any questions on the administrator's report okay now we'll go right through engineering okay thank you the contractor for the Reconstruction of worked Road has completed the installation of the Bain is approximately 85% complete to sanitary sewer at this juncture as well and that Bradway should be completed before the start of the summer season the contractor of the beach Patrol headquarters renovation project has completed the roofing installation and is currently working on installing the siding and we are hopeful we've turned end here to to finish line to add to what Connie had mentioned earlier the contractor for the pr Arts Pavilion has completed site demolition he's currently grading and filling the site and installing the electrical infrastructure for the site as well so far so good on target for uh comption summer similarly the contractor for the Beach Street ends uh project uh phase three was made abundantly clear at the last uh preconstruction meeting two weeks ago that this shall be done within a 100 days and they have committed to that schedule the Bayside bulk of replacement and flood mitigation project is 85% complete as Connie had mentioned we have the DP permits in hand for the bulkhead replacement and we are scheduled to publicly bid the project in the spring of this year believe tomorrow morning we have a meeting at our office with the manufacturer of the valving equipment in the burrow so that the burrow can see the equipment understand how to operate it um know what kind of equipment is needed to operate it because it's going to be a a new Venture for you so we're getting you updated and up to speed on that equipment uh with the approval today the 2024 resurfacing project uh we'll start designing that immediately tomorrow that will completed in time for start of the summer season we hopefully that all those roads will be paid by mid May and lastly with the approval tonight we'll be filing the NJ do Local transportation project from Grant application for the Reconstruction of Stockton Avenue we probably have that submitted to the do successfully in the next two to three weeks that's our hope that we can grab anywhere from2 to $300,000 for the my report okay by questions from Mr deasio Mark just a quick question uh on our resolution 18 for the uh Ocean Avenue yes Ram frag repaving that when is that is that mid May you said be finished um that that that should be done before way before miday so that's a tack onto the uh or Road contract so it's it's our hope that they'll be done before miday okay thank you that's all I got okay public any questions on the engineers report conference line anybody questions on the engineers report okay we're going to move right through uh discussion items under new business uh Street openings ordinance U so kind of parlaying off of uh the uh milling and Paving work that's going to be done before the summer so in driving around the crest I notic I noticed a lot of uh inconsistency so to speak in some of the street openings and the restoration of the roadway particular on some of the blocks that developers have really built new houses or condos and so forth um so I asked Mark to review uh the Burrow's ordinance and then a meeting with Finance also realized that our fee structure is probably updated so I'd asked Mark to to kind of dive into some of the details primarily to look at Fe structure um process um Paving limits and particularly you know blocks or larger projects that developers are opening uper streets and not putting it back um you know the way that it was so um we had changed I think the last time we amended this was some small amendments but the last major uh I think was probably somewhere went around 2012 13ish somewhere so it's probably about 10 years old so I think ordinance is outdated so if the governing buy is okay with it I think he had put a a sample uh ordinance in our packet but would like the burrow uh for us to consider diving in some of those details and and cleaning up and tightening up our treat what yeah so just to add to how we arve here I think the Genesis of this was when the mayor rides around I get phone calls sometimes and um there's a there's a process for installing curb sidewalk and driveway that that should be tightened up here in the bur so if an applicant that goes to the planning or the combin board gets an approval there's a process to bond for that Improvement to inspect it there's PL submitted that's clear but if somebody is putting in curb sidewalker driveway and does not go through that process I think it kind of fell on the Construction office and I don't think you have a clear process of how that's handled how to prescribe the grades that the curb should go in uh details Etc on how that should be done so that sample ordinance cleans all that up so it helps you establish a process for for what's devoid increased your fees and actually add some new technology into the mix like infrared Paving should you allow somebody to cut the road open under moratorium that we could as a condition of approval if you so choose to give it to make them infrared the road and actually bake that that restoration so it melds it okay very good so gbody we are we okay with diving in these details Mark do you think between you and Ron and Connie and Trish and everybody everybody has to lay their hands on cany is next meeting too early or is it following meeting both um ordinances sample ordinances were sent to the governing body so if there's any comments so if we can get them back then we'll sit and work out the details based on what you guys want to do and and I think it's a it's a pretty comprehensive ORD it's a pretty comprehensive ordance I think the only thing you going have to pay attention to is you know when do you want to require a full-blown permit for sidewalk replacement so if a homeowner who's responsible to maintaining their sidewalk has a panel or two it needs to be replaced you want to encourage them to do that right you don't want to have to go through all the red tape if they're wholesale replacing all of their curving or all their sidewalk on the Frontage that probably Rises to the level of a permit so I think you just need to look at what that threshold is what's reasonable for your community so could we could so based on this meeting and conversation is there there draft can we look can you kind of merge I'll take the best of all and kind of put it together put together draft and then that's what we have the oh on the sample okay I'm sorry I thought you said you drafted the whole ordinance so so basically using the sample that you put here putting it into the in the wild crft format right so I would just pay attention to that one provision because if someone's has a panel to side shape you Wantage that I'm sorry which section was that again that would be I don't have right in Fr it's under the sidewalk section right there under that one so are you saying we can get back together two weeks and try to iron so we have a road map to go by yeah I think what I'm saying is that that's pretty comprehensive and I think in my opinion that's what you want to look at there is it anything major there that's controversial but I would just call your attention that's what you want a red line you see something in there not comfortable with it red line and send it back notless you want to get into like assle thickness but maybe we could talk have a sidebar about that I discussed this with Rick I'm I'm fine with it as it is so I mean I I'll definitely go over once again in the next two weeks but as of right now I'm it's long over do so I'm fine with it yeah I think it takes a little bit of a burn off that so uh the next 2st March 6th March 6 M it's two weeks morning meeting probably little too early for that go second yeah which would be the 27th there's three weeks in between just to give you a lineage on the ordinance the ordinance comes from Stone Harbor but now gon I believe going to be adopted in the city of wild so you have you know Coastal local commonality there they just introduced that last last week going to next meeting all right so how about we uh sort you know take take a look at the draft that we have in our packets and them to uh want wants to take the Tom two weeks good two weeks it is all right up under new business under old business lot Rosemary and C you so just following up on this I think I think the only we were looking for was a discussion on is is there any taxes the bur May will be hit with no I think the answer was no right just confirming nothing on that so I guess the question is does the burrow want to move forward with um uh that lot at Rosemary SE uh we did approve at the last meeting the removal of some Shrubbery and leveling out some debris and so forth that's uh been there for a while getting complaints from the neighbors and it's basically becoming a uh Public Works nuisance but at the end of the day you know this probably has a better value with tax revenue coming back to the Bur and stay as a single family house so the question is does the B want to move forward with uh a bid process bid proc or B however we want to determine that to put it back on the market or not the only thing that I asked for was to designate that money to a certain area that we you know that we get from this building uh or from the lot I mean I don't have a problem one way or the other to sell it uh because we're not we don't need another parpet and it's not designated for that so uh I'd like to move forward with it I think it's a the right time to sell my only concern was was if we got hit with any capital gains tax on that and since it was gifted and Francine and and and Mr G told me no so and uh so that was my only hang of with that so I don't have any issue with moving forward with that I do agree it probably a good time to capitalize on on that property so not an issue for me all right so um would it be okay to suggest the know is is you're marking that money towards an open space preservation enhancement you know whether it be a park or I find it I think it should go in some sort of a general fund so we can use it for things that we need capital capital capital would be where I I would like to but I mean that's up for discussion well just basically go into Surplus then otherwise it would just go into Surplus that is correct if you don't if you don't designate it you could do a resolution to designate it um to a specific purpose or even a general purpose purpose yeah you could do a couple of purposes within that resolution but you would have to Define what you want I mean I would be good with that yeah so we can have like conversations on what exactly you want to Define because the public needs to know we're not selling that because we need funds we're doing it to now's a time and we have that property you can spread it out over years too so you don't to you don't to spend it all one year can gradually do it yeah so just to be clear so the bur would receive the the proceeds of the sale itself of the law itself then whoever buys it and builds on it the tax revenue because right now we get zero correct right so I think that's I think it's maintain first of all um said putting out money to maintain it okay all right so then I think far as the dedicating it to whatever I think we can can hash it out you guys come up with something something out in front and then go from there all right the question is is it going to be an open a sealed bit or is it going to be a little bit I got a question about that so what is what what advantages do we have for one way or another sealed bids nobody know anything open bid we're going against each other correct last time we did an auction type thing only one one bidder showed up with sealed bids I think are typically the way we do things for contracts and whatnot um and you can you know submit a b your halfway across the country you know you don't have to so we have a bottom line of what we'll accept and anything minimum right we we can set a a minimum reserve price if we don't get a bid that's that or or more than that then we don't have to sell so being our professional here what's your opinion which way should we go it's easier I I think and cleaner and um less chance for any this happen if you have a sealed bid then I'll second that I like that the auctions kind of get confusing and then someone has to run them and we looked into these folks that run these expensive unless do tax collector you do it in house and then it you know like last time we had I actually went through that when we had the building lots for p of Baker and we we put them out to bid and it was a live one it was tough so I'm I'm for the sealed on okay sealed bids yeah no that was fine with me seal bid it is and it's just a question on the minimum bid I think we had a recommendation from our tax assessor so I think we should just revisit that revisit that we'll allow our professionals to do the homework and and let us know what what their thoughts as you always state that we start off at like 500,000 or 500 million I just forget all right uh okay moving forward on that concession agreement is on hold pending on the outcome of the Army Corps be dun uh traffic calling uh we had so the last meeting was a meeting before that we had approved phase one of an of an engineering uh study I haven't heard anything more on that uh back beach exavation is on hold pending the uh again the dun project anything just that they are on the right ofwe team for the state has reached out to a property owner and they are negotiating for property to create or to um put have a place to put the the uh beneficial use material okay so they're working on that now we should be hearing something soon gotta uh New Jersey at infrastructure pre- counting that's so receive word from the county that they are planning on doing uh New Jersey Avenue from PR to rer so we we have our homework that we need to do there in preparation for before they start that project uh Public Works roof is on hold we have just authorized tonight uh through the through the co-op contract to do the creser roof as well as the uh the flat roof that holds the Mechanicals of the uh of the pool I have a question about that sure if you can help me out with it uh Ral is saying he's uh in public safety part of the building is there any way we can get some coating up there I mean he's getting some major water in there you in fact I think he was complaining that there was an water dripping down the electrical panel panel and he was concerned so we could look into that just a little bit maybe have Steve take a look at yeah so I think that's the uh flat roof in thereor temporary repair get through there because we we that roof is going to be replaced in total uh probably yeah he was very concerned up all right I'd appreciate it uh outfall lines uh ball outfall capacity bulkheads all that good stuff markover that pretty well in his report uh perment have been submitted uh so we're good there and just tomorrow's valve I think um hopefully between now and the summertime we'll hear about the uh pal station application not in home steam at uh Washington C you Beach fall Beach outfalls and capacity that's the same same thing we're still waiting for Mr to get back to us little okay last round the public comments we'll start with anybody here in the audience joei uh I want to bring up the Rosemary and cvw lot issue and actually last time they just came up uh I didn't say anything I wish I had so now it's up again you literally just said that you were going to sell an open lot and then try to one of the things was get the money and use it for open space I mean I don't know if you realized that was our proposals why don't we leave it as open space and maybe get funding to buy that from the town I don't know how you could do that but we talk about Open Spaces I don't live anywhere near it so it's not like I'm benefiting from that lot it's one of the few open lots and we're literally I mean did you realize D you said that to take money from the sale that to use for open Space Project so just so this lot is in the residential neighborhood yeah I know yep right so so that's there's houses all around it so to just keep it open and just keep it open for it's not going to be a park or or anything like that I understand but when you go in that sew it's one of the last open are so I would get rid of that shrub in that corner clean that up and just have it as grass as it's open space it's water if your house goes on there you're going to lose to the impervious cover right now when it rains the water stays on that lot and just leave it as open space that was the intent of the open space projects and funding was to have open spaces in areas that are turning into cities right so this so just go back so this this was uh this lot was given to the burrow years ago right so um it's pass it the de restrictions are now passed um the the lot sits in the residential neighborhood is not going to be a park or playground equipment or anything that it's the one next to it's really it's really more of a business decision as to okay so you sell a lot you can use the money towards other things for other projects and preservation of open space if that's what we want to use it for or to other F other uh Financial commitments that the burough has um but the the tax revenue back to the B right now there's nothing there so if we're looking for miscellaneous revenues to help keep taxes stable tax ratables and and all that is is where it's at but I guess I'm saying is that we it is open space I know that it can't be used for anything but I mean we we laughed at the we didn't want to tear down the library and develop that whole area because we felt that was open space and it I just it's open space it's so once that gets sold there's a house going to go there and it's going to get covered and it's going to be it's open space and and again it that whole intersection is it's it's open space that we're going to lose another 80 by 80 lot to development debt and apparently we're doing good financially so it's not like we need the money well so I think to the the open to the parks and the library project these are all Ocean Front projects if this was this could be if we were to stick a park there that' be one thing but again just just going to have you know I think it has of other uses and financial benefits and it's a business really what it comes down to but I've just and I'm relaying you what I hear I'm relaying you not just my opinion but we talk about saving open space and not developing and then it just seems like it's going to be another 80 by 80 or 80 by 120 lot roughly I forget how it is 100 by 100 lot that could at this point help flood mitigation because every every square foot that gets developed anything that gets approved by the planning board works against our ad so it's my that's my thought is and I just think to say that we're going to get rid of an open space and then get the 600,000 or extra am dollars from that and then spend on an Open Space Project one we actually have and I unless the people are complaining about it and if to cut that grass I know the public works are great and excellent and I mean they'll run they've run through that in about 10 minutes probably on so just my thought was we have open space we don't necessarily need the money sounds like that we're doing good the tax revenues from all these projects where they tour down that house right next to it there going to be three new homes and probably Million Dollar Plus Homes so I just we have open space and I know that the last when we we have elections I'm going to relay into public opinion we have elections all the people that are running walk around and ask for everybody's thoughts and they introduce themselves uh sometimes I feel that maybe we deep as we farther away from elections we lose that and I would question what do what do the residents want not just the next to neighbors what would they want would they like to leave that as open space and when we have an outcry of people voicing their opinion and then it seems like we don't listen to them that's the reason why people feel that and I'm saying that in general because there's been a couple meetings where there's been a large large outcome of people and then it just doesn't go anywhere so I would just question whether we keep that ground we don't technically need that money value always usually goes up obviously we've had some dips so just feel we have open space we should leave it as open space Point thanks anybody else Michael Garrick um on the same topic I am all in favor of leaving that as the lot that it currently is I completely agree we don't have any Financial need for it right now and if you guys decide that you still want to sell it I would strongly suggest that it be deed restricted for a single family home it is the way it is okay all right that's it and it can't be subdivided the lot unless it goes to planning board and then we got anybody else anybody on the conference line he none the right to commission your comments before we adjourn I I'll be quick um I just wanted to highlight we did introduce the budget tonight so uh I I wanted to say thank you to the uh finance department and all the department heads um after taking a deep dive into this budget I think uh the ROI is excellent so I think what the the taxpayers are are getting in the return are is is fantastic maybe some don't agree with with that tonight but my opinion I think it's it's a great budget and um it's a tough time but the Joe to kind of piggyback what you said we don't we are in financial we're doing pretty well but we don't have a crystal ball so I think the opinion to sell that lot right now now at this very moment is a good business decision my opinion um so to have that money potentially moving forward is is a good business decision so um so I think the budget right now I think is it's it's we're doing pretty well so I just want to say thank you to all the department heads and the finance department as well I got to agree well said good Department upst keep keeps it tight says no to me quite a few times um but uh it was a it's a strong budget and it's hard with these Rising costs to keep everything intact for us you know It's just tough and I'm a taxpayer here just like all of you and uh you did a great job and I appreciate it from the Departments okay so uh we talking about the budget so thanks to to all the department heads and to the Finance staff and everyone that had their hands on on the budget um I will say that um you know one of the one of the reasons why as we look into the de deeper diveing to Joe's Point Joe Franco's point I should say looking ahead you don't have a crystal ball and you start you know you don't you see some trends that you're you know for for example R Crest has a very strong Surplus we want to maintain that Surplus so one of the reasons how one way we can do that although we don't need it right now is to is to get rid of a lot that's costing the burrow money as supp and has additional opportunity for ratables and money coming in to help keep things stable we're able to do that we have other you know we have very good miscellaneous revenues these Beach boxes that you see on the beach have such a benefit to while crash you have no idea so it's a lot of money that that so people are getting a chance to enjoy enjoy the the beach box but on to us that live here and pay taxes here that has such a a benefit and the value back to keep things stable all around this you see things going up you can't go out to buy groceries you can't go out to dinner you do all these things without paying something like five years ago was a lot less than what it is right now well Burrow's expenses are no different if we have a great staff in this community our staff could leave here tomorrow and go somewhere else and get paid more we would rather have our staff and maintain them here so 50% of our increases are going to be based on you know cost that to to maintain you know a good staff the other 50% are things that we can't even control that are handed down to us by the state we're doing we're doing so many great projects you look around at The Parks at the roadways and all the things that are going on you're you're getting such a value to to what you're paying here and I I talk to people from North Jersey and Pennsylvania and they say what's taxes in Wild Crest and how much did it go up that's it they think that that's our taxes are low so um um so I just want to keep things in perspective keep it real as things go up so does our budget have to go up but our budget is is as lean as it can be uh you're still going to be able to see project going on and I think that we have an eye towards the future to keep the burrow in a good position so that for those of us here and those of us who you know as as other folks Buy in here they can keep things as stable as possible so thank you to everybody there and hope everyone had a great Valentines a day and uh that's all I have for the good of the order I did want to add one last thing um condolences to Doran Kino who uh was our city solicitor for number years just passed away recently last week so my thoughts and I believe Joe and Don and everybody up here will will agree that uh it was tough so I just want to pass our condolences to to The Kino family okay I'll entertain a motion to adjourn motion can I get a second all in favor I all right 623