##VIDEO ID:HjNv80O4j6I## e e please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call Mr ship here Mr Franco I'm here and Mr Cabrera I am here in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the notice requirements have been satisfied as to the time place and date of holding said meeting by posting notice on the bullton board here in burrow Hall and by mailing an emailing scene to the Herold of Cate May County on October 4th 2023 and the Press of Atlantic City on December 13th 202 23 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is our front left your back right or our front right your back or your front left just by the uh the American flag uh just a quick sound check Brian how we sounding back there this meeting is being shown live here today on the bur's Facebook and YouTube channel uh there's the Dow in conference line if you'd like to make a public comment uh that number is 888363 4734 and when impr prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 followed by the pound or the hashtag in the event you watch the recorded version of this meeting and you have questions or comments you may email our clerk clerk Wildwood crest.org or phone her at 69729 8040 I would like to ask everyone to please silence all their cell phones and remember to keep public comments limited to 5 minutes and we do not need your address only your name when you make a public comment okay Madam clerk I believe we have ordinances yes sir the first is ordinance 1437 and it reads as follows an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 56a rental properties section 56 a-2 definitions section 56 A-15 A2 C and 56 a-20 reduc ing the number of complaints required for revocation or suspension of license and creating section 56 A- 12.1 occupancy limitations for rental units uh motions that ordinance number 1437 be passed on first reading advertised according to law PR prodct for second and final reading and public hearing on October 15th 2024 at 9:30 a.m. second the moved in seconded that ordance number 1437 be passed on first reading ad ties according to law be brought up for second and final reading and public hearing on October 15th 2024 at 9:30 a.m. roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next we have ordinance 1438 and it reads as follows an ordinance amending supplementing and restating chapter 53 Police Department Article 1 establishment of the code of the burrow of Wildwood Crest motion that ordinance number 1438 be passed on first reading advertised according to the law for B for second and final reading and public hearing October 15th 2024 at 9:30 a.m. can I get a second I'll second it would you like M second that ordinance number 1438 be passed on first reading advertised according to law be brought up for second and final reading in public hearing on October 15 2024 at 9:30 a.m. roll call Mr shiff I'm going to abstain Mr Franco and Mr Caba yes next we have the resolutions the first is accepting work performed and authorizing release of performance bond and accepting maintenance bond for the 2024 Road resurfacing program for a revised contract amount of $182,800 call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing expenditure to purchase one 2024 LP and two rear dumping compactor boxes contract under the Florida sheriff's Association Cooperative purchasing program for the public works department motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is reducing special events application additional fees and burrow support fees to Wildwood motor events for monster truck meet and greet retroactive to September 27th 2024 motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr ship yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing advertisement of notice to biders for new uh njdca Wildwood Crest Municipal Building bathroom Renovations motion I second it has been moved and seconded the forging resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing advertisement of notice to biders for fiscal year 2024 NJ do Municipal Aid reconstruction of Toledo Avenue motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is supporting the call for a public hearing and investigation into unexpected increases in energy bills issued by Atlantic City Electric and calling for a moratorium on all utility shut offs and rate increases until an investigation has concluded motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing refund in the amount of $600 for Public Works support fees made payable to Crest Community Church motion second it has been moved and seconded that that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is amending rules and regulations established for the junior firefighter auxiliary program for the Wildwood Crest Volunteer Fire Company number one in the burrow of Wildwood Crest motion I will second it's been moved and seconded that the forging resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing acceptance of the calendar year 2024 best practices in inventory and authorizing the appropriate burrow officials to execute same motion second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing the auction of abandoned vehicles on an online auction website motion I will second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes lastly supporting sustainable jerseys sustainable land use Pledge motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes and Mr cabara yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid second it it's been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes thanks treasure sure okay brings us to new business uh under new business we have estimated tax bills is that uh Lindsay Lindsay the floor is all yours so basically every year we've been getting our tax rate from the county later and later um this year unfortunately we didn't receive it until I believe it was around the 20th of July which prohibited us from getting the bills out until about the 30th of July we cannot change a statutory tax date for the third quarter taxes they're still due August 1st so I am asking and this will come as a resolution sometime in 2025 um for doing estimated tax billing for the third quarter for 2025 um this way it would keep the flow of Revenue steady into the burrow as opposed to not really getting much from the time we collect the May quarter until whenever we're able to collect the August quarter um it will proh it will prevent vent us from having to extend the August grace period as we do every year the homeowners would still get the 10 days that we always give but we would be able to get the bills out prior to the end of June and then give them that full month until the August 1 date plus a grace period as opposed to when we send the bills out late or after the 25 day grace we only are allowed by law to give them a 25-day grace period so this I think will help our homeowners a lot of them do go out of town during the summer um or they just as we all know live out of town and are just you know moving back and forth and I think estimated tax bills would be a great way to help them stay on their schedule of knowing when our tax bills are due and payable so this is just something that like I said will come as a resolution sometime in 2025 but I wanted to bring it to everyone so if there are any questions or concerns from anyone um I'm here to answer that that makes sense yeah I don't I don't necessarily have an issue it sounds like it everybody's yeah I have no issue with that met with Francine and yourself about that last week or two weeks ago and no issue on my end so okay all right so you need a we need a res when do you need a resolution LZ it would be sometime in 2025 most likely um sometime February or March okay perfect okay all right thank you thank you thanks Lindy okay next item on the agenda new business uh Nesbit Center request uh so we all received an email um I'm sorry a memo from Chief Johnson uh suggesting or requesting uh the nesb center be used for um female locker room space um I advised I know I privately advised uh chief that uh there was some discussion we actually approved uh the the lease leasing that building out uh for some Revenue opportunity for 2025 uh he indicated just to keep it in the back of our minds going forward so there was a conversation that I had with with the with uh the chief um I don't think there's any more more uh um I guess action on this does anybody have any Joe you have anything on that one no he's just anticipating right now we have ample space with our locker rooms I think we have uh 30 lockers down there I can't remember the exact number for the girls and uh it just seems that we're getting more and more girls uh that are becoming lifeguards and they're they're younger so we'll double up we'll make it happen and uh he just wanted to make you aware of it okay no that's fine all right um under old business uh bicycle safety bike path uh that was I think we discussed it at the last meeting I know that uh Public Safety is talking about that they see if we can do that in house or had something that we need to go out to bid on um anything on Lightning detection no 250th birthday committee nothing on that uh Municipal app is a budgetary item for 2025 uh old tourism building use uh that is actually uh what we were just talking about with respect to the uh the nesb center uh so that uh we're work meeting tomorrow to see um what modifications that we would need to do in house uh to to make that building at least ready do you have somebody in M that's uh willing to take that uh I don't have I've had people ask about when it's going the bid but I don't have anything personally in mind I guess what I'm trying to get at is you're going to make modifications to a building we should find out particularly what that use is going to be before we even touch it so we don't have to redo what we did uh I know it needs an electrical upgrade I think we're all in agreements with that but we don't know if you need 220 lines or what you're going to need to make that operate for whatever businesses in there yeah I think um we're working on a draft bid spec now but I think I think the concept would be something that doesn't that might be food related but does necessarily need deep friy Vats and and hoods and and grills things like that get it there not a lot of room there yeah um Historical Museum that's an in-house project that's on hold until we have a chance to get down there uh proposed amendment on the time limit parking sister gunis is working with uh Public Safety on that uh concession agreement Hotel Zone that's on hold pending the uh the Army Court Dune uh traffic calming uh there's the grant grants and I believe there is uh the the local road safety program sent out a document yeah they draft is online and they do expect to finalize it there haven't been any comment period there's comment period ended yesterday there weren't any comments so they do expect to present it to the uh Board of Commissioners in Cy County and finalize it in November so it will be a final document and they will move forward with the um recommendations in the study as of that date got it all right uh Back Beach excavation is uh that's also pending the uh the Army Core Dune project any any uh new word new I guess any new updates on the dredging project no no sir all right uh New Jersey Avenue infrastructure pre- County uh waiting on the I guess we need to get the funding locked in for that and get get ready to get out the bid on that Mr deasio uh Public Works roof uh superintendent Shear I believe that project has started down there okay uh public information kff got the press release out so the public is aware of of the project going on down at Public Works and again remind everyone it's also includes the roof at the pickle ball courts bathrooms and also the scoop tailor bathrooms uh Washington cie beachall outfalls and capacity so I know we're waiting on Grant um not to get ahead of ourselves but I think we received some positive news although not official yet that the burrow is is is being looked upon favorably uh with respect to the the the wests side uh Bayfront uh project and also on the uh the Washington C viw Avenue uh beach ball outfalls and so forth I think if my math was correct in the emails that I read potentially I'm not I'm not saying that this is going to be the case but potentially $21 million is that a fair statement yes all right well I want to if that's that's that's actually very good news and thank you uh Connie and Mark for your due diligence on on that but we're not going to get ahead of ourselves if we listen we get Chang so it looks good we had to double check the com make sure yeah I looked I had I had to do a triple read on that to make sure I was reading it right okay uh that wraps up any old business Commissioners you have anything under old business you want to discuss I'm good I do not sir okay uh public comments just need your name come on up to the podium hi Mike Marino approximately two years ago uh we brought attention to the traffic issues on Park Boulevard specifically the intersection of Park and cresy our engineer came up with some great suggestions to throttle traffic uh most dealing with a lowcost approach called striping I'd like to start I would suggest we start to implement some of those recommendations rather than wait till later I do understand a concern projects going on we could consider some of the initial striping a test phase for the final design start at Cressy run it South for several streets that way it won't impact the uh flooding project and uh this will start to throttle the traffic for our next busy season and make it safe for residents so that's my suggestion okay okay anybody else anyone on the conference line have any public comments caring none we'll go right to uh well we go commissioner's comments and then we have a resolution to go into close session gentlemen I have fine for it today may know we have to some busy work ahead of this St I'm I think uh good luck with the race tomorrow how many or Saturday I'm sorry how many uh participants are in that uh last count I was on I think they were projecting 350 350 to 400 something like that very good good luck with that thank you um uh also just remind everybody that uh the traffic lights are now on local status which is blinking so takes you less time to get from point A to point A to point B uh as everyone indicated the uh run the crest event is this Saturday the bridge going out of the crest and out of Diamond Beach will be closed from 7 AM to uh 10: am on this coming Saturday morning um anyway and uh that's all I have for the good of the order with that being said we'll go into the closed session it is authorizing executive closed in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act specifically njsa 10 colon 4-12 B with regard to two items potential litigation and an administrator position can I get a motion motion I will second it's been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco