##VIDEO ID:Iy2G3MyaA6k## e e e e here Mr Franco I'm here and Mr Caba I am here in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the notice requirements have been satisfied as to the time place and date of holding said meeting by posting notice on the Bolton board here in burrow Hall and by mailing and emailing saying to the herald of Kate May County on October 4th 2023 and the Press of Atlantic City on December 13th 20123 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is the door you came in your our back left your back right or just by the American flag uh this meeting is being shown live here today on the Burrow's uh Facebook uh page as well as the YouTube channel just want to do a quick sound check Brian are we good to go all right um in the event you watch the recorded version of this meeting uh you're more than welcome to email our clerk at clerk Wildwood craft.org for any uh questions or comments you'd like to make uh and you may also phone her at 69729 84 z um this meeting is also being shown again live here today but if you want to make a comment if you're watching the uh the actual live uh stream of this meeting you can dial the conference line at 888 363 4734 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 969 9020 followed by the pound or the hashtag um Madam cler looks like we have ordinances for passing here today that's correct the first is ordinance 1439 regarding bulk trash motion that ordinance number 1439 be placed on second reading and final passage by title only second is been moved in seconded that ordinance number 1439 be placed on second and final reading by title onlyy roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes ordinance 1439 reads as follows an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 37-12 removal of bulk trash of the code of the burrow of Wildwood Crest to increase certain fees for bulk trash removal motion that a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1439 second has been moved in second that a public hearing on ordance number 1439 now beheld roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes floor is open for public comment on ordinance number 1439 we'll start with anybody here in the AUD audience if anyone does have a public comment now or later uh we just need your name we do not need your address and please keep your comments to no more than 5 minutes please floor is open please come on up to the podium car none we'll move to the conference line is there any public comment on ordinance number 1439 hearing none motion that a public hearing on ordinance number 1439 now be closed second been moved and second that the public hearing on ordinance number 1439 now be closed roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that ordance number 1439 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law second it has been moved in second that the that ordinance number 1439 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next we have ordinance number 1440 regarding rates and fee pleas for Junior Lifeguards motions that ordinance number 1440 be placed on second reading and final passage by title only second has been moved in second that ordinance number 1440 be placed on second and final reading by title only roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes ordinance 1440 reads as follows an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 56 of the code of the burrow of Wildwood Crest entitled Recreation Commission Section section 56-3 approving and confirming rates and fees for the rental of facilities participation in certain events and activities motion that a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1440 second it has been moved in second that a public hearing on ordance number 1440 now be held roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes and Mr Caba yes floor is open for public comment on ordinance number 1440 we'll start with anybody here in the audience don't let everybody get up at once all right move to the conference line anybody have any public comments ordinance number 1440 hearing none motion at a public hearing on ordinance number 1440 now be closed second it has been moved in second that the public hearing on ordinance number 1440 now be closed roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that ordinance number 1440 be passed on second and Final reading and advertis according to law second it has been moved and second that ordinance number 1440 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next we have the resolutions the first is authorizing an agreement for shared services between the burough of Wildwood Crest and the City of Wildwood for Little League field maintenance for morfield and Hig be field motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabo yes next is authorizing a licensing agreement between the burrow of Wildwood Crest and the greater Wildwood little league for use of higgy's field and Mor's field for both baseball and softball for the 2025 season motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes NEX is authorizing expenditure to purchase turnout gear for the fire department under State contract in the amount of $74,999 53 I'll motion at I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing approval of negative change order number three final fiscal year 2023 njdot Municipal Aid reconstruction of worked Road decreasing the contract by 63 $3,495 47 and making the burough of Wildwood crest's participating items 1,797 14.96 and wildwood water utilities portion remaining 35,9 2460 with the amended total contract 1,215 69353 uh motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Frankin Mr Cabrera yes next is establishing a new bank account and authorizing signatories for the account motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabara yes next is authorizing Award of contract to Trinity code inspections LLC for on-site inspections and plan review agencies for the following subcodes Plumbing and Electric for 2025 motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabrera yes next is authorizing refund of property taxes or utilities over payment made payable to core logic motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing certain appropriation transfers motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing Award of proprietary purchase of goods and services with h Barber and Suns for repair of Beach surf reek at the not to exceed sum $443 7985 motion will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is reappointing Patricia atic RMC as municipal clerk with tenure and as registar of vital statistics of the burrow of Wildwood Crest motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes and Mr Caba yes next is reappointing Lindsey Herman is taxx collector of the burrow of Wildwood Crest motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is reappointing Francine B Springer as Chief Financial Officer of the burough of Wildwood Crest be a pleasure motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yeah next is authoriz so funny aren't they next is authorizing the participation in NJ state division of purchasing and property provision of procurement Card Services extended to political subdivisions of Cooperative purchasing I'll motion it I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes lastly is authorizing the appointment of two Class 2 officers motion I second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes and Mr cabara yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid second it it has been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco and Mr Caba yes okay brings us to our reports uh publication reports Chief Lloyd good morning I'm going to touch on some highlights from my report to the commissioner of Public Safety for the month of October in the month of October our Police Department responded to 1,320 calls for service we conducted 49 investigations we responded to 216 service calls that includes alarms citizens citizens assists fires medical assists school activities and utility complaints we conducted 128 motor vehicle stops with 24 motor vehicle summonses issued we conducted 357 property checks and completed 468 hours of training we had 15 adult arrests and two DWI okay thank you any questions all good thank you Chief thank you all right all right um Mr Crips is uh not here today so we're going to move right to the uh the approval for the reports motion that all reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and wildest Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending September 30th 2024 be accepted as presented take a breath and I should make a correction it should be October 31st NOP October 31st my mistake I'm like Ron burgy can I get a second second it has been moved and seconded that all reports received from the court administrator Chief Financial Officer tax collector chief of police supervisor for the recreation department construction official emergency services coordinator for the EMS and the Wildwood Crest Volunteer Fire Company chief for the month ending October 31st 202 four be accepted as presented roll call Mr Schiff yes Mr Franco yes and Mr Caba yes motion at all minutes from the commission's meeting dated October 15 2024 and November 6th 2024 be approved as presented I'll second it it has been moved and seconded that all minutes from the commission meetings dated October 15th and November 6th 2024 be approved as presented roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes and Mr cabar yes thank you sure okay uh with respect to our report I believe our engineer is on the conference line Mr deasi are you there yes mayor can you hear me I can hear you are you Atlantic City at the uh conference Mr Mayor would you move the microphone to him yes go ahead far away okay so uh updates under Capital Improvement projects the first one is the Bas side volet replacement project we are um a couple Property Owners away from securing access and um authorizations the contractor has submitted all of his approvals he's ordered materials as of yesterday we asked for an update on the construction schedule he's that contractor has indicated that they will start work beginning of next week if they have their structures in if not um they will definitely be starting the week after Thanksgiving um the similarly the Reconstruction of too Avenue is a contract that the commission awarded to Asphalt Paving systems they're going to be starting um construction hard and heavy starting next week as well under Grant applications we have some good news the burrow had made an application for the Reconstruction of Stockton road we were notified last week that aund almost $159,000 in grant money was allocated for that project and um that'll be something that we can talk about for Capital planning next year the uh other update on Grant applications which continues to be good news is uh we've been providing documentation to FEMA and the Burrow's uh Grant coordinators for the two FEMA projects those are the projects that uh have about 20 to $30 million worth of grant money pending out there so as they continue to ask us questions we provide additional documentation but that is a good sign and uh as of actually this morning the New Jersey ibank stary sewer and roadway Improvement project we've cleared step two which means the project is ranked which is really good that means we're in the system we're going to be in line for grant money hopefully that's going to be up to the $3 million that the ibank had indicated in our teleconference and now we are completing what's called step three which is a letter of inent some reports that'll be navigated uh in the next week and we are currently in the design so all is on track with that project as well and that was my report okay got anybody any questions of Mr deio oh good thank you Mark thank you thank you thanks Mark uh Mark you can you're free to go if you have to because there's no public comment have have a good time with the show all right that brings us to our administrator's report thank you so the Herford Inlet to K me Inlet Beach and dune construction the 95% plan were delivered by the department of Coastal Engineering which is part of the njd a few weeks ago they are in the conference room um or engineer and mayor have repr have reviewed them and provided their comments they must be back um the comments have to be back by Friday I've been told so yesterday they called and said look these comments were due two weeks ago um where are they I've been waiting to see if anyone else has any comments if we do they must be in by tomorrow or by this Friday um so I've got to get them together and package them send them out otherwise what I have right now will be going out to them uh New Jersey Avenue um the mayor Mark deasio and I met recently with um Taylor Design Group and just yesterday the mayor and I met with Taylor Design Group who will be producing the final drawings for the New Jersey Avenue uh burrow improvements to the project Triad is completing an informational piece for the public to coincide with the information that we've been putting together um for this plan and we should have that out shortly I believe within the next month um Sunset Lake St uh State Channel dredging Phase 2 which is the Wildwood Crest portion dealing mostly in Sunset Lake um a meeting will take place with uh mayor Fran or Deputy Mayor Franco next Tuesday with NJ Do's office of Maritime um department so we'll be meeting with them to try to find out what the timeline is at this point they're still in real estate acquisition and things really aren't moving but um we'll get an update next week and then that'll be on my next report so CAF for applications our special Council Neil yosin is working with the njd L use compliance to resolve our Dune disturbance issue a proposal to um create a plan to restore the Dune is forth coming from our environmental consultant I expect to have that early next week once we have that um we'll award that and put a plan together we'll then have to go out to bid um on this project so that'll be a spring project the Bayside Pump Station flood mitigation project as Mark said we expect the contractor to start working around November 25th um we're stillwaiting on a few property access agreements the contractor does have 4177 days to complete this project um once the notice of proceed was issued which was on September 9th due to manufacturing lead times on the actual um valves they have a 7-month lead time that will be the latter portion of the project our FEMA application was identified for further review um and that is as Mark said great news we also have some Congressional funding that we've been working with um Congressman van Drew's office on and that's also looking really positive so we should see a lot of financial help if we do get that FEMA project which is valued at over between the two of them $24 million the Wildwood um the Washington Avenue flood mitigation same thing we're still word from FEMA we do expect that we should hear um results on those applications in the spring um that's about 18 to 24 months from the original application which is normal for those types of projects the small cities ada8 Grant we did receive $342,000 from the 2023 DCA uh small cities grant for bathroom Renovations here we do expect them to um start relatively in in the near future um this is going to involve renovating the two main bathrooms downstairs and one upstairs which will mean we'll have to relocate our bathroom facilities for the public and for our employees we do expect to put a temporary handicap or temporary handicap spot to the right of the entrance as you leave it's on the left right now but because we have to put a portable bathroom there and the portable water is on that side we'll just be doing a little Swap and we'll put a portable bathroom outside all that those things are in in motion right now we will also um the contractor also needs to put a very large dumpster outside and because of the cracking in the parking lot already we don't want to put a heavy dumpster there that's going to go out on the street side where the 20-minute parking spaces are and that should only be there for I would say a few weeks maybe three weeks um so that should start very soon the cman county Lo local Road Safety plan will be finalized by the County Commissioners this month um and unfortunately I have bad news to report for for the first time we did not get a Grant colar Engineering submitted our Safe Streets uh for all Federal grant um a while back it was a $200,000 grant for planning and implementation and we just found out that we did not receive that Grant award and that is all I have okay anybody any questions though K I have a quick question about the dun construction I and I think we touched on it you and I that we should probably have a special meeting for the public to go over the ins and outs of this project cuz it is very um there's a lot of moving Parts with this so I think having the public weigh in on this uh I don't know if the mayor commissioner Schiff agree with me on this but I think it the more information that the public has for this so so they can give their opinion on it the better I don't know if we could schedule that in the spring or not but like to put it on there I thought we were talking about that I think that's a great idea we could make that request in writing to um njd and I do know that once we get our comments in um um the commissioner of DP Sean larette will want to meet with the governing bodies of all the municipalities with regard to this project and I think once you get past that hurdle they'll start to do these public meetings they have said that they will do them so that we would put that request in writing and then get some type of answer as to when it would occur how can we get the word out to everybody that we're going to do this because I you know it's always nobody knows or we didn't know about it so I'd like to add like a sure something yeah you would it on our on all of our our Facebook pages social media and all those types of things um well in advance you know of that of that meeting so we can do all of that but the letter would have to come from the governing body requesting such a meeting um and once we get past this hurdle like I said with the 95% plans and get our comments back then they're going to want to meet with you to discuss those comments and then after that I would assume that they would definitely agree to coming back and doing one more Public Presentation I think they've done like three so far yeah there's been there's been numerous uh um meetings um but they but that's all based on was based initially on concept and 60 to 65% of the plans now are at 95 which I think everyone's years kind of perked up when we saw the the 95% plan so I think it's important to go on the record as you said with our letter um with our comments and then we'll have the public meeting in the spring that whenever they can make it yeah I do urge you to to get your comments if you do have comments and if you're not happy with these plans please get your comments to me because that's going to be really heavily weighed with the DP um and Army Corps so I think that that next step is super important and again we have to get it in for Friday so after that there's going to be a lot of Wheels in Motion and I do know that the commissioner does want to meet with the three municipalities I'm pretty sure you received my my comment yes I did thanks can I make a comment on that CL not yet not yet D public comment thank you Connie you're welcome no problem um with respect to the the $3 million uh potential grant that Mr deasio talked about just want to make sure that everyone understands the streets that are involved there is bayew Avenue from Hollywood to Newark Preston Avenue the 100 West block the 100 West block of topa 100 West block of Pittsburgh and it might be Charleston as well I'm not 100% sure so it's it's pretty much all all all in the west side that's all part of the I ibank grant for 2025 in 2026 there's a potential of a $6 million opportunity for all of Park rard so um just wanted to make sure that everybody uh was aware of what the $3 million um project would be um okay that wraps up our administrator's report uh we're going to go right into um our love blue review of the 2024 season move your microphone hello everybody mej crusel charge of love blue c program here in Wild Crest we had another year of successful cleanups throughout the year do weekly beach cleanups in the summertime we do a monthly throughout the winter um believe it or not in the winter we're now picking up more pounds than we are in the summertime um Public Works does a great job obviously in the summer with all the people that are down there but um just our presence over the year we've noticed we're visibly picking up less pounds I don't think we've picked up 100 lbs one time this summer so it was great um we were challenged with a lot of different weather this summer the wind was crazy every time we had to clean up it'd be like 30 mph wind so thinking we're probably going to have to move the um the model around a little bit probably um open up more options in the beginning of the day and probably do a bi-weekly one next summer instead of weekly um just to open up more opportunities for for more volunteers um we have updated equipment so we have Baro Grabbers we have vests so we look official out there people are noticing it when we're out there the beach Prat are coming up to us talking to us about um our mission and they've seen that we've grown a lot and become more professional so um you know that that's just them taking it on their own to to do their part as well when they see us out there um but we are rolling monthly cleanups now through the winter and then like I said when the summer comes around I'll have a schedule and we're probably going to do like I said a couple times throughout a day um by week weekly um also we've been partnering with local organizations so last month we had the otter swim team bunch of little kids came out clean up the beach with us so if anybody knows any other organizations clubs or anything that want to join with us on our monthly Beach cleanups that's what they're there for um we wanted to start doing more Outreach events here in the community um if you guys have been following love blue we're expanding all over the country so we want to double down here at home and wild with crest where it all started so we're going to start uh getting some community outreach events um so we're open to working with anybody for that also we have a partner called helpsy um they do the uh clothes collection and then a part gets donated to love blue so we're working with public works on that um and then also for the summer of 2025 we'll have our Terrace cycle cigarette collectors cuz that's been a big problem um at the beach access points there been a bunch of cigarettes that have just been piled up there and I mean at some point people are going to start putting them out on the the new walkways and everything so if we get those this uh collectors that'll help alleviate that problem and again a percentage goes back to love blue so it benefits us and then last but not least that same um company Terrace cycle working on a trash art project with them um the trash we picked up this summer I was able to give to them and they actually just made a a project that's going to be featured in Netflix film so it's very cool full circle moment for us um but but yeah we're rolling down here in wild with Crest and like I said we're looking to expand and we're going to move that model around come 2025 so that's my update awesome congrats AJ before you go uh for 2025 you can get your budget and all that good stuff to Francine and yes we'll get you squared away for next year okay all right got it thank you thank you okay uh next presentation is going to be from our uh veterans uh committee chairperson Mr Marino hi everyone I'm Mike Marino I wanted to give you an update on our uh recent award last week wood request received the prestigious New York or New Jerseys Governor we value our veteran award Wood Crest along with 13 other communities received the award across the state so that's a pretty big accomplishment um the award gives municipalities businesses and academic institutions the opportunity to value and honor the sacrifices patriotism and bravery displayed by our men and women who have worn the military uniform in order to receive this award our municipality completed several initiatives to include provide parking spots for Purple Heart recipients and disabled vets provide discounts to veterans at local establishments or offer free discount booklets to Veterans honored veterans at Council meetings and special events hold Memorial and Veteran Day ceremonies provide discounts for community- based Recreation list veteran resources on Town websites um honor and remember P Mia and gold star families list veteran-owned businesses and Veteran discounts on our website uh to have some volunteerism from the municipality staff which was a lot and for veteran related events um next one's a big one it's any initiatives or programs providing Mental Health Resources for for veterans on our website um the official ceremony was held Veterans Day November 11th at Vietnam memorial in Hell New Jersey uh the uh Governor could not attend the event he was uh at a veteran celebration over in Europe taking place was the acting um Governor which was our lieutenant governor her name is uh Tiasha we and we also had the lieutenant governor U I'm sorry our acting adant General Colleen van may present our certificate so to wrap this up our municipality committed to recognizing and supporting our veterans is commendable I'd like to thank all of our employees within the burrow and Veterans and residents that participated and make the W uh possible it was a great effort I'm proud to say I was part of it this award is not only a testament to our community's dedication but also serves as a prominent symbol of our support of New Jersey soldiers Sailors Airmen Marines and Coast Guard so we have a nice plaque I guess we we need to decide where we're going to put that but well uh you can officially present it I'm AUM to our clerk she's the official keeper of all records I can do that thank you Michael thank you Michael thank you for uh leading the charge on the behalf of bur Wild Crest and more importantly thank you for your service as well okay my pleasure working with you yeah thanks for doing that thank you Mike that's good stuff uh so on that so on our website Mr KF do we have a page for all things that we that we offer so if if a veteran in wildr would like to find out what what the burrow offers they very early in the process Mike and I went through that and we do have a page where um you know things for veteran services are are links and and phone numbers and and and whatnot all listed okay is there do we need a flyer brochure or anything like that to further promote it to maybe be handed out at the clerk's office or some of our public buildings anything like that we could do that yes okay all right you you guys mind coordinating on thank you okay moving on uh under discussion there's no nothing listed under new business uh under old business bicycle safety and bike path any any action on that commissioner nothing yet nothing yet I'd like to take the lightning uh detection system off because I haven't heard from the other communities okay do it's off uh 250th birthday committee we're just get uh soliciting names and volunteers for that um m app is a budgetary item as I mentioned so so is 2025 old tourism building use that that that bid specification is currently we are currently out the bid on that uh Historical Museum that is that one is a budget item as well uh proposed amendment Time parking solicor gunas how how we comment along that you uh with uh ordinance revisions on as soon as we get the uh completed updated list of all spots locations measurements are taken and we can just adopt that um new schedule into the orance okay uh concession and hotel that's on hold traffic calling uh Connie mentioned uh if I could if we did not get the grant no but the local road safety program um that's going to be finalized by the um Board of Commissioners at the county level at the end of this month sometime this month okay and then we did have some uh so uh we have some areas throughout the burough that we were also talking about budgeting some dollars for to just uh creating some pedestrian crosswalks and so forth so Francine's not here but uh we wanted to touch base on the capital project list uh Back Beach excavation that's part of the Army Corps program dredging um K I forgot to add dredging the committee the drudging committee would like to move their meeting yes I I did email Fred about that okay needs to contact the clerk's office to put the advertisement in the paper and figure out a date that works for them I think he said the 12th for but I I would double back with what month December next month we'll talk then we'll that's okay New Jersey Avenue infrastructure pre- County that's a capital item for 2025 uh Public Works roof that project is still moving along they're getting ready to start the insulation of that I believe uh some point uh next week um the roof at the two recreational areas I believe has been completed I have not a chance to get to the one that's Recreation at scoop Taylor but I believe it's I believe it's all that's been completed as well as a pickle ball all right uh Washington Avenue cvw beach ball off Lin we're just waiting to hear back um uh on that Grant uh that we are continuing to get good news on but it's nothing official yet so that's news to come at 11:00 okay that wraps up uh Commissioners anything on their old business you'd like to comment on ADD no thank you no sir all right uh let's move right to uh public comments we'll start with anybody here in the audience if anybody again to refresh everyone's memory just need your name and please limit your comments to five minutes come on up to the podium just need your name Mr I'm looking to see if the gentleman was here my name's Lisa ripo while Crest resident uh I was looking to see if the uh gentleman was here at the last meeting who bought up the um the uh park for the dogs can we talk about this or do I have to put it on an agenda because I was taking some pictures and there seems to be con some confusion down there um the area the gentleman was talking about is a plot of land that's owned by the burrow this is across from the school our elementary school down here I think you know which lot I'm talking about everybody probably knows what lot I'm talking about probably the most underutilized lot of land in Wildwood Crest and I think previously um so I went down and I took some pictures I took a walk down there I take a walk down there quite often and I never see anybody in there so the first thing I noticed there's a door there that says no dogs allowed um okay no dogs allowed and then I walk across the street to the um Elementary School and it says no dogs allowed but then there is like things for poop bags there and I personally can watch and I think I said this from my house down to the school every day and I watch people take their dogs and defecate down there because there's not a dog park and I'm probably as guilty as the last person but I pick up after myself I see people that don't so there's a thing that says you can't go into the field the huge field at the school with dogs but there's a thing there that has dog bags and it's like really confusing to a normal person because if you're not allowed to take your dog there then why are their dog bags there but at the same time there's a million geese out there that are defecating all over the fields so my question becomes why do we have to upset maybe and do a petition and upset the local people here with a petition for a dog park when the when we can just take off the sign that says no dogs allowed and let people come out then instead of bringing a whole bunch of people together and getting everybody all worked up why don't we just take the one dog sign off there at that huge gorgeous lot and see what the neighbors say and let them bring it to our attention if it's a problem does it have to be a petition I guess as my question is because this gentleman here was asking about a petition and he kind of didn't get much information so I went out and I started going around and then I went up to the uh sunpress Lake where I quite often take my own dog to walk and I watch dogs poop all over the ground at Sunset Lake and I B this up at the last meeting if there's an issue with people that have an issue with having dogs go to the bathroom that are responsible people that clean up after their dogs yet we have people sitting in crap at Sunset Lake all summer long and nobody talks about it so I'd like to talk about that because that's a public safety issue for anybody sitting on the ground out there we need a place for our dogs and it doesn't mean people aren't going to walk their dogs there people are still going to work the dogs up there but maybe that leads to talking about having something where we can sit people up and I realize that means putting a picnic bench down there or play place where people can sit but it sure beat sitting in poop so my question is can we take the sign off of that without a petition can we just take the sign off yes or no oh what you're talking about this this field that by public works okay correct um so I mentioned we talked about this at the last meeting so that that lot there so there's buildable Lots in there number one number two is also the staging area in the event there's emergency management issues and debris staging areas and removal that we need to do um and it is it does get used by by some I'm not I don't know how by how many but I do see people playing you know playing ball there every now and then the school does use it occasionally um in 200 I'm going to say 15 or 16 right around there I know there was there was a petition that was the area that that was potentially identified the Neighbors in that area came out and said no because they don't want a dog bark next to their house so I understand what you're saying it's as simple as just you know take take down what's been there and and make it a dog park and let dogs run free there that that can I interrupt I don't want a dog park to be mentioned a dog park doesn't have to be called a dog park it just has you don't have to call the dog park and put stuff for dogs to do the the current law our law indicates that dogs should be on a leash and then they should be picked up after if they do their business on public and or private property so that's what we have right now so you can any the bike path Sunset Lake any of the fields that's why you see the dog waste bags there because for the people that aren't responsible enough to bring their own bags the burrow through its Grant monies are providing that opportunity so people can use the bags that the bur provides so you can pick up after yourself they should for absolutely I love it I mean I'm I use them when I forget my bags up there I'm talking about a place that's not designated as anything right now and I don't want it to be a dog park because when you call a dog park people start freaking out why can't you just not publicly announce it and take the sign off there's a whole field across the street for the school to play with the sign was put on there at the request of all the neighbors that came out when that happened years ago okay so I'm just it's okay so a petition has to be drawn up again is what you're saying we can't take um we can't take the dog are you saying that we can't take the dog sign off and just open it up to any the governing body could certainly can certainly change our law to do that okay how do I go about doing that you're you're on the record Now by you're asking the governing body to change the law the governing body can take it under consideration and advisement and do whatever it needs to do to get through that process in terms of deciding whether or not that lot should become a dog not do call a Park I just walk your dog off the leash type Park let's just call it a open space Park why we call Sunset Lake open space Park don't we thank you Sunset I'm sorry Sunset lake is not when you say open space it's you're on a leash so you're saying at that at that field by the school or by the public works are you just saying on a leash or not on a leash I have a 25t lead that I walk my dog on it's called a leash I I wouldn't let my dog off on a leash inside any area it's on a 25t leash but I can let her run on that right and the reason that there there dogs there because there it's it's enclosed by fence so what the residents were doing before the sign went up is they were using it as an opportunity to take the dogs off their leash and let them run free that's why that's why that's why the those sign are put up but maybe um could we make it like where the police the people down there that live down there can call the police and report the people I mean it's just it seems just so silly to make it a call it a dog park and create such a people are just you know it just I mean I don't I people walk okay so if I see from my house the same guy that lets his dog crap where my the kids are going to school should I call the police cuz then I'll have to call out County and then they're going to like call back here and it's going to be just like crazy so what do I do if I see a dog if it's a violation of our burrow code in ordinance yes you call the police okay thank you you're welcome anybody else public comment yes sir my name is Joi first of all I want to wish you I want to wish you a speedy recovery I'm sure you already thank uh in light of the two Legacy projects the construction projects that were started with a good intent and then that just drw on forever because there were issues uh I proposed at the planning board meeting and they said this was more Commissioners meeting to have an ordinance that would require An approved construction plan before you started a major demolition project so if you were going to do a total Demolition and cleared a lot that would be one thing but if you're going to do a partial demolition like we saw on the two projects you would need an approved plan I honestly think it's a plus for everyone because a developer wouldn't get started with possibly good intent and then realize he's in the middle and it would make the Commissioners and the planning board I believe has gotten grief on why these two projects have hung out when it was no fault by anyone quite honestly that they got hung out the way they did so the proposal would be an ordinance that before you get a demolition permit you would need your final construction plan approved construction plan now I'm not talking about you could excluded interior demolition you could do if you wanted to gut the interior of a building but before you did exteror and I'm thinking and I I said this to the planning board I believe Joe was there uh they seem to be receptive to it they saw that it would eliminate like the hotel that's sitting there for years now uh so before you could do any exterior demolition you would need your final approved construction plan now unless you're going to do a total Dem Demolition and you're clearing the lot then that would be approved but my thought I don't know uh what your thought of that it would eliminate you I'm sure that you guys have got feedback from this eyesore that's been sitting there for years so that would have if something like this was in place they couldn't have done the demo until they had an approved construction plan okay okay brought Rick in to to maybe speak on this topic if if you don't you don't mind yeah yeah no problem I couldn't shed a little light on it so the original project Tommy's Market that was under renovation the contractor came in he wanted to repair some footings and Foundations underneath which is in our chapter 8565 allows uh work to buildings that don't alter he also wanted to do a repair like for like of that building which basically you could strip it and replace it like for like with no change so I had documents permits in the Forefront that no alterations or extensions or exacerbations would occur during the project the building owner contractor decided that he wanted to make some alterations which I denied and I said you can't do it you can only do like for like at that time he decided to go to planning board which he was denied and then adjourned so so that's what had occurred there so it was a little bit out of our hands we we gave him a permit through our office for like like like for like repair we made sure that he put the fence up a safety fence one thing he would have been compelled to do would have been to board the building up but at that time you know it wasn't dangerous you had it concealed um we weren't getting a lot of calls or anything from any of the neighboring properties um and the other project of the Mahalo project had started even before I got here and I guess it went into an appeal litigation where the barl really doesn't have a lot of control in that respect but I understand what you're saying about the plans and we do try to review that and make sure that the code is being followed or what what's being uh taken down is going to be built to code in that case was a special situation where he went outside of the lines of what he originally had thought and I think once he got in there and started uh repairing that Foundation he found some rotted wall there so he had taken the wall down which our code does allow structural repair like for like so you could basically have you know rotted out floor a beam or something on a uh non-conforming property that's maybe like 2 ft from the line and you can still rebuild that like for like as long as you don't make it any worse than it already was so that's there I don't know as far as introducing any type of ordinance or plans I mean we we do review it pretty thoroughly in the Forefront because I'm kind of the main uh person that receives that application I have a few other people that review it as well but it comes to me no I and then and then me again so yeah I made clear that it wasn't there's no fault involved and and it was I think both of those just kind of fell through the cracks but I guess so in theory when he did the demo of say the malow and I'm just kind of picking that out because it could be another one he was supposed to just rebuild it and then at some point he ended up wanting to change it for the hotel you're talking about yeah the hotel and again and that was there it was a long complic and I've gone all the planning board meetings I think almost every single one uh but it was just it seems like before you start demo he didn't in that instance he probably didn't have an approved construction drawing of what he was going to do and more than likely the other one you didn't have this is the finished drawing of what it's going to be before I start got so well that one there the finished drawing would have been it's going to look exactly like it was when you started because he wasn't allowed to alter it or change anything you know that that's you know exterior porches decks increasing of floor uh area of the second level the third level so these were different things that he came up with after the fact which we had no knowledge of so at that time we could give him a permit for like like Lake for Lake repair the hollow I don't know the total history of that it was in the process before I got here I don't really know too much what happened I didn't know if they were going for that addition at that time or it was just a repair um hopefully there's some movement on that soon because it is and I know it's out of everyone's hands and that's that's the unfortunate thing I know everybody tried their best to to resolve it okay so I'm sure like internally with the Commissioners the mayor uh Mr G sit down and that with Connie my suggestion would be is to have you know Rick and Joe Franco and Ron you know collaborate collaborate on and just review what we have is there any way I know there's always going to be exceptions to the rule cuz you can get the approval and get ready to start and then here comes a lawsuit that says uh hold on a second we're going to challenge that approval then and you're really not supposed to start till 30 days after an approval correct uh yeah I think planning board approval I believe that there's a period of time there's a cool that's right yes yes you're not talking about just you're talking are you talking single family homes or everybody or I'm talking anyone where you would do an exterior demo and you don't have your final drawings yet so if you're doing an interior cut say of a residential house uh it doesn't matter to anybody but and if you're doing a complete demo you're taking it to the be lot it doesn't matter anyway because you're just leaving like there on Atlantic Avenue they tore down a Rancher a couple years ago it's a bare lot now they're doing their zoning to split it but another I worry that there could be another hotel where somebody comes in and does the same exact cut and then he goes to the planning board and then it takes several years to get it approved and then the planning board and then the zoning official looks like we made a mistake I'll say way as I include myself in the F where nobody in this room or the planning board made any mistakes in any of these uh I believe it was probably an overreach of the developer uh to do the demo and then kind of like feel that okay now we're kind of back in no Corner we want to get it done yeah I think some in some of these cases because there's no demolition or pile driving dur during the month during the summer months like May through September so they might be under a time frame to kind of get it done be so it doesn't roll into the summer time time so again every there's always a different there's a circumstance here but I think generally we could we could take a look generally speaking but knowing that there's going to be exceptions to to to the rule so to speak lessons learn I always feel that we should as Lessons Learned i' I've made enough mistakes to my life that I look back and go what's the lessons learned from this and can we avoid this in the future sounds like my wife my wife says no riding bikes at 23 mph on a pole so thanks okay thank okay anybody else in the audience have public comments and not I want to move to the conference line before we go into Clos session anybody on the conference line have any public comments hearing none Madam clerk I believe we have a uh resolution to go in the Clos session we do do you want to address commissioner comments or we're good uh go ahead Gentlemen Just A Happy Thanksgiving to all same Happy Thanksgiving everyone Happy Thanksgiving yes uh I Reco that as well and just while we were speaking about all the grants that the that are potentially coming the Burrow's way um Mr KF uh we did receive a $9,000 Grant uh for the wellness campaign correct you mind comment on I believe you accepted the uh the award can you uh give us an overview on all that I can do my best sure yeah kind of put on the spot here that's right never know there was uh so it it's through the mayor's Wellness campaign um it's a Statewide initiative that the burrow uh has uh really um taken a hold of uh and we've done a variety of different events um Laura Farrell who is our Wellness coordinator has a couple of programs in mind for which to use this money um and I'm not exactly sure of the total amount but it was well over $100,000 that was granted to 13 different municip alties we are one of just two in South Jersey to receive this grant uh the other is Woodland right outside of uh cden City I believe um so it it was a pretty big deal uh they did um kind of recognize everyone yesterday at the league of municipalities they brought everyone up for a for a photo and and kind of announced it and um it it is a pretty big deal and what you're seeing is you're seeing more and more municipalities jump on board with this mayor's well inness campaign and uh you know we were I don't want to say late to the party but there were other people that started but we've been um at the Forefront we've been named a healthy town for I believe three years running now um and that is the highest designation that that you can get from the Statewide mayor's Wellness campaign um and you know that's all run through the recreation department and uh and Laura Farrell and and Nick Hollin to an extent as well are Point people for that so um it certainly was uh a job well done by Lara who did an awful lot with that application to be able to get get us that $9,000 Grant Brian you did an excellent job overing on the you can tell he's in radio you're never on the spot all good thank you B all right um well as you can see today's meeting there's been some good news shared with uh with everybody so while Prest is a great place to live great place to vacation great place to work that said Madam clerk far away yes we have uh a closed session authorizing executive closed in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act specifically njsa 10 col 4-12 B with regard to two items employment for administrator and employment and responsibility of Commissioners can I get a motion motion all second all in favor